#there’s another version of this i could write where he just whimpers and whines and barks instead of speaks …..
jesuistrestriste · 1 day
Need full on petplay w art. Puppy art this puppy art that... ok wheres his collar. Wheres his leash
like he’s on his hands and knees for you as soon as you get home; looking up to you with big, blue, pleading eyes as he scoots forward and pushes his nose into your thigh.
“i missed you…” he whimpers softly, barely audible, and you reach down to pet his soft mop of tousled blonde curls.
“missed you too, puppy.. were you good while i was gone?”
and he whines. it’s guilty and low and sticks in his chest like bubblegum. he shakes his head. “.. i.. ‘m sorry… couldn’t help it…”
and you’re confused, but when you look up towards the living room, you see an assortment of toys on the coffee table near the couch. one of your vibrators and a silicone stroker you bought for him a year ago and a bottle of lube. along with a few crumpled tissues. a fresh crime scene.
you sigh, pulling back from his touch, and he tries chasing your legs with his needy hands. you immediately slide your hand from his hair to the back of his collar, then slipping your fingers down to the dog tag at the front of it. affectionately engraved ‘mutt’. you give it a soft but firm tug, forcing his attention back up to your eyes and not your soft thighs.
“i said to wait.”
he pouts. he might cry.
“i kn-know.. im sorry, i am… i was just thinking about you a lot, and i couldn’t.. like, it was really hurting and i just—“
you tug on the collar again, and click your tongue with disapproval. he shuts his mouth. his palms plant on the ground in front of where he’s sitting on his calves. “i was a bad boy.”
you nod, and without warning you start slowly walking away from the doorway. he’s instantly snapping to attention, being tugged with you by your grasp still holding the collar.
“yes, yes you were. you are. so now.. you’re gonna clean this mess up and meet me in the bedroom. do you understand?”
he nods, and immediately stands to begin cleaning the evidence of his desperation once you’ve let him go.
he steps into the bedroom afterwards and you immediately corner him and hook a leash onto the front of his collar. you lead him over to the mattress where you lay down and take your bottoms off.
you wrap the leash around your hand four times to give him no leeway to move without your direction, and then you’re pulling his body forward by his lead into your heat.
you watch the way he sinks down onto his tummy and begins mouthing wetly and eagerly at your core, licking and slobbering and suckling the best he can manage.
several moans slip from your lips, and you gaze down at his closed eyes and flushed cheeks, your hold on the leash keeping him close.
“be a good puppy for me tonight, and maybe i’ll give you a treat,” you gasp between soft groans.
he doubles his efforts automatically, his fingers itching to hold your body, but he resists. he nods and whines into your wetness.
he’ll do whatever it takes to get that reward from you and prove that he can still be good.
he’s a good boy.
he’s the best.
and he’s gonna show you how well trained you have him ..
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seraphicsentences · 5 months
HEY! i knwo your on a break but just incase your bored could you write reader sending spicy texts2 streamer!ellie while shes on like a boss level, and then after ‘raging’ at reader for making her lose, she comes back as if the chat isnt questioning the sounds coming from the other room (silly girl forgot to mute)
hi. tumblr j deleted all my edits to this. i’m rage quitting and j posting this version i banged out in the span of 15 minutes 😀 anyways.
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FUCK i’m sorry i know this took fucking forever and now i’m delivering mediocrity. loved this req either way this was smf to write. hope you enjoy sweet girl ;)
me when i disappear for a month and come back only to deliver pure dog shit. 🤪🤪
it was a late friday night, which meant ellie was streaming in her room, and you were supposed to be studying.
this week ellie was hosting a special in celebration of hitting 10k subscribers, and was grinding away to finally defeat Resident Evil’s final boss.
you could hear the chat dinging away with message after message, no doubt blasting ellie with compliments on her play, and the occasional comment thirsting over her hands or whatnot. it was nothing new— you’d seen the countless edits of her on your own social media page, and even had a folder of your own favorites saved away on a burner account.
“let me suck your fing- WHAT?! that is a crazy thing to say,” you could hear ellie’s shocked voice. “either way, chat, i’m married…”
“where’s my ring? UP YOUR ASS. c’mon, leave me be, guys,” ellie jokingly whined, bantering with her obsessive fanbase.
you held back a smile of your own, hand pressed to your mouth as she continued to scold the chat for their outrageously filthy messages. what a dork.
“alright alright, im muting the chat. love you guys but i gotta focus now! this is serious shit and i’m low on ammo now, hah-ha,” ellie spoke to the screen, words slightly muffled through the thin wall.
in the living room papers lay strewn across the floor, couch littered with eraser shavings and crumpled post-it notes, yourself splayed atop it all.
studying was a long-forgotten task you abandoned to instead sweep lazily through your camera roll, attempting to clear up some much needed storage.
you stopped abruptly at the thumbnail of an old video, in which depicted a downright sinful image of ellie’s bared neck for you as she arched back in pleasure.
you quite literally salivated at the veins that adorned her sweat-glistened skin, naked chest that was just covered by the play button in the center, goading you to click it.
quiet sounds of ellie’s desperate moans picked up, her head coming up look just above the camera and deliver the most pathetically fucked-out look.
“ple-ease can i cum, mommy?” she whined, voice breaking with every thrust of your fingers, wet squelching in the background a sign of her neediness.
“let me hear you, baby,” you heard yourself coo through the screen, the video becoming shaky as you picked up your pace— before suddenly ending on accident right as ellie let out a strangled whimper.
you met it with one of your own, frustrated with being left on an unfinished high, the throbbing at your core impossible to ignore.
your thighs shifted against one another, wetness pooling in your underwear as you replayed ellie’s final sound in your head over and over again.
your trance was broken by the sound of a frustrated groan coming from behind ellie’s door.
“fuck, i got it this time, i got it, swear,” she cursed as the game’s recognizable ‘revive’ audio cue played.
she could just do this again next week, right?
without a second longer of thinking, you quickly screen-shotted a clear frame from the video, shooting it ellie’s way and sending a quick text to follow.
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ellie choked on her own spit as she clicked the blur away. cough- “fuck-“ wheeze- “shit-“ hack- “sorry, guys, j choked on my own saliva.”
what the fuck? what games were you trying to play?
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you groaned, hearing the firing of guns continue on alongside ellie’s commentary.
sliding your panties aside, you spread your legs to display the mess between them, snapping a quick picture.
you shot back another text.
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“just one more hit, one more one more one m- i- fuck,” you hear ellie stutter. “oh fuck, yep… and i’m dead, ‘kay, sorry guys just give me like 5 i’ll be back. gotta take care of something.”
you heard the slam of her headphones hitting the table and a screech of her chair sliding back against the hardwood floors.
the door swung open, the look in ellie’s eyes making your heart race with anticipation.
“hey els, good game?” you asked innocently from your position on the couch, legs crossed with your arm resting over the back.
“good game? yeah, great game actually,” she replies sarcastically, sauntering her way over to you. “you didn’t happen to need something, did you?” she asks, hopping onto the couch and quirking an eyebrow up.
“me? no…” you trail off as she leans in to brush a kiss across your lips.
“no?” she tucks your hair aside, before leaning in to whisper, “you mind spreading those pretty legs for me then, baby? i just want a look.”
“els,” you whine, attempting to catch her mouth in a kiss.
she avoids it, dipping down instead to rasp words against your racing pulse, “show me.”
you uncross your legs slowly, a damp patch darkening the very center of your shorts.
ellie grabs the leg closest to her, swiveling your body in one swift move to face her direction, placing that leg over the back of the couch as she runs her other hand up your opposing leg.
“fuck, els, i need you,” you say breathlessly, hips bucking into the air.
“let’s get these off,” she replies with a squeeze, tugging at your waistband. “wanna tell me what’s got you texting me like a slut in the middle of my stream? was it the video? my video?”
she dips her thumb into your leaking hole, swiping your arousal up in a messy circle over your aching clit.
“ah- shit! yes, fuck, y’sounded s-so pretty in it, els,” you moaned, nerves overly sensitive from the wait. “please,” you cried out, unsure of what exactly you were begging for, but you needed more.
“so fuckin’ needy,” ellie laughs under her breath, relishing in the loud groan that escapes your lips when she replaces her hand with her mouth, tongue flicking rhythmically against your swollen clit to draw out more of those pretty sounds.
“oh-oh, god, right there, so good- mmph,” you rock your hips up, hand scrambling to tug ellie’s mouth even closer to you, if possible.
mmhm she moans into your pussy, the vibrations making you jerk up as your legs clamp tightly around her head. ellie’s hands dash up immediately to shove them apart, pressing them wide open with an iron grip as she practically growls, “you asked for this. so fucking take it.”
two of her fingers slide easily into you with the next pull on your clit, and you’re arching up in a manner almost identical to ellie’s in the video, whining nonsensically.
“you’re dripping, baby,” ellie tuts, “just couldn’t wait for me, huh?”
she continues to pump her fingers deep into you, curling them on every outstroke to slide against the spot that makes you see stars.
“c’mon, cum all over my fingers,” she teases, whispering sweet praises between kitten licks to your sensitive clit.
with your head thrown back, you couldn’t help but moan her name like a fucking prayer as your walls started to tighten, legs trembling under her grasp as she worked you through your high.
“that’s it, soak my fucking fingers.”
iluvgirls_moms: THAT WAS 1000% A MOAN
elliesleftarm33: guys what the fuck is happening 😀 ellie babes, i think you forgot to mute.
ewilliamsismy_wife: did anyone else j hear ellie’s name. are the voices getting to me?
elliewsjizzfr6996: how to be ellie’s gf no glue no borax? 🥲🥲
yeahhh… looks like ellie owes her subscribers a real big 10k special next week. and an apology.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
hiii i love your most recent levi imagine!!! if you’re available i’d love to see a continuation, it’s so cute, i’d love whimpering levi begging for forgiveness and flushed with utmost embarrassment. your om writing is my favourite fr! hope you have a lovely day <3
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A/N: I think I wrote three versions of this, it really could've ended so many different ways.
LEVIATHAN x gn!Reader, 0.8k words, nsfw/mdni.
Content warnings: continuation of this scene. Insecurity/anxiety, handjobs, suggestive content.
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It takes a few seconds for Levi to realize that someone's in his room, and he jerks his hand away from his cock like it burns. He doesn't yell at them to get out or ask what they want—the only sound he can manage is a pathetic little whine because he had to stop touching himself. After a few more seconds, he realizes it's only you. Ha—only you, as if that's not the worst possible scenario.
You mumble something about forgetting your phone, and he just manages to cover his lap with a pillow by the time you walk around the sofa. He's not sure how he didn't notice the plastic edge of your D.D.D. wedged into the sofa beside him. It's digging into his thigh, but he can't hand it to you—his fingers are still tacky with precum.
Something flickers across your face and it catches him off-guard. He expects anger, disgust, or maybe confusion. He's not sure why you suddenly look nervous, and you shuffle on your feet and bite your lip. What the hell do you have to be nervous about?
His cock twitches underneath the pillow and he's sweating through his shirt, and he can't stop staring at you wearing those clothes that leave nothing to the imagination. He always wondered what you would look like naked, but this might be even hotter. Your shorts are tight and they roll up your thighs slightly, and he'd bet a thousand grimm you're not wearing any underwear either. When you lift your arms, that strip of cloth pretending to be a shirt rides up even more and he gets a nice little nip slip.
You drive him crazy. You need to leave before he does something really stupid, but then he thinks about his brothers seeing you like this and that's even worse. He knows the way they look at you, and they'd probably have the nerve to say or do all the things he wishes he could.
He gets so lost in his own mental spiral of envy and self-deprecation that he doesn't even notice that you moved closer until your legs bump against his. That apprehensive look on your face is gone and he swallows around the lump in his throat when you lean forward. His mouth is cotton-dry and he licks his lips, and his eyes dart down your chest where your not-a-shirt hangs loose and fuck he feels dirty but he can't help but stare—
He jolts when your hand brushes against his thigh. This is the part when he thinks you're going to grab your phone and yell at him for being a gross pervert and storm away. That's what he expects, but that's not what happens—your fingers inch over his thigh and pause at the edge of the pillow instead. Your breathing's a little heavier now and your eyes are molten with lust, and he's never seen you like this before and he wants you so bad.
He's paralyzed with shame and need. He thinks your lips tick up into a little smile before your face becomes a blur, and there's one last warm puff of air against his mouth before your lips press against his. Your hand nudges the pillow off his lap and it falls to the floor at his feet, and he finally kisses you back when he realizes you want this. He pants against your lips after your teeth clack together, and he opens his mouth when your tongue nudges inside and curls with his. His cock starts aching all over again, but you kneel over his thighs and wrap your fingers around him. It's going to be over soon because it's too much, it's nothing like he ever imagined because it's better. He doesn't feel embarrassed about moaning into another sloppy kiss because you echo him with a needy sound of your own.
He spills all over your fingers and his cock twitches because he wants more. Your flimsy crop top makes a better rag than a shirt—you yank it over your head and wipe your hand clean with it while your eyes glance at something over his shoulder. You slide off his lap and head towards his tub. It takes him longer than it should to accept that not only are you still here, but you're half-naked and settling into his nest of body pillows and blankets in his makeshift bed. He recognizes what that dark, half-lidded gaze means and he stands up, powerless to resist you and desperate to follow. Maybe this is a mistake but fuck it—he's not going to refuse you now, not when he's already hard again and his fingers twitch with the urge to rip those dainty little shorts off you. There's so much to talk about, so much he wants to ask, so much he wants to say, but that can wait—there'll be time for talking later.
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Obey Me! Masterlist | Taglist: @l-d-8 @mithrakira @your-next-daydream @xpixie @tortibomb @amberrskiies @angelsdilf @rensphilia @4allthefours4 @a-hidden-gem @lust--on--my--lips @beelsjuicytitties @goldenglow149 @cosmicstarlatte @alexxncl @i-am-empress-irish @ezraiix @bizarrebankai @devildomd0ll @alexxavicry @moon-i-v @ablondehoe @vinsmouke @kiirschtein @halaxia @bookoffracturedescapes
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captain-mj · 10 months
Hiii i wanted to ask If you want to make a Part 3 to the Alien Thing (SoapGhostRoach)
maybe Roach or Soap find out that Ghost is in his mateing phase and want to see what that does to him?
Or maybe Roach still needs more infos so He takes... a closer look at Soap and Ghost?
Yeah I can write another part for it
Part 1 Part 2
Soap had been thinking recently. On his planet, interspecies relationships (from his own planet, not others) were fine as long as they weren't serious. His planet was an anomaly in that no predator species really thrived so most species looked a lot like him with only very small differences. None had managed to get sentience at the very least. It was part of what made his new... partners so exotic he supposed. Nothing like it from where he was from.
Sex was treated differently as well. It was common to have casual sex since interbreeding was impossible. He had long since understood that with Roach, monogamy was more serious. Though harems occasionally existed throughout their history, it did not seem the natural state of them, as they paired up more often than not. There were so many rules to their courting. Dates, something called third base and also asking permission from your partner's family. It was all so strange.
Then there was also a matter of Ghost. His species also used to have harems, though they never quite left it.
The part that Soap had been entertained by was that it was not based on sex or gender. Or even species. They had been building harems of their own species for years before they started going out and exploring the universe. Soap had been surprised when Ghost had been so insistent about their rules around consent. Anyone else, he may have assumed it was naivety, but with Ghost? He believed him. To take away one's choice was an act punished by the worst thing they could due to each other.
Tear the criminal to shreds publicly.
Ghost had proudly told them he had been a part of some of those trials and Roach and Soap had almost started salivating.
Today, Soap and Roach were anxious. Something had happened. Something never before seen or heard of.
Ghost took vacation time.
It wasn't much, just three days, but it wasn't even while they were on a planet!! They were just on ship!
Roach had never seen Ghost take off work. Most people refused to take work off while the ship was moving anyway because there was usually next to nothing to do for long periods of time, so this was extra strange.
Soap hummed. "Maybe we should bring him something? He has to be sick if he's taking off, does his species have an equivalent to salad?"
Roach thought it was very fun Soap would consider salad a food for sick people, but decided he could ask more about that later. "Humans do soup. Would his version be something with raw meat? Seems the best for him."
They put their brain cells together and brought him a steak. Was it unoriginal? yes, but sick people don't need fancy stuff.
Roach went in to his chambers first, one of the few people to have a master key. He went to announce his presence, Soap close behind, but both quickly shut up.
Ghost held the pillow tight over his face. There was no way he could breath easily based on the death grip he had on it. His other hand was furiously jacking off.
It was the most vocal either had seen him. He whimpered and whined and barked just loud enough to get it through the pillow.
"You called off work to jerk off?" Soap joked, though he was now bright red.
Ghost sluggishly reacted to them. He moved the pillow. Beautiful maskless face on display. There was a layer of exhaustion to him that was abnormal. "Fuck off. I was finally fucking close." He sounded miserable, head thrown back. His hand stopped though and he rolled his wrist to get the soreness out.
Roach swallowed, feeling a tiny bit out of his depth. "You okay?"
"Mating season." Ghost hissed at them, tail thrashing angrily. "Please, neither of you are going to want to be around me for the next two days so just get lost." He finally got the idea to cover his body up.
His hand started up again and it was clear the way he was doing it, this had been going on a while and his frustration was mounting.
Roach and Soap exchanged glances. Actually making eye contact.
Soap nodded at the door and Roach locked it. He turned around to see Soap slowly joining Ghost, taking the pillow from his face. Ghost looked at him, groaning.
"Please don't torture me, Johnny." His voice was barely above a growl now. He couldn't imagine the amount of strength to simply put the words together.
Soap put his hands on Ghost's shoulder. "Don't worry, Simon. Just want to help you out."
No sooner had he gotten the words out did Ghost flip them over. He fucked between Soap's thighs, pressing them both tight into the mattress until it was hard for Soap to breath.
Ghost rutted between his thighs until he finally, finally came. He groaned with pleasure and kissed Soap breathless. "Thank you, thank you, fucking hell. I'll do anything just keep letting me do this." His hips only stuttered before continuing.
Roach hummed. "Ghost. You told me that your mating season had minimal effect on you. I would say this is not minimal effect."
Ghost groaned. "It's hitting a bit hard this year, I'll admit."
Soap purred. "Can't say I mind. I have some time I can put in. If you need to be coddled."
Ghost growled but Soap squeezed his thighs and quickly shut him up. He rested his head on Soap. "I do..."
"You do what?"
"...need to be coddled. I thought I'd be fine but please, I need help." He sounded so sad and miserable.
Roach gently ran his fingers through his hair. "You should've said something. We could've helped you." He glanced at Soap's face. "Happily."
Ghost whined. "It's improper. I'm rutting against you like a fucking..." He buried his face in Soap's neck.
Roach hummed. "Continue. Please. I have notes to..."
Ghost groaned. "Gary... please... Can you just pretend you like me? No fucking experiments."
Roach paused. He almost said something, though he wasn't sure what words he could possibly string together. Maybe an apology? He never intended to make Ghost feel that way! Though maybe he should've realized sooner.
But before he could get it out, Soap was turning Ghost of him. "Hey now. You poor thing. What gave you that idea?"
Ghost huffed and his tail lashed. "You two are quite a bit more compatible than I am..." He yanked Soap up and buried his face in his chest. "I'm not like either of you guys."
