#happy hani day everyone!!!!
kingsoowolves · 8 hours
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birthday boy | hsh
pairing: idol boyfriend!seunghan x fem reader
word count: 3.3k
author's note: idk if any of you know it, but Seunghan is actually my first bias in riize. since his hiatus, i miss him every day and each day that passes without his presence in the group, i want him to come back even more. i know there's a bunch of ot6 briizes and i honestly don't really care who everyone chooses to stan. we're all different and have different tastes and likings, i get it. but i'm still holding out hope for him to comeback and that feeling won't die down untill i see his beautiful smile while he's on a stage along with his members again. this work is to showcase my love for him, nothing else. and also for all the ot7 briizes and hongjjangus that miss him just as much as me. i hope you like it, babes 🐈‍⬛🫧🧡
contents: established relationship, aged up!seunghan. mentions of riize members. set in the future, on seunghan's 25th birthday. he is active in the group and riize has been in the scene for a few years. smut and fluff. seunghan wants to have his cake and eat it too, lol. fingering, sex in the shower. sex without protection, cumming inside (don't be like them).
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Seunghan is needy and dramatic towards you on a daily basis. But on his birthday, it always gets worse. He ends every request with a “Please? It’s my birthday”, pulls you to sit on his lap every chance he gets and asks for smooches and attention each half an hour that passes by. It’s adorable and charming, and you always find yourself a willing victim to his whims, kissing and hugging him whenever he desires.
However, in times like this, when you’re rushing to get everything done for the small dinner party you’re hosting for his 25th birthday, it does annoy you a little bit. You’re already preoccupied about failing this day for him because the cake wasn’t yet delivered by the bakery and you only remembered to put the wine inside the freezer twenty minutes ago. At least, there’s still forty minutes left until the time you set for his members to show up and you hope that the wine is cold by then and the cake is inside your fridge.
You’re thinking about all of this while you’re finishing setting the fancy cutlery on the table. Seunghan should be checking on the lasagna inside the oven, but instead he catches you midway through your task, rubbing his chest on your back and his hands on your hips as he starts to place kisses on the side of your neck.
“Babe, the lasagna,” you warn.
“I just checked it. It’s still cooking,” he whispers over the wetness his spit gathered on your skin, making you shiver. He runs his nose from the side of your throat to your ear. “You smell so freaking good.”
“No, I don’t,” you say, closing your eyes, letting your body sag a little against his and reaching a hand back to his neck, keeping his face still on your neck while he resumes peppering kisses on your skin. “I still haven’t showered.”
“You always smell good for me, baby,” he says before nipping your earlobe. You can’t help but sigh from the attention he’s giving you. “And I can help you shower.”
His obvious naughty intentions make you open your eyes and spin around, your hands going to his chest to push him slightly away from you.
“No way,” you shake your head. “I know you’ll be distracting me and not helping at all. Plus, you’re already ready and someone needs to answer the delivery truck when they bring the cake.”
Seunghan gives you his best puppy look and steps closer to you again, his hands going around you to encircle your waist. “Baby, please,” he whines. “We spent the whole day organizing this place. I haven’t been able to fuck you yet and it’s my birthday.”
You chuckle and look up at him, resting your chin on his chest and squeezing his cheeks. “Well, you should’ve thought about that before hosting a dinner party at our place, birthday boy.”
He whines again, pressing his forehead on yours whilst his agile fingers start bunching up the skirt of your old saggy dress, one hand pressing on the underside of your left thigh as if he’s preparing to lift you over the table. “I could just slide right in like this. I promise I’ll be quick.”
“No, Seunghan,” you say, voice firm and serious. He gives you a defeated look and steps back, his hands dropping to his sides. “I’m sorry, baby. But we’re already late as it is. We can do all the shenanigans you want later, okay?”
You get on your tiptoes and press your hands on his shoulders to drop a quick peck to his lips, but Seunghan holds you there, his fingers closing on the back of your neck to turn the kiss into a heated one. You wrap your hands around his neck to give him a little taste of what he’s been craving, letting him kiss you the way he wants, his tongue licking up every crevice of your mouth. When he pulls back, you have to blink your eyes open to wake up your hazy mind.
“Okay,” he whispers, a sly smile playing on the corner of his lips as he watches the reaction only one really good kiss pulled out of you. “Go get ready.”
You gulp and nod your head. “Finish setting the table up for me, please? And don’t forget about the lasagna, too. Oh, and–”
“And the cake should be delivered any minute,” he completes for you. “I know, baby, I know. Now go get yourself prettier for my day.”
You nod again, giving him one last peck on his lips and finally turning around. Seunghan takes the moment to pat your butt lightly and you laugh back at him while you walk to your bedroom. After getting to the en suite bathroom, you turn the water to the temperature you like and hastily slip out of your clothes. You sigh when you step into the shower and the warm water hits your head and shoulders, massaging the knots on the back of your neck.
After you shampoo your hair and begin to cover yourself in soap, you hear the door to the bathroom open up and spin around to see Seunghan a few meters away from the glass enclosure separating you both, his fingers quickly removing his denim jacket and tugging his black t-shirt up.
“Seunghan, no!” You exclaim, watching him slide the shirt out of his body and dropping it on the floor along with your clothes. “I told you, I–”
“Babe, I already turned off the oven and put the lasagna to rest on the counter. I also texted the guys saying they should come an hour later,” he explains, moving his hands to his belt buckle to unfasten it and then zipping down the fly on his pants. “Wonbin hyung agreed to pick up the cake. Already let the bakery know it, too.”
You open your mouth at him in shock and your pink sponge falls from your hand onto the shower tiles. “No, you didn’t.”
“Oh, but I did.” Seunghan laughs at you and resumes taking his jeans off, his briefs going sliding down his legs along with it. He steps out of the fabric and his semi-hard cock springs free, the head of it slapping along his thigh. You bite your bottom lip whilst he slides the shower door open just enough for you to see him in all his glory, perfect body exposed bare right in front of your eyes. “So what it’s gonna be, baby? Are we going to fuck or do you prefer to keep pretending you don’t want this as much as I do?”
“Come in,” you say through gritted teeth and he laughs again, stepping inside and sliding the glass door back on its place. You wind your arms around his shoulders and press yourself against him. “You’re a pain in my ass, Hong Seunghan. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, and you love me,” he mutters while he holds you, splaying both of his hands on your ass.
“Unfortunately, I do,” you whisper back, pulling him in for a kiss.
Seunghan’s lips have always been addictive to you. You love how full and beautiful they are, how his smiles come easily when he quirks the sides of them up just a bit and especially how soft and moist they become while he’s kissing you. You always get lost in the feeling, biting on his bottom lip and drawing pretty sounds out of him. You’re so lost in him at this moment that you don’t even notice how his hands snake down your body, gripping on your flesh until his fingers find the place in between your legs.
He spreads you open with his fingers and you moan, your lips disconnecting with his. He laughs darkly as his forefinger rubs on your clit and you hold onto his shoulders for stability.
“You tried to deny me like that but yet you get this wet from just a few kisses?” He says while he watches your face contorting in pleasure.
“I was trying to be responsible,” you reply, trying to keep your moaning to a minimum while it’s still so early in the game. “Instead of you, who only thinks with your dick.”
Seunghan smiles, fingers massaging over your hole and trying to coax louder moans out of you. “That’s just your effect on me, sweetheart. I can’t help it.”
“I don’t know about that. Maybe you’re just a horndo–” You get cut off because of course Seunghan chooses that exact moment to insert two of his fingers inside of you, making the words on your lips turn into a groan and your head loll back.
“What were you saying, baby?” He asks slyly over your exposed neck, pumping his fingers in and out of you with precision. How can he be so fucking good at this?
You gulp down the saliva that collects in your throat and scrunch your eyes while you bask in the feeling of him pleasuring you. “Nothing.”
“That’s what I thought,” he replies with a smile, moving you to press your back against the bathroom wall and reaching down to wrap a hand around one of your thighs, hooking it up around his waist. You press the arch of your foot on his ass to pull him closer to you and soon enough his dick is pressed in between your bodies and he’s rutting on your lower belly. “That’s it, such a good girl for me.”
You move your hand down to cover his pretty cock, pumping him in your fist the best you can while Seunghan distracts you by scissoring his fingers inside your cunt. You try to look down to see what you’re doing, but Seunghan’s head eclipses your visions when he starts dropping kisses on the valley of your breasts. His lips move to one of your perk nipples and you moan out loud when he sucks it into his mouth, flicking the bud with his tongue. Your pace falters on his length and he pulls your hand away from it to intertwine your fingers together, resting them on the coldness of the bathroom tiles beside your head.
