#there's logic to my slander i swear
comradeboyhalo · 1 year
I would be interested in seeing the tierlist if you made it
i was going to make this a separate post but ill just answer this here. also im obviously going to be biased bc i see some eggs more than others and ofc i miss out on a good chunk of lore bc i only know english. so if im wrong, theres a reason for that!
my hot take is that roleplaying as a child > any other lore crafted. so that shapes the bulk of this list. AND NO SLANDER THEY ALL DO REALLY WELL, THIS LIST IS NITPICKY BC I OVERALL LOVE THEM ALL.
dapper: I SWEAR IM NOT (COMPLETELY) BIASED. a few months ago, dapper's admin would be quite lower, however he's really gone crazy with rp recently. his body language is really cute and feels very childlike, and i really enjoy how he saves emotional sucker-punches when you least expect it. his deathday signs hit that much harder because he rarely shares his feelings. the soul vulture lore was really well drawn-out with a great pay-off. and it all felt very in character and gave so much character development. if dapper openly shared his feelings all the time with bad, i dont think any of this would feel as powerful.
leo: leo feels so much like a character, and i mean that entirely positively. whenever i see her, i feel like i dont even think of QNPC05, i just think LEO. shes spoiled and bratty but in an adorable way, her body language just screams CHILD, and her use of different heads is so fun. also she was the first egg to use colored signs! she has a lot of worries and social anxiety, but i feel like whenever she communicates these to foolish, it never feels info-dumpy. its actually very impressive how much emotion she can put across just through body language.
richarlyson: i actually was wondering if richas should be lower and everyone raises their pitchforks. i know. hear me out. i really like how detailed richas' admin does his lore HOWEVER i sometimes feel like he doesn't act baby enough. idk. theres something about how leo and dapper emote, and even their worries and insecurities, that makes me see them as much younger. that being said, richas' dedication to family conflict is really well-done and something that more eggs should do. (and for everyone disagreeing with me, i know. i know why im wrong. but i just cant help the vibes i get im sorry?). i get a lot of cuteness agression when he shifts to check if people are following him tho 10/10
tallulah: tallulah and pomme are interchangeable bc they both do what i DONT prefer in rp, which is writing out your feelings. dont get me wrong, its great to know the eggs' thoughts, but those sort of angst dumps just dont hit as hard every stream. tallulah just edges out pomme bc she is a bit more irrational, and makes a lot of mistakes, which i think is a brave move in rp.
pomme: pomme has a really well-crafted character, but, again, i really prefer eggs who are harder to figure out vs eggs who lay all their feelings out. pomme is a bit too influential in bbh's lore decisions imo, sometimes i think she should let things play out a bit further before she tries to reign him back. i know shes just rping, but metawise, i think the admin should let him cook a little longer. i do really think she has a great "child soldier" vibe going on, which feels v much uniquely hers. i just think she could take more risks in rp, pomme is a very logical egg but she's still just a child. i dont want her to always choose the logical answer, i want to see how her young perceptions can force her to make a wrong decision.
ramon: ramon is sort of a weird case in that hes ABOVE tallulah/pomme cause he doesnt do what i dislike. however hes below them in general characterization. that being said, hes really underrated in his relationship with fit, and has some very gut-punching one liners. but hes also kind of like richas where i know LOGICALLY he does roleplay like a kid but i just. the vibes are not the same as dapper and leo. what can i do about that. hes just too competent i guess.
chayanne: chayanne is another egg thats hard for me to catch on stream, but i havent really felt any standout moments from 01 or 06 (however i think 01 plays best cucurucho). idk. i know chayanne's personality pretty well, i just need something...more. maybe i just tune in at the wrong times? i DO love his opinions on philever tho lmaoo. i think his best moment was when he kept trying to fight while quackity repeatedly told him he wasnt strong (reinforcing his greatest fear). and i think the fact that chayanne isnt placed in more dangerous situations really hinders his development (since hes understanding of why phil keeps him protected).
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Watching GoT for the first time
I saw someone do this with Grey's Anatomy but I can't find it again so if someone knows, give them credit for the idea. Anyway I am finally watching Games of Thrones for the first time with only a vague idea of the plot so here comes my stream of consciousness while doing so.
Obviously some spoilers ahead. Let's start off with season :
-The first hand saw Cersei and Jaime , I can bet on that.
-Ned, you're right winter is coming and you're wrong the night watch didn't deserve to die. -Bran, my dear.
-Is killing Joffrey do-able ? 'cause he kinda is a jerck and gets on my nerves
-I don't think Jon Snow is really smart. Tyrion was right about telling him what kind of privileges is was granted.
-I'm going to be a Joffrey slander. Lady did not deserve that ! Neither Sansa and Arya and the ginger boy.
-Gosh there are too many names !
-The faith or religious dogme is not made clear. I haven't read the books and I don't exactly understand what is there place/customs/beliefs. But it's fine 'cause they don't seem to have any big importance or whatsoever.
-Joffrey and Viserys slander.
- I don't know how but I always end up shipping ships that are rare on the Internet. Baelish x Catelyn in my heart
-Baelish is not reliable. He's even cocky about that.
-What the hell of a shitty king is that ? Robert, you suck.
-Robbert doesn't look like an exciting character to me. I don't know, I think he is lacking energy and complexity. He just looks like the good firstborn, the dutiful heir. However Arya ... I will be rooting for her. And no Ned, clearly she won't be a lady wife.
-I like the storytelling of the Targaryen story. It's very well introduced.
-I don't get why Sansa wants Joffrey to like her. Joffrey was the shitty man here, not your father.
-Ned, you're lacking good senses into the viper nest.
-They're blaming Tyrion and it's clearly not Tyrion and poor Tyrion (who looked very frightened) ; but oh Catelyn that was a power move. (not a very smart one tho)
-Catelyn my girl you're so smart. But also no, you're not.
-"Why ? Am I starting to make sense ?" such a powerful line.
-Rodrick is going to die. Who are we to pretend.
-I fear Bran words about the Tully devise are foreshadowing something.
-Ned, take the warning and listen to it.
-Varys is for the Targaryen !
-oh boy I came 'cause I hear about it but now I am staying for the politic plot. I love a bit of manipulation and hunger for power. -Ned I think you should leave to wait an hour to speak to someone. -Lysa is mad. She is completely mad. The son too. -Okay, Robber, you're not such a fool after all. But you have anger issues. -Cersei seems like a broken woman. Jaime is shit. -The hair Ned ! The hair ! -The whores watching is a funny thing to me. -Okay Robbert slander now ! You don't hit your wife. -And Cersei lying is getting you nowhere. They were witnesses. -The scene where Daenerys eats an heart lacked introduction. Vyseris you little filth, if you touch her because of her son, I swear I am finding way to bring you into reality and then murder you.
-This scene of the heart holds such a power. - They never gave it to you whiny boy 'cause you don't deserve it. You don't deserve anything truly. -Lysa and her boy are shitty. And Catelyn why the hell are you standing unmoved ? -Robbert is king but it is a Lannister rule. -He had it coming. Viserys only had himself to blame. -Yup, Dany, you're the dragon. -Tirwyn piecing a stag is a good metaphor. -He is a complete fool to tell her. Telling her does not preserve his honour. - Baelish teaching about sex and prostitution is - well very smutty obvi but also very true ; I love that guy. - Ned is so dead. Baelish is going for his head. - Ser Lorah the traitor ! Who got a change of heart. -Ned you should to him and go to war. - I love Baelish's logic. Nothing moral in it. But that is amazing scheming.
-And then Dany got what she wanted. - I knew Ned would die, I didn't think it would come so fast. Well he is not dead yet but that is clearly the way the season ends.
-I truly don't want to guess what happened to Sansa. -Varys calling him out on his madness is so right. He should have kept his mouth shut. Don't play the hero, you don't want to be the hero. -Sansa truly just wants to do good. -Bowing instead of fighting isn't the right answer. -I thought there were 5 Starks ... where is the last one ? -The 6 year old boy is right. - You're a bit delusional Catelyn. Ned is already dead. -Robb is foolish and idealized his father. Plus if this Umel does not betray you, it will be a miracle. - I also get the feeling Baristan will betray. - Okay I now stan Baristan. -Baelish and the side-eye >>> -Ned is not seeing the greater good for the realm but he is also right about the Lannister. - Poor little girl. Lord Frey is disgusting. - I did not made the link so I am surprised he is Jorah's father. And yes I can't remember his name. - Apart from the ones who are already mothers, women are truly just object. TwT. That's why I love Arya. That just disappeared by the way. -"Love is the death of duty" is a powerful sentence. But Ned is probably not the right exemple for this one. -Aemon was such a plot twist. -I feel very sorry for Tyrion. And technically he was raped by his first wife. -Joffrey was a bastard for this ! At least Cersei was right about it being madness. -The choice of silence for Ned's execution was a very good cinematic choice. - The knight I don't know the name did right by Arya. - JOFFREY SLANDER ! KILL THAT BOY HE DESERVES HELL - Gosh this Northern man has an ego - I honestly forgot they had Jaime. I love how Jaime knows he has sinned. -Cersei also sleeps with her nephew ??? -I don't know how Joffrey calls himself a legitimate king when the Baratheon are at war against him too - I love how neither Tywin and Tyrion are no fools. But the rest of the Lannisters all have too much ego for it. -Dany was truly desperate. -The old guy from the council is completely out of it. - I love Varys and Baelish relationship. -Arya and Robert's bastard is a good mix. -Dany was bold (and kinda mad) for this. -What an end for a season !
I will obviously be coming back for more. Good night/day everyone
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starmora · 1 year
I saw your post where you were explaining arguing with people about how Gamora and Peter didn't grow apart and I want to commend you for calm and detailed responses to such silly statements about vol 3. How anyone could think past Gamora who has never met Peter and is getting to know him is about people growing apart is beyond me. That's not even rational or logical thinking. It's like people have no clue what happened in the movie.
I don’t know if I’ve ever been described as calm and detailed but thank you, I appreciate it 😅 they’re my babies and I’m soooooo sick of seeing them be SLANDERED. Truly feels like these people watched the movie with their eyes closed. I swear, I can’t go three minutes without seeing a new, equally bad take about them and I’m really about to blow my top fr
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magnuficentwo · 1 year
1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 for Borderlands
[From this !] Thank u for the ask now I get to practice my VIOLENCE
1- The character everyone gets wrong
Hate hate hate hate hate how so many people write Rhys. Rhys is a character who's whole appeal {personally} is that he is very much Just Some Fucking Guy. Before the stories of Tales happened, Rhys was just some random dude who wanted to make it big, and afterwards, when he gets the opportunity to, he's still Majorly not his own person. He's influenced by the player in a meta sense, but also by Ugly John. This guy's identity is based off what the situation demands and what other people expect of him, and yet no one ever seems to acknowledge it, favoring instead his fucked up relationship with H.J as the sole atribute of his character [and this WILL pop up later trust me].
The guy has potential and the game acknowledges it (by the games own words, he rebuilt Atlas, became the CEO and even invented some cool new tech along the way), but he is NOT ALL THAT and I'm TIRED of people acting like there is that much substance to him. Just say you want the white men to kiss, stop putting on different hats on this guy and acting like hes all that
4- What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Moxxi slander. I swear, anyone who says Mad Moxxi is "annoying" or "a bitch" is 20% of the time a misogynist and 80% of the time a Handsome Jack sympathizer who thinks that she should've had some pity on The Active Space War Criminal. And this person did exactly that so yk how it is
6- Which ship fans are most annoying ?
Rhack shippers. No doubt. Partly because of my own personal gripes with how this dude is characterized {see: number 1}, but also because it's genuinely just so boring 😭 you can write this ship a thousand different ways but ultimately it boils down to "We need these white men to kiss" and nothing else. Also the whole "this guy manipulated this other guy for the entire time they interacted and then tried to kill him" thing.
8- Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about.
There's nobody who is good in this game I'm sorry to all apologists out there but all these guys suck ass. This isn't a competition about who's most morally correct it's about who your favorite criminal is ok
9- Worst part of canon.
The way they don't expand on lore, not even a little 😔 Please just tell me how ancient eridian people got their hands on an Atlas gun all of a sudden. Or at least tell me something about Sirens. How does the magic in this universe even happen. For the love of God HOW did Pandora GET LIKE THAT how is anyone there LIVING. PLEASE just CRUMBS OF INFORMATION you can't have me guessing everything you're presenting !!
+ How they don't expand on characters. Like come on let me hang out with these guys they're so cool :(
12- The Unpopular character you actually like and why more people should like them.
Tannis Tannis Tannis I love you cringe fail autistic woman. I don't see nearly enough appreciation for her. Matter of fact, I see a lot of people hating on my girl like :[ Leave her alone. Here's my comprehensive list of reasons why you should actually like Patricia Tannis.
