#there was also gesture drawing homework
spader7 · 1 day
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i'm taking faraz shanyar's class and the first week's homework was animation studies and they took a long ass time to do so i'm gonna post them!! here they are.
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vinestaff · 1 month
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sighs. another guy in my brain i guess
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Silent Cosmos (Edward Cullen) (Ch. 3)
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Pairing: Edward Cullen x GN! Mute!Reader
Words: 2.8k+
Warning(s): Two gross dudes, sexual verbal harassment (not towards reader), swearing,
A/N: omg chapter 3 is finally here. I apologize for the wait. I thought my semester this time around would be forgiving but NOPE. I had so much to do and read, I could hardly write for fun or draw either. I hadn't realized how long it had been since I last posted. I want to try a new method when writing series. I tried with my kpop writing blog, and its where I write a few chapters at a time then periodically post them. Helps keep the flow and motivation going, but that may have been a one off there.
Series Masterlist
"O star of strength! I see thee stand And smile upon my pain; Thou beckonest with thy mailèd hand, And I am strong again... The Star of the unconquered will, He rises in my breast, Serene, and resolute, and still, And calm, and self-possessed. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The Light of Stars"
Edward hasn't been in school for the past few days.
You admittedly felt a little lonely without his presence, though Emmett and Alice have made it their mission to become your new best friends. Jasper tried but he still kept his distance from you, which you didn't mind. Rosalie helped when no other Cullen was around, although she kept a lot of conversations at a minimum, which you also didn't mind.
Alice had told you Edward had gotten a bad cold, so he is staying home. You had offered to bring him your notes the first time so he could copy them down, but Alice told you their father has him basically on lock down until he is deemed healthy. So, after you've done your homework, you've been making copies of your notes to give him when he comes back.
It's the start of a new day and once again, Edward wasn't there. You were at your locker with 15 minutes to spare. You placed the spare folder with Edward's notes on the shelf while your mind went back to that moment you two shared at the welcoming party for your uncle. You felt happy telling him all the stars and constellation you could see, and even happier when he seemed thoroughly interested in your rambles. However, you feel an inkling of guilt when you remember he gave you his jacket. Maybe he got sick from that?
"Dude, I got this weird spot on my dick."
Well, there goes your musings of guilt. You glance to your left and see two guys near you, just chilling against the lockers. You've never met them, though you do remember sharing a class or two with them separately.
"Are you really airing your business out when someone is standing right their?" The shorter one, with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes gestures to you.
"Relax, Mark. That's the deaf student." The taller one with deep brown eyes and brown hair says with a laugh. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes and choose to just focus on the inside of your locker. Maybe you should get more decorations- "Anyways, I have this weird spot on my dick. It almost looks like I have a weird mole there. I'm hoping it's just a new mole and Cindy didn't give me something."
"I'd get that shit checked out then. You don't want it to turn into something worse if it is an STD." Mark says with a sigh. "I told you not to sleep with her, Tony. She made my balls itch like crazy. They still fucking itch."
"I think its just a weird mole. You wanna look?" He cackles while his friend fake gags. They both push off the lockers and walk away to who knows where.
You let out a deep sigh and close your locker. At least the ignorance of other allows you to hear some gossip.
"What's with the sigh, Tiny?" Emmett calls out as he and Rosalie approach you. He has very quickly taken to the nickname Tiny for you. You suppose anyone shorter than him would be considered tiny in his eyes. Rosalie simply opened her locker as you and Emmett conversed.
"Oh, just overheard two people talking about something that should have been a private conversation." You respond with a slight shrug.
"Gah, Forks High is full of a bunch of weirdos, huh?" He grins and raises his brows a few times, crossing his arms while leaning on the locker next to you. You silently chuckle and nod, though you wondered if there was an underlying joke there.
"No Edward today?"
"Nope. Carlisle still hasn't cleared him." He sighs with a sympathetic smile. "Between you and me, Tiny, Edward is still shitting his brains out." He signed that last portion to you.
You gave him a scandalized look and playfully slapped his arm with a small chuckle. You were surprised to feel just how hard his muscles were.
