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topoffyourhat · 8 years ago
Signal Boost Time!!! :D
It’s that time again people and a lot has changed since the last 1!!!  I’m now the proud member of not just this blog but 3 others but before I list those, I thought I’d go through fandoms and stuff I like and am already a part of so please like, reblog, ask/anon, or follow me if you’re into the following and I will definitely do the same for ya’ll in return:
- Supernatural
- Buffy/Angel
- Riverdale 
- Gravity Falls (Carved a Bill Cipher pumpkin last halloween if that strikes your fancy :P) - Steven Universe (Play some mean covers from the show on my guitar or the uke :P)
- Archer
- Bob’s Burgers
- Futurama
- Avatar the Last Airbender (Not a Korra fan sorry)
- Yugioh
- Pokemon
- Inuyasha
- Full Metal Alchemist
- Naruto
- Any Marvel/DC
- All Disney
- Harry Potter
- Hunger Games
And if you’re looking for other blogs to follow here are my other 3:
1. @therealimpala67: If you like Supernatural and fanfiction then you’ve come to the “write” place (get it haha I’m so proud of myself).  I mostly do imagine fics and strictly use this blog for writing purposes only (because I’m too stubborn and lazy to have to remember to post to my personal blog and fandom blogs blah blah blah).  I’m always taking requests/prompt ideas and enjoy feedback so hit me up. 
2. @bugheadbeliever113: Along the lines of my Supernatural blog if you like Riverdale and fanfiction, then you’ve come to the “write” place (I couldn’t help myself again haha).  I use this blog strictly for writing purposes only too (for the same reason mentioned above).  I absolutely love Bughead with a burning passion and am always taking requests/prompt ideas and am currently looking for people to RP Bughead with me so if any of these interest you hit me up.
3. @smellslikelibidotarians: Okay so this 1 is drastically different than my other blogs because the username is exactly what it looks and sounds like.  This is “sex” or “porn” blog and by that I just post sexy gifs and what not nothing of me whatsoever so if you like that kind of thing too hit me up.
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ao3feed-castiel · 8 years ago
Stand By You
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rxNKJB
by therealimpala67 (TopOffYourHat)
(Song Fic: "Stand By You" Rachel Platten) Imagine finding out Castiel is Lucifer’s new vessel…
Words: 3060, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Castiel, Lucifer (Supernatural), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Castiel (Supernatural)/Original Female Character(s)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rxNKJB
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ao3feed-crowley · 8 years ago
Hung Up
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rxPVNn
by therealimpala67 (TopOffYourHat)
Crowley calling Dean to talk to him about some business but then hears your voice in the background...
Words: 2639, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Crowley (Supernatural), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2rxPVNn
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therealimpala67 · 8 years ago
100 Notes for Tequila?! 😍😍😍
You guys are absolutely amazing!!! Seriously like round of applause for all of you thank you so much!!! You are the reason I do this and why I love writing!!! I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the new fic and can't wait to put more material out!!! Also remember to check out my other fics if you haven't already and if you have prompt/request ideas, please don't be afraid and feel free to send them to me and I swear I'll get to them in a timely matter!!! I love you all so much and in honor of the success I'm gonna go take a shot of tequila so here's to all of you lovelies!!! ❤❤❤
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therealimpala67 · 8 years ago
Hung Up
A/N: Hey guys it’s been for freaking ever in a day!!!  I’m so sorry about not updating in literally a god damn year as many excuses as I have I can’t using them as an excuses!!!  Anywho I’ve been working on this fic for over a year and every chance I got to write, I always had to stuff to do, I was tiree, or I got writer’s block (which is fucking annoying by the way). I dont know why I finally got my groove back tonight of all nights but I had to take advantage of it because I was on a roll and had to stay up to finish it.  I really am proud of this 1 and while I miss writing smut (I promise I’ll do a smutty fic next) I just loved the prompt and thought it writing it through Crowley’s pov would be fucking hysterical!!!  So here ya go peeps!!!  Hope you enjoy and please, please, PLEASE, feel free to give me feedback of any kind because we all know I need it!!!  I love you guys so much and am glad to be back!!!  :D
Here’s the prompt: Prompt:  Crowley calling Dean to talk to him about some business but then hears your voice in the background. 
