#there's a reason you're not wanted in these spaces
mxdarling · 2 days
[every kiss, he falls deeper in love]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: the longer he stares at your sleeping form, the more he wishes for this moment to never go away.
ೃ⁀➷: word count: 698
ೃ⁀➷: reference/inspiration: n/a
[author’s note:] heyy anon... i hope this post of mine will help comfort you during this rough patch of your life :(( i tried to get this out as soon as possible without disregarding the quality of the writing, i also tried to keep it short so i'm able to post this in like a day so i hope i did aventurine justice for you <33
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[warnings:] lowercase, occ aventurine, fluff with underlining angst, lots of kisses, spoilers for aventurine's real name and bits of his backstory, reader is not trailblazer, they/them prns, definitely rushed.
[If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me.]
[GN reader]
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AVENTURINE was never one to let his guard down around other people. this facade of a lighthearted gambler who always wears a smile on his face even in the face of danger and risks—this is the "aventurine" he shows to the public eye. the part of the ten stonehearts "aventurine", the senior manager in the IPC "aventurine", the hard-to-discern his true feelings "aventurine", all of them are merely just masks.
yet when it came to you, he felt his high walls crumble down before you; a heart that he once thought died long ago had started beating, and at such a weird pace too. suddenly the air in his throat disappears, like you're taking away the air for him to breathe—it's almost pathetic. the way you're able to make him break composure so goddamn easily, it's unfair. how could he feel so at ease with someone like you? Why does he feel so at ease with someone like you? why does he feel so much for someone like you?
he doesn't like to admit it; for the first several weeks, he's been in denial about his feelings for you because the whole reason for his masks is to not reveal his true self to anyone. how can he continue to do that when he feels so weak in front of you? it's like rationality is thrown out the window when you're around him; he dislikes the mushy feelings you've given inside of him; he dislikes that it makes him feel good. he wants to hate it; he wants to hate it so badly, yet he can't help but wish to spend more time in your presence.
if he had told past aventurine he would be happily dating you several months later, he most likely wouldn't have believed him, but here he is now. in a relationship with you, sharing a bed with him, staring with soft eyes at your (very cute and adorable) sleeping form, and the growing urge to plant kisses all over your face.
it's the fact that you're showing him such a vulnerable state, that you trust him to not do anything to you while you're asleep, and that out of everyone in the whole universe, you'd rather be with him. he doesn't understand your reasoning for why you decided to stay with him; he doesn't understand how you could love someone like him.
as he continues to stare lovingly at your resting form, he slowly reaches out his hand to move away a strand of hair that is blocking his view of your face. his fingers make contact with your cheeks. even after moving the strand of hair away from your face, his hand lingers, lightly tracing against your jawline, careful enough to not wake you up by accident. seeing as you're in deep sleep, he moves himself a bit closer until the space between you and him is almost non-existent.
he leans his head towards your forehead, gently pressing a light and quick kiss. if you hadn't been asleep, he would've given you so much more, but for now, he'll settle on giving you just that one kiss.
"i love you, (name)..." he whispered softly. it's the first time he's ever uttered those words out loud. it's funny how he can tease and fluster you all day with compliments and pick-up lines but never say, 'i love you'. perhaps he's a coward for saying it when you're asleep, but can you really blame him? after all, he's baring his whole heart to you—being open and honest isn't exactly the easiest thing a gambler like him can do. he's spent a lifetime being a bargaining chip, a slave, and a survivor. he's not used to the love and kindness you've shown him; even with all his wealth, looks, and charisma, he still feels as though he isn't enough for you.
maybe he'll tell you one day about his past, the things he's done to get to this point in life, and how much you mean to him. maybe he'll show you the real him, not the "aventurine" mask he's created to protect himself but instead the "kakavasha" who survived the massacre of his people.
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Side Effects | Han Jisung
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•Synopsis: Your science loving nerd of a roommate Jisung has been acting strange but that's not what has fear coursing through your body. It's the feeling that someone's watching you when you're supposedly all alone, the objects moving seemingly on their own and the phantom intimate touches that has you on edge.
Are you going crazy or is there something or someone in the apartment targeting you?
•Pairings: science geek Jisung x Female Reader
•Content Includes: smut, mentions of hauntings & hallucinations, lies and secrets, slight non-con?, somnophilia, unprotected & protected p n v, pervy Jisung, masturbation (m + f not mutual), cliffhanger, Chan makes an appearance a few times
an: if I missed something and you feel it should be included in the content warning please kindly let me know in the comments ♡
Want more smut? Follow the banana 🍌
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⚠️tiny warning before continuing: there are moments where reader is unaware of what's happening due to being sleep. these moments may appear as non consensual which is the reasoning for the slight non-con warning. I tried make it known that any sexual activity that happens is welcomed. I hope I was able to convey that. Just a heads up lol. Enjoy♡
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Your roommate, Jisung, is a nerd. You mean that in the most affectionate way, of course, but it’s true. When he's not helping the chemistry professor at the local college in his free time, he's experimenting in the apartment or researching different chemicals and compounds. His room is a chaotic mess of beakers, test tubes, and textbooks, everything he needs to create something from science. In the two years of living here, It’s never bothered you. Just as long as he and his equally nerdy friend, Chan, don’t blow the place up or set anything on fire. In fact, you’ve grown quite used to the faint, yet sharp scent of various chemicals wafting through the apartment over the years.
Today, the scent of acetone and metal permeates the small apartment. Jisung and Chan have been working on something for months, the two of them locked away in Jisung's cluttered bedroom. When you ask about it, they just shake their heads with a smirk and say, “Top secret, y/n.” You roll your eyes but smile, understanding their need for secrecy. You respect their space and their experiments, no matter how strange it makes them act, always offering to clean their beakers and test tubes whenever you're washing dishes. The dynamic between you and Jisung is what makes the roommate setup work.
Jisung couldn't believe his luck. Not only was his roommate hot and open minded but a gamer who's always down for a Naruto or Bleach marathon. He was so grateful that you weren't like the stuck up pretty girls he dealt with in highschool. Jisung really felt comfortable with you, he could be himself without fear of feeling like his IQ was lower than what it actually was. So whenever he and Chan were close to a scientific breakthrough and you never asked too many questions it only caused his “little infatuation” as he calls it, to grow.
One evening, you find yourself in the kitchen, hands submerged in soapy water as you scrub away at the dishes. The random playlist you chose earlier plays softly in the background and the faint scent of lemon from the dish soap mixes with the clean, crisp scent of freshly laundered towels, filling the kitchen air. You’re lost in thought, your mind drifting as you methodically clean the plates, forks, and glasses, when you feel a sudden, inexplicable chill. It’s as if a cold breeze has brushed against the nape of your neck but the windows are closed and the AC isn't on. You shiver involuntarily and glance around, half expecting to see Jisung standing there. But the kitchen is empty.
You shake your head, chalking it up to just a random chill and turn back to the sink. The sensation lingers, though—a prickling awareness like you're not alone. For ten minutes it felt like someone was there in the kitchen with you but each time you looked around, no one would be there. You could hear faint tinkering and music from Jisung's room and you knew he was working with Chan. The cold is back as you finish up the last of the dishes and when you turn around again, you nearly drop the plate in your hands. Jisung stands there, silent and unexpected. Brown eyes behind round framed glasses shine at you and he gives you an awkward smile.
"Where did you come from?" you ask, your voice higher than usual.
"Sorry," he says with a shrug. "Didn’t mean to scare you, just needed a drink."
You laugh nervously, feeling your rapidly beating heart slow down. "Jeez Ji, you should wear a bell or something." You let out a breathy chuckle.
He shrugs again and laughs quietly before grabbing a drink from the fridge and disappearing back into his room without another word. The interaction leaves you confused and slightly unsettled. Well, that was strange… stranger than usual. There’s something off but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You shouldn't really be surprised by strange behavior when it comes to Jisung but he's never acted that strange before.
Over the next few days, strange happenings become more frequent. Objects begin to move on their own; a cup slides across the kitchen counter that you barely just noticed and a book falls from a shelf behind you while you watched tv. You find yourself jumping at shadows and sounds and now you're convinced that the apartment is haunted. Of course you haven't said anything about it, Jisung would more than likely think you're crazy.
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One evening, you’re gaming in the living room. Headphones on, fully engrossed in the game, when your can of soda just sort of levitates a few inches off the coffee table before gently coming back down. The controller slips from your hands as a cold sensation moves across your cheek. You jump back and scream, calling out for Jisung, but it’s Chan who saunters into the room. Curly hair wild, lab coat askew, and glasses perched on his nose.
"Jisung’s in the bathroom," he says, noticing your wide eyes and pale face. "What’s up y/n?"
"The can... it moved on its own." You stammer.
Chan chuckles, shaking his head. "Must be a temperature change or something. Science can explain a lot of weird stuff, y/n."
“Channie, it fucking levitated! Can science explain that?!” you say in a half shout, half whisper looking up at him.
“Mate, chill out.” He gives you a sympathetic smile and walks over to you to pat your head. “Science can most definitely explain that. I can show you how if you want? I'll just need a few supplies for the demonstration.” His eyes light up and he smiles wide at you, showing off his dimples.
“That’s… okay, Chan. You don't need to do that.” The lack of enthusiasm in your voice isn't missed and he chuckles, patting you again before leaving the room.
You’re not convinced, but you nod to yourself and try to focus on the game, occasionally glancing back at the can. The feeling of being watched never truly leaves, though. Every day you start to notice more—subtle things, like the way Jisung’s eyes linger on you a fraction too long, or the odd satisfaction in his smile when you mention the hauntings after you caved and told him. Jisung's watchful eyes make you feel like you're part of one of his experiments, like some sort of test subject. He's always been a bit weird at times, but this is a whole different level of weird for him. You shrug it off as stress or lack of sleep since he and Chan have the tendency to overwork.
The night is warm tonight, the air heavy with the lingering heat of the summer day. You sit in the black metal wicker chair on the balcony, a book loosely cradled in your hands, listening to the sounds of traffic and crickets below. The warm summer breeze drifts across your skin and you adjust your tank top and shorts that have already begun sticking to your skin from the heat. With a sigh, you look down at the worn paperback book in your hands and try to focus on the words.
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You’re half-aware of your surroundings: the breeze, the faint smell of an impending rainstorm, the sounds of the city. It’s peaceful, lulling you to sleep. Your body relaxes, and the book slips from your fingers, resting across your lap. You're in a state somewhere between consciousness and slumber when you feel it.
It's subtle at first, like a feather brushing against your skin, but it soon shifts to the feeling of hands. The touch is hot and insistent, groping your breast under the thin fabric of your tank top. Panic surges in your chest and you force your eyes open, heart pounding in fear. You sit up, the book slipping from your lap and landing with a soft thud on the concrete floor.
You glance around, trying to make sense of what you just felt, but the balcony is empty. You glance down and your breath catches in your throat. Your left breast is exposed, the strap pulled aside in a way that couldn't have happened by accident. A cool breeze brushes against your bare skin, a stark contrast to the phantom heat of the touch you just felt. You pull your tank top back in place with trembling hands, looking everywhere but seeing nothing. Scrambling to your feet, you slide open the glass door and step inside, locking it behind you.
With your heart still thundering in your chest, you make your way to Jisung's room. When you knock on his door, you hear shuffling, the sound barely audible over the whir of some machine inside. He opens it a little and you’re momentarily stunned by the sight of him—disheveled hair, sweaty brow, black-framed glasses askew and wearing an oversized black hoodie.
"Can I help you?" he asks, his voice tinged with exhaustion.
"I think…” you sigh and brace yourself. "The apartment is definitely haunted." you blurt out.
Jisung looks shifty, eyes darting to the side but he quickly recovers and a skeptical smirk plays on his lips. "Haunted? Really, y/n?"
"I’m serious," you insist. "I think something just touched me. Out on the balcony." You point a finger in the direction of the glass door.
Jisung’s brows knit together and he steps out of his room, closing the door behind him, giving you his full attention. "Like... someone was out there?" He messes up his hair even more, running his fingers through the dark strands.
You shake your head, wrapping your arms around yourself. "No, there was no one there when I opened my eyes but it felt hands on me Ji. I don’t know how to explain it."
His eyes darken with a mixture of skepticism and concern. "So you think the place is haunted and that a ghost touched you?" You nod, your heart still pounding in your chest.
He places a comforting hand on your shoulder, his touch grounding you, if only slightly. "Sounds like you were in REM sleep. Dreams tend to feel real and vivid in that cycle." He gives you a sympathetic smile and adds, "Maybe it’s just your imagination."
You narrow your eyes at him. "I’m not imagining this, Ji." You say starting to feel frustrated.
He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay, y/n. I’ll look into it, alright?"
Reluctantly, you nod and walk to your room with more questions than answers. As days pass, the strange activity continues. You catch glimpses of movement from the corner of your eye, feel phantom touches on your skin, and hear whispers that have no source. You're starting to feel like you're going crazy.
Jisung’s behavior becomes stranger. He spends even more time locked away, emerging only to grab food or ask you cryptic questions about your day. You start to suspect he knows more than he’s letting on but every time you ask, he deflects with a nervous laugh and spouts some scientific theory. Even Chan is acting odd, though he's usually the more grounded one among them. Not by much—Chan's a weird one too, but it’s part of his charm. He’s an adorkable dork.
The two men are lounging on the couch tonight, eyes glued to the anime playing on the screen, while you're in the kitchen preparing popcorn for the three of you. The scent of melted butter fills the air as you pour it over the freshly popped kernels.
Suddenly, Chan's voice cuts through the ambient tv noise. “You did what?!”
Jisung quickly shushes him, their heads whipping around to you as you turn to look at them, each wearing an identical, innocent grin. Weirdos, you think, shaking your head, tossing the popcorn.
You missed Jisung's whispered confession to Chan about his antics on the balcony. Chan already knew about the mysteriously moving objects and the true cause behind them. It's because he was partially involved. He and Jisung had created a liquid that granted invisibility to the drinker. Their top secret experiment they were working on for damn bear a year was almost near perfect. After successful trials on mushrooms and lab rats “borrowed” from Jisung's chem professor, they decided to take it a step further. Jisung volunteered as their human test subject, and you became the unwitting participant in their trails.
Chan never imagined Jisung would push the boundaries so far though, especially by groping you. But Jisung couldn't resist. Initially, his plan was to give you a harmless scare, maybe brush against your arm. But when he saw you asleep, your tank top revealing the side of your breast, his self-control vanished. He was overwhelmed by a primal urge and it was like his hands were moving of their own accord. He gently pulled your left breast free and gave it a firm squeeze. His mouth hovered inches from your skin, ready to kiss the mound of flesh when you woke with a start.
“Bro, I don't know if you should be taking so many doses. We're not sure if there's any side effects.” Chan cautions, his voice barely audible as you rejoin them in the living room.
