#there's clearly more info
booksandberries · 3 days
the good news! i'm tired of my youtube addiction
the bad news! i'm back on fandom addictions
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egophiliac · 2 months
Hi it's just to let you know that the official romanization of Revaan's name is Raverne ! Also they have romanized Baul's name to Baur !
Twst coming back at us again with the least expected romanization! thank you everybody (oh god my inbox) (no it's great, I literally asked for this and the reactions have been INCREDIBLE, thank you all!)
I do like Raverne though, I think it's got a nice fancy sound to it! (I had kinda suspected it was going to be an R instead of an L, so the fact that it's SO close to Laverne except for that is hilarious to me personally.) and Dragoneye Duke is honestly probably the best translation for his title, I wasn't envying the localizers that one. :') Baur instead of Baul I was NOT expecting, but in retrospect I think his name's supposed to be a reference to the Bauru crocodile, so that actually makes way more sense!
someone else also said Meleanor has become Maleanor, which is the REALLY weird one to me, because I was so surprised it was written as Mel instead of Mal in the first place?! oh god no I can't decide which one I like better. 😭 (I wonder if they might change it to Mal...they have made romanization changes before) (like I remember House of Distraction being corrected to House of Destruction in Playful Land) (I did check and she's still Mel for now, but I dunno, they might Mal her up and some point and save me from having to make a decision about which one to use) (HECK I CAN'T DECIDE)
uhhhh thank you for letting me ramble about anime names, let's just say MONOGRAMMED SWEATERS FOR EVERYONE
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#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 4 spoilers#mel is so cute but mal fits with the rest of the draconias better#eng version no you were supposed to save me not make things MORE confusing#anyway raverne huh#that uh. that sure feels like it's supposed to evoke raven doesn't it.#what does it mean WHAT DOES IT MEAN#hold on i'm going to flail around embarrassingly about anime character theories now#(okay first a disclaimer: i do think we need to sit down as a fandom at some point)#(and have a discussion about exactly what is actual canon versus meta speculation versus jokes)#(because i think there has been. some confusion. over that re:crowley and raverne specifically)#(but i do feel justified in being like THEY ARE PROBABLY CONNECTED SOMEHOW RIGHT?! right now)#like i really don't think it's as simple as crowley being raverne but with memory loss or something#(and if they pull that on us i'm going to need an EXTREMELY good explanation to go with it to justify that)#they've gone out of their way several times now to make a point about them acting and sounding different and it feels very intentional to m#(and once again: i super 100% absolutely do not believe that lilia wouldn't recognize him with the top half of his face covered)#i just think the contradictions are a lot stronger than the connections right now but there ARE some connections and i'm 👀ing at them#to be fair the connections are mostly meta like crowley being diablo/raverne being evocative of raven#also the general 'raverne mysteriously disappeared and apparently had distinctive eyes' thing#versus 'crowley's past is unknown and he never shows his eyes'#(i will argue that crowley DOES seem to have some kind of canon connection to briar valley)#(since he is clearly some sort of fae and the masks are a briar valley thing)#and that is kinda it right now isn't it#okay hold on i had to delete some tags because i used too many (thanks tumblr for letting me know and not just vanishing them OH WAIT)#so tl;dr: i'm in the 'crowley is connected to raverne somehow but it's more complicated than just him being in disguise' camp personally#but that will probably change as we get more info and also don't take this as an anti-speculation thing because i love theories HOORAY
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I caught up to the oshi no ko manga recently and can I say whatever aquakane has going on is fucking insane good lord. Not platonic not romantic but a secret third thing (fake dating to “I have feelings for you” “I have feelings for you too” *narrator voice* the feeling was friendship to willing to commit a murder so the other won’t return to a spiraling revenge quest, a murder she was 100% down with since the moment it was implied to complicated exes but goddammit I still see through your bs and care about you idiot I’m gonna ruin your clearly self saboteering revenge quest and also it’s all super ace coded)
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tea-time-terrier · 3 months
I need to know does the fish ever get identified as a different breed or mix and what's the weirdest or funniest one you've gotten
Oh man all the time! Even if people know what a rat terrier is, they have a little piebald miniature in mind and pigroast is...neither of those.
She is most commonly mis-identified as a miniature pinscher (I get it), a basenji (until they see the nub), and a doberman puppy (???).
My favourite was kelpie mix though <3
Funniest dog pike has mis-identified? A German pinscher. She was 100% convinced it was a rat terrier.
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dootznbootz · 6 days
People should read/watch/listen to the source BEFORE they get into the fandom. You will gain ideas and know what is canon before the fanon consumes the canon entirely and you cannot escape.
