#there's probably more to be said about jack's personality tbh
carefulfears · 1 year
do you have any thoughts on jack willis (and scully and mulder)?
mmm yeah i need to rewatch lazarus but i feel like jack kind of gets overshadowed by daniel a bit (in the same way that phoebe is overshadowed by diana) just because scully was a smidge older and they had a more committed relationship but like...he was still her teacher...and still significantly older than her.
WILLIS: No. It's real. I’ve been on this long enough. I know the difference. Besides, I can feel it. I can feel them. I'm inside their heads.
SCULLY: Just as long as you keep yours.
in their first interaction, willis has brought scully on to his big case, and it's clear that it's because they have an understanding of each other. they're very in-tune with each other, and they get on well.
but she quickly utilizes that understanding to express that jack perhaps has a tendency to "lose his head" (and her first line is "relax")
this is something she reestablishes later to mulder, when she claims that jack's change in personality after his near-death experience could be explained by "the stress of the case...the trauma of being shot...jack's personality..."
MULDER: How well do you know him?
SCULLY: (forced casual) We dated ... for almost a year. He was my instructor at the academy.
(SCULLY keeps walking, MULDER stops and looks at her.)
MULDER: The plot thickens.
SCULLY: (walking back toward MULDER, remembering fondly) We even had the same birthday. We used to celebrate in some dive in Statford that had a slanting pool table. But it was always so hard for Jack to relax. It was impossible for him really. He was always so intense, so relentlessly determined.
lol lol lol. do you think the syndicate knew they were sending miss "i just have to fuck my teacher" to spy on mulder
(how many times over the years does she describe mulder as "relentless"?)
it's almost cute here how she kind of slyly smiles and creeps back to tell him all about her past escapades. she's been very impatient in this episode: someone close to her is hurt. she doesn't want to go talk to mulder's wackjob scientist friends about body-swapping. and she's never told him anything this personal, or about her past, before. they're friends. it's the predecessor to seven years later, her kicking her shoes off on his couch, to tell him all about daniel over tea.
when she sees jack later (it might be dupre in jack's body, but she doesn't know that), she initially demands that he go to the hospital, but quickly acquiesces to what he wants her to do.
and she continues to defend him to mulder, unwilling to believe that there may be anything else going on, other than what she accepts as jack's erratic “personality.” (she would rather accept that jack forgot her birthday, and those times they spent it together, than that he's gone.)
when "jack" calls her to meet him, she comes, despite her misgivings. (she questions him about missing evidence that he'd been carrying). and when he holds her at gunpoint and throws her handcuffs, she restrains herself.
(it almost reminds me of small potatoes, in kind of a twisted way. scully has great instincts. sometimes she quiets them, sometimes she purposefully ignores them.)
it's pretty clear at this point that "jack" isn't actually jack. mulder's theory is most likely correct, he "swapped" with dupre when they both flatlined at the same time. when he interacts with dupre's wife, he knows every personal detail about her, and jack would have no reason to pretend.
i love this part here:
MULDER: (tense) Forget it, Bruskin.
AGENT BRUSKIN: Plus which, the manager just ID’d him and Scully.
MULDER: (really tense) I said forget it, Bruskin.
AGENT BRUSKIN: This isn't one of your X-File theories, is it?
MULDER: It doesn't matter what I think. We’re still after the same thing. 
we talk a lot about the last scene (and i will) but it's already being enforced here. it doesn't matter what i think.
this is the first time, i think, that scully might really be in serious danger?? and it just doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to be right, or to be believed. (there are different kinds, of relentless men).
SCULLY: (into phone) Mulder?
MULDER: (on phone) Dana, are you okay?
SCULLY: (into phone) Don't --- (WILLIS pulls the phone away)
MULDER: (voice, on phone) Dana?
she's "dana" here, for a moment, and i just have to point that out every single time. earlier, she was his friend on a staircase, telling him secrets about her ex-boyfriend. now, she's tied up against a radiator, and he doesn't know where, and they're afraid.
scully starts trying to reason with "jack," using personal details to try to coax him back into himself. (she also says here that he was born in '57, making him exactly 7 years older than her, and in his early 30s to her mid-20s when they dated).
when she tells the story of their fishing trip to his family cabin in a snowstorm, jack flashes to a memory of the snow. she's almost got him. it gets a little dr. jekyll/mr. hyde, as she speaks to him as a loved one, through the lens of the murderer who's overtaken his body.
i love this analysis here:
Yes, I am imagining young Scully bundled up with an older man in the mountains in a violent snow storm, letting him teach her how to fish in the ice, making love in a cabin in a cold dark woods, him wrapping her in a blanket when she got too cold. I love this image as a backstory. It’s so real and human and adds depth which prevents her from falling into the ‘uptight science nerd prude’ she could have been. She's a young woman. Her life is three-dimensional and rich in passion and mistakes.
she's a young woman. her life is so filled with whirlwind affairs. married professors that she runs from. fbi instructors who still wear her love confessions on their wrists. unfailingly relentless men that she follows into basements and alleyways forever and ever.
it makes me think of what she says in never again:
I’ve always gone around in this, uh ... this circle. It usually starts when an authoritative or controlling figure comes into my life. And part of me likes it, needs it, wants the approval. But then at a certain point, along the way, I just, you know .... (makes a STOP motion with her hand)
which....i agree with this post here, i don't think she's talking about mulder, when she says there are "other fathers." he doesn't actually have authority over her, except for what she gives him. (whole other can of worms!)
but it does drive her crazy that he doesn't fit the mold that her father built. for as similar as he is to men like jack willis and daniel waterston, there are 100 other conflicting ways that he's different, and that's what makes it so hard. (first of all, that he's not sleeping with her, even though he could be. he could've been from the motel room in bellefleur. and, especially as the years go on, it's both frustrating and entirely captivating that he's not)
being very brief on All That because i think it's another post entirely, but it's relevant here too. she admits herself, it's a cycle. she is obsessed with authority. she is eternally trying to make her father proud. and here, with jack willis, it's only been a few weeks since she admitted that he died disappointed.
since she admitted that the reason she doesn't believe, is because she's afraid.
and so, now, in lazarus, she's bleeding and handcuffed to a radiator, and she continues to negotiate with her captor as though he's an old lover ("you're my friend. you won't kill me, jack.")
(this is also when mulder listens to the tapes of jack's notes on the case he was working, where jack describes the murderous violent marriage of warren dupre and lula philips as "a love affair i almost envy," for it's disconnect from consequence)
lula reveals herself as the one who turned dupre in, and starts to let jack/dupre get very sick, taking away the insulin that could save him. as mulder starts to close in on their location ("And for those of you who don't know already...this one's important to me. So, uh, let's do it right. Thanks.")
in the morning, as jack dies, he starts to remember. snow. a red stove. wrapping dana in a blanket when the wood ran out. this is the tangible memory that their relationship is rooted in, and it's what returns him to himself, as he flickers in and out, and eventually passes.
SCULLY: (sighs, looks away and sits) What am I supposed to tell myself?
MULDER: (starts to leave) Good night.
SCULLY: (looks at watch) It's not working. It stopped. At 6:47.
MULDER: (turns back to her) The exact time that Jack went into cardiac arrest at the hospital.
SCULLY: What does that mean?
MULDER: It means ... It means whatever you want it to mean. (gently) Good night.
in the end, it doesn't matter. it means whatever you want it to mean. (keep your head.)
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argcicle · 1 year
does schlatt win is my autism’s worst nightmare
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bailey-dreamfoot · 1 year
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Ok so, wee explanation + headcannons under the cut.
Ok so assuming you've stuck around for my insane ramblings, heres the gist:
This comic is very much inspired by Factual Fantasy's Comics about Marsh, Natquick, and Calico Jack. And while my personal head cannon does share in the idea of the group working together- I thought it would be hilariously fun to include Inkling, and tbh it focuses more on him than the others anyway.
In the show, inkling doesn't really get out much. There are really only a few episodes where he has a significant role, and even less when he actually participates in missions outside of *insert knowledgeable insight*.
I believe this is for 2 reasons:
He just prefers the comfortable vibe of his library. The book-worm role fits his personality well - enjoying studying or cataloging species alongside Shellington - and he likes spending time with the Vegimals.
His Mobility issues. While he can very easily traverse the watery environments in the base show- in a&b, he doesn't really show much interest in exploring the land until he's told an old friend was the one in need of help. He has the ability, its just difficult- and he knows his limitations.
Inkling has his hover chair, that allows him to move around the octopod relatively easily. However - in the Min episode - they make it a point that he cant take it with him on land, or use it over rough terrain.