Roach quickly joined him and kissed Ghost's face all over. "Oh, love. I'm so sorry."
They quickly managed to pin Ghost down and Roach kissed him gently. "I have some vacation time. We'll all put it in. Promise. I think I have some things i need to make up to you."
Ghost relaxed and nodded, panting. "Please..."
They took turns stepping away to inform their respective bosses. Neither wanted Ghost to be alone too long. Roach pushed Ghost so he was laying down and he started to ride him, cupping Ghost's face and smiling at him. He maintained eye contact and if he thought Ghost was gone before, it was nothing compared to now. His pupils expanded until they almost took up the color.
"Course I love you, Simon. Thought you knew that." Roach ground down and Ghost growled, yanking him closer.
"You guys aren't going to be able to walk for the next week."
"I look forward to it."
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menzori · 2 years
Read your charles fic, could there maybe be a sequel that goes smut yk?? Though they get caught again but by either carlos or max hehe 😁😁
Secret kisses pt2
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Charles leclerc x male reader
OH MY GOD?? I PRACTICALLY SCREAMED WHEN I SAW THIS IN MY ASKS? Anyways im a sucker for sub!charles so 🤭🤭 but if you want a dom charles you can ask and i will write a version where charles is the top.
First time writing smut idk how well it went
Content warning: smut , gay idiots in love , sorta public sex , getting caught , sub charles , dom reader , carlos being traumatised , this is absolute filth im sorry
Groaning softly i pulled Charles face closer to mine as i shoved my leg between his keeping them open as he squirmed lightly. "I love you." I muttered not letting him respond before pushing him further into the sofa of his drivers room, kissing him roughly as he whined.
"Want you." He mumbled grasping at my back as i smiled into the kiss. "Where?" I asked stroking his face with my thumb as i pushed my knee into his groin.
"Y/n please.." He gasped running his fingers along my shoulder. "You have to tell me or else i don't know what you want." I informed him before kissing him again to silence his soft whines. "Want your fingers." He whispered making me nod and reach for his belt.
"Gonna make you feel better promise." My voice was breathy as i tugged at his pants he let out a soft mhm as he lifted his hips letting me pull his pants down.
I raised my hand to his face smacking it slightly to make him open his eyes worry flashing across his face before i smiled at him. "Suck." I said gesturing to my fingers making him wrap his mouth around my fingers and suck on them whilst whining. Humming softly i pulled my fingers out his mouth before tracing the tight ring around his hole making him gasp and his eyes close instantly.
Slowly i pushed one finger in making him moan loudly before i slapped my hand over his mouth. "Don't want Carlos hearing hm?" I mocked him making him shake his head whining into my palm. "That's right." I assured him before adding another making him squirm. "Can take it please.." He gasped making me laugh as his eyes screwed tighter at the sound of my mocking tone. I pulled my fingers out making him whimper at the emptiness as i pulled my sweat pants down making him splutter out a quiet please.
"I know baby." I muttered before thrusting into him making him yelp as i put my hand around his neck not applying enough pressure to hurt him as i began thrusting into him setting a fast pace.
"Charles we have a video to fil-" Carlos' words were cut off as my head snapped around to face him. It's not everyday you see your rival balls deep in your teammate. The door slammed making Charles open his eyes. He had somehow remained blissfully unaware about Carlos as he tugged me closer. "Carlos just walked in." I told him making his eyes widen as i pulled out of him.
"We're fucked Charlie."
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kairiscorner · 1 year
i think this falls under your rules, I'm super sorry if it doesn't!!! if I could request some headcanons of either hurt/comfort Noir x (Male or gender neutral) Reader where Noir returns back home after a long time without seeing his partner or being home?? and reader hadn't expected it taking that long so they end up thinking he got hurt or something, and they end up confessing how they wished he'd quit his job as spider-man, I've always had this idea just in my brain i love it sm
Once again, sorry if this doesn't follow within your rules!! hope you have a nice day :)
HELLOOOOO OH, DWWW THIS FOLLOWS ME RULES !! it always will as long as it's not too crazy/offensive in any way, PLUSSSS i love me some delicious angst :> THANKS ANON, HOPE YA LIKE THIS !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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wishing he'd quit. (spider noir x gn!reader - angst headcanons)
when he came back home to you, he honestly wished you didn't know him well enough to know he'd enter through the windows and try his hardest not to make a sound.
he felt guilty he hadn't come home in a long while, staying with a few colleagues of his who knew about his missions and situations, and he knows you called aunt may to ask where he was. that made him even more angry at himself, for worrying the two most important people in his life; he hoped you wouldn't be too heartbroken over his absence, but that would've been selfish of him.
when you caught him entering the house through the window, you were a flurry of emotions. though peter's default reaction to all of them is just, "i'm sorry for worrying you."
when you'd ask him so many questions about where he'd been, what's happened to him, if he was okay, why he didn't bother to phone you--he felt shattered. he wanted to answer you, but he knew answering you would lead to more questions, and a lot of those questions only had one answer that you hated hearing from him all the time: "i have to do it because i'm spider man."
the breaking point came for him when you expressed how much you wished he just gave up the mask and suit and would just... come home to you like he promised. peter knows it's not your fault, it's not your fault for wanting him to come home, wanting to know if he's okay or not, to know that he's safe and sound--but he wishes you could at least spare him some of your whining, because neither of you will know the other's burdens the way either of you do.
"who will save the city if not me? who will make sure not another uncle dies an unjust death, another villain gets their way, that i won't lose you?" he raises his voice and fists at you, though when he realizes just how horrifying he's being at the sound of you whimpering and apologizing, almost on the brink of crying... he feels even more disgusted and angry with himself.
he tries to apologize, but he stops himself as tears form in his own eyes. he can't even look at you, how could he be worthy of looking at you when he's pretty much blamed you for something that wasn't even your fault? he wishes you knew how much he wanted to quit this job, but the city needs him. though... he needs you, all the time.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @thee-fantastic-mrfox @fiannee @arachnoia @ophanimgold @fictarian @yuridopted0
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phantasmiafxndom · 2 years
Since it's your specialty... Could you please write another shark merman hc, but for Leona, Idia and Trey with a rather mean reader that likes to fuck them into the mattress with a little disregard for their limits?
My specialty? What, xeno and mean horny things? XD
Also, here's the first version of this!
. . .
Normally, it's hard to get Leona worked up about much of anything— of course, even he's not too good at keeping his cool when your twin dicks are pressed up against his hole.
"Would you hurry up and do it?" he hisses, tail swishing.
"Of course, your highness," you reply sarcastically, then shove in quite a bit faster than could be considered nice.
A shocked yelp is forced out of Leona's throat, followed by a half-pained keen when you don't stop there. You force his hips up and fuck into him hard and fast, leaving him twitching helplessly underneath you while his body struggles to catch up.
Two dicks are a lot, even for someone with his ego. The stretch has to ache— and it doesn't help when you find just the right angle to brutally scrape over his prostate on every thrust.
Like that, the proud lion is mewling in no time, eyes rolling back as you manhandle his shuddering body right where you want it.
You don't need to touch his dick. Despite all insistence to the contrary, Leona is plenty capable of coming untouched... when he's truly overwhelmed by pleasure, that is.
The only nice thing to do is get him there.
When your dicks slide into him, Idia whines like he's dying.
He's plenty stretched, so you know he's not in any real pain— and yet, just one short, easy thrust has him clawing at the sheets and whimpering yet again, high-pitched and frantic.
"Would you quit whining?" you sigh. "I know I'm not hurting you, so stop being such a little bitch."
"This isn't fai—" Idia starts to complain again, but you cut him off with a much rougher snap of your hips. Judging from the muffled howl that earns, it hit his prostate dead-on... perhaps a little too hard, now that you hear starting to hyperventilate.
Well, there's one way to get Idia to stop freaking out, and that's to fuck him past the point of coherent thought. And you can do that. You fully intend to do that.
You grab one pale, scrawny thigh and hook it over your shoulder, then with the better angle, start pounding him properly.
Idia squeals. His whole body locks up and tries to curl in on itself, and when you just force his legs apart and fuck him harder, he goes from high-pitched noises of distress to moaning like a whore while his hard cock bounces against his stomach.
That's better. Much less whining.
By now, Trey knows better than to complain. He knows you'll fuck him brainless and sobbing eventually, no matter what.
"C-Come on, be a little more gentle, please?"
Asking nicely gets him much farther than being difficult, but you still don't feel like having mercy. Shoving your dicks another inch deeper into his helplessly clenching hole draws a miserable groan out of him... but his cock still twitches with interest.
"Maybe. We'll see how I feel once I'm all the way in." With a fittingly shark-like grin, you haul Trey's hips up and force your dicks the rest of the way into him in one sharp, quick slide.
Trey muffles a near-scream into the sheets— and yet, you don't miss the come that drools weakly out of his flushed dick.
He's learning to like this, one way or another.
"Don't you want to stop thinking?" you ask with a few short, quick twitches of your hips. Trey jolts with oversensitivity every time, groaning weakly, but he doesn't protest. "Come on, baby, I'll fuck you real stupid— until nothing matters at all."
His response, whatever it would have been, is cut off when you start fucking him for real. Now, all that's left is his mindless, drooling face and all-too-honest body's pleas for more.
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folliesandfolderols · 8 months
Writing prompts day 49, 50
From this prompt list. If you've read this far, I'm not sure you need any explanation, but the short version is I hadn't written any fiction since 2019, I set a goal to write at least 150 words/day in 2024, and this list was my way to restart. Also I abruptly decided on day 2 I would write an entire Tim/Damian story connecting all the prompts, because I am Good at Judging My Limits. /sarcasm Anyway, I finished the rough draft a while ago and am now unlocking the old entries as I edit. Buckle in because this one is long.
Read from the beginning here, or on ao3 here
Day 48 here
14. A whispered “Please” slipping out of kiss bitten lips.
27. Soft whines and whimpers; held back noises because they don’t want anyone else hearing them; a plea for more without the use of words.
94. Whispered praises against the other’s lips, which are met with soft whimpers and moans.
Tim didn’t see Damian again for a full week. He threw himself into casework and patrol, going out every night to, as he told himself and everyone else, "make up for all the coverage you took the slack for while I was gone." He could tell no one believed him, but they also didn't question him so he took it as a win. Jason bitched a little about never being able to get the two of them in the same place at the same time for their case, but he didn't really have a leg to stand on given the different ways they could collaborate.
Cass mentioned that Damian had headed for Metropolis to testify in some criminal trial he'd worked on with Jon in his civilian capacity over a year ago. She said it casually to Stephanie, just at the edges of Tim's hearing, and didn't look at him at all. Clearly she suspected something. He resolved never to bring up Damian in her presence.
He was just curling into bed on the seventh morning, staring at the light bleeding in around the curtains and once again remembering Damian telling him he should get shutters installed, when a text from Jason came through. Got a lead.
Tim didn't regret the distraction at all.
tell me
Why do you insist on not using punctuation like a normal human? Okay. There's a connection in Metropolis, believe it or not. They're the second-to-last stop on the northbound route and where the main arteries to the northern Midwest branch out.
so damian's there right now—can he check it out????
He's too busy; has to be in court every day for eight hours a day and Jon has other stuff he's doing. My sources are saying there's a connection with a couple of wealthy Metropolis dudes with ties to organized crime: Rufus Waters and Terrence Galloway. They're the ones taking the hottest girls and putting them to work as escorts etc. so they can get dirt on other rich dudes through them. Tale as old as time.
don't u start singing for me now
Timbo, you don't deserve my dulcet tones. Anyway. These guys love to see and be seen at bougie shit so they can throw their money around. The Metropolis Opera has something called the Aria After Party tonight for "young patrons," which I'm guessing means anyone under the age of sixty. You should go. Bruce keeps a box in Metropolis for when he needs another excuse to go there publicly.
Tim groaned. Opera was a definite acquired taste for him. He pulled up the Metropolis Opera's web site.
ah fuck they're doing the abduction from the seraglio
Is that a hotel? Are they keeping a lot of victims there? How do you even know?
no i mean that's the opera they're performing
Well, shit, Timothy, are you gonna survive a night of caterwauling that's not your fave genre just so dozens of young boys and girls don't get sex trafficked? Because I'd hate to fucking inconvenience you.
no need to get bitchy i'm going it's just i saw it awhile ago and it's kind of racist and not mozart's best work. so will some of the trafficking victims be there with waters and galloway or what?
Yeah, they usually have at least one on each of their arms so they can advertise. Just go with the flow and see what you can figure out. IDK, get wild and crazy and see if you can get one of the girls to leave with you.
Tim rolled his eyes. Yeah, right, like that would be hard. i am extremely charming and all the ladies love me so no worries i've got this
Sure, sure, I'm sure even someone who's being exploited is gonna be a sucker for those baby blues.
why jason i didn't know u noticed do u wanna tell me something
Absolutely, I want to tell you to shut the fuck up and do some detecting tonight. I'll drive down too in case you need backup but I'm gonna stay at that one safehouse Bruce has near Mortimer Bridge. Comms'll be open.
got it.
Tim put his phone on do not disturb and rolled over to his stomach, determinedly squeezing his eyes shut. He was going to get some sleep before he drove across the bay tonight, dammit. Good thing he'd had his best suit pressed recently.
He zoomed down to Metropolis after he took a detour by the Manor to borrow Bruce's Chiron. After all, what was the point of being the sort-of son of one of the richest people in the world if you couldn't drive faster than everyone else even without a mask on? Even when the car was idling at a red light, he could see pedestrians turning to look behind them at the sound of its engine. He grinned at the sight—he'd never deny that he shared the Bat penchant for making an entrance.
The opera itself went as expected. He saw some of Bruce's friends who made the same rounds of charity events and backstage events, and even some of his former classmates from Brentwood. The latter made a point to come to the box during intermission and make idle queries about where he was living, what he was doing, and how his Wayne Enterprises dealings were going at the moment. He kept his best vapid smile firmly in place and kept giving the answers that would get him an invitation to the party Jason had mentioned.
Finally, just as the lights dipped in warning, Jeffrey Chung said, "Hey, dude, there's this after party thing we're going to when the show's over. It's to support the opera and raise money for new carpets or whatever. Wanna come?"
Tim shrugged, though internally he was pumping his fist in victory. "Sure, I don't have to be back in Gotham tonight."
Once the lights were down and the performance had resumed, Tim raised his opera glass and tapped on the nightvision option so he could see across the hall. Galloway had a box opposite Bruce's, but it had been empty at the start of the show. Now, though, both Galloway and Waters sat close together, whispering to each other while the four stunning women with them stared at the stage with various levels of boredom. "You seeing what I'm seeing?" he subvocalized.
Jason replied on the comm. "Yep. Good deal. Hopefully you can get an invitation to one of their homes at the after party and plant some bugs."
"Even if I can't, I can get some into the women's purses, plus Waters' and Galloway's suits." He paused, then added judiciously, "It was a good idea to come here." A complimented Jason was a happy Jason. He was a former Robin, after all.
A brief pause in which he knew Jason was trying to hide his discomfiture. "Yeah, well, only a moron wouldn't have thought of it, so."
Tim suppressed a smile.
The after party was exactly what he'd expected: sponsored by a local entertainment and society magazine at a dark cramped restaurant that was trying to become fashionable, decent drinks, and pointlessly complicated hors d'oeuvres in which figs, liver, and fish were over-represented. Plus conversation in which bemoaning the state of taxation and by-the-way bragging about recent travel played a heavy role. Tim group-hopped with Jeffrey for a few minutes before wandering off on his own to make a circuitous route toward Waters, whose two companions were looking increasingly tired behind their charming smiles.
He approached them from behind, reaching just past their little cluster of people to grab a fresh glass of sparkling wine from one of the side tables. While he was back there, he dropped a combination bug/tracker into the clutch hanging from one of the escorts' arms. By the time he'd straightened, Waters had turned to see who was there.
Up close, he looked like the douchebag he was: floppy nose-length hair parted in the middle into two carefully styled waves, stupidly expensive tie gone askew despite the gold tie clip studded with huge diamonds, the type of puffiness around the jaw that bespoke self-indulgence, ill-fitting suit that he hadn't bothered to get tailored correctly. Kind of a faux pas, son, Tim heard Brucie say with that informal intonation that was an ultra-rich person's way of taking others down a peg or two. Most of the time Tim hated that the voice lived in his own brain, but in this case he felt like the target deserved it.
Guys like this always expected to be known, so Tim fixed a delighted expression on his face and reached to shake hands. "Well, hello there, Rufus Waters! We've got quite a few friends in common but I don't think we've ever officially met. Tim Drake."
Waters gave him a supercilious look down his nose before the name clicked and he returned Tim's grip. "Oh, right, you're Bruce Wayne's, uh . . ." He floundered a bit.
Tim jumped in before he could feel awkward about it. "Right, yeah, he's like a second father to me, taught me most of what I know today, set me up at WE. And who are these lovely ladies?" He turned with his most charming smile to the escorts, who both straightened and returned the expression with a little more enthusiasm than they'd shown previously.
"This is Luz," Waters indicated the Latina on the right, "And Katarina." The white blonde gave him a tiny wave. She stood at least three inches taller than him in her heels.
"You're a lucky man to have two dates when some of us have zero," Tim laughed, clapping him on the shoulder and planting another device in his collar. "Have some pity, give a lonely person a few tips."
"You don't need game to get these girls," Waters said, sliding his hands down to cup each of their asses and pulling them closer. "Just be rich and they'll throw themselves at you. Right, ladies?"
They both laughed and patted him on the chest. "Of course," Luz agreed.
Her eyes were dead despite the sparkling expression in her voice. Tim wanted to throw up, but instead he made a wide enough gesture to drop another tracker into the open mouth of her purse. "Well, then, clearly I'm all set! Luz, Katarina, tell your friends you know someone with lots of money and time who's ready to spend both on them."
"Thought I heard you were more into boys," Waters said, with just a thread of contempt sewn in the sentence.
Tim gave him a smirk and a tiny up-and-down just to watch him squirm. "Hey, I'm an equal-opportunity type of guy."
Katarina's smile turned a bit more genuine at that, and she caressed him from his shoulder to his wrist, where her touch lingered. "I appreciate a man who doesn't set artificial limits for himself." She had a slight Russian accent, but the British inflection was stronger.
Tim couldn't stop himself from blushing a tiny bit. "Oh yeah? And what kind of limits do you set for yourself?"
She raised his hand to chest level and held it in both of her own. He could feel her breath on his knuckles. "Not many, honestly."
Someone bumped into Tim from behind, sending his drink flying onto all three of the others. The women shrieked. He spun, but the culprit had been swallowed back into the crowd and probably didn't even know what they'd done. He turned back to Waters, who was grimacing at the wine splashed across his jacket.
Tim grabbed a cloth napkin from a nearby table and dabbed at it fruitlessly. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry."
Waters waved him off with better humor than he would've expected. "Not your fault. I've got fifty more suits just like this or better. I should probably get back home, though. Some of us were already headed there anyway for a party that isn't as boring as this one. Wanna join us?"
"Do it," Jason said, and Tim agreed.
Waters' house was tacky nouveau riche even for a tacky nouveau riche neighborhood, full of peacock accents, stark white walls broken up with haphazard black and white photographs of tigers, and neon mood lighting in alcoves that made no sense. From what Tim could tell, all the men present were either potential clients for the sex traffickers or were actually part of the profiteers. A few women wore typical black evening dresses and held conversations with the men with business-like expressions, but most of them were stunningly beautiful, in low-cut gowns, and seemed to serve the function of seductive eye candy. Bass boomed from speakers set into the walls, drowning out any conversation more than a foot away, which he had to think was purposeful.
