#there was some really cool pieces that i didn't pick up but i already spent like $100 on all this loooooool
akaluan · 5 months
New finds, new finds! Went on a road trip today to buy some new cool pottery for my display!
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Here's all the pieces I bought! I think everything but the green pot is @robinsceramics ? (Sorry if I guessed wrong, I assumed based on the tags from the little figurines and the fact that the wolf and two cups all have the same little kitty face makers mark!)
And here's all of them in their new homes!
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And then the zoomed out views of each shelf!
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My displays are getting a little crowded, I might need to put up another bookshelf soon XD
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yourelliewillms · 3 months
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the guy from the record
store wasn't a guy?
ellie williams fanfic
━━ chapter 2 wc: 3.1k
read the chapters here !!
you've managed to become closer with the guy you're interested in! this feels like a dream, everything feels like a dream but maybe this (or he) is too good to be true.
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hiii omg this chapter is way longer than the first one but i had to do it, i'm sorry !!! anyways i hope you like it <3
based on the guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all !!
friendly reminder that he/him pronouns are used for plot purposes !! so please imagine ellie when i use them. i'm not writing about a man, i'd rather die, honestly.
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7 in the afternoon. ellie spent the entire day looking at the phone number written on her wrist, scared that the black ink may erase at any time. she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose planning a whole dialogue in her mind that she probably would forget the second she heard your voice, she didn't even know what she was supposed to say to you, the girl that was basically interested in her.
but she knew how excited you were about this, everytime she closed her eyes she could imagine the look on your face if she called you. she knew that you needed someone to share your interests with and she couldn't deny that having someone to talk to about music sounded like a good idea to her too. ellie'd been alone at school for almost a year now and even if you didn't know that the guy you were wishing to date was actually her, you were going to find out at some point and, if you didn't get mad at her, you two could be really good friends, then ellie wouldn't have to be alone anymore.
the whole idea of finally getting to know someone running through ellie's mind while she stared at her phone and her fingers anxiously tapped the desk where her phone laid. she started to type your number on the screen of her phone. she breathed in, blinked quickly and cleared her throat when she pressed the 'call' button. she could already feel her heart pounding so hard threatening to get out of her chest at any second.
you walked in circles around your room with your phone in your hands. you could already feel your eyes drying for you couldn't even blink, you desperately stared at the screen waiting for that call.
but what if he didn't call you? what if he thought you were annoying and he was just being nice when he lent you that album? all kind of negative thoughts ran through your mind. just the idea of being rejected broke your heart into pieces and you could feel that knot in your stomach.
or maybe a worst scenario was that he actually called you. what would you say? would he expect an opinion about the album? would he want to talk to you or would he prefer a shorter conversation?
you fidget with your fingers and bit your nails from time to time as you too planned a whole script in case you had to carry a whole conversation with your crush. you wanted to impress him, show him that you could be as cool as he was.
the sound of your phone took you out of your trance and you froze for a second. an unknown number, but you know very well who was calling you. your face lighted up and you immediately picked up the call.
maybe it was because of your excitement that you couldn't help screaming at the phone awkwardly "i loved the album!" you immediately frowned and closed your eyes regretting your whole existence. the cringe was physically hurting you and the seconds you had to wait for his answer felt like an eternity.
"hi to you too," you heard his raspy voice followed by a chuckle that warmed your heart in a second "i'm glad you liked it, it's became one of my favorites."
you started to play with a string of your hair. "i know, i liked it very mussh!" once again you'd embarrassed yourself, it felt like you couldn't stop shouting and screwing things up. just when you thought nothing could make this moment even worse, you heard the loud voice of your mother coming from the kitchen.
a shout of your name followed by a "dinner's ready!" you closed your eyes and sighed hoping that some god had heard your prayers, had mercy of you and avoided that your crush listened to your mom calling you.
but that was asking too much and you could hear a soft laugh coming from your phone. just when you were already feeling the drops of sweat on your forehead reminding you that embarrassing moment, that husky voice blessed your ears one more time. this time it sounded like a whisper, one that warmed your ear and it almost felt as if he were only inches away from you. he called your name and you stopped dead.
"tell your mom i say hi." you hummed trying to hide the panic and the butterflies that only one sentence caused inside you. all the fear you felt seconds ago was replaced by pure ecstasy.
you two talked for a few more minutes and ended the call. ellie felt on her knees and buried her face in her hands. the initial plan was to talk to someone from school and make friends, but why was she unconsciously flirting with you? was it really unconsciously or she didn't want to admit that she was doing it on purpose?
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"hey, did you do the homework for today? i didn't do it and i can't have more bad grades. i was wondering if you..."
the voice of one of your classmates called your attention. you sighed and rolled your eyes, you were ready to deny the request, but you frowned when you looked up and realized that the request wasn't for you.
you turned to your right and there it was, your classmate jesse talking to ellie. or rather than talking, he was disturbing her, interrupting her so much preciated tranquility.
"i didn't do it."
the response felt ice cold but she didn't seem annoyed, just nonchalant. you bit your lower lip in order to stop the laugh coming out of your mouth.
"really? but you look like a nerd..."
now the soft smile on your lips slowly faded and your teeth bit your lips so hard they were turning a dark red, the blood threatening to come out from the corner of your lips. you furrowed your eyebrows and scrunched your nose. the conversation was none of your business but you felt the sudden impulse to say something, you couldn't stay quiet and see how someone insulted your classmate.
"so you ask for help and then diss her?" your words came out like a bark "how childish." both of them were now looking at you in surprise. ellie's mouth half opened, the green orbes grew bigger than ever. she blinked a few times before fixing her glasses with her index finger while she cleared her throat.
you just watched jesse leave without saying a word but you could notice his embarrassment miles away. you smiled proudly as your eyes fell on ellie. she mouthed a 'thank you'. you nodded and couldn't help smiling.
only the sight of her felt familiar, had she always been like that? with that little sparkle in her eyes that tickled your stomach and in some way made you feel a connection with her, feeling as if something about her would be able to captivate you any time.
you stared at the notebook in front of you trying to make up your mind. maybe she was a nice person and this was a sign to talk to her, maybe it was the sign of the beginning of a good friendship.
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you opened your eyes as soon as you heard the sound of your alarm. never in your life have you been happier about waking up at 8 in the morning on a saturday. you got up from your bed and appreciated the cute outfit laying on your bed, the one you'd carefully chosen the night before. spending hours on choosing the best clothes from your closet and doing your makeup to make you look stunning was worth it if it meant seeing your crush one more time.
you held in your hands the album he had lent you some days before and you couldn't hide the excitement that the butterflies inside your stomach caused. your left hand brushed your cheek and you felt the warmth of your skin almost burning.
you hadn't payed attention to the weather outside because what could go wrong? all the past days had been okay, why would this one be different?
before you cross the front door of your house, tough, your frizzy hair was already warning you something. the bright and warm sun that was beautifully shining the previous day was now all covered in heavy gray clouds that were taking with them the shiny colors of the flowers on the porch of your house.
it was just a 10 minutes walk from your house to the preciated record store but it took only 5 minutes for the pouring rain to start soaking your hair that had taken hours to get done.
but not a single thought of going back home crossed your mind, that was definitely not an option. nothing was going to stop you from having that desired love life you'd prayed for so much for so long. some rain wouldn't screw it up.
your path to the record store consisted of you running to get there faster taking little breaks under the trees that covered you from the rain. you inhaled and prepared yourself to start running again, it kept like that until you finally were only one block away from the place.
the light coming from inside the store gave you an immediate feeling of warmth. the characteristic music of the place was softer than the other days for the sound of the raindrops falling onto the floor was mostly the only thing you could hear.
you sprinted towards the door, the familiar ring of the bell welcoming you once again to your now well known record shop. your eyes scanned the room and stopped at the stunning figure you soon recognized.
it was the guy, your guy. it seemed like he'd also been outside because his hair and face, which was still covered with a mask, were adorned with tiny raindrops. he was drying his forehead with his shirt revealing his well toned abdomen, the small freckles highlighting his pale skin.
soon you felt the warmth quickly coming back to your body almost rushing. your uncolored cheeks now growing crimson while you clenched your teeth afraid that your jaw would fall to the floor if you stared too much.
it didn't take too long for him to notice your presence. he turned around to look at you with those hypnotizing emerald eyes, you could notice the concernment in his eyes as soon as they fell on you. he quickly grabbed the gray hoodie laying on the counter.
"hey, you might catch a cold."
his raspy yet soft voice blessing your ears and before you realized it, he handed you his hoodie.
"you can wear this."
this was the moment you coul swear that that was not rain at all, that was holy water. the day you thought was ruined had became a day you'd remember your whole life. it took you a minute to go back to reality and confirm that this scene was not a product of your imagination.
"oh, thanks." you couldn't hide the sweet smile on your face and you could tell that he was smiling too by the way his eyes looked at yours.
you put the gray hoodie on and all you could think about was the nice smell coming from the fabric, a mixture of a sweet yet woody perfume combined with his natural scent invaded your nostrils and was quick to make you head over heels.
meanwhile, ellie was sweating just by the thought of the possibility of her clothes smelling. but there's no chance that you could find this new fragrance other than pleasant.
after spending what felt like minutes but was actually more than an hour in the record store talking about the things that you had in common, which was not much more than music, but that was enough to make your heart flutter and giggle at his spontaneous jokes and at times sarcastic behavior.
minutes felt like seconds and you had the feeling that you two had something special. the natural conversations and casual jokes made everything feel right and, in some way, it made you think that all the scenarios you made up at midnight before falling asleep while you listened to a playlist you'd made specially for him, could become real. because you were like that, only a few days of seeing this guy and you'd already made a playlist for him with all your favorite songs in it.
