#there's only one(1) reason i watch the olympics
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may i offer another wb x sports idea...........(whispers) water polo
#who even let the uniforms for water polo be the tiniest trunks ever#there's only one(1) reason i watch the olympics#togame jo would you like to play water polo <3#umemiya pspspsppssppss#wind breaker
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The Au Pair Boy Part 1
Surprise!!! I have six chapters of this and really need to start getting it out, so I figured with Act 1 ending last week and my backlog on this and Of Butterflies and Backstrokes (Olympic Swimmer) being so low thanks to me trying to the Halloween themed sequel to Icarus (Metal Band) that I would put this out until I build that back up and lower the amount of backlog this one has.
Summary: Eddie Munson is a in bind, set to go on a three month reunion tour, he is in need of nanny for his twin girls Janice and Joan since his partner, Ethan blew up their lives a year ago. Enter nanny extraordinaire, Steve Harrington. Both men struggle with treading the line between boss/nanny and their strong attraction to each other. Will Eddie learn to trust again? Will Steve realize that he was always meant to be right there by Eddie's side?
Eddie hung up the phone with a sigh. He wanted to do the tour, because of course he did. But he also had two very rambunctious little girls now. Eddie was a good dad, but he wasn’t the nurturing kind the way Ethan was. But sometime in the last year, Ethan had changed.
He had grown distant and cold, going as far as yelling at the girls which he never used to do. So Eddie quit producing music to give Ethan some much needed time for himself. Fat lot of good that did.
Because apparently Ethan was banging...well, just about everyone but Eddie’s friends. The pool boy, the guy who delivered their food, the cleaning lady, their personal trainer, hell even the barely legal dog walker got more of his husband’s dick than Eddie did.
Which he didn’t find out, by the way. Ethan had told him after handing him divorce papers and legally renouncing parental rights to Joan and Janice. He threw it in Eddie’s face the numerous affairs he had. The one thing he wouldn’t tell him was why.
Why was Ethan so unhappy when Eddie had done everything right?
He buried his head in hands. Janice and Joan were only four and they had been adopted at birth. They never met the mother and were only told that she didn’t want them and never wanted to see them ever again.
So how could Ethan look at those two little angels and decide the same?
Eddie was heartbroken and not ready to move on. So he had agreed to the tour as a way to cope with the sudden explosion of his life. His friends knew Ethan had left, but they didn’t know the extent of his ex’s destruction.
He thought about taking the girls with him, but they were too little. They wouldn’t have fun and would be more terrified then thrilled. So live-in nanny it was.
Thankfully he had a month to find someone who would cook and clean and watch the girls. Especially after having to fire all of his help in the wake of Ethan’s destruction.
He had this.
Eddie did not in fact have this. He only had three more days until he left and he was at his wit’s end. He had rejected candidate after candidate for a myriad of reasons. One only wanted part-time despite the ad before a live in nanny. Another said she was strict disciplinarian and thought spanking was the only way to teach a child. And even another just gave off weird vibes.
So he called the agency one more time.
“You’ve gone through all of our female nannies,” the woman huffed on the other end of the line. “We only have male nannies left, surly you don’t–”
“Just send the best male nanny you’ve got!” Eddie barked. “I don’t care about gender for fuck’s sake.”
“I’m not sure–” the woman protested but Eddie hung up on her.
He didn’t have time to listen to whatever excuse she was going to come up with. He was running out of time before the tour and needed someone. Anyone.
He got a call back five minutes later from another woman telling him that they would be sending over their best male nanny at 2pm if that was acceptable.
He sighed with relief. “Yes, that will be perfect. The girls will be down for their nap then.”
“That’s wonderful, Mr. Munson,” she said cheerfully. “The gentleman we are sending over, his name is Steve Harrington, and I sincerely hope he will be a good fit for you.”
“You and me both,” Eddie sighed again. “You and me both.”
When Steve got to the house, he would have liked to have said that he wasn’t impressed because he had seen dozens of large houses and even larger sprawling mansions in his time as a full time nanny, but he was. Very much so.
It wasn’t a gaudy modern monstrosity for starters. It liked a Victorian era manor that had been modernized for living in today. It gave off a spooky vibe, but in a fun way and not a horror movie way. Like the Addams family or the Munsters kind of vibe.
He really dug it.
He went up and knocked on the door. It swung open almost immediately to reveal a pretty, petite woman with sparkling green eyes and strawberry blonde hair. She had a sweet smile.
He knew this wasn’t the mother, the file said that it was a single father of twin girls. A rockstar of some sort, though Steve didn’t recognize the name. This must be some kind of servant or PA or something.
“Hi, I’m Steven Harrington,” he greeted putting out his hand for her to shake. “I have a two o’clock appointment with Eddie Munson about the nanny position.”
Her smile widened, dimpling her cheeks. “Hi, I’m Chrissy Cunningham, I’m Corroded Coffin’s manager. Come on in, he’s waiting for you.”
Steve followed her through the house. It was just as impressive as the outside. It was beautifully decorated in dark browns, reds, and black. God, he hoped he got the job. He could really see himself living here.
She opened the door to the office allowed him to walk through, closing it behind him. Which normally wouldn’t have been a problem for Steve but now he was in a room with the hottest guy he had ever seen in his life and he really didn’t need an erection at a job interview.
Eddie looked up, and yup. Steve was done for. He had the biggest brown eyes he had ever seen outside of a Disney cartoon.
“Mr. Munson?” he said, reaching out for a handshake, mustering up every ounce of professionalism he had. “Steven Harrington, how do you do? You can call me Steve.”
Eddie grinned back. “Hey, Steve. Thanks for coming at such a short notice. I understand you’ve been brought up to speed on everything I’ll be needed you to do?”
Steve crossed his legs and put his hands on his lap. Shit, even his voice was sexy as fuck.
“Yes, I’ll be watching the children twenty-four/seven,” Steve recited dutifully, “with doing all of the cooking and some of the cleaning.”
“That’s right,” Eddie said. “That normally wouldn’t be the case, but I’ve had to recently fire all of my staff. In fact, if you are hired on, you’ll be working with Chrissy over the next couple of months to help bring staff back on. I would be putting a lot of trust in you not to fuck me over.”
Steve nodded. It was a bit like Robin’s period dramas. He would be running the household while Eddie was away.
“Wouldn’t Chrissy be needed on tour with you?” he asked, not sure what her role actually was.
Eddie shook his head. “She usually does, but I need her here to help to get this house running again. It was hard enough trying to explain to the girls why everyone had to leave. Especially their other dad. She just has her own place and a very demanding job. And the other people I trust with my kids are going on tour with me, so...”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Steve said huffing out a chuckle. “I’m willing and able to take the job. There is just one more thing we have to do first.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “I don’t think I offered you the job yet.”
Steve burst out laughing. “No, I don’t suppose you did. But you really should. I’m really good with kids, I’m great cook, my references are impeccable, I have a degree in early child development, and you’re desperately out of time.”
“I noticed that all your previous families had older kids,” Eddie said picking up Steve’s resume. “Can you explain that?”
“Yes,” Steve said with a sigh. “Unfortunately, despite being practically perfect in every way,” Eddie huffed out a small laugh, “if I was a woman I would be the most sought after nanny in the whole god damned state. Even more so if I was older fifty. But because I’m a young man not even thirty yet and all they see is a predator.”
Eddie winced. He held up a finger. He picked up his phone and called the agency. “Hello? Hi Nancy, this is Eddie Munson. Yes, I will be taking Steve Harrington on as my nanny. Thank you so much for sending him over. Can you tell me who it was the first person I spoke to this morning? Yes, yes that’s the one. Kindly inform her that pushing harmful stereotypes only makes you look stupid. Mhmm. Yes. Yes. I want her fired. Thank you. Goodbye.”
Steve looked at him in awe. “Oh wow.”
Eddie grinned at him but before he could open his mouth to say something more, Chrissy poked her head in. “Sorry to disturb you but guess who woke up?”
“Janice?” Eddie replied with a fond smile.
“And guess who woke up her sister because she wanted someone to play with?” Chrissy said.
“Also Janice.” He sighed and turned to Steve. “You want to meet my little monsters?”
Steve smiled and stood up. “That was the one thing I was going to suggest we do before you hire me, is meet the girls. But having met their dad, I can already tell they’re going to be a handful.”
“Hey!” Eddie protested. But Chrissy laughed.
“Come on,” he said grumpily, ���let’s go see the munchkins.”
Chrissy opened the door all of the way and Eddie and Steve followed her out. They reached the kitchen and there seating at a table were two of the cutest kids Steve had ever worked for. They both had light, curly brown hair and deep brown eyes, but that was where their similarities ended.
The one of the right had her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail with a denim overalls over a pink shirt. The overalls had a cute pink kangaroo on the pocket on the front. The girl on the left had her hair carefully braided and wore light blue shirt and a black pleated skirt. They were both munching on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
“Meet Janice and Joan,” Eddie said brightly. “Janice is the one on the right and the other is Joan. Janice is the oldest by seven minutes and she never lets Joan forget it.”
Joan stuck her tongue out at her dad around her sandwich and then went back to munching on it. Janice looked over at Steve and cocked her head to the side.
“Who’s that, Daddy?” she asked. And suddenly Steve was struck by how much the little girl acted like her dad.
“Girls,” Eddie said sternly, “do you remember when I said that Daddy was going to be gone for three months and you were going to be looked after by a new friend?”
Joan scrunched her nose and Steve was endeared. “Is he like one of those nannies that were so mean to us?”
“No, of course not, Joanie,” Eddie said, “not a nanny...” He looked to Steve for help.
“I’m what’s called an au pair,” he said brightly. “I’m here to watch over you and do a little of the cooking and cleaning, too. A nanny wouldn’t do that right?”
Joan and Janice shared a glance. And Steve was struck for the first time that they were really were twins. They acted so differently that he had already put them in separate boxes. But they moved in unison as they both shrugged.
“I guess not,” Janice huffed. “Are you going to be fun like Chrissy or strict like Daddy?”
The adults laughed as Steve walked over to the table. “My hope is to be somewhere in the middle. But I guess we’ll just have to see.”
He turned to Eddie and Chrissy. “If it’s all right, I’d like to get started now, give the girls time to get use to my presence while you’re still here, Eddie. That way we can smooth out any real problems before you go.”
Chrissy and Eddie shared a glance.
“Yeah,” Eddie said, “that’ll be fine. Great even. I’ll give you a couple of hours to get your things and come back here. Would you be okay making us dinner?”
Steve beamed at him. “Sure, give me an idea of what you guys like and I’ll find something to make you. Let’s consider it part of the interview.”
Eddie smiled back. “Well I think you have yourself a deal.”
Steve and Eddie shook hands.
This was either going to the best decision of Eddie’s life or his worst. Currently the jury and his brain were still out on that one.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
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#my writing#stranger things#steddie#ladykailtiha writes#nanny au#rockstar eddie munson#nanny steve harrington
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KIDD; hockey player kidd x figure skater reader
summary: title says it all
warning/s: none, very fluff, gn reader
* thinking about hockey player kidd who's been exceling since high school as that athlete kid and figure skater name that was also unstoppable in ice.