1- So smart. She seems to be one of the only 5 people who know anything about the setting and who actively tell you about related history. She's one of the only sources of knowledge on Eridian culture we have in-game, which means this also extends over to Sirens, magic and the vaults. Relevant stuff yk !!! /// 2- She's COOL LOOKING okay. Her design is more down to earth and restrained compared to other characters, and it makes her stick out a little more imo. It's also just wonderfully practical which fits for her being a researcher and scientist. /// 2.5- Girl... pretty... /// 3- This woman is so autistic have I mentioned that yet. Because she is. She unfortunately does fall in some pitfalls in terms of stereotypes {I.E: nerdy personality with tendencies to be rude to people, the whole facts and logic thing, etc} but also damn she is so relatable. I too feel nauseous at the thought of a social interaction but still actively crave to have conversations with other people. I also struggle coming up with words at the time of most need. I too have like 3 people who actively take me places and make me feel comfortable (SEE: Roland, Lilith, the VH in some cases). I too humanize objects and talk to them because of loneliness. That's so true. She's so real for that.
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Here it iss Some fresh crack I don't do this often so idk how good this is 🥲
You and your friends decide to go to a haunted house!
There's your BFF nahida,the guy you've been crushing on for a while Childe, the one who planned the trip kaeya and..kaveh your worst enemy (yea you don't know why he's here either considering how much of a little whiny brat he is 😒)
ANYWAY you waltz in and are having a grand ol time clinging to your crush every chance you get-until *GASP* OH NO your bffl NAHIDA has been found dead!!
(Yup you guessed it its a MURDER MYSTERY!)
WELP your on the case withhh kaeya! Who ever so gracefully offered to help 👏
You swear to avenge your bestie and find the fiend who did this!
You question the staff that had been on the scene and..
The last person who was seen with nahida happened to be KAEYA!
NOW you decide not to jump to conclusions-yet and question him. Kaeya said he ran away after getting jumpscared and met up with Kaveh.
You question kaveh (while trying not to back hand him cuz yk worst enemy n all)
AND finally you are left with Childe who you happened to be with during the event (yk casually flirting)
Who could be the culprit??
A. No one She's just napping 😁
B.Kaveh! (You knew that over sensitive crybaby had something to do with it!)
C. Kaeya! (It must've been a set up! Why else would he wanna go to a haunted house in the middle of DECEMBER?? *just go with it*)
D. Childe! (Aghh the BETRAYAL how could he?? Especially after you were willing to hand over your heart to him!? (;Д;)✋️
FIND OUT NEXT TIME ONNN "I'm probably bored so I'm doing something dumb"!
( there was alot of kaveh slander because you chose him as your enemy 😳 ik I did my bby wrong but this is entirely your fault!/lh)
Ik I was supposed to wait but-i couldn't help myself and just wrote it so just ignored what is asked earlier-it is kinda rushed tho soo
Hope it's to your liking
omg wait this is so silly and fun !!!! what !!!! BUT ALSO NO KAVEH SLANDER IN MMY HOUSE--- childe slander is okay though.
listen i think the logical answer would be childe given his track record, but if he was with me then i suppose it could not have been (unless TEUCER- (gets dragged away) )
my heart tells me that Nahida is just sleeping. shes fine. shes just having a little sleepy eepy. cabbage fairies need lots of rest and relaxation i think.
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imagineimpact · 3 years
Hello!! I fell in love with your latest Albedo one shot because man, relate😭🤚 Anyways if you are still taking reqs, can I ask for a s/o who supresses their anger? Like, it was put into their mind that anger and also sadness is vunerability they can't show. Pick anyone you want to pair up with them and yeah go wild ig lol
Btw, stay safe and hydrate❤
Perhaps I went a bit off the prompt with this one (my mind went to angst and I ran with it), but alas~
Stop Hiding
Kaeya x G/N reader
“You don’t mind, do you, love?” Kaeya tapped his fingers on the kitchen counter, leaning across to you.
You stiffen at his words and press your lips into a fine line.
“No. Go ahead.” Your voice is flat.
But Kaeya has heard the words he wants to hear, and so what can you really say when he smiles at you, pushes himself off the counter and mutters a vague ‘I knew you would understand’?
When he comes around the counter to bid you a farewell for the day, his arm wraps around your waist and you feel yourself tense under his touch. He’s quick to notice.
“Are you alright?”
“Perfectly.” You give him a stiff smile. His eyes narrow.
“… right. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He kisses you on the cheek, a gesture you practically ignore.
He wanders out the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts in the cold of the destitute house.
Kaeya would be working late, so as he says. Why he was lying to you, you weren’t certain.
It’s was the cycle for the past few weeks; He would tell you that he had to work late, and you would stop by the Favonius headquarters to talk to Lisa only to hear about how Kaeya left hours ago.
It was infuriating.
But even as his footsteps trailed away from the house and toward wherever he was going, you kept that stiff smile on your face, the reflection of your pain in the glass cutting into your own self. You drop it. After all, why bother feeling something so horrible?
You have things to get done anyway; It’s not worth your time.
That evening, you find yourself wandering the streets of Mondstadt to take your mind off of the thoughts you were having. Unusual for you, you wander towards the seemingly single source of life in this entire city.
The Angel’s Share is brimming with energy and full of lively individuals this evening, as with every other. Diluc stands behind the bar quietly rinsing out a glass and absentmindedly working.
He glances up at you. “Oh, y/n, good to see you.” He gives you a polite smile, eyes returning to the glass. “Can I get you anything?”
“Oh, uh, maybe just some grape juice today. I’m not really feeling great.”
“Hmm. Alright.” His eyes seem to assess you for a moment, then he swiftly spins around to make your drink.
“Unusual for you to be here. If you’re looking for Kaeya, he’s upstairs.”
Your entire body tenses, and you feel yourself shutting down. “Kaeya’s here?”
Diluc looks over at you, actions in pause. “Is that not why you’re here?”
“You’re not kidding, are you?” The question was more like a resignment. Diluc could tell.
He slides the juice over to you. “You didn’t know that Kaeya was-“
“No, I didn’t. It’s fine.” You lift the glass to your lips, pausing just before you liquid touches your lips. “Thank you, for the juice.”
Diluc’s eyes betray him.
When you come to, you follow them and spot a chatty Kaeya talking to another patron with a lack of his energetic smooth self he usually does.
You watch Kaeya slip out of the booth, turning away from his conversation before he spots your gaze.
“Diluc, I’ll have another…” his voice drops to a whisper. “…oh.”
His voice indicates surprise to you, but you can’t bear to look up at him.
“So, working late again, huh?” Your voice is flat, but your grip on the glass of juice tightens, your gaze fixed upon it as if trying to break it with your mind rather than your hands.
“My dear, I swear it’s-“
“Right.” You finish your glass and stand up. “Thank you, Diluc.” You stick your hand into your pocket unceremoniously and take out the coins needed for the drink.
“No need. On the house.” His voice is quiet, as if wanting to leave little impact.
“No, I insist.” You give him a smile. You can tell that he won’t believe it but you can’t be bothered anyway. The coins clink on the counter - you know he won’t take it otherwise.
You turn your smile to Kaeya. “I’ll see you in the- Well, at some point. Right, love?”
Any other words you hear are lost on you as you wander out into the depth of the night, alone.
Kaeya watches you leave, an estranged expression plastered on his face. “They took that well.”
“It’s just like a Favonius knight to lack any proper observational skills or be even slightly investigative. It’s not like it’s part of your job or anything.”
“Don’t use this to slander the knights, Diluc.”
“You’re an idiot.” Diluc takes a long sigh, looking over at his brother. “The rage was seething in their eyes, how could you not tell?”
“Always trying to insist you know more about my own life than I do." He tisked. "If y/n was angry, then there would have been yelling.”
“You’re self absorbed, as always." Diluc lifts your half-empty glass from the counter and starts to clean it. "Kaeya, you have to realise that they don’t express anger the same way you do.”
“They weren’t angry.”
“They were. You could see it if you weren’t so blinded by your own ego.”
Kaeya huffed, but looked to the door.
“Why do you think they think you were here? Why did you lie to y/n?”
“I’m on a case-“
“Then you better go tell them that before they leave you.”
Kaeya laughs a little, then notices Diluc’s expression, flat as ever. The laugh falls off. There was never a joke.
“You’re serious. They… this doesn’t look good, does it?”
The bartender raised an eyebrow at the sudden switch of self-awareness. “The door is right there. You’re banned until you resolve this, one way or another. Get out.”
Kaeya scoffs once more, but couldn’t deny his mistakes.
His footsteps are nervous as they leave the tavern, though speed up drastically as he paces out the door and into the night.
His instinct tells him that his logic is wrong, but his mind tells him that the only logical place for you to go would be back home.
His mind races but his feet move faster than he can think and he’s going to reach you but he needs to know where. He starts running, hoping to catch up to you or at least spot your moving frame in the flickering lights.
You can hear the patter of heavy, striding footsteps leading away from your direction, toward the place you both call home. The stars twinkle above in a quiet peace that can only be meant to mock you.
You’re not sure if you even want to go back home at this point. Can you even call it home?
Even in your solitude, you refuse to show the decrepit weaknesses of a human. Tears refuse to fall from your eyes and you lean against the outer wall of Mondstadt in an attempt to force that shaking of your anger to cease. Even the cold of the wind blowing on your skin is a feeling you refuse to acknowledge. That's the one feeling I should be used to. It's a horrible thought.
You can feel yourself almost cracking - your eyes wander downward to the water below, the cliff a dangerous temptation of freedom.
By no means will you let yourself move, for fear of any display of irrationality you may subject yourself to.
“Stay still.” Your voice whispers to yourself, as if separate. “Freeze.”
The word itself reminds you of him.
A sound shatters the still air around you - the crack of rolling thunder. A storm approaches.
You don’t move.
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tommybaholland · 3 years
when their drunk s/o is in their feels [pt.2]
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featuring: dabi
the other part to this request! switching up the style and a little bit of the content. please be advised that this contains some themes of toxic relationships as well as unhealthy coping skills, such as drinking. there’s also some swearing and slander since we’re talking about this burnt, bitter man (who needs love :’( ). mostly angst but with a happy ending(??) idk i figured i’d switch it up lol enjoy :)
“let me have another, kurogiri,” you requested, your voice slightly slurred and your movements delayed as you held out your glass. 
he complied, pouring another round of your drink of choice for the night. you hoped to get rid of that feeling of regret, including everything you said to him because honestly, you were right. 
“why can’t i ever go out anywhere? it gets really boring in here, you know,” you reasoned. 
“i know, sweetheart, but people will see you,” he explained vaguely, trying to remain logical and persuade you by using his soft voice.
“i’ve never even been associated with the League or you!” you remarked harshly, growing tired of the same, cyclical conversation. “it’s not like people know who i am.”
“look, people know that you’re still missing. did you ever think of that, huh?” he threw back at you, making you cross your arms defensively. 
“so you really don’t trust me that much?”
“how can i when you don’t even use your brain? or lack thereof,” he insulted, turning away from you. “i’m the reason that you’re not dead or living on the streets, remember?”
you looked at him with a dumbfounded expression as if he wasn’t in that same situation several months ago.
“what are you talking-- we came here together, you-- you know what? i don’t have time for this. just go,” you replied, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
suddenly, icy blue eyes were right in front of your own, his hands tilting your face up to look at his.
“look, if you want to leave, there’s no one stopping you but don’t make it my problem and don’t think about coming back. you got that?”
you nod reluctantly with a scowl.
“good,” he responds before squishing your cheeks. “aww, look at that cute angry face,” he coos as he leans in to plant a kiss on your forehead. you decided to pull away right before his lips touch your skin. 
“what the hell?” he snaps. 
“just leave me alone and go do whatever you need to do, dabi. i don’t care,” you reply solemnly, turning away from him.
usually, you’d call him one of the stupid nicknames you had for him, like ‘dobby the house elf’ with that god-awful british accent that you do when you say it. but the emphasis on correctly saying his name let him know that you were really pissed off. 
“fine. sit here and sulk. see if i care,” he grunts before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 
“that’s all i ever do,” you mutter after he left. 
so now here you are, trying to drink your feelings away. 
you had accepted a long time ago that a relationship with him would be less than ideal but all the hiding was getting old to you. you wanted to go out every now and then, just for some fresh air. you were even delusional enough to think that maybe you could get him to take you out somewhere, like a normal couple. 
but that wasn’t the case. you did this to yourself and somehow, you still don’t regret it. 
you never thought you could love someone as much as you love him. you were both lost souls who had found each other through some thin strand of circumstance, call it fate if you want. you didn’t know everything but clearly he had been through some shit which made it only natural for you to gravitate toward him. you didn’t have the greatest track record either but it made you feel good, even hopeful, to find someone in a similar place. 
how could you let go of all of that now? 
“hey,” a distant voice called. “come on, wake up.” 
your eyes openly slowly to reveal your boyfriend. apparently, you had fallen asleep at the bar. 
“you can’t sleep down here,” he chided.
you blink, still processing the spinning images in front of your face. he wasn’t wearing his familiar jacket, leaving him in just his loose white shirt.
“da- dabi?” 