Tim took the first opportunity to make a circuit of all the lower-level rooms and get video of the layout, then withdrew to one of the recessed areas to get a better look at faces.
"Galloway's there," Jason told him. "Just showed up. He and Waters and that woman who looks like a matron from a Romanian orphanage were all talking by the Jacuzzi, but it looks like they're moving inside, probably headed for his study via the kitchen stairs. Get up there before them and you might be able to plant some bugs in good places in time for us to hear their plans. One camera in the hall at the top of the stairs nearest you, one in the study on the bookshelf closest to the window."
Tim started up the stairs, body bent over the railing like he was calling down to someone on the ground floor to hide his face.
"Tim?" Katarina rounded the banister just as he got to the halfway point.
He used it as an excuse to keep his back to the camera as he continued ascending. "Just headed to the bathroom!" he called. "Be right back down."
She gave him a long look, but nodded without saying anything and walked away.
Tim did a backflip as he reached the landing beneath the camera’s range of sight and hit the lens askew with his heel before ricocheting off the wall and down the hallway. Hopefully the cameras were just precautionary measures and no one was watching the video feed at the moment.
"Third door on the left," Jason's voice directed him.
Tim picked the lock in a matter of seconds—what kind of idiot didn't use biometrics for sensitive stuff? Well, he supposed he should be grateful—and entered the study in a crouch, locking the door again behind him. Taking care of the remaining camera proved to be easy work, and then planting his own surveillance devices was no trouble at all.
"Shit, they were faster than I thought they'd be. Go out the window."
Tim dashed to the window facing a side yard fenced in with wrought iron and almost tugged on the sash lock before he noticed it had been painted shut.
"Tim, I'm not joking, they're almost there."
Shadows loomed in the light under the door as Waters' voice reached his ears. "—talked to the people we've got in Tulsa—"
A hot hand grabbed his upper arm and propelled him into a closet he hadn't noticed before, closing the door behind them silently just as the study door swung open with a creak. Tim had just enough time to wonder why the  hell he hadn't fought back before the faintest ghost of Oud-Al-Janaid gave him his answer. His vision adjusted to see Damian's eyes glaring down at him, green in the lamp light now slivered under the bottom of the door.
"Tim, what the fuck is happening? Gimme a report!" Jason sounded pissed, which meant he was actually concerned.
"Everything okay," Tim breathed out, and took the comm from his ear to drop into a pocket.
"Are you checking up on me?" Damian demanded in a whisper so quiet Tim more felt than heard it. The fury came through loud and clear, though. Tim shook his head. 
Cass had started learning ASL several years ago because her own rudimentary signs were frustrating her when she couldn't speak fluently, so the rest of them had learned as well, but they weren't conversational, more at toddler level plus a lot of finger spelling. Toddlers could communicate, though. 
He signed, With Jason. Don't know you here.
Damian replied, good I come. They catch you.
Tim shrugged. Maybe.
He strained his ears, but the closet door was made of quality wood and he couldn't hear the words being spoken outside, just tone. Whatever conversation the three were having sounded like routine business. It didn't matter since the hidden cameras would pick up everything and have it ready for review.
For the first time, he became aware of how Damian was dressed. He wore a long cut tuxedo in dark green, with gold thread embroidered in intricate vines down its front and on the sleeves. Heat climbed up Tim's cheeks at the sight. He had to work to take his next breath evenly. Opera?
Damian nodded. Not box. Already go here after other party. When see you, know you come up to this room, so I wait here.
He'd probably braced himself in a corner of the ceiling just to have the drop on Tim. He narrowed his eyes, struck by sudden suspicion. Drink?
It was Damian's turn to shrug. You mind?
Tim shook his head, clamping his thumb and first two fingers together for emphasis. No. Waters could drown in booze for all he cared, let alone give up a suit jacket to it. It didn't speak well of his powers of observation that he'd missed Damian's presence, though. It wasn't as if he didn't draw the eye.
The study door opened and closed again. They both straightened to attention. Waters and the woman's voices kept talking, but Galloway's was silent, so he must have been the one to leave.
Tim turned his eyes back to Damian and had to fight not to clear his suddenly dry throat. Fuck. Why was he so attractive? It wasn't fair.
Damian gave a tiny sigh as their gazes met. It sounded like regret. Tim didn't know how to fix it, though, so he stood on tiptoes and kissed first one cheek, then the other, then his chin. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
Damian didn't move for a long moment, and kept looking at him with an unreadable expression. Probably he'd just made the situation worse.
But then Damian tilted up his chin with one finger and kissed his forehead, his eyes, his temples. Tim shivered at each delicate brush of lips. His heart swelled in his chest with emotion too significant to define.
And Damian kept kissing him. The curve of his ear, the thin scar on his neck left by Jason a lifetime ago. Tim braced himself with both hands on Damian's hips and let his eyes fall shut. Damian shuffled toward him, closing the few inches between them, arms wrapping around his back and pulling him close to kiss the top of his head. Tim strained his head up to kiss Damian's pulse just below his jaw. Damian let out a shuddering breath at the contact and turned his face so their lips met. Tim encircled his neck with both arms and pulled him down to kiss him harder.
This was so stupid. He was so stupid.
The lump in his throat made it hard to breathe. His heart kept thudding an uneven tattoo, made clumsy with the mingled joy and pain inherent in Damian's touch. He pulled his mouth away, meaning to say something, anything that would help instead of hurt. Instead, Damian took advantage of the pause to hoist him against the wall by his thighs. Tim wrapped his legs around his waist and clung.
Unlike the last time he'd pinned Tim this way, Damian's body was strung tight with tension. He angled his hips into Tim's. Tim bit his lip against the frenzied sound that wanted to break free as their erections pressed together. Damian shoved one big hand into his hair and tilted his head back to kiss him with ardent force. Tim opened up and let him in deeper.
I'm sorry, he tried to say through his touch, through the tiny whimpers he couldn't entirely strangle, through the kisses he nipped against Damian's mouth. I'm so, so sorry. I do want you. I really do.
He wasn't sure if Damian understood what he was telling him. He wasn't sure he wanted him to.
Damian fumbled between Tim's legs, getting his suit pants open, and pulled out his cock. Tim whined feather-soft against his mouth at the relief of freedom from the confines of clothing. He yanked the sole fastened button of the tuxedo jacket free and parted the sides to reach Damian's trousers, unfastening them as well until his searching fingers found their goal.
Damian bucked into Tim's grip as Tim fitted them together in his hand. "Please," slipped out of his lips in a quavered whisper, and he gripped their lengths in one of his hands as well, moving in tandem with Tim's strokes. It was a little rough at first for Tim without lube, but Damian was leaking precome all over both of them, enough to smooth the way after a second.
They rocked against each other for long moments. Tim lost track of how much time had passed, or whether he was being quiet enough. The necessity of making Damian feel better buried every other concern. He looked up at the handsome face currently slack with arousal, begging silently for absolution. The care in Damian’s touch felt like a plea of its own.
His lips parted as he panted for air, and Damian slid his thumb between them. Tim sucked on it without thinking, and that was all it took to get Damian to stiffen from head to toe and spurt hot over his cock and fingers. His chest heaved, though his breathing stayed soundless.
Tim relaxed against the wall, letting Damian's thumb slip from his mouth, nearly as satisfied from feeling Damian's orgasm as he would've been from coming himself.
Damian clearly didn't share the sentiment. He buried his face in the crook of Tim's shoulder and inhaled against his skin, then renewed the motion of his hand around Tim's erection. Tim squirmed, almost overstimulated in the bad way, but Damian directed his legs down so he was standing again and that helped, to be able to push against something with his feet.
"There you are," Damian murmured against his mouth, practically soundless. "You're so lovely when you're like this." Tim moaned in the back of his throat at the praise and throbbed in Damian's grip. "Stunning. You'll come for me now, won't you? Let me feel it."
Helpless, Tim slapped one hand over his mouth and came so hard it almost hurt.
When his eyes and ears started working again, Damian had turned away and was listening intently at the door. His clothes were back in place. How had he managed to put himself together while Tim was still a mess? Grimacing, Tim pulled his handkerchief out and wiped himself off, then set his own pants back to rights.
With a satisfied nod, Damian said, "They're gone. We can leave." He pushed the closet door open.
Tim fought the urge to force a conversation at this exact moment and followed him down the stairs, fitting his comm back into his ear as he went. There were still plenty of guests milling around. Jeffrey caught sight of him in the foyer, and by the time Tim extricated himself from the goodbyes he had to say, Damian was long gone into the night.
“Was I hallucinating, or did I see the baby bat leave just now?” Jason asked.
Tim couldn’t keep his shoulders from slumping in defeat. “No. I saw him too. We didn't really talk, though.”
day fifty-one here
(p.s. the Brucie line in here is an affectionate shout-out to one of my favorite Superbat fics, "Sometimes, Always, Never," by liodain.)
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dr4cking · 3 years
I just came across your blog and I love your writing so much. Can I request where reader and draco are in a secret relationship so she likes to tease him in public by flirting with guys!? And he gets like so possessive and fucks the living shit out of her 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : thank you for requesting! this was so fun to write! <3
this is one of the most excited things she got when she signed a deal to be in a relationship with the one and only, draco malfoy.
they have been secretly dating for 7 months and the fact that no one know about this, making the adrenaline of getting caught more exciting.
y/n loves how draco would treated her like she is the only girl for him, which is true. but she also likes how she would seek a chance of getting him worked up when she gets on his skin then she would get what she wanted.
like now, it was no different days but she decided she would add some fun today, she loves when he goes rough with her in bed and now she makes sure she would get it without having to look desperate.
y/n smirked as the brightest idea popped up in her mind. draco is the type of jealous and overprotective boyfriend, so why doesnt she proves it today?
she admit she was kinda scared when she saw the angry version of her boyfriend but she loved it at the same time. she likes to tease him, knowing he cant do anything.
and if this how she would get what she wanted then she would take it.
she walked out of her dorm and run downstairs, she knew draco already waiting for her in the great hall. it would be the perfect chance for her.
her eyes looking for the blonde haired guy as soon as she entered the great hall and she found him already looking at her, his eyes were telling her to sit near him,
but no, not today.
y/n took a seat beside theodore nott, a friend of draco who would always take his chance to flirt with all the girls who passed by him.
“hey nott, you’re looking good today” y/n raising her voice a little bit louder on purpose, draco who sat across them already fuming at her flirty voices.
“hey y/n its all you, looking hot as always.” she laughs although its not really funny, she cringed at the way her laugh sounds but play it along when she heard a thumped sounds from a fork dropped to the plate.
y/n continues her flirting with theo touching his arm and laughing about his jokes until it was time for their class. she looks at draco’s red face and give him a wink and a smirk.
“what the fuck is up with your bratty behavior today?” draco asked as he walks past her, he makes sure no one was looking in their direction.
“who are you calling brat? because i’m for sure not one.” y/n replied giving him her sly grin before she runs to the class not giving him the chance to answer her.
they were sitting next to each other in potions class, draco tried his best not to distracting the class by calling y/n’s name at any chance he got but she was still ignoring him and told him it was nothing.
“baby, did i do something wrong?” she swore she almost wanted to stop all her game when she heard the intonation in his voice but she decided to be stubborn.
“its nothing draco i promise” y/n shoots him a smile reassuring him, the least she could do right now.
professor snape called out and announce that they’re gonna make a new potion and have to partner up with someone and when he listed her name with harry potter, she couldnt get more excited as she look at draco and shot him an apologetic smile.
“hey y/n, could you bring the ingredients i’m still working on how to make this properly” she nodded at harry’s order and get the ingredients immediately but not before taking a look at draco and swaying her hips on her way making him glared at her.
“here, harry. so, what’s the first step?” y/n asked and do what harry instructed.
she keeps asking him not-so- important questions to keep their conversation going but to make it worse she touched his arm on purpose and twirling her hair.
draco behind her already watching every move she made.
but whats make draco more mad is when they finished the potion and y/n jumped happily as they successfully made the potion and give the chosen one a tight embrace.
draco stormed out of the class balling his fists up, anger radiates off of him making all people passed by him to back off a little. y/n noticed this right away feeling guilty and decided to follow him but he was nowhere at the sight.
she was still looking around for draco asking people if they’ve seen him but the answer is no.
until a cold hand grabbed her wrist harshly and pulling her in one of abandoned class. she yelped when the person lock the door and put his hand on her mouth to muffled her scream.
“you did that on purpose, dont you, brat?” y/n rubbed her thighs together as she recognized the deep voice behind her, its draco.
“now you gonna have to stay quiet and be a good girl for me while i teached you some lesson, yeah?” she only nodded at him cant speak as his hand still on her mouth.
“for the whole day i’ve been wondering what i did wrong to make you act like an ungrateful brat. but all i see now is that you just need to be tamed, right?” draco whispers into her ear guiding his free hand down to the bottom of her skirt after y/n gives him a nod of permission.
he sneaked his hand under her skirt and put it in her panties rubbing her cunt getting her aroused then he pushed in his fingers into her without warning making her body jolt out.
“you just wanted to be fucked braindead, yeah? what a dumb girl” his hand still remain on her mouth not trusting she would be able to keep her voice down.
y/n put her hand on his hand that were buried deep inside her and pushing his fingers deeper into her starting to fuck herself on his fingers making him chuckle.
“think you deserve to cum after what you did earlier, hm?” draco said taking all the control in his hand and starts to thrusting his fingers deeper and faster.
his long fingers abused her cunt just like the way she needed and when he curls them inside she screamed, luckily his other hand still covering her. she was squirming there and then under his touch.
y/n rolled her eyes back in pleasure when his fingers meet her spot and pumping into it over and over again.
draco feels her walls clenching around him and quickly pulled them out of her leaving the girl whining.
“think about the consequences next time, princess.” draco turns her around and pushes her chest against the wall, placing her ass right in front of his crotch.
“i’m sorry i’m sorry draco! please i need to cum.. fuck me please dray punish me!” y/n finally let her voice out as his hands are too busy roaming around her body.
a hard smack delivered to her ass making a loud sound causing her to whimpered at the sting.
“stay quiet princess or i will not consider about giving you the chance to cum” she shuts her mouth instantly as draco unbuckled his pants letting it falls to his ankle.
y/n cant help but letting out high pitched moan when his hand came in contact with her marked ass again and when he pushed her panties aside finally lining up his cock against her entrance.
“now you will remember who you belong to.” draco said as he slammed all of his cock inside her, pounding into her right away not giving her time to adjust.
“oh fuck! y-yes dray..” y/n moans out loud which earned her another slap on her sore ass.
“quiet, brat” she tried to hold her moan by biting her lips but it just slipped off of her especially when his tip hit her spot.
draco’s eyes rolled back in pleasure, groaning quietly as he let himself disappear inside her going in and out of her with snaps of his hips, each time it gets harder and faster.
he roughly squeezed her breasts through her shirt making her shirt ruffled and messy before letting his hand down to circling her clit.
“make yourself cum, y/n.” he slaps her sensitive clit a few times making her writhed, ripping her orgasm through her body, she doesnt care anymore when she moaned his name out loud.
“feels so fucking good” with the last thrust, draco stilled and shoots his thick cum into her non stop, painting her walls white with his liquids over and over again making the girl moaned when her panties became sticky.
draco pulls out and put his pants back on. he stared at her fucked out body before turning her around to face him and quickly pressing their lips together kissing her passionately.
“next time just ask me if you want your needy pussy to get pounded hard by me. dont you dare do that stunt ever again.” y/n nodded at his words giving him a cheeky grin. sweats running through their bodies.
and when they opened the door, all the students that passed by giving them a weird look, draco smirked at them before pulling y/n back into a deep kiss.
pls i love this one-
tagging : @dracoscum (unblock me hoe) @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @famishedbeak @arzfia @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
drabble prompt 47 where you take in like, a small dragon/creature dice cause you found him injured and he's just decided to Stay? interacting with creatures, especially in more of a pet sense, is highly forbidden an they'd call you crazy for taking one in, but you just can't help but have a silent attachment to the lil thing, even if it does make too much noise when you're trying to do your every day routine
Okay this one was really cute and super fun to write! I could honestly imagine an older, shape-shifting dragon!Dice for fantasy!au. But imagining him as a tiny little dragon-like creature is also so adorable! (In my mind I imagined him to look like the mini-dragons in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when they reach into the bag and pull out small versions of the real, huge dragons that they have to fight)
47. “Can you please stop making that noise?”
The small dragon-like creature that was currently perched atop of your wooden table whined in neediness as you bustled about the kitchen, doing your chores. At the sound of the whimpering, you sighed and spared a glance at the blue and gold scaled creature with purple eyes. His left wing was still poorly bandaged after you had tried to repair it and you wondered if it was still hurting him.
“What is it now, Dice?” you asked, nervously.
You had begun to use the name you had thought was most fitting for him after finding small dots on his wings shaped like little die. You could only hope that nobody was around to see you talking to the dragon – pets of this nature were forbidden in your world, and the idea that you had grown so fond of it as to name it was even more preposterous.
Dice, however, didn’t seem to share your concerns as he let out another needy cry, plopping down in an adorable half-seated position, eyes big and hopeful.
“Can you please stop making that noise before someone hears you?” you hissed, trying to shush the small creature. “Are you hungry? Is that it?” you asked. At the mention of food, Dice excitedly cooed, moving towards your hand and rubbing against it fondly. You sighed but went to grab some extra bread from the pantry, hiding it in your sleeve before walking back over to Dice.
“Here. Don’t eat it all at once, alright? Otherwise you’re gonna – ” you had barely finished your sentence as Dice hopped forward to stuff the entirety of the bread into his mouth, cheeks puffed out as he chewed happily, softly cooing. You couldn’t hold back a smile as you gently pet underneath his chest.
“You’re ridiculous,” you chuckled, endearingly.
Dice happily laid down, now full and content to have you slowly pet him. You wondered when you first became so attached to him, but quickly pushed away the thought. It was hard enough to keep him hidden and you didn’t need the anxiety of thinking of all the times you could have been caught with the small dragon.
Touching one of the golden bead-like balls that rested on the spikes near his tail, you pursed your lips and pointed a finger at him as though you were talking to a child.
“Now just stay here while I finish working, okay? And try to stay out of sight…otherwise we’ll both be in trouble.”
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getoswhore · 2 years
Gonna start this off that Easter can be seen a s religious, but this is for Bella so please shush. Also, Bella…hope you like. I know its not as good as yours are, and I am a bit…quite a lot, rusty with my smut writing, but enjoy! I had fun writing it, and as long as you like it, I’m happy, but constructive criticism is always welcomed.
Easter is one of the most celebrated holiday’s in the world. The same could be said for Geto’s family as they were running around setting the table for the newly wedded couple who were married the day before. Suguru and Bella smiled with joy as they saw their closed loved ones help their darling angels set up the table for this marvelous holiday. Little did Bella know, but once everyone went to bed, and they created the adorable children’s Easter baskets, that Suguru had an amazing idea to shower his wife with. He smiled softly at how her beautiful hair was done up, his face lighting up into a small blush as he began to imagine how it would look later that night.