* kidd is an absolute monster at the rink, as aggressive as hockey players are; kidd was perfectly suited to this. the team's ace and is totally the most jackass member; nobody can say shit about it because he carries the team. he's a good team captain but not a good senpai, he'd enjoy making the rookies suffer and would entirely destroy them at initiation, he says it'll only make them stronger
* just imagine kidd in a jersey 😩 that big angry man who's as pale as snow with his fiery red hair standing out in the rink. would probably have 1 as the jersey no. cuz he boastful like that. and oooooh when he raises his jersey to wipe off cold sweat during practice and that sculpted fucking body just oooooh
* you know i fight fire with fire so figure skater name who has the same amount of feist, skill, and stature in the field minus the arrogance
* so when you and him met, imagine the absolute pandemonium. it'll happen on one winter olympics where the only thing you two agree about is how each other ticks you off. you two'll meet at the bleachers by the rink because you both plan on using it at that time
* "got here first." he'll say, tone assertive as he fixes up his shoes. "and?" you'd reply walking closer to him with both hands on your jacket pockets. "i, will be using the rink. and you, should go." he wouldn't budge, would instead stand up and try intimidate you. "nah," you'd clicked your tongue, taking off your jacket. "don't wanna. you don't even own the place." you left your stuff by the bleachers to enter the rink and left him fuming
* he'd then watch you on your competitions to get to know the jackass who messed with him.
* "since when were you interested in figure skating?" killer would ask and he'd receive a glare from the other. "was just checkin' if the rink is big enough." then he'd leave 🤣 killer will look at the screen and immediately knew why kidd was acting like that
* since then, you two will somehow bump into each other a whole lot. and each time you two see each other, kidd would either avoid you or scowl at you. that's why your impression of him was really, really bad. you thought of him as a local athlete asshole.
* so when his match finally came and you were there to watch him, you saw how much of a different person he was. he was his team's ace and captain. how he carries himself in the ice was reason enough why he was the captain. you studied him thoroughly: no matter the vulgar shit that comes out of his mouth with all the curses and insults, he radiated an attractive kind of leadership. his kouhais and mates listened to him and once the game plays out, next thing you know they're winning. his kouhais looked at him with much admiration, and it looks like you are too.
* when the game finished and you went outside to get some food and to your surprise, he was buying the same burgers you were eyeing.
* "i swear, you're following me aren't you?" kidd barked, clicking his tongue. "i'll have you know that i'm a regular here. if anything, you're the one following me." you rolled your eyes, fishing out money from your wallet. "tch, i better fuckin' leave then." he started walking away as you waited for your food. "h-hey wait," you called out, contemplating if you should continue. "congrats on winning, you were pretty cool back there."
* he'd scowl again, start to blush profusely as red as his hair, and leave 😭 you'd be kinda hurt but what else can you do about it? he started avoiding you since then
* little did you know he'd be watching you at your next match at the farthest top of the bleachers just so no one would know. kil would 🤪
* kidd would be so in love with how you move, would go crazy about the fact that you two shared a rink to victory. he never appreciated artsy and dramatic shit and that's exactly what youwere doing, but you might've just change that. as someone who would only be interested in aggressive cool shit, this was a first for him. he'd watch you earnestly: how your expressions change, the shape of you, or how your body twists and dances gracefully on ice. he wouldn't be able to sleep that night especially on what you told him after his match.
* so he visited the rink once more to clear his head and figured he might see you there again, in a very unlikely chance he did see you. he figured you seem to be practicing for finals. "it's midnight." he'd greet you, his deep voice echoing in the hall. "yeah. and you're here." you stopped, skating towards the bleachers. "gotta practice for finals too?" you added. "nope, don't need to." arrogance once more, it pissed you off but now you're amused. "of course you don't," you smiled. "then what're you doing here? you must be tired from today, right?"
* he'd take a while to answer, as if thinking if he should honestly answer. kidd would always speak his mind, he was blunt and that's what he was known for. so right now, as the glass of the rink was separating the both of you in the cold ambience of midnight, he was too lost in you to think properly. he'd just brush you off and say, "'s none of your damn business. i can't sleep, maybe the ice'd fuckin' help." he dismissed, crossing his arms and looking the other way.
* so an idea popped in your head, "if you wanna take your mind off of something, maybe skating would help. go put on some skates." you skated away, continuing on your practice. not thinking about if he'd ignore you or agree. he gave no response but left, it saddened you a little
* only that he returned and is now skating with you with a mild blush on his cheeks, he said it's due to the cold and a pale ass like him becomes red as hell in those times 🥺😞. playful insults turn into snippets of your backstories then into little things about each other as you both glide across the ice. he can speak normally without insults after all.
* you two didn't mind the time at all, nor the press camping out the venue catching some pictures of your little adventures with the scotland's hockey team captain as you two snag foods from 24hour food places within the vicinity. nor does kidd give a fuck about the articles that resurfaced the next day about the rumored relationship with you
* "so you two hit it off, huh?" your coach asked you and his teammates interrogated him. you two just dismissed them with flushed red cheeks.
* after the olympics, you two didn't even try to hide the fact that you are going on dates.
#manga#anime#one piece#eustass kidd#cha writes#one piece headcanons#one piece x reader#eustass kid#eustass kid x reader#eustass kid headcanons#one piece x y/n#eustass kidd headcanons#eustasscaptainkid#eustass captain kidd#eustass kidd x reader#eustass kid x y/n#one piece scenarios#one piece eustass kid#one piece eustass#eustass x reader#eustass kidd fluff#eustass kid fluff#one piece x gn reader#one piece x female reader#one piece x you#one piece kid
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you know i fade to grey without you.
kazuha kaedehara x gn! reader, figure skating au.
a/n: soooo y/n is kinda a flop in this one, and the pacing is kinda all over the place. this was my first ever piece i wrote (despite being published after the scara one) so please excuse everything wrong!! thank you! part of complementary figures, 2/? read wanderer's here.
you used to be good at figure skating. now? not so much. your body was taller and your limbs less under your control. a car crash sealed the deal, and your legs never really felt like your's anymore.
junior world champion used to be a title you had, but now? top ten at sectionals was often out of reach, much less any big international podiums. you settle with entering yourself into those small challenger cups, and if you're lucky, manage to snag a medal or two.
at least you never gave up on it.
your coach says its a good thing - your tenacity and grit, but even you can tell her hugs has become more fleeting and more like pats on the back over the years, dismayed at yet another two-footed or unlanded jump. you see how the skaters in the later groups looked at you - or more like, not looked at you. you were way under their league, an insignificant number on the scoreboard, a grey spot at the bottom.
you know figure skating. the feeling of ice against blade, the gliding, the wind in your face, the way the world around you blurs as you spin and launch yourself into the air. even the drowsy, orange tinted memories of watching mao asada's triple axel on repeat in the car at 5am, and the biting ice of the bath you have to lower yourself into at 1 in the morning, replaying your mistakes on the small screen you grasp between your hands. four years ago, you've said you wouldn't have it any other way. but those were bygone days, and now you were barely scraping by.
kazuha kaedehara, on the other hand, is figure skating's golden boy.
you remember how the commentators yelled over the broadcast as the last notes of his free skate sounded, the way your own teammates launched themselves out of the white plastic chairs crowded around the small TV and erupted into cheers and whoops. you swore you saw your coach wipe away a tear. the energy was electric, and even you felt your fingers tingle and your feet itch as you focus on his figure, his costume bright red against the white of the ice.
"oh my goodness, what even was that skating? spectacular! impeccable, just impeccable. why, i say we'll be seeing an olympic gold medal around his neck in three years. yes! kazuha kaedehara from inazuma, what a wonderful showing! a pure figure skater, the consistency, the artistry, the technical mastery, the interpretation. my friends, this is a one in a lifetime talent!"
praises like this echoed throughout the figure skating world for the next two years, and you heard it first-hand every single time. for some reason, despite being ranked number one around the entire world, kazuha kaedehara finds it in his heart to bless the smaller competitions you were at and take away the medal of some poor kid who only wanted to get some international recognition.
you've seen him so many times that he says hi to you in the hallways now (even though he probably doesn't even know your name). flashes that sweet smile that's captured the hearts of thousands across the globe in your direction as he tilts his head. you always settled for a nod and a smile as well, before brushing past him. this time, you faintly hear him call after you, shouting good luck, and you simply wave back in acknowledgement.
boys come later, first, you gotta pull yourself together.
you've been skating for your entire life now, but the chill of stage fright still gets to you. the feeling of your throat closing up as the speakers boom your name, you hop, gliding in a circle as you approach your starting position. you breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth.
the first few notes of your music start, and for a moment you panic as your foot roots itself to the ice. but your body moves on its own, your arms flying into the air as you push off your blade. the feeling melts away into pure adrenaline as you make your first round across the ice rink. this is it, your most difficult jump, the one you've never landed properly since the crash. you've done this before - four years ago, you can do it again.
you stare at the spot of ice you'll take off from, faintly, you think to yourself of how kazuha kaedehara probably does the triple axel in his sleep, but the thought is quickly swept away as your body twists forward. there's no time. your leg rises and the dark blue seats, dotted with spectators, blur into lines. you're in the air, wind whipping in your ears.
you make contact with the ice, but lurch forward. fuck. you desperately try to save it by bending your knees, but no luck. you pitch forward and your face nearly hits the ice as your arms and hands brace for impact. a wave of disappointment washes over you as you pick yourself up. you can't even hear the music anymore, relying purely on muscle memory as you skate through your program.
you can see and hear it all already: the wince in the commentators voice as he comments on your incorrect entry or off-centre axis; that one fan that's been following you forever probably just fell to his knees; the newspapers that only the people from your hometown reads - "y/n l/n cannot deliver anymore"; your coach who turns away with a hand over her eyes; your mother trying to contain the sigh that ultimately escapes from her lips.
a wave of disappointment washes over you, but you've got two minutes of program left, and at this point you're just happy you finished alive and with no broken bones, even with two falls and a downgraded spin. as you bow, you see him, bright red against the blue seats of the audience, clapping.
he's insane.
"y/n l/n, i just don't understand," your coach murmurs, after the quick squeeze she gives you as you step out of the rink, out of breath, "you hit it all in practice, it is just - the nerves, my dear? what is it? are your knees hurting again? we'll work on it, okay?"
it's always the same questions, the same disappointed look before she collects herself at the kiss and cry and pats you on the arm, handing you the jacket you've had for years now. the little girl behind you hands you a grey and white cat plushie that she picked up from the rink, and you smile at her, holding up the plushie to the camera as a pang of bitterness settles in your gut.
you and your coach exchange tight smiles before the camera. your coach's eyes turn to squint at the screen that displays your score. you settle instead for playing with the ears of the cat, waiting to be defined by a few set of numbers again. you finally hear your name announced, but you don't even look up to the display, you can only nod with finality as the speakers blare out your score for the whole venue to hear - not enough to qualify to the free skate. it feels like a guilty statement as it hangs over you like a dark cloud.
your coach pats you on the back absentmindedly, before standing up to fuss over your teammate, the one who will probably make it into the free skate.
you wave at the camera before it, too, turns away from you in urgency as the next skater takes to the ice. you tune out the polite applause as you stand from the seat, feet tired and head heavy.
it's always like this. you, washed out against the colours of the arena.
as you turn the corner in the hallways, you see him again.
"i just saw you - in the stands. how - how did you get down here so fast?"
"you were standing there for a really long time, got me worried a bit, actually," he smiles apologetically, "sorry, was that weird?"
"no - i mean, thanks for worrying," you do what you always do, angling your body to brush past him, but his words stop you.
"i liked it - your program."
you raise an eyebrow at him, and when you turn around you're startled by his bright red eyes.
