#there's fckin loads
potential-fate · 11 months
my struggle with my computer continues.
the main struggle being "I don't know what the issue is and therefore it makes it very hard to try to fix."
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karlachx · 3 months
trying not to go insaneeeee
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evelynpr · 7 months
...sorry for the wriolette spam guys. It will happen again
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fruityfroggy · 4 months
Waow, sometimes all it takes is playing with a really long ribbon to feel pretty
I put on a dress and everything, ITS FCKIN 12:30 ITS NOT TIME FOR GIRLISH WHIMSY RN
So anyways, I took a load of weird “aesthetic” pictures (they’re not, but I feel like they could work as drawing reference or smth, so have em ig)
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Oh and more of me as well. Hi?
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Wtf is wrong with me?
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razer-kun · 4 months
"I love this ship. It's totally is canon."
Well, I support your right to ship. . . but let's be honest, it likely isn't canon.
"Yeah it is. There's official art from the studio of them in romantic situations."
No fckin way, man. . . that has to be one of the weakest arguments I've heard. Yeah, great, there's official art of them. . . but if your fcking argument is "Well, there's official art. That makes it canon," that's weak as shit. Official art is art made to promote the show. It's not necessarily canon. In fact, I dare say a lot of official art (these days, at least) doesn't capture canon events/situations. If your weak argument is official art, you then have to affirm all official art as canon. And I've seen a load of official art, not just of the show that I'm mainly referring to, right now, but of several other shows where the art depicts situations that are very obviously not canon, given the events of the show.
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Here You Come Again [Part Nine]
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF, American Actor
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Addison Goodwin, Original Female Characters, Priscilla Presley, Colonel Tom Parker, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley, Minnie Mae Presley, Marci Cunningham, Jerry Schilling, Red West, Sonny West, Marty Lacker, Joe Esposito, Charlie Hodge, Lamar Fike, Alan Fortas, George Klein, Memphis Mafia
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5072
Summary: When Addison Goodwin was seventeen years old her life was turned inside out after a chance encounter with her past. Now, fifteen years later her life is the best it’s ever been. She has a home, a good job and a daughter she loves more than anything in the world but will all that remain when an old familiar face rolls into town.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Graceland, Las Vegas, The International Hotel, Elvis In Vegas, 1970s, 1970s Elvis, Friends To Lovers, Rekindled Romance, Parenting, Time Line is Sketchy, Guilt, Betrayal, Teenage Pregnancy, Hawaii, Hidden Pregnancy, Jealousy, Sex, Absence of Parent, Single Motherhood, Trauma, Oral Sex, Tension
Notes: Honestly FCK tumblrs new post editor its a load of fckin shite
Anyway here's a small one. An additional Addie/Elvis fic will be out this week.
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The ride back to the hotel was a quiet one. All the excitement of the day had seemed to catch up on everyone meaning that all were now tired and hungry and so spent most of the drive listening to the radio or in half-hearted conversation. Even Lisa, who had been the life and soul of the party, had waned as she fought to keep her little eyes open though eventually fell asleep tucked up between Elvis and Jess. 
Elvis however was wide awake, everything that Addison had told him churning around inside him. He had been longing to know what had happened in their lives since the majority of it was still fuzzy with bits filled in here and there from Jess. And whilst he was glad she had Marci, that overall she hadn’t been on her own, it also reassured him to know that she had loved him. That as he lay in the depths of despair after his mother’s death she had wanted to come back. Yet the more he thought of that the more anger he felt at the Colonel. With one callous act, he had robbed them both of so much.
When they got to the hotel the four of them headed back up to the suite whilst the others went to their own rooms to get ready for dinner as planned. However, Elvis hadn’t yet mentioned the dinner idea to the girls so as they headed inside Jess and Lisa flocked to the TV whilst Addison gathered their various souvenirs, coats and candy so she could put them away. As the girls watched an episode of ‘The Partridge Family’, with Jess laughing along and Lisa laughing a fraction of a second later once she heard Jess’ giggle, he stood behind the couch pretending he was watching too though he kept glancing at Addison.
