#there's so many little things that make the kids so sad that we aren't doing
knightdykes · 9 months
it's taken me two hours to watch 40 minutes of lotr :( maybe I should switch to a different movie bc this is a struggle
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like-wuatafauq · 8 months
What makes me extremely sad is that we are all trying to do what we can to find Mansour, someone who was helping by having an organization there and is also Canadian so they can get legal help from Canada to find him. However there are so many Palestinians missing and it's like, they are all deserving to be found.and another example is Lama who is a 9 year old Palestinian and is now the youngest reporter there and ppl are reaching out extra to get her out of there. Idk if this makes sense. It's not the "we shouldn't do that for them because they aren't much different than the others there" it's more of
" there are just far too many and we don't know their names and what they do aside of the fact they are going through the same thing, and we can't provide them all that same extra treatment to get them out as well"
Like yes! Let's do what we can to help Lama and Mansour! But we need to remember there's another 9 year old girl out there too, who's not a reporter, a little boy who shares his drink with his friend, a mother who makes desserts to keep her kids happy, a guy pulling out water from his tent with a small bucket, all who are just trying to survive just as much. Who is deserving to get that help just as much.
And it just feels like the government would just pick and choose who is worthy. THEY ALL ARE.
It's frustrating, it's sad, it's heartbreaking.idk if this makes sense.
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mulletmitsuya · 2 months
Tokyo revengers groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mommy issues, mentions of deceased mothers, brother issues (akashi's), mentions of physical abuse, mentions of suicide, depending on what kind of person you are, this might be kinda dark
Side note: i think i may be projecting too many of my headcanons on these people so i apologize for mischaracterizations😔🙏
Desc: it's Shinichiro's birthday!! (sneaking in the fact that it's also mine and i'm 19 today😋)
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Izana: happy birthday Shinichiro
Izana: everyone's gonna say the same thing so i don't think there's a need for an influx of happy birthday messages
Izana: just dm, to prevent a pointless conversation
Shinichiro: aw thanks Izana😁❤
Baji: you're such a loser man
Baji: with all due respect and no offense of course
Baji: happy birthday tho
Mitsuya: aren't you a virgin, Mikey?
Mistuya: a bit hypocritical
Mitsuya: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Mikey: i had sex once, and meh
Mikey: 5/10
Mikey: being confronted with someone's dick and balls was crazy
Mikey: and i have mommy issues so i don't think it's a good idea for me to sleep with a woman
Mikey: but i would like to lay on one's chest as they sing me to sleep
Baji: what does that have to do with anything
Draken: no one asked you for any of that information, just so you know
Mikey: your mom asked me
Mikey: oh, sorry😔
Mikey: they wasn't even part of the joke. i'm genuinely apologizing😔
Emma: Mikey!
Emma: you know that's a sensitive subject 😠
Draken: not really, to be honest
Senju: why's it a sensitive subject
Emma: his mother left him
Senju: ...
Senju: Emma why would you tell me that
Mitsuya: i think we should word this differently or not talk about it, maybe
Mikey: Mitsuya's right, as always (boring 🙄)
Mikey: but Emma☠️?
Senju: yours left too girl
Emma: well i know that, so i'd be sad if someone made a joke about it
Emma: and so did yours🤨?
Senju: death is different. your mom CHOSE to leave you
Senju: skill issue
Senju: was that too far? maybe
Draken: guys
Chifuyu: ok guys let's calm down
Emma: of course a person with a mother would say that 🙄
Chifuyu: ...sorry
Emma: just jokes Fuyu😚
Baji: don't apologize Chifuyu, not our fault we have mom's
Baji: suck it, losers
Mikey: i really didn't mean to start all this, my bad
Draken: it's not a big deal😐
Draken: and Shinichiro-san, happy birthday, but you're still a virgin?
Draken: i'm not judging or anything. i just find it impressive
Draken: all the other stuff is overrated
Emma: 🤨
Emma: we'll talk about that later
Emma: are you actively practising abstinence?
Emma: i couldn't
Emma: not with Ken-chan around, at least😋
Draken: dude
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: don't call me dude☹️
Draken: okay
Draken: babe
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: so?? they know we have sex
Emma: how else would we try to have a kid?
Draken: bro...
Izana: Emma was underage when you got together
Izana: something to think about, Draken
Draken: i was too???
Takeomi: who the hell are you
Draken: me?
Takeomi: obviously not you
Takeomi: "Izana"
Takeomi: who is that
Shinichiro: this is Izana, Omi
Takeomi: i fucking know that Shinichiro
Takeomi: why are you all so stupid
Baji: why are you brining your sour mood here
Baji: go die
Baji: no offense
Mitsuya: you can't keep saying bad things then saying no offense
Mitsuya: it literally doesn't mean anything
Shinichiro: i said i had another little brother remember?
Shinichiro: before Emma was a Sano, she was a Kurokawa. this is Izana Kurokawa
Takeomi: your dad was a man whore. respect
Shinichiro: dude, ew?
Izana: technically i'm no ones sibling because my mom lied to your guys' dad about being my father so i'm actually not related to any of you. not really supposed to be here
Mikey: dude give that up. we don't care 🙏
Izana: i was just clarifying
Emma: Izana-nii you know it makes Shin sad when you say that☹️
Izana: i was stating facts, but alright
Haruchiyo: happy birthday Shinichiro
Baji: you never speak on this group but oh, let the topic be about Mikey
Baji: all of the sudden it's a yappathon
Baji: "i wish Mikey would stick it in!"
Haruchiyo: and i'm speaking now, aren't i😐
Mikey: Baji leave Haruchiyo alone
Mikey: you're the one always scaring him away😔👎
Mikey: hi Haru😋
Haruchiyo: hi Mikey 🙂
Kazutora: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: um, sorry about... the incident
Mikey: (i told you not to talk about that in front of people, Tora💀)
Senju: what incident
Kazutora: uh
Kazutora: almost killing him
Shinichiro: buddy, i know you didn't mean to do that. it's all good
Kazutora: no, i fully intended to kill a person
Kazutora: it just wasn't meant to be you
Kazutora: and for that i apologize
Shinichiro: oh...
Shinichiro: well at least you don't have those murderous thoughts anymore, right? let's dwell on the positive 😁
Kazutora: i do have those thoughts
Baji: you don't always have to tell the truth man
Mikey: dude☠️
Kazutora: but they're about my father, mostly
Kazutora: i look exactly like him, so looking in the mirror is hard sometimes
Kazutora: i'm not allowed to kill myself, but killing him would be close enough
Kazutora: but i can't. because of the law
Draken: dude, are you okay? do we need to talk again
Draken: this is concerning
Kazutora: words cannot help me, Draken
Kazutora: anyway, have a good birthday, Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: i'm glad you didn't die by my hands
Shinichiro: ...
Shinichiro: i'm not really sure what to say
Senju: i love his thought process
Senju: (what the hell is wrong with this guy)
Draken: we can see the text inside the brackets 😐
Senju: fine
Senju: what the hell is wrong with this guy😭
Senju: you were the one who put Shin in a coma??
Senju: the power or friendship really carries this group's dynamic because if it were me, Kazutora would never see the light of day😭🙏
Senju: it helps that you're handsome
Kazutora: thank you. i'm sorry
Senju: you're welcome. you are forgiven
Baji: maybe let's change the topic
Senju: what's wrong with him?
Senju: no offense
Emma: his father used to beat him
Senju: Emma!
Senju: you can't be telling people this 😭
Emma: there's no malice!! i'm just telling you what happened!!
Inupi: happy birthday Shinichiro
Inupi: my sister has agreed to go on a date with you
Inupi: i see you as a really good guy so if you fuck this up, i'd have to kill you
Shinichiro: AKANE-SAN?
Shinichiro: she's too pretty for me
Shinichiro: ok um, please give me her number, Seishu
Shinichiro: thank you
Shinichiro: let's speak privately yeah?
Mikey: Inupi, this is the first time in your life you've ever been useful
Mikey: i'm impressed
Inupi: kill yourself
Mikey: Koko doesn't love you back👎🔥💔
Inupi: Takemitchy is married to a woman
Draken: break it up
Draken: and Koko does love him back, he's just fighting heteronormativity and internalized homophobia
Emma: ?
Draken: i'll tell you about it later
Emma: 🤗
Inupi: you will not
Koko: i am in this group, you know?
Koko: happy birthday Shinichiro
Koko: also Inupi, aren't we dating?
Inupi: huh
Koko: are we not dating?
Inupi: i mean, i wasn't aware of it
Inupi: but okay
Inupi: you didn't ask me
Koko: well, we act like we're dating so i thought we were
Inupi: okay
Draken: Koko you can do better than that
Draken: this is a terrible confession
Draken: i did not sit through hours of Inupi's yearning for this
Draken: do better
Koko: okay...
