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A Clash of Kings - 65 SANSA VIII (pages 817-826)
Tywin and the Tyrells get some upgrades, Joffrey publicly breaks up with Sansa, and Sansa gets a hairnet.
-Sansa reached the front of the gallery just as a blast of trumpets announced the entry of Lord Tywin Lannister. He rode his warhorse down the length of the hall and dismounted before the Iron Throne. Sansa had never seen such armor; all burnished red steel, inlaid with golden scrollwork and ornamentation. His rondels were sunbursts-
Thank you brain, for autofilling 'rondels' as 'Ronald (McDonalds.)' Anyway, Tywin Lannister is just Very Extra.
The Lord of Casterly Rock made such an impressive figure that it was a shock when his destrier dropped a load of dung right at the base of the throne.
This horse knows what's up.
Like a pack of trained dogs, the lords and ladies in the hall began to shout their pleasure. "Margaery," they called, "Give us Margaery!" And, "No traitor queens! Tyrell! Tyrell!"
How quickly the ladies forget who was with them as they waited their inevitable doom. No, I get it, even if any of them appreciated Sansa keeping them calm and being there at that moment, the king is still an unstable little shit, and backing Sansa offers them no political or social value. Never mind that it was one instance in the time she's been there, most of which has been spent watching her get abused and ostracized.
(Also, Sansa doesn't want to marry Joffrey anymore so this is a boon for her... if we ignore the layers of protection it removes along with her title of future queen.)
-their chief accomplishment had been surviving the battle on the river, a feat that few enough could boast.
Yeah, no, that does deserve an award to be honest, that shit was intense.
Oh, Lancel and Tyrion update: both alive but not physically well off. That's better than either probably expected though, so take the win.
Sansa had not heard of Littlefinger doing anything especially heroic during the battle, but it seemed he was to be rewarded all the same.
Peter Baelish would do numbers on twitter. Wow, I am mean tonight. (joking)
Joffrey lurched to his feet. "I'm king! Kill him! Kill him now! I command it." He chopped down with his hand, a furious, angry gesture... and screeched in pain when his arm brushed against one of the sharp metal fangs that surrounded him. The bright crimson samite of his sleeve turned a darker shade of red as his blood soaked through it.
Looks like the throne disagrees with you on that, Joffrey. Pfff, and Cersei was worried Sansa would humiliate Joffrey, look, he's doing it all on his own.
... Ohhhh, Sansa's so happy to be free, but Dontos knows what's up *casually smacks him with the steel chair for slobbery kisses in Sansa's ear*
"What stones are these?" "Black amethysts from Asshai. the rarest kind, a deep true purple by daylight." "It's very lovely," Sansa said, thinking, It's a ship I need, not a net for my hair. "Lovlier than you know, sweet child. It's magic, you see. It's justice you hold. It's vengeance for your father." Dontos leaned close and kissed her again. "It's home."
It's poison. Ah, hindsight, you make things so blatantly obvious.
"It's a ship I need, not a net for my hair." Dany knows that feels.
Now: stop kissing the underage child or I'mma smack you with the chair again! or worse, I'll Spontaneous AU you to death!
Ahh, poor Sansa, she thinks she's so close to freedom, to going home.
By the way, if anyone is wondering: black amethysts are a real thing, the dark colour is from hematite and iron in the matrix. The real question is: does it noticeably change the magnetics of the amethyst, even if only from nah to not really?
It's the real question though, right, because hematite is magnetic, but amethyst, the regular ones iirc, have like a repulsing magnetic field, instead of a pulling, like when you put two south ends of magnets together, but nowhere near as noticeable. Hmmmm, google research spiral activate!
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lunaathorne · 5 years
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jonsa week day 2 (tue 19th): quotes ~ colours ~ tropes
❝ She had not thought of Jon in ages. I am a bastard too now, just like him. ❞
for @jonsa-week
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being an 18 y/o head tech for my school (i'm now graduated edition!)
since my last post of this popped off and i just graduated here's all the shit i had to deal with being 2018's head tech
oooooh lads lets go
feb 2018, first tech meeting of the year, we had a new TIC (teacher in charge) and loads of new people looking to join,,,, some of which thought they could just join for laughs and wouldnt have 2 put effort in hmmmm
so u know, things are looking bright
our gear just stopped working
first show of the year rolls round, i'm in it (oh no)
we didnt need sound BUT we needed lights which is fine
our theatre is set up to be one way like there is a mezz and everything all facing the stage
director wanted to move the stage
we have to reposition all the lights and it almost killed us,,, because guess what
only three people including myself (i misssd a rehearsal for this shit) showed up it took days of blood sweat and tears
u would think after that it would be fine we could continue as normal
last minute projector set up for a backdrop it was sitting on polystyrene teetering on the edge of the mezz thank god for gaffa tape
by the way,,, some of out gear still isnt working at this point in the year
may rolls round its musical time!!!
fiddler on the roof, our main actor,,, playing the main dude,,,, cant sing and doesnt have rhythm,,,, director at the last minute got rid of the set,,, the set builders built and entire amazing set,,, we just used a table for the show just a singular table
please kill me (do it)
we hire some guy in to help teach the newbies,,,, he changes the entire soundboard set up that my co head tech and i spent hours meticulously setting up because everything has to have an individual channel otherwise its gonna be a disaster
guy changed it all and didnt tell us
he just said it would help
day before the show,,,, we were still figuring out what the fuck is happening,,, guy had put the entire orchestra into one singular channel
dude,,,, every section in the orchestra is meant to have its own channel what the fuck
i had multiple breakdowns because there was feedback, we couldnt hear some of the band, i dont wanna start with the mics
we had hired some mics and a transformer thing for all the recievers and it shat out opening show
it just stopped, we had to open it up, duct tape it into a really specific position,,, this is so damgerous pls dont ever do this
we survived (idk am i really alive at this point)
show was fine (no one died thats all i can ask for)
oh wait yeah remember those people i mentioned at the beginning who joined the team but didnt wanna put effort in,,, one of them was assistant stage manager,,, they just didnt show up
what the hell
thank u, next
new show its like idk june now i guess, the school loved putting last minute events on us and didnt tell us (ooooh we have a tech email now and a form to ask us about events ur welcome @ my high school the team would be a mess without all the updates myself and co head tech did)
last minute events are getting on my nerves and i literally started missing so much class due to tech that my teachers are getting annoyed and i'm failing school
hello july holidays u couldnt have come sooner
august talent show dont talk to me i was in it and i feel awful for how much stress my team were under because the people organising just didnt do anything, my team literally organised most of it
dun dun dun!!! we got new gear!!!!
it doesnt work
well it works sometimes its all wifi based so we dont have to manually set up for assemblies and conferences anymore (hell yeah!) (if the school had functioning wifi.....)
ooooh time to announce the new head techs so we can train them and tell them how to deal with staff and manage everything
uh oh actually chief we're going to take the only freedom u have left as the tech team and open the leadership role up to students who dont do tech
i almost dropped dead
see my school did this thing,,,, if we had a complaint about tech or how wenwere treated they told us to tell them
oh boy did i tell them a lot this year about the shit i dealt with from people
they did nothing but silence our cries for help
so new head tech time the accuse us of the fact we could be picking favourites
excuse me no, i would be more inclined to let everyone in on the process if we had someone who showed up to every meeting, every set up and every event but no, we dont get that luxury like the other committees get.