"i wanted to share something with you." you hold your breath as you waited for a response.
"yeah? what is it?" you heard the curiosity in his voice.
"it's kinda stupid but i..." you doubted for a second before finishing your sentence "i made a playlist with my favorite songs, maybe you want to listen to it?" your fingers fidgeted with your rings.
his gasp was almost inaudible but loud enough to let you know that he was actually excited about this. "that's not stupid at all, that's awesome." the green eyes looked for yours "send it to me right now, please."
you immediately looked down at your phone in an attempt of hiding the sparkles in your eyes while you sent him the link of the playlist, little did you know that it would soon become that guy's, or ellie's, favorite playlist.
the feeling of your empty stomach reminded you that it was time to go back home and after chatting a bit more with your favorite employee of the record store, you waved and said goodbye to him with a sweet smile, his own eyes smiling at you too thanking your for your visit.
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you'd always been fond of participating in every festival that your school organized. this time wouldn't be the exception, your mind was already full of ideas for the spring festival and just the thought of being in charge of it excited you. you'd already decided the music, decorations and organized the little shows that some of the students would make, everything carefully organized by yourself.
but your plans couldn't be as perfect in reality as in your mind, it was when you heard your professor's voice that you knew this was going to be harder than you thought.
"you'll work with jesse, he needs extra points." your jaw fell to the ground when the professor basically forced you to work with one of your classmates, one that you'd already had a little argument with. it wasn't like you hated him but you'd never worked with a boy before, let alone being close with one, with the exception of the guy from the record store, of course.
"i can't... i won't work with him alone, i-" you looked around your classroom with the hope of finding someone who could save you from this situation, someone who you knew would be helpful and would make the atmosphere less awkward.
your face lighted up when your eyes noticed the person next to you, a smirk placed on your face for you'd found the perfect one.
"i think ellie'd do great if she helped us with the organization too." you patted her shoulder. she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and looked into your eyes for an explanation "you can help us with the music. you have good taste after all, right?" your voice softened when you turned to her, your face expression almost begging for her to accept your offer.
"i- uhm..." she swallowed when she noticed you were watching expectant at her "i guess i could try?" her rising tone making it sound as a question rather than an affirmation. the familiar sweet smile on your face thanking her was everything she needed to confirm that she wouldn't regret this decision.
you spent some minutes thanking her after everyone left the classroom, this being one of the first times you had a conversation with her that lasted more than two words exchanged. it wasn't too deep though, some instructions about the organization of these festivals mixed with words of encouragement for her before she left the classroom.
the room all empty now, every sound you made echoed between the walls as you packed up your belongings and put on your backpack ready to leave too, but the shinning screen of the phone lying on the desk next to yours called your attention. you grabbed it in your hands and carefully examinated it. "it's ellie's phone" you thought.
you turned to look at the door expecting ellie to come back looking for it, but not a single soul seemed to be near there. your attention went back to the mobile. the unlocked screen with a song playing on it, a song you well knew, awoke your curiosity. you'd always hated people who snitched in other's phones but you couldn't help it, plus, there wouldn't be any damage in looking into someone's playlist.
a little grin placed on your face as you noticed the so much similar taste in music you two seem to have. what a coincidence that these were all your favorite songs!
your smile faded and turned into a frown as you read the tittle of every song, one after one. the cold sensation at the back of your neck hitting you when you reached the end on the playlist. all you favorite songs, all in one playlist, the playlist you'd made which only one person was able to listen to other than you. the phone fell from your shaky hands onto the desk, your breath getting faster with each thought running through your mind, the sudden realization hitting you like cold water.
the sound of the door opening took you out of your half-conscious state. "oh, you're still here." you couldn't even face her, now it all made sense "i forgot my phone." the voice you soon recognized making you shiver.
you took a deep breath before turning at her and faking your best smile as you handled ellie her phone "yeah, here." you tried to hide the shaky voice caused by the knot on your throat. "thanks, see you next week!" you watched as she left the classroom once again, then your hands fell on the desk in front of you as you tried to catch your breath and swallow the incontrollable feeling of crying.
these past few weeks, the days you spent talking to what you thought was a guy, was actually a girl? it was not only a girl, it was your classmate, ellie.
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taglist: @ohnopoteito (and the editor 💋💋 thank u for your help you've won a crocheted gift 👏👏👏 parabéns) @bready101 @everegretseverything @idk-sam @jupitersversionn @seraphicsentences @fatbootymuncher @ilovetocas1 @blackandwhitewindows @nombreuxx @mooneylou
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Another possible part “Security Guard Himbo”
Let’s say M/n’s flower shop gets broken into and wrecked. Levi of course figured out what happened and helps the reader out. Possible angst and fluff ✨
(Also love your fics! Hope your having a good day/night depending on when you read this <3)
Fuck yes
God I loved this mini series
(Name) let Levi buy him a flower, the model wanting his boyfriend to have the absolute best he can provide and seeing (name) in his true element... Was hot to Levi.
(Name) was completely different than when he did security, smiling and helpful to customers and helping elderly people get their flowers to their cars and small children pick out a good plant to start with.
Then there were the people Levi wanted to strangle, the Model having come in with lunch and his new security guard when he saw his puppy boyfriend oblivious to the young woman flirting with him as he dutifully put an arrangement together for her "and your total is 62.95" (name) said politely, actively looking away when the girl bent over a bit to show off her chest and perked up when he saw Levi "baby!" (Name) chirped out and went from behind the counter to greet him with a gentle kiss.
The girl looked floored at the interaction, Levi glancing to give her a warning glare as (name) chatted about the shop "so many people came today! I think my sign really worked!" (Name) said but Levi knew it was because it was run by a buff hottie that was his boyfriend.
"It is a good sign" Levi commented passively and watched as (name) completed the transaction and the girl scurried off "let me make you some tea, would you like some?" (Name) asked the new security guard who looked startled at the florist, slightly entranced by the buff man but looked away when he felt Levi's stare on him.
"A-ah no thank you" he said shyly and (name) nodded before going to the back to get his boyfriend some tea "so what's your name?" (Name) asked the new security curiously "Marco, sir" the brunet was kind of in awe at the man before him, the person who had his position.
The lunch was spent relatively relaxed though Marco could tell (name) was hesitant about him and he couldn't blame him as Levi was not only one of the top models globally but the florists boyfriend.
"I have a shoot to go to but I'll see you after, yeah?" Levi said to his boyfriend who nodded obediently before kissing him gently.
"I'll miss you" (name) said softly as they parted,(name) nodding to Marco to silently tell him to keep his boyfriend safe.
(Name) was at ease as he closed down shop, Levi sent him pictures of the shoot and (name) was swooning at how cool he looked.
Though he did avoid any news articles because Levi didn't want (name) to have to think about that.
(Name) snuggled Levi, the black haired man resting against his chest without a care, the room dark from the night sky when his phone blasted.
"Shit--" (name) quickly checked his phone to see it's an alert for the shop, a break in.
(Name) and Levi rushed to the shop, the police already there as they took in the damage, completely vandalized and torn apart as glass and dirt was thrown everywhere.
Levi hated how heartbroken (name) looked, talking to the police and getting a statement and the likes before checking the footage and his heart sank at the carnage the perpetrators raised.
The shop was closed off as it was now a crime scene and (name) was silent as they drove home "I'm sorry baby" Levi was soft with his boyfriend, unused to seeing him so distressed as night streets had minimal traffic "I just... Why?"
"People are pieces of shit... I'm sorry" Levi said taking his boyfriends hand and kissing it "I'll call a guy I know to fix the damages and we will get the best security we can get" Levi said earnestly to (name) as they parked in the garage, the buff man melting a bit under the others soft touch "let's go to bed yeah?" Levi led the other to their room and snuggled him on the bed, letting the buff man be little spoon as his face was hidden in Levi's chest.
When the police did their investigation, Levi already had people on to fix the shop and everything as he forced his boyfriend to look pretty for him and accompany him to a shoot, letting him hang out in the dressing room and work on a few promotions.
(Name) was still on edge but Levi made sure to kiss those fears away and when the people who vandalized the shop were found, Levi wasn't surprised that they were... Fans of his.
Less than 24 hours later Levi's official twitter issued a statement about how appalled he was at this and how real fans should be happy for him and not attack his partner or his business.
Six months later the shop was thriving better than ever, the buff man always bringing home beautiful bouquets for Levi who usually didn't care for flowers but... They were from his boyfriend so he was swooning a bit.
But (name) didn't need to know that.