He watched as she stacked all the toys and teddies Lisa had managed to get him to buy in the gift shop neatly on the bench in the dining room where they were tidy but still accessible. He watched as she disappeared into the kitchen taking the mountains of candy the girls had begged for and not eaten with her, no doubt saving it for later. And he watched and she folded Lisa’s fur-trimmed jacket coat over her arm and then hung it neatly in the hall closet. It was all normal stuff and yet it felt alien to watch her do it. After all, he never really had to do mundane normal things like that anymore.
For a moment he wondered if he would’ve been more like that if they were still together. It wasn’t that he had lost touch with reality, but Addison had always seemed to ground him in a way as if he was tethered to her. If they were still together now would he be a bit more normal? Or would his life have pulled her with him? At that thought he had to fight a snort. He doubted it. Even now she wouldn’t let him show off or buy her things, that damn pride in the way. Though he supposed she was right they didn’t technically need new things. He didn’t need to spoil the kids as he had today, yet he wanted to and had done so though under her watchful gaze it had been more within reason. No, she wouldn’t have been pulled with him if anything she would’ve brought him a little more down to earth.
Once she was finished she came to stand beside him looking at the girls as she said, ‘so what are we doing for dinner?’
‘Ooh, can we get pizza?’ Jess asked tearing herself away from the screen.
‘I want pizza too!’ Lisa said excitedly. Addison looked at Elvis as though she was waiting for him to give the go-ahead, but he paused.
‘Actually, I’ve arranged for us to go to dinner,’ he said clearing his throat nervously.
‘Oh? You didn’t say,’ Addison said wondering why he hadn’t mentioned it.
‘Must’ve slipped my mind,’ he lied, he hadn’t mentioned it because he hadn’t wanted to give her any wiggle room. Addison observed him curiously but said nothing.
‘I just thought what with it being Lisa’s last night in town we could do a big,’ he was going to say ‘a family thing’ but he couldn’t bring himself to, so instead he skipped over it, ‘get together sorta thing. Daddy, the boys, and some other friends. I mean if that’s alright?’
‘Um sure,’ she said before she added hesitantly, ‘like in public?’
‘Uh private suite,’ he said, ‘and there’ll be plenty of folks there so…’
‘Yeah…right,’ Addison nodded looking at the girls who were watching them, ‘you two okay with this?’
‘Yeah, fine by me,’ Jess said.
‘Me too,’ Lisa smiled.
‘Well looks like we’re going out for dinner,’ Addison said with a smile as she looked back at him, ‘where did you have in mind?
‘Golden Steer,’ Elvis said making Addison’s face fall into shock.
‘Golden Steer? As in exclusive booked out for months Golden Steer?’ she asked.
‘That’s the one,’ Elvis smiled, ‘table is booked for eight.’
‘Wait what?’ she said grabbing his wrist and looking at the watch on it, ‘that’s in thirty-five minutes.’
‘So?’ he asked.
‘So? I’m not exactly dressed for a place like that,’ she said.
‘Huh,’ Elvis said as if he hadn’t noticed. She had been going through her options in her head but at his faux naivety, she paused, her eyes narrowing as she watched him.
‘You bastard,’ she whispered shaking her head, ‘you did this on purpose didn’t you?’
‘I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Elvis said with a smug smile, ‘oh girls you should probably get changed. It’s kind of a nice place.’
‘Okay,’ Jess said eyeing her mother who was still pouting before she climbed up off the couch and headed to her room, followed by Lisa.
‘I can’t believe you,’ Addison said, her tongue in her cheek at the sheer idiocy of her thinking he wouldn’t try and win their little bet.
‘Like I said I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Elvis said with a little smile as he moved away from her heading towards the door.
‘You know I don’t have anything to wear,’ she said following him.
‘Wear that,’ he said, ‘I mean you wouldn’t want me buying you something new, right? That’d be showing off.’
‘Fine I will,’ she said folding her arms across her chest.
‘Great,’ he smirked, ‘I’m gonna go get changed.’
‘You do that,’ she said coolly.
‘Oh I will,’ he chuckled as he headed to the door though as he opened it he paused, looking back at her in the entrance hall, still pouting with her arms folded across her chest, ‘though if you do change your mind, there might be something you can wear in your room.’
And with that he threw her a wink and headed out into the hall, closing the door quietly behind him. Addison watched him go, a mix of irritation and foolishness for not anticipating him trying to win the bet. In all honesty, she hadn’t thought it was a serious thing but she should’ve known he’d do something like this. He always was stubborn. Then again so was she.