              “Darling?” His deep voice gently wisped over Bella’s ears. “Come here.” He motioned her over with his fingers as he pointed at their children running outside trying to find the most eggs. “Thought you would want a picture taken..” He whispered against her ear, seeming to cause hers to heat up since she felt his chest against her back.
              She always loved that about him, outside of his gorgeous looks, hair, and body, he always seemed to care for their children no matter what the circumstances were. She let out a beautiful smile, one that simply took Suguru’s breath away every time he saw it. “So, it seems, would you mind getting the camera for me?” She asked him while her darling husband let out a chuckle, gently kissing one of her sweet spots along her neck as a way of saying ‘certainly’. He left her admiring the children outside, seeing them gently battle each other, knowing if they were too rough, they would get scolded by either parent.
              Suguru came back and handed over the professional camera to his wife. He always gave her what she wanted and treated her like a Queen. He promised that to her on their wedding day anyway. He watched her take the small photos of their daughter and son running outside. He gently wrapped his bigger arms around her small waist. While she was quite tall, he towered over her by about 6 inches, leaving her to still look up at him. He made her feel dainty, almost like a beautiful flower, or a porcelain doll, to where one touch too strong would break her, even if that was far from the case. He chuckled as she seemed to let out a squeak when his hands gently grabbed her sides, stabling her between his arms.
              “Much better” he whispered, still against her skin, which he could tell she was blushing, while it wasn’t present on her face, by how much heat radiated off her body. He noticed all the small things about her which is why he is always the better husband…and if anyone challenged that, they would go missing within the fortnight. He smiled as she watched their two heathens (adorable babies…but all kids are hellions) together.
              Family dinner came and went, so their babies were put to sleep with the promise of the Easter Bunnies (AKA Brownie) visiting them in their sleep. Suguru chuckled once he realized the two were completely gone, helped Bella finish with the egg hunt of clues and the basket preparation before whisking her off to bed. There the adult version of Easter began.
              “God...you have no idea how long I just wanted to take you and put another one in you..” He whispered along her skin, each word leaving a butterfly kiss as he dipped lower and lower, gently rubbing between her legs as he slowly worked his way down. He ended up having to tie her arms up to keep her hands out of his hair, knowing that made him go feral. He smirked at the small whimpers and whines that left her beautiful mouth, the sounds only fueling him more to continue. “Hush, Love, as much as I would want to hear you beg and scream for me…we do have sleeping children, longing for a sister or brother, sleeping beside us.” He winked as he watched her bashfully try and hide her face.
              He moved one finger around the dampening spot along her panties while moving his middle and ring fingers in almost a teasing way. “Such a good girl~” He purred out and brought her lips down to his for a kiss. (Hear me out) His tongue piercing gently clinking with the roof of her mouth as the two started into a heated make out session. Suguru smirked hearing her whisper his name from her lips, as he continued to rub her lower lips, in hopes of her begging him to stuff her full. “What is it Princess?” He asked, pulling away from the kiss, a trail of saliva left among her lips being the only thing left of him. “I can’t understand you.” His eyes were hooded, looking at her as if she was a meal, and he was starving. He moved his lips, down her neck, to her chest where he played with the fabric of her night shirt. He moved it off of her head—rather ripped it down the middle but he would always by a new one so who cares—and gently moved his mouth to the valley of her breasts. He gently cupped one while he began making out with the other.
              He moved his mouth to the other one, his fingers playing with her nipples, almost in a teasingly slow motion, much like what his mouth was doing. He chuckled lowly at how her eyes looked at him, begging for him to fix her, to please her, but he decided to take his time. His tongue ring paying extra attention to each one of her nipples when his mouth was on it, all while his other hand played with her dripping cunt. He smirked against her skin when he felt the slick get even worse. “Awe, Baby..” He whispered among her skin, that was starting to have a small sheen of sweat appear, though the difference between that and saliva was questionable, not that Suguru minded.
              He continued his path down to her cunt, one that was still covered by her adorable panties. They were not going to be in Suguru’s way much longer, though. The sheer smell of her was causing his brain to turn slowly into mush. “Hm~ seems you always get so responsive..” He whispered, more to himself that to her. He watched as her body moved with the way she panted, the soft rising and falling of her chest, his eyes seem to darken. He was finally fed up and completely ripped her panties off of her clothed pussy. He took a sharp inhale, pocketing the ripped garments into his back pants pocket. He quickly dove his nose there and took a deep whiff, a small groan leaving his lips at how heavenly she smelled.
              Suguru, teasingly, began to kitten lick, only for a few moments later, began to fully devour her sobbing cunt. His licks were aggressive, almost that of a dehydrated animal, and he was beginning to leave bruises on her pretty thighs. Bella could do nothing but take it. Her arms still trapped along her head as she withered and squirmed from what her husband was doing to her, all while she tried to keep quiet to not wake her beautiful children. Bella’s eyes began rolling back as her body shivered along his lips when he began paying extra attention on her little clit. Suguru’s eyes looked up at her through the valley, watching her every facial expression like she was a painting. He continued to lick, suck, and gently nibble on that small bundle of nerves until Bella was almost ready to cum, only for him to pull back at the last second. Her sheen translucent liquid dripping down his chin as he removed the rest of his own clothing. He, with predatory eyes, watched her breathing as she panted, the glistening of her cunt and even her own hooded eyes looking back at him caused him to almost growl at her, seeing her trying to squirm over to him. He stood, as tall and manly as he was, his hair completely out of the man bun he normally was found with, staring at his beautiful wife.
              “Hold still love..: He whispered as he got on top of her, flipping her body to spy a mirror at the back of the bed, one Suguru placed there earlies, already having this in mind. “Eyes on the mirror…don’t break eye contact or I’ll make sure you have more than just a new necklace, ‘kay Pretty?” He whispered next to her ear, gently kissing her cheek, leaving a small trail of what was left from down below. He would’ve loved to have her taste herself, but he was too needy now and frankly wanted another baby. He smirked darkly as he slid in, watching her eyes roll back at the full feeling and he bottomed inside of her, loving how she clenched around him. “Hm~ So tight..” He muttered, letting out a small pant. He waited to see if she needed adjusting, because he was still a loving husband after all. When he noticed she was ready, he began thrusting. He thrusted deep inside of her, hitting the spots that made her vision blur and stars to appear before her eyes, something quite common when Suguru finally had his way with her. He flipped her back over, allowing her to see the mirror above them as well, he could see her fucked face, the drool slowly leaving her, the white ring forming around his heavy balls as he continued to abuse her poor cunt. “Such a good girl..” he whispered against her neck, moving and capturing her lips again. He felt her tightening around him, making his own feel heavier than normal. He grunted as she came, letting out a gorgeous noise that sounded like bells chiming among his brain. Suguru grunted, fucking her though her orgasm, as he pumped his own load inside of her a few minutes later.
              Bella’s eyes were heavy, while there was not a lot of action, watching and dealing with the family before this tired her out. She was about to close her eyes before Suguru began thrusting again. “Oh? You thought you were done?” He chuckled deeply beside her. “I think another four rounds should make sure you bear another child for me…yeah?” He pretended to ask, Bella could only nod, knowing this was about to be a long Easter night.
Holy shit is this long...Anyway, Happy Easter!! Love You!!
i am in pure shock rn
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dsmp-agere-stuff · 3 years
Hello Jade ! it’s 🍒 again but could you write little!ranboo with cgs!tubbo and tommy? for plot maybe ranboo has been stressed with syndicate meetings, but when he wakes up regressed he’s confused because he’s never done it before. he becomes overwhelmed and scared so he gets tubbo. tubbo understands but has never been a cg so he calls tommy (tommy has been a cg to wilbur before) so tommy comes over, him and tubbo take care of ranboo. maybe they play hide and seek / tubbo carrying ranboo thanks!
Sorry this took me a while to get to!! It came out a lot more angsty than usual, so- beware of that.
Tw: described panic attack that ends after ——, Shame about regression, believing you aren’t deserving to regress
Ranboo rolled over in his bed and stuffed his face into the pillow, shaking his head some to burrow it in more. He pulled his blanket closer and hummed into whatever was in his arms. He whined when a piston went off somewhere and burrowed his face into the thing he was holding, which was a grass plush. He looked up once the sound was over and carefully got up, trying to find something to eat, but wobbled too much to get all the way to the fridge. He just sat down on the floor and whined to himself, going to bite his nails. He looked around for something to get, too tired, he thought, to really think. Which meant he couldn’t do anything, which sucked. He knew he had stuff to do today! He had meetings!! He had to tell Techno that Quackity was being mean!! He wasn’t supposed to be tired now!
Ranboo rubbed at his face with his sleeves to try and get the water off his face, staying on the ground as he got a message from his little communicator.
Tubbo. Tubbo was supposed to- Tubbo-
Ranboo’s Brain was far too foggy to read and he was absolutely not telling Tubbo about this of all things. So, he just slid it to the side and went from chewing on his nails to sucking on his thumb, trying to calm himself down about the meeting by reasoning with himself, which was usually the opposite of what actually happened, like this time, where he just catastrophized himself into a corner.
His communicator was an awful background noise to the whole thing as he finally got the energy to get up and start pacing around, still wobbly but needing to move in some way. He almost tripped so many times but he managed.
Someone knocked on the door and opened it anyway, “Why’re you ignoring me!” Tubbo joked as he knocked on the ladder downstairs, expecting Ranboo to be busy.
Ranboo let out a little whimper, shaking his head out of guilt, not getting that Tubbo was joking.
Tubbo heard the noise and ran upstairs with a laugh until he saw Ranboo and paused, “yo. You okay boss man?”
Ranboo shook his head and messed with his clothes, still pacing.
“Hey, hey.” Tubbo walked closer to him, “what’s wrong? What do you need?”
Ranboo shook his head again and rubbed at his face with his sleeves.
“Tissues?” Tubbo guessed.
“Nooo!” Ranboo Drew out in almost another whine, then looked down in what seemed like shame, still walking.
Tubbo rolled his eyes, “work with me dude.”
Ranboo made a softer version of aggressive noises he could make, still tearing up.
Tubbo sighed, “I’m calling Tommy, okay? Let’s get you to sit down, okay?”
Ranboo shook his head more.
Tubbo glanced at the block on Ranboo’s bed, “just mess with your blocks, man. I have to talk to Tommy.” Tubbo sent Tommy a message about it.
Ranboo begrudgingly went and grabbed the block, stuffing his face in it again. He continued to pace, holding the plush as tight as he could. He couldn’t remember where he got the plush from but he didn’t care, it was making him think a bit less and that helped.
Tubbo came out from the corner of the room and went over to Ranboo, “Hey, Ranboo, are you little?” He asked softly, trying to not be too alarming in case Tommy was right.
Ranboo just looked confused and shook his head, not even looking Tubbo’s way. Tubbo huffed and continued to text Tommy, “Tommy’s gonna come over to check on you, okay? He knows mental health stuff better than most of us, sadly.” Tubbo shrugged and went to the corner again
Tubbo looked around the room while Ranboo started to rock himself in place, singing to himself in light little noises.
Tommy eventually ran in and was clearly holding in his usual yells, “alright, what is this then?” He exaggerated his accent to try to cheer Ranboo up, maybe.
Tubbo sighed, “Ranboo’s being a downer- more than usual.”
Tommy watched Ranboo for a moment, then went over and tilted his head, “you scared, big man?”
Ranboo immediately shook his head and bit onto the plush, looking away from Tommy.
Tommy took a step back, “hey, hey, it’s fine.” Tommy turned to Tubbo, “he is *so* little. Tubbo, he’s literally babbling.”
Tubbo shrugged, “hey, I don’t know what it is.”
“It’s your husband!”
Tubbo sighed, “yeah, but you kinda need to tell me what to do ta- ya know- deal with it??”
Tommy rolled his eyes and shrugged, “I mean you have a kid right?”
Ranboo finally let out a little vwoop, glaring at the two’s heads.
“Sorry.” Tubbo mumbled.
“Just treat him like any other kid.” Tommy suggested.
Tubbo nodded confusedly and walked over to Ranboo, not looking up at Ranboo, “hey, big man, let’s sit on the ground, okay?”
Ranboo glanced down then carefully sat down, pulling his legs close to himself.
Tubbo smiled and laid on the ground, “you have no clue what being little is, huh?”
Ranboo shook his head.
“Well, neither do I. Tommy!” Tubbo got up and gestured for Tommy to sit down.
Tommy gave Tubbo a face then sat down in front of Ranboo. “Fine, fine.”
Tubbo smiled, “I’ll go get us food.”
Tommy and Ranboo just sat near each other for a bit, until Tommy spoke up, “sooo- regression.”
Ranboo mumbled something against the plush.
Tommy sighed and set his bag to the side and started unpacking it, “what’s a good way to phrase this... okay, okay, so you know how like, we all cope with the ssstuff that happened on the smp. The usually coping method is you know making a new country. Wonder what that says about Karl... anyway! A probably like- better one is what you’re doing, which is called, you guessed it, age regression!”
Ranboo was too tired to guess anything, trying to find a comfy spot to sit, but the floor was stone so that wasn’t happening.
“It’s like- you feel like a kid and you act like one? And it helps?” Tommy scrunched up his face, then shrugged, “Wilbur did it before... you know and like. It did calm him down some. He was really fun too, like how a puppy is fun for like the first 10 minutes, but drag it out for- I don’t know? An hour? Who cares, you get what I’m saying.”
Ranboo has absolutely no clue what Tommy was saying and just nodded, scooting closer for comfort.
Tommy rolled his eyes in mock annoyance and got close enough for Ranboo to lean on him, which he did. Tubbo came up with a bunch of crackers and things to go with it, “yooo?”
Tommy shrugged with his free shoulder and held out his hands for the food.
Tubbo set the plate in front of the two.
Tommy looked over at Ranboo, “we should get you regression things.”
Ranboo shook his head, “no nee’.”
Tommy rolled his eyes, “do.”
“You do.”
“Ranboooo, come on, big man. You can’t tear your plushies to shreds.”
Ranboo pulled his mouth far away from where he was biting it, pouting and whining.
Tommy snorted, “you know I’m right.”
Ranboo shook his head, “won’ b’ b’b.”
“Huh.” Tubbo asked mid bite.
“You’re almost definitely going to be a baby again. We should be prepared for that, at least a little bit, you know?”
Ranboo stuffed his face in the plush again, “nooooo-“
Tommy huffed, “why not?”
“Go’a ‘tay biiig!” Ranboo bounced on of his legs.
Tommy shrugged, “you really don’t have to. Tubbo and I and like- your other friends can help watch you whenever.”
“Listen, if it helps you, poggers man.”
Ranboo made a loud screech and threw his plush to the wall, then ran over to his bed, getting on it and hiding under the blanket.
Tommy and Tubbo both stopped mid everything and watched Ranboo, confused as to why he was suddenly so agressive.
Tubbo took the grass plush and set it next to Ranboo on the bed. Ranboo got out of the blanket to take it and put the blanket back over. Tubbo sat in that spot and gently laughed as Ranboo immediately hugged him around the stomach. Tommy sighed and went over to the other side of Ranboo’s bed, “we’ll talk about it when you’re big. For now... how old you feel, big man?”
Ranboo shrugged and hugged Tommy’s arm, trying to hug both and the plush. Tommy messed up Ranboo’s hair, “you seem like a tiny little toddler.”
Tubbo smiled and rubbed Ranboo’s ring, “sooo, just about carrying age?”
Ranboo very audibly gasped and held his arms out.
Tubbo snorted, picking Ranboo up carefully, “there we go.”
Ranboo was immediately almost bouncing out of Tubbo’s grip out of joy. He babbled and vwooped out something neither one of them knew, but both cooed at the cute noise.
Ranboo kept babbling, pointing at things and telling them about whatever he felt like, trying to gesture to further elaborate, but at some point Tommy gave him a rattle (made from a little jar, beads, and a stick) and Ranboo gave up trying to make sense in favor of making as much noise as he could. Tubbo tried to respond as well as possible. Ranboo just enjoyed them both listening, almost talking himself back to sleep.
Tommy helped get Ranboo back in bed, “now I’m gonna get you more little toys, got it?”
Ranboo let out a good whine before shoving his face back into the grass plush.
Tubbo sighed and pet Ranboo, “you cool with me staying here?”
Ranboo nodded and gestured to Tommy with his shoulder, still nodding.
Tubbo took a breath, “we’ll be downstairs if you need anything. I’ll send Enderchest up.”
Ranboo let out a happy vwoop before genuinely trying to sleep.
“Night big man.” Tommy mumbled.
Tubbo pet Ranboo more, “Night, Ranboo. Love you.”
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raibebe · 4 years
Birthday Girl
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Genre: Smut Words: 6.030 Pairing: Mingyu x Wonwoo x female reader poly relationship Warnings: Meanie/Wongyu (member x member elements, y‘all have been warned), double penetration, dom/sub undertones (subspace?), daddy kink, slight degradation
A/N: This was originally written as a birthday present for @min-inu​ almost a month ago late at night in her dm’s because that’s apparently the only way for me to write Seventeen smut and today I present you the cleaned up and extended version of what I originally wrote at 1am. This is somewhat of a sequel to Triple Threat. No need to read it though, it‘s also basically PwP but set in the same universe, so if you enjoy these dynamics, give it a read. This has somewhat more of a plot though... I have no idea if this is actually possible like this, but this is fiction and I tried to make it realistic to an extent.
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Today was your birthday and you probably hadn’t been this excited about this day since you had been around ten years old. The day had already begun great: The sun’s rays that had tickled your nose had woken you up in the arms of one of your boyfriends that he had sneaked around you and below the big shirt that you had most definitely stolen from Mingyu. Wonwoo had his chest pressed against your back where you could feel the even rhythm of his breaths, indicating that the sunlight wasn’t bothering his sleep in the slightest. Carefully squirming out of his hold, you closed the curtains so he could get another couple of minutes of sleep before you slipped into the kitchen where a small breakfast with a little note written in the messy handwriting of your other boyfriend was already waiting for you. You smiled and quickly read over his saccharine words before eating the fluffy pancakes he had made.
After you had finished the delicious yet a little cold meal and put the dishes in the sink, you quickly scribbled a little heart and a ‘thank you’ on the little paper, sticking it to the fridge. After taking a look at the big clock in your living room, you decided that you still had enough time for a shower before you had to leave for your only class of the day and your shift at work. Because it was your birthday after all, you not only treated yourself to a scorching hot shower but also rubbed some expensive body lotion into your skin before getting dressed in a simple outfit. Nothing of the noise that you had made had seemed to have bothered the still sleeping Wonwoo who instead of you was now hugging your pillow tightly. Smiling you pressed a kiss to his forehead, making him wrinkle his nose adorably before mumbling something incoherent and burying his face deeper into the pillows. Committing the sight to your brain, you quickly gathered your things and softly closed the apartment’s door to go about your day.
Once your class was over, you had your shift at work and after that your parents would treat you for dinner. But what really made you excited was that you got to spend the late evening with your boyfriends who had promised that they both would be at home and didn’t need to finish any essays or needed to study for exams. It had been a while since all three of you had spent time like this and you were basically buzzing with excitement during dinner. When your parents had commented on it, you just said that your flatmates had planned a movie night with your favorite movies for you. To them that was all that Mingyu and Wonwoo were to you because how should you explain to your parents that you had two boyfriends that were also dating each other.