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8 hours, 8 fucking hours you’ve been attempting to get in touch with them now and by them you mean, those bloody Winchesters.  All of hell knew that you were practically besties, let’s face it.  You were constantly working together and while you have your moments: fighting and almost killing each other because of the whole Heaven, Hell, Winchester feud, you’ve definitely grown to hate them a little less, even though you didn’t want to admit it; however, this doesn’t excuse their actions; I mean, honestly, how hard was it to answer the damn phone?!  You kind of expected this type of move from Moose, considering his girly haired head was always shoved in a book but not from Squirrel, you have each other on speed dial after Demon Dean days and you were feeling a wee bit fed up by their lack of attentiveness.  You could only angrily pace around hell’s premises and take your anger out on your henchmen for so long before waiting for a response.  You felt like a bloody school girl waiting for the boy next door to ask you out.  You decided to check and see if your daughter Y/N was home in the meantime, you haven’t heard much from her lately and she always knew how to take your mind off of these things.  You walked down the corridor to her room, knocking on the door.  No answer.  Strange.  You knocked again a little more impatiently this time.  She couldn’t have snuck out, she knows better than to disobey your rules.  Finally you decided to force the door open, you’ll replace it later, and realized that your precious angel wasn’t there!  
You were steaming at this point now trying to get in touch with her and just like those damn Winchesters, no fucking answer!  Why the hell is it so damn hard to answer a bloody phone call?!  Do people not know who you are, yet alone what you’re capable of?!  Just as you were about to start a manhunt for your little girl, your phone beeped.  You immediately swiped left and discovered a text from Y/N:
“Stayed over at Grannie’s.  Will be home later tonight for dinner, love you!” You knew you raised her right and while you’re relieved knowing where she’s at, you always questioned why she loves her grandmother so much.  Even though you hated your mother for not being the mum you always needed growing up, at least she was able to be for your daughter.  When she first found out about Y/N, she was definitely stunned to say the least saying she never expected her little Fergus to successfully procreate and despite knowing your mother abandoned you and her history with the Coven, Y/N made quite the impression and just as you first fell for her, so did your mother, who had a lot of lost time to make up for.  While you both had different parenting views over your daughter, Y/N always made it very clear that you were a family and that it was high time you started acting like one so you both put aside your grudges for her, at least while she was there.  You left her room walking back to your throne room when your phone started buzzing.  
Would you look at that: Dean Winchester, it was about bloody time!  You exhaled loudly as you clicked the answer button preparing for the inevitable conversation. 
“Only 9 hours late, Squirrel.  Were you busy stocking up on nuts for the winter,” you taunted.
“Ya know some of us need this thing called sleep, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it before,” Dean groggily remarked.
“I don’t care if you’re on your bloody death bed, you answer when I damn well call,” you hissed throwing a wine glass shattering it against the brick wall.  Your guards awkwardly stared before quickly showing themselves out, smart.
“Yes dear,” Dean sarcastically rebuttled.
“Don’t sass me,” you growled, “That’s Moose’s job and you are well aware that it’s around noon.”
“And,” Dean yawned as he got up and put on his robe leaving his room. “And normal humans like yourself are up around this time doing something somewhat more counter productive than laying around,” you lectured.
“Look I had a late night last night,” Dean sighed as he walked into the kitchen and started making coffee, “So please spare me the lecture.”
“The point is I’ve been calling you and Moose the past 9 hours straight to no avail until now when you suddenly decide to be available to your own liking not mine and if it obviously wasn’t important,” you started.
“God damn it then Crowley, get to the god damn point,” Dean barked slamming his fist roughly on the counter accidentally causing a coffee mug to slide off and shatter on the floor, “Son of a bitch!”