But now he had her over a barrel. She had teased him because buying something new just to go to the zoo seemed extravagant, but this wasn’t the zoo. It was a fancy, high-end restaurant, one that was normally booked out for weeks. She couldn’t exactly roll up in jeans and a shirt, but she didn’t want him to think he was getting away with it either. She had seen the way he had thrown his money around today and though she knew it was because he wanted to make the girls happy, she worried about it. She worried about him. She had never been interested in the money but that didn’t mean others weren’t. She just hoped he realised that those that mattered didn’t want fancy cars or high-end clothes. They just wanted him, the real him.
Still, as she made her way into the room and spotted the outfit that had been laid out on her bed she couldn’t help but feel in awe. The dress was gorgeous with an air of simplicity and though its tight black velvet material made it look sexy it still felt elegant. As she ran her fingers across it she wondered who had chosen it. After all, she couldn’t see him rifling through any boutique clothing rails, he didn’t have the time, but it was so her she couldn’t see how he didn’t pick it out. She looked down at her outfit. It wasn’t bad but it definitely wasn’t fancy restaurant material and so with a sigh she started to get changed and as she looked at herself in the mirror she couldn’t help but curse him. The dress fell like water against her skin enhancing every curve and even the shoes weren’t too awkward or painful to walk in. He truly had bested her this time.
Fortunately she didn’t have time to dwell on her loss or her new physique as she heard chatter out in the suite meaning she needed to grab her purse and head out the door. As she got to the entrance hall though she found she was the last one there. Elvis, Red, Sonny, Jerry and the girls were all sitting in the lounge waiting for her. Jess however was the only one that heard her approach and she looked up as she heard her heels clacking against the marble floor.
‘Wow Mom you look pretty,’ Jess said watching her with awe. Jess knew her mother was pretty, it was something she had been told many times – many people likening the pair of them, but the woman in front of her now was stunning.
‘You too sweetheart,’ she said taking in Jess’ new outfit with a smile. As Jess spoke the men looked towards her each looking a little taken aback at the new attire. Elvis felt his heartbeat quicken. When he’d told Patsy what he wanted he hadn’t been too specific but he knew there would only be certain things she would be comfortable with. It was a simple black dress, not too flashy or overstated as his own outfit was, and yet she was the best dressed in the room. Feeling everyone’s eyes on her she shifted, tucking her purse under her arm as she said, ‘you guys ready?’
‘Yeah,’ Red said climbing up out of his seat, ‘you look nice by the way.’
‘Thanks,’ she said, ‘you guys clean up pretty well yourselves.’
‘Have to when he insists on dinin’ at fancy places,’ Sonny chuckled, ‘like he ain’t gonna ask them to cremate a steak anyway.’
As everyone started to file out Elvis climbed out of his seat though his eyes didn’t leave Addison. He didn’t even clock the slight ribbing over his preference of having everything charred within an inch of its life. Instead he followed them, unable to speak as he watched her as conversations carried on around him. When they got to the door she paused, holding it open for everyone until he was the last one out.
‘Addie,’ he said capturing her attention as she stroked Lisa’s hair as she passed, her hand in Jerry’s. As he neared her she rolled her eyes, an action that caused a fire to brim inside his lower belly.
‘Don’t say anything,’ she said with a smile, ‘you won, okay? No need to rub it in.’
‘I wasn’t going to,’ he said in a somewhat serious manner that threw her joking tone off, making her eyebrows knit together, ‘I was just gonna say…you look beautiful. Really.’
‘Oh,’ she said a blush creeping up her neck, ‘uh thanks.’
He nodded suddenly feeling his own blush creeping in on him and before she could see it he fled past her out into the hall following the others down towards the elevator. She appeared beside him in an instant, something that must have been a feat given the height of her shoes and tucked her arm into his offering him a small smile as she did so. They were still behind everyone, and he was sure once they got to the elevator she would pull away but until then he was going to enjoy every damn second she offered.