Koko: meet me at my place?
Inupi: ...
Inupi: okay
Draken: 👍
Izana: can't anyone solve their private matters, PRIVATELY?
Mikey: dammit
Draken: what?
Mikey: i don't like when he's happy
Mikey: i need to ruin this for him somehow
Izana: Inupi fucking sucks
Mikey: he's the worst
Mikey: i regret changing the timeline for his sake
Mikey: should've left him to burn
Baji: what?
Mikey: nothing
Baji: this was about everything, except Shinichiro's birthday ☠️
Shinichiro: to be honest? i couldn't ask for more
Shinichiro: my family being happy is the best present i could ask for
Shinichiro: i really love you guys
Izana: thanks
Mikey: too sappy, i'm out
Baji: that was so corny😂
Baji: (we love you too)
Emma: Shini-nii😭❤
Senju: Takeomi, take notes
Senju: i still don't get how you guys are friends considering the personality difference
Senju: Shin is so kind and lovable and amazing and sweet (and hot lwky)
Emma: ew😐
Senju: you um, you smoke, and you um
Senju: yeah i got nothing
Senju: still love you though!
Haruchiyo: he's ugly and abusive
Takeomi: says the dick sucker
Takeomi: i'm abusive because of the way you are by the way
Takeomi: besides, i've regrettably, never lay a hand on you
Baji: here we go again
Haruchiyo: in another life, i've killed you with my bare hands
Takeomi: do you seriously think you could beat me in a fight
Haruchiyo: i'll die trying
Shinichiro: okay guys um let's please not
Shinichiro: Omi stop being a dick 😅
Shinichiro: Haru, sorry for Omi being a dick
Senju: ☹️
Senju: we love you too, Shin
Draken: uhm i don't know if it's appropriate for me to say? but i love you too Shinichiro, i guess
Draken: this is a little awkward now
Kazutora: should i say it?
Baji: no, Tora
Kazutora: ok
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gremlingottoosilly · 8 months
Okay, so how about könig who has a wife who loves to crochet and sew and insists on making items for königs recruits so she has people who can enjoy her craft. would könig be jealous of you wanting to help his recruits out? would he allow it so it can keep you busy? So many possibilities!!
(Also I love your ‘if you need to be mean’ fanfic!!)
Oh, trust me, recruits are way more scared than Konig is jealous. Our dear husband is treating everything we crochet as a gift from god to its disciples, and he knows that you would be sad if no one is wearing them. If anything, he makes everyone wear your gifts - but, unfortunately, these are all soldiers, and some of them are not very prim and proper with soft crocheted things...and if anyone has ever dirtied the perfect little hat you made, well, you can consider it a death sentence for them. Unfortunately for you, it also means that when you give the recruits a new hat or a crocheted scarf, they would be scared shitless almost immediately. Konig is jealous because none of the recruits can wear the clothes as well as him. Appreciate everything you do as well as him - and he freaking hates having recruits gush about having a sweater made by Mrs.Konig. He tells them not to get over their heads - that they're not special just because his wife has too much free time on her hands. And if anyone dares to reject the gift, they will be dealt swiftly and violently - so you can rest assured that the whole base is wearing scarfs of your creation. Konig was a bit mad at you at first, but he knows you aren't trying to flirt with the dumb soldiers of his - you just have too much love to give, and he knows that kids are out of the roster, just like having an actual job, so having you supply his base with cute crochet things is the only way he could give you this.
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thelikesofus · 1 year
Buddie Fic Recs
AKA Talented Mutuals Tuesday
Except I spent so long making this list that the timezones changed over BUT I wanted to show my mutuals some love and now that we are going into the hiatus I thought you might all like a list of quality fics to keep you occupied while there is no new Weewoo show. 
I don't know if anyone will actually want to join in on this but if you do the rules are simple:
SHOW YOUR MUTUALS SOME LOVE! Share your favourite fics, (or gifs, edits, literally anything that your very talented mutuals have made), as many or as few as you like but let's share the love around <3
Apologises in advance for the long post btw
@speaknowdiaz I would literally read anything that April writes and would probably sell a limb for the incredible WIPs I know she's still cooking up but here are a couple of my faves:
pining and anticipation (I don't want you like a best friend)
Buck challenges Eddie to try to hit on him after teasing Eddie for not having any ‘game’. This fic is very funny and very soft.
believe in one thing (i won't go away)
This fic hit me straight in the feels. Buck and Eddie go to couples therapy even though they aren't a couple and they work through some stuff.
@thosetwofirefighters Incredible amazing Nat ily xx
Say It All Out Loud
Eddie comes out to Aunt Pepa after his ‘date’ with Vanessa. I am a little bit biased towards this one because she did write it for me but it's honestly just so good!
How to Cure Boredom: Buckley Edition
The 118 are stuck at the firehouse during a slow shift and Buck entertains them all by mattress-surfing the loft stairs. It’s soft and silly and in the same universe as her other fic Safe in His Arms.
@loveyourownsmiilee The wonderful amazing Juju not only writes incredible meta and keeps us all fed with Oliver content but Juju also writes wonderful buddie fic. 
When Were You Under Me?
Who doesn’t love a Friends AU. This is Buck and Eddie as Ross and Rachel and it is hilarious and so sweet. 
You should also check out her Buddie Language Meta if you have not read it before <3
@elvensorceress Jenwyn’s work always astounds me so be sure to check these out:
Color Him Father, Color Him Love
I will scream from the rafters how much I adore this fic and yes it did make me cry (happy tears). It’s a look into Buck’s head after his sperm donor kid is born and he realizes what Christopher (and Eddie) truly mean to him. I know I have recced this before but it deserves all the love. 
Unless You Ask Me To
Eddie dates a man for the first time, and Buck is completely 'Fine'. This is a preemptive rec because it is one chapter away from completion and I have been saving it to binge in one sitting but knowing Jenwyn and her incredible talent I guarantee this will be worth the read. 
@spotsandsocks If anyone’s work is guaranteed to make me sob like a baby (happy, sad, or tears of laughter) it’s Spotty. 
Everything But (temptation)
This is Spotty’s newest fic and it's just brilliant. Buck is practicing extreme self-control whilst Eddie is being an irresistible menace. 
Could Have, Should Have, Would Have
Buck finally tells Eddie he loves him right before Eddie’s new boyfriend is supposed to meet Christopher. Honestly, all I can say about this fic is that it’s a masterpiece and I screamed many times while reading it. 
@shortsighted-owl Wonderful amazing Owly (Abbi). I appreciate you so and you make my dash so happy xx
Of foam-moustached kisses, and button combinations
For all your sweet domestic buddie needs this is the fic. Eddie is practicing a video game to get better than Chris and Buck makes fun of his ex-technophobe boyfriend. 
Also THIS EDIT SET to the lyrics of You’re All That I Have by Snow Patrol make me assdffgghjjklkll
@lilbuddie Okay, this one is just a brag because Minja doesn’t actually have any fics published yet (side eye) but I wanna make sure she is on everyone’s radar for when she does because yall are not ready for the incredible amazing talent that is this girl’s writing!! So go check out the snippets on her Tumblr and badger her until she finishes something plssssss
@wheelsupin-five Hi! <3
Almost Almost Almost
This adorable of Buck who is always cold and Eddie warms him up I– asfffghhjkklllll
Under Kitchen Light
SO SOFT! Buck wakes up and Eddie isn't there, Buck finds him in the kitchen. 
@rogerzsteven Simi owns my heart and by that I mean my heart is locked in a cage in Simi’s basement where it is occasionally beaten to a pulp by the most incredibly angsty fics you've ever read.
Buck is extremely nauseous and Eddie takes care of him while I sob over them in a corner.
build me a home underground (free from light and sound)
This fic is so brutal in all the best ways, my heart was in my throat the entire read! Buck gets trapped in a sensory deprivation room while the 118 and Athena race to find him. 
@ashavahishta another incredibly talented mutual of mine
out of ashes
Is it really a Meegs rec list if I don’t rec this fic honestly it's engraved on my soul. This is a criminal minds/greys inspired fic where Buck is kidnapped and tortured until the 118 can find him. This fic is so so well written and means a million things to me I could never explain but pleaseeeee read it!! 
@jobairdxx hello lovely xx
Oh, We Pray to Make it Through the Night
Highly recommend this fic, I do love a near-death experience fic! Buck gets injured on a call and Eddie falls asleep holding vigil at his bedside. 
Jules also writes beautiful poetry on Tumblr so go read some of that too <3
love is on its way
I know we’re all a little bit in mourning over the couch theory but it lives on in our hearts and in this fic which has six moments between Buck and Eddie on the Diaz couch (and she’s a wee bit spicy too).