"but i fell, like, twice," you break eye contact, averting your eyes.
you can see his arms move as he shrugs, "things happen. but i liked it. i really like the way you skated. did you choreograph it yourself? i think i saw that listed in your profile."
your eyes snap up to meet his, and he has the same smile that he shows everyone - sincere and charming.
"you read my bio?"
he lets out a gentle laugh, "sorry, i don't mean to be weird. i just - always liked your programs. i was wondering who choreographed them, then i saw it was you. it clicked! only someone who knew the music in and out could skate like you."
"i don't think anyone would want to skate like me," you give him a bitter smile, squeezing the cat between your arms, "but thanks."
he shook his head, "i was there at the junior championships, in the audience - when you won gold? i always wanted to skate like you."
you frown, "you're world number one."
"and i'm a terrible choreographer," he supplies helpfully.
"i don't think i should be your golden standard," you move to leave.
"wait! what i mean is - your skating, it’s... colourful. i can't put it into words, it's ethereal, fascinating, human, it changes people," words spill from his mouth and kazuha's hands suddenly grasp your's, eyes wide and shining, "can you show me? how you do it?"
"wait, wait," you blink, and he pulls out of your space, his eyes apologetic, "my skating does not change lives."
"it changed mine," he says quietly, and you laugh.
"sure, i changed the life of olympic favourite kazuha kaedehara! why not."
"no, really," he sounds out of breath, "didn't i say? i saw you. i actually wanted to leave the sport then, i wasn’t making much progress, but you made me want to skate. now that i’m here… i've been entering these competitions so that you could see me. i wanted to catch your attention."
your head feels like it's going to burst. he even looks slightly frustrated at the thought that you might have never noticed him.
your mouth open and closes like a fish, until you finally settle with: "everything you just said was true?"
"everything," he affirms.
you avert your gaze, "fine. this is me taking notice, alright? one lesson, that's all you get, kaedehara."
"hold your hand out more, you look like a flamingo, not a swan," you bark at kazuha, who laughs as he sits on the floor of the ice. you skate towards him, holding out a hand, "and i can't believe you fell on a double toe loop."
"things happen," he shrugs, grasping your hand as you pull him up.
"you asked me for an olympic level program, so put in some effort."
he laughs again, bending down to brush his nose against your cheek, but you push him away, huffing.
"do it again, this time properly."
"do i get a good job kiss afterwards?"
"i'll think about it," you grumble.
one lesson blossomed into something else, and now you've found yourself the partner of figure skating's golden boy, after he unceremoniously asked you one morning as the two of you walked together into the rink.
you finally quit, but not after several conversations from kazuha lamenting the loss of art from the world, but you've become a choreographer, and every new season he cuddles up to you, asking if you can choreograph a piece to his new favourite piece of music. you’ve also realised that kazuha kaedehara does not land triple axels in his sleep, if the sleepy mumblings of "don't fall!" and "ah, blast, i fell." was any indication.
people call his skating ethereal, colourful, life-changing, and all he does is smile at the camera and say "it's because of y/n, they inspire me."
you watch as he picks up speed from the far end of the rink. you're going to be busy this season, helping the younger ones with their programs. so, the next time you see him, he's at the olympics. his costume bright red against the white of the ice.
he points at you when he finishes, panting and out of breath. he laughs as he sees you clap, your dream blazing alongside his own. right now, even at the top, no other person matters, you're the one who brought colour into his life, after all.
guys... if shit sucks, hit the bricks!!! real winners quit! please ♡ and ⟳ if you enjoyed thank youuuu please support your authors!
#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#kazuha x reader#kazuha kaedehara x reader#kazuha kaedehara#genshin impact imagines#genshin impact
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congrats on 250 again!!! i was just wondering if you could do drivers dating an pro athlete reader and what sport they would compete in (if that makes sense) :)
it does! i think especially because f1 has typically been seen as a very macho sport (somehow) that, if any of the drivers came out, people would assume that they'd end up dating a male model or singer or someone in a field more associated with 'femininity' (however stupidly). so when it comes out that their boyfriend is an athlete just like the driver ... it definitely causes some reevaluation.
kimi antonelli:
probably met when you were little kids and played together
maybe drifted apart when he got more into karting and then reunited later?
especially if you play in the epl bc he's now in england for mercedes
takes you on a hot lap and teases you so much
until you get him to try to score a goal and he misses by a mile
lance stroll:
hockey player
probably in the nhl
if you play for montreal he will literally never be seen without at least one (1) piece of your merch on him
if you play for another team he's having an internal battle every time you play his home team bc he wants you to win but he doesn't want his team beaten
will still celebrate with you if you do beat montreal
logan sargeant:
judo olympian
gets all blushy when you make sure that everyone in his comments know that you can, in fact, fight
will never admit that it's kinda hot when you use a toss on him
you can tell anyway
absolutely loves to just casually mention that you're an olympic medalist even when it has fuck all to do with the conversation
he's a proud bf what can he say
mick schumacher:
pro surfer
like i can just imagine mick sitting on the beach watching you at a surfing competition?
he's so stressed if you're taking on big waves
(if you ask him to he may consider wearing a cheerleader outfit but only in private)
when you met he definitely pretended to have no idea how to surf just so you could teach him
oscar piastri:
he has two interests: cars and cricket
i see him especially as being a childhood sweetheart person?
like ... you guys were best friends and started dating before he moved to europe for karting
extra sweet if he only got into cricket because he was watching your matches
sebastian vettel:
okay i've done a little text fic with this before but
rugby player!reader
probably been together for a long time
you might even be the captain of your country's team
depending on when you met, seb likes the same thing but for different reasons
if you met in his rb/ferrari days, he's mostly in peak feral twink era and he likes that you can throw him around (whether or not you're taller than him)
if you met in his aston/retirement days, he loves how warm and strong you are. he's spending afternoons daydreaming about you carrying a kid in each arm with ease, or about watching you do farm chores
#vinnie's 250#kimi antonelli x male reader#lance stroll x male reader#logan sargeant x male reader#mick schumacher x male reader#oscar piastri x male reader#sebastian vettel x male reader
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LIVEBLOG: Wakfu Season 4, Episode 1
I'm awful at emotional speeches, but I just wanted to say... I'm very happy that I got to run this blog for such a long time. And I hope that there is still a lot of fun ahead of us. It feels very triumphant, to finally get to season 4 together with you all :)
"Let's kill Tot with Hammers" moment #1: This is an image Bonta of Dofus era, reused in Wakfu Season 4 to save money. Usually, Wakfu era Bonta is not white colored, and it does not have the same architecture that it had in Dofus era.
I do not know why they didn't just reuse images of Bonta from the OVAS, which are accurate to the Wakfu MMO and Wakfu Season 1 vision of Bonta.
"Let's kill Tot with Hammers" moment #2: Once again, this is just reusing the movie assets...
Also, the house has shifted positions. Did Kerubim, Atcham, and Joris move...? (I ask this despite knowing that the answer is "Ankama really dropped the ball with some of the animation and the sheer amount of asset reusage with this season, for some unknowable reason")
I am going to cry, he's so fucking funny... Save me. Shelter me.
This is Clown Olympics. I love you, Atcham and Kerubim. You are so right.
Literally they do not give a fuck. Is he implying Joris should go to the grocery store instead of staring at the evil, ominous eyes in the sky. Is he implying they should all eat dinner first and think about whatever the fuck is happening later.
I will be honest, I'm pretty sure they're like that because if they weren't, Joris would have a stress-induced heart attack. Joris can do all the worrying for the team. They don't need to feed into the worries of the guy who, at 7 years of age, convinced himself that Astrub was about to be overrun by zombies and nearly cried over a bottle-opener because of that.
Kerubim and Atcham really don't give a shit about little Jojo's opinions, huh.
He says something and the response is almost always "I'm not arguing with someone who is 70–90 years younger than me. Whatever u say gorgeous" and then go back to ignoring it. Insane.
[drooling at the thought of whatever Yugo does in the manga starting the Waven era and killing millions of people, which leads to Joris's (as well as Kerubim and Atcham's) military dictatorship in Bonta, and the way it truly underpins the character parallels between Joris and Yugo in a "child hero to antichrist type figure of ruin and death pipeline" way and the way they both demonstrate that road to hell is paved with good intentions] w-whaatever u say gorgeous. 🥴🤤
When I saw this the first time, I audibly groaned, and messaged my friends saying "I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING TRANSLATE THIS FONT AGAIN!! FUCK!!!!!"
...this says "Coqueline"
This is the Lorem Ipsum filler text. No cool easter eggs here.
This moment really touched me when I watched this season. Even with Joris, who is only six centuries old, you can see The Entropy begin to set in. Seeing cities built and rebuilt and destroyed and rebuilt. Seeing thousands of friends die, be born. Lose your entire family to time. And watch it be so eroded away by time that there is basically no proof of those loved ones, and the places you went to together, even existing.
I think it would be beautiful for someone immortal to know that somewhere out there, there's tangible and irrefutable proof of everything they have ever seen and experienced, including every single thing they love that is no more.
Oooor maybe I'm getting Ronik'y into it. I'm insane about immortality.
You get what you FUCKING DESERVE. ✌
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Watch Women's Boxing: Katie Taylor vs Amanda Serrano 2!

In 2022, we were treated to the biggest women's boxing match of all time (in the US at least). Ireland's pride and joy Katie Taylor faced off with one of Puerto Rico's greatest fighters of all time Amanda Serrano in front of a sellout Madison Square Garden crowd in NYC. It was a historic night for the sport that has yet to be matched. You can watch the fight on YouTube.
It has taken two years, but we are finally getting a rematch. This Friday (Nov. 15), Taylor and Serrano are set to meet again in Texas as part of the Mike Tyson-Jake Paul (stupid ass fight) card on Netflix. And to help emphasize why this is so important, let me lay the careers of both fighters.

Depending on who you ask, Katie Taylor is the reason women's boxing got added to the Olympics in 2012. The Irish star actually participated in the first ever sanctioned women's fight in Ireland at the age of 15. A standout amateur, she was a multiple time European Games, European, and World Champion as well as an Olympic gold medal in 2012. All together, I think she's won 18 amateur gold medals. While her efforts came up short at the 2016 Olympics, she took that drive to the pro ranks. She quickly racked up wins before winning a world title in her 7th fight. She then proceeded to unite all 4 major belts to become the undisputed champion at 135lbs and climbed to P4P #1 in the sport. A last second change of opponent back in 2023 led her up a weight class to 140lbs. There, she faced off with the undisputed champion Chantelle Cameron. The fight was Taylor's first ever as a pro in her home country of Ireland. She would lose but was given a rematch for later in the year where she picked up a controversial decision win. She now has claim to being a two division undisputed champion.

Puerto Rican sensation Amanda Serrano is a long time veteran of the women's pro scene. Her career started in 2009. She has plugged away at this sport methodically for 15 years, picking up an insane 47-2 record. Most impressively, Serrano has been a world champion in 7 divisions. There is only one other boxer in history who has that many divisional crowns, Manny Pacquiao (8). She also is the only Puerto Rican boxer to have the title of undisputed at a weight calss (featherweight) in the four belt era. She is a truly generational talent in women's boxing and it's been incredibly gratifying to see her finally get the big paydays and media recognition she has deserved.
With both Serrano and Taylor getting up there in age, we do not have many chances left to see them compete at a high level. So we shoudl all definitely be tuning in to watch them fight now while we still can. I can honestly say this is arguably the most important women's fight boxing has ever seen and I'm excited to see these two square off again.

