#there wasn’t any at the campus bookstore so i bought it from a regular bookstore
val-made-a-mistake · 10 months
so do all demon professors just happen to be named todd or
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Almost Fate P2
Forty Quinn x Reader
Warnings: Nagging, other stuff probably
Notes: This is a sequel to an earlier writing of mine. I’m currently posting this because the other requests are taking longer for me to proof read. I guess it’s because I’m being pulled in multiple directions by school work? Surprisingly, the Visual Arts department was not built for online classes.
Part One -> https://hamburgerhelpersotherhand.tumblr.com/post/612751263373934592/almost-fate
What on earth is that noise?
You suddenly bolt off the bed you didn’t realize you were on. “SHUT U—“
Your roommate stands before you, one hand on her hip and the other holding out her phone. She turns off the ringer and stares you in the eye.
“So, now you wake up?” She says sternly. “Where were you last night? You didn’t pick up your phone.”
“It’s a long story.” You reply with attitude laced into your words. You hadn’t noticed it before, but you were now definitely aware of your hangover.
“How did I get in here? I didn’t have my keys last night.”
“I brought you in. You were passed out in front of the door.”
You gasp theatrically. “... Are you going soft on me now?”
“Never mind that, Y/N. Where is your bag? You had absolutely no ID on you. That’s dangerous.” Your roommate is starting to sound like your mother. You won’t admit it, but you kind of appreciate it on a good day. That’s not today. “Besides, you weren’t answering any of my texts or calls and you left the room a mess! I swear, the thought of you being kidnapped crossed my mind.”
“Please stop talking.” You blurt out and point to your head. “Migraine.”
“Then answer me this: Where is your phone and WHY isn’t it on you?”
“My phone?” You’re confused for a moment, but your memories catch up quickly. “MY PHONE! Dammit, I think I left it at the bar.”
“The bar? You were at a bar in the middle of the week nearing finals?” Here we go. “Y/N... I know you’re more responsible than this.”
“Look, I have today off. I can make it all better. I’ll even pick up a new textbook!” You give her a thumbs up, a symbol that everything will be alright.
“Something happened to your textbook?!” Oh okay, now you’ve really stoked the flames.
“While you’re already as pissed off as you’ll ever be, someone also snatched my purse with my dorm keys and wallet inside...” You’re already beginning to change into some clean clothing.
“Y/N, do you not care about your grades here?” Your roommate is looking more concerned than angry now.
“I do care.” You reply with a sigh. “Yesterday was just not my day. Nothing went how it should have and I really wish my closest friend was supporting me rather than nagging me.”
Ouch. She’s thinking over what you said. Honestly? That’s all you could ask for.
Never mind your roommate. You make your way out of your dorm, heading to the Student Services office to report your issue and get yourself a new key.
You don’t have a phone, no purse in sight and you definitely don’t have a wallet... but your new key is snuggly sitting in your back pocket and you find yourself with some cash in your secret pocket, given to you by the bar man you met last night.
You... really can’t remember his name, but you knew it was something odd.
While you do remember feeling guilty about the money, you also remember telling yourself to spend it well. Specifically to buy yourself a new textbook before class next week. Whatever is left can go towards your new phone.
Your mind is thinking of how funny it would be to suddenly run into your robber as you walk along the streets of Los Angeles. Would you ever see that hideous yet sentimental purse again?
You left campus a while ago, but didn’t bother getting yourself a cab. It wasn’t worth the little money you had.
Whatever. You need a textbook. Where do you find this exact textbook at this exact time of year?
A bookstore.
And this particular grocery store, which you so happen to find yourself walking by, seems to have one inside, lucky you!
You’ve stepped into Anavrin once or twice before.
You’ve never bought anything, though.
None of this appealed to you, but the first time you stepped foot in here, you followed behind your friend as she bought fresh lemons for a school project.
The second time you found yourself wandering Anavrin, you thought they would have a public bathroom. You didn’t bother asking, so if they did have one, you couldn’t find it and concluded that they did not.
Now, you found yourself wandering the rather pathetic excuse for a bookstore. You followed the alphabet and quickly made your way across. Your head was pounding and you felt restless. The faster you got this done, the sooner you could just sleep in a dark room and cry.
“Come here often?” You’re startled by a familiar voice and instantly recognize his stupid looking grin.