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ideas-4-stories · 8 months
NOOOOOOOO I LOST THE AU I WROTE FOR YOU 😭😭😭 I LITERALLY SENT IT AND TUMBLR SAID "NETWORK ERROR". L FOR THE WIFI. L. Not cool I'm literally crying I thought that AU was genius. It was a Teacher!Buggy AU with Crocomom and Dadhawk. + Shanks co-parenting Luffy with Crocodile. That note was so long I literally spent like 45 mins writing it here on your ask and it was just. Gone. Or I think it did. Why does life hate me. I'm just gonna be brief with this cuz I still think it's golden lmao. Croco and Mihawk work long hours so their kids (Luffy, Zoro, Perona) have to wait for a few hours until they're picked up by their parents. The school doesn't have school buses bc I said so (no I am not cruel it's just out of my budget /j). So Buggy takes the responsibility to keep them comfortable and entertained while they wait. Croco and Mihawk meeting this charming (and clown looking) blue-haired guy and they start courting him. Shanks gets dragged in on the courting bc of Luffy. Also he was already courting Buggy. I didn't write their process of courting I basically skipped and went,, their wedding will take part in a Goth castle. And the design are all sunshine and rainbows (literally). Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Vivi, Zoro and Luffy being in a class along with other kids. Franky, Robin, Jinbei and Brook are in higher classes. Chopper is atom. Not here in the world yet. Perona is like, 2-3yrs older than her brothers so. Yeah *awkwardly shuffles* (I love perona I swear-). Implied Zosan. Some rando: but you didn't imply shi— Me: Shhh I did. *gaslighting*. Law is also there in the classroom with lower grade strawhats. He's suffering. He only attends 3 days a week tho, he's mostly homeschooled bc of his sickness. He's homeschooled by Cora. (You can pry Law and Cora from my cold dead hands. You can separate them when I dissolve into ashes). Don't worry as he gets older his sickness is cured. Ofc he's cured by Cora. He's saved by Cora in every universe. In every AU. Every Era. Every life they will ever live. I will die on that hill– *applies the nobody dies/everyone lives tag on this AU* let my babies be happy pls. Let my man Cora live and travel the world with this emo boy (Law). Doffy isn't real, he can't hurt anyone. Ace is there. Sabo is there. Every One Piece character is out there somewhere. They're like hidden stones and you have 0.02% of finding them. I thought I was just making a Teacher!Buggy AU but then it turns into a Modern!AU for everyone. Let's gooooo. Sora divorces with Judge and remarry with Zeff so now Sanji lives with all his brothers and his sister. They get separate classrooms tho, and reiju is perona's age so she's besties with her. (I do not play by canon's rules with ages bc i live in my own world) They both tease their brothers (Sanji and Zoro) about their crushes on each other. The heart crew is there. Bepo is a dog, a very fluffy one. Kuina is alive. Kaya is there, same classroom with Usopp. I have no idea how to continue this lmao, but I do hope you find this interesting bc Buggy is 100% great with kids and probably teaches well bc he is a big nerd and makes lessons interesting. (Also, the whole reason why I wrote this instead of letting the idea slip through my mind like the others is bc the image of two goth men courting a clown looking mf was funny to me. So here we are lmao. The way I wrote this makes Shanks look like he's the person they let into their open relationship twice lol I'm so sorry 😭😭)
That's really sad, I really like this idea (though I see Shanks and Buggy more as siblings, but I understand the idea of Shuggy) It's fine that this became about so many people, I really like this.
Teacher!Buggy sounds so cool, you know that he's the flashiest and maybe one of the craziness of the things he'll do to get his students good things that will boost their learning. He knows that every kid might not have the same learning paths as others.
How many classes does this man teach? Who knows, too many for how much he gets paid. All teachers needs to get paid more.
I would think Jinbei and Brook being other fun teachers in the school, like Tom could be as well!
I really like this idea, and the imagine of two gothic men trying to court a clown-looking mf is really funny to me as well.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 month
hey what should I draw, mr.s?
I'm always partial to people and adjacent things, so, maybe some anatomy practice? Shoes? Clothes with interesting textures/shine/folds? Expressions? I don't know! Or...
Don't try to draw anything.
Listen, that sounds so fucking weird, but one of my friends encouraged me to try intuitive art where you just aimlessly do shit except for what you feel is right. Inuiting it. Scribble, make circles, dashes, lines, etc., whatever, there's no wrong way to do it. Just do it. Do what feels right. It doesn't have to be representative of anything, not an emotion or story, but it can be if you want to, too. Whatever. Use an art medium you're familiar with using or not. Use kids' crayons, use expensive, nice watercolors, either extreme or somewhere in between. There's no wrong way to do it.
I thought that sounded interesting when I was introduced to the concept first, and god knows I have enough sketchbooks unused lying around to experiement in. So I just picked up a sketchbook that someone distant in my family gave me who knows nothing about art, and nothing about the art I specifically make, so it's too small of a book for what I usually do and I don't particularly like the paper within it, so I was, like, whatever, okay, I'll "ruin" this book. And I just started scribbling.
I will say I don't love love love anything I've made yet, but I don't hate it the way I thought I would as a realistic artist that is very much a perfectionist. I've really only spent, like, 30 minutes of time (tops) on the intuitive drawings when I'm already spending 5+ hours to work on my actual pieces daily. So, it's low stakes. It's easy. But. It's still so interesting. It's been so good for me, even if I don't love the outcome, y'know? The process is fun or, at least, nice and flow-like. It's a good way to start or end a drawing session, I've found.
Shit, though, I made fucking magic this afternoon on complete accident! So, okay, maybe I do like that outcome of that scribble in particular. Even if it is a little embarrassing as a mess of smeared pink and red crayons in blurry squiggles and almost heart shapes. It's chaotic, and it happened because I got stuck thinking about my old best friend, whom I knew from 1st grade until high school. He, to say the least, was not a fucking good friend as it turned out. Yet, time puts rose colored glasses on you, and so sometimes I wonder about him. Sometimes, I even miss him, though I know it isn't real what I miss. (I also might have been in love with him? I don't know even know, and that's a whole can of worms.) That being said, I tore through a page with that intuitive art and... I was truly just scribbling, not trying to make anything representative. In the end, though, I made this lighter background with a very prominent, darker scribble in the abstract shape of the first letter of his name. I didn't do that. Not consciously. So, fuck, I was astounded when I looked down at it, feeling like I was finished, to see that letter. What the shit? I hate when art does these things to me 💀💀 Fine. I'm lying. It's very cool in an indescribable kind of way.
(Did I then immediately go on to start another page and make a vaguely disturbing scribble with lots of eyes and loose teeth and bloody looking smears that I also did not intend to make look like that? Yes. Is that besides the point? Yes.) ((Also, funnier, did I make something the day before yesterday that was undeniably vagina-shaped? Also, yes. It's an adventure out here, lmao.))
Whatever you do, get out there and do it, baby!! Draw! Be meticulous or chaotic! There's no rules!
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queenlua · 7 months
I've been thinking about picking up FF13, the way people talk about combat system intrigues me (I've never really liked standard final fantasy combat) and I love for a story to have a female lead... if the writing does a good enough job? I've heard a couple vague compelling things about Lightning as a protagonist but I've never known how much credence to give any of it. My hope, spun up from what I've heard, is that she's kind of a bitch (laudatory) without the writing being too... aggressively gendery about her being a woman, if that makes sense. Any information/perspective you care to share would be helpful 🙏
(and I don't care very much about spoilers-- sometimes spoilers end up being crucial for making me interested enough in a piece of media to actually try it!)
ohhh interesting yeah so re: ff13:
Lightning's arc didn't feel particularly gendered to me, surprisingly! overall i'd say her arc gave me vibes of Stressed-Out High-Performing Twentysomething Who Opts To Work Really Hard Instead Of Dealing With Feelings. which is, like, how i spent some chunk of my 20s, so, perfectly relatable on that front, and also a thing i've seen high-performing twentysomethings of p much every gender do at some point haha
for me her most compelling arc was the one she has with Hope, which is a kind of mentor-y arc—you sort of see her transition from "i'm barking orders and bossing this kid around because I Know Best," into, uhhh "oh fucking shit this kid is listening to me, they think i have Authority, how did that happen fuck fuck fuck i'm freakin out a little." you can read a decent amount of gender into that if you want to, right, mentor-liness is somewhat femme-coded—but not exclusively so; this arc also felt compelling to me in that i could kinda see that dynamic happening between a lot of different types of 20something-teenagerish pairs.
the writing has other weaknesses—ones you've probably heard already. the game seems to expect you to either Read A Bunch Of Tiny Print In Menus, or else Just Be Kind Of Confused For The First Few Hours, and i'm impatient so i opted to Just Be Kind Of Confused. weirdly, once you hit the 10-hour mark, the story tightens up hugely and everything's very coherent. and it's not like you're totally clueless before then. but it's just... yeah, it starts out a little wobby for non-Gender reasons
my big rec re: gameplay: would be, maybe watch a video of some speedrunners playing this video game first? just 15min-1hr should be plenty—watching speedrunners which got me interested in giving this game a second chance. the combat system is SO cool, but it's possible to do everything slowly/tediously/boringly, which will NOT feel satisfying, and unfortunately the difficulty isn't high enough to FORCE you to try interesting stuff early on. whereas, if you're trying to do Speedrunner Bullshit (try and finish combat AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, a few tricks you'll see them do), you will have an amazing time out of the gate. like i literally think those speedrunners TAUGHT me how to play the game "properly," and sure i wasn't LITERALLY speedrunning but i was focusing on gogogo in a way that felt really visceral and satisfying when i played.
i typed up some other scattered thoughts over here, ages ago
hope that all helps! & lemme know if you give it a shot, for good or for ill~
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bianca uses her siren powers to screw with tyler which causes his hyde to accept a new master(xavier) who is forced to take care of the boy as he goes through a panic attack and doesn't take care of himself
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warning : big fluff , angst , hurt/comfort , cuddling , kissing , soft
Tyler Galpin x Xavier Thorpe / Tylorpe
Info : Dear anon i hope you like it and i'ms sorry it took so long but here is your requested story. It was really fun and cute to write it. Have fun reading and everyone else too
Two hours ago, he wasn't covered in blood. Two hours ago, he had not almost killed people again. Two hours ago, he didn't have a new master. Two hours ago, he was not yet in the arms of Xavier, who was trying to calm him down. But two hours ago his heart was still beating as fast with love as it is now.
After the events with Crackstone and his former master, several months had passed. The whole town and the school were slowly but steadily recovering from the brutal murders and events.