Buck's café (take my heart, just not my order)
Coffee Shop AU. Buck runs the shop where the 118 order all their drinks on shift. I absolutely adore this fic! 
there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head
If “aasdsdfghhjkl” was a person it was me reading this fic. Eddie comes out to Buck, receives a quirky mug, and gets together with the love of his life. In that order.
@bekkachaos Wonderful, amazing Bekka xxx
lose yourself in the feeling
I am a sucker for ‘accidental kisses’ and this was just wonderful. Buck is so excited about Maddie and Chim getting engaged that he kisses Eddie when he tells him. 
start me up, open my eyes
Okay, the mild sexual content tag is a lie, nothing has ever been closer to smut without actually being smut than this fic, I have never been so wound up reading a fic. Bekka builds the tension so so well. 
@sibylsleaves honestly I'm still a little in shock that we're mutuals now so please excuse me while I fangirl over your incredible writing!
with a bird at your door
Eddie starts spending all his time with Buck. Which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that Buck is in love with him. This fic is the perfect mixture of pining, angst, and a happy ending. And yes I think about this fic frequently I love it okay. 
@mysteriouslyyounggalaxy last but certainly not least (for now). hello lovely xx
(tell the gravedigger) better dig two
Missing scenes from while eddie is trapped in the well followed by the most perfect extended reunion scene. We all know I am a sucker for fics based on the well incident, it’s literally how i started writing for buddie but omg this fic!!!! 
Remember to share the love around and happy hiatus to you all.
Love, Meegs xxxx
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jaegerisim · 1 year
Vent post y'all are gonna hate me for.
I viscerally hate how the Duffers treat most of their non white or queer characters and I hate even more viscerally, how y'all big byler blogs in your circle jerk of other 5 big byler blogs casually like to ignore many red flags the show has.
Y'all like to say: "tHe DufFeRs ArE gReAt WrIteRs" and it's like girl, who are you lying to??? They aren't top shit writers at all. The Duffers are pretty mid imo. Yeah, they run a good show that's fun to watch and theorize abt , but that doesn't mean they're good writers cuz they're not.
1. they completely side lined Will during s3 for the sake of their straight romances: lumax, jancy, mlvn, duzie and partly stobin (even if stobin wasn't endgame, thankfully, Steve's intentions were clearly wanting to date Robin and they gave it a lot of screen time). Will was sidelined bc he didn't fit the straight romance plotline bc they planned to make him gay or whatever. Now in s4 Will and his feelings have been used as mlvn toilet paper. Yes, we like to say this is build up for byler but canonically, Will's feelings have been used to clean the shit mlvn leaves behind.
2. Billy was sympathized a lot during the last 2 seasons. They gave him the sad backstoryTM in order for ppl to feel sorry for him. Billy's backstory is literally Jonathan's but whatever.
3. El's anger issues are constantly girlboss-ified. They down play her bullying situation and literally just use it for El to be a ''girlboss" without realizing how triggering that is. As someone who has lived bullying, seeing it be ignored by canon and fanon is super sad. The whole Rink-O' Mania experience must have been so traumatizing for her yet, everyone absolutely forgets abt it 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Robin, Erica and Argyle are stereotypical characters. Robin is the quirky lesbian with social anxiety, Erica is the badass black woman and Argyle is the Latino stoner that sells weed to white kids and works as a pizza delivery guy.
5. Altho Argyle and Eddie both do drugs, (Eddie actually sells K-12 to a minor and nobody batted an eye. He has a huge fan base). Eddie is held in a pedestal bc "poor thing 🥺 he lives in a trailer with his uncle 🥺". Tell me a single fact you know abt Argyle that isn't "he smokes weed", "he is Jonathan's only friend", "drives a van" and "he works at a pizzeria". Exactly, Eddie is given a useless backstory and Argyle isn't.
6. Dustin stopped being important to the plot sometime around s2 and s3. He is only there to curse and be mildly funny. My guy needs to hangout with ppl his age cuz he only hangs out with seniors.
7. El needs to stop having so much "I'M THAT BITCH" screentime like I need in s5 for El's arc to not just be her becoming more powerful and falling in love with Mike. I need the Duffers to explore her trauma and problems.
8. Angela should have been run over by the van.
9. Patrick should have been given a backstory that isn't the basic "strict black parents that hit their kids cuz they are a disgrace". Patrick's backstory is actually racist af, fight w the wall.
10. As Lex already said, they didn't trigger tag the ep where Jason and his friends assault Lucas and Erica. Like wtf? Why was that necessary? Why did I have to see a black boy being held at gunpoint by some white guy?? Was it relevant to the plot?? I don't think so. And then I've got to see ppl online be like "Jason wasn't that bad. He was just mourning" like bitch you can stfu. This is what happens when you make the racist assholes conventionally attractive.
Also the fact that Lucas's arc is fulfilled by him fist-fighting Jason and "embracing his weirdness" aka accepting he is black. His arc was not fulfilled at all cuz that ending spoke so loud to me. It showed how little empathy ppl have towards the struggles poc ppl living in the Midwest have. Y'all circle jerks can only see racism when it's super obvious.
Furthermore, parents complained when ST showed "an excessive amount of smoking" yet nobody batted an eye when Billy tried to run over Lucas, when Erica (an 11 y.o ffs) was chased by white kids or when Lucas was held at gunpoint by Jason.
All of this happened while they focused on Max's guilt and mourning that, yeah, are important but certainly not less important than racism!!!
11. In s3, they gave us that whole Nancy vs The Bigots arc that was honestly just triggering and useless. It didn't help Nancy's character at all, quite the opposite it put unnecessary angst.
12. Lonnie being presented as an abuser just for him to never be spoken of again. Can we please get to explore the trauma he left the Byers's with?
13. The fact that both queer relationships are considered "sloppy seconds" is extremely sad. Both Vickie and Mike are rebounding from their failed relationship with Robin and Will. These 2 ships have caused more commotion than Jancy and Jopper together! (These last ships are technically sloppy seconds too but everybody forgets that. Shocker!!)
14. Last but not least, ppl blame Argyle for being the one to get Jonathan into smoking weed as if Jonathan probably wasn't the one looking for it. Let me tell you, that you only find weed if you look for it.
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mr2swap · 8 months
Family therapy: A promising future.
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-What do you think of “dad”? The first place medal again, aren't you proud of me?- After the flash of the photo I looked at his old and tired face, he barely made a small smile that seemed totally fake, I knew what was hidden behind his smile, only jealousy and bitterness, I was sure what was going through his mind right now:
“That should be me, you stole my youth, my life, my triumphs”
But I think deep down he knew that all of that was a lie, he wouldn't have been able to get to where his body is now if it wasn't for me his father, Before I took his life he was just a teenager slowly approaching failure.
-HEY! Let's take a picture with just the guy for the hall of fame
My Ex-wife Karol and my son Nathan walked away from me and The photographer started taking pictures of my perfect body, When I did a double bicep curl the camera flash focused completely on me, My son Nathan's face of defeat In my old body was just funny. Maybe at one point Nathan could have accomplished all of this on his own, but now he was just a sad, overweight old man.
-Congratulations… “Son”-
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Before I was a retired man, I used to be a teacher and had seen hundreds of kids like my son Nathan, he started skipping a few classes, failing most of the tests, going to the infirmary in PE and then getting caught smoking pot with his friends behind school. I knew if I didn't do something drastic, what would be the end of my son Nathan frying French fries at McDonald's and living in a tiny apartment with his teenage sweetheart who is pregnant.
His mom and I were so sick of Nathan we started fighting, and it led to a divorce, the only thing I had left in my life was Nathan and I couldn't let that last one slip through my hands.
Since there was someone who could help me and that was my old boss and friend, Principal Morris, we had done this trick so many times to deal with the Bullies in the school, just swapping their bodies for a week with their victims would make them turn model students.
I called him and I found out my problem with my son, without asking him, he gave me the recipe for his secret elixir, the body swapping potion, it was enough for two people to drink a bit of that potion, and they would immediately be in each other's bodies, and that I did I poured some into my coffee and into Nathan's breakfast juice, he didn't even notice the taste he drank every drop of that juice until he started to feel the effects of the potion.
Just a little dizziness, A little sleep and a blink later Our souls traded places occupying each other's bodies. Nathan was so confused by the identical person in front of him that he ran off to his room like a madman, he didn't even realize his huge belly was bouncing up and down as he ran his little feet around his old room where I sleep now.
Meanwhile, I was left alone in the dining room admiring my new youth In the kitchen mirror, It felt good to be a teenager again Although there was a lot of work to be done, I ran my hands over my soft and weak arms, but I already had everything planned, he had even bought a membership to the gym that was close to Nathan's school.