for a whole month we had meetings with different staff members going back and forth with our battle to regain the onky freedom we had and literally all this was doing was stalling me and co head tech it did nothing
but we carried on saying the same thing in every meeting until at one point i broke down in the middle of class because i was behind, i was failing still, i was getting treated like shit, and the tech team was going to fall apart
they gave in and let us help them pick
they then realised actually the way we have always done it works
tech party!!! we crowned the new head techs in november and officially resigned as tech leaders
prizegiving went flawlessly and i was given a scholarship that my school hands out for contributing to the school community, (i was the first non head student to get it)
i guess tech 2018 wasnt as much of a shit show as tech 2017
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carebear102279 · 7 years
enough.....you lied
It has been a few weeks since sylvie and antonio had sex in his car. Sylvie was chilling at home with cruz. Otis was working at molly's. Sylvie and antonio were finally talking about their feelings. Taking things slow. Sylvie "Joe, what's on your mind? You seem like you're a million miles away." Cruz "I was just thinking." Sylvie "about what?" Cruz "how do I tell you something without you freaking out." Sylvie "just come out with it." Cruz "I have feelings for you, I want to be more then friends." Sylvie "Joe, listen I........." He went into to kiss sylvie, pushing her down on the couch. Sylvie "Joe stop....I said stop!!" She pushed him off of her and slapped him. Sylvie "what the hell is wrong with you!!" Joe "Sylvie, I'm sorry....I don't know why I did that." Sylvie "ENOUGH!!! YOU LIED TO ME!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME THE TRUTH TO START WITH. YOU SAID YOU WERE HAPPY JUST BEING FRIENDS." Sylvie went to her room. She packed her things and started crying. She was at the door. Cruz "Sylvie you don't have to leave." Sylvie "yes I do." Sylvie was crying. Cruz "Sylvie I'm so sorry. Please stay." Sylvie "Joe, I can't. We can't be friends anymore. I'll be back for the rest of my things later. Maybe when no one is at home." Sylvie loaded her things in her car. She sighed and wondered what she was going to do now. Before she knew it she had arrived at antonio's place. She had talked to him earlier, she knew the kids were at their mom's this weekend. Grabbing her things, which wasn't easy. Two duffle bags. 3 large suitcases, plus a few more. Knocking on antonio's door, she waited. But still was crying. The door opened. Antonio saw sylvie, tears and clearly she packed a lot of things. "Sylvie, what is wrong?" Antonio helped sylvie with her things. Embracing her in a hug until she was calm enough to talk. Sylvie "I didn't know where to go." Antonio "hey, you know you're always welcome here." Sylvie "I still have more of my things to get from the apartment." Antonio "so you're not going home?" Sylvie's eyes were the saddest eyes antonio has ever seen "I can't go back home. Joe told me how he felt about me. Then he came onto me." Antonio's eyes went dark "did he hurt you? Because if he did I....." Sylvie "He didn't hurt me like that. He kissed me and pushed me on the couch. I pushed him off and slapped him. Antonio it didn't go any further. But I couldn't stay. I can see if I can stay with gaby." Antonio "hey, I want you here. Where I can protect you. But I'll call gaby and matt to come over. If that's alright with you?" Sylvie "yes, that's ok antonio." Matt and gaby arrived at antonio's place. Gaby and matt saw sylvie's suitcases and bags. Gaby "Sylvie, what's going?" Sylvie "Joe told me how he felt about me. He came on to me, kissed me and he pushed me down on the couch. I screamed at him to stop. I pushed him off of me and slapped him. That's when I packed most of my things and came here. I wanted to come to somewhere I feel safe. Antonio makes me feel that way. I want to get the rest of my things. But I don't want to go back. I just want to put this behind me." Gaby "Matt and I will go get the rest of your things. Antonio, I know you. You stay here with sylvie." Antonio "fine. But if he starts anything you call me." Matt "I'll be there the whole time." Antonio held sylvie in his arms while she cried. "Sylvie, I'm here for you and I'm never going to let anything happen to you. Baby, you're safe with me." Arriving at the apartment, gaby and matt knocked on the door. Cruz answered the door. Gaby "I'm not here to talk Joe, I'm just here to get the rest of sylvie's things." While gaby was packing the rest of sylvie's things. Matt was gathering the rest that was not in her room. Cruz "how's sylvie?" Matt "Joe, how do you think she is. What the hell were you thinking? You said you just thought of her as a friend. Joe this is going to affect the entire firehouse family." Cruz "I know I messed up casey. I feel so terrible for what happened. Where is sylvie staying?" Gaby had walked out "Joe you don't get to ask where she's at. She's safe and that's all you need to know. I can't believe you would do this to sylvie. All you had to do was talk to her. She would've understood and would've been there as your friend." Matt "Sylvie is taking some furlough. But I want to see you in boden's office before the start of your next shift. We don't want to lose either of you." Gaby and matt dropped the rest of sylvie's things off. Sylvie "antonio?" Antonio "hmmmm?" Sylvie "thank you." Antonio smiled and kissed her "hey that's what you do for the woman you love." Sylvie "you love me?" Antonio "yes. I love you. I should've said it sooner. But I love you, I love you, I love you baby." Sylvie looked at antonio, this amazing man. A man that she knew she could always count on. "Antonio I love you so much." Antonio "really?" Sylvie "yes, I love you antonio dawson. I need you tonight. Make love to me antonio." Antonio "you never have to ask me." He picked her up and carried her to his bed. He laid her down gently. Kissing her tenderly, while removing her clothes. She helped him remove his clothes. Passionately kissing each other, both of them getting lost in each other. He pulled her close to him. Falling asleep in each other's arms. God he wanted to hurt cruz for what he did to her. But he knew he would hurt sylvie more if he would go after cruz. He couldn't and wouldn't do that to her. Protecting her was his top priority. Protecting the woman he loves. Otis was furious with cruz. He had warned cruz not to act on what he was feeling. Cruz arrived in boden's office. Severide, Casey and Boden were waiting for him. Boden "have a seat Joe." Cruz sat down and waited for boden to talk. Boden "I've talked to sylvie and learned what happened. Plus Casey and Gaby have filled me in on what happened. Sylvie doesn't want to press charges. I'm going to honor sylvie's wishes. You are going to see a therapist and work through whatever you're dealing with. When sylvie comes back to work and she will. You need to keep your distance. Do I make myself clear Joe?" Cruz "yes chief." Severide "I don't want to lose you on squad 3. So you need to see a therapist. Your appointment with Dr. Charles is in an hour, so you need to get there. You will take the rest of the day off." Matt called antonio to let him know what was going on. Antonio "that was matt. He wanted to let you know Joe's first appointment with Dr Charles is today. So he is seeing a therapist. Your firehouse family is behind you 100%." Sylvie "ok. Don't you work today?" Antonio "I took some personal time off. So I'm here for you. Baby I meant it when I said I love you." Sylvie "I love you too. So what should we do today?" Antonio "whatever you want." Sylvie "well I want you." Antonio "your wish is my command." They made love again. But later they talked about their relationship and their future. Time will tell what will happen, but they've made a big step with their future. Talking about their relationship, their present and their future.
