#theres nothing revolutionary about it. but also its just
1tsjusty0u · 1 month
iyomiel wanted to bring sissel with him. during tje wjhole revenge plot he had sissel with him. he was in that bag the entire time. henwould be brought alone the whole trip ghe whole time. his best friend. in that bag. he was there the whole time. he was there. he wouldve brougjt that suticase everywhwrrw because his friend was in there
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szczylpierdolony · 11 months
yeah the whole 'finding a friend super annoying all of a sudden' thing is not going away
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Is it so hard to ask that sabo follow his dream he had when he was a kid? IS IT??????
Also, his boat was commissioned from Franky! And he did a great job :)
Design talk:
Im gonna start with just sharing his canon designs
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Something i want to call attention to is the blue and black in his design.
When he was young, Sabo wore his heart on his sleeve. He had a dream for himself and was taking steps to complete it. Likewise, that blue on his coat is on full display its bright and vibrant and saturated. But also theres that dark blue, almost black, thats underneath it thats being hidden by that coat, the pants, and his tattered cravat. Likewise again, Sabo is hiding his darker side. He has secrets he doesn’t want his brothers to know of and he lets his aspirations and relationships he has with them outshine his past.
In his present design, that blue that was representative of his dreams, is now the one being hidden. Its covered by a complete black coat, a representative of the darkness in his life that now is drives him. This color switch up is symbolic for how he’s put off his dreams and kept it locked up (belt), while choosing instead to pursue a life of darkness for the greater good.
Also, these pictures of young sabo and young adult sabo, you can visually see how less saturated it is. The blue is duller of the coat/undershirt and even more-so with the pants. You can see how he’s much less vibrant than how he was.
In my Post-Story idea, what happens leading up to it is that Sabo succeeds in taking down the world government and after he’s sure the world can move on without him, he goes sailing alone as a pirate to write a book about the world, like he’s always wanted to do. Also, Luffy returns his straw hat to shanks.
So in my design, sabo wears a vibrant blue coat again. He’s living his dream and has nothing holding him back from doing it. The black is still used, and its not being covered, but its on his pants and his gloves. He still has that darkness, but he doesn’t use it as protection or as something to hide, rather as something he moves forwards and progresses with. He will never forget what pain and hardship he went through and he’s not trying to. However, whats underneath all the layers is not darkness or dreams, and its not necessarily being hidden either, its light. Not BRIGHT, but light. Mellow and calm. The settled true nature of a healed man.
I took more colors from his child design than i did with his young adult (YA) one, too. I wanted to show how he’s reconnecting with his younger self by bringing them through to his Post-Story look!
Also, since his journal is his dream, it is blue, as well.
Items of Clothing:
In both of his canon designs, there is a sense of properness. A top hat, cravat, tailcoat, etc etc.. Its all properness. But more than that, its the idea of responsibility.
Whether he acts responsible or not isn’t what matters in his case, instead its that he wants to look responsible. He wants this because a) he was a little kid who wanted to grow up too fast and be taken seriously, and b) because he has an incredible amount of responsibility being the second in command of the revolutionary army.
To further prove that, I would like to point out his silly little cravat. I love his cravat. But how the hell is that practical for his line of work? Sabo is concerned with being practical, hence his baggy/movable pants and leather gloves. Additionally, just the waist/trench coat, belt, top hat combo would suffice for a proper looking person, but it’s taken excessively with the cravat. The cravat is purely for appearances.
Further symbolism with his cravat, i think, is that this appearance is visually choking him. Its wrapped tightly around his neck when he was a child and when he was most under control of a much higher power. However, when he’s a YA, it’s a lot looser. He’s got some agency, but he’s still being suffocated by responsibilities.
On with my design.
I took away his cravat. Im sorry but it is SYMBOLIC!!!!!!! He is not worried anymore with appearances, he is Free.
I took away his top hat but not his goggles, too. I think that after Luffy gives back the straw hat, Sabo forgoes his hat as well. In solidarity, maybe. If you think about it, the top hat isnt what makes his hat so special, its the goggles. So i got rid of the hat and kept The Goggs. Although it is sad that they are no longer Hatted, as that is one of the beautiful appeals of ASL, they are no longer ASL.
I wanted to keep aspects of his YA design, since even though it is very perforative, its still a style that he’s stuck with since childhood, so he’s gotta like it in some capacity. I just tried to make everything look a lot looser/open on him.
Lastly, i gave him a bit of a beard cuz i think he deserves it.
Alright! If you got this far, thanks so much for reading my insane ramblings!!!! I fr feel like this rn 👇
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Visually, sabo’s design is not too complex, at least not when you look at him next to Ace, but theres a lot of depth to it. I didnt even think of half of these notes before i started typing this up, its just the more time i look at it, the more i noticed!