When everything seemed calmer in Nathan's room, pretending totally that you didn't know what hadn't happened, I spent hours pretending that I was on the computer looking for my information on body switching and things like that so that Nathan wouldn't suspect that I had something. What to do with this
I tried to calm him down by telling him that he wouldn't have to worry about anything in my body, he could sit his ass on the sulfate all day Watching TV or playing his video games and no one would notice that he was really just a 15-year-old, meanwhile I would go to the school and would pretend to do it.
As the years passed I improved Nathan's life, in just one year Nathan's life improved, his grades were perfect, and all the dedication I put into Nathan's diet and gym paid off, Nathan's adolescent muscles reacted very well to protein powder and weight lifting.
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I got rid of the good for nothing, my son's friends and started making new friends at the gym my Gym bros, It's great to be young again, making friends is so easy, especially when you look as big and handsome as me.
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And while I was living My second life they need, he didn't seem to get used to his new life, he avoided leaving the house as much as possible, and he became grumpy, all he does is clean the house, go to the supermarket and spend all day insulting kids his age while playing online video games, He hates when I walk shirtless around the house demanding my hard horny muscles or when I pose for the pictures I post on my new Instagram, he was so upset that his life has improved so much that he refused to give me his social media passwords, but it's okay there's nothing to make me proud of old Nathan.
Maybe in a couple of years when Nathan learns what it's like to be an adult responsible for getting back into his body In the meantime I'll enjoy myself a little more being a teenager, maybe I'm ready for dating now, I've always wanted to try something new, and I can't stop From looking at all the hot guys in the gym, and they keep staring at me, I don't think Nathan will mind if I fuck a guy or two while I'm in his body.
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Sup If you liked this story or any of my other stories you can take a look at my story archive by subscribing to my page on Ko-fi, there are a lot of stories that haven't been published here yet and that are too hot for Tumblr.
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sunshine-zenith · 2 months
So, um, I guess that awkward dinner between the Wellses and the Fairywinkle-Cosmas is more likely to happen now
Angela and Marcus: so, Peri, what is it you do for work?
Peri, who spent the last three nights sleeping on his parents' couch: well I *starts sobbing into the homemade french fries*
In all seriousness I have so many thoughts about this episode and that scene and these two and Imma use this ask to get them out. Spoilers below
So like, we all saw this coming, right? Dev has never treated Peri all that well and Peri became frustrated with him two seconds in. I sincerely hope Peri stays Dev's godparent because they are such a fun duo with so much potential, but wow they were both screwed over when they got assigned each other. A lot of people have pointed this out, but it really isn't fair that Peri got assigned a hard case for his first godchild. He should've been given someone like Hazel or maybe even like Chester from the original series -- a kid that needs someone for emotional support, of course, but is also arguably well adjusted otherwise. Dec, meanwhile, does not need wish fulfillment -- he's rich, wishing for the "perfect cupcake" won't make him happy when he can just as easily have his robot au-pairs doordash him some cupcakes. He needs a therapist, and to be removed from the harmful situation he's in (IE the neglectful, emotionally stunted, and emotionally abusive father)
Part of why Dev wishing Peri away is so sad is because Peri is actually trying. I don't think he dislikes Dev, even if he's out of his depths dealing with him -- he looks overjoyed and relived when he hugs Dev in the Fairy World episode, and once it becomes clear Dev's birthday was a bust, he offers to do what he can to make it better.
The other reason why its so sad is because Dev can't accept that Peri is trying. He's a miserable child who's never had anyone even try to to teach him emotional regulation. He's understandably hurt and pissed off and probably freaked out when he finds his fathers "secret evil lair," and so he lashes out before anyone can explain things to him. He also probably lashes out because he doesn't know how to handle friendship and support (which Hazel and Peri were offering) and even if he did, they aren't the ones he wants it from, Dale is (they're also safer options for him to lash out at that Dale. Hazel has been kind and forgiving, and Peri is magically bound to try and make Dev happy. He knows on some level that they won't hurt him, and so he knows that they won't hurt him back)
And, well, maybe controversial opinion, but Cosmo and Wanda probably contributed a little to things falling apart slightly. Peri had problems with Dev before he knew his parents were around, but his parents definitely add to his frustration -- they treat him like a little kid, undermine his authority, and probably add to the tension he feels, while also being two people he wants to impress. He spent the beginning of O:BT clearly disengaged with things while Cosmo, Wanda, and Hazel greet Dev, before he whisks them away to show off his new digs. He's such a delightful and relatable take on a young adult who's low contact with their parents while also clearly loving them and wanting to make them proud (He turned off his equivalent of Find My iPhone and was terrified of them finding out about him becoming a godparent, but he also specifically calls godparenting "the family business," choosing it over what would've likely been a more lucrative career with the Tooth Fairy)
(Plus like, Dev constantly being around a set of parents who love their kid while his father is more loving to his boots that his own child has gotta suck)
That said, I don't think Cosmo and Wanda are at fault -- they need to learn boundaries and to come to terms with the fact that their baby isn't a baby anymore, but otherwise, they're loving and supportive. They're more experienced that Peri and could probably give him genuine guidance. They just gotta step back and let Peri do his thing, grow his confidence and learn from his mistakes (which he is making and will continue to make -- he's new, to both godparenting and likely to childcare in general. Plus, even though the show hasn't explored it -- yet -- Peri likely has a unique perspective on godparenting given that he was born to a set of active godparents and raised alongside their human godkid as siblings).
Dev and Peri as a duo are a delight because of how messy they are -- the traumatized iPad kid who's honestly an asshole but an asshole for a reason, and the underprepared and underestimated grown up Baby Of The Family, both of who have family issues that almost clash in how different -- but valid -- those issues are
...Returning to the original point, I wanna see both of them interact with Angela and Marcus, if only to see how they interact with a set of reasonable parents who respect their children as individuals and have largely positive relationships with them
(lastly, really quick, I wanna shout myself out for a moment here for making a comic about the Sad Rich Kid Rival of Cosmo and Wanda's godkid being upset about the whole two fairies vs one fairy thing months before ANW aired. I got the kids in question wrong but I was right in guessing someone would think it was unfair)
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0oolookitsme · 11 months
Harryween ...Night-In!
Type - A One-Shot!
Verse - Singer!Harry x Ceo!Y/n
Word Count - 2k
Warnings - none, just talks of pregnancy and descriptions of the changes her body has made.
A/n - I miss Harry, and I'm too sad that we aren't celebrating Harryween this year. So of course, I wrote about it.
Consider this one a closure for 'kinktober' (just bc it's the last fic of Oct <3)
MASTERLIST | please rb to share!
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They were sitting on the small-cozy sofa, a blanket draped over their legs as they sat in utter silence, the light from the TV screen illuminating the whole room.
It was a small area, the TV sat on the drawer-set that had mainly thrifted crockery inside. A coffee table was placed in front of her sofa, over which for now Harry had laid his legs in order to make himself comfortable.
A nineties horror film played on the screen in low volume, the room not yet warm due to their recent reign. Anne was in the kitchen, putting sweets into different bowls before the kids came to her door for trick-or-treating.
Everyone on the street loved her, especially the kids. She was like a grandparent to all of them, having read them stories when they'd come up to her house, and built different Lego peices with them while some tea brewed in the kitchen for all of them.
And now that she was on the brim of becoming an actual grandparent to her son and daughter-in-law's child, there was a different kind of sparkle in her eyes, tint on her cheeks and a forever imprinted smile on her rosy lips.
She had welcomed the pair with open arms and an excited shriek when Harry asked her the permission to come over for a few days. Y/n wanted to be in the comfort of another woman, someone who'd had a kid – she wanted the comfort of a mother a woman gets when she's got a baby in her.
And, unfortunately enough, she'd had to cut ties with her mother years and years ago. So, to have a chance at a second mother, who was as much of a dearie as Anne, she knew that she just needed to be embraced by her just once and it'd be enough.
Y/n's bump had grown so huge that the nurses at the hospital told her that there might be a chance she's carrying more than one baby. So, when her bump was abnormally huge in the first month of the trimester, she wasn't very tense bacause she just wanted the babies to be comfortable inside.
When she talked to her doctor about the possibility, she was told that during their first ultrasound only one baby was seen. But it could be that the second one hadn't developed enough to be caught.
Other than her, it was only Anne who knew of that. Harry knew about the whole scene, but he was yet to confirmed about it. Out of the many things that Y/n feared, one of them was that she and Harry would be disappointed if it came out that there's only one baby.
They lived with the uncertainty of the number of babies, a little scared. But, Harry reassured her every morning that no matter how many babies she was carrying, he'd love her and the baby – or the twins, all the same.
"H? Can you bring me some more popcorn, please?" Y/n requested, already putting the bowl in front of him that only had a few curnels left of the snack. And, when Harry did up and go to the kitchen, she wasn't sure what she had started missing – the endless number of popcorns going in her mouth one after another, or the constant pressing of Harry's soft thumbs against the swollen plush of her feet.