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harmonicegg-blog · 5 years
Got Tinnitus or Diabetes?!
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This is how my mind works and I try to train the other Harmonic Egg center owners to think like me.  Maybe that’s a mistake…ha ha!  No one really wants to be in my head.  There is a squirrel in there that never stops running around on a wheel.  Okay, you should have smiled at that. I was in San Diego for a wedding and someone there solicited my help with Type 2 diabetes.  In my studies of 11 years I have learned that in order to help diabetes (Type 1 seems to be more about the Pancreas and Type 2 more about the Liver) you need to make some diet changes.  This gentleman’s diagnosis was Type 2 so that is what I will mostly write about here, but feel free to reach out if you want more information on Type 1 Diabetes.   I will get to Tinnitus in a minute. Type 2 Diabetes being about the liver being fatty and unable to break down fats and cause an insulin resistance, or the body not able to work like it should because the liver is not pulling its weight.  I have clients reduce fatty foods (lower their intake of animal proteins, no fried foods, no dairy, etc.).  I have clients increase their fruits and vegetable intake. Yes, fruits.  We have been hoodwinked to believe that fruits are dangerous for diabetics, but in fact there are essential minerals in fruits that help the liver and the body work efficiently.   Listen to this podcast, as it makes the most sense to me on how to explain what I just stated.  https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/fruit-fear The liver needs support, not detoxing.  The liver needs hydration, mineral salts, glucose and oxygen.  Learn how in this webinar I created for people wanting to support their liver.  https://lifecenter.us/liver-health-and-weight-issues-webinar (or watch below). Be sure to take notes on the things to do to support the liver.  Your liver is supporting you on a daily basis, even when you are sleeping so be good to your liver. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLEP523CaxE Almost to the Tinnitus part.  This gentleman, from San Diego, has Type 2 diabetes so bad he’s on several medicines (meds) and he’s now seeing double vision in one eye and having to wear an eye patch.  He is to the point of being desperate for help.  I wish people would not get to that point before helping themselves, but in our fast-paced world with quick fix mentalities we just take meds and hope that quick fix will be enough to keep us going.  The problem is, it’s not!  It’s masking symptoms that keep getting worse because we are not resolving the root cause of the problem. While having dinner one night, this gentleman mentioned that when he drinks coffee his ears ring really bad.  These are things I pay attention to and store in my mind for that squirrel to run around and then find the pieces of my knowledge that fit into a more clear puzzle.  I have read that Type 2 Diabetes can also be heavy metals or a viral load attacking the liver.  Hmmmm….this gentleman was in the Navy and retired as a Master Chief (that’s about 30+ years), and I know many military guys have a high load of heavy metals in their bodies.  I suggested he ask his doctor to order a heavy metal urine challenge for him.  When I got home I went online and researched heavy metals and coffee. It turns out, coffee is made of chemical components that are really good at trapping heavy metals like mercury and lead….another.  Hmmmm….more work for that squirrel to churn information in my brain.  Poor squirrel. Everything I have read over the years about Tinnitus had led to the following causes:  1) Inflammation, 2) Heavy Metals, 3) A virus attacking the body (an autoimmune condition), 4) kidney issues, 5) liver issues.  Yes, not so exciting to know if you have Tinnitus.  However, I have helped people with this condition if they are patient and work with me on all the points listed above. If you didn’t know already I am the inventor of the Harmonic Egg (a sound and light egg-shaped chamber).  Learn more at http://www.harmonicegg.com.  During the first session for someone using the Harmonic Egg to resolve Tinnitus, we work on inflammation.  That’s the easiest one to rule out if it’s the cause of Tinnitus.  Truly, clients have done one session and the ringing was gone.  In the next sessions we work on settings to detox heavy metals, anti-viral settings, kidney and liver support settings and we coach the client on diet changes as well as other protocols we have documented at the centers.  It’s not a quick fix for most clients.  We recommend purchasing a 10 pack of sessions and doing those over a short period of time.  Weekly is best.  That’s a good amount of support for the body to reset / reboot and remind it that dis-ease is not NORMAL.  Our bodies are amazing machines and know how to heal on their own, but over the years we beat them up, eat crappy foods, don’t get enough rest, have traumas that come up (like the loss of a parent or a car accident), stress of all kinds…the body gets out of sync and forgets the NORMAL of its perfection.  The Harmonic Egg reboots the body and shifts it back to the perfection it was innately born with.  Am I making any sense? Again, not a quick fix and why would you expect it to be when you beat your body up for 5, 20, 40 years and then you want it to be fixed with a pill or a MAGIC EGG.   Okay, laughing is appropriate here. When seeing clients with Type 2 diabetes we use similar settings in the Harmonic Egg (anti-viral, nervous system reboot, liver support, heavy metal detox).  The settings used in the Harmonic Egg are carefully selected when you visit a center (all centers are trained to do a proper intake to find out what the client want to focus on, and then have them set their intention while in the Harmonic Egg). Check out my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets of Healing, for references: why sound and light therapies work for dis-ease, interviews from doctors, musicians and clients and more on the workings of the Harmonic Egg.  http://www.harmonicegg.com/store I hope I have helped some of you to engage that squirrel in your head to start thinking how you can help yourself find a better quality of life from things that ail you whether it be Tinnitus, Diabetes, PTSD, STRESS, sleep disorders or other.  I, myself, was able to rid my body of migraines, asthma, liver and thyroid issues, cystic acne, hair loss and more using sound and light. Gail Lynn http://www.harmomicegg.com or http://www.lifecenter.us Read the full article
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Way To Celebrate (OTBS Gangbang)
Fandom: Our Two Bedroom Story Category: Smut Character: Minato, Kaoru, Chiaki, Shusei and Akiyoshi Notes: GANGBANG.. This has been in my head for some time but I already forgot most details >.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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One thing about being in the share house with your colleagues, you don’t need to worry about getting drunk when the bed is only few steps away and all the guys are pretty decent, well apart from Chiaki. So you don’t have to think twice when they decide to throw a celebration party for your recent award, your and Minato’s award to be exact. But, whatever, it’s your first official recognition as a journalist, you’re thankful to have Minato as a partner to work on such meaningful article.
“TO GET WHAT?” You yell incredulously. “I’m just saying you need to be careful. You alone with all the guys with all the alcohol…” Tam smiles with concern.
“But still… I wouldn’t get…” You couldn’t stomach the word out of your throat but your best friend Tam has finished the sentence for you.
“Gangbanged! You may get gangbanged!’”
“Oh my god, Tam shut up!!!” You slam your redden cheeks to clam yourself down but Tam has already planted a seed in your head. Of course you’ve fantasied them in your dream or when you’re helping with yourself in the shower. You live with six hotties, how can you not? But the thought of being fucked by all of them at once? No, it has never crossed your mind until now.
“Yo!! Stop spacing out!” Minato hits your head with a bunch of papers and shakes you back to brainstorming about the new project. It’s hard to focus but secretly pinching your thighs under the table sure help a little.
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Why!! Why does Tam has to say something like that?! It’s not like you are the type to be engage in some hardcore sexual activity. They wouldn’t think the same thing, would they?
