#there's probably many mistakes
kingsoowolves · 8 hours
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birthday boy | hsh
pairing: idol boyfriend!seunghan x fem reader
word count: 3.3k
author's note: idk if any of you know it, but Seunghan is actually my first bias in riize. since his hiatus, i miss him every day and each day that passes without his presence in the group, i want him to come back even more. i know there's a bunch of ot6 briizes and i honestly don't really care who everyone chooses to stan. we're all different and have different tastes and likings, i get it. but i'm still holding out hope for him to comeback and that feeling won't die down untill i see his beautiful smile while he's on a stage along with his members again. this work is to showcase my love for him, nothing else. and also for all the ot7 briizes and hongjjangus that miss him just as much as me. i hope you like it, babes 🐈‍⬛🫧🧡
contents: established relationship, aged up!seunghan. mentions of riize members. set in the future, on seunghan's 25th birthday. he is active in the group and riize has been in the scene for a few years. smut and fluff. seunghan wants to have his cake and eat it too, lol. fingering, sex in the shower. sex without protection, cumming inside (don't be like them).
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Seunghan is needy and dramatic towards you on a daily basis. But on his birthday, it always gets worse. He ends every request with a “Please? It’s my birthday”, pulls you to sit on his lap every chance he gets and asks for smooches and attention each half an hour that passes by. It’s adorable and charming, and you always find yourself a willing victim to his whims, kissing and hugging him whenever he desires.
However, in times like this, when you’re rushing to get everything done for the small dinner party you’re hosting for his 25th birthday, it does annoy you a little bit. You’re already preoccupied about failing this day for him because the cake wasn’t yet delivered by the bakery and you only remembered to put the wine inside the freezer twenty minutes ago. At least, there’s still forty minutes left until the time you set for his members to show up and you hope that the wine is cold by then and the cake is inside your fridge.
You’re thinking about all of this while you’re finishing setting the fancy cutlery on the table. Seunghan should be checking on the lasagna inside the oven, but instead he catches you midway through your task, rubbing his chest on your back and his hands on your hips as he starts to place kisses on the side of your neck.
“Babe, the lasagna,” you warn.
“I just checked it. It’s still cooking,” he whispers over the wetness his spit gathered on your skin, making you shiver. He runs his nose from the side of your throat to your ear. “You smell so freaking good.”
“No, I don’t,” you say, closing your eyes, letting your body sag a little against his and reaching a hand back to his neck, keeping his face still on your neck while he resumes peppering kisses on your skin. “I still haven’t showered.”
“You always smell good for me, baby,” he says before nipping your earlobe. You can’t help but sigh from the attention he’s giving you. “And I can help you shower.”
His obvious naughty intentions make you open your eyes and spin around, your hands going to his chest to push him slightly away from you.
“No way,” you shake your head. “I know you’ll be distracting me and not helping at all. Plus, you’re already ready and someone needs to answer the delivery truck when they bring the cake.”
Seunghan gives you his best puppy look and steps closer to you again, his hands going around you to encircle your waist. “Baby, please,” he whines. “We spent the whole day organizing this place. I haven’t been able to fuck you yet and it’s my birthday.”
You chuckle and look up at him, resting your chin on his chest and squeezing his cheeks. “Well, you should’ve thought about that before hosting a dinner party at our place, birthday boy.”
He whines again, pressing his forehead on yours whilst his agile fingers start bunching up the skirt of your old saggy dress, one hand pressing on the underside of your left thigh as if he’s preparing to lift you over the table. “I could just slide right in like this. I promise I’ll be quick.”
“No, Seunghan,” you say, voice firm and serious. He gives you a defeated look and steps back, his hands dropping to his sides. “I’m sorry, baby. But we’re already late as it is. We can do all the shenanigans you want later, okay?”
You get on your tiptoes and press your hands on his shoulders to drop a quick peck to his lips, but Seunghan holds you there, his fingers closing on the back of your neck to turn the kiss into a heated one. You wrap your hands around his neck to give him a little taste of what he’s been craving, letting him kiss you the way he wants, his tongue licking up every crevice of your mouth. When he pulls back, you have to blink your eyes open to wake up your hazy mind.
“Okay,” he whispers, a sly smile playing on the corner of his lips as he watches the reaction only one really good kiss pulled out of you. “Go get ready.”
You gulp and nod your head. “Finish setting the table up for me, please? And don’t forget about the lasagna, too. Oh, and–”
“And the cake should be delivered any minute,” he completes for you. “I know, baby, I know. Now go get yourself prettier for my day.”