"You're lucky you're pregnant," Harry came in saying, handing her the bowl with a faux glare that he had fixed on her face.
A sheepish smile pulled up on her lips before she quickly passed him a flying kiss without the action of her hand, causing Harry to let out a laugh. He sat down and placed her feet back in his lap, his hands getting back to work as his eyes caught up with the scene currently playing on the TV.
The kid had just sneaked inside their parents' room and slipped between the two with their plushie in hand. "Do you think I'll be a good father?" Harry asked, almost seeming absent-minded but she knew better.
"Gonna be the best one out there," she assured him, passing him the bowl of popcorn to share. In return, he passed her a smile – a quiet form of his gratitude for her, and moved his hands up to massage her calves a bit as well.
As Harry's eyes remained on the screen, Y/n's head had lulled back onto the soft cushion and eyes had shut down. She had only doen it because the TV was beginning to strain her eyes, but realised just after how good it felt to do that as she snuggled-up farther inside the quilt.
Harry looked over at her just in time before the bowl of her cravings fell on the floor. She hated popcorn before pregnancy, and now she found any and every excuse to have them. His mouth stretched in a soft smile, dimples carving in his cheeks as he looked at her.
Both of her hands were on her bump, head lulled back slightly to the side, away from the screen and mouth carelessly left open. The light from the TV screen hit her face in a manner that made her features look more prominent – her cupid's bow shined profusely because of the balm she had put rubbed on her lips before cuddling up in the couch. Her lashes rested on top of the high of her cheeks, her skin gleaming in the light.
He could tell that here she was less anxious and stressed, and more at comfort than ever. He loved to see her bond furthermore with his mum, watching her listen to Anne tell her about the course of becoming a mother made Harry feel too emotional.
She always seemed to be glowing, and her cheeks were fuller now. She mostly left her hair loosely tied, and god, her hips had grown wider too – it made him lose his mind everytime he saw her love handles. Her thicker-thighs closed around his head just perfectly, and her stretch marks reminded him of the way her body was changing every single day to adapt to caressing a baby.
"Darling –"
Anne cut herself off before she could wake Y/n up, bunching her shoulders up before she sighed deeply, glad that she didn't disturb her.
Harry chuckled, letting Anne know that his wife had turned into a heavy sleeper now that she was pregnant. "You were saying something, mum?" He asked her, watching as she walked closer to him.
"I came to say that the kids should start come knocking any time now," Anne told Harry. "This darling wanted to hand a few out herself. Do I wake her?"
Harry nodded in response as he got up and started patting Y/n's hand. "Love, do you want to hand out treats?"
Y/n remembered then, and started moving to get up. She had no idea as to when she fell asleep, but as Harry helped her get up she grunted in discomfort.
"Are they here?' She asked after pecking Harry's cheek in gratitude.
Just when she asked that, the doorbell rung for the first time and she had never wished to get up fast so hard over the course of the past few months of pregnancy. Harry's hand automatically placed itself on her lower back as she started walking slowly and slowly.
"H, I can walk to the front door just fine. I'm pregnant, not paralysed," she stated, suddenly feeling annoyed.
"Okay, okay. But you do need some time to adjust to walking before you start padding your way around," Harry giggled, kissing her temple from beside her. But the moment he saw that she didn't exactly have a pleased expression on her face, he put up a finger on his lips, almost promising her that he wouldn't utter a word again.
Anne already had the door open, and the moment Y/n's eyes landed on the little one on their door, she couldn't help but squeal. "Eeek! Dorothy!" She exclaimed, turning to look at Harry with starry eyes crinkled at the corners.
She was their neighbour's kid, y/n realized. And, as she got closer she saw that in the basket, there was a paper that was flipped upside down, considering she could see the ink that had leaked on the back side of the page – probably due to the pen being pressed too hard.
"Hi!" Y/n greeted the little one, two bowls full of treats in both of her hands. She tried to bend down to talk better, but because she was unable to, she just sat on her knees on the tiles.
"I love Dorothy," she giggled, and the girl in front of her grinned as well.
"I love her too! My name's Dorothy as well, so I decided to dress like her," the sweet girl bubbled. She was bouncing on her feet, full of excitement. "Happy Halloween, by the way," she wished them all.
As they wished her back, she began picking out the treats she wanted. Once she was done, her head whipped to meet Harry's gaze who was just standing behind Y/n with gleaming eyes and a wide dimpled-smile.
"Hey, Harry," she greeted him. "You dressed up as Dorothy once, and now I have too!" She shrieked, jumping to high-five Harry who now had an open-mouthed grin on his face.
"We have great taste, now, don't we?" Harry wiggled his eyebrows at the girl whose eyes suddenly went as wide as saucers.
"Oh no!" She cried before she took her basket and placed it on the ground.
"What – is something wrong?" Y/n stuttered, her face molding into a frown.
"Oh nothing," the girl said nonchalantly, getting back up from where she was crouching to take something out of her basket. "Here," she grinned, handing a post-card sized paper to Y/n.
Harry leaned over to see what it was, and once he did, a surprised laugh left his throat. Y/n was already gushing over how good the painting was and just leaned in to press a kiss to the girl's cheeks, who accepted it with a bright blush.
It was drawing of a pumpkin, over which she had marked the carving that said 'HAPPY HARRYWEEN' on it. "I know you did this on your shows for Halloween, so I thought it would be kind of me to give you this because I know your tour is over now," the girl pouted at Harry as she babbled off.
Harry looked at the her with glossy eyes, leaning in to hug the little girl. "Thank you, love," he whispered.
He had been so emotional about Halloween this time, that Y/n had to comfort him every single day for the past week leading up to today. Even this morning, he had to stop his tears from falling as the feeling of not being on stage all dressed up crippled him.
He loved that he was spending the day with his mum, his wife and his unborn baby. But he still felt the need to be comforted because it still hadn't settled in him that he wasn't going to be onstage for a while now. So, he wrapped his forearms around Y/n's shoulders in order to calm himself down, and keep himself in the moment because he knew that he wouldn't want to leave her side any time soon now.
"Wait!" Y/n shouted at a sudden thought that had struck her mind, scaring Harry out of his small meltdown. "It's Harryween – Night …In!" She squealed in delightment, giggling along with the girl as Harry sniffled and laughed at her lame humour, feeling love sick.
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mrclairdycat · 1 year
Slight gore warning, I think?
People waxing and plucking their hair.
Nail art. He would love it.
Tumblr. If you gave him tumblr he would end up scrolling all day to see art, and spam post his own. I'm sure he would also feel obliged to comment under every post to compliment the art, he's such a nice little fella
Organs. He would find them silly and interesting. You would show him pictures of organs and he would ask things like:"do you have different colored organs? Can I see yours?"
The fact that we have to go to the bathroom? Imagine being like: "Yeah whenever we consume things we need to make it go out of our bodies aswell." He would be like: "... Neat." He would then play by flushing the toilet numerous times, he would find it fun. He probably would end up clogging it up because he tries to see how many things it can flush.
Human teeth.
Iphones. He would like it since the logo is an apple. He wouldn't play with the phone he would just add it to his collection of apple things.
Videogames? He thinks that the character in the screen is real and he's controlling them. You explain how they don't exist. "How can you be sure about that?" he asks, "cause we make them, they're just codes." "But how can you be sure they just dont know they're alive since they can't tell you?" he asks again: you start rethinking the many times you tortured characters in The Sims.
Pokemon. He would think the creatures are real too. He would lose his shit to Applin. He would ask: "Can I have him?" and you'll buy him the plushie and say they don't live here cause you don't have the heart to tell him it doesn't exist.
Certain animals?? He would be confused on why don't they speak. He sees them as people, he would be like "Why did you lick me? That's weird," to a dog... and then lick him back cause he thinks its a human world thing. You say:"thats just how he communicates affection, " and he would start licking people too to show his affection in this language.
Emojis. If he started messaging he would spam emojis. Probably thinks audio messages are like calls, and you're left with a spam of audio messages that are like: "Hello? Hellooo? Why aren't you saying anything?"
Digital art. He would look in awe. "I have unlimited colors? That's fun."
Sensory videos. He would be like an ipad kid. His face is on the screen watching the videos all day. ShApeS anD CoLoRs.
Sensory toys. He would love them aswell.
Deodorant. "We spray this on our armpits," you say. "Why?" he asks. "Because we sweat and produce smelly liquids," you reply. "... Ew."
Showers. He would be like a cat, he would hate showers at first. He doesn't understand why you would want to be wet. You would then randomly find him standing in the shower with an intense fixiated look on his face as the warm/hot water pours down on him. He likes the feeling.
Speaking about warmness, he would absolutely love how warm humans are. He would just randomly hug you cause he likes how warm and comforting it feels. Probably would like sleeping with you aswell and cuddle.