Tyler himself was also facing new challenges. With the help of his father as Wednesday and the other students, they were able to explain the situation to some extent. However, he knew that he was no longer human.
He was half human half Hyde and yet his monster, however involuntary, was a part of him. A way to get closer to his mother, at least that's what he always told himself. But this gave him only a little comfort.
Comfort he found among his few friends who still treated him with a little distance in some situations. But as much as it hurt, he knew that he himself suffered the most.
And he did not resent them as good as not. He understood their fear, especially the fear that flared up in Enid's eyes from time to time when he and the werewolf were reminded of their fight. A tragedy.
But there were also beautiful moments, as well as every afternoon they all spent their lunch break together. This time they decided to retreat to the fencing room. Fortunately, they could sit anywhere, but they chose both the benches and a few chairs that were in the corner.
They all ate sandwiches together and Tyler had made coffee for everyone. Something that even Wednesday brought a small unimpressive smile to her lips. ,,Your shot of four espresso is to die for," she murmured, watching his touched smile.
Ajax, Enid and Xavier also nodded slightly, enjoying their warm drinks. They all brought something so that everyone could eat. ,,Do you already have the homework for fortune telling?" asked Ajax who gave one of his snakes a piece of ham from the ham and cheese sandwich.
A sigh of remembrance of homework went through the group. ,,Yeah, I got it...well my skills aren't the best," Tyler said, running his hands over his curls as he took his notebook out of his backpack and handed it to Ajax. ,,You can just give it back to me later today," he said casually before picking up the packing trash and heading to the trash can.
Since there was none nearby, he had to go out into the hallway. ,,I'll be right back," he said and looked at his friends one last time before slipping out through the doors.
A sigh escaped his lips as he breathed in the cool air through the larger surroundings. It only took a moment for him to arrive at the trash can. He was lost in thoughts of homework, his friends and Xavier.
He was hardly aware of his surroundings and did not look around. But he heard from afar footsteps barely perceptible, quiet and careful. Before he heard it a voice of which he thought he would hear it more. So familiar that it was strange again. It surrounded him, swam through his mind and befuddled him.
He hardly noticed how he staggered towards the fencing halls, how he had his hands wrapped around himself and his breathing was fast and heavy. He felt in the lightness of his voice how his body was transformed, his surroundings blurred for a moment before he could barely control himself. Find your master he heard the voice, his head shook, everything ached and burned.
It was always painful, but like now. It was horrible. He dimly sensed Wednesday hiding her friend Enid and Ajax behind her. They were all afraid, afraid that Hyde would kill them. But this Tyler tried hard not to scare his friends.
The monstrous creature lurched, its claws digging into its own skin, blood flowing down its body and onto the ground. He gave a scream and saw his friends wince. He himself was afraid. Afraid of what would happen. ,,Xa-Xavier" was the artist's name, and the younger man seemed to be trying to calm him down somehow.
Hyde went backwards, his back colliding painfully with the mirror, which shattered and injured himself even more. ,,It's going to be ok Tyler" he heard Xavier say as he hid his friends behind him and took them to the exit. He only heard the click of the lock on the door from afar. Master was the word that went through his mind as he fixed his gaze on the artist.
That gentle voice surrounded him again. Instructed him to accept it. Xavier approached him, raising his arms soothingly, saying calmly yet audibly, ,,Calm down, try to calm down". The words came through to him and seemed clearer than anything had in a long time. They felt good, like someone cared. Tyler hardly noticed how his Hyde stature slowly diminished.
Only when Xavier was standing a few meters away from him did he realize what had happened. ,,Oh shit...you-you're my master," Tyler said stunned, ruffling through his hair before pulling painfully at his curls. ,,What-how?" stammered Xavier, running a hand through his own hair. But he saw how chaotic everything around them was. Even the fact that Tyler didn't answer made him look from his hands to Tyler.
Tyler seemed to be completely out of it as he held his hair, his breath going too loud and too fast. A panic attack, he realized, something that wasn't necessarily new to him. Slowly he approached Tyler who was leaning against the broken mirror. Slowly he settled down next to him and watched him for a moment.
Slowly he put one hand on Tyler's and slowly pulled it away from his curly hair. ,,Hey, it's going to be okay," he said slowly and slowly stroked the other man's hand. He could feel the trembling, the tension in Tyler.
He thought for a moment, If I'm his master now, he mused. ,,Tyler, look at me," he asked the older man. To his amazement, Tyler lifted his head and Xavier looked at his tear-stained cheeks, reddish ears and eyes filled with pain and strain. He sobbed, probably trying to come to terms with the fact that he now had a new master.
His other hand went to the cheek of the barista. ,,May I?" he asked, seeing the small nod that showed fear and loss. He put it on the warm skin of the smaller one, gently stroking it with his thumb, trying to somehow take away some of the pain.
As funny and involuntary as the whole situation was for both of them. ,,What-what now," Tyler said, sniffling again and holding onto Xavier tightly. ,,I don't know, maybe after we figure this out we should find whoever did this and just start over," he said, pulling Tyler closer so the smaller man could rest his head in the crook of Xavier's neck. ,,I'm-I'm scared," he heard Tyler say dully, and Xavier stroked the smaller man's back. ,,Me too," the artist admitted, and even though he knew there was no worse moment, he knew that his heart was not only beating with fear.
But also with love and concern for Tyler. He pulled him a little closer, not wanting to let him go for fear he might hurt himself again. The wound he had inflicted on himself as Hyde and the cuts would heal.
But Tyler himself, they both knew the answer. ,,Thank you," the artist said and saw Tyler look at him for a moment. ,,For what?" he asked, wiping away a tear before snuggling back up to Xavier. ,,For letting me get so close to you, for letting me touch you, for letting me give you this, my Tyler," the artist crooned. But before Tyler knew what the taller one meant, he kissed him gently. Without franticness or nervousness or fear.
It was a kiss of pure reassuring love and closeness that they both had. ,,I will always love you no matter what" he reminded his friend and Tyler smiled sadly knowing. ,,And I will always love you for loving me," he said, and this time he gave Xavier a kiss that would keep them locked in the big room for some time. Because what they needed was what they had the most. Love.
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riya-song · 1 year
k. so. some edits with miyamura from horimiya randomly popped up in my youtube shorts, and i remembered my times of reading horimiya, finding miyamura cute but hot at the same time (i was 15, okay??) and i just randomly thought abt this one idea
so. reader once stumbles into a bakery of miyamura's family (i actually don't remember if miyamura's family had a bakery/cafe in canon, i read that like 6 (or more) years ago, but various fanfictions and little stories here on tumblr keep mentioning it, so i thought why not.) and just keeps staring at miyamura and then goes smth like "are u a cake? cause i want a piece of that" or some other weird pick up line. and then they realize what they said, miyamura realizes too, and they just stare at each other blushing super hard. and reader then apologies for being weird and tells miyamura they found him looking really sweet and cool and the same time, kinda like a bad boy outside, good boy inside all that stuff
so they end up getting some stuff, and they love it, and they keep coming back and eventually even start working at that bakery too
so reader has a huge crush on miyamura, but also is very self-conscious, doesn't think themselves worthy etc
but at the same time they have some kinda cute little bonding moments with miyamura
reader studies at a different school, so they actually don't see miyamura outside their hours in coffee shop, but they kinda become close friends
they help him with homework, they bake tasty things together, feed stray animals (reader even took some of really injured once to vet and then to their home where they live still and miyamura visits quite often)
so like he doesn't feel shy with reader as they've already spent some time together
but. then the canonical events start happening and miyamura starts feeling confused.
like he likes Hori-san, she is pretty, caring, hard-working and kind, but reader is just the same and he doesn't understand what type of affection he feels towards Hori and reader
so one is obviously romantic, and the other one friendly/platonic
but being friends with reader for so long, miyamura thinks he likes Hori romantically, and they start going out and all that stuff
reader stops working at a cafe and kinda avoid miyamura at all costs at all times, because they hurt. like, they respond to their messages with smth like "sorry, i don't feel good" or "sorry, got ill", or smth else amd always wishes him to have a good time with Hori
so the reader isn't like popular at all, they are just a grey mouse, so they think they are no match for Hori-san and try to feel happy for their friend (love) but they obviously are hurting.
so they try to kind of run away. they turn off their phone for a while and ask their parents to go to their grandparents in the village somewhere (I'll do my research, just not now lol)
their parents don't like the idea, plus you can get in trouble for skipping school, but they find some way to do that, because they knew reader really liked miyamura and they didn't like seeing their kid hurting.
so once the reader stops responding, miyamura starts to worry and he also kinda realizes that his feeling for Hori were platonic, because he misses reader not just as a friend
so the clothest weekend he goes to reader's grandparents and confesses, explaining that all that was new for him. having friends (reader had their friend group at their school, but they still were Introverted and felt better with miyamura than in the big group of people; but miyamura before canon didn'thave any friends except reader), first love, and they were confused, but they finally understand what their bond with reader means to him
reader confesses liking (loving? having a crush on him?) since they saw him for the first time (also they've seen miyamura in his school attire and think he looks cute)
but well. they finally confess to each other, bla-bla-bla, happy ending for miyamura and reader (maybe I'll be able to think of a happy ending for Hori as well (not necessarily giving her a bf/gf tho)
but well, yeah, happy ending for everyone
//oof. that's it... it got kinda long, thanks if you stayed till here lol
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bettsfic · 2 years
2022 in writing
whoops, i wrote this at the end of december, put it in my drafts, and forgot about it. this is my seventh year writing a recap and i just read through all of them again. part of me thinks, "it's been 7 years and i haven't accomplished a fraction of what other writers have in that same time." but then the other part of me remembers 1) other writers are on their own path and working at their own speed, and 2) it's unfathomable to me how utterly mentally fucked i used to be. and i mean, i'm still mentally fucked but at least i'm working on getting better. the point is, i had a different starting line than others.
anyway, it's a new year and that means it's time to think to myself for the 7th year running, "dear god when am i going to publish a book." every year i think, this is going to be my year! every year it isn't.
overcame the worst writers' block i've ever had
"overcame" is making it sound more dramatic than it was. i went on a medication that fucked with my brain and then went back off it. but i worry that when i think back on 2022, i'm not going to remember all this cool stuff i did, i'm going to remember how utterly miserable i was for six months. how terrifying it was to feel like someone else was living in my body. i wrote a little bit about it in october's newsletter.
some of this post i've copied over from my newsletter.
but also i have to acknowledge that when i came back to writing, it felt like my brain had been totally rewired and i feel capable, creatively, of about 10x more than i used to be capable of. i'm still trying to articulate what changed and why.
published some things
“shut up and kill me” -- featured in issue 41 of Barren Magazine. the editor who chose it said it was his favorite of the 700+ submissions they received. very happy this weird story has found its home. please heed the warnings!