You nod again, giving him one last peck on his lips and finally turning around. Seunghan takes the moment to pat your butt lightly and you laugh back at him while you walk to your bedroom. After getting to the en suite bathroom, you turn the water to the temperature you like and hastily slip out of your clothes. You sigh when you step into the shower and the warm water hits your head and shoulders, massaging the knots on the back of your neck.
After you shampoo your hair and begin to cover yourself in soap, you hear the door to the bathroom open up and spin around to see Seunghan a few meters away from the glass enclosure separating you both, his fingers quickly removing his denim jacket and tugging his black t-shirt up.
“Seunghan, no!” You exclaim, watching him slide the shirt out of his body and dropping it on the floor along with your clothes. “I told you, I–”
“Babe, I already turned off the oven and put the lasagna to rest on the counter. I also texted the guys saying they should come an hour later,” he explains, moving his hands to his belt buckle to unfasten it and then zipping down the fly on his pants. “Wonbin hyung agreed to pick up the cake. Already let the bakery know it, too.”
You open your mouth at him in shock and your pink sponge falls from your hand onto the shower tiles. “No, you didn’t.”
“Oh, but I did.” Seunghan laughs at you and resumes taking his jeans off, his briefs going sliding down his legs along with it. He steps out of the fabric and his semi-hard cock springs free, the head of it slapping along his thigh. You bite your bottom lip whilst he slides the shower door open just enough for you to see him in all his glory, perfect body exposed bare right in front of your eyes. “So what it’s gonna be, baby? Are we going to fuck or do you prefer to keep pretending you don’t want this as much as I do?”
“Come in,” you say through gritted teeth and he laughs again, stepping inside and sliding the glass door back on its place. You wind your arms around his shoulders and press yourself against him. “You’re a pain in my ass, Hong Seunghan. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, and you love me,” he mutters while he holds you, splaying both of his hands on your ass.
“Unfortunately, I do,” you whisper back, pulling him in for a kiss.
Seunghan’s lips have always been addictive to you. You love how full and beautiful they are, how his smiles come easily when he quirks the sides of them up just a bit and especially how soft and moist they become while he’s kissing you. You always get lost in the feeling, biting on his bottom lip and drawing pretty sounds out of him. You’re so lost in him at this moment that you don’t even notice how his hands snake down your body, gripping on your flesh until his fingers find the place in between your legs.
He spreads you open with his fingers and you moan, your lips disconnecting with his. He laughs darkly as his forefinger rubs on your clit and you hold onto his shoulders for stability.
“You tried to deny me like that but yet you get this wet from just a few kisses?” He says while he watches your face contorting in pleasure.
“I was trying to be responsible,” you reply, trying to keep your moaning to a minimum while it’s still so early in the game. “Instead of you, who only thinks with your dick.”
Seunghan smiles, fingers massaging over your hole and trying to coax louder moans out of you. “That’s just your effect on me, sweetheart. I can’t help it.”
“I don’t know about that. Maybe you’re just a horndo–” You get cut off because of course Seunghan chooses that exact moment to insert two of his fingers inside of you, making the words on your lips turn into a groan and your head loll back.
“What were you saying, baby?” He asks slyly over your exposed neck, pumping his fingers in and out of you with precision. How can he be so fucking good at this?
You gulp down the saliva that collects in your throat and scrunch your eyes while you bask in the feeling of him pleasuring you. “Nothing.”
“That’s what I thought,” he replies with a smile, moving you to press your back against the bathroom wall and reaching down to wrap a hand around one of your thighs, hooking it up around his waist. You press the arch of your foot on his ass to pull him closer to you and soon enough his dick is pressed in between your bodies and he’s rutting on your lower belly. “That’s it, such a good girl for me.”
You move your hand down to cover his pretty cock, pumping him in your fist the best you can while Seunghan distracts you by scissoring his fingers inside your cunt. You try to look down to see what you’re doing, but Seunghan’s head eclipses your visions when he starts dropping kisses on the valley of your breasts. His lips move to one of your perk nipples and you moan out loud when he sucks it into his mouth, flicking the bud with his tongue. Your pace falters on his length and he pulls your hand away from it to intertwine your fingers together, resting them on the coldness of the bathroom tiles beside your head.
“Hani, it’s your birthday,” you say, and he looks up at you with your boob still inside his mouth. “I should be the one pleasuring you.”
He releases your nipple with a pop, then sinks his teeth on the flesh of your other breast. “But you are pleasuring me, baby. Doing whatever I want with you is all I need.”
You sigh when he licks over your neglected nipple, his tongue tracing around the areola over and over again until he gets tired of it and suctions on that one, too. He keeps the unrelenting pace of his fingers inside of you and moves his thumb up your clit again to rub on it.