Jisung stays silent, unable to respond to his partner as you settle on the floor in front of them, handing over the bowl of hot popcorn. Chan’s concerns echo in Jisung’s mind. He knows Chan is right, but the thrill of invisibility is intoxicating. He revels in the mischief, in watching you unaware of his presence. The moments when you think you're alone, wearing nothing but that oversized Tokyo Ghoul T-shirt and panties, are his favorite.
Every time you reach for a cup or a plate, the hem of your T-shirt lifts just enough to expose a tantalizing glimpse of your ass. When you bend over, the thin material of your thong outlines your pussy, making him feel certifiably insane. Sometimes he would intentionally knock something over just to watch you pick it up. The sight of you bending would make him painfully hard and he'd have to slip away to his room, unable to resist the urge to jerk off to the image that was now burned into his mind.
Jisung’s addiction to the elixir grows with each use. He tells himself it's all in the name of science, to see how much is needed for long-lasting effects but deep down, he knows it's because he can’t get enough of watching you unseen. He needs to be closer to you.
One night, Jisung decides to take things further. Pretending to go out to help the professor at the college, he sneaks back into the apartment quietly, slipping into your room while you’re in the shower. The steam fills the air of your bathroom, the hot water cascading down your body. As you stand under the spray with your back to him and eyes closed rinsing your hair, you remain oblivious to his presence. The glass door to the shower is slightly ajar, giving him a perfect view of your wet body. His breath hitches as he frees his hard cock from his sweats. It’s as if he has no control over his impulses; the need to cum clouds his thinking or maybe it's the elixir that's got him feeling this way? He rubs the palm of his hand over the head of his cock, coating it with precum. When you bend over to shave your legs, he almost cums at the sight of your bare pussy.
Jisung’s eyes are glued to the space between your thighs and the way the water bounces off your skin as the steam rising around you. He bites his lip to keep quiet, thinking, “So beautiful.” His hand moves faster, and he's bucking up into his closed fist until he can’t hold back any longer. With a muffled groan, he cums hard, splattering onto your ass and mixing with the water, washing away unnoticed by you. If only the elixir made his semen invisible too, he'd probably always cover you in the warm, wet fluid like this. He knows he would.
Watching you becomes a nightly ritual for Jisung. He drinks the pale teal liquid that is the invisibility elixir and sneaks into your room. He watches you during intimate moments, like when you fuck yourself with your fingers before bed. He hears you moan his name occasionally when you bring yourself to multiple orgasms and it only adds fuel to the fire. He never thought you found him attractive.
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To him, you’re way out of his league. But watching you climax to the thought of him is a dream come true. His obsession grows, and he becomes bolder, unable to resist the urge to touch you while you sleep. Each night when you fall asleep, he lightly runs his middle finger up and down your cunt over your pajamas while he fucks his hand. The soft moans you let out in your sleep never fails to make him cum.
One particularly hot night, you decide to sleep naked on top of your covers. It's impossible to be comfortable when your pajamas stick to your overheated body. You’ve just had an orgasm and you lay there, sated and relaxed waiting for sleep to take over (though you really should get up to pee). Jisung watches you from the corner of your room, his cock painfully hard in his hand. He's lost track of how long he's actually been in here watching you. He waits until you're deep asleep, your chest rising and falling steadily, before he moves closer to your bed.
He can’t resist the sight of you, legs spread apart, pussy glistening. He begins to stroke his cock standing at the foot of your bed but it’s not enough. Before he knows it, he’s slipping out of his sweats. The bed dips as he crawls onto it but you don’t stir. He pushes your legs apart more, his breath catching as he sees just how wet you still are. Slowly he rubs the head of his cock against your folds, shuddering and the sensation. He tells himself “Just the tip,” but when he pushes into your opening, your pussy clenches around him and he can’t stop. He pushes deeper and deeper, burying himself inside you, freezing when you make a soft moan.
He waits, barely breathing before he starts to move slowly. You feel so warm and tight around him. He knows he should stop, "This is so wrong!" his inner thoughts yell at him but it feels too good.
“Fuck, Y/N, you're so wet.” he whispers in the dark, feeling bolder.
Slowly he moves but soon each thrust becomes more desperate than the last. He has to stop himself from slamming into you so that he doesn't wake you.
“Slowly… slowly… ah! Oh shit.” he mumbles quietly. “Is this what you were imagining when you came moaning my name, y/n? Hm? Were you imagining my cock pumping in and out of this tight cunt? Oh fuuuck, mm.”
His legs soon begin to shake as he watches the way his cock disappears inside your dripping cunt and slips out again, leaving his length covered in your creaminess. It's too much—the sight, the soft sighs you're making in your sleep. He pulls out just in time, pumping once into his hand before he's cumming onto his palm, careful not to leave any evidence behind.
He takes one last look at you, still sleeping, before he tiptoes out of your room and back into his. Had you woken up, you would've caught sight of Jisung cumming into his hand above you. The elixir wore off just as his orgasm hit him. He lays in his bed still feeling the lingering sensation of you squeezing his cock with your pussy and it takes a lot to not down more of the pastel teal liquid that sits on his desk and go back into your room to fuck you again.
“How can I make it last longer? There's got to be a way to lengthen the invisibility time frame without taking too many doses,” he mumbles to himself, looking up at the ceiling and lazily stroking his cock. He cums hard minutes later, moaning loudly into his pillow, replaying the sound of you moaning his name in his head and falls asleep peacefully with a smile on his face.
The next morning, you’re up early, sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in your hands. A blank sleepy expression on your face as you stare off into space. Jisung joins you, wearing his best poker face.
"Hey, y/n," he says, trying to sound casual. "Sleep well?"
You nod, your eyes, however, tell a different story. "I had a weird dream. It was so vivid... so real. It felt a lot more real than the one I had on the balcony."
Jisung’s stomach churns with guilt but he forces a smile after pouring his own cup of coffee. "Dreams can be like that sometimes. Maybe it’s stress or something."
"Maybe," you murmur, stirring your coffee absentmindedly. "It’s just... I woke up sore." Your face heats with a blush thinking about your activities before you fell asleep last night. Maybe you were too rough? But then why do you feel like you were stretched out way beyond your two fingers?
He swallows hard, trying to keep his expression neutral and ignore the growing sensation of his cock as he sits down across from you. "Sometimes dreams can manifest physically. Your mind is very powerful, you know."
You nod slowly, still feeling doubtful. You know that something strange is going on around the apartment but it's just your testimonies with no hard evidence.. Soon the conversation shifts to more mundane topics and Jisung couldn't be more relieved but the tension remains between you. Throughout the day, you barely see him. Even when Chan came by, Jisung didn't come out of his room. You got the weirdest feeling that he was avoiding you.
“Maybe he's just tired of hearing me complain about my delusions,” you wondered to yourself stirring a cup of chamomile tea.
You spent the time you weren't working convincing yourself that you were indeed experiencing some stress-induced hallucinations. Who were you to doubt someone as smart as Jisung and Chan? A week off of work would do you some good—maybe you'll give yourself a spa day, binge on junk food, and catch up on some anime.
Meanwhile, Jisung and Chan worked hours and hours trying to study their creation further. Jisung's secret of what he did last night stays that way. A secret... No way could he tell Chan—he'd probably stop the experiment, maybe destroy all their hard work and Jisung couldn't, wouldn't let that happen. He needed it now, needed you now. He wasn't just obsessed with the science and having created something that scientists have tried to create for centuries; now he was obsessed with the feeling of invisibility, obsessed with the power it gave him and obsessed with the feeling of you. He craved it all. He knew that feeling could be a side effect, as well as feeling out of control while invisible and all the reckless wrong things he did but he chose to ignore every red flag and blaring warning signs. The more he drank the elixir, the more it controlled him, possessing him with insatiable lust and desire.
That night, driven by compulsions he can't deny, Jisung slips into your room again. Once more, you're naked, lying on top of the covers and the cool air from a fan blowing over your body, makes your nipples hard. The sight takes his breath away, every inch of your body exposed to his hungry gaze again makes his mouth water. He positions himself between your legs, slipping on a condom before pushing into you. The sensation is overwhelming, and he bites down on his lip to keep from making a sound. You moan in your sleep, your hips lifting towards him, and he nearly loses it. He begins to move, each thrust slow and deliberate, watching your face for any sign of consciousness. You murmur something unintelligible but stay asleep. In and out he moves, the slow tempo is so frustrating to him but he knows he needs to be smart. You moan his name in your sleep and he flinches, startled by your voice.
"Shit..." He whispers looking down at you.
Jisung’s heart pounds in his chest, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through him. Your breathing changes, a soft whimper escaping your lips. He can't help but cum quickly and it's intense. He's trembling and panting, spilling into the condom that he hastily slipped on earlier with a grunt. He's still thrusting into you slowly, riding out his orgasm when you start to wake up.
The room is dark when your eyes slowly flutter open. A faint glow from the streetlights seeps through the blinds of your window and casts eerie shadows across your walls. There's a random sensation between your legs pulling you from the depths of sleep. At first, it feels like another dream, but it's all too real. Your eyes scan the darkness, heart pounding, but there's nothing—just the dark room and the soft rustle of the sheets.
The feeling of being filled, stretched in the most intimate way and the rhythmic movements should scare you, but the pleasure is too incredible. Your breath hitches and you find yourself moaning softly as your fingers instinctively trail down your body, finding your clit. You begin to rub, matching the invisible thrusts, your mind in a haze of pleasure and confusion.
Jisung is mesmerized by the sight and his own pleasure builds again as he watches you pleasure yourself. The combination of your fingers and his cock pushes you closer to the edge and he can feel your orgasm approaching, your muscles tightening around him.
"Fuck me harder." you whisper, the words slipping out before you can stop them. Your eyes squeeze shut and you arch your back lost in the intensity of it all.
Jisung bites down hard on his lip but obliges silently, thrusting harder, deeper and the bed creaks with the force of his movements. He's getting closer to a second orgasm and he can't hold back. His speed picks up and his fingers dig into your hips as he rails your eager warmth. Your body tenses, your back arching further off the bed as you cry out, the sound of your orgasm filling the room. He watches you, unseen but not unnoticed, every moan, every tremble fueling his own arousal. The sight of you coming apart because of him, the feel of you around him—it's too much. With a hard final thrust, he cums hard, filling the condom more that it's dangerously close to overflowing.
You collapse back onto the bed, chest heaving, eyes fluttering close. The room is silent, the only sound is your labored breathing. You sit up slowly, heart racing, looking around the room, but there's nothing like always—just shadows and silence. Even the full feeling is gone.
"Was… Was that real?" you whisper, voice trembling. "I'm losing my mind."
You slide out of bed, legs unsteady and make your way to the bathroom. The light is harsh, almost jarring after the darkness. You look at yourself in the mirror, skin flushed, eyes wide. The lingering effects of your climax make you shiver.
"If that was a dream, it was the most realistic dream of my entire life." you whisper to your reflection. "But if it wasn't... does that mean that whatever is haunting this place just fucked me?" You shake your head and turn the faucet on, splashing your face with cold water.
Jisung slips away, heart pounding, mind spinning. He knows he has to stop, that what he's doing is wrong in so many ways. But the memory of being inside you, the way your body responded to him awake—it’s past addictive. He can still feel the heat of you, the way you clenched around him and he’s not sure he can give that up. He retreats to his room, the guilt eating at him even as your climax plays over and over in his mind.
He lies awake, staring at the ceiling, knowing he’s crossing a line but unsure if he can ever come back from what he's doing. The need, the desire—it’s too powerful. He’s gone too far, and he knows it. The thought of stopping, of never feeling you again—it’s a torment he’s not sure he can endure. All he can think about is the moment he's able to be inside you again.
As the days pass, the tension between you grows. Jisung’s obsession deepens. He becomes reckless, pushing the boundaries of what he can get away with. When he asks how you're doing, you gloss over your experiences of the previous nights, only telling him that you had another strange dream. You don't tell him how you're starting to enjoy them or how feeling sore and wet the next morning is almost addicting.
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You think you've gone insane but you embrace the lunacy. Each night, you feel the presence, the pressure, and you give in to it. Giving the ghostly dream specter a face, you've started imagining Jisung, which only makes the experience that much more real and pleasurable. You picture his face, his body, the way he would touch you if he knew your secret desires. It’s become a habit for you now, a way to cope with the confusing feelings. It's better than things getting messy between you two. You'd have nowhere to live if something went wrong between you and Jisung. No need jeopardizing your living arrangements and friendship.
The night is still early, and you can hear the two men in the other room tinkering with their experiments as you rest in your own room. Does the feeling only happen when you're asleep? Could you trigger it somehow? Should you try talking to it?
As you lie naked in your bed, you close your eyes and imagine Jisung. You see him in your mind, wearing nothing but his little lab coat and glasses, kneeling between your legs, looking down at you. You slip a finger past your folds and then another. Your fingers work furiously, slipping in and out. “Jisung,” you moan softly.
His heart skips a beat, for a moment he thought you were aware of him in your room.
“Jisung,” you whisper again into the darkness. “Please… please touch me.”
Unbeknownst to you, Jisung stands at the foot of your bed, invisible and now trembling with need. He hears your whispered plea and it’s like a spark to a stick of dynamite. He climbs onto the bed, his eyes devouring the sight of your naked body, so inviting, so ready. You feel the bed shift and gasp, afraid to open your eyes in fear of the feeling disappearing.
He moves between your legs, his hands tracing the curve of your thighs and you shiver at the familiar, unseen touch. You moan softly, your body responding instinctively, your hips lifting in anticipation. Jisung takes his time, savoring every moment, his cock already hard and aching.
He lets the bead of precum drip onto your pussy before he slides into you slowly, watching your face contort with pleasure as he stretches you. You gasp, your hands clutching the sheets, your back arching off the bed. So real, so intense, you moan Jisung's name again, the sound driving him wild.
“Jisung… yes, please…” you plead, your voice thick with desire.
He moves within you, his thrusts deep and steady, the bed creaking with each motion. You meet him with equal fervor, your hips rocking against his, your body desperate for more. The room is filled with the sounds of your shared pleasure, the slick, rhythmic slap of flesh against flesh.
Jisung’s heart races, the thrill of fucking you while you moan his name, steadily pushes him to the brink. He watches your face, the way your eyes squeeze tight, the way your lips part in ecstasy and he knows he can’t stop. Not until you're cumming around him.
“Fuck, Jisung,” you cry out, your fingers digging into the mattress as your orgasm builds. “Fuck me harder.”
He does. Jisung leans into you supporting himself on one hand fucking you harder, pushing into you deeper and gripping your hip so tight it'll leave bruises but you don't notice. You meet his movements eagerly, your body arching, welcoming him in. The sound of your moans fills the room, mixing with the creak of the bed and the slap of skin against skin.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, urging him on. “Yes, Jisung, just like that.” you pant, your voice breathy and desperate.
He's driving into you with a force that makes the bed rock and hit the wall. Your tight, wet heat and your voice spurring him on. He can feel your body tensing, can tell you’re about to cum.