My version of Inkling uses an actual wheelchair, so I thought it'd be a neat idea that after that adventure- he'd want to try joining missions more often. And to deal with said mobility issues and limitations- say they got specialized tires for his wheelchair- so he could go join up on land missions more often.
After going on a few more missions with the other Octonauts, he hears about Octoagents Calico Jack, and Professor Natquick joining up with Ranger Marsh to help out in the Everglades- you best bet he jumped at the opportunity to tag along. Think of all the species he could ad to his personal catalogue. They might even discover a few new ones! Leaving the Octopod for so long after being basically the one constant to the place was a bit scary sure - and the other Octonauts were certainly emotional ab him leaving (especially Barnacles) - but maybe a change of scenery would do him good.
Sooo He does that! Professor Inkling meets up with the others on a dock near Marsh's Ranger station and get to work! One of the coolest things they did was collecting egg samples and catching an adult specimen of a newly discovered trapdoor spider! the Pine Rockland Trapdoor. Marsh Has a nursery where he cares for tons of snakes, lizards, insects and birds to make sure they have the best chance for survival. Thats where these eggs are going- to hatch in safety and then be released back into the ecosystem. On top of that, they take samples of the adults venom for study, and inkling is sure to make a detailed report of the arachnid in his many journals brought along with him!
As you may expect, Kwazzi takes after his grandad in his fear of spiders. Jack has seen worse, but It doesnt make it any easier to be close to them. Natquick on the other hand- In all his time in the arctic hes never seen anything as freaky as a spider bigger than a quarter.
Aaand that's it! I'm hoping to do some more comics with the lads in the future, although probably not as detailed as this one. It took more than 2 weeks- please.
Also, I find it kinda goofy that the panels get more detailed as you go along. Thats what happens when the first and last panel were made almost a month apart from each other. 💚
Also also- yes I did do actual research for the animals in the last comic. It was going to be a funnel web spider they're researching, but then I looked it up and found out Funnelwebs don't live in the Everglades. :']
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devilbeez · 2 months
Headcanon collection #17
Twst boys future career (made before I got my grubby little hands on any birthday events)
Riddle - lawyer, open a firm with Azul
Ace - tried police with Deuce, said “fuck it I quit” so now he’s working minimum wage along with doing freelance jobs that involve magic. Personal favorite, he became a teacher at NRC just to bring it full circle and more headaches to Crewel and Trein
Deuce - police Magic’s force
Cater - influencer
Trey - dentist with baker as side job
Leona - anything that not king /j in reality mf probably become like a consult and take care of the kingdom in the background cause I strongly believe as much of an ass he is he actually more capable than Falena
Jack - police magic force along with deuce and volunteer as gym trainer
Ruggie - I will not explain but I feel like man write a book and become like rich enough to take care of his family
Azul - lawyer, open a firm with Riddle
Jade - waiter and/or nature tour guide along with selling potions
Floyd - he work in a shoes store and is a fighter/bodyguard for hire on occasion
Kalim - rich boy whatever the family does idk
Jamil - man finally get to travel, I can see him publishing a book about his journey or write a blog and it become very popular and people relate to him
Vil - no.1 actor. Point blank period no discussion
Epel - work in his family business as a part time job but occasionally help Jack and Deuce unofficially
Rook - in jail probably tbh but before he probably work as like assassin for hire or something of that nature
Idia - work in his parents company but in his free time he write web comic under a pen name
Ortho - is co owner of the company with Idia and the webcomic proof reader, occasionally he’d help Jack and Deuce hack into stuff for info
Malleus - is a king and help Idia draw some of shroud’s webcomic
Silver - is a knight
Sebek - also a knight but he’s also another person that Jack and Deuce come to when they need help
Lilia - retired and is traveling
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thejockout · 8 months
Subject Diaries #0.5 - Jockout the Subject, Part 2
(okay this is the last edging post of this series lol)
Last time I discussed my history/beliefs around masculinisation and erotic TF hypnosis, just to give a foundation of how I think about this stuff.
NOW to get into the slightly juicier details; what am I into, and what have I achieved so far with hypnosis?
WELL. What I'm into is an interesting question; and it's changed a lot in the last 2-3 years. If you'd asked me then what I was into, the answer was a fairly limited range of hypnosis: I was into "dumb jock" style brainwashing... and not much else. I didn't do a lot with either sub/dom-coded files, and had yet to discover several of my major kinks! It's kind of weird looking back at how little I used to be into, tbh. But I feel like that's often the way with kinks, they kinda spread over time.
For hypnosis, my current core interests are the following:
Masculinisation - specifically shit like changes in media consumption, physical mannerisms like manspreading or gait, and attitude adjustments. This blurs the line with the next point, but really just covers the whole gamut of a "bro" or "jock" type personality, and is the primary thing I've been into for years.
Dumbing Down - this was a kink I was very on again/off again with for a while before finding my balls and embracing it wholeheartedly. Like many subs, I used to really fear being "Permanently Dumbed Down" and losing skills and traits I need for work/my ambitions. But that's not a realistic fear and not really how hypnosis works, so now I embrace it pretty wholeheartedly. Nothing hotter than coming out of trance unable to spell or think straight. I love seeing the changes in my communication that come from it, and the actual feeling of hypnosis-induced brain fog. (And, being seen as a dumbass is a big kink too, and a nice ongoing goal.) Also included here is the whole subcategory of like, wanting to be malleable and easily hypnotisable, wanting to be someone who drops like a stone and is super impacted by suggestion. I've got some friends who come to mind when I talk about that, and it's always hot to see how easily they sink.
Corruption - this is sort of a broader, underpinning kink to the rest of the stuff I'm into; but it's a desire I have to want to be changed, to have someone coy and sly and sneaky manipulate me into changing in ways most would consider "for the worse." Making me dumber, more single-minded, more narcissistic, more self-indulgent. Fuck, bro. I get off on the idea of someone making me into their personal monster... especially if it goes a little too far from their POV and they can't walk it back. This underpinning desire for corruption is sort of what fuels my love of Dumbing Down and, in recent years, super Dom-coded Toxic Alpha type hypno generally. It's play I think you need to be careful with, but I've been having a good time so far and don't think I'd have ever started making files like Brute if I hadn't gone in that direction myself.
I listen to files outside these three themes, but generally they need to have at least one for me to be into them, and the best tick all three boxes.
I briefly listed a few files I'd listened to a bunch in my previous Diaries post; those being Jack Drago's Masculine Conditioning series, Avis' Sapiens general catalog, and Rigsby's Absolute Jock. I've probably listened to 100s of hours of both the MC-series and Avis' work. My time on Absolute Jock was a looot lower, but tis the best of the old guard of jock files on WarpMyMind. Overall, it's a lot of time to have dedicated to this kinda hypno! So you'd expect to see some results, right?
...Yeeeahhh, well, I'm still kind of a Work In Progress on that front. I have seen results, but I held myself back with anxiety and overthinking (about hypnosis) for years of this, so I've really only started to show change in the last year or so. That being said, the years of repeated conditioning have done a number on me lol.
Successful Media Brainwashing - I did the unthinkable and successfully made myself a sports fan via hypnosis. It's kinda weird. For years I really struggled to even get through a game; then with hypnosis, I gradually started to just get suuper horny when I watched sports instead, which wasn't really any better because I'd just jerk off and lose interest. But sometime in the last two years, I kinda just got into it gradually and now watch for authentic, general interest. This was a real pipe dream at 17 when I envied how all the jock-types in my class could be totally absorbed and single-minded watching or playing a game, but I ended up getting there in the end! Not American so don't watch American Football/basketball/baseball or whatever, but I like rugby/hurling/F1 ✌️I credit this to Jack Drago's work, specifically Files 2 and 4 of the MC series; Manly Media Bubble and Male Oriented Interests.
General Personality Change - this is a WIP suggestion, but it's been interesting seeing myself change over the last 12 months especially. I've become a lot more dominant, confident, cocky, and even self-centered especially in online kink type contexts. IRL, I've just become more dominant and less willing to take shit; but that's only ever a good thing. It's interesting Because the nature of this kind of change, which happens so slowly over time, is that it can be difficult to look back and see the points where you used to behave differently. But sometimes like... especially since doing Douchebag-type files, sometimes I'll criticise someone or make fun of something and get a surprised reaction from a friend who wasn't expecting me to take it that far. And it always makes me feel a little good to surprise them in that way, to violate their expectations of how Nice I should be. I'm always Nice to them, and to anyone decent, but you've really gotta make me WANT to treat you well to get that now. Some people will read this and feel annoyed, or roll their eyes, but I kinda don't care. It's what I'm into. It's what I've GOTTEN into. (It's all Avis' fault really tbh.)