“But I want to do more for you,” you whisper, starting to thrust your hips up against his hand. Your head already feels dizzy and your vision starts to get hazy with how much he’s overwhelming your senses. You feel that any moment now you might snap.
Seunghan releases his nipple from your mouth t at the same moment the revolutions down your clit get faster, and you can’t stop your moans from echoing around the restroom anymore while he kisses his way up to your lips again.
“Then you can suck me off after dinner, okay?” He mutters, his natural foxy eyes glinting at you and his mouth drinking up your sounds. “You’re close, right?”
“So close, Hani,” you cry out, gripping his hand tightly on yours and tugging on his hair with your other one.
He smiles at you and presses his lips to yours two times. Then, he mutters, “Cum for me now, pretty girl.”
It’s ridiculous that that’s all it takes to get you there. But either way, your orgasm washes over you, the tingling forming in your belly spreading through your limbs and head while your walls convulse around Seunghan’s fingers. He still keeps his work in your pussy while you scream and drop your lips to bite on his neck to give you something to do.
“That’s it, my love. You look so pretty when you fall apart. I want to watch this for the rest of my life,” he whispers in your ear while you sink your teeth on his flesh.
Once there’s no energy left in your body and you’re babbling incoherently on his skin, he slides his hand up to lift your chin and press your head back on the wall. His fingers wipe the drool from the corner of your mouth and you smell your juices on them, your tongue instinctively darting out to lick at them.
“Shit, baby, you got me so hard already,” he heaves while you suck his digits into your mouth, limp hand searching for his cock again. “There’s no need for that.”
You only release his fingers from your mouth after pressing little kisses on the tips of each one, then you smile at him and wrap your hand around his dick, slapping it against your folds to share your wetness and his precum with each other. “You’re going to fuck me now, birthday boy?”
“Are you up for it already?” He asks, trying to convey worry through his little groans and expletives. “I don’t wanna do too much too soon.”
“I don’t care, you can overstimulate me all you want,” you reply back, hitting his dick on your clit to show him that you’re serious. “I just need your dick inside me, Hani.”
“Fuck yeah,” he groans at both your words and how you guide his dick to your entrance, your cunt sucking his fat head inside. “I’ll fuck you dumb, baby.”
“Be my guest,” you moan back, feeling him slide all the way in one go and bottoming out, your walls stretching to accommodate his heavy girth inside.
Seunghan slides out and inside of you slowly only three times. Then he sets a merciless rhythm, hitting you with smooth, fast and hard thrusts. You wrap your other leg around him and he holds you up with his strong legs and arms, hands grasping your back and ass cheeks. You tug on his hair, kiss his cheeks, nip on his lips and suck on his neck and chest while he keeps fucking you through it all. The wet sounds of his dick fleetly moving in and out of your cunt and your skin slapping together bounce around the walls, becoming the back tracking for the harmony of moans you voice out together.
He doesn’t falter for a minute, not even when you reach down to squeeze his balls. Instead of easing down his flow, he spreads one of your legs apart, securing it to the wall behind you while he scrunches his nose and gazes down to watch how your cunt clutches to his cock every time he pulls back and your hand fondles his testicles.
Seunghan is giving you his everything. Hoisting you up, holding you together, pining you to the wall and fucking you deliciously. Ruining you. His arms bulge and his legs flex while he does it and you can see sweat forming on his forehead. The water still falling from the shower hits his shoulder blades and splash warm droplets on your skins and the shower doors, like it’s painting freckles on the scene, covering you both in the marks of your lovemaking.
You think he never looked as beautiful as he does right now.
“Seunghan,” you call for him and he looks at you with lust and love swimming inside his eyes. You run a hand over the fringe that falls on his forehead, slicking it back and then rubbing your fingers on his cheek bone. Handsome as hell. You can’t quite believe this man is all yours. “I’m close. I want you to cum inside, okay?”
He nods fervently and presses kisses on your hand that’s still on his face. “Yeah, baby, you got it,” he says, his voice faltering slightly.
Just then he slows down the drive of his hips, moving his legs and balancing himself again in between your thighs until he finds the new angle he’s searching for. Your breath hitches when it seems like he slides even deeper inside your pussy. The head of his cock starts to hit that amazing spongy spot inside you and he smiles victoriously when you’re reduced to a blubbering mess. When his thumb rubs on your clit, joining his dick in his effort to make you mad, you’re done for.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you moan out, squeezing your eyes shut. Your legs tremble and you try to hold it together, but your peak is coming at you faster and faster. “Baby, I think I’m gonna– I’m cum–”
You’re interrupted by Seunghan’s lips crashing on yours and his tongue being shoved inside your mouth. Your orgasm rips through your body like an out-of-control train flying off its tracks. It’s brisk and powerful, leaving your heart racing and your breath short, your mouth hanging open while you moan your boyfriend’s name until your voice feels raw.