“coping skills” -- featured in issue 1 of Flossy Lit Mag, a magazine my friends started and which has some great work in it already.
("not if, when" was published january of this year, so it'll go in next year's update)
published other people's things
in 2022, ofic magazine published 33 prose pieces and 3 art pieces! over half of what we accepted came from not yet published authors and you have no idea how happy that makes me.
won a grant
i’m very very excited to say i won the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund grant to help offset the travel expenses of the residency i attended! i’ve been applying to this for years and it’s amazing to have been awarded it. the judges had a lot of lovely things to say about my work and it was a big confidence boost.
did a residency
i spent a month in beautiful Wyoming at the Jentel Arts residency. i met some wonderful artists, got a lot of work done, and had an amazing time. definitely the highlight of my year.
made the top 10 of a big contest
i submitted "Not If, When" to a screenwriting website hosting a prose contest, and out of what seemed to be a lot of submissions, i was a top 10 finalist, and now my story is being pitched to production studios to see if they want to buy the film/tv rights. i've also had a few phone calls with hollywood people wanting to talk to me about my work (i'm still confused about that) and i think they've gone well. no idea what the endgame is here though.
ran other workshop
i intended to run two fanauthor workshops but i only managed one, because of the whole "just gritting my teeth trying to stay alive" thing. but the one i ran i think went really well!
coaching/editing is my job now
i didn't think too much of that until i met with my thesis advisor to get caught up and she was like, wow that's the dream. and she invited me to be a panelist for the annual publishing symposium at my alma mater.
i'm not getting rich or anything, but i've picked up enough commercial copywriting work to make ends meet.
applied/submitted to a few places
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11 residencies (8 rejections, 2 rejections with encouraging feedback, 1 acceptance)
4 publications (1 encouraging rejection, 3 acceptances)
1 award (1 acceptance)
2 screenwriting-ish contests (1 rejection, 1 finalist placement)
this has been far and away my most successful submission year. 6 major wins!
wrote 421k words
what's extra wild about this word count is that ~400k of it was across 6 months. from january 1 to june 16, i wrote only 22k words. and then from june 17 to december 31, i wrote the rest. and for the finished works, this doesn't include their respective trash docs (where i put everything i cut from a story). if i add in those, it's an additional ~90k.
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year over year word count comparison:
2022: 421k
2021: 183k
2020: 375k
2019: 430k
2018: 450k
2017: 150k
2016: 343k
2015: 250k
2014: 311k
nine year total: 2,913,000
& other stuff
i really advocated for my mental health this year and i'm super proud of that. i mean dealing with my brain was basically a full-time job and i've come to accept i'll be spending my entire life micromanaging my own head, but for now things are okay
unfortunately i got a diagnosis that wasn't what i expected, that seems mostly correct, and which i'm having trouble accepting
i moved into an apartment with my best friend and it's going really well so far
the only travel i did was to missouri to visit family, and to wyoming for my residency
2022 goal recap (from 2021)
sell a book any book dear god -- got close, but nope
finish a draft of a new novel -- big nope
get an apartment -- yep! and it's great
publish 3 issues of OFIC -- yes and i'm very proud of them
publish 12 newsletters -- no, published 5 newsletters
register OFIC Press as a nonprofit -- not yet, working on it (this is far more difficult than i thought it would be)
run a successful Fanauthor Workshop -- yep! 2 sessions out of my goal of 4
write a proposal for a fanfiction craft book -- no, but i talked to my agent about it and now we're working on it together
write a script (pilot or feature) and submit to contests -- yes but it was Bad and i've gotta, you know, make it not bad
2023 goals
these are going to be remarkably similar to last year's, considering it's all just stuff that's been set in motion.
finish a new novel (it's february and i've already kind of done this, but still putting it on here)
publish 4 issues of ofic mag
publish at least 6 newsletters
build the 2024 ofic press catalogue
apply for nonprofit status
run 4 workshop sessions
submit nonfiction proposal
build a script portfolio (feature, pilot, spec)
find a healthy balance between writing and living
annual thank you!
despite how badly i derailed for the first half of the year, i'm really grateful to fandom, readers, and all the friends i've made here for your support and encouragement, without which i wouldn't have been able to do any of this.
prior year recaps: 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021
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sayakxmi · 10 months
[Magi reread] Night 14: Lord of the Dungeon
Still sick, and now my muscles hurt from all that coughing for the last MONTH. But anyway.
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Fuck shit up, little magic boy.
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Yo, I'm still kinda processing how badly beaten Alibaba's got, like, this is the next chapter and he still hasn't picked himself up. God damn.
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First of all, "the slave of the rukh" is such a fucked up wording. Like, you could've said literally anything else. And then the whole "using slaves is my power", yeah, no shit, you have no actual skill other than being a sadistic piece of shit.
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Yes, I'm going to overfocus on Alibaba still not standing up, like, bro. Actually, how big part of Magi is Alibaba just getting his shit wrecked.
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No one wants you to accept anybody. It'd be an actual insult to be accepted by you.
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Damn, what an expression. Shoutout to my boy Aladdin for not giving a shit.
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He just wants the flute.
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Will Alibaba pick himself up in this chapter? Stay tuned to find out!
Ok, but jokes aside, I 100% don't blame him. Like, dude got thrown into the wall by a Fanalis, and then kicked down by Jamil, that's a totally understandable reaction. It must've hurt like hell, and probably still does. Like, I'm making fun of it, but I legit feel bad for Alibaba.
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Oh, shut up.
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You think he went to some doctor after this?
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Your speak-cloud is wobbly, you're not good!
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And he STOOD UP! With help, but still!
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Saya, stop putting in all the Alibaba panels, just because you think he looks pretty there.
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They look a bit silly.
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Lmao, get wrecked.
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Oh, hi, Amon!
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My son, obviously.
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GET WRECKED, lmao. And F for Morgiana. Tho also this is why any "King Vessel Morgiana" AUs just don't work for me - she's literally stated to not have enough magoi to handle having a djinn. MUU barely has enough magoi, and he still can use the full-body djinn equip for several minutes max, and he's not a full-blood Fanalis. So, basically, unless the topic of her not having much magoi is addressed somehow, I'm like
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with these AUs, even though they do sound cool. Though, to be fair, I also think her personality doesn't really fit a King Vessel. Ngl, tho, I wonder if that would've been the case if she hasn't spent most her life up until this point as a slave. How much of her personality is nature, and how much of it is her nurture? Tbh, I can kind of imagine her been a bit more like Myron, I guess. Who is, like, one of the two known Fanalis who DON'T have a history of being slaves. Shame the topic of Fanalis is so ignored later on.
On a different note, when it comes to Fanalis, I'm still kinda meh about them in the Final Arc. Like, they're kind of boring, ngl. I've always liked to headcanon them to be pretty conservative (like, give them SOMETHING), and maaaybe slighly look down on humans (they've certainly said something about Morgiana choosing to maintain her human form, instead of returning to her original one, tho I don't remember the specifics). And we know Fanalis are proud as fuck. I've always thought it'd be an interesting contrast with how the world before the Rift looks down on the Fanalis, while the Fanalis past the Great Rift look down on humans. It could've been an interesting topic to explore. Eh, guess I'm adding it to the "three four year timeskip" rewrite-esque fic outline that I have yet to start. Tbh, most of them already have titles, and quite a lot outlined, but this one still doesn't. Not gonna lie, tho, I might divide it a bit into several parts, cuz there'd be so much to cover.
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OK, BUT AMON AND ALIBABA ARE LIKE "GRANDPA, AND THE KING VESSEL HE SAID HE DIDN'T WANT". Man, I could really use some Amon's perspective in Magi, as in, how exactly he went from "sigh, since there's nobody better" to "this is my grandson Alibaba, he's very cute, and a little bit pathetic at times, but he's very precious to me, he'd look so good in pigtails :)"
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That he did.
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You go, big magic boy.
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I know as much as you do.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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So even with my enthusiasm that today would be great it did not turn out as good and productive as I was hoping. This started last night.
Soon after I finished my post I fell apart. My body was aching so bad and my skin hurt and James says I was moaning in pain in my sleep. So that is very cool and chill. I kept them up a lot and my sleep was just not very restful.
I woke up to give James a hug when then we're leaving. I got up to use the bathroom and would fall asleep for 3 more hours.