Libido Increase - this was a slow creeping change overtime, but went from getting off maybe 1x a day/5x a week or so to probably getting off 3x a day currently. Got a lot better at thinking with my dick and am super easy to make horny, which helps feed into the next suggestion on the list;
Dumbing Down - this is the suggestion I've had the MOST recent breakthrough with. For the month of January, I listened daily to @hyphyphurray's Muscle Boy file, interspersed with his Happy Horny Himbo and @avissapiens' Intellect Drain. Dumbing Down was always something I'd struggled to conceptualise hypnotically, but I had a perspective shift this month as to what dumbing FEELS LIKE on an ongoing basis. While under some mild post-trance haze, I wrote this snippet about it in preparation for the post a week ago:
(Don't worry, I'll summarise it.)
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The tl;dr of that message is that I realised "permanent" dumbing would feel less like brain fog/tipsiness, and more like apathy towards intellectual topics. It's a priority shift, or a behavioural change; not a magic finger plucking facts out of your brain so you forget the answers. It's sort of like it just fucks with your desire to know things/answer questions instead. The information might still be there, if you hunt; but why would you? Who cares, bro? Does it even matter?
Since making that perspective shift, it's like a few years of dumbing has crept in all at once, and it's been super interesting. I'm not going to over dramatise it (I'm desperate NOT to become an RP-type blog with this) because in contexts like writing, schoolwork, etc., I think just as clearly and easily. But in leisure contexts, in hypnosis, just in chatting with bros... I feel that intellectual apathy creep in allll the time. Trying to think of an answer to something and just giving up two seconds in, because "it's easier not to think about it." Trying to remember something and quitting because "if it was that important, I'd have remember." Letting my typos and message flubs sit because "they can figure it out lol" and not over analysing whether everything I say is totally coherent or rich.
I understand the irony of me speaking in huge depth about this here, when what I'm saying is that I'm thinking less. But like I said, it's kinda contextual. If anyone was interested, I'd consider writing a hornier post under the influence of trance sometime so the difference can be seen, but right now... I'm just taking this a little more formally, I guess? Idk, I'm torn between wanting it to be pseudo-educational and also just having made myself horny writing so much about dumbing, and when I'm horny I REALLY feel that haze start to creep in and I kinda wanna just stop this an edge or something and go do anything else that's more fun 🥴
So in the spirit of the post, I'm gonna go do that.
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For the month of January, most of what I listened to were Hyphyphurray's files listed above (the number in green = the number of times I listened to them). They are paid files, but they're well worth the price, and I recommend them to anyone into this shit. I also listened to Avis' Intellect Drain 5-6 times as a supplement because I love how that just makes my brain turn off for a while.
Not sure atm what I'm gonna listen to through February, I've bounced between Muscle Boy and Avis' Toxic Douchebag Alpha a few times so far but will likely commit to one track for the month.
This is post #2 of my broader Subject Diaries series, a blog series I plan to maintain on a fortnightly/monthly basis updating people on what I've been listening to, files I've been enjoying, and effects I've been experiencing. When I'm not trancing, I'm usually off being a mystical forest bro in the wilderness of Ireland, but I am always available for commissions here on Tumblr/Soundcloud if you reach out via DM. My flat rate is currently $55-80, but you can always check my pinned post for more up-to-date info. You can also support me with a one-time tip either via Paypal or Ko-Fi, but you'll have to DM for the first.
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eimids · 8 months
C, D, J, Y, X, Z for bottom Leah?
Bottom Leah Williamson NSFW Alphabet
All letters
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Hehee me and @rachdalysworld decided to do this together (i'm a bottom at heart so it's hard for me to imagine topping someone haha)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Aftercare is important to Leah. She want's to feel loved and the best way for that is to draw her a bath and wash her body. She loves when you take care of her and be gentle with her afterwards. And she needs A LOT of kisses, anywhere you can just give them.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She loves your boobs and curves. She loves to suck on your nipples and just hold on to them. She just uses them as her personal stress balls sometimes hehe.
On her own body, she loves her arms and the muscles in them. She loves to work out to get her arms bigger.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
When Leah comes on your tongue, she loves it when you lick her all clean when she is sensitive and after that you will kiss her to make her taste herself. She would be a moaning mess for you when you like her sensitive pussy all clean.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wanting to be fucked in public is a dream of Leah's. She would love for you to sneakly finger her at a restaurant or use a controllable vibrator on her at a party.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Leah usually tops, that's just a fact. So as a top she has a lot of experience but as a bottom she has nothing. It was all new to her to be your pillow princess and just take everything you have for her.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Subby Leah would love to be fuck on all fours. Face in the pillows and back arched as you fuck her from behind. But tbh she loves anything you give her.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Leah is more serious in bed. Things as a bottom are new to her so she wants to be more serious to make sure everything goes well.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
She likes to keep it neat and shaved. She shaves often and feels more like herself with none of hair.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
She likes to feel loved and loves when you use cute nicknames on her. So I would describe her as more intimate during the moment.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
She can only cum if she has your permission. She loves to call you and show herself while she pleases herself. She want's you to talk her trough it because she is just way too needy for you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Mommy kink. She calls you mommy all the time. She first said it by accident but after a discussion with you, she started to use it more and more. She just wants to be your baby and suck your tits. (me with @rachdalysworld)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Leah loves when before or after a game you drag her to a random room to fuck her. She loves the way you put your hand on her mouth to keep her quiet so no one finds out about the two of you.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
If you are only wearing like her jersey, she will go feral. OR like some pants where she can see that you are wearing a strap. She will go insane and just cling to you till you decide to fuck her completely senseless.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Leah is okay with bondage but just not with handcuffs. She just worries that they will hurt and leave marks so that's something that she doesn't wanna do. Other would be humiliation. She doesn't like if you humiliate in front of others or even in the bedroom where it's just the two of you. She likes degrading but not humiliation .
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Well she is a bottom so I think that the end of the day, she will much rather receiving nut she know that she has to get you off first before she can have your mouth on her pussy.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough, she want's it hard and fast. To be honest, she gets nervous often if you fuck her slowly. She just need a good, rough fuck.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Often, often and very often. She loves to have you between her legs even if it's just something quick.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Yes ma'am, Miss Leah is a risk taker and loves if you fuck her in any public place. She loves the exitement that anyone could see or hear you guys.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
She can go for long times but only can take like 3 orgasms. If she is receiving, she can't go for very long but if she is giving, she can go for all night.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
She loves straps. She love when you wear them, loves when you use them on her and loves it all. She might look very masc, but in the bedroom she just loves being fucked by a good cock.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Hates being teased. She hate's that if you are a party and you're wearing a strap. You will grind on her ass with it but won't leave before the party ends. She will be all hot and bothered.
She likes to tease you. Often times she will be eating you out and licking everywhere except where you need her the most. After a threat of a punishment she will stop teasing.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Loud. Wants everyone to hear that she is yours and you definitely are not complaining about that. Often times she is loud and you have to quiet her by kissing her or straight up putting your hand on her mouth.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
When you take Leah's clothes off, you will most likely find out that she is already wet. You will also find her perfect muscles that she often loves to show off. They are her pride and god you love them too.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
She is basicly always in the mood. Maybe not before matches cause she is nervous and wouldn't be able to concentrate.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She needs her aftercare and won't fall asleep before or during it, but after that she is a goner. (haha like gooner)
I had so much fun while writing this with my girl <3
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roses-r-rosie3 · 8 months
Tomas Vrbada Smut Alphabet
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A - Aftercare (What is he like after sex)
✰ He will cuddle you, clean you up, talk to you for a bit about how much he loves you and how much you mean to him and then fall asleep next to you or he will be knocked out (either or)
B - Bottom Or Top? (Is he a Bottom or Top? Is he Dom!Bottom, Sub!Bottom, Dom!Top, Sub!Top)
✰ He is definitely either a sub!bottom or a sub!top but either way he is a sub there are very rare occasions where he is dominate but he is a bottom at heart ❤️
C - Cum (Anything to do with Cum)
✰ May not seem like it but he is a FREAK. He loves when you cum in his mouth (of course he swallows because he’s a ‘good boy’), he loves when you cum in him, literally anything to do with it
D - Dirty Secret (Secret Kink/Guilty Pleasure)
✰ He secretly likes the idea of you getting him pregnant. Of course, he knows that he can’t get pregnant but the thought of having a child that looks like you and him gets him excited
E - Experience (How Experienced is he?)
✰ I don’t see him as a very experienced person, you were probably his first relationship
F - Favorite Position (Self explanatory)
✰ Probably missionary (I know it’s basic)
G - Goofy (Is he silly during sex? Or is he serious)
✰ He takes these moments really seriously, he wouldn’t mind a if you cracked a joke here and there though
H - Hair (How well groomed is he?)