“That’s it, baby. That’s a good girl, cumming all over my cock,” Seunghan says, his eyes locking on yours when your jaw clenches. “I’m right behind you, baby. Going to give you my cum now.”
“I want it, Hani, please do it,” you request with a hoarse voice, fighting your words out through the soreness in your throat.
“Oh, shit,” he groans, his hips jerking and stuttering, his cock swelling up and twitching inside you. “Yeah, fucking take it, baby.”
He spills inside your cunt and you moan deeply one more time before he slumps against you, his forehead pressing on your shoulder while your pussy milks him dry. He’s still holding you up, but the hand that was pining your thigh to the wall is now limp, and you move your leg back to wrap around him, tightening your hold of him to keep him inside you as long as possible.
Seunghan moans some more in your ear and you press reassuring kisses on the moles over his shoulders while you both calm down and catch your breaths. When you feel his gasps mellowing out, you press your fingers on his nape and pull his head back to look into his eyes.
“Hi,” you whisper and he gives you the sweetest smile ever, the lines around his eyes cracking and his whisker dimples appearing on his cheeks. “Happy birthday, Hani.”
He hums happily and rests his forehead on yours, dropping five consecutive pecks on your mouth. “Thank you, baby. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you say, pressing your lips on his to give him a full kiss. He responds eagerly, tongue stroking yours and hands sliding to the back of your thighs to kee you up.
You feel his dick stirring inside you again when he pulls back and says, “You think we can go for round two before the guys show up?”
You laugh incredulously at him and unwrap your legs from his body, pushing on his shoulders until he pulls out of you. He whimpers pathetically at the loss of contact and you lift a finger to shut him up.
“Don’t you start, Hong Seunghan,” you admonish him.
He just pouts and catches your finger with his hand, puts it inside of his mouth and starts to suck on it, looking at you wickedly as he does so, all that while his cum starts to seep out of you. Your breath hitches at the scene and because his remnants now sticking to your thighs. But you keep your cool, withdrawing your finger from between his lips until they’re out with a pop. You give his chest a slap and then turn, moving to stand under the shower head to clean yourself.
However, before you can get the soap on your body, his arms are around you again and his lips are ghosting over the shell of your ear. “I’ll be quick, baby. Please, it’s my birthday.”
You roll your eyes at him. He’s insatiable. And he’s definitely going to be late for his own birthday party.
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happy birthday, hani, i love you! If you liked this work, consider sharing your thoughts with me on the comments or my ask box. thanks for reading! 🧡
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rubenthecatisstupid · 1 month
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Tornedalian Miku yippie!!
I'm so art blocked this took me six tries and many cups of tea.
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samstarium · 10 months
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nb crowley icon fest! all art is from hg-aneh (3/?)
transparents under the cut
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buff-muffin · 7 months
There’s a pretty common ASL brothers headcanon that Sabo teaches his brothers things like reading and writing among other things and I do think this is true to a degree. Like of course the bandits taught Ace the basics but you know little Ace and his whole “raaaa don’t tell me what to do. If I stay out of the house I can’t be a bother to you” mindset. And I certainly think Makino and the Mayor TRIED to teach Luffy but he only has a grip on bare basics. So Sabo had to teach more complicated things like grammar, multiplication, division and other things.
And honestly I could see him being a pretty good teacher. He knows how his brothers brains work and how to phrase questions for them so that they would understand. And considering Ace and Sabo had known each other for years by this point I could imagine Ace is use to Sabo being a teacher.
But Sabo as Luffy’s teacher is a little different. Because Sabo watches Luffy struggle with so many things he did when he was little. Phonetic spelling, contractions, fractions even simple things like buttoning up his own shirt are hard for Luffy. And while Ace is quick to call him stupid because it’s easy don’t be a baby. Sabo is patient with him because his own parents never were. He buttons Luffy’s shirts in the winter when he struggles, he sounds out store signs for him and break down maths questions to the point of rocks for Luffy to count. While I doubt Luffy was ever fond of class time, he was almost always met with patience helping him to learn
When Sabo left, Ace would not coddle him the same Sabo did even if he tried to and that Winter after Sabo’s death Luffy learned to button his own shirt and was so proud. He chose to leave Dawn in a button up vest as if to prove to Sabo he was grown enough to survive on his own and he didn’t need to worry.
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ckalaveram · 3 months
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Hey so technically I did post two of these like a year ago but I never posted them together or posted Dick’s or Tim’s.