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Skiing - a beginner’s guide
I first went skiing in Switzerland with my friends nearly 10 years ago and I loved it. The feeling of the wind on my face, the speed, the adrenaline- it was exhilarating.
I’ve compiled a basic list of ski events, a semi-scandalous article and some of the best destinations in the world as well as some budget friendly ones.
Socialite ski events:
Since it launched in 2013, winter festival Snowboxx has been growing in popularity - and it involves flying out to the Alps for a week-long ski party. It takes place in Avoriaz ski resort, Morzine, France each March, and this year saw a superstar lineup of artists performing in the mountains, including ex-Radio 1 DJ Annie Mac, Becky Hill, Jax Jones, Sonny Fodera and Andy C.
The combination of partying to some of the world's best DJs, with the unusual day-activites of skiing and snowboarding, are making many turn away from the summer festival circuit in favour of the winter one.
Hahnenkamm, Kitzbühel , Austria:
The Hahenekamm ski race weekend in Kitzbühel is arguably the biggest alpine ski event in the world. The world’s best take on the iconic Streif downhill track, which is historically the toughest ski race track on the World Cup circuit. A lot of the speed skiers consider winning races here as a bigger honour than the Olympics. As a spectator, the atmosphere is electric with fans around the world admiring some breathtaking ski racing.
X Games, Aspen, USA:
The world’s best freestyle skiers and snowboarders compete annually in Aspen. The event is a prestigious honour to win amongst action sports athletes and has propelled careers. Spectating the event is excellent because you can see most of the action from the viewing areas. The halfpipe events in particular are excellent to watch for this reason.
European Snow Pride, Tignes, France:
Tignes is home to Europe’s biggest gay ski week, with the European Snow Pride. Each day has a theme with nights of brit-pop to superhero days. Many international DJs are invited to play each evening party in the resort’s local clubs and bars.
Slightly scandalous tales: Things I Never Knew About Skiing Until I Was a Private Instructor in Aspen
Really interesting read. I was thoroughly entertained.
Popular ski destinations:
1. Whistler Blackcomb, Canada
Whistler makes it onto pretty much every ‘World Top 10’ list when it comes to ski resorts
2. Niseko, Japan
Located on the northern island of Hokkaido, this Japanese skiing destination is a snow-covered paradise. With a huge 15 metres of average snowfall, it’s no wonder that Niseko is the country’s premier ski resort.
3. Zermatt, Switzerland
As the highest resort in the Alps, it’s got the views. The incredible peak of the Matterhorn can be seen from just about anywhere on the slopes! It also boasts the greatest vertical drop in Switzerland, and there’s all year round skiing at the Matterhorn Glacier.
4. Courchevel, France
The resort is a part of the world’s largest alpine ski area, offering more than 600 kilometres of terrain and interconnected ski runs across 10 summits. The snow here is well-groomed, and there’s a legendary black run that’s considered to be one of the trickiest in the world.
5. Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy
Known only to the most dedicated, well-travelled skiers prior to the 1956 Winter Olympics, Cortina is a hidden gem in Italy’s Dolomite Mountains.
6. Baqueira-Beret, Spain
It may be a surprising destination for skiing, but Baqueira-Beret in Spain is one of the best places in Europe where you’ll find value for money for a ski holiday. You’ll be able to find affordable accommodation as well as some of the finest tapas restaurants in the country.
7. Ylläs, Finland
The arctic landscapes of Lapland are perfect for skiing. If you dream of snow-dusted trees, the magic of the Northern Lights, or the glow of the midnight sun, Ylläs is a unique winter resort that you won’t want to miss. As Finland’s largest ski resort, it’s got everything you need.
Budget friendly destinations
1. Vogel, Slovenia
An ideal spot for couples or families, this Slovenian spot is a truly beautiful and peaceful ski area. Overlooking Lake Bohinj, Vogel is part of the Triglav national park.
2. Livigno, Italy
Duty-free zone Livigno offers excellent slopes for intermediate skiers. But advanced skiers and snowboarders will be kept busy too – especially if they’re keen to explore off piste.
3. Poiana-Brasov, Romania
Poiana Brasov is Romania’s biggest mountain resort and certainly one of the nicest. The fairytale slopes, flanked by pine trees, are the perfect place to take your skis. With more than 24km of ski runs, there’s plenty to explore.
4. South Korea -Muju Deogyusan Resort
Muju Deogyusan Resort in Jeolla province is only 3 hours away from Seoul. So, if you want to spend your holiday skiing and still enjoy the city of Seoul, this is the place to go.
5. Niseko Ski Resort
Located in Hokkaido, Japan, Niseko Ski Resort boasts a total of four different resorts but with linked ski area. A single pass would give you access to all four resorts. One of the resorts, Mt. Resort Grand Hirafu has been officially named as Japan’s number one snow resort due to the wide array of activities offered.
6. India - Gulmarg
Gulmarg is a rare gem in the Himalayans that will undoubtedly take your breath away with its picturesque beauty. However, skiing in Gulmarg, Kashmir is not for the weak-hearted as the terrains are not suitable for beginners - to add to that, the ski lifts carry you to the highest point in the Himalaya at 13, 780 feet!
7. China - Nanshan Ski Resort
80km away from Beijing, Nanshan Ski Resort is perfect for skiing and snowboarding as the snow are neither too hard nor too soft.
#c suite#powerful woman#strong women#ceo aesthetic#personal growth#that girl#productivity#q/a#getting your life together#balance#skiing#sports#socialite
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“we should get in our pajamas and watch the olympics” caitlin suggested your night plans
“yes! and we should call kate. she told me to let her know how the vacation was going” you and caitlin entered the hotel room. she sat down on the bed and patted the spot next to her for you to sit down. she pulled out her phone and facetimed kate. you sat down and took in how good she looked in her dinner outfit. caitlin loved a tube top and you loved her in them. any top that showed off her strong arms was a top you loved on her. her shorts were tighter and shorter than her uniform shorts and you decided you were going to request the wnba make shorts like that as the new uniform. as usual, her muscular thighs looked incredible and delicious and her ass looked amazing
“hi guys, how was the first day of vacation?” kate’s voice rang through caitlin’s phone
“heyyyy” you and caitlin responded together. you both giggled at your simultaneous response
“oh you guys are totally drunk” kate wasn’t judging, just surprised
“no” caitlin denied “we split a pitcher of sangria at dinner and it ended up being like two glasses each. so not drunk but maybe a little tipsy”
“yeah, ok drunk girls” kate did not believe caitlin “how was your day? what did you do?” caitlin pulled you closer to her
“my girl took such good care of me” her girl. she called you her girl. you felt your face heat up and if it showed, you were going to blame the sangria
“your girl?” kate questioned. caitlin surprised you by kissing your cheek right next to your lips. your face felt impossibly hot
“yes. my girl. she brought a bag to the pool with snacks and water so i wouldn’t have to get up all day. i fell asleep and she covered me with a towel so i wouldn’t get cold from the breeze. she made dinner reservations. i didn’t have to worry about anything all day”
“you need to relax after the tough first half of the season. i didn’t want you to have to worry about anything” you reasoned “and you would do the same for me”
“well of course i would. you’re my girl” caitlin looked into your eyes with her big beautiful eyes. you smiled and giggled and blushed like a child with a crush. her girl. maybe the sex this morning wasn’t just a one time thing. your trance was interrupted by kate clearing her throat
“ok drunk girls, show me your room” caitlin showed kate the room through the phone “why do you only have one bed?”
“this hotel is expensive and i refuse to let caitlin pay for everything like she wanted to” you defended your choice
“i have the nike contract, i could have done it. but she insisted and it’s not a big deal. it’s just like when we stayed at hotels for away games”
“you guys only got one bed during away games? i always got two” it was clear kate was thinking about something but not saying it
“we got two but we pushed them together for more room”
“ok got it” kate said in almost a questioning tone “do you have plans tonight? maybe go out and meet cute people?”
“we’re going to stay in and watch the olympics. just a casual night in together like we used to. after the season i just want to be low key. and nobody at this hotel is cuter than my girl” you covered your face in embarrassment as caitlin complimented you
“there were some cute guys at the pool and there was one girl that was really cute but i would rather stay in with caitlin” you noticed the guys and that girl earlier today but none of them were as hot as caitlin. they didn’t even come close
“ok well i’m going to leave you to watch the olympics. have fun together” kate almost sang her last sentence. she had a knowing look on her face as you said bye to her, almost like she knew you had sex this morning. caitlin threw her phone towards the head of the bed and faced you. you grew concerned as her face got serious
“you know” she said softly “i didn’t know you liked girls for like three years” good. that means she didn’t know about your massive crush on her since day 1
“really? i never hid it. i didn’t bring it up because it shouldn’t affect my relationships with my friends and it doesn’t change who i am as a person but it was never a secret” you weren’t lying. your crush on caitlin was a secret but your sexuality never was
“i always admired how easy it was for you to talk about this stuff when it does come up. i feel like none of the normal labels fit me” caitlin admitted. your face fell at her insecurity. you scooted closer to her and put your hand on her cheek
“you told me the label that fits you is sexually open. if that’s the label that you feel describes your feelings then that’s the perfect and normal label for you. if that’s not the label that you feel fits you anymore then we can work on a different label for you. or you can be unlabeled. your sexuality is between you and your partner. the world is not entitled to know your label” you couldn’t help but smile as your words immediately seemed to cheer caitlin up
“i think sexually open fits how i feel. girls, guys, just whoever i vibe with. it just feels weird that it’s not one of the usual labels” you shook your head at her words
“there’s no usual labels, just common labels. i barely even fit in my own label. labels don’t matter” she laughed
“i was so shocked when i saw you kissing that girl” caitlin referenced the moment when she found out you were bi “i have never met a bi girl that has such a strong preference for men”
“it’s really a curse honestly” you started laughing “i barely fit my label and it’s because i like men too much. ew” you and caitlin started a new wave of laughter, the sangria reminding you both of its presence seemingly at the same time. caitlin kissed your hand that was still on her face
“thank you for this. you’re always here for me and i really appreciate you” she smiled wide and her cute dimples showed. you smiled just as wide back. you were such a sucker for those cute dimples
“of course caity, anything you need always”
“soooooo” she stretched out her word “can we change into pajamas watch the olympics now?”
“as long as you feel ok. i don’t want to stop talking about this until you feel good about it”
“i just needed some reassurance that i was normal”
“there is nothing wrong with you. you’re normal and perfect” she kissed your hand again
“let’s get changed” you nodded and you both went towards your luggage to find your pajamas. you searched through your luggage to find your pajamas
“did you forget your pajamas and want to borrow one of my shirts for the week?”
“yes” you said shyly. she rolled her eyes like she wasn’t used to doing this for you. normally she would throw you the shirt but this time she walked it to you. she placed it down on the bed
“do you need help taking off your dress?”
