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fairsun · 5 hours ago
duncan from macbeth as mayor. macbeth as deputy mayor. he’s trying to get duncan killed to take over as mayor then running for re-election at end of term. lady macbeth as his power hungry wife who encourages him to do whatever it takes then feels guilty when it comes to fruition. hehehe.
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fairsun · 1 day ago
juliet slocg au in which she and whit are best friends because they come from similar backgrounds and understand each other in a way that no one else around them could.... yeah.
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fairsun · 2 days ago
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General Sentences, Vol. 23
(Assorted original sentences. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"How did you manage to get us an invitation to this party?"
"Are you going to be angry all evening?"
"Do you ever think of me?"
"This place is amazing!"
"I'm going to miss you while you're gone."
"How can you be so cruel?"
"You asked to see me?"
"We don't have any fun! Not like we used to!"
"You are not going out dressed like that!"
"Do you have an issue with me?"
"Keep this up and you'll be sleeping in the spare room tonight!"
"It's called work-life balance. Maybe try it sometime?"
"Kneel before me."
"Not everything is about you!"
"What's that supposed to do?"
"You can drop the sarcasm!"
"Do you have a favourite child?"
"You're drinking too much."
"Can't it wait until after dinner?"
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"Nothing lasts, except for me."
"I think your name is beautiful."
"Have you been feeling alright lately?"
"Do you like me?"
"Is this your way of apologising?"
"Why are you late?"
"When did you get so bitter?"
"You just sit there and be quiet."
"You need professional help."
"I'm not who you think I am."
"Come to bed. It'll all seem better in the morning."
"You have beautiful eyes."
"I believe you - this time."
"Are you telling me you don't love me anymore?"
"What have you been doing all day?"
"I can't imagine you having any kind of childhood."
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"I don't care for history."
"Do you always talk to yourself?"
"Perhaps you'd like to know my name?"
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fairsun · 2 days ago
some  ideas  for  first  meeting  prompts  that  may  help  break  the  ice  between  characters .  feel  free  to  amend  contexts  &  roles  where  required !  violent  &  alcohol  related  prompts  present . 
[ BAR ]  :   for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  bar  [ DINER ]  :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  diner / restaurant   [ SAVE ] :  for  your  muse  to  step  in  to  save  my  muse  in  a  fight  [ FAKE ] :  for  your  muse  to  pretend  to  know  my  muse  in  public  to  save  them  from  a  difficult  encounter [ RUN ] :  for  your  muse  to  grab  my  muse’s  hand  and  tell  them  to  run  [ STEAL ]  :  for  your  muse  to  try  to  steal  from  my  muse  ( pickpocketing ,  in  their  home  etc  –  feel  free  to  specify  context ! ) [ STUDY ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  to  study / read   [ PICNIC ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  on  a  picnic  [ FIRST  DATE ] :  for  your  muse  to  meet  mine  for  a  first  date   [ BREAK  IN ] :  for  our  muses  to  break  in  somewhere  together  [ ATTACK ] :  for  your  muse  to  try  to  attack  mine  ( specify  context ! ) [ DANCE ] :  for  your  muse  to  invite  mine  to  dance  [ PAY ] :  for  your  muse  to  pay  for  my  muse’s  item(s)  ( specify  context ! ) [ TAXI ] :  for  our  muses  to  share  a  taxi  ride  somewhere [ CAR ] :  for  your  muse  to  jump  in  my  muse’s  car  and  tell  them  to  drive [ LOCKED  OUT ] :  for  your  muse  to  be  locked  out  of  their  apartment  &  to  ask  for  help  from  mine  [ DIY ] :  for  your  muse  to  ask  mine  for  help  with  diy  in  their  home  [ DARE ] :  for  your  muse  to  approach  mine  on  a  dare [ PATCH ] :  for  your  muse  to  help  mine  with  an  injury [ COMFORT ] :  for  your  muse  to  comfort  mine  [ SWIM ] :  for  your  muse  to  throw  mine  into  the  sea /  a  river /  pool  ( specify ! ) [ RESTRAINED ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  tied  up  together  [ CRY ]  :  for  your  muse  to  find  mine  crying   [ KIDNAP ] :  for  your  muse  to  kidnap  mine [ DRUNK ] :  for  your  muse  to  look  after  mine  while  drunk  [ ZOMBIE ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  in  a  zombie  attack  together  [ TRAPPED ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  trapped  somewhere  together  ( stuck  in  a  storm ?  kidnapped  together ?  