Dinner went well much to Addison’s surprise. Where she had thought she and Jess might feel exposed she hadn’t as the bonus of a big group meant they melted into the background. There were a few curious glances from those she knew from way back when, ones that told her that Elvis hadn’t yet told them of her position back in his life but she tried not to let them get to her. Not that they had much of a chance to, not since she was having so much fun. Elvis seemed to be on a real high which in turn was creating an atmosphere of merriment. It was a feeling that stayed with Addison throughout the night and it didn’t even wane as they headed back to the hotel even though their party was disbanded as Elvis took to the stage and the group split off into various factions. In fact, the only time it did ebb was when a familiar face appeared.
It was midway through the show, Jess was talking to Vernon about something she couldn’t quite hear which meant she was forced to watch rather than try and join in. He looked amazing on stage. Though he had looked good in the outfit he had worn tonight she couldn’t deny the elaborate suits he had adapted into his stage persona were something to behold. Each one housed intricate details that could mesmerise a person just by looking. She found herself mesmerised as she watched him sing a song she wasn’t familiar with. She thought it was one of his newer ones given that she knew the melody but not the words, probably from hearing Jess play his entire back catalogue upstairs in her room.
She was watching him, her eyes fixated on every movement as his voice rang out purer than ever, which meant she was distracted so much she barely even looked up as someone approached the table, that was until she heard that familiar nasal voice echo out. When she looked up she saw him. The Colonel. He was on the other side of the booth, leaning over and whispering into Vernon’s ear.
It made her blood run cold.
He didn’t even seem to notice she was there; he didn’t even seem to notice anyone else was even at the same table though she supposed they would’ve been insignificant to him seeing as he didn’t need anything from them.
‘I don’t know. I’ll have to ask him,’ she heard Vernon say tightly. The song had ended and though Elvis was now speaking, his voice echoing through the speaker system, she couldn’t hear him. Her ears were fixated on every word uttered on the other side of the table.
‘Well see that you do,’ the Colonel said, ‘it’s been over a damn month!’
‘Yeah, uh I’ll do it tonight,’ Vernon said glancing towards Addison, something that made her have a sneaking suspicion whatever issue the Colonel was having somehow coincided with her arrival.
‘You have to,’ the Colonel started though noticing Vernon’s inattention he trailed off glancing towards her. He looked as though he was going to go right back to whatever chastising he had lined up but she could see the cogs click into place after a moment, his eyes going wide as he looked back towards her. She felt knots in her stomach as she took him in but she refused to let them overwhelm her. Instead, she stared at him, her hazel eyes boring into his face which made him straighten up uncomfortably.
‘Colonel, you remember Addison,’ Vernon said quietly after a moment of them staring at one another.
‘Miss Goodwin,’ he said quietly, ‘long time no see.’
‘Not long enough huh?’ she said tightly. He stood more upright at her words, seemingly noticing her attitude wasn’t going to be one of understanding, not that she could see how he could even fathom that would be the case.
‘I didn’t know you and Elvis had…reacquainted,’ he said. It was a laced statement, accusations woven throughout it but she didn’t respond. She didn’t even want to look at him. She didn’t want to tell him anything about her and Elvis. She hoped it was driving him crazy trying to piece everything together. Beside her she could feel Jess’ eyes on her, watching the pair of them but she refused to look in her direction. If she didn’t want him to know anything about her and Elvis she certainly didn’t want him to know about Jess, but her façade was shattered however as she heard Jess say, ‘Mom?’
She glanced towards her, trying to silence her with a look that willed her to ask questions later, but when she looked back the Colonel was watching them bewildered. It was the first time she had seen him falter. The first time she had seen that cold calculating stare break, if only for a second.
‘Uh I’ll tell him to give you a call,’ Vernon said trying to diffuse the palpable tension hanging over the table.
‘What?’ the Colonel asked, ‘oh, uh, sure. Yes. See that you do.’
And before Vernon could respond he scuttled away his mind no doubt boggling at the situation that had unfolded in front of him.
‘Mom who was that?’ Jess asked leaning into her closely.
‘No one baby,’ Addison sighed as she placed her arm around her daughter, pulling her to her side as she kissed the top of her head. Jess seemed taken aback by the sudden act of PDA but she didn’t protest. In fact, she seemed to sense that this display of affection was more for her Addison’s comfort and allowed her mother’s arm to remain around her shoulders. Vernon watched from the side-lines as Addison bit her lip trying to will herself not to cry.