“no” it was a sundress “but you can help me anyway” caitlin put her hands on your hips. she rubbed her thumbs on your hipbones and you thought she might pull you in for a kiss. instead, she grabbed the dress and pulled it over your head, tossing it to the side once it was off. she scanned your body as you stood there in your bra and underwear. just her gaze was turning you on
“i always thought you had such pretty underwear” she snapped the waistband of your underwear
“always? why were you looking at my underwear?” you teased. not that you were complaining
“i wasn’t staring! between the locker rooms and the shared hotel rooms i saw your underwear a few times and noticed that it was pretty. but i wasn’t staring” her face was flushed cutely as she explained herself. maybe it was her admission, maybe it was the vulnerable conversation you just had, or maybe it was just the sangria, but you felt bold. you unhooked your bra and pulled it off your arms. caitlin’s eyes fell to your chest and she bit her lip a little. your nipples were hard from all the flirting. you wanted to tell her she could put them in her mouth if she wanted but you held back, unclear with how far she wanted to take things tonight if anywhere at all
“maybe you should have been staring” you settled on something flirty and forward but not as forward as you would’ve said to anybody who wasn’t your best friend. she stuttered a bit
“ah um. turn on the olympics while i get in my pajamas” she grabbed her pajamas out of her suitcase and started changing quickly. you put on the shirt she left on the bed and turned on the olympics. maybe she was nervous? you’re not sure why she would be nervous considering she ate you out amazingly then made you cum on her thigh in what might have been record time. oh fuck did she not like how you ate her out? maybe she didn’t like getting fingered. she seemed satisfied and she told you she was but maybe she was shielding your feelings. you started to panic a little. this is why you didn’t fuck your friends-there’s too much at stake
“come here” caitlin snapped you out of your thoughts from the bed “let’s watch tv like we used to in college” she opened her legs out wide like she did this morning before you rode her thigh. except this time you were supposed to sit between her legs and lean back on her chest. that was how all friends watched tv, right? you sat between her legs facing the tv in the position you’ve been in so many times before. you didn’t lean back, wanting to put physical distance between you and caitlin in case she didn’t want you. you weren’t sure if you were going to be able to control yourself if you leaned back on her chest
“why are you sitting like that? come here” she moved her left arm over your chest taking extra time when her fingers reached your nipples. you held back a moan, trying to control how badly you wanted her, how badly you’ve always wanted her. finally her hand grabbed your right shoulder. she pulled you back and pressed your body into her. you felt her tits pressed against your back and fuck were her nipples also hard? she kissed you on your head
“i missed this. i miss being low key and just chilling. no media, no press, just us” your heart broke a little at her confession. she’s exhausted from all the weird and unusual stress of her job. she doesn’t feel like her sexuality is valid. you breathed in deeply. as much as you wanted to, it wouldn’t be right to fuck her tonight unless she initiated. she wanted normalcy and you were going to give it to her
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Project Mockingbird Ch. 1
summary: Natasha identifies a girl who needs their help and makes a case to the rest of the team. the problem? the girl who needs the help was genetically engineered to oppose their friend.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
chapter list
Three Months Earlier
The team filed into the conference room at The Avengers’ Compound in their usual order: Steve and Vision (fifteen minutes early), Peter, Bruce, Wanda, and Sam right on time, and Tony striding in five minutes late.
“I have to admit, when I heard you wanted to see me, I was hoping for more of a one-on-one situation.” Sam joked as he plopped down in his chair.
“Keep dreaming, Wilson.” She shot him a side-eyed glance, a shadow of a smile on her face.
The room held a strange energy, remaining unusually quiet as everyone waited for Natasha to explain the reason for calling the meeting. Steve and Tony had historically been the only ones to call official team briefings.
“I found a girl.” Natasha slid a stack of folders across the table.
“Hey, love is love. As long as I can watch.” Tony grinned.
“Shut up.” She ignored him and clicked a button on her computer, bringing a set video footage to life on the screen behind her. “Her name is Charlotte Julianna Rossi. She’s 21 years old, according to her Drivers’ License. According to her birth certificate, she’s closer to 100.”
The room fell quiet, Steve and Natasha exchanging a sobering gaze. The screen on the wall showed several clips at once, all featuring a pretty young girl. Her hair was different colors across all of the clips, some showing her with long, blonde locks and some showing a cropped dark haircut with severe bangs, others showing varying shades of red.
“She’s hardly been on the radar until the past two years. In that time period, she’s been hospitalized seventeen times for injuries consistent with overuse and extreme fatigue. Rhabdomyolysis, kidney damage, severe muscle strain, dehydration, the list goes on. Every single time, she’s admitted in a critical state but checks herself out against medical advice less than 24 hours later.”
As the team shuffled through the documents in front of them, putting pieces together, Natasha continued.
“I found her because she made headlines earlier this year after getting kicked out of Team USA Olympic trials for women’s gymnastics. They tried to cover it up, didn’t want to get any questions they didn’t have an answer for. From what I was able to gather, she came out of nowhere, competed at the last National Championship meet as an unaffiliated gymnast, and won every event with a perfect score. The entire gymnastics community was up in arms about it. They tried to figure out where she came from, where she trained, but there was nothing. No record. Of course, Team USA begged her to come to the tryout, she blew them away. Somehow, one of the families of the gymnasts at risk of losing their spot got her kicked off for use of performance enhancing drugs. The thing is, there’s no record of her ever even being tested.”
“No offense, Nat, but we aren’t exactly looking to start a Cirque Du Soleil Troupe here.”
“Tony, shut the fuck up and let me finish.” She gave him an austere look as he put his hands up defensively.
“Since then, she’s won a dozen amateur MMA matches, three boxing matches, and won fifteen straight games of poker before being banned from the majority of Vegas casinos. She’s making her money drifting, picking up random things and kicking everyone’s ass at them. Clearly, it’s not without a toll, if you look at her hospital records.”
She clicked a button and the screen shifted, sending a chill down everyone’s spine. A grainy document had been scanned in, the HYDRA symbol emblazoned on the top of the letterhead.
“Project Mockingbird. It was pioneered two years after the Winter Soldier project. Specifically, it was initiated only ten days after a record seventeen HYDRA agents were critically injured trying to contain their primary test subject during an attempted escape.”
Wanda spoke slowly. “You mean…”
“Bucky.” Steve breathed out.
“Right.” Natasha was solemn. “I didn’t want to leave him out of this, but I didn’t know how he’d handle it. I figured it was better to tell him once we have more information.”
Steve nodded, brow knit together in concern.
“Okay, so I think I’m tracking all of this, but if you could - just so I’m clear, what exactly does all of this mean?” Peter leaned forward nervously.
Taking a deep breath, Natasha answered. “This is just a hypothesis, but I don’t see much wiggle room. It appears that when HYDRA was working on the Winter Soldier project, on Bucky…they had difficulties containing him. Controlling him. When it became apparent that ordinary agents couldn’t do it, they took to experimenting on others. Orphans, mainly. People no one would miss. Trying to create something…someone to be able to stand against him.”
She pulled out a chair and sat for the first time, regarding all of them seriously. “They had dozens of test subjects. The majority of them didn’t survive the initial round of experimentation. A few others suffered complications in cryo. She’s the only one left.”
“Forgive me for being so forward,” Vision spoke up. “But, if I’m understanding correctly, we have reason to believe that Ms. Ross, she was created to oppose Sergeant Barnes.”
“Yes.” Natasha avoided Steve’s eyes like her life depended on it. “I believe that Charlotte Julianna Rossi was enhanced by HYDRA as a sentient weapon with the primary purpose being containment and control of The Winter Soldier.”
Present Day
“Thank you.” Natasha gave a polite smile to the driver as he opened the car door for her to step out. They’d arrived at the Wynn, one of - if not the nicest hotels on the Las Vegas strip.
She’d wasted no time after the mission was approved, spending the majority of the flight putting on full glam and finishing it off with the perfect red lip. Black cocktail dress, gold heels that caught and reflected all the Vegas lights, studded clutch purse with cash, lipstick, and a pistol. Tony had offered to book her a hotel room through his connections, but she’d waved him off.
They’d be back in New York by sunrise.
It didn’t take long for her to locate Charlotte. Though 8pm was early by Vegas accounts, the casino was lively. Natasha dodged several attempted pick-up attempts by drunken gamblers as she wove through the tables to her end destination: the high stakes room. A sultry smile paired with her low cut dress made quick work of gaining entry. It wasn’t unusual for beautiful women to be welcomed into the high stakes room. The only thing rich men loved more than blowing money was doing it in front of a pretty audience. Nat slipped into the intimate room, the air full of cigar smoke and jazz music.
Seated at a small table was a pretty brunette, eyes dark with smudged shadow and lips glossy. A martini sat in front of her, completely untouched, judging by the lack of a gloss print on the rim. Charlotte tapped the table in front of her, signaling for the dealer to give her another card. She already showed a nineteen, meaning standard play said she shouldn’t hit. The crowd murmured, exchanging glances. In the betting circle was a stack of $1,000 chips that Natasha estimated to be around $20,000.

To the shock of everyone but Natasha and Charlotte, the dealer flipped a third card to reveal a two of diamonds. Blackjack.
Charlotte grinned, leaning back and relishing in the applause as the dealer paled and began counting out chips to pay her. Nat cracked a smile but immediately felt a jolt in her stomach. The dealer had given a nod to the guard at the front, who was now touching his earpiece and speaking softly. She couldn’t hear him over the music, but his lips read clear as day: She must be counting.
Acting quickly, Nat stepped to the table, making herself wobbly and heavy lidded.
“Ohmygod, THERE you are,” she put a hand on Charlotte’s shoulder, who immediately tensed. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere, c’mon, the girls are waiting with the Uber,”
She squeezed Charlotte’s shoulder and briefly broke character to give an urgent look, hoping she’d pick up on the fact that the drunk persona was intentional.
“Oh, look at the time,” She said in mock surprise. “It’s been fun, don’t have too much fun without me!” Her manicured hands slid stacks of chips into her purse, a few falling to the floor with wide-eyed spectators locked onto them.
“Get yourself something nice, Gary.” She flicked a purple $1,000 chip to the dealer who fumbled to catch it. Out of the corner of her eye, Natasha saw two men approaching them from across the casino floor. She elbowed Charlotte, who tracked her gaze and clocked them immediately.
Waving her arm, Natasha knocked the still-full martini glass onto the felt of the Blackjack table. The gin spewed across the cards and glass splintered on contact. “Oh, jeez, I’m so sorry, I really shouldn’t have taken that last shot,” She called the apology over her shoulder into the chaos that descended over the mess, linking her arm through Charlotte’s as she fumbled to close her small bag around the massive amount of chips.
They slid out the door under the cover of the bachelorette party walking past, slipping right into the middle of the drunken parade.
“What’s going on?” The brunette hissed through a fake smile, keeping the facade up.
“You were about to get busted. I thought I’d help a girl out.” Nat said through her own plastered smile, eyes darting around the room in search of their next problem.
“I know what I’m doing.”
“I know. That’s why I’m here in the first place.”
Charlotte side-eyed her as they walked through the casino, still covered by the herd of pink boas and giggles.
“Stark sent you.”
“I’m not stupid, I-”
“He’s the stupid one. I wanted to come in the first place, it was him who thought the testosterone brigade was the way to go. We can get into that later, but right now we’ve gotta move. There’s two coming up -”
“Yeah, six o’clock. Two more probably waiting around the corner up ahead. If we cut through the floor, we can make it to the cashier before they get to us.”
Natasha raised an eyebrow, impressed at how they jumped to the same wavelength. “You still want to cash out?”
Charlotte grinned, a wild gleam in her eye. “Duh.”
A few minutes later, they’d steered the group of girls to the cashier and fanned them out so that each of the six windows had two girls standing in front of it. Each of them with roughly $4,000 worth of chips in their hands. They got through the exchanges in record time, leaving the bachelorettes in a flurry of drunken “iloveyou’s” with a stack of bills to show their appreciation for the help.
