#there's a balance to it and i think the event handled it well
doromoni · 3 months
So Unaware | CL16
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Ships : Charles Leclerc x F1 Academy Driver! Reader
Genre : Fluff
A/N : this is inspired by my own experience with a block mate from Uni. It was an entire situation, I can’t even comprehend so be distraught with me :))
Summary : When Charles mistakes Y/N’s enthusiasm and friendliness for flirting.
The F1 grid was having media day with the F1 Academy teams to show a united front or something like that. You weren’t so sure, you didn’t fully listen to the PR people’s instructions.
You were mindlessly walking around the ransacked snack bar looking for anything to munch on when suddenly a packet of gummies was in front of you and to your shock, it was Charles Leclerc himself who offered.
A wide smile presented itself on your lips as you thanked him for the snack. And being the nice person that Charles was he started small talk with you — the conversation found its way towards the passion you both shared it was your love for cold dairy treats! Ice cream.
Without noticing, you both got deep into talking — not minding other people present or the event happening around you. You were so deeply interested in Charles’ stories on his failed attempts to create the formula for Lec and Charles reciprocated the interest in your story of almost getting carbon dioxide poisoning as you overdosed on Dry Ice when trying to make Ice cream from home. You didn’t realize that people were noticing your interaction with the Ferrari Driver, with most of them thinking that there was indeed chemistry between the 2 drivers. People were starting to think that you had a thing for Charles.
“Ok, so what is the weirdest flavor you’ve thought for Lec” You eagerly asked the gorgeous red-clad driver in front of you who was leaning on the barriers.
“So much! But the weirdest has got to be the tomato with caviar. It was so repulsive you couldn’t imagine.” Charles's face scrunched up as he remembered the vile thing making you laugh at his theatrics.
“Well that sounds interesting, I mean caviar is salty so they balance each other out?” You muttered reluctantly
“Oh come on Y/N, don’t be nice on my behalf. It was disgusting. If you were only there to taste it” Charles said as he shook his head in amusement
“Is that an invitation, Mr. Leclerc? Count me as your beta tester then!“ You joked at the older driver.
“Oh I’m not sure, how can I be sure that you’re as good of an ice cream taster as you say you are Y/N” Charles joked back with a smile and you couldn’t help but notice the deep set of dimples on the man. How can a person be so attractive you couldn’t explain?
“How dare you question my professionalism, Mr. Ferrari driver! Well, I have a favorite Ice cream parlor near the hotel that I always go to when we drive in this country. Their Salted Vanilla and Balsamic with Strawberry is to die for! You need to try it” You exclaimed as you remembered the dainty mom-and-pop ice cream shop that held your heart — the Donofrios, was the breath of fresh air when you were having a hard time with insecurities and doubts about your career. Ever since then, it has become a tradition to visit them after every race here.
“Well ok Professional L/N. You need to take me there then” Charles replied cheekily at you.
“It would be my pleasure to share a treasure with a fellow enthusiast. How about after the race? Mr. Donofrio, he’s the owner and your fan, he would love to meet you” You giddily replied.
“Definitely! Give me your number so we can stay in touch” Charles gestures his phone towards you to put your number in his contacts.
“Oh yes of course! I swear, Charles you would love it there. Mrs. Donofrio even makes their waffle cones!” You answered excitedly as you gave Charles his phone back.
“After the race the “ Charles was cut off as you both heard someone calling his name. Looking at the direction of the voice, it turned out to be his manager.
“I need to handle something real quick, I’ll be back, ouias?” Charles says briefly squeezing your forearms and then proceeding to go to his manager. You nodded your head and sent him away with a smile and a wave.
“Did you just flirt with Charles Leclerc?” Emily, your teammate from Prema had suddenly sprung on you as she pulled you into the corner the minute Charles stepped away from your conversation.
“No? What do you mean?” You were confused at your teammate who was close to hyperventilating from excitement.
“I mean you talked with THE Charles Leclerc for a solid 30 minutes. You and him were smiling from ear to ear! Babe don’t get me started with the sparkle in your eyes” Emily said as she took hold of your shoulders and shook you till you started to feel dizzy
“Em, Stop! I’m getting dizzy. And what are you even talking about? We were just talking about racing, ice cream and some gossip in the paddock— that was it!” You exclaimed as you removed yourself from the clutches of your friend.
“Y/N, Babe. People don’t touch that much when talking about racing and ice cream” Em said a devious smile on her face as her eyebrows went up and down.
Horror suddenly fell on your face at the realization. You have the tendency to be touchy when you are over enthusiastic and excited about things — and Charles Leclerc was at the receiving end.
Based on your expression, Em then realized what had happened and started laughing hysterically.
“Y/N! I can’t believe you did it again! DUDE you’re so unaware, I love it! “ Emily was doubling over laughing at you and your overly friendly tendencies.
“EM! Not funny! Do you think Charles misunderstood? Do you think that he thinks that I was hitting on him? OH NO! Do you think that I was some creepy obsessed fan or something” You blurted out words at the speed of light. At your panic, Emily had laughed even harder.
You didn’t know what to think or do — when you felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to look at the person.
Your eyes widened at the sight of Charles.
“Is she ok?” He asked referring to Emily still laughing with tears staining her cheeks.
“Uh… yes. I think. Yeah, she’s ok. Emily is ok” You replied forcing a smile, which you swore looked awkward. An elbowed Emily to stop laughing.
“So, uhm… can I have your teammate for a while, Emily?” Charles asked the girl who was trying her best to stop laughing. Emily only nodded as an indication of agreement, given that talking wasn’t an option at the moment.
To your surprise, Charles took hold of your hand — pulling you back to somewhere quiet.
“So, Y/N. Where did our conversation stop?” The Ferrari Driver asked with a smile.
“I wasn’t trying to flirt with you!” You suddenly blurted out, catching the Monegasque off guard.
“I’m sorry. What?” Charles asked a tad confused.
“I have this tendency to be over-excited and sometimes I get touchy… I just didn’t want to weird you out or think I was creepy and stepping out of line” You explained now getting nervous.
Charles looked at you for a solid 5 seconds then he started out laughing. He then suddenly held your hand again, now looking straight into your eyes.
“You weren’t flirting with me?” He asked.
“No…” you said quietly.
“Do you find me attractive?” Charles’ question catches you completely off guard. Rendering you speechless.
“Well do you, Cheri?” The Ferrari Driver asked once more, to which you only nodded sheepishly
“Great! Because I was flirting with you and I look forward to our ice cream date”
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racetowrite · 11 days
Miami, baby
Support a disabled creator
Pairing : Lando Norris x f!reader
Tags : slight edging, uprotected piv (fuck them kids)
Word Count : 3.2k
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After years of painstakingly saving every penny, you finally had the chance to attend an F1 race. Today was the big day, your first-ever experience at an event filled with adrenaline and excitement. You wandered around, searching for some indication of where to go, when suddenly you accidentally bumped into someone.
He was moving with purpose, clearly rushing to get somewhere, and the impact was so significant that you stumbled and fell to the ground with a gasp.
You looked up, disoriented and a little dazed, to find yourself staring into a pair of intense green eyes. The man who had accidentally knocked you over appeared before you. He was tall, strong, and exuded an air of dominance and control. For a moment, the world seemed to move in slow motion as you gazed at him, your heart beating wildly in your chest.
He looked at you with a mixture of surprise and concern, perhaps realizing that he had knocked you off balance. You weren't sure how to react, your body still feeling the impact of your fall. But then, he spoke, his voice deep and commanding yet gentle.
“Are you alright?” he asked, offering you a hand to help you stand up. His voice sent a shiver down your spine, the concern in his tone contrasting sharply with the authoritative quality he exuded.
Despite the confusion caused by the collision, you quickly realize that the person who helped you up is none other than Lando Norris, one of the most popular Formula One drivers on the grid.
Your eyes widen in recognition, but unlike other fans, you don't immediately erupt into a fit of screaming or gushing. Instead, your reaction is more subdued, a mixture of shock and reverence.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," you apologize, your voice a little shaky. You're still feeling the aftershocks of bumping into such a famous figure, but you manage to maintain your composure.
"I'm glad I didn't hurt you badly," Lando replies, his tone still gentle despite the accident. He seems relieved that you aren't hurt, his gaze sweeping over you to make sure you're alright.
You offer him a grateful smile, still trying to process the fact that you're actually face-to-face with Lando Norris. "Thank you for helping me up," you say, your voice a little hoarse.
Lando is struck by how unlike other fans you are. You're not screaming, begging for a picture, or losing your composure. Instead, you're standing there, calm and collected, even after the unexpected collision. This catches his attention and intrigues him.
As he looks at you, he can't help but notice how beautiful you are. There's an innocence and purity in your expression that draws him in, making it difficult for him to look away.
His gaze becomes almost predatory, drinking in every detail of your features. He's captivated by your lack of hysterics and the way you're handling yourself in his presence. Lando is used to fans becoming tongue-tied and overwhelmed in front of him, but you seem completely unfazed.
You realize that the clock is ticking, and the qualifying session is about to start. You hesitate for a moment, knowing that it's time to part ways. You offer Lando a smile and say, "Well, it was nice meeting you, and good luck in the qualifying."
Lando's expression changes slightly. He doesn't want this encounter to end just yet, and the thought of you leaving his side gives him an unpleasant feeling. Without thinking, he finds himself saying, "Wait, why don't you come watch from my box?"
"You could have a better view from there," he adds, hoping that you'll agree to his invitation. Lando doesn't want to admit it out loud, but the idea of having you near him, cheering him on, is strangely appealing.
You feel a pang of guilt as Lando invites you to the McLaren box. You're aware of how expensive those tickets can be, and you don't want to impose or be a burden. But at the same time, you're oddly touched by his invitation, and you can't bring yourself to outright refuse.
Instead, you try to brush off his concern, saying, "Oh, you really don't owe me anything. You didn't knock me that badly, I'm fine."
Lando is taken aback by your response. He’s used to people jumping at the chance to be nearby, especially women who usually throw themselves at him. But you're different. You're not flustered or falling over yourself to accept his invitation. Instead, you brush it off, telling him he doesn’t owe you anything.
For Lando, it's a novel, exhilarating feeling. He finds himself strangely captivated, more intrigued by this unexpected exchange than by any race he’s ever competed in.
Your indifference piques his interest even more. He's suddenly feeling challenged, like he's faced with a puzzle he needs to solve. No one has ever rejected his offer, let alone so nonchalantly. It's frustrating, but in a strangely addictive way. Lando can't help but find himself fascinated by this interaction, his mind more focused on you than on the impending race.
Lando's mind is racing, trying to find a way to keep the interaction going. He doesn't want to let you walk away, not yet. Thinking quickly, he comes up with an excuse.
"Hey, listen," he says, his tone slightly casual, "You should give me your number. Just in case, you know, if you need anything or... something like that."
You can't help but let out a soft laugh at Lando's insistence. You find yourself touched by his concern, but also amused by his persistence.
"Seriously, I'm fine," you assure him again, your voice filled with a hint of humor. "You didn't knock me down that badly. I'm not some damsel in distress, you know."
Lando can't help but chuckle a little at your playful response. He's never met someone so unfazed by his presence, someone who actually has a sense of humor.
“Yeah, I guess you’re not,” he replies, his tone becoming more relaxed. "But still, I'd feel better if I had a way to check up on you. Just in case."
Despite your earlier protests, you can't argue with Lando's insistence. There's something earnest in his tone, a genuine concern for your well-being that’s hard to ignore. Reluctantly, you find yourself agreeing.
"Alright, fine," you say, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "You can have my number if it'll make you feel better."
Lando's face lights up at your words. He hadn't expected you to give in so easily, but he can't deny the feeling of victory that floods through him. With a satisfied grin, he pulls out his phone and hands it to you.
"Great, beautiful. Put your number in here."
As you hand back his phone, your fingers briefly touch, and Lando feels an unexpected spark of electricity shoot through him at the contact. Just before you say goodbye, Lando suddenly hesitates, looking at your tousled hair. With a sly grin, he takes off his signature cap and places it on top of your head, adjusting it slightly so it sits comfortably on you.
"Wear this. Maybe it'll bring me luck," he grins. "And make sure you're cheering for me, okay?"
You can't help but feel a sudden rush of warmth at the gesture. The cap feels oddly comfortable on your head, like a piece of Lando is somehow with you now. You offer him a small smile, your fingers gently touching the cap.
"I'll be your biggest cheerleader," you promise, a hint of amusement in your voice. "Good luck, Lando."
Lando heads off to the McLaren garage, his thoughts whirling in his mind. Although he should be focused solely on the upcoming qualification, he can't keep his thoughts off you. Your nonchalant attitude, your lack of fangirling, and the way you've agreed to give him your number - it all leaves him slightly off-kilter.
He tries to shake off the distraction, to concentrate on his car and his performance. But the image of your smile, and the feeling of your touch, linger in his mind, making it difficult for him to fully immerse himself in the usual pre-qualification anticipation.
Lando quickly snaps out of his thoughts, though. He knows he needs to get in the zone. He puts on his driving gear, his mind focusing on the qualifying ahead, pushing you out of his mind. But even as he does so, his heart beats a little faster than usual, eager to impress you, the mysterious girl who captured his attention from a simple accident.
After placing p1 in qualifying, Lando's heart is still racing with adrenaline. He's thrilled with his performance, but there's something else he's excited about. He remembers the promise you made, that you would be there cheering him on.
As soon as he has a moment, Lando pulls out his phone and types out a quick message to you: "Hey, I placed p1. See you tomorrow at the race, yeah?"
Lando hits send on the message, but a moment later, he realises he's forgotten something crucial. He doesn't know your name. This thought sends a pang of frustration through him. How could he have forgotten to ask for your name?
With a small sigh, Lando types another message, this time asking, "By the way, I never got your name."
Lando's attention is now fully focused on his phone, waiting anxiously for your response. When your text comes through, he's slightly surprised.
"Y/N," he repeats to himself, testing out the name in his mind. "I like it."
He's about to reply when he sees you mention that you'll be watching him tomorrow. A sense of satisfaction and anticipation fills him, knowing you'll be there in the stands, cheering him on.
Lando sends a quick reply: "Can't wait. See you tomorrow, Y/N."
“I promise to be there.”
He can't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of seeing you again, in the stands, cheering just for him. The thought of impressing you with his race only fuels his determination to win even more.
The day of the Miami Grand Prix arrives, and Lando is filled with a mix of excitement and determination. As he steps into his car, he can't help but think of you, a silent motivator in his mind. The race is intense, a chaotic whirlwind of speed and strategy. But Lando's focus is unwavering, thanks to the thought of you in the stands, watching him, cheering him on.
As he crosses the finish line, first place, Lando feels a rush of triumph. He's won his first Grand Prix, right in front of you.
Lando's heart is pounding as he climbs out of the car, the sounds of the crowd and the congratulations of his team a blur around him. All he can think of is finding you in the stands, seeing your reaction to his win. Lando quickly finds his way to the stands, searching for you amidst the sea of fans. And when he spots you, his heart stutters for a moment. You're standing there, a wide smile on your face, and the sight of you makes his victory even sweeter.
Lando is floating on a cloud of triumph.
The whole time, from the interviews to the celebration, Lando's gaze keeps flicking to the crowd, looking for you. Every time he locks eyes with you, a wave of excitement washes over him, making his victory even more meaningful.