I felt. Slightly better. Not a lot. I would feel nauseated and weak for a lot of today. I would try to do things. I picked a few things up. And I had a little cheese and crackers pack for breakfast while I did my knitting.
And I was in a good mood all things considered. Sweetp and me hung out and cuddled up in bed. It was windy out and it was nice to have something to do with my hands.
I thought I would work on some knitting machine tubes for bears. This did not go well.
I think I have already broken it because no matter when I did I could not easily make a tube. It was constant getting caught on it's needles and the hand crank was just making a horrible grinding noise. And I was able to move the hoop by hand but it is not ideal, fun, or easy. So I was a little frustrated.
I spent some time hanging out with Sweetp in the living room. I rested. I thought about sleeping but couldn't get myself to settle down. Instead just watched videos. I made a silly TikTok. I had lunch.
After I had lunch I was a little unsettled. I felt so sad. Just so down on myself. My chest hurt. My arms hurt. I was just not having a good time. I told James and they said they would come home but I wanted them to go see the last baseball game of the season and that coming home wouldn't make me feel better. It would make me feel guilty.
So instead I decided I needed to get out of the house. I drove out to Glen Burnie to walk around value village and get taco bell.
This was the perfect amount of activities. There was traffic out to the thrift store. But that was okay. And when I got there I had fun looking at stuff. I found a beautiful carved wood flower wall art piece. It even has a handwritten card in the back explaining the types of wood. It's so cool and was only $3.
And I got some more thin yarn to see if that would help my machine.
But the best and silliest find is my new mini steamer trunk. With goose pattern. It's so good. It is so silly but I love a goose with a bow. Makes me think of a 90s kitchen.
I struggled a little to carry my goose box. So I headed out after I found that. And went over to taco bell.
I decided to try a few things. Mixed results. My little bean taco is still the best. But I also really liked the cheesy potato bowl I got. I didn't love the cheese roll. Or the potato taco. Which was boring. But I was disappointed in my cinnamon twists which tasted like Windex and were horrible. No idea why sometimes they taste so bad.
I was feeling really tired out. So I was glad to go home.
I got back here and would spend the rest of the night on the couch playing with yarn. Still not great luck with the knitting machine. I think I just need one that is stronger because it's for kids. But I would just work on a regular knitting circle and I'm going to see if I can use those to make some bears. They will be bigger but I think it will be cute if it works. Though they take a lot longer.
James came home from the game a little tipsy and silly and very sweet. They smelled bad but I was still excited to see them. They would hang out with me on the couch until I decided to cut their hair and help them figure out how to style it. They looked so handsome and I love them so much.
I took a long bath. And would paint my toes. And now we are in bed. Thankfully most of my pain has gone away. My legs and skin still ache. But I will survive. I hope tomorrow the sun comes out and it's a little warmer so I can accomplish more.
Wish me luck everyone. Take care of yourself. Sleep good.
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harmonyckrs · 3 months
Act 4, Scene 3 of Twisted Veronaville: The Bachelorettes
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Zoya: Hello?
???: Zoya...help...
Zoya: Hm?...Vidcund? You good, man?
???: General Buzz threw Lazlo and I in some weird prison sometime ago that we were barely able to escape, and we've spent the last five days wandering around the woods...judging by how often the sun sets. Can you come pick us up?...and bring a medkit, too, if you can...
Zoya: I'm busy.
???: What could you possibly be so busy with?
Zoya: Stopping Aktu and my sister from messing with the story of Romeo and Juliette.
???: This again? Seriously? What even happens if they get their way?
Zoya: I'm...not sure. The book just changes.
???: Then what's even the point? Is...the plot of a fictional book more important than our lives? I know we've never gotten along, but I never thought you'd think that low of me.
Zoya: Hm...fine. I'll come get you. Just describe to me what you're seeing...
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Tank: Zoya? Where are you going?
Zoya: Out. Nothing you need to be concerned about.
Tank: But what about Romeo and Juliette?
Zoya: ...Listen to me carefully, Tank. Sometimes there's these special people in your life, called friends.
Tank: I know what friends are.
Zoya: Let me finish...There's times when your friends will be in certain danger. When that happens, you're going to want to whatever it takes to save them, even if the odds of rescuing them are low and it means having to set aside stuff that's important to you.
Zoya: Because it's better to fail to save them than it is to sit back and let them die.
Tank: ...Huh.
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While Zoya was preparing to locate the whereabouts of Vidcund and Lazlo, Sana had taken Sita's advice of meeting up with the newly divorced Capp women.
Regan: (This feels familiar for some reason...)
Regan: You were the girl with the purple sari at the wedding of that masked couple, weren't you?
Sana: ...Yeah. You remember me?
Regan: Of course I did! You were really fun to talk to.
Regan: (And pretty, too.)
Sana: I was?...Thanks. I'm not usually good at talking to people...
Regan: That's fine. My sister isn't either...I think you two would get along! Let me introduce you to her...GONERIL! We have a visitor!
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Goneril: ...And yes, that's the conclusion of my life story.
Sana: (The sun's already set. I must've been talking to Regan for quite a while...)
Sana: I'm sorry about your husband.
Goneril: Eh, it's fine. He's a piece of shit, anyway, and I think we were better off without the other. So, tell me about you.
Sana: Oh! Um...there's not much, really. I'm not really special or talented at anything.
Goneril: There's got to be something.
Sana: I, um...there was this guy that I was friends with back home. It was the first time I felt like I had a real, genuine friend...and then he stopped talking to me after he found out I was a lesbian...
Goneril: (Lesbian?) That's tragic. It seems like we've both had our fair share of terrible men.
Sana: Yeah...
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Bianca: ...
Aktu: ...
Aktu: Aye, girl!...What's up?
Bianca: (That explains that weird creaking sound.) You have a sister, right?
Aktu: She's not into girls, if that's what you were wondering. Was never interested in romance, and she has no plans of trying.
Bianca: (How did he know what I was going to ask?) Anyone else?
Aktu: I have a bisexual ex-boyfriend, if you're interested in that. He's got a dog and he's like, super into fitness. Cool dude! We just weren't very compatible.
Bianca: (A date would be a good way to get my mind off of what happened last night.) Sure, why not?
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Cyd: Hello? Who is this?
Aktu: Hey, Cyd! Long time no chat! Just wanted to let you know that I gave your number to another woman that you might like.
Cyd: I told you to stop doing that! Also, Hamza asked me if I knew who or where you were. Didn't even recognize me at all! I lied to him though, so you owe me a favor.
Aktu: Never asked you to do that. And I think you'll like her. Her name's Bianca Monty, and she's a chef.
Cyd: Chef, huh?...alright? I'll give it a shot.
Aktu: Great! Here, Bianca! You can take it from here.
Cyd: Aktu, you piece of-
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Sita: zzzz...
Sita: (Man, it sure is nice not having to worry about romance or friends being in danger or anything...)
Sita: (The Glarn and Kitty clones are probably keeping a good eye on Tybalt's body. Once he wakes up again, we should be able to sort everything out...)
Sita: (Yes...this is going perfectly.)
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - Art Museum
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*Warning Adult Content*
Emmett Locke couldn't remember the last time he'd actually been excited about a date and spent most of the ride over to Finnegan Walker's apartment, trying to remember the few he had been on. Even better, it was Saturday afternoon so he had the rest of the day and all day tomorrow off from work. Topping off his great mood was the fact that the Walters Art Museum had a photography exhibit going on until the end of the month. He'd thrown on his leather jacket before leaving the house but shrugged out of it as he got out of his car. It was gorgeous out.
The sun was shining brightly but not in the 'get in your eyes' sort of way that it did during the winter, no, this was a warm spring sun. The grass was green, the planters and beds around the building's front door were planted and sprouting up daffodils, tulips and pansies and Emmett took a deep breath, almost sad to be spending the day indoors. If it hadn't been for the photography exhibit, he might have changed their plans. Finnegan opened the door with a smile, glad to see that Emmett was wearing a T-shirt.
"It's as gorgeous out as it looks? I can't wait."
He got bold, reaching out and lifting up Emmett's right sleeve so he could take a look at the ink that peeked out from below it.
"This is really cool."
"It's really warm out. You should change so that I can get a better look at some of yours."
Finnegan headed towards his bedroom, talking to Emmett as he went down the hallway.
"First t-shirt of the year, what a treat."
He popped back out just a minute later wearing a solid black v-neck and asking...
"Should I bring a jacket?"
"Yes. It'll probably cool off this evening."
Emmett tried not to stare too much but Finnegan's ink was much more colorful than his own and he tried to pick out separate pieces.
"You can stare at me later. Where are we going?"
Emmett smiled, amused that Finnegan was still asking. 
"It was a surprise when I called you about it on Tuesday and it's still a surprise. I have something to show you, well, lots of things to show you and then we're going to eat."
Emmett worried for a minute that maybe Finnegan had already been to the Walters Art Museum but that was the great thing about a museum, there was always something new to see. Besides, given how much of a workaholic Finnegan was, he probably hadn't made the time.
"You're no fun," Finnegan teased, locking the door behind him.
"You're driving?"
"Yes. Would you rather I drive your car?"
Emmett tried to tell himself that he really just wanted to drive Finnegan's car again but there was a small part of him that worried that Finnegan might not want to be seen in his, at least not until he got the bumper fixed.
"It doesn't matter to me. So, I don't even get a hint?"
"Give me your keys and fine, were going to Mount Vernon."
Emmett had some pride and an undying love for cars. The roadster won. He had no idea if Finnegan was familiar with the neighborhood names of Baltimore but even if he was, there was lots to see and do in Mount Vernon. Once again he was glad to be about the same size as Finnegan because he didn't have to do any adjustments except to tilt the seat back one more notch.