The purpose of these was to give myself a challenge, I made up a lot of stuff and I vaguely used references. These drawings are all flawed in a lot of ways, but I’m glad I challenged myself to do something and somewhat completed it
Anyway these are like almost a whole year old, which is crazy to me. And I don’t even know if there is a point in posting now but why not yk. And I think I do want to try and loosely redraw them all, this summer at some point. But I might not, we’ll see.
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ganeshkfp · 1 month
I believe fandom does not talk about Luke and Annabeth's relationship enough. I mean, plus Thalia, they had to survive together. And they were like this:
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Imagine what they had gone through, being this small. I always think that baby Annabeth didn't understand many things around her, despite being so smart, she was only 7.
I hc when they left May's house, Luke was so frustrated. Thalia tried to calm him down but eventually she left him alone so he can clear his head. Annabeth probably asked Thalia why he was so upset, only understanding his father is not a good man in his eyes, just like hers. So she picked up crayons Thalia found for her in the dumpster and drew a picture just for her big brother, trying to remind him that he has a new family:
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I hc Luke carried the picture for years, even though he left the camp and betrayed everyone, he still carried it. It helped him to calm down.
Little Annabeth would be upset that she had to sleep in another cabin but she got used to her new siblings. But it didn't stop her cuddling to her big brother at the campfire, as they mostly thought of Thalia, silently grieving for her.
Luke would remember how she had to hold Annabeth tight in her arms as she screamed and pounded on his chest loudly as Thalia disappeared, her battle cries turning to screams. Even silliest songs wouldn't cheer them up for a while at the campfire.
Eventually, Annabeth would start to forget a bit, still visiting Thalia's tree every day and telling her stories, but her eyes starts to shine. She finally starts laughing again, being a small kid. She would love to follow Luke around, jumping up and down as Luke just wanted some alone time.
No wonder Annabeth spend years thinking he could be redeemed. He was her hero, her big brother for years. She was in denial and even cried at the botl.
I always think, just like Percy, Luke saw Annabeth at the River Styx. But probably small Annabeth, when they first met. He probably saw her hopeful eyes and the moment they become family. At the final battle, Annabeth's tears reminded him of who he lost. At that moment, when Annabeth mentioned his promise, he saw the memory again, where he gained a sister who would love him and look up to him for years. Yet, he lost her, he lost the kid he promised to protect, he promised to love. At that moment, he realized he fucked up, he became Luke again, sacrificing himself so Kronos wouldn't kill her. He was so disappointed and terrified of what he had done after seeing the blood coming out of her mouth...
At the end, Annabeth's and Luke's bond saved the war.
(Fanart belongs to silima.art!)
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wikitpowers · 5 months
i see so much clary hate in the tsc fandom like calling her stupid and people saying she acts like a baby and whines too much like do some people not realize that this girl just turned 16 in cob???? like she is a baby, give her a fucking break this girl went through so much and yet still remained the biggest badass
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ganondoodle · 6 months
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(totk rewritten/botw 2 concepts)
Vah Narisha! elaborated on things and slightly polished it
(info written on there but for ease of reading writing it here again)
-its a prototype titan (divine beast) that crash landed on an island and was left there, its name is based on the big sky whale from skyward sword (its german name)
its very overgrown and half broken, with its tail hanging off the edge, but if you try to use the infusion power of links shiekah arm it will suddendly twitch and empty your entire energy meter immediately since it uses more power than you could provide on your own- serving as a hint that it can be reactivated
once its reactivated (zelda helps, perhaps with a quest attached) it will fly in circle patterns across the sky, you cannot control it (its still a half broken prototype after all) but you can use it as a place to rest and reach other islands that are very hard to reach otherwise
single parts will suddendly move and twitch or freeze as its ... a damaged prototype, its a slight hazard as the shaking can throw you off if you are standing in a bad spot (but not so much you cant reach it again), occasionally it will lose some parts
unlike the "modern" titans, who require the main energy network sourced from mainly ganondorf as their power source if there is no pilot/champion (thus stopped working after the intro), vah narisha draws energy from its surroundings, just like links arm does, so its still able to function even after gan wakes up; however the amount available is barely enough to keep it afloat and that only moving very slowly too- it is unclear if the reason for other malfunctions or unavaible controls is bc of lack of power or damage, probably being both, but after taking off there is no way to try and repair it further since you cant control it and it would pose a danger by falling if misshandled so its mostly left to its own devices
its not required for anything of the main story or to traverse the sky, but it is a cool thing and can make it easier to reach things, the idea for it is mainly from the unused prototype hanging in the hateno lab in botw since my goal is to make totk into botw 2 i thought its a neat idea to bring in previously scrapped ideas :3
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not-poignant · 4 months
I know I'm still burnt out because my executive function is so bad at the moment I make like a million mistakes every time I put up a new chapter, which is demoralising and makes me feel extremely pathetic.