Land of has to go through the usual routine after the race - interviews, press conferences, team debriefs. By the time he's finally free, it feels like hours have passed.
He hurries to the McLaren garage, his heart racing with anticipation. When he spots you outside, he feels a mix of relief and excitement. He quickly walks over to you, a wide smile on his face.
"You waited," Lando says, a hint of surprise and gratitude in his voice. He's still in his race suit, dusted with champagne and the exhaustion of the race. But he's too excited to see you to care about how he looks. You smile back at him, the sight of his boyish grin warming your heart.
"I promised, didn't I?" You reply, your tone light.
He takes a breath, trying to calm his racing heart. "That you did," he nods, his eyes dancing with a mixture of adrenaline and amusement. He looks around, suddenly aware of the curious glances from the crew and other drivers. He grabs your hand and leads you away from the crowd, to a more secluded spot.
Lando's hand encloses around yours, and a small shock of electricity shoots through you at the sudden contact. You're surprised at how warm his hand is, how firm his grip is. It's a simple touch, a brief moment of skin against skin, but it leaves you feeling a bit flushed.
You look up at Lando, who's still leading you along, and see a hint of a smirk on his lips. He's aware of the effect his touch has on you, but you're unaware that he's equally affected.
The night progresses, and somehow, you end up in Lando's hotel room, the adrenaline from the race still coursing through his veins. As the door closes behind you, the atmosphere shifts, a charged tension filling the air.
Lando looks at you, his eyes dark and intense. He steps closer, his proximity making your heart race in your chest. The space between you feels electric, the air between you taut with desire.
Lando doesn’t wait any longer. He moves closer, his hand cupping your cheek, his gaze burning into yours. "I’ve been wanting to do this since I first saw you," he murmurs, his voice low, sending shivers down your spine.
A couple of hours later, Lando feels like he’s in heaven.
Your head has been between his thighs for what has to be an hour now, his hand buried in your pretty hair, dragging your lips up and down his dripping cock. From the position, you on your knees beside your shared bed while he sits atop it, Lando fucking your face, it seems like he has all the power. But he knows better. He knows you’re letting him do this; that you, even with your bruised knees and puffy lips, have control over him. Over his mind, his body, his fucking soul.
“Baby, baby, please let me cum,” he whimpers into the quiet of the room, the only sounds echoing in his ears are his little grunts and moans and your obscene slurping around the length of him. “Can’t hold it anymore, y’feel so good, sweetheart.”
But you pull off his cock as soon as the words leave his lips, leaving him aching again. The whine he lets out is demeaning, embarrassing, but you wrap your hand around his cock, jacking him slowly while Lando hears you giggle softly.
“Are you gonna cum before you’ve even gotten my pussy?” You’re teasing him, you’ve been teasing him for the past few hours since you’ve been in his hotel room “Come on baby, you want to be inside me? You’ve been so good.”
Lando nods frantically, unthinking and delirious. “Please, please let me have you baby? I need it so bad. Please sweetheart, ple-”
“lay back for me?” And Lando shoves himself backward, laying himself onto the soft silk sheets. He barely has a chance to prepare himself before you’re standing and straddling him, working the tip of his cock into your dripping cunt.
And Lando knows, he knows, that this is the closest he’ll get to heaven. You moan as you sink down onto him, tight pussy clenching as you work your hips, and Lando almost rips a hole into the sheets with the effort not to thrust up into you, not to fucking cum inside you, right then and there. He’s mumbling nearly incoherently, little praises of “Baby, your pussy feels so good, you’re so tight, so fucking warm, god.”
And you can’t help but think how pretty Lando looks, all flushed and red, nipples still puffy from how you played with them hours earlier, chest heaving with his labored breaths. You rock your hips against him, running your nails down his chest as Lando chokes on a moan.
“You’re so good, baby,” you say, and Lando keens under the praise. “Your cock is so big. Fills me up so good. You stuff me so full, Lan.”
“Please” Lando groans, lips red and puffy from his biting.
“What, baby,” you ask, leaning down to nuzzle under his jaw, leaving soft kisses on his sensitive neck. You’re still grinding your hips, his balls and thighs all sticky from your sopping pussy.
“What do you need, Lan?”
“I need, I need-” Lando stutters, struggling to take a breath. “I need to fuck you baby. Oh god, please, please let me fuck you? Need it so bad.”
Lando knows that it's a long shot, that you could easily refuse him, and he’d let you, just as he’s been letting you refuse him for hours. But you grin between the kisses you’re leaving on his neck, your hips finally coming to a stop. “You’ve been so good. You’ve won the race. Come on, baby, you can fuck me.”
Lando doesn’t need to be told twice.
He tries not to mourn the loss of you around his cock as he slips out of you, quickly rolling you over. He slots himself between your spread thighs, shoving himself back into your gaping cunt, relishing in the pretty moan you let out. Lando’s eyes roll into the back of his head, a sharp gasp escaping his throat at the overwhelming heat of you.
He bucks into you uncontrollably, slamming into your pretty cunt with reckless abandon. He tucks his head into the crook of your neck, hips working endlessly into you, balls slapping against your ass as he mouths at your soft skin.
Your nails are digging into his back as he ruts into your pussy, punching little ah, ah, ahs, out of your chest with every thrust.
You clench so fucking tight around his cock when you cum, a garbled “Lan, fuck, oh god-” leaving your lips as your hips shake and your vision goes white.
Lando is just babbling feverishly into your neck, a long string of “Thank you, thank you, oh god. Love your pussy, thank you for giving me your pussy, you make me feel so good, shit-” and he’s cumming, thick cum shooting deep into your pussy, all while he thanks you.
He doesn’t let you go for a long time, his strong arms wrapped around you as he twitches with the aftershock of his orgasm. You run a calming hand down his back, lightly tracing his scars while you wait for him to breathe normally again. You praise him softly, whispering into his hair, “You did so good, Lando. Made me feel so good baby, you’re so perfect.”
After a few minutes, Lando pulls you closer, his arms encircling you, his body warm and solid against yours. He buries his face in your hair, breathing in your scent.
"You're the real win this weekend," he murmurs, his voice filled with a quiet intensity. "I might have won the race, but finding you, this moment with you...that's what really matters. And I'm not letting you go now that I've found you."
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mehiwilldoitlater · 14 days
I literally grew up watching DBZ on Toonami reruns as a kid.. and it’s got me thinking…..
The Destined One (if you fight you know who to get the True Ending) receives Sun Wukong’s memories, but is clearly still his Own Self.. he gets to keep his individuality but now he has the knowledge and wisdom of Daddy OG Wukong’s previous experiences…
But what if….. it worked like a Namekian absorption fusion? Like with Piccolo and Nail?
like The Destined One literally Has OG Wukong chattering away in his head like a little subconscious Jiminy cricket.. but with more quips Less guidance and WAY more Shit talking. 
((Oh God, this thing is so breaking funny?! Like WHAAAAAA?Okay, okay, let me spice it up a little. Beware, slighty suggestive at some point))
After the Memories of Sun Wukong were bestowed on him, he became the new Sage (to the dismay of the Celestial Court). Everything seemed pretty fine with Yuán Fèn. He was strong; everybody accepted him as the new Monkey King, and his wish was to live happily ever after with you. 
At first, it was just a small thing—a small voice that he heard from time to time. Just like when you think that someone is calling you and then nothing! He blamed the successful events; he not even needed to let you worry about!
While he was stirring his own tea, sitting under the tree at your side, he heard it again.
"Young one!"
He stiffened his neck, looking around, but he came back to his tea. No one was calling him; it was the fifth time that day. How strange...
Then, things started to get REALLY strange. He started to hear full sentences, or after he had responded to them, he even received another remark!
"I can't believe you defeated my stone self with that stance."
"I can't believe that I'm turning into some kind of demented monkey with the old save powers."
He suddenly loosed his own balance and started you and other young monkeys.
He thought he could handle it; he could handle a god as Erlang; he could handle this too!
He couldn't be more wrong. 
"You look awfully tried. Are you sure you're sleeping well?"
He just nodded, just hoping that the Great Sage could spare him some sleep in the afternoon from his continuous blabbering. 
At the end, he finally confessed everything to you. It was noble to know that he didn't want to obligate you to handle this thing with him, but instead you simply accepted it.
After all, you were soon to be King and Queen; you wanted to share his burden!
"Sooo...what does he say? About me, I mean..."
Yuán Fèn stayed silent, expecting something from the voice in his head.
"Umm...nice hips! She's going to bear a lot of kids, young one!"
"He said you're okay."
Things started to get strange when Yuán Fèn started to actually see him.
He almost had a heart attack the day that he saw him, and oh my, if he wished to get rid of him. 
You believed that it wasn't such a big deal; Wukong must have been a rational creature to leave your privacy alone! ....Wrong.
The sound of your sigh and panting emitted in your small abode. The only source of light is a small candel, near the end of it. 
His hands held your hips, while your lips kept on caressing his cheeks, leaving kisses and small bites. He tried to restrain a laugh, but the rumble in his chest took it away.
"Did you like it?"
He mewled, his tail moving restless around.
"I don't know him, but do I enjoy the view!"
Yuán Fèn suddenly screamed, making you fall from his hips, causing you to hit your head in the side of the bed, exposing in that motion your chest to the ceiling and to an invisible monkey that only the young one could see.
"Uh, uh, uh, you should mind that boner in your thoughts! I think she would love to take care of that!"
And, while your lover tried to protect you from a pair of eyes that wasn't even there, you started to feel your desire and passion slowly fade away.
Things didn't get better, and now frustration started to get attached to you, like some kind of parasite. You were fed up, he was fed up, and Wukong... he couldn't find the situation more amusing.
"Am I in front of him?"
"What does he do?"
"He's just...staring, just staring."
You clear your throat, while, only for Yuán Fèn, the old sage gave another bite to the peach, looking at the small human that was acting all big in front of him. You took enough control, and finally.
"Sun Wukong... I need to fuck, like for real. Leave us alone for... I don't know, 48 hours."
In his head, the poor monkey felt the great sage equal to Heaven laugh like never before.
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icyg4l · 1 month
PAC: Your Upcoming Semester
hello beautiful people! alright so… i lied about not posting the other night. my bad!!! but i hope this makes up for it. i’ve been getting ready for school and i am so excited about this new transition. soon, i will make readings available for sale again. i also have an announcement to make regarding readings for sale soon as well! i hope you guys enjoy the reading! without further ado, please choose your pile!
top left-to-bottom right: (1-4)
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pile one: mentally, you’re not prepared to be back in school. pile one, i’m not going to lie. it will take you a while to adjust to the new semester. this summer was definitely vacation time. you took the time off to just relax and do you, but it’s time to put in that work now. do you have your things together? are you registered? have you signed up for classes? if not, you need to do so! once you get the hang of this, i feel like the semester will fly by. i feel like some of you will get into arguments unfortunately. it could be over something small but don’t let it blow out of proportion. i heard “the future looks very promising”. you have to learn how to look on the bright side sometimes to avoid losing your mind. it’s best that you spend time learning a new language or skill. it’s also best that you get involved with the earth club if that’s something you’re interested. i thought of the everest college commercial lol (if you know, you know). don’t waste your time focusing on the small stuff. look at the bigger picture, pile one.
cards used: 7 of wands. 4 of swords. 10 of wands. 8 of swords. 3 of wands. the star. 8 of wands.
extra messages: petty arguments. solo. snooze button. cotton ball. coraline (2009). prove it. plea.
pile two: it feels like you are redeeming yourself, pile two. it feels like you failed your last semester or had the bare minimum grades to pass the last go around. but you don’t have to do anything to prove to anyone but yourself at the end of the day. there is a chance that you could be in front of the cameras during the semester. if you are interested in journalism, now is your chance to get involved. if you want to switch your major or join the broadcasting team, then go for it! you have to learn school-life balance. you have struggled with this in the past. know when you can handle something & know when to take your L, which brings me to another thing. this semester, you should know when to ask for help. if you need a tutor or extra help, you know where to find resources. use them! you cannot do everything by yourself. i see some type of celebration happening. if your birthday is in the first semester, happy early birthday! but this could also mean that you are celebrating a hard and long semester. take pride in your accomplishments because no one can take them away from you. maximize their importance! maximize your importance!
cards used: ten of swords. the hermit. 6 of discs. the emperor. 5 of swords. knight of swords. 4 of wands.
extra messages: vintage. playing cards. coolio. parlay. late night studying. destined to be. rewards. partial completion credit. i’ll take it. osmosis jones. snacking problem. cheez-its. love island voter. kiss me by sixpence.
pile three: this pile is for my people who desire to be in the healthcare industry. i think that this semester will fly by. you have always been on top of your game when it comes to school. you knew that you would do well before you even clicked on this reading. however, i think you will be putting more of an effort to get yourself out there. the dating scene will be improving for you to get in. someone will ask you out on a date. it feels like you’ve been waiting for this to happen. do not let this turn of events distract you from what really matters which is your educational endeavors. this is very specific, but if there is someone you date that is well-connected, utilize their connections to your benefit. make sure that you can get something out of all of your contacts. don’t just let people take up space in your life. this is definitely for my college babes, maybe high school seniors too. just be open to fun and don’t carry shame for wanting to have fun! you deserve to have a life too!
cards used: the tower, queen of wands, the high priestess, the empress, 9 of cups, prince of wands, the hermit, the emperor.
extra messages: veterinarian. crest toothpaste. toenail jam. worms. marine biologist. dental work. boogeyman. letting your hair down. toes in the sand.
pile four: you have a lot of stuff on the line, pile four. there will be so many things available to you that weren’t before & it would be a shame if you didn’t take advantage of that. however, you do not want to do anything that would take away from your drive, finances, goals or educational career as a whole. there are lots of temptations coming up for you this semester. some of you could just be entering undergrad, perhaps grad school too. you will have a lot more control of your life than you did before. but with great power comes great responsibilities. your energy is similar to pile three in the sense that fun is on the way. but you have the tendency to overdo it. if you’re sexually active, then you need to not engage in sex too much. if you drink, then do not engage in drinking too much. it will become a distraction, and then eventually a problem. distinguish who is supposed to be in your life and who isn’t. you have a bit of naïveté about you. lastly, if you are asked to do something that sounds like it would be risky to your academic career/your life in general, DO NOT DO IT! it is not worth the irreparable damage. bending your morals will not work in your favor.
cards used: 9 of cups, death, the magician, 10 of swords, the moon.
extra messages: call home. out of bounds. melodrama (2017). record scratch. debrief. gaining pounds. life hacks. selenite. prozac. potty mouth.
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lixieisgod · 2 years
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𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠⤷ there is like zero Caribbean representation in fics so you know ya girl has try to fix that shit. Caribbean girls on top🕺🏽 so it’s not right that we ain’t got shit. please reblog and lmk if y’all like this.
𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠⤷ 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑛 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑. 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑛 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑛! 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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since the night you and eren met at a party you’ve basically been inseparable since. you two have been together for a while now and it’s safe to say you guys are the IT couple.
lmfaoo at first when your friends would catch you simping they’d be like “what happens to gazah forever” and start laughing. But they mean well it’s all jokes they like seeing you and eren so happy with each other.
a few people thought it wouldn’t last that long, thinking he wouldn’t be able to handle you. BUT BABYY were there wrong ! you two have a good balance in your relationship, your energies align so well.
there’s no getting between you two. “my man tie me, I’m on him badd”
you were a little nervous at fist to let him meet your family, you know they can be a little judgmental sometimes but you weren’t too worried. Everything went really good when he met the fam. Your male relatives were a bit over protective but you can’t blame them too much, you’ll always be their baby.