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r0semultiverse · 11 months
I’m going to go ahead and say that “loving Boruto” isn’t the reason Sumire & Sarada are unaffected by Eida’s Otsutsuki ability. Himawari is clearly affected (in the new chapter, but already had started establishing a bond with Kawaki in the anime so that’s why she has her doubts) and Mitsuki is too. Sumire has an Otsutsuki chakra connection via Nue (it’s never explained well and it’s only in the anime but it’s said it’s linked to the Otsutsuki). We still don’t know about Sarada yet, but it’s clearly not about “love.”
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wazzi2ya · 3 months
Thinking about how the second Lucifer set foot in the hotel, Alastor immediately was filled to the brim with contempt towards him. We know it's because he can't tolerate not being the most powerful being in the room and just had to find a way to antagonize him, but you know what else is there? Everyone in the hotel knows at that point that Lucifer has been an absent father for some time.
Now what is the most common theory about Alastor's own father?
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n7punk · 11 months
She-ra (2018) Action Dolls: Design Details
In 2019, Mattel released a line of eight action dolls for the 2018 She-ra reboot. The line featured Adora, Glimmer, Bow, Catra, Shadow Weaver, and 3 versions of She-ra (there was also a Swift Wind model). There were more dolls planned that were canceled which I've covered in their own post.
For this post I've gathered official images and information about the dolls' design courtesy of the Instagrams of two of the designers: Darren Sander (known for work on Monster High, he designed this line's packaging and did work on She-ra and Swift Wind) and Annalise Lao (who worked on the BFS & Catra). It takes a lot of people to make even one doll for mass production (the SDCC exclusives were two years in the making, before the show even debuted!), but these are the only designers I've found talk about their personal involvement. I found a few more names to credit further in, though.
For data such as price and further stock/promotional shots (as well as the source of most of the ones in this post), see the line's page in the Dollect database.
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[Regular She-ra; Glimmer, Adora, Bow, & Catra; Battle Armor She-ra & Swift Wind. I'll cover the SDCC exclusives later in the post. Photos via Twitter.]
For the main four dolls (center image), the bodies are pre-existing sculpts, with the girls coming from the 2019 DC Super Hero Girls line and Bow coming from Monster High (generation 2). She-ra had a unique body sculpt. All of them had unique heads and clothing/accessories.
Glimmer's body is supposed to be a "curvier" sculpt compared to the other girls. Annalise says the foreshortening on the promotional pictures makes her look skinnier, but I will say that what counts as curvy when it comes to dolls is usually ridiculous. They tried with the options they had, at least.
Swift Wind was designed by Darren Sander and his wing artwork was done by Kristen Kress. His wings are supposed to flap when you move him up and down, and he has a plastic clip on his back to keep She-ra in place.
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[Regular She-ra; SDCC-exclusive She-ra; Battle of Bright Moon She-ra - officially named "Battle Armor She-ra & Swift Wind." All stock photos.]
Regular She-ra: Her outfit is made of plain fabric with plastic accessories for the boots, gauntlets, chest emblem/pauldrons, and tiara (basically, anything gold). Her peplum skirt is unhemmed (on all her outfits) and is made from a sparkly tulle. Her cape is a one-sided fabric, but both sides look pretty much the same. The cape has no hemming either and is sewed directly onto her shoulders. It matches the shorter (more practical) length in the show. The plastic chest piece has overlapping straps and pegs in the back to hook it on.
SDCC Exclusive: The plain fabric of her uniform has been swapped out for a thin, rubbery pleather and her skirt "upgraded" to an iridescent fabric (the fabric feels stiff and way cheaper than the tulle, but was probably chosen for displaying well. It's one-sided). Her cape was redone, now much longer and made from a double-sided foil, still unhemmed. Her boots also have extra paint on their backs (details on that all the way down in the boots section). Otherwise her outfit is the same.
Battle Armor: Her torso and legs are cast in white to give the illusion of clothes. A plastic chest piece clips over the front of her, leaving her back exposed underneath her hair. She has no gauntlets, her forearms instead cast in gold to give the illusion that she is wearing some. Her boots are their usual cast, but they're solid gold with no painting. She has a one-sided reflective skirt, but its curving cut means it's shortest right in front and it often lets her articulation joints peek out. The chest piece was sculpted by Kittaya Wongchinda.
SDCC Exclusive:
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[Display packaging in the upper left; both dolls in middle; compact storage box in upper right; closeups on bottom. All stock photos.]
These two dolls were the first part of the line revealed. She-ra's unique sculpt in the regular line originates here. She-ra is capable of standing on her own while Shadow Weaver requires a stand. Shadow Weaver has the same body as core line Adora and Catra, but this is the only set that includes a stand since it's supposed to be more deluxe.
Shadow Weaver: Her outfit is two layers, made from a long red dress with a turtle neck and an unhemmed, tendril-cut bottom edge. Over the top of it she wears a monastic scapular made from red foil and black fabric. She does not have any shoes. She has a black shadow accessory to hold with glitter suspended through it.