✰ He shaves almost everyday so I would imagine him to be very clean and well-groomed
I - Intimacy (How romantic is he during sex?)
✰ He is a very very romantic man, if he’s topping he’ll shower you with love and praise, if he’s bottoming he’ll tell you how good you’re fucking him
J - Jacking Off (Does he masterbate?)
✰ He used to do it a lot but after he started dating you he started jerking off maybe one or twice every month
K - Kinks (what are his kinks?)
✰ Pregnancy kink (as said before)
✰ Orgasam Control
✰ Gagging
L - Location (Favorite place to do it)
✰ He likes the bedroom a lot mainly because you guys don’t have to worry about being caught
M - Motivation (What turns him on)
✰ Literally anything tbh, you being shirtless, you training, you coming out of the shower with only a bath towel wrapped around your waist, but he tries (key word: tries) to hide it (he’s blushing like crazy)
N - No (Something he wouldn’t do/turn offs)
✰ knifeplay/anything with violence involved. He is afraid that he would accidentally hurt you and he doesn’t wanna take that risk
O - Oral (What are his oral preferences? Does he like giving or receiving?)
✰ he prefers giving because seeing your face scrunch up as he blows you makes him feel butterflies in his stomach
P - Pace (How Fast/slow does he go during sex?)
✰ If he’s topping he will go slow at first so that he can make sure that he’s not hurting you and eventually speed up over time
✰ If he is bottoming though… he wants you to make him your bitch
Q - Quickie (His opinions on quickies. Would he do it?)
✰ He doesn’t mind quickies because he’s always away from you but he prefers for the two of you to have an actual intimate moment (not that quickies aren’t intimate)
R - Risk (How risky is he willing to go?)
✰ I feel like Tomas isn’t a fan of it but if you want to then he will
✰ If you’re giving him a blowjob or jerking him off in the hallways, he would be extremely cautious and paranoid
S - Stamina (how long does he last)
✰ He could last about 4-5 rounds I mean he is a ninja after all…🤷‍♂️
T - Toys(does he own any toys?)
✰ I honestly don’t see Tomas to be the kind of guy to own any toys, maybe a dildo??
U - Unfair (does he like teasing you)
✰ No, He knows that if he even tries to tease you, then you will punish him (which probably gives him more of a reason for him to tease you now that I think about it)
V - Volume (How loud is he)
✰ All I need to say is that man WHIMPERS
W - Wild Card (random sex Headcannon)
✰ Once, when you and Tomas were doing it, Kuai started knocking on the door because he heard Tomas and thought he was being hurt, so while kuai was opening the door Tomas had to use abilities so that you could both put your clothes on
X - X-Ray (How big is his cock? Anything like that lols)
✰ 7 1/2 inches long 3 inches thick
Y - Yearning (how high is his sex drive)
✰ Honestly I don’t think it would be that high unless if he was coming home from a mission, but he would most likely want to cuddle and kiss while watching a movie
Z - Zzzz (how quickly does he fall asleep afterwards?)
✰ If he’s topping he will help you clean up but if he’s bottoming he will be out like a lightbulb
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kimbap-r0ll · 10 months
hii, nice to see you again
may I request first years reacting to getting asked out while having a crush on reader please?
Hi, thank you for the ask!
First years getting asked out by their crush (y/n)
I think he would first think you're joking, you're puling his leg. There's no way you would actually want to date him...right?
But with how serious you seemed when approaching him, as in you were stuttering some of the words, asked him out in a tone that seemed very genuine, and you were looking at him with a few glances that basically screamed "I mean every word I said" he was at a loss of words. He didn't know how to react!
"Ah...haha well if this isn't a joke, um" he tries to act like his usual, casual self but it keeps failing. He's also finding himself becoming a blushing mess. A part of him is so happy he's getting a date with you, but another part of him is scared he'll mess up the potential relationship but also the friendship you two have.
Pulling you closer by wrapping an arm around your shoulders, Ace tells you he's super happy you asked him out. "I was gonna do that first, but you beat me to it!" he'll smile. He's really happy, you'll be able to tell with how his eyes seem like they're twinkling
Also a stuttering mess except he didn't think you were joking, he thought you were blabbering after having not slept for a couple days. But you tell him you're being serous and that you really want to be with him, which causes his brain to pull a blank
He's wanted to ask you out for so long, he's probably practiced in front of a mirror how he was going to ask you out (was caught by Ace once and threatened Ace he would drop multiple cauldrons if he told you haha). However, you beat him to it and he hadn't practiced a response, so he just nods furiously when you ask him "So...a cafe date?"
He's adorable, very flustered but super cute. He tells you with a small smile that he hoped you would go on a date with him, he just didn't know if he had the courage to ask you. "I would love to go on a date with you, let me know when and I can pick you up at Ramshackle!"
He will be writing back to his mother about this and probably won't stop talking about you to her either. He's just so happy that something he thought was only a dream happened and honestly after you left him he probably ran back to his dorm like super happy and probably shouted "GUESS WHAT!" to Ace when they met up
He's stunned, he wasn't sure if you would want to date him because of his more or less intimidating features and also he tended to be a lot more serious. However, that serious face dissolves when you ask him out
He's had a crush on you since you two met, mostly because he admired how strong you were as a person both on the inside and the outside. You were resilient, able to handle any tasks that came in your way, and you were kind to all students. Jack really wanted to get closer to you but didn't know how to show interest, so he probably stuck to just picking up conversations here and there when you two met
He didn't expect you to confess first, or at all tbh. He thought it was just him being silly with a crush but here you were. He can't meet your eyes, he's blushing, but in the end he gives out a small "I would love to" and opens his arms so you can give him a hug.
I feel like he wouldn't let people know just because Savanaclaw would honestly tease him (in a nice way) whenever you two were together in the dorm haha. However, Ruggie will notice how Jack seems a lot more upbeat than usual and Jack's been talking about you more and more often
Probably the only one who's first reaction wasn't "wait I thought you would never ask me out"
He really admires how you're not afraid to talk to anyone about your passions and how you're basically the only one who's not scared of Vil. You two also share a lot of hobbies so it was nice getting to be around you, and that sentiment kept growing until it developed into a crush
Epel didn't really doubt that you two were close, but he was surprised a little bit when you confessed you wanted to date him. He's also the one to take it without becoming too flustered. He'll give you a big hug and say he wanted to tell you first but you beat him to it. After that, he might ask if you're free that afternoon to go on your first date — he'll be driving a magical wheel!
He's super happy you confessed to him and he'll be writing about the first date to his family. You will likely be invited to Harveston for one of the school breaks, it'll be a lot of fun!
He literally practiced his confession to you multiple times, wondered if he should write it in a letter and just slip it in your bag, but here you were just confessing without any script and just making it super smooth.
Sebek was a blushing mess when that happened, honestly he had no idea how to respond! He had a crush on you for a while, and even if Lilia and the others teased him about it he was in denial that he had a crush on you. Who knows, maybe you two bumped heads at first but grew to become friends. Either way, he was like "no way I have a crush, I need to focus on academics...BUT WHAT IF I LIKE THEM!"
Sebek will stutter a bit before giving you his more formal "I accept your offer for a date!" He sounds uptight, but you know that he's doing this to not become more flustered than he already is. Pull him into a hug and he'll become as red as Riddle when he's angry haha. Either way, he feels his heart racing and his mind is just going so fast. Like omg is this a dream?
You two will find a date that works well for you two and when you two go back to your dorms, he's just shaking from how happy he is. Silver might ask what happened and Sebek won't tell him, even if he's grinning from ear to ear. Lilia, however, saw the whole thing and will tell Silver and Malleus about Sebek's new date haha
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
Hey red sorry if this im being annoying and you dont have to answer if you dont wanna but bc this just happened to me how would the yuurivoice boys react to someone knocking on listeners/their window at like midnight TY<33
Who the FUCK is that???
Dw your not bothering me! I like silly requests like this tbh. Also I feel like this is leaning towards more horror things.
Lowkey my worst fears of someone knocking on my window. Personally I keep a knife in my room.
"Wha....who the fuck just knocked on the window? Boo stay here real quick." He's grabbing a weapon and looking out the window. Alphonse is like 6 ft something right? Him half asleep but adrenaline rushing through him making his face into he nastiest glares he's ever done. Also 100% down to fight someone if they think they can pull this shit. Boo grabs a gun they keep in the bedroom just in case.
"Huh? What....someone knocked on the...what?!" Shot right up off the bed and ripped the curtains open ready to grab someone. He didn't hear bc he's a heavy sleeper and Scout waking him up all scared already kicked his ass into motion. He's standing there in boxers ripping the window open to see who tf knocked ok the window. Scout keeps a hammer in the bedroom for self defense if something happens.