“Cum for me, y/n.” he whispers, his voice barely audible. “Cum on my cock.”
You cry out, shocked at hearing a voice and your body is convulsing as you reach your orgasm. He pulls out just in time, spilling his seed onto your stomach, watching as it glistens in the dim light. He didn't mean for this to happen; he was only in your room as a test. Chan, back in Jisung's room, sits with a stopwatch timing just how long the test run will last. He was only meant to watch you. Jisung didn't have a condom this time but he can't seem to care about the consequences of leaving his cum behind.
You lie there, panting, a satisfied smile on your lips. “Jisung…” you murmur one last time before rolling over, drifting off to sleep.
Jisung watches you for a moment longer, a mix of pride and guilt churning inside him before he goes and rejoins Chan, who heard everything. He's questioned by his best friend as soon as he walks into the room. Jisung has no choice but to confess and with a deep breath he tells him everything. The watching, the touching… the sex. By the time he's done, Chan is staring at him in disbelief.
"Dude, that's... I don't even know what to say," Chan finally says. "You know that's messed up, right?"
"I know," Jisung says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know… but I can't stop. You don't understand. There's this compulsion, this undeniable need when I drink it. It's… it's like my deepest desires control me and I can't do anything to fight back. Please, help me."
Chan sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Of course, I'll help you. We're in this together. I'll be the one drinking it now, and I'll stay here to make sure you don't do anything you shouldn't. We need to be more careful from now on.”
Jisung nods and sighs with relief and for the next few weeks, they work tirelessly, refining the elixir. They study Chan's reactions, starting from the lowest dosage, slowly upping it little by little. Jisung tries to keep his distance from you, but it's hard. Every time he sees you, his desire flares up and he has to fight the urge to use the elixir again. He misses being inside you.
It's been weeks since you felt the ghostly presence and you miss it but you figured since it went away, then it really must've been due to stress and the days off from work truly helped. You didn't think you'd ever feel the strange sensation of being fucked by something you couldn't see again.
How incredibly wrong you are....
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@resi4skz @3rachasninja @moonlightndaydreams @rylea08 @hanjiphile @krayzieestay @oddracha @ldysmfrst @jeonginsbaee
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delicrieux · 1 day
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⋆.˚𖦹⋆✮⋆.˚ chapter summary. some things in life are unbearable, and in yours? they’re titled gojo satoru and trying to ruin you.
pairing. gojo satoru x f!sorcerer reader
genre. enemies to lovers, ‘my bully is actually in love w me,’ comedy, light-hearted romance, aged up characters (in college), gojo being touchy bcs boundaries do not exist to my king
warnings for this chapter. gojo is being particularly troublesome
wc. 3k
masterlist | buy me coffee☕ | twny masterlist | next >
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CHAPTER 1: imagine minding your own business undisturbed omg
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tokyo jujutsu tech is big. real, real big. but no matter where you go, he's there.
gojo satoru has made it his life's mission to relentlessly annoy you for no apparent reason. it was hate at first sight, or something equally despicable as that. for three years now, you’ve had to endure jeers raging from your sorcerer's ability to the size (or lack thereof, as you’re often reminded) of your ass. yes, that does count as harassment. no, gojo does not care.
you don’t know why he can't just leave you alone. he seems to delight in your anger and misery. they say you need to stand up to your bullies and give them a taste of their own medicine, but that does not work on gojo. the angrier – the better. he wants a reaction. he wants attention. he wants your despair served on a platter for him to lick clean and mouth, “delicious, thank you, more please.”
it's the silence and ignoring he can't take. it's like a personal insult. some deep rooted fear you hope he'll choke on.
gojo claims to hate you quite loudly. boisterously, even. wears his spite like a badge of honor, keeps it nice and clean pinned to the lapel of his uniform.
yet everywhere you go, he’s there – by your locker, outside your dorm room, on every mission you’re sent on, and always in the places you frequent. it's not exactly stalking, but it's like...gojo's way of being just as clingy without getting called out. you have called him a stalker. he laughed, pointed, and said, "what kinda idiot would even want to stalk someone like you?”
out the women's showers, you waddle to the common area. there's a vending machine, and you’d like a bubbly drink to refresh yourself. first, from the moist heat of the showers and then from the humid summer just outside the window. it’s peaceful, despite the temperature. the water still clings to your skin.
you just to locate and rejoice the last bottle of cola before you feel eyes on the back of your neck. of course. of course he's here, and you didn’t even hear him. of course.
"ugh," you groan aloud, fingers stalling against the cold buttons
"your ugliest pj's?" you startle from how loud he is, right next to your ear. too close. he’s always too close.
he makes sure to whistle long enough to make you squirm away. fuck him, he towers over you. can’t see his eyes underneath those super expensive designer glasses, but you know they keen for your reaction. once, to shoko, he said he bought them because they looked cool. unprompted, uninvited, unwanted, you chirped that they looked dumb as hell.
"whaddya got there?" his fingers press into your spine, and maybe he uncovered a new technique to turn you into stone. there is absolutely no personal space in this equation. he has none, and he has no concept of invading yours. with anyone else, maybe you wouldn't mind.
keep cool. you’re cool. stone-faced, unmovable. you don’t care if he’s trying to claw into your marrow with his neatly trimmed nails.
you hesitate for a single moment before you punch in the number. the machine whizzes and thunk, “fuck off, please,” you say, bending down to snatch your drink. he hums, sounding too satisfied for your comfort.
"you're gonna fuck yourself up on all that carbonation. never thought you could get any more hideous, but alas!"
you turn to him, and he has the good sense to move back a step to avoid the mouth that’ll insult him. there's a twitch to his brow, and an ease to his smile as he regards you leisurely. the latter is almost never a good thing. it means he's really enjoying this interaction.
if you shake your cola enough, maybe you’ll be super lucky and the spray will land on his face. now that's an idea. but even if you caught him off guard, his cursed technique would likely be in motion and the soda wouldn't touch him. how troublesome. a waste of a drink. you decides against it.
gojo leans on the vending machine. his own personal attempt cower her into submission. for what exactly? no one knows. maybe getou would have an idea, if he’s merciful enough to share. when you don’t say anything or flinch away like ijichi often does, he sighs heavily.
"aw, are ya still mad about last time? that was days ago. c'monnn, kami-”
"don't say my name."
"i forgot. kawakami-chan doesn't like me, right?"
you thought about switching schools. kyoto tech is also very good. you’d be at peace there. utahime hates gojo just as much as you do, and you have already bonded closely over this shared distain.
it's likely gojo would transfer after you. just to spite you.
"don't you have anything better to do than harass me?" you question.
the most infuriating thing about gojo, and about this situation, is that he’s happy. when you’re like this – huffing, shoulders taut, and frowning – he seems to be enjoying himself the most.
"don't pretend like you don't like it, kami-chan."
this asshole has a god complex. he seems to truly believe the earth would have ended up in a heap of smoldering ruin if not for him. to be fair, he's probably right, but still. you would first bite of your tongue than admit to that. you have considered a lobotomy to get the idea out of your head, but in the joke that is your life, gojo would likely be holding the orbitoclast.
you resent him so much you find yourself burning in his presence. it's like he took a personal class to master the art of pestering.
"doesn’t this ever get boring?"
he laughs, pressing a hand to his cheek as if embarrassed, "i never get bored of you, kami-chan. when are you coming back to the field? been too busy hanging out with losers to do some missions?"
"how pathetic must you be," you snark, "to be thinking of me when i'm not there to torment."
gojo ignores you and moves to tug at your top. the audacity has you reeling, and you attempt to smack his hand away only for it to be stopped at the last second, "yup," he inspects the quality of the fabric, his teeth flashing and making his already smug features look haughtier, "cheap.”
you open the can so forcefully the contents fizzle and spray on your hand. gojo grins so hard you expect his face to crack in half. if only.
"can i have some?”
"stop touching me," you hiss, trying to slap him away again, "why are you always touching me?"
gojo sidesteps. the dodge and dash he does, coupled with his agility, is incredible. had you not seen his many victories in battle, or spent any amount of time with him, you might be enamored. impressed, even.
perhaps that lobotomy is still an option.
"just," his arms dart out to pin you to the vending machine and you immediately aim a high kick to his thigh. but, of course, his infinity protects him. bastard. he doesn't let up though, and those hands slide along the expanse of your thighs until they meet your sides, leaving a warm trail, "makin' sure i can see all of these pores up close."
gojo, as disgusting as you often think he is, does always have a bit of honesty in his insults. you want to scream, maybe, because your pores are fine. great, even, you’ve invested into a new skincare routine, and it’s clearly working. it even works on shoko’s dark circles. he’s so full of shit, it's nauseating.
"fuck off," you shove his hands away and gojo lets you, surprisingly.
"really gross," he comments.
"you're the gross one. self-absorbed stalker."
gojo, an absolutely foul looking monster if you’ve ever met one, waggles a finger at you.
"careful, kami-chan," there's no trace of warning, only amusement, "we wouldn't wanna accidentally bump into each other too many more times."
his meaning isn't lost on you.
you hold up a finger, too. right in his face. pause. take a sip of your soda. there's no reason you should indulge this maniacal sadist in any capacity. gojo has an aura. an attitude. he comes off as unrelenting, and for all intents and purposes, he is unrelenting. in and out your life, an unshakable constant, with a lopsided grin and piercing eyes. you hate him.
you try to sidestep and flee to your room, but he blocks you. step. block. step. block. step block. stepblockstepblockstepblockstepblock-
"god! you're fucking infuriating," you explode.
you want to clock him, strangle him, castrate him, kick his head through the concrete. he's ruining a perfectly nice evening. what is it about you that he just loathes to see, so much so that it drives him to see you hurt all the time? is he truly so bad off? does he live a miserable and joyless existence?
"thanks," he looks genuinely honored, "but how'd you come to the conclusion, huh? after a little brainstorming session or-"
"what do you want?"
"lately?" gojo taps his chin, his tongue poking out, "seemed like you needed some space, so i just waited around here till you were done."
christ, he really is a stalker. you’re starting to worry he's like, actually insane.
"but now we can hang out!”
"i'm going to bed," you declare.
gojo ignores your announcement. gojo always ignores whatever you have to say.
"where we heading? your place or mine?"
"you are not going anywhere with me!"
he reaches out to flick your temple. it's so juvenile it takes you by surprise. your hands immediately fly up to protect yourself.
"huh," his face softens as if you’re this small, pathetic thing. not pity exactly, but definitely a worrisome expression, "look,” he snaps his fingers, “look. look,” he snaps them again and you will tear your hair out in 83 seconds if he doesn’t go away immediately, “we both gotta take a mission, right? might as well go together."
"go with suguru,"
gojo sighs dramatically and his whole upper body collapses, like he's pretending you kicked his shin. you reel back a bit from the proximity.
"mmm, but suguru’s so uptight lately," he comments. that’s good. getou suguru, ever the diligent one, was the first person in your sorcery class who made you feel welcomed. you quite like him, but the fact that his best friend is gojo implies there's something deeply wrong with him. you really don’t want to know what.
"go with shoko then," you state.
"shoko's just..." his arms jerk violently as if he's pretending to smash a plate, "not really on board with my mission types lately. says she can’t leave our only doctor since the patients are dying before they have a chance to enter the trauma room."
sad news for shoko, but your mind works quick.
"go alone," you smile, tilting your head to the side. the motion seems to catch his interest, "and don't come back."
gojo clicks his tongue, clearly peeved. victory. you relish this tiny bit of triumph. he starts to walk away and you watch him retreat, hopefully from your life, "i can't,"
"no way you've fallen so far."
"suguru told me to check in with someone before going on my own. it'll just make him and yaga-sensei super worried!"
"oh no," you chime, "i think you should go alone. and die."
he laughs, "come on," a pause, "it'll be fun! team-bonding and shit."
team-bonding and shit is you having a cola and reading a magazine. not fighting alongside the man who torments you like you’re some sort of pet: ‘kami-chan, do a split,' ‘kami-chan, do a roll,' ‘kami-chan, how big is your cup size again?'
the most effective way to hurt him is silence. you turn your eyes away and hum. this must be done delicately. if he catches even a whiff of your intention to flee, he’ll barge right after you. get you in a headlock and make you cry, because maybe he’s grown demented and will enjoy the sight of your tears.
with as much ease as your taunt muscles can muster, you casually pad in the direction of your room. he hasn't tried to tear down your door yet, but that's likely because the senseis would have to reprimand him.
gojo won't leave you be though, will he? as if it's a struggle to keep pace with you, he follows closely and peppers you with requests:
"come with me."
"shut up."
"we can grab dinner and-"
"you can shut up."
gojo sings, "team-building exercise, you're supposed to make a comrade's wishes come true, so come with-"
"i'll kill myself if force me to go with you. stop begging. it's so lame."
he laughs so loudly and unexpectedly that you jolt. this asshole thinks your threat is baseless. it isn’t. you’ll do it, or so god help you. you aren’t one to bitch out on anything, and maybe that’s why he’s so intent about this.
you wish he'd just give up, but it's highly unlikely. he's stubborn, and you aren’t enough to bend him.
"are you implying you'd kill yourself in front of me? for what? to mess with me?"
your face is very serious when you say, "yeah."
"shit, and you expect me to not want to see that? sorry babe, i'll have to tag along," he grins wickedly and you find yourself fighting down a spring at nausea at the sickly pet name. that’s a new development.
you move to stomp away, but he's right there to cage you to the wall. no, please, you’re at your limit. you might crumble into a heap on the floor and never rise again, even if he consistently poked at you for days.
"come," his glasses slide down his nose a bit and you’re met with gleaming, impossible, revoltingly beautiful blue eyes, "on," and he leans down. this close his infinity is gone, and you can feel the hard planes of his muscles, "a mission with me."
"kill me," you bite out.
you don’t like this, nor the rising fluster or the scent of his cologne. he always smells fresh, even in the summer months where sweat sticks like second skin. the cool wall against your back has your skin prickling. maybe this is a new advanced torture method. much more effective than waterboarding, which you would willingly take if that meant he’d let you go.
why must he be so tall? the sunlight bleeding from the windows douses his hair in a halo. it’s completely deceptive to how absolutely giddy he looks. your breathing picks up. what a nightmare. you’d attempt to knee him again if your limbs weren’t suddenly immobile.
he leans forward and murmurs, "is that an invitation for some freaky shit? cuz i like where we are now."
"gross!" you lean back as far as possible.
"i knowwww," he's undeterred by your snappiness, "seriously," he tries, "what else are you doing tonight, huh?" and you wonder why he's getting closer as your neck protests, "don’t tell me," there's a lilt to his voice you don’t trust, "you afraid you can't handle me?"
"is sexual harassment on your daily agenda?" you bite.
he moves away slightly, looking perplexed, as if you’ve given the world's toughest question. his posture becomes defensively slouched. a frown pushes his brows together and for once, the smooth talker has no quip or response.
you’re not one to look a gifted horse in the mouth and scramble.