“yeah. it’s me. come on. we’re going up to bed,” he instructs, tugging lightly at your wrist. 
you allow him to pull you off the bar stool but it seems you overestimated your ability to stand up straight, as you immediately stumble to the ground. 
albeit exhausted, you giggle from your little blunder. “whoopies.” 
he sighs, looking back and down at you. “jesus christ, how much did you drink?” 
“just a few,” you answered. 
“yeah, right. not with how you’re walking, you clumsy dummy.” 
“carry me, please?” you ask, reaching out to him as you pout. 
he sighs once more, knowing that he cannot resist those eyes. he throws one of your arms around your neck as he lifts you up from under your knees and back. 
“whoa, it’s like a rollercoaster ride. woo-hoo,” you cheered drunkenly, hanging your head back. 
“quit moving,” he warns. “you’re gonna hit your head and then you’ll really be sorry.” 
“gosh, you’re grumpy,” you noted, reaching a hand up to boop his nose.
“i suggest not doing that unless you want me to drop you.”
thankfully, he was able to make it to the bedroom without such a casualty. he placed you down on your side of the bed before getting you all tucked under the blankets, not even letting you change out of your day clothes. he didn’t say anything and ignored all your incoherent babbling as you were settled into bed. when he was finished, he intended to turn around and walk out. unfortunately, you didn’t want him to leave just yet as he felt your hand tug at his wrist. 
“wait, where are you going? i have something to tell you,” you announced to him. 
“okay. well, say it,” he urged, turning slightly towards you. 
“nooooo,” you whined, shaking his hand. “can you get in the bed with me, please?”
you gave him that look again. “you and those damn eyes. alright, fine. move over.”
“yay!” you cheered as you made room for him. he took off his shirt before climbing in with you to which you naturally snuggled up close to him. 
“hmm, you’re so warm,” you hummed as you pressed yourself against his bare chest. 
“what were you going to say?” he asked in an annoyed tone.
“oh, yeah. i just wanted to say that i love you, even if you can be a head ass sometimes,” you spoke.
“what a sentiment,” he replied facetiously before hearing some sobs. “why are you crying?”
“because i love you so much! and i, um,” you stuttered, feeling more and more emotional. “i don’t want to lose you. i know you only keep me here to protect me but how do you think i feel? if you die, i want to die with you.”
he listened, his heart feeling both shame and warmth at the same time. he rubs a hand over your head as his other arm wraps around your body.
“sometimes you’re so sweet to me that it makes me sick,” he confessed. “but i guess that’s what they mean by ‘lovesick’, huh?”
“i love you and i’ve been in love with you since the beginning. i never really thought that i’d get this far, to be honest. i’m sorry that i can be a complete asshole to you when you don’t deserve it. well, maybe you do sometimes.”
he expected you would look annoyed and was shocked to hear you start laughing. he let a small grin appear on his face.
“only when you say dumb shit like those stupid nicknames that you call me,” he clarifiied.
he covered your mouth before you could even open it. “don’t. say it,” he warned. 
“i’m not done yet. i was thinking that maybe possibly we could try to go out somewhere...together,” he offers.
“but we’d have to wear disguises of some sort or go somewhere more secluded,” he reminds you. 
you gasp. “we could get matching raincoats!” 
“that’s the exact opposite of what i was thinking.”
“opposites are good. they attract, did you know?”
“that’s not true,” he countered before pulling you closer. “in fact, i think you’re a lot like me.”
“except my name isn’t da-beeee,” you pointed out while laughing, booping him in the nose again. 
at this point, he was just humoring you. “yeah, yeah. laugh all you want. just wait until the morning when you’re sick everywhere.”
“maybe if i knew your real name, you wouldn’t get so much hate,” you said in a sing-song voice. 
“i told you, i’ll tell you when you need to know,” he replied. 
“i need to know-whoa,” you sang. “i like that song.”
“alright, it’s quiet time now,” he hushed, beginning to rub the back of your neck to lull you to sleep. 
you sighed against his skin as your eyes drooped more and more. “love you.”
“love you more, sweetheart. i’ll talk to you in the morning.”
he figured it was time for him to completely let you in, planning on getting you sobered up enough to tell you everything about him. you are his one and only true love with whom he would try to build a more suitable life.
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good night for a bnha night! send all your confessions...
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
helow may I ask for u to do dazai and akutagawa and how they deal with a s/o who has adhd ? thank uu :3
❥ Dazai and Akutagawa with a s/o who has ADHD
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A/N: I hope you like this dear! 🥺💘
Also please tell me if I wrote something wrong about ADHD :(
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Dazai Osamu:
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Little shit no.1
So constant fidgeting
This Bish wont do anything but hold your hand and place kisses on it to distract you from anything else
Easily distracted?
That’s to his advantage bby
If for example you guys are in a meeting then you bet you will be pulled away from there and go somehwere
And if you space out while he is talking then he will giggle like a giddy school girl and kiss the top of your nose and just ask
“Do you want me to repeat or should we talk about something else?”
You lose things or forget them?
Dazai Osamu knows where they are cause he keeps track of where do you put your stuff
Because he doesn’t want you one day to lose something important to you and you end up being sad :(
This a warning for others but like
If someone
About making you feel bad or insulting you
Mind tormenting is Dazai’s first choice and god is it traumatizing 🥰
Lemme give you an example
Also you have a part-time job in a cafe cause I know none of my ADA babies would treat you in a bad way
“Can you seriously not pay attention for than five minutes?!” screamed out a man who was your boss in the cafe you worked in. You had explained before to your manager about having ADHD and he doesn’t seem to get it as he continued lashing out on you for forgetting the customer’s order.
Despite the customer themselves forgetting and saying that it’s alright, he still continued to scold you. He ,however, didn’t notice the tall brunette of man that just happens to be your lover.
Dazai put a hand on the man’s shoulder and gripped it tightly.
“Do you have something good to say to my love or are you going to hurt everyone’s ears with the trash and rubbish you are saying? I know that Y/N told you about having ADHD so don’t you dare talk to her about anything related to it or I swear to you.”
He got near to the man’s ear and dangerously whispered sternly “I will make you go through hell and back, you rat.”
Needless to say that the man pissed himself before apologizing like a little bitch to you
Also if you have the tendency to talk or rmable a lot then he really enjoys it actually
He loves hearing your voice
It sends him to heaven
He wishes for it to be the last thing he heard before he meets the “sweet release of death” in his words
Also if you feel bothered by the symptoms then
The great dazai osamu is there to support and help you
He will search for ways to manage them while them
And will make his support 100% known to you
Still reminds you that he loves you nonetheless
“You belladonna, even if this doesn’t have an effect, I don’t really mind. I love for who you are.”
He loves when you depend on him btw
Just laying that out there
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke:
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The one who became a chaotic aggressive bby because little shit no.1 just loved breaking people
Mr I have no eyebrows
Now I think akutagawa would be pretty chill about everything you do really
If you space out then he will either snap his fingers or pinch your nose
If you can’t stay in place then how is he supposed to feel
It doesn’t change anything therefore a reaction to what you are doing which will make you feel different than others in a bad way is uncalled for
If you lose things just expect a very little scolding and about taking care of your stuff
“Fight me about it bIsH”
He will help you tho in a subtle way if the symptoms bother you
He is a great support but won’t say shit 👍
Like he would be beside you reading them and if something that does seem logical enough appear then he will point at it
If an option you want to try is somewhat dangerous or will make you uncomfortable then I want you to expect a phone broken in pieces if he sees it
Now aku is basically known for being an assassin with no care
Big softie inside for you tho
So I just want you to imagine wtf will he do to someone that makes fun of you
While Dazai is a little more merciful
Akutagawa is gonna murder them
No questions asked
Bitches have the audacity to make fun of you and still want to live?
Lemme give you an example of one dumbass that did it right in front of him as well
Btw he doesn’t care if it’s friend or foe
Maybe if they are from the mafia he will just slap them
You were sitting in the train with your lover beside you and a man on your other side. Your constant fidgeting was something that didn’t bother Aku so he paid no mind to it.
However the other man did and decided to be a bitch about it, “Could you stop moving? It’s annoying.”
There is his death wish.
After you guys went out of the train with the man following ahead, you were wondering why akutagawa did nothing but when you saw him pull the man to an empty hallway you knew what he will do.
“RASHOMOUN!” he screamed with anger painted all across his face. He kicked the body and muttered with pure disgust “filthy bitch.”
No y/n slander in aku’s area
So he will be the quiet over protective bf because damn he loves you
But will probably wear all pink and talk with a girly voice before he admits just how soft he is for you
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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falcqns · 4 years
Pairing: post endgame!Bucky Barnes x Barton!Reader
Summary: Bucky has a hard time coming to terms with Steve’s departure. 
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, Steve Rogers slander, first kiss. 
A/N: As usual, this came from a shifting experience! Poor Bucky just needs a hug :( Hope you enjoy!
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You tossed and turned in your bed. No matter what you did, you couldn't fall asleep. You never had trouble sleeping, so you didn't know why you were up. You decided to give up on sleep, and turned on your lamp on to read for a little while. You had only red two pages when you heard Bucky’s door shut and you heard his heavy footfalls make their way to the living room.
You decided to stop reading for a little bit and check up on him. He was quite distant with you, considering that he had met you a few weeks ago, but the rest of the remaining Avengers had warmed up to you already, and you were unsure why he seemed to avoid you. There was always a nagging thought at the back of your head that made you think he hated you, but you didn't want to assume anything.
Bucky, on the other hand, was absolutely terrified of you. Well, not of YOU, but of hurting you. The first time he met you, he immediately took notice of how your eyes were locked on his metal arm, and he immediately felt like he needed to remove himself from the situation before he scared you even more than he had. Over the course of you living here, he had begun to notice how much he liked you, and that thought terrified him even more. Since Steve left him to go back to Peggy, he was terrified to get close to anyone. He was a super soldier, and logically knew that he would most likely outlive those who he loved dearly, another thought that terrified him. He hated being alone, but he wanted to seclude himself to spare himself the inevitable pain. 
When he had awoken from his most recent nightmare, his first instinct was to run to Steve. Steve had nightmares as well, but not at Bucky’s level, and he had always been good at calming Bucky down. But, the realization that Steve had left him for a girl he kissed once, soon washed over with him, and he felt the feeling of abandonment creep up on him once more. As he looked around the room, all he could see was Steve. Steve had done everything in his power to make sure Bucky felt safe and at home in the compound before he left, and Bucky should have known he was compensating for something. He was never one to splurge, after growing up with almost nothing. He felt his chest tightening, and he couldn't bare to stay in that room any longer. 
He stood up, and walked out of his bedroom to head to the living room. He passed your door, and briefly considered seeing if you were awake, but decided against it. You were already scared of him as it was, and he didn't want to cause that fear to grow. He continued on to the living room, and took a seat on the sofa. He stared at the dark TV, almost willing it to turn on by itself so he didn't have to touch something Steve had. A few minutes later, he heard your bedroom door open, and was prepared to apologize for scaring you before heading back to that god forsaken room where he didn't want to spend another second, until you walked in the living room and sat next to him, shoulders almost touching.
“Are you okay?” You asked, and you noticed his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why were you talking to him? You were terrified of him, and he didn't want to force you to do something you were scared to do. But, he was intrigued. Maybe, he had read you all wrong at your first interaction. So, he shook his head. 
“No. But I will be. I’m sorry I woke you up,” He said in a timid voice, not making eye contact. 
You gave him a soft smile even though he couldn't see it. “You didn't wake me. I was having troubles sleeping. It seems you are too, so I decided to come and see if you were okay.” You said, and your smile grew when you noticed he slowly turned to face you, although his eyes remained locked on the ground.
“I-I thought you were scared of me,” He admitted, and your brows furrowed. 
“Why would I be scared of you, Bucky?” You asked, and he looked up at you, tears brimming in his steel blue eyes. You rested your hand on his thigh for comfort when he spoke again.
“T-The first time we met, I noticed you staring at my arm, and I instantly thought you were scared of me because of it, because of what it could do, and because of what it has done. Of what I’ve done. T-Thats why I avoided you, and never spoke to you. I didn't want to give you any more reasons to be scared of me.” He said, a sniffle following his little speech. 
You inched closer to him. “Before I met you, and before you were revealed to be him, I was. Dad had told me the things that HYDRA made you do, and it was scary. I think I was just scared that dad’s life would be in danger because of his affiliation with S.H.I.E.L.D., but when it was announced during th Accords situation that you were The Winter Soldier, I knew it wasn't your fault. I had learned about you from going to the museum with my dad when I was little, and I was always fascinated by you. I knew HYDRA had to be brainwashing you. I brought it up to Dad and he agreed. You are NOT The Winter Soldier, Bucky. You are Bucky Barnes, the boy who risked his life for his best friend without question. You are not what they made you. I was staring at your arm because I thought it was cool, and because my best friend made it. She told me all about you whenever I called her. About how you would entertain the Wakandan children, how you raised those goats, and took care of the land you were given to protect. She told me how the first words you spoke to her was “Thank you.” You deserve to be happy, and not to live in fear.” You said. You watched as Bucky’s chin and lower lip trembled before he launched himself into your arms, hugging you tight to his chest. He hugged you to his chest like a teddy bear, and almost afraid to let go. 