“That should cover the rest of their weekend.” Nat smirked as they strode quickly to the lobby, positioning her body slightly in front of Charlotte so as not to draw attention to the thick wads of cash she was zipping into her bag.

“I don’t know, I can blow three grand pretty quickly on my own, let alone with ten of my closest friends.”
“I don’t think I want ten friends.”
Charlotte matched her pace, the bag finally zipped. “I don’t even know ten people, I just thought it sounded good.”
They reached the front doors, nodding at the valet who held the door open for them.
“I have a driver, this way.” Natasha cocked her head to the front of the valet line, full of sports cars and sleek SUVs. Glancing over her shoulder at the casino, the men seemed to have lost them in the crowd. Charlotte weighed her options quickly, deciding that taking a getaway car with the Avenger was preferable to whatever awaited her if she stayed.
They slid into the backseat of the black sedan, breathing quickly from adrenaline.
“You’re back so soon, Ms. Romanoff.” The driver called from the front seat.
“It was getting stale, figured I could find something more fun.”
The driver’s eyes crinkled in a knowing smile in the rearview mirror. Charlotte had a feeling he knew much more than he should, choosing to live in ignorance.
“You hungry?” the redhead asked nonchalantly.
The duo sat in a secluded corner booth of a dark bar. The remnants of two burgers sat strewn across the plates, a few leftover fries getting cold. Natasha signaled to the bartender for another round of martinis, extra dirty.
“Who knew the best burgers in Vegas would come from a strip club?” Charlotte downed the remnants of her drink to make room for the new one.
“Hey, I’m no stranger to Vegas.”
“So I can tell.” She shifted to sit up straighter. “Do you wanna get into your sales pitch now, or should we wait for the drinks?”
Natasha remained casual, leaning against the pristine leather of the booth. “There’s no sales pitch. Just an offer. Take it or leave it.”
“And the offer is…?”
“Come with me. Back to New York. Live at the compound. Be around people like you.”
Charlotte shook her head. “There are no people like me.”
“Spare me the pity party bullshit.” Nat leaned in. “I don’t know the specifics of your story, but I know enough to tell you that we are like you.”
Taken aback by her forcefulness, the brunette narrowed her eyes.
“Enhanced individual? Pretty much all of us. Dark, twisty past? We’ve got ‘em. Done things we aren’t proud of? Goes without saying. No friends, no family? We have a very dysfunctional Thanksgiving of our own.” She gave a small smile. “Experimented on, dehumanized, controlled, stripped of autonomy? Specifically by one particular Nazi rogue science division?” Natasha changed her tone, speaking gently. “One of my very best friends knows a little something about that, too.”
Charlotte tensed, eyes glazed as she stared into the dark room in front of them. “James Barnes.” It wasn’t a question.
“We call him Bucky.”
Chewing her lower lip, Charlotte seemed lost in her thoughts. A cocktail waitress interrupted with two fresh drinks, setting them down with a smile. Eyes still defocused, she reached out to sip the drink slowly.
“I don’t think it’s smart.”
“Why?” Natasha took a sip of her own. “There’s nowhere safer for you. The Compound is literally the most secure place on Earth, except maybe Wakanda, and before you say you’re worried about hurting someone there - don’t. We live with Dr. Banner, who you probably know as the Hulk. I’m sure you’re a force to be reckoned with, but I can assure you that even on your worst day you wouldn’t be putting us at risk.”
She spun the wooden stick adorned with olives between her fingers, thinking. “I don’t want to be an Avengers. I’m not a hero. I don’t want to fight.”
“Then don’t.” Natasha shrugged. “I’m not a military recruiter. I just remember what it was like to be alone, scared. Unsure where to go or who to trust. I’m offering you a home and a group of people you can count on. Anything else is up to you.”
Charlotte smirked. “You’re much better at this than the last three.”
“Story of my life.” She rolled her eyes.
“So, what would happen if I said yes? Hypothetically.”
“Well, hypothetically, I have a jet waiting at the private airfield. We’d go to whichever hotel you’re renting the penthouse out of, get your stuff, and fly back tonight.”
“Why do you assume I’m renting out a penthouse?”
Natasha grinned, biting an olive off the stick. “It’s what I would do.”
Narrowing her eyes, Charlotte cocked her jaw. “I’m at the Cosmo.”
“Great choice.” She held her martini up, signaling for a toast. “How about this, we go out tonight. Do Vegas right. Do it big. If you have fun, you come back with me and try living with us. If you don’t have a good time, I’ll accept that I’m no better than the guys and go back on my own. We won’t bug you anymore, but the offer will always stand.”
“You know, a bet predicated on having fun in Las Vegas seems like a very unfair advantage.” She raised her own glass.
“I’ve never been much of a gambler.”
“That makes one of us.” Charlotte grinned. “You’re on.”


It was just after 4:00am when their dutiful driver opened the door on the tarmac. Heels in hand, two sets of bare feet walked up the steps into the sleek jet, Stark Industries emblazoned on the side.
“I still can’t believe they kicked us out.” Charlotte rubbed her temples as she sunk into the white leather seat.
“Well they don’t really encourage doing backflips off of the craps table.” Natasha sat down across from her.
“Here I thought Vegas was the one place where anything goes.” She dropped her purse on the table in front of them, the thud echoing in the empty cabin. “At least we made out alright.”
“I expect a cut for saving your ass.”
“I’ll consider it.”
“You like pancakes?” Natasha punched a few buttons on a screen embedded in the wall.
“Um, who doesn’t?”
Grinning, the redhead slid her feet onto the seat, getting comfortable. “They’ll be ready in fifteen. Probably best if we get something in our stomachs besides tequila.”
“If I knew you were offering private jets and pancakes at four in the morning, I might have been an easier sell.”
“What are you talking about? You hardly put up a fight.” She winked.
“Whatever, you won fair and square. I’m just holding up my end of the deal.” Charlotte tucked her knees under her, relaxing into the chair as the plane ascended.
“We’ve got a couple hours back to New York. Eat, rest, and we’ll be there before you know it. If you aren’t up for meeting people when we land, I’ll sneak you to your room. You can socialize when you’re not coming off of an all-night bender.”
“What, you don’t think I’d make a good first impression right now?” She joked, fully aware of her smeared eye makeup and tousled hair.
“Au contraire, I think you’d make too good of an impression. I’m just trying to give the guys a fighting chance here.”
Giggles subsiding, Charlotte looked out the window at the pinpricks of light shrinking beneath them. The smell of pancakes and overly sweet syrup filled the air as a stewardess wheeled the food out towards them.
“I’m glad you came.”
She smiled, warmth extending to her eyes.
“Me too.”


#bucky barnes#james bucky barnes#bucky barnes x oc#bucky fanfic#bucky fluff#avengers#winter soldier#winter soldier fluff#sebastian stan#avenger!reader#avengers fanfiction#the avengers
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hii three questions in one ask for fun. who r ur favorite charas, what r ur fav arcs and what r ur fav subplots in mha :}} big fan of the todofam sideplot and the endeavor agency arc… bkdk third wheeling family drama. hilarious… 😁😁
genuinely HOW could you do this to me, I am so indecisive and I have so many favorite things </3 Also get ready for the sheer volume of words I am about to throw at you :D
SO, favorite characters. Obv there are So Many Characters in this show, but I still feel like I can count the ones I don't like on one hand and have fingers left over. I definitely have some obvious favorites (Aizawa, Mic, Shinsou) and some only-slightly-less obvious ones (Shigaraki, All Might, Hawks), but there are also some faves I don't yap about as much like Kirishima, Jirou, Miruko, and VLAD KING the LOVE of my LIFE. I queued a post recently about Inasa being an underrated fave, which is still true, but Vlad King is truly the king (haHA) of underrated faves. I love that man a ridiculous amount. THE TL;DR HERE IS THAT I LOVE 98% OF THE CHARACTERS IN THIS SHOW SM IT'S UNREAL.
Arcs & subplots under the keep reading bc my main personality trait (never shutting up) struck again ! The short answer is Sports Festival & Todorokis, Shinsou, Rooftop gang for anyone who doesn't want to stare at that wall of text 😭
Favorite arcs: I have almost as many favorite arcs as I do favorite characters LMAO. You are SO RIGHT about the Endeavor Agency arc; usually people are forced to witness Midoriya & Bakugou's drama but oh, how the tables have turned. I also love Fuyumi and Natsuo and am always delighted to see them, even if they <3 punching me directly in the feelings :(
The USJ arc is, imo, a perfectly executed plot point, so from a writing perspective I really love USJ. It's got action, it's got character spotlights, but most importantly, it ties together the plot/character/worldbuilding threads of the first season so perfectly. Like. It's seamless. It was a writing school level moment. No notes.
The Hideout Raid arc (specifically All Might vs AFO) and Paranormal Liberation War gave me grays at 25. Joint Training is always a delight. But if I had to pick One Arc to Rule Them All it might honestly be Sports Festival?? It features all of my top three favorite characters for more than one (1) scene each and it is just. Such a wild time.
There is so much to unpack about this arc but it has a very special place in my heart bc the first time I ever watched it (so, like, 5+ years ago) my sister and I for some reason decided to treat it like people who care about the Super Bowl treat the Super Bowl. It was our Olympics except the team we were rooting for changed depending on the episode. To this day I remember my sister turning on a DIME from hating Bakugou since Season 1 Episode 1 to CHAMPIONING him with her whole chest bc Monoma pissed her off so much when he stole Bakugou's headbands. And now he's like her second favorite character in the entire series so?? Origin story moment ig.
Last but not least, favorite subplots!!
TODOROKIS. YEAH. Their entire plotline was one of the major factors that motivated me to catch up on the show. I was like what do you mean they're trying to give superhero Fire Lord Ozai a redemption arc? What do you mean that other fire guy was actually a Todoroki? Like... you have to remember that where I left off w this show, Endeavor seemed to exist solely to give Shouto a backstory, and honestly I remembered like nothing about Dabi. If getting back into MHA was a pit of quicksand the Todorokis truly walked me right up to the edge of it. It was like that part of TAZ where Taako is like 'okay that's weird enough that I'm gonna go in there.'
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Shinsou's off-screen character arc is EVERYTHING to me. I could write a thesis on this side character who appears like. Three times in the entire show. Shinsou really said 'I will be a mirror character AND undo the First Great Contradiction of this series AND have tangible, believable character growth, all while being given less screen time than Mineta' and I love that for him.
The rooftop gang... I'm not going to say much on this one for manga reasons but it's definitely a subplot I find very compelling. I'm still ruminating on its execution so far but I Did Cry over the Reveal in season 5. It re-contextualized so much, not just about Aizawa and Mic, but about UA and the lives of hero students. Ack.
TYSM FOR THIS ASK, this week has been three weeks long but I had so much fun writing this exhausted ramble <3
#ty for the ask!!#700 words of yelling be upon ye#ask#liza blather#i tried to proofread this but i am so tired so if there are any typos my bad 😭#‘it’s 4am why are you making chocolate pudding’ except ‘it’s midnight why are you on tumblr’
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I have. Had a realization.
In-fic, it is Feb/March-ish of 2024. Gale is currently 29, Astarion is about to be 27. Hestia is seven-ish, and the baby was born when Gale was 21ish? Yes?
IRL, it is August 2024. I am currently 29. My sister is 27.
I am losing my mind.