"hey, hey, you didn’t answer!” he calls out, rushing after you, "hey! kami-chan, where'd your manners go? i need a clear answer."
damn pride. damn self-respect. you’re fleeing.
gojo doesn't let you get away that easy. your path to sanctuary is obstructed again as gojo halts you by plucking at your shoulder. you shake yourself off like a wet cat and bail. yes, you’ve resorted to running, but your room is just within reach.
"why are you running?!" his whine echoes down the empty hall, "answer the question!"
just a bit more and-
he catches up with you and hauls you up by the armpits, spinning, laughing. you squirm, and there goes your drink, your damned, tasty drink. all his antics have been on the short side, but he's never done this before: cradle you against himself, as if he was going to play catch with you.
"let go, creep!"
"creep?!" his voice is scandalized but still mirthful, "for all my gentlemanliness, huh?!"
he tosses you and you can barely right yourself with a solid landing. that's new too, the physical handling. why today of all days has he decided to pick your fights with his hands? does it make you less immune? why are you wondering? you should be running.
"and anyways, where'd your manners go huh, huh, hu-uh? no thank you when a nice gentlemanly guy takes the time of his day, the greatest guy, the-"
you might go insane. actually snap and go coo coo coconuts. kill everyone. this might be the beginning of your villain origin story. your personal vendetta to kill gojo satoru.
"seriously?!" he yells, and you open your eyes (you don’t remember closing them. it's probably a last resort sort of deal. if you can't see gojo, gojo isn’t real), and gojo's much, much, closer.
"would you mind-" you hiss.
"really," he chides, not an ounce of his good humor on his face, and you’re unable to tell if he's taunting or sincere, "all those classes you went to when you were little, and you still can't pay attention to the first thing a good guy says? do i have to spell out your obligations for you?!"
"would you kindly go fuck yourself and allow me to exist in peace?!" you shriek.
a door down the hall opens, and someone, maybe a fellow student or maybe a teacher or maybe someone unrelated all together, pops their head out the crack of their bedroom. you see this in slow-motion, watch a silhouette tilt their head and stare. it's so stupid it could be considered a scene from a comedy.
"would you two keep it the hell down already!?" your would-be-rescuer screams.
gojo glances to the side, unbothered but maybe curious. you run. before gojo can pick up his wits, you slam the door to your room open, lock it, and even fumble a deadbolt for added assurance. your room is dark save for a nightlight plugged into the corner.
your legs are shaking. you feel like throwing up. you’ve never been so terrified in your entire life.
the news reaches you via a text from shoko a good few hours later. gojo goes on the mission alone.
'please die please die please die please die,' you pray.
he returns an hour later, unharmed and cheery.
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aethersea · 3 days
another thing fantasy writers should keep track of is how much of their worldbuilding is aesthetic-based. it's not unlike the sci-fi hardness scale, which measures how closely a story holds to known, real principles of science. The Martian is extremely hard sci-fi, with nearly every detail being grounded in realistic fact as we know it; Star Trek is extremely soft sci-fi, with a vaguely plausible "space travel and no resource scarcity" premise used as a foundation for the wildest ideas the writers' room could come up with. and much as Star Trek fuckin rules, there's nothing wrong with aesthetic-based fantasy worldbuilding!
(sidenote we're not calling this 'soft fantasy' bc there's already a hard/soft divide in fantasy: hard magic follows consistent rules, like "earthbenders can always and only bend earth", and soft magic follows vague rules that often just ~feel right~, like the Force. this frankly kinda maps, but I'm not talking about just the magic, I'm talking about the worldbuilding as a whole.
actually for the purposes of this post we're calling it grounded vs airy fantasy, bc that's succinct and sounds cool.)
a great example of grounded fantasy is Dungeon Meshi: the dungeon ecosystem is meticulously thought out, the plot is driven by the very realistic need to eat well while adventuring, the story touches on both social and psychological effects of the whole 'no one dies forever down here' situation, the list goes on. the worldbuilding wants to be engaged with on a mechanical level and it rewards that engagement.
deliberately airy fantasy is less common, because in a funny way it's much harder to do. people tend to like explanations. it takes skill to pull off "the world is this way because I said so." Narnia manages: these kids fall into a magic world through the back of a wardrobe, befriend talking beavers who drink tea, get weapons from Santa Claus, dance with Bacchus and his maenads, and sail to the edge of the world, without ever breaking suspension of disbelief. it works because every new thing that happens fits the vibes. it's all just vibes! engaging with the worldbuilding on a mechanical level wouldn't just be futile, it'd be missing the point entirely.
the reason I started off calling this aesthetic-based is that an airy story will usually lean hard on an existing aesthetic, ideally one that's widely known by the target audience. Lewis was drawing on fables, fairy tales, myths, children's stories, and the vague idea of ~medieval europe~ that is to this day our most generic fantasy setting. when a prince falls in love with a fallen star, when there are giants who welcome lost children warmly and fatten them up for the feast, it all fits because these are things we'd expect to find in this story. none of this jars against what we've already seen.
and the point of it is to be wondrous and whimsical, to set the tone for the story Lewis wants to tell. and it does a great job! the airy worldbuilding serves the purposes of the story, and it's no less elegant than Ryōko Kui's elaborately grounded dungeon. neither kind of worldbuilding is better than the other.
you do have to know which one you're doing.
the whole reason I'm writing this is that I saw yet another long, entertaining post dragging GRRM for absolute filth. asoiaf is a fun one because on some axes it's pretty grounded (political fuck-around-and-find-out, rumors spread farther than fact, fastest way to lose a war is to let your people starve, etc), but on others it's entirely airy (some people have magic Just Cause, the various peoples are each based on an aesthetic/stereotype/cliché with no real thought to how they influence each other as neighbors, the super-long seasons have no effect on ecology, etc).
and again! none of this is actually bad! (well ok some of those stereotypes are quite bigoted. but other than that this isn't bad.) there's nothing wrong with the season thing being there to highlight how the nobles are focused on short-sighted wars for power instead of storing up resources for the extremely dangerous and inevitable winter, that's a nice allegory, and the looming threat of many harsh years set the narrative tone. and you can always mix and match airy and grounded worldbuilding – everyone does it, frankly it's a necessity, because sooner or later the answer to every worldbuilding question is "because the author wanted it to be that way." the only completely grounded writing is nonfiction.
the problem is when you pretend that your entirely airy worldbuilding is actually super duper grounded. like, for instance, claiming that your vibes-based depiction of Medieval Europe (Gritty Edition) is completely historical, and then never even showing anyone spinning. or sniffing dismissively at Tolkien for not detailing Aragorn's tax policy, and then never addressing how a pre-industrial grain-based agricultural society is going years without harvesting any crops. (stored grain goes bad! you can't even mouse-proof your silos, how are you going to deal with mold?) and the list goes on.
the man went up on national television and invited us to engage with his worldbuilding mechanically, and then if you actually do that, it shatters like spun sugar under the pressure. doesn't he realize that's not the part of the story that's load-bearing! he should've directed our focus to the political machinations and extensive trope deconstruction, not the handwavey bit.
point is, as a fantasy writer there will always be some amount of your worldbuilding that boils down to 'because I said so,' and there's nothing wrong with that. nor is there anything wrong with making that your whole thing – airy worldbuilding can be beautiful and inspiring. but you have to be aware of what you're doing, because if you ask your readers to engage with the worldbuilding in gritty mechanical detail, you had better have some actual mechanics to show them.
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blackopals-world · 3 days
Onsen!Yuu: So Vil has a full service appointment on the 2nd. Leona and Ruggie have ice baths and massages on the 3rd. Kalim wants to rent out the venue space for a part on the 5th. Malleus seems to have scheduled a secret liaison of some sort. I hope that doesn't become a trend. If this becomes a love hotel I'm definitely going to get in trouble.
Trey: I'm here for my appointment.
Onsen!Yuu: What appointment, I don't remember scheduling you.
Trey: One of the other girls wrote it down. A full body massage. I requested you
Onsen!Yuu: That's impossible I don't do full bodies, at least not to men. Unless it's someone like Vil or sometimes Rook. Actually, maybe it's just Pomefiore students.
Trey:(lips twitch in irritation) That's fine. You can have someone else do it.
Onsen!Yuu: Someone else?
Trey: I don't mimd letting someone else touch me.
Onsen!Yuu: No wait, I never said I couldn't do it! Just give me a minute!
Trey: You do realize I'll be naked.
Onsen!Yuu: Oh please, I'm hardy squeamish. Just as long as you keep your hand where I can see them.
Onsen!Yuu: (lighting candles and warming oils) Just undress while I finish preparing.
Trey: (not trusting her to not freak out but takes off clothes) If you say so.
Onsen!Yuu:(turning to see Trey shirtless) If you're re-..........oh.....
Trey: Don't back out now, I haven't even showed you the best part. Although it does have it's ups and downs.
Onsen!Yuu: (pauses then tries to hold back laughter) That's *snorts* the worst pun yet-hehe het. Hahaha!!! You *gasps* idiot!! Hehaha!
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(I know Trey is muscular. Fit me that man is built and I refuse to see reason)
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solefae · 2 days
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬. don’t need to explain this again 🤦🏽‍♀️
📝: kk nsfw headcanons next? 🤨😫 (also will make a part 2 of this)
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── she has a habit of stealing your clothes after a game
── always makes jokes about yall having to take cold showers together to “save water”
── has accidentally called you baby during a live, but tried to cover it up
• kk’s walking through the gym, while she's on live, as always, just talking to her fans and answering some of their questions. Suddenly, she sees you walking into the gym and smiles, waving towards you. “hey baby i—“ she covers her mouth, instantly realizing what she just called you. She hopes that the fans didn't notice, so she changes the word, as a "joke". “y’awlll! I meant uh, I meant to say boo.
── she loves when you come to her games, and she can just feel your eyes staring at her the entire time
── loves coming home after a tiring practice and laying her head in your lap while you run your fingers through her locs
── when shes really mad at you, she doesnt like being touched at all
── sometimes when y'all are just playing fighting, she uses her strength to pin you down
── loves giving you hugs from behind, wrapping her arms around your waist and laying her head on your shoulder
── when you get her flowers for no reason, she'll always blush and be like "mhm, okay i see you" but on the inside she's screaming and blushing like hell 😭😭
── she's always taking photos of you when you're not looking, and she loves that fact that she's always the lock screen on your phone
── she always jokingly tells you to marry her after watching you cook a full course meal or just to be doing something productive
• kk is standing next to you, watching you just chop up some peppers and onions for whatever you’re cooking
“Mmm mhm,” she hums in curiosity, watching your hands skillfully move, “you know what, you should marry me.”
She says with a smug face and a playful tone, waiting for your response.
You stop chopping and look over at her, seeing her smug look on her face.
“I’m sure I would.” You say jokingly, but she laughs.
“You would??” She says jokingly, putting her hands on her chin and smiling at you. “You’d really marry me??”
“Oh, why am I even considering marrying you.” You jokingly say and roll your eyes.
“Huh??” She dramatically puts her hand to hear mouth, “What’s that supposed to mean?” She saids with a playful pout
“It’s supposed to mean you’re just very annoying.” You jokingly say, going back to chopping the veggies.
“Annoying??” She says dramatically, “Me? Being annoying?” She fakes being shocked
“Yes, annoying.” You say jokingly, continuing to chop, “And don’t get me started on how loud you are.”
“Girl boo” is she all she said before walking out the kitchen and back into the living room with azzi and aubrey
── she’s a little sensitive and gets mad easily (ifykyk 😭)
── she always gives you the "look" when she wants your attention, and if you don't give it to her, she's getting it herself 😫
── she's always telling her teammates,"thats my girlfriieend" and shes so hyped and proud to be with you
── she loves when you wear her basketball jersey and jeans, even tho the jersey covers like half of the jeans
── while yall are alone in her dorm, shes always trying to just be in your personal space, she'll do things as petty as sitting on your lap or laying her head on your shoulder
── she loves watching you get all dolled up when you're going somewhere, and every time you say you're not that cute and try to down yourself, she's always like "stfu, you know how fine you are" (OMG😫)
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daenysx · 2 days
i had to ramble about him, i love him so much ♡
you're in love with prince aemond and you've never been more hurt.
because aemond's love and his hatred for the past are two contradicting things. because he burns everywhere he looks with that gaze. how can a man with one eye could look around with so much power? he burns and burns. he smirks, he smiles. he's the biggest man in the room no matter which room he stands in.
he is talking about facing his uncle. you think you can't be more in love with him. his good eye glints with revenge while the sapphire one stays intimidating. his bare chest is covered in scars, his arms are getting more muscular each day. you squeeze your thighs shut. he keeps talking about his big plans.
you love him so much, it blinds you. there's nothing other than him. nothing. you think you're losing your mind, he's invaded your entire world. he carves out spaces in your body, only for him. he marks your soft skin up with his sharp teeth, he smiles when you hiss with pain. he kisses you in a way of apology before sucking another lovely bruise on your neck. you arch your back, more, more, you want him on your chest.
his lips are so pretty. the scar on his face is so pretty. you're lost in aemond targaryen's beauty and there's no coming back from it. he wraps your legs around his waist, standing right between them. he teases you for hours, never giving you what you need. he keeps his own pleasure waiting just to see you desperate. it's not fair. you love him.
he fucks you slowly on warm nights. he drinks his wine between your legs, licking the scarlet drops on your skin. the wetness in your cunt is more appealing to him. he doesn't care how sore you can be, he buries his face right there. you don't care either, happy to have him safe in your bed. he can stay as long as he wants. you'll keep him.
sometimes he's vulnerable. sometimes he's tough. sometimes he keeps his face so neutral, you can't understand what he thinks unless he speaks. sometimes his eye talks more than his lips. you just give him a smile. he needs it. he needs some softness, he needs someone to keep him in reality. he needs the calm, he's the storm.
you kiss his back soundly. his shoulders. so strong, but hurt by the world. his skin is soft under your lips when he's freshly clean. you like him like this, clean and bare. he is crafted by the gods, long hair spilling on his chest, on his back. you kiss his neck when he tilts his head back. it's a relief to feel his pulse beating. he puts your hand on his heart for further proof.
aemond never wears his eyepatch when it's only you. he likes hearing how pretty his face is no matter how much he resists your kind words. they mean more than you think, and maybe one day he can be brave enough to accept your compliments. you keep saying though, kissing his scarred cheek, telling him his beauty makes you feel like your heart's gonna explode in your chest.
you're in love with prince aemond and it feels so- so nice. no matter how much it hurts, it's the nicest thing you've ever felt. it gives you a reason to wake up every morning, he is everywhere even when he's not, in your dreams, in your daydreams. you don't think you can stop what you feel for him. you don't want to try, you've accepted the pain the first time you see him looking at you.
