#theres still a lot to say about this album
stateofdreaming14 · 1 month
Lost mv is taking place entirely inside Namjoon s mind. The hosts, the camera person, the office workers are all him. So it is interesting that inside this place is a stage where Namjoon needs to perform and the office workers (different parts of himself) are hurrying to get him on stage. Is he curating his persona for the outside world (pushing certain parts of his identity to the fore while others are left waiting underground)? There is a certain amount of imagery suggesting that there are things hiding deeper under the surface. It's also possible that this mv is about examining parts of himself and trying to understand himself but there are still plenty he hasn't figured out yet. Something I like about Namjoon s work is that it is up for interpretation a lot of the time. You can read it a few ways.
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Come back home when you have some sense
You can throw your life away just not at my expense
You’re not the son I raised
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#jhariah#this one just rawrrfrrr#and then uh another line thats like ‘tell me did you raise a man?’#nice#im just listening to the new album to cope with nasty sickness and feeling out of it#god this album is really good it has every emotion in there like this song for example just the part where they scream the chorus its like#hnnnghhh#hm some other moments from the album im liking a lot uhhh i love re: concerns a lot#the part where hes like reading off the complaints and then the part where hes just screaming and its like BAM BAM BAM BAAAM#sasuke is so good and the bit at the end where its like ‘i just want you to know im so so...’#like hes gonna say sorry but cant seem to say the word for whatever reason and i know nothing about sasuke#but i has to imagine the fan girlies are eating gravel over that one lol it gets me#and theres just that like spooky echoing afterwards#the intro to fire4fun goes SOOOOOOOO hard i was losing my shit its awesome#the entirety of trust ceremony is giving me big feelings but specifically that part towards the end where its all quiet and you hear#its like whistling i think? like a marching band is coming in maybe#but it also kinda sounds like nature too and idk i like got a little bit um magical at that part cuz i was driving down a big hill#and it had been raining but there was a clearing in the clouds and the sun was bright and like at this particular hill#you can just see everything like the land stretches for miles theres trees hills the river farms all that shit#and idk with the extreme stress and depression ive been feeling its hard to have these moments where life seems worth it#and its hard to really feel anything anymore or to feel in the moment but idk i was just going down that hill seeing everything and it was#very majestic so yeah that song is definitely gonna have the same effect as pin eye for me#which i must mention pin eye again its still OOOOGHH very good it came at a pretty good time for me#yeah basically this album is uhhhh whats keeping me somewhat grounded rn i recommend 👍
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muirneach · 2 years
do you guys want to hear my abbey road opinions. well you’re getting them anyways. i like maxwells silver hammer i like octopus’s garden i like mean mr mustard and i like polythene pam. idk how weird all of those opinions are but i’ve seen all those songs hated. and i hate come together and she came in through the window. my favourite songs are oh darling and because and the end. actually i think golden slumbers/carry that weight/the end is such a good grouping like they’re the same song to me. well i do like in general how the album flows together sooo well. it’s basic but i do love when songs bleed into each other it’s literally so good. also i like her majesty i think it’s fun. i hate the queen i hate the monarchy etc i just like the song
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yooooo!!! you’re my favorite ethan winters artist i just wanna say that first and foremost, thank you for the wholesome content of my comfort character and father figure 🥹🫶
i’m really curious bc i feel like i see a lot of people against mithan (not me personally, i’m p neutral on them!) but i’m curious to know all your thoughts on them! thoughts on their canon relationship, their fanon portrayal, the backlash against them/mia accusations, and your headcanons? i’m just really interested!!! hopefully that’s not weird :”)
have a good day!! sparkle on!!! ✨💖
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i heart mithan... i think that they can be so cute...
i personally hc them t4t and i like to think that the dated in highschool before they both had fully transitioned
mia likes to bake and ethan likes to scrap book and he always likes to take pictures of mias cakes/ baked goods and has a album for them 😭
i am a multishipper so i draw a lot of ethan ships so my girl is left out sometimes and im sorry mia 😔
i actually really like their relationship, its a really complex dynamic that i like to talk about with my friends
i think the issue is that when talking about mithan or mia in general, theres just SO MUCH misinformation that its honestly a pain the butt to talk about
people still think that she was responsible for the creation of eveline, people still think that she experimented on eveline, people still use examples of her attacking ethan as if she did it on her own will instead of being mind controlled
in reality she was just someone who oversaw the transportation of evie. im not excusing her or anything because obviously she knew what she was doing, but people really try to accuse her of doing something she didnt and it bothers me alot lol
the problem with the fandom is that people either try to water her down to girlboss who did nothing wrong and fail to acknowledge the complexity/ moral grayness of her character and the other side is misogynists 😭😭😭😭
its hard to talk about her without people either going "stop trying to villainize her and make her look bad!" or people ACTUALLY villainizing her and acting like heisenberg would have treated him better 😭😭
mithan is such a sad relationship because they loved each other so much and that ended up being the reason their relationship fell apart (sort of... its not like the broke up... ethan kinda just straight up died)
i get a lot a trouble for saying this, but mia is a selfish person.
its not a bad thing! well i mean it is but it doesnt make her some evil witch who is somehow worse than the guy how made a werewolf american ninja warrior. its just a major character flaw she has! which is good! mia being a flawed person who makes mistakes and morally gray decisions make her a more interesting person!
she is selfish in the way that she wants to keep her family with her no matter the cost. even if it means lying to ethan about her job so that he wont think different of her. here is a interrogation from the re7 DLC, which is easy to miss!
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she isnt necessarily trying to apologize for the things she has done, she is more of a, "u wont need to forgive me in the first place if we just forget it all and move on"
she doesn't try to redeem herself for what she has done, she tries to move on and return to the normal life that she wants so bad. which is fine! everyone copes a different way and she has to right to move on from her trauma. the problem that lies in this is that she has a shared trauma with ethan who still has no idea what went on in dulvey and still effects him till the present (he is mold! this is a important thing to know! most people would want to know if they were a walking corpse)
she played a direct part in what happened in dulvey, and im not referring to the email, she did not send that. she never wanted ethan to come in the first place. she tried her best to send a video to him, begging him to forget about her because she wanted to protect him, BUT it didnt send.
he got involved because she was involved. its honestly a series of really really unfortunate events.
THOUGH! she did know what she was getting into. im tired of seeing the narrative that mia was innocent and didnt know what was going on or was simply a bystander. she knew what she was doing, she knew eveline was a bioweapon, she knew eveline was a child. she used a MACHINE GUN! she knows how to use weapons and was obviously trained for it.
she tried her best to keep everybody out of the mess, ex: warning the bakers not to take them in, warning ethan not to find her, sacrificing herself for ethan in the later half of re7
but again, those are the consequences of HER actions
her consequences just happen to get really big and end up hitting ethan on the head like a metal sheet 😭
their relationship is really so interesting, it makes me really sad to think about sometimes 😭they both went through something that nobody else would ever understand, in the end they really only have each other. they get moved to an entire different country and the dulvey incident gets covered up with a "gas leak"
its really tragic because their marriage definitely had some flaws and bumps. and i know im repeating myself but its because people always take this in the worst way possible but just because i say their relationship was rocky doesnt mean im saying they dont love each other!!! thats the entire basis of mias character!! saying she doesnt love ethan would destroy her entire character!
you can see in the re8 DLC how fondly ethan talks about mia! he loves her so much, though im not sure if his comments in the DLC are him narrating current (post re8) or his thoughts before everything went down and he died (pre re8)
everything mia did was because she LOVED ethan. she would never do anything to intentionally hurt him, she is not a cruel person. she hides the truth of her job from ethan pre re7 because she loves him and doesnt want her job to drive them apart. she CONTINUES to refuse to tell ethan the truth post re7 because she wants to move on a live a happy normal life with him and knows something like her being directly associated with the connections would probably cause (more) problems. she refuses to tell ethan that he is mold because again, hard to live a happy marriage with your husband after you tell him hes a bioweapon.
obviously i dont think it was right that she did this, thats what makes her selfish! she did it for herself! she did it for her family! she thought it would work out, she thought that they could move on and be happy together.
the issue is that ethan didnt want to forget. he wanted to know what happened, he wanted to know the part mia played, he wanted answers! which is reasonable! he knows to some extent that mia was partially responsible for his involvement and he was always suspcious that mia was lying to him about her job which is implied when mia says "you were right, i did lie to you"
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she doesnt learn, she doesnt stop lying, her lies get bigger and worse and it sucks yeah but it makes her so interesting!!! she keeps doing stupid things under the idea that this is whats best for her and her family, that if she hides this everything will work out and it will be for the better but its not!