After you had parted ways with your parents before the restaurant, a beautiful new bracelet shining in the low lights of the taxi you took home, you sent a quick text to the group chat with your boyfriends, telling them you were on your way home. As always Mingyu was quick to reply: Be safe on your way back home, darling. We missed you today ❤ You smiled at the message that illuminated your screen, excitement bubbling in your chest. With a bounce in your step, you quickly walked up the stairs to the door of your apartment when you had arrived, taking a deep breath before unlocking the door. “I’m back,” you spoke before your breath was taken away from you. The lights in the apartment were off, the only light coming from what must be hundreds of candles stacked on the furniture and the floor.
Giggling happily, you shrugged off your shoes and coat before you followed the line of candles that first lead you into the kitchen where another note similar to the one from this morning was waiting for you. ‘The first present’, it read. Smiling you opened the silky red ribbon that held the lid of the dark box closed that the note was stuck onto. Beneath a layer of dark red packaging tissue there was a beautiful black negligee made of pretty lace and soft satin with matching lace panties. In awe at the present, you carefully picked it up and felt the soft fabric. You were sure Mingyu had thought of this. While Wonwoo always enjoyed seeing you and Mingyu in pretty clothing, he didn’t quite have the eye for picking these kinds of stuff himself. Your heartbeat picked up in pace when you quickly got rid of your clothes and slipped into the soft dress. It fit you perfectly. Smiling, you traced over the little swirls and blossoms that adored the skirt of the dress before you followed the line of candles into the living room.
On the little table in front of the couch, two more packages and another note were waiting for you alongside a single red rose that was sitting inside a delicate vase. That seemed more like a Wonwoo thing. The little note read: ‘You look gorgeous in that dress.’ And you couldn’t help but blush. Carefully you opened the first, smaller package that seemed to be wrapped by the store in a light blush colored paper, revealing the expensive perfume you had eyed over the past couple of weeks. An excited squeal left your lips as you fumbled to spray a little on your neck and wrists, the flowery scent mixing beautifully with your own natural one.
The last package was just a little smaller than the one you had received in the kitchen but was packaged in a similar way. Carefully you opened the box to find a pair of black lace thigh highs that you also quickly slid onto your legs, making them appear longer than they were. Just wearing this sexy lingerie that your boyfriends had picked, made arousal course through your body and you couldn’t wait to get to the bedroom where you suspected them to be hiding.
When you followed the trail of candles to the door of your shared bedroom, you quickly decided to slip away into the bathroom for a second to apply the dark red lipstick you had gotten yourself as an early birthday present earlier this week to complete the sultry look. Smiling at your reflection, you quickly made your way back to the bedroom, you probably had kept them waiting long enough.
The lights in the bedroom were also off except for the bedside lamp, a cloth draped over it to soften the light, and a couple of fairy lights that you had hung when you first moved in but never really turned on. Your boyfriends both sat on the bed, only wearing tight boxers that left next to nothing to your imagination. “Welcome home beautiful,” Wonwoo spoke up first, getting up from where he had been leaning against the headboard and taking your hand before pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. “Happy birthday,” he whispered before Mingyu took his place and kissed your other cheek. “You look absolutely stunning,” the taller breathed, playfully spinning you around once, “Happy birthday, love.”
You felt your face heat up from their compliments and from how their eyes raked over your body. “Did you like your presents?” Mingyu eagerly asked, trailing his fingers over the skirt of the negligee. “I love them,” you admitted, smiling up at both of them, “Thank you so much.” Chuckling, Wonwoo pulled you along to the bed, encouraging you to sit on his lap when he leaned to sit against the headboard. “But this isn’t everything, princess,” he smiled, his eyes never leaving yours, his hands teasing the skin of your thighs, “Tonight is going to be all about you.” “Let us make you feel good,” Mingyu breathed, kneeling next to you on the mattress, his eyes dark with lust. A soft mewl left your lips and you could feel yourself getting more and more turned on from the arousal that seemed to ooze off of your boyfriends. “Will you let us, princess?” Wonwoo breathed, his deep voice dropping another octave when he gently cupped your face to turn it towards him again. “Please,” You whimpered, letting your eyes flutter closed when Wonwoo claimed your lips in a deep kiss.
It wasn’t long before you felt his tongue tracing your lips and you eagerly opened them to deepen the kiss even further, pressing your body against his where you could feel his growing arousal against your body while making the soft fabric of your dress rub against your sensitive nipples, making you gasp into the kiss. It wasn’t often that he dropped his usually dominant behavior and let you just do as you please and you took full advantage of it, basking in the way you could touch him and bury your hands in his dark hair to mess it up. Soon you felt another pair of hands on your body, gently exploring your curves before settling on your waist and a strong chest pressed to your back. Usually Mingyu would whine about not getting attention by now, but he stayed quiet and instead busied himself with pressing open mouthed kisses along the exposed skin of your neck and jawline, gently sucking and biting on the skin until it bruised, leaving marks just high enough that they would peek out from beneath your collar, making more and more gasps leave your lips that Wonwoo eagerly swallowed.
After a while you felt Mingyu’s big hands sneak beneath the hem of the negligee and your skin almost burned where he was touching you now, pressing you back against him, making you feel his already hard cock. “Feel what you’re doing to me, princess?” He rasped while shamelessly rutting against the swell of your ass, “You look so hot like this.” The moan that left your lips forced you to part from Wonwoo who smirked at you before angling his hips up, so his clothed erection could brush against your core, making you arch your back and another moan leave your lips. “You’re driving us crazy like this, princess,” he spoke softly.
“What do you want princess?” Mingyu asked, his breath hot against your ear. “Touch me please,” you whimpered before clashing your mouths together. The angle wasn’t ideal but that wasn’t stopping you from kissing him like your life depended on it. You felt Wonwoo’s chuckle from where you had your hands braced against his chest more than you actually heard it. “My needy babies,” he chuckled, sounding so fond of you two. His fingers started roaming your form as well, teasing your nipples through the thin fabric before he lowered the fabric just enough so he could wrap his lips around one of them, tearing a moan from your lips. Subconsciously you started grinding your hips against Wonwoo’s erection, desperate for some friction on your neglected core, making him growl and release your perky nipple with a lewd sound. “Touch her Mingyu,” he ordered, eyes dark and fingers gripping your thighs to force them open just a little bit wider.
Eager to please, the younger slipped a hand between your legs, teasing your clit through your panties. “You’re already so wet, princess.” “I need you, please,” you whimpered, grinding down against his palm and throwing your head back to rest on his shoulder. “Don’t tease her, be good Mingyu,” Wonwoo cut in when the other kept slowly pressing the heel of his palm against your clit, making you work for the sweet friction you desperately needed. Following the elder’s orders, Mingyu quickly slipped his fingers inside your panties, letting them drag through your folds. “You’re so wet, fuck,” he cursed but before you could respond, he slipped one of his thick fingers inside you, making any words you wanted to say turn into a drawn out moan. “So pretty,” Wonwoo praised you while Mingyu stretched you around his finger, quickly adding another one and curling them to find your sweet spot, making you moan and writhe in his hold.
“What do you want, princess?” Wonwoo moaned as he palmed his own erection to take some of the edge off. “Need you inside me,” you breathed, trying to even out your shaking voice. “Which one of us?” Mingyu asked, slowing his hand down, so you could form a proper sentence. “Both of you,” you whined. “Baby...” Wonwoo soothed you, carding a hand through your hair. You had tried taking both of them at the same time once before but it hadn’t worked out and it had just made you so frustrated with your own body. “Please Wonwoo,” you begged, “I know I can, please, please, please.” “Ssssh, baby,” he soothed, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. “Everything for our princess tonight,” he decided, “Let’s get you out of these panties, hm?” You eagerly nodded, whimpering when Mingyu pulled his fingers from you, so you could slip the soaked fabric down your legs.
When you turned back to the bed, Wonwoo had Mingyu pinned underneath him, kissing the younger hard while rutting their hips together. “Be good for her,” Wonwoo whispered to the taller, finally pulling the dark boxers off him, making his cock spring free, slapping wetly against his toned stomach. “He’s all yours, princess,” he smirked, playfully slapping your ass before climbing off a panting Mingyu who had an adorably crooked grin on his face. Licking your lips, you took Wonwoo’s place, placing your hands on Mingyu’s strong chest and ground your now bare core against his cock, coating him in your juices. “Please,” Mingyu whimpered beneath you, grinding your hips together like two horny teenagers. Smiling, you raised yourself up and grabbed his cock by the base to line him up with your entrance before sinking down on him in one smooth movement, making you both moan loudly.
You slowly circled your hips, getting used to his length inside you, filling you up just right but you couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to truly be filled to the brim with both of your boyfriend’s cocks. Mingyu’s strong hands on your hips tore you from your thoughts when he helped you to set a rhythm as you bounced up and down on his dick, the sounds of your moans and the slick slide of him inside you filling the air. “You feel so good, fuck,” he cursed, pulling you down so he could kiss you while fucking up into your tight heat with sharp snaps of his hips. You lost yourself in Mingyu and the way he stopped his harsh pace to bury himself as deep as it was possible to grind inside you, pressing into your walls just how you liked it, making the pleasure slowly build more and more inside you. It could have been just minutes or hours, you weren’t sure but you quickly felt your orgasm approach, reminding you that this wasn’t how you wanted to cum tonight. “Wonwoo,” you whimpered, straightening up again to turn to where he was sitting, slowly stroking his cock while watching you and Mingyu from dark and hooded eyes. “You looked like you were enjoying yourself, princess,” he grinned. “Need you as well,” you whined, making grabby hands towards him. “I know you do baby,” he rasped, grabbing the lube that he had already prepared and positioned himself behind you. “Lean forward for me,” he breathed, pressing a hand down between your shoulder blades. You easily followed his wish, folding yourself on top of Mingyu’s chest and catching his parted lips in a heated kiss.
“Relax for me princess,” Wonwoo rasped before you felt a lubed up finger massage where you and Mingyu were connected, coating everything in an obscene amount of lube and forcing little moans and whimpers from the younger who did his best to force his hips to stay still. Chuckling Wonwoo slapped the inside of Mingyu’s thigh when he snapped his hips up after Wonwoo had teased the base of his cock. “Stay still, puppy,” he scolded. “Not fair,” Mingyu pouted, making you chuckle before kissing his pursed lips chastely.   “Tell me if it’s of much,” Wonwoo spoke after he deemed your entrance lubed up and you relaxed enough to press one of his lubed up fingers inside you alongside Mingyu’s cock. The stretch wasn’t unpleasant yet but you knew that this wasn’t all. When Wonwoo began to pump his finger, you desperately clung to Mingyu, distracting yourself with messy kisses. By the time Wonwoo had worked a second finger in and began scissoring them, the stretch became more painful and you whimpered into Mingyu’s mouth. “You’re doing so well, sweetheart,” he soothed you, gently biting the skin of your neck and fondling your boobs to distract you. The longer Wonwoo stretched you, the less it hurt and the more pleasure began to build inside you again only to be brought back down when he introduced yet another finger. Meanwhile Mingyu did his best to make you relax, canting his hips up so your clit could rub against his pubic bone, the sparks of pleasure numbing the pain from being stretched. “Please Wonwoo,” you begged after a while when the pain had made way for pleasure yet again, “I can take you.”
“Not yet baby,” he soothed, rubbing your back with his free hand, “I want this to be good for you.” You let out a frustrated groan and started to grind back onto his fingers to prove your point. “Fuck, baby,” Mingyu cursed, the grip he still had on your hips tightening, “You’re driving me insane like this.” “No coming yet, puppy,” Wonwoo‘s harsh voice cut in, grabbing the base of the younger‘s dick tightly to starve off his orgasm, making him thrash beneath you, a drawn out whine leaving his swollen lips, his eyes screwed shut. “Please Wonwoo,” you gasped, throwing him a pleading look over your shoulder.
“Tell me if it’s uncomfortable, princess,” he whispered this time, pressing a kiss to your spine before pulling his fingers out, making you whimper. You held your breath when you heard the telltale sound of Wonwoo slicking up his cock before you felt the blunt head of his cock nudge against your entrance before it gave away, stretching you almost impossibly wide, knocking all air from your lungs. When he was finally bottoming out after what felt like hours all three of you let out a deep breath. “Fuck you’re so tight,” Mingyu groaned, gripping the sheets tightly to stop himself from bucking up into the tight heat engulfing his cock. “You feel so good princess,” Wonwoo agreed breathily, the grip he had on your hips almost bruising. “Please move,” you softly spoke when the initial pain had bled into a low throbbing, making you head dizzy.
“Anything for you princess,” Wonwoo promised and gently started rocking his hips, tearing loud moans from Mingyu and you. “F-feels so good, so full,” you blabbered, not even sure if you were even forming coherent sentences anymore. Every thought was wiped from your brain when Mingyu and Wonwoo found a rhythm and both thrust into you, their cocks filling you and pressing deliciously into your walls and into your sweet spot. It wasn’t long that the room was filled with your moans and whines forming a symphony with your boyfriend’s low groans and the sound of skin meeting skin and the obscene squelching sounds from the amount of lube Wonwoo had used.
“I’m not going to last, fuck,” Mingyu cursed, wrapping his arms around you and thrusting up into you hard, his hips losing his rhythm. “Not yet puppy, let her cum first,” Wonwoo spoke through gritted teeth and you could tell that he was fighting back his orgasm as well from how hard he was gripping you. “Don’t hold back please,” you begged,” Want you to fill me up please.” Another curse left Mingyu’s kiss swollen lips and he bucked his hips up a couple of more times before he pressed into you as far as he humanly could, nailing your sweet spot as his orgasm crashed over him. When you felt his cock twitch inside you, painting your insides white, you couldn’t hold off anymore as well, letting your orgasm wash over you, your eyes rolled back while your body completely locked up before you shook in Mingyu’s hold from the force of it. The rhythmic clenching around his cock tipped Wonwoo over the edge as well, his groan resonating deep in his chest as he came inside you as well.
For a while all three of you just laid there, trying to catch your breath, basking in the presence of each other. You could feel the exhaustion settling inside you, finally realizing the strain it had taken on your body to have both of your boyfriends inside you. “Fuck, we really made it work,” Mingyu giggled and broke the silence, high on his post orgasmic bliss. Wonwoo just laughed hoarsely before slowly pulling his softening cock out of you, making you hiss when you felt what must be a mixture of your boyfriend’s cum and lube trickle down your thigh. There was no way you were leaving the bed tomorrow, you already felt impossibly sore but sated and proud at the same time. “Fuck,” Wonwoo cursed, his eyes fixed to where Mingyu was still settled deep inside you, his cock and pelvis smeared with cum and lube. He slowly reached out to run his fingers through the slippery mess, making Mingyu whimper in overstimulation when he teased his shaft. “Wonwoo,” he gasped, his hips twitching to escape the touch, tearing a high pitched sound from your throat. The elder just giggled and retreated his teasing hand. “I just can’t help myself when you look like that.” You didn’t have the strength in you to roll your eyes at Wonwoo and his territorial kink for seeing Mingyu and you covered in his cum.
“How are you feeling, beautiful?” Mingyu gently asked, smoothing down your hair. “You did so well.” “I feel messy,” you slurred against the skin of his neck, breathing in his calming scent. “How about a bath, angel?” he whispered before pressing a kiss into your hair, swiping it back from where it had stuck to your forehead. “I don’t think I can move.” “Not a problem when you have a strong boyfriend like me,” Mingyu laughed. “I’ll fall asleep in the bathtub and drown,” you groaned when his by now soft cock slipped from your core from his laughing, and a mixture of cum and lube followed. “How about a quick shower for you two then?” Wonwoo interrupted, rubbing soothing circles into your lower back. “You two can clean yourselves up and I’ll take care of the bed.” “Don’t wanna,” you pouted even though Wonwoo couldn’t see it. “I can clean you up but you’ll regret it in the morning, angel,” he spoke, pressing kisses to your spine while massaging your lower back where your negligee had ridden up. “Don’t care,” you mumbled into Mingyu’s chest, mind already disappearing into the world of dreams. “I don’t want to hear any complaining tomorrow,” Wonwoo sighed before he pressed a final kiss right between your shoulderblades and slipped out of the room.
“Let’s get you out of this as well, angel,” Mingyu softly spoke, trailing his fingers over the fabric of your dress. After making an affirmative noise you let him gently roll you off of him on the mattress to pull first the negligee off your torso and then your thigh highs off your legs, leaving kisses on every inch of skin he uncovered, making you giggle. “I love you,” you whispered, making grabby hands at him so he would come up to kiss you. Grinning brighter than the sun itself, he granted you your wish, lazily letting his tongue play against yours. You contently sighed, letting his body press you into the soft mattress.
When you heard the door fall into its lock again, you gently broke the kiss, smiling brightly when Mingyu pressed a last kiss to your forehead before he climbed off the bed to clean himself up, letting Wonwoo take his place between your legs. He quickly got rid of most of the mess with the cloth he had wetted with warm water, soothing you with little kisses to your thighs and reassuring words. “You did so well, baby,” he praised when he threw the cloth somewhere into the room, his eyes full of love and adoration. “I told you I could take you both.” “I apologize for ever doubting you were anything else than perfect for us, babygirl.” “Kiss me and I’ll forgive you,” you returned playfully. “If that’s all it takes,” Wonwoo grinned before kissing his way up from your thighs, over your stomach, between the valley of your breasts, along your neck where he paid special attention to the bruises Mingyu had sucked into your skin before he captured your parted lips in a deep kiss, wasting no time to lick into your mouth. This kiss was nothing like what you had shared with Mingyu before. Wonwoo kissed you with so much passion, gently biting your lower lip, a smirk building on his lips when a moan slipped past yours. “Wonwoo,” you gasped his name when he started to place open mouthed kisses along your neck, making you shiver. He just hummed deep in his chest, slowly grinding his hips down.
“You’re hard again,” you gasped, feeling his length drag over your soft skin. “It’s all your fault,” he scolded, biting down on your collarbone. “You look so pretty when you’re fucked out, baby. And it’s your birthday. I can’t just call it quit after one little orgasm, babygirl. You deserve more, don’t you think?” To accentuate his words, he sneaked one of his hands between your bodies, cupping your core. Another whimper fell from your lips and your legs instinctively fell open further to give your boyfriend more access. “Such a good girl,” he praised, grinding the heel of his palm against your clit, making you mewl. “Still sensitive,” you choked out, but knew better than to shy away from his touch. Your head already started to swim from his words, spoken sweetly like the stickiest honey, a dangerous heat starting to pool between your legs. “I know my baby can take it,” Wonwoo rasped when he moved his fingers so he could put pressure on your clit in earnest. Still overly sensitive, your legs twitched close but he had anticipated it and gripped one of your thighs in a tight grip, forcing you to keep them open. “Remind me of your colors, baby.” “Green for good, yellow to slow down and red to stop,” you choked out, eyes screwed shut. “What color are you now?” “I’m green, daddy.”
“Such a good girl,” Wonwoo growled, suddenly slipping a finger into your heat which was both too much and exactly what you needed. “Mingyu, help me out and hold her thighs,” he ordered when you had started to thrash in his hold after he had slowly started to pump his finger inside you, just barely grazing your sweet spot to not overwhelm you. At the mention of Mingyu’s name, your eyes snapped open. You hadn’t even heard your tall boyfriend coming back into the bedroom. Your eyes wandered down from his sunkissed pecs and his subtle abs to his cock that already had started to fill out again. The sight made a whimper slip past your lips. “Like what you see, baby?” He teased when he kneeled next to you, gripping your thighs tightly to spread them for Wonwoo who groaned at the sight of his finger disappearing inside you over and over again. “First you don’t even notice me and now you’re basically drooling for my cock. You are so greedy, baby.”