“Hani, it’s your birthday,” you say, and he looks up at you with your boob still inside his mouth. “I should be the one pleasuring you.”
He releases your nipple with a pop, then sinks his teeth on the flesh of your other breast. “But you are pleasuring me, baby. Doing whatever I want with you is all I need.”
You sigh when he licks over your neglected nipple, his tongue tracing around the areola over and over again until he gets tired of it and suctions on that one, too. He keeps the unrelenting pace of his fingers inside of you and moves his thumb up your clit again to rub on it.
“But I want to do more for you,” you whisper, starting to thrust your hips up against his hand. Your head already feels dizzy and your vision starts to get hazy with how much he’s overwhelming your senses. You feel that any moment now you might snap.
Seunghan releases his nipple from your mouth t at the same moment the revolutions down your clit get faster, and you can’t stop your moans from echoing around the restroom anymore while he kisses his way up to your lips again.
“Then you can suck me off after dinner, okay?” He mutters, his natural foxy eyes glinting at you and his mouth drinking up your sounds. “You’re close, right?”
“So close, Hani,” you cry out, gripping his hand tightly on yours and tugging on his hair with your other one.
He smiles at you and presses his lips to yours two times. Then, he mutters, “Cum for me now, pretty girl.”
It’s ridiculous that that’s all it takes to get you there. But either way, your orgasm washes over you, the tingling forming in your belly spreading through your limbs and head while your walls convulse around Seunghan’s fingers. He still keeps his work in your pussy while you scream and drop your lips to bite on his neck to give you something to do.
“That’s it, my love. You look so pretty when you fall apart. I want to watch this for the rest of my life,” he whispers in your ear while you sink your teeth on his flesh.
Once there’s no energy left in your body and you’re babbling incoherently on his skin, he slides his hand up to lift your chin and press your head back on the wall. His fingers wipe the drool from the corner of your mouth and you smell your juices on them, your tongue instinctively darting out to lick at them.
“Shit, baby, you got me so hard already,” he heaves while you suck his digits into your mouth, limp hand searching for his cock again. “There’s no need for that.”
You only release his fingers from your mouth after pressing little kisses on the tips of each one, then you smile at him and wrap your hand around his dick, slapping it against your folds to share your wetness and his precum with each other. “You’re going to fuck me now, birthday boy?”
“Are you up for it already?” He asks, trying to convey worry through his little groans and expletives. “I don’t wanna do too much too soon.”
“I don’t care, you can overstimulate me all you want,” you reply back, hitting his dick on your clit to show him that you’re serious. “I just need your dick inside me, Hani.”
“Fuck yeah,” he groans at both your words and how you guide his dick to your entrance, your cunt sucking his fat head inside. “I’ll fuck you dumb, baby.”
“Be my guest,” you moan back, feeling him slide all the way in one go and bottoming out, your walls stretching to accommodate his heavy girth inside.
Seunghan slides out and inside of you slowly only three times. Then he sets a merciless rhythm, hitting you with smooth, fast and hard thrusts. You wrap your other leg around him and he holds you up with his strong legs and arms, hands grasping your back and ass cheeks. You tug on his hair, kiss his cheeks, nip on his lips and suck on his neck and chest while he keeps fucking you through it all. The wet sounds of his dick fleetly moving in and out of your cunt and your skin slapping together bounce around the walls, becoming the back tracking for the harmony of moans you voice out together.
He doesn’t falter for a minute, not even when you reach down to squeeze his balls. Instead of easing down his flow, he spreads one of your legs apart, securing it to the wall behind you while he scrunches his nose and gazes down to watch how your cunt clutches to his cock every time he pulls back and your hand fondles his testicles.
Seunghan is giving you his everything. Hoisting you up, holding you together, pining you to the wall and fucking you deliciously. Ruining you. His arms bulge and his legs flex while he does it and you can see sweat forming on his forehead. The water still falling from the shower hits his shoulder blades and splash warm droplets on your skins and the shower doors, like it’s painting freckles on the scene, covering you both in the marks of your lovemaking.
You think he never looked as beautiful as he does right now.
“Seunghan,” you call for him and he looks at you with lust and love swimming inside his eyes. You run a hand over the fringe that falls on his forehead, slicking it back and then rubbing your fingers on his cheek bone. Handsome as hell. You can’t quite believe this man is all yours. “I’m close. I want you to cum inside, okay?”
He nods fervently and presses kisses on your hand that’s still on his face. “Yeah, baby, you got it,” he says, his voice faltering slightly.
Just then he slows down the drive of his hips, moving his legs and balancing himself again in between your thighs until he finds the new angle he’s searching for. Your breath hitches when it seems like he slides even deeper inside your pussy. The head of his cock starts to hit that amazing spongy spot inside you and he smiles victoriously when you’re reduced to a blubbering mess. When his thumb rubs on your clit, joining his dick in his effort to make you mad, you’re done for.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you moan out, squeezing your eyes shut. Your legs tremble and you try to hold it together, but your peak is coming at you faster and faster. “Baby, I think I’m gonna– I’m cum–”
You’re interrupted by Seunghan’s lips crashing on yours and his tongue being shoved inside your mouth. Your orgasm rips through your body like an out-of-control train flying off its tracks. It’s brisk and powerful, leaving your heart racing and your breath short, your mouth hanging open while you moan your boyfriend’s name until your voice feels raw.
“That’s it, baby. That’s a good girl, cumming all over my cock,” Seunghan says, his eyes locking on yours when your jaw clenches. “I’m right behind you, baby. Going to give you my cum now.”
“I want it, Hani, please do it,” you request with a hoarse voice, fighting your words out through the soreness in your throat.
“Oh, shit,” he groans, his hips jerking and stuttering, his cock swelling up and twitching inside you. “Yeah, fucking take it, baby.”
He spills inside your cunt and you moan deeply one more time before he slumps against you, his forehead pressing on your shoulder while your pussy milks him dry. He’s still holding you up, but the hand that was pining your thigh to the wall is now limp, and you move your leg back to wrap around him, tightening your hold of him to keep him inside you as long as possible.
Seunghan moans some more in your ear and you press reassuring kisses on the moles over his shoulders while you both calm down and catch your breaths. When you feel his gasps mellowing out, you press your fingers on his nape and pull his head back to look into his eyes.
“Hi,” you whisper and he gives you the sweetest smile ever, the lines around his eyes cracking and his whisker dimples appearing on his cheeks. “Happy birthday, Hani.”
He hums happily and rests his forehead on yours, dropping five consecutive pecks on your mouth. “Thank you, baby. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you say, pressing your lips on his to give him a full kiss. He responds eagerly, tongue stroking yours and hands sliding to the back of your thighs to kee you up.
You feel his dick stirring inside you again when he pulls back and says, “You think we can go for round two before the guys show up?”
You laugh incredulously at him and unwrap your legs from his body, pushing on his shoulders until he pulls out of you. He whimpers pathetically at the loss of contact and you lift a finger to shut him up.
“Don’t you start, Hong Seunghan,” you admonish him.
He just pouts and catches your finger with his hand, puts it inside of his mouth and starts to suck on it, looking at you wickedly as he does so, all that while his cum starts to seep out of you. Your breath hitches at the scene and because his remnants now sticking to your thighs. But you keep your cool, withdrawing your finger from between his lips until they’re out with a pop. You give his chest a slap and then turn, moving to stand under the shower head to clean yourself.
However, before you can get the soap on your body, his arms are around you again and his lips are ghosting over the shell of your ear. “I’ll be quick, baby. Please, it’s my birthday.”
You roll your eyes at him. He’s insatiable. And he’s definitely going to be late for his own birthday party.
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happy birthday, hani, i love you! If you liked this work, consider sharing your thoughts with me on the comments or my ask box. thanks for reading! 🧡
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eternaltae7 · 3 days
Hani’s Origin Story
Fox of BTS | BTS 8th Member
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It was a typical Thursday afternoon, and Hani was in her dance class, her favorite part of the day. The sun streamed through the large windows, illuminating the room filled with students moving in sync to the rhythm of the music. Today was special—Big Hit Entertainment representatives were visiting to observe the students, supposedly looking for potential male trainees. Hani and her friends shrugged it off, focusing instead on perfecting their routine.
“Who cares about boys?” Hani joked, her laughter bubbling over as she and her friends practiced their moves. “Let’s show them how it’s done!” The girls giggled, spinning and leaping across the floor, their hearts light and carefree in the joy of dancing.