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volvolts · 9 months
the fuck is crocodile's deal???
thinking about how its next to impossible to construct a proper backstory for crocodile because of how little we know of him and how little he makes sense as a person
like we know nothing of mihawk but his personality is much like zoro. he wants to be the strongest so his ascetic lifestyle makes sense. hes a wildcard too but only because his moral compass follows strictly to himself (he keeps zoro alive and trains him because he wants a challenge, he became a warlord because he wants to be left alone, he joins cross guild for that same reason. the only times he went out of his way to do anything for others was when he shows shanks luffy's first bounty and maybe take care of perona)
but crocodile? we got NOTHING. we don't even know his last name. and i know some of them don't have last names but crocodile was a major villain. plus important characters without a last name kinda have a reason (sabo denounced his family name, buggy and shanks are implied to have been with the roger pirates since they were born)
like something happened to him to lose all his trust in other people and discard them like paper. he spent over a decade searching for pluton only to give up when luffy beat him? he willingly goes to impel down and planned to stay there until he heard whitebeard is gonna show up. he does fuck all to whitebeard. then he gives up on whitebeard, you know the reason why he's left impel down in the first place, then he saves ace, then he saves jinbe and luffy. he disappears for 10 real life years and he's back and we still got nothing on him
he doesn't trust people and yet pulled two bad bitches with swords. people praise how strong he is but he hasn't had a real fight with a real character who mattered since alabasta. and he's clearly strong cuz he got punched in the face with full blown haki and was still standing and he parried mihawk and doflamingo's attacks without any damage. speaking of doflamingo what the fuck was his deal with doflamingo? doffy clearly respected him enough to not believe he was beaten by smoker and he wanted a team up but then its never brought up again?? like was that just banter??
and the theories of his backstory are all still contradictory? whitebeard's birth son? well whitebeard didn't care that much about him and crocodile clearly doesn't either nor do any of the whitebeard pirates seem familiar with him. an ex-revolutionary? other than ivankov's comment of knowing crocodile "when he was a rookie" there's not much else. the backstory of the revolutionary army hasn't mentioned anything about him so we can toss that one out too. rocks d xebec's son? he was a warlord for over 20 years! youre telling me they never had a background check on the guy? you know they would want him dead if he was xebecs son given how far they went for roger's son. he doesn't have a grandpa who's besties with the fleet admiral to cover it up either
and then theres the theories that end up being too similar to other characters. ex-son of whitebeard? already debunked shown above and also thats just blackbeard. from a family of wealth and lost it, or was simply born evil? doflamingo did that already. cabin boy/child of an infamous pirate crew that was disbanded after the death of the captain? buggy and shanks are right there.
the man has so much going on and yet absolutely nothing at the same time. i NEED to know more about this guy at least tell me if he can even do haki PLEASE
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syrupsyche · 1 year
In honour of our favourite group of men finally entering the story, I'll fish out 1-2 quotes I love about each man from this chapter.
"Enjolras was a charming young man, who was capable of being terrible [...] One would have said, to see the pensive thoughtfulness of his glance, that he had already, in some previous state of existence, traversed the revolutionary apocalypse."
Best introductory line to any character in literature by far, if I say so myself. I also like the reincarnation implication in the second half, framing Enjolras not as a person but rather the recurring phenomenon of revolution.
"He read everything, went to the theatres, attended the courses of public lecturers, learned the polarization of light from Arago, grew enthusiastic over a lesson [...] He declared that the future lies in the hand of the schoolmaster, and busied himself with educational questions."
I adore the fact that he strives to educate himself on everything, and that he loves the process of learning as well. And I agree wholeheartedly that the future is in education! My dream man.
Jean Prouvaire
"His name was Jehan, owing to that petty momentary freak which mingled with the powerful and profound movement whence sprang the very essential study of the Middle Ages [...] He spoke softly, bowed his head, lowered his eyes, smiled with embarrassment, dressed badly, had an awkward air, blushed at a mere nothing, and was very timid. Yet he was intrepid."
I love his little Middle Ages hyperfixation, go Jehan! And of course, we get a slight foreshadow of his fate at the end of his description, where he is said to be brave, despite everything.
"[Feuilly] had but one thought, to deliver the world. He had one other preoccupation, to educate himself; [...] The protest of right against the deed persists forever. The theft of a nation cannot be allowed by prescription. These lofty deeds of rascality have no future. A nation cannot have its mark extracted like a pocket handkerchief."
Feuilly's description is really similar to Enjolras' (minus the waxing about his looks), and I find it interesting Hugo adds the last part under Feuilly rather than anyone else's. Someone smarter than me can probably give a better analysis as to why.
"Beneath the apparent similarities of the exterior mind, the difference between him [...] There was in Tholomyès a district attorney, and in Courfeyrac a paladin. [...] Enjolras was the chief, Combeferre was the guide, Courfeyrac was the centre. The others gave more light, he shed more warmth"
Hugo loves his parallelism and so do I. Courfeyrac as a nice Tholomyès is a good way to efficiently describe him, and the last part of his description is so iconic to our triumvirate characterisation that I had to put it in.
"Every time that he passed the law-school, which rarely happened, he buttoned up his frock-coat,—the paletot had not yet been invented,—and took hygienic precautions. [...] In reality, he had a penetrating mind and was more of a thinker than appeared to view."
Bahorel is so funny; I too want to live my life as a student for 11 years without the need for graduating. I like that Hugo points out his intelligence too, its easy to reduce him to just a comic character, but theres a reason he's in this group, guys!