just because telling your husband hes dead and a bioweapon is a hard subject to bring up doesnt mean you DONT bring it up. people shouldnt use that as a reason to excuse mia 😭, its a very bad excuse and honestly highlights how horrible their communication skills were. you cant just not tell your husband that he is actually infected with the mold and not tell him for the tree years between post re7 and pre re8.
im not saying these things to put mia down, or try and villanize her. these are all just actual things her character does! she isnt evil, but she isnt a knight in shining armor either. we need to be able to have talks about complex characters without crying everytime someone points out a flaw. characters have flaws! and mia just happens to have a lot of them!
im not mad at her, i dont dislike her because i think this way of her. shes a fictional character! you can like characters that are morally gray, or villains that drink blood and make corpse soldiers. they are fictional! pointing out the flaws of a character does not mean i dont like them.
i wouldnt call her "the real villain of re8" but i wouldnt treat her like a damsel in distress either. she is a competent person, she knows what shes doing, she has her reasons for doing them. she made bad descions with good intentions behind them! they can coexist and we should let them!
i like mithan! its a complex relationship because they both love each other so much but hurt each other in the process
talking about them is just a pain in the butt because talking about mia is a pain in the butt lol
i really hate how she keeps getting sidelined, its super frustrating to see mia get put in a cage in every game 😭
its even more frustrating that mia straight up just disappears???? in the shadows of rose DLC... like she just stops taking care of rose and theres nothing said about it. no reason or explanation. i dont think mia would ever ditch rosemary because she didnt care about her, but we probably will never know because capcom sucks at writing and they probably forgot the mia ever even existed.
all in all, i think the fandom is really just full of misinformation which make people either think mia is some horrible evil person, or its full of people who think that saying mia messed up is the equivalent of comparing her to wesker lol.
i really love mia, shes a incredibly fun and complex character, its just hard to enjoy her sometimes with the people in the fandom haha.
also ive got no idea what u meant by "the backlash against them/mia accusations" so sorry if i didnt answer that!
thank u for the ask! sorry for the long response!
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itsmarsss · 1 month
Vulgar Display of Power [Miguel Diaz x fem!Reader] (Cobra Kai)
You can never fucking beat him in a fight and it's getting frustrating.
Request: omg more miguel please!!! smutty if u can xx already dating if you want? Fic title comes from my (second) favorite Pantera album. Word count: 4,350 Warnings: SMUT. established relationship, theres plot but it only serves to justify the sex lol, i use present tense in this, degrading, first time sub!miguel kind of, handjob, fingering, oral sex, penetration (p in v), semi-public sex (i guess? no one's around but the location isn't exactly private), a lot of use of pet names (baby, babe, love, mi amor), so much swearing. obviously no one is a minor here I don't mention much context but can be read as hs senior year or later, doesn't really matter. if you're a minor kindly keep away from my blog and this fic please
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“Fuck!”  You yell out as Sensei Lawrence announces Miguel’s win. In turn of your frustration, Miguel sports a grin that playfully mocked you.
Now don’t get it twisted, you’re not a bad fighter. You’re not even a good one- you’re great. The best, except for…
“Diaz! Good one.” Sensei Lawrence praises.
“Nice, dude!” Hawk comes to fist bump him.
Tori comes to you. “Girl get it together! You’re better than that!”
“I’m fucking trying.”
Miguel hears the two of you talking and decides to insert himself into the conversation. “Come on, it’s not a big deal.”
“I say this with love but it is a big deal and I’m gonna find a way to beat you.”
“Okay. Whatever you say.”
[. . .]
“Hey,” you hear Miguel call from behind you, turning around for a split second to look at him before getting back to packing your stuff to leave the dojo. 
“So, are we still on for tonight?”
“Yeah. I just wanna go home first and take a shower.”
He scratches the back of his neck. “Hey are you okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“Something seems… weird.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, babe,” you tell him, bringing a hand to his face and lightly tapping his cheek.
“You sure?”
“Yes! I just said it is!” You realize you blew up at him for no reason, immediately feeling bad for it and apologizing, not managing to look at him. “Sorry.”
“See? That’s what I mean!”
“I really am sorry.”
“Okay, but something’s clearly wrong.”
You stay silent, and he walks up to you, cornering you so you’d face him.
“What’s going on?”
Honestly, you don’t want to tell him. Because it would sound stupid. Because it is stupid. You don’t even exactly know why it had gotten so under your skin this time. 
“It’s fine. I’m just a bit off today.”
“You don’t have to talk about it, but you don't have to lie either.”
“Fine. You wanna know what’s wrong? I’m frustrated because you keep beating me.”
“Every single time we’re picked to fight I just can’t fucking beat you. And yes, I’m glad you don’t go easy on me, cause that would be like a million times worse, but I'm frustrated with myself. You’re the only one I've never fully beat in a match. The closest I’ve ever gotten to that was a tie.”
“Well most of the time it ends up in a tie.” 
“Yeah but none of the time did it end with me winning.”
“I don’t understand why you’re so upset about this.”
“Of course you don’t. I just feel like if I still can’t beat you then have I really been getting better?”
“What? That’s nonsense, babe. You know that, right? Of course you’ve been getting better. We all have.”
“See I told you it would be stupid. I don't even know why I'm feeling this way.”
“That’s okay. We can just sort that out.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ll ask sensei for the keys.”
“We’re gonna stay here and fight and we’re not gonna leave until you win.”
“That’s really not what I was trying to get from this-”
“What, are you scared?” He knew just how to tug on your strings. 
“Oh fuck no.”
“Then we’re doing this.”
“But what about the date?”
“We can go tomorrow. If you need my help today, I'll help you today.”
[. . .]
“Alright, ready?”
You only nod your head yes, too focused to even speak.
“Okay. Round one.”
You get a couple punches in, but he’s faster than most of your hits. He wins..
You huff, annoyed. “Again.”
“Okay that’s it. Again.”
This time, determination runs through your veins, as tired as you were. Every single moment of feeling weak or inferior or as though you were seen by others as basically the female equivalent of Miguel, and not yourself, not someone capable of being better than him in any way, channeled into this round. 
And you won. This time, you fucking won. 
“Wait that’s three,” you realize.
“Yeah! You won!” Miguel celebrates.
“You won, babe!”
“Oh my God. Holy fucking shit. I won?!”
He laughs, coming up to you. “You did.” He places a quick kiss on your lips, but you’re taken over by the adrenaline, pulling him back to you by the collar of his shirt when he went to pull away, tangling him into another kiss, deeper and more passionate this time around. “That was hot,” he comments, as you finally did let him part ways with you to breathe, your bodies still flushed together. 
You feel your cheeks burn at his comment. “I just kicked your ass,” you joke.
He doesn’t even seem fazed by the comment. “Yeah you did,” he grins.
“I did not expect that to unlock some sort of loser kink in you.”
“Hey! That’s not what this is!”
You lift an eyebrow, amused. 
“What, you’re telling me it’s a crime if my insanely hot girlfriend looks insanely hot while kicking my ass?”
“Should I kick your ass more often then?”
“You’re welcome to.”
“You’re so weird.”
“Shut up,” he retorts, finally having enough of the playful bantering, unable to wait a second longer to have your lips on his again. 
Miguel pulls you even closer to him- if that were even possible- by pulling on your waist, not wasting a second more before diving in again, pulling you into a kiss that is much more feral this time around. His actions scream that he wants you, and the high from having reached your goal and beat him in the last round mixed with the lust forming in you from seeing him so affected, so attracted to this, it feels good.
You suppose some people would maybe come into an issue if they found themselves in your place. Men aren’t exactly known for being great at dealing with women being better than them in… well, anything. But Miguel acted genuinely proud of you. Hell, he’d canceled your date night to help you with this because he realized it was important to you. And more than being supportive, he was turned on by your display of power. 
His kisses start trailing out of your lips, to your jaw, to the space below your ear. “You did so well, love. You should get something in turn, huh?”
Your mind was getting a bit foggy. Still, you join in playing his game. “I suppose I should. What are you gonna do?”
“Whatever you want me to,” he breathes out. Oh. That was definitely new. 
“Whatever I want?” He only nods, looking up at you, waiting to be told what to do. Holy shit, that was hot. “That sounds good.”
“Just tell me, please, I’ll make you feel so good, I promise,” he pleads. It was almost pathetic. You decide you’d never get enough of hearing him plead like that. You loved the times in which he was more dominant, but you could definitely get behind this too, no issues whatsoever.
You pretend to think. “I don’t think I will.”
“What? Why not?”
“I want you to guess.”
“You heard me.”
“I- Uh- Ih-” he takes a deep breath. He liked that. You smiled. “I can do that.”