You ran your hand up and down his back to soothe him, and he eventually got ahold of his emotions enough to pull away. You noticed something lingering behind his eyes, and asked him another question.
“What else is going on, Bucky? I know something else is wrong,” You said, and he sighed.
“I’m mad.” He said, and looked up at you, almost half expecting you to realize you were scared of him and take off running. But, when you didn't, instead taking his metal hand into yours for comfort and reassurance, he spoke again. “I’m so mad. At Steve, so much. I took care of him for a lot of his life. I stood by him, and I fought beside him. I lost almost 70 years of my life because I was fighting HYDRA with him, only to be caught by them, and have to be tortured for 20 fucking years and slowly lose my memories of him, and my old life. Then, I save him, escape HYDRA, he finds me, helps me, and him and I fight side by side again. Then I died. For him. Did you know he didn't even talk to me until the final fight was over? Not a single goddamned from him while I fought for him. I thought, that when Thanos was finally turned to dust, he and I would be okay. That we would have a normal life. That we could reconcile all those years we lost because of HYDRA depriving us both of that. But, he chose her.” He said, tears rolling down his face.
“He chose a woman that he kissed ONCE, over his best friend since childhood. I was the one who took care of him whenever he got sick. I was the one who stepped in whenever he got beat up. I’m the one that got captured by HYDRA because I was fighting FOR HIM. And he still chose her, the girl who helped him become Captain America. It fucking hurts. Maybe if I hadn't been snapped away, he wouldn't have gone back. Maybe-” He ranted, and you cut him off with a hug.
“Don’t you dare blame yourself. His choice was a purely selfish one, and it was the wrong one. It had nothing to do with you. You risked everything for him, more than once, and its so shitty that he wouldn't do the same for you. If he was here right now, I would kill him. For everything he put you through. He thought about himself, and this was the one time he shouldn't have. But don't blame yourself. It was ultimately his decision, not yours.” You said, and slowly, Bucky melted into your embrace.
He rubbed his stubbly cheeks against yours, and slowly pulled out of the hug. He pressed his forehead to yours, and his eyes drifted over your features. He had noticed how beautiful you were, and he knew he had a crush on you. But, he always saw you as untouchable. Your father was Clint Barton, the best archer in the world, and he really didn't want an arrow in the head. But, right now, as he rested his head against yours, watched your slow smile spreading across your lips, and smelled your scent, he couldn't think of any of the reasons why he never let himself be happy, especially with you.
Without thinking, his eyes locked on your lips, and he slowly pressed his against yours. He tensed up when you didn’t return it for a few seconds, but relaxed when he felt you kiss him back. He pulled away when the need for air became dire, and rested his flesh hand against your cheek. 
“Thank you. This is the first conversation I’ve had with you, and you've already helped me immensely. C-Can I take you out on a date?” He asked timidly.
Your face broke out into a huge smile. “Of course, Bucky.” 
Bucky felt tears springing to his eyes, and pressed his lips to yours again, tugging you into his lap in the process. And for once in the last two weeks, he wasn't mad at Steve. If it wasn't for Steve leaving, he wouldn't have you.
And you were all he needed. 
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Regarding rep, I agree, but I still love it. I think it has some of Taylor's best world-creating. As requested, Sarah, here are my examples of good lines immediately followed by lines I don't like:
"My baby's fit like a daydream" - romantic and genius move dropping all the little london boy hints (when I like someone a lot, I start to talk like them too so I relate) // "Walking with his head down, I'm the one he's walking to" - a scene that makes me cringe, something that I think is really only cute if you're experiencing it.
My favorite line of the song, "I'm laughing with my lover, makin' forts under covers" and the following controversial classic, "Trust him like a brother" (personally it's not for me, but I don't think we need to rehash this debate, either you like it or you don't).
For some reason, I don't like the jet stream line, it's just kind of a sensitive ear hole thing for me.
In KOMH, I love the first 2 lines, I hate the baby line (like trying on clothes? Interesting choice of simile).
Delicate has "Dive bar on the East Side, where you at? / Phone lights up my nightstand in the black / Come here, you can meet me in the back" which I just love as it really paints a picture and "Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you" which is just funny to me. It makes me think of all the crushes I had where I thought a boy was SO HOT and looking back now it was just some guy in a graphic tee and skinny jeans. The Bridge too: "Sometimes I wonder when you sleep, Are you ever dreaming of me?" Bridge city, "Enchanted" reference, need I say more? // "Sometimes when I look into your eyes, I pretend you're mine, all the damn time" the wording sounds off to me? I don't like all the "i" sounds and kinda hate the sometimes/all the time thing. Is it sometimes or all the time? I'm confused.
And I recognize it's exactly the point of the song, but I like the party parts and I don't like the following drama/shady parts. I really love how Taylor writes about partying in TIWWCHNT, it is SO Gatsby. I'm not a huge fan of the prechoruses.
This was a lot, but I hope this helps to support the thesis other anons proposed. (And to hopefully soothe the burn of rep slander, I hope you will accept a peace offering: NYD has the most consistently strong songwriting imo. There's no lines I don't like there!)
Mentally in order to soothe my reputation heart, there was a part of me that started to try to logic my way into you loving some lyrics but equally not liking others and trying to dive into the why of it all and perhaps it's because reputation is designed as an album with two faces of the same coin. That it's intentionally created to be simultaneously off-putting and raw or harsh contrasted precisely against a soft vulnerable underbelly. Especially because the song that most obviously exposes that underbelly is a song that you find zero fault with. This is what I tell myself amidst the SLANDER anyway. (Joking. Loving. I swear. /sweats nervously)
re: "You try on calling me baby like trying on clothes" // Unclear if it's because this line sort of kind of has a fashun reference and so I'm biased but I've always loved this line because it's such a Taylor-ism to combine two common turns of phrase and smush them together to create a new meaning. In this case I just think it's such a soft and novel way to describe the beginning stages of a relationship. Like those first few weeks/months where you're feeling Feelings but it's not The Time to say those three words yet so you're like "I ... Care? About you? A lot? A Lot. Haha. But only if you care a lot too I mean whatever it's fine ... But wait do you care about me a lot also? Pls tell me okthanksbye."
But otherwise I thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and being willing to do so. It's hard to put yourself on the line - esp when they are thoughts you're sure that the recipient will probably disagree with ;) I hope it's a testament to this space that you felt open enough to share and I'm grateful you did!
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lifeofresulullah · 3 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Assignment of the Duty of the Prophethood and First Muslims
The Second Phase of the Call: Addressing Makkans on Safa Hill
The circle of conveyance was expanding gradually. Happiness caressed the souls that had testified to Islam while the hearts that had not saved themselves from polytheism were in a state of panic.
“Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded.” When the Divine mandate came, naturally, the Master of the Universe (PBUH) could not stay still. He wanted to show his countrymen the path to spiritual and worldly happiness as soon as possible.
During this time, he slightly expanded his circle and notified the Meccans of his prophethood and the religion of Islam on Mount Safa. 
Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) went on top of a high rock on Mount Safa and called out to the Meccans in a loud and resonant voice: O Sahaba! (O Community of Quraysh, come here and convene, I have important news for you!)
The Meccans were puzzled. Who was shouting? Were they in the face of danger? Had an enemy invaded their land or was an important message to be forwarded to them? They did not delay in responding to this call and gathered on Mount Safa at once. What had happened? The person making this call was Muhammad-ul Amin (Muhammad the Trustworthy.) What did he want? What news did he bring? What was he going to say?
With great curiosity they asked, “O Muhammad, why did you gather us here? What are you going to announce?”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) did not lag in his response. At a moment when all minds fully gravitated towards him, when all eyes filled with looks of curiosity were directly focused on him, when all ears paid full attention, and at a moment when everyone was anxiously waiting, he delivered this eloquent response that was filled with several logical proofs:
O Community of Quraysh! Our similarity is like a man who sees the enemy and runs to his family and shouts “O friends!” since he is afraid that the enemy will harm and reach his family before he does.
O Community of Quraysh! If I were to tell you there were enemy horsemen on the other side of this mountain and that they were about to attack you in the morning or towards the evening, would you believe me?”
They had never heard Muhammadul-Amin (Muhammad the Trustworthy PBUH) tell a lie nor say something that had surpassed the truth. In unison they all replied, “Yes, we affirm your honesty because we have not seen anything but propriety from you. You are not a person who makes false allegations.”
After addressing the public, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) called each of the Qurayshi tribes by their own names and continued speaking:
“In that case, I inform you of a great punishment that is ahead. Allah the Exalted has commanded me to warn my closest kin of the punishment in the hereafter. I invite you to say, “Allah is One, there is no God.” I am His servant and Messenger. If you accept what I have said, then I guarantee that you will enter heaven. Also know that I cannot be of service to you in this world nor in the hereafter unless you say, “Allah is One, there is no other God but He.” 
Abu Lahab Again...
Abu Lahab was baffled in the face of these words that addressed the mind, heart, and soul. He took a rock in his hands and threw it straight towards the Master of the Universe (PBUH) and shouted, “'May you perish for this! Is this what you have summoned us here for?”
Nobody else said anything in dissidence among those who were listening. They only dispersed into whispers of conversation among themselves.
Abu Lahab, the Person who Deserves Hell...
With his actions, Abu Lahab now deserved Divine punishment and enmity.
He would pay dearly for his violent hostility, lasting grudge, and hate that he had towards Allah’s Apostle (PBUH). Allah heralded his frightening aftermath in Surah al-Lahab:
“Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab and perish he! His wealth and what he has earned shall avail him naught, Soon shall he burn in a flaming fire; And his wife, too, bearer of slander. Round her neck shall be a halter of twisted palm-fiber…”
Regardless of whoever spoke out in dissidence, Allah would continue to complete our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) light. For that reason, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was neither afraid of nor shaken by the ugly allegations made against him and was able to continue on his path in an immensely dignified and serious manner.
After our Holy Prophet (PBUH) declared his prophethood and invited the community to Islam on Mount Safa, the polytheists of the Quraysh tortured him and targeted insults at him, and their abuse continued to increase.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) invited them to the doctrine of “Tawhid” (oneness) whereas they insisted upon idolatry and polytheism, which they called “the religion of their fathers.”
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) invited them to the path of virtue and happiness both in this world and the hereafter whereas they tried to keep away from virtue and happiness just as a bat tries to flee from the light.
The Master of the Universe (PBUH) invited them to live humanely and to exhibit dignified behavior while they gallivanted by exhibiting ugly and dishonorable behavior and trampled over human dignity and honor with their feet.
He wanted them to enter Paradise and invited them to commit deeds that would earn them these incomparable blessings whereas they continued to commit deeds that would lead them to eternal punishment and hellfire.
Through his invitation, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) wanted to save them from falling into asfal as-safilin (the lowest of the low) and elevate them to a’la illiyyin (the highest of the high places), ranks of worth, and stations that would empower them to execute sublime duties. Nonetheless, they continued preoccupying themselves with worthless activities that would result in their entrance to the bottom pits of hell (asfal as-safilin.)
Of course, the polytheists who exhibited such desires and behavior would oppose our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) invitation, would struggle against him without mercy, would try to make him ineffective through all their means and break his perseverance, fortitude, courage, and zeal. For that reason, they attempted to commit all kinds of torment, persecution, insults, and murder attempts.
Undoubtedly, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was not the only one who faced such circumstances. Every prophet who has been sent was treated harshly, held in contempt, and subjected to torture and persecution by his tribe and community. Alongside these commonalities and other traits that all of the prophets shared, these prophets did not refrain from explaining their cause and did not make any concessions from their faith despite the torture, insults, persecution, and murder attempts they faced. As the amount of torture and persecution that they were afflicted with increased, their love, enthusiasm, and seriousness in their mission in working towards having the truth heard grew even more.
Abu Lahab is Leading
Abu Lahab and his wife, Umm Jamil, were among the leaders of those that tortured and persecuted the Master of the Universe (PBUH).
Aba Lahab would continuously stalk our Beloved Prophet (PBUH), would strive to get the crowd to stop listening to him, and would attempt to instill doubts and apprehensions in their minds.
That day, Allah’s Apostle (PBUH) was inviting the crowd to testify to the Oneness of Allah and his own prophethood at the Ukaz Fair: “O people! Say La Ilaha Illallah so that you can save yourselves,” our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to the crowd.
Abu Lahab came from right behind and shouted, “O people! He is my nephew; he is lying to you, stay away from him.” 
This was an example that is and was filled with many lessons:
His nephew was inviting the crowd to the path of happiness and to have faith in Allah whereas he, the paternal uncle, was opposing his own nephew by yelling at the crowd to not listen!
Abu Lahab did not stop there.
One day, he threw rancid filth at the front of the door of our Holy Prophet (PBUH), who was his neighbor.  At that moment, despite not yet having become a Muslim, Hazrat Hamza caught up and spilled the filth and the rancid substances upon Abu Lahab’s head.