Bossuet was a gay but unlucky fellow. His specialty was not to succeed in anything. As an offset, he laughed at everything. At five and twenty he was bald. [...] He was poor, but his fund of good humor was inexhaustible. He soon reached his last sou, never his last burst of laughter.
This is such a fun and vivid character description, Hugo really manages to bring Bossuet to life. I love a man who can laugh at himself and while it's sad to see him be used to his unfortunate circumstances, I admire his humour about it all.
"What he had won in medicine was to be more of an invalid than a doctor. At three and twenty he thought himself a valetudinarian, and passed his life in inspecting his tongue in the mirror. He affirmed that man becomes magnetic like a needle [...] Otherwise, he was the gayest of them all. All these young, maniacal, puny, merry incoherences lived in harmony together, and the result was an eccentric and agreeable being"
He and Bossuet have the most fun descriptions ever, I'm jealous. The magnetism part is hilarious and I love that Hugo makes a point in saying that despite it all, he is still a happy-go-lucky man, similar to the unlucky, but jovial Bossuet.
"Grantaire was a man who took good care not to believe in anything. Moreover, he was one of the students who had learned the most during their course at Paris; he knew that the best coffee was to be had at the Café Lemblin, and the best billiards at the Café Voltaire [...] However, this sceptic had one fanaticism [...] it was a man: Enjolras. [...] No one loves the light like the blind man. The dwarf adores the drum-major. The toad always has his eyes fixed on heaven. Why? In order to watch the bird in its flight. Grantaire, in whom writhed doubt, loved to watch faith soar in Enjolras. [...] their name is a sequel, and is only written preceded by the conjunction and; and their existence is not their own; it is the other side of an existence which is not theirs. Grantaire was one of these men. He was the obverse of Enjolras."
This is embarrassingly long. But look, I LOVE how contradictory Grantaire's character is, even in his own, third-person omniscient description. He doesn't care about anything, but he knows and loves Paris so intimately that he learned of it the most. He doesn't believe in anything, but he believes wholeheartedly in one man. And like Jehan, his fate is foreshadowed at the end. He only exists if Enjolras exists. Without the latter, there is no former, and vice versa.
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determinate-negation · 11 months
i recently saw this post of yours and it made me think. a lot of mainstream media is "imperialist media thats frequently dishonest and biased especially in their foreign reporting and generally affirm whatever the us state departments position is". that is manifesting as a very pro-israel bias. some people who notice that pro israel bias may think that israel, to some extent, controls the media -> jews control the media. or see that pro-israel bias as a pro-jewish bias -> jews control the media. and that line of thinking is, you know, bad and dangerous.
and i have seen on tumblr some people point out that pro-israel bias (who, as far as i can tell, arent antisemetic but just pointing that out) and then other people accuse them of antisemitism because they (i assume) go through the same logical processes i mentioned in my earlier paragraph.
in short, it seems that this is going to cause some confusion on what is and isnt antisemitism and could help certain antisemites spread their beliefs, both of which are... not good to say the least.
also, sprry if you already said something like this before, for whatever reson tumblr wont let me search your blog
can you think fucking critically about this for a second
im a marxist. im pointing out a general basic marxist criticism of bourgeois institutions, which many have done before me. including many jews! nothing i said in that post really implies anything about jews to me
also what i say in that post right after the thing about imperialist media is this
michael parentis book inventing reality: the politics of news media is a good book about the structure of the american media and their history of backing every single us foreign intervention since the 1950s, lying about socialists and revolutionary movements, and selectively presenting information to support warmongering and downplay u.s. and u.s. ally crimes
jsyk this is a marxist book thats about class society and not jewish media tricks, and i purposefully recommended it because i think its a good way for someone to get a left wing perspective on this. i really find it tiresome to extrapolate antisemitism from this and honestly harmful
as you said it is going to cause confusion on antisemitism. so if you see people making normal posts about media bias that are not antisemitic... maybe a hypothetical about how some people who see it might already think jews control the media doesnt help?
its more important than anything to make a marxist criticism of mass culture and media and ideology that justifies imperialism, rather than give ground to reactionaries, so i will keep criticizing things on marxist grounds as i have done. i think its obscuring real antisemitism to say theres an issue with marxist media criticism
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mistninja · 1 year
do you like reading fantasy? do you like magical swords, wizards and dragons? do you want to get into anime/manga but dont know how? well im a weeb and a fantasy nerd who has nothing better to do so here are some recs ig
Do you like the Cosmere for the convoluted magical systems and the creative ways the magic is used in fights? Watch Jujutsu Kaisen. First season has 24 episodes, there is one prequel movie (good place to start too) and a second season coming soon. You could also read the manga, but I personally think the anime is easier to follow and overall more enjoyable to me (on the other hand, the manga comes with Extensive notes on how the magic works so you might prefer that). Another good show is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (on Netflix, 64 episodes).
Do you like the Cosmere for the interconnected large universe and The Lore(tm)? Get into Fate. You know how Cosmere fans loooove talking about timelines and where to start with the Cosmere? You can do that again with Fate, even more complicated this time! A good place to start would be either Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works or Fate/Zero. Both are on Netflix, UBW has 26 episodes and Zero has 25. You could go straight to the source material, the visual novels, but I haven't played them so I can't talk about them.