“You know, I don’t like your attitude Winchester,” you stated very matter of factly while Dean was trying to clean up the mess from the shattered coffee cup, “All I’m trying to do is relay some important information that could potentially help you and Moose stop Amara and this is what I get?  I’m going to make this very quick and hope that your acorn sized brain can understand everything…”
“Yea yea yea,” Dean ignored before hearing footsteps approaching the kitchen, “Hey give me a sec.  Sammy just found a case,” he halted you before you could continue and quickly hit the mute button and put his phone in his robe pocket.   You have got to be bloody kidding me.  Doesn’t he know by know that nobody puts the King of Hell on hold?  You’re not their booty call and the fact that he’s treating you as such infuriates you even more.  You sigh in frustration angrily drumming your fingers against the arm of your throne hoping that he makes it quick because you’re a very busy man with a kingdom to rule.
“Hey is everything alright,” a feminine voice asked in concern.  
Didn’t he mute you and as much as you joke about Moose’s girlishness that voice sounds way to feminine to be Moose.  Very strange indeed but you proceeded to listen in since you had the opportunity.
“Just a broken coffee mug, everything’s fine.  Sorry baby I didn’t mean to wake you up,” Dean apologized before the woman wrapped her arms around his neck.
Baby?  That’s what he meant by late night, he brought home some hussy and showed her his “family business.”  Repulsed by the thought you shook your head in disgust while trying to remain as quiet as possible to continue your eavesdropping.
“Don’t worry about it,” she smiled as she started pressing light kisses along his neckline, “I’ve woken up to way worse, trust me and I’m just glad you’re okay.  Are you hurt anywhere,” she asked checking up and down to see if there were any cuts on Dean’s body. “Not at all and you know I’m tough,” he chuckled before nibbling gently on your earlobe as she sighed in pleasure, “Although I don’t mind playing doctor again,” he winked as he squeezed your breasts in his hands as she moaned and threw her head back..
You rolled your eyes, he’s like a horny teenage boy trying to get into some girl’s pants with cheesy one liners.  
“Just call me Dr. Sexy,” she grinned as she untied his robe, “And based off of that phone call, you sound pretty stressed so I’m ordering you to bed rest for the rest of the day,” you trailed your fingers all the way down his chest stopping right above his package. 
There was something familiar about this woman’s voice and you just couldn’t put your finger on it.  Maybe because it was so muffled and couldn’t hear much of what she was saying but you were kind of curious as to who this mystery woman was that has Squirrel so wrapped around her finger. 
 Dean bit back a moan and and wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you closer, “Oh sweetheart, as much as I’d like that Crowley has some news about possibly stopping Amara.”
“Psh yea right,” she scoffed while scratching her nails down his back, “He’s just telling you that in hopes that you could do his dirty work for him and he can take all the credit.  Believe me, I know how my dad works.”
“Very true the fact that he still hasn’t caught onto us yet is pretty fucking hysterical if you ask me,” Dean grinned as he squeezed your breasts in his hands as she moaned and threw her head back.
Who hasn’t caught onto what yet?  You suddenly had a very bad feeling about eavesdropping onto this conversation.
“I told him I was staying with Grannie Rowena and he fell for it hook, line, and sinker,” she giggled as Dean slid his hands down her hips resting on her clothed pussy, “Daddy’s overbearingly overprotective but he’s also very gullible.  The only way he’d ever find out about us is if he overheard us or saw us which I doubt will ever happen.”
That better not be who you bloody think it is.  You’ve never prayed a day in life up until this moment but for the love of Chuck please don’t be…
“Hey Y/N,” Dean smirked wiggling his eyebrows at you while slamming your back against the fridge as you gasped at the roughness, “Who’s your daddy?” 
Oh.  Hell.  No.  
Dean was suddenly thrown against the wall and being beat in face repeatedly.
“Y/N,” Dean yelled between each punch, “What the hell is going on?!  So my joke went a little far but is it worth trying to fucking kill me?!”
“Are you bloody serious right now,” she yelled in disgust as she kept slamming her fist into his face, “Out of all the people you decide to boink right now you choose my fucking daughter you bloody cocksucker,” her eyes flashed red.
“Oh fuck,” Dean gasped in realization, “Crowley.”
“Damn right it’s me in here,” you spoke through her vessel.
“Crowley this has gone too fucking far man,” Dean projected.
“This has gone too fucking far,” you scoffed in disbelief, “You’re seriously going to accuse me of going too far when you’ve been sleeping with my god damn daughter?!”
“Look Crowley I can explain,” Dean started before you grabbed him by the throat lifting him up so his feet were dangling.