As the class progressed, Hani felt herself getting lost in the music. She poured her heart into each movement, her auburn hair swaying gracefully as she executed the choreography with precision and passion. She had been dancing since she could remember, and this was where she felt most alive.
Unbeknownst to Hani, two men stood at the back of the room, quietly observing the students. They exchanged impressed glances, but their focus quickly shifted to Hani. There was something captivating about her—her unique blend of Irish and Korean features, the effortless way she moved, and the way her accent colored her speech when she called out encouragement to her friends.
After class, Hani and her friends gathered in a huddle, still buzzing from their performance. Laughter filled the air, but Ms. Kim, their dance teacher, soon called for their attention.
“Everyone, I have an announcement!” she said, her voice bright with excitement. “The representatives from Big Hit are here to look for potential trainees, and they’ve taken notice of our class.” Hani’s friends leaned in closer, their interest piqued.
“Wait, what? They’re looking for trainees?” one of her friends exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief.
Ms. Kim nodded, her expression serious but proud. “They’re especially looking for male trainees, but they were impressed with all of you. However, they want to speak with Hani.”
Hani felt a rush of surprise wash over her. Me? She hadn’t expected to be singled out. Her heart raced as the representatives approached her, their friendly demeanor both comforting and intimidating.
“Excuse me, Hani?” one of the men said, flashing a warm smile. “We’re from Big Hit Entertainment. We were wondering if we could speak with you for a moment.”
Hani exchanged a nervous glance with her friends, who looked on with a mix of excitement and envy. “Uh, sure!” she managed to say, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fluttering in her chest.
They led her a few steps away, the noise of the other students fading into the background. “We were really impressed with your dance style and your presence in class,” the other representative said, his tone encouraging. “We believe you have great potential. Would you be interested in discussing becoming a trainee with us?”
Hani blinked in disbelief, her mind racing. A trainee? The thought seemed surreal. “Um, I don’t know. I mean, I’m just a student here.”
“We see a lot of talent in you, and your unique background is something that stands out. Your Irish-Korean heritage and your accent add a special charm that could really bring something new to our company,” the first man explained, his enthusiasm evident.
Hani’s heart raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety. She had always dreamed of dancing professionally, but the idea of becoming a trainee at such a prestigious company was overwhelming. “Can I talk to my parents first?” she asked, wanting to ensure she was making the right decision.
“Of course! We’d be happy to set up a meeting with them,” one of the representatives said, pulling out his phone to jot down their contact information. “What’s your schedule like?”
As they exchanged details, Hani felt a whirlwind of emotions—nervousness, exhilaration, and a hint of disbelief. After the meeting, she returned to her friends, who were buzzing with anticipation.
“What happened? What did they say?” one of her friends asked, eyes shining with curiosity.
“They want me to meet with my parents about possibly becoming a trainee,” Hani said, trying to sound casual, but she couldn’t hide the excitement in her voice. Her heart felt like it was soaring.
“Oh my gosh! You have to do it!” another friend exclaimed, practically bouncing on her toes. “This is amazing!”
That evening, Hani approached her parents, her stomach a knot of nerves as she explained everything that had happened. At first, they looked surprised and a bit apprehensive. Her mom exchanged a worried glance with her dad, and Hani felt her heart sink. She didn’t want them to feel uncertain about her dreams.
“Hani, this is a big decision,” her dad finally said, his voice calm yet serious. “We just want to make sure you know what you’re getting into.”
“I understand, but this is something I really want,” Hani pleaded, her eyes shining with determination. “I love dancing, and this could be my chance to do what I’ve always dreamed of.”
After a long discussion filled with Hani’s passionate arguments and her parents’ cautious questions, they slowly came around to the idea. “If this is what you truly want, we’ll support you,” her mom said, a smile breaking through her initial hesitation. “But you need to promise us that you’ll keep up with your studies and make sure it’s balanced.”
Hani felt a wave of relief wash over her. “I promise! I’ll work hard!”
In the following days, preparations began for her meeting with Big Hit. Hani felt a mix of excitement and nerves as she thought about the possibilities ahead. She knew that to become a trainee, she would need to practice not just her dancing but also her singing. Though she had sung casually with her friends, she had never taken it seriously.
With renewed determination, she began to practice her singing every day. Hani would spend hours in her room, belting out her favorite songs, trying to find her voice and build her confidence. She watched videos of her favorite idols, analyzing their techniques, and even started taking online vocal lessons to improve her skills.
Finally, the day arrived when she and her parents would visit the company headquarters. As they entered the sleek, modern building, Hani’s heart raced. The atmosphere buzzed with creativity and ambition, and she could feel the energy in the air. They were led to a conference room filled with friendly faces, the representatives eager to share what being a trainee at Big Hit entailed.
“Thank you for coming, Hani,” one of the representatives said warmly. “We’re excited to discuss the possibility of you joining our trainee program. We believe you have a lot to offer.”
Hani listened intently as they explained the training process, the dedication required, and the opportunities that lay ahead. Her parents asked questions, their expressions a mix of excitement and caution. Hani felt a rush of determination. She wanted this.
After the meeting, as they walked out of the building, Hani felt a mix of exhilaration and trepidation. The world ahead of her was filled with uncertainty, but the thought of pursuing her passion for dance and possibly becoming an idol filled her with hope.
As Hani left the building that day, her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. This opportunity could change her life forever. She was ready to embrace whatever came next, eager to carve out her own path in the world of K-pop and share her unique story with the world.
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cinamun · 1 year
Hey Cin, So... I kept debating as an introvert whether or not to come onto the Big T. But I am a long time enthusiast of your work (since your S2 contest and S2 story days.) and wanted to join Triple R. (The Raven Simone pic is a good look for the club Avatar LOL.) I, as many of the rest of us were not expecting you to do a Stephen King and "Kill your little Darlings" well... not specifically El who I felt was a more complex character (literally) at least so far than Jayce (IMHO) because he like several of your characters had potential for redemption even when he took that dark turn. Yes, I know not every character has to be dark and twisty with continued problems. But case in point: I noted how quick the anger blazed up toward Elliot but Darren is lauded for his turn around and growth even after he *also* put hands to Indya in the early days of their relationship... now granted he didn't put her lights out like Hope, but came close. Elliot was that ride or die friend (like Darren.) that Hope didn't even have with her girls (that I could tell.) and even helped to find her when she ran away. But with the good doctors help, breakthroughs regarding Sean, an absent mother and love could have possibly changed El like Darren to a grizzled happy middle aged healed OG with a family. But, it's unfortunately not to be. I do also wonder with the way these events went down if Darren and Indya remember this side of himself? Even though that was past Darren and not Daddy of 3 and Uncle of 1 Darren? Ok, I am going to fade into the bushes like Homer Simpson now.
NO! Bestie! Come BACK! You can't just drop a think piece like this and fade away boo. Nope, we don't do that here. But you know what we DO do?
We get into it...
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First of all, those sims 2 model contests where the best thing to ever happen to me in the early 2gs okay? WHERE ARE THEY NOW? That's when I learned how to use hair brushes in photoshop AND "frankensim". But I digress....
Elliot's death was not something I took lightly. I was VERY attached to him. I made him from scratch in CAS as a child *specifically* for Hope. That was her bestie, first crush, first love, first kiss. He was *MADE* for her and I really do mean that literally. It took at least 2 weeks to even come to terms with the idea and up until the last screenshot of that fateful day on the pier was taken, I was still not convinced I would do it. It was a test as a writer: to do something so drastic to an OC that it torments you. It hurt.
The reason everyone jumped on Elliot was because of *how* he chose to do it (I was angry with my DAMN self, but it couldn't happen another way in my head). LIke you said, he "put her lights out". He squeezed her neck so hard, with the most powerful part of his arm, and caused so much internal damage, it kept her in the hospital for two weeks (there is symbolism to this that I won't disclose just yet).
He absolutely had the potential to grow and be redeemed just like Darren did and Darren had far more demons than simply a lost love (he had that too, though, with Sherrita). Darren lost whole family members. Elliot was without a mother. Darren was without a mother. This is where, I believe, the parallels end.
I truly believe that Darren and Indya remember the days when abuse was a regular occurence. Indya had the same bruises from being lifted up by the neck by Darren that Hope now has after being.... (wait for it...)
...lifted up by the neck by Elliot:
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Lest we forget....