“It’s Forty.”
“Right.” For the sake of your own dignity, you hope not to make that mistake again.
“Wait. Let’s do another take.” He puts his hands up and turns around on his heel. “One, two, three...”
He spins back around to face you, a smile crossing his face once again. “Come here often?”
You can’t help but smile back and play along. “Only when I need a new textbook.”
“Oou, you think a grocery store carries college textbooks?” Hes cringing and you slap yourself in the face from a sudden wave of embarrassment.
How could you be so stupid...
“I’m kidding!” He puts his hands on your shoulders and lightly shakes you out of your own head. You definitely still feel that migraine. “They should be in storage and, since I’m feeling so incredibly generous, I’ll get Will to take them out for you.”
“Oh! Thank you!” You exclaim, very much surprised but mostly thankful for narrowly avoiding such an embarrassing scene.
“Hey old sport—“ He lets go of your shoulders and waltzes over to the bookstore clerk with an apron. You’re just out of earshot, but you can tell that this Will guy seems very disinterested in whatever Forty is saying.
While whatever happens over there happens, you begin to drift away and squint around at the rest of the store. You’re not particularly drawn to anything, but your head is killing you and you’re starting to really feel it.
Maybe... just maybe... you should of asked your roommate for a Tylenol or two.
“Are you doing okay?” He asks, a confused smile on his face. “You look like you’re about to burst into tears.”
“Heh, yeah. I think I might have a slight hangover. I’m fine though, really.” You’re smiling at him reassuringly.
His grin widens as he inhales. “I have just the remedy for your hangover!” His hands rest on your shoulders. “It’s called sleeping in.” Very funny. “Now, you probably haven’t heard of it but—“
You swat your hand infront of his face to grab his attention and frown. “I tried that but I have a bossy roommate.”
“Then maybe you should sleep over at my place.” His hands slide down to hug your forearms, his eyes are looking through yours for a reaction and you’re suddenly made aware of his statement.
“Your requested box.” Will huffs out and gestures downward.
You peer down to the large single cardboard box by your feet and immediately spot the familiar cover of the textbook you’re looking for. You reach down and fish it out of the box.
“This is it.” You say.
“Great! Hey, old sport... I’m gonna need you to bring that box back to where you found it.” Forty claps his hands together and Will reluctantly obeys. If only to get Forty out of his hair.
“Thanks for the help.” You say as you double-check the textbook in hand.
“It’s on me, so don’t mention it.” He gives you a charming wink. “Seriously though, don’t mention it because Calvin will have an aneurysm.”
He has quite the way with expressing himself. For the most part, Forty can keep a straight face as he describes the oddest of situations. You believe it’s one of the things that makes him a hoot to converse with.
“Do you have a phone number? I think my broken phone equals no phone number gag has run it’s course.” He states.
You cant help but laugh and nod your head. He hands you his phone and you quickly add yourself as a contact.
“I should get going now, before my roommate thinks I’ve gotten myself killed. Thank you again for the textbook!”
“See you around, Y/N.”
“Later, Five.”
You did it again.
It’s been a couple days since you stepped foot into Anavrin.
The encounter with Forty was surprising and really did catch you off-guard. There’s a possibility that he had mentioned Anavrin by name and that it entered your subconscious when choosing where to go... but you felt that was too far of a stretch to call it your reality.
The equal possibility that you were fated to enter that exact building also crossed your mind, but you shot it down just as fast.
Well, anywho, you’ve gotten yourself a new phone with the same old phone number. Forty still hasn’t tried contacting you, but he may simply not be aware of your phone’s status.
Not that contacting you matters! You two are just acquaintances, right? Drinking buddies at most.
You’re currently sitting at the desk in your room, studying the useful new textbook Forty had given you free of charge.
It was very kind of him, but you really didn’t want this to become a regular occurrence. Not letting you pay and/or paying for you? That felt like a problem waiting to happen. Don’t get yourself wrong, you appreciate the gesture wholly, but you hate to be in a position of owing something to someone.
Like... that kiss.
Oh, look at you now. You’re blushing and you know it.
That’s... your phone. That’s your phone!
But wait, you’re studying. You really need to get your grades up with this final project if you want to stand a chance to get the hell out of this school.