At the family events he eats his weight in food lmfaoo. He’s a big fan of rotis, jerk chicken with white rice, green bananas and salt fish, as well as chutney. It melted your heart to see him enjoying traditional foods.
this man lives to see you dance, from the first grind he got at that party, he’s been hooked since. He’s actually got really good rhythm. So he’s great at any party, whether it’s holding onto your waist slow dancing with you singing the lyrics “ gyal, mi wan’ if hold yuh put me arms right around yuh” in his ear.
this one time you brought him to a family gathering and he danced western with the older ladies of the family, your grandma love him sm, he even calls her ma or mum.
this man can really turn tf up. like REALLY turn TF up. for example when you two are at a Bacchanal all his composure flies out the widow. But he never lets other girls try to dance with him and you do the same when it comes to other men.
lemme tell youuu, there’s a video of you two dirty dancing to vybez kartel at the fette. that shit was wildd like giving him mad fast wine and him positioning you with his hands on your lower back watching your movements
He loves when you make him breakfast, his favorite thing that you make him is fried bakes and cocoa tea. It’s like his comfort food at this point.
he loves hearing all the folklore stories, they’re so fascinating to him. he was low-key kinda scared when you told him you’d send a dupply after him as a joke.
He likes trying Caribbean snacks, he likes half frozen chubby and icelollies.
A DOMINOS FIEND !! your uncles and him were playing together and that shit was heateddd. He smacks the dominos hard asll lmfao. Your uncles lowkey started respecting him more after he won a few games.
He lovesss playing football in the rain with your cousins. your grandma puts oil in the middle of the head to make sure he doesn’t get sick.
LATE NIGHT DRIVES ARE A VIBEE. The two of you have this long ass playlist that you guys bump while driving in the middle of the night with the roof down.
Play from 0:45 before reading next slide
it’s the middle of the night and the two of you are speeding through the mostly empty streets with cold Heineken’s screaming the lyrics to the songs in you guy’s playlists. “ LONGING FOR MY BABY TO LOVE ME MOREE, WHAT AM I LONGING FOR? BABYLON RELEASE THE CURE” !
he sings you all of the old school love songs
he loves and appreciates you so freaking much, you’re the best thing in his life, and he lets everyone know it. you two are such a good couple.
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© 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝗼 𝐥𝐢𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐠𝗼𝐝. 𝐂𝗼𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝗼𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝗼𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝗼𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝗼𝐧 𝗼𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝗼𝐫𝗺𝐬.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: Even though you're sick, you still went to Pedro's pool party - which you discovered was made only for you, you don't feel well, but you can't disappoint him by not taking a swim with him
Warnings: fluff with no plot, just fluff, a teeny tiny bit of angst and sexual tension, but again, fluff
A/N: this is silly and lame and definitely not the kind of story I usually love writing but I am sick and I need comfort so someone bring me pedro pascal over here so I can hug the hell outta him and tell him how precious he really is
2.4k words
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You spent the whole morning thinking of a way you could say no to Pedro.
From the moment you woke up and felt your throat itchy at first, only to feel it burning and finally going completely sore in the symptoms of inflammation you were already so used to, to the sneezes that annoyed you every couple of minutes and the overall feeling you had just been hit by a truck made it pretty clear it was not the ideal day for a pool party.
You cursed yourself, the weather, your life, everything. Out of all the days in your life, why did you have to get sick exactly the day Pedro had invited you - and begged you to show up to a pool party?
You and Pedro were… complicated.
You were friends, like, real good friends at first. And then you became a couple, but you two decided being a couple wouldn't work. You hated the exposure he had, it wasn't his fault of course, but it baffled you how he handled going out for a coffee, for lunch, or simply walking down the street and being photographed and filmed all the time. You just didn't like the feeling you would have to watch your back every time so you could have a tiny bit of privacy. No holding hands, no kissing, just walking around like two acquaintances, either that or having your photo all over gossip websites, comments bombarding it all the time calling you and Pedro horrible things, fans claiming to being jealous and hating you for dating him, as he was supposed to be theirs and no one else's. It was too much.
On Pedro's part, it was hard to balance a relationship with his working schedule, he worked hard and that meant he was most of the time unavailable, unless you traveled with him to where he was shooting, which was impossible because you had your own life, your own job and as much as you would've become a trophy wife for him and only Pedro, you guys never got to this point.
The affection, the attraction and the spark was still there, so even after you broke up, you decided to be friends again.
But maybe, just maybe, you hugged too much, cuddled too much and kissed too much as friends.
And that was why most of his co-stars hated you.
Pedro always tried to be as discreet as possible, he never admitted bluntly though you never directly asked, you didn't have to, you knew him enough for that. He was a flirty little shit, he was handsome and sexy and they were always gorgeous. It was obvious he very often had affairs with them. And if he was in a near enough location and asked you to visit him, or if you bumped into each other at a restaurant or even if you went to a dinner party at his home and they happened to be there, they immediately hated you.
Not because of you though, you always acted nicely to anyone and it would be no exception to them, but you wouldn't kiss their ass just because they were famous either.
Of course you would keep your distance from Pedro if they were around. You wouldn't hug him as much or hold his hand but there was something there and neither of you could control it.
It was always exchanged glances, or inside jokes, it was obvious to everybody but the two of you, you were just two stubborn idiots in love.
You hadn't seen each other in over a month, he was all over the country working, shooting, attending events and you were on you well-deserved vacation, so when he finally went back home, he'd texted you about the pool party he was hosting.
Pedro knew you loved pool parties and you had spent countless hours swimming in his, so he was just so excited to have you over, he forgot to mention a small detail: you were his only guest.
You were also so eager to see him, you missed that man dearly and you thought he would be in Cannes enjoying the high life but when he told you he was back home you couldn't control your excitement. If it were up to you, you would've gone straight to his house or welcomed him at yours, it didn't matter, just to see each other. But the weekly appointments you had got the best of you and you forced yourself to wait for the weekend.
And then you woke up with a cold and you wanted to cry in frustration and sadness.
You could just not show up, but that was really not an option, and you could also tell him you were too sick to go, the only thing you'd have to face would be his puppy brown eyes looking at you as if you'd shattered his heart, and you didn't want that.
So you grabbed all the cold meds you had at home, took them in one dose, packed yourself a bag with your clothes and drove to his house. You figured Pedro would be distracted enough with his guests and he wouldn't mind if you just chilled on his couch, maybe watched something on TV and had some snacks before heading home, plus he would understand if you didn't dip yourself in the pool. Besides, if by any chance any co-star of his were there, he would probably pay much more attention to them in their tiny bikini than you anyways.
So when you arrived there and realized you were the only one, you thought you were too early or maybe you'd misread the invitation and screwed up the dates?
But there he was, Pedro in just his shorts and shirt, with a wide smile welcoming you to his place.
Your heart skipped a beat, he was so handsome and though he knew the effect he had on women - and men, and everybody really, you felt your heartache to know he didn't acknowledge how painfully handsome he was. He didn't see himself the way you did, and it was a shame because you saw him like the best thing that happened to you.
You couldn't help but smile back at him, grabbing your things and exiting the car.
He waited for you with his arms open, because Pedro didn't do formal greetings, he did hugs, and you loved it.
You flew to his arms and squealed as he wrapped his strong ones around your body, lifting you up softly and twirling you.
You giggled as he put you down and watched you. He really watched you. Taking his time observing you, as if you hadn't seen each other in years, when in reality it had been what? A month? Six weeks?
Still, you were so happy to be next to him you almost forgot about your cold. Almost, but eventually, you felt another sting on your throat and groaned frustrated, which made Pedro frown.
"I almost didn't make it, Pedro… I woke up like that" you said and pouted. He knew how much you hated getting sick. Not that anyone liked it, but you hated it, you often got so angry and cranky you couldn't even describe. You even avoided people when you were sick, as you didn't want to take down on them, but you could that to Pedro, you never avoided him and you were never rude to him.
He cupped his cheek and gave you such sweet lovely eyes.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, querida… you look a little pale, do you wanna lie down?" You chuckled how he offered you to lie down but didn't ask if you wanted to leave, because you knew there was no way he would let you leave.
You shook your head and entwined your fingers "it's alright, but I don't think I'll swim today" you smiled at him and looked around, looking for other cars, but there was only yours and Pedro's there. "Where's everybody?"
Pedro scratched the back of his neck and chuckled "well, you're the only one I invited…"
"Pedro, you do know the meaning of the word party, right? If it's just me, then why did you say there was a party?"
"Well, it is a party for my favorite girl…" he said adorably and you just couldn't resist him.
"Oh cariño" the nickname always brought a blush to his cheeks "if I weren't sick I would be kissing the shit outta you!" You laughed and walked inside with him.
Pedro's arm was tight wrapped around your waist as you eyed the pool and turned to him "you decorated the pool!!! You didn't have to do that!"
"Yes I did because it was supposed to be a pool party! I just didn't know you would be too sick to get inside" Pedro unconsciously stared at you with his puppy eyes and it made you feel guilty.
It was a very hot day, you were already sick, what could go wrong? It wouldn't get worse than that, would it?
So you sighed and smiled at him "fine, I guess I can't get sicker than this, so I'll get changed, will you wait for me to get inside?"
He nodded excitedly and grabbed himself a beer.
You ran to the bathroom, already familiar with his place and opened your bag, seeing the two options you brought: a bikini or a swimsuit. You went for the bikini, it usually made you shy to wear it among many people, but there was only you and Pedro there and well, since you'd seen each other naked many times, it wouldn't be a big deal.
You quickly changed and walked outside with your sunblock as Pedro had certainly forgotten his.
He was sat by the edge of the pool, feet dipped into water and wearing only his trunks.
You stood still and watched his body, he was looking so fine. He always did, but ever since he started the preparation for his new movie he got even more attractive.
You reminded yourself you were there to enjoy your friend's company and not lust after him.
You joined him and smiled "hey there handsome" you winked and coughed a little, feeling shy to be sick like that and got some sunblock on your hand, spreading it over his shoulder "you need to take care of your skin, handsome" you said sweetly and leaned in, which Pedro corresponded but frowned as you pecked his forehead instead.
He groaned softly and took some sunblock into his own hands and did the same on your back, mirroring your moves as you felt his big hands over your skin. And his hands were pretty big, almost as big as his…
You stopped yourself there and saw he was staring "maybe you should get this top off, you know, so you can get sunbathed properly" he suggested and you rolled your eyes.
Suddenly Pedro hugged you as tight as he could and threw himself into the water, dragging you with him as his weight caused you to fall.
He was so boyish you couldn't help yourself but laugh, seeing him swim towards you and wrap his arms again around your figure, pulling you closer.
Pedro was flirting with you as much as you flirted with him and though you shouldn't keep on doing that, you couldn't resist him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your back to the edge of the pool so he could sustain your weight with no trouble. He laughed softly "I missed you a lot, princesa" he whispered and kissed your neck, making you groan, taking your hands to his cute wet hair and giggling.
"Fuck Pedro, don't tease me" you asked and saw him looking at you, he was admiring you and leaned towards you, but you quickly moved your head away, avoiding his lips and received disappointed eyes.
Your heart clenched, you didn't like seeing him like that, you would never refuse him, but you didn't want to kiss him, you were sick and he would get sick.
Pedro, on the other hand, felt disappointed. You'd been distant from him, you wouldn't kiss him and in his mind you had probably met someone better than him, even if your legs were wrapped around his body, sometimes it was so hard for him to believe you liked him.
His gripped around your body loosen and he sighed, letting go of you and looking down "sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he said in a low tone but your hands quickly held his head in place.
"No honey, it's just that I am sick, if you kiss me you'll get sick too, and it's gonna be a problem for you when you go to work again" you tried to reason him and saw how his eyes softened.
His hand cupped your cheek and he swam closer again, one arm around your waist and ready to kiss you…
When you started coughing and couldn't stop.
You quickly turned away, your body shook as you were positive you had a fever now. You thought you couldn't get worse than you already were, but guess what, you were wrong.
"Shit, baby girl, come here" Pedro said, as he had managed to get off the pool and held a towel, helping you climb up the steps and wrapped it around your body.
"You take a warm shower and you'll lie in bed, got it princesa?" You nodded, shivering and walked back to his room.
You didn't take long in the shower, though the warm water felt really good as it poured down your body.
You managed to put your clothes back on after drying yourself and smiled as Pedro waited for you.
He made sure to get you comfortable in your bed and joined you. His arms were wrapped around your body and no matter if you told him many times he should stay away so you'd get him sick, he still refused it.
He held you close and rubbed your back up and down, making sure you were covered and warm.
"I know you don't wanna kiss me, but I was wondering if we could maybe go on a date, like a proper one, what do you say?" He asked with a small blush spread across his cheeks and you couldn't believe how sweet Pedro was, and for a second, you wanted to be selfish and kiss him as deep as you could, even if it meant he'd get sick later.
So you did it.
If he got sick, you'd take care of him, like he was taking care of you.
A/N: idk I am just sick and I want Pedro to take care of me 😭
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diremoone · 1 year
all the good things | geto suguru.
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someway, somehow, amidst all of the thoughts of chaos and spiraling ideals of a new “better” world, a light shines through to guide him to a path of true balance. that just so happens to be the second-year transfer from Kyoto, who’s more than happy to put him back on the right path..
warning(s): like 98% canon lmao, female reader, mentions of pregnant! reader towards the end, honestly just wrote and didn’t bother checking if this was coherent but here’s y’all a snack haha, also using new line dividers atm and they’re all all pretty, credits to the maker in the guidelines of my blog
note(s): as much as I wanted to wait I just can’t stand it so here’s this piece published earlier than I want lol. also I didn’t know who to tag for geto so I just went with these lovelies ☺️
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You like the Tokyo school much better than the one in Kyoto.
By leaps and bounds actually, you muse.
Everything from the people down to the energy they give off was so much more different — more freeing.
Kyoto was just too much, too old school and too traditional, especially for you. The students there seemed to be more rigid, and the teachers seemed to sneer at you. More often than not for just being a female. That old way of thinking was most likely why they lost the Exchange Event almost every year.
Especially with sorcerers like Geto Suguru on their side.
You transferred to Tokyo during the last half of your first year, which wasn’t something commonplace. That time wasn’t exactly a pleasant time to transfer into. Geto and Gojo, your upperclassmen, had failed a mission protecting the Plasma Star Vessel, Riko Amanai. Yes, Gojo managed to take out the Sorcerer Killer, Fushiguro Toji (who was actually a Zen’in like Naoya) on the mission, but that was only after he had completed his mission — after they had failed to protect Riko.
Now you’re a second-year at Tokyo High, watching the third-year Geto Suguru fall into a spiral of chaos and warped ideals while his friends go their own personal paths and leave him to his own devices, completely unaware in their own worlds that they’ve left a storm brewing behind them, alone and lonely and more than ready to bring down its wrath upon anyone in its way.
You secretly wondered how much Gojo cared for the person who was supposed to be his best friend.
So why you decided to approach said storm to get a (very much well-needed) drink out at the machines while he was preoccupied with his own thoughts, you have no idea. Were you stupid? Yes. Did that matter right now? … Probably.
Your feet carried you to the vending machine, standing beside Geto. You weren’t bothering to look at him out of your peripheral vision, knowing that if you did, the universe would shit on you and he would look up and make eye contact.