All that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said in the face of his neighbor’s ugly action was, “O Sons of Abd Manaf! What kind of neighborliness is this?” as he swept away the filth in front of his home.
This man, who the Quran mentions will burn in the fierce fires of Hell, would sometimes stone our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) home just to bother him.
Abu Lahab Sends his son so that he will torture the Prophet!
Abu Lahab did not want to be alone in torturing and persecuting the Master of the Universe (PBUH).
One day, he commanded his son, Utaiba, to harass our Holy Prophet (PBUH). Utaiba went to our Holy Prophet (PBUH), who was reciting Surah an-Najm during that time. Upon hearing this, Utaiba remarked, “I swear by the Lord of an-najm (the star) that I denounce your prophethood” and arrogantly spat toward the Master of the Universe (PBUH).
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) only replied to him with this invocation:
"O my Lord! Subject him to the power of a dog from among Your dogs."
His (PBUH) prayers were never left unrequited; thus, his imprecation was answered sometime after the above incident. While Utaiba was sleeping among his friends in Hawran, a place that was in the vicinity of Yemen, a lion came and tore him to shreds!
The acceptability of his prayers is just one aspect of our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) many miracles.
Wood Carrier of Hell
Umm Jamil was the wife of Abu Lahab, the most violent opponent and enemy of the Islamic cause. This woman, referred to as the “wood carrier” in the interpretation of the Holy Quran, had become so mad and so wild in the face of the Islamic cause that she would sprinkle hard, spiked shrubs every day on the path that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) walked without showing the slightest sign of boredom; in fact, she derived great pleasure from this action.
An incident related to Umm Jamil is as follows:
While our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was on Mount Safa and openly delivering the Divine invitation to the Quraysh for the first time, she and her husband, Abu Lahab scolded him and even affronted him. Abu Lahab shamelessly said, “'May you perish for this! Is this what you have summoned us here for?” and hurled a rock that he had lifted from the ground towards our Holy Prophet (PBUH). Upon this incident, Allah revealed Surah Tabbat, which mentions the ugly behavior and aftermath of Abu Lahab and his wife.
Umm Jamil could not contain herself once she heard this surah. She carried a rock and went to the Masjid al-Haram. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was sitting there with his loyal friend, Hazrat Abu Bakr. Umm Jamil saw Hazrat Abu Bakr but did not notice our Holy Prophet (PBUH), who was sitting there right next to him. She said to Hazrat Abu Bakr: O, Abu Bakr! Where is your friend? I heard that he has satirized me. I am going to smash his mouth with this rock when I see him.”
Since Umm Jamil’s eyes could only see Hazrat Abu Bakr and failed to notice our Holy Prophet (PBUH), she had no choice but turn back since she could not achieve her goal. 
Of course her eyes could not see!! How could a “wood carrier” of Hell dare to see our Holy Prophet (PBUH), who was under Allah’s protection and grace?
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moltementi · 3 years
8) and 31) for the AC ask game!
( still accepting! ) - ...I Don't Know How To Shut Up: Part One of ???
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8 - Who is thine most endeared maestro of grandiose... er, rites?
Okay, endeared is a bit much for my choices, but... it probably says something really fuckin' hilarious about me that it ties between Cesare Borgia, and Reginald Birch. (They're from different rites, I win!)
See, I'm a sucker for complexity and motive, no matter if such is positive or negative. I also am a gleeful harlot for villainous side characters and want to pluck them up and shake them and figure out how they work. Explore what the game devs didn't give them and maybe make my own logic.
Now, while history has... theorised Cesare was syphilitic in his later years, we're going to go on the AC depiction and blame his bonkers bananas loose eggs on the Apple of Eden. (Though his rl death is fucking amazing, check it out sometime.)
At any rate, one must wonder what goes on in the mind of a man entirely willing to watch and enact and encourage such cruelties as claimed during his tenure. Whether done by himself, Micheletto, or Oliverotto (among others), Cesare is arguably not entirely an insane man. Er, at least by the definition he doesn't... whip out his jewels and yell 'pudding!'
Nor is he sane, pls do not come after my cabbages.
Do keep in mind, that Cesare Borgia is a man that watched his family and family allies systematically fall and die at the hands of Ezio Auditore when he was young. I believe around his first decade of life, if you match up timelines. So imagine this frothing, boiling hatred like Ezio held, just on the other side of the fence. (It has been a hot minute since I've played Brotherhood I admit, so if I am wrong, lemme know. XD)
Reginald Birch is admittedly, a favourite because of how I have developed him.
But I admit I was, once again, fascinated by a man that could sleuth his way into a family via excuse of wooing the daughter, then set up the murder of the father for a pamphlet (and only the father, I swear he could have avoided so much trouble if he just... lopped off the whole top) before conning the mother out of the son, and sending his previously established fiancé to Turkey on the worst vacation imaginable.
Before adopting said son as his.
This latter point is almost exclusively why I tend to go hog-wild with fanon and mark up Ubisoft's pretty lore with my own. I enjoy the thought of 'yearning for children resulting in extremely questionable life choices' not just being a woman thing. The fact it is is kinda weird to me.
Like okay. Sure, Dan. Let's basically slander a whole-ass gender and say that once they hit breeding age, they get a compulsive need to have goblins and will ruin others just to do so.
That, combined with influences of Isu artefacts and possible commands from on high, kinda snowball into making a greasy little man that remains greasy, while still being humanised (to a degree). Nothing in this world is black and white and I get thrills when you let me write a sort of warm relationship before stuff goes to shit.
Naturally as a result, Haytham Kenway gets an honourable mention.
31 - If I had an animus, who would I memory mine?
...I have absolutely no goddamn idea.
Maybe Mr. Rogers. I need to know how he kept his sanity and cool through the dumpster fire that was PBS.
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Soulmate September - Day 13
Day 13 - Everyone is born with a super power, but when soulmates are together their powers are nullified by each other.
Pairing(s): Romantic Intrulogical, Romantic Moceit, Romantic Prinxiety (background), Familial Anxceit
TWs: swearing, one mention of puking [nothing detailed], innuendo, Remus being Remus
Logic reigned at night in Newmind City.
Okay, that may not be entirely correct; the quicker the time sluggishly dragged itself towards 6 am, the faster the brain cell count dwindled. Stupider and stupider decisions were made edging the lines of the illegal and bordering on the disastrous. 
No, the Logic that owned the night came in the form of the superhero; Logic. 
The hero had to admit, it wasn’t the most extravagant name out there, he’d heard many more creative and intimidating names; the Sandman, Sweet Psyche, the Tempest Tongue, all of them household names by now, whether hero or villain. Logic wasn’t exactly a name that struck hearts much outside of NewMind City, but within the alleyways and dive bars, criminals lived in fear of his watchful patrols.
Harnessing the power of Order and Stability made Logic a formidable opponent. The effect on his physical balance allowed him to fight on any surface - even hundreds of feet off of the ground - with almost zero chance of falling. The way he could manipulate any situation into the perfect rube goldberg machine to aid his crusade was terrifying given the right situations. Only one villain dared provoke Logic at every turn; Deceit.
The Lord of the Lies. A Self-Proclaimed Subterfuge Specialist. 
Deceit seemed to live for one thing and one thing only; to destroy the city from the inside out. Logic would have admired the serpentine slanderer if not for his methods. Forcing politicians to spout the truth? Urging government officials to spill their true agendas against their will? Logic admired that kind of drive, but at the same time, this was a man who used lies as weapons. Deceit used them to hurt others whenever he so desired. 
Stalking across the edge of the Talyn Street apartment block, the hero could hear a commotion in the distance; by the sounds of it, at least three men were involved and by the sound of it, things had gotten ugly in a hurry. Logic took off along the edges of the nearest buildings and-
Wait. Something didn’t feel right.
The closer he got to the commotion, the less balanced he felt on his own two feet. Had he somehow exhausted himself? Impossible. He’d faced rather a quiet night until now. His thoughts were distracted long enough that he nearly slid right off of the edge of the building overlooking the alleyway in question. The scene that unfolded set Logic’s blood to a boil. 
Four men, not three. One held back by the largest thug in the group while the other two took turns brutalising the man, though he didn’t let out a single sound. Logic had to be careful; he couldn’t tell if his powers were acting up for sure, but just in case, he used the fire escape to stick to the shadows, to better observe the situation.
Despite the beating he was taking, the man being held back didn’t seem too worried. Logic found out exactly why when the man waited for the next brutal gut punch and used it to flip the larger man holding him onto his attacker. It was impressive to say the least. The final attacker still standing went to pull out a blade, evident by the flash of silver light that caught Logic’s eye, but thankfully, their victim was armed as well. 
The way the man twirled the butterfly knife in his hand so effortlessly was hypnotic, borderline erotic if Logic were to be so bold. Focus. You have a job to do. He leapt down from the fire escape with only a few inches between him and the attacker’s back. Before the assailant could do anything, Logic drove his elbow into the man’s temple, knocking him unconscious. Checking that he hadn't actually killed him, Logic took his pulse with relief before looking up towards the victim, 
“Are you unharmed-”
“That was so sexy.”, the man murmured.
“..... Come again?”
“Gimme a second.”
It took Logic that second and more to realise the innuendo. He annoyedly rolled his eyes and made sure his hair was neatly pushed back once again out of the way of his mask.
“Would you mind informing me of the situation, um..?”
“Remus.”, the man grinned. 
Logic wasn’t sure whether the grin reminded him more of a gassy shark or a seasick crocodile, but either way, he began to wonder if Remus wasn’t entirely innocent in this situation…
“Remus.”, Logan repeated, “Actually, I’ll need to ask you to assist me in escorting these charming gentlemen to the station-”
“That won’t be necessary. You’re too tired to move.”
The silky, venomous voice pierced through Logic before he could react. Dammit, he hadn’t anticipated these thugs would be working for Deceit. His movements were sluggish and just as he watched Remus hit the ground, Logic too felt the rough kiss of gravel before he was out like a light…
When Logic awoke, he felt rather like the Fresh Prince of Bel Air; everything was flipped, turned upside down.
Startled, he noted the boiling oil below him - typical of the villain’s over the top style - and the power suppressing cuffs keeping his hands secured behind his back. On the floor just to the left of him, he could make out the goons from earlier sat playing cards while Remus was tied to a chair a couple of feet away. Logic was thankful to see Remus had no new injuries though he was still out cold. The man may be a wretch but the hero really didn’t want to see harm come to him.
“Ah, you’re finally awake, my dear nemesis.”
Deceit’s voice trickled from the speakers in the room, sickly smooth and deadly, like honey laced with poison. Logic knew not to listen to it consciously, he’d made that mistake once before and it’d nearly cost him his life. He instead focused on struggling to get out of the situation he was in, but with his hands cuffed using suppressor cuffs, he was fighting an uphill battle. 
“Now, now, don’t exhaust yourself. I’ve been waiting for this day for a while now, I don’t want you too tired for the grand finale.”
The smugness dripping from every word even passively began to give Logic a headache. His attempts to escape were becoming more and more fruitless; the chain that held his legs in place also stopped him having his skin boiled right off the bone so being too unruly with them was out of the question. All he could do was hope that Remus would wake up and have some kind of ability that might help the both of them. 
Come to think of it, why had his powers suddenly stopped working as he’d approached? Perhaps one of Deceit’s thugs had been in possession of something made to counteract his abilities? No, that didn’t seem likely. Knowing the smug villain, Logic knew there was no way Deceit would let his cronies take charge of something that powerful and impressive. He was wrenched from his thoughts as Deceit’s message continued,
“I hope you’re prepared to-”
He stopped. There was a sound akin to rustling and clattering before Deceit’s voice came once more. From the muffled volume and the conversation, Logic guessed the idiot had forgotten to turn off the microphone.
“Pat, dearest?”
Another voice, probably the aforementioned Pat, spoke sweetly in response, 
“What, honey?“
“Where’s my villainous cape?”, came Deceit’s inquiry. Logic had to bite his tongue to refrain from laughing. Might as well enjoy the show while he thought of an escape plan.
“What???”, came Pat’s reply, a little closer now going by the acoustics.
“Where. Is. My. Villainous. Cape?!”
“Oh, I put it away!”
Logic was thoroughly enjoying the drama going down over the speakers, and so were Deceit’s henchmen who Logic spotted had stopped their rousing game of blackjack to instead get comfy and enjoy the show.
“Where did you put it?!”
“Why do you need to know, Jan!?”
Huh. This wasn’t how Logic figured he’d find out his arch nemesis’ name, but he wasn’t about to complain. What did strike urgency back into him was the progression of their conversation.
“Oh for the love of-! My plan to erase my nemesis is in danger!”
“Our EVENING is in danger!”, there was a soft sigh, “Look, Jan, we’ve had this reservation planned for months now! I’m gonna assume your nemesis is a little tied up at the moment,” , Logan rolled his eyes at such an awful pun, “So why don’t we just go enjoy our anniversary dinner and you can deal with him when you get back, alright?”
Horrifyingly, Deceit huffed a sigh, “I suppose it would be interesting to keep him suspended for a while, let the terror sink in. Good thinking, my love.” The sound of a light kiss and a chuckle could’ve made Logic lose his lunch. Or perhaps it was the idea of being held upside down for so long..