But...... what good is studying if all you’re really doing is getting lost in your own head? You slam the textbook shut and answer the phone.
“Hello?” You say.
“Good, you gave me the right number. I almost believed you’d play me.”
“Is this Forty?”
“Hey! You got my name right.” He says excitedly. “So,” His voice moves into a whisper. “What are you wearing?”
“Um... sweatpants and a tank top?” You mentally slap yourself when you hear him chuckle and realize what the question implied.
“Hot.” He laughs and you smile embarrassingly. “Anyway, I would hate to cut into your studying but... Can I take you out tonight? I think you’d absolutely adore the place I had in mind.”
You feel you face heat up. “Uh— I finished studying earlier. What did you have in mind?”
“It’s a surprise, silly!” His tone likes to change a lot, as you’ve come to realize in your short time with him. “Wear something special for me, yeah? Okay, I’ll pick you up at 8.”
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garyofrivia · 6 years
a few Modern!Gang college AU headcanons!!!!!
not that anyone asked!!! and this has probably been done already!! but i’m bored at work so :/ i’m so sorry 
graphic design major, creative writing minor
took a photography class to impress that cute albert boy from down the hall and worked extra hard all semester just to end up accidentally telling his advisor that he wanted to double minor in photography as well
he’s def one of those students that can fall asleep a n y w h e r e on campus
has a sleeve tattoo and is working on a second ;;;)))
he doesn’t party often, but when he does, the entire fire department and 7 cop cars show up by the end of the night to break it up
there was a rumor his sophomore year that he beat up 5 frat dudes at once during rush week for harassing girls and no one has heard of any issues from that frat since
is banned from the local chili’s for dining and dashing
shoplifts chef boyardee, microwavable ramen, and snickers bars from the student center convenience store to Survive
environmental studies major
is in 50000000 activist clubs
regularly punches racist white boys w/ maga merch in the dorm common rooms and when the RA saw one time he didn’t do jack shit bc…. he right
he’s never procrastinated an assignment in his life
studies until 5 am every night but? still wakes up at the crack of dawn to go to the gym????
works part time as a barista at a hole in the wall coffee shop/bookstore and is 100% a coffee snob
doesn’t smoke but knows every weed dealer on campus, mostly bc they’re all enviro studies majors
his roommate thinks he’s a myth bc he’s never there or is just super quiet, but rly he just Minds His Damn Business
can be seen reading for leisure on the quad when it’s sunny and warm
political science major, philosophy minor
arthur and hosea are his friends from high school and they’re the only ones that can tolerate his mood when he goes on Insane procrastination benders where he’s trying to write 4 essays in a single night on a fuck ton of adderall and energy drinks
frequently goes on rants while studying in the student center about capitalism and it somehow always results in him on top of a table, yelling about ronald reagan
it gets Annoying when he talks about ancient greece, which is… constantly..
has 4 girlfriends and 3 boyfriends but still has time to participate in debate team every saturday
accidentally incited a student labor strike on campus one time and the cafeteria wasn’t functional for a week
started 6 clubs, but never goes to meetings and can’t remember what literally any of them are for
doesn’t work at all but somehow? always has money??? like he pays for his friends’ dinners all the time?? how??????
graduate economics student
he’s that cool TA in a super hard class that sends the prof’s tests from previous semesters to all the students so they can study for the final
Constantly in the library reading/studying/tutoring
still lives on campus for some reason and pirates textbook pdfs out of his dorm room
has a 4.2 gpa, but acts like he’s never been to a single class in his life
gets high all the time and talks about moving to europe on a whim and is *THIS* close to just fuckign doin it
makes his own kombucha
when he can’t sleep bc of test anxiety he rambles to arthur and dutch until the wee hours of the morn about existentialism and how great the beatles were
is responsible for multiple people discovering they have a daddy kink despite not having one himself
undecided major (communications maybe, but he hasn’t found his “passion” yet)
failed freshman english twice for just not showing up to class
drives one of those old subarus from the 90’s and does donuts in the student lot when it snows
has a CD collection from his Emo™ days in the glove box and pops one in every now and then when he’s alone and feelin’ nostalgic/sad
skateboards to class and usually almost runs over a bunch of people since he always has headphones on
death note is his favorite anime
that One Room on your hall that is ALWAYS playing loud ass music until 3am
is surprisingly really good at math and tries to help tutor his friends but gets frustrated when they don’t understand “basic” calculus on the first try
his favorite hobby is harassing the ducks on campus and has made enemies of multiple geese
criminology major
plays intramural sports, probably volleyball and softball
everyone’s Jock Girlfriend they wished they had but are too afraid to talk to bc she might snap someone’s neck if they look at her wrong
wears leather jackets and aviators for every occasion
one time gave a monologue about sexism in her political theory class after not saying anything for the entire semester and her professor was moved to tears
has a lot of friends but only a few are ride or die babey!!!!!!!! (it’s arthur, charles, and abigail and they bully john together)
knows a lot about cars and ppl pay her to fix theirs since college kids usually can’t afford to go to a garage
speaks german because she got bored one summer and taught herself a fucking language i guess
french major (????why is he like that???)