Sounds like one of those romance animes or something, you think, nose crunching in distaste. Ew…
“It’s such a shame that you decided to withdraw from Kyoto, [Name]-chan.”
An even bigger problematic ‘ew’ came from behind you. You scowled and turned halfway on your heel, back facing your black-haired upperclassmen to stare at the smirking face of one of the two reasons you’d originally left Kyoto’s school.
You scoff, shaking your head to see Geto’s form standing tall, but still facing the vending machine to get something. That’s all right; you could handle your own battles anyway.
“You really have the audacity to come and talk to me like this? After what you put me through for the last two years? Ah, wait a second. It’s you. So I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised.”
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.” Naoya shrugged. “All I asked for was—”
“For you to leave her alone, Zen’in.”
Your eyes widen slightly at the sound of Geto’s voice cutting through the air, but it’s only Naoya that scowls and turns his head to face his Tokyo upperclassmen.
And to your absolute surprise, despite Naoya’s scowl deepening to a point where you thought he couldn’t get any uglier, the male pivoted on the ball of his foot and sauntered off.
“Are you alright?” came the instant inquiry.
Geto moving to get a closer look at you made you sweat even more. Just for a different reason.
“I’m fine, Senpai.”
The tall male looks between you and Naoya’s fading figure, eyes narrowing slightly in distaste up until he sees the Zen’in male finally disappear from sight. Even he knows that the Zen’in’s are trash; Naoya just really takes the cake.
“That’s good,” he says.
And when he looks at you with gentle eyes, you’re surprised (and desperately trying to hide it). How instantly his expression and mood changed from mere moments before Naoya showed up to at this moment caught you off guard.
“Did you need something from here? I can get it for you.”
His offer is so sincere, so polite. Such a stark contrast from earlier. Especially with the way the bright smile on his face that reaches his ears and makes the corners of his eyes begin to crinkle.
Instead of the same uncertainty from before your approach filling your stomach, this time feels different. This time, it’s an excited, happy feeling; as if butterflies are rapidly fluttering away in your belly in eager anticipation of something wonderful to come.
“Um, yes,” you squeak, looking to the machines, “I was going to get—”
How long does it take for one to fall from grace?
From one who’s fingers touched the pure white clouds of heaven to becoming one who’s knees were stuck deep within the obsidian tar pits of hell, it seemed Geto Suguru was destined to struggle with himself — with his morals and ideals of the world of jujutsu sorcerers and the world of people that lived outside of it — for eternity.
Someone that was so bright, so revered, to fall into a pit of hopelessness?
It must be a lie, others would think.
Watching him sink into the pits of chaos and despair while his best friend rose to a place where he became untouchable to all sorcerers… made something terrible, something spiteful, stir within the depths of your stomach. How much did the white-haired teenager care about the one he called his equal?
But as Gojo became more and more powerful and left his friend behind, Geto too, grew in power in his own right.
And a lot of it was with you.
Weeks of meeting at the vending machines for snacks during training turned into months of sitting on benches and eating lunch together. Even that progressed farther, to him taking you to everything from restaurants to the book store (as much as he’d laugh at you buying manga, he was just as much of a hypocrite with Inuyasha under his arm) to even pretty lakes across Japan, soaring atop one of his flying curses.
Doing things that friends do. That people more than friends also do.
But at the same time, during those times after missions or simply while spending time together in either his or your room, you’d see that malicious darkness fester up. You’d see the way his brows would furrow when you mentioned saving someone or his lips pull down when there’d be a mention of the higher-ups about a mission you’d taken recently that went sour.
In times like these, you wondered if Gojo Satoru really did once know Geto Suguru the same way you knew him now.
“I can see the sweat on your forehead,” the black-haired male jokes. “You shouldn’t think so hard.”
Suguru doesn’t chuckle, but the joking smile of amusement is still there. It’s just a faint one. He’s become less and less of a jokester lately, swimming deeper into the darkness. But for you, you think he tries a little harder to keep the mood and air between you two as light and positive as possible.
(For you.)
“I’ll be sure to remember that,” you quip back, “for the next time I see sweat on your brow for thinking so much. Hypocrite.”
For the first time all day, he finally chuckles.
“Hypocrite?” He muses, placing his cheek on his fist. “Really?”
“Yes!” You toss your hands up in mock frustration. “You heard me, Mr. I-Wanna-Brood-At-Weird-Times-of-the-Day.”
“That’s an awfully long name.”
“It sure does fit though, yeah?”
“So you say.”
The air had been tense and thick since morning, but the two of you were striving to get past it. Well, you slightly more, but the more you tried, the more Geto — ah, Suguru. He already told you to call him that, didn’t he? — seemed to try and help you push for a happier tone.
But the mission Suguru was to be sent on soon had him shut down mentally, closed off from you for the last few days. And today was the day you’d tried to pick him back up out of his crappy mood.
“You sure you don’t want to talk about it?” you ask.
Suguru sighs, then nods his head. “It’s nothing. I’ll be back by the day after, if not sooner.”
You shrug, semi-happy with his response and accepting it. But the other half of you knows something — sees something — behind his pretty eyes that you wished you would have left alone.
But your heart loved to meddle when it wanted to meddle.
And in the future, you hoped Suguru would thank you for that meddling nature.
113 bodies were to be found five days after Geto arrived at the village he was assigned to.
But he hadn’t been alone the day he arrived.
Suguru just didn’t know that.
You’d stuck to him like glue. Well, as far back as glue could stretch in that regard. You’d silenced your cursed energy so much that you almost swore you didn’t even have any. And not once did the male turn around to bother to look around or check his surroundings, like he knew he was ever being followed.
Now, all you could do was watch as Suguru stepped into the house that the villagers brought him to. Supposedly, the house contained the reason why the villagers had been dying.
But that gnawing anxiousness in the pit of your stomach told you otherwise. It told you that something was about to go very, very wrong.
Very few people had been able to manage to near-fully suppress their cursed energy aura. It was a talent that could only be managed by a select few, one of which was probably Gojo Satoru himself. But when one successfully did it, all the stories told of how nauseous they felt; how overwhelming the sense of others cursed energy could be.
And it was all true.
Bile and your lunch nearly coated your shoes. Knees too had you let Suguru’s immense, Special Grade cursed energy make you sink to the ground.
It isn’t the same. It isn’t the same. It isn’t the same!
Eyes blown wide as saucers, you realized that something had indeed went very, very wrong inside that house. Because no longer was Suguru’s cursed energy driven by regular means like a regular jujutsu sorcerer.
No. All you could see from his cursed energy was pure malice and raw, unadulterated rage and anger.
Whatever these people said or have done to send him into such fury like this, you couldn’t move, only think. This is the day they die.
Out of the house comes two— No, three. Suguru being one of them. A man and a woman, both with ugly faces and ugly auras you didn’t like.
No wonder Suguru doesn’t like them.
A curse manifests from your friend’s fingertips, and you quickly realize what’s about to happen — the only thing that could happen.
But he can’t just kill them…
You step out of your hiding spot and shout his name. Shock enters Suguru’s eyes. Of course; he hadn’t expected you to be here. But then they glaze over with a mixture of emotions. Disappointment seems to be the most obvious.
Curse you, Yuki Tsukumo, for tipping him over the edge.
“Don’t even try it, Suguru.”
“You shouldn’t have come, [Name].” It sounded like a warning.
You scoff slightly. “And let you do something like this? I don’t think so.”
His eyes narrow. It’s an expression you don’t like.
“You need to leave.”
“So do you, apparently.”
“Don’t be like this, [Name]. Don’t make me hurt you.”
“You wouldn’t anyway. Why let one awful circumstance, one awful event, define the rest of your life?”
“Do you know what they’ve done?” he asks, and you clearly hear the intent of violence behind his tone. You see his jaw clench up and a dangerous fire ignite behind his eyes. “Do you know they have two girls locked up in there, ready to kill?”
“Of course not,” you say, “but you were about to do something that was going to impact your life… Forever.”
“I think I’m ready for that.”
“You’re ready to lose everything?”
“If I must.”
You almost bite your tongue. But you don’t, and speak anyway.
“Even me?”
The thick, black smokiness of one his curses dancing on his fingertips turns to wisps, almost vanishing. You see what the question does to him, so you press farther. Deeper into the unspoken part of you two’s relationship you’d both been afraid to touch on.
Then, he admits something, dipping first into waters that haven’t been treaded into.
“I’d like to think you’d come with me, be by my side.”
Your heart thumps faster. It’s a declaration of many things: loyalty, friendship, trust.
But all your ears hear is a declaration of love.
Because you don’t miss the way his eyes shine as he looks you up and down like you’re the sweetest thing he’s ever seen. Like he wants you to actually follow him like he expected, to come with him and step in place next to him like an equal.
If not more than just an equal.
“I can’t do that,” you reply. “You know I can’t, Suguru. And neither can you.”
It’s written all over his face that he doesn’t like your answer.
“And why can’t I?”
“Because you’re better than this.”
Was he? What did that mean anyway: being better? After Riko, after his “talk” with Yuki, everything just seemed to collapse around him; everything he knew ripping apart at the seams faster than he could repair them.
Why? Why was he supposed to be better? How could he be better? Did he deserve to even become better?
“Don’t take the easy way,” you tell him. “There’ll never be a right answer, not right now at least.”
“Killing all non-sorcerers seems like a pretty good start,” he replies darkly.
“And how would you even manage that?” you retort. “If that’s the only thing you can stand on, that’s shallow.”
“Then what is the answer, [Name]? Do tell me, please,” he urges sarcastically, rolling his dark eyes. “Is killing every non-sorcerer not worth us jujutsu sorcerers having a chance to live?”
You answer as earnestly as he expects, “I have no idea, but at the moment, it sounds pretty stupid.”
Unfortunately, it takes him much longer than you want for him to put the monster at his fingertips away, for his cursed energy to dip down and go back to the way it was before it spiked in a rage you’d never anticipated to see from him.
The village is scathed with fire and terror: burned buildings with its inhabitants shaken to the core over the consequences of their actions — and what would happen if they tried to put more children in the cage Suguru found them in. It’s not ethical, and surely you’d hear about it from the higher-ups in jujutsu society.
But for the girls wrapped up in yours and Suguru’s arms, you heart and soul knew it was worth it.
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Megumi doesn’t get along with Nanako too well. But you’re sure you know why, with his red cheeks and all.
“You think he’ll ever say anything?” you ask your husband.
“Doubtful,” Suguru chuckles, “considering he was raised by Satoru.”
It’s been a rough ten years raising the twins. There’s been a long list of issues, struggles over the last several years that have really put your relationship with your now-husband to the test. From the elders to Suguru’s own conflicting ideals; from his own coping mechanisms to making sure you and his girls are well taken care of, and those are just a few to list. But fixing Satoru and Suguru’s friendship was by far the most difficult thing.
Riko’s death really did change them in the most awful ways.
“Satoru has only gotten crazier over the years,” you hum, agreeing. “I still can’t believe Satoru brought Sukuna’s vessel here.”
“I think you mean stupid, darling,” Suguru chuckles. “And did you know he gave Itadori a second finger?”
“Disgusting! All in true Satoru taste, too.”
“Hey! I can hear you two, you know!” the white-haired male complains.
“Good!” you shout back.
And cue Satoru’s crocodile tears. “Suguru really did marry a witch!”
You feel the veins in your head twitch with irritation. You’d always hated that damn nickname.
You moved to stand up to go and whack the shit out of the manchild, but your husband’s hand settled on your knee. You looked at him curiously, sitting back down.
“Sit,” he says. “Getting worked up like that isn’t good for you right now. Shoko said to keep it minimal for now, remember?”
You snort. “You’ve drilled it into me, Sugu.”
“Good. I’ll be back in a moment.”
His hand rests on your belly for moment, presses a sweet kiss to your forehead, and then stands up to go and beat the shit out of his best friend to defend his wife’s honor.
And maybe to have some fun, too.
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taglist: @vagabond-umlaut • @itzmeme • @dellalyra • @torusmochi
572 notes · View notes
Mile High Club
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~1.6k
Summary: You and Wanda go on vacation
A/N: ✈️
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst
“What are you reading?”
Your wife turns to you with a curious look as she shifts to get more comfortable next to you. She’d been gazing out the window and you had to admit it was a pretty sight. The sun was starting to set and it looked beautiful over the horizon of clouds that floated closer to you than you’d ever be again. The two of you were taking a trip to Europe to visit the villa Wanda had recently purchased in Southern Italy. Technically she and her brother had bought it together one night when they’d had too much to drink, but she wasn’t going to tell you that.
You’re smiling as you turn your tablet toward your wife who still couldn’t tell what you’re reading, but you fill her in.
“It’s that supernatural thriller I was telling you about? Spirits help solve a murder, that sort of thing.”
Wanda hums at this as she leans closer to you with a sigh. She knows they have at least four hours until they’re in Italy, but she’s getting restless. She stifles a yawn as she looks around the room from where the two of you lounge on the bed. There’s still a lot of food on the dresser for you to snack on before dinner, but Wanda would rather stay in bed with you for a while. She’s tired from work as usual, but this last month had been killer. Literally. She’d had to deal with a rival attempting to take her out. She’d tried to kill her at least three times, and the last close call had landed her in medical for a few days. You’d insisted that she take a break from work to recover fully and just to get away, and she hadn’t argued.
“I’m so glad to be getting away with you.”
Wanda says this as she snuggles up next to you, and you smile before putting your tablet down with a sigh. You’d been relieved when Wanda agreed to take a trip because the last few weeks had been very stressful for you. You’d been distracted at work because the idea of your wife facing assassination attempts didn't sit well with you. You were worried and after each one of them you plotted how you could get your wife to hide until her competitor could be killed. You should have known that Wanda would insist on dealing with it herself, but now that balance was restored you were dragging your wife to Italy kicking and screaming if you had to.
Luckily, she was glad to be leaving, and you barely had to convince her to let Steve and Bucky stay back and handle the aftermath of this past month. You were going to enjoy the next couple of weeks and relax if it killed you.
“Me too. You are very overdue for a break, my love.”
Your hand absentmindedly travels to the barely healed wound that’s hidden beneath Wanda’s shirt. You try not to dwell on that night. You don’t want to think about the events that unraveled after that dreaded phone call. You didn't want to think about the time you’d spent in medical camped out beside Wanda’s bed as you waited for her to wake up from her most recent assassination attempt. You’d gone through the entire spectrum of emotions when you’d seen her passed out and bloodied in that damn bed.
You don’t realize that your mind had drifted precisely where you hadn’t wanted it to go until you feel Wanda’s fingers against your cheek. She brushes your hair out of your face with a look of understanding and regret. She always hated to put you through any sort of distress, and she’d only felt extraordinarily guilty when she’d finally woken up only to find you passed out beside her. She had decided then and there that she would do whatever you asked of her. Luckily it had just been a request for a vacation.
When Wanda leans in to kiss you, your mind is cleared of the unpleasant memories and replaced by the here and now. You focus on how your wife tastes like the expensive wine that you could honestly drink like water. How her fingers tug at your shirt as she leans back against the bed, and pulls you on top of her. You find it easy to get lost in the feeling of your wife beneath you. You follow her direction and press your lips against her neck after throwing her shirt somewhere behind you. Wanda would usually say something about this, but she’s too busy removing your shirt and leaving you bare to bother.