Key difference here: Darren was abusive. Elliot was not physically abusive (that we know of) until the argument with Hani that led him down a spiral that would ultimately take his life.
I'll end with this (because the Ratchet Readers™ may have some nuances I'm not seeing) While Darren and Indya might remember those days, they choose to live in the present where blessings are abundant, the soil is fertile and the growth is perrenial. I believe that *everyone* has that capacity which is why I always say that this story is ultimately about growth. The plot is growth. The arcs are growth. All of it. So I absolutely believe Elliot could have grown to the OG status that Darren now is. The reality is that, some just don't get there, even with the capacity to grow inherently a part of them.
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mylovelyhyunjin · 2 years
230320 Happy Hyunjin Day everyone 🥳❣️
Happy Birthday Hyunjin
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🐺 : get 100x of happiness!
🐰 : happy birthday
🐖🐇 : you are 🤍 (love) itself, lovely hwang><
🐿 : happy bday cutie! as your gift, i did my best to decorate this -hanie-
🐥 : happy bday! have a good day today & 2x more than ystd!
🐶 : -0320- happy bday flour boy🤍 hbd flour boy, eat a lot this year too
🦊 : <birth of flour> hbd hyunjin hyung, don't eat flour! risks of flour: 1) it's not good for your skin!! 2) but eat it on your bday 🖤🖤
* 🥳 Happy Birthday Our Hyunjinnie 🎂Wishing you all the love, happiness, and blessings you deserve on your special day 🍀❣️🥟🎂
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hanilessa · 11 months
Hey, it's me Lyra, I created an account ;)). Look at me here before the expected time. But after this new 4.2 teaser all I thought was: I need to talk to hani about this. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR MAN? OUR MAN LOOKS WONDERFUL OMG, I'm so humbled by his four legacy. Aaah this is for everyone who said he was going to die, now he is looking at us with great beauty, because there is nothing more beautiful than him fighting. I have several theories, I recently saw that skirk talked about him awakening "something", so I think he will grow a lot in the story, contrary to what many think, about skirk's appearance, I thought she was beautiful, but I expected something more "dark " or different.
HII LYRA MY CUTIE PIE!! <333 i'm very glad that now we have more opportunities to communicate! OMG i would love to discuss the 4.2 teaser with you too BECAUSE YES OUR MAN WAS SO HOT AND MY HEART ALMOST STOPPED WHEN I SAW THIS LITTLE MOMENT WITH HIM!! i was so happy to see that he's okay. AND literally the very second he was shown in the teaser, my online friend texted to me in the chat 'HANI IT'S TARTAGLIA HE'S ALIVE' LMAO
but i'm still worried about him using his foul legacy because we know it takes away his life force TT and i'd be interested in reading your theories! ALSO ABOUT SKIRK'S APPEARANCE! she's so beautiful, i'm in great admiration!! but to my regret, yesterday i also saw a lot of people who were unhappy with her design, and this made me very upset :(( but let's not talk about sad things! i just saw a SUPER CUTE ART WITH CHILDE AND SKIRK. my heart rejoices when i see them together because i can understand that finally no one will beat him. i feel that skirk will protect our man.
i hope you have a good day, love! 💖
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moon-soups · 19 days
**Help the children to survive **
Hello I am Hany from Gaza , Palestine. I am a teacher and I lost my job and my salary during the cruel war and daily genocide on Gaza strip every day.
we are under the hell of bombs and air strikes so we are dying every moment.
My three children are frightened and scared and we live under panic and fear for more than eleven months .
We have no food , no healthy drinking water, no electricity, no clothes to wear and no houses as most of them were destroyed
We are trying to escape from Gaza death by travelling to Egypt but we can't afford the fees because the fare is too expensive so please help us. Any amount from 10$ to 50$ will be appreciated and will help me to rescue the children from the death ,to help them in their right of education and to help them to live a normal life .
You can pay or donate on the following link:
I will be very grateful if you share or reblog my pinned post on my account.
Vetted by:@dlxxv-vetted-donations
please help and donate to hany. i have his pinned post reblogged under this if u could also please share!! his sweet beautiful children deserve a normal and happy life like everyone in gaza does
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Mini shitty tumblr sharks, that have no set day of the week.
A lot of folks reached out to me in the last few days, so I'm going to compile the fundraisers cause im too overwhelmed to answer all of them individuallyyyyyyyyy
if you have sent me a fundraiser in the past few days, i saw your ask, I've compiled them.
Many of these are extremely low on funds and are being donated to very slowly, please donate if you can
they are verified or likely very "legit" for those who are concerned.
Tagging for Reach? yeah @commissions4aid-international @feluka @greenmossyrock @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @starredforlife @justaleksey
Feel free to also tag for reach.
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bbina · 6 months
heyy user bbina 🤭 it’s been a while since i sent a message, uni work has me so tired & my lecturers were so annoying today omg 👹
& then seeing that hani wasn’t on the siren track just made my day worse 😭 but your update’s literally make me so happy!!! i love reading all the anons messages too everyone here is so unhinged & funny i LOOOVE the bbinaverse 🫶
but yea i just wanted to thank you for making my day better with btl!! the ulsan arc literally has me giggling & kicking my feet i can’t wait for ynbin to reunite 😻
- 🐚
shell anon its been a while! work beat my ass too yesterday so thats why I’m just answering asks rn 😭 to make shit worse sm had to be a dumbass but despite that btl is here to save the day and the citizens of bbinaverse!! ulsan arc is gonna go crazy AAAA thank you so much for always tuning in!
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kiryoutann · 10 months
HELLO RYOU MY LOVE!!! SO i have to start by saying that I'M SCREAMING WITH HAPPY BECAUSE THIS IS SO CUTE, BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING (as always in your writing <3) OMG i have so many positive emotions right now. i would like to start by saying that i found a really fitting character maker for between kisses (i can send it to you if you want) and i created my oc, remembering the wonderful time when i read bk. and literally immediately after that you publish a special chapter. i can call this day one of the happiest!!
and now about the chapter itself! OMG this is simply amazing!!! i'm in love, you just have no idea. i could have cried from the happiness and sweetness i felt when i read all the interactions between childe and y/n. they are so tender and in love for each other <33 this is so sweet I REALLY NEED MORE CUTE MOMENTS WITH THEM PLEASE
also!! OH GOD SHIVA!! he's so SO funny i can't- his arguments with childe are like a separate form of art, especially i laughed from the moment when they were arguing in the presence of y/n and how childe tried to win y/n over to his side omg it was so cute TT
and i read your answer to my ask!! don't apologize for posting this so late. you have your own personal life, and it's always the most important thing, so give yourself as much time as you think is necessary. AND I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO SEE CHILDE AND HIS CHILD CATCHING FISH TOGETHER TT i think that would be very VERY cute
i'm incredibly grateful to you that you decided to write this special chapter, because between kisses this is my favorite fic and you're my favorite author, so i'm very glad and happy that i can read this. i hope you have a good day!! i'm looking forward to the new chapter! ILYSM <3
childe is HEAD OVER HEELSSSS FOR HERRRR (as he should tbh). BUT AT THIS RATE, i’m gonna pray for our strong woman y/n so she’ll survive being in zelenossosh with shiva and childe. I’D LOVE TO WRITE CHILDE AND HIS LIL VER OF HIM FISHING TOGETHER TOOOOO
TYSM LOVEEE :< you’re the best ily sm. make sure you drink lots of water!!! always working hard for us, blessing the fandom with your god-tier writing❤️❤️❤️ everyone’s so grateful to have you!
have a great week lovieeee
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bonesofwomanhood · 10 months
November 30. Officially the last day of my birthmonth. My birthday was last week, november 22nd. It was also a month since my grandma died.
My birthday is my favourite day of the year, just because it's mine. I love birthdays, they're important to me, i love celebrating peoples birthdays, i wish i had someone to celebrate mine with. Usually i have dinner with mom and dad the night before, on the 21st, this year i didn't.
It was not a good one (are they ever? I feel like the past few years all of my birthdays have been sad, how pathetic is it that i still consider it the best day of the year?) It's so weird, you know? Often people tell me they feel the same on their birthday, like nothing changes for them but to me, as soon as the clock hits 00 and it's november 22nd, i'm fully conscious of my new age. I immediately know i'm older, i lived another year.