You didn’t have it in you to deny his words, the words only intensifying the cloud that began to form in your head, reducing you to a needy mess. A mewl left your lips instead and you tried to close your legs again when Wonwoo suddenly pushed two more fingers inside you, pistoning them right into your sweet spot. “Mingyu asked you a question baby. You should answer him,” Wonwoo scolded you, his other hand coming to rub little figure eights into your clit. Had he really asked a question? You couldn’t remember. A helpless moan left your throat instead of an answer and you pressed your face into the pillow to muffle the sounds. The pricking pain from where Mingyu had dug his nails into the tender flesh of your thighs brought you back for a bit. You knew you had to answer them. “I, I don’t know,” you sobbed, feeling tears clinging to your lashes, “I don’t remember, daddy please.”
“Is that all your mouth is good for? Begging and talking nonsense?” Wonwoo growled, crooking his fingers inside you to massage your sweet spot, making more words spill from your lips and at this point you didn’t even know if you made sense anymore. All you could focus on was the pleasure building inside you and the obscene squelching noises that your core made whenever Wonwoo dove his fingers back into you. In the back of your mind you wondered if you had ever been this wet or this far gone into what must be subspace.
“Mingyu, stuff her mouth, let’s see if it’s good for literally anything else, I can’t listen to her nonsense anymore,” Wonwoo scoffed, his words harsh but breathless from how he was rutting against the mattress to relive some of the pressure on his cock that already was leaking precum and turning an angry red shade from neglect. Mingyu eagerly followed his orders, using his height to his advantage so he could still hold your thighs open while dragging the tip of his hard length over your lips and cheeks, smearing them with precum. “Remember to tap my leg three times for me to stop,” he gently said and you weakly nodded before letting your mouth fall open. “Such a good and obedient girl,” he purred before pushing his hips down, engulfing his cock in the warm and wet heat of your mouth, making him groan and you mewl from feeling the familiar weight on your tongue.  Like the gentleman Mingyu was, he let you adjust for a bit, just gently grinding his hips before he squeezed your thighs tighter and buried himself deep in your throat, a raw moan spilling past his lips. After some seconds he pulled out again to let you heave a couple of breaths. Seeing the shiny head of his cock connected with your lips by a string of spit, made one or maybe both of your boyfriends groan and before you had the chance to even whine about the absence of cock in your mouth, Mingyu thrust his hips again, effectively muffling any sounds you could try to make.
You could just lie there and take whatever your boyfriend’s gave you and you couldn’t be any happier about it even though tears where staining your cheeks and your throat was hurting from how Mingyu used it. Your lungs where burning with the lack of oxygen but all that was just fueling the fire in your core where Wonwoo was pistoning his fingers inside you expertly. You could feel your orgasm approach you at lightning speed but Wonwoo hadn’t given you permission to cum yet, so you tried your best to fight it back down, your thighs shaking with the effort. “Oh look how good she’s trying to be,” Wonwoo cooed, slipping his fingers from your core to watch it clench around nothing, making you mewl around Mingyu’s cock, who in turn shakily lost his rhythm, a curse leaving his lips. “You want to cum baby?” The older asked, teasing your clit with his drenched fingers, the slide oh so slippery from how wet you were. You could just whine around Mingyu’s cock again, flexing your hips to try to grind against Wonwoo.
“Then cum baby, make a mess for me.” That was all it took for your orgasm to crash over you. Luckily Mingyu had pulled out, so you could scream in pleasure as your whole body went taught, your back arching off the bed as white hot pleasure coursed through your veins. You could feel your core twitching and hot liquid drenched Wonwoo and the sheets below you as your lower body shook from the force of your orgasm, your core pulsating with waves of pleasure, gushing out more liquid. “Fuck baby,” you heard one of your boyfriends curse and just moments later you felt the telltale warmth of drops of cum covering your chest along with a guttural moan. Your core was still throbbing when you opened your eyes again, your chest heaving, to see Wonwoo quickly jerking his cock, his eyes still fixated to your core. Only seconds later, he threw his head back, eyes screwed shut, when his cock spurted out ropes of white cum, painting the space between your spread thighs.
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, fuck,” Mingyu chuckled, shakily climbing off of you to see the mess you had made for himself. “I didn’t know you could do that.” You wanted to tell him that you hadn’t known either but after your orgasm, the fog in your brain had only intensified and your lids felt like they had heavy weights glued onto them, forcing them shut. “Hey, angel,” you heard Mingyu speak through the fog, his big hands gently cupped your face and his thumbs rubbed away the tears that had stained your cheeks. “I’m green,” you managed to slur, turning your body towards his warmth. “You did so well,” he praised, kissing your forehead, “But I need you to come back to me, okay? Take your time but don’t fall asleep on me, okay?” You just hummed, curling your body around his. “Hey, angel. I need to pick you up so we can change the sheets okay? And I’ll clean you up, alright?” You hummed again, managing to put your arms around his neck.
What happened next was lost in the haze of your mind. You knew that Mingyu had lifted you from the bed and that he had carried you somewhere with a lot more light, making bright colors dance behind your closed lids. The next thing your felt was a cooling spray of water before you were wrapped up in a soft fabric that had the scent of something purely Mingyu. You happily buried your nose in the fabric and hummed in content.
“Open your eyes, princess,” you heard another voice speak to you when you felt your back meet the softness of your bed. “For me, please,” the voice repeated and a gentle kiss was pressed to each of your closed eyelids. Scrunching your nose, you tried to fight the weight keeping your eyes closed and when you finally managed to open them again, you were met with Wonwoo’s beautiful amber eyes that shone with love and adoration in the low light of your bedroom. “I’m so proud of you my love,” he smiled before he kissed your forehead. “Can we cuddle?” You asked in a small voice. “Of course, angel,” Mingyu spoke from your other side, a bottle of water in his hands. “As soon as you finish this for us.”
You nodded and drowned the bottle, the cold water doing wonders on your sore throat. You were sure you wouldn’t be able to either sit or speak tomorrow but you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. “Happy birthday baby,” Wonwoo kissed you when he rejoined Mingyu and you after discarding of the ruined bedsheets, your cheeks turning pink when you realized what had happened. “I love you two so much,” you confessed, smiling as you were squished between both of them, feeling warm and safe beneath the fresh sheets.
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insufferablelust · 4 years
I ummm woupd it be okay to ask you to do a mgg x reader smut. Like he ties reader up and fucks her but like sticks his fingers in her mouth to suck on but she is also really bratty and likes to make things hard for him (like at work) and just super dom mgg and really bratty reader. Idk I'm awkward sorry you dont have to write it I just thought maybe a suggestion I mean I really like your working and all
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Finally new smut! yay! anyways i combined these two amazing mgg concepts from my queens and then turn them into this, adding my spice into it as well so i hope y’all love this! thank you for the reqs queens!! MASTERLIST OF ALL MY WORKS.
WARNINGS : Dom!Mgg x Sub!Reader, Degradation by name calling, Rough sex, Oral fixation, back seat abandoned building car sex, exhibitionism, overstimulation, lots of teasing, and all the good stuff. Plus fluffs!!! Read at your own risk❤️ leave a like and reblog, thanks!
Having an actor as a boyfriend surely has its perks, one being the fact that i always gets to see how Matthew make his own version of art, his visions, as well as his god gifted talent, i must say that it warms my heart to no end, seeing him so passionate about something that he can even do in his sleep.
With perks, comes the not so pleasant ones, one of them is not seeing him for weeks sometimes. His busy schedule has put my relationship through some rocky beginnings, thankfully we made agreements and that’s settled. Of course, i could visit him whenever i want, even if it requires a plane ticket— he’ll provide it (not that you’ll take it.) but today is one of those days when the amount of missing him became greater than to actually wait patiently.
The location where Matthew currently filming, wasn’t that far from our shared house so it shouldn’t be that bad right?.... Wrong. A month into the filming process i felt the neediness present, he comes home every night yet you still miss him. He filmed during the day mostly, coming home late already tired, and then when his director gave him a time off or day or two break, he spent it by rereading scripts or working on directing his small projects.
It’s not that i didn’t understand his schedule, but something about having him so close yet so far away just chipped away any patience i have left in me. Frustrated, i grabbed the car keys and decided to go to where he was filming. I knew that he wouldn’t have a problem with you coming in, but I knew that would definitely have a problem or two about what i’ve been planning.
So you drove for an hour, until you reached the filming set, finding yourself growing expectedly needy and nervous. You texted him saying that you were on your way, the way he answered left you giggling and smiling like a schoolgirl.
“Sure sweetheart, come on over, my lunch break is at 12.15, we can have lunch together. When you got here just knock on trailer 4. Love you.”
Your knocked on his trailer door, anxiously biting your lips at the anticipation, it shouldn’t be such a big deal, you’ve visited his set couple of times before— it’s just.. what you wear and what you have in mind is making you jumpy with adrenaline coursing through your bloodstream. Only wearing one of his button ups, tucked inside the plated skirt that stop around mid-thigh. It’s one of his... kink really to see you in such a mundane outfit yet something about seeing you in his clothing on public nonetheless flick the switch inside Matthew, makes him go feral.
So as soon as he opened the trailer door, and see the sinful cladded clothing, he yanked you inside and furiously carry you to his lap as he sit down on one of the chairs. “Are you fucking crazy?” His tone sent chills down your spine, you know better than this, than to show up while he’s working, in such clothing that drove him mad. The tone in his voice plus the way he gripped your hips should’ve warned you just how mad he is. But you just innocently shrugged, and rolled you eyes, licking your lips before muttering a soft, “last time i check, i’m doing just—“
You were cut off instantly by the grip that’s now strongly held against the skin of your jawline, and the fingers that was penetrating your very lips. The act, sent your blissful sear to your core.
“Shut up, and listen here you insatiable bunny. I have to finish few more scenes, and it shouldn’t take long. I want you to be a good bunny, and behave. I’m giving you a chance to be good here, if you obey what i said, i’ll give you rewards but if i catch you disobeying me whilst i’m gone, believe me you won’t walk let alone sit for a week, pet.”
Matthew’s eyes burned holes through your skull, his fingers shoved deeper making you gag slightly, cheeks running with tears. “Do you understand, or do i have to write it down for needy whores like you hm?” His words are downright cruel yet your panties got more damper and damper. The only thing you can let out is soft whimpers and nods at him, your fingers scratching his arms to let you breathe.
“If you lie, i’ll know. Now be good, i’ll see you in a bit.” He pushed his lips against yours, kissing the tender lips softly before pulling away and then out the door.
Your heart was beating so fast, and your core ached, truly ached and sopping wet. You almost cried out at the frustration, but decided that you can take it, you’ll take it. So you decided to just lay there and tried to get some sleep. You thought the desire should’ve burned down for a bit after you wake up, but if anything it grows stronger and made you needier.
You were so desperate that you half expectedly slip your fingertips past through the waistband of your panties, sighing as you dream about the sensation of being touched by him, his fingers, his lips, his tongue, his damn cock. “Please..” You whimpered out to no one in particular, just the surrounding space on his trailer. “Matthew..” You moaned again, this time louder— loud enough that you don’t ever hear him opening the door, your eyes only opened when he slammed it, now standing in front of you, his hands tucked away inside his pants pocket.
“Matthew i—“
“Lay over my lap.” He commanded, the way he said it surely alerted all the nerves inside of you. You drew in a sharp breath, before crawling to where was sat at the edge of the chair, and lay tummy down across his lap, the skirt you wore made it easy for him to slide your panties down and shove them inside your mouth as he palmed your ass, gripping it hard, then before you could even breathe, his palm crashed against your ass cheeks.
“Count, and thank me.”
“One! Thank you Matthew!”
There’s something about her calling his name, begging him to do anything that gets him going every-time. He loves it especially when she’s basked with his scent, his clothes, him just him. Call him simply in love or obsessed, he doesn’t care as long as he’s with her. Being in control helps him relinquish all his stress, but really— it’s her who’s in control, if you want to stop he’ll stop. But he knows, both of them pleased each other and willing to go for miles just to be close and intimate.
“Five! oh! t-thank you.” Her breathing was shallow, her ass was on fire, and her core was dripping wet. This is what he loves about their relationship, the dynamics, and the amount of trusts they have with one another always sparked something inside him and her. God he would die for Y/N.
“Ten! please please!” He smiled, before yanking her hair upwards, bending down— his lips trail kisses from her neck up to her ear as he whispered, “What are you begging for, doll?”
“Touch me! please Matthew!” The way she begged turns him on like no other, yet he knows what she wants, and he’s going to give it to her. Making sure she will learn not to tease him this time.
“You’re so cute, and a mess too. I bet you love it don’t you? being a greedy mess for me?” The condescending tone of his should make her angry, but instead she moaned- she bloody moaned. “uh huh! i’m yours right?”
At that she turns to look at him in the eye, knowing just how frustrated if he sees her eyes, her damn puppy eyes. He knows her trick well enough to give her one more slap before tugging her to stand up shakily, whilst still holding onto her waist so that she won’t fall.
“Here’s what we’re going to do pet, we’re going to your car, and then we’ll wait until we get home. Okay baby?”
“No! no! no please!” Y/N whined as she stomped her foot like a child, the stern line of his jaw clenched as his palm burned and twitch with the need to reminds her to not talk like that to him. Yet he held back, decided to wait until a bit later.
“C’mon brat, fix yourself and let’s go.” And just like that, he walked away packing his things, leaving her wet and ready as tears streamed down her eyes, She’s so damn needy.
Pulling herself up, she fixed her make up as best as she can before gathering her things and catching up to him who’s already situated himself on the driver seat of her car.
If this is the game he wanted to play, then game on, Gubler.
It started when they were about halfway to their house, long enough to make him believe that she’s well behaved. Uh oh, not when your girl is Y/N, she thinks. She parted her legs wide, pulling the palm that has been resting on her thigh for a while now deeper into where he could feel the heat through her panties.
“Y/N.” Matthew warned, his eyes flicking towards her, but instead of pulling back his hands— he gripped her inner thigh tightly instead causing her to whimper in delight from the mixture of pain and pleasure.
“Yes, M- Oh...” She fluttered her eyes shut as she make a dramatic arch of her back, as she felt his knuckles grazed against her puffy clit. Her free palm reached out to palm his cock through the pants he was wearing, earning strings of ‘fucking brat.’ from him which made her giggle.
“Oh, you’re enjoying this hm? Enjoy testing me like this?” Y/N innocently tilted her head, and shrug as if she’s not giving him a hand job right now. “Ah look at you, so cute. Just remember the consequences, petal.”
She giggled like an angel that she is before leaning to his side as her hand unbutton his pants, earning a loud “Don’t you dare.” From him, which she only replied with a lip bite and then took his hard cock out, gently running her fingertips against the veins.
“Oh but look baby! you’re clearly loving it right now.” She bat her eyelashes up at him before leaning down and place her warm mouth around the head of his cock, causing him to press the gas pedal a bit too hard. “You insatiable fucking minx.” He groaned, one hand on the steering wheel and the other one tangled in her hair pushing her down his cock.
Matthew was trying so hard to focus yet he just couldn’t, who’s to blame him? his girl’s warm mouth is around his cock, and the sight of her bending across the damn center console with her ruined panties on his peripheral vision doesn’t sit well with safety. Finding the nearest abandoned property and pulled over, before pulling her head up.
“Dirty whore, get in the back and get on your hands and knees.” He hissed, as he released the grip on her hair, which she obeyed immediately, crawling to the back seat on hands and knees as he waited for him. They’ve done this enough times to know which position allows them to have the best sensation.
The moment he crawled his lanky self to the backseat, her grip on the leather seat tighten— preparing herself for whats to come. She felt the grip on her waist as Matthew yanked up her skirt and then push her panties to the side before pushing his cock right into her dripping wet cunt, both of them moaning loudly, finally feeling the pleasure they’ve been teased out of each other.
Matthew didn’t spare her anytime to adjust to his impressive length as he immediately begins thrusting with a brutal pace, making sure to dug his nails onto her skin— leaving marks and indents.
“You love this don’t you? fucked in the backseat of your own car like a damn cheap whore.” He whispered harshly, causing her to buck against him— which resulted in quick violent slaps against her ass as he pound his cock into her like a maniac.
“Yours— yours Matthew, fuck.” She cried out, feeling the way his cock nudge her spot every time he thrusted inside making her mewls. Matthew yanked her hair back so Y/N’s back flushed against his front, slowing down his pace.
“You wanna cum baby? yeah?” He muttered darkly, his thrusts slowing down but pressing deeper that she could even feel it inside her tummy. Y/N tried to find the words but she just couldn’t, not when his cock is perfectly nudged against her spot so she cried out a loud yes instead and hoped that her boyfriend would give her mercy.
“Cum, go on..” She let out a confused moan, knowing that he usually don’t let her cum this easy, but paying no mind as she came around his cock, and screamed into the leather seat as Matthew released the grip on her hair.
He let her ride out her orgasm, and she was about to thank him and offered him a blowjob because she think she can’t take anymore pounding feeling overly overstimulated— yet that thought drowned as soon as his hips bucks up and continue to thrust her in a much faster and hard pace causing her to let out screams.
“No! n-no ah! Matthew! too much oh too much!”
“Shh, take it. You want to cum right? so you’ll keep on coming, baby go on.” He laughed against her ear as he keeps on thrusting, feeling himself got close. “N-please..”
“Cum again come on.” He hissed as he could feel the way her walls tightened so deliciously, encasing her velvet around his cock. The minute her screams went high pitched and her body violently shake, he knew she just came and that sent him to shoot heavy spurts inside of her, with heavy breathing and whispers, “Shit. You did so good baby, so so good, Y/N..”
They both come down from their high slowly as Matthew pulled out of her, immediately pulling some tissues from her bag and wipe them both gently— trying not to cause any pain. “Shh it’s okay.. come here baby.” He said as he placed her on top of his lap after he cleaned them both.
“Hey.. I love you so much Y/N.” He whispered, fingers playing with her hair as she smiled against his sweaty neck and whisper a soft “I love you, Matthew. sorry for being a brat.” Which earned her a laugh from him,
“I still love you even if you’re being bratty. Just give me more reason to put you back in your place right princess?” He then move his fingertips to stroke her cheeks, feeling the flesh warmed up to his touch, as his thumb pressed against her lips.
She then opened her lips slowly, letting him push his thumb inside to let her suckle on it. Sometimes after a particularly rough sex like this or just generally when she’s trying to calm herself down, he would let her suck on his fingers. His girl surely has an oral fixation, but its also coping mechanism.
As he heard her breathing slow and even, he smiled— knowing she’s asleep. He waited for few more minutes before laying her on the back seat with a blanket covering her that he pulled out from the trunk, pressing one last kiss on her forehead before going back to the driver seat and then drive back home.
The day was perfect, and Matthew wouldn’t trade it with anything else.
Blurb Reqs are open, send in your requests now. ❤️ thank you for supporting.