You’re too distracted by the view to hear what Wanda says, but you realize later that it was something complimentary that would have made you blush. You can’t count how many times you’ve gotten to see your wife like this, but you are certain that you’ll never grow tired of it. You certainly hope you’ll never grow complacent either.
“You’re so beautiful.”
You barely registered the responding smile before Wanda rolls you over onto your back. You feel your breath catch, but you can’t say for certain if it’s from the impact or the sight of your wife hovering over you. The disappearing sun streams in from the window just enough to bathe the lower half of Wanda’s face in a cool golden glow. You see her lips part and you can’t stop yourself from shivering at the feeling of her fingers trailing down your skin.
The herculean effort it takes to frown ends up being worth it when your wife responds with a smile so bright, you’re momentarily dazed.
“This was supposed to be about you.”
Wanda’s not sure where you got this idea, but she shakes her head as she sighs contently. She loves having you underneath her and she doesn’t plan on changing this any time soon. She hums under her breath as she waits for you to settle. When you release a sigh of defeat Wanda can’t help but smile triumphantly.
“I don’t remember agreeing to that.”
You want to roll your eyes, but there really isn’t any point. When your wife wants something, she’s going to do what it takes to get it. Short of you out-right refusing her, you have a feeling she’s going to get her way as usual. In this case, you’re not sure you can pretend to be bothered by this. Even if you did want to go first.
The sun’s long gone and the moonless sky keeps the room comfortably dark by the time you and Wanda settle in for the last hour of your flight. You’re sure you’ll have to hunt for your tablet later, having heard it hit the ground a while ago, but you can’t be bothered to care at the moment. You’re too comfortable near sleep with Wanda held close to you as she naps on and off.
You’d originally said that you would try to get on Europe time during the flight, but you figure you'll have plenty of time to work that out once you get there. You’re pulled from your thoughts when you hear Wanda mutter something under her breath. You miss it because you’d been thinking about Gelato and pasta, but you quickly tune back in with a confused look.
“What was that?”
Wanda smiles at you as if she knows exactly where your mind had gone, but she doesn’t comment on it right now. She turns slightly so she’s facing you and drops a hand on your waist.
“I’ve never done that before.”
You hold back your urge to tell her that she most certainly has, and instead you take a moment to read between the lines. You look around the dark room once again before you decide to ask what your wife means. She merely smiles before confirming your suspicion that she’s never had sex on a plane before. You offer her a serious nod before leaning down to kiss her cheek.
“Well allow me to welcome you to the club babe. It’s great to have you here.”
Wanda’s laugh makes your smile widen and you just wait patiently as she turns completely so she’s face to face with you. She shoots you a curious look that clues you in to what she’s going to ask before she even opens her mouth.
“You’re a member already, are you?”
You can’t help but laugh in response because the mere idea of you having the chance, or desire to do this before Wanda seems incomprehensible. Wanda watches you closely as she waits for you to explain.
“Yes actually. As of an hour ago at least.”
Wanda rolls her eyes and shakes her head before mumbling something against your chest. You don’t catch what she says, but you’re not too worried about it right now. You feel your muscles start to ache in a way that makes you realize you should really take a nap. You don’t want to be exhausted when you arrive because you and Wanda are going to hit the ground running. You’d made a comment about going to the store and then immediately disappearing into the villa for the unforeseeable future.
You lie down so you’re resting on a pillow, but you keep your arms around your wife who still has her head ducked down against you. You sigh heavily as you close your eyes and will yourself to sleep. When you wake up, hopefully you and Wanda will be one step closer to your much-needed relaxation.
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sativaonsaturn · 1 month
random sun observations
some of these are based on requests :)
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libra sun
great conversationalists! they know how to read a room or even just the person they’re talking to and do a great job catching the vibe so to speak. given that, sometimes they can mirror the people they’re around too. because of this sometimes people may think libra likes them even if they don’t 😭 a lot of times the only way you’ll know how libra feels (especially september) is if they reach a boiling point or if you know them well enough.
they’re great at dressing themselves as well, i’ve never seen a libra who didn’t know how to carry themselves. even if a libra chooses to dress down, they still happen to look put together.
if you’re dating/ pursuing one, (ofc factor in their venus) they typically love love. so (if they really like you) they’re dedicated, love a storybook relationship and will absolutely provide you with that in return. also very diplomatic in any relationship, they want things to be balanced and fair - but keep in mind this depends on their own moral compass, not yours.
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capricorn sun
disclaimer! i’ll try my best not to be biased 😭 but i’ve had the worst experiences with them; i have to be honest before i begin.
capricorns are literally the goat, so often they can be blinded by their “horns”. meaning that their pride can make them short sided, especially the men. this can be good sometimes because when a cap goes for something they get it. saturn is about learning from mistakes, discipline; a lot of capricorns go through some real shit before they’re even adults. that being said they are often harder than most and therefore sometimes have a difficult time maintaining interpersonal relationships - they’re often too focused on results and surviving for too long.
often very funny, dry humor. like other earth signs, they tend to just get it. the men tend to spend quite a bit unless developed. they also tend to buy things because they’re 5 star or the most expensive, not necessarily because of the quality. however, great providers and if you are relying on one to get shit done, get somewhere on time, to lead a team - cap is the one because of their tunnel vision and practicality.
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aquarius sun
another sign who just gets it. aquarians are the people who laugh at the joke no one got, who catch the little nuances, who actually do like things before they’re cool. i’ve said previously they are one of the most intelligent signs because of how much they observe and how much they remember.
people tend to dub this sign as emotionless but similar to aquarius moon, i think people just misunderstand how they handle emotions as a whole. they need to intellectualize and understand their emotions on a practical level before addressing them. also they’re ruled by uranus, so the way they see the world is always going to be different or abstract. but if you lead with patience, they’re usually open to talking out their feelings/ thoughts - aquas just want to know that you want to understand, that you’re open minded.
very practical and sometimes worry too much. usually on time to every event/ job and great planners because they think of everything. i will note however, that they tend to be very forgetful or reckless until they’re developed. they are often the children who break their glasses a lot or lose their new sweater 😭
as they rule the 11th house (networking), they are wonderful, fun and considerate friends. they make jokes about literally everything (very unserious people 💀) and often give thoughtful gifts because of how observant they are.
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leo sun
truly the life of the party, they really carry the sun wherever they go. if it seems like they always have energy it’s because they do, whether it’s natural or manufactured. i’ve found that they can’t be as high functioning if they stay in a funk too long. even if these people are insecure, they will create the confidence.
they often do care about how others perceive them, especially those close to them. this includes leos who are less of the golden retriever type and more of the lioness type. lioness leos are the ones who walk and talk w/ pride, command attention and respect, usually leaders. golden retriever leos are usually bubbly, friends w/ everyone, keeps things light and jovial. sometimes they tend to let things slide or don’t say what they mean because they’d like to maintain their image or aren’t actually as confident as they seem.
much like leo venus, they are passionate and intentional lovers. very thoughtful and compassionate friends too. you want a leo in your life if you want someone who will bring you warmth and a sense of belonging.
sativaonsaturn 🪐🍃
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, and Themes of Disability, Mental Illness, and Criminality.
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Back Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy on kickstarter before May 10th if you want to help a disabled person with limited ability to work pay his bills.
Verisimilitude, What Would a Person Do?
To understand Eureka’s themes regarding disability, mental illness, and criminality, you first have to understand its verisimilitude.
“Verisimilitude” is defined as “the appearance of being true or real,” and it is a big part of the core design ethos behind Eureka. It is a very realistic game.
We aren’t necessarily of the opinion that “realism” is a better design choice than stylization overall for RPGs, but it is a better design choice for Eureka, because we want the PCs to be very normal, believable people who make believable, organic decisions in extraordinary situations. No matter what anyone says, the mechanics of a TTRPG strongly influence what kind of stories are told with it, and what characters do in those stories. So if we want characters to make realistic decisions, the world they inhabit and interact with must be constructed of realistic rules.
Even though there is a small chance that they may be a supernatural creature, PCs in Eureka are still not fearless action heroes, chosen ones, or anything of the sort. They’re normal people with jobs, friends, and families who get mixed up in mysterious and/or dangerous situations, often against their will. They are fragile, vulnerable, imperfect, and they, largely, know it.
“Composure” is a mechanic that helps you know it too. I’ve given a deeper explanation of the Composure mechanic in the post linked here, but I’ll give a very very very condensed version in this post. Composure can sort of be thought of as “emotional/fatigue HP,” (and no, it is NOT “sanity”) it acts as a guideline for how well your character is handling the situation, and when it gets low enough, it starts to have serious mechanical effects as well, because a character’s stat modifier can never be higher than their current Composure level. Fear, hunger, and fatigue all lower Composure, and eating, sleeping, and bonding with one’s fellow investigators can all restore it, at least for normal people. More on that further down. All you really need to know for now is that when Composure gets below zero it starts eating into HP, so characters can even pass out or die from loss of Composure, and also one single bullet is enough to permanently cripple a character, and the rate of Composure loss during combat reflects how serious that is for the characters.
Grievous Wounds
It isn’t too uncommon for RPGs to have some sort of “flaw” system, whereby in character creation you can give your PC “flaws” or some kind of penalty, and usually get that balanced out by being able to add extra bonuses elsewhere, and these “flaws” may take the form of disabilities.
Critical Role’s Candela Obscura, the whole document of which is one of the most egregious examples of liberalism and toxic positivity I’ve ever seen in the TTRPG space, takes this beyond just character creation, and makes it so that if a PC receives a “scar” in combat that reduces their physical stats, their mental stats automatically go up by an equivalent amount, and proudly asserts that to make any mechanic which functions otherwise is ableist. I think you can probably tell what I think of that from this sentence alone and I don’t need to elaborate. Getting bogged down in all the failures, mechanical and moral, of Candela Obscura would make this post three times as long.
I actually do think that as long as you aren’t moralizing and patting yourself on the back this hard about it, “flaw” systems in character creation are a pretty good idea in most cases, it allows for more varied options during character creation, while preserving game balance between the PCs.
But in real life, people aren’t balanced. The events that left me injured and disabled didn’t make me smarter or better at anything—if anything, they probably made me stupider, considering the severity of the concussion! Some things happened to me, and now I’m worse. There’s no upside, I just have to keep going by trying harder with a less efficient body, and rely more on others in situations where I am no longer capable of perfect self-sufficiency.
Denying that a disabled person is, by definition, less capable of doing important tasks than the average person is to deny that they need help, and to deny that they need help is to enable a refusal to help.
This is the perspective from which Eureka’s Grievous Wounds mechanic was written.
When a character is reduced to 1 HP, which by design can result from a single hit from most weapons, they may become incapacitated, or they may take a Grievous Wound, which is a permanent injury with no stat benefits. Think twice before getting into a shootout.
Grievous Wounds don’t have to result from combat, they can also be given to a character during character creation, but not as a trade-off for an extra bonus.
“But then doesn’t my character just have worse stats than the rest of the party?” Yes, didn’t you read the above section? There is no benefit, except for the opportunity to play a disabled character in an TTRPG, and this character will probably have to be more reliant on the rest of the party to get by in various situations. Is that a bad thing?
Just like mundane people in Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, monsters are playable, because they are regular people. I’ve gone over this in other posts and also you can just read about it in Chapter 8 of the Eureka rulebook, but the setting of Eureka doesn’t have a conspiracy or “masquerade” hiding or separating supernatural people from normal society. They exist within normal society, and a lot of them eat people.
Most RPGs consider monsters to just be evil, they do evil for evil’s sake. RPGs that seek to subvert this expectation often instead make monsters misunderstood and wrongfully persecuted, but harmless. Eureka takes a wholly different approach.
There are five playable types of monsters in the rulebook right now, and it’ll be seven if we hit all the stretch goals, but for simplicity’s sake this post will just focus on the vampire. Despite them applying in different ways, the same overall themes apply to nearly every monster, so if you get the themes for the vampire, you’ll get the gist of what Eureka is doing with monsters in general.
I mentioned Composure above, and how it can normally be restored by eating food and sleeping. Well, vampires can not restore their Composure this way. They don’t sleep, and normal people food might be tasty as long as it isn’t too heavily seasoned for them, but it doesn’t do anything for them nutritionally. Their main way to restore Composure is fresh living human blood, straight from the source. To do what mundane PCs do normally by just eating and sleeping, vampires have to take from another, whether they’re happy with this arrangement or not. They do not, of course, literally have to, and a player is not forced to make their vampire PC drink blood, just like you don’t literally have to eat food, but they do and you do if you want to live in any degree of comfort or happiness, or else they’d eventually just sit at 0 Composure and not be able to effectively do anything.
There’s a reason that this is a numerical mechanic and not simply a rule that says something like “this character is a vampire and therefore they must drink blood once every session,” and that is to emphasize and demonstrate that the circumstances a person faces drive their behavior. In America, there is a tendency to think of criminality and harmfulness as resulting from something of an intrinsic evil, but in my experience and observation, people do not just wake up at like age 16 and decide “I think I’ll go down the criminal life path.” Through their life circumstances they have been barred from the opportunities that would have given them other options. People need food, food costs money, money requires work, work requires getting hired, but getting hired requires a nearby job opening, an education, an impressive resume, nice clean clothes, a charismatic attitude, consistent transportation, and so on. For people without, criminality is something they are funneled into, which becomes harder to avoid the longer they go without consistent access to their basic needs. The choice will be between taking money from others by force or trickery, or running completely out of money.
As the Composure counter ticks down, a vampire, or other playable monster, is going to encounter much the same dilemma. There is little to no “legal” or “harmless” way for them to get their needs met, even if they do have some money. Society just isn’t set up for that. And no your kink is not the solution to this, trying to suggest every vampire get into sex work is like one step removed from telling every girl she should just get an OnlyFans the minute she turns 18, or that women should just marry a man and be a housewife that gets taken care of if they want their needs met.
Playable monsters in Eureka are dangerous, harmful people. They were set up to be.
“Oh well then the vampire should just eat bad people!” You mean those same bad people i just described above? See this post for answers to all the other arguments people are going to make to try and absolve vampires of causing harm.
Society not being set up for that brings me to next reading/theme: Monstrousness as disability, and monsters as takers.
Mundane human characters restore 2 points of Composure per day just by eating food and sleeping, but vampires do not, they can’t. To restore their Composure they have to take from others a valuable resource that everyone needs to live and the extraction of which is excruciatingly painful and debilitating (blood). No one knows what happens to blood after a vampire drinks it, it’s just gone. Vampires are open wounds through which blood pours out of the universe.
This is a special need, something they have to take but cannot give back. Their special needs make them literally a drain on society and the world.
Even in so-called “progressive” spaces, there is a tendency to consider takers, people who take much more than they give back, such as disabled people, as something that needs to be pruned, with the mask over this being the aforementioned total denial of the fact that disabled people take more than they can give.
In this way, vampires and other playable monsters are, inarguably, “takers,” but in positioning them as protagonists right beside mundane protagonists, Eureka puts you in their shoes, and forces you to at least reckon with the circumstances that make them this way, as well as acknowledge their inner lives. You have to acknowledge two things: That they are dangerous, harmful people who take more than they can give, and that they are people. Because they are people, Eureka asserts that they have inherent value, a right to exist, and a right to do what they need to do to exist.
One final point is that of monstrousness as mental illness. Mental illness is a disability, one pretty comparable to physical disability in a lot of ways, so all of the above about disability can apply to this metaphor as well, but there are a few unique comparisons to make here.