Her mask does not come off, but is cast as a separate piece and then glued tightly to her head to create the appropriate silhouette and depth. Her head is likely smooth underneath and she has small elf ears. Her hair is Polypropylene.
Packaging: The display packaging on the upper left folds in half (with velcro on the insides to keep it together while unfolded) to fit into the storage box in the upper right. The tops of the displays feature the same backdrop as the storage box with Shadow Weaver and She-ra's names written in the First Ones script to label each of them. The storage box has the show logo on two sides with Shadow Weaver and She-ra art opposite each other on the other two sides.
Models & Designers: We know Darren & Garrett Sander (fraternal twins, the latter also being the creator of Monster High) worked on the SDCC dolls, in addition to more unnamed creators, but we have some modeler names!
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[Shadow Weaver's model with her accessory; She-ra's plastic chest emblem model; She-ra's body model, via Instagram. There are three more photos showing She-ra's accessories and sword through the link but I've hit the image limit.]
The dolls and their accessories were sculpted by Arpine Keurjikian, Kittaya Wongchinda, Adam DeFelice, and Sean Olmos (this is gonna shock you but they all worked on Monster High).
Regular She-ra vs. SDCC:
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[SDCC exclusive on the left, regular on the right]
For the con exclusive, the Sword of Protection's blade has glitter suspended throughout it while the others are clear blue, but the cast is otherwise the same. I already compared outfits in the She-ra section, but the con version also has unique hair. Her hair is longer (10 inches vs. around 6 regularly) with some reflective strands (likely tinsel) threaded through it to make it shine. More side-by-side comparison photos of regular vs. con She-ra can be found on Darren Sander's Instagram.
Main Line:
Annalise and Garrett were both fans of the show (unknown for anyone else since I don't have their personal comments) and worked back and forth with Dreamworks on rounds of revisions for the dolls. The dolls had all major joints articulated (just missing ankles, and no torso/chest articulation). They have 11 joints, many of which can be moved in multiple directions. Some individual details:
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[Catra's screening; the rest are stock photos]
Catra's faceup is pretty much the first design Annalise tried, painting it directly onto the prototype early in the process. Her tail is rotatable, giving her an extra point for posing. She has all her stripes (and pant rips, Catra was Annalise's favorite) from the show. Her belt includes a tiny (and fully painted!) Force Captain badge. She came with a staff accessory. Catra uses Saran for her hair.
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[Glimmer's boots; the rest are stock photos]
Glimmer's hair is also saran, but it has been heavily gelled to achieve its shape, which explains why it's often a mess (or at least deflated) in any dolls that have been played with. Glimmer's white glove is painted on to make the layering with her gauntlets work, but otherwise she has her accessories from the show and her jumpsuit is two layers. She has a unique star sparkle in her eye screening and uses the same skintone as the original DC Super Hero Girls Wonder Woman doll. She came with a "sparkle burst" accessory to hold.
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[Bow's chest; the rest are stock photos]
Bow has real textured hair up top with his short sides painted (the more expensive Monster High dolls also have their short sides painted on). His top is a white fabric shirt with a single plastic accessory layered over the top of it to represent his armor pieces. Funnily, the strap for his quiver is included despite him not having one. He came with a (single piece) bow-and-arrow accessory.
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[Posed photo; the rest are stock photos]
I don't have many details on Adora's build, but here's her closeups. The white long-sleeves that are supposed to be from her shirt actually start at the hem of her jacket sleeves and are sewn directly to them. She has a white shirt front sewn on under the jacket collar to give the illusion of proper layering, but it's all one piece. She came with the same Sword of Protection that the two core She-ra dolls had.
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This was the only line they had at the time (and could still be) to have unique bootprints. I don't have a photo of it at the moment, but Adora's boots have four sparkles (the same shape as the emoji ✨) printed on the tread. She-ra's boots were fairly generic, but Glimmer's have a moon print on the bottom and Bow's featured hearts. Dreamworks shared the show designs with them ahead of time, since these dolls started production long before Bow's heart-soles were shown off in season two, and it was a detail they were excited to include for the fans.
It's mentioned up above, but the same cast was used for all of She-ra's boots. The pair pictured here is her con boots. Her regular boots didn't have the blue paint on the very top edge but were otherwise painted (they're up in the sword comparison photo in the SDCC section). The Battle Armor version was gold with no painting at all.
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[A lineup of stock photos with the core five box fronts]
And finally, because it's really well-designed IMO, here's the packaging design that was used for the core five dolls. Darren Sander designed the packaging layout and blister with the artwork coming via Dreamworks. The front has the outlines from the Sword of Protection's blade embossed into it. The sides each have a little sword embossed into them and the top has the She-ra logo. They're difficult to see (much less photograph) in transparent plastic, and of course these are head-on photos, but the details really make it.