A few days before i accidentally saw something extremely triggering, i didn't mean to do so. It was a slide show of someone i like, a singer. She was talking about how she thought she would die before 18 but she didn't, how she will now be 30 (but she never made it to 30) i felt disgusting for getting triggered. I cancelled a movie date with a new friend (is she my friend? am i allowed to call her that or am i rushing?) And i felt disgusting for cancelling. I deleted all my social media and i didn't sleep, i couldn't stop crying and had to call the emergency line (yes, again. How pathetic, right?) They asked if i needed an ambulance again. I was terrified. I didn't tell anyone directly about what happened, why would i? I was terrified.
November 22nd. My birthday. Jessica Jung released her album and it was all pink, my favourite color. I tell myself it was for me, it has to be.
I still cried all day, i couldn't stop but didn't know why. Thank god i was alone, no one had to know. So many people forgot and that hurt me a lot but so many people remembered too, new people at that! Why was i so sad then?
Mom, who sent a million text messages all day asking how my birthday was going, i lied to her and said it was great. Dad, who sent a text saying he wanted me to do good in life. M, who (as always, my precious angel) sent me the longest message ever, talking about how proud she is of me and how much she loves me, along with a million pics and edits, our birthday tradition since i met her. D, who said she wanted me to take care of myself because she wants to celebrate me for many years to come. A, who made a birthday card with a pic of Hani, we got close this year, i like watching movies with him. K posted a tweet saying happy birthday, i haven't talked to her in months. I have her blocked but needed to see if she remembered, i think i miss her.
A few new people said Happy Birthday to me too, shorter messages but no less sweet. Why was i so sad and lonely then? I felt so guilty. I feel so guilty. I was annoyed that everyone was busy or just weren't close enough to me to celebrate it. The only thing i did was cry and stay in bed but then, at around 10pm someone asked if i wanted to watch something, it was the girl (the new friend?) that i had cancelled plans with the previous days, when i thought i was going to die, i was worried i had hurt her when in reality, she probably didn't care that i had cancelled. We ended up watching my favourite movie, Helter Skelter and i had ravioli with lots of cheese. It was good. The movie finished as soon as 00 hit the clock. November 23rd. My birthday was over and with that, all the magic of what is both the saddest yet best day of the year.
I saw my mom a few days later. She got me a sewing machine (that i never asked for but that i really wanted) and she was so proud of herself for getting me that. I thanked her and hugged her and we had a nice lunch before i went home. As soon as i was alone i started crying. Had i succeded in killing myself the week before, she would have wasted money. Why was i thinking that?
I'm 24 years old now. Never thought i lived this long. I wish i was healthy, i wish i could sleep properly, i wish i was happy. I thought at this age i would have my children, i would be able to have an actual job. I dreamed of that but i will never be able to and accepting it is so hard.
I feel guilty every second, because some people remembered but i was sad, because i'm older than i ever thought i would be so maybe no one believes that i'm sick, because i'm a burden, i can feel it.
24 years old. I'm terrified i won't make it to 25. I'm terrified i will make it to 25. I'm terrified that i do my best to think about it but i can't see myself being 25, i can't. Why can't i? I'm terrified and i'm really sorry to everyone. To everyone i love. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I promise you guilt eats me alive.
The idea that i'm now 24 sits so heavy in my heart, it's bittersweet. I guess it's good that i'm alive, i don't know why it's good but my therapist says it is. It's also a painful reminder of the fact that for 24 years i have been me, i have no way out. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I think i have been sadder since my birthday. I'm 24. I made it to 24.
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redwayfarers · 7 months
wip whenever
@lilas tagged me for a wip wednesday, thank you fren!! this time i revisit my second fave if of all time, blood moon, and my main otp - my girl angelina and farro - on a little walk on their first year anniversary together <;3 posting two bc descriptions + a little angst!
figured everyone's been tagged already, so anyone who sees this is free to post their wips <3
It’s been a year since they first got together, yet she never tires of his scent. Hani’s enrolled in a local school, and as everything settles, so do their lives. Ange feels safe letting someone else be in charge for a few hours while she and Farro walk Hani to school for the first time in so long, and she doesn’t know what to think of it. Neither does she know what to think of the way she got herself a fresh new haircut for the occasion, and picked out clothes she doesn’t normally wear. They’re nothing fancy, but they’re fancy for her - newer jeans, plaid shirt, and a worn leather jacket. She’s not riding Harley Davidsons, that’s for sure, but Farro’s style seems to have rubbed off on her somehow.  Granted, he, too, dressed up. Ange probably has the hottest boyfriend in the whole city. He has a manbun, his beard is trimmed, and he’s wearing a shirt she’s never really seen him in before. It suits him, olive green looks amazing on him, and even better under a leather jacket he’d worn back when he was with Roe.  “What’s with the shirt?” Ange asks, sliding her hand into his. “It’s new?”  “Not really?” Farro squeezes her hand. “It’s too much for the day to day, though.” He smiles gently. “I wore it on my wedding day.”  “To Brianna?”  “I don’t have any other wife - except you, potentially.”  Ange shakes her head. Her cheeks heat up. They briefly discussed marriage, in this post sex ‘wouldn’t it be cool if we got married’ way, but it was nothing serious. They are in love, and for the moment, that is enough. Yet months went on, and they’re still just as in love as they were at month 2, and something in her knows she would like to marry Farro. 
Farro makes a howl she can’t interpret. Might mean tease, might be mean, or something in between. He then turns his head in the direction of a nearby donut strand. “Hani likes these,” he says. “We sometimes get them on our way home from school. Should we get some?”  “That isn’t necessary, Farro. We should save every dollar we can. I can live without the donuts.”  “Angelina, it’s our first anniversary together. Let me buy you donuts, of all things.”  Truthfully, she hasn’t had them in a long time. The old Alpha always rationed. He had so many mouths to feed, and now she does too, plus the new baby, Hani and Farro, and she can’t really afford any frivolous expenses. Yet the smell of frying donuts reaches her nostrils and she feels her mouth water. As a child, she always wanted to try donuts with strawberry topping, but that opportunity had only been afforded to her once. It’s one of the fondest memories she has of her mother, delivering freshly fried donuts in an old, flowery dress.  Ok?ok?ok? Farro’s howl breaks the hold of the memory. Okokokok. Past is in the past. It shouldn’t ruin her happiness now. And maybe she can add to the memory of her mother by letting her mate bring her donuts, too.  “Fine,” she says. “Strawberry topping, please.”
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cinamun · 1 year
You’re such an amazing writer Cin! Happy Mother’s Day by the way! I don’t see how people aren’t able to empathize in this situation. “Oh he’s grown, he knew what he was doing” no. Childhood trauma is real. Elliot was a child, even though he was 18, he still had a child’s mindset. As parents, we are our children’s first role models/heroes. He never got that, never had someone to look up to, never had that unconditional, unwavering love that parents are supposed to have for their children. It’s HARD to lose someone you’ve know from childhood to adults. From best friends to first loves, to just friends again, on the outside looking in, that’s HARD to accept and heal from as well. Life in general is HARD period. Besides Hani, he didn’t have anyone in his corner, and he didn’t truly want her.. unfortunately to him, she was just something to do and pass time. When you’re depressed, you’re just going through the motions, you need a lot of support, you need positivity around you, but you also have to want those things and be better, and he didn’t. Hope and her family were the only light he had in this world and attachments are real. Hope was his safe place, and after losing her he never recovered. He was repressing his feelings all those years. As people of color, most don’t believe in depression and mental illness or counseling. We believe that we can handle it on our own. Of course I don’t agree with his actions at all, mental health is so important. I am Hope, like I know what he did, but is he okay? I know what he did, but that’s my friend .. I know him to the core and I know he’s not in his right mind, just make sure he’s okay. I’m just so hurt for her and everyone in this situation, but especially Hope 💔
Is Sean to blame for Elliot’s upbringing? Yes he is .. but idk Sean’s upbringing .. he may not have received that love himself from his own mother/father and is repeating a generational cycle, raising Elliot the best way he knew how, idk 🤷🏾‍♀️ Yes both Indya and Darren overcame how they were brought up, but they’re still scarred, and everyone is different. Everyone is not that strong. But he does deserve empathy because no one should have to bury their child, no parent should leave before their child, EVER 💔
Ouch, right in the feels! And such a touching summary of your thoughts on this very sad turn of events. Thank you for your kind words and let's all just take deep breaths and big gulps of water while we ride out this storm ❤
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woozi · 2 years
red flags has a banging canon url incredible gif skills AND is a total sweetheart .... call this a triple threat !!!