From the look on Minato’s face, he kind of fits the type although you’re sure there are only certain positions he’d agree to do.
“I know I’m good looking but could you quit staring and get back to work?!” Minato smirks at you after flicking your forehead.
You apologize and put up with the endless meeting for another hour till the chief editor comes to rescue you for some grocery shopping. The growler is exceptionally cute when he’s shy, he blushes whenever his hand accidentally touches yours. Gangbang, Akiyoshi? Not a chance!
Few hours later, the rest of the team begin to arrive home while you and Akiyoshi prepare the feast in the kitchen. Your heart rise whenever you steal a glance at the boss, a man who could cook is so sexy, he’s just your type. You can’t help but wonder what it’d be like to date him, to feel his touches and kisses. The party starts with a round of champagne follow by sushi and shabu shabu. The night continues with more cheers and alcohol plus some unexpected flirtatious questions. Do all men ask weird sexual questions when they’re drunk?
“Good to see you loosen up and enjoy yourself, ______.” Shusei smiles and pats your back.
“Oh someone’s getting cozy..” Chiaki gives a sly smile and a wink, then leaves for more booze.
“It’s too bad Kido couldn’t make it ay, he’s missing out.” Minato says then stuffs another roll of sushi into his mouth.
“He’s gone to Osaka to see his brother, I hope everything’s okay. Hmm, maybe I should give him a ring.” You head to the balcony and make a quick call.
The remaining men sit around the couch and watch you closely, every single one of them want a piece of you. It’s Chiaki who comes to you with beers in hand, “Want one?” Putting your phone away to receive the beer, you feel his hand slips to your waist.
“Shhhhh..” He smirks, “Let’s make a toast.”
His hot breath is making your mind blank before you’d mumble something, Chiaki’s lips nibble your ears when he whispers another congratulations, his hand slowly travels downwards but Minato pulls you both back in the living room before things get out of hands.
“Stop sexual harassing her!” Shusei pouts when both men have their hands on your shoulders.
“She’s my partner!” Minato sticks his tongue out but Chiaki pulls you towards him and suggests you to team up with him instead. The two popular editors keep pulling you from left to right, like two boys fighting over their favorite toy. “Stop already!” Akiyoshi growls and everyone stay quiet but Minato suddenly kisses your cheek, making you yelp in shock!
“Minato!” Akiyoshi yells again but Chiaki swiftly turns you to him and seals your lips.
You’d expect it to be quick since everyone’s watching but it’s exactly why Chiaki isn’t letting go. Cupping your cheeks, he forces his tongue in and explores all he can until Shusei pushes him away when Minato hurries and has a taste too. “Wait, Min…!!!!! Hmmm!!!”
Both men are so forceful, all you’d taste is alcohol. Your head begin to spin while you vaguely hear more jealousy complains then you feel another kiss on your neck to see Chiaki has found his lips on your flesh again. Then Shusei joins the party too by sucking the other side of your neck and from the corner of your eyes, you see Akiyoshi’s eyes darken in silence.
By the time you’re aware of what’s really happening, the three men are stripped and showing their erected cocks on display while they are all busy groping and feeling up your body. Without thinking, your hands grab the nearest dicks and stroke them with dexterity, causing your hot teammates to groan in pleasure.
It makes you feel sexy and powerful.
You couldn’t help but wonder if you’d retain this feeling when they all stuff their fullness in you. One of them, most probably Minato bends you over while standing and thrusts impatiently. The sensation of having such a massive dick inside you cause you to moan loudly and increase the pace with the two cocks in your hands. The man from behind smacks your firm butt hard enough to make you yelp.
“I’ll make you cry and beg for more.”
Yup, that’s definitely Minato.
You know in the back of your mind that Akiyoshi is watching but you don’t have the guts to look, not when you’re being fucked by Minato with two more shafts in hands.
No, you don’t want to know what he looks like right now and you don’t want him to see how much you’re enjoying this either.
After a couple of thrusts, they pick you up and move you to the couch. You’re brought down onto the lap of Chiaki while Shusei pours some beer as lube and prepares your anus for a large insertion, it doesn’t surprise you with Chiaki’s huge cock taking over your ass.
As much as you hate it, your eyes meet with the growler as your mind break down from the sheer pleasure you are newly experiencing. It no longer matters how exactly do you end up to this, any remaining doubts you have are all forgotten, the only words you’d manage to escape your lips are, “Oh my goddddd!!” “Yesss!!” “Ahhh ahhhh ahhh!!” “Fuckkkkkkk hmmmm!!!” and more screams of joy.
You reach your climax in no time, shuddering and writhing. Your ass still clench around Chiaki’s fulfilling cock, milking it till its last drop is extracted to the condom. The hot and satisfying feeling of getting an anal creampie is something you’ve never experienced before.
Arching your back in amazement as Chiaki gives your neck a few more bites before he lifts you up and leaves you with the anticipating Minato and Shusei while he disappears to clean up.
Looking over your shoulder, you see Shusei leaning his body to align with yours, sliding his member into your widened hole. “______, I’ve fantasied this for so long.” The ladies man confesses while Minato takes your free hand to stroke him.
“Oh I plan to fuck you all night long.” He smirks, clearly saving the best for last. The sounds in the room are occupied by moaning, grunting, high-pitched screams with grunts and gasps from the men surrounding you.
Including Akiyoshi!
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You stare at your boss, the man you admire so much who is now pumping his manhood as Shusei furiously pounds your behind. Putting his hands on your shoulder, Shusei pulls your back towards him then asks the boss to join. But before he’d answer, Minato jumps in and positions himself.
With two cocks slamming rapidly in and out of your pussy and ass, you cry with both pleasure and pain, begging for them to fuck harder. The stimulation coming from both angles brings another orgasm rushing inside you. Seeing stars and moaning like crazy, you’re barely aware of the pulsing cock that’s emptying its load on your abdomen.
Coming down from your latest and greatest orgasmic high, your face is slathered with precum. Kaoru’s dick is giving your cheek a wet shine, no rational thought is left to stop you from welcoming your colleague whose cheeks are blushed at such erotic site. You have no idea who or how you are dragged in front of the man who’s been filming the entire thing but your tongue automatically lick Kaoru’s balls and tastes his sweetness. However, the usual quiet and reserved man can’t take it any longer. He pushes you down to the carpet and lifts your legs high while his hands roam and grope your body. He is as gentle as any girl could hope for, his warm hands casually brushes your hair as he pulls in and out of you while the rest keep playing with their shafts with you being under him.
“You want more cock, don’t you?” Someone chuckles, his voice hoarse and heavy. Flush with embarrassment, you nod and moan undoubtedly.
You truly do.
You haven’t had enough yet.
You haven’t had all the cocks yet.
With a particular hard thrusts, Kaoru and you cum together. You’re becoming more of a mess than you already are, never wanting the constant pounding to stop. You are moved into different positions every time one of the guys pull out to save themselves for the big finish.
You’d no longer tell who’s behind as your ass’s filled with one, your pussy is stuffed with two, plus one more in your hand but Akiyoshi keeps his distance. He stands and watches intensely, his dick has soften and harden several times with load of cum dripping to the floor.
But he never steps in to join. Every second is filled with nothing but orgasmic bliss. You are drowning in pleasure, completely satisfied.