he says he’s studying a different language because the thinks it’ll make him hotter, but really it’s because he fantasises about moving away one day to start a new life
always says how college isn’t really for him and is .2 seconds away from dropping out
hangs out with john a little too much for his own good and once broke his wrist while trying his skateboard
“hey, have you heard of [insert incredibly obscure punk rock band name here]?”
gets blackout drunk every weekend and keeps a journal for the sole purpose of documenting the various places he’s woken up
wears stupid beanies and owns one (1) hoodie that he wears year round
quotes memes out loud to be able to communicate his emotions effectively
a ~Film Hoe~
also………. he vapes
international studies major, finance minor
studied abroad in spain and almost didn’t come back bc he loved it so much
plans to get mega rich so he can travel Everywhere
um,,, he loves classic lit and owns an entire library full of it
took a gap year after high school to tour with his band and kinda became a lil famous so that’s cool
runs a thirst trap instagram acct and models part time ;)
every single person that encounters him has been attracted to him in one way or another and they truly don’t even question it
he’s a major mama’s boy and she visits him all the time
he rooms with sean who drives him insane but they have similar music tastes and were able to bond over that
they get rowdy on saturdays but has his (few) friends over on sundays for a “family dinner”
computer science major
used to play COD competitively and wants to get into videya game development
seems like kind of an idiot when he asks questions in class but his grades show that he’s smarter than he looks
did ROTC for the tuition money but dropped as soon as he found out that you have to enlist after you graduate lmao
southern angery boi that drives a pickup truck and hosts tailgates every single football game
has a bunch of dudebro friends that he hangs out with due to societal pressure, but all he wants to do is bake some cookies
his roommate was scared of him at first but when he bought him a lil gift for christmas before break, he realized that he was a big ole softie
is late to class bc he spends 65943598 years on his hair in the morning even though it literally never looks different
english major, applying to the education masters degree program
he wants to be a high school english teacher fuck me up!!!!!!
was super homesick when he first moved away :( 
writes his friends papers for them sometimes even though he’s killing himself with his own schoolwork
netflix binges and video game benders are regular weekend activities and he’s been known to not move from his chair for 15 hours at a time
runs an avengers stan blog and cried at comic con when he met robert downey jr
begged the manager at the local comic book store for a job and the guy was just like “yeah, kid literally just apply online idc”
has lots of friends that rope him into doing hooligan shit instead of study
is a giant ball of anxiety for the majority of the semester and is just,, Trying His Best
he was the maga kid that charles knocked out the first week of classes
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pan-princess-levy · 6 years
coffee, flowers and ink
pairing: gajeel redfox/levy mcgarden/juvia lockser (gajevia) characters: gajeel redfox, levy mcgarden, juvia lockers rating: teen and up (for now) word count: 2070
it's rare for people to get more than one soulmates, but it seems levy is one of those cursed ones. there are two names written on her wrist - two people she had long ago given up hope to find. until she does. 
(compilation of interconnected oneshots set in the same universe. gajevia.)
although this au was given birth to in a roleplay and is awfully fun to write (bailey have i said how much i love you) i decided to give it a go as a story, too, changing few smalls things. the tags are a mess and will be updated with every chapter/oneshot added
levy meets the two most beautiful people she had ever seen, and promptly falls for them. literally.
read also on AO3 here
Friday afternoon shifts were, by far, Levy's favorites.