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tell me my red flags anonymously
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hanilessa · 1 year
Would like to make an announcement to say thank you for ur amazing fics bcs everyone here deserves to know just how amazing and sweet u are Hani,,, like ur amazing 100000000/10 bestfriend fr
CELINA 😭😭😭 THANK U SO SO MUCH :(( you make me cry, darling. it's very nice of you that you take the time to make me happy with your words. i really appreciate it! IT'S YOU SWEET AND AMAZING FR 💌💌💌 thank you for making my days happier with your sweet messages and parrots <33 I LOVE U DARLING!!! 💜
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kim-seung-mo · 3 years
Heyy i would like to request #23 from your list! Also can you make it reallllly angsty but with fluffy happy ending ? Thank youu!
𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝔽𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕖 (ℍ𝕪𝕦𝕟𝕘 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕖)
♩ gn!reader, angst then fluff, hurt and comfort, self-doubt, a lot of babbling, mentions of alcohol consumption, crying, a lot of crying
♩♩ word count: 4.1k (ik ik, that's why this took me so damn long)
♩♩♩ A/N: anon wanted angst with fluff ending so there's plot which means it's longer which also means i'm splitting into hyung and maknae (hanie and felix ) line againnn ┗( ▔, ▔ )┛ wip list here
hannie and felix here
go show the reason i stay some love plz i'm very proud of it
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Bang Chan was the leader of Stray Kids, the all-rounded leader.
He could sing, dance, rap, write lyrics, produce songs, play sports, the whole package, it was widely believed that he could do anything.
The number of people who wanted to be his lover was countless, and the line could probably drive from Seoul all the way to Sydney.
But the one he fell in love with was you, you who didn't care about those things at all.
You just saw him as an ordinary person, like anyone else.
To be honest, that was probably the part of you that attracted him.
But also because of this, all his achievements, all his status were as if they did not exist.
In your eyes, he was just Bang Christopher Chan.
(continue under the cut)
He thought that all you wanted was a normal relationship.
A normal relationship, like everyone else's.
That was what he assumed he couldn't give you.
He couldn't see you every day, he couldn't go out with you freely, he couldn't go to a restaurant and have a meal like a normal couple.
His love for you was getting deeper and deeper, but he felt further and further away from you at the same time.
Why haven't you left him yet? Why were you willing to stay by his side when you didn't care about his reputation or achievements?
Why did you never complain to him about anything? He obviously never gave you the life you wanted...
That night, he drank a lot. He thought and thought but could not come up with an answer that would satisfy him.
He couldn't get an answer, even when Minho sent him home.
Minho handed Chan over to you with a serious look and told you to talk to Chan properly.
"Hurry up and sort out your problems with each other on your own, I don't want to hear him cry every day."
Did something happen between you guys? You didn't even know.
Chan has been crying for the past few days? This was also something you didn't know.
With a serious nod, you take your boyfriend from Minho's hands.
He clings to you like you're the last piece of driftwood, muttering something you can't understand.
He reeks of alcohol, which is not a common occurrence; he doesn't usually allow himself to get this drunk.
Sure enough, something must have happened.
After sending Minho away, you help Chan to the bed and lay him down.
After helping him take off his jacket and shoes, you prepare to go to the kitchen to make him a bowl of sobriety soup.
But he suddenly sits up and pulls you into his arms.
Losing your balance, you fell on the bed and looked at him with a slightly shocked look.
"Chris? What's wrong?"
He held you, his chin resting on your shoulder, you suddenly felt something liquid slide down your collarbone.
He was crying again, like Minho said.
"If I'm...if I did something wrong, or...haven't been doing enough......you have to, tell me ......"
He spoke so disconnectedly that you almost didn't understand what he was saying.
Although even after you did understand, you could not quite comprehend his words.
What did he do wrong? What didn't he do right?
What nonsense is he talking about?
"What do you mean ......?"
"Don't act like nothing's wrong! I know...I know I'm not good enough! I know you must not be happy at all! With me, you must be...you must not be happy at all with me, right?"
"I can't give you anything, it's like everything I have you don't need! I... I don't know how I can...what I can do to make you happy......"
"You must be looking for a reason to break up with me, right? I know...I know you must have been holding back, you-"
"Bang Christopher Chan are you crazy?!"
Breaking away from his embrace, you looked angrily into his eyes.
He seems startled by your sudden movement and shrinks back like a scared puppy.
Seeing him like this, you couldn't help but feel your heart sting.
You reached out and took his trembling hand in yours, then leaned forward a bit.
"Channie...why do you think that? Why do you think... I'm not happy with you?"
Because that could not be any further from the truth.
"You never talk to me about... anything bad ......there's never any complaints from you."
"Just because of that? Just because I have no complaints about you, you think I'm unhappy? I don't understand your logic very well..."
"Aren't you hiding it?" He looks at you defiantly, the drunkenness in his eyes having long since disappeared without a trace.
"Of course not! I'm not complaining because I really don't have any complaints about you, because you're perfect."
You continue to lean forward and kiss his puffed eyes.
"People can't be perfect..."
"But you are perfect for me."
"Maybe not in every way...of course I wish you had a little more time for me...but you're perfect enough."
"So...you don't want to break up with me?"
"Not in this lifetime. Channie, I was worried that you might dump me for being too bland. How come you're starting to doubt yourself when I haven't even said anything?"
"You're not bland at all! How could I possibly dump you! Not in this lifetime! You-you're Y/N Y/L/N!"
You laugh and stroke his head, your eyes full of love.
"Look, you understand perfectly fine. The feeling is mutual Channie, what would you do if it was me crying and saying things like that to you like you're doing now?"
Chan looked down and thought a little, then twisted his head a little shy.
"I'm an idiot......"
"That's right, you're an idiot. My idiot. So now, does my dummy Channie want to go take a shower?"
"Can you come with me......?"
You sigh and shake your head with a smile.
"Yes I can, but there's a catch." You held out your own pinky finger, curved into the shape of a hook. "Promise me you'll never say anything like that again, okay?"
He obediently stretched out his own pinky finger as well and hooked it with yours.
You looked down and kissed his knuckles to seal the deal.
"I love you so much..."
He whispered.
When you got home and found him not lying on the couch or in the kitchen cooking you realized something was wrong.
Pushing open the bedroom door, you quietly peeked in and looked inside.
The lights are off and the curtains are drawn, but you can see just by the light outside the door.
Your boyfriend is curled up in bed.
"Minho, are you not feeling well? Why are you in bed so early?"
It's not in line with his habits; normally at such times he would be nestled on the couch watching anime or in the kitchen preparing dinner.
He stirred slightly at the sound of your voice, but didn't answer.
Feeling weirder and weirder, you walked into the room and squatted down by the bed.
He wasn't facing you, but being so close, you could hear his unsteady breathing.
It seems to be... It seemed like he was crying.
You've hardly ever seen Minho cry, and the last time was during the survival show.
And that was a few years ago.
So now you're worried to see him like this all of a sudden.
"Baby? Please talk to me...you're scaring me......"
You shook his shoulder, hoping to get a response this time.
But he did nothing but sniffle and let out a slow, shaky breath.
You stood up and climbed onto the bed, laying down and hugging him from behind.
Although he didn't seem to want to talk to you very much, at least he wasn't resisting your physical contact.
Maybe he just wasn't ready yet? That's all you could assume now.
With you by his side, his breathing slowly calms down.
Some time passed with the two of you staying in the same position, just when you thought this was going to be it tonight, he turned around, grabbed your collar, and buried his head in your chest.
You followed his movements and gently cradled his head, pushing your fingers into his hair.
"Did I not do it well enough......?"
After a long time, just when you thought he was about to fall asleep in your arms like this, he spoke coldly.
"Who said that?"
You asked, holding back the anger in your heart.
If someone had really said something like that to him, you would have rushed up and beat them up.
Your Minho has gone through too much to get to where he is today, and you will never allow him to question himself because of someone else's trivial words.
"No one did."
Yet he says no one did.
"Then why do you think so?"
No one said that, which means it's his own problem. He himself thinks he's not doing enough.
In that case, the problem is more serious than if it was someone else who said.
"If I'm doing well enough...why in our new song, I ......forget it, it sounds really stupid doesn't it ......"
While he said this, you felt the fabric on your chest get wet again.
You sat up with a tight frown, taking him with you.
"Minho...how is this stupid? Nothing about you is stupid."
"But I feel so selfish Y/N...the other members have more time to show themselves, which is obviously a good thing ......"
He lets go of your shirt and sits helplessly on the bed.
"But why, do I still hurt so much? Am I a bad person? Me crying like a worthless child because of something like this... Isn't it humiliating to you?"