"Cas...Cas someone's at the door...wait why did that sound so close-" Woke straight up after realizing that it was midnight. He's not able to really fight but Casper keeps a bat and switch blade in the bedroom. He grabs the bat while they get the switch blade, he's peeking out the window. Making sure not to stand too close to Casper incase they have to shank someone.
"Sunflowerr....make the noise stoopp....what time even is it?? Sunflower what's wrong?" When Finn first wakes up he's fully discombobulated. He doesn't even have his glasses on so everything blurry and he's still sleepy. Sunflower is the one to tell him to wake himself up bc someone knocked on the window. Since there's not a weapon in the bedroom Sunflower grabs a pot that Finn fixed for one of his plants.
"To whoever is interrupted my beauty sleep you better be bullet proof..." Since he def dealt with a stalker before he has weapons in the bed room. Such as a small hang gun, he's also ready to kick someone's ass in hand to hand. Since he probably either lives in a apartment or one of the penthouses Auron owns he's confused om how someone is knocking on the window. Star I'd def having war flashbacks rn.
"Rook...Rook wake up. Don't be alarmed but there might be someone outside stay here." Hc that he's a semi light sleeper, like he can hear everything in the penthouse so if something is out of the ordinary he wakes up. Is not afaird to kill someone if he thinks their a threat, but I also wondering how their knocking on the windows. Might think it's a bird but grabs his brass knuckles just in case. He makes Rook take a gun and lock his bedroom door staying by the bed to Mae distance between the person and them.
"Hhmm? Angel go to beeddd....what do you mean you hear someone knocking on the window?? Oh this person better leave before I grab them." A deep sleeper that took a minute to wake up bc Angel has to tell him someone knocked on the window. He didn't think of anything at first but when he was about to look he asked how tf are they knocking on the window this is an apartment complex?? He rips the curtain open ready to snatch whoever dare scare his Angel. Said person has a kitchen knife in the bedroom just in case.
"...Buddy...where you up it's mid-....what. Shit okay hold on, let me get up." Was half asleep but now is fully awake of everything in the dorm. Depending on what floor he lives on he's trying to figure out if it's some random student playing a prank or a creepy person. He grabs a golf club a roommate has as a weapon, he prays he doesn't break it and goes to the window. Buddy is behind him with a lamp, it's a fish one Jack took to college with him.
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Hewo I know Halloween is over but may I have TADC cast x Jack Skellington!Reader? Plus their dog also got transported and turned into Zero.
Imagine an 11ft tall skeleton rising out the giant ballpit thing
If Jax or Caine pisses them off they do the scary face thing
TADC cast x jack skellington! Type reader!
I dont mention the dog much since I dont really. Have many ideas for them <\3
Also I have not seen nightmare before Christmas in YEARS so UHUH! This may be a bit off
Written on mobile
I'm down with the sickness but the sickness is not down with me (too sore to sleep)
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You guys walk bubble and your dog together/j
Actually no that would be.. kind of funny.. I can definitely see caine doing that if hes trying to befriend you
Chaotic gentleman (is that a thing? Honestly I'm just basing the gentleman part on the fact caine says stuff like "my dear" and goes out of his way to welcome new circus members but uhuh) and calm gentleman duo
Things happen
Honestly I think you would balance him out, like either he tones down or you compliment his personality enough to make it more bearable to others
Similar to the skeleton reader post, pomni is a little offput by you being a skeleton. It's like how you instinctively get freaked out when you see an exposed brain, usually means somethings very wrong. Same case with your bones I think. At least for pomni while shes getting used to things. Though your gentle and kind demeanor really helps ease things along, and pomni finds herself comfortable around you!
AND you come with a dog? Tbh I can see pomni being a dog person
... If that's your dog, assuming it's not an NPC, does that mean your dog got a mini headset...?
Kind lady and kind person. You guys kind of just brighten up the room whenever you two are around, and even more so if you're together... though, that isn't saying much given the general attitude of the others..
You both tend to band together to look out for the others during IHAs, I think
Let's you rattle on about your interests; I'm sure most others would let you do the same, but I think Ragatha would actually be actively engaged in it! I think Kinger would be too...
Sets you three down in a corner and observes
Writing this down first before I forget but Jax would do an exaggerated fake scream when you do the scary face thing. I don't think jax would be all the phased by it. If you're a skeleton you're cursed with him trying to undo your bones, very similar to the TADC cast x skeleton reader post from a few days ago
Personality wise? Jax is going to try to find your limits and break them. Oh you're a gentleperson who handles things with grace? Not for long.. unless you have the patience and forgiveness of a god
I think he would enjoy your prescence! Just dont do the face thing around him, hes probably gonna freak out even if it's not directed towards him. Kinger doesnt strike me as the type to like scary things..
Pets your dog, a lot
Emotional support animal/j but actually I can see him becoming attatched to your dog
Not much to be said here but I'm chalking that more up to me being tired <\3
Is a little annoyed by your enthusiasm to learn as much as you can about whatever topic ha syour interest; bonus if you're current interest is the digital world and trying to figure out all the ins and outs of it
....they're more of a cat person, I think... ir maybe a snake person... or reptile person in general.. doesnt hate your dog, though
Can at least appreciate your mannerisms and politeness
I can see you two being decent friends , I think
Another one where I think you guys could make decent friends. Honestly, I didnt write this to be romantic (though some of these can be interpreted as such!) But I wholeheartedly believe gangle would develop a crush on you. I mean, come on! You're a gentleman, you're a lil quirky, you're kind and curious, and so on! Bonus if you look the part, too. I have a hc lying around somewhere where I believe gangle used to play dating sims in the real world and tbh. She would definitely go after characters that reflected you... and oh look youre a real person, hell yeah
It was either characters like you or the dark mysterious ones
But maybe I'm hella projecting onto gangle
Gangle is our x reader enjoyer rep/hj
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fiapartridge · 1 year
REQUEST tbh idk how ur request work but I have an idea
Going to one of Luke’s games but it’s Toronto vs NJ and wearing a maple lefes jersey
And luke sees her and is banging on the glass to get ur attention and is like “off now”
Idk this idea popped in my head lmao
R U Mine? | luke hughes
"all i ever wanna say is, 'are you mine?'"
luke hughes x reader
summary: you wear a toronto maple leafs jersey to luke’s game and he can't help but wish you were wearing his...
warning(s): cursing
hiii @bibella8swan <3 hope u like mitch marner, if not, just imagine someone else LMAO + i really need to make a navigation with like a proper request/prompt system, im tryna be a pro tumblr writer gal
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You loved Mitch Marner, like loved him. 
Having grown up in Toronto, your family loved hockey just as much as the next family— which was a lot. They watched every single Leafs game, went to every single Leafs signing, and they even had a shrine of Leafs memorabilia in your parents’ home office. To say they liked the Leafs was an understatement (honestly, they would probably tackle you if you said that)— they were obsessed. 
Luke knew you loved the Leafs. I mean, he lived next door to you for a good chunk of his life, how could he not know? It wasn’t like you were sporting all things Leafs whenever you were with him, but Luke paid enough attention to notice your dedicated Mitch Marner Pinterest boards and your number 16 lockscreen. Though you rarely ever said it out loud (honestly, I don’t think you’ve ever told Luke, let alone anyone else, about your love for Mitch), Luke knew— because Luke knew you. He noticed the little things, like the way you always needed to carry around a lint roller in your bag because you just knew there would be unwanted lint wherever you end up going, or the way you laughed at everything, even bad jokes, because you hated silence even more. 
When he moved to Michigan, you were scared that things were going to change between the two of you, but it never did. He was still your best friend, and you were still his. When he found out you were moving to New Jersey for college, he was ecstatic given that he had just gotten drafted to the Devils. 
Getting to spend more time with his best friend? It was the best news he had ever been given. Luke started planning out your guys’ lives in New Jersey the second you told him about your plans. Maybe you guys could share an apartment instead of him sharing one with Jack, and maybe you could go to all of his home games and cheer him on in the stands? 
Luke moved to New Jersey after Michigan’s loss in the Frozen Four, and while it was a bitter moment, knowing that he was finally going to see you made it not so terrible. 
When Luke arrived in New Jersey, it was like nothing had changed. The two of you spent every single day together, and there wasn’t a single moment when you guys weren’t laughing, or making fun of each other while laughing. You even got an apartment with him, just like he had planned. It was perfect. Maybe that was when Luke understood that his love for you was way beyond just friendship. Luke loved you. Quinn said that Luke had fallen in love with you the moment he saw you, but he just wasn’t bright enough to see it— I guess college did teach him a couple of things. 