Human movies and tv shows. He would think those are things happening for real. You explain that it's like theatre. "... Wow, your theatre is very realistic," he says.
Wars. He would be so confused. "Why would you hurt your neighbours? That's bad, just discuss things pacifically." Probably would make him sad. He wants everyone to be friends and an happy community.
Meat. I'm pretty sure in Welcome Home they only eat fruits and vegetables? Idk. He would ask:"Since humans are also animals, do you eat eachoth-" "No. That's illegal," you reply. "... What's an illegal?" he asks. "It's a rule: humans are prohibited from eating each other," you respond. "... Since I'm not a human can I eat one-" "NO."
People making out. He would stare at them. He finds it gross but interesting, he doesn't view it as a intimate sexual thing just a weird thing human do.
Certain social rules. Why can't you just say hi to someone and speak to them as if they're your friend? Why is it rude to stare?
An apple factory. Like the fruit. So... many... apples. He would be sad some apples get thrown away and tries to 'save' them.
Blood. You would try to explain it, he understands it as just red water circuling inside your body. He would play with blood or finger paint with it and won't understand why that is an horrifying image.
Spotify. Unlimited music?? You can save your favourites to listen to them whenever you want? Wow.
Pollution. He would go crazy and blow up. WHY WOULD YOU HARM AND LITTER YOUR HOME?? AAAARGH!!
Homeless people. You're telling me there are people who don't have a home? Everyone needs a home! Why don't they give them a home?!
Preschool. A place where you spend your entire day fingerpainting, reading books, making stuff and dancing? All of the things he loves the most. He would infiltrate into one, the teacher would probably call the police, he would get asked questions. He just wanted to have fun too....
Discovering that in grammar saying "the most" without anything else is just incorrect and doesn't make sense. He doesn't like being corrected about it. It's his thing. Don't correct him.
Cuss words. He would be shocked at how many cuss words he hears daily: watch your profanity.
Space?? People being on planets?? His mind would blow up.
Birth. You... make humans?? You create yourself? What do you mean they grow inside of you? How? Does it just randomly happen? You would rather die than teach him about sex. You say that you were kidding and a stork brings the babies for those who want one, it's their job. "Ohhh, that makes more sense," he says. Then he sees a cat or dog giving birth and just implodes.
Therapists. He would like them cause they would be the closest thing to his neighbours. He doesn't understand, however, why they demand to get paid for being friendly.
History. You're telling me there was a time when your kind didn't exist? And you know that because of just... history? How? What??
Earrings. To him it just looks like you're stabbing yourself.
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zukotheartist · 10 months
LONG tbosas (book, mostly) post ahead, about Reaper Ash specifically
A lot of people, rightfully, point out when Reaper cuts Panem's flag and throws it on the dead kids but something that gets to me as well (that I think is a really nice touch and should be talked about more) is his other uses of the flag (in the book, anyway).
The first time he cuts the flag, it's to bargain with Lamina.
Yes, he's doing it for himself because his mentor* won't send him food (or water) unless he puts on a good show (aka killing or at least attacking another tribute), which he isn't doing, and it's been days so he needs to eat (if I remember correctly, he had been able to get a few of Lucy Gray/Jessup's extra/leftover water bottles). But he was strong and big enough to hunt down another tribute and then steal their food. Not Lamina, probably, I don't think a big guy would be able to climb a pole that well? (I feel like that'd be easier for a smaller-skinnier person like Coral but idk, i dont climb lol). Regardless, he couldve hunted any of the tributes that were on the ground.
Instead, he notices that Lamina is heavily sunburned (enough for the skin on her nose to be chipping away) and tells her that he'll get her a blanket (piece of flag) to cover herself with, in exchange for some food.
Then he cuts another piece of the flag to cover his dead peers (and ofc that's the main use of it and the most important one).
But then he also cuts a piece of the flag... for HIMSELF. Not to use as a shield from the sun or to wrap a wound or any other "logical" or "useful" reason.
He drapes the cloth on his back and wraps it around his neck.
He makes a CAPE.
And what does he do, right after?
He twirls around and tries to look back at the cape as he's twirling. Then he runs up and down a bit, with his arms out-stretched, letting the cape fly behind him.
And the next time we see him? He's still wearing the cape.
That moment speaks VOLUMES imo.
A lot of people have pointed out that Suzanne Collins does the complete opposite of the usual tropes placed upon black characters: the girls aren't the caretakers, they're the ones being taken care of by other characters (Katniss and Rue + Tresh and Rue + Reaper and Dill) and the boys aren't treated as agressive fully grown men ready to attack, they're depicted as kind and righteous boys who don't wanna cause harm > the way they show it with Reaper (tho we also see it with Tresh) is soo so... idk, I don't have the words for it.
Not only does he apologise, before the game starts, to all the tributes for having to kill them and also promises them that he'll fight the Capitol and avenge them, to then refusing to murder them during the game.
Not only does he respect his peer's dead bodies when he absolutely had no necessity to and would even get repercussions for doing it (cutting the flag = defying the Capitol = no chance of him winning aka surviving).
He's also shown to be just a kid himself.
He's in an awful situation and trying to stay kind and safe and what's a little something that he does for Himself (the ONE thing he does for himself, basically his entire time in the arena he's doing things for others, even when the thing is just refusing to murder) to cheer up? He makes himself a makeshift cape and runs and twirls around a bit.
i have... so many feelings and thoughts on his character... Suzanne Collins' pen is definition of on fire. That's all.
*btw, something that also makes me incredibly sad is how he's taking care of everyone/not harming anyone but his own mentor still won't send him food or water :( and it's especially sad when you remember that Clemensia was one of the only mentors and Capitol people shown to be Actually against the Hunger Games, at first.
She wasn't bored by them (like it can be said for Festus or Arachne) and she wasn't simply disgusted from a gore/imagery perspective (like Snow and Livia too, if I remember well).
She was actually disgusted at them from a human perspective (not nearly as much as Sejanus but still) and even asked if "the Districts hadn't suffered enough" and "why couldn't they stop now that the war was over". Meaning, she was probably gonna be a good mentor (or as good as a mentor can be) before the snakes bit her and messed her up... it's all one big tragedy🥲
EDIT: wait, she Does send food by the end! But the point stands because she sends it after she's healed more and her brain's clearer.
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so i keep referencing the What Broke Delirium essay i plan to write but never actually writing it, so let's dig into that one!
because. sandman does not spoonfeed information. neil gaiman even said this in regards to the tv show, most shows are written these days under the assumption that audiences aren't really paying attention and need things spelled out for them - but sandman is not one of those shows. you gotta notice everything to get the full story
which honestly i love in many ways because it's part of why i'm never gonna run out of sandman essays to write - every time i reread the comics or rewatch the show i catch something new
and this is one of the first hidden bits of info i caught - remember this spread from overture?
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it's a fucking gorgeous page and one of my favourite in the entire sandman run, both for the pretty art and the content itself (i love delirium SO much)
but let's just zoom in on the center of those flowers for a sec
because there's tiny tiny text written inside them
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(for anyone who can't parse that, the first says "delight was sad", the second says "delight went mad")
now i've mentioned in many of my posts before that the endless all struggle to experience their own aspect, they are that thing, it exists for the most part out of their reach, and that causes problems for all of them
but i usually leave delirium out of these explanations
and that's because, for whatever reason, delirium is the opposite. and delight was too. i don't know what it is that makes her different, but while her older siblings all seem to be barred from their own domain by nature (or have to go to great lengths to experience it), del is too much of it. she's utterly absorbed by it. and while i think she's learned over the centuries how to be a bit more flexible (she understands the coins have two sides thing better than any of them, and can be lucid when she needs to), she didn't start out that way
we don't know what it is exactly that broke her. but we know why.