You heartbreakingly reach out and cup his face, making him look you in the eyes.
He's still intentionally avoiding eye contact, but you won't let him off the hook so easily.
He was so wrong about this, and you won't let him continue to think that way.
"Lee Minho you look at me."
There was a seriousness in your tone that he hadn't heard before.
"You're not selfish at all, you're not a bad person, you're not a worthless child, and you do not make me feel ashamed, ever. It's only natural that you want to show more of yourself to your fans. It's only right that you feel lost because you didn't get what you deserve. All eight of you are equal, no one is a step above anyone else, and you shouldn't get less than anyone else. This kind of thing is not something unimportant, it's something crucial, so don't feel ashamed of yourself."
"Do you hear me?"
He nodded, the fog in his eyes fading quite a bit.
"I suddenly feel like a fool when you put it like that."
He narrowed his eyes and smiled, seemingly returning to his normal self.
"Because you are a fool! Stupid Lee Know!"
Seeing that he has gotten better, you let go of his face and tapped on his slightly red nose.
"You say that again and you won't get dinner tonight."
He has the mood to threaten you? Yeah, he's getting better.
"Fine fine, my Lee chef, hurry up and go make dinner, I'm starving after lying here with you for almost an hour."
He rolled his eyes and wiped the tears that were still at the corners of his eyes.
"Isn't it your responsibility to comfort your sad miserable boyfriend? Just one hour of hugging and you resent me huh...seems to me your asking me to put you in the air fryer."
"Then you'll lose a supportive, loving Y/N. Do you want me to become your dinner?"
Yeah, you realized right after you finished, that that sentence was kinda weird.
But it was too late.
Minho raises one eyebrow.
"I wouldn't mind eating you for dinner tonight."
Yeah, he was completely fine now.
Changbin was generally not a person who feels insecure, basically nothing could really make him feel "insecure".
But there are exceptions to everything, and Changbin's exception is you.
When it came to you, he couldn't seem to get his confidence up.
Before he got involved with you, he never felt he was such a possessive person.
But now he wanted to keep you tied to him so that you didn't attract any "butterflies", even if you don't intend to.
He's afraid to take you to the practice room for fear that you will fall in love after seeing Hyunjin or Minho.
He's afraid to take you to the recording studio for fear that you will think Jisung's rap is better than his.
Do you think Felix is better looking than him? Do you think Jeongin is cuter than him?
Do you think Chan is more mature than him? Do you think Seungmin is more suitable for a boyfriend?
He really loves his members, but sometimes he hates how all of them were so talented.
After MAMA, Changbin along with the other members went back to the standby room.
You who were watching the replay.
You seemed to sense your boyfriend's presence and looked up at him.
"Binnie! You did a great job! I'm so proud of you!"
You stick out your thumb, the corners of your mouth list a smile, your eyes narrowed together.
But he just comes and sits down next to you, not saying a word.
After seeing that he wasn't jumping around happily boasting about how great he was as usual, the proudness in your eyes faded slightly and you looked at him with a more serious expression of worry.
"Binnie, what's wrong?"
"Did you see it all? The whole stage?" He asked in a cold voice.
"Of course, I am a competent lover, of course I have to support my boyfriend's group! Just ask the staff, I was screaming for all of-"
"Then you saw Hyunjin's dance part too, right? Was it good? Isn't he gorgeous?"
You frown, wondering why he would suddenly bring up Hyunjin's business.
"I saw it...but Hyunjin is not as gorgeous as you are, Binnie-"
"No need to say such lies, I know everything."
He stood up and walked away without waiting for you to finish, leaving you sitting in the same place a bit confused.
That's when you realize that Hyunjin has been standing there all this time.
"I'm sorry Jinnie, I don't know what's wrong with Changbin today... You did a great job too! The opening dance was awesome! You all did a great job ...... Congratulate Chan for me and... I've got to go find Changbin now."
Hyunjin stands aside and nods, giving you a little smile.
You grab your jacket and run out in a hurry.
Paju is farther north than Seoul, and the nights are cooler.
Changbin just running out like this without a jacket on was definitely not a good idea, what if he catches a cold?
You looked around for your boyfriend.
"Changbin! Changbin hiding! Come out! It's too cold outside! We can talk about this when we get home!"
What the hell is wrong with him today? He's never been like this, he's always been mature in your relationship... How did it come down to this?
After searching around for a few minutes, you finally find your boyfriend with frozen red ears by a flight of steps.
"Binnie! Put the jacket on..."
You rushed over and threw the jacket in your hand on him, holding his face in worry.
That's when you realize he seems to be crying.
You wipe away his tears, but he knocks your hand away.
"Leave me alone..."
"I'm your lover, I'm the last person that's gonna leave you alone. Changbin you're acting really weird today...you don't act like this normally-"
"Have you ever thought that... I'm faking it?"
That made your heart stop.
"Can you just...look at me? Don't look at anyone else, just at me?"
You pursed your lips as you finally began to understand what was going on.
"Binnie, let's talk inside."
Walking from the freezing outside to the inside, your body felt much warmer, but your heart didn't.
You were now faced with perhaps the biggest problem you've had since you started dating.
You press Changbin into a chair and kneel down in front of him.
"You don't want me to look at anyone else because you're afraid I'll fall in love with them?"
He didn't expect you to be so direct, but after thinking about it he decided not to beat around the bush with you and nodded his head.
"They're all better than me..."
"They? Who is "they"? If you're referring to the members, then you're very wrong."
"No "buts" Seo Changbin, you listen to me."
"There are seven billion people in the world, but I chose you. Don't you think there's a reason for that? So many people, like you said, everyone from Stray Kids. Whether it's Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin or Jeongin, none of them is a millionth of you in my heart. The one I chose is you, the one I adore is you, you are the best in my heart, can you understand what I am saying? What they do, whether it's singing, dancing, rapping, or writing songs, is nothing compared to you. You're the only one who can make my heart sing, you're the one I love."
You stand up, then bend down and rest your forehead against his, feeling his warmth.
"I didn't think I would need to say this to you, but it's nice to say it. It would be nice if you would never feel insecure, or uneasy, about it again. At least when it comes to this."
You hear him sniffle and chuckle slightly.
"Well, our big baby, your members are still waiting for you in the waiting room, don't you want to go home early?"
He nodded.
"When we get home, we can cuddle under a warm blanket, we can put on some of your favorite music, and I can give you a little massage or we can take a bath together. How does that sound?"
"Y/N...I'm sorry ......"
He said quietly.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, I'm the one who has to say sorry for not noticing your feelings sooner."
He thought he couldn't love you any more, but as it turns out, he was wrong.
Hyunjin has an angelic face, which was something everyone knew.
But for Hyunjin, it was a big concern.
It has been bothering him since pre-debut times.
There were always trainees who would say to him, "You can debut even if you can't do anything because you are good-looking."
What he wanted people to see was his hard work, his skills, not just his face.
Of course, having a pretty face had its advantages, but at the same time, it was a big blow to his self-esteem.
Especially... After dating you.
He couldn't help but wonder what the reason was that you were with him.
Was it because of his face? Was it because he's good-looking?
Was it just because of that?
You always said he was good-looking when you complimented him, although it was indeed a compliment, but was that the only thing you valued?
These questions plagued him constantly, on and on and on.
Like drops of water slowly dripping into a bottle, slowly rising and reaching the mouth of the bottle, on the verge of overflowing.
All these accumulated negative emotions burst out one night.
That night, you two were just lying on the couch and watching TV together as usual.
The stage they had pre-recorded a few days before was going to be aired on TV and you were very excited.
When Hyunjin's part came on and he walked out from the back, you screamed and shook him beside you, shouting, "Hwang Hyunjin, you are so stunning! How can someone be this handsome?!"
Obviously it was just a simple compliment, but he suddenly seemed like he was viciously offended, and all of a sudden he stood up and looked at you with teary eyes.
You thought you accidentally hit him or something, you were just about to apologize when you saw the look on his face.
Then your heart dropped.
This is not the "accidentally hit him" when the eyes will show.
This was... This was the expression he would show only when he is truly sad and extremely hurt.
The last time you saw this look on his face was when he found out he couldn't continue to participate in Kingdom with the Stray Kids.
He looks at you for a moment, biting his lower lip and seemingly holding back tears.
You tried to reach out and take his hand, but he turned around and sprinted toward your shared bedroom.
You ran after him, but he closed and locked the bedroom door before you could get in.
"Hyunjin! Don't do this baby... What's wrong? Don't lock the door... Come out and talk to me, okay? At least let me know what's going on ......"