Only one thing is missing, one man.
The night ends with you on your knees, cum leaking out from used condoms lying around the floor and your mouth open wide. The group of horny editors jerk their dicks feverishly, eager to end this celebration with one last thick loads. One by one, all four men release whatever reserves of cum they have left onto your face while you moan in ecstasy and rub yourself to another orgasm with your eyes fixed on your boss.
The men are either wasted or exhausted, lying and sleeping at different corners while you quietly follow the tall and muscular figure to the bathroom. Opening the foggy glass door, you sheepishly ask if you’d join.
“I never would have thought you’d do something this wild.” The growler sounds amused.
“Neither.” You mutter, “I’ve never thought about it with all of you.”
You quickly turn to the shower head as you realize what a stupid thing to say but the warmth of Akiyoshi’s chest pressing against your back makes you shiver with anticipation.
“Oh?” His hot breath tickling your ear. “You fantasied us?”
You nod.
“Any favorite?” His hand drawing circles on your inner thigh.
“You… chief.” You whimper, “I insist them to have protections.”
That triggers the growler to groan deep in his throat with his manhood teasing your wet folds. “You’re such a tease.”
“Hmmmm…. You’re so mean, sir.”
Grinning mischieviously, he rubs your clit with his fingers while he brushes his cock against your entrance ever so lightly. “How should I punish you for testing me all night?”
“Sir, please….”
“Call me daddy when we are alone.” Akiyoshi’s tone changes.
“Daddy.” Your breathing become heavy, resting your head on his shoulder as he picks up his pace. “Please…. please …. Daddy .. I want you.. inside, please…”
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Your legs begin to shake after being fucked so many times a night, you’re at your limits.
“Who’s a dirty little slut?” His words surprise you, he doesn’t seem like the type with daddy kink and talks dirty but you’d say anything at this point.
“I… I am… I’m your dirty little slut.” Thank god you’re alone right now or else you’d died from embarrassment.
“What does my dirty little slut want?”
“Your cock, daddy! Please fuck me!”
You give in much faster than he expects but given what a long night it’s been, he couldn’t wait any longer either. Akiyoshi takes a step back and turns you around to face him, “I’ll give it to you good, little girl. You’ll never want any other cocks but mine.”
210 notes · View notes
johnhardinsawyer · 7 years
The Politics of the Kingdom
John Sawyer
Bedford Presbyterian Church
3 / 25 / 18 – Palm/Passion Sunday
 Mark 11:1-11
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Philippians 2:5-11
 “The Politics of the Kingdom” (Using Jesus, and Other Mistakes)
 A little over a week from now will mark the fiftieth anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination in Memphis.  Over the past five decades, Dr. King has achieved an almost saint-like status for some. In a 2011 poll that was taken by the Gallup organization, 94% of respondents had a favorable view of Dr. King.[1]  I was surprised to learn, though, that Dr. King was not nearly this popular when he was alive.  
In the years leading up to his assassination, the preacher and civil rights activist was less popular than ever. A 1966 Gallup poll found that almost two-thirds of Americans had an unfavorable opinion of Dr. King and a third had a positive opinion.[2]
If you learn about some of the things that Dr. King said and did that didn’t involve the beautiful phrase “I have a dream,” you might start to understand why he wasn’t all that popular.  When he started talking about racism, segregation, and housing in the North, and poverty and economic justice, and the war in Vietnam, and “restructuring American society,”[3] it was clear that King’s dream of a different kind of Kingdom was ruffling the feathers of all kinds of people and his popularity dropped – both in the white community and the black community.  “I Have a Dream is so nice,” people thought, “but all that other stuff is too political.”
Hmmmm. . . political.  This is a word that really gets people going, isn’t it?  I don’t know how many times in recent months I have heard one person or another talking about how they don’t want politics in their football or their food choices, their hobbies or their habits, their awards shows or their gun shows, the rhetoric they hear or the religion they espouse.  If you take the word “politics” back to its root in the Greek, you get the word polis, which means city or state[4] or nation.  Anyone who lives in a polis tends to have opinions about what would make that polis a better place to live.  The only trouble is, all those who are seeking the well-being of their polis rarely agree on what would make that polis better.  I guess this is where politics – the process of “making decisions that apply to members of a group”[5] – becomes partisan.  People choose sides, thinking that that their opinions about the polis are the only ones that make sense to them.  And they don’t want to recognize that what’s best for everyone in the polis might look different from how they feel things should be.
Jesus lived in politically divided times.  Around the time of Jesus’ birth, the Romans moved in to stay and became the main governing and occupying force.[6]  By the time Jesus was an adult, the Roman empire had been involved in the politics of Judea for decades.  This was not the first time the descendants of Abraham had been conquered by one group or another.  Empire after empire had invaded the land, laying waste and laying claim.  The Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, and the Greeks, had all left their mark over the centuries – and sometimes that mark was quite bloody.  Now the Romans were in charge.  They put puppet rulers on the throne – the Herodians – but it was clear that Rome held all the real power.  And the people who lived in the land had to choose:  would they go along with the empire who had conquered them, or would they resist?
In Jesus’ day, even though Rome held almost all of the power, there were different groups squabbling over whatever little power was left.  This was especially true in the Jewish religion.  As shocking as it may sound, there are times when the politics of power are mixed with religion, and vice-versa.  As we learned in our Wednesday night Bible Study a few weeks ago, in the Jewish religion, the Pharisees were concerned with following the Law of Moses, the Sadducees were concerned with sacrificing things in the Temple, the Essenes thought that the Pharisees and Sadducees were impure, so they went out to the desert to get away from it all.  To top it all off, there was a growing number of people who were thinking revolutionary thoughts of somehow rising up against the Romans.  Things were quite complicated and volatile.
And then, Jesus came onto the scene.  And everywhere he went, he was interacting with people of different religious backgrounds, and different political leanings, different levels of purity and different races.  He didn’t make things easy for himself when he healed a Roman Centurion’s servant, and talked with women and men who were not Jewish, and mixed it up with the Pharisees and Sadducees.[7]  Different groups tried to test him to see whose side he was on.  The scribes and Pharisees were especially persistent, asking Jesus why he was eating with sinners, and tax collectors, and other undesirables.  It seemed, that if Jesus sided with anyone at all, it was with the people who had no power at all – the poor, the outcast, the sick, the sinners, and the children. In the Kingdom of God, the lowest and the least and the last are the ones God prefers.  Answers like these didn’t satisfy the Pharisees so they went out, pretty early on, and conspired with the Herodians – the Jews who were allied with the Romans – to destroy Jesus.  This is just one example of how political things were for Jesus.  But, when he rode into the city of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, things got really political.
In Mark’s version of the Palm Sunday story, the people use “cloaks” and “leafy branches”  (Mark 11:8)  instead of palm branches, but this scene of Jesus riding a colt into the city of Jerusalem with people laying down their cloaks and waving branches was a symbolic recreation of triumphant parades from the past.  Symbols like this can carry a lot of emotional and historical weight.  