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betterthanbatman1 · 9 months
For the DC ask game!
38. Who do you think is the most overlooked or underused character?
Thank you for the ask, Quo!
Hmm the first character that comes to mind is Duke Thomas (tbh I’m starting to see more of him lately which I really like eg in the Outsiders and reoccurring/being mentioned in the batfamily based comics), but yeah I think he’s often overlooked.
I realise I’ve answered your question above already haha, however I’m just going to give you some reasons I love Duke and why we should see more of him because more people should know about him:
Firstly, his powers! His ability to manipulate light and shadows and see the past/future and other dimensions as a result, is amazing and gives opportunity to so many interesting scenarios and possibilities. He has Night vision, Super vision, x-ray vision, etc. He can manipulate light in pretty much any way possible eg creating beams &bending them, controlling the colour/brightness. He can even turn invisible which is incredible.
He’s also a genius!! I seriously don’t get why no one talks about this kid and his detective skills. “Tim discovered Batman’s identity *gasp*” …yeah he did…but he wasn’t the only one! This boy single handedly figured out Batman’s identity, Dick’s when he was Agent 37, Damian’s AND Alfred’s identity during the we are Robin movement
Ah yes, this leads to the We are Robin movement he led (a group of them at least). And let’s never forget that time he jumped out the back of a moving police car to continue going against the system and continue pursuing the we are Robin movement.
Back to his smarts-This little boy trained to out riddle the riddler. What child does that?? The kids a genius and his confidence is amazing. He’s super talented and loves quizzes and puzzles.
He found his jokerised parents by himself. (This is actually heartbreaking because his parents were good people. They were a loving family and his parents got screwed over by the fucking joker). After the police pretty much said we don’t give a fuck about finding your parents, Duke himself searched for his parents, knowing they were alive. There was a possibility that they were jokerized but that never stopped him. He literally scoured the sewers to find them, only to see them laughing hysterically and not recognizing their own son. Their little boy was nothing but an object standing in front of their laughter ridden bodies.
Okay *wipes tears* moving on: He is immortal/might be immortal! (idk for sure) but it’s so cool either way!. Although, the way dc brings back the dead, every character is immortal.
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milimeters-morales · 7 months
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suguruuuu · 11 months
sometimes I think about how Mimiko and nanako's uniforms don't match - did Geto buy those for them because they were stylish? Did they go on little shopping trips together??? Do you think that they emerged from the dressing room and asked Geto if it looked nice??? Did Geto buy them teen fashion magazines at their request?? DID HE TEACH MIMIKO TO PUT HER HAIR UP IN A BUN???
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yeonban · 10 months
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I have to say my favorite part about Aha's character is how pivotal they are to the story and how subtly they lead the universe to lean into one direction or the other while everyone mainly continues to see them as a hehe xd lol jester cringefail little havoc creating guy intent solely on trolling everyone
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itsaboutspies · 26 days
I'm doing a full rewatch of nuwho with my boyfriend but for him it's his first time watching most of these episodes, or at least first time since seeing them on tv as a child when they aired, and it's so fun seeing it all through the eyes of someone who has no idea what's going to happen and doesn't already know all the lore. We're up to day of the doctor next and he has no idea Tennant's in it so I'm very excited to watch that
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chronurgy · 30 days
I'm starting to dread (ha) Dreadwolf, partly because Solas is the main antagonist and I have...... Absolutely no feelings about him at all, actually. The best I can summon is a big old "meh". And if they center him (which it seems like they plan to) and make a big deal about whether you want to kill him or redeem him or stop him or join him... Well frankly I just won't care and I'm worried that means I won't have a damn thing to care about in the game's main plot
I'm also worried that his success or failure at taking down the veil will be preordained since that's too big of a plot line to leave up to the player - there just wouldn't be any way to structure future games to account for that player choice. This is obviously a less well founded worry, but it makes it really hard for me to care about the stakes of the game
Idk I'm not trying to shit on people who are excited for this game (I am too, despite the bitching and moaning) but it's really hard to get excited for a game when the one thing you know about it is so completely uninteresting to you
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theprinceandthewitch · 9 months
No, no I don't think I will "get over" this shows poorly veiled misogyny lol.
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caramellody · 8 months
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Not me making an au where Ken ACTUALLY died (allegedly) in the original 10/4 but was saved by the kirijo group (to be used as a weapon. allegedly), but then it doesnt turn on so its deemed a defect and is dumoed out in the trash only for him to ACTUALLY wake up, be so overwhelemed by hisnsituation he forcibly locks his memories untila situation that forces those memories back out.
anyway hows your day going ;v
tagging in @n00dl3gal bc yknow. they were there for the whole ride fkdjdjdj
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