She didn’t know why. Maybe it was because after so many years of anger and fury, after the number of times she had pictured just what she would say to him if she had the chance, she had said nothing. It made sadness flow through her even though she knew it was probably the right thing to do. Going off at the man in a room full of people would only draw unwanted attention but still it felt like she had been cheated. Still, as her daughter cuddled into her side and Vernon placed his hand on the back of hers she was comforted.
After their little meeting however, she couldn’t shake her frustrations. The high of the night had been well and truly stomped out and by the time Elvis came off stage she wanted nothing more than to go home and climb into her own bed. Unfortunately, before that could happen they needed to say goodbye. He knew something was off from the moment they came into his dressing room. He had been expecting to get changed and head upstairs where they could hang out for the night so seeing them emerge through his dressing room door made him nervous, as did the sombre look on his Daddy’s face as he bid his son goodnight.
‘Hey, you enjoy the show?’ he said, pulling Jess in for a hug which she pulled out of quickly, her nose wrinkled at how sweaty he was.
‘Yeah,’ she said though there was an air of doubt in it that made his nerves bubble further.
‘Everything alright?’ he asked, looking at Addison who seemed deep in her thoughts. As he spoke though she looked up and said, ‘what? Oh, yeah fine.’
‘You sure?’ he asked.
‘Yeah,’ she said glibly, ‘we just came to say goodbye that’s all.’
‘You’re going home?’ he asked glancing at Jess who shrugged which only reinforced the notion was something wrong. It had to be if Addison was calling the shots.
‘Yeah,’ she said, ‘I mean Jess has probably got homework and stuff and I’m sure there’s a mountain of laundry waiting for me tomorrow.’
‘Can’t you just go home in the morning?’ he asked. He knew it was dumb of him to push but if he could keep them around, even a little bit longer, he would. Addison shifted uncomfortably. His request wasn’t unreasonable, but it was making her heart ache all the same and tonight that was something Elvis couldn’t help with. Though she had told him so many things she wasn’t sure she was ready to talk about it just yet. To talk about him.
‘You should spend the day with Lisa. She’s leaving tomorrow, I bet she’d like to spend some time just you guys before she goes,’ Addison said with an air of finality in her tone that Elvis knew was better than to fight.
‘Yeah,’ he said, ‘you’re probably right.’
‘We can do something in the week though, right Mom?’ Jess said.
‘Of course,’ she said with a weak smile.
‘Maybe we could do something else like the zoo again?’ Jess asked looking at Elvis who smiled at her.
‘Sure honey,’ he said, ‘I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? We can figure it out then.’
‘Okay,’ Jess said with a smile as she leaned in to hug him, again briefly due to his sweaty nature. Addison however didn’t move in for a hug and instead made a beeline for the door waiting for her daughter. Elvis tried to ignore the disappointment in his stomach as she said goodbye before the two of them headed into the corridor and eventually out of sight.
He flopped down in his chair, watching himself in the large vanity as he did so. His hair was damp and sticking up off his head from where he had pushed it back so he could see and he had slight bags under his eyes from where he had grown tired from a long day of exertion. And yet he was happier than ever. Well, he had been until five minutes ago. He wondered what had happened to make her turn so quickly. Even their little back and forth about the dress hadn’t been a real argument if anything it was kind of well, fun.
He didn’t have long to dwell on what the problem was though as there was a knock on the door which opened before he even had time to tell whoever it was to come in. It was then he knew what had happened as coming into his dressing room with a severe scowl on his face was the Colonel.
He stood in the room as if waiting for Elvis to speak or at least greet him but Elvis didn’t. Instead, he stood up and moved to the small drinks cart in the corner of the room where he busied himself with a glass of bourbon. When he turned back the older man was still watching him.
‘Can I help you?’ Elvis said snarkily.
‘What is going on?’ the Colonel asked sternly.
‘What do you mean?’ Elvis asked.
‘You know what I mean. What is Addison Goodwin doing here?’ he asked. Elvis watched him for a moment taking a sip of his drink as he did before he placed it down on the drinks cart and shrugged, ‘she lives in town.’
‘And you two are what? Back together?’ he asked.
‘What do you care? Thought you didn’t get involved in my personal life,’ Elvis said making the older gentleman hesitate. He could see the cogs turning in the man’s mind, the realisation that he knew everything, that he had for a while dawning hence why he had been refusing to see him.