Do you like Realm of the Elderlings, or historical fantasy? Watch Vinland Saga. The first season has 24 episodes, second one is currently coming out weekly (close to finishing), and it is on Netflix. Haven't read the manga but it seems to have some really good art. Another option would be (I think) Berserk, but since I haven't read/watched that, I can't really say. SIDENOTE but if you like Black Sails you should also check out Vinland Saga im so serious. BS isnt fantasy but i needed to get that out there.
Do you like The Locked Tomb? This one is quite obvious but watch Revolutionary Girl Utena, it inspired the books *a lot*. It has 39 episodes, a movie and a manga, general consensus is that the manga is not very good so just watch the show. Look up trigger warnings. And you might also want to check out Puella Magi Madoka Magica (the original show has just 12 episodes, theres a lot of extra content but I have not seen/read the rest so i would say its not necessary).
Do you like an epic adventure and a giant world filled with amazing places to explore? Completely unironically you SHOULD read or watch One Piece. Fantasy fans already get into gargantuan book series with thousands of pages what is a thousand episodes to you? I assure you it is worth it. Hunter x Hunter is also good, I can't say much about it because I just started it recently.
More general recs under read more.
Little Witch Academia. Cute fluffy show about teenage witches. Some similarities with The Owl House on Disney.
Witch Hat Atelier. Manga only for now, follows a young girl who gets taken in as a witch's apprentice, has some darker elements.
Re: Zero. Guy from our world gets sent to another world and then dies a bunch of times. Psychological horror in a fantasy setting.
Akatsuki no Yona. Princess goes on an adventure to find legendary dragons and save her kingdom. Some romance.
Vanitas no Carte. Vampires in a steampunk setting. Gay (?)
Black Clover. Basically whatever you think Naruto is about, but shorter and more goofy. Boy with no magic wants to the greatest wizard of all time, gets beefy.
Ghibli movies: Kiki's Delivery Service, Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, The Tale of Princess Kaguya, The Castle in the Sky, The Cat Returns, Spirited Away. These movies are more on the magical realism / low fantasy side.
Noragami. Supernatural. Gods and spirits are real and walk among us, the story follows a god who has no followers and a girl who accidentally becomes half-spirit. Some cool fights. Really great music.
Shadows House. Creepy house where shadow people live, along with their "living dolls".
Dungeon Meshi. Manga with upcoming anime, havent read it but seems like a fun adventure with some horror elements (?) but mostly about cooking and monsters.
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dullahandyke · 8 months
Ok ok ok dgs case 3 time wooo!!
Btw loving the sherlock Holmes openings to all the chapters. Cool
Also love ryuu and susatos little travelling outfits... he has a hat :)
Also also I'm not really one for period dramas so maybe this is a common thing but I like how colourful it makes London look instead of the whole 'Ye Olde World Had No Colours Ever' like I went to London once and it didnt look as nice as this
The gavel slamming sfx whenver it says the date and place is so awful tho... grating on me ears
Office is cool as fuck tho. Gears moving yayyy totally not ominous bgm yayyyyy I feel like the gears r probs just an imposing set piece but itd b really cool if they were used in some way. Probably couldnt quite pull off a great mouse detective but like they're fairly tall I imagine there are Things up there that you cant quite reach that could be evidence in some case or another
He appears... I like his clock gimmick a lot but mael stronghart is a bit of a pisser of a name. I'm gonna keep calling him hart vortex because vortex is cool
'We're never happier than when we're standing around doing nothing' SO TRUE RYUU KING!!!!!
Birds in the bg... so that's what's on the gears theres a bunch of birds nests. :)
We have asougis arm band now.... :( waaaaa
I love susatos little encyclopedia so muchhhh I've said it before but we need to get her wikipedia. I know that considering game 2 things its popular hc that she becomes a lawyer later in life but I think she would really really enjoy herself as an encyclopedist or a librarian
'Theres something soothing about the clocks precise rhythm' ok well that's not a particularly autistic sentiment but I'm saying it is. Ryuu autist for life!!!
'We spearhead every revolutionary new technology in the world here in London' sure jan
'The sun will never set on our great empire' DECOLONISATION BEAM ATTACK!!!!!!!! If I see the end of the British empire in my life I will be a very happy man indeed
Vortex asking if ryuu is willing to commit to everything asougi planned... ominous
'If you get this man found innocent I'll let you be a lawyer' unsuspicious! Let's go for it <3
'If theres no defense then the defendant will get the max punishment automatically' surely that's not how that works
Omg I can ask susato what to do... yessss shes an assistant proper!!!!
Oh I was expecting the old bailey to be a bit more grand. Looks a bit piss
NOT THE TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA 😭😭😭😭😭 and the written Irish accent...
Tho given what I know of megundal the fact that he Does have such a noticeable accent is a bit of character... like hes so much dressed to the nines and the man with the money that youd think he would have ditched the Irish accent. When does dgs happen again? After the famine, before the rising? Youd imagine hed give up either the accent or the posh aesthetic given how badly they clash - outfit prevents him from fitting in with 'fellow people down on their luck', accent prevents him from appearing entirely affluent
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Trying to say this in a nice way- that when Blacktober comes out instead of drawing canon black characters people go out their way to make edits and yknow thats fine you do you. But in case people online who participate and think ah I forgot about this character from this show oh well. SO heres a compilation that I made;
Lola Mbola best friend to Mc in the Show "Robot Boy." And John Stewart in Justice League [My favourite character as a kid along with hawkgirl] Along with Vixen and Cyborg from Teen titans cartoon network [I would show pictures but tumblr only has ten limit ;^;]
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Boom Crew isn't a great show by all means but I remember watching a couple episodes at night and enjoyed them as a kid.