After a few more months of living together, Jack had finally managed to slap some sense into the both of you after finding out that you were both going on Tinder dates and that none of you were happy. In fact, you two were miserable. Every single time you watched the other person walk out that front door in nice clothes and high expectations, you felt some part of yourself crumble to pieces. 
You hated the thought of someone getting to hold Luke’s hand or cuddle into his side, or even get the chance to kiss him. You had known Luke your entire life and some random girl from some stupid app that he had known for, what? An hour? Got to get closer to him than you? You hated that, and little did you know, Luke hated that, too.
Which brought you to where you were now: at Luke’s game against the Toronto Maple Leafs. 
You slipped into the front row, sitting beside Ryleigh and Brooke, as you got the most perfect view of Luke as he and the rest of the Devils skated onto the ice for warmups before the game. You were engaged in conversation with Brooke when you felt Ryleigh tap your shoulder repeatedly. Whipping your head in her direction, she pointed to the glass and said, “I think someone’s trying to get your attention,” she laughed. 
When you looked toward the glass, you saw Luke banging against the clear pane. You were confused, to say the least. It wasn’t unusual for Luke to give you some sort of attention during warmups, like a simple wave, or a small smile, but for him to be banging on the glass? It had to be important. 
“Off," he nodded his head at you. "Now.”
You furrowed your brows. What was he talking about? You squinted your eyes, signaling that you had no idea as to what he was referring to. 
Luke pinched his jersey, pulling it up and down, and you immediately knew what it was. You were wearing a Marner jersey. What did he think was going to happen? The love of your life was on that ice— of course you were going to wear his jersey! But then again, the love of your life was banging on the glass, getting a million stares from Devils fans and Leafs fans alike, just so he could gain some comfort knowing that you were in that crowd, wearing his jersey. 
You didn’t quite understand that, though. You wondered why it was so important to Luke. I mean, you wore his jersey to every single home game. It was one game against a team you loved. What was the big deal?
You shrugged him off, shooing him to go back to the others when you heard the siren go off, signaling that it was time for the game to start. He shook his head and skated off to the Devils’ bench. 
The first period was… definitely something.
Luke got the puck a lot, but he also missed the puck… a lot. He skated around the ice like a lost puppy, and you bit your nails, wondering if it really was the jersey that was bothering him. It didn’t seem like a big deal to you. You’ve loved Mitch Marner since the concept of crushes even came to you. The Maple Leafs were your team. What was so wrong with that?
During the intermission, you sprang out of your seat and marched over to the direction of the locker rooms. The Rock was like a second home to you. You knew the place like the back of your hand which made it so much easier to get to Luke— because you needed to get to Luke before the second period started. You needed to know why it was taking such a toll on him. 
When you walked towards the hall of the locker rooms, your eyes met Luke’s and he immediately ran over to you, or rather hobbled to you, on his skates. On his way over, his right hand fished for the bottom of his jersey as he pulled it over his head in one clean motion. God, it was the hottest thing you had ever seen. 
“Take this,” he said, still out of breath from the game. 
You shook your head. “That thing is full of sweat, Luke.”
“Then let me grab you a clean one from my stall,” he suggested before turning around.
You scoffed, grabbing his wrist and swiveling him back towards you. “What’s going on?”
He shrugged. “Nothing.”
You rolled your eyes. “The last time you said that, you were pissed off that Jack got the last slice of pizza and the next time you got pizza, you added olives because you knew Jack hated them. It’s not nothing, Luke.”
He looked everywhere but you, because he knew you’d read him like a magazine. He knew that he could never hide a single thing from you, because just as he had paid attention to you, you had paid attention to him. You knew him, and deep down, you knew why the jersey was such a big deal to Luke, but you wanted to hear him say it. 
You wanted Luke to call you his. 
His shoulders relaxed for the first time since intermission started, and his eyes finally met yours. “I know you love Mitch. You always have, and that’s never been a problem, and it never will be, but… I wanted you to pick me.”
You narrowed your brows, stepped closer to the boy you loved so much, and you whispered almost tauntingly, “Why should I pick you?”
He bent down, held the sides of your face, and crinkled his eyes in nothing but cringe. “Are you really gonna make me say it?”
“Gosh, I think Mitch is calling my name,” you frowned. 
He shook his head, a playful smile dancing on his lips. “For some fucking reason, I love you, Y/N, and I want you to wear my jersey, I’m begging you to wear my jersey, because as selfish as this sounds, I need to know that you’re not Marner’s, and you’re not the Leafs’ — you’re mine. I want you… to be mine.”
Your face broke into a bright smile. “Fucking finally,” you laughed, pushing him off of you and towards the locker room. “Give me the damn jersey, Hughes, intermission ends in seven! Also,” you pulled him back. “I love you, too.”
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
hello!! 🦐 so i can find it later.
So I was talking with my partner about how I seem to feel everything far too strongly (just in general but sexual arousal / attraction is an example I gave), and she said maybe I am hypersexual, and I don’t know if she’s right or not. I thought it was a bit of a weird thing to say, to be honest. It seems like a non-real label. Is that a weird thing to say to somebody? Is it a real label or a dodgy judgemental-psychologists thing?
Then she said that most people are only getting really horny a couple of times a week, and I struggle to believe her tbh because for me it is more a couple of times a day! Is that true? How often are most people fantasising? Is she mistaken or am I? Am I an outlier here with my fantasy every four hours?
I’m very content being an outlier and have no issue with it (I have fun with it, my partner has fun with it, life is good), but I would just quite like to know.
hi shrimp emoji,
can I be super honest with you? I don't know your partner, I hope she's lovely, but that's a WILD thing to try to armchair diagnose you with.
I want to super clear: hypersexuality is real. it's a type of compulsive behavior that causes intense sexual urges to the point of distress and distraction; hypersexual individuals may find themselves engaging in sexual behavior long after it's stopped being fun or feeling good. hypersexual folks often struggle with feeling helpless and out of control in the face of their sexual urges, can suffer severe emotional distress after sex instead of (or after) pleasure, and may find that their pursuit of sex starts derailing other parts of their life such as their finances and relationships. it's most common among people who have other addictions (such as drugs, alcohol, or eating disorders), various neurological conditions, and sexual trauma.
so, hypersexuality IS real and it can be very difficult for people who struggle with it. is it something you need to be concerned about in your personal life?
well. does any of the above sound like you? are you frantically planning your days around the desperate pursuit of busting a nut? do you lose track of time watching porn or need to masturbate between obligations the way an alcoholic might need to drink to get through the day? do you experience sexual fantasies that are pervasive and distracting enough to be upsetting? do you feel that your sexuality is taking over your life and in a way that leaves you out of control?
or are you just, like, horny? it's fine to be horny. lots of people are thinking about sex, watching porn, jacking off, and having sex every day without being hypersexual because, again, that is a word that refers to a specific, detrimental pattern of compulsive behavior, not just someone being into sex. people fantasize and think about sex in wildly different amount and all of them are fine and dandy, as long as the amount isn't wreaking havoc on the rest of their life.
in conclusion: if being horny isn't running and possibly ruining your life, you probably aren't hypersexual.
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ccaramel-llow · 11 months
I present to you: A request featuring Jax, Zooble, Gangle, and Caine with a musician s/o because DAMMIT it sounds adorable
Reader’s a goofy fella, real silly, they can play a BUNCH of instruments, sing well, dancing, they love it
but they can be a shut in sometimes 👉👈
seeing as Zooble does the theme song (and has to rework it when someone new shows up-) and I just get the vibes you can’t convince me that Zooble isn’t at least a little bit of music nerd /lh /j
(i am also a music nerd tbh, Thats why me and zooble are marri WOAH WHO SAID THAT)
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. Honestly he'd ask you to to play an instrument over someone while their speaking because hes a little evil shit you know?
. Makes fun of you and says your music sucks when he secretly loves it when you play.
, He finds you attractive and hot if you play the guitar while screaming angst-y shit if your emo like that/j , but he bullies you for doing that as well.
, He'd ask you to teach him how to play the drums while your speaking to someone. not because hes jealous or anything, Nope. He is.
, He sucks ASS and DOG SHIT at dancing. Expect him to step on your feet if you try to dance together.
, Since you're a "shut in" He tries to get you out more but then later gives up and just comes into you're room or personal business without warning to smother you with his so called " Love language " (Which is just bothering you until you yell at him to shut the fuck up)
, Hides in your room to listen to you play, Or sits outside your room just so he can hear you play.
, Loves it when you sing, He has to fight his demons and intrusive thoughts (he wants to sing along with you to rizz you up COU-)
, Beats up and bullies anyone who says you aren't great at playing, Dancing, Etc.
" My lover IS the best musician here. Wanna repeat that you little s(*&$! ?"
, They pretend like they don't care. Like at all.