It’s not the most efficient, but there are a couple of loopholes deliberately left in the rules that allow vampires to restore Composure without drinking blood. Eureka! moments can restore Composure, and Comfort checks from fellow investigators can restore Composure.
When I was writing the rules for how monsters regain Composure in accordance to these themes, I came to a dilemma where I wasn’t sure if it was thematically appropriate for them to be able to regain Composure in these ways, but ultimately I decided that yes, they can. It works with themes of mental illness, which is mental disability.
People with mental illnesses may have the potential to be harmful and dangerous, but study after study, including my own observation, has shown that mentally ill people with robust support structures and agency allowed to them to handle tasks are much less likely to enact harm, be that physical violence, relational violence, or violence against the self. So that’s why I kept that rule in for playable monsters. Being able to accomplish goals, and having friends who are there for them, makes the harmful person less likely to cause unnecessary harm.
I couldn’t really figure out where to fit this paragraph in so I’m sticking it here right before the conclusion: Vampires are especially great for this because they’re immortal, and because they always come back when “killed.” They can’t be exterminated, they aren’t going away, there will always be problem people in society, no matter how utopian or “progressive.” They’re a never-ending curse, who will always be a problem. The question is how you will handle them, not how you will get rid of them.
In conclusion,
Eureka is as much a study of the characters themselves as it is the mystery being solved by the characters. It is a harsh, but compassionate game, that argues through its own gameplay that yes, people do have needs which drive their behavior, many people do have special needs that are beyond their ability to reciprocate, and failure to meet the needs of even a small number of people in a society has high potential to harm the entire society, not just those individuals whose needs are unmet.
And Candela Obscura sucks.
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Back Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy on kickstarter before May 10th if you want to help a disabled person with limited ability to work pay his bills.
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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106 notes · View notes
inbarfink · 2 years
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Okay, so when it comes to “What Remains of Edith Finch” I’m generally among those who subscribe to the reading that there is nothing supernatural about the ‘family curse’ - that it is nothing more than an unhealthy coping mechanism that became a self-fulfilling prophecy through a tradition of neglect and recklessness also maybe some slew of undiagnosed hereditary mental illnesses. But one aspect of this interpretation that I’m not really on-board with it is the idea that this makes the ending of the game, like, a totally unambiguously ‘bad’ tragic ending.
Well, either way it’s always a pretty sad ending, y’know. Everyone is dead. I mean in the sense that, like, if the ‘curse’ is nothing but the stories of the Finch family making them think they’re cursed - then Edith writing her little book and passing on these stories to her son is just perpetuating the Curse and probably dooming the poor boy. They would’ve both probably been better off if Edith did let those dangerous stories die with her. Right?
Well, that’s not really how I see it. I don’t really think this is a narrative is about how Edie and her outlook on death is, like, 100% totally wrong and dangerous and Dawn Finch was 100% totally in the right about trying to escape the family stories - as much as it is about Edie and Dawn both being flawed women and neither really handled their grief perfectly. Since Edie’s attitude kinda dominated the family and Edith herself kinda used to side with her great-grandma over her mother, the story focuses more on her realizing that, y’know, Dawn’s perspective might have a point. But just cause Dawn might’ve had a point doesn’t mean she was always right either. I think the point is more that Edith has to understand both her great-grandma’s and her mother’s side so she can strike a healthier balance between both of their attitudes.
Like, the thing is that the ‘Curse’ is mostly just generational trauma (and if there is a real supernatural Curse than it is still a metaphor for generational trauma), and the thing with trauma is that wallowing in it and letting it define you like Edie did is really not healthy - but neither is repressing it and trying to run away from it like Dawn tried to do. Edie might’ve been wrong about many things, but she was right about this:
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The ‘Curse’ won’t leave Dawn and Edith just cause they left the House, or just cause they stopped listening to Edie’s stories. Because the Curse and their Trauma are the same, so it will follow them in some form wherever they go. The big thing I keep thinking about is Edith’s comment after Sam’s story.
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This isn’t about Sam’s death being especially important for figuring out the ‘mystery’ of the Finch Curse, or it being an especially fascinating or beautiful story or whatever. It’s because it was an especially traumatic event for Dawn, that undoubtedly effected her for the rest of her life. But due to her fear of the effects of Edie’s Stories, she never really opened up about it with her daughter in any way. Seeing the pictures of Dawn and Sam’s last trip together, Edith feels she now has a greater understanding of what made her mother tick - and wishes she could’ve known about it when she was still alive.
And that does go farther down the family tree. Sam was the first Finch to show a real dislike to telling the Stories like Edie like. Although admittedly he wasn’t quite the rebel Dawn was:
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And pretty much everything about how he acted around his children, especially the real shitty stuff, was informed by the trauma of Calvin’s death. 
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And, like, obviously Edie’s idea of handling trauma did no favors to him, (She made him share a room with his dead twin for eleven years) but I think also his attempts to almost totally avoid and repress his Issues when he became an adult only made things worse and not better.
Now, you might be wondering how this relates to Edith and her son Christopher. Well, the first thing to remember is that Edith didn’t know for sure she was going to die when she started that journey. She wasn’t just planning on leaving that little book to her son in case she dies - she wanted to learn the stories too, and have a better understanding of the stories she knew already. Because these stories inform the trauma she grew around, and she wanted to understand it better before she became a mother. Dawn knew quite a lot about the danger of growing up in a household that wallows in and romanticizes trauma - and did her best to avoid repeating this mistake with Edith. Edith knew quite a lot about the danger of growing up in a household that repressed and runs away from trauma - and she doesn’t want to repeat it with her child as well.
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And as for writing it down for Christopher in case she’s not around to share the stories with him. Well, the first thing to note is that I think that even if Christopher never had Edith’s book - he was already bound by the ‘Curse’ from the start. Like, yeah, he doesn’t have the experience of growing up with a traumatized parent raised by another traumatized parent raised by another traumatized parent - but growing up knowing his biomom died at childbirth can be a pretty traumatizing experience on it’s own. We don’t know much of his family situation outside of that, but the fact that there seem to be no one around to escort the Literal Child as he takes a ferry to go lay flowers at his birth mother’s grave doesn’t really bode well.
So I think, first things first, from that angle, Edith’s journal could be importantly therapeutic to him as well. You know, have some sort of connection to his mother and her side of the family that he’s otherwise can’t really have? Like, this book isn’t just some darn list of dead Finches. There’s a lot in here about Edith herself and her own thoughts and her life and family and that’s maybe connection Christopher would want with her? Something that might make him process his grief for her a bit better? Something to make him feel more connected with that side of his family?
Now, let’s also consider the fact the Finch Curse is at least somewhat public knowledge: the Odin Finch newsreel mentions it, Barbara’s death was very well-publicized at the time - and the ‘Tales of Terror’ comic calls it “another ghastly tale inspired by America's most unfortunate family” - implying that they expected their readership to be at least kinda familiar with the idea of the Finches being ‘cursed’. I think that’s pretty likely that, even without the journal, if Christopher dug even a little bit into who his birth mother was he would’ve found at least a mention of a rumor of a ‘Family Curse’ .
Or, hell, seeing how the Finches (and especially Edie) seem to have been local celebrities around Orcas Island - if Christopher lives anywhere near that area, really all it will take is him saying something like “hey, I’m Christopher Finch!” or “my mother’s name was Edith Finch” and then someone would say “oh yeah, like the famous Orcas Island Finches? That cursed family that keeps dying?” and seeing how he has no living relatives on his mother’s side - he would’ve probably believed it, or at least allowed the possibility to wriggle into his heart - and then… well, the Curse will just live on regardless of Edith. 
Note that Christopher is already wearing a cast before he even read the book (and is, again, a child taking a ferry to visit his mother’s grave all alone) - it seems like something of the ol’ Finch recklessness has already made it to him, whatever it’s in his genes somehow or just the rumors of the curse getting to him. But it is not entirely on Edith’s journal.
And like, one of the things I think made the Curse such a problematic mindset is the way it prevented the Finches from ever learning from their mistakes. You know, if every death is a result of a malevolent supernatural force haunting the family - then there’s no need for introspection of how what they could do better in the future. Challenging this mindset was probably one of the best things about Dawn’s mindset. But learning from past mistakes is equally impossible when you convince yourself it’s all the fault of a supernatural curse as it is when you straight-up have no context for what happened before. If nothing else, the stories in this journal can serve as a useful lesson about not clinging to the past, or not letting your grief define you, or how you shouldn’t try and make a perfect 360 degree spin on swingset or how you SHOULDN’T LEAVE A BABY ALONE IN A BATHTUB JESUS CHRIST
Because it’s not like this journal is just, like, a totally uncritical reiteration of Edie Finch’s stories for the next generation or something. I think the game makes it pretty clear that although Edith Sr. and Edith Jr. are meant to mirror each other on some level, their attitudes when it comes to the stories of the family are pretty different. 
Edie was characterized as someone who cared more for what makes for a good story over the truth, as someone prone to inventing or exaggerating tales, as someone who reveled in the romanticism of being Doomed, and memorialized the death of her loved ones more than their life. Like, one of the things that really crosses a line for me about the Edie Finch Method of Grief is just how much the circumstances of the death are prioritized over the life the person had before it. 
It’s not always so blatant cause the Finches tend to die in ways that poetically tie with their personality and hobbies (Molly loved animals and fantasy and she spent her last moments in a hallucination of transforming into various animals, Sam loved hunting and photography and he died taking a picture while hunting, Walter loved trains and ended up being run over by one) but… there’s certain areas where it’s actually kinda unclear if the connection is actually there or if Edie is kinda forcing it for the sake of a good story. 
Like, Barbara was a horror movie child star and her death reads like a cheesy horror story - but that’s because Edie chose a cheesy horror retelling to represent it. Maybe if we knew the real story of how she died, it wouldn’t be quite so on-the-nose. Did Gus actually love flying kites to the point it defines his entire personality or was that just something he did on the day he died? Either way, he’s defined by that one activity forever now. 
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And Gregory… like I’m sure he enjoyed bath-time, but the fact he’s memorialized almost exclusively with bath toys and soap is kinda fucked-up. I’m sure he had other toys he loved to play with outside the tub as well, but all of his memorials are focused entirely on the thing that killed him.
Edith’s attitude, as can be seen through the game, is different. Edith can appreciate the beauty of Edie’s stories but also cares quite a bit about truth and accuracy. The difference is most obvious when it comes to their books. Both Ediths wrote a story about coming back to their old childhood home and discovering the family secrets - only Edie’s story, “The History of the Finches”, seems to be complete fiction and based on what she would’ve wanted to be true, while Edith did actually go to her old childhood home and tried to record it as accurately as possible. And while she’s limited in telling the death stories that Edie kept records of, she also notes the points when they seem ridiculous or inaccurate to her. 
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She documents the tall-tale about how Sven was killed by a dragon, but also clarifies that he was killed while trying to construct a dragon-shaped sled. Rather than just perpetuating Edie’s joke for the sake of the fantasy. 
Plus, she doesn’t just focus on the Finches’ deaths, she does try and tell Christopher about their lives as well. It’s not always easy, since with the older generations Edith often doesn’t have much to go on outside of Edith’s memorialization, but she does try to get a General Vibe out of them from their room and other mementos they left behind (like Sam’s improvised darkroom in the wall-passegeways) rather than just the death story. And when it comes to the people Edith actually remembered well herself - Lewis, Dawn and Edie - she’s constantly telling little anecdotes and details of their life together. 
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In a way, I kinda divide “What Remains of Edith Finch” into three main parts. The first third of the game, with Edie’s kids, is the one that centers on the mystery of whatever the ‘curse’ is real or not - and is also a character study of Edie herself via the lense of the people that she lost. The second part is basically that but for Dawn, it’s about Edith learning to understand her mother’s character via the loss of Sam, Gregory, Gus, Sanjay and Milton. The Lewis segment is a transition between that third and the last third - which is about Edith Finch herself. Even if Edith can paint a full picture of both life and death for all of her dead relatives, she can at least give Christopher a good insight to his mother, grandmother and great-great grandmother. 
And notably, the two people Edith ‘has’ to memorialize herself without Edie’s postmorten involvement, Edie herself and Dawn, get a very different treatment from every other Finch. They don’t get a ‘proper’ Death Story documenting or describing their last moments. The closest thing is Edith’s flashback of the day they moved out of the House, which is more of a Death Flashback for the Finch Family as a concept than to Edie and Dawn as individuals. We do know that Dawn died of some sort of illness, but it’s delivered to us at the end of a longer passage about the life they had together. And we really don’t know anything but how Edie died at the end. 
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If Edith doesn’t know how Edie died, she’s shown no interest in trying to figure it out - if she does already know, she doesn’t think her spesific cause of death is important to write down for her son. The important thing is for him to learn what kind of person Edie was in life, and Edith has more than enough understanding of her great-grandma to memorialize her without defining her entirely through some sort of of romanticized tragic death. 
And, like the most important thing to remember is that Edith questions the concept of the Curse in her journal. Like, the game and the journal are one and the same. So, like all of these passages that are important for the ‘there’s no supernatural curse’ interpetation:
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Christopher is reading these lines as well. If we are capable of playing “What Remains of Edith Finch” and understanding the ‘Curse’ as being a self-fulfilling prophecy - then Christopher is also capable of reading his mother’s journal and coming to the same conclusion. I mean, it’s not a certain thing. There’s plenty of players who read the Curse as a real supernatural force and that’s also a valid interpetation of the game’s text. And there’s like, actual grown-ass adults who played this game and decided it’s actually about a serial-killer granny. So maybe it’s asking a bit too much from a little grieving eight-years-old to immediately understand this as a story of unhealthy trauma coping mechanisms through the generations. 
But my point isn’t that there is 100% no possibillity of Christopher dooming himself like every other Finch before him, or that Edith made the objectively correct decision in writing this journal and basically saved her son from the ‘Curse’. It’s just that he’s not doomed... it can still go either way. Christopher might have read this and started to believe in the Curse and perpatured the cycle onwards, or he might have come to the same conclusion Edith did - that believing in these stories made them real - and decided to try and do better than those who came before him. Or maybe he came to one conclusion but will later change his mind. As long as he’s alive, there’s is at least the possbility that things will turn out better. 
“What Remains of Edith Finch” ends with the shot of the two things that ‘remained’ of the two Edith Finches of the game. The House is What Remained of Edith ‘Edie’ Finch Sr. A glorious and sad monument of mourning, now forever frozen in time as a memorium for the tragedy of the Finch Family. And Christopher is What Remained of Edith Finch Jr. An actual living human being with his whole life ahead of him, who still has the potential to doom or save himself. 
Good luck.
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pascallatte · 2 years
Beginning of the year mishaps
Pairing/s: Pedro Pascal x actress!reader, Sarah Paulson x platonic!reader, Oscar Isaac x platonic!reader
Summary: An experimental Instagram live can’t cause that much chaos right? RIGHT?!
Date: Jan 1 2017
Warnings: age gap, cursing, bullying(?), kissing (?)
A/N: first fic for the main event, some reminders M/N is your mother's name and y/n/n is your nickname. Happy Reading, tell me what you think!!
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When you feel like you’re having too much fun you have a gut feeling that something bad happens after. I’m not saying it’s karma but let’s say it's how the world balances things. and sometimes that feeling comes in the form of an Instagram live.
“Is it on?”
“I’m not sure, can..can you check”
“No, no. it’s fine now. I can see myself” the previously dark video suddenly lightened up when a very confused Sarah looked at the camera.