“Good boy,” you try, hoping he didn’t find it weird. 
Apparently, he didn’t. “Fuck. Fuck,” he lets out in almost strangled sounds, wordlessly dropping himself to the floor. He looks up at you with doe eyes, as if pleading for permission. You smile at him, signaling everything was okay. You cage his jaw with both your hands, and he closes his eyes for a moment, letting you play with his hair.
“You look so pretty like this,” you coo, and he feels it down his spine, his eyes fluttering open. 
“Sit,” he repeats himself, but it isn’t demanding. Not this time. 
“I heard you.”
“Sit, please, baby.”
You grin. You didn’t know you’d like this this much. “Of course, baby.” You sit down on the bench, legs closed. He parts them confidently, eyes not leaving yours as he does so slowly, positioning his body between them. With his face mere inches from yours, he looks up at you again. 
“Do you want me to kiss you?” He guesses. His cheeks red, he clearly looks embarrassed. It turned him on and it turned you on too. 
You nod eagerly, signaling he’d guessed right. He smiles and closes the distance between you, pulling you down and attaching his lips to yours. It starts out slow, tender, experimental- testing the waters. He grows eager pretty fast, though, kissing you harder, his hands traveling to either of your thighs and planting themselves there firmly, squeezing in a way that makes you gasp slightly in surprise. 
He pulls away just to tease you about it. That’s the kind of little shit he is.
“What was that for?”
“Not this then?”
He squeezes your thigh again and you try to act unbothered.” He notices though, pleased with himself.
“Oh shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to.”
He pulls you into a kiss again with no warning, more feral than before, his hand traveling upwards, inside the legs of the shorts you were wearing. 
“Take it off,” you pant out, a stern tone overtaking your words, and he complies without questioning. You smile, pleased with that. You lift your hips slightly for him and he throws the shorts somewhere on the floor behind you. 
He stares at your underwear for a few moments, as if lost in a trance. You laugh. “Hello? You here?”
“Yeah. Sorry. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”
“Used to what?” You move a hand to caress his face. 
“The fact that I’m the only one who gets to see you like this.”
“Aw, do you like that, baby? Does it turn you on?” You ask, your tone almost mocking him.
He only nods his head yes, looking embarrassed.
“That’s good.” You make a show to slowly take off your shirt, a sudden surge of confidence running through your veins at his words, discarding it along with the shorts behind you.  His eyes widen and he mumbles a few words, the volume of his words so low you couldn’t make it out for the life of you, before he just surges forward again, not aiming for your lips this time, but for your jaw. 
“What was that?” You manage to breathe out as he continues his trail of kisses along your jaw.
“If you’re gonna talk you’re gonna let me hear it. Got it?”
“Oh-okay.” He continues to place quick, slight pecks along your jawline, but you know exactly what he’s doing.
“You’re not distracting me from that. I wanna know what you said, baby. Wanna hear you.”
“I said- I said uh-“ he gulps. “It’s dumb.”
“That’s okay.”
“I just said ‘fuck me’.”
You let out a small laugh. “Oh. It was dumb,” you mock him again, and you can see he didn’t expect that.
“I though you wanted to fuck me,” you joke.
 He doesn’t take it as a joke. “I do. I do I just meant- it was just-“ oh. This was for real. 
“I know, love. I was just teasing you. Okay? You’re being so good to me.”
His eyes almost sparkle at the praise. 
“You know I think I changed my mind.”
“Maybe I should fuck you.”
“What do you mean?”
You look down on him and smile, a genuine sweet smile. “Get up.”
“I thought you said you’d do whatever i wanted you to,” you fake-pout. 
He doesn’t say a word before standing back up. You do the same, keeping your body flushed to his. You slowly turn the two of you around, cornering him until the back of his knees hit the bench and pushing him to sit down on it. 
Standing in front of him, you tilt your head to the side as you take in the view. He looked disheveled as ever. You loved it. “I think you’re wearing too many clothes.
“I- I can take it off.”
“Yeah I think you should.”
“What… what do you want me to take off?”
“Let’s go with the shirt first, baby. How about that?”
He nods furiously. “Yeah I can do that,” he takes his shirt off in a millisecond, throwing it with your clothes on the floor. 
“Oh, you look so pretty,” you coo, stepping closer to him and lifting his chin up to look at you. You make your way around the bench to be behind him, and you can see him gulp in anticipation. Fuck, you were loving this a little too much. You trace his biceps with your finger. “Your arms, I love your arms, you know that? So big and strong,” you exaggerate, and he quirks an eyebrow at the suspicious comment. This doesn’t sound like it was getting to a nice praising place. “And your body, I mean your abs. Your thighs, your thighs are so pretty, baby,” you crouch a bit, still behind him, wrapping yourself around his back so you could snake your arms to his thighs, still only tracing them with a single finger. “So how come you lost to me like a bitch?”
That seems to remind him very well of what was happening.
“It- it was one time.”
“One time you lost to me. But you’ve barely ever won, have you?”
He stays quiet. 
“Come on, baby, talk to me…” you pout, snaking your arms around his torso and kissing his neck.
“Did you like that you lost to me baby?”
Quiet again.
“Did it turn you on?” You whisper in his ear and you can feel him take in big a breath. .
He couldn’t even look at you .
“Oh, pretty boy, I wanna hear your voice!”
He gulps again. “It- it turned me on,” he confesses. 
“I never knew you were into this sort of thing.”
“Me- me neither.”
“Do you like it when I’m stronger than you? When I tell you what to do?”
You remove yourself from his body entirely, and he whips his head at record speed to look at you, desperate for your touch again. You circle the bench once again, standing in front of him. You grab his jaw and lifts his head up to look at you, your other hand messing with his hair. “So pathetic. I’ve barely done anything to you and you’re this hard.”
You finally sit yourself down on his thighs, legs on either side of his torso, and he immediately and instinctively grabs your ass ‘for support’ as he’s always insisted with a grin. 
“You’re so fucking pathetic you’ll do anything I tell you to. Won’t you?” You pout, tilting your head.
“I’ll- I’ll do anything you want.” 
“That’s a good boy,” you mess with and pet his hair again. You loved it when it was just long enough for his curls to appear. 
He shivers. “Can you say it again?”
“Oh, no can do, baby. You’ll have to keep being a good boy to earn it.”
“I’ll- I’ll be a good boy, okay?”
You nod silently, your arms draped around his neck, and you pull yourself closer to get access to his face. You kiss along his jawline slowly, paying extra attention to the spots just under his ears, which made him shiver like crazy. When you find it sufficient, you move down to his neck, and he lets you, tilting his head to the side. You kiss down his neck, trying your best to not leave any marks. He’s still shivering now, and you know him well enough to know he’s okay, but can’t resist teasing him a bit more. 
“Oh no, baby, you’re trembling! Is everything okay?” You feign ignorance.  He doesn’t reply. “Aw are you too horny to speak to me? Is that the issue?” You mock.
He lifts his hips for some friction, an involuntary tell that he was enjoying this too. “Aw, do you like it when I’m mean to you? Huh?” You lift his chin again. He begrudgingly nods his head yes. You smile and move your hand from his chin to his cheeks, squeezing both off them. “Does my baby like it when I’m in control? When I handle you like this? When I call you names?” 
He tries to reply, but can’t really with you squeezing his face like that. 
“Oh I can’t hear you baby!” You let go of his face. “You’re gonna have to say it again.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, I- I like it when you’re mean to me.” 
“I know, baby boy. I can feel it.” With no other warning, you palm him through his shorts. He was impossibly hard. Knowing he was liking this was for sure improving your confidence. The moment your hand meets his crotch his breathing becomes unsteady and he thrusts his hips up again, wanting more. You start kissing along his neck as you keep feeling him up through the shorts, and then he is gone. He lets himself let out delicious moans you would play on repeat if you could, tilting his head back to grant you better access to his neck. He wants more, and you know he does. But you want to hear him say it. 
After a few minutes, he does. 
“Please take it off.”
You press a gentle kiss to his neck, containing a grin. “What are you talking about, babe?”
“My shorts, take them off, please. Please, take them off.”
You press a quick peck on his lips this time. “You beg so pretty, baby. I think I’ll need more of that.”
He looks confused.
“Anything I tell you, right?” 
He nods. 
“Good. Eat me out.”
His eyes widen at the bluntness of it all. And then he realizes what you meant by needing more of his begging: you weren’t going to solve his little problem all that soon. 
“I- yes. Yeah.” 
You pull yourself off of him and he stands up as quickly as humanly possible, grabbing your hand and yanking you to Sensei’s office, rushing to move everything that was on his desk. You catch his drift and pull yourself up to sit on it. You’re so enthralled you don’t even really have the time to rethink what you’re doing and where you are. Miguel gets himself on his knees, and the sight of it from above is breathtaking. 