Anyone who says ADHD is a superpower needs to just spend some time in a bin.
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jjkspinterest · 8 months
I'm sorry but the idea that Gege didn't intend for us to ship Sukuna and Yuuji leaves me in awe. Like the original main character was supposed to be Yuuta, y'know, the monster fucker? The one that french kissed a curse? That Yuuta.
You mean the one that was supposed to be executed because of an s-grade curse attached to them called THE QUEEN OF CURSES.
Sound familiar?
Like idk, maybe the current main character called Yuuji Itadori? The one that was supposed to be executed because of an s-grade curse attached to him called THE KING OF CURSES.
All Yuuji and Sukuna gotta do is french kiss and we're all set
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sluckythewizard · 5 months
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stole the joke from this comic. its so funny. i couldnt stop thinking about it. i should be working on other stuff right now
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iwasbored777 · 4 months
I really love Gwen's story in the end of ATSV cuz even if she and Miles never speak again she has real friends now, she's not all alone anymore. She has people who understand her the way others couldn't. And things aren't 100% perfect in her dimension but at least her father no longer thinks she's a murderer and even though everyone else will probably never change their mind about her in her world at least her father is here on her side. It's a huge improvement from how things were in the first movie and the majority of the second one. She spent the whole first movie realizing what it's like to be happy again, in the second movie she was afraid that she would lose everything because things were even worse than before, at one point she did lose everything, and after that she gained more than she thought she would.
Of course she was so negative about stuff, cuz when life is beating you down for too long you forget that good things can happen.
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tabbi-mysteries · 1 year
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Episodes 1-101 Mouri Ran's Wardrobe
So many doodle ideas for Detective Conan and yet what I actually end up doing is cataloging Ran's various outfits...
Still she has a lot of cute ones and it's interesting to see them all, I'll probably continue. That said there's a lot so they're all just sketches but feel free to use as references.
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sequids · 7 months
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let's hear it for everyone's favorite human man
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whyamihereat4am · 7 months
there's something so deeply enjoyable about shipping characters you know would loathe being shipped. Like, whether they have genuine hate for each other or are just offended anyone else would think they tolerate each other, they would definitely rip my head off for giggling maniacally while I draw them smooching in MS Paint like I'm pressing my Barbies' heads together- and not just because that's a generally uncomfortable thing to find, but because it's that person specifically. the knowledge that there is a wealth of erotica that involves them having biologically impossible children would inspire them to destroy the world. but they can't, because they're fictional. the fools. *cackles evilly and posts about who i think would be the bottom when they have hate sex*
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puppyeji · 2 years
taste | hwang yeji
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TYPE: smut, one shot, idol x reader, fem!idol x fem!reader, short
CONTENT: g!p yeji, blowjobs, cum swallowing, handjobs, subby!yeji, nerdy!yeji, reader's a bit mean to her
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, somnophilia, mean!reader
SUMMARY: yeji was the perfect roommate: she was quiet, organized and slept or studied all day, so she never inconvenienced you. you wake up one day because she can't stop whining in her sleep, clearly bothered by something, and when you see what that something is, you decide to take care of it for her.
WORDS: 2.3k
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you've been living with yeji for a few months now. you two met a while ago when you were looking around the neighborhood for cheap places close to your university and you saw each other. the two of you had taken interest in the same apartment and made a deal to split the rent in half and share it.
she was the perfect roommate: you went out at night and came back at morning, ready to sleep until you had to wake up for your classes. meanwhile, she slept all night and left early in the morning for her classes, so you barely bumped into each other and never had any inconveniences. yeji is polite and clean, always keeps her room organized and never complains about yours.
there was just this one thing.
yeji seemed to be having night terrors lately. or something.
your head was killing you and you still had to prepare for an exam in four days so you decided to stay inside tonight, which meant you were at home at the same time yeji was. this was no problem, of course, cause yeji was soundly asleep like always.
but she seemed restless. she was in bed, groaning, tossing and turning around, until she was finally on her stomach, twitching and whimpering. you could hear this from your own room —your walls weren't very thick—, so you decided to go check on her. it was the least you could do, right?
her room was pitch dark, so when you tried to look at her face you had to squint various times, but you could finally tell the shapes of her body from the fabric of the sheets: her long brunette hair was messy, you could see she was wearing some pajama with cute little hearts, which was so childish that you chuckled from second hand embarrassment.
you sat up among the sheets and glimpsed at her face: yeji didn't look like she was sleeping well. she looked uneasy. as you wondered why, she tossed around and turned on her back. you had to be careful, you don't want to wake her up yet. then out of nowhere, yeji whimpers in the dark, startling the fuck out of you.