 “Alright, Pat, if we hurry, parking shouldn’t be too awful...”
The intercom went quiet and now Logic could truly let the situation sink in; he’d have to remain suspended over boiling oil, watched by Deceit’s cronies, unable to save himself or-
He’d almost forgotten about the odd gentleman. He turned to see him-
Oh, are you kidding me.
Remus was still out cold. How. How in the HELL could one man be asleep for so long?!
Logic didn’t like the idea, but he had little choice. Inhaling, he began to yell, “WAKE UP-” when something hard impacted his cheek. The blow sent his glasses hurtling onto the ground - thankfully missing the boiling oil at least - and breaking apart on impact. Dammit. 
“Keep your mouth shut, Zero!”, one of the thugs chided, earning snickers from the other two and inciting them to join in on the jeering and insult hurling. Logic was just thankful that whatever had been thrown - he suspected a mug by the feel of it - must have been the single dispensable item at hand considering nothing else was thrown other than attempts at insults. The hero had no idea what was worse; the idea of dying from heart failure with the blood rushing to his head, or dying of sheer embarrassment knowing it’d happen while having to listen to these ignoramuses try to genuinely roast him.
Logic could already feel unconsciousness taking hold of him when the first thug began screaming. It took the last of his strength to turn towards the cacophonous cries of terror, but his vision was so blurred without his glasses, all Logic could see before he passed out were a pair of glowing green eyes and a whirlwind of obsidian tendrils.
When Logic awoke, the first thing he noticed was the cold breeze settling into his skin through his suit. Opening his eyes, the hero still couldn’t see clearly, but as he squinted, he began to make out stars and clouds. Shit, how long was he out?
“Wakey wakey, princess! You had me thinking you’d gone and died on me there!”, came Remus’ already unmistakable voice. Logic sat up, still reeling as he saw Remus approach him, getting clearer the closer he came until he was knelt down beside the hero.
“Here,”, Remus placed Logan’s broken glasses in his hand, “Sorry I couldn’t fix ‘em, it’s not exactly my expertise.”
Logic had so many questions already; how had they survived?! What had Remus done back at Deceit’s lair before he’d passed out?! Why did he still find it hard to use his powers even now he was free of the cuffs?! The hero frowned as his powers refused to work on his glasses. Remus - seemingly uncaring about Logic’s lack of a response - watched him attempt to work before he caught himself.
“Ah, wait. Lemme back up.”
The hero was confused as Remus backed away a good couple of feet from him on what Logic now recognised as the rooftop of the Crofter’s Hotel. He was about to ask for an explanation when he realised his powers were slowly coming back, reslotting the glass into the frames and straightening out the bridge and legs of the glasses. Order maintained once more, Logic donned the glasses, thankful for his vision stabilising. 
“Thank you, Remus.”, Logic went to stand up, but he still felt lightheaded. Thankfully, Remus saved him from toppling over, catching him at the waist and helping him carefully sit back down.
“Careful, Specs. I don’t want my soulmate hurting himself-”
“Apologies, your what?!“
Logic was stunned to say the least; Remus had just thrown that out there like it was any old fact.
“Soulmate. Y’know, your cosmic companion, your destiny dictated darling, your fatemate!”, Remus listed excitedly, “You know all about it right? When you meet-”
“- your superpower is nullified around that person, yes, I am aware.”
Logic wasn’t sure what to think; he’d never paid much thought to his soulmate, in truth, he preferred to think of his work as his soulmate. Not that he didn’t like the idea of meeting the man the universe decided was his perfect match. Nor did Logic mind that the man was rather handsome in the mysterious cryptid kind of way. Logic gestured for Remus to sit with him and extended his hand to Remus for shaking, 
“Logan Berrie.”, Logan offered, trying to settle back into his civilian mindset.
“Pie.”, Remus responded, low-fiving Logan’s hand.
“....We’re not playing a word association game?”
“.... I was providing you with my name, Remus.”
Remus grinned, “Wait, that’s your name?! That’s-”
“Ridiculous, I am well aware.”, Logan scowled, “I did go to school after all-” 
“I was gonna say that’s awesome but whatever!”
Logan did poorly to hide his surprise as Remus laid back like he could fall asleep, “So Logan, how’d you fall in with ol’ Snake Face himself?”
Logan rolled his eyes, still propped up on his hands, “The same way all heroes are presented with their arch nemesis; he and I crossed paths and unfortunately, while we share some values, we have vastly differing opinions on how society’s problems should be fixed.”. He glanced over at Remus, fidgeting idly with the corner of the beat up long coat his soulmate wore. 
“What was your transgression?”
Remus squinted at Logan for a second, “I’m cis.”
“... No. Transgression. What was it you did that made my nemesis target you? I noticed you addressed him by a rather flattering nickname earlier, so I assume you know of him personally.” 
“Oooh.”, Remus grinned, snickering at just the memory of it, “I may or may not have pissed off his little brother.”
Well, that had Logan’s attention immediately. The hero lay on his side next to Remus, propping his head up on his hand, ready for the juicy details. He may have thought himself above gossip, but that didn’t mean Logan didn’t enjoy a good old tea party.
“How so?”
With a grin Logan was sure should’ve split his soulmate’s face in half, Remus proudly elaborated, “Well he and my twin brother were dating, and they had a bunch of friends and family all gathered for some bullshit, and my brother wants me to say something - a terrible decision, really - and I’m there kinda caught for what to say. So I’m having to think on the fly.”
“So, what did you do?”, Logan inquired, clearly getting sucked into the plot unfolding.
“I just said the first thing that popped into my head!”
Logan rolled his eyes once more, but there was a fondness to it this time. “Which was?”
Remus proudly cleared his throat, bringing a hand up to clasp an imaginary microphone, reciting perfectly from memory,
“To the seventeen people in this room that all wished they’d taken my brother’s virginity first, just remember this is the guy who got blackout drunk, cried because he couldn’t afford chicken nuggets, and scared a birthday party of kids when he puked up behind Chuck E Cheese’s back in college!”
The snort of laughter Logan let out was disgustingly ugly. He clapped his free hand over his mouth despite his giggling soulmate’s attempt to swat the hand away. Logan finally gathered himself,
“That’s amazing, oh my goodness.”
Remus excitedly beamed, “Ten tittied Christ, thank you!”
What a visual.
He continued to rant, “I knew it was funny! But nooooo! It was all “that's not an appropriate story, Remus”, or “How could you say that right now?!”! They were the ones who wanted me to ad lib a last minute speech! So what if I said it in front of hundreds of people at their wedding-?!”
Logan couldn’t help it, the bellowing laughter that tore out of him was too much to contain. When was the last time he’d laughed so heartily? Logan wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure when Remus joined in with his laughter, but by the time they were done, Logan had laid down next to his soulmate to stare up at the stars. Then a thought hit him,
“Wait, you said your brother and Deceit’s brother are married, correct? Making you and Deceit brother-in-laws? ”
Remus nodded, “Yep.”
“And you’re not on his side, but are-?”
“Nah,”, Remus predicted with a head shake, “Ditz-ney Prince and TT are both heroes, so there won’t be much of a problem with us being a thing. If that’s what you were worried about.”
Logan nodded, though his frown continued into his query, “Ditz-ney Prince and TT are… interesting hero names...”
Remus rolled his eyes as if it was obvious, “Nah, those are nicknames. My brother’s The Prince over in Sanders Town a couple miles out from here, and you probably know the Tempest Tongue-”
“I’m sorry, your brother is married to THE Tempest Tongue?!”, Logan interrupted, though he shot Remus an apologetic look for his outburst. His soulmate chuckled, “Sounds like someone’s a bit of a fanboy.”
“No, no,”, Logan assured him, frowning despite his obvious embarrassment, “Nothing so childish, I merely admire his work-”
“You think he’s hot-”
“I said no such thing-”
“You didn’t deny it either.”
Remus had him there. Logan punched him in the arm playfully and, as if to prove a point, shuffled closer until he was almost laying on Remus. There was a question on Logan’s mind still, and he finally verbalised it as his gaze fell back onto his soulmate,
“Might I ask, how did we escape? I hate to admit it, but I was passed out for the entirety of your rescue.”
“No shit, who do you think had to carry you?”  Remus teased, “I just used my power, wanna see? It’s super fucked up-!”
“No. I mean, I would like to at some point, but I would rather we stay like this. For a little while.”
It felt like his cheeks were on fire, and the sweet smile Remus shot his way had Logan’s heart racing. 
“Sure thing, Specs!”, he slid his hand along Logan’s arm and softly let it card through his dark hair, “And how about after we’re done here we go mess with Snake Face? ”
Logan grinned back at him; why shouldn’t they have a little fun after all?
“What did you have in mind?...”
This was fun! 
I haven’t written many hero fics before so I hope this is okay!
A big thanks to my friends in the discord for helping with this one when I had a writers block moment.
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account   @cateye-glasses   @fandomsofrandom
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Daddy Issues
Genre: Drama, Crack, Fluff, NSFW
Warning: Swearing
Iwazumi x Reader
Accusations| The Press Conference
The Press Conference
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Stepping out of the car, Y/N followed as the security team ushered her inside the building. Pulling her shades off and her mask down, she let out a huff as she looked around to see all the Press sitting with their backs facing her. Making her way to the back of the stage she tackled Osamu as soon as she saw him.
“How are you holding up sweetie?” he asked stroking her cheek softly. “I’m fine Samu, really Tsukishima is trash and I’d just like to say my side and leave.” she grinned snuggling closely. Placing a kiss on her forehead he moved around her to greet the press behind the screen. Kuroo stepped up to Y/N eyes squinted in suspicion. “Whatever it is you’re going to do, don’t tell me about it. All I know is that you’re going to be getting on a plane and that’s all I need to know.” he murmured pulling her into a hug. “I’ll join you when I can, but for now you and Kenma take care of each other.” He whispered kissing her cheek softly before releasing her and joining Osamu on the other side. 
Minutes later Y/N hear Ushijima speaking and stood up. Feeling a hand squeeze her shoulder she turned around to see who it was. Luckily it was Kenma. “Do this and as soon as it’s done we’ll leave.” he mumbled pulling her into a hug and giving a good squeeze. Inhaling a breath, Y/N exhaled loudly as she heard her name being called forward.
On the other side of they city a house of men sat in front of the TV waiting to watch the press conference. Tooru, aware of Y/N’s plan had opted to stay home in order to utilize plausible deniability when Ushijima found out what she was going to do. He knew that Y/N made sure to buy him the biggest fruit basket she could get her hands on.
Next to him Iwazumi scrolled through his phone, eyes flitting over articles and ignoring the incoming texts from Himiko. With a loud ‘shhh’ next to him, Iwazumi turned towards the tv to watch the press conference.
*Television Viewing*
Y/N: “Good Evening everyone and thank you for taking the time to be here. I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to my side of the allegations against me.” she stated smiling sweetly. Something about that smile made Iwa put his phone down and completely absorb himself in the press conference. There was almost something feral in that smile, like she had something planned.
Reporter 1: “Ms. L/N are ANY of those allegations true?” one of the reporters asked. She seemed to be shaking as she held the recorder close to the stand. He watched in silent awe as she stepped forward to cup the reporters hand and steady it.
Y/N: “What is true, is the fact that Tsukishima-san and I did have a sexual relationship previously. What isn’t true are the things he said about me wanting to be in a romantic relationship with him.” she declared confidently arms crossed. 
Reporter 2: “Then what really happened? What’s your side of the story?” The second reporter asked. Iwa leaned in close wanting to hear the words fall from what looked like soft lips. Tooru next to him caught his friends movements and smirked. The next 6 months were going to be fun for him.
Y/N: “We made the agreement that we would strike up a strictly sexual relationship. It can be hard to find a partner with the jobs we had. Things were fine in the beginning...but he started getting possessive and jealous when I would go to premiers or parties with my friends. Friends mind you, that I’ve known since before I became a model.” she stated nodding at another raised hand.
Reporter 3: “Then why the lie?” They asked tapping their pen against their note pad. “Why go through all the trouble of making up the lie?”
Y/N:  “We had gotten into an argument at the end of an event that I had attended with my best friend Kenma Kozume. Someone at the event overheard what our argument was about and immediately went to TTT to gossip about it. The only logical explanation I can think of is that Tsukishima-san wanted to save face. He...doesn’t go for women like me and he didn’t ever want to be seen in public with me, but he can’t control my actions or who I spend time with. He’s not my boyfriend after all.” she declared winking into the camera.
Reporter 1: “So what will you do if he doesn’t retract the statement?” Iwazumi watched as the soft smile she had turned into a full blown grin. He didn’t miss the way Tooru clenched his arm next to him. He nudged him slightly in question, but all Tooru did was shake his head and point towards the TV.
Y/N:  “Funny you should ask, because I know he isn’t going to retract his statement. He wants to save face.” she stated shrugging her shoulders. “And that’s fine, but I don’t take to well to people slandering me for something I didn’t do.” she stated grinning now. 