‘Elvis,’ the Colonel said.
‘What? Are you going to lie to me again? Tell me you didn’t have nothing to do with it?’ he said, ‘because spare me the bullshit.’
‘I thought I was doing what was best,’ he said.
‘And making my daughter grow up without a dad was what was best?’ he spat. He could see the information land, the realisation crossing his face in an instant. Quicker than it had for anyone else in fact. At that Elvis moved towards him staring directly at him whilst he probed further, ‘did you know?’
‘What?’ the Colonel asked.
‘About Jess did you know?’ he asked narrowing his eyes as he scrutinised his face.
‘Of course not,’ the Colonel said. Elvis didn’t seem convinced but he pulled back all the same moving away to take another swig of his drink.
‘My boy-’
‘Don’t you my boy me,’ he said looking back at him, ‘you’re lucky I haven’t shot your ass.’
‘I honestly thought I was doing what was right. I didn’t know about, Jess you said, if I had do you think I would’ve kept it from you?’ he asked. Elvis watched him closely as he moved towards him, placing a hand on Elvis’ shoulder which he looked upon with disdain, ‘this is just as much of a shock to me as it is to you.’
He watched as he looked up at him with eyes that seemed to be begging him to listen. But that was what Elvis had done the last time. He had been lured in, convinced to listen by a man who spewed lies so easily it was hard to figure out which bits were true. A man who through all the love and loss he had had in his life he had clung to, like a second father, a guiding hand that he could trust to navigate him through the best and worst of it.
But that was gone now. Whatever bond they had was gone, extinguished the minute he saw Addison at that club. When he saw how frightened she was at the mere thought of their worlds colliding again because of what he might do. That was why the hand on his shoulder brought nothing to him. He didn’t feel comfort. He didn’t even feel rage. His feelings were now one of disinterest. He didn’t want the Colonel punished he just wanted him gone. Yet the plan he was forming was taking time and he knew that to blow up in his face would do him no favours. He had played this game before and he had made all the wrong moves, this time he was determined not to.
‘Yeah, well you better get used to it,’ Elvis said slipping out of his grasp as he dumped himself back into his seat.
‘You don’t mean to say you’re keeping this girl around?’ he asked.
‘My daughter?’ he asked.
‘My boy, do you think that’s wise? I mean think of the press-’
‘We’re keeping it under wraps,’ Elvis said.
‘And when it gets out?’ he implored as he started to pace, ‘you cannot hide these things forever. Say a nosy reporter gets a hold of the story what then?’
‘They get a front page spread and a promotion no doubt,’ Elvis said.
‘And what do you get? People will be able to work things out you know. A bit of quick math and hey presto. Ticket sales through the floor. God forbid a tour cancellation-’
‘You don’t get it do you?’ Elvis said making the Colonel slow in his tracks as he looked at him. Elvis stood up, coming towards him again as he continued, ‘I don’t care.’
‘I don’t care. Colonel you can moan all you want about ticket sales and merchandising but there is nothing that is going to stop me from seeing my daughter. I’ve missed too much of her life already I ain’t going to miss any more,’ he said.
‘And if it costs you your career?’ he asked.
‘Fine,’ Elvis said, ‘I already lost most of the things that are important to me. My mama, my wife, hell I’ve probably spent about as much time apart from Lisa than I have with Jess and I’ve only known her a month. So I’m not going to bend. I’m doing this my way.’
‘And if they end up hurt?’ he asked making Elvis’ jaw clench. It was a dirty tactic and they both knew it. Yet Elvis didn’t yield. He didn’t allow the man to get in his head and confuse him about what he should be doing, not when he knew what he was doing was what was right. What he wanted.
‘If everyone keeps their damn mouth shut it won’t come to that,’ Elvis said leaning in towards him, ‘so, are you gonna do as I ask? Or are we going to have a problem?’
‘If that’s the way you want to play it,’ the Colonel said coolly.
‘It is,’ Elvis said firmly.
‘Well then I can only hope that you’re right,’ the older man said as he headed to the door.
‘I guess we’ll see,’ Elvis said as the Colonel paused, offering Elvis an understanding look though behind it Elvis could see fire in his eyes. He wasn’t listening to him. He wasn’t bending to his will. And that was pissing him off.