I was a junior during the 2012 Olympics. Originally Astarion said that he was 14 when he skated to Golden, but that was when he thought his birthday was Jan 1, and skating season is usually finished by March, yeah??? So he would have be 13, little baby EIGHTH grader, teeny tiny child? Protect him????
And the Sebastian incident, he said he was 16, so that would have been some time in 2014, I’d only just graduated and was pretending to be A Real Adult, my sister was a tenth grader reading Julius Caesar and all that shiz, we were binge watching episodes of Pokémon on my chunky laptop like they were a line of crushed smarties on a coffee table and we had no nerve endings left in our sinuses.
Gale was 15 when he met Mystra, frickin 2010 or some shiz, I was still deeply uninterested in men as a concept at that point I’m ace but that’s beside the point so’s he, what were you thinking lady, I have a different sister who’s 8 years younger than me, when I was 22 the humans her size may as well have been INFANTS, who goes shopping for college boyfriends among incoming high school freshmen, you’re NASTY
Married at 19, okay maybe not so weird generally, that’s what my mom did, she’s fine, to each their own, but like that’s when I was heading into my first proper burnout, I was not a PERSON, absolute brick made of oatmeal, also I was still a TINY BABY, that was heckin ten years ago, heckin 2014, Astarion “falls” and Gale’s heckin legally bound to his heckin manager frick 2014 seriously who authorized this
Hestia would have been born some time in 2017, if she’s already 7 when the fic started in fall 2023, some time in March–September since we haven’t seen her birthday on screen yet, so absolute earliest she could have been conceived would have been like, June 2016, so Gale would have gotten the ultimatum in probably July or August, chest injury probably happened earlier that year, maybe March–Juneish if he spent a year retraining his voice and lungs and it overlapped with paternal leave post-Hessie, and Astarion asked “was that the year that—?” so his first baby probably died like, maybe mid-2015? That’s right when I got my heckin puppy. Gale’s son should be as old as my puppy dog. Jeez, Astarion escapes to law school right as Gale gets Metaphorically Orbed. Congrats Gale, you’re 20 and having the Worst Year Ever
Also, shoutout to Astarion for finishing law school in 3 years? Class of 2018? That seems so fast with like pre-law and stuff but I don’t know how the UK does it, also he’s a smart boy, GO, be FREE my son (sort of not really psych jk)
But also ugh living in a two-bed studio apartment for at least five years assuming they lived in student housing before that? How is your mind still intact
But just. Hessie. Born 2017. The year I started going into my SECOND major episode of burnout. Heck, do I know any seven year olds??? How old are my little cousins?? Heck, it would the ones who didn’t live very close, how big is a seven year old?????? My close friends have a six year old, but she’s usually doing her own thing when I hang out with them so I usually visualize her as so much smaller, I think I might be literally incapable of comprehending having spawned a tiny growing human and having them in close proximity to myself since 2017
Congrats, you’ve broken me
Yeah don't be fooled by Gale talking about how old he feels, they're both SO young and so much of the shit that they've gone through happened to them when they were literally children. Astarion was thirteen when he won gold, Gale was fifteen when he met Mystra. It's one of the reasons why that brief mention of Romeo and Juliet is so loaded, because Astarion is looking back and remembering how it felt like his whole world was defined by this one thing when he was that age, and how much has changed since then. How much more he's had the chance to be, and how he was so close to losing the chance at that. Also one of the reasons why it's so easy to write him being protective of Hestia. He can see Gale trying to give her a better childhood than either of them had and he's absolutely going to try and help.
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One of the things I really like is that 17′s very existence is basically a rebuke to Cang Xuan’s method of life. Because he’s not decent because he’s had an easy life. In the misery olympics, he would definitely win over Cang Xuan. But that has not made him a psycho.
Look at the way he clutches his ruined leg!
She wants him to stay and feels comfortable voicing it out and that is huge for someone like her.
The dinner is amazing. Get you a man who looks at you as if you hung the moon while you eat like a pig (meanwhile Cousin’s upper crust indignation rolls off him in waves):
I love the moment CX realizes who she really is. I loathe the character but ZWY is incredible and I cannot wait to see him in more stuff.
Will CX understand what the king is saying? Hell no.
Of course you don’t.
Are you going to learn? No, you 100% won’t.
I enjoyed watching him writhe but 3 things: (1) the way 17 jumps to defend her even tho attacking their captor/prince is a bad idea at best and suicidal at worst. He doesn’t stop until he realizes the man means her no harm (1)(a) and once again he never asks her what is going on because unlike CX he gets the whole “on her own time” thing - sort of like when he opened up to her about what happened to him on his own time (2) he’s only healing her because he knows who she is, not because she was someone who was kind to him and saved his life and whose leg he broke for the insane reason that she had no interest in going with him, (3) the acting is so good - he knows and she knows he knows and like Yang Zi is so good and so is ZWY!
The thing with 17 - he is messed up as hell despite his polite manner but that hasn’t made him any less decent. But then you don’t need to be some sort of a saint to contrast with CX - Demon Boy is no great humanitarian and has done plenty of yikes stuff but even he is capable of caring for someone selflessly. CX? A void. The princess thing is a displacement. And it’s pretty telling he only feels terrible about his cruelty when he finds out XL’s real identity. Nothing has changed - she is still the funny physician who took care of him and saved him and that was not enough in the least to give him pause. I don’t think he even genuinely likes her - he does not know her as an adult and the way he watches her at the dinner is clear he’s disgusted by her manner. It all magically changes when he realizes who she is and then he’s vvv sorry blah blah but he’s not sorry he hurt a benefactor or was going to use an innocent. He’s only sorry because it’s this one person. And there is no hope for a person like that, not really. If he can do it to everyone but you, one day he will do it to you.
That’s the only XL tail you are gonna get sorry not sorry!
ZWY is really really good though!
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2023 Megaman Summer Fanart Contest - Rules Thread *CLOSED*
Happy Rockman Day! Time for the 12th annual-ish Megaman Summer Fanart Contest. Am I out of original ideas yet? Feels like it. But give it your all with these theme choices!
Two categories, in which you are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize.
CATEGORY 1: The Sand-ly Cup Playoffs (Talent)


The very first summer contest I held was a Megaman sports videogame box art theme, in an ode to the summer Olympics and our only real Mega Man sports game at the time, Mega Man Soccer.
Taking a cue from Capcom’s recent announcement of it’s sponsorship/tie-in support of the Japan Volleyball Association, this year, let’s focus on beach sports.
What qualifies as a beach sport? Beach volleyball, soccer, polo, frisbee, and more, just to name a few. For a decent list of options, check this page out. Want to do something else more creative not mentioned here? You are welcome to.
As always, you are free to draw whatever characters you would like. However, for this theme, I would like you to draw some sort of sand-themed Mega Man character or characters involved in either the competition or ruining the gameplay of this beach sport. Who counts as a sand-themed character? Any major or minor character whose stage or design involves sand/desert works for me. Some examples could be: Pharaoh Man, Ground Man, Commando Man, Desertman.EXE, Anubis Necromancess, Terra Condor, Sand Snake, Pantheon Zombies, Mummira, etc.
Content Requirements:
* Megaman character(s) of your choice
* Characters playing some type of beach sport on a sand surface
* At least one sand-themed character(s), either in competition or ruining gameplay
* As the talent category, entries will be judged on things like detail and overall composition, on top of meeting basic content requirements

🎵 Some people consume all the Dark Chips Afraid to side with Dr. Light Some people need to help somebody In a swimsuit team Cross Fusion fight Don't you worry, It's gonna be all right 'Cause I'm always ready I won't let you outta my sight (I'll be ready) I'll be ready (Whenever you fear) No, don't you fear (I'll be ready) Forever and always, I'm always here🎵
Looks like we could use a lifeguard at this beach.
Huh? This isn’t the beach, this is a fanart contest rules thread!
It’s time to draw the heroes of the beach, those watching over the waters for dangers and saving people’s lives. The theme for this category is lifeguards. And one show that definitely mixed lifeguards and campy humor at times was Baywatch. Let’s draw a spiritual successor starring (The) Rockman as the leader of a ragtag group of beach lifeguards. Your goal for this category is to draw your favorite Megaman characters in some sort of humorous scene involving lifeguards wearing those iconic red swimsuits/trunks.
Illustrate slow-motion running with oily tans, rescuing Navis from Sharkman.EXE attacks, poorly written, long-form story comics about battling criminal activity while wearing a gratuitous, fan-servicey swimsuits the entire time, etc. Parody one of your favorite episodes, like that one time they held a funeral for a lifeguard on the beach, except this time it’s all the unlockable swimsuit characters holding a funeral for the XDive character who won’t ever get a skin because the game is dead. (Too soon? Yeah...)
Content Requirements:
* Megaman character(s) of your choice
* At least one character as a lifeguard, in red swimsuits/trunks in a parody of the Baywatch series
* As the humor category, entries will be judged on things like visual gags and how much they make us laugh, on top of meeting basic content requirements.
The usual cash prizes, for you to use as you please.
The winners for each category will receive the following:
1st Place: $150 USD 2nd Place: $75 USD 3rd Place: $50 USD
When you submit, I would prefer you to include the following information in this format, along with your entry:
• (Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says.
• (Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1 or 2, Talent or Humor.
Only submit your own artwork, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character.
AI artwork is definitely not allowed. Unless the AI stands for “Akane Imagery,” which, in that case, submit as much as you want.
As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world.
Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings.
Youngin’s, get your parents permission before entering.
Entries do not need to be colored, but it is preferred. The more effort put into things as always, the better chance you have!
Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just PM/note me a link to your pic.
DO NOT post your pics in this journal, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed. I’ll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won’t be in the dark about whether or not I’ve received your entry.
The deadline for this contest will be:
Monday, August 28th, 2023 by 11:59PM, global end of day. This gives you close to 3 months to finish your entry!
- As usual, If you don’t plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries.
Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters!
Confirmed Entries:
Cat. 1 - Dr. Fresh, @ingopotato, Tori, Kaitlin.EXE, @pstart, Mattasaurs, Daidaro,
Cat. 2 - AbilityField, @grammars-doodles, miralie,
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THE MILLION POUND DROP! (Sidemascots 2.1)
Stay tuned for a poll at the end!
Sumi: But since this is a Skibidi show, it’s now the Million ROBUX Drop!
Everyone: WHAT?
Vinicius: No one except you played Roblox!
Sumi: Sorry, Vini, pounds aren’t skibidi gyatt ohio rizz enough.
Vinicius: What happened to you, Sumi…
Olympic Phryge: It’s the Paralympic Phryge situation all over again…
Vinicius: Season 2! New episodes whatever! Sacha’s place is still vacant until she’s willing to wear her casual clothes on camera! ACTION!
Sumi: What about…
Mandeville: Welcome everyone to the Million Pound Drop! I mean the million Robux drop! Sorry, it’s still a long way to go from familiarizing the name… Our first pair is Vinicius and Sumi!
Vinicius: Siu!
Sumi: Skidibi rizz gyatt ohio sigma!
Mandeville: How old do you think you are? 7?
Sumi: Woof woof woof woof!
Mandeville: Sigh… okay, idiots! Listen up! 1,000,000 Robux is on your table! Answer eight multiple-choice questions and keep how much money you have left! You answer questions by distributing the money to the answers you think are best! But you must leave one answer empty! Any money that is on the wrong answer is DROPPED! If you’re out of money, you’re out of the game! Got it!
Vinicius: Got it!
Sumi: Not skibidi enough!
Mandeville: Shut up! Let’s play… the Million Robux Drop! Two topics: Gen Z or Gen Alpha?