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sakinote · 3 days
Busy schedule — nrk : Fighting + readers a lonely loser lol ✉ wc : 4.5k
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: "She became a victim of my busy schedule though, and I know that it's not fair that don't mean that I don't care."
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Riki was always busy. He had a bunch of extracurriculars he did for school on top of dance, so you never really got the chance to see him anymore.
He'd always apologize, saying he knew it sucked never getting any of his attention but in the end, nothing ever changed. He was still busy and you still rode the train home alone every day.
Riding the train by yourself wasn't a new concept, lonely yeah but you got used to it eventually.
People on the train were usually either elders coming home from work or students huddling in groups of themselves, and it sounds depressing but beyond Riki, you didn't really have friends, which was okay. Until Riki joined a bunch of extracurriculars beyond his daily dance practice, which left him no time for you.
And it's bad to think about but the thought eventually got a hold of you and you started wondering if Riki enjoyed not being around you as often. You were clingy so it was understandable wanting some space from you, it still made you upset to think about though.
This thought alone has caused you to distance yourself from Riki subconsciously, which despite how busy he is he noticed because you're still his girlfriend after all.
The train was often packed with teenagers on the way home, you'd think you'd bump into someone and make friends for once but not once has it happened. You've begun to lose hope in talking to people.
Sure you could strike up a conversation but that's terrifying so you choose not to, which is probably one of the reasons you don't have any friends. How you started knowing Riki on the other hand was a grace from god.
In middle school, Riki came up to you rather then the other way around and asked to be friend's.
Spacing out on the train, thinking to yourself made you realize just how lonely you were when he was he wasn't around. Considering he's been your only friend since you guys were 12, being 18 in high school now. You've become slightly dependent on him, and it's another thing you've added to the long list of your lonely life.
Long lost in thought you feel a head hit your shoulder, you jump slightly cause it startled you but when you look to your right its a boy. Probably fell asleep, why else would he put his head on a stranger's shoulder.
Your body tensed up a bit, it was kinda hard to not be tense with someone resting on you.
You wanted to wake him and ask him to move but disrupting him wasn't in your best interest so you left him alone. On the plus side his hair smelled really nice.
The train came to an abrupt stop which shook the boy awake
Realizing he had fallen asleep on a stranger, he stood up and started apologizing profusely like a scolded child.
You followed in his steps and stood up, letting out shaky reassurance and telling him not to worry about it. It was overwhelming with people around looking at the two of you but eventually, he calmed down and explained himself "I really didn't mean to fall asleep on you like that, let me make it up to you!"
He was enthusiastic and energetic, especially for someone who was just freaking out.
"Oh oh no need! Really it's not a big deal." Still shaky you tried to convince him he was blowing it out of proportion. He wasn't taking no for an answer and he even managed to get your number so he could apologize more properly later.
After that he said goodbye and ran off the train, leaving you dumbfounded. You kind of just spaced out the rest of the way home, the whole situation was so dumb it was kind of funny.
So funny you wanted to tell Riki which you planned to do when you guys called tonight, you guys always called sometime before bed.
It was a point he made. No matter how busy he was and how little time he had for you, he'd always call.
You laid in bed waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
12am and no call. You weren't mad at him, you understood he couldn't always be there but you thought some notice would've been nice, instead of just laying there for hours on your phone.
Time passed and you gave up on waiting for a call. You placed your phone on your nightstand and got in bed.
Your mind started to wander, what was he doing that was so important? All of his activities end before 5 so why couldn't he call you? Was he okay? Was it a family thing? Did you do something?
In the midst of thinking you fell asleep.
In English the next day, during break time. It was your 4th period and Riki had yet to even mutter a word to you. As time passed, it was getting more upsetting and even more nerve-wracking.
You scanned over everything that's happened the past few days and you couldn't think of anything you've done.
You looked back at Riki to see him sitting at his desk analyzing his work, but you turned back around when you got a text.
Some random number that you didn't have saved.
"You're in English rn right?" The text creeped you out a bit, so you pressed to know who it was "Oh shit sorry! Just realizing I never gave you my name yesterday! It's Akio from the train. I wanted to come say hi if you were in English :)" Knowing it was him made it sorta less creepy feeling, he was still technically a stranger though.
You hesitated on replying but gave in "Ohh right haha, yeah I'm in English"
He liked the message but didn't actually say anything back.
Eventually, he came swinging in loudly with a booming "HI" as soon as he opened the door. It shocked not only you but everyone.
Riki who was staring at the boy in confusion.
Riki's eyebrows furrowed even more as he saw the boy walk up to you and hug you like you'd known him forever, slightly glaring at the boy. He sit's down in the chair next to you "What class do you have next?" His voice still much too loud for the atmosphere, the girl next to us shushed him, in which he apologized quietly and turned back to you.
"Uh math." You said quietly, shaken up by the boys incredibly friendly demeanor.
The boy started rambling on about how that was his next class too and how it's surprising you guys hadn't become friends sooner, all while you look back at Riki to see him still eyeing the boy down.
Riki got easily jealous, and he was possessive, but this looked more like confusion and annoyance then anything.
While on the other hand luckily for you the boy tended to talk more then he listened which was good as you were still too nervous to talk to him like a normal person.
Once Riki realized you weren't all that invested in what the boy had to say he finally took his eyes off of the boy and returned to his work.
After what felt like forever of Akio rambling and you silently smiling and nodding, it was time for Math.
Besides Math and English, you and the boy didn't have any other classes together, so the rest of the day went as normal, besides the fact that Riki seemed busier than usual and wasn't talking to you.
But the way home from school was different.
On the train ride home, you were walking to sit where you usually do when a familiar voice started to yell for you, you turned around, and it was Akio.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to a seat, exclaiming that now you had someone to ride the train with. Before you could get a word in, he continued, once again going on about anything and everything.
He was a bit over the top for you, but you had to admit, he was nice, and the company was nice too.
The train came to a stop, and you said your goodbyes, he offered to walk you home, but you declined. You told him you lived a bit from the station, and he left it at that. Getting home you got into some comfy clothes and passed out.
Asleep for about an hour and a half, you were awoken by a text from Riki
All it read was "I'm coming over" Don't get me wrong you were excited he was coming over; this was the first time in a while, but you were still upset with him for not only not calling you but also ignoring you all day. So you just texted back a simple "ok" and started your homework while waiting for him to arrive.
He didn't live very far so it didn't take long, as soon as he got there, he plopped on your bed and gave you a look.
You asked him what it was for, and he stayed silent for a few seconds followed by a contemplating hum, "Who was he? The guy in English that was acting all buddy-buddy with you?" He said it so calmly as if he didn't care if he got an answer.
"Ohh I met him on the train" You turned back to the homework on your desk "He fell asleep on me and asked for my number so he could apologize later!" his brows furrowed and his eyes creased a bit, "Seriously?"
You nodded and he continued "He gave you his number so he could 'apologize later'?" You again nodded at his very sarcastic question.
His tongue played with the inside of his cheek "Has he apologized yet?" He sounded almost annoyed
You chuckled nervously, his gaze was strong and intimidating.
"No, not yet.." He let out a 'psh' sound, he was clearly annoyed but not with you. More so with the situation. "He gave you his number cause he thought you were cute. Not cause he wanted to apologize." His voice was deeper
You didn't believe it so you rebutted "That's not true ki, I'm sure he'll apologize soon!" He continued to look at you, almost like he was trying to analyze what you were thinking. "Block him" He sits up on your bed
He repeats himself "Block him"
"Why Riki."
"Are you dumb? He clearly doesn't want to just apologize. Does he know you have a boyfriend?" He started to sound angry, almost a little sad sounding. "How do you know that? You've never met him."
"I've met guys like him and you didn't answer my question, does he know you have a boyfriend? Me? Does he know you have me?"
You opened your mouth but nothing came out for a second, "I don't know? I mean I didn't mention it" Before you can finish, he tsk's and looks away "But the only reason I didn't mention it was cause he didn't ask Riki. I really don't think he's trying to get with me."
He ignored you "What's so good about him anyway?" He was starting to get fed up "He's nice Riki. I mean he made time to see me in English today despite being busy himself." You emphasized the 'made time to see me' part which Riki took as a jab.
You didn't necessarily mean it as one but you were tired of never seeing your boyfriend and so it just kinda came out. "You know I try to make time for you." Instead of sounding annoyed, he sounded genuinely hurt and tired, he looked down a bit as he continued "And I know that you don't really have friends besides me but you shouldn't befriend the first person that talks to you." He gets off your bed and heads to the door, "It's stupid and pathetic." He finishes before he shuts the door, harder than he should have.
His voice was laced with venom, almost like the sadness from before completely desecrated. And it left you dumbfounded too.
You weren't one to cry, you didn't cry about anything.
Not that you couldn't, but you made a point not to. It's pathetic and embarrassing, but despite that, you felt your eyes well up. You wiped them before anything could come out and decided to head to bed early. Couldn't cry if you weren't awake!
Granted it took forever to get to sleep, but you kept replaying what Riki said non-stop. 'Stupid and pathetic' weren't new words to you, but when they came out of Riki's mouth they felt a million times worse.
Going to School was dreadful, more than before.
Riki was avoiding you and so you were avoiding him back. You continued to hang out with Akio, it probably wasn't the best idea but you rather hang out with someone Riki doesn't like than be lonely again.
A whole week of this pettiness has gone by, nightly phone calls have stopped, goodnight and good morning texts, walking you to and from school whenever he had the chance, all of it stopped.
You know you shouldn't totally blame Ki, it wasn't completely his fault. You said some mean stuff too, but you couldn't help but be so angry at him despite it all.
Of course, you guys have gotten into arguments, and of course, with those arguments came insults but he'd never said something so cruel to you, something you confided in him he used against you, which hurt the most.
Everything was too much to think about so you dove into your studies, more than you already were. Not only studies but other things too, anything to get your mind off of it. Throwing yourself into things isn't a new concept for you, you did it whenever you got overly anxious. It would cause you to eat less, go outside less, and socialize even less than you usually do. Now the difference between then and now is you'd usually have Riki to make you feel better, but you don't so sitting in your dark room all day will continue.
Riki on the other hand, doesn't know what he's feeling. Though he's noticed you not taking care of yourself properly which is making him feel crazy guilty, he knows it's because of him.
Riki's so mad at you for choosing some other guy but he feels so bad for the things he said.
He didn't mean it, he knew you knew that, at least he hoped.
He just wanted to apologize and make it all better but he couldn't. His pride mixed with not having a lot of time made it hard to talk to you so he just didn't bother. Plus he wanted to truly work out what he was going to say before he attempted to talk to you.
He'd catch your eyes in every class, in the lunchroom, in the auditorium, everywhere. He wanted to see your face, he wanted to see you and hold you but he just couldn't let himself be vulnerable and admit he misses you. He's hoping you'd do that but you were just as 'non-vulnerable' as he was, maybe even more.
Which meant he'd either have to make it up to you or lose you over some random boy you met a few weeks ago. Luckily for you, he's sickly in love with you whether he'd admit it or not so he chose the former.
It wasn't spontaneous, Riki thought it over.
He planned when it would happen, how it would happen, where it would happen, and what he thought the outcome would be. He wanted to start it all off by making sure to spend the whole day with you.
So he went to your house before school, he loved walking you to school but he rarely got to do it since he had to be at school so early. But the way you get all giddy when you see him at the door makes him happy so he canceled morning activities to walk you.
Seeing him at the door was a little surprising, especially cause he didn't knock, you opened it before he could and the walk to school was uneventful. Silent, but not awkward.
Riki didn't try to hold your hand. He didn't want to make you upset by acting like nothing was wrong, but when passing by a little shop he grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside.
At the rate you two were going you would've been early to school, and he saw something in the window he knows you've been eyeing so why not.
He didn't say anything as he pulled you through the shop up to where the display was.
A large stand with matching phone charms.
It was a niche interest you had, and you had tons of them at home but the thing about these ones is that they're matching.
Two long chains, decorated with beads that had small charms on the end. One with black beads and a white star on the end, the other with white beads and a black star on the end.
Riki knew you had been looking at them for a while, thinking it was cute considering his favorite color is black and yours is white.
He found matching things cute, he found it even cuter when you'd get a tint of rose on your cheeks and try to hide your smile as you showed him a new piece of matching items you bought for the two of you.
He thought about this as he walked to the register, making his own cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as he looked at you. You weren't looking at him but it didn't go unnoticed.
Walking out of the store, chains in hand, without letting go of your wrist Riki asks for your phone and puts the charm on.
He does the same for his phone and then holds them up together in his hand to show them off.
You tried to act non-cholent but your dumb little smile made its way onto your face and made Riki smile even harder as he handed you your phone back, and you guys continued walking.
You hated your smile. You felt it was too... cheeky. Too wide, and it made your cheeks all big.
But Riki adored it. The way your eyes would light up and close a little every time something made you happy, or how you'd cover your mouth if you felt you were smiling too much, just for him to pull your hand down and hold it in his. He loved your smile, he always looked for it everywhere he was, he especially loved it when it was he who was the one causing it.
He knew he couldn't always be the reason you were smiling but as long as you were happy it didn't matter to him.
He kept on glancing at you just to see you smiling and looking at the phone charm, you saw him doing it but didn't say anything. You thought it was cute how cheesy he acted when he thought no one was looking.
The rest of the school day was normal for the most part; the assigned seats of each class were fumbling with Riki's plans to be by your side all day, which he knew would happen.
Tables in your class were set in pairs of two, you were at the front of the class seated with a girl you barely knew and Riki was a few seats behind.
As break time started, Riki used his height to his advantage and threw a piece of paper above the guy in front of him and it landed perfectly on your desk. You looked back to see who it was, despite already knowing. You gave him a small smile which made him melt, and as you opened it you saw two stick figures holding hands in a flower field.
It was cheesy, yeah but it was cute. Cuter coming from Riki as he wasn't one for cutesy things.
He would write cute little notes and letters to stick in your locker but that was rare, so this act made you blush so bad you had to hide your face slightly.
You went to draw a cute photo back but before you could even get your pen out Akio spotted you and caught your attention.
Riki tried to ignore it, he didn't like the guy yeah but he also knew he was your first friend besides himself so he wanted to attempt to become friends with him for your sake.
Looking at Akio you saw Riki come up behind him. They had never stood side by side so you never realized how much taller Riki was in comparison and it shocked Akio too as he let out a child-like yelp when he turned around and saw Riki behind him.
You could tell Akio put his guard up a little.
During Riki and your petty silent treatment towards each other, you talked to Akio about how you were dating Riki and that you still wanted to be his friend but there needed to be a bit of distance.
He took it really well which was lucky for you as you had a hard time confronting people.
Akio backed up a little from Riki who was giving him a slightly annoyed-confused look, and bumped into your desk.
He wasn't scared of Riki per se, but Riki was intimidating. Tall, broad, cold stare, etc.