‘I’m sure we will my boy,’ he said and with one last glance he left, closing the door with a slam that betrayed his cool demeanour.
Elvis waited for a moment though he wasn’t unpacking what had just happened he was merely waiting until he was sure the Colonel wouldn’t be lingering by the door. Once he was sure he was gone he moved to his couch, dropping into it with a thud as he dialled Jerry’s number. He had handled it well. He hadn’t been lying when he mentioned shooting the old coot. A month ago he might have but he’d had time to think since then. He didn’t have a doubt that the Colonel would be making his plans. Snakes always protect themselves by attacking others so it wouldn’t surprise him, but he was making his own plans too.
‘EP?’ Jerry said as the line clicked on.
‘Yeah, it’s me,’ Elvis said, ‘Jer I need a favour.’
‘Hit me,’ Jerry said.
‘Get me Mr Kohn,’ he said, ‘tell him it’s important.’
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley  @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters​ @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink @richardslady121 @lettersfromvenus @louisejoy86 @ccab
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comradelaika · 4 months
So I've been doing some research and it turns out a really fckin good dessert called 15s seem to be a pretty exclusively irish thing, so I thought I'd make a wee awareness post .
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They're made of digestive biscuits, marshmallows, glazed cherries (optional) and condensed milk. You wanna take a wild stab at how many of each?
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So first bash up 15 digestives (fun part)
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Brutalise some cherries
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And buck it in a bowl with either 15 cut up big marshmallows or however many small ones you like, it's more an art than science. You're meant to add half a tin of condensed milk but again, art, I used the whole thing, makes it wetter and easier to mix.
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Mix, and sprinkle some dessicated coconut over tinfoil. This is to stop the mix sticking to it. (I'm making 2 batches here, mine will be bigger than yours)
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Scrape it out into a log sorta thing and add more coconut.
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Wrap n keep in the fridge until it's solid. That's it! Trust me they're much tastier than they look. It is IMPERATIVE to eat loads of the ingredients while you make them.
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alisoncooper · 1 year
tomorrow i should find out how i did on my job interview, whether i’m getting access to the eras tour sale, i have a phone call with my doctor in a random 4 hour time frame, i have to go to work and there’s fckin loads to do, and there’s wwdits5 to watch and it’s like. ok. how do you expect me to function exactly
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supplemental code day 35
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flex: 1;
/* width:280px; */ background-color: Silver; text-align: right; padding: 5px; }
#buttons {
display:flex; flex-wrap: wrap;
.btn { flex: 1; width: 97px; background-color:LavenderBlush; }
button { border-color:Lavender; }
.btn:hover { background-color: MediumPurple; }
button[name="equals"] { width: 400px; }
let number1; let operator = "+"; let number2;
let display = document.getElementById("result");
//set up Event Listeners document.querySelectorAll('.btn').forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', event => { console.log(item.id); }) });
//declare what operators do function add(number1, number2) { let result = number1 + number2; console.log(result); }
function subtract(number1, number2) { let result = number1 - number2; console.log(result); }
function multiply(number1, number2) { let result = number1 * number2; console.log(result); }
function divide(number1, number2) { let result = number1 / number2; console.log(result); }
//declare what to do when operating function operate(number1, operator, number2) { switch(true) { case (operator === "+") : add(number1,number2); break; case (operator === "-") : subtract(number1,number2); break; case (operator === "*") : multiply(number1,number2); break; case (operator === "/") : divide(number1,number2); break; default : console.log("No operation received"); break; } }
//display feedback function displayValue() {
//call functions //operate(1,"+",2);
//add(2,2); //subtract(4,2); //multiply(3,3); //divide(4,2);
let number1; let operator = "+"; let number2;
let display = document.getElementById("result");
//set up Event Listeners document.querySelectorAll('.btn').forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', event => { // console.log(item.id); // console.log(displayValue); let displayValue = item.id; display.textContent = displayValue; }) });
//declare what operators do function add(number1, number2) { let result = number1 + number2; console.log(result); }
function subtract(number1, number2) { let result = number1 - number2; console.log(result); }
function multiply(number1, number2) { let result = number1 * number2; console.log(result); }
function divide(number1, number2) { let result = number1 / number2; console.log(result); }
//declare what to do when operating function operate(number1, operator, number2) { switch(true) { case (operator === "+") : add(number1,number2); break; case (operator === "-") : subtract(number1,number2); break; case (operator === "*") : multiply(number1,number2); break; case (operator === "/") : divide(number1,number2); break; default : console.log("No operation received"); break; } }
//display feedback function displayValue() {
//call functions //operate(1,"+",2);
//add(2,2); //subtract(4,2); //multiply(3,3); //divide(4,2);
i have now put this to a page :3
edit: no I have not, my name is Jared I'm 19 and I never fckin learned how to read my computer blocks the code from loading <33 so back to.. NOTEPAD!! :)
(I will store it there anyway!! it is now there....)