she had spent all of her life as the personification of happiness and joy, and someone who embodied those emotions. she appeared most as a little kid as delight, because kids definitely find it a lot easier to stay in that perpetually excited, happy mindset
but nothing stays that way forever. and this is where she is like her siblings, and why she's so familiar with the coin metaphor - when you're missing a fundamental piece of being human (either by being barred from your aspect or by being absorbed by it), that's not sustainable. it will tear you apart. dream refuses to accept that this is the case, and that breaks him. desire is equally stubborn about it, and they've outright admitted (in narration) that they're hanging on by a fucking thread
but death figured it out, when she realised she couldn't fulfill her function properly without learning what it was like to live. destruction figured it out when he ran away to go create. and delirium figured it out the hard way, because as soon as the world got a little too big for her singular aspect to make sense, it shattered
and it shattered slowly
there may have been some form of inciting incident, but she didn't become delirium overnight. i think a lot about her describing it as "growing up, or at least growing older", because that's both a very mature way to look at it and also an extremely tragic way to look at it, the idea that she knows too much, is never going to see the world the same way again, and that means delight is never coming back
(and that realisation is when she stopped presenting as a child and started presenting as a teenager)
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and i think for a while, early days of being delirium, not delight, she didn't know what to do with that. delight broke into scattered pieces and the more fell away the harder it became to connect them
but she's also the only one of her siblings who's picked herself up from that. and it's why she's the wisest of them. because from there she learned
okay, so her innocence is gone. so delight isn't coming back. but there's still parts of her around, if delirium ever needs them. and the more she observes about the world, the more she experiences, the more different pieces she gets to add to the puzzle. they don't fit together, but that's del's real strength - they're not supposed to. she could have tried to reassemble herself piece by piece, like gluing together a broken statue, but why would she do that? then she'd be exactly as breakable as before, if not more so
instead she's more of a floating amalgamation of pieces, or rather, she's the ties between them. and because there's no set puzzle, she can put those pieces together in any order. she's no longer susceptible to the same problems as her siblings, because she's not missing anything anymore. she didn't lose parts of herself when becoming delirium, she gained some
and yes, no one is entirely without flaw - her downside is she's still susceptible to strong emotion, and when that overwhelms her mind she stops being any kind of person, we just see that floating amalgamation, until she can calm down. but that's the worst of it. her siblings may see her as broken, but she's more whole than she ever was as delight. and she's never going to break again
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sarahjtv · 2 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 428 Spoiler Talk: Did Kohei Horikoshi Just Blueball Us???
So, that just happened, huh? Not a bad chapter by any means. It was a solid, slice-of-life-ish chapter that continues to give us our beloved Class 2-A kids some idea of how life is going to be like now that the war is over:
The chapter starts off where we left off 2 weeks ago with the new first-years (the new Class 1-A) fangirling over Shoto and Bakugo. Iida has to step in to stop the chaos while Bakugo and Shoto hide behind him like little kids using their big brother as a shield 😂! It's cool to know that our kids have fans now and seeing them as Senpai to new Kohais is a nice idea to think about. I also like that there's a panel of Shinsou in the class to remind all of us that he's part of the main group now.
There's also a tall 1st-year who is inspired by Deku and wants to be like him after seeing him fight in the war! I love that for him 💚! I don't think Deku's really had any fans outside his classmates before, so it's nice to see how people are looking up to him like how he looked up to All Might.
A little later, we see our Class 2-A working to help clean up the wreckage from the war with Fat Gum, Best Jeanist, and Edgeshot who FUCKING SURVIVED (BRO, HOW???) and is now just a big strand of string with a face and tiny string arms 😂😭! It's a funny visual for now, but Edgeshot says that he'll be better than ever hopefully which makes Bakugo show a wobbly, awkward smile 🧡.
I also love how much Bakugo has changed in general. It has been a slow, general progression, but it's clear that he's softening up and opening up more to the people around him. It's such great character development for him. I love this dude so much 🧡
It's also cool to see the kids work and use their Quirks to help clean up all the rubble. We've seen them do this a little before during the Provisional License Exam, but it's good to see it again because it's a good reminder that there's more to Hero work than just beating the bad guys and saving civilians. I can absolutely see how a lot of their Quirks can help out with clean-up duty, but I can't help but wonder how people like Jiro, Shinsou, and Kaminari use their Quirks though can already think of some ideas. Actually, Kaminari can restore power to towns and cities, but he can't use his Quirk to help pick up rubble.
The civilians and even the new Class 1-A kids come along and are more than willing to help clean up the mess too. The heroes are being trusted more again and then getting help from the people who they thought lost faith in them is a great sign for that bright future everyone hopes for. I also have high hopes for the new UA kids. They're already heroes in their own right by wanting to help during their first few days at the school. I also really like the look of the few new designs we get out of these kids. As expected of our mangaka!
Later that night, we are told that the students at UA aren't forced to stay at the dorms anymore, probably because things have calmed down after the war. This is good to hear because while I know the kids loved life at the dorms, I'm sure they missed their families too. I won't be surprised if some students in general decide to stay home for a while. I'm sure this also gives Horikoshi an excuse not to draw so many characters in one panel because god knows this man has his work cut out for him over the next 2-3 weeks.
The last couple of pages boil down to beautifully drawn panels of Ochako who's still keeping up that fake smile and optimistic façade and Izuku and Tsuyu worrying about her because something is CLEARLY wrong. Ochako does eventually break down remembering Himiko Toga and her fate. This chapter doesn't outright confirm nor deny what happened to Toga, but I'm pretty sure she's dead. I don't think Ochako would be this sad if Toga was alive in any capacity. It sucks because Toga had a change of heart in her final moments and I think she would have been given something of a second chance had she lived. But, maybe not because I don't know how society would really treat her if she was allowed to go out in public again. I would love for Toga to be alive, but I'm betting my gatcha money that she isn't... Still, this is a big loss for Ochako and I feel for her. I still can't help but feel we got blueballed on Toga's fate, though and I'm not sure how to really feel about that.
The final page shows us that Izuku used some embers of One For All to get to Ochako who's on the same hill back during the "We're Weird" conversation they had before the Final War. First off, Izuku bby 🥹💚. Second, this absolutely sets up Izuku and Ochako finally talking to each other since the Final War ended. I assume some kind of love confession is going to happen, but I'm not 100% sure because I don't know if now is a good time for that or not. Ochako definitely needs a shoulder to cry on and Izuku needs to talk to someone about what happened, so we'll have to see where things go from here.
Regardless, we have 2 chapters left and something has to happen before the end. It's going to be bittersweet next week though because we are getting the Cover and a Color Page in WSJ! These will be the last ones we get, so I hope they're special. Knowing Horikoshi, the art and coloring are going to be immaculate and I am going to cry happy tears for the next 2 weeks.
We will also get a 16-chapter tie-in chapter for the new You're Next movie by Yoko Akiyama, the mangaka for the spin-off Team Up Missions manga! I love her art so much! It's very similar to Horikoshi's, but the style and the coloring especially is so soft and cute! It's perfect for a slice-of-life-esque spin-off like TUM and she hasn't disappointed me yet. Plus, I'm 99% sure she did the manga tie-ins for the 2nd and 3rd movies too, so this was expected.
We're finally at the penultimate and final chapters of the series. I still can't believe it's ending. Just 2 weeks to go starting this Sunday.
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lady-z-writes · 2 months
Pieces - Butcher x reader [1/?]
In which reader was once a counselor, had a fall from grace, turned barkeep. Butcher can't help but find comfort in her...What do they say about misery and company?
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He won't ever admit it, but he enjoys it; the silence, the space she makes for him.
He's sure it's partly the demeanor of a counselor - refuses to think too hard about it - like he's some kind of case to her.
But here he can just be.
She doesn't push for information. Doesn't ask the questions he's sure linger between them.
So they sit and they drink (him way more than her) and they fuck.
"You never ask," he offers to her one time, a particularly bad day after a particularly bad job. But a particularly good lay, which helps a little.
She smirks at him, shakes her head, rolls over in bed. "If you wanted to share, you would. Billy, I'm not here to be your shrink. We're just passing time, aren't we?"
And weren't they?
She'd said it to him once before: world's ending. We're all fucked anyway, aren't we?
He asks. Of course he does. The bastard. So fuckin curious about so many fuckin things. Can't leave well enough alone. Can't help but ruin a good thing. Ain't it like him.
To his surprise, she shares.
Shares about a bad time in life. About tough luck. About loss. A miscarriage. A marriage torn apart by treatments and wishing and wanting. By not enough. A husband so far gone, they'd been over before the anniversary effect took hold. A story about ache and empty. Kids clothes with new tags. A closet full of a hope chest. Separating into boxes and selling house. The lonely that's left. The whispers of promises of bare feet on wood floors. Weeds growing through concrete. Time passing. The hurt never left.
"So, I left the practice," she admitted. "When a counselor goes through a crisis, we aren't good at taking our own advice." His sad eyes meet hers and she looks away for a moment. "I had plenty to turn to, tons of resources - I knew them all. But I didn't want the help. I wanted to live in the ache. Let my grief consume me, I guess. So I threw it all away. And now I'm left in pieces, aren't I? " She shrugged. "One bedroom apartment, sold the ring, quit the cushy job, started tending bar in this shithole. It's like counseling. In it's own way."
He's had enough then, realizes he wasn't built to take on the trauma of another. How did she do it?
He pulls her in close, lets her skirt fan out around his lap like an art piece waiting to be seen.
Doors closed. Customers out. It's like this almost weekly; his little bar babe.
And he fucks her in that booth seat - slides right between her thighs, panties long gone, affection out the window. They grip onto each other like they're junkies in need of a fix, a distraction.
He'd pick up the pieces if he had to.