“Are you sure you wanna be on your knees? They’re gonna hurt.” You ask him, seriously this time.
“I don’t care,” is all he says, dismissing the thought. He pulls you closer to the edge of the desk, and you let yourself lean back on your elbows. He brings a hand up your thigh and takes off your underwear, you lift your hips up to help. 
He brings both his hands to your thighs, slowly pulling them apart, opening your legs. 
He wastes no time before diving in, startling you when, in a second, his head is between your thighs while his hands squeeze them hard and his mouth is suddenly on you. 
He moves his tongue up and down your clit, occasionally circling around it. Now and then he takes a long lick, from your hole to your clit, letting out a moan from time to time as he tastes you, and he picks up on the shaky breaths and loud moans you let out at that (and the way your hands fly to his hair, slightly pulling it.) 
He moves his tongue to your hole, licking and kissing around it before getting it inside.
It makes you almost want to scream out his name. 
“Oh my god. You’re being so good to me, baby. Please don’t stop-” 
You can feel his smile. 
He takes one of his hands off of your thigh and moves it to thumb at your clit as he keeps fucking you with his tongue. The feeling is heavenly, but you can’t help but want more. 
“Your fingers.” Is all you say, and he gets it.
Normally in a situation like this he’d be teasing you in some way, but right now just the thought of upsetting you with that and having you leaving him to finish himself off, or something down that lane, got him quiet. 
He changes what he’s doing, going back to flicking your clit with his tongue, and slowly inserting one of his fingers. You decide you want to tease a bit more. “That all you got?” You challenge him, knowing exactly what you’re doing. He inserts another finger, not taking the care to do it slowly this time, and he pushes them deep inside you, curling them upwards to make sure you felt it.
You let out a moan that’s so pornographic you’re almost embarrassed at it, but you can feel him grin at it, pleased with the reaction. He keeps on, but at a slow pace. In other instances, you didn’t mind some slow, passionate sex. You loved it, even. But right now you wanted to be fucked.
He pulls his head up to kiss you. You let him. As you make out, your taste still on his tongue, his fingers thrust harder, deeper inside you, making you moan into his mouth, which Miguel seemed to enjoy a little too much.
You can feel yourself brimming an orgasm, and your words become nonsense as he keeps on, your noises becoming so higher-pitched you can barely register you’re the one making them. 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum. Baby, I’m gonna cum. Holy fucking-“
It hits you suddenly, killing your train of thought. Your body trembles as he keeps thrusting his fingers into you, letting you ride out your high. He laps it all up gladly, but you pull him away, your clit oversensitive. 
That doesn’t mean you didn’t want more.
“Everything okay?” 
“Yes, baby. You were such a good boy. But I want you to fuck me now.” 
Miguel was still not used to you being this blunt. And honestly neither were you, for the matter. The words just kept coming out. 
“What- what do you want me to do?” 
You get close to his ear and whisper. “Whatever you want, baby.”
His eyes widen. Whatever he wants. 
 He pulls you off the desk and wordlessly takes you back to the locker room. He leaves you for a second to retrieve a condom from his bag. A prepared man, you’d say.
You manage to take a better look at him and laugh. He furrows his eyebrows together. “What?”
“You look so fucked out right now.”
He rolls his eyes at you and takes off his shorts, kicking them away. He goes to pull his boxers down but you stop him, stroking him in an agonizingly slow pace. He lets out a groan. “Please stop, I’m not gonna last.”
“Oh poor you.” You yank his boxers down. His dick is so hard it must be painful. And all from losing a fight and being called mean names. He walks the two of you backwards until your back is against a wall. He puts the condom on and looks at you for a green light. 
“Go on, baby.” 
He nods, pressing his cock into your whole slowly, letting you adjust to the intrusion.
“Fuck.” You breathe out.
“Was that a good fuck or a bad fuck? Does it hurt?”
“I’m alright. It was a good fuck.”
“Okay.” He hikes up one of your legs to his waist, and you think he’ll be content with that position, but he hikes up your other leg too, pressing your back even more firmly to the wall and supporting your weight by holding firmly onto the back of your thighs. 
“Woah what are you doing?”
He doesn’t bother responding, thrusting into you experimentally. 
“Holy shit.”
That is enough for him. His thrusts become harder, deeper, faster. He hadn’t realized just how desperate he was until now. 
Hitting the spot inside you that made you see stars with every thrust, it doesn’t take long for his breath to quicken and his thrusts to become sloppier. “I’m gonna- can I-“
Was he trying to ask for permission to cum? Holy fucking shit, that was hot.
“Shh, it’s okay baby. You’ve been so good. You can cum.”
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou,” he chanted.
 You laugh as his desperation, but it quickly turns into a moan, with Miguel eager to cum and fucking you so hard now you can’t even understand how he could still hold up your weight while doing that. Bless you universe for giving you a strong, strong boyfriend. But all of that didn’t matter now, because he was fucking you so good you could feel the familiar sensation of an orgasm building again.
“Please don’t stop.” That was the first time you begged him for something the whole time.
“I won’t, mi amor.” Oh, that broke you. That one nickname didn’t come out all that frequently, so when it did, you felt giddy on the inside. 
With a few more thrusts, both of you reach your high, and at that point Miguel did have to pull you down, although your legs currently trembled so hard it was a little difficult to stand, but he helps you out after tying the condom up and throwing it away.
“Holy shit,” you finally let out. 
“Holy shit,” he agrees. 
“What were you saying about your loser kink again?”
“Will you shut up about that?” He smiles.
“Was I too mean to you? I might’ve gotten a little carried away."
He looks down to the floor in embarrassment as he hadn’t just fucked you into oblivion. “I liked it.”
“That’s good baby. So, shower?”
“Yeah you stink,” he makes a disgusted face, plugging his nose and everything just to irritate you. 
You roll your eyes at him. 
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A/N: pls be kind to me and cut me some slack i've never posted smut before 😭 i promise ive had sex before 😭 fighting for my life lmao
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tomssexdoll · 29 days
i NEED a georg fic so heres a request 😘 so your amazing beautiful loving perfect boyfriend decided to take you to the studio with him one day. it started off well: the band was just discussing some things abouth the new album and shit and THENNN y/n started making moves on georg. like rubbing her feet up and down his legs, palming him when no one was looking, just teasing him a LOT. georg got fed up and said to the band "i really need to shit so im gonna run to the bathroom really quick." when he was in the restroom, he wasnt taking a shit, he was jerking off. once he came out the restroom, he grabbed y/n and stormed out the studio rushing home. "ohh you're getting it when we get home. you're not gonna be able to walk when im done with you" when they got home, he turned into a sex machine. he fucked y/n dumb. after they fucked he obviously did aftercare. they cuddled and fell asleep together after they got cleaned up. THE END
sorry this was kinda long😭 also you can dm me if theres any parts that confused you!
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PAIRINGS: Georg 2009? x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST + SMUT + a little bit of fluff SYPNOSIS: You tease Georg and test his limits, after getting a boner he's left with no choice but to jerk off in the bathroom to relieve himself, once he comes out without any warning he grabs you and drags you back home, punishing you A/N: ily georg WARNINGS: dom!georg, reader!sub, p in v (missionary), teasing, solo masturbation (georg), hair pulling, choking, degrading
Georg finally decided to take me to the studio today, usually he'd say no because they'd be super busy and didn't need any distractions, the whole band agreed that i was very distractive, especially Georg.
They weren't as busy today, just needing to practice and check up on a few editing things. I got into his car and he drove us there, the snow pouring outside, covering the pretty green grass.
Luckily the studio was always warm so I didn't wear something for the cold, I was only going to be in it for a split second anyways.
As we got there we put our things down, the band sat down together to discuss their new album, Humanoid. They started to work on songs, Bill had already recorded around 15 songs, they said they were going to make 25 and pick the ones that were best for the album.
Me and Bill were very close to he expressed the idea to me first, saying how he wanted something different, something futuristic to grab attention. He always had the best ideas, Georg too, he was amazing at decision making, that's what I loved about him.
We all gathered around the table, I sat really close to Georg as he ate his pizza, still discussing what instruments and songs they think they already like. Then, an idea popped into me head.
Our sex has been kind of boring lately, just the same vanilla, gentle sex as usual. I missed our spicy, rough love making sessions, he'd always turn it down because he didn't want to hurt me, even if I explained that I was into it.
He was very caring and gentle but sometimes it annoyed me, why couldn't he spank or choke me just a little bit?