And Iwazumi watched, as Y/N waved her hand and a whole bunch of papers fell from the ceiling like confetti onto the press below. Next to him Oikawa was cackling like a mad woman as Atsumu hit him. “What the hell are all those papers?!” he asked trying to get Tooru to stop laughing. Between giggles, Tooru spoke; “They’re copies of the texts he sent! The ones talking about how he couldn’t be seen in public with her.” Tooru was wheezing now. “And...and pictures of his dick!” and this point the other men in the living room lost all semblance of control and laughed as well.
And all Hajime could do was shake his head. Who the fuck was Y/N and where did she get the balls to do something like that? He thought as he chuckled softly.
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-Y/N got Tsukishima’s ASS for trying to lie on her. Nu Uh. Girl DO NOT PLAY. 
-After deciding to out him entirely, she and Kenma agreed that a break out of Japan would be good for her, so they’re on the way to America for the next 6 months. It’ll be good for her to step away for a bit.
-Iwazumi spent the rest of the night thinking about Y/N. He even internet searched her and found out literally everything he could find. Mans is now an official #YNSTAN
-Ushijima was not pleased with what Y/N did, but as her friend he was impressed with her level of petty. Osamu and Kuroo couldn’t even be mad about it. Her happiness came above all else. 
-Tsukishima on the other hand is PISSED. Every platform talked about his dick for weeks. LMAO.
@dabilove27  @lia-faerie-queen @bbymilkbread@elianetsantana​
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lizallanapologist · 4 years
The problematic behavior of Tomdaya stans; a thread
Some of you might not be aware of the stalkerish problematic stuff tomdaya stans have done with Tom and Zendaya’s life but it’s gotten to the point where Tom’s own brothers protect with big scrutiny every single female in Tom’s life because they fear they’re going to get bullied or harassed. This is not OK and this has to stop so we’re exposing their toxic behavior. 
This is only to bring awareness and we do not condom any hate or death threats, don’t send hate to tomdaya accounts, either block them or report them but don’t bully them. Many of them might need professional help dealing with the fact that Tom and Z are not together due to the fact that they created an illusion in their heads for a long time but that doesn’t mean some of them aren’t plenty manipulative and love to get away with bullying and harassment. 
If you don’t know, Tom was recently seen with another woman on his instagram, not going to say the name and please don’t try to find out about her, the relevant information is in this post and all of the private information regarding her is being protected for the same reasons. Many stans decided to apply the same treatment to her as they did to Olivia. If you don’t know what happened last year, all information is here. The fact that this kind of bullying and harassment got overlooked is horrifying. 
This specific behavior doesn’t apply to all of the stans but the vast majority is on the same page. 
A big thanks to all the blogs who contributed with information and their writing in this post.
1. Tomdaya stans have made an entire thread/timeline of events in Tom and Zendaya's life that they manipulated so it can be seen as proof of them dating. They stalk every single part of their lives, from paying stalkerish apps to review their instagram activities daily to having a constant GPS to know their exact locations everyday. They ask twitter accs, owners of restaurants/stores, people close to them information about their whereabouts/the things they buy or eat/who they were with, etc.
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They order their ‘’interactions’’ with specific dates and they even know information you shouldn’t know about them. 
They pay for apps that helps them stalk their every move. That’s right, they take every like as proof of them being together. 
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They hide behind the pretext that they're celebrities and this is what they've signed up for but neither Tom nor Zendaya have signed up for constant daily harassment of their partners in life. 
Tom was seen last year with a blonde girl called Olivia, everyone speculated that was his girlfriend and that was something everyone should’ve respected since it’s Tom’s life and he’s in control of it, instead, many fans including Tom H. crazy fans and tomdaya stans, decided to stalk and harass Olivia to the point she had to make her account private. They started bullying her by publicly calling her names like ‘’Olive Oil’’, ‘’Ugly old woman’’, ‘’Ugly fake bitch’’ among other names. They continuously compare her with Zendaya and write on her friends and family members’ social media and ask them to tell Olivia nasty things. You really think this is ok? 
Same is happening with the girl Tom was seen with. Tom’s own brothers asked several people to take down and delete the video because they were disrupting her privacy. Many stans didn’t care and started all over again harassing the girl. (I’m not posting images or the identity of this new girl in hopes that this helps maintain a little big of privacy for her.) 
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However here are some examples of them harassing Olivia:
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’’I saw a troubling post on twitter about this fan dming another fan saying that they’d kill her (Olivia). That they’d find a way. So that “the fans can have him all to ourselves” - source
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Tomdaya stans and some Tom Holland crazy stans love to harass Tom Holland to the point that they tag family members and friends only because he decided to go out in public with Olivia. They call him cheater, manipulator, a dumbass, made fun of him because Tom is dyslexic calling him an illiterate, mocked him and tried to cancel him in every opportunity given by manipulating everyone into thinking some of these ‘’facts’’ are true. 
Many fans don’t know better and go to social media to frame Tom as a scumbag because many tomdaya stans have convinced the public of this.
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This same issue occurs with Zendaya. Her known boyfriend; Jacob Elordi, is frequently called a cheater and is being investigated every five seconds on every social media, candid, interaction ever. Many fans are already calling him cheater, telling everyone Zendaya’s changed her behavior thanks to Jacob and that she needs help. 
The definition of cyberbullying according to Stopbullying.gov:
“Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior. “
Examples of cyberbullying on Tumblr from good ole Toutdesuite360:
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Making fun of Jacob Elordi’s wealth… but that isn’t that only thing that the Tomdaya stans have done.
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She basically implied that Olivia looked like an elderly lady, and she permitted her followers to humiliate her.
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Funny, that a middle aged woman who has never revealed her face on her blog is bullying a young woman.
(She may have deleted the link to save her a** on the post with the Cher pictures, but thankfully @crazypeopleonfandom​ took screenshots of this post; I got most of my photos from them)
The next aren’t pertaining to the ‘innocent’ Toutdesuite360, just some random jerks from Twitter/Instagram. If you have the time, you can read through them.
See the pictures above and below for reference.
Labelling Zendya, Jacob E., Tom, and Olivia as cheaters, when there was no confirmed relationship between Tom and Z, and Jacob broke up with Cari already is plain disrespectful. These are type of claims are considered slander, and I’m surprised that the people who own these accounts haven’t been rightfully sued.
And remember when I talked about the repetition of people tagging Tom and Z’s family for their ‘thoughts’? Why are you tagging Nikki in your post?
Calling Olivia, once again, a vulgar word that shouldn’t be used for any woman.
This person and many other tomdayas are harassing Zendaya and Tom by tagging them repeatedly. Now we know why Tom stopped using Twitter, and why he may be taking breaks from social media.
And, as pointed out in another point on the thread: Tom has dyslexia! I easily ignore the posts that tease him about his lips, but when it comes to his disability, that crosses the line. It is unacceptable to bully someone just because your fantasy relationship doesn’t seem so real now.
Before I finish this point, I just want to remind people that celebrities are humans too. Everyone has feelings, and even if they haven’t seen these posts, it is still harmful to post this kind of information on your account. Fans who are young (or naive) may see these posts, thus making them believe that Tom actually cheated on Z, and that Z is really with Jacob as ‘payback’ to Tom. Bullying is still an ongoing issue, and maybe you should stop harassing/humiliating people on your platform.
Olivia, Tom and his family, friends, Zendaya, Jacob Elordi, etc. They were sent death threats as a result of a fictional ship. This is truly upsetting and we’ve shown some proof of that above and it’s truly sickening how many of them really want to attack Olivia in public only because of a few photographs. 
While we don’t know anything for sure, we need to trust and respect what Tom and Zendaya have said several times: they were never together and they were just friends. This is a topic that makes them feel uncomfortable and tomdaya stans decide to twist their words every time they want to clarify the situation, saying they’re hiding their relationship and that they’ve been hiding it for over 3 years. 
Stop believing everything SpideyParker on YouTube says, that person desperately wants them together so they’ll do anything in their power to make it seem like that they’re ’’still together’’. All of their evidence is also nothing but scraps. I can also make a video cropping out certain individuals from the frame to make it look like Tom is with someone or I can also investigate every tiny detail to a borderline degree to make it seem like Zendaya is dating someone. It’s really easy to manipulate the truth, so don’t fall for these things so easily. Check with the real sources, Tom and Zendaya. Trust and respect what they say it’s not your job to investigate and figure their lives out.
Their evidence of the relationship is ridiculous, stuff like them wearing the same clothes,
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because obviously there’s no way this jacket is in any random store in the world...This is a unique jacket, made by Tom and Z specifically...And it’s not even the same jacket. If we’re going by their logic, then
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More, more, more and more.
Robert Downey Jr. and Tom have been in a relationship for a long time...
Angourie, Remy and Tom wearing the same jacket.
I have no idea what’s going on with the freaking necklace you swear with blood that Zendaya gave him but that’s hardly something special:
Matching necklace with Olivia.
Avengers necklace.
He likes necklaces, nothing special here.
'’Tom only goes to Zendaya’s home, and only goes out with her!’’
Tom Holland went to RDJ's house to watch Black Panther with him.
Tom and RDJ facetime daily.
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Obviously, his only friend is Zendaya...
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Look at him and Zendaya there, wow.
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‘‘Tom looks at her with heart eyes and in a very special way!’‘
Excuse me, what is he supposed to do? Ignore Zendaya and look somewhere else every time she talks?  
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He literally looks at everyone the same way.
‘‘He only does Spider-Man because he wants to be the Peter Parker to his Mary Jane, one of the most romantic comic book couples!’‘
I can’t believe I once read this as proof but I haven’t forgotten about it.
Interview with Tom and Laura:
“Is Zendaya’s character Mary Jane Watson?’’
Tom Holland: “No, no! This is one of those rumours, that like, we’ve all said it’s not true.
Laura Harrier: It’s not true!
Tom Holland: Like, we keep on… You guys keep building yourselves up for disappointment.
Laura Harrier: Unless we don’t know how this started? Because you guys are gonna see this movie and be like “…Ugh.” She’s Michelle!
Tom Holland: She’s a character called Michelle.
Laura Harrier: She’s playing Michelle.
Tom Holland: 100%. Hands down. Her character’s called Michelle. And she’s sort of this weird, quirky one in the friendship group that Peter has. She’s funny, but she’s super strange.
Laura Harrier: Yeah, super dry humour.
Tom Holland: She’s 100% not Mary Jane. It’s funny, everyone’s like “Is she Mary Jane?” and I’m like NO, I’M TELLING YOU! SHE’S NOT MARY JANE!
‘‘He did the Will Smith thing with her, he loves her!’‘
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‘’He only ever talks about her! He only praises her!’’
Angourie Rice.
Robert Downey Jr, 2, 3
Laura Harrier, 2
Elizabeth Olsen.
Jacob Batalon.
Chris Hemsworth.
Jake Gyllenhaal.
And the list goes on and on.
‘‘He always goes to her special events only! He only goes to her parties! He only goes to hospitals with her! He was on the set of Euphoria with her!’‘
How about, he goes out with her and everyone else in group and individually? He goes out with Harrison alone, with Jacob alone, with Laura alone, etc. I love how many of them love to leave out certain people to make everyone believe it’s only the two of them. And he doesn’t only goes to hospitals with her, he’s gone with many other people and he does it because he’s a good person, not because he’s on a date with Zendaya. 
Tom AND Jacob visit Zendaya on the set of the Greatest Showman.
Tom and friends celebrating Harrison’s birthday party.
Tom on a double date.
Tom going to Joe Russo’s restaurant to get an exclusive cooking lesson from Jessica Largey.
Tom on birthday parties.
Tom, Laura, Harrison and Harry out for dinner in Brazil.
Tom, Brie Larson, Tessa Thompson, and Zachary Levi in a club in Brazil.
Tom, Laura, Jacob, Harrison in a pool party.
RDJ & Tom Holland visit Jon’s restaurant and participate on his show.
Tom Holland visits Doctor Strange’s set.
Tom Holland, Ciara Bravo, Joe Russo visit haunted attraction.
He’s a good person and loves supporting his friends.
‘‘He only has chemistry with her!’‘
Tom and RDJ’s extraordinary chemistry.
Tom and Jake’s chemistry.
Tom and Jacob’s chemistry.
Tom and Laura’s chemistry.
Tom and Daisy’s chemistry.
Tom and Chris Pratt’s chemistry.
Also Will Smith, Chris Hemsworth, etc. 
Look below for Ciara and Tom’s chemistry.
Like I said before, maybe he’s a good actor and that’s it? 
‘‘Their FFH kiss was too real and magical!’‘
Spoiler alert for Cherry
Fan about witnessing Tom’s kiss with Ciara Bravo:
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His reaction about kissing Laura Harrier:
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‘‘He LOVES touching her’‘
I’m sorry, is he supposed to be scared of touching people?
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This is it. This is the big touch they always talk about and the only times they’ve ever held hands is in manips or in FFH, but that doesn’t count, those are fictional characters. Well...
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Maybe he’s a touchy person. Consider that.