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Codename kids next door: Number Five and her sister I have to say these two were my favourite having two siblings as rival of kid VS teenager, and how I thought NUmber five would take over as the leader when Number one got older - HONESTLY why isn't there a sequel of Codename and have all the kids becomming teenagers and fighting against the kids AND adults???
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Next is Erwin from Billy and mandy along with Dracula although I'm not sure what the census on dracula if thats racist or just the best thing ever along with Grim having a jamacan accent so take this one with a grain of salt. [if it is problematic let me know I'll remove it from the list]
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Then next is Kinkade and Hunk from voltron [Voltron is hot garbage but the characters are FINE though, so yeah]
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Then theres Naruto with Killer bee and the Sand village [I think it's been a while I may need to rewatch it]
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Then theres Static Shock [The og miles morales Lol] In the sense that both are the kids who look up to older father figures who are their idols [batman superman/spiderman] are basically the audiance adjacent wacky teenager with the world on their shoulder/ electric powers and how they have episodes/moments that discuss racism.
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Then theres Kaleido Star, Carlos is THE boss and is in charge of Kaleido stage an anime about circus performers [acrobatic with story telling its really good] and mr policemen who is the main characters number one fan and is really funny.
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Then theres Tucker and Valerie from Danny Phantom;
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Oh yeah and Bumblebee
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Then theres Vincent from recess [face it he was too cool for Tg and the others]
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Then Sasha from Bratz
Then Anythy from Revolutionary Girl Utena [Sapphic too] As well as Yosutora from bleach.
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So a/n: As a kid I used to trace/edit make rpcs and recolours of naruto/sonic the hedgehog characters so making edits is something I'm fine with- its just seeing the Blacktober tag and seeing nothing BUT edits? Also if people want to reblog and add their own characters and include more since I havn't touched on Disneys Moana/ Tiana/ Kazazi Moto and the episode compilations and proud family, I just thought of placing all the characters here in case I forgot ^^; this post wasn't meant to be rude just a post compilation.
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wheezes softly okay so monstery silco au thoughts 
idk if i have a name for this au or not yet but i have a lot of loose scrambled ideas and Vibes and various atmospheric scenes floating in my head
ive no idea if any of this is quality and all i know about league lore is what i can glean from wikis and one very enthustiastic infodumping friend
i also just, really like subtle monster shit. this person is a monster but oh, they could so easily be human.
ahhh this is all just very. slapped togethor thoughts its not super coherent apologies
so bare with me
im rly fascinated with tahm kench and i know im not the only one and i see a Lot of ppl who like to associate him with silco in some way- wether silco worships him, made a deal with him, whatever, a lot ppl seem to like playing with the idea and theyre valid
to my understanding tahm kench isnt exactly limited in what he can appear as- of course theres the squat and charming catfishalligator man in his jaunty little hat but to my understanding he can take on other appareances? idk i recall reading this but i cant recall where to save my life so like for the sake of this au we’ll just assume he Can appear human if he wants to 
we also know like nothing about silco’s childhood etc so im playing fast and loose
im never sure if im of the opinion that silco had shit parents or parents who tried their best but honestly its likely a little of column a a little of column b and im rambling too much and need to get to the point
in the context of this au sil’s mom had a mysterious but charming paramour who often made her promises of wealth and good fortune and one day he just sort of vanished from her life but not without leaving her pregnant
she successfully passed off the baby as her husband's by the sheer fortune that said baby seemed to resemble her and not her paramour in the least
paramour was, obvs a this point, tahm kench
my reasoning why for he did this in the first place is mostly that hes just fucking around for shiggles- theres other reasons but im a bit scatterbrained at the moment and words to explain are not coming to me so great
silco is largely the same as he is in canon- he’s not visibly inhuman in any way, and he doesnt act much different at all. though, i suppose, in the right light, teeth can look unnaturally sharp, eyes too solidly dark like nothing human should have, etc
but he’s prone to disassociative states and cravings for Meat ideally Very Fresh and Possibly Alive Meat and they’re worse when he’s in compromised emotional or physical states
his father left/died/whatever early on leaving him largely in the care of just his mother and while she did her best rumors inevitably spread of her weirdass half feral kid, his ill temper, his strange disposition, and the massive amount of meat he seems to require
stories that he was slowly eating her out of house and home
stories that he wouldnt stop even if the only flesh she had to provide was her own
eventually, she too was gone
i dont think sil actually hurt her or attacked her in any way, but one day it was just silco, alone, with no one else, and the rumor mill churns and youve got stories about some scrawny monster that killed and ate his own mother
he and vander do end up friends as in canon, i dont doubt b/c vander took pity on this weird guy with a bad, bad reputation but a relatively skittish (if bitey, hah) personality 
like i said a lot of this au is just sort of various scenes playing out in my head- sil ends up attacking people occasionally and its a bloody fucking mess every time
hes a conniving, sneaky little schemer and any outright deals anyone makes with him always seem to fall in his favour
he has his skills, and he’s useful, and in his own way he’s a loving and devoted friend
he is still the deeply driven revolutionary we have in canon- he loves his home and his people but he’s harsh and not afraid to spill blood
the drowning incident occurs more or less the same but vander comes out of it with a lot more than just his arm wound- silco bites, and as it turns out under life or death circumstances he can be a lot less human than he’s always seemed
i dont think he knows he’s tahm kench’s offspring until the drowning incident, having some kind of “conversation” hallucination with the river king while under and learning of his parentage
ironically the shimmer he takes for his eye is a blessing- shimmer works as an appetite suppressant and as he gets older there are way, way less incidents