I started by moving my foot up and down his leg slowly, something thar seemed innocent to the others, but not to us. He was all too familiar with this move, this is why I wasn't allowed at band practice because I'd always end up needing "bathroom breaks" with him.
No one could really notice anyways, the table was high and our legs weren't visible. I moved my foot to his crotch, then down to his leg again, rubbing it gently. "What're you doing.." he looked down at me, his voice stern.
"Nothing..why?" I tried to hold back a smile, trying to look innocent. "Fucking hell.." he grunted, bringing his attention back to the guys. I grunted softly, my distraction seemingly not working on him. I had to bring the big guns out.
If my foot wasn't going to work then my hands were, it always worked no matter how long it took. I started off my rubbing my hand on his thigh, extremely close to his cock.
His breath hitched slightly, biting his lip, "behave.." he muttered, giving me the dirtiest glare ever. I smirked and continued to rub my hand up and down his thigh, now palming his cock softly.
A moan nearly slipped out but he covered it with a cough, clearing his throat a bit. "God..this pizza is giving me the shits...i really need to poop so im gonna run to the bathroom really quick," Georg excused himself, bolting to the toilet.
I smirked to myself and knew what he was doing, he wasn't taking a shit, he was jerking off.
That fucking little shit, making me hard at band practice, for what? A little fun? I shoved my pants and boxers down, my cock springing free, precum leaking from my tip, desperate for attention.
"Jesus.." I breathed out, sitting onto the toilet seat and wrapping my large hands around my shaft, pumping desperatly, my movements quick and rough.
"Fuckkk.." I whined quietly, throwing my head back as the pleasure set in, stroking my cock roughly, squeezing my eyes shut. I knew I was going to destroy Y/N when we got home, make her see stars for the agony she put me in.
My movements never faltered, only getting faster, my balls feeling heavy. "Oh god..." I groaned, rolling my eyes back as I felt my orgasm approach.
I kept jerking my cock off, desperate for release, imagining all the dirty things I'd do to her when we got home, the way I'd choke and spank her, the way my cock would be pistoning in and out of her, her moans and whimpers, how she'll be begging for more.
Before I knew it my orgasm crashed down, my cum shot from out of my tip and crashed onto my hands and thighs. "Shit.." I grunted, quickly cleaning myself up and flushing the toilet.
Y/NS pov:
Fear had been consuming me, every minute that went by I dreaded, I wanted this yes but I knew I wasn't going to be prepared for how rough he'd be, when Georg was mad he fucked like a wild animal.
As I heard the toilet flush my heart sank, beating at an inhuman pace, skipping a few beats. As he came out I saw the rage in his eyes, he stormed towards me, grabbing my arm roughly and dragging me with him.
"That's weird, it doesn't spell like poop," Gustav called out as he walked to the toilet. Georg slammed the studio door behind him, "ohh you're getting it when we get home. you're not gonna be able to walk when im done with you," slinging me over his shoulder and practically running to the car.
"Georg slow down!" I yelled, he grunted and smacked my ass roughly, "shut up, you don't get to tease me like that," he shoved me into the passanger seat, not bothered to check if I was strapped in before he sped off.
He zoomed home, running a few red lights in the process. As we got home he grabbed me again, slinging me over his shoulder once more and storming inside, not a care about the world surrounding us.
His fingers digged into the flesh of my thighs, his footsteps so loud they echoed around the entire house. When he got to our bedroom he practically thew me onto the bed, the impact sending shockwaves through my body.
I could tell his anger and desperation wasn't calming down anytime soon, I tried taking my clothes off to help him but he just slapped my hands away, "no! just lay there, lay there and do nothing, you've already done enough damage" he grunted, tugging his clothes off, his cock engorged.
"Oh fuck.." I gasped, my pussy throbbing at his pulsating cock, red and veiny, ready for me. "Teasing little slut.." he groaned, towering over me and ripping my clothes off, catapulting them across the room.
"Calm down Georg.." I smirked, wanting to drive him over the edge. Anger flashed in his eyes, they darted towards mine, giving me daggers. "Calm down? CALM DOWN?" he yelled, it took me literally everything to not laugh, I covered my mouth and nodded. "You're such a fucking tease y/n. What if someone saw? You want people to see how much of a fucking slut you are?" he leaned in, whispering in my ear.
"What if i do.." I giggled, he grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him, "you're gonna take all of me, i'm gonna show you how much of a dirty whore you are," he grabbed my hips, his tip prodding at my entrance.
Without hesitation he burried his cock inside me, every single inch going in all at once. "Ohh fuck!" I whined, my hands flying to his biceps, holding onto him tightly.
"Such a fucking tease, aren't you, hm?" he growled lowly, starting to pound my pussy. The bed started to shake with each rough thrust, "you like that, hm?" he reached down and wrapped his hand around my neck, squeezing lightly.
"Mmm oh fuck!" I moaned loudly, my tits bouncing wildly. "You feel so fucking good," he groaned, his balls slapping against my ass with each movement, his pace quickening when he heard my small moans.
His grip around my neck tightened even more, the air being squeezed out of my lungs, "see how your pussy takes me so well," he smirked, his hair disheveled, sweat beads coating his forehead.
"Oh..my god.." I muttered, Georg was basically fucking me dumb, my mind couldn't comprehend anything around me except for his cock ramming in and out of me, my ability to speak proper sentances gone.
"You gonna cum, gonna explode all over his cock?" he removed his hand from my throat, moving to my hair and tugging on it again, "m...mhm!" I cried out, digging my nails into his arms.
I felt tension build in my stomach, a lingering sensation of pleasure slowly building up until I couldn't hold it back anymore, "close! mmm!" I murmered, rolling my eyes back.
"Cum for me, now!" he called out, slamming his cock into my sopping cunt, with one last cruel thrust, I came all over his cock, my juices dripping on his length.
"Holy shit!" Georg cried out, shooting a huge load into my cunt, coating my walls with thick ropes of cum.
He collapsed on top of me, his chest heaving against mine, trying to regain his breath after the mind blowing orgasm he just had. "Fucking hell that was amazing.." he chuckled, "cmon let's get you cleaned up honey.." he picked me up, sitting me up and grabbing a tissue, slowly wiping the dripping cum, making sure to not overstimulate me.
"You did so good baby..." he smiled, laying back on the bed and pulling me into him, "such a good girl, letting me fuck you dumb," kissing my neck softly.
His arms wrapped around me protectively, making sure I was ok after all I had to enduce.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @kaulitzsbabyy @ballhair @ella1289 @kaulitzswhxre @estxkios @cosmicck @bkaulitzlover @ge-billsgf @miyukafujii @tomsonlyslut @20doozers
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pseudophan · 12 days
so i keep hearing people say things about dnp not wanting to make dapgo but it was published right around the time i started watching their videos so im wondering if theres a reason for that i dont know about? have they talked about it or is it just like...vibes?
they said in this video that there's one project they did throughout the years they really didn't want to do but were forced to, and we always got the vibe they weren't all that excited about dapgo and then in the birthday stream dan called it worthless lmao
it would just make a lot of sense for it to be that as a lot of youtubers signed book deals for multiple books back then, it was very much a thing of like well you either do two or none, and i think especially dnp being two people i can see them signing a two book deal cause they really wanted to do tabinof and figured ugh sure whatever. i don't think they dislike dapgo as a concept to be fair, if anything having what's essentially a photo album of their tour is probably nice, i think the issue is more that they don't think it's a good enough product for how much it cost. i don't remember the exact price but dapgo was at least almost as much as tabinof which is obviously a much better product
i still like dapgo though :3 it's a bit dumb but i think it's cute
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atticustimestwo · 3 months
do you mind sharing a bit more about your analysis of heart,,,
i'd love to!! (i assume this is about the heart critique piece i did a few months ago, but please correct me if im wrong!)
in terms of the "a critique on the treatment of hearts characterization" piece, i wanted to visually explore some frustrations i have had with how the fanbase seems to fall into some unfortunate patterns when it comes to hearts character.
frequently, i see heart infantilized - this either comes across as him being a kicked dog unable to help himself because he is too weak, a baby angel who did nothing wrong, or a feral gremlin child. i think flattening his character down to any/all of these is, for lack of a better word, a bit problematic?