There was this one time – a couple of hundred years before Jesus – when the city of Jerusalem had been conquered by the Greeks and was being held by the Seleucids – a group of people who had burned all of the copies of the Hebrew scriptures that they could find.  Times were tough for the children of Israel.  But then, the Maccabees, a Jewish family, led a revolt that made it all the way to Jerusalem. They took most of the city from the Seleucids and laid siege to a fortress where the last of their enemies were hiding.  Finally, when the fortress fell, they went in “. . .with praise and palm branches, and with harps and cymbals and stringed instruments, and with hymns and songs, because a great enemy had been crushed and removed from Israel.”  (1 Maccabees 13:51)  Years later, when people saw Jesus – someone from the household of King David, someone who had been talking about the “Kingdom of God,” someone who had enough of a following to actually do something dramatic – riding into the city, in full view of all of the parties and groups who wanted a piece of him, there were likely some in that crowd who knew their history, and thought about the “great enemy,” the Romans, and waved their palm branches with revolution on their minds. A palm branch is a symbol loaded with meaning.  Perhaps, you might be able to think of other symbols like this – both positive and negative.
You see how political things were for Jesus?  He had some influence with the people who followed him and could have claimed power with that influence.  But he didn’t. . .  at least not like everyone else wanted him to.
Many of the people who waved branches and cheered for Jesus could only guess what was on his mind as he rode down the steep slope of the Mount of Olives and up into the city of Jerusalem.  Just so you know the road down the Mount of Olives is very steep and I don’t think we give Jesus enough credit on his colt-riding skills, especially since he was riding a “colt that [had] never been ridden.” (Mark 11:2)  Reading Mark’s account, we don’t know if Jesus was happy about all of the cheering, we just know that he rode into the city, went into the temple, looked around at everything and went back out to Bethany (probably to return the colt that he borrowed).  Nowhere do we read that Jesus met with this group or that group – that he tried to curry favor or play politics.  There were those who had revolution, or the Law, or the Romans, or human political power on their minds, but Jesus had the Kingdom of God on his mind.
It should be noted that in the Bible, the word polis is used to talk about human cities and nations, but it is also used to talk about the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem.  At the end of the Book of Revelation, we see this Holy Polis[8] “coming down out of heaven from God.” (Revelation 21:2)  The holy city of the Kingdom of God is a place where every tear will be wiped away, where death and mourning and pain will be no more, a place where wholeness and peace and praise will be known by all, and where everyone will dwell fully in the presence of God.  In his earthly ministry – in the ways that he taught and preached and healed – with his very presence among all those who needed him, Jesus sought to create this Kingdom and bring it near.  And in his dying and rising, Jesus brings this Kingdom into full view.  This Kingdom is unlike any other.  It is a Kingdom of grace, made perfect in weakness and vulnerability.[9]
The prophet Isaiah writes about a suffering servant who listens to God, is not rebellious, and doesn’t turn back.  This servant is one who is struck on the face and is insulted and spat upon, and yet he keeps going.  Isaiah uses the image of a “face like flint” (Isaiah 50:7), the face of someone who appears hard and determined.  But if flint is struck in just the right place, the stone will chip, revealing just how vulnerable it can be.  The same can be said of Jesus, who had warned his disciples that the “Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, [rejected by all of the parties and power-brokers in the polis] and be killed, and after three days rise again.” (Mark 8:31)
Jesus Christ “humbled himself and become obedient to the point of death – even death on a cross.” (Philippians 2:8)  The cross is a symbol full of meaning because it is the place where the life of God brings an end to death, where God’s love is shown in all of its fullness, where a vulnerable God – a crucified God – shows true and gracious power.  It would seem that Jesus has an agenda all his own – one that so many did not understand, but one that applies to everyone in the human family.  And throughout the gospels, Jesus calls his followers to take up their crosses and follow him.
To follow Jesus does not mean that we will always join a joyous parade.  Sometimes, the march is full of hardship and tears.  But if we are striving for the Kingdom of God, the way is blessed because we have One who goes before us – One who has shown us the way, the truth, and the life.
The way of Jesus is one of non-violence – putting down our swords – of humility and healing, of peace and wholeness.  The truth of Jesus is that he came as a teacher and shows us – in his life and example – how to love and forgive.  The life of Jesus is abundant and full and everlasting.  It is a life that is always seeking, striving, and working for the Kingdom of God, both in the here-and-now and in the yet-to-come.
This is a Kingdom, that we see in the presence and person and humble power of Jesus Christ.  May we seek this Kingdom above all others.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.
[1] http://news.gallup.com/poll/149201/Americans-Divided-Whether-King-Dream-Realized.aspx?utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=syndication&utm_content=plaintextlink&utm_term=Politics.
[2] http://www.newsweek.com/martin-luther-king-jr-was-not-always-popular-back-day-780387.
[3] Trailer for King in the Wilderness, documentary – 0:30.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVGRg89DbyM.
[4] Walter Bauer, A Greek-English Lexicon (Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1979) 685.
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics.
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judea_(Roman_province).
[7] Luke 7:1-10 (also Matthew 8:5-13), Mark 7:24-30, John 4, Mark 12:18.
[8] Nestle-Aland, ed. Novum Testamentum Graece (Stuttgart:  Deutsche Bibelgesellshaft, 1993) 675 – “hagian polin”.
[9] 2 Corinthians 12:8-10.
0 notes
harmonicegg-blog · 5 years
Got Tinnitus or Diabetes?!