dodgy  lock  on  a  door ? )  [ WARN ] :  for  your  muse  to  warn  mine  of  incoming  danger [ COFFEE SHOP ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  coffee  shop  /  café [ WORK ] :  for  your  muse  to  help  train  mine  on  the  first  day  of  their  job  [ ROOMMATES ] :   for  your  muse  to  be  my  muse’s  roommate  ( feel  free  to  specify  whether  in  a  college  or  a  regular  setting ! ) [ BOOKSHOP ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  in  a  bookshop  [ EVENT ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  at  a  charity  event   [ FUNDRAISING ] :  for  our  muses  to  team  up  to  raise  money  for  charity  ( feel  free  to  specify  potential  ideas ! ) [ COMPETITORS ] :  for  our  muses  to  be  rivals  in  a  competition  [ KARAOKE ] :  for  our  muses  to  sing  karaoke  together  [ MUTUAL  FRIEND ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  through  a  mutual  friend [ STOOD  UP ] :  for  your  muse  to  join  mine  on  a  date  after  noticing  that  they  have  been  stood  up [ MISSION ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  on  a  mission  [ UNDERCOVER ] :  for  your  muse  to  approach  mine  while  undercover [ MUSUEM ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  at  a  museum  [ ABANDONED ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  in  an  abandoned  building  [ STARGAZING ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  while  stargazing  [ ROOFTOP ] :  for  your  muse  to  find  mine  on  a  rooftop 
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fairsun · 3 days ago
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fairsun · 3 days ago
"fun" developments: i decided to keep this blog kind of minimalistic and low energy consuming since i want the focus to be on writing and worldbuilding, so i probably won't be making juliet a carrd any time soon. i have, however, created a sideblog (that is still a work in progress), where i will share lore details, npcs, and verse information and it will serve as an information hub into the universe as i am developing it. i'm very excited to write juliet and develop her in this capacity, and i'd also appreciate any recommendations for crime related muses as well. thank you! <33
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fairsun · 3 days ago
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Kate Baer, from What Kind of Woman: Poems; “To take back a life”
[Text ID: “the hunger to be held, to be wanted, to / be called from the streets like the family / dog. You are not a good girl. You are not / somebody’s otherness.”]
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fairsun · 3 days ago
i know i only mentioned rosaline in juliet's bio but tybalt still exists here. he is lorenzo's right hand, the heir to the capuleti family mafia. lorenzo trusts him enough, but still wants juliet to marry someone within the business just so the immediate family would still have part of the control.
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fairsun · 3 days ago
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Mahmoud Darwish, Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (trans. Ibrahim Muhawi) [ID'd]
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fairsun · 3 days ago
a brief history of juliet capuleti, private school edition :   before i begin, i just want to say that this is partly credited to  @afteriimage  for headcanoning this out with me and helping me realize / develop the similarities between a particular   xoxo, you know you love me   popular tv show and juliet's own life.   also, i wanna say that i gave juliet  serena  as her middle name originally and xera and i only came up with the gg comparisons  after  juliet's original blog and bio were already made.
so, obviously, per above, juliet attended private schools her entire life.   the moment juliet needed to go to school, she was brought into the finest institutions in the city.   her teenage years are what we'll focus on as they are the most formative.   juliet and serena are kind of alike, in the sense that from the moment school's started, she was thrusted into popularity with her family being who they are.   she was someone people  knew of  but never really  knew,  she was an enigma to them.   this  it girl  status was placed upon her without her truly wanting it, and juliet always looks for an  ' out '  in the same way that serena does because she doesn't actually wanna be hanging out with those people, especially since most of them are her parents' acquaintances' children.   but because they're people she's known her entire life, and they all have the same unfortunate background who see each other in all types of events,  she's forced to play nice.
she has her own "blair" of sorts, who remains to be named and it remains to be seen if i will have her as a shakespeare based character.   but the general gist of her and juliet's relationship is that  juliet holds a lot of power in the school due to her family.   she's the governor's daughter and even before that, her father makes lots of large donations to the school, and so the staff are expected to treat her well and they do.   her "blair" is a social climber, trying to use her connection to jules to win people's favour and get special treatment of her own.   the daughter of the attorney general at the time.   again, juliet find herself kind of just thrusted into this dynamic, and this person kind of gets the best of her despite her intentions.   if one of juliet's other friends made plans with her, this "blair" character would throw juliet and drag her into a different plan and she'd end up ditching the first friend.   unfortunately, juliet kind of has tunnel vision (especially heightened as a teen) and tends to forget other things if something comes up that would infringe upon different plans.   because this friend's always trying to take up her time and isolate her, juliet's had to go through many apology tours at the end of high school.
