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liesforaliving · 7 months ago
@therxdeemxr sort of asked for a thing
"Bucky!" Bobbi called after him, jogging to catch up. "Hey, I heard you were back! Nice to see another familiar face."
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wxrwounds · 1 year ago
"I have the urge to just chug a bottle of hot sauce to cut all the sugar," Bucky said. He felt like his teeth were coated in cake icing, and super soldier though he was- he felt like he was having a sugar high. "How many samples did we try that time?" ((therxdeemxr))
“Twelve.” Jenna replied, sitting back in her own chair and taking a deep breath. Why did wedding cake sampling have to be so hard. Admittedly, they probably didn’t have to try every single piece but if they were paying for the sampling, Jenna was eating every piece. “I’m so confused and all the flavours taste the same.” She admitted defeat, her head moving to rest on Bucky’s shoulder. “Anymore cake and I won’t fit into the dress.” Probably an exaggeration but she was just glad she’d worn the gym tights to the last minute cake sampling.
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witchoflegends · 11 months ago
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"So, are you the old fashioned type? Like, I need to ask for your permission to take things steady with Margot type old fashioned?"
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feathersofvibranium · 11 months ago
"You know what I miss about the Commandos? No paperwork... Point, shoot, go home and drink to a completed mission. That was it..." He glared at the pile of mission debrief materials in front of them. "This is a punishment, this is absolutely a punishment... Who did we piss off this time?" ((therxdeemxr))
Sam looked over at Bucky from his own chair and found himself much in the same boat. However, he’s better prepared for all this records keeping.
“Sorry to burst your bubble, Buck, but even with the Howling Commandos *someone* had to do the paperwork. It was probably Steve, especially if his *sergeant* didn’t.” He teased with a broad grin and although the Army and Air Forced weren’t exactly the same entity, he can make a few educated connections since he’s been pushing papers since he made second lieutenant.
“What about you put your nose down and get what you need done, done, and I’ll get you a cold drink. Maybe even ten if you stop bullshitting on those forms.”
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thanksbarton-moved · 3 years ago
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“I know your birthday is soon and I’m not going to ruin anything I have planned. But, I wanted to promise you that I am not going to cook you anything. Just purely out of love because it’s awful.”​ A pause before he spoke. “And because I think I’d find a way to kill us both on your birthday. So that seems..not great.”
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cxptshielded · 2 years ago
☆ bucky & steve ☆
☆        kissing the top of his head, Steve murmured, ‘ sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. ‘ he had been trying to quietly detract himself from their bed in order to get up for his morning run. retirement suited him well, and yet, he still couldn’t kick the military time out of his system. this was always the conundrum - if he stayed in bed any longer he’d end up waking Bucky up with all his shifting, but getting out of bed always risked waking him up anyways. steve could already hear the dogs getting restless on the other side of the door. 
‘ you can go back to sleep, Buck, ‘m just getting up to take the dogs for a run, ‘ Steve explained. there was always a standing offer on the table if Bucky wanted to come with him, but he never pushed. just because he couldn’t sleep later than 7am didn’t mean everyone else couldn’t. ‘ if you want, I’ll grab coffee and pastries from that shop we like on my way home, ‘ he murmured. 
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uxanduva · 2 years ago
some angsty thoughts about Ayo:
no bp2 spoilers. death mention cw.
she was personally hand-picked by T'Chaka to be at the Vienna speech with him (cacw, 2016). T'Chaka was killed and made to believe it was done by Barnes. Ayo failed her job and Wakanda.
same year, T'Challa became king and then was assumed dead (bp movie, in-movie year 2016). Ayo failed her job and Wakanda.
and about 2 years after that, her king, T'Challa, and--no matter what her own opinion of Barnes is--the person she was in charge of and spent a lot of time working with to help him recover himself, Bucky Barnes, gets dusted by the snap (infinity war, 2018). (sam was in wakanda so.. maybe they knew each other too. sam's dusted too)
if anything, her getting dusted by the same force that took out half the population would have been a kindness. this is to say she has seen. some. shit. and by that i mean loss and grief. not just on-duty as the Dora Milaje aka 'professionally' but personally too. she's failed her duty as Dora Milaje multiple times.
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iamdarcylewis · 2 years ago
"Well, I do love my men with a side of criminal activities." She teased, then realized that maybe it wasn't the best time with a poor scared dog in need of rescuing.