jinx knows her dad is weird and so does everyone working under him but for the most part its not a problem, yes the boss is fucking scary they all know this its nothing new
i think shit gets Real odd tho post-death
im not sure silco can be properly killed, not in a way that sticks right
his body gets dumped in the river and that should be the end of it, but i think perhaps there are strange sightings for years to come, mysterious disappearances of people who wander the shores alone
im playing with this ball of idea clay and having great fun with it, others can play too if they wanna
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fefairys · 1 year
all along when we've been writing we've sort of been imagining like fake discourse for everything that happens because it would be funny, yknow? all the while being like "lmao yeah because theres toooootally gonna be enough people reading this for it to have DISCOURSE lol good one" but now... there might be. but theyll just be directly in my ask box. fun 👍
hold on im gonna ramble real quick
homestuck has so much infamous memorable discourse that sometimes still makes the rounds to this day and its because it provides both sides of the argument within the text for you to choose which one to support. you can use the text to support two completely different sides of the argument.
you can say "the text says THIS so you're WRONG if you think otherwise!!!!" but then someone can come back and go "um obviously that part is the wrong part because the text ALSO says the OPPOSITE and you're STUPID to believe that the text is supporting your argument and not mine!!!!" this happens ALL over the place in homestuck. its insane. its awesome??? its terrible.
i think we are lowkey kind of doing that sometimes in psy. not as much or as drastically as homestuck, i'd say, but we kind of are providing two opposing sides of discourse, providing the language to argue for your side within the text, equally supporting both sides of the argument with the text. excited and scared to see how that goes. because sometimes its because we find merit in both arguments, both sides have good points etc, but sometimes there is a wrong answer, in our view. and individual characters can be right about some things but EXTREMELY wrong about other things, so you can never look at one character and go "this is the authors' Viewpoint Character, this character is the mouthpiece for the authors to tell us how they feel about the issues being shown" because thats NOT the case for literally anyone in the story. every single character expresses opinions we agree with AND ones we disagree with and thats fun to me :) i just really like it i really like doing that i love writing!!!! never trust anyone <3
i mean thats just part of writing i guess, like, inherently, but i'm just enjoying it. like im just really really pumped and excited about writing rn and i want to scream about it. nothing revolutionary or anything just EEEEEE im VERY new to having more than like 3 people actually read my writing and tell me what they think about it, so. thats a whole new world to me that im seeing. and anticipating specific types of peoples reactions to specific scenes is very fun lol
ok thats all my alarm just went off goodbye
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mister-kisser · 2 years
I just got done with my first playthrough of The Forest (2018) and I liked it alot. It was a really cool take on both open-world survival and survival horror. I feel most open-world survival games these days don't really havr very threatening stakes. Like nothing really drives an anxiety in you that you won't survive the day. And the survival horror genre as a whole isn't really what my interpretation of survival in games is. To me survival is finding and managing the basic needs for humam survival: food, water, and shelter. Most games I see that are called survival horror don't have you worrying about any of that. They focus more on managing ammo or health or just inventory space. The Forest is the first game I've played that I actually consider a true survival horror, because it has you managing your basic human needs and its *fucking scary*. The main threat to your survival doesn't present itself immediatley. The plane crashes and you just wander out into this northern forest landscape, and the only threat to your survival seems to be your thirst, hunger, and exposure. But you feel like somethings not right. You hear animal calls that don't sound like any animal you've seen before. You hear bushes being rustled just out of sight. You see movement in the tree line. This sense of dread may have been different for me since I knew what this threat was going in, so I can't say for sure the experience of someone going in blind. But my prior knowledge didn't really lessen the impact of the reveal. It might happen during the day while your building or gatheringbor hunting, gradually coming out of the bushes to observe. It might be at night my the campfire, it running past into the light just long enough for you to tell what it is. The cannibals revealing themselves will be shock when you first play, no matter how much about the game yoy knew going in. I fucking love that. I love how they don't just attack you at first sight, but start out by just observing, seeing if theres opportunity for an easy kill. I love how when they start to attack in groups, they fan out and surround you and attack all at once. I love how they have a sense of self preservation, backing off or running away when they're sufficently injured or one of their buddies is killed. Their behavoir is so fascinating, so wonderful. I used to think The Forest was a bit of a tuber game, seeing it so much on youtube lets plays. But its so much more than that. It's really a revolutionary take on survival games, and is the closest I've felt to fight or flight in a game. But now I make the switch to its flaws, which did not completley ruin my enjoyment, but were certainly annoying. There are a surplus of glitches to experience. Nothing really game breaking, but plenty that are annoying. Running into a bush or rock with the log sled sends you 15 feet in the air and takes a chunk out of your health when you land. When chopping up a body in a cave, the right leg *consistently* dissapears into the floor. Placement of buildings can be really wacky at times. The list goes on. The cave layout also feels wuite confusing. If exploring them wasn't required to finish the game this would be fine, but I was left running in circles trying to find what I needed to finish. There is a map of the caves you get that reveals itself as you explore, but it doesn't really help. Its not quite consistent with the actual layout and doesn't differentiate between the layers of the caves. I got to a point where I was frustrated and just wanted to finish the game so I went on the wiki to figure it out, which is not something you really want to do in a game with a mysterious story. Going on the wiki leaves you vunreable to spoilers, which I got plenty of. It's dissapointing to have ended it that way. But again I really enjoyed the game as a whole. The survival aspects, being under constant observation and assault by the cannibals, and just overall atmosphere makes it for me.