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This is how my mind works and I try to train the other Harmonic Egg center owners to think like me.  Maybe that’s a mistake…ha ha!  No one really wants to be in my head.  There is a squirrel in there that never stops running around on a wheel.  Okay, you should have smiled at that. I was in San Diego for a wedding and someone there solicited my help with Type 2 diabetes.  In my studies of 11 years I have learned that in order to help diabetes (Type 1 seems to be more about the Pancreas and Type 2 more about the Liver) you need to make some diet changes.  This gentleman’s diagnosis was Type 2 so that is what I will mostly write about here, but feel free to reach out if you want more information on Type 1 Diabetes.   I will get to Tinnitus in a minute. Type 2 Diabetes being about the liver being fatty and unable to break down fats and cause an insulin resistance, or the body not able to work like it should because the liver is not pulling its weight.  I have clients reduce fatty foods (lower their intake of animal proteins, no fried foods, no dairy, etc.).  I have clients increase their fruits and vegetable intake. Yes, fruits.  We have been hoodwinked to believe that fruits are dangerous for diabetics, but in fact there are essential minerals in fruits that help the liver and the body work efficiently.   Listen to this podcast, as it makes the most sense to me on how to explain what I just stated.  https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/fruit-fear The liver needs support, not detoxing.  The liver needs hydration, mineral salts, glucose and oxygen.  Learn how in this webinar I created for people wanting to support their liver.  https://lifecenter.us/liver-health-and-weight-issues-webinar/  Be sure to take notes on the things to do to support the liver.  Your liver is supporting you on a daily basis, even when you are sleeping so be good to your liver. Almost to the Tinnitus part.  This gentleman, from San Diego, has Type 2 diabetes so bad he’s on several medicines (meds) and he’s now seeing double vision in one eye and having to wear an eye patch.  He is to the point of being desperate for help.  I wish people would not get to that point before helping themselves, but in our fast-paced world with quick fix mentalities we just take meds and hope that quick fix will be enough to keep us going.  The problem is, it’s not!  It’s masking symptoms that keep getting worse because we are not resolving the root cause of the problem. While having dinner one night, this gentleman mentioned that when he drinks coffee his ears ring really bad.  These are things I pay attention to and store in my mind for that squirrel to run around and then find the pieces of my knowledge that fit into a more clear puzzle.  I have read that Type 2 Diabetes can also be heavy metals or a viral load attacking the liver.  Hmmmm….this gentleman was in the Navy and retired as a Master Chief (that’s about 30+ years), and I know many military guys have a high load of heavy metals in their bodies.  I suggested he ask his doctor to order a heavy metal urine challenge for him.  When I got home I went online and researched heavy metals and coffee. It turns out, coffee is made of chemical components that are really good at trapping heavy metals like mercury and lead….another.  Hmmmm….more work for that squirrel to churn information in my brain.  Poor squirrel. Everything I have read over the years about Tinnitus had led to the following causes:  1) Inflammation, 2) Heavy Metals, 3) A virus attacking the body (an autoimmune condition), 4) kidney issues, 5) liver issues.  Yes, not so exciting to know if you have Tinnitus.  However, I have helped people with this condition if they are patient and work with me on all the points listed above. If you didn’t know already I am the inventor of the Harmonic Egg (a sound and light egg-shaped chamber).  Learn more at http://www.harmonicegg.com.  During the first session for someone using the Harmonic Egg to resolve Tinnitus, we work on inflammation.  That’s the easiest one to rule out if it’s the cause of Tinnitus.  Truly, clients have done one session and the ringing was gone.  In the next sessions we work on settings to detox heavy metals, anti-viral settings, kidney and liver support settings and we coach the client on diet changes as well as other protocols we have documented at the centers.  It’s not a quick fix for most clients.  We recommend purchasing a 10 pack of sessions and doing those over a short period of time.  Weekly is best.  That’s a good amount of support for the body to reset / reboot and remind it that dis-ease is not NORMAL.  Our bodies are amazing machines and know how to heal on their own, but over the years we beat them up, eat crappy foods, don’t get enough rest, have traumas that come up (like the loss of a parent or a car accident), stress of all kinds…the body gets out of sync and forgets the NORMAL of its perfection.  The Harmonic Egg reboots the body and shifts it back to the perfection it was innately born with.  Am I making any sense? Again, not a quick fix and why would you expect it to be when you beat your body up for 5, 20, 40 years and then you want it to be fixed with a pill or a MAGIC EGG.   Okay, laughing is appropriate here. When seeing clients with Type 2 diabetes we use similar settings in the Harmonic Egg (anti-viral, nervous system reboot, liver support, heavy metal detox).  The settings used in the Harmonic Egg are carefully selected when you visit a center (all centers are trained to do a proper intake to find out what the client want to focus on, and then have them set their intention while in the Harmonic Egg). Check out my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets of Healing, for references: why sound and light therapies work for dis-ease, interviews from doctors, musicians and clients and more on the workings of the Harmonic Egg.  http://www.harmonicegg.com/store I hope I have helped some of you to engage that squirrel in your head to start thinking how you can help yourself find a better quality of life from things that ail you whether it be Tinnitus, Diabetes, PTSD, STRESS, sleep disorders or other.  I, myself, was able to rid my body of migraines, asthma, liver and thyroid issues, cystic acne, hair loss and more using sound and light. Gail Lynn http://www.harmomicegg.com or http://www.lifecenter.us Read the full article
0 notes
harmonicegg-blog · 5 years
Got Tinnitus or Diabetes?!
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This is how my mind works and I try to train the other Harmonic Egg center owners to think like me.  Maybe that’s a mistake…ha ha!  No one really wants to be in my head.  There is a squirrel in there that never stops running around on a wheel.  Okay, you should have smiled at that. I was in San Diego for a wedding and someone there solicited my help with Type 2 diabetes.  In my studies of 11 years I have learned that in order to help diabetes (Type 1 seems to be more about the Pancreas and Type 2 more about the Liver) you need to make some diet changes.  This gentleman’s diagnosis was Type 2 so that is what I will mostly write about here, but feel free to reach out if you want more information on Type 1 Diabetes.   I will get to Tinnitus in a minute. Type 2 Diabetes being about the liver being fatty and unable to break down fats and cause an insulin resistance, or the body not able to work like it should because the liver is not pulling its weight.  I have clients reduce fatty foods (lower their intake of animal proteins, no fried foods, no dairy, etc.).  I have clients increase their fruits and vegetable intake. Yes, fruits.  We have been hoodwinked to believe that fruits are dangerous for diabetics, but in fact there are essential minerals in fruits that help the liver and the body work efficiently.   Listen to this podcast, as it makes the most sense to me on how to explain what I just stated.  https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/fruit-fear The liver needs support, not detoxing.  The liver needs hydration, mineral salts, glucose and oxygen.  Learn how in this webinar I created for people wanting to support their liver.  https://lifecenter.us/liver-health-and-weight-issues-webinar (or watch below). Be sure to take notes on the things to do to support the liver.  Your liver is supporting you on a daily basis, even when you are sleeping so be good to your liver. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLEP523CaxE   Almost to the Tinnitus part.  This gentleman, from San Diego, has Type 2 diabetes so bad he’s on several medicines (meds) and he’s now seeing double vision in one eye and having to wear an eye patch.  He is to the point of being desperate for help.  I wish people would not get to that point before helping themselves, but in our fast-paced world with quick fix mentalities we just take meds and hope that quick fix will be enough to keep us going.  The problem is, it’s not!  It’s masking symptoms that keep getting worse because we are not resolving the root cause of the problem. While having dinner one night, this gentleman mentioned that when he drinks coffee his ears ring really bad.  These are things I pay attention to and store in my mind for that squirrel to run around and then find the pieces of my knowledge that fit into a more clear puzzle.  I have read that Type 2 Diabetes can also be heavy metals or a viral load attacking the liver.  Hmmmm….this gentleman was in the Navy and retired as a Master Chief (that’s about 30+ years), and I know many military guys have a high load of heavy metals in their bodies.  I suggested he ask his doctor to order a heavy metal urine challenge for him.  When I got home I went online and researched heavy metals and coffee. It turns out, coffee is made of chemical components that are really good at trapping heavy metals like mercury and lead….another.  Hmmmm….more work for that squirrel to churn information in my brain.  Poor squirrel. Everything I have read over the years about Tinnitus had led to the following causes:  1) Inflammation, 2) Heavy Metals, 3) A virus attacking the body (an autoimmune condition), 4) kidney issues, 5) liver issues.  Yes, not so exciting to know if you have Tinnitus.  However, I have helped people with this condition if they are patient and work with me on all the points listed above. If you didn’t know already I am the inventor of the Harmonic Egg (a sound and light egg-shaped chamber).  Learn more at http://www.harmonicegg.com.  During the first session for someone using the Harmonic Egg to resolve Tinnitus, we work on inflammation.  That’s the easiest one to rule out if it’s the cause of Tinnitus.  Truly, clients have done one session and the ringing was gone.  In the next sessions we work on settings to detox heavy metals, anti-viral settings, kidney and liver support settings and we coach the client on diet changes as well as other protocols we have documented at the centers.  It’s not a quick fix for most clients.  We recommend purchasing a 10 pack of sessions and doing those over a short period of time.  Weekly is best.  That’s a good amount of support for the body to reset / reboot and remind it that dis-ease is not NORMAL.  Our bodies are amazing machines and know how to heal on their own, but over the years we beat them up, eat crappy foods, don’t get enough rest, have traumas that come up (like the loss of a parent or a car accident), stress of all kinds…the body gets out of sync and forgets the NORMAL of its perfection.  The Harmonic Egg reboots the body and shifts it back to the perfection it was innately born with.  Am I making any sense? Again, not a quick fix and why would you expect it to be when you beat your body up for 5, 20, 40 years and then you want it to be fixed with a pill or a MAGIC EGG.   Okay, laughing is appropriate here. When seeing clients with Type 2 diabetes we use similar settings in the Harmonic Egg (anti-viral, nervous system reboot, liver support, heavy metal detox).  The settings used in the Harmonic Egg are carefully selected when you visit a center (all centers are trained to do a proper intake to find out what the client want to focus on, and then have them set their intention while in the Harmonic Egg). Check out my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets of Healing, for references: why sound and light therapies work for dis-ease, interviews from doctors, musicians and clients and more on the workings of the Harmonic Egg.  http://www.harmonicegg.com/store I hope I have helped some of you to engage that squirrel in your head to start thinking how you can help yourself find a better quality of life from things that ail you whether it be Tinnitus, Diabetes, PTSD, STRESS, sleep disorders or other.  I, myself, was able to rid my body of migraines, asthma, liver and thyroid issues, cystic acne, hair loss and more using sound and light. Gail Lynn http://www.harmomicegg.com or http://www.lifecenter.us Read the full article
0 notes
harmonicegg-blog · 5 years
Got Tinnitus or Diabetes?!