, Although, In reality they care and love your music a lot! They even ask you to teach them how to play an instrument
, Zooble would always listen and be there for you when you played, Enjoying the soft/Rough melody of a song that you were presenting for them in a private space.
, Tell's everyone to shut up when your about to play, And mask's their excitement with anger.
, Their eye's shine when you pull out an instrument and their eyes go dull whenever you weren't gonna play.
, Ask's you to play a song sometimes when their in a bad mood.
, Zooble also cannot dance for jack SHIT. Do not try to teach them how to dance. They'll go insane i swear.
, Since you're a shut in, She always asks if you're busy or not, Or if your comfortable or stressed before asking to play a song because they dont want you to get overwhelmed.
, Adores your voice, And always secretly makes sure you dont over stress your voice out.
, Compliments you when you're finished singing.
" You did great out there. Uh, Hope you dont mind teaching me how to play soon?... "
, She LOVES It when you play calming melodies using your preferred instrument.
, Probably asks you to play the violin as she stares at you with heart shaped eyes.
, Would go feral on Jax if he breaks your instrument on purpose and cry with you in your room trying to comfort you.
, Smothers you with a lot of compliments when you are finished playing.
, Rants about you often to show you off and because you cant get off her mind.
, She smiles brightly when you play an instrument.
, I feel like she'd be an okay dancer!! She'd ask you to dance every now and then, But if you dipped her during dancing she'd be extremely flustered and her eyes would turn into the shape of a heart.
, Likes to hum along with you while you sing. Gangle really is inlove with your voice and starts to just doze off while admiring you.
" (Name) Is the very best person i had ever met... I hope xey play more melodies soon!! I love it when they sing.... BUT YOU DIDNT HEAR THAT FROM M-"
, He would honestly go ' AWOOGA HOT DAMN ' all over you.
, Can play piano, Please let him duet with you.
, Stares at you with lovey dove-y goo goo eyes while playing, Admiring you as you both play, Definitely not imagining you guys making out.
, Like Gangle, He too smothers you with compliments but extreme. Like, He's peppering your face with teeth kisses if given consent.
, Since he's short, He'd love to dance with you!! He has to float if your too tall, But if your the same height, He attempts to pull the spin and dip move on you to rizz you up.
, He always records you singing and listens to you singing in his free time while thinking about you.
, Would always try to get you to open up since your a shut in. If your always in your room, He always tries to get you out because he's afraid you would reach your breaking point and abstract. He cant lose you.
" My dearest is the absolute best at playing instruments, Dancing, And all that stuff... Oh how much i love xem.... What do you mean they aren't?"
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11queensupreme11 · 6 days
Can I ask if Percy can at least put up a fight vs the ror!gods? Like can she at least last a minute or so? 😭✊
ok ok this is gonna be a sorta long and sorta detailed post cuz i don't wanna have to answer any more "percy feats vs ror character feats" asks again (and i also should probably post this on the actual fic too to inform my readers for later arcs buuuuuuut maybe later, i'm too lazy rn lol)
(ALSO credit goes to various reddit posts cuz i didn't wanna personally scour through the manga looking for feats!!!)
percy is physically the weakest/slowest person in ror verse (against the main characters i mean). notice how i say PHYSICALLY. power-wise (as in her water manipulation, etc.), she could definitely take on the human characters (maybe not adam tho)
as i have said before, most book characters cannot trump anime characters from shonens/seinins when it comes to physical feats. shonens and seinens love going above and beyond in making characters physically op.
the pjo verse is very similar to our universe/the Real World in terms of physicality. the pjo humans are very average just like us and while the demigods are more enhanced than that, they are still nothing compared to ror characters. in the ror verse, the human physical potential is faaaaaar higher than the humans AND demigods of the pjo verse.
animes just Be Like That, okay??? it's like sending harry potter characters into sakamoto days. yeah hp characters have magic and sakadays characters have no powers, but they got an old man that can slice through a whole building with one swing of his sword (takamura), a dude that can one-inch punch a hole through people's bodies (gaku), and a dude who moves insanely fast (kindaka); they don't stand a fucking chance 💀💀💀💀💀
so percy, unfortunately, cannot stand a chance against even the ror humans if she's not using any of her powers. if she's sticking solely to her physical abilities (sword-fighting, hand-to-hand, etc. NO powers), she's FUCKED.
and as i have said before, the whole "oh but she carried the sky" thing is not a feat for her physical strength. if she was actually that strong, she would've just become the One Punch Man of the pjo verse and one-shotted every other enemy after that. there is a CURSE on atlas' punishment:
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^percy is a hero, that is why she was able to carry the skies, not because she's super fucking jacked 💀
the ror HUMANS alone have the most insane fucking physical feats that percy (or any demigod in the pjo verse) could never even dream to accomplish (sorry my children 😔):
when lu bu was still alive, he was able to split open the skies with a single swing of his spear:
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leonidas destroyed the arena grounds with a swing of his arm:
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raiden ripping off poor shiva's arms with his bare hands (and his volundr didn't give him enhanced strength either, all thrud did was help him control his muscles; this strength is solely his):
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dadam is insanely fucking fast; and he was able to surpass a move that could surpass time:
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i could go on and on about the ror humans, but i'm gonna move on to the gods!
as i've stated before, i HATEDDDDDDD how the gods were in the manga. they were more like superhumans!!!! they weren't godlike at all!!!! so i gave them a boost in powers for my fic so they would actually be godlike!!!! if percy can't even beat any of the ror humans in a physical fight, she absolutely does not stand a chance against ANY of the ror gods in a physical fight!!!!!!! or even a fight with her powers! because again, she is a demigod and they are GODS.
(tbh, even if i kept the gods as canon, she still wouldn't be able to beat them because their physical feats are ALSO insane 💀)
but is percy 1000000% fucked???? no. she still has ONE good shit in her arsenal that the ror humans and gods don't have: the curse of achilles. she 99.99% untouchable. she cannot be hurt by them unless their attacks hit her mortal spot, but only three people (loki, beel, and mnemosyne) know of that mortal spot and they're not keen on telling anyone about it or the curse
yes, the characters will absolutely throw her around like a fucking ragdoll (😭) but as long as her mortal spot is untouched, she will live!!!! (she'll be really fucking embarrassed tho, but she'll live!)
she also has insane fucking powers that the humans DON'T have:
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AND i am also boosting her by giving her some limited blood/ichor manipulation (again, blood manipulation is not canon; this is a fanon thing that i THOUGHT was canon because many other ppl said it was canon, but it's really not 😔)
she is also insanely smart when it comes to battle IQ and strategizing and the best part is that people underestimate her cuz they either think she's dumb af (beel and loki) or that she's just a baby (poseidon, hades, zeus, shiva, adamas, literally fucking everyone else) or BOTH (cú chulainn 💀)
and another thing that i don't really count as a "pro" but i'm putting it in here anyway: no god is gonna wanna hurt her anyway 💀 she's very widely loved by the pantheons, they wouldn't wanna hurt her cuz they love her (romantically and platonically). same with humans, they're not gonna wanna fight her for the same reason 💖
so in conclusion:
percy absolutely does not stand a chance against a fight with any god even with her powers; she can last a decent amount of time, but she WILL lose
percy will 100% lose against the ror humans in a PHYSICAL fight (and by ror humans, i mean the ror human fighters ofc. the regular humans she could obviously beat cuz they're just regular humans)
percy has a good chance of winning against some of the humans in a fight with her powers (but she will 10000% lose against adam cuz it's adam 💀)
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witchinatree · 1 month
magnus protocol episode 26 ramble
the academic victim era continues. i like putting my lil personal bits at the beginning of these i think it humanizes me
ok. i have to pause mid intro song. i just hit my bowl of snap pea crisps and spilled them everywhere and i'm going to tweak
3 of them fell on the floor.. but they're kinda expensive so we don't get to have them very often.. is it worth it..
i ate them i don't care
this has become more about me than the episode i'm gonna unpause it now
we're so back
celia at work core!! she dgaf!!!