There was something so comforting to the buzz of the multiple coffee machines around her while she practically danced around the tables and handed out people's orders. Her manager, Mirajane, found her excitement cute and sometimes put up her favorite songs just so she could dance along. It got her bigger tips, too, as most of the customers enjoyed her cheerfulness and the bright smiles she gave them.
Levy loved her job. She knew she was lucky to find herself a spot at the beginning of the school year, but luck (and, apparently, Lucy's charms) was on her side because Mirajane had hired her instead of half dozen more other students. The job was the best possible - compliant with her class schedule, with amazing coworkers, awesome boss. It was close to campus and to her apartment.
And it offered her discount on everything she bought. Including one free coffee per day.
And now, watching the students pour out of the campus, she felt very happy she had picked mostly morning classes.
The coffee shop slash bookstore's door opened, the small bell ringing softly. Out of habit, Levy lifted her head from the drink she was brewing. She often spent the free time in-between orders to study the customers and make up with funny stories about them. The staff usually competed who would come up with the most ridiculous one and her roommate, Cana, was usually the winner.
Only this time, instead of normal customers, the people who walked in were gods.
Levy watched, wide-eyed, as the two made their way to one of the tables by the window, the masculine-looking one pulling the feminine's chair for them and making them laugh. (A very cute and very beautiful laugh, she could listen to it for hours.) They seemed to comfortable with each other, that way she could never enjoy skinship. Her wrist felt strangely itchy.
Mirajane noticed the way she was staring and gently nudged her.
"Go take their order" the white-haired lady whispered to her, a knowing smile playing on the corner of her lips. "They're regulars. Don't be shy."
Easer said than done, Levy wanted to tell her, but only smiled and nodded before going around the counter, writing pad and pen tucked in her apron. She walked over to the table.
"Hello, my name is Levy." She smiled, doing her best not to embarrass herself in front of them. "What would you like to order today?"
The woman (god, Levy desperately hoped she wasn't misgendering anyone) smiled at her. She had long, straight hair dyed a shade or two darker than Levy's own wild curls and east asian features, matched with ungodly high cheekbones and the rosiest lips she'd ever seen. Her blue sundress shifted lightly when she leaned back into her seat, their eyes meeting.
"I would like a vanilla latte, no caffeine." Her voice had a light accent and sounded like a siren's song. "And... a straight black coffee."
Her partner let out a snort at the word straight, which made Levy's attention turn to him. He (please, she hoped those were the proper pronouns) was tall and muscular, with a long black hair tied into a ponytail and an array of small piercings. His features were a bit strange, but she found him unusually attractive. And handsome. Very handsome.
(God, please, kill her before she made a fool out of herself.)
"Add a bottle of water" he said, the low rumble in his voice sending shivers down her spine. "And someone of those homemade chocolate chip cookies."
Levy smiled gently and scribbled down their order, assuring them it would be done in a moment. She was off before she could embarrass herself any further, almost running behind the register.
Mirajane appeared awfully amused at the blush that spread over her face. She peered into the writing pad and called into the kitchen at the back to check the very last batch of cookies for the day, then got a small bottle from the nearby cooler.
"It wasn't that bad" she mused. "I didn't see you fall."
"I hope no one saw me blush" Levy murmured, then focused on the latte she was supposed to be brewing.
"Is it just today, or you always act weird around beautiful people?" Mira asked, setting down the tray next to her.
Levy groaned softly, remembering how she had promptly embarrassed herself in front of her boss when they met one month ago. She looked at her wrist, covered by a simple cloth band. She could always tell her about the itching, but... No. Mira was awfully romantic (half the books around the shelves were cheesy but cute romance novels), she would go out of her way and suggest something... or pity her. Levy didn't know which was worse. People always pitied her. She hated it.
She pitied herself well enough, thank you.
A small commotion pulled her attention from the mug in her hands and Levy watched as a customer apologized over and over for the drink they had accidentally spilled. Lisanna, another barista - and Mirajane's younger sister - reassured them everything was alright while wiping away the mess on the floor. Such nice customers might have been rare in most places, but not here. Mira's small coffee shop was the only one around campus that served actually good drinks and had nice staff, not to mention free Wi-Fi and all sorts of books to read about.
Besides, no one wanted to get on Mira's bad side.