There was nothing but his crying voices inside.
You kept knocking on the door, trying to get him to come out, just for a little while or so, you just wanted to know what just happened.
He was sitting right behind the door, in a sitting position with his back against the door, you kneeled down just enough to hear him clearly.
But ten minutes have passed, he still didn't respond to you, he just kept crying, crying his heart out, clutching his knees, curled up in the corner.
Just a few minutes ago he looked at you with that look, like you had done something horribly wrong.
With that huge reaction, you must have really done something to hurt him.
What could be the thing that made him so upset?
You carefully recalled your behavior just now, but just couldn't figure out what went wrong.
If you could think calmly, you could probably find the problem.
But listening to the person you love most cry like this, you simply couldn't focus on yourself.
You just wanted to do everything in your power to make him stop crying.
"Jinnie...please don't cry......I'm sorry for whatever I did, just please ...stop crying and talk to me?"
Your voice sounded a little breathless, but that was the line that got a little reaction out of him.
"Complement me..."
"What?" You were a little confused.
"Please...complete me." He sounded like he was going to break down again if you didn't start right away.
You speak up immediately.
"You dance well, you rap, your singing keeps getting better. You are gentle, kind, generous, you love animals, you are thoughtful, and always put others ahead of you. You are considerate, very good at drawing, and get really good at things you focus on. You are dedicated, you don't cheat, don't lie, you're honest, and you are the best boyfriend in the world."
You said all that in one breath.
Then you heard the person on the other side, your Hyunjin, exhale a shaky breath.
"Why, are you dating me?"
You frowned at the question.
"Because you are Hwang Hyunjin? Because no one else can make me feel this way? Because no one else can make me feel like the sky is falling just because they're crying? Because you love me, and I love you? Hyunjin...what's been on your mind recently? Why are you asking me this? Do you think I don't love you anymore?"
"No... It's not like that ...... I just......omg this sounds so dumb now...I, I just ......"
"Baby, can you open the door? I want to hug you."
You interrupt him before he could continue talking.
This time he obeyed and opened the door.
After seeing his red eyes and equally red nose, you immediately wrapped him in your arms.
He melted away just as you wrapped your arms around him, putting his entire weight on you and relaxing completely.
"I... I thought that you only wanted me because I .......my face. I don't know why I thought that! I really don't know... I shouldn't have doubted you...you're the last person I should have doubted. I'm sorry... I'm such an idiot......"
He was about to cry again, so you hastily tightened your arms around him a little more.
The last thing you wanted to hear right now was him crying.
"Don't say that, you didn't do anything wrong to me, you don't need to apologize to me. Not being fully trusted by you must be my problem... But now you know, that you're so much more than just your face, right?"
His head, buried in your chest, nodded slightly, then lifted to look at you.
"You'd love me even if I was ugly, wouldn't you?"
"You could be a nobody living in a cardboard box, and I'd still love you." (that's a quote from The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo)
"I love you, I love you so much."
You could have sworn that you saw stars in his eyes.
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honey-boyyoongi · 3 years
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Pairing ➪ Reader x Yoongi| Part 5//??
Word count ➪ 1k
Warnings ➪ All mistakes are mine
Summary ➪ Min Yoongi, is a simple man. He likes his coffee black and iced, he enjoys his job, and he loves his baby girl. But what happens when the new neighbor, quite literally, drops into his life?
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Haneul’s Dad
I’ll be there soon to pick up Hani.
I’ll have her ready by the time you get here.
In ___’s opinion things had gone well. Haneul only cried a handful of times asking for her papa, and for Cloud. She was convinced he was playing hide and seek, and got frustrated the longer she went on not being able to find him. Though ___ could not conjure up Cloud she could make do with a stuffed animal, and tell Hani, Cloud sent a friend for her to play with.
Haneul was a happy little thing that was more than willing to talk about everyone in her life. Though no one had her beaming quite like her papa. She talked about how her papa always sings to her at night, then proceeded to go into her own rendition of Yoongi’s lullabies. She taught ___ how to color the correct way. Hani showed pseudo-cloud around, and asked her to take pictures of them to show her granny and grandpa. She talked about Jungkook, and how he’s her favorite because he gives her extra snacks.
Haneul is an energetic child, and ___ is kicking herself in the butt for not working out a bit more.
Things calm down around 5 p.m. Hani wants to drink her strawberry milk and eat cereal her papa packed. She settles with ___ on the couch, rewatching Moana for nth time. At one point ___ asks for a piece of cereal from Hani, which at first she refuses. But about halfway through the movie they have a rhythm of 3 pieces of cereal for Hani and two for ___, fed to her by the toddler. At the climax poor Hani is already nodding off. ___ lays her down gently on the loveseat, adjusts some pillows and quickly gets Hani’s belongings together in her diaper bag. It’s been about 15 minutes since Yoongi texted. She’s hoping Hani has nothing, but praise for her. They colored together, watched some cocomelon, played with ___’s stuffed animals, had a nap, and watched Moana.
Of course, there were moments. Haneul got a little cranky pre-nap. Refusing to play, and repeatedly asking for her papa. It took a lot of patience, (and some help from Jungkook) but Hani was able to calm down enough to enjoy herself.
Yoongi is nervous? Worried? Agitated? He doesn’t know anymore. All he knows is that Hani is with an unfamiliar person, in a somewhat familiar environment. ___ sent Yoongi pictures of Hani throughout her stay, it made him feel a tad more comfortable getting updates. He always felt silly asking for photo updates from Haneul’s babysitters, even if it was his own parents taking care of her. Call him a worrywart or a helicopter parent, he just wants to make sure his baby is safe.
He’s also been flooding Jungkook with questions about ___. The conversation didn’t help his worrying, but it did solidify that Jungkook has a heart of gold and has no self preservation instincts. According to him, they became instant best friends after he spent the day helping ___ with her moving boxes and setting up her apartment. They had so much fun together, they made a weekend out of it. Now, according to Kook, he’s on her like ‘ass on grass’ whatever that means.
He’s felt calmer with ___’s unprompted updates. Jungkook tells him repeatedly Hani is having a great time, and ___ has been asking him for tips. Yoongi hurriedly made his way out of the parking garage, and up the stairs. He’s preparing himself for Haneul being clingy, as well as what to tell ___.
‘Thanks for taking care of my kid so last minute, see you in the hall?’
At worst, he’ll walk in to Haneul sobbing for her papa and running into ___ awkwardly in the future.
At best, Hani was a bit bratty and he wouldn't feel uncomfortable passing ___ in the hall.
He knocked on the door hurriedly, shifting his weight side to side. ___ opened the door signaling for Yoongi to come quietly, “Hani fell asleep watching Moana.” She tiptoes quickly into her living room, picking up the remnants of Haneul’s stay. “How was she,” he whispered.
“She was great, would not stop talking about her papa, and Cloud,” ___ responds.
“She, didn’t cry too much?”
“No, there were a few sniffles. A couple moments where she was frustrated, but we worked through it.”
Yoongi nods in acknowledgment, bending down to pick up Haneul. Hani grumbles a bit, and snuggles deeper into his arms. ___ helps him secure his baby’s bag on his shoulder, double checking that everything is secure, and nothing is left behind. They walk back to the door in silence, not really sure what else to speak about. ___ helps with the door, both standing awkwardly.
“You first-”
“You first-”
You both let out amused chuckles, waiting a moment to speak again, so as to not interrupt each other. “Thank you for watching over my daughter today,” the father whispers, “I know it was super last minute, and we have not had proper “neighborly” introductions. I swear this never happens.” You waved your hands in opposition, “No, it was fine. I’m glad to be able to help. Stuff happens. Plus, Haneul was great company to have.”
Yoongi looked for any form of deception on your face, but he couldn’t find one. You looked genuinely happy to have looked after his daughter. It made him feel a little fuzzy. He decides he overstayed his welcome, and says his goodbyes.
The rest of his evening goes without a hitch. Hani won’t stop raving about her new friend, and how much she likes her. Yoongi is a little surprised at that, since Haneul took a while to grow fond of Jungkook when he started to look after her. He decides to not think too much into it, and gets his things ready for the next morning.
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A/n: This update has been brought to you by a 7 shot espresso drink, adhd, and my sister yelling at me to update already lol. Feedback is always appreciated 💕 if you want to be added to the tag list please let me know 💕
Tag List: @unicornbabylover @halesandy @supernoonanyc @aianloveseven @hannahdinse8 @lyndseygoregasmxo @aunoiire
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