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666writingcafe · 19 days
An Interview With Simeon
Part Six
Question One: How do you feel right now?
A little tired, but otherwise okay.
Question Two: Would you rather live in the city or in the woods?
I find a lot more inspiration in the woods, plus there aren't nearly as many people. MC says that I'm an introvert because I get my energy from being alone, and I think they might be right. Not that there's anything wrong with groups of people; they just can be draining at times.
Question Three: Do you believe in soulmates?
Absolutely. But I don't believe in exclusivity. There are many types of soulmates, not just the romantic kind. Like, Luke and I are familial soulmates. I was meant to be his guardian, and he was meant to be my kid. *pauses* Don't tell Luke I said that. He hates it when I call him that.
Question Four: Who is the first person you call when you are happy or sad?
When I want to express good news, I call Raphael. He and I have grown fairly close since the war. But he's what I would call a fair-weather friend. He's made it clear that he doesn't want to hear about my struggles, and I've made peace with that. (So who do you call when you need to vent about something?) It depends on what it is. If I just want to gossip, then I reach out to Solomon, but if it's deeper and more existential, I call either MC or Mammon. MC is a great listener, and Mammon's been through a lot of the same things I have. Plus, he's actually willing to share his emotions with me, unlike a certain dark-haired demon I know.
Question Five: What makes you smile on bad days?
Luke and MC doing something together. They're quite cute.
Question Six: How would you feel if your daydreams became real?
In some ways, they already have. Unfortunately, I can't reveal much more than that, or I'd be in a lot of trouble.
Question Seven: What are you proud of right now?
I recently overcame a really bad case of writer's block.
Question Eight: What are you scared about not accomplishing in life?
Question Nine: What do you think about casual relationships and long-term relationships?
I think it's important to communicate those kind of boundaries upfront and check back in frequently to see if they need to change. Otherwise, the relationship isn't going to last, and one or both parties are going to be unhappy.
Question Ten: What do people say about you that you like?
Do you mind if I go on a bit of a tangent? (Does it pertain to the question?) Yes. (Then go ahead.) So, MC gives the best compliments. They have a way of looking deep inside someone's soul and saying what they need to hear. It can get very specific. (Give me an example.) MC once told me that the words I write rival the greatest pieces of art in the human world. They were reading a short story I wrote about nature, except nature was a metaphor for something--or rather, someone else. *pauses* Just thinking about it is making it hard for me to focus on this interview, and I'm sure you have more questions to ask, so we should move on.
Question Eleven: How would you define love?
What an...interesting question. *clears throat* I'd say love consumes you. You can feel it from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, but its pull is strongest inside your heart. (Have you felt that way about someone before?) I feel that way about someone now, but to reveal who it is would cause an uproar. (Do they at least know how you feel?) Yes, and they've agreed to keep it private.
Question Twelve: How much value do you place on other people’s appreciation?
A lot more than I should. I'm not supposed to care too much about people's opinion of me, because my relationship with Father is suppose to supersede all of that.
Question Thirteen: Have you broken someone’s heart?
Question Fourteen: What do you think about “love at first sight?”
I've seen it happen once. A bunch of us did, actually. (Was it during the initial exchange program?) *smiles* It was.
Question Fifteen: If you woke up tomorrow as a person of the opposite gender, what would you do?
The same stuff that I do now. I know, not very exciting. Technically, I could change my physical form to a person of the opposite gender if I wanted to. We only look this way as to not scare off humans. But I like my current appearance. I feel it matches how I feel on the inside.
Question Sixteen: What is the most ridiculous thing you have ever bought for yourself?
A 200 pack of glitter gel pens.
Question Seventeen: What was your last Doogle search?
As soon as I say it, you'll know exactly why I searched for it: "how to put out a magically-induced fire".
Question Eighteen: What do you think attracts people to you?
I'm able to appear calm and peaceful. It doesn't always reflect what I'm feeling, but that's a whole other story.
Question Nineteen: What color is your aura?
A light shade of baby blue.
Question Twenty: If the world ended tomorrow, would you survive?
With help, yes. If I was by myself, however...I don't think I'd last very long.
Question Twenty-One: If your house was on fire, what is the first thing you're grabbing?
Luke. Objects can be replaced. He can't.
Question Twenty-Two: If you could take your favorite celebrity on a date, where would you go?
They enjoy late-night picnics at the park. (You say that as though you've already been on a date with your favorite celebrity.) That's because I have. Several times, as a matter of fact. Although, their fame is subjective. They're not nearly as famous where they come from as they are here in the Devildom.
Question Twenty-Three: If you could shapeshift into an animal, which one would you be?
A human world Arctic fox.
Question Twenty-Four: If you could do anything without any judgment, what would you do right now?
It would require a hotel room with a magical lock on it, soundproof walls, and lots of...shall we say, supplies.
Question Twenty-Five: Do you easily get scared?
Not anymore. I used to, and then the war happened.
Question Twenty-Six: Can you keep a secret?
Can you? *awkward silence* (We should wrap this up.) Good idea.
Question Twenty-Seven: Have you ever felt tongue-tied on a date?
Question Twenty-Eight: Can you spend a whole night awake?
I have many times before, and I probably will do many more times in the future.
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch, @budbuddnbuddy
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
So I had a thought, and your writing would capture this best in my opinion: Phantom coming back to the abbey, finding Aether, and proceeds to have the most Ghoultism conversation about his first tour and what he experienced. And he’s such a little cutie that he doesn’t stop him.
im sorry it took me ages whaaaaa :(
but im here! and thank you for considering me the best man for the job, hope i don't dissapoint hahahah
some ghautistic phantom rambles under the cut :)
Aether didn't exactly know what saying 'tell me everything' to Phantom would mean for him. He didn't expect him to literally tell him everything. He did feel a bit like complaining, at first, he had better things to do. Not to say he didn't absolutely adore Phantom or that he was ignorant or selfish. Not at all, quite the opposite. Aether just really had a lot of work.
But Phantom was so adorable, he was so excited to tell the older ghoul all the stories from tour. Aether couldn't just stop him, could he?
"People were throwing us so many plushies, there's so many on the bus and everyone has some for themselves and I even got a few bats!" Phantom ranted so fast he was nearly out of breath. "I love bats so much, Aether, how did they even know!?"
"I have no idea, kid, but I'm happy you got some gifts from the fans," he chuckled. Phantom was too adorable for his own good.
"They know our names too! And they gave us so many different things, a lot of bracelets with our names, flowers and I even got a letter! A LETTER, Aeth, just for me!" he beamed.
"I saw you also got some flags thrown onto the stage, yeah?" Aether prompted. He should've probably bite his tongue if he wanted to leave the common room in the next 24 hours but Phantom was just too cute.
"YEAH! There were those rainbow ones and the other colorful one, you taught me about them when I was first summoned. The colorful one is for the whole community some humans are in, right? When they don't really fuck with everyone, just specific people?"
"Something like that," Aether giggled. It was one way to put it, especially with how Phantom perceived things Topside.
"The other one was the blue, white and pink and I think that's the one people use when their junk doesn't match their head? Like Dew and Sunny, they'd be them too if they were humans, yeah?"
"Yes, kid, it's called being transgender, for humans."
"Yes! People were so happy when we picked them up, Swiss too, I think it meant a lot to them. I think a lot of our fans are colorful humans, don't you think?" Phantom asked and actually paused for a second. Not a rhetorical question, then.
"I don't just think so, I know it. I used to check the internet a lot, the thing on your phone that you don't like. They say a lot of nice stuff about us all there, and yes, a lot of them are colorful, as you called it."
"'m happy I could make them feel... seen, then, you know? Swiss told me once their lives aren't really easy. That's sad," he pouted as he picked on a loose thread on his pant leg.
"That's true. But there's no reason for you to get sad now, kid. Tell me more, what else happened?" Phantom was not only a cutie, he was also really sensitive and Aether would much rather spend hours listening to his excited rambles than his sobbing.
"Oh, we visited so many fun places! The girls took a lot of pictures, they should show you! World is so big and there's so many different things in it, it was so exciting, Aether!"
"Oh, believe me, I know. Terzo loved travelling, when we toured with him there was no way to sneak out of a mandatory sightseeing in every city we got to. It was more tiring than playing itself. Mountain always ended up with Dew half asleep on his back on our way back to the hotel or a bus," it was true, the only thing that could've saved them from Terzo's traveling hunger was him himself being dead exhausted. Didn't happen often.
"Must've been fun! But yeah all of that was really tiring, we all napped when we could, even if for a moment. It's good you taught me all the basics of quintessence, I was helping everyone with their pains and when Dew couldn't sleep!"
"I'm proud of you, kid. I'm glad you liked touring and had so much fun," Aether sighed. He really was, even if he missed it already himself.
"Oh, and one time..."
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