Levy smiled at the heart she had drawn and set the mug down on the tray. The heart was, of course, because it was cute. Not any other special reason. She thanked Elfman, their baker - and Mira's younger brother - for the cookies and picked the tray, then walked towards her customers' table, making sure to circle the slippery part of the floor where the drink had been spilled.
The two were talking in hushed voices when she approached, so Levy did her best to tune out the conversation on order to give them some sort of privacy. The blue-haired lady was going rapidly, excitement in her voice, while her partner listened with a light frown on his face. They both stopped once she appeared on their table and set down their order.
"Thank you" the lady said with her sweet voice and smiled at her while the man grabbed one of the cookies and bit into it. Levy felt something flutter in her chest. "Did you make this heart? It's beautiful."
Levy nodded, relishing the praise of her coffee-making skills. She could feel her heart going faster and desperately hoped she wouldn't blush too much.
"Is there anything else I can get you, miss... um..." She gripped the tray to her chest.
"Juvia." The blue-haired lady's smile only widened. "And that here is Gajeel, but he's too busy stuffing his face with cookies to notice us."
"Miss Juvia." A pretty name for a pretty girl, she thought, feeling warmth fill her up. Levy smiled back at her, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "Alright. Just... um..."
"I got it." She laughed lightly, her face lighting up from the inside. "We don't need anything right now, but I'll be sure to call you later. Just in case. I would love to talk some more with someone as sweet as you."
Levy nodded. Her ears were beginning to burn, but she found it hard to look away from her smile. She bowed her head lightly to them, then turned around in her heel. A happy grin bloomed over her face, pulling at the edges of her lips.
Did she... flirt with me?
Distracted as she was, she ended up knocking her hip into one of the tables and almost losing her balance. From behind the register, Mira let out a soft sigh. Levy smiled bashfully at her, gripping the tray to her chest. At least she didn't fall or break anything... well, this time.
She didn't notice where exactly this table was until it was too late.
Then she took a step back, slipped, and fell down on the hard floor.
The trail clattered on the floor next to her. Pain shoot up her leg and Levy clutched it tightly, crying out. It... it hurt so much... The back of her head was throbbing and when she tried tilting it backwards, she sobbed. It hurt so much... Tears of pain filled her eyes.
Someone gasped in the background. The sound of few pair of feet coming towards her followed. A warm hand touched her forehead and Levy tried leaning into the comforting caress. At first she thought it would have been Mira, but her hands were smaller and softer. This hand was large and calloused, yet still gentle. Finger gently touched the back of her head and she cried out in pain.
“Fuck… she hit her head.” The voice was male and rough. It was familiar, but she couldn’t figure out. “Pretty bad… There’s blood…”
There was a small sob in the background. Levy struggled to open her eyes, but even then her vision was blurred, spots dancing in her eyes. There was a large blurb of color right in front of her with the vague features of someone’s face – she saw brown and black and small shiny dots. Further in the back two other spots, one white and one blue, were standing close, whispering something.
“H-h-hurts” Levy gasped out. Tears trickled down her cheeks. The person wiped them away.
“It’s going to be alright” they told her, carefully picking her and setting her on one of the tables. Something soft was placed under her head and Levy winced. “Call an ambulance.”
People were standing up and talking and moving and all the sound made her head throb. The person who’d helped her growled and after a while, the sounds disappeared.
“What are you standing there for?!” he yelled angrily, making Levy flinch. Anger scared her. “Go and call the fucking ambulance! Right fucking now!”
Someone’s steps moved away, almost running. Seconds later another person appeared in her blurry vision. Blue. Blue hair. Pretty. Cool, gentle hands touched her face. The rough voice from before cursed something. Fingers touched her injured ankle and Levy cried out loudly.
“It’s all going to be alright.” The hands wiped her tears. “It’s all going to be alright…”
For a second her vision cleared a bit. Levy recognized the pretty blue-haired lady from before. Juvia, her name was Juvia. Her face was contorted in a sad expression, worry in her deep eyes. It felt wrong. She should be smiling and laughing. Not worrying.
“You’ll be alright” she whispered gently, trying to smile. Levy felt so bad for upsetting her. “Your boss closed and called for doctors… You’ll be alright, I promise you…”
“I… I will…?” Talking was hard. She felt so tired. She wanted to sleep.
“Yes, yes, you will be.” Juvia took her hands gently and laced their fingers tightly. Juvia. Such a pretty name. “Just stay with us.”