; one reason being it just defeats the idea of emotions being a visceral, intense thing. heart is meant to represent emotion in its purest form; i feel woobifying him takes away from that concept because it shows having emotions as being inherently weaker or less mature. i think a lot of people kinda forget HMS aren't just tv show characters. they represent greater concepts that near everyone feels and feels uniquely - theyre more sensitive than your typical character. thats not saying treating them as characters is bad! everyone relates to them differently because they are so personal, they make them their own and i think thats really awesome!! ; but boiling them down to these really generic tropes and making heart a baby kinda defeats the idea that emotions are a real, visceral, multifaceted concept. ; another reason i think it can be problematic is that it sometimes unintentionally comes across really ableist? a lot of these 'fandom-y' tropes are already rooted in ableism in some way, which is bad on its own, but theres also the important addition that heart is frequently portrayed as blind.
ive seen people time and time again fall into stereotypes with heart that his blindness makes him weak/helpless/childish. truthfully I dont think people do this intentionally, but its still internalized ableism showing up. i recognize that a lot of the people who woobify heart tend to be on the younger side, so they dont really recognize that theyre flattening him down like that- not out of malicious ignorance, but because theyre kids who havent really had the life experience yet to grasp the full concepts of the album or realize they might be implying harmful stereotypes; that doesn't necessarily mean its okay, but i think its just them being uneducated cause theyre kids and they have yet to learn that stuff. ; all that being said, im not trying to police people on how they portray characters. im not any authority on this fandom/album by any means imaginable - im just a fan like everyone else here! like i said before, characterizing HMS is not inherently a bad thing at all ! its fun, and its what this fanbase is built on in the first place! its so great that everyone can interpret and relate to HMS so personally, i think chonny really hit it off with the concept for the album and the execution is stellar! seeing all the fanart and different interpretations of it and the characters is such a beautiful thing, no matter if its joking, lighthearted, or deep! ; at the end of the day, theres no wrong way to interpret this album, and theres no wrong way to characterize heart. more than anything that critique piece was built up frustration turned to a call to action for people to stop and think deeply for a moment about how they portray heart - to open eyes if someone might be unknowingly flattening or adding problematic ideas to their characterizations. and to just be mindful of that going forward! 💜 
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Songs that make me really really really want to learn animation so I can make epic sequences with them as the soundtrack
- Notos by the Oh Hellos, itd make a great phoenix-rising, defeated-character-realizing-their-power-and-absolutely-destroying-someone-who-did-them-real-trauma thing. Also the metaphors and imagery. “Every inhale I take, swallow the ocean whole and I am one / With the hurricane, tall as the tide that laps with a rabid tongue”??? “With every exhale I break you down with a fury, I lay the hills undone / Like a dog gone untamed, bellowing out a river from my lungs”??????
- Boreas by the Oh Hellos, the perfect sort of ‘Im completely defeated but by god I’m still going to do something to help’
- Okay I should just include all of the Four Winds EPs in here. Get over here, Eurus and Zephyrus. Passerine and Rio Grande specifically.
- The Horror and the Wild by the Amazing Devil, see this one fandom post I made that was basically a desperate attempt to visualize an animatic I could never make
- Chords by the Amazing Devil, entirely different vibes but bloody hell it lights a fire in my heart every time I hear it. Just. “We were the winter nights / So you could be the morning snow / Your life begins by leaving / And our love is shown / In the letting go”????????
- Rockslide by the Crane Wives. Im writing a whole thing about that album, Coyote Stories’, relationship with climate change and the generally horrible state of the world and this song is the reason. “Oh I pray today my soul to keep / But we best get a move on or the devil we will meet”?? I mean. Mates. It hits hard.
- Sleeping Giants by the Crane Wives. Same album as Rockslide and just as strong if not more so. It would make for a great call-to-war or prelude-to-a-big-ol-battle.
- Rule #3 Paperwork by Fish in a Birdcage. By goodness is Paperwork underrated (though methinks Rule #2 Moonlight is even more underrated but thats just a good song) and I love it to death. Just a great song for an easygoing time. Or, alternatively, a great song for a subtle call to action.
- Rule #33 Pyre by Fish in a Birdcage. Its just great. A final, fond farewell from a beloved parent or mentor or loved one or other dear person telling you that you’ll be fine after they’re gone. Also the accordion is really neat in this one. “Trust yourself and live it your way”. It just is great.
- WOLVES OF THE REVOLUTION. ARCADIAN WILD. This gave so much inspiration for writing a revolution and the people involved in it. Its perfect for that arc. It doesnt bloody matter if said revolution is in a war tragedy of a fanfic.
Theres more but I dont have much to say about them, so just know that Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier (Corb Lund), Solar Waltz (Cosmo Sheldrake), Mvmt II Begin and Never Cease (The Oh Hellos (really bloody Christian but its so good just music wise)(Also Christmas as hell)), The Day Goes On (Bill Wurtz), and my very dear Discord’s Smallest Violin (The AJR Discord) are also very dear to my heart and would probably become something if I had enough commitment and free time and all those other extremely volatile factors to actually learn how to animate. I will, someday. But that day is not today.
Also I swear to you @writer-of-random-things I am writing the climate-change-Coyote-Stories thing. It exists. Or, about half of it exists. I got to The Hand That Feeds and its. Uh. A lot.
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THE LAST PIC IS MY COMIC CHARACTERS BUT DRAWN IN A SKINDRED ALBUM! (babylon) i didnt ever listen to skindred but my friend told me that it would be a silly idea. so.. here it is.
you may notice some of the designs changing, thats because i am still working and some things may change. though, the characters shown in the album photo are all finished and i do not plan on changing anything about them.
i definitely said that im workin on a comic before, but never showed any pics. i guess its a good time to do so now! i wont say a lot, not yet at least. but i can share the characters. so, the blue girl is Eve, she is a Beautiful Demoiselle, a species of dragonflies. where are her wings? the most i can say about that is that she lost them in a very painful way. more exactly got them pulled out at a young age. then, we have Chocolate (more commonly known as Choco) shes a short lined chocolate moth, a relative to Smolder. Choco and Eve live together. Next, we have Nail. the green guy, you may also notice him in the 4th pic. he, just like Eve, is a royal guard of the Termite King. though, Nail will stick with the King for much longer.. for reasons. Last, we have Hector. hes a friend, a cool guy and there is definitely nothing going on with him he is just a guy nothing about him no serious shit totally believe me please. theres much more characters, but im still yet to draw the new designs, i could share sketches but i dont want to, not yet anyway. from 1st pic u may notice Szerelem, most i can tell for now is that he might be important :]
the name is Behind the Kingdom's Walls
as always, follow for more!!! >:]
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sophaeros · 24 days
I think I'm hf in the exact same thing as you rn I just found your blog I am also obsessed with band rpf and Casablanca's/hammond jr do u have a kind of manifesto or anything I can read
dude did one of my irls send this or smth..i was literally Just talking about putting together a masterdoc and they were egging me on BSJFJWBS. i mean i'm kinda working on one but no promises bc im terrible w long term projects and also theyre very difficult to figure out
BUT i Will say (and i've seen other random people online agree w me) i think the general timeline is that during the seven years they lived together from 1998 to 2005 jules was down bad for albert but albert didn't realise his own feelings, so the most that might've happened is some fooling around physically. (this is mainly going off of this page from the meet me in the bathroom book where jules says "albert, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, baby!" insane quote. i could talk a little more about their full quotes but that's another post)
sometime between 2005 and 2013 (possibly 2011 tbh, comedown machine is The gay situationship album but angles touches on it a lot too) they dated twice and broke up both times. im not sure who broke up w who but tentatively i would say the first breakup was more acrimonious while the second breakup might've been mutual.
it's difficult to say anything for sure because most of their songs have songwriting credits shared with other people, so looking at lyrics for clues has a pretty big margin of error since a line might've been written by someone else and not them, yknow? i mean rpf is never a "for sure" kind of deal i could be entirely wrong and that would be fine but. you get what i mean
also one way trigger is the lynchpin for me. i physically cannot imagine a platonic explanation for this poster that uses a screenshot from thelma and louise of all films. not to mention the lyrics like even my Mom raised an eyebrow at "get dressed in your bed while she's asleep." and also it's one of two strokes songs albert has ever played solo with the other being elephant song (at least according to setlistfm, im still trying to find a video of it) which was written, surprise surprise, by albert and julian in 1999.
i mean i guess the poster could be them fucking around and having a little laugh but come on what an insane ass joke to make man. i'm gonna make a post later about one way trigger being their specialest little song because it really is
soo like..theres still more i could talk about like one way trigger being written by the albert julian nick trio (which makes me laugh imagining nick mediating their lovers quarrel) [EDIT: ACTUALLY WAIT NO ok it's hard to find definitive information on who wrote what bc different databases have information of varying precision but the canadian site socan which is the most precise so far says only albert and jules wrote the lyrics for one way trigger i'd misremembered. albert julian nick trio Did do call it fate tho which is still kinda crazy !! also jules and albert being the only ones to do one way trigger makes me crazier jesus christ why is this depressing ass song Their Song !!!!] which is the same trio as games from angles. theres a lot i've been thinking about them nonstop for like, what, a month? give or take? my poor friends have to deal w me sending dozens of messages at a time much love and light to them if they read this muah
and thank you for the excuse to be insane on main anon 🥰
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godidontgaf · 2 months
heyy while on the hip hop + rap recommendations subject, ive always been interested but never really known where to start. right now all i listen to is CJ the x, quebrada queer (Brazilian!! super recommend), and definitely putting some more interest in Kendrick Lamar. anyone you'd recommend?
