#there wasn't a lilac
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lilaccatholic · 1 month ago
I miss tv in the 2010s every day. You could put anything on air and get a 22 episode order and a five season run. Once Upon a Time was on and it basically spit in your face and told you that Olaf the snowman was Emma's second great uncle twice removed and you just accepted it. Golden age of the silver screen
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songthursh · 1 year ago
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Alright, I will start with this one then - everything starts with the glorious revolution and everything starts with the night watch 🌸
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phier · 11 months ago
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is-it-bussin-hannibal · 24 days ago
I'm dying to know what Orlok and Ellen named their baby— Something tells me it's Lilac related but I'm not sure lol
well, actually, i was thinking Danika!! which means 'morning star'!
((what if we're both demons and we name our child after Lucifer))
also, since (technically) they can't be in the sun, they still can have a little star.
AND,,,, bear with me cause this is tinfoil hat area for me,,,,, since Orlok is just Dracula with a different name to make a movie, i decided Orlok IS a Drăculești. So after a deep dive in the history of that family (I'm a historian, I'm insane), i saw that their flag has a sun/star and a moon in it..
So, long story short,, i thought it would be cute if the baby had a celestial name, and i chose one that encapsulates the darkness, the family legacy, and some happiness :)
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lilac-hecox · 6 months ago
for the ask game: if you're comfortable, do you mind sharing some of your unpopular opinions related to smosh? (other than bit city that is)
also: what was your previous fandom before smosh?
I don't feel this way at all now, but when I very first watched Smosh via the BAF Legacy games I did not like Angela. I feel bad about that now because she is so sweet and is so funny! I'm sorry, Angela!
I mean, to further answer, I guess my unpopular opinion is that I want more dedicated Ian and Anthony content besides the podcast?
Um, besides that I don't know how many I have. I think Culinary Crimes is kind of a mid show? I really don't like the Trivial Pursuit TNTL episodes.
For my previous fandom. I wasn't in a fandom for a good six or seven years between my last and Smosh but the last fandom I was in, I previously wrote for and engaged in Game Grumps fandom maybe eight years ago?
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
Ma Parker (played by Shelley Winters) was a decent villian for a two part episode of Batman '66, but she's not the most exciting foe. Also, she took over the prison, but she left Joker, Penguin and (presumably) Riddler in solitary confinement. So, y'know...Batman 1966 may not be a dark show, but this old woman is definitely gonna be shown not to mess with the real crime kingpins of gotham. You can't barge into someone else's territory and not expect them to retaliate one day. So i really don't think she'll be a threat ever again.
I will say this, though: Shelley Winters did a decent performance. She did sell the role. And the character had at least one thing going for her. Just think. How often do you see older women acting as criminals? And her scheme was clever. She took over the prison and used it as her headquarters. And the episode featured a brief cameo from Milton Berle, playing a criminal who Batman tricks into serving the rest of his 48 year sentence. I guess the crew of the show must've liked him, since he gets himself a lead villain role in season three as Louie the Lilac. But batman 1966 almost always manages to stay entertaining, even when I don't love the villain or story. There's just something about the show...It's charm really warms you to it.
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jamespotterthefirst · 1 year ago
Lilac in Taylor Swift songs
Recently I asked a few users to spell their MC's names using only TS songs. I made this for my own MC. And since I'm extra, I did her middle and last name too.
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Lilac Valentina Allende
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lilacs-stash · 5 months ago
hey uh btw if you end up getting some hate soon its because someone posted neg of your takes on twitter and didnt crop out your username in a screenshot
Oh shit what the fuck. My neg is untagged and contained to my blog for a reason. Does anyone have a screenshot or something of the post I want to know what exactly was spread
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lilaccatholic · 9 months ago
Boy who broke my heart, I hope life is kinder to your daughters than you were to me
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watery-melon-baller · 5 months ago
lads we are not gonna be doing well in this class 💪💪💪
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some-name-in-progress · 6 months ago
Back on my boomer shit, I remember this weird shift that I like to call "The Aloecy Effect". Essentially, back when Ion and Cyborg were released, both Aloe and Cyborg were drawn more masculine because Aloe had no confirmed gender and everyone assumed she was a man and Cyborg got shipped with her, so they got the same treatment (being more masculine not being labeled as a man). Jump to when Bell Pepper and Aloe were released and once Aloe was revealed to be a woman, both her and Cyborg were suddenly being drawn more feminine.