“Keep talking to her, Juvia” the male voice – his name was Gajeel – said, moving the soft thing under her head a bit. “Keep her conscious.”
Levy struggled to stay awake. She knew she shouldn’t close her eyes, no matter how tired she was. Juvia gently caressed her hands and wrists. If she wasn’t crying in pain, it would have been so nice… But it worked well enough to distract her from the worse.
“My… wrist… itching…” Something told her she probably shouldn’t have said that, but the small itch was beginning to burn. She wanted it to go away, to stop. “Please…”
Cool fingers gently removed the band she had on her wrist and the burning sensation disappeared. Levy felt her caress the sensitive skin there.
She heard her gasp and grip her hand tightly, saying something to Gajeel frantically but her mind refused to register the words.
The last thing Levy remembered before everything turned black was the sound of siren in the distance and lips gently pressing to her temple.
(It was many hours later, when she woke up in the hospital with Juvia’s head resting on her thighs, fingers clutching hers tightly, and Gajeel speaking softly on the phone in the far corner of the room when Levy understood. She found them... No. They found her.)
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Tips I Think Are Useful for Your Freshman Year of College
School move in is less than a month away, and I will be back for yet another year of higher education. I’m not going to lie, freshman year kicked my ass and kicked it hard. It was a definite eye opener on so many different levels and so many things no one even warned me about. So today, I’m here to hopefully help someone either get more comfortable with moving away from home for the first time, for even just finding something relatable.
Here are my tips that I think are useful for your first year of school.
You don’t have to be friends with your roommate
I wish someone would’ve explained this to me. I thought you were either best friends with them or your both hated each other, no mutual understanding kind of middle. First semester seemed to be alright between my roommate and I. But sometime during the beginning of second semester, my roommate’s true personality began to show and I saw that I really didn’t want a friend like that. While I tried to be civil with my roommate, they did not see anything wrong with the way they were treating me and other people who were considered friends. For my sophomore year, I have a new roommate who I got to know better before agreeing to room with them. I have a much better feeling about this year than my previous situation.
Decorate your room to make yourself feel at home, not to look appealing
When looking up ideas on how to set up and decorate your dorm room, many pictures look very ‘tumblr’-ie. Fairy lights, tapestries, mandalas, and other things you’ll see if you look anything up. One thing I’ve learned is to decorate it in a way that makes you feel at home and not necessarily pretty. Bring pictures of your friends and family. Bring a stuffed animal or throw blanket you might have had on your bed. Bring a perfume or candle (if it’s allowed) that reminds you of your loved ones. Anything that makes you feel less homesick is for sure recommended.
Respect your RA
It’s an RA’s job to be in charge of you and the other people living on the floor. Do they want to get you in trouble? No. Do they want you to hate them? No. In reality, they just want you to follow the minimal rules that they set up and maybe even become their friend. They’re only a few years older (maybe only one year) and are students just like everyone else in the dorms. Just listen to them and be respectful. You’re an adult now, act like one.
Find an organization system that works for you
Whether it’s a bullet journal, an Erin Condren Life Planner, or just one on discount you found in the bookstore, it is so important that you find some way that works for you in order to stay organized. I started in a bullet journal for the first semester, and while it was a really relaxing process for me, it just took up too much of my time and didn’t let me see far enough ahead. Second semester, I bought an Erin Condren Life Planner to use and that worked much better for me. For sophomore year, I plan on finishing out my planner and then just using a regular one that I can find at Target or Walmart. Anything that will help you stay on top of things is something useful.
Join at least one club/organization
This is super-duper important. Try things that sound interesting to you. If you like what you’ve joined - fantastic! However, if you don’t like what you’ve joined, no one is forcing you to stay. Clubs and organizations are especially important for resumes. Employers like to see that you’re doing things around campus other than school. I’m not saying to join things just for your resume, but it is for sure a plus. Also, joining things is a great way to make friends. People with similar interests all doing things that they enjoy is a fantastic way to make future friends and connections.
Find a studying system that works for you
This varies class to class, at least for me it does. I found that in my lecture classes, if it was allowed, typing my notes was the best way for me to go. After class, I would re-write my notes in a notebook and use the textbook for anything that wasn’t super clear to me. Classes that were very number-based were in a notebook. I found that graph paper was the best just to keep my numbers in line and organized.