But in the moment of silence, Riki begrudgingly introduced himself.
Akio stood up a bit and introduced himself back, voice kinda shaky which made Riki chuckle. Akio, who has proved himself to make friends easily, quickly got comfortable with Riki and started talking about anything and everything.
As the conversation went on, Riki took the seat next to you as the girl had left a bit ago.
Riki grabbed your hand under the table, another thing he didn't often do as PDA wasn't something he enjoyed.
Eventually, the break was over, and it was time for the next class.
Akio said his goodbyes and ran off, Riki on the other hand wanted to walk you to your next class.
Walking to class, Riki had yet to let go of your hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth here and there.
And luckily the class was on the other side of the building which left you guys some time to talk, or more specifically some time for him to apologize.
He looked over at you almost nervously and squeezed your hand the tiniest bit before starting.
"I didn't mean it." He wasn't the greatest at starting apologies or apologizing in general, and although you were pretty sure you knew what he was talking about, you still asked. "Didn't mean what?"
He took a sharp breath in "When I said you were stupid and pathetic, just overall being a jerk..." he paused and looked at you before continuing.
"But that's not even all, I haven't been making any time for you, I was petty and ignored you, I got overly jealous and possessive, and I have just been a huge asshole." You were so focused on him apologizing that you hadn't even realized you guys weren't in the school building anymore, you were outside behind the school, in the small garden the school had created not too long ago.
"What are we doing out here?" You looked at him with confusion "I wanted to talk with you more privately."
"We're gonna get in trouble for skipping class, Ki."
"Don't worry about it, okay? I'll take all the blame." You looked at him, debating if you should stay out here or convince him to talk later but his eyes were almost pleading for you to stay out there, and so you listened. "Fine," you said with a slight smile.
He took a second to collect his thoughts and how he was going to go about this but eventually, he got it and started.
"I'm sorry I've left you alone so long. And I'm truly so sorry that I never made time for you, a busy schedule isn't an excuse to be distant, and I need to learn that."
"Rik-" You tried to cut him off and say it wasn't his fault but he didn't let you. "Wait just, wait okay." You shut up
"I care about you so much, you're truly the only one for me, and you mean the world to me. What I said during our fight was so fucked up, and I need you to know I didn't mean any of it. I want to be around you all the time, but I know I can't, and I'm glad you found someone you can be with when I'm not around.
I want you to know that I want to make all of this up to you. All the lost time, the phone calls I missed, the dates, just hanging out together, I want to make up for all of it. And I will, I promise.
I love you. A lot, and I'm gonna prove it this time. I'm going to be the best boyfriend you can ask for and I'm going to be your best friend again. Okay? I'm going to spend as much time as I possibly can with you. I love you so much. You don't have to forgive me now but I-"
"Riki." You successfully cut him off this time as he was starting to run out of breath and his cheeks were all pink.
He looks at you like a scolded puppy, catching his breath a little, Pure word vomit he thought.
"I love you too, so much. And I promise I'm not mad. It hurt never seeing you, yeah, and we definitely have distanced, ourselves as both a couple and friend but it's not your fault. You're busy and I understand okay?" He gave you an apologetic small smile before bringing you into a hug
It was warm and loving, just as all of Riki's hugs were.
He put his head into the crook of your neck, "I missed this so much" He mumbled, squeezing his arms around you tighter. "I'll do better. I promise." You smiled and softly caressed his hair. "I love you Ki."
"I love you too baby. So much."
Later throughout the day Riki walked you to every class, smiled at you whenever your eyes met, and was friendly with Akio whenever he came around.
After school, he came to your house and you guys just laid with each other. Something you hadn't done in ages, and although you knew he wouldn't be able to do this every day, you were just happy he was trying to make more time for you, and he was just happy to have his girlfriend back.
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@ Sakinote
Note: Sorry if the ending is bad or rushed, iv been working on this for like 2-3 weeks now and just wanted it out. But this is definitely my longest fic and I hope u guys like it :)) also I think I made Akio seem like a bigger character than he actually was... srry
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Hi sex witch! This is kinda a scary ask to send but you’ve always seemed kind to other people asking scary questions so I feel brave enough to ask. So I’m a person with what I would say a fairly healthy and positive attitude abt sex- big fan of jacking off when the mood strikes and I’ve had a few partners. However, something that is really upsetting and scary to me are sex dreams because a lot of times I have dreams abt having sex with ppl I shouldn’t be having sex with and DONT WANT to be having sex with- notably, my father and my brother. I have strange dreams normally- anxiety related usually- but I HATE waking up from these dreams, I feel so sick and ashamed. I’m not even generally attracted to men, and these dreams make me feel like I need to second guess my identity. Additionally, my father is dead so I wake up feeling like my brain has disrespected his memory.
I’m trying to get a therapist for other unrelated reasons but a) my insurance is terrible and I’m having trouble finding someone in network and b) I would be so scared to say these things to a therapist - what if I’m secretly much more mentally ill than I knew, what if they hospitalize me, what if they put me on a sex offender registry?
Beyond “go to therapy” is there any advice you can offer me? It’s really very distressing and I’m really sick of it.
hi anon,
let's take a BIG DEEP BREATH before we start, okay?
so, first and foremost let me just say this, because it's important: nobody is going to hospitalize you or put you on a registry for something happening in your dreams. your dreams are not necessarily a reflection of anything you want or would enjoy in real life; your dreams are a pile of goo your brain spits out while its sifting information around trying to make a bunch of pieces fit together. unfortunately, I worry that you amount of stress and anxiety you feel about these dreams may be keeping them so front and center in your mind that makes them keep coming up over and over when you're asleep, creating a vicious cycle.
listen, I can't tell you how to change or feel better about your dreams. but I can tell you that people having sexual dreams that are in no way indicative of their actual desires is INCREDIBLY COMMON. none of those people are a danger to themselves or anyone else because of something their subconscious does that's entirely beyond their control, and that includes you.
having said that, it's totally understandable that you find these dreams disturbing and upsetting. for the time being, while you're managing them on your own, try to get yourself to a calm place while you're getting ready for bed - whatever works for you, whether it's mindfulness, melatonin, exercise, tea, warm bath and candles, taking time away from your phone, etc - and preparing space to be gentle with yourself and get into a good headspace when you wake up by making an extra nice breakfast, taking a long shower, going for a long walk, or anything else that will help you get out of your head and take care of yourself in the aftermath of an upsetting dream.
and if you do manage to find a reliable therapist soon, which I hope you do, I would strongly encourage you to bring this up with them if the problem is still persisting by then. anything causing you anxiety and distress is something that is worth talking over with a therapist, especially since leaving one stress factor unaddressed can also hold you back from resolving others - it's hard to focus on anything when restful sleep is off the table. once you've established a good rapport with a therapist, some conversations around this could be super helpful for you.
wishing you the best with finding some peace of mind xoxo
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actual-changeling · 2 days
I think in like. 90% of "they're handcuffed to each other" scenarios, they would not care. It would barely affect their work at all. They'd keep them on even once they have the key because this is the perfect 'for the love of God, do NOT get kidnapped again' insurance.
There are those delicious 10% right in the middle of the Diana mess that would make for the most painful, angsty, hurt/comfort fic you can imagine. Arcadia, but turned up to 11.
This was not supposed to be anything resembling said fic and instead stay a shitpost—but here we are.
They're fighting over who gets to be in charge of movement immediately, and they do not stop . They keep tripping because they decide to suddenly walk in two different directions, and their wrists are chafed and bloody.
They keep going like that for a while until their lack of coordination and teamwork almost gets them killed, and then they're stuck hiding in a small, dark space, forced to TALK.
Imagine a janitor's closet or a small, windowless bathroom.
First, there's silence.
Then, one of them dares to say a word, and suddenly they're at each other's throats, going straight for the jugular.
Petty fighting turns into insults, which turn into months of pent-up emotions spilling out without any control over how, and they both say things they'll definitely regret later on.
Until it finally reaches a breaking point when Mulder—annoyed, frustrated, confused—cuts her off and says, "You're making it personal again, Scully."
Her mouth closes with an audible click, and she freezes before shuffling as far away from him as she possibly can. He realises he has fucked up. A lot.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"
"Oh, you meant it, Mulder; don't backpedal. You meant it now, and you meant it back then too."
"Shut up."
She's exhausted. So fucking tired. You made me a whole person to get her to stay, and she'd believed him. Damn it all, she had believed him. Just for him to turn it into a lie and destroy her trust within seconds.
"What does it take? For this thing to come up and bite you on the ass? I saw these creatures. I saw them burst to life. You would've seen them, too, but you were infected with that virus. You were passed out over my shoulder."   "Mulder, I know what you did. I know what happened to me, but without ignoring the science, I can't… Listen, Mulder. You told me that my science kept you honest. That it made you question your assumptions. That by it, I'd made you a whole person. If I change now… it wouldn't be right or honest."   "I'm talking about extraterrestrial life alive on this planet in our lifetime. Forces that dwarf and precede all human history. I'm sorry, Scully, but this time your science is wrong."
He had walked away from her without a second of hesitation, and she wishes she could walk away from him now.
Six years of loyalty and trust, and for what? To end up as the second-best, easily forgotten choice? To be wanted not for herself but as a placeholder, a substitute for someone else?
Forgiveness, over and over, without hesitation, and Mulder took it for granted. Of course, she will do what he wants. Even when he goes behind her back. Even when he tricks her into it. Even when he leaves her behind with barely a word. Even when she has no reason to do it except because it's him.
Because it's personal.
It has always been personal, but suddenly it's a fallacy she spun out of nothing and not the foundation of their partnership.
"I shouldn't have said that, Scully, i—"
I'm asking you to trust my judgment. To trust me.
"Mulder, shut. up."
He hadn't trusted her. She still trusts him and hates herself for it. What's the point of trusting someone when the reward is rejection and loneliness? When he stopped trusting her God knows how long ago?
The skin on her right wrist burns with abrasions, but she refuses to budge. Pain is sharp and honest, grounding and constant. She trusts pain more than she trusts him.
Time is hard to tell in the dark, it could be minutes or hours of waiting until she can feel his fingertips brush against her palm; she suppresses the urge to flinch. Mulder's touch is warm and light, not meant to ask but to offer, and her body betrays her mind and allows him to interlace their fingers.
God, she misses him. 
Underneath all that bubbling anger and lingering betrayal, she misses her partner. She misses him and the person she knows she can be with him—lighthearted, happy, alive. Contented hours of searching through files and writing reports have become a necessary sacrifice; suffocating spans of time she counts down by the minute.
It was never about the desk. It is not about Diana, not really. 
Maybe the darkness makes them both a bit braver, a bit softer around the edges, because she lets out a deep sigh and wills the tension to leave her muscles. If they keep going the way they have in recent weeks, they will break apart sooner rather than later, and she doesn't want to lose him, she never has. 
All she wants is to get her best friend back and to keep him for however long the world will allow. Not a clean slate or a new beginning, but a second chance for both of them. 
Caught between either extending an olive branch or ending up alone, it is easy to choose. Because it's personal, always has been, and always will be.
The pressure around her wrist disappears when she stops trying to keep her arm from him, and he hesitantly squeezes her hand—she slowly squeezes back.
"I'm sorry. for all of it. I never meant to hurt you, but I did, and I'm so, so sorry."
Scully pushes herself backward so she is leaning against him again, and when she closes her eyes, she can almost pretend they're somewhere, anywhere else, and she's finally coming home.
"I know, Mulder. I know."
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daistea · 1 day
Hiii!! Your Mithrun headcanons are amazinggg!! Do you think that you could maybe do some headcanons for post canon Mithrun with an So that also used to be a dungeon lord? Like she is more recovered then he is but still has a habit of forgetting to eat or sleep so they just kind of try and take care of eachother? If not thats also no problem,
Have a lovely day and dont forget to hydrate✨
Thank you! I appreciate it <3
Ex-dungeon lord couple, I love it. Give it up for 
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Mithrun gets it. He canonly shows empathy for dungeon lords. Despite choking Thistle, he intended to save him. And despite attacking Marcille, he intended to help her and save her from that fate. Once he decided they were too far gone, though, he didn’t hesitate to take action. He’s not a bleeding heart, he just gets it. And since he wished he’d been killed, he probably thinks killing a raging dungeon lord before they have their desires eaten is a mercy on his part. (Also it saves other lives because he’s preventing another Utaya disaster from happening.)
Post-canon, he still feels that empathy. He doesn’t really show it unless it’s the heat of the moment or if there’s reason to do anything about it, but he still feels it. I don’t think he’d naturally gravitate to other ex-dungeon lords, but if he meets one then he can understand what they’ve gone through. 
So, there you are, someone he understands. He would be a bit interested in how you’ve recovered. You would surprise him sometimes with your ability to desire, no matter how small it is. He envies that. Then, you remind him that his envy is a desire in and of itself and he's like Oh. 
Mithrun lives by routine. I believe his routine would mirror yours, or if you don’t have one then he’d create a routine for you through his own. Meaning, if you forget to sleep, then when it’s the time of day for him to sleep he’d just drag you to the bedroom and make you sleep with him. Is it out of concern? Maybe. Is it because if you collapsed in his kitchen then he’d have to clean up your drool on the ground? Probably. Porque no los dos?
You talk to each other. A lot. They’re not particularly emotional conversations, but still soothing as you recount your experiences. He’s more open to talking to you about his past because he knows it’s not a shock or a big deal to you. 
Since you both spent so much time having no desire for food, forcing yourselves to eat out of necessity, then you both experiment with food a lot. Sometimes it’s horrible. Sometimes it’s great. Sometimes it’s very spicy, but you’re pleased Mithrun is able to taste it at least. 
You take a lot of baths together. It starts out as something convenient because it helps you remind each other, and it would just be easier to bathe at the same time. But as his desires return, it becomes an intimate ritual, with lots of hands going places and lots of kissing and fingers tangled in wet hair- out of breath as you're in his lap and pressing your forehead against his. Very hygienic!
Perhaps because you’re still trying to regain some of your desires, you don’t realize when you’re feeling bad, about to collapse. This really frustrates him because he’s a clingy and protective partner. You’re one of his few desires and he refuses to lose you. He knows you’re just out of mana or dehydrated or something, and that you’ll be fine, but it puts him on edge. He gets a bit snippy, or gives you the silent treatment later when you’re okay. And you have to remind him that he also collapses frequently and has no right to be irritated. He doesn’t care though, he’s still tense. Just give him either space or excessive amounts of attention. 
While the demon is gone, he still holds a lot of anger in his heart. He’s found relative peace, but there are days when he’s resentful and bitter over what’s happened. This increases when he sees you displaying a lack of desires, because he loves you and he wants to rip the demon apart for hurting you and for hurting him. (No longer does he desire to be devoured, obviously, what’s left is the urge for revenge.)
But of course, the demon is gone so there’s nothing he can do about it. If it could come back for a few seconds so he could rip off its head in your honor, that would be nice. 