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ukiyo-jaem · 5 years
test packet a (n.jm)
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words: 2.1k
warnings: smut, tutor!jaemin, student!reader, edging, orgasm denial, punishment
requested: yes
songs listened to while writing: alphabet boy by melanie martinez
part 2
"i spent so long," he raked his hand through his now messed up dark hair, pacing infront of your desk that sat in the middle of your bedroom. "so long teaching and re-teaching you this stupid literature lesson, y/n!" he groaned; glasses hanging on the tip of his nose and his hoodie and jeans still neat and clean from when he walked from his fine arts school to come to your weekly tutoring session.
"i said i was sorry!" you raised your voice, eyes locking with his then going right back down to where you were playing with your fingers in your lap. you uniform still on and uncomfortable as ever. "but why didn't you study more after i left?!" he asked, hands slamming down on the desk infront of you so he was eye level with you now.
you sat back in your chair, only daring to look up at him for a quick second. "my time - wasted." he scoffed quietly while standing fully, and grabbing his bag. you shot out of you seat quickly, running around the desk and standing infront of him. "please don't go. i-i really need you still." you said, desperation coming out in your voice.
you grabbed his hand that held the strap of his bag and looked at him. "please." you whispered. you could see him contemplate his next movements as he stood there unmoved. "my parents will kill me if i get another bad mark." you shook your head.
jaemin saw the tears gather in your eyes. he couldn't help admiring how you looked with them gathering at the edges, ready to spill at any bat of your eye.
he sighed, dropping his bag; the thud making hope spring into your eyes. "...you're lucky you're my only job tonight..." he muttered.
you readily ran back to your seat and sat back down. he trudged over to his seat that was sat right across from yours. "okay. let's figure out why you failed." he said as he pushed his glasses up and grabbed the red inked paper from your hands.
he leaned against his hand and read your test.
on the first question he stared up at you with a cold chill that made you squirm in your seat. "you're joking right?" he asked and you looked down in shame.
"what is a person, place, thing, or idea, y/n?" he asked as he let the paper fall from his hand. "...noun..." was the only thing you could say. "so why the hell did you put 'verb'?" he asked and it all made sense now. he turned the paper around towards you, and your eyes caught the bottom left hand side, 'test a'.
there were 2 versions of the test
"i-" you couldn't come up with anything. jaemin was pissed you failed but he would've been livid if he found out you cheated on the test.
"well here...i'll tell you exactly why you put 'verb'." he said reaching in his bag that was settled by his right foot. once you saw the 2 packets in each hand you already knew you were done for. he knew. you were dead. you couldn't lie out of this one.
you slumped in your seat and just pouted. he dropped both versions of the test infront of you.
"as you see here, y/n. you got everything right for the 'test b' packet." he chuckled, and it hurt. "when in actual reality, you had 'test a' all along." he shook his head, taking his glasses off.
he set them down and massaged the sides of his head. "so not only did you fail...you cheated." he muttered. "i didn't mean to!" you countered sitting up and staring at him. his eyebrow cocked at your boldness.
"i choked! i knew everything but got distracted by something! and poof!" your hands flew up, "everything was gone." he didn't find this amusing at all.
"so that's the only reason, you got 'distracted'?" he asked, arms crossing over his body. you looked around for a moment and nodded.
"then come here." he said and motioned for you to come over with a single wave of a finger. you stood up and walked over to his seat.
he grabbed your waist and sat you down on his lap. you yelped at the suddenness, his hands grabbing your thighs to steady your body.
your legs rested on the outsides of his own as he spread your legs further open. his hand came around and grabbed the blank 'test a' and a pencil.
"do it." he demanded and you just started writing down as many answers as you could.
you had uneasily made it to question 3 when you felt his hand brush against your clothed pussy. you straightened your back quickly, dropping the pencil out of shock. "did i say to stop?" he asked, a slap landing on the inside of your thigh. you whimpered, trying to close your thighs but his hands held them open firmly and forcefully.
"continue." he said and you picked up the pencil again. "want to work on distractions? then do the test while i have my fun." you basically heard the smirk dripping from his lips.
you nodded obediently and started working. his hand creeped closer to your covered core, rubbing lightly on your clit. you bit your lip and tried to concentrate as much as you could.
your body shook with arousal and his hand grabbed your waist firmly. "i don't think you should be enjoying this as much as you should be, princess." he whispered, hand travelling up and grabbing at your still covered chest.
with one quick pull of your panties and a rip sound, his fingers were prodding at your wet entrance. you breathed a sigh of content as you struggled on question 9.
"maybe if you complete the test i'll let you come." he taunted, slipping a finger into you. you gripped the table, trying to close your legs to no avail.
"awe look at you squirming." he chuckled. you tried looking at him but the hand that was feeling your chest was now on the back of your neck, guiding your entire head to look straight at your paper.
his pace didn't let up as he taunted you and tried distracting you.
it was as if a huge ball was forming in the pit of your stomach. where jaemin was there trying to make it explode. "please." you moaned, trying to think of the correct answer. "oh my god please." you begged and you could feel his body shake with a laugh. "please slow- unngmm." you were cut off by his other hand coming down to quickly rub your clit. you looked up to see your reflection staring back at you. jaemin's amused and concentrated face peaked out from behind your figure.
"you can't come yet." he said, motioning down to your paper, both of your gazes locked. you felt yourself come close to the edge, but just as quickly as everything started--it ended.
his once buried fingers were now in his mouth, cleaning your essence off his digits. "i'm giving you a chance to get it done." he said, fingers still on his lips. his one hand that was rubbing fastly on your clit was now just gripping your thigh possessively.
your gaze broke from his and you hurried down to your test. your high was slowly dissapearing as you made it through 4 questions.
his wet fingers traveled back down to your core, teasingly twirling themselves around your hole.
your mind began to get clouded again as two fingers were now plunged into you and your clit being rubbed again. your high came back ten times harder as you whined, finally dropping your pencil and grabbed his arms that disappeared below the edge of the table and landed where your skirt stayed flipped up.
your one hand tried gripping his wrist to his hand that was rubbing you closer and closer to climaxing everywhere.
"oh please don't stop." you said, throwing your head back, leaning against jaemin who was waiting for you. his mouth laid wet kisses all over your exposed neck.
you hands came up to pull at his hair lightly.
your head turned to the side where both of your lips clashed and teeth scraped for control. his movements seemed like they got faster and faster.
your lips detached but you still laid there, your head on his shoulder and your eyes shut while you were experiencing pure pleasure.
"please don't stop." you whined quietly.
he wanted to stay there forever and just watch your puffy and drooly lips beg and plead for him to not stop. your soft voice now in a high-pitched whisper. your back subconsciously arching away from his chest as you try to have him hit deeper inside you. your hand resting on his jaw and your touch so delicate.
but that wasn't going to happen right now. his hands retracted from your core. his grip forced your wrists away from him and then to make you sit up straight.
"only 3 more questions to go, sweetie." he sung, popping his sweetly coated fingers into his mouth where he licked them graciously. he never wanted your sweetness to end...but you were almost done.
your high was so close this, and it was ripped away from you like it was nothing. you quickly tried to get the questions done as your core literally throbbed for a release.
"fini-ah." you began but his fingers plunged directly into you with no warning. "what, baby?" he asked and you gripped the table hard.
"i...i finished." you panted, trying to regain your composure quickly.
"good job, princess." your gazes locked in the mirror and you saw him smiling.
he stood up quickly, you being pushed from his fingers and smooshed against the table and his body. he forcefully turned you around and lifted you onto the table.
you couldn't register what was happening before he was on his knees and his tongue was licking you up and down.
his fingers were wonderful but his tongue was pure magic. "oh-" you moaned, your body weight being supported by your elbows.
"oh my- please." you whispered, so close to the edge. his arms hooked around both of your legs, pulling you onto his mouth forcefully.
he was in paradise. you tasted so sweet and so magical. he could die with you sitting on his face and it being the best way to go in his opinion...but that was going to be for a different time.
he felt a grip on his hair and knew he was doing something right.
he quickly backed away and rested his head on your inner thigh. your exasperated whine made him look up to see your annoyed and pouty face.
tears gathered in your eyes and this is exactly where he needed to get you. "oh look at you." he pouted, his hand coming up to slowly stroke and play with your clit.
"so desperate and whiny. just to come." he sighed, his fake sympathy making your blood boil. yet you were too focused on getting your release, you let it go quickly.
"please just- i need you." you whined and his tongue was on you again.
his arms held your legs open as he ate you out with passion and dedication. you were so close.
the tears fell down your face and were slowly being replaced with stars.
you gripped his hair and he knew this was it. he got ready, tasting your sweetness and trying to make it last; sucking your clit in between his lips. he smirked, and pulled away, standing up.
you laid there on your desk, tear streaks down your cheeks and your nose and cheeks having a soft blush to them. "what...are you doing?" you asked, sitting up.
"...going home?" he chuckled grabbing your finished test and shoving it into his bag.
"b-but-" your eyes grew at the realization once he grabbed his glasses, popping them back onto his face. he licked his lips and wiped the excess away with his sleeve.
"see you next week, y/n." he said leaning over and kissing your cheek sweetly.
"maybe you'll behave this week...yeah?" he whispered into your ear, softly running his tongue under your ear; shivers shooting down your spine.
you watched as he seriously walked out of your room, fixing and adjusting himself so he looked presentable if he were to see your parents on his way out.
your fingers going back down to your clit, trying to match what he was doing; nothing working no matter how hard you tried. you were left just sitting in your desk, pouting at your climax that never tipped off.
jaemin smirked the whole way home, knowing he was gonna be doing this for awhile.
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Fantasy AU! Dragon Master! Katsuki Bakugou X Witch! Reader: Hot Damn, Dragon Man~!
(Description: I don’t think anyone has written a story like this before with this particular backstory, but if someone has please let me know right away! With that out of the way, this was just a fun little idea I had that I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing! Also, I aged up both Bakugou and Kirishima in this story to around their early 20s, though this isn’t really important or relevant to the fic, an adult, hunky Bakugou and Kirishima is a treat I think we should all indulge in~! I might make a Part 2 to continue the story depending on how you all like it, but we’ll see! I hope you enjoy and thank you for your time. // PS: Quirks still exist in my version of the Fantasy AU! //)
Fanfiction Lingo
(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
“Normal speech.”
‘Inner thoughts.’
Requester: No One!
Reader Gender: Female (She/Her)
Style of Story: Aiming for a multiparter, but who knows! // Fantasy AU! Hope you’re as excited as I am!
Word Count: 6.4K Words
WARNING(s) / NOTE(s): Aged up characters but this story is NOT NSFW, Quirks still exist, cursing (it’s Bakugou in a fantasy world, he’s going to call you some offensive stuff), and a little bit of blood but no real harm is done to (Y/N)!
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“Man, I have got to work on my cardio! Ughh…,” you huffed out as you took the last few steps to be on top of the hill you had just hiked up. Stopping for the air you desperately needed, you sat down on the mossy ground below and leaned against a nearby tree, taking deep breaths. As your previously foggy brain became clear again, you noticed the purples and pinks of the dawning sky peaking through the tree’s leaves and smiled, springtime weather had always been your favorite kind. The dewy mornings, sunny afternoons, and clear nights were always a welcome change to the drab winter days. Though, being a Green Witch did make you favor specific seasons more than others.
“Sorry, my lord Hades, but I must admit that I’m a little happy your lovely wife is back with her mother again. Nothing can compare to the plants and herbs that grow back in the Spring. Though, do not fret, my lady Persephone will be back with you sooner than you think.” you spoke to the stillness of the forest, but you felt their presence and knew your gods heard your message.
Looking in your wooden basket, you inventoried the goods you had collected near your secret cove to harvest ingredients. You found the cove three summer’s ago while looking for shelter from a storm that rolled in quicker than expected. You were lost and couldn’t find your way home but the kind nymphs that lived in the area offered you a place to stay that night. In exchange for them sheltering you, you made them a few miscellaneous potions as payment (even though they hadn’t asked for any). Ever since that day, you have been friends with them and are allowed to freely take any of the resources that grow in the area with their permission and in turn you trade them any potions or spells they ask for. Of course you’ve found other places to harvest rarer ingredients for specific creations, but with such a bountiful place so close to your home it is your go-to spot.
“Wicker mushrooms, a bunch of Lavender, Yarrow, Thrumdells, could always use more mint sprigs, Merryquil, Heron’s feathers, I have the mermaid’s bubbles and crystals at home...I think that’ll about do it! Great haul today, (N/N)!” you praised as you set down your basket and stood up. You brushed off your flowy, (F/C) ankle-length skirt and smoothed out your poofy shirt and cloak, straightened the potion holder belt strapped to your hip, picked the basket back up, and continued on the path back to your cottage hidden deep within the forest.
“What should I make for dinner? Zeks enjoys sweet things but I don’t know if Zazel--!” Without warning, a booming roar shook the leaves off the trees, causing you to stumble back in shock. You shot your hand on the dagger strapped to your belt while your eyes darted back and forth through the surrounding terrain, trying to locate where the sound had come from and if there was any immediate danger near you. Shortly after the cry, a loud crash sounded like something smacked the ground hard and caused a tremor that knocked you clean off your feet with a yelp. The shaking lasted for only a moment before everything went still once more as if nothing out of the ordinary had even occurred.
Still in shock from the bizarre situation, you sat on the grass for a little longer, listening to the oddly quiet atmosphere, before another cry shot through the hush of the land and nearly scared you out of your boots. Though, instead of what you thought was ferocity in its tone, it seemed closer to a wail of pain than anything. You stood on shaky legs and took deep breaths while staring into the distance where the noise came from. You wanted to turn around and run to the safety of your home, to go back to the warmth of your cottage and just pretend that this whole instance never happened, but something was pulling you towards the creature. Maybe it was the whines and whimpers that it made, the curiosity caused by something that could make lands quake with the strength of its voice but instantly become like a meek puppy was truly intriguing, but that wasn’t quite it. Maybe you wanted to check if anyone had been hurt by the monstrosity but that didn’t seem right either.
You let out a quiet gasp as one thought in particular struck your mind...could it be...Fate? You cursed yourself, wishing you had brought your tarot cards to check for any possible signs, but you didn’t have time for that right now. You considered your options; be a coward and leave whatever the hell just fell out of the sky alone, abandoning it to most likely die, ignoring the call of Fate, and continuing about your day or appeasing that pesky gut feeling, finding the beast, and seeing what was the matter.
You growled as your legs began to move toward the epicenter of the sound, hating how you can never turn down someone in need of help.
~ Timeskip to a short while later ~
“Where in the fresh hell is that stupid beast?!” you cursed as you trudged through the spongy moss and bushes covering the forest floor. After running for a bit in the direction you had thought you heard the wail come from you had found no evidence of anything out of the ordinary which pissed you off to no end.
“You couldn’t shut your trap earlier, why are you having such a hard time now?” you mumbled to yourself, pushing past a few bushes in your way. Your next few sassy words became caught in your throat as you heard a low growl erupt a few yards away from you behind the bush directly to the right of you. Suppressing your urge to scream in surprise, you composed yourself and poked your head through the shrubbery, only for your jaw to drop at the sight before you.
An enormous creature was laying on its side in the middle of a small clearing of trees, peacefully sleeping in the early morning sunshine. Its horned head and long neck were stretched out while the rest of its body curled around itself in a cocoon like position. The beast took steady breaths, its lungs filling up and stretching its stomach to show off the breath-taking, fiery red scales that coated its entire body. The tail lay still wrapped around the body and reminded you fondly of a litter of kittens your old master cared for. But probably the most beautiful part of all were the magnificent wings that draped over the serpent’s body like a protective barrier from the outside world. You saw the muscles of the appendages and knew that this creature was not one to be messed with. Right there, such a short distance away, was what you could only describe as a humongous, red dragon!
You couldn’t believe it, you almost wanted to pinch yourself to see if you were really awake but you ignored the feeling in favor of watching the sleeping beast in awe. Sure, everyone around knew that dragons existed and heard the legends about them, but it wasn’t like you got to see them very often. The kingdom to the South was well known for its coexistence with dragons but rarely anyone except those in a higher position of power or people who lived in the tribes actually got to see and interact with them.
Judging by the diagrams you had seen drawn of dragons, you guessed that it wasn’t extremely old based on its size and bodily markings, making it less of a threat. As you examined more it led you to notice the reason for the creature’s moans of pain. A huge gash was carved on the right side of the dragon’s chest, dripping with fresh blood. It was so deep that you could actually see bits of the beast’s rib cage. Wincing at the sight, you inspected further and saw the scales surrounding the wound were a contrasting dark black to the shiny red ones all over the body, almost like they had been scorched by a tremendous flame. Either way, if the serpent did not receive some kind of immediate help with that large of a wound, it would surely bleed out within the next few hours or somehow be injured even more. After contemplating, you sent a quick prayer, took a deep breath, and shuffled your way out of the bushes and into the open for the creature to easily see you.
You expected that such a powerful beast in this state of physical distress would not let its guard down so easily, so when its golden eyes shot open to glare at you with its teeth bared in snarl you were not in the least bit startled. You smiled sweetly at the dragon, lowered yourself closer to the ground, set your things down, and averted your gaze as to not cause it anymore stress or let it think you were challenging it. You kept your hand visible as you reached for the knife on your waist, even as the beast hissed at your movements, and threw it far away from your reach to show respect.
“Hey there! I’m not here to hurt you, I’m here to help,” you spoke loud and clear so it could hear you, but even if it didn’t understand your language you still wanted to get your point across, “I heard you fall awhile ago, that must have hurt, huh? I came to check up on you, see if you were okay, but then I happened to notice that nasty gash in your side and figured you needed my help!” you gulped with the smile still on your face. You heard another growl before it was cut off by a sharp whimper of agony and that noise alone made your heart drop to your stomach. The smile on your face faded into a frown but you quickly perked back up and continued.
“I promise, I just want to check out that wound and get you healed up. Help you get back in the air again. Please, I don’t want to have to leave you to suffer like this.” you finished as you looked back at the dragon with a desperate look in your eye. The dragon wasn’t snarling or glaring at you anymore, which was definitely a good sign, but as you looked deeper in its eyes it was almost like you could feel the pain radiating off of it. After a brief moment of hesitation, the beast lowered its head back down to the ground in defeat, a sign for you to come closer. You gratefully smiled and picked your things back up, got up, and scurried on over.
When you got close enough to where you could press your palm flat to the warm scales and feel its strong heartbeat, you kneeled and examined the bloodied gash. You first ran your fingers along the outskirts of the wound and the dark marks smudged onto your fingertips and palm, confirming that the dragon had been severely burned by something or someone. The actual slash was about five feet long and two feet wide that dug deep into the body, like something had pierced it rather than just nicked it. You looked closer at the blood dripping from the injury and noticed pine needles stuck in the dragon’s flesh, not just on the surface but deep in the wound as well.
You gasped and looked up at the beast who was already gazing down at it with you to ask, “Did you hit a tree during the fall?” The serpent nodded its head with discomfort and flopped it back down onto the soft grass. A pitiful sigh slipped from your mouth as you explained what you were going to do now knowing it could understand you.
“Okay, first off we need to get these pesky pine needles out of the wound. Then, I need to slow the bleeding and somehow dress it. I do have the right ingredients on me to make you a healing cream but I do not know how I can…,” you stopped and glanced at the cloak draped from your shoulders and smiled, “I know! I’ll use my cloak to soak up the blood!” The dragon shot its head up in alarm and looked at you with a gaze of what seemed to be guilt. You tilted your head in confusion before looking at the cloak now in your hand, back to the saddened serpent, and connected the two together with a laugh.