Okay first of all CJ the X is a badass name and second of all I listened to some of his music and I’m definitely getting some Rav vibes! I’d recommend trying a lot of Ravs music but especially listen to ‘Put it Down’ ‘Cinnabar’ and really the entire album ‘Solar Flare’ ! :D
But if you wanna branch out to more rap music then Kendrick lamar is definitely a good start! I suggest listening to the albums I recommended in my last post!! ‘DAMN.’ ‘To Pimp a Butterfly’ ‘good kid m.A.A.d. city’ ‘Section.80’ ‘Untitled unmastered’ ect ect. JUST LISTEN TO KENDRICK HES GREAT!!!
Another great artist that I love with all my heart is Danny Brown! His writing is incredible and his beats are so unique! ‘XXX’ was definitely my favourite, but ‘uknowwhatimsayin¿’ ‘The Hybrid’ and ‘Quaranta’ are also amazing and worth listening to! He’s got some weird lyrics but shh just focus on the beat trust me!
I’ve been waiting this whole rant to mention this but if you wanna get into rap PLEASE TRY THE OLDER STUFF!!! 70s-90s!!! There are so many tracks from back then that I’d say still rival the quality of most rap today! One of my favourite albums from back then (which is turning 34 in 2 weeks <3) is ‘Amerikkkas Most Wanted’ By Ice Cube! The storytelling is phenomenal, clear political commentary, amazing yet simple beats, it’s got EVERYTHING a hip hop album should have! It’s everything hip hop should BE! 100% worth listening to, even if you’re not into rap.
I also want to mention this one hip hop group that I absolutely LOVE!!! A Tribe Called Quest! Their music has more of a jazz-y vibe than someone like Ice Cube or Kendrick but nonetheless, still amazing! I’m sure Q-tip and Phife Dawgs unique voices will get you hooked instantly! ‘Midnight Marauders’ and ‘The Low End Theory’ are such incredible albums with every track having a unique beat, yet still keeping the same feel and vibe!
Theres so so so many artists I could go on about for hours, but I’m just gonna keep it short and give you a list of a bunch of pre-2000s songs from my playlist! :)
Street Struck - Big L
Runnin’ - The Pharcyde
Appetite For Destruction - N.W.A
Mama Said Knock You Out - LL COOL J
Dolly My Baby - Super Cat
Rebirth of Slick - Digable Planets
Groove Is in the Heart - Deee-Lite
Da Mystery of Chessboxin’ - Wu-tang clan
Double Trouble - The Roots
Hope this helps you get a little more into rap! And please keep asking me ANYTHING hip hop related I love talking about this stuff! :D
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chicken-delight · 19 days
so imagine your name is erica and you like 1960s rock and roll because it liberates your spirit but you’re more into the doors and the jefferson airplane than you are what was going on in laurel canyon. so then one night your dad says hey lets watch the david crosby documentary so you do because you know his name and significance still. and then you watch it and you see his face and the faces of graham and stephen and its like some magnetic force that pulls you in. you have never even consciously heard suite judy blue eyes. but you feel like you know them instantly. and just from that one movie you have a firm grasp on the band dynamic and its beauty and complexity. and then for your 16th birthday your mom buys you the deja vu boxset and you listen to it and its ok. but you still are endeared to them anyways. and then somehow you just know and can sing along to their first album. you dont even remember listening to it for the first time or becoming familiarized. its like one day you dont know it and the next you do. and then you find out one of your fleetwood mac mutuals knows a lot about csny and boom now you have a connection. so then you learn even more lore. and it clicks even more. and you watch all the interviews and everything. so now you’re engrossed and then theres a psychic boom online about these guys so now you have a whole community to love and mock them. and its wonderful. and the wave passes and you get in and out of other rock n roll obsessions and they’re in the background. and then then one morning in january you feel the need to reimmerse yourself in this band. and you watch videos and listen all morning. and you take a nap. and when you wake up david crosby is dead. and you spend the next year or so grieving this weird guy who pisses you off most of the time but has also touched your life so deeply. so deeply its absurd. and sometimes when you’re driving or doing homework you’ll remember that hes gone and it ruins your entire next couple of hours. and you still reblog silly posts about then and their issues but sometimes the jokes make you feel like you dont talk enough about the impact of the music and what they mean and represent to you. its a soul connection. literally makes you feel at home and comforted and understood. like a hardy bowl of soup. and even when you’re angry with them you also want to hug them all and tell them you understand. so then you’re feeling thoughtful about it on a monday because now they are all over your dashboard again and it feels like playful nostalgia but also makes you think. so then you write this post.
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askbrozone · 3 months
Interviewer: Bro Zone! So good to see all back together after twenty years of being apart! How does it feel?
Floyd: nerve wracking but it’s awesome to be together again
Interviewer: I mean this isn’t only just a band reunion, it’s a family reunion-literally!
John Dory: yep, haven’t spoken to each other in 2 decades and now here we are again!
Interviewer: was getting the band back together something you all decided easily or what was the process?
Floyd: Well it was just because of that whole thing going on in mount rageous with the twins, but then you know as the months went on and we hung out more we where all kind of like-man I really missed making music together
Clay: yeah and then Queen Poppy came to us like “hey do you wanna perform for your fans, ? Let them know you’re together again, theres a lot fans here that have been fans since the 90’s” and we couldn’t say no of course and performing again on stage on vacay island was just so, Exhilarating, I had that exact same feeling when we where in mount rageous doing the perfect family harmony, just like “man I’ve really missed this” the energy, the cheering
Interviewer: speaking of the Queen-Branch!
Branch: ha yeah
Interviewer: Cutest couple ever, I mean, pop star and queen of pop? What could be better
Branch: it really is something huh?
Interviewer: did she know at all?
Branch: nope, but to be fair, I didn’t tell anyone at all
Interviewer: you also recently revealed that you’re in another majorly famous boy group, Kismet, and you where the beloved hidden fifth member! How did you manage to keep that a secret?
Branch: honestly, I have no idea, pure luck to be honest
Interviewer: so branch has been out saving the world and being a pop star. What about everyone else? Floyd I know you’ve toured and released some solo music
Floyd: yep! Probably won’t be anything for a bit while we work on our stuff as a group bit hopefully I can find time to get new solo stuff in
Clay: Princess Viva and I where co running a group of pop trolls who hadn’t made it through the tunnels during the escape
Interviewer: so what’s you relationship with the princess?
Clay: announcing it here for the first time by the way-we’re actually engaged
Interviewer: Wow congrats!! So seems like you two have the same type
Branch: haha yeah, took me by surprise when I found out him and viva had been dating
Interviewer: and Bruce-the heartthrob, first to start a family?
Bruce: haha yeah! 15 years together…13 kids
Interviewer: how did you stumble upon the island? I mean it outside of trollstopia right?
Bruce: yeah it’s on an island…i just, walked you know? Just kept walking until I made it to the ocean then I traveled across until I found an island which so happened to be vacay island and I’ve lived there ever since
Interviewer: John Dory-I think besides Clay the least is known about your whereabouts, what have you been up to?
John Dory: living off the grid man-Hiking, surviving the wild
Interviewer: is it weird going from that to this?
John Dory: extremely
Interviewer: I’ve noticed compared to your interviews twenty something years ago, you aren’t speaking as much as back then
John Dory: yeah, I learned that I need to give my brothers a chance to speak instead of speaking for them
Floyd: he’s growing
Interviewer: of course I’ve gotta ask-is there an album in the works? Maybe a tour?
John Dory: no tour yet, we want Floyd healed up 100% but hopefully soon we can
Branch: but we can say we do have something else cooking in the studio, But I can say along with that we will be releasing our song Family that we performed at our reunion show as a proper studio single coming very soon
Interviewer: well I’m super excited and I know all your fans are excited as well-are you guys surprised that your fans from 1993-1999 are still here obsessed
Clay: oh definitely, I thought we would’ve faded out by now but we got to the village and the reaction was insane-and all the fans singing along and cheering for us at the show was wild
Bruce: yes, and we want to say thank you to the fans for never giving up on us even when we gave up on each other
Floyd: we promise to make everyone proud with our new music and the new era of BroZone
Interviewer: well thank you all for taking the time to speak with me today
John Dory: thank you for having us!