maybe she's having a nightmare?
you noticed that her breath was a little heavy. perhaps she's sick?
you checked, putting your hand on her forehead and moving away the strands of hair that were sticking to her forehead with sweat. she seemed a bit hot.
yeji makes another sound. it sounds like a cry, and you immediately conclude that she's having nightmares. what could possibly be bothering the girl?
surely it wasn't...
another groan leaves yeji pouty lips again, attracting your attention.
yeji was still tossing and turning, her face glistening with sweat in the dark, so you sigh, deciding to uncover the girl to lower her body temperature. then you pause.
something hard was in underneath the covers, on top of her tummy.
you didn't notice it at first because your eyes hadn't gotten used to the darkness yet, but there was definitely something there.
then, you raised the covers, a bit unsure of what to do. and when you see it you gasp, a smile forming on your face as you try not to laugh out loud.
"oh my..." you cover your mouth with your hand, still fighting the stream of giggles that were threatening to come out at the sight in front of you.
yeji was rock hard. so hard, in fact, that her cock was peaking out of the elastic bands of both her pajama shorts and boxers. the tip of her dick looking very blushed, and positively leaking above the skin of her stomach.
the poor girl was so timid and introverted, she probably never went on dates, let alone hooked up with anyone, which explained why she was so frustrated and pent up.
you take a deep breath, torn between tucking her back and leaving her alone, with a boner unattended, or waking her up to tell her she needed to take care of it so you could both sleep.
those were your only options, right?
you possibly couldn't just...
it was kinda… cute. like the rest of her, after all. you stare at her face to make sure she's still asleep, finding her troubled expressions also still there, hard breathing through her parted lips, making the cupid's bow on her top lip stand out more.
you feel heat coiling at the bottom of your abdomen.
now it's your turn to groan. there's no fucking way. getting all worked up over something like this…
another moan caughts your attention once again: with each of yeji's deep breaths, her abdomen rose, making the flaming tip stroke against both skin and fabric. you find yourself staring harder than you should. there was no point in denying it, your cunt was pulsing needily, undeniably wet.
waking her up is out of the question now, you don't trust your own voice not to be hoarse and groggy. knowing how shy the girl was, she'd also probably start crying like a baby, and then she'd be so traumatized by it that she wouldn't be able to look at you in the face ever again, and she'd move out.
yeji moans, hard enough to startle you.
apparently your hand was on top of it now. huh. wonder how it got there.
you caress it over the thin fabric, out of curiosity, and yeji responds modestly by moaning even louder, and this time you can't stop yourself from squeezing it and biting your lip at the throbbing you felt through her dick.
you can't go back to sleep like this. neither can yeji. she probably wouldn't stop moaning and groaning, and one of the neighbors might hear. fuck.
the sadistic side of you thinks about waking her up and making her feel all the terrible embarassment. then you consider having her wake up, and laugh at her, seeing her eyes full of tears, and her struggle to cover her hard-on with both of her hands, only to realize she had a part of her dick poking out and you'd already seen it.
you're not that cruel, though. and you stop fantasizing about it because she interrupts your thoughts. she's really not shutting the fuck up and keeps whining and moaning.
alright. putting it back it's impossible. it looks way too stiff and sensitive. it also doesn't fit inside if it's hard. so putting it out it is.
you breathe in order to calm down, reaching for the elastic bands while being careful not to touch her dick.
once her pants and boxers are lowered, you observe her with a mix of emotions: well. she's more... well endowed... than you expected. not that you expected anything. of course. she's a loser, it's not like you've ever thought of sucking her off while she's in the middle of a studying session. she was lucky you were even helping her in the first place.
some of her brunette hair was stuck to her open lips, with every breath she let go of an almost inaudible whine, her long lashes fluttered but never really opened, her pale skin displayed in contrast of the dark sheets in her bed, and the clenching of her stomach anytime she groaned made the muscles there tense and show how well defined her abs were.
fuck it.
how come she always looks like a total mess and right now she suddenly looks this fine? those awful glasses finally off of her, allowing you to see her pretty features and and the cute mole on her nose.
the raw scent of her arousal was filling the air. you didn't know whether it came from between your own legs or from yeji's, which only made it worse. the mixed smell of it almost made you think about giving in and waking her up, begging her to fuck you.
fuck. maybe touching her would be enough?
after all you deserve some fun too… right? yeji can't be the only one enjoying it.
just a little. it's not like she'd know.
your finger-tips meet her flesh. she whimpers, harder, and lower. so you don't even think about it before covering her mouth, her warm breathing hitting against your fingers, making you so much wetter when the thought of introducing one digit in crosses your mind.