This is how my mind works and I try to train the other Harmonic Egg center owners to think like me.  Maybe that’s a mistake…ha ha!  No one really wants to be in my head.  There is a squirrel in there that never stops running around on a wheel.  Okay, you should have smiled at that. I was in San Diego for a wedding and someone there solicited my help with Type 2 diabetes.  In my studies of 11 years I have learned that in order to help diabetes (Type 1 seems to be more about the Pancreas and Type 2 more about the Liver) you need to make some diet changes.  This gentleman’s diagnosis was Type 2 so that is what I will mostly write about here, but feel free to reach out if you want more information on Type 1 Diabetes.   I will get to Tinnitus in a minute. Type 2 Diabetes being about the liver being fatty and unable to break down fats and cause an insulin resistance, or the body not able to work like it should because the liver is not pulling its weight.  I have clients reduce fatty foods (lower their intake of animal proteins, no fried foods, no dairy, etc.).  I have clients increase their fruits and vegetable intake. Yes, fruits.  We have been hoodwinked to believe that fruits are dangerous for diabetics, but in fact there are essential minerals in fruits that help the liver and the body work efficiently.   Listen to this podcast, as it makes the most sense to me on how to explain what I just stated.  https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/fruit-fear The liver needs support, not detoxing.  The liver needs hydration, mineral salts, glucose and oxygen.  Learn how in this webinar I created for people wanting to support their liver.  https://lifecenter.us/liver-health-and-weight-issues-webinar/  Be sure to take notes on the things to do to support the liver.  Your liver is supporting you on a daily basis, even when you are sleeping so be good to your liver. Almost to the Tinnitus part.  This gentleman, from San Diego, has Type 2 diabetes so bad he’s on several medicines (meds) and he’s now seeing double vision in one eye and having to wear an eye patch.  He is to the point of being desperate for help.  I wish people would not get to that point before helping themselves, but in our fast-paced world with quick fix mentalities we just take meds and hope that quick fix will be enough to keep us going.  The problem is, it’s not!  It’s masking symptoms that keep getting worse because we are not resolving the root cause of the problem. While having dinner one night, this gentleman mentioned that when he drinks coffee his ears ring really bad.  These are things I pay attention to and store in my mind for that squirrel to run around and then find the pieces of my knowledge that fit into a more clear puzzle.  I have read that Type 2 Diabetes can also be heavy metals or a viral load attacking the liver.  Hmmmm….this gentleman was in the Navy and retired as a Master Chief (that’s about 30+ years), and I know many military guys have a high load of heavy metals in their bodies.  I suggested he ask his doctor to order a heavy metal urine challenge for him.  When I got home I went online and researched heavy metals and coffee. It turns out, coffee is made of chemical components that are really good at trapping heavy metals like mercury and lead….another.  Hmmmm….more work for that squirrel to churn information in my brain.  Poor squirrel. Everything I have read over the years about Tinnitus had led to the following causes:  1) Inflammation, 2) Heavy Metals, 3) A virus attacking the body (an autoimmune condition), 4) kidney issues, 5) liver issues.  Yes, not so exciting to know if you have Tinnitus.  However, I have helped people with this condition if they are patient and work with me on all the points listed above. If you didn’t know already I am the inventor of the Harmonic Egg (a sound and light egg-shaped chamber).  Learn more at http://www.harmonicegg.com.  During the first session for someone using the Harmonic Egg to resolve Tinnitus, we work on inflammation.  That’s the easiest one to rule out if it’s the cause of Tinnitus.  Truly, clients have done one session and the ringing was gone.  In the next sessions we work on settings to detox heavy metals, anti-viral settings, kidney and liver support settings and we coach the client on diet changes as well as other protocols we have documented at the centers.  It’s not a quick fix for most clients.  We recommend purchasing a 10 pack of sessions and doing those over a short period of time.  Weekly is best.  That’s a good amount of support for the body to reset / reboot and remind it that dis-ease is not NORMAL.  Our bodies are amazing machines and know how to heal on their own, but over the years we beat them up, eat crappy foods, don’t get enough rest, have traumas that come up (like the loss of a parent or a car accident), stress of all kinds…the body gets out of sync and forgets the NORMAL of its perfection.  The Harmonic Egg reboots the body and shifts it back to the perfection it was innately born with.  Am I making any sense? Again, not a quick fix and why would you expect it to be when you beat your body up for 5, 20, 40 years and then you want it to be fixed with a pill or a MAGIC EGG.   Okay, laughing is appropriate here. When seeing clients with Type 2 diabetes we use similar settings in the Harmonic Egg (anti-viral, nervous system reboot, liver support, heavy metal detox).  The settings used in the Harmonic Egg are carefully selected when you visit a center (all centers are trained to do a proper intake to find out what the client want to focus on, and then have them set their intention while in the Harmonic Egg). Check out my book, Unlocking the Ancient Secrets of Healing, for references: why sound and light therapies work for dis-ease, interviews from doctors, musicians and clients and more on the workings of the Harmonic Egg.  http://www.harmonicegg.com/store I hope I have helped some of you to engage that squirrel in your head to start thinking how you can help yourself find a better quality of life from things that ail you whether it be Tinnitus, Diabetes, PTSD, STRESS, sleep disorders or other.  I, myself, was able to rid my body of migraines, asthma, liver and thyroid issues, cystic acne, hair loss and more using sound and light. Gail Lynn http://www.harmomicegg.com or http://www.lifecenter.us Read the full article
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