it's when they graduate that juliet finally gets rid of said "blair" character.   the other girl went off to some ivy league adjacent school while juliet chose to attend a more liberal arts university.   they still see each other occasionally during events thrown together by the state or her family, but it's easier to avoid her now,  which juliet would often do.
also, in the same line of similarities with that show, juliet is  very  into fashion.   living with a socialite for a mother and being pushed to attend certain events, having a politician for a father and having to present herself a certain way, and living in new york city has that effect on people.   juliet's outfits are always trendy or  about to be  trendy, especially when she goes to college and moves out of her parents' home, allowing her more freedom to dress how she wants.   she particularly likes wearing custom pieces as it makes her feel special, and she's always posting her outfits on social media (which is about the only thing she posts on those apps.   no one really knows a thing about juliet outside of her family and friends and she curates how you see her when you do.   daughter of a public figure trait.)
that's it for now, thanks for coming to my ted talk.   if you've read all this, ily.   <33
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fairsun · 3 days ago
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‘The girl never really lived, and so she has never really died.’ SIBYL VANE, the picture of dorian gray (1891)
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fairsun · 4 days ago
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“   isn't it nice to be somewhere nobody really knows or cares about who we are?   ”   juliet asks with a smile, glee all too obvious across her features.   being known for most of her life, always surrounded by friends  and enemies  of the family, tires her.   here, in this small town in connecticut, she can be anyone she wants to be.   and she doesn't need to worry so much about prying eyes threatening to share her secret meetings with the montague son.   “   nobody's son,   ”   she says, briefly looking over at @montaqeu  with what can only be seen as affection.  she refocuses her gaze on their surroundings, somewhat wistful.   “   nobody's daughter.   ”
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fairsun · 4 days ago
juliet can't help but gaze out of the window of the ship.   she's never left verona before, with her parents' overprotective nature, and thus has never thought she would see the beauty of space herself.   there's a disturbed part of her that wants to scream, to release all of her longing and see if anyone could hear her, despite knowing that no one would   “   it's oh so quiet,   ”   she muses, looking over at  @aldereign,  bewilderment clear across her features.   “   it's oh so  still.   ”   she realizes how naive she must sound and shakes her head.   “   you know, i'm not sure what assistance i could offer you, princess.   but i suppose i have a good radio voice, so there's that.   ”
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fairsun · 4 days ago
the tavern is lively,   crowded with the white noise of layered conversations as juliet sits at the counter, drumming her fingertips as her drink is placed in front of her by the bartender.   “   whatever you do, you'll never be wrong  as long as you reach for it,   ”   she tells  @viciousbark.   she's trying her best to remain positive, to inspire hope, though she's not quite sure it'll work.   or if her company would be receptive.   she takes a sip of her drink, the sweetest thing they have available, and makes a face as it burns down her throat.   “   when you reach for it, nothing's too far.   ”
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fairsun · 4 days ago
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Rosaline (2022), dir. Karen Maine
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fairsun · 4 days ago
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What do we do?! TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN (2024)
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fairsun · 4 days ago
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the presence of this very montague should inspire hatred,   the same kind that her father has always spewed regarding his own, for reasons juliet's never made an  attempt  to understand.   she and romeo are two sides of the same coin,  the burden of their surnames hanging over their heads.   juliet presses her lips together at his words, head tilting to the side curiously as she steps forward, nearing him.   “   you could've texted,   ”   she offers, though she wouldn't have responded either.   speaking of, she pulls out her phone from her pocket and checks her messages.   there's one from rosaline that she doesn't bother reading now.   she sighs.   “   i really should turn that  ' find my '  off.   well, you've found me.   what's next,  romeo?   ”
@fairsun⠀liked⠀...⠀[ ♡ ]⠀,⠀as⠀𝐽uliet.
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the mere sight of Juliet makes his heart beat faster.⠀ “⠀I thought of calling, but I know you wouldn’t pick up.⠀”⠀ the brunette gives a quick shrug of the shoulders before he's moving from where he's sat on the front steps of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.⠀Romeo stands facing the other, hands shoved into his pants’ pockets before his mouth is opening to speak once again.⠀ “⠀Rosaline told me I might find you somewhere near here.⠀”
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