“There it is!! Hello, we are having a small get-together here, and it’s just around half an hour before the new year and we decide— well I decided to turn on Instagram and celebrate with you guys.” She smiles towards the camera and placed it in front of her as happy voices can be heard in the background
Looking through the comments she smiles “Happy new year to you too!! What are you doing?- uhm I’m doing a live.” Taking a drink Sarah looked up when a voice asked her if she wanted a cookie.
“No, I’m fine sweetie just place it down there, I’ll get some later,” she sweetly said as she places her drink down.
“Any upcoming movies this ye- Yes I have a movie coming up but I won’t talk about that.” continuing to answer question after question, Sarah became unaware of what was happening around her. Her peace of mind was interrupted when a sharp scream rang out the whole room.
“What the fu- hey put her down! Don’t— oh lord I can’t handle when the three’s all together.” With a hand on her forehead, she lets out a breath as she took a sip of her drink.
“What’s happening? Well to answer that I am currently babysitting my supposed adult guests, but I don’t know really.” shuffling and footsteps were evident in the background before something similar to a heavy object being dropped followed by giggles were heard. Looking past the camera, Sarah stifles a laugh at what she's seeing. With a shake of her head, she looks at her phone, comments filled with questions of “what’s happening?”, “Who are you with?”, “you look like a stressed mother.”
Taking the phone she stands up and moves further in the room, “hey, fix yourselves I’m gonna set up the phone here.” Placing the phone on what seems like a coffee table, she sits on the couch and the comments speed through as they saw who was she with. There, sitting on the couch, breathing heavily with drinks in their hands were Oscar Isaac, Y/n L/n, and Pedro Pascal, all looking as disheveled as whatever happened earlier can make them. As soon as you spot the camera, you beamed up a smile and wave towards the camera.
“Hi! Sarah, what’s this?” You looked towards her as she laughed at your state. “I’m on live sweetie. and you better fix up your hair you look like you didn’t comb for a month.”
“Oh thanks, hi again.” Raising your hands you try to smoothen your hair back but all your effort was wasted when Pedro who was seated on your left reached up with a towel of some sort and rubbed it on your head.
“Hey hey, I already told you to stop..” You said loudly as you took a pillow to hit him. Pedro just laughed while it happened and grabbed you by the waist to sit you on his lap, “Fine, fine, ok. I’ll stop just don't hit me again.”
“You keep telling her you’ll stop but as soon as she fixes her hair, you’ll mess it up again” Oscar perks up as he watches by the side.
Shaking his head, “no, I won’t”
“Yes you will, that’s what you’ve been doing since you found that towel.” He countered as he took a sip of the wine he was drinking.
“ Ok, but I’ll stop now. Yeah? Spent too much energy keeping hold of you,” Pedro nods towards you who was still seated on his lap. Reaching forward, you took this as a chance to remove the hand around your waist and went back to sitting beside him.
“Well, it’s not my fault you kept bothering me AND it’s also not my fault your old age keeps you from having fun.” teasingly you said as you took your drink placed on a side table.
Grumbling he threw the pillow you hit him with towards you,” you were the first one to bother me and I’m not old and I can surely keep up on the FUN, you personally know that.”
And if the viewers didn't catch on to what he said, your similar looks of shock cleared the meaning up for them. Sarah looked at you specifically before clearing her throat, “Okay, what time is it?”
“Oh that was quick come on, let’s go look out. They’re probably setting up the fireworks by now.” Sarah said as she stood up and took the phone before giving a look, towards your direction as the viewers believe.
Ellnn03 What the fuck!!
Latinosdailyaccount Tell Pedro I love him!!
Mschppy I swear something’s up between those two.
Niccola_fer97 Sarah! Happy New Year
Aanxcse Happy new year from argentina
Latinosdailyaccount Tell Oscar I love him, enjoy your night!!
Sebbyiare Y/n’s with them AAAAAA I love their group
Julzzz.ie What did you have for dinner?
“What did I have for dinner? we had beef stew a specialty of y/n’s mother— thank you for the recipe M/N. And a bunch more the guys brought.” She answered as she tried to open the doors to her balcony.
“Sweetie, can you hold the phone for a minute I forgot I locked this.” She passed the phone to you who was standing right beside her.
“Oh, Sure!! Hello, people of Ms Sarah Paulson’s live, how are you guys?” You asked as you read the comments. Occasionally nodding at some questions. “Where’s Oscar?— oh he’s here, wait! Oscar, someone wants to see you.”
“Huh?” He looked back at you and realization sets in. “Hi! Happy new year everyone! Thank you for the kind comments, yes- oh I agree with that.” He said chuckling.
Curiously Pedro, who was behind the camera moved closer to have a look. “Agree with what?” He asked as he hooked his arm around your shoulders, nuzzling into your neck unconsciously.
“Someone said that I looked like the mediator when I’m with the two of you, which is true enough.”
Scoffing he took the phone and angled it to where both of you were seen.
“ Everyone! You see this? This is what happens when you tease the hell out of me and then pin the blame on me.” He said as the hand on your shoulder then moves to squish your cheeks.
Laughing he got a couple squeezes in before you swatted his hand and Sarah retrieved her phone. “P, I gave the phone to her, how the hell did you end up using it to harass her.”
“You see!!!” Pedro shouted towards the camera and grunted when you hit his mid-section. “Okay, chiqui. I'm sorry, I'm sorry” was softly heard as Sarah walks back to the balcony.
Sighing Sarah opens the door and the coldness from outside immediately enveloped them.
“Fuck it’s cold”
“Ahh winter season at it’s finest”
“Should’ve brought my jacket.” 
“You want mine?” Pedro asked you quietly as he saw that the camera can still see them.
Shaking your head “no, thank you though,” smiling as you looked up at him, squeezing his forearm. “What time is it?” You asked Oscar who you knew had a watch.
“It’s…11:58,” he said towards you as he leaned on the railings.
“Thank you! And as much as I want to step closer, I might freeze before I get there.”
Sarah then pans the phone around to show where you are. “So it’s almost midnight, the countdown will start soon so to those who are watching in a different time zone, happy new year or advanced happy new year!!”
The tv that was left on inside then started the countdown. You and everyone in the building who was on the balcony joined in and shouted as you waited for the new year to enter. Moving to the side a bit, in hopes of not being in the phone’s view. You hooked your arm with Pedro’s and smiled up at him, as he looked down at you fondly.
“ THREE!!…. TWO!!!!….ONEE!!… HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!”, shouting simultaneously with wide smiles on your faces. Jumping up you hug him followed by a deep kiss. Reciprocating it for a few seconds, you part ways to hug Oscar who was in front of you, followed by Sarah who ran to hug you. Unbeknownst to your celebration, you didn’t notice that Sarah had placed the camera down on the table near the door and was able to capture the whole ordeal. And let me tell you the comment section went wild.
Pedritofaan34 i fucking knew it!!!
Harveyping Oh no
Its.mekalum What the hell
Y/nfanaccount4fun This isn’t what I expected to see first thing in the new year, im hurt.
Taylorvargas Happy new year!!!
mitchfory/n/n.01 THEY FUCKING KISSED!!
Stunned, Sarah let out a gasp and looked at the camera before turning at you with wide eyes.
“Why? What happened” you asked from behind the camera and were heard walking closer when Sarah offered a short message and goodbye before abruptly ending the live, leaving her fans aghast at what they'd seen, before of course taking it to the internet.
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A/n: did I post a new year's eve fic nearing the end of march? yes...yes I did
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riizebabie444 · 1 year
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𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙫𝙞𝙗𝙚𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙘 🌠
🌠 ─── hello and welcome, today’s tarot reading will be a sort of vibe check, basically what vibes me and my cards are getting from you at the moment.
🌠 ─── picking your pile: take a deep breath and allow your soul to centre itself. when you feel your mind balanced and cleared, allow yourself to be drawn to an image. your eyes may gravitate to one, or you may close your eyes and feel which image is calling out.
🌠 ─── be sure to check out my other readings and don’t forget to share and give feedback. disclaimer: all readings done are for entertainment only. please do not use my tarot readings as a replacement for legitimate advice.
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🌠 ─── masterlist. paid readings. exchange rules.
donations. games/events. feedback.
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𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 🌠
firstly, i'm getting pile one that you are in creative energy right now. you could be experiencing a bout of inspiration and expressing yourself creatively, such as with art, writing or music. it could also be creativity with problem solving or coming up with a project idea. but i'm sensing there is something playful and personal to you, whatever creative thing you are doing or are planning to do is something you will enjoy. perhaps it is something you did when you were younger. it's going to bring out your inner child, help you understand your deepest passions. it's very nostalgic.
for some of you, you may be spending too much time daydreaming. you have a vast imagination which is a wonderful thing but too much of your time is being spent on what if's and unrealistic desires, such as fantasising about your life as a celebrity when in real life you have homework due that you've not yet completed. like i said, it's great to have a wild and creative imagination, but this is your check in to get control of your mind because it's affecting your productivity and efficiency. you can be ambitious, but be practical also instead of doing things in your head but not in real life.
𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤 🌠
for some of you who chose pile two, you may be feeling like your life is chaotic right now. i think for a number of you, not all of you, you may have experienced some conflict recently. perhaps an argument with a family member or falling out with a friend. because of this, you feel like your life is falling apart. for the most part, you guys are going through a strengthening experience. you're stronger than you've been before, and more confident. you may also be struggling to adapt to a new change in your life.
overall, there is shifting energy, like changes are happening in your life. they could be big or small but the majority of you will get through this quickly. even still, you're feeling quite balanced. some of you might be learning something also, or getting ready to learn, such as preparing for the new school year or investing in personal classes. you might be feeling restless, like in an excited way but still nervous for something new. but again, you're handling your anxiousness well. i'm getting calm and balanced energy, but for some of you, you need to get over this tower moment before you can find balance and clarity again.
𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 🌠
some of you are stuck in a shell, others are coming our of your shell. have you been feeling introverted lately? those kinds of moods where you don't want to leave your bedroom or home. you kind of just want to wallow in your own energy and avoid people and situations. i feel like most of you who chose this pile are homebodies anyway so you don't mind being stuck in this energy. but at the same time, you're looking forward to a positive energy shift. you're ready to finally leave your bedroom and see the sun. you're energy is being renewed, you're ready to let go of the loneliness and gloominess.
there is enlightening energy walking away from this isolation. i think some of you might be feeling disconnected from the world and from the people around you. maybe some of you got caught in this energy because of a breakup or a falling out. there is separation involved with some of you which has caused an imbalance in your life but you are slowly finding that balance again and putting effort into making things up to yourself. i don't feel this energy is too depressing, or too sad. however, it's definitely lonely and the decision to escape isolation is in your hands. make those plans you've been thinking about all week. focus on those projects that have been begging for your attention. it takes one small step start the shift in energy.
𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧 🌠
are you preparing for something right now, pile four? quite ambitious about something, you're excited for it. i feel like it's taking up your mind for most of the day. you've been looking forward to this. i think for some you're feeling quite practical and productive. i'm getting starting a new job or starting the new school year vibes. you've been looking forward to it. you feel confident. you have in your mind the exact type of person you want to be. you're excited to learn new skills and accomplish what you've been wanting. but you may be having issues with concentration.
for some, i think you have an exam or a project due but you've been neglecting it and it is making you feel frustrated. it's immature on your part. you've also been very materialistic lately, like you want to buy the new trendy thing you saw on the internet or you want to buy a new tech product like a phone or a laptop. you're having thoughts that you won't be happy until you own that thing but the problem is that materialism is like an addiction. you can't keep buying new things that aren't worth the money, it will hold you back. start asking yourself if you really need these things or if you need to start controlling your urges and take time off from the internet.
𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙫𝙚 🌠
pile five, i think you are feeling quite stubborn art the moment. are you refusing to apologise for something? do you feel like others are ganging up on you? you're very determined but you are experiencing energy that is overbearing. it could be you're attitude to others, or others attitude towards you, or even your attitude to yourself. you want to get away from it all. you're feeling quite detached, however you are also feeling great awareness. you understand that with freedom comes vulnerability, but still, you're willing to make sacrifices as long as you can get away.
the energy and thoughts you are having are very much a double edged sword. for example, you're thinking of doing something which will benefit yourself but at the cost of those around you. be mindful of your ambitions because they can be damaging to yourself also. there is a hint of betrayal here, it's not for all of you. are you feeling defeated? do you feel like you're being forced to surrender? it's quite heavy energy, i think you're really going through it, pile five. but my message to you is to not stop planning for your future. despite all that is holding you back, you need a plan for if you ever decide to make the move to get away from it all. things will brighten up eventually.
𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙞𝙭 🌠
i think some of you are entering a celebratory period. it doesn't need to be for you necessarily, perhaps you are celebrating for someone else's occasion. but i think those who chose pile six are in a mood to be social and meet with friends and family, maybe dance to music and so on. some of you might be feeling weary of others' intentions. perhaps you don't feel comfortable with the way someone is treating you or you're getting a weird vibe from someone. you shouldn't doubt your intuition but at the same time, don't let it hold you back. go forth and meet with your people, celebrate whatever it is knowing that if anyone tries to hurt you, it's a reflection of their own insecurities, not yours.
as much as you want to, don't go picking for drama or calling people out. remain comfortable in your own wise energy and focus on the positivity in your life and of those around you. that is what will make them shut up, because they know their negativity or toxicity can't affect you. you have dreams and you want to reach them, so go for it. don't let anyone hold you back. let things remain a mystery. you don't need to know every single thing. i'm feeling that you want to be a high energy/high vibe person but you're not cutting out the things and people that lower your vibe. you're feeling afraid but just remember, you'll have so much more to celebrate when you do.
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© riizebabie444 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, steal, repost or translate my readings on any site. any act of which will be classed as plagiarism.
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residentfurry · 2 months
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Older Ashley and Mari! This is the concept that initially started my oc x canon au, as I wanted to give Ashley more moments because I think she deserves to come back and kick ass.
Little bit of info about Older Ashley + Mari under cut!
After the events of Re4, Ashley returned home but found it difficult to return to normal after everything. When Mari shows up, Ashley learns to deal with her past and figures out her future: she wants to save people just like Leon saved her.
So she became a bioweapon hunter! No matter how hard BSAA and other organizations work, outbreaks are outbreaks, and there is still cleanup to do even after zones are declared "clean." That's when Ashley and Mari come in and take out the stray bioweapons, as well as take on missions to clean up smaller outbreaks of bioweapons that the BSAA can't outsource their people to.
They don't work with any government, as Ashley knows they would not take kindly to Mari, but they do spy on the BSAA for leads on where bioweapons might be. This is what leads them to the village after the events of re8 to clean up any remaining bioweapons ^^.
And who knows; maybe someday she'll have a reunion with people she used to know ;)
Their items:
Tracker- She has a tracker that directly connects to Mari's pack so that in the case of separation she can find Mari.
Mini testing kit and lab- A portable lab that can be used to test for infections and viruses.
Pistol and sniper rifle- Pistol is used for closer encounters while the rifle is used for further targets. She balances the rifle off of Mari's shoulder to shoot. (Mari isn't effected by the noise as her ear is located near her hip)
Flares and matches- for starting fires and signaling for help in worse case scenarios. It's not uncommon for Ashley and Mari to spend days in the wilderness tracking bioweapons so matches are necessary for cooking food and purifying water.
Knife- for combat and survival.
Survival kit- basic survival kit with extra medical supplies than normal. Full of medicinal herbs.