Vinicius: We’re both Gen Z so…
Vinicius: What have you done…
Mandeville: Gen Alpha it is! Anyone under 16 please cover your ears… What is brainrot? How can we describe it? Is it A: A sign of a nervous system deteriorating due to watching too much stupid content? B: Another way to explain Alzheimer’s. C: A period between a healthy brain and brain death. Or D: Rizz Sigma Ohio Fanum Tax Skibidi
(Everyone laughed)
Mandeville: 1 minute: go!
Vinicius: I think A is reasonable.
Vinicius: Blah, blah, blah, Sumi, you’re such a douchebag.
Sumi: Let’s put 1,000,000 into answer D!
Vinicius: I’d rather bet 1,000,000 on A.
Sumi: D!
Vinicius: A!
Sumi: D!
Vinicius: A!
Mandeville: Time’s a ticking.
Vinicius: How about we put half of them in A and half of them in D?
Sumi: NO!
Vinicius: Whatever, Sumi! I don’t want to waste any more time anyway!
Sumi: YIPPEE! (places 1,000,000 on answer D)
Mandeville: Time’s up. It looks like your “brainrot” friend decides to wager all money into D…
(Everyone laughed)
Sumi: Trust me, I’m the most skibidi person in the world!
(Everyone laughed harder)
Vinicius: Hmph!
Mandeville: Alright, let’s start with the obvious… answer B… dropped! Don’t you ever THINK of making fun of people who are struggling with their memory, you two!
Vinicius: …
Sumi: I love demonetization!
Mandeville: Editor, can you uh… cut that, please? Answer C… dropped! To be fair, it would be funny for nurses to say that their brains are rotting.
(There was a silence)
Mandeville: Finally, only A and D are left. And the right answer is…
Vinicius: …
Mandeville: A!
Vinicius: YES!
Mandeville: This show is for good boys and girls only. Go and learn what 9+10 is you brainrot!
Sumi: I’m suing these people! You’re gonna pay!
Mandeville: Good luck! I have lawyers from Manchester!
Sumi: Oh sh*t.
(Everyone laughed)
Mandeville: Next up, Honohon and Miraitowa!
Burke: What? Not me and Mirai? Boooooooooooo!
Mandeville: Your two topics are: Sports or Manga?
Honohon: I’ve only started reading the first volume of One Piece. I don’t know how many volumes it has currently.
Miraitowa: I have difficulty understanding lore… Sports it is!
Mandeville: Ahem… Who won the 2024 World Series? A. New York Yankees B. Atlanta Braves C. Texas Rangers or D. LA Dodgers? Go!
Burke: I kn-
Vinicius: Shhhhhh…
Miraitowa: Okay, I know I’m addicted to baseball but I only watch the NPB, not MLB!
Honohon: Me too.
Miraitowa: Maybe choose the best answer by popularity?
Honohon: Sure, A and D seem very popular.
Miraitowa: I’ve seen A’s hat insignia more on merchandise.
Honohon: I’ve seen D’s too as equal to A's!
Miraitowa: Let’s just split evenly between them. It won’t break the rules.
Honohon: Sure!
Mandeville: Seconds remain… Time’s up! Congratulations! You’ve picked the right finalists for last year’s World Series (seriously why do I have to know stuff about the sports I don’t particularly love). Because of that, B and C are DROPPED!
Miraitowa and Honohon: Yippee!
Burke: You idiots! We’ll come back this year! Just like Atlanta United! You’ll see! YOU’LL SEE!!!
Mandeville: Classic Baseball fan. And the winner of the 2024 World Series is…
Miraitowa: We’ll keep 500,000 and move on.
Mandeville: LA Dodge- Oh yeah you’re right, you’re already guaranteed that sum of money.
(Everyone laughed)
(Miraitowa and Honohon high fives)
Burke: Pffffffffffft…
Mandeville: Next question before we switch topics… What cursed Hanshin Tigers to their championship drought in 1985?
Miraitowa: Hehehe… don’t you know…
Miraitowa and Honohon: WE’RE JAPANESE!
Mandeville: I haven’t read the answers yet…
Honohon: Let’s keep the 500,000 and move on.
Mandeville: Fine, new topic. Sidemascots or the pandemic?
Miraitowa: Ack… my COVID-19 PTSD… Sidemascots please before I have a heart attack…
Mandeville: The topic’s related to HMPV but Sidemascots it is!
Honohon: Woohoo! Two questions in the bag!
(Cue montage with violin music)
Mandeville: Congratulations! You’ve passed all 8 questions! The only gaffe is about the MLB… You won 500,000 Robux!
(Everyone cheers)
Miraitowa: Relax, Burke…
Burke: FINE!
Mandeville: Next up, Burke and Powder!
Powder’s Clone: I am ready- *gets hit by a wrecking ball*
Powder: Sorry guys, my clone doesn’t have the same BIG BRAIN as me, Powder the future NASA scientist.
Burke: Powder… everyone’s watching.
Powder: WHAT?! Uhhhhh…
[The stream has ended per Powder’s request. We swear that is not her.]
Mandeville: Two very controversial mascots: Wenlock and Olympic Phryge!
Wenlock: Thanks for nothing.
Olympic Phryge: Oh come on, Wenlock.
Mandeville: Your topics are: Sidemascots 1.4 or Sidemascots 1.9?
Vinicius: Casual clothes? Finally! You’re in!
Vinicius *gulps*
Mandeville: Borobi and… Sacha?
Sacha: *giggles*
Borobi: What, mate?
Sacha: Can you… do the mopping?
Borobi: What?
Sacha: (laughed) Ow, my rib!
Mandeville: Your topics are Aussie Indigenous Culture or anything goes!
Borobi: Hmmm… how about I up the difficulty mate! Anything goes!
Mandeville: Anything goes it is! Which is the most controversial outfit worn by Sacha?
Borobi: Sacha? Goddamnit, she’s injured. It’s all me now.
Mandeville: A. The Army Suit…
Borobi: A, final answer, shut up and move on!
Mandeville: I haven’t even started the timer! You’re disqualified!
Borobi: What? But Miraitowa and Honohon can answer without YOU starting the timer!
Sacha: For your info… the answer is A… Scratchy hated it…
Mandeville: Potato, potato! Don’t be a sore loser, Borobi!
Vinicius: All in favor of replacing Mandeville with a competent enough host in the next episode, say aye!
Everyone: AYE!
Vinicius: Then it’s settled!
Sumi: Not skibidi ohio rizz gyatt ENOUGH!
Vinicius: *facepalm* all in favor of Sumi being fired from the Sidemascots… say aye.
Everyone: AYE!
Sumi: What? I have aura!
Vinicius: Now you have it, *snaps* now you don’t! Get out!
Sumi: But…
Vinicius: GET OUT!
Sumi: Skibidi rizz…
Mandeville: And finally… Miga and Soohorang- wait, where’s Soohorang?
Vinicius: He left.
Mandeville: He also left.
*Miga suffers a heart attack*
*Miga dies… again*
Vinicius: Wow… so much emotion. Right, this season is off to a bad start. Only Miraitowa and Honohon won cash!
Miraitowa and Honohon: Yippee!
Honohon: Wait, how do we use those robux?
*a notification rings on both of their phones*
Miraitowa: 500,000 robux are immediately transferred to Sumi’s Roblox account?
Vinicius: Wait… isn’t this episode just an elaborate scam for Sumi to farm some Robux?
(The crowd roars)
Vinicius: Season 2! Don’t farm Robux, kids, always be safe while playing! Money is ever a priority at Roblox. (though in some years it is). Please like and reblog this video! We’ll appreciate it! Episode 2 will come out later this weekend! Which one? YOU’LL DECIDE! Anyway, I’m going to celebrate Sumi being fired now, bye! And get well soon, Sacha!
Director: And cut!
Vinicius: So um… what are we gonna do now?
Burke: Sigh, it’s your choice.
Vinicius: Pfffffffft…
#mascotverse#sidemascots#parody#vinicius and tom#miraitowa and someity#possibly controversial#the phryges#gameshow
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vnl 2024 is officially over :(
italy beat japan in the gold medal match 3-1!!
happy for italy (especially de gennaro who made the game for me with her saves)
also happy for japan for winning their first meal on the international stage!! that match against brazil was one for the ages my god. im so proud of them!!!
ceremony commentary:
koga is the first member of the dream team! good for her because she is a great outside and people over look her cause they only look at japans defense but she shes good AND reliable
next up is sylla my girl. her flopping on the ground when she missed a dig was so funny and so real. funniest outside imo like i could watch her reactions to things forever
next is korneluk. one of the most intimidating blockers imo, especially with stysiak by her side i would nottttt ever test her block...
next is fahr! i thought it woul be danesi but good for fahr. the way her and sylla pretended the statues were phones was funny
KOJIMA LETS GOOO MY GIRL. im so surprised and happy shes playing in us this year im gonna try my best to go see her play!!
orro best setter. good choice! i was worried for her when fahr scratched her in the eye but she recovered quickly
egonu best opposite we been knew like one of if not the best out there rn. and she got mvp like what hasn't she won (i think the only mvp title shes missing is olympic so lets see if she collects them all)
Poland presented with BRONZE medal
poland getting bronze second year in a row! i was surprised they beat brazil tbh but they were really on it (also i really like the new young outside czyniańska, excited to see more of her in the future). stysiak is my gf and i love her and she did great as always (even tho she keeps fighting the ref like girlie youre gonna get yellowcarded one day and half the time you were WRONG, but shes just passionate <3)
lmaoooo not them having an iphone on the damn podium lolllll like there isn't already a thousand angles of this sdjkfjalkdfj the players are so funny
Japan presented with SILVER medal
ive been saying since the beginning, this team was capable of getting to finals if not a medal but everyone wanted to doubt me. this squad is so impressive, their persistance, their skill, their DEFENSE. like this is the strongest i think ive ever seen them play, call it recency bias or whatever but i have high hopes for them and it payed off
(also shoutout to japan for showing that height can put you at a disadvantage but it doesn't matter more than you're skill, and this team is amazing and deserves their medal they played 2 great matches against brazil and a great one against turkiye, AND the took a set from italy when usa and poland couldnt)
Italy presented with GOLD
I had a feeling they would make it to finals but to be honest i kinda underestimated them. after their vnl performance last year it felt like they had further to go. week 1 they did ok BUT the SECOND egonu came back it was over for the other teams. now italy definitely isn't a one player team, orro used the full squad in the offense when she could rely on egonu, the middles were on it (especially denesi), sylla and degradi being my girlies (tho they need to know how to stand up cause everytime the camera is on them theyre on the floor sjdkfdjls), antropova is also amazing it must be said, but DE GENNARO imo is one of the reasons they came so far like her, nyeme, kojima, and castillo are my fav liberos...
I had said earlier in the tournament i thought the medals would be brazil for gold, turkiye/poland for silver, and italy/usa for bronze.... (ofc also my dream of japan but i was scared to say it cause it seemed so unlikely) and look at what we got. proves that volleyball is a fun sport to watch
god its now hitting me that vnl 2024 is over :( i want it to go on foreverrrrr
like i know we have olympics next month but its not the same :(
there were so many great moments this year it was amazing to watch as always i cant wait until next time!!!
#vnl 2024#italian womens volleyball team#japanese womens volleyball team#polish womens volleyball team#wipawee srithong#<- my wife gets a tag because shes important to me#magdalena stysiak#paula egonu
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