Also, finding out when you need to start studying for quizzes, tests, and final exams is a learning process. You might feel alright taking a quiz that isn’t worth very much by only studying right before the class. You might need a whole month in order to feel prepared for a test. Maybe a study group works best for you. Perhaps you need to study on the no-talking floor. Pulling all nighters might work for you, or you may need as much sleep as you need time for studying. As long as you find a system that works, you’re preparing for success.
Talk with your professors
This is especially important when it comes time for picking classes. These people want you to be successful, even if you think they are not helping you. They can lead you in directions you didn’t even think of going and open up so many doors for success. Even if it’s just asking a simple question, it’s still another connection that can help you in the future.
Try and expand your friendship horizon
Make new friends. They don’t have to become your best friends, but I strongly believe that you should at least find people you’d talk to in each of your classes that you’re in. Not only does it give you someone to work on homework with or to study with, but if something comes up when you can’t go to class, they’ve got your back with homework and notes that you may have missed.
But the friends you make don’t all have to have the same classes as you. Make friends with the people in your clubs, make friends with the people on your floor, make as many connections as you can. These people will most likely become the friends you end up spending the rest of your life with, so choose wisely.
Take classes that you want to take
At least at my school, we are required to take classes that are not necessarily in our field of study in order to keep us well rounded individuals. If a class that sounds interesting to you is available around the time that you can sign up for classes again, talk with a professor and see if it meets any of your requirements or would benefit you. Hopefully it fulfills some kind of requirement that you need in order to graduate on time. However, if the odds are not in your favor, you can either trust the advice you’ve been given and choose another path to take, or trust yourself and take it. College decision are really up to you.
Clean regularly
You’ll thank yourself later, trust me. Cleaning is not only hygienic, it helps to keep germs away that makes you sick and illness spreads like no tomorrow at school. Make sure you wash your bedding and towels at least every other week. Cleaning the floor of your room at least once a month is a good idea as well. If you have a fridge, make sure you empty it once a week, especially if you had take out.
Please, for the love of any higher being, take a shower regularly. If you went to the gym especially. I’m not saying to wash your hair everyday, because some people’s routine involves them washing it every other day or so, but I know that you need to wash your body everyday. Please just trust me on this one.
Crying is normal
While I probably cried more than all of the people I knew at school, I quickly found that crying is 100% normal and an okay thing to do. It can be because of stress, frustration, homesickness, or just because you need a good cry. I’ve cried in the hallways, the library, in lecture, even at the gym. Crying is a normal reaction to have, but if you’re feeling like your emotions are getting out of hand, I would recommend talking to a professional. This happened to me during the first semester and I would talk with a counselor every other week and just check in with her. She was super nice, really understanding, and gave me tips on how to cope and deal with my problems.
Pack your bag/backpack wisely
In school, you’re going to be out of your room more often than you think. I would suggest investing in a bag/backpack that you will use for your whole time at school that is big enough to carry around your belongings as well as comfortable enough for you to bring around. Essentials I would include in your bag other than your school supplies would be a phone charger, water, snacks for the day, and other hygienic products that you would use throughout the day.
Call home at least once a week
Not only do your parents and loved ones want to hear from you, but if you get homesick, this is the perfect cure. During my freshman year, I called home around the same time everyday and talked to my parents. Some nights it was just while I was walking back from the gym and other nights it was long catch up about things that were going on.
Even if you can’t call home during the day, at least shoot them a text message. They definitely want to hear from you, even if you’re busy or they’re busy.
Don’t chase after ‘love’
I found out quickly that people have no shame going on Tinder during class and hooking up with random people during the weekend. While you should be able to do whatever you want to do without being judged for it, finding romance should not be a priority while you’re at school. If you find love, good for you! However, a lot of boys your first year are not really looking for any kind of romance. Besides, you’ve got plenty of time to find love.
Enjoy yourself
These four years should be some of the most memorable of your life. You’re finally an adult, but also still like a child. You’ve got tons of freedom, but are gaining more and more responsibilities piling on top of you. Make new friends, new memories, and take opportunities you thought you’d never do. Enjoy yourself during these years, but make sure you’re taking care of yourself and doing the best you can in school while you’re there.
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