“Explain what,” you hissed, “That you’re using my little girl for your own sick, twisted pleasure?!  I know you Dean Winchester, I know your type, I know your life.  You’re just a play boy looking for a new toy until you get tired of it and toss it aside like trash!  Your life never allows for settling down, yet alone happy endings, look at your bloody family and the rest of your loved ones you let die!”
 “Don’t you dare speak for her,” Dean coughed out his face starting to turn purple, “She’s an adult Crowley and can make her own decisions, including who she wants to be with!  Let her out to speak for herself and we’ll talk this out!”
“Like hell we will,” you spat out in rage, “She’s my little girl Dean!  If you think for one second I’m going to let you use or hurt her you’ve got another thing coming!  I’m not letting you put her in more danger than she’s already in being my daughter and if that means staying in her vessel the rest of time I damn well will!”
“Well I’m not going to let you use her and destroy her fucking life just because I’m in love with her,” Dean professed.  A tear slid down her face and her grip slowly loosened as Dean fell onto the floor gasping for breaths.  You felt her fighting back for control as you increased your restrains. 
 “I’m in love with your daughter.  I know I’m not worthy of her; hell, I don’t come fucking close but she’s the greatest woman I’ve ever met and the best thing that’s ever happened to me!   Look I get it, she’s your little girl and I have no idea what that’s like but I would do absolutely anything for her: die, go back to hell or purgatory, lose my soul, face you, you name it!  I just want what’s best for her and for her to be happy whether it’s with or without me and even though I’m scared outta my fucking mind I’ve never wanted something so much in my entire life!  So don’t think for one second I’ll ever stop loving her, because I won’t so please just let her out.”
God damn it.  He gave a fucking romantic speech and everything and you can feel your daughter coming undone.  It was only a matter of seconds before she broke free of your control.  You quickly fled her vessel and quickly transferred back to yours and poofed back into the bunker.
“Dean is what all you said true,” she asked still in complete and utter shock over his confession.
“Meant every damn word,” he confessed as she looked over towards you. “Y/N, darling,” you started.
“Don’t,” you stopped him, “I’m talking now.  I really should hate your guts your taking advantage of me like that.”
You looked down.  This was the moment you were always afraid of: the one where you pushed your one and only daughter away.
“But I won’t,” she sighed, “ Look daddy I know that you’re just looking out for me but I’m a grown woman and can take care of myself now and just because I’m growing up doesn’t mean I’m not your little girl anymore and that I won’t need you anymore.  I love him so much daddy.  Will you please give him a chance?”
“You’re not little mermaiding me right now.  I don’t want you dating a bloody Winchester and that’s final,” you order before she looks up at, “Don’t you dare give me the hell hound eyes.”
“Please daddy, for me,” she begs.
You’ve always been the one to give your little girl any and every thing she’s ever wanted and even though the thought of Squirrel being romantically with your daughter completely and utterly disgusts you…
“Fine,” you admit begrudgingly under your breath.
“What was that,” she grins, “I couldn’t hear you under your complete and utter defeat.”
 “Don’t make repeat myself Y/N,” you counter back as you walk over to Dean, “I will be doing routinely visits to see if you’re treating her to my liking.  Oh and if you hurt her in anyway shape or form Squirrel I swear Amara and Lucifer will be the least of your worries,” you quietly threatened before looking over at your daughter, “I expect you at dinner tonight.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” she smiles as she walks over to you and gives you a hug, “I love you daddy, thank you for everything.” Normally you would show more affection around your daughter but you had to keep your King of Hell persona up.
“See you at home,” you departed and poofed back to your lair.
“So that was a thing,” Dean stated uncomfortably.
“Yep,” she sighed in relief as she walked over to him and gently caressed his face with her hand, “Man he really got you good.”
“Don’t remind me,” he winced, “You have a killer left hook by the way.”
“Like father like daughter,” you grinned as you grabbed him by the hand leading him to his bedroom, 
“Come on let’s get these patched up, daddy.”
“Oh I’ll show you who’s your daddy baby girl,”Dean smirked as he shuts the door and pushes you onto the bed.
“Hey guys what did I miss OH SWEET CHUCK!” 
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