0 notes
transgirlcharlie · 6 years
Charmac quotes/stuff from some eps ive recently watched
“Mac, do you think you can find this guy and kick his ass for me?”
Not a specific quote but, charlie insistently wanting to stay in mac’s room, not dennis’, him not allowing dennis to have any beers, cos they’re just for him and mac (this probably is due to his hatred of dennis, but im taking it)
*over walkie talkie* “best friend 1 to best friend 2, over”
“That’s my man! That’s my best friend right there!”
“He’s (mac) gonna break your (charlie) heart, man.”
“Go, baby.”
“There’s my boy!”
The hand holding in the fake suicide video
“Charlie and I had a suicide pact.” Like that’s a totally reasonable explanation
They had a joint funeral too. Who does that? ik they didn’t do that themselves but still that’s interesting
“I’m concerned for myself and Charlie as well.”
“I’ve never seen two people share a resume before.”
“There’s only one spot left.”
“We’re kind of a package deal.”
“We work as a team. Hey what if we split the pay in right down the middle?” (these characters are assholes normally they would just default to fighting for the space)
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mad at my past self for not changing out the laundry at my lunch break like i was supposed to cause now i have to stay up while my drier does the second cycle since it never gets everything dry on the first go around
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lunaathorne · 5 years
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jonsa week day 2 (tue 19th): quotes ~ colours ~ tropes
❝ She had not thought of Jon in ages. I am a bastard too now, just like him. ❞
for @jonsa-week
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i-can-dig-up-elvis · 6 years
Went to the gp today thinking they was gonna put me on anti depressos but they wanna put me on T as well so that’s chill
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4junhyeok · 7 years
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i think junhyeok and taeho are in the same unit i can die happy
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joelockescoffee · 2 years
Bash is attending the same fan convention as Kit on 17 September in London, so more pics forthcoming in the near future! https://twitter.com/FrConventions/status/1565385008474374152
(I'm holding out hope that Joe will also be attending since they keep teasing about yet to be announced guests.)
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^ recieved this ask later
So fckin glad Joe is gonna be there too! We're gonna get shit loads of content I'm not ready😭😭😭
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stellocchia · 3 years
Loving the way dsmp has brought anime design Trends back into my life with the fanon designs btw
Like none of it's exclusive to anime but like... Yknow...
Like even if we ignore "accessories" like horns and all that
Wilbur being often drawn with his messy hair covering one eye (which is what ccwilbur has but still)
Tubbo with having his hair cover both his eyes like the gremlin he is
The bandages Tommy gets drawn with all the time
Like, that kind of shit Looks fucking sick.
And it even works with the kind of world we see dsmp as?
Like. In most other media you have normie MCnormguy stand next to a demon girl with horns, wings, a tail and bubblegum hair and it's weird even in a fantasy world
The way ppl draw the characters in this fandom makes it look so natural to see Tommyinnit next to a short goat gremlin with only a big grin visible of his face and an unnaturally tall half enderman half Slenderman bitch in a suit that I keep forgetting that he's literally just a random ass dude. Like. I can't really tell what I'm actually praising here all I know is that everything is fun and interesting without feeling loaded all the time and it's fckin great.
Yeah agreed! Honestly the fanon designs that people managed to make of this little blockman always impress me so much and they do truly feel ntural all together. Like, yeah, you see whatever Ranboo is and little gremlin goat Tubbo hugging this normal ass dude, but even the normal ass dud has his little design details that make him actually fit in. It's nice!
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