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Darcy held her breath as Bucky got closed to the dog and could finally relax when the poor dog started to walk closely towards him, sniffing carefully what Bucky had on his hand. "Did you get him?" She whispered, then remembered her job to look out and she turned to see and the street was still empty. "Just hurry in case they come back."
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“You’re not even tall enough to reach the top of the fence. I’ll jump it, you make sure no one spots me.”
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honorarystripes · 4 years ago
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It was just a moment of passion that got to him. When he saw Bucky, he pushed him against the wall and started to kiss him. First his lips, and taking him in and pressing himself against him then and finally he brought his lips to his neck and that’s when he became tempted and bit down on Bucky’s neck.
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redwingandaprayer · 2 years ago
“ why wouldn’t i save you? ” ((therxdeemxr))
Sam couldn’t help it-a knee-jerk reaction to the encounter they’d just narrowly left. There was a sour look on his face as he leaned back against the building’s wall. He didn’t like to admit that he was shaken and being ambushed without knowing where Bucky was had set him off.
“Never mind. I didn’t mean anything by it Buck.” Sam had owed the man his life a thousand times over at this point, though there was no point in keeping track. They’d always been there for each other whenever they could. So why wouldn’t today be any different.
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cont. || @therxdeemxr​
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“To be fair, I didn’t burn the counter last week, me dropping the lighter on whatever it was that was on the counter burned the counter last week. You did that by the way by walking in naked.” Still, he puts the dish in the oven and shuts it. “Now as the kids say you burned me pretty good. I deserve a kiss.”
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wxrwounds · 7 months ago
Jenna couldn’t believe the day was finally here. It felt like she had waited for this moment for all her life and planning it had taken longer than anticipated but it was finally here. Today she would become Jenna Barnes and it just felt right. Sitting in her suite for a while and taking in the view, Jenna couldn’t help but feel like this was the right decision, like every choice on her life had lead her to this moment and now it was all she needed.
Taking her time with a shower, ensuring everything was shaved, fresh and moisturised, hair was clean and ready to be styled. She went out to her bridesmaids; Eira and Wanda before her maid of honour, Sarah came in with champagne and a fruit platter for breakfast. So they could all enjoy the wedding before the circus of getting ready and getting to the ceremony started. Seeing all her friends together brought a smile to her lips and helped with the nerves, not that she wasn’t sure about this, more that it was a day where everyone would be watching her. That was a lot for any bride, let alone someone who hated the attention. After a morning of gossiping and belly hugging, they eventually got ready and there Jenna sat, staring at the dress as it was the final thing to do before she left with Jason, he was handing her off.
“Hey, please be dressed, I have a little something for you.” Jason said as he knocked on the door, a gift bag in hand as he waited for confirmation before walking in. “I know this is probably a bit early but I wanted to give you this.” He said as he handed over the bag, inside was one of Eiras bracelets that he’d been allowed to borrow and a piece of their father’s suit, so Jenna would have her something Old, Borrowed and Blue. Realising what it meant, Jenna got up and hugged her brother in a hug that would have ended him if he wasn’t a super soldier. Holding back tears, she eventually pulled back and smiled. “Thank you.” Finding a safety pin, she got the piece of their father’s suit and pinned it to the inside seam of her dress, up near her heart.
“How shake a leg, it’s almost time.” Jase said before leaning over and pressing a kiss to her hair, leaving her in the room before Sarah popped her head in and nodded. It was time to tackle the dress and go meet her Husband.
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witchoflegends · 11 months ago
@therxdeemxr liked for a Steve starter
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"When Sam took over as Captain America, I thought I'd actually get to retire. I guess that was being a little to optimistic." Steve groaned as he plopped down on the bed. He was exhausted. "Can we just stay in bed for the next three days?"
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feathersofvibranium · 2 years ago
Okoye starter for @therxdeemxr
“How are your ‘kids’, White Wolf?” The general stood with the recovering man in the small pasture allotted to his care for the time being as she smiled, watching the young goats play around them.
Looking back at the one-armed man, her sunny disposition changed to a stoic one befitting of her ‘general’ title.
“I say this lightly, but please control your kids the next time the King is speaking or I am afraid you will no longer be privy to having them around. Am I understood?”
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iamdarcylewis · 3 years ago
@therxdeemxr said: that’s how people get killed in horror movies, you know?
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"Yeah, but they don't bring a super soldier to look out for them, do they?"
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thanksbarton-moved · 3 years ago
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steve/bucky + the princess bride for @therxdeemxr
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