"I'm going to give you a tentative 'yes' even though I still have no idea where we're going. Do you mean Mount Vernon, like George Washington's house? That's a drive, isn't it?"
Emmett smiled both at Finnegan's cuteness and the beautiful purr of the Mercedes.
"It is in Virginia and a bit too far for us today. Do you know where the original Washington Monument is?"
He relaxed a bit once he'd found Light street and enjoyed the quick drive. Finnegan was finally putting things together and realized that Emmett had taken his job of being a tour guide fairly seriously.
"I'm going to guess it's in Baltimore, more specifically in Mount Vernon, Baltimore?"
"You got it. On the way I'm going to drive you by the Hippo. Well, it was the Hippo but it closed down a few years ago. I say a few but damn, maybe five years ago? It was my first gay bar."
"Wait, WAIT," Finnegan exclaimed as he saw the road sign. 
"There? Are you telling me there was a gay bar on Eager Street? You have got to be kidding me. That's funny."
"I was very eager first time I went in, can't lie. It was iconic. Had a huge bar, pool tables although they took those out at the end, and then a big club and dance floor on the other side. It was here forever, from way before I was born. Now it's a fucking CVS. Shame. I saw my first drag show here too. That was fun. But anyway, welcome to the gayborhood."
Finnegan tried in vain to imagine a short-haired, young, newly out Emmett but was pulled out of his thoughts when they pulled into a parking lot.
"The Walter's Art Museum?" he asked, trying to hide his disappointment.
His dates always tried to find something that rich guys were supposed to enjoy. He'd been taken to a horse race once, to the Symphony, to innumerable plays and even more art museums. He hadn't enjoyed a single one. Well, the horses had been pretty.
"It's great, come on."
Finnegan had to give him credit, he was very good at feigning enthusiasm. He tried to mentally prepare himself for two hours of standing next to someone and staring at the same painting while saying absolutely nothing. He was always the first to move on because his dates never would, no, that would make them look uncultured. Hopefully it had a good café. Maybe he should get a headache. Hell, he probably would get a headache. As soon as they were inside, Emmett took Finnegan's hand.
"Okay, they have an amazing gallery, lots of pretty paintings to see but I don't like them. I would love to see the pottery collection but number one on my list is the photography exhibit. Do you really want to see the paintings?"
Thank God.
"We can absolutely skip them," he replied, maybe a little bit too quickly.
Pottery could be at least moderately interesting and how long could it take to look at a couple of photographs? At least there would be food afterwards. The architecture of the building itself was great. The pottery collection was diverse and enough of the pieces were gorgeous or interesting that Finnegan found himself enjoying it. Besides, Emmett's comments were cracking him up.
"It's not a penis," he found himself whispering.
"Oh please. The symbolism that all these placards talk about is obvious in this one. Those handles are absolutely dicks."
"I think it's just how they stuck it to the basin."
"Uh huh, sure," Emmett scoffed, moving on.
"Holy crap, those are handmade beads?"
Finnegan had to squint even with his glasses on but yes, the dress was made of what appeared to be at least a million tiny beads all woven together.
"I can't imagine how long it took to make all those beads and then they threaded them all. It's insane, honestly."
"It is but it's also still here which is kind of cool. It's one of the things I love about art," Emmett confessed.
"It's a way to become immortal, in a way. Want to grab a drink and then hit the photography exhibit?"
He was trying to be patient but knew the museum closed at five and wanted to have enough time to see everything.
"Sure, sounds good."
He didn't drink all that much but wondered if they had anything alcoholic around. A glass of wine would be nice. In fact, he briefly considered carrying a flask so that the next time he got taken on a date like this, he would be prepared. Unfortunately he had to settle for a diet Pepsi but hoped the caffeine would help keep him awake.
"I wonder what ISO they used here?" Emmett mused out loud after studying the same photograph from three different angles and distances.
There was no graininess and he wished the photographers were here so that he could ask. Finnegan blinked rapidly and looked over at the picture that Emmett was studying. It was certainly one of the more interesting pictures of the group but he wasn't sure what any of it was doing in an art museum. Emmett seemed to be enjoying it unless he was just putting on a very good act.
"I don't know anything about photography but I'm not sure that it's art."
He'd heard this before.
"You prefer more pure art forms?"
He didn't prefer any of it.
"I'm far from an art snob, trust me but It's just not in the same category."
The look on Emmett's face made him regret saying anything at all and he certainly didn't want to have a two hour long discussion about it but he really was a little bit curious about Emmett's thoughts on it.
"I guess that depends on what your definition of art is."
"No, I don't think it does. Using a camera to take a picture of something is just making a copy of it."
When Emmett gave him a look that he couldn't quite decipher, he went ahead.
"Okay, so there's a sound engineer and a composer playing the piano in the same room. The engineer records the song. There's only one musician in that room, right?"
His thoughts came out a bit of a jumbled mess but he hoped he got his point across.
"I'm not saying the engineer isn't skilled, that it doesn't take knowledge and practice and that his job isn't important, I'm just saying that it's different."
"I hear you."
Everyone had their own definition of art and even he sometimes wondered if the visual arts really belonged in the same category. Nevertheless he had decided that art made you feel and that there are lots of different ways of making that happen. A good book, a good song and a good picture were all art in his book.
"The pictures in your living room are better than this, well maybe not this one, this one is good but the rest of them."
That got Emmett's attention and he cocked his head to the side, looking at Finnegan.
"Do you really think so or are you just voicing your disdain of photography in general?"
He hadn't meant to come across so harshly, especially not since Emmett seemed to enjoy it.
"I wasn't trying to be mean and no... I like yours."
He assumed the set of three photographs on Emmett's walls had been done by a professional and he could see why they were popular. They drew him in almost immediately and once he figured out the pattern he liked them even more. The first had been what appeared to be a very normal photograph of a small group of trees just barely leafed out, the second zoomed in more to a single group of branches and the third showed the delicate veins of a single, young leaf.
Emmett was floored. Did Finnegan know he had shot those pictures himself? Had they ever talked about his photography? His camera was usually lying around his house but maybe it had been upstairs last weekend. Did he even want to Finnegan to know about it after his 'non-art' tirade? It didn't matter what he wanted because Emmett was not the kind of person to play games.
"I took those last spring."
It took a second for his words to sink in and when they did, Finnegan had to force himself to not squeeze his eyes closed and run away.
"You're a photographer, of course. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."
Emmett held his hand up.
"It's fine, you're allowed to have your own opinion. At least you sort of like mine."
And thank God he had. Finnegan couldn't imagine how embarrassed he would've been if he'd said something shady about those.
"I'm a really crappy date. Sorry."
He led Finnegan over to a bench and sat down next to him.
"I'm sorry you haven't had any fun. This isn't exactly your speed, huh?"
"No, not really. I hate when guys try to impress me because I'm not all that cultured and I'm definitely not a snob."
Impress him?
"I wasn't trying to, Finnegan. I wanted to come, obviously and I hoped you would enjoy it. It's a bit of Baltimore that I think everyone should see. Would letting you pick the place for dinner help make up for it?"
It didn't seem possible but now Finnegan felt even worse than he had a few minutes ago.
"You don't have anything to make up for."
If anyone did, Finnegan knew it was him. He had assumed a lot and in this case certainly had made an ass of himself. 
"You pick and I'll pay as long as it's not fancy. No silver, no towels draped over arms and absolutely no escargot."
"I think I can manage that.  Ready to go, Finnegan?" 
He could have spent another half hour here easily but it wasn't all about him and he knew it.
"Whenever you are."
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cupidseok · 9 months
spending christmas with riize
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AUTHOR'S NOTE a little early but merry christmas everyone !! hope you spend your christmas happily 🩷
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❄️ — making a winter terrarium with SHOTARO
“shotaro ! what is that ?” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you stared incredulously at shotaro, carrying a handful of snow and branches. “materials for the terrarium of course !” shotaro beamed happily, showing off his findings, blissfully unaware that the terrarium is supposed to be made with artificial snow and branches. “i spent an hour outside picking these up !” he sounded so proud and you just couldn't bear to disappoint him with the unfortunate news. you think you’ll just make the terrarium with real snow and branches instead, even though it won't last. you’d do anything to keep the smile on his face. “taro…it’s freezing outside, you didn't have to do that.” “i did it so you didn't have to go out in the cold !” oh, you definitely need to use the materials he picked for you now.
⛷️ — skiing with EUNSEOK
as you turn to your left, you’re met with the view of the dazzling winter sun painting the landscape of the snow-coated mountaintop with a golden hue, illuminating song eunseok’s side profile. he looks as ethereal as the view in front of you ( you’d rather look at eunseok than the beautiful landscape in front of you though ) and you think you’ve fallen in love with him once again. he meets your eyes with a mischievous twinkle in his. “first to the bottom gets to choose today’s dinner menu ?” and before you could even open your mouth, he’s off. “song eunseok ! are you really cheating again !” you quickly pushed off and followed him, gliding down the powdery white slope dotted with pine trees. and as your laughter echos throughout the terrain when eunseok taunts and teases you for being slow, you don't think you’ll ever find the same happiness song eunseok brings you.