Backpack- for storage.
Mari's pack- Mari's pack was uniquely crafted to fit her frame and is packed with ammo, flashbangs, and smoke bombs. The pouches on the back are for quick access while Ashley stands on the metal platform. The metal platform has wheels so it may be tilted for more versatility, and the handles are for balance when Mari makes quick maneuvers.
Thats pretty much the basics! If you have any questions or comments about the AU send some asks, I would love to answer them! ^-^ Thanks for reading!
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aphrodisiac-siren · 7 months
Home~ Neteyam x Metkayina!reader
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Summary: Leaving behind everything he knew was hard for Neteyam and then adapting to the ways of the new clan was even harder. He'd push himself, overwork and exhaust himself even, to live upto his family's expectations; never really giving his own wants a second thought. That's why Y/N was the prefect companion for him, someone who kept things in his life balanced, who made sure to let him know that what he wanted was just as important, perhaps even more so, than what everyone else wanted of him.
//slow burn, cute fluff, Neteyam being a sad bean//
masterlist, Part 4
Part 3
Jake was sure his eyes would pop out of their sockets any minute now. With every word his sons uttered his blood pressure only went higher and higher to a point where he was sure he was due for a stroke. From what he was hearing he was affirmative he passed down only a singular braincell that was being shared by his sons.
"You said what" Jake's voice cracked, hand flying up to pull at his hair "Neteyam she is the chief’s daughter!"
"I know, I screwed up" the older boy hung his head in shame, still cringing at how he handled the situation.
"And you didn’t disappoint as well did ya? You beat up the chief’s son" Jake turned to Lo'ak who was also looking everywhere but at him "He takes us in, trains us and this is how you show appreciation? By harassing his kids"
"He was picking on Kiri" Lo'ak tried to defend himself, knowing well that it wouldn’t work.
"Go make peace with Aonung" his father sighed "I don’t care how you do it but just.. go"
Lo'ak walked away in defeat, in no mood whatsoever to argue. Besides, he did agree that the situation could’ve been handled better and they both did contribute to making the situation worse than it already was.
"And I didn’t really expect this from you of all people" Jake continued once his youngest son was out of earshot "what were you thinking, talking to the poor girl like that?"
"I'm sorry, I was being an idiot" Neteyam apologised. He had kept his own feelings under wraps for so long, only concerned with looking after his siblings to a point where he had finally reached his limit and like a bomb, exploded earlier that day "I'll go fix it"
"Damn right you will" His dad let out another disappointed sigh "now get outta here"
Neteyam dragged his feet through the sand, absolutely dreadding having to face Y/N again. He was sure she hated him now, she'd made it pretty clear by letting them know that she wouldn’t volunteer to train them any longer and he wanted to run into a wall for ruining everything. His siblings liked her, they loved every second they spent with the girl and he made a mess of it by allowing his emotions to possess him.
He begrudgingly searched around the village, not really sure of what he could possibly say that would fix the damage he caused.
What he did not expect, on top of all of this, was to find Y/N with his mother. They both were practising archery, or more like Y/N was struggling to keep up with Neytiri.
"Yes, keep your shoulders pushed back" She circled the younger girl, giving her helpful critique "no, don’t hold on to the arrow so tightly"
The boy sheepishly approached, a bit more nervous than what he already was.
“Neteyam?” His mother called out when she finally saw him, shifting even Y/N’s attention to him. The moment her saphire eyes landed on him, he felt small, all his pride and confidence from before withering away under her gaze.
“Am I interrupting?” He asked, offering a polite smile nonetheless.
“No, you can come and help Y/N” Neytiri responded. She knew her children liked to spend time with the girl, completely oblivious of the events that took place earlier that day.
“It’s okay” Y/N immediately butted in, keeping her voice steady “he’s probably got other stuff to do”
“Not really” Neteyam knew she didn’t want him there but he wasn’t going to leave until he had a chance to properly apologise “no lessons today, remember?”
“Why not?” His mother asked, curiously.
“I got held up with something” Y/N lied convincingly and Neteyam understood that she wasn’t planning on telling anyone about what happened earlier. He was a smidge grateful for it, he wasn’t really wanting to earn a scolding from his mother as well.
“I can help you with this you know” he tried again, pushing his luck and hoping she’d just let him stay.
“No thank you, I’m fine” she snapped without missing a beat, looking toward the makeshift target once again and away from him.
Neytiri glanced between the two teens. The tension among them was intense and evident. What had suddenly caused such a weird atmosphere between them?
Her eyes searched her son’s and he stared right back her pleadingly and she could tell that he wanted to be around Y/N whilst she was actively trying to be rid of him. Something clearly went down between the both of them and the best thing to do was to take a step back and let the two of them sort things out.
“I have to make sure Tuk is with Kiri” the older woman made up a reason to excuse herself “I will be back, keep practicing”
She gave her son a look before she walked away, leaving behind a thankful Neteyam and an annoyed Y/N.
“Here” he sweetly approached her, reaching out to fix her form but she simply shifted away with an ‘I’m good’ and continued to shoot arrows that missed the target “trust me, I’m just trying to help”
Still not meeting his gaze, Y/N silently nocked another arrow. This time she didn’t scoot away from him so Neteyam took it as a ‘go’ for him to help her out. He was quite good at archery, he’d earned good praise from the other hunters in his clan.
He placed his hands under her forearms to raise her hand a bit that had begun to droop from tiredness. He then lifted her elbows slightly, inching closer until his nose was almost grazing her cheek.
“Loose” he whispered, right before she let the arrow whizz through the wind and hit the target. Not the centre, but still quite close. Impressive really for someone’s first lesson.
“I did it!” She happily chirped, as if she’d forgotten she was upset with him. Her face lit up and she chuckled with pure joy before she cleared her throat, regaining her stoic composure.
“I’m sorry about what I said” he wasted no time, lest she picked up her stuff and left. She already seemed to not want him around “it was arrogant and ungrateful of me. I was trying to defend my siblings but I guess I ended up letting out all of my pent up frustration on you, a-and that was wrong of me”
He was relieved that she at the very least was listening to him so he continued.
“I didn’t mean what I said, that you’re nothing more than a privileged girl” he looked at her, hoping she’d meet his eyes but she didn’t “we both know that’s not true and I fully understand why you wouldn’t want to be around me anymore. I won’t show up to your lessons if that’s what you want, but don’t distance yourself from Lo’ak, Kiri, Tuk- they like to be around you”
“That’s not what I want you know” she put away the bow to go retrieve the many arrows that had missed the target, now scattered in the sand “I thought we’d all get along. I liked being around them too, you included”
Neteyam’s ears pointed upward, like a child hearing praise from a parent.
“But then you said the most cruel things today, things I never thought you’d ever utter” she continued sadly “and I thought maybe I was wrong about you-“
“I’m sorry” he said again, feeling really stupid that that’s all he could really say “it’s been hard leaving the forest. That was my home, it’s all I’ve ever known. And then all of a sudden I’m in a place where I don’t know how to do the simplest of things, I feel useless”
“You aren’t useless, I know Aonung likes to poke fun and I know you miss your home but I really wished you’d just come and spoken to me about it instead of being mean to me” she finally looked at him, her pretty eyes saddened “I thought we’d be friends”
“We can be!” He said almost too enthusiastically, cheeks heating up slightly at his childish eagerness “I’ll make it up to you”
“How” she crossed her arms and tilted her head, patiently waiting for him to come up with something.
Neteyam pouted as he thought for a minute, wondering what he could possibly do for the daughter of Tonowari that would make her give him another chance. She was already a princess of a sort, probably too used to receiving gifts.
After another minute of thinking, he broke into a grin.
“Wait here” he held his hands out in front of him, asking her to stay put
“Huh-“ Y/N walked behind him, her hand dropping the arrows to the ground again “I’m still mad at you Neteyam”
“You won’t be after this” he smirked at her before fully breaking into a sprint “hopefully”
Y/N watched the boy run off into the distance, wondering what he could possibly do to change her mood.
Knowing some of the boys here on the island, most of them would give her shells or wild flowers when she’d be upset. And if not the small gifts, then a forced apology that Aonung bullied them into.
She loved her brother, despite his pride and snarky attitude. Which is why she was also very protective of him. If he was at fault, she’d confront him no doubt but privately, away from the eyes of the public. She wasn’t the type to tell him off and embarrass him in front of anyone else who wasn’t their family. Which is why when she saw him scuffed up earlier, her initial response was for him to go and get himself looked after.
Did she really not deal with it correctly?
Did she favour her brother to much for his own good?
No, definitely not.
The familiar sound of flapping was what made her look up, taking away her thoughts completely from the situation she was thinking about.
“Y/N” Neteyam called out to her even though she already knew it was him.
His majestic ikran let out a screech as it made its descent, landing in the sand gracefully a few feet away from the girl.
“It’s really cool that you can swim fast and all, but I think you’ll find flying even cooler” he patted his ikran’s back, at the space right behind him on the saddle “come on”
Y/N was excited, probably a little too much. Her heart began to flutter and eyes were probably doing that thing again of just staring at the beast with wonder. She slowly walked toward the boy, trying to conceal her enthusiasm.
Neteyam chuckled at her reaction. It was obvious she was dying to get on but he knew she wouldn’t just show it on her face.
“First time seeing an ikran?” He joked, quoting himself during their first encounter when he caught her gawking. He held his hand out to her, looking at her with that same boyish grin he’d have on his face whenever she was around.
“Shut up” she rolled her eyes playfully as she took his hand, swinging one leg over the saddle and seating herself right behind him.
“Hold on tight” he turned around slightly to look at her, faces merely inches apart. Her eyes had flecks of lilac in them, he noted, something he hadn’t really noticed before “you’re going to love this”
Y/N did as she was told, wrapping her arms around his middle as he clicked his tongue a few times. His ikran spread out its large wingspan, letting out a short screech before flapping its wings and taking off.
Y/N shut her eyes tightly at the first gust of wind that blew against her face, tightening the grip around the boy’s torso.
“Open your eyes, you have to see this” she could hear the laughter in his voice as they arose higher and higher into the night sky “don’t worry, I won’t let you fall ma Y/N”
Blindly trusting him, since she was already a couple feet into the sky, she opened on eye and then slowly the other. A smile formed on her lips at how beautiful her home looked from up here. The waters glowed in its bioluminescence and sky was littered with stars.
“You know my dad came from that star” Neteyam pointed it out to her, looking back to see if she was too spotted it “you see it?”
“I see it” she confirmed, her laughter sounding like music to Neteyam’s ears amidst the wind.
As they circled around the village, Neteyam kept glancing back to look at her, as if he wanted to make sure she was truly enjoying this and to admire the smile for which he was responsible.
She doesn’t hate me now, he thought to himself, there’s no way she does anymore.
After a few more rounds around the islands, Neteyam landed his ikran near their shack. He wanted to keep flying, that was the one thing he loved to do even back home but he knew the poor thing was probably tired.
“Had fun?” he asked Y/N on their walk back, knowing the answer already.
“Mhm, I did-“
Both her and Neteyam looked toward the source of the sound: Aonung. He looked troubled, still bruised, but not the point.
“I screwed up” he told his sister, throwing a nervous glance at the Sully boy next to her.
“What happened?” His sister asked, looking at him with concern.
“I took Lo’ak to hunt outside the reef” he hesitantly said, refusing to look his sister in the eye and disappoint her even more than he already had “we left him behind as a joke but it’s been a while and he hasn’t come back”
“What” both Neteyam and Y/N exclaimed in sync, eyes going wide with panic.
“Oh my this is bad, this is bad..” Y/N was beginning to grow anxious, pacing around both the boys as she worked herself up even more.
“Hey okay, calm down” Neteyam held her by the shoulders, trying to keep her from falling apart. They needed to keep their heads cool, despite him wanting to punch Aonung in the face again “look Lo’ak might be an idiot but he can handle himself, he’s fine”
Y/N only nodded.
“Now, I’m going to go find my dad and tell him what we know” he glared at Aonung before looking at Y/N again, face softened “you go and tell your father”
“Right” Y/N nodded again, patting his arm “take Aonung with you pretty boy, and I’ll arrange for a few people to go look for Lo’ak”
“Sounds good” he then turned to her brother who was dead silent. He caught him by the back of his neck, not caring if he was rough about it “come on”
The three of them split up, hoping to hurry and find Lo’ak. He knew he’d only just mentioned that his brother was probably fine but he couldn’t deny he was worried shitless. This was a new turf, some place they were still unfamiliar with and getting lost out here was not something either of them could handle alone. And not to- wait..
She thinks I’m pretty?
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ephemeral--dreams · 1 year
Ideal types in partners - Alhaitham, Scaramouche, Ningguang, Ayato
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Ideally, someone more outwardly emotional and expressive than he is. He needs someone to balance his more reserved nature - as well as someone who can read him well enough to not get scared off by it. He can be a bit too blunt with things. Fights may arise out of this if you can't handle that part of him, so it's better if you're sensitive but not Too sensitive.
Intelligence is important as well. Alhaitham needs to be able to have complex conversations with his partner. You'll need to be able to keep up with him when he talks about his interests and knowledge. Will probably be overly fond of having debates with you over academic matters.
Overall, someone who has enough empathy to understand him and perhaps bring his own emotions out more. He's a complicated person! Understand that about him and everything should work out.
He needs someone with the patience of a saint. You're going to have to deal with a lot of things. Mood swings, teasing, and the fact that he's often harsh (even when he may not mean to be). He can be difficult. His partner must be able to accept all of this easily, without blowing up at every little thing.
I think he would do well with someone affectionate. He's spent many years feeling abandoned and distancing himself from others. To have someone who is very openly loving toward him would be a welcome change, and would certainly help him settle him as a person. He may say it's annoying if you're clingy, but he's just as clingy himself. :)
You must be able to read between the lines with him - he doesn't often say what he truly feels or thinks outright. He's often an actions over words sort of person. He may not say he loves you so straightforwardly, but you can see it in how he treats you so long as you pay attention.
Someone who can challenge her. Ningguang, after all, thrives on such things. She is surrounded by people who admire and revere her, people who take her word for gospel, who hang on each bit of information or order she gives. What will make you stand out is that you don't do that. Question her, bicker with her, show that you have a mind and will of your own. She'd love to banter with you.
She doesn't have much need for wasting her riches on herself, but expect to be showered in expensive gifts. Ningguang would like someone she can spoil. Accept what she gives you. She won't take no for an answer when it comes to this.
Know that she will often be busy. You will need to have enough independence to spend a lot of time without her. Don't expect her to drop her work for you, and don't be too needy. She is yours, but she is also Liyue's. If you aren't the sort who can accept this, things wouldn't work out.
Much like Ningguang, he's often extremely busy. And, again, you'll need to be able to get along well enough on your own when he is.
He needs a partner who is good with people. You'll have to go to events with him, talk to others of high social standing. Maintain a good public image and get along well with others. Have good manners and be polite. And, most importantly - be intelligent enough to tell when someone doesn't have Ayato's best interests in mind, and refrain from saying anything to them that might come back to bite you. To that end, someone who can defend themselves would be ideal as well, considering how many people go after him, and may go after you…
It is, of course, expected that you'll be completely devoted to him in every way. Love is nothing without loyalty, in his eyes.
Being the leader that he is can be rough. If you're able to easily comfort him after a long day, it would be appreciated. Ayato takes care of many things, including you. Take care of him in return.
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