“Oh, are you worried about dirtying this old thing? Pssh, don’t even concern yourself! It's to help you survive, so it's being used for the greater good either way! Between you and me, I was planning on treating myself to a new one anyways, so who cares if a little blood gets on it!” you joked, trying to calm the dragon’s nerves. You washed your hands with the clean water from your canteen strapped to your hip and shook them dry.
“Let’s do this!” you cheered, readying yourself for the crazy afternoon ahead of you.
~ Another timeskip to later in the afternoon ~
“I must say, you are certainly one of the best patients I’ve ever had, my scaly friend! You’ve been so good letting me take out all those nasty needles and clean away the charcoal and blood from your pretty scales! Thank you for being so sweet.” you praised, scratching the dragon’s chin, behind his horns, and belly as he let out happy grumbles and chitters (Dragon Kiri LOVES belly scritches, and you cannot convince me otherwise) at your kind words. His head was now curled up next to you, watching you clean and disinfect his wound with the utmost care, with him enjoying the pets he got every time you hit a sensitive area or made him hiss from the pain.
You were diligently working at patting away the blood with your now sopping cloak, trying to cease the liquid dripping out of the dragon. As you worked, you made sure to give the creature lots of encouraging strokes and belly rubs to help ease the pain, but whether it was more to help it through this endeavor or to get to pet a living dragon was uncertain. Either way, the job was getting done, and so far no big issues from either party.
“Awesome! It looks like the blood flow has slowed down a lot now. Thank the Gods, I don’t know how much more my poor coat could have taken,” you joked while setting the crimson-soaked material to the side, “Now, I’ve got the healing cream prepared for you but how the hell am I going to bandage--AH!” you shrieked as you were suddenly shoved away from the dragon and thrown further back into the field.
You heard the beast let out a concerned roar as your back met the dirt ground with a loud THUD that knocked the wind right out of your lungs. You closed your eyes in pain and gasped, desperate to get the lost air back in your system, but you were stopped as you felt a heavy weight slam on your chest, a hand grab your wrists and pin your arms to the ground above your head, and someone lean over you to block out the sun. Even though your head was spinning with confusion and adrenaline ran a marathon through your veins, your eyes shot open when you felt something sharp press into your neck.
“What the hell are you doing to my dragon, fucking maggot?!” the man on top of you yelled in your face, but you could hardly comprehend his words due to the abruptness of the situation. You wish you could say that you hated him from the moment your eyes landed on him, you wished you could have ignored the way your gut did cartwheels as if the Fate of a lifetime had been completed, but god was everything hard to ignore when he looked so fucking hot. His blonde, spiky hair exploded messily around his chiseled face to give him that ‘I didn’t even try to look good today’ natural beauty. From his striking jawline, cute button nose, strong neck, and those striking crimson eyes, he was just insanely good looking. Even as he glared at you with his eyebrows pulled down in a scowl, you couldn’t help but blush at the intense way he looked at you. Not even mentioning what you could see of his bare torso that was every bodybuilders’ dream, you inferred that he was around the middle of his twenties. His attire was composed of a few pieces of jewelry, colorful arm bands, a blood red cape completed with a fur-lined neck piece, and other things you couldn’t quite see from your position under his knee pressing hard onto your sternum. That pain was actually what brought you back from “(Y/N)’s Hot Guy Dreamland” to realize admiring his looks wasn’t exactly the main issue right now. To be honest, he’d be even more hot if he wasn't pressing that sharp scimitar threateningly to your neck, but sadly even that was sexy.
“I...I...well--,” you stuttered in shock, looking for the right words to spit out to appease the barbarian on top of you.
“EH? Out with it, whelp,” he growled, pressing his knee even harder into your chest to get his point across, “What were you doing to my dragon, dimwit?! Did you try to hurt him?”
“What? No, never!” you defended yourself while weakly struggling to free your arms from his vice grip.
“Did you plan to kill him and skin him for his hide! You sadistic monster!” he roared, pressing the blade closer to your neck, causing your skin to break and bleed. You yelped when you felt the burn of the slice but swore you could smell the scent of burning caramel drifting off of his body that hadn’t been there before.
“I would do no such thing, you creep! I was just--,” you were interrupted yet again by your own whimper as he leaned closer to your face. His frown deepened as you felt the blade press even further into your delicate flesh.
“You know what? I don’t even wanna hear your shitty ass excuses, I might just kill you right now and be done with you,” he smirked as your face significantly paled, “Unless you did something to my partner, then you’re gonna explain what you did, fix it, and then I can take my time slicing--,” the madman was cut off as another voice cut into the conversation.
“Bakugou, stop hurting her!” a masculine voice bellowed from a distance away. The sound of steam expelling filled the tense air as a hot gust of wind swiftly blew over the two of you. Shortly after you felt the man, who you now know his name is ‘Bakugou’, unlatch his grip on your hands and draw his sword away from you neck. You let out a sigh of relief and gawked as he completely abandoned from practically sitting on your chest to sprinting in the direction he had pushed you away from.
“Kirishima!” Bakugou shouted as he ran head first into the warm fog the steam had created. You sat up from the ground and pressed a hand to your neck to stop the light bleeding as deep gasps filled your lungs to contemplate what in the fresh fuck just happened in the time span of maybe a minute. You heard mumbling from the fog and, being the ever curious (N/N), decided to get up on wobbly feet and trek into the steam after the brute of a man.
“This is not how I planned to spend my Wednesday.” you murmured to yourself, walking blindly forward in the mist until you found your assaulter and your lizard patient except...not? No, instead of your new found scaly friend, you saw a red-headed man with horns and scales peppering his body leaning against the bully, Bakugou. His hair was spiked up to incredible heights and it blended seamlessly with his red curly horns hidden within. His face was scrunched up in pain but he still held a brave face as he grinned with teeth that were fit for a dragon. He, too, was around the same age as the blonde, and shirtless with the same body sculpted by the gods themselves, but on the right side of his torso was the same gash your dragon friend had. If the smaller, but still powerful, human sized wings on his back and thick scaly tail weren’t enough to convince you, then the wound confirmed that this indeed was the red dragon from before, now known as Kirishima. And, thankfully, he was nearly fully clothed too.
“Kirishima, don’t be an idiot, de-transform and get some rest, dammit.” Bakugou grunted at the man, causing the spikey haired fellow to laugh.
“Aw, I thought we weren’t partners, Bakugou! Now here you are, caring about some lowly warrior? You flatter me!” Kirishima joked as he coughed into his gloved hand while trying to sit up properly but utterly failing.
“Stupid! Just because I don’t want you to be fucking idiotic and die doesn’t mean we're partners!” he barked, his teeth growing sharper like he himself was a beast. Kirishima chortled and looked over to you. When he noticed your dropped jaw and wide eyes he coughed and looked you in the eye.
“What’s up, dudette? You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” he joked.
“I...what...the HELL?! What even...I don’t understand…,” you paced in circles before looking at the two with (E/C) eyes full of confusion, “Who and what the heck are you two?!” Bakugou looks taken aback so he growls, reaching for his sword again, but Kirishima slaps his hand away from the weapon with a grin.
“I’m so sorry for not introducing myself to you earlier, I was in a lot of pain and plus I didn’t know you that well, so I hope there’s no hard feelings,” he smiled while pointing his thumb to himself, “I’m Eijirou Kirishima! And that is my friend, Katsuki Bakugou!”
“You lizard brain! Don’t just give random strangers our names!” Bakugou bared his teeth but Kirishima chose to ignore him.
“I never caught your name before, what was it?” he asked with a sweet head tilt that reminded you of a concerned puppy.
Suppressing the way your heart clenched at the adorable sight, you stopped nervously pacing and spoke, “My name is (Y/N) (L/N), it’s nice to meet you.”
“Such a manly name! It’s nice to meet you too! Hey, I just wanted to thank you for all the help you provided me today. It’s totally not manly of me to ask for that much assistance, but even I knew that I needed it then more than ever! Who knew the perfect person for the job was just an acre away! Ha!” Kirishima laughed as he struggled to stand but fell back down again onto his tail with a groan of distress.
Bakugou had only barely caught him before you rushed over and kneeled down to check his tender wound. Kirishima flinched and flushed red at your fingers traced along his bare abdomen but you were too worried to care. Bakugou openly glared at the way Kirishima blushed at you, but stopped himself short when he realized what he was doing. Why did he do that? He had only just met you, you were a fucking nobody in his eyes! You hurt his friend! Who you choose touch and don't touch wasn’t his problem! Then again, he glanced at your concerned face and noticed the way your soft features shown in the light, how your (H/C) hair framed you like an elegant oil painting in a museum, how your eyes glistened with the rays of sun, how your lips moved with each word spoken. He blushed at that last thought and shook his head. What the fuck? No, he was too great to be dragged down by silly puppy love! But...you did seem nice and strong too...Wait, no! He looked away from the two of you and tried to compose himself as you and the redhead spoke back and forth.
“Woah! Kirishima, what are you doing? I haven’t finished treating your injury yet! Take it easy on your body.” you scolded like you were his own mother, placing a cloth you had fished out of your pocket onto the leaking wound.
“W-Wait...you’re not done?” he stuttered out, thankful the blush on his cheeks was slowly but surely melting away.
You looked up at him in shock, “You thought I was just gonna leave you like this? No way! You still need that healing cream, stitches, and bandages to cover it up so it won’t get infected!”
Bakugou interrupted Kirishima before he could even protest, “Hold on, you weren’t hurting him?” He looked over to the bloody cloak hastily tossed on the ground and scowled at the memories of his actions a few minutes prior.
“No! That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, pinhead! I’ve been healing up your dragon while you were off picking flowers in the woods to make friendship crowns! Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to finish treating him so that you two can head on your merry way and go back to wherever you popped out from, got it?” you shot at the brute, causing him to flinch at your harsh words.
“No way am I letting a weakling like you--,” cutting Bakugou off, Kirishima spoke over the next few words Katsuki said, which most likely saved him from a beating by your hands.
“Actually, he doesn’t get a say in this. I would love for you to finish, (Y/N)! Thank you again for great care!” he quickly said, shoving Bakugou a few feet away so he could lay flat on the ground. You balled up the fabric lining the bottom of your foraging basket and placed it under the dragon boy’s head so he could be more comfortable as you got to work again.
You carefully cleaned, sanitized, and tried to get Kirishima back to his peak performance and he took the pain like a champ, but Bakugou on the other hand was getting a little out of hand. He insisted that he keep a close eye on you to make sure you didn’t hurt his “not friend” in any way, shape, or form, and that was fair, but you didn’t like the fact that all he was doing was squatting next to the two of you and just...staring. Not saying anything, just scowling with those pretty eyes of his. What? Just because the man was a bit of a hard ass didn’t mean he wasn’t damn fine eye candy.
“Are you gonna sit there all day and just glare at me and my handy work or are you going to say something, Mr. Negative?” you snarked, watching from your peripheral vision as he jumped at the sudden intrusion of your voice. You smirked as Bakugou scoffed and leaned further in your line of sight to make you acknowledge him.
“Who are you?” he said with a stern tone.
You raised an eyebrow as you added more of the cream onto Kirishima’s wound, “I’ve already told you, my name is--,” Bakugou quickly hushed you.
“Not in that way, moron! I mean as in what are you? Some kind of mage or something dumb like that--,” you swiftly hit Bakugou on the shoulder for his rude remarks but before he could retaliate you flipped the question onto him.
“Don’t call people stuff like that, didn’t your mother ever teach you manners? I’ll tell you what I am after you tell me what you two are.” you countered.
“Bullshit! I’m the one asking the questions here! I ain’t saying--,”
“Bakugou and I are from a Southern Hemispheric tribe called the The Kin Born of Flame,” Kirishima explained as Bakugou’s jaw dropped, “He is actually the son of Chief Mistuki, leader of the Bakugou Clan! How cool is that? As for me I’m half dragon half human, but I’ve started to call my species Dragon Shifters.”
“Wow, not only a dragon but a Dragon Shifter too? This is incredible!” your eyes sparkled as you grinned down at Kirishima in delight.
“I know, right! If you think dragons are rare, try finding more than a dozen Shifters, we’re even harder to come by! Yeah, I’ve been Soul Bonded with Bakugou ever since we were fifteen. He may seem tough on the outside, but once you get to know him he’s really a huge softy!” he laughed as the barbarian cussed him out.
Your heart sank a little as you heard him speak so fondly of the man but the term he used confused you, so you just had to ask, “Soul Bonded? What’s that? Are you two in a romantic relationship?”
“What? Oh, no way! We’re just close buds is all,” Kirishima snickered, “I don’t think I could ever stand to be in a relationship with someone who's so hot headed! But he is still on the market and up for grabs, if you know what I mean~!” Kirishima wiggled his eyebrows at you while you blushed but played it off with a wave of your hand and a teasing giggle.
“What’s that supposed to mean, you hair-for-brains loser?!” Bakugou fumed, his hands twitching at the thought of grabbing the dragon boy’s face and blowing him to bits.
“So, what is Soul Bonding?” you redirected the conversation once again away from the agitated blonde and left him to stew in his frustration.
“Right! Soul Bonding is when a dragon and a human basically become partners, or friends, for life. Bakugou’s people have such a close relationship with my kind that every year a ceremony is held for all the unbonded individuals to try and find their other half. During this process, the human doesn’t get to choose the dragon and the dragon doesn’t get to choose the human, the feeling is sort of hard to describe but you’ll know when you’ve bonded when you see the other and think ‘They’re the only one I can ever fly with again’. Once you’re bonded, you cannot become bonded with another of the opposite species for the rest of your natural life, so if something unfortunate happens to your other half you don’t get a redo. That’s why the practice is so sacred. Some see it as romantic, others see it as a platonic engagement, so Bakugou and I have chosen the latter! Plus, I already have my eyes on a different person~,” Eijirou swooned with a flutter of his scaly wings.
Bakugou groaned, “Please spare us the two hour long declaration of love for another time, idiot. My question still stands, whelp, what are you?”
You huffed, “Well, since you asked so nicely, princess~, I’m a witch,” Kirishima and Bakugou gasped at the answer and glanced at each other nervously, but you raised your hand to stop them from jumping to conclusions, “but if you’re assuming I’m one of the evil witches that only uses black magic and practices necromancy, you’re wrong. I’m actually more of a Green Witch on steroids. I make healing and protection potions, work together with the nymphs who live down by the mountainside, open up my home all the time to the neighboring normal and mythological wildlife, encourage the growth of new, exotic kinds of plants to sprout in my backyard, and more. That is how I was able to make that cream so powerful for you and I, thanks to your guard dog, Kirishima.” you rubbed your neck where the slice had been that had long disappeared from the magical antidote and glared at Bakugou who simply grumbled and looked away in embarrassment.
“Woah, that’s amazing! I was wondering how you made it feel like it wasn’t even hurting anymore! You’re amazing.” Kirishima awed with wonder as he lightly patted the strips of bandages strapped to his side.
“Awe, thank you so much! I’m glad you’re feeling better,” you gave him a scratch behind his horns and his tail began thumping the ground like a dog as you became serious once more and turned to Bakugou, “But I have to ask, what caused Kirishima to get such a huge injury?”
Bakugou froze and let his head dip a bit towards the ground. You looked over at Kirishima who, for the first time, had a truly pissed off glint in his eye. You were taken by surprise at the silence that overcame them and considered taking back the question you had asked but stopped short when Katsuki began to speak again, this time his voice was just a gravely grunt.
“Ever heard of the Dark Kingdom?” was all he had to say as the mood became sinister and heavy.
Your eyes widened and you let out a brief shutter of a sigh as chills swept over your body, “Of course I have. Who hasn’t been affected by them in some way or another?” a grimace filled your now hushed voice. After all, how could you forget the ones who imprisoned your dear instructor?
“Kirishima and I had just made a trade with that damn Prince Shoto in the Todoroki Kingdom to the North last night and we were flying on our normal route back home when all of a sudden this huge blast of blue flames came hurtling towards Kiri. It came out of nowhere, no warning given. I don’t blame Kirishima for not being able to avoid the fucking sneak attack, but I do blame myself for being ignorant enough to not think that an assassin from the Dark Kingdom would try something on our only route home.” Katsuki closed his eyes as his eyebrows furrowed further.
“I should have expected it too, Bakugou. You’re not the only one who wasn’t thinking the smart way.” Kirishima tried to take some of the blame but Bakugou only continued.
“I got a brief glance at the attacker before Kiri fell. While he was falling, he managed to hit a rather large pine tree and instead of breaking it he impaled himself directly on it like a dumbass and further hurt himself. We hit the ground, I checked to see if Kiri was even alive and if I had anything broken, and once I confirmed he was breathing, I ran after the fucker who did this to give him a lesson like a jackass. I ran and ran, but the bastard got away and when I came back to help Kiri I saw you poking and prodding at his flesh and I just...saw red. Look, I’m sorry I jumped your shit and nearly killed you. Just don’t be such a weirdo and don’t go poking your head in business that doesn’t concern a dummy like you!” Bakugou finished while crossing his arms over his chest.
“How did this turn into my fault?” you rhetorically asked the air.
“Well, it’s because--,” Bakugou started.
“Didn’t need an answer on that, dunce,” you rolled your eyes and stood while looking over at Kirishima, “Well, to end this on a happier note, my medical work here is done, boys! You’re all patched up, Kiri!”
“Seriously? Freaking awesome!” he jumped up from the dirt and almost nearly collapsed again if it weren’t for you and Bakugou rushing to help him lean his weight on you two.
“You didn’t let me finish, you overgrown lizard! You’re all patched up, but there is only so much that cream can do. I wanted to say the both of you can come back to my cottage and you can rest up awhile, rehydrate, get some energy back. Plus, I can see about making you a potion that can fully heal that wound for you too!” you finished with a grin.
“Oh yeah? What’s the catch, bitchy witchy? Turning us into frogs to keep as pets?” Bakugou sneered.
You giggled with a smirk, “I haven’t thought of the price yet, but if you’re offering that sounds like fun! I bet you two would be the cutest frogs in the land! Maybe I could as far as cursing you to need a princess to kiss you back to your handsome selves again~!”
The two of them gasped at your cruelty, but you laughed, not noticing the blush on Bakugou’s face, “I’m kidding, guys! You don’t think I’m actually that mean, right?” you teased.
“O-Of course not, (Y/N)! Ha ha! Pleasedon’tturnusintofrogs!” Kirishima stuttered out with a paled face, which made you laugh.
“You worry too much! Let’s get you boys somewhere safe to hang out! Ooo! I have to show you guys everything!” you skipped down the dirt path that ultimately led to your house and you rambled on about your own little world as the two of them shambled close behind, one of them wondering what the hell they just got themselves into getting stuck with a cutie klutz like you and the other way too excited to help these two lovesick fools navigate their way through the world of romance.
~ The End ~
~ Extra Bonus Ending!!!! ~
The figure hidden in the shadows of the trees watched with a smirk as the beautiful young lady led the two idiots further into the forest and away from the clearing where the beast had sadly not bled out.
“Wow, what an interesting turn of events, chiefling,” the blue-eyed figure snickered as they incinerated the bloody cloak of the young maiden previously used to clean the dragon’s wound, “Let’s see how long your princess in shining armor can keep you safe~!”
~ To Be Continued… ~
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