🏠 — building a gingerbread house with SUNGCHAN
“just help me hold this piece up !!” you softly giggle at sungchan's whines. he has been trying to stick the gingerbread pieces together for almost an hour now and you could tell he was getting really frustrated. when the pieces fall apart once again, sungchan lets out an annoyed groan and flops onto the sofa in defeat. “this is never going to work,” a cute pout gracing his lips, “i wanted to be the cool boyfriend who would build the prettiest gingerbread house for you so you could post it and make your friends feel jealous of your amazing and incredibly talented boyfriend.” you brush your hands through his hair and kiss his pouting lips. “my friends already know about my super capable and handsome boyfriend. because i show him off all the time.” sungchan’s pout vanished instantly and he startles you when he suddenly sits up with a wide grin streching across his face. “really ? you talk about me often ?”
🎄 — going to christmas markets with WONBIN
with wonbin’s warm hand tightly in yours, both of you strolled through the christmas market, your faces lit up in excitement. the market was a kaleidoscope of colours and sparkling lights. wonbin was bouncing on his feet and he looked like he’d combust any time soon. you stared at him lovingly and tried to commit the sight in front of you to memory. it is not often that he openly expresses his joy in this way, but you really like it when he does, because you just think he looks extra cute that way. wonbin caught a whiff of the smell of roasted chestnuts and he pulled on your arm to drag you towards the stall. “welcome ! what can i get for you ? would you like to buy some roasted chestnuts for your girlfriend, sir ?” the stall owner greeted. wonbin’s cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink, still not used to people addressing you both as a couple yet. “o-oh, sure.”
🕯️ — attending a scent workshop with SEUNGHAN
in a cozy studio filled with fragrances and flickering candles, you and seunghan sat down in front of the shop assistant and long rows of glass bottles. “hani, smell this. it’s ylang-ylang,” you raised your wrist towards your boyfriend. “are you flirting with me right now ?” seunghan teases you, earning a smack from you in the process. “it smells nice. but i thought we weren't supposed to ask each other about our opinions ? you said that's the point of making perfumes for each other,” seunghan questioned. “it is,” you hummed and turned back to your booth, promptly ignoring his complaint. “ah, why are you allowed to break the rules ? you hit me just now when i asked you about a scent ! it's so unfair,” he continues to pout and ramble on. a soft smile graces your lips as you drown out his chatter and continue to pick out scents that remind you of your big baby boyfriend.
🍽️ — eating dinner with SOHEE and his family
you nervously fidget with your fingers as you glance around the warm dining room, decorated with christmas ornaments and twinkling lights. you were about to officially meet sohee’s parents for the first time and you don't think you've ever felt so stressed in your entire life before. what if they didn't approve of you ? you were going to ruin a whole family’s christmas dinner if you messed up. “should i go into the kitchen to offer help ?” you whispered to sohee. “nope. mother said she’d take care of everything. she’s really excited to meet you and she even asked me about your favourite christmas dishes so she could prepare them for you,” sohee had noticed your nervousness and grabbed your hand in an attempt to stop your fidgeting. “don’t worry too much. i’m sure they’ll love you, just like i do.”
🎧 — creating a christmas playlist with ANTON
with christmas carols playing softly in the background and you laying your head comfortably on anton’s lap, you feel like you’re about to fall asleep at any given moment. both you and anton created a shared music playlist on spotify and are now individually adding songs to the playlist. ( after a small disagreement on the playlist’s cover photo ) ( which you won ) anton scrolled through the current songs to see which songs you’d added and when he noticed that you’ve added the same song as him, he just couldn’t pass up the chance to tease you. “i’ve added santa tell me already. ah, why are you copying me ?” feeling unfair, you retorted, “i added it first ! you’re the one that copied me ! how dare you accuse me.” you turn to poke anton’s stomach, to which he responds by tickling yours. both of your laughter reverberated around the house as a tickling fest started.
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© cupidseok — do not copy / repost / translate my works
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ethtyn · 2 years
2, 4, 13 for artist asks
2. five favourites of your own work?
i'm so intrigued that both people to submit questions for this asked this one! i'm going to pull five favourites from this blog since i already chose some for the other ask. is that cheating? [Bdubs voice] yes, of course 🫶🏻
the first fanart i posted to this blog!! - go big or go home. of course the first fanart i post to this blog is suggestive as fuck. i'm still really proud of it.
CATMAIDETHO!!! - i fucking forgot his scar but whatever. crow's using this as their discord pfp atm, my work here is done 😌
the first "incomplete" work i've really ever posted - my hands are itching to go back and clean this up to properly post but. i shant. i want to loosen up and be able to post WIPs without cringing out of my skin about it LOL. i really like how this one turned out.
geminislayyyy - i just love scary women what can i say
trafficsona - again. i just love scary women. and i think it's funny to think that c!synnie could ever be scary. like have you met me.
4. favourite things to draw?
sighs dreamily. wamen
no but seriously i spent most of my Drawing Career™ up until about (counts on fingers) seven months ago drawing almost exclusively female characters and so it's what i'm (ostensibly) best at. plus i'm just gay.
13. show your favourite drawing from last year.
oooough this gave me some pause. frankly i was in a filthydisgusting artblock right up until artfight rolled around (and even then i didn't do as many pieces as i had the year before). i think i want to pick this cool one of someone's oc Wrynn :]
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artist ask game
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
This one is kinda the same idea in a way. You can pick which one or (if you can/want) you can combine them
Mcyt (Or just Punz, Foolish, Sapnap, Dream and Sam whichever you prefer) with a Reader who has family with high expectation?
Like their family expects so much from them to where it kinda gets really stressful
On a similar note:
Mcyt (or the ones mentioned) with a reader with high self doubt? Like reader feels like they aren't preforming their absolute best but they are trying so hard so it leads to mcyt comforting them
Sorry if this is alot-
I love your writing though! Don't overwork yourself and take breaks when you can!
~🦈 anon
Hallo 🦈 anon!
Ok I may be able to combine them, hope you enjoy <3
Some of the DSMP comfort a Reader w/ self-doubt and high expectations
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Includes: Dream, Sapnap, Punz, Foolish, Awesamdude
Click Here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
They say that "the only failure is not trying"
But you did, over and over again, you never gave up
How come you were still not good enough?
Your parents had put these high expectations on you since the moment you were born
They hated how you just couldn't meet them
Even if you always had good grades, a great reputation and a scolarship, they still think that you could've done better
You stopped caring about what they said when you had enough money to move out and take care of yourself on your own
Obviously, you couldn't completely ignore your parents. No matter how strict and judgemental they were, they still are the ones who gave birth and grew you
That doesn't mean you were happy to hear from them tho
"Did you get a good job?" "A partner?" "You're not married yet?" "When will we get grandchildren?!?" "At your age I was-" "Your friend is already married-"
"Sometimes we're just so dissapointed in you"
That last one stung, a lot.
You had a pretty good job as a streamer, great friends who supported you through highs and lows and a person you may or may not like
But without support from your own parents and yourself, it felt like you had nothing...
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❝ Dream ❞
Dream knew what you were going through since the moment he had asked you to join the SMP
You two talked a lot about everything, even personal stuff, so it didn't take long for the topic of your family to come up
He absolutely despised how badly they were treating you. They kept on putting you down no matter what you did
He hated seeing you cry and say hurtful things about yourself when it wasn't your fault that you couldn't be their "perfect little child"
Dream spent days on discord calls, in the middle of the night, while playing some random famous game at the time, just listening to you letting your poor heart out
And also complaining that he was to good at the game while you were suffering lol
You enjoyed and appreciated every second he spent with you, every advice he gave you and all the comfort he had given you since the moment he discovered what was happening
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❝ Sapnap ❞
He had found out what you had been happening in the worst way
You had forgotten to mute the discord call with him while you answered your parents on speaker
All the negativity that came from them and your glossy eyes made him sick to his stomach
How could a parent say those things to their own child?
From that day on, Sapnap kept an eye on you. Asking if you were ok, making sure you ate and drank, making sure that you didn't let all the comments get to you
He kept his cool for your sake, but then they called you on the same they you met up with Sapnap irl
The same questions, same comments, same threatening tone
Sapnap had enough
He picked up the phone and gave a piece of his mind. It was like he was the parent lecturing their own child
It made you happy that someone understood how you felt and saw your achievements, no matter how big or little they were
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❝ Punz ❞
Like Sapnap, he had accidentally overheard your conversation with your parents
His blood boiling at how rude they were
It was from that day that he promised himself to help you through it
You two started talking more, which let to you subconsciously search for any kind of positive acknowledgement from the man
Punz happily congratulate you for everything you achieved
Hitting 1.000 subs, managing to cook without burning anything, heck even having a successful social interaction wothout panicking haha
He had burried any negative comment you had to bare with and you were grateful to him
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❝ FoolishGamers ❞
Foolish was not a person who easily got mad
It takes a lot to make him angry
But if anybody messes with someone he cares about, he sees red
He didn't care wether they were your parents, step parents, or whatever.
They had absolutely no right to push you so hard just to have this unimaginable version of yourself
To him it's like they expected to have a robot as a child
Like the kind friend, or maybe more, that he was he would always be there to support you during calls or visits from your parents
He always held you hand or hugged you if things started getting too much
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And when they went out of line he would gladly step in and shut of the conversation
You couldn't love him more then you did in those moments
❝ Awesamdude ❞
He had never felt so helpless
Hearing the things they said and your cries on call just made him want to jump though the screen and give you a big hug
Sam never said anything about your parents, he always kept that subject away from you for your sanity
But whenever he received your calls out of nowhere just to be met with sobs and lies that they had brainwashed you with, made him want to completely erase them out of your life
And when you came to him, wanting to end it all with your parents, he was happy to be right there with you
Blocking them from calls and any social media they tried to rech you through
He even helped you move into his own home so he could help you get through those insecurities that were stopping you from being happy
Needless to say, you owe everything to Sam
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