Sometimes, you both stay up late into the night because neither of you recognize that you’re exhausted. It’s kind of nice, though. Intimate. The world is quiet and asleep and at that moment it belongs only to you and Mithrun. 
If you were a different kind of person before becoming a dungeon lord, he’s not really interested in how you were, to be honest. He acknowledges that that person was you, but now you’re the person he loves and he has no desire for you to change. 
The same goes for his past self. He doesn’t talk about his old self much, but when he does it’s in a negative light. It’s not that he prefers himself now or whatever, he can’t bring himself to care about that, but this is his life now and he’s learning to be content with it. So why reminiscence? He’s more focused on his few burgeoning desires: noodles, maybe a stiff drink, holding you, kissing you, talking to you, staring at you, touching you, etc. 
He will be very blunt when you talk about your escapades as a dungeon lord. If you mention that you were going a little crazy and you formed weird monsters, he’ll totally agree that you went crazy and not even attempt to reassure or comfort you lol 
Oh oh what if you first met during one of his missions pre-canon? The canaries went into your dungeon to confront you. Despite how rough and determined and ruthless Mithrun was, you still recognized his empathy and desperation to save you from the demon. And I believe those interactions, that desperation, would form a strong connection later down the line.
I'm just imagining the chaos, the fight to drag you out of the dungeon and back to the surface. Looking down at Mithrun from the balcony of your lair, or perhaps you're on the ground looking up at him as he prepares to teleport you to the surface. And at that moment, you're everything. You have every ounce of his focus. The world narrows down to you. And neither of you have any clue that one day you'll be everything again, just in a very different way.
Or, perhaps the canaries found you after you’d gotten your desires eaten. And now post-canon, Mithrun recalls the moment he met you. For most couples, that would be a nice memory. But he just thinks about the look in your eyes and he feels his heart clench in his chest. He can’t put a word to the emotion and has no desire to do so. Physically, he feels a little sick, but he doesn’t know what to do about it because he doesn’t know exactly what’s wrong or why he feels that way. His hand shakes and his mind goes to thoughts of what his world would be like without you.
Bad, of course. 
But no need to focus on that. It’s good now, because you’re here. And he glances up to see you fiddling with one of your hobbies, and he recognizes himself forming a new desire; to toss aside whatever you’re doing and kiss you until you forget everything but him. 
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icycoldninja · 2 days
🤔🤔 how is it like taking bath or shower together with Sparda boys and V?
Hmm, interesting.
Sparda boys + V showering/bathing together headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Depending on his mood, Dante can either be really, really goofy, or really, really sexy.
-He'll do all these silly tricks with the shower head, claiming he's a Waterbender. He'll also engage in tickle fights with you, make bubble wigs, and turn your bathtub in a hot tub, if you know what I mean.
-OR, he might pin you to the wall, pick you up by the legs, and start pistoning into you while the hot rain above soaks you two to the core.
-Dante with his hair slicked back and his rippling musclee all wet has to be the hottest thing you've ever seen; he knows it, and he's gonna take advantage of it.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil has only ever seen the shower as a place to get clean, not a place to horse around, however, you seem to have a different idea of what a shower should be used for.
-Contrary to usual practices, you're the one dominating him in the shower. He's far too stiff to let loose and do anything to you in this unfamiliar space, so you'll have to guide him through the process.
-On a non NSFW-related note, Vergil will absolutely scrub your back as long as you scrub his.
-Loves using bath bombs in the bath; he loves watching them fizz and color the water.
□ Nero □
-Nero knows what you want by getting in the shower with him and boy, will he deliver.
-From the moment you guys get in, he wraps you up in his arms, sloppily making out with you under the water, then he'll push you up against the wall and start pounding you.
-Utilizes the shower head by setting the pressure to max and directing it to your clit for some extra stimulation.
-Afterwards, he enjoys a nice bubble bath with you while you cuddle amongst the suds.
● V ●
-V is more focused on getting clean rather than anything else, not understanding the other implied reason for getting innthe shower with him.
-He just does what he needs to do and gets outta there, leaving you wet and confused.
-Bathtime is different, though; it's warm, meant for relaxing, and V loves it.
-Nothing 18+ happens, but you do get to relax together and soak up some nice, bubbly, perhaps even scented (if you add scented bath bombs or whatnot) water.
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knifeforkspooncup · 10 hours
Anyone who's freaking out right now: take a deep breath and count to 10 (like Crowley - er, maybe not.) It's going to be OK.
Now here's some (hopefully grounding) words from someone who is not freaking out, nor particularly surprised by the allegations against Neil, AND who has no plans on abandoning this fandom:
Celebrity Worship is not and never will be a necessary or healthy component of fandom, the creation of art, or life in general.
If you are feeling completely unmoored right now, I'm telling you with all the compassion and gentleness of someone who has been in your shoes: it's time to untangle yourself from worshipping celebrities or interacting with them at all beyond their art. It's time to consciously deplatform celebrities.
Because if this is your first rodeo, it sure as hell will not be your last. And if it isn't your first rodeo, I promise this won't even be the most painful one.
Celebrities are not your friends. Neil, Michael, David are not your friends, or your LGBTQIA+ heroes, or One of the Good Ones. They are all just people. Mediocre, privileged, wealthy people capable of horrific and terrific acts. Every single one of them will eventually fall from the pedestal (some more spectacularly than others.)
I'm not talking about "separate the art from the artist" once you've found out the artists sucks. I'm talking about not worshipping the artist to begin with. Ever. Even if the artist seems good.
I'm seeing so many people afraid this means they can't engage in this fandom, and to that I say: This fandom space is a living, breathing community, and therefore morally neutral. There is good here, there is bad here, just like the people within it, just like there is in each of us. No one can change that or take this space from you or change what it is. Neil doing something morally wrong does not make you engaging with Good Omens morally wrong (it may change how you spend your money though but that's a different post.)
So take a step back or bury yourself in fanfiction, be angry or sad, do whatever you have to do to get through the initial panic and take care of yourself, and then start prying your fingers off these people.
Anyone who's struggling and reliving their trauma right now because of this, I'm holding you so so close and I'm so fucking sorry if this is bringing things back.
The primary reason I divorced myself from celebrity culture was my own trauma and not wanting things I loved to be inevitably ripped away from me or tainted.
Anyone who's using victim blaming language to try to defend Neil: you are hurting your fellow fandom members. Neil does not need your help. He's a big boy with a lot of money and a lot of very powerful friends.
Finally: ask yourself how you're going to feel when you inevitably find out David and Michael aren't Good People. My answer is: exactly the same as I did yesterday. What's yours?
Also note: everything I've said here does not change no matter what the outcome of the allegations are, but in my house we believe victims.
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novalizinpeace · 2 days
I’m sorry you were being harassed in that way, it’s not ok for anyone to do that and I hope you don’t have to go through that again. Some people are so entitled about other’s work and seem to forget that an actual person is writing this and will not take the hint that they are not wanted in your space.
Anyway I hope your day has been good so far and that everything starts and keeps going your way. It seems like you’ve been going through a lot and I hope that it gets better for you.
'm going to adress this just once, okay? This whole shitshow it too much and is just tuesday
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thanks for all your support in asks and dms guys, this madness with this guy had became a whole spiral of disturbing and creepy shit that sadly has spread to other users, and 'm really sorry for it.
'm not going to repeat what all of ya know, but this creep had just spiraled in a whole solo battle to defend himself, even to the point to fake been another person to try and ''advocate'' in his behalf. Just crazy things over and over.
ya can see the posts in @lavendersartistry and @onyxonline to see the whole chaos, but i highly descorauge yall from interact with him, he's not someone you can talk sense into, and i don't want any of ya to become a target in their twisted game.
let just all block and report his accounts, and then keep it up with our lifes, 'm not planning to stop doing what i love just 'cause this creep think they're too special to be blocked, let him scream into the void.
and remember: you're allowed to block anyone that make you feel uncomfortable or just for reasons, nobody in the internet can demand you to let them see your work is you don't want to, just like a store can easily ban you from buying there if you insult the cashier, 'm going to block anyone that i consider is been disrespecful with me or my buddies, okay?.
Nova out~
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hotch33tos22 · 2 days
Tomura shigaraki x Gf reader
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"A date? Why the hell do we have to go on a date...?" He scratched his neck, you couldn't tell what kind of expression he was looking at you with by the hand that covered his face. You and Tomura had a... complicated relationship. You declared your feelings to him shortly after joining the league and he accepted you. But he was always pretty uninterested in you in certain moments.
"Because we're a couple? Don't you want to spend time together tomara?" You question with a saddening tone. You love tomura but you can tell he didn't enjoy the same things you did at all.
"We spend plenty of damn time together." He said bluntly, scoffing and finally removing his hand from his face so he can look at you. He sat down in a couch and crossed his arms. "What's wrong with just sitting and talking? Why do we have to eat out somewhere?"
"You don't get tired of the same thing over and over again?" You tell him as you followed behind him sitting next to him not too close enough to give him his space.
He shrugged, looking down at his thighs for a moment before shifting his gaze back to you. His eyes trailed over your body and a smirk pulled at the corners of his lips.
"I guess not. You certainly don't get tired of being a pain in my ass though, heh."
You groan in frustration he didn't get you and you didn't get him but that didn't mean you gave up easily,
"Let's go out tomura..." you plea at him
He groaned back in annoyance and ran a hand through his messy hair.
"Fine, but only if you shut up. It's always "please this" and "please that" and "let's go here" with you. If you aren't saying some bullshit like that, you're complaining about some other stupid thing!"
His words hurt you it's not like he was wrong but you didn't do it to annoy him you just wanted him to feel the same joy you felt when you did whatever he wanted to do,
"Never mind we can just stay here..." you tell him trying to hide your pain, Of course, he noticed your expression. His eyes watched you closely, picking up on the slightest shift in your mood. He knew what he said hurt you. Hell, he was trying to. But seeing the way your face dropped was something he wasn't expecting. Tomura sighed and leaned back in the couch, looking away from you and rubbing his eyes.
"No... whatever. Fine. We can go out, just stop looking like that." He was trying his best not to sound like he cared.
"A-are you sure?.. I don't want you to be mad at me or anything..." you mumble underneath your breath with slight excitement in your voice, he was really considering going out with you...
A small scoff escaped his lips as he looked back at you, the same smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth again.
"Yeah, whatever, I'm not mad, idiot. I just don't get why you want to go somewhere so bad. Can't we just sit and watch a movie or something?"
"I don't know I just want to make ..." you mumble softly before you could finish your sentence afraid he might say your reasonings are stupid. you fiddle with your fingers trying to not look embarrassed, He raised a brow, looking at you in a confused yet curious manner. He could tell you were holding something back, and he was a bit frustrated that you weren't finishing your sentence. He leaned forward a bit, resting his elbows on his thighs as he kept his eyes on you.
"You just want to make what? Spit it out, 'll probably hate it whatever you say anyways."
"M-" your words budging in your throat you couldn't spit it out, but you knew you had to or he'd get irritated.
"M-make memories with you..." you let out,
Well that... was not at all what he was expecting. He expected your answer to be something stupid and annoying, but instead it was... somewhat endearing. For a moment he sat there in silence, looking at you with a blank expression as he processed your answer.
"Memories? You only want to go out so you can make memories with me? That's... stupid."
You knew he's say that and it didn't bother you since you had predicted it, sometimes you wish he's see your point of view on relationships this might be his first but it didn't mean he couldn't try.
"Y-yeah you're right..." you sigh
He raised a brow when you agreed with him. He expected you to argue with him or something, not just give in. It made him want to... not insult you? What the hell was wrong with him? He stared at you for a minute, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Huh? So you agree that it's stupid? Why'd you even say it then? You want to make memories because it's something happy couples do, right?"
You turn in embarrassment you knew he didn't do what other couples did especially "happy" couples.
"I'm not sure..." you respond in a low voice
He rolled his eyes at your mumbled response, a smirk pulling at his lips yet again. He loved getting under your skin. He always found it slightly amusing how you got so easily flustered
"What, can't even look at me when you're answering? Tch, you're so weak, it's pathetic."
He said as he started shifting himself on the couch, slowly moving closer to you.
You turn up to look at him, as if you were a lost puppy trying to find your owner you didn't know what to tell him. Dealing with tomura meant dealing with names but you tried to not let them get to you. He chuckled softly when he saw the expression on your face. He shifted closer to you until he was basically pressed against you, his face now only a few inches from yours. A smirk tugged at his lips as he ran his finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him directly.
"Aww, I struck a nerve, huh? You get all shy when l insult you because you know they're all true, right? You're weak and pathetic, but you're always following me around like a dog."
You perk your lips feeling his hot breath below them,He slowly dragged his finger from your chin up to your bottom lip, gently running it across your soft skin. He couldn't help but notice the look you gave him he leaned in even closer, his face just barely hovering over yours.
"Always looking at me with those big round eyes and following me around, trying to get my attention. Like a dog, waiting for its owner to say something to it...”
He chuckled as he heard you let out a soft gasp, watching as your face turned red. It was so fun messing with you, seeing how easily flustered you got over the simplest things. He leaned in a bit closer, his mouth now right next to your ear.
"And now look at you, you're a mess just because I got a few inches closer to you.You're too easy, you know that? I bet I could do anything I wanted to you right now and you'd let me."
He was right you would but you wouldn't admit it not right now atleast not while he was turning you on. It's silly getting turned on just by words.
"I-I'm not..." you let out
He smirked again as soon as you spoke. He knew you were trying to hide your true feelings, trying to act like you weren't desperate for his attention. He leaned back a little so he could look at your face again and see your expression as he spoke.
"Not what? A mess? Easy? You're both, doll. I can see it in the way you're looking at me right now. Your face is so red, it's cute."
You try to control yourself as he moves closer to you causing you to yelp as he caresses you cheek, He smirked at the small yelp you let out, finding it adorable. He loved how sensitive you were, how easy it was to get a reaction out of you. He moved the hand that was on your cheek so it was tangled into your hair, his nails gently scratching your scalp as he spoke.
"I'm barely even touching you and you're trembling. I bet I could just pin you down right here right now and you wouldn't fight back. You're so obedient, just like a good little pet~"
"T-tomura..." you let out a gasp as he pins you down looking at you beneath him feeling his pent up member hard onto your core, He chuckled as he heard the way you whined his name out to him, the way your voice got all needy because of him. Your voice was music to his ears.
"What's wrong, doll? Got no other words to say?"
He said as he leaned down to your ear again, gently biting your earlobe before moving his lips down to your neck.
You repeat his name as he places kisses on your sensitive skin causing you to treble.
You wanted him and he wanted you it was obvious they way his pants tightened around his shaft. The way his hips moved slowly around your core repeatedly...
He groaned against your skin as he felt your body squirmed underneath him. He continued leaving a trail of kisses on your neck, moving his lips down to the crook of it and nibbling on the skin. He let out another groan when he felt you say his name again, and his hips subconsciously started moving more against you.