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omujijjiritjjirit14 · 7 months
thoughts #1: Kaleidoscope by Goldberry
link to story: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2212118/1/
its another of many stories that were written before my parents had even conceived me
I'd seen this story floating around a lot for yearssssss from the general search bar to ppls favorites lists but for some reason i'd never clicked on it until today. I can really say that i regret not reading it sooner. The first thought i had after finishing the story was "younger me was so stupid..." I guess the description scared me off but looking back idk how it couldve been scary at all. I guess i should attritube that to my low level reading comprehension at the time but anyway
Goldberry is kinda mother (or father idk)... they're like a major diety in nejitenism everyone knows them and respects them. Their work was revolutionary.. its mandatory curriculum at all schools in nejitenlandia. Ive always wished i was born sooner to witness the golden age of nejiten but also that would mean id be old af now (no offense). That reminds me.. i was gonna say i wonder how goldberry is now and how they're doing now (are they alive?!) but clicking on their ffn page.... they literally publiushed a genshin impact story like 4 months ago bruh
ANYWAY here is my official review of "Kaleidoscope"
At first i was just gagged at how good the writing was. Like the opening scene scared me cuz it seemed wordy (im stupid) but im glad i fought through it (theres nothing to fight thru its pretty light if ur not stupid). They are so descriptive and smart in their writing. Theyre especially good at creating rly specific tones.. kinda withdrawn and melancholy which perfectly fits neji in that time in the story. Ya so i was just gagged at how intelligent the writing is. Its a great example of how tone can be used to characterize
The story itself is so perfect for me cuz i lowk hate ooc super sweet kekekuku stories (SOMETIMES) but this was so smooth and intimate without being all up in ur pussy idk how else to describe it but it just fit nejiten's dynamic so well cuz u know... theyre not kekekuku but are still scarily close in their own way
I think ppl are scared of writing friends to lovers cuz how do u even write someone realizing their feelings. Usually its like the guy sees the girl in a dress or something and is like wow😍😍😍😍😍💦💦💦💦💦i actually like you 😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️ but here its a very thought out and natural realization that you dont even realize how sudden it is (DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE):
"After about half an hour they would settle, each of them slipping off into dreamland. Neji, however, did not that night. There was a thought turning in his mind, taking on different shapes as he added to it. Finally, when he was sure he knew what it meant, he turned over, his milky eyes finding her shape in the darkness."
This was so good liek instead of actually painstakingly rifling through his thoughts its just a few short sentences in summary. I guess the main point is the outcome rather than the actual inner turmoil or wtvr. Actually we dont even know if it was turmoil, it certainly isnt phrased like one. "Thought turning," "taking on different shapes as he added to it," its just an eventual conclusion after thorough exploration. So cute im kekekuku and then the next line..
"Neji knew."
It's so short but so meaningful. Like ya. He knows. He doesnt fight it or zealously double down on it. He just lets it sit and exist. Nejiten ffn is famous for letting things just sit and exist, its a very hmm... idk the right word... professional? Withdrawn? ship... idk if u get it u get it
It even says it in the story, its a surprising "but not unwelcome" revelation. He himself doesnt even know what to think about it but its okay because things will happen when they happen
Looking back its a bittersweet ending knowing how nejiten turned out liekk i kinda feel bad for the author.. little did they know what the future held.... but im still glad they wrote and kept this story out there like thankGOD
I have a million more thoughts but school is beating my ass and i havent even started my math hw i just needed to get this out of my system
Oh also i would pair this story with the song "seasons" by wave to earth. Esp the beginning. Its a super slow descension into the main melody but when the main song hits IT HITS and it kinda reminded me of this story. Nejiten's fall into something more is super gradual and slow and barely noticeable like on a random rainy night in a random inn far away but IT HITS.... trust me....(i sound crazy) also the second part of the song "i cant be ur love im afraid ill ruin ur life" ... iykyk (i dont know)
But ya thats all i have for now final rating 10/10 so cute so kekekuku so nejiten so intelligent
post read feeling:
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feralfens · 3 years
watching the kings affection is just constant sobbing and crying with joy and sadness when one is gay and trans
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roughentumble · 4 years
Excerpt from a fic I’ll never write
just a silly little idea that I couldn’t get out of my head. Can’t quite get it to work right, either, so don’t rake me over the coals too hard for it, just wanted to make it leave my head.
