#theres a small chance i manage to draw something im happy with and proud of
afternines · 7 months
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silverwing2522 · 6 years
Silverwing: The Red Thread (7)
OMG im so happy!! This is the first time finishing a fanfic story! I mean theres many in this series lol but writing is hard for me. I had adhd and autism, so for me it can be quite difficult. I'm really proud of this one and i hope y'all like it :D
“So, we’re all in agreement. This is what we’re going to do.” Danny stands with his arms folded in the drawing room of the x mansion.
Me, victor and danny had been discussing about what we were going to do about my pregnancy.
“Absolutely!” Victor stepped up, head held high.
What we had concluded was that we would jointly live for the next 9 months in the apartment danny owned in new york city, all three of us. Which meant that danny and i would be separate from K’un Lun during that time. He was not happy about it, but he still understood and reluctantly accepted the conditions.
Later while Victor was sleeping i slipped into dannys room. He was awake, thinking the same thoughts i was.
How were we going to explain this when we returned home?
As much as we had been getting along better recently, this would be more than a stretch to be believed. There was no way anyone could believe that this was really ours.
“This isnt going to be easy..” I sit down on the edge of the bed in my silk long nightgown, facing away from him.
“I know, but theres not much that can be done about it. Youve made up your mind youre keeping it, so...we just gotta hope everyone believes that its mine. On the plus side though, at least Victor is blonde…” He said, lightheartedly. Typical danny, always seeing the positive in things.
“Yeh.” I gave a small light chuckle in reply. “I just really want this danny. I wanted it a long time ago, but then….things happened and i thought it was all over. But now...now i-i might finally get it. I cant let that go. And i know how much this means to Victor too. This is OUR kid. Mine and his.”
“Sess, you dont need to explain it to me. I know, its okay. I can already see you really want it. So have it. We’ll work out the details later. We’ve got plenty of time to prepare.” He smiles at me warmly.
I touch his hand and thank him. “Okay, so whats got you all pensive then?” I ask, confused. I was certain it was about the pregnancy, but clearly it was something else.
“I was thinking of my future. I mean...you’re married-” “Twice.” “-twice, yeh! And i’m...i dont have anyone. I had misty, but that didnt really work.” He sighs and flops his head back onto the pillow. “I guess i’m feeling lonely. Here you are, expecting. All glowing and happy. And… i guess a part of me wishes i had that.” He looked at me so forlornly. I didnt really know to say. The chances of the right girl coming along and being okay with me being tied to him were slim to none.
“You do. In a way. You have me, in a very unconventional sense. We’re stuck together, which means you’re part of this new family thats being founded as we speak. You’re a part of this dan.” I smirk as i think of my next response. “Someones got to be a good god parent! Get some morals into them! Goodness knows it aint gonna come from me or Vic” I laugh.
He chuckles in response and sighs wearily. “I guess” and gives a small smile.
I know its not quite what he wants, but its the best i can give. Its all i can give.
A thought strikes me, but i quickly ignore it. Can danny be having feelings for me? No, my mind rejects the very notion. He cant!
I start to trudge back to bed, burdened with uncomfortable thoughts.
“Sessa…” he calls me back.
“Yeah?” I turn to face him from the doorway, hesitant about what he might say next.
“What you gonna do about logan?” I sigh with mixed relief. This topic was slightly easier in comparison, which said a lot!
“Nothing. Theres nothing i can do, because of the baby. The only thing i can think of is to help him back to his homeworld, so he can find peace there somehow. Be buried with his family at least. If it gets to that.”
Saying out loud was horrible. I was essentially letting a man die. But i wasnt going to let go of this baby to help him. And nothing else seemed like it was going to work, so sending him back seemed like the best option. Part of me wanted to do that, just so that i didnt have to watch him die, or hear about it.
“Is that all?” Danny was unimpressed, but understood the situation and the circumstances surrounding it. Yet he still found it necessary to ask. As much as we had been getting along better lately, it was still fraught with conflict between us. He still said and did thoughtless things that angered me.
I stamped my foot a little on the bare wood floor and huffed at him. “What do you want me to give him?! A parade?! Yes danny! Thats all!”
He motions for me to calm down. “Its just...i...i feel like...i dont know.”
“Well thats just great! Goodnight!” And then just like that i was out of the door, heading back to my room. I knew how he felt and what he was trying to say. I felt it too. I felt that there must be something to be done. Some fix. Some other answer. And maybe there could be during the next several months. Some secret revealed. Some device discovered. Something that didnt hinge on me!
But there wasnt. And after five months Logan had gotten worse. It wasnt just his healing factor failing him now, his overall health as at an all time critical low. He struggled to move around, and when he did he would soon stop from being breathless.
He understood my decision and accepted it. But standing here, it was hard to witness it.
He laid a shaky hand on my bump and whispered low and hoarsely to me. “If its a boy, make sure you name it James.” and he winks a cheeky smile at me.
I smile and laugh back. “I’ll see what i can do.” I hold both in hands in mine. “I have something for you, just in case.”
We stood below the city of K’un Lun where the jewel of tabentha was kept. Using the machinery used to create portals to realms and dimensions, we managed to find a doorway to his homeworld. It stood there in front of us, blazing a hot mid days sun through it onto us. Sand swept through the portal and landed at our feet.
“Looks like a good day”. He laughs and holds my hands tighter in his.
I say nothing but move my hands to lay on top of his. Nestled in his palm is a small vile of blood and bone marrow. Mine.
He looks down and frowns in confusion.
I bow my head nearer to his, face to face. “Just in case you find a way.”
In the five months i had been trying to help hank and jean find a way to synthesize my unique adapting gene, so it could be used as part of a therapy regime for logan. But unfortunately we had no luck with that avenue.
So this was my last ditch attempt, that maybe he could find something or someone there that could use it to help him.
My last gift. My only gift for him.
He cups my cheek and grounds it in his palm roughly. He sniffs deeply, scrunching up his face keeping the tears at bay. His head held high he exhales and walks away into the light.
And like that, he is gone. The portal shuts off and we, me and danny are left alone in the dim light of the temple’s basement. We dont say anything. But he moves to put his arms around me. And i start to cry for the first time in eighty years.
Its strange to think that five months ago i looked at logan and felt nothing. No affection, no connection, nothing but a stranger. An annoyance. But now, i felt like something important had just stepped out of my life. Its funny how life does that sometimes.
But i am comforted in knowing what i felt before he left. Not a man who was afraid of what was to come, but of one who was hopeful what what still might be.
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