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thegrapeandthefig · 2 years ago
When I was a kid, there was a laurel tree in the garden under which I spent a fair amount of time because we had attached a hammock to it. I also liked the tree because I was allowed to pick leaves to throw in the barbeque, it smelled nice and harvesting the tree for that purpose was "my job".
Anyway, my mother is currently visiting her brother and she just sent me a picture of a young(ish) laurel tree with the caption "look how much the laurel has grown". Turns out my uncle got a cutting from the laurel tree before we left that place, over 20 years ago, and that baby laurel has since been growing in my uncle's garden.
I don't know why this makes me so happy, but this message came in right when I am drafting a post about the nymphs and it certainly didn't go unnoticed.
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garlic-and-cloves · 10 months ago
I'm making lilac jelly! And lilac sugar, and syrup, and possibly some other things because, well, I took a gigantic bowl of flowers and it's not even noticeable when you look at the tree.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year ago
okay, alright, i'm finally done writing the next chapter of lilac. just gotta edit over 5k words of filthy smut now.....
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pbpsbff · 1 year ago
i'm all for people expressing themselves and posting their writing online and all that but TIKTOK POETRY. makes me want to rip my hair out it can be the most basic overused metaphor done 500x on that app and every single video has a bunch of comments like omg... this is so deep... IS THIS 2014 TUMBLR. HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING
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acacia-may · 11 months ago
you asked me, so now i'm asking you! 3 for the ask game please? :D
Aww thank you so much for the ask, Lilac! I'm sorry for picking a difficult question for you. I didn't realize it was so hard until I was scrambling trying to answer it myself 😅 I feel like there are a lot of fics I've written that say something about me and about my style as a writer, but I've decided to choose an excerpt from a fic I wrote for myself for my birthday this year, Under The Weather. It was Hero-centric of course, and a post-good ending sick-fic, mostly about him and Kel and their brotherly relationship but also about his friendships with the friends I want him to have in college so much that I actually made them up. (I'm so normal...😅)
Anyways, because this piece is entirely self-indulgent, I think it is a pretty good indication of everything that is important to me when I write and a lot of the themes I enjoy such as brothers rebuilding their sibling bonds with each other, deep friendships, heart-to-heart chats, and an emphasis on the emotions of the characters and their interactions with each other. I've chosen this excerpt in particular because I think it showcases a lot of the patterns of my style of writing (i.e. I use a lot of long, trailing sentences and probably overuse em dashes) or at least things I really want to/try to incorporate into my writing (i.e. I really try to write dialogue that flows organically and to give the narration of the story the voice of the POV character). It also includes some of my favorite, intentional stylistic choices (i.e. listing those adjectives with the final one in italics in the 2nd sentence, and at the very end, having the narrator's internal thoughts blend directly into his dialogue).
3. An excerpt of my writing that encompasses my style
(Warnings: There are some vague-ish spoilers for OMORI here, but I don't think it's specific. But, I mean, if you know you know...)
“I don’t want Kel to worry...” The words slipped out without him really thinking about them—honest, vulnerable, real. The feverish haze was loosening his tongue, it seemed. Hero’s brow furrowed. He didn’t like it for the same reasons he didn’t like drinking. It felt like losing control—only this time, he didn’t have the energy to care too much.   “Then I don’t think not telling him anything is the answer,” Zoey replied. “Kel’s pretty smart, you know? He knows something’s wrong even when you won’t say—knew you were way sicker than you let on. He asked if I could stop by and check on you.” Hero’s face flushed. He couldn’t really process what she was saying, “Kel did that?” “Why do you sound so surprised?” Hero swallowed hard. He met her eyes—hoping the look in them would say louder than any words that she already knew why. Ever since their fight, he had felt Kel slipping away—walking on eggshells around him like he was scared he was fragile and would snap again. No matter what he did to try to reassure Kel that he was okay and that he would never lash out at him like that ever again, Hero couldn’t shake the feeling that he was losing his brother. He tried his best to stay connected—talking to him all the time, planning trips home to visit him, even letting him stay with him in the city, and even though things had been getting better since they had learned the truth two years ago, Hero knew that they would never be the same. They could never be the same, not anymore. Not after… “I really hurt him…” Hero’s voice cracked—breathy, dazed, but heart-wrenchingly guilty even all these years later.
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