MEET HELEN. pls don't be a tory in this universe pls pls pls pls. i didn't fw human helen at all i am less excited than i was about basira but also basira was one of my all time favs forever
hiii aliceeee <333
magnusing is so me tbh if you think about it
so does alice's voice have a slight hint of that effect they use for chester and norris to anyone else or.. like she sounds computer-y and i don't know if it's just the microphone or something real
"take protection" "jesus christ!" "LIKE A BIG KNIFE OR SOMETHING" CRYING. see my mind didn't go there sam so what's up with that sam huh sam
the hell does celia have in her workbag wtf. queen what. it's the trauma "are you sure that thing is legal?" LMFAOOOOOO
ok i don't like you saying nauseas because i'm on TWO medications that make me nauseas and i just ate pls don't be gross
DAMN. i was gonna be like JARED? HOPWORTH? but it's jared 'smith.' gerard jared is kind of like michael
P.E. teachers creep me out but probably because the only one my high school has ever officially had got fired my freshman year for spanking girls in the locker room and they never actually replaced him they just had various sports coaches take over
yea this is freaking me out already i don't like it
oh that's so sad the dad fucking died poor kid omg
wtf was he possessed by the soul of cross country. what is the horror here. ohh running for his life ok thanks
oh so the horror isn't mr jared it's what happens to him i guess. sorry man i shouldn't have called you creepy
this is just how my friends describe morning cross country practice
yeah so i was right to quit cross country in 5th grade then!!! running IS the horror!!!!
NOT THE TAPE RECORDER WTFFFFF IS THIS ERROR. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ARCHIVIST.............................................................................................................................................................................................
we were right guyss it's an archivist...
yes alice connect those dots!!! connect them babe!!!!! i'm scared though to be honest with you
has celia shut down. oh my god she sounds really scared. probably because helen tried to eat her in another universe.
CELIA'S SO SCARED HONEYYYYYYY. wait now she's bringing up the magnus institute LMAOO
bloody big basement lmao it's where they keep the bodies
at least 20 years? it burned down 20 years ago? who's reaching out after it burned what
celia you are being watched honeyyy you are you need to connect some dots. alice style. obsessed with her.
calling her baby goblin after that baby episode that celia was mentioned by name in hello. hello.
ok sam let's go no longer being as selfish thanks sam.
awe that's adorable i actually think he's been really nice lately holy shit.
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ch3rrywond3rland · 1 year
more eddie smut pls and make it spicy. do wtv you want go wild idc 😩🤭
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u guys, bear with me, this is me trying something new. hope u enjoy!!!!!
Warnings: ....smut
NSFW alphabet
A- aftercare (what they're like after sex) :
•You guys... this man is the sleepiest after sex.
•He gets clingy, cuddly and all in between.
•If things weren't too messy, he'll just pull you into his embrace and you both will fall asleep to each other's heart beat.
•Now if it was intense... he'll make sure you're okay. Run you a bath, get food and water for you, help you clean yourself up. A gentleman.
B- body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's):
•He loves you whole tbh
•BUT if he had to pick one thing it would be your thighs.
•why, you wonder? they're just multifunctional. he loves biting them, he loves kissing them, he loves laying on them, he loves seeing them wrapped around his head.
•The man can't get enough.
•Now, his favorite body part would have to be his arms
•He doesn't really know why, but you seem to love them so he does, too.
C- cum (anything to do with cum, basically....cause we nasty):
•He's a responsible man
•That being said, he'd probably pull out most of the times.
•He LOVES, and i mean *goes absolutely feral* type of love, seeing his cum all over your stomach.
D- dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs):
•This man LOVES the risk and thrill
•...That being said, he would love to fuck you publicly, just so everyone could see who you belonged to.
•He is a tad possessive and jealous, what can I say?
•BUT, considering the above he also would never like anyone to see his girl like that, that state of yours is reserved for himself only.
E- experience (how experienced are they? do they now what they're doing?)
•This is a rockstar we're talking about...c'mon
•He has had his one night stands with several groupies, obviously.
•But it is different with you.
•Groupies were just sex, you aren't just sex. He loves you and he intends on demonstrating it in every way.
•So he does know his way around sex, but he is still learning how to put love into it. And you're more than happy to help.
F- favorite position (this goes without saying):
•He needs to see your face, 100%.
•Kinda basic, but missionary. Again, he loves seeing your face react to his dick reaching far inside you.
•Also, I feel he'd love fucking you in front of a mirror, because he is a little ass that would love for you to watch how your body reacts to him.
G- goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or more humorous?):
•I don't see him as the type to laugh or crack jokes in the middle of sex.
•He is pretty focused on you all the time, so anything funny or embarrassing that might happen will totally be drowned by his intoxication purely on the moment.
•He does enjoy teasing you, tho. I feel he'd laugh out of amusement to you, only.
•Not in a making fun of you manner, ofc. But in a cocky manner, because he is a cocky person, let's accept it.
H- hair (how well groomed are they?):
•He has always trimmed it, and he always will.
•It bothers him, and he's sure it makes your experience a hundred time better as it is, so he never let's it get too long.
I- intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspects...):
•Like I mentioned before, he loves to show his love for you through everything. Including sex.
•It doesn't matter how or where it is, he likes to make sure you feel good and loved.
J- jack off (masturbation headcanon):
•He doesn't feels like he needs it. He used to do it more often before you guys got together, but now you are more than enough.
•He might do it once in a while if you two are apart.
•OR sometimes you will be living life around the house and he'll just get horny out of nowhere because he loves you that much, and then he'll be embarrassed to admit it or just knows that you're not in the mood, so he'll sort himself out.
K- kink (one or more of their kinks):
•He absolutely adores and need praising in your sex life. Both giving and receiving.
•Again, he loves teasing the shit out of you, specially when you're having a shy day.
•Leaves marks all over your body just so everyone knows who you belong to.
•AND (he's yet to bring this one up) but he would love to see you tied to his bed. He is scared he'll freak you out, so he just keeps this one to himself.
L- location (favorite places to do it):
•The bed, cause he's s basic king.
•But he's up to fucking you anywhere, tbh
•The bus tour, backstage, against a random wall, the studio, a random party's bathroom, etc.
M- motivation (what turns them on, gets them going):
•Again, you could be doing literally anything around anywhere and he will get horny all of the sudden.
•You are just to perfect for him not to.
•He does love to see you cheer for him like a fan during the shows. He is kinda narcissistic and loves to see you scream his name alongside the fangirls in the crowd.
•He also gets turned on whenever you show him how bad you want him. When you get needy and whiny for his attention, that just does it for him.
N- NO (something they wouldn't do, turn offs):
•Sharing. He would never. He is only yours and you are only his, and sharing your or his body wouldn't feel right.
•Hurting you. Even tho he can get a little kinky and aggressive when pushed enough, he will stop everything if your face or body show any signs of discomfort. Doesn't matter if you reassure you're fine, he isn't having it. It just doesn't work for him, and it is not something he would ever feel comfortable doing.
O- oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.):
•Honestly? No preference.
•He loves to see you in front of him, on your needs, ready to take him in. The way your moans come out muffled because his cock is stuffing your mouth, or how you are so eager to satisfy him.
•But, he also loves to feels your thighs squeezing against his head out of pure pleasure. His name falling from your lips and your hand grabbing his hair only to push him deeper inside you.
P- pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?):
•Really depends on the mood.
•If tou two have been teasing each other all night, he'll make sure to satisfy quickly and several times. Doesn't even let you have a rest before he's attacking your sore pussy again and again.
•Now, if he's been missing you or just wants to feel you, he will take his time. He makes sure you feel loved and satisfied, caring for every inch of your body.
Q- quickie (their opinion on quickies rather than sex, how often, etc.):
•Lowkey loves them.
•He knows neither of you have a lot of proper time very often, so he'll take any opportunity with you.
R- risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.):
•He's willing to try out anything you want.
•Unless it involves anything painful for any of you two, because he doesn't feel okay with that.
S- stamina (how many round can they go for, how long do they last):
•He either goes many rounds, short duration;
•or two looooooong rounds.
•Depends on the mood.
T- toy (do they own any? do they use them?):
•(Did they even had toys back then? idk)
•Anyways, he doesn't own any, he doesn't use any. It's probably something he wouldn't think of using, ever.
•He just feels better when it's him that makes you cum over and over again.
U- unfair (how much do they like to tease):
•He ADORES good teasing sex.
•Lives to see you underneath him, all flustered and begging for him to give you something, anything.
•Knows exactly what and how to tease you, he has mastered this art.
V- volume (how loud are they? what sounds they make?):
•The man is moaning and grunting like his life depended on it.
•He is not afraid of being loud. Like, at all.
W- wild card (random headcanon for the character):
•He loves seeing you undress for him. Don't get me wrong, he likes taking your clothes off your body...
•but there is just something about you stripping naked in front of him, about not having to do anything but watch you.
X- x-ray (let's see what's going on inside those pants, pictures or words):
•Thicker than he is longer, good 7 inches.
Y- yearning (how high is their sex drive?):
•He is ALWAYS down to fuck. Or make love, whatever you want.
•It is always somewhere in his mind, the man is obsessed with you and every inch of your body.
Z- zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
•Doesn't take long at all. He can be gone after 10 minutes, easily.
•Still, he waits for you to he asleep first, only wanting you to be comfortable and resting before he sleeps himself.
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