For context, they’re sitting in a tree.
What happens next seems to happen all at once, though, by her understanding of linear time, that doesn't seem exactly possible. They must have an order-- a sequence, her mind insists-- but it happens so fast, everything layering over each other, so all she sees is,
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Her mind reels from the input, stuttering over it and rehashing it like a play before her eyes, trying to catch up to the current moment, trying to apply a timeline. Paintings all in a row. Have to get the order right or the story doesn't make sense, so first is,
Jaskier-- he stood, he must've stood, but in her mind it's more like he's crouched one moment and standing the next, the memory choppy, stopping and starting, a flipbook missing pages-- Jaskier is standing, one foot braced on a particularly thick branch in front of them, legs spread wide, stance firm, bow string pulled taught-- when had he notched an arrow?-- mouth pinched from the jovial grin it'd bore not a moment ago into a taught line, all casualness dropped from his facade.
And next must be-- but before the words have even left his mouth, it's like Geralt is reacting to something else entirely, the rustle of the leaves or the inhale before the warning, or... something else, something intrinsic, he's moving like it's telepathy-- but the sound must come before the movement, otherwise the timeline doesn't make sense, so Jaskier shouts, "Geralt, get down!"
And Geralt ducks down low, crouching on the forest floor,
and the arrow flies, straight and true,
zwip, right by her ear, she could swear, the sound somehow so loud, drowning out the beast's roar,
and then the beast falls over,
collapses on the ground,
the shaft of the arrow protruding from it's open eye socket.
There's a beat of silence-- and suddenly, acutely, she is aware that the moment of silence is this moment, she's caught up, now, and she gasps, breathes for the first time in many long seconds, feels lightheaded and fuzzy and suddenly desperate for air, and realizes that she's arranging that onto her mental timeline as well, so maybe she isn't caught up yet, and, oh dear, what if the rest of her life is spent playing catch-up? What if she never experiences time how she used to again? She takes another gasp in, but doesn't remember breathing out. She makes it a point to breathe out.
Jaskier jumps-- or, he must jump, because one moment he's still perched in the tree, everyone still and silent and waiting to make sure the beast doesn't get back up again, and the next the beast hasn't gotten back up again and he's thumping down against the ground, landing on his feet like a cat-- but she's focused on her breathing, staring right at the blood, sticky and red and spreading, world focused and narrowed so she doesn't even know he's moved, doesn't even look back over until the noise.
"Well," he says brightly, casual as ever, "that was bracing, wasn't it?"
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in-the-dollpalace · 2 years
time periods AG has not covered yet
It has been stated here alot  that they could cover the same decade twice with a differant POV, since alot of interesting things have happened every year depending on where, and who you are, as demonstrated by Nanea, Molly, and Emily; or Samantha and Nellie, etc. But here are some decades that they have not covered at all.
-any time before 1760s. Beleive it or not, there is american histry pre-revolution. My american history class started with Columbus and Jamestown. And lets be honest, if AG ever does do this time period, they will probably go the settler/pilgrim route. BUT if they wern’t cowards, they could do any time period with native americans, even all the way back to pre historic times. There are many different and unique native tribes with beautiful cultures and history. They can, and should, explore that more.
-the rest of the 1700s. There is nothing for 1780s, 1790s, or 1800s. I think exploring the actual revolutionary war and the post-war years of the new country trying to put itself together would be interesting
-1830s and 1840s. there is a gap between the 1820s and 1850s that they have never filled, and i think there could be some interesting topics there
-the second half of the 1800s. Its crazy how they jumped straight from mid-century with addy, all the way to the next with samantha. Theres just such a huge gap, and this is where the most want has been here on AG tumblr. I see lots of people complaining about the lack of late 1800s dolls, and seen many cool OCs too. I just feel like there is an untapped potential here.
-1920s. AG has payed the most attention to the 1900s, it seems. This is fine, considering how much the world rapidly changed in the century, I suppose. But there is one decade that is notebly missing. It is unknown why they have avoided this decade so far, especially considering that it is right up their ally with the others they have rolled out these last few years. But there are rumors of a 1920s dolls coming soon, so who knows
-1990s. This is one that is a controversial topic from what i’ve seen. Lots of people seem to think it is too recent, but everyone also thought the same about Julie and Courtney when they came out. The reality is, after about 40 years, AG considers it history. Molly came out in the 80s, Julie in the 2000s, courney in the early 2020s, etc. And the rest of the 1900s girls were filled in along the way. So I do truely think that by the late 2020s or early 2030s, they will make a 90s girl.
-any 21st century. At the moment im writing this, I do not think that they ever will extend the historical line into the 2000s and beyond, because the GOTY already covers every single year of this century as a “modern” story (which some have already become period pieces as we get further and further away from that year) but who knows. I would not be suprised if there was a 2000s girl by the 2040s. Or maybe the historical line will be defunct by then based on the pattern of AG pushing it further and further out of focus. I truely do not know
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