Interviewer: and I will be making sure I get tickets to every show
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
theres so many fics about the reader learning dnd for eddie but what about a fic where eddie has to learn about something the reader is super into and he doesnt fully get it but hes supportive anyways
This is the sweetest concept! Eddie would completely support you in whatever you love.
I went fully self-indulgent with this request and made the reader a musical theatre nerd. I was just thinking of a big musical that came out in the 80′s at first and picked Les Misérables. It wasn’t until I started writing that it occurred to me how Joseph has his own connections to Les Mis lol. So, it started out as a coincidence but then I HAD to do it.  
Words: 1.4k
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“Eddie,” you say with a laugh. “You don’t have to do this.”
He fusses with the buttons on his nice white shirt, tongue poking out in concentration as he looks in the mirror.
“How many times have you sat through a D&D game for me? Even when you had no idea what was going on,” he asks as he fumbles with his top button.
“A lot,” you admit with a sigh. With a soft smile, you take Eddie’s hands in your own and lower them from the buttons. “You can leave the top one open. It looks sexy.”
He huffs a laugh and presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“I want to do this,” Eddie tells you quietly. You move to let go of his hands, but he catches them and brings them up to his lips. He presses a kiss to the back of each of your hands. “Plus, I’ve heard the music before. You know, only every time I’ve spent time at your house.”
You giggle and a light blush comes to your cheeks.
“I know, I’m going to wear the record out,” you say.
“That’s fine,” he says with a shrug. “Pretty sure my Metallica cassette is on borrowed time, too.”
“Still, it can be hard to follow,” you tell Eddie, reaching up to cup his face in your hands. “The whole thing is sung through. It’s basically an opera.”
“Babe,” Eddie whines. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls your body flush up against his. “You sit through Hellfire meetings. You come to every Corroded Coffin show. You’ve listened to me ramble on and on about things you have absolutely no clue about. You read The Hobbit for me.”
“I liked it!” you interject. “I like doing all of those things.”
“Exactly,” he says, raising his eyebrows at you. “So, why do you think I’m not going to like doing this?”
“It’s not your thing,” you point out with a shrug, avoiding his eyes.
Eddie pinches your chin between his fingers and lifts your head until you meet his eyes.
“You’d never heard a Metallica song in your life until you met me. Wasn’t your thing. Why won’t you just let me be interested in what you like?”
He’s right and you know it. With a nod, you let out a sigh.
“You’re right, Eddie. I’m sorry. I guess it’s a little bit of a sore spot since I used to get made fun of for liking musicals.”
“I will never make fun of you for enjoying something. Anyone who does that is an asshole. And you know that I know something about being picked on for interests,” Eddie says. 
His hands rest on your hips and you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“You’re the best,” you whisper to him. “And you look very handsome.”
He wiggles his eyebrows at you and looks down at his outfit.
“Look nice all cleaned up, don’t I? Who knew I had it in me?”
“You always look nice, so shut up,” you say, hitting his chest lightly. “But you did a great job picking these clothes out. I’m very impressed.”
“I just walked through the store thinking, ‘What would Harrington wear?’”
You laugh and shake your head at your boyfriend. 
“Come on, you,” you say. “We should head out in case there’s traffic.”
 The two of you climb into Eddie’s van and he starts the engine. Before he pulls out on the road though, he reaches down and grabs a plastic bag on the floor at your feet.
“What’s that?” you ask as he rifles through it.
“These fancy clothes aren’t all I picked up at the mall,” he says. “Aha.” He pulls a cassette out of the bag, sheds it of its case, and pops into the player.
“Who dropped a new album?” you ask.
“Um,” Eddie’s eyes scan the case in his hands, trying to find a name. You’re expecting any number of metal bands you’ve become acquainted with since dating Eddie, or even a brand new one he discovered. What you did not expect was the name of a musical theatre composing genius. “Stephen Sondheim. Did I say that right?”
“Sondheim?” your eyes widen, and you grab the case from his hands. “Into the Woods? Eddie! This is amazing. You didn’t have to -.”
“If you say that one more time, you get no sex for a week. No, a month!” Eddie says as he pulls out of the trailer park.
“Ha!” you bark out. “Alright, say hello to your right hand for me, then.”
“Okay fine, I take it back,” Eddie says. 
The cheery opening notes of Into the Woods play over the speakers of Eddie’s van and it’s odd to hear anything other than rock emanating into the air of the old vehicle. 
You reach Indianapolis before the B side of the tape finishes and Eddie’s van sticks out like a sore thumb in the parking lot of the performing arts center. Eddie opens the passenger door for you, and you hop out, smoothing down your black skirt. He threads his fingers with yours and swings your hands gently between the two of you as you walk to the building.
The seats you had gotten were pretty good, and you’d have a great view of everything happening in the show. Eddie looks at the program held in his hands. Les Misérables the big white letters stare back at him. He flips through the pages, and you can’t help but smile as you watch his eyes scan back and forth as he reads through the program. Even dressed in his sophisticated shirt and pants, he still looks like your metalhead boyfriend, and you love it. He hadn’t wanted to wear his rings at first, but you assured him they were fine. You were so glad he did because you know he would’ve felt naked without them. The peek of his pick necklace hanging against his pale chest where his white shirt parts makes your heart rate pick up. Eddie is sitting here in a performing arts center, about to watch a musical with you, and you want to pinch yourself. The man of your dreams taking you to see the show you’d been dying to see on tour? You couldn’t imagine anything better.
As the lights dim in the theatre, Eddie places the program in his lap. He looks over at you with a smile and slips his hand into yours. He doesn’t let go of you the whole first act. He does, however, keep sneaking glances over at you that you don’t see. You’re so engrossed in the show, and while Eddie is enjoying it too, he’s enjoying seeing how happy you are even more. Sometimes your lips would move just slightly, like you were singing the words along with the actors. Eddie wasn’t sure if you even knew you were doing it. 
As the lights come back on as act one ends and the fifteen-minute intermission starts, you look over at your boyfriend with pure glee on your face. He can’t help but grin as he takes you in. Your face is flushed in excitement and you’re almost bouncing up and down,
“That was really good,” he says. “I think that last song there was my favorite one so far.”
“One Day More? Oh, I know! That’s one of my favorites as well,” you tell him. You’re practically buzzing in your seat, and it makes Eddie giggle. He doesn’t know the last time he actually giggled like a schoolgirl. 
“Who’s your favorite character?” Eddie asks.
A frown pinches your face, and you purse your lips together. Eddie knows it’s only a look of concentration, but he desperately wants the smile to come back. 
“That’s hard,” you say. “I like a lot of them. Hmm. It’s either Eponine or Enjolras.”
Eddie’s lips press into a thin line as he looks at you, making you chuckle.
“The poor girl in the brown coat and the leader of the students in the red vest,” you tell him.
“Oh!” Eddie says. “Yeah, I like the dude in the red vest. He’s cool. Good leader.”
You nod, trying to keep your face neutral so you don’t give away what happens to him in the second act. 
“I’m not a fan of the police guy,” Eddie tells you. “He’s a dick.”
“Pretty much,” you agree. “I get he’s only trying to do his job, but he still bugs me.”
Eddie brings your hand up to his lips and kisses the back of it.
“I’m really happy to be here with you,” Eddie says. 
“Me too,” you say. “Like, I’m not sure I’ve ever been happier.”
Eddie leans over and presses a soft kiss to your lips. 
“I’m just going to have to take you to see more musicals then, aren’t I?”
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keithbutgay · 14 days
augh i really really really wanna paint my shoes but i have like
no idea what to do :(
cuz cuz cuz i kinda wanna do something red n black but i already have the ones with the eyes all over em that are also red and black
also my docs r red n black
so my only other ideas would be like
anatomical hearts (theres not really enough space tho cuz vans are weird)
stars/space/sky themed (but i already have star beads on my heeled boots...)
or like
references to my interests
so maybe mushrooms? buuut those would also be red prolly
album covers (tho thats like. kinda copying bc i saw someone post about how they painted their shoes based on everything is a lot)
i might try adding wings again? but i still have no idea what id paint on em...
corona suns? but i dont think that would really match anything else i wear
pleaassee help me im a clueless lil guy :< /nf
(for reference they look like this)
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wait were these the ones you were saying you might put like. paws on? :PP
*tries to think of references*
mushrooms would be really really cool actually
idk i have no good ideas ever :PP
but mushrooms sound really really cool so does like stars/celestial vibes kinda thing that you mentioned
(and yeah hearts would be epic but yeahhhhh space haha)
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