’’She’s the only one that knows him well!’’
How well do Zendaya, Jacob, & Laura know Tom?
I’m sure Harrison, RDJ, his friends and others know him pretty well too. 
And only because he knows she likes ice cream doesn't mean she’s his ultimate soulmate or something blown out of proportion.
‘‘He’s only a gentleman with her!’‘
Tom saves Gina Rodriguez
Tom rescues fan
Karen Gillan
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‘‘He looked way too in love with MJ to be fake’‘
Nope 2
Nope 3
It’s called acting, pretty sure you guys know by now he’s good.
‘’They’re inseparable!’‘
Jacob, Tom and Harrison 
Also, why is it that every female in his life is his cousin, aunt, close childhood friend or ‘’he probably hates her’’ for you? 
They’ve said this multiple times but:
In an interview with Elle, Tom said he is not involved with anyone at the moment but is "definitely a relationship person." And when addressing the rumors, he says it’s uncomfortable and annoying when people ship him and Zendaya together. 
Zendaya also denied the claims, telling Variety Magazine that she and Tom were simply ‘just friends’. 
You can ship them if you want, as a bromance or cute chemistry, but not at the expense of someone else. Not when you violate their privacy, their lives and specially not when you bully, harass and stalk every detail of their lives.
Zendaya is clearly very happy with Jacob Elordi:
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Let her have that. No, she doesn’t look miserable with him, no, he didn’t change her style or her personality. No, she doesn’t dress differently because of him. She is the same as always, she looks even happier. Let her be. This is good for her. She has every right to go out in public with her boyfriend. And for the love of god, stop commenting on her instagram posts ‘’warning’’ her that Jacob is going to cheat on her. Hopefully that won’t happen ever. 
And no, they’re not going to magically ’’get back together’’ when Spider-Man 3 starts filming, stop wishing bad luck on Zendaya and Jacob’s relationship. Tom is not going to magically realize how ‘’wrong’’ he was for ‘’leaving’’ Zendaya. He never left her, he’s her friend. 
All of this have gotten to the point where Tom can’t have a friendship with a female and he has to ‘’protect’’ them every time he wants to interact with them. Do you guys seriously think this is ok? Are you really a fan of his if this is how you want him to live? Controlling him all the time? 
Do you realize how wrong and unfair it is for the other partner every time you comment in every single picture on instagram, twitter, etc about how ‘’cute’’ Tom and Zendaya are? About how ‘’ugly’’ Olivia is? How about when you compare Zendaya and Olivia, or every single female in Tom’s life? Or when you comment on Zendaya’s instagram telling her she is different now and that you don’t like her now because she’s changed for Jacob? Telling her that Jacob is going to cheat on her? Stop sending death threats to the partners, stop tagging their families in your ‘’evidence/proof’’ posts/tweets. Just because they don’t voice these things doesn’t mean they don’t read them. 
Being sincere, if you all, as a collective; really, genuinely cared about Tom, this is the last thing you would wanna pull. In your endless obsession with thinking you have a right to dictate the life of a man simply because he's famous; actually stopped once to consider how this is possibly making Tom and Zendaya feel?? You are basically sending the message that nobody is enough, that him being happy isn't enough, that he won't ever be allowed to be happy until he gets with the person YOU think is best for him. Fucking abhorrent, how they don't have a choice on who they choose to fucking love. This is how you make a celebrity jaded. THIS is how you make a celebrity hate you. And he will, unless you stop your bullshit, and treat him; and whoever he decides to be with, like human beings.
When you focus only on two people it’s easy to believe anything, try and see the bigger picture. Allow Zendaya and Tom to enjoy their lives without harassing them and their partners.
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worryinglyinnocent · 4 years
The Real Housewives of Storybrooke (15/?)
A fic based on this premise here, following the lives of Storybrooke’s elite wives, with all the scandal, bitching and backstabbing that goes on behind the scenes of high society…
This verse is open for prompts!
[One] [Two] [Three] [Four] [Five] [Six] [Seven] [Eight] [Nine] [Ten] [Eleven] [Twelve] [Thirteen] [Fourteen] [AO3]
It was much later than Mary Margaret anticipated when she arrived home. Going back to work full time had not been her intention, putting in overtime had been her intention even less, but the Storybrooke project seemed to be taking up all of her time and attention now.
Still, she was determined not to bring any work home with her anymore, so that once she got back into her house, that was it, she could leave all of her workplace struggles at the door and enjoy time with her family. 
David had opened the door once he heard her pull up in the driveway, and he greeted her with a kiss as she came in. 
“Neal’s already down,” he said. “It took me ages to get him off to sleep though, I think he missed you.”
Mary Margaret grimaced. “Yeah, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to take so long, it was Sidney’s fault. He cornered me in the elevator.”
“It’s ok. Sorry if that came out as a passive-aggressive accusation, it wasn’t meant to be. I think it’s great that you’re doing this and you’re coming back into your own again.”
“I know.” Mary Margaret kicked off her shoes and dumped her bag in the hall closet, quite happy if she never saw it again. “I swear when I went back to work after Emma was born, it wasn’t like this. Everything seems turned up to eleven this time.”
“Probably because you’re more emotionally invested in it,” David pointed out. “You said yourself when you went back the first time that it didn’t really feel like work, just sitting in an office reading things and hiding from Sidney. Now you’re taking on the brunt of the decisions yourself, and of course that’s going to be exhausting.”
“I guess you’re right. Where’s Emma?”
“In her room. I have no idea what she’s doing in there, I thought it best to leave her to her own devices.”
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. “Did you save me dinner?”
“Of course, it’s in the oven. I’ll go and get it for you.”
Mary Margaret kissed him again. “You are a wonderful husband.”
She made her way up the stairs, looking into Neal’s darkened room and making out his soft features sleeping peacefully. She kissed her fingertips and touched them to his cheek, but he didn’t stir, out like a light and contented in his slumber. At the other end of the landing, Emma’s door was ajar, and she knocked. 
“Come in.” 
“Hey Em.”
“Hey Mom.” Emma was sitting on her bed with her earphones on, staring at the wall. She looked over at Mary Margaret as she poked her head around the door.
“Is the wall particularly interesting?”
Emma shook her head and switched off her music. “No. I was just thinking.”
“Ok. Anything you want to share?”
“No. Yes. Oh, I don’t know.”
Mary Margaret came into the room fully and sat down on the bed beside Emma. 
“You know that you can tell me anything, right?”
“Yeah.” Emma sighed. “I think I like Bae. I mean, like like. As more than a friend, you know.”
“Oh.” Mary Margaret had been wondering about the direction of Emma and Bae’s friendship for a while and the confession did not exactly startle her in that sense, but since Emma had shown no signs of admitting to any feelings of the sort for so long, it came a little out of the left field. “Well, that’s ok.”
“Really?” Emma looked at her mother and raised an eyebrow. “You’re not going to lock me in my room and not let me out until I’m twenty-three?”
“Why would I do that? You’re a teenager, not a nun.”
“Yeah, but aren’t I at the age where boys are the devil?”
“Well…” Mary Margaret sighed. Her brain was too tired to be having this conversation without prior planning and without discussing it with David. “I mean, it would be a poor show of trust in you if I did lock you up for the next nine years.”
“So, you wouldn’t be mad if Bae and I started dating? Well, assuming he feels the same way, of course, which I don’t know yet.”
“Would I be mad if you and Bae continue doing all the things you’ve been doing as friends for the last I don’t know how many years, but do them as boyfriend and girlfriend instead? No, not really, it would be absolutely stupid to say that you can no longer do those things because your feelings towards Bae have intensified. As long as you’re back home by your curfew. I trust you, and I trust Bae, and I trust Mr and Mrs Gold.”
Emma smiled. “Thanks Mom.”
“Any time. Are you going to stop staring at the wall now?”
“Yeah, I guess.” She sighed. “I should probably talk to Bae about the whole thing, shouldn’t I?”
“Well, you’re never going to get to the bottom of whether or not he reciprocates your feelings if you don’t, but I’m sure that can wait until morning.”
Emma laughed, and Mary Margaret, satisfied that crisis had been averted for the most part, got up and went back downstairs. She couldn’t believe that her daughter was now at the age where boys were on the radar. It seemed only two minutes since she first held her. Hopefully, the time with Neal wouldn’t go as quickly.
Everything was set ready for the gala and Regina looked around the ballroom with a satisfied smile, hands on her hips. The final stepladders were being hurried out of the room and she just needed to do the final tweaks to the tablecloths to make sure that everything was looking absolutely perfect. Everything was going to be absolutely perfect. She’d got through her last party without anyone causing a scene, and she was determined that no one was going to cause a scene at this one, either. 
“Well, I must say that this is all looking very fancy.”
Regina rolled her eyes. What was it about her sister and turning up just before major events like a harbinger of doom? She turned on her heel to smile politely as Zelena came into the ballroom. 
“Zelena. What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be getting your glad rags on ready for the party?”
Zelena waved the question away. “Oh, there’s plenty of time for that.” Knowing how long Zelena normally took to get ready for various events, Regina wasn’t so sure, but she said nothing. With any luck, Zelena would spend so much time getting ready that she missed the party entirely. 
“If you’ve come with scurrilous gossip, Zelena, I don’t have time for it. Save it for later when everyone’s drunk and no-one will believe you.”
“It’s not scurrilous gossip.” Zelena seemed affronted at the suggestion. “It’s vital news.”
“Save it. I don’t want to hear about it. You seem to be making a habit of arriving just before I’m about to host an event and telling me stories about my friends.”
“But it’s important!” Zelena whined. “You need to know these things!”
“Why, Zelena? For the love of God, why? What happened to ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?’”
“I’m just trying to help!”
“By doing what? Airing my friends’ dirty laundry in public?”
Zelena gave an emphatic sniff. “Mother always appreciates it when I bring her news.”
“Yes, I’m beginning to doubt that you two aren’t actually related by blood.” Regina sighed. “Look, Zelena, what are you hoping to achieve by being the town’s gossip-monger? No-one’s going to thank you for it.”
“Some people might. It doesn’t do to have secrets you know. The sooner things come to light then the sooner everything can be made right in the world again.”
Regina rubbed her forehead. “I… No, logic deserted me. And you, from the sounds of it, but then again, that’s not really anything new, you’ve been like this since we were kids. People have the right to private lives, Zelena. How would you feel if someone started splashing all your innermost secrets around the town?”
“I have always been very careful not to have any sordid secrets,” Zelena said primly. Regina looked at her flatly. 
“Everyone has secrets, Zelena. Everyone has things that they don’t want other people to know about them. No one is an entirely open book and you’re foolish to think that you are one and you’re immune from the kind of salacious slander that you’re heaping on the rest of the town.”
“It’s hardly slander if it’s true. Still, I can see that my advice isn’t wanted, so I’ll leave now.”
“Yes, please do, because the longer I stand here arguing with you, the more wine I’m going to need to get over the experience. I daresay that I’ll see you here at the gala, same time, same place, and there’ll be hundreds more people completely uninterested in what you have to say.”
“On the contrary. I think that there will be certain people who will be extremely interested in what I have to say.”
Zelena swept out of the room and Regina sat down heavily on a chair beside the buffet table with a groan. She had the distinct impression that she had just made everything ten times worse by refusing to give an ear to the latest gossip, but she hoped that she could perform damage limitation tomorrow.
It was so unfair. Why did she have to run around cleaning up after Zelena all the time? Why was she the one who had to mitigate all the stupid things that her sister did and said? Why couldn’t Zelena just reap the consequences of what she did?
Sometimes it felt like she was fighting a losing battle against her sister’s viciousness and she had no idea what she could do to stop herself from caring so much, because the truth was that there were some people in the town who were just as catty as Zelena was. Whilst those people existed and egged her on, Zelena would never face any kind of callout and would continue to do what she did for the scant benefits it brought her - including a closeness with Cora.
Regina wondered just how much Cora encouraged Zelena’s behaviour and if she were to u-turn on it, whether Zelena would stop having lost the precious approval that she worked so hard to gain. 
Maybe Regina ought to have a word with her mother. But then again, maybe not. There were some people that it was no good trying to change. Trying to rein in Zelena was exhausting and brought her nothing in return except for short-lived peace of mind. 
“Ok, I don’t know what you said to Mom but she’s looking like a sour lemon, so congratulations.” Robyn came into the ballroom having evidently passed her mother in the entrance. “Aunt Gina? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, just dreading what your mom’s going to unleash on us all tomorrow night.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be there to help keep her under control. She probably won’t let on because she’s too proud, but she was kind of gutted when I decided to stay with you for the rest of the summer instead of staying at home.”
Regina thought about Robyn’s words. That was certainly something to consider. Zelena had always been jealous of the easy and close relationship between Robyn and Regina, and Robyn’s love and approval was one thing that she always strived to keep, even when her behaviour pulled the two of them apart. Robyn had made no secret of the fact she detested Zelena’s gossip-mongering and one-up-man-ship, and maybe Robyn’s presence at the gala would keep Zelena in line without anyone having to do anything. 
Well, Regina could hope and pray that it would.
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