her cock was much warmer, and much harder than it looked. you moved your whole hand.
you know you shouldn't, you know. and yet, before you realize, you grasped her flesh in your hand and started to stroke.
gentle at first, then a little more firm. yeji's blood ushers down clearly to answer your movements: she gets impossibly harder and a drop of precum stains your hand. this fucking loser is so close already, you chuckled under your breath. pathetic.
the shy girl who couldn't even order a pizza through the phone on her own without stuttering was dripping semen on your hand while you gave her a handjob. she was rock hard as well, the tip was crimson even in the darkness, the thick veins were so noticeable and the shaft was big, so big that it didn't fit in your hand.
fuck. it would probably stretch you out so bad. and a part of you wants to know how badly.
but her moans become more gruttural. the fucker was still sleeping, but she was enjoying it, no doubt about it, and you were enjoying it almost as much as her. you close your legs, realizing how much wetter you've gotten. your panties are soaked through by now.
yeji looked like she was about to climax: her hips no longer still, instead she was now steadily fucking herself into your hand, rubbing the skin of the sensitive head against the hole of your fist, savoring what was probably the first handjob she was given in a very long time, if not ever. you decide to give her a bit more of pleasure, leaning down and spitting on her tip, and the sounds she makes are the best fucking thing you've ever head. she's so grateful about the extra lubrication, her cries getting so high and needy.
a bit of fear runs through you. what if yeji wakes up and finds you like this? knowing you should probably stop made the adrenaline in your body spike up, making you whine and close your legs tightly.
also you want to see for yourself. what does little nerdy, bookworm yeji looks like when she's cumming? what would it feel like if she spilled against your hand, shooting ropes of thick cum between your fingers, leaving them sticky and wet?
fuck, what does yeji taste like?
the question popping in your mind makes an immediate idea appear, the exact moment you recall that if yeji cums now she'd make a mess unless you find a napkin or something where she could finish.
then your hand goes faster and faster, the slick noises get louder.
you even fantasize for a bit about what would happen if yeji woke up with your face this close to her dick, maybe she'd grab your head and force your throat down her cock, bottoming out inside your tight mouth, warm and ready for her to fuck and unload her cum on it.
when yeji starts to shake, you bend your head, tucking the loose strands of your hair behind your ear.
your lips feel the first warm, thick spurts, and you realize you got the timing wrong, so you open your mouth quickly to welcome the rest. yeji is far too big to take in, but you still get to enjoy the warmth of her pulsating cock, the wetness of your tongue offering some delicious relief to the heat of her cockhead before being drowned in more cum, the strong taste of it being the first thing you feel. yeji didn't touch herself. yeji didn't have sex, damn, she probably didn't even get to finish while having these wet dreams. bearing that in mind, it made sense that she'd cum this much, and this thick. the heavy substance started to drip from the corners of your mouth and you had to get your hands up and under your chin in order to avoid spilling it on her covers.
you cough a little. it's a bit sick but the thought of being the one offering comfort to her in this way makes you strangely turned on.
this is disgusting, is what you should probably think. you weren't even a big fan of giving head, but the pleasure you got from tasting yeji was overwhelming.
you feel the taste of it for a bit more before swallowing, deciding it's a bit too weird to keep playing with it in your mouth if yeji's not even awake for you to give a show. then you wipe the corners of your mouth with your hands, not wasting any of it, also bringing your fingers to your mouth and licking.
how come you didn't even get to orgasm but you were still left panting and sweaty?
you laugh under your breath. yeji was still sleeping.
her dick was now beginning to soften. now it was cuter.
you take a final look to the girl sleeping in her bed. a relaxed expression finally blooming on her face, all thanks to you.
then she begins to stir.
okay, that's your cue to go.
before you can mess up you quickly cover her lower body with the sheets, and leave, shutting the door softly enough to prevent any sound from leaking out.
you go back to your room and decide to sleep, both your exam and your headache long forgotten, and the throbbing between your legs unbearable, but you couldn't possibly touch yourself. that wouldn't satisfy you, that's not what you craved. what you craved was in the other room, sleeping peacefully after cumming in your mouth.
the next morning you wake up, going to the kitchen and seeing yeji having breakfast all by her own. if yeji realized her pants and boxers were lower than they were when she went to bed she doesn't mention it or asks about it.
she does blushes to her ears when you pass next to her, though. and you see her covers and sheets in the dirty laundry basket when you go to the laundry room later that afternoon.
you think to yourself you got lucky it didn't end any other way. still, you know you won't ever be able to forget about her taste.
maybe yeji wouldn't mind if you paid her another nightly visit?
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