"You're so easy, it's pathetic."
He said huskily as he let out another groan.
"I-I'm n-not!" You let out as his kisses weakened you. He chuckled, finding your stubbornness both cute and ridiculous. He started leaving smaller kisses along your jawline, getting closer to your mouth.
"Oh yes, you are. You get all whiny and flustered whenever I touch you. You get all shy and quiet when I get close to you. You're a mess right now, and I all I did was pin you down."
He said against your skin before biting gently on your jaw. "I'm not the o-only one !" You exclaim as you look at his thick hard member
He chuckled again when you spoke, before slowly moving up a bit to look down at you.
He smirked at the way you spoke so boldly all of a sudden, his eyes locking onto yours as he continued rubbing himself against you.
"Oh, really? You think you're not the only one acting like this? Then what about me, hm? What makes you think I'm flustered, doll?"
"Your hips... the way you're moving them on me" you let out a soft moan as he continues his motions. He froze as you pointed out the way his hips were moving against you, realizing that you were right and he was losing his cool. He let out a huffed breath, trying to compose himself. He didn't want to show any kind of weakness in front of you. Instead, he leaned down to give you one quick kiss on the lips, like some kind of distraction, before speaking.
"That's... it's just because you're making me like this, doll. You're so pathetic that I can't help but get a little riled up."… "Im going to take you up like the slut you are and screw you untill you come undone" he says with his low raspy voice it turned you on so much. His words were blunt and vulgar, but they had a different effect on you than he would ve expected. They made you shiver, made your face turn redder than it was before, and caused a jolt of something in your lower stomach you hadn't felt before.
He saw the way you reacted to his words and the look on your face, a smirk crept onto his face as his eyes darkened. tomuras words fall from his lips like honey, you couldn’t help but feel something turn on inside you felt empty as if you needed him, needed him badly.
“tomura please.. p-please fuck me..” you cry in despair begging for him asking him to do what you’ve been expecting. He wouldn’t let you have what you wanted easily, you would have to work for it and hard. His lips formed a smirk as he replied “Fine I’ll fuck you.. I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll beg me for more..”
You were relived, you were eager but before you could plea he spoke again.
“But you’ll have to work for it princess.. you have to prove to me how badly you want it ..“ he smirks as he lets you go and sits up undressing his lower half and sitting back down positioning himself with wide legs.
“Suck it.” He commanded.
You did as you were told, But he wanted more. You slowly kiss the tip of his shaft tasting the pre cum leaking from his cock what made it even better were the grunts he let out when you touched his dick.
“f-fuck..” he lets out, he doesn’t know why you have him like this you haven’t even put it inside your mouth and he wants to just forget about your punishment and fuck you but he knows you won’t learn.
You start kissing his tip as you feel the pre cum on your lips the sweet but slightly sour flavor falls on your tongue like heaven.
“My sweet fucking g-girl~” he moans out “You love my cock don’t you?” He chuckles as you bob your head feeling his hard cock inside your mouth as it twitches, he grabs your hair gently but roughly as he pushes your head down even further hitting the back of your throat.
“Mhm!!!” You squeal as you felt his cock deeper inside your mouth tears start to form, your gag reflexes weren’t the best but it was enough to handle his size,
“My pretty girl s-so pretty..” you give a final bob as he finishes inside your mouth filling it with his seed, you felt yourself get wetter and wetter panties soaked.
He commands you to swallow every last drop before he helps you up and shoves you to the couch, his cock rubbing in your throbbing pussy.
“beg for it.” He says in a low raspy voice
Without a doubt you do as he says,
“P-please b-baby please!” “Just fuck m-me!” You beg hoping he’d hurry, hearing you beg turned him on and he sure was gonna fuck the voice out of you. He positions himself in front of your wet entrence causing you to moan causing music to his ears and he slowly enters himself as a way to make you suffer he was going to take his time with you pressuring you and make you wait for what you wanted.
“T-omura!” You whine as you more your hips like a horny dog trying to make him move faster
“Keep trying and I won’t put it in you brat..” shigaraki a husky voice tells you in a serious voice he meant what he said.
You whimper you wanted him inside and when he was it drove you mad he thrusted in and out of your core causing you to moan like a mad woman it felt so good the way his cock cam in and out in and out in repeat pushing against your gummy walls and you tighten with each thrust,
“fuckfuck fuckkk..” you moaned out in repeat your walls were clenching on him hard and he enjoyed ever last one he lived the way your eyes fooled back with tears on them the way your young made its way out panting rapidly as he pushed your lug towards your chest making even more access to your core.
“My pretty little c-cunt…”. He let out with grunts
“Fucking mine..” he smiled at your figure, you felt yourself cumming soon pleading for his seen deep inside you,
“p-please p-please cum inside me!!!” You whined as his final thrusted in you spreading his seed all over your walls
“FUCK!!” He yelled as he panted slowly trying to gain his breath he feel beside you as his eyes were searching for something to cover you with.
He soon found a blanket and got up to get it sitting down as he commanded you to lay on his side while covering both of you as you fell asleep in his chest.
As you felt asleep he looked at your weak figure the way it was fragile… he loved the way you look like a lost puppy in need of a home loved the way you begged and plead underneath him….
He was hard again.
(if you liked my work feel free to check out the rest on my page and follow <3!! Or click the #hotcheetos22 )
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
CW: This chapter mentions torture and death. Spoliers ahead. Not proofread.
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I was enveloped again in a white light and transported to Galileo's past.
Galileo: "Sagredo, you're here."
The next place I arrived at seemed to be a university.
I heard his voice coming from a room, so I peeked inside and saw a man visiting him.
Sagredo: "If Professor Galileo himself calls me, there's no way I wouldn't come."
Sagredo: "After all, I'm your biggest fan."
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Galileo: "Hmph. You're still the same, Sagredo."
(The same name as the character from the book I borrowed from him.)
Galileo handed Sagredo a large sheet of paper spread out on his desk.
Sagredo: "Galileo, what's this?"
Galileo: "Do you remember our discussions about transcending physical laws to travel to the past or future?"
Galileo: "This is the blueprint for a door that transcends space-time."
Sagredo: "You were really researching this!?"
Just like me, Sagredo looked at him in astonishment.
Sagredo: "Hahaha! I thought it was just drunken talk, but you actually did it."
Sagredo: "Galileo Galilei is truly a genius!"
His reaction was one of open admiration, and though Galileo allowed a small smile to form at the corners of his lips, he quickly suppressed it.
Galileo: "However, this is as far as the research goes. I have no intention of actually building this door."
Sagredo: "Why is that?"
Galileo: "I designed it out of curiosity, but if this door were completed and able to interfere with history as theorized, the past might change, and the present and even the future we live in might disappear."
Sagredo: "That's true."
Galileo: "As a scholar, it's a bit of a pity, but I plan to dispose of this blueprint and other unnecessary research papers. Still, before that, I wanted to show it to you alone."
Sagredo: "Galileo. Thank you; it's a great honor."
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Sagredo: "I agree with your decision. I'm satisfied just to have witnessed your achievements."
From Sagredo's smile and tone, it was clear that he was genuinely proud of Galileo.
(They're really friends.)
There was a pure sense of curiosity and mutual respect between them.
(He said he would dispose of the blueprint, yet for some reason, it wasn't disposed of.)
That must be why the door in the mansion was created by Vlad and Comte.
The blueprint was never disposed of and eventually caught Vlad's attention.
Vlad and Comte used it to complete the door and begin resurrecting historical figures.
(It was through this door that I came to 19th-century Paris.)
The single blueprint created by Galileo had come full circle, guiding me and allowing me to meet him.
And now, I had encountered the "beginning" of this mysterious chain of coincidences.
(Can these coincidences be called fate?)
Sagredo: "But since you called me so suddenly, I thought it might be about that matter."
(That matter?)
Hearing their conversation, I turned my attention back to them again.
Galileo's brow furrowed slightly, and the previously warm atmosphere turned cold.
Galileo: "Since I published my research and advocated for heliocentrism, more and more people have started calling me a heretic and causing an uproar."
Galileo: "Sagredo, do you also think I'm wrong?"
Sagredo: "No, I don't think that at all. You're not wrong."
Sagredo: "Your reports on the starry messenger and the sunspot theory were excellent."
Galileo: "Then why...?"
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Sagredo: "But I think it was too early."
Sagredo: "Most people still believe that heliocentrism undermines the teachings of the Church."
Galileo: "I only documented my observations and the results of my research, which I proved with my own eyes. I didn't state anything false."
Galileo: "So why does the world cling to old knowledge and refuse to face the truth?"
I could see his clenched fist from where I stood.
Sagredo remained silent for a moment before speaking.
Sagredo: "I understand how you feel. However, if you continue this way, your position will be in jeopardy."
Sagredo: "You must stop advocating for heliocentrism, Galileo."
Galileo: "Are you telling me to turn away from the truth?"
Sagredo: "No. I'm just saying that it's still too soon."
Galileo: "Then, when's the right time?"
Galileo’s voice was tinged with unbearable frustration.
Galileo: “I’ve conducted research to contribute to the world.”
Galileo: “But as long as we remain bound by doctrines and old teachings, we can never get closer to the truth. There’ll be no progress in the future.”
Galileo: “Turning away from the truth is the same as trampling on one’s convictions.”
Sagredo: “Galileo.”
A tense silence passed between them until Galileo let out a sigh.
Galileo: “I’m sorry, Sagredo. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”
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Sagredo: “No. You’re indeed a man worthy of pursuing the truth.”
Sagredo: “That’s what makes you Galileo Galilei.”
Sagredo placed a hand on Galileo’s shoulder.
(You’re not wrong. I believe that, too.)
It was just that the era didn’t accept the truth he had discovered.
(No matter who denies it, the truth is with you.)
(There were also people who supported you.)
As I felt a tightness in my chest from touching a part of his suffering, my vision turned white again.
When I opened my eyes, I was standing in a corner of a hall.
(Where’s this? It looks like a courthouse.)
At the far end, three elderly men in white robes sat, with the one in the center exuding a particularly stern atmosphere.
The place where I stood was crowded with many people, as if it were a spectator’s gallery.
(The people sitting there seem more like priests than judges.)
(What's about to happen?)
The people around me buzzed, and for some reason, their noise increased my anxiety.
At that moment,
Priest: "Your Excellency, we've brought him. Hey, bring him in!"
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Galileo: "Guh."
The person they brought in was Galileo. He had his hands bound with rope.
They roughly pulled him and made him stand in the center of the hall, looking every bit like a defendant.
(Wait, don't tell me this is...!)
Priest: "Silence. We will now begin the inquisition of Galileo Galilei."
The priest, announcing the start of the inquisition, looked down at Galileo.
Priest: “Galilei, despite being forbidden by the Church, you advocated heliocentrism in the book The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Is this correct?”
Galileo: “That’s correct.”
He answered without hesitation, looking straight at the priest.
(Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems?)
(Is that the book I borrowed from him?)
The book, in which three characters engage in conversations about astronomy and advocate facing the truth with open eyes.
The one whose title I didn’t know.
(Galileo wrote it himself.)
Priest: "We've also seized all your research papers. Your statements contradict the doctrine."
Priest: "In other words, you have willingly defied the will of God."
Galileo: "That's not true. As a scholar, I simply pursued the truth without any intention of going against God."
Priest: "The truth is written in doctrine."
Galileo: "That is a misguided truth. Under God's name, we should correct our mistakes now."
Galileo: "Observational evidence clearly shows that the Earth, not the Sun, moves."
Priest: "Silence! You're a heretic who defies God's teachings!"
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Galileo: "Why!? How is seeking the truth considered heresy!?"
Despite the one-sided condemnation from the priest, Galileo did not back down, standing firm in his unyielding conviction.
However, the priest let out a sinister laugh.
Priest: "If you have no intention of retracting the heliocentric theory, we have our own methods."
He raised his hand toward the priests standing nearby, and they brought in a man.
Galileo: "Sagredo!?"
His clothes were torn to shreds, and his body was covered in wounds. It was unclear if he was even conscious, as he hung limply.
(This is horrible.)
Galileo: "Did you torture Sagredo!? Why!?"
Priest: "That man defended you. Anyone who defends a heretic is also a heretic!"
The priest's signal prompted the other priests to whip Sagredo.
Sagredo: "Aghhh!!"
The sharp sound of the whip cutting through the air echoed, and Sagredo groaned in pain.
(This is too brutal.)
Galileo dropped to his knees, seeing his friend being whipped repeatedly.
Galileo: "Stop it, please stop!!"
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Galileo: "I retract it. I retract my statement about the heliocentric theory!"
Galileo: "Please, I beg you, release Sagredo!!"
Sagredo: "No!!"
It was Sagredo himself who stopped him from trying to save his friend.
Sagredo: "There's no need to retract. Galileo, you must continue down the path you believe in."
Galileo: "Sagredo."
Sagredo: "You're not wrong. I'm proud of you for pursuing the truth."
Sagredo: "You’re my dear friend, Galileo Galilei!"
Galileo: "..........."
They looked at each other, exchanging emotions beyond words.
Priest: "Let me ask again, Galileo Galilei."
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Galileo: "Sagredo, I..."
Priest: "Will you retract the heliocentric theory, or not?"
Galileo: "I..."
Galileo lifted his face defiantly, his amethyst eyes shimmering with star-like determination.
Galileo: "I will not retract, and I will continue to proclaim the truth! You can label me a heretic and say anything you want, but that doesn't change the fact that the earth moves!"
His shout echoed through the silent hall.
The priest, faced with his piercing gaze, smirked.
Priest: "Very well. Take this Sagredo to the execution grounds."
Galileo: "Wait, to the execution grounds!? What do you intend to do with Sagredo!?"
Priest: "That man will burn in the fires of hell. You've defied God even at the cost of your friend."
Priest: "Such heinous acts mark you as a heretic, you heartless monster!"
As the priest condemned him harshly, voices from the audience began to join in.
Audience 1: "You're just spewing lies, you criminal!"
Audience 2: "You're a devil for sacrificing your friend for your own sake!"
(No, Galileo is...)
Audience 3: "You are a heretic who defies God!"
(He only sought the truth.)
Thus, for 350 years, an indelible mark was branded on him.
Priest: "Galileo, we'll take you to the execution grounds as well. You need to witness the end of your sins."
Galileo: "Nonsense! There's no justification for execution! Sagredo, run!"
He began to rise, preparing to flee.
However, he was restrained by the priests, and he fell to the ground.
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Galileo: "Guh. Sagredo!"
Sagredo: "Galileo, meeting you has been the greatest fortune of my life."
Sagredo: "Let's share a drink again someday!"
The last thing he showed was a smile as bright as the stars.
Galileo: "Stop it, stop it! Ah, no. Nooooooo!!"
Sagredo, crucified at the execution grounds, was engulfed in merciless flames.
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