"What was that for?" He gripped where you slapped and pretended to be hurt. "It was a private conversation, no one else here except Rosalie knows sign."
You roll your eyes and shake your head with a smile. You could always count on Emmett to get you to smile.
"C'mon, Rose and I will walk you to first period, like always." He grins and gestures you to follow him. Rose simply came along since she and Em were in the class next to yours. You nod and follow, happy to have good company.
It was a passing period and it was just you and Rose at your lockers. You grabbed a new pen and pencil since the last two you had broke and ran out of ink. Rosalie was fluffing up her already perfect, blond hair in the mirror of her locker. She and you didn't converse much, but you still liked her presence. Like the rest of the Cullens, she didn't tiptoe around you or treated you differently. She acknowledged your presence and would answer you if you had questions.
You were about finished in your locker when you heard two familiar voices keep up their gross conversations behind you.
"Dude, Rosalie has the hottest ass." Tony practically jeers, his voice intentionally loud. You glance to the blond next to you and she still keeps fixing her hair, though you can see her brows are a little more furrowed and her lips are more in the shape of a frown.
"Her tits, man, her tits are where it's at." Replies Mark and when you shift just enough to see him in the corner of your eyes, you see him make an obscene gesture.
You hear the slight creek of metal and when you look to Rose, you see her grip is so tight on her locker door that her fingers made indents which made your eyes widen for a moment. She closes her locker and you can see by her side profile she is pissed, and rightfully so.
So, you do what you think would make her laugh at the expense of those two guys.
You tap her arm to get her attention and she looks at you with a glare. You don't let it faze you. If those two are going to be gross about your friend, you'll just air out their business that they so willingly aired out by you this morning.
"You know those two jackasses?" You intentionally look to them as you sign and look back at her. "Well the brown haired one has a spot on his penis that he isn't sure if it's a mole or an STD. And his buddy likely doesn't wash right since he's had prolonged itchy balls."
Rosalie looks almost scandalized until her eyes widen for a moment as she looks at the two dudes and then back to you. She covers her mouth as she laughs when she realizes what you're trying to do.
You were about to sign some more when the two dumbasses approach.
"I know you were talking shit. What the fuck did you sign?" Tony glared, pointing an accusatory finger at you. He gets in your face and you swear you hear Rosalie growl.
You swallow thickly and decide to open your mouth. Your aunt always said you got your stubbornness from your mom.
"I said..." You try not to wince at the pain in your throat, your voice sounding hoarse. "You had a weird spot on your dick and your friend... has itchy balls." They looked at you with wide, horrified looks. "Don't talk about someone's body if you don't want yours talked about either."
"You little shit." Mark hisses and Rose steps closer to your side, an arm just barely in front of yours.
"What's going on here?" Emmetts voice grows louder as he approaches, his usual, carefree smile no longer on his face. He looked scarier than you've ever seen him. Mark and Tony looked at each other before slinking off.
Once they were gone you let out a dry, painful cough. You cover your mouth with the back of your hand and quickly grab your water and drink, soothing your throat. You could taste a tiny bit of iron in the back of your throat as you drank.
Rosalie calls your name softly. "Are you okay?"
You nod in response and take another sip of water. You didn't catch the look they gave each other or Rose gesturing for Emmett to speak.
"What happened, Tiny?" He asks in a quiet tone. You close the cap of your bottle and place it back in your bag. Your throat still ached but you knew the pain from using your larynx will linger.
You start to sign to him everything that occurred, from what you overheard in the morning to him approaching. You can see a flash of anger on his face but he goes back to that small smile. Once you explained your words to Rose and why you said them, a huge grin breaks out on his face.
"I didn't know you had it in you, Tiny." He laughs and pats your shoulder a little too firmly.
"Come, I'll walk you to class." Rosalie said with a soft tone. You nod and wave goodbye  to Emmett. You both start heading down the hallway, the blond next to you tense.
When you got to your class a pale hand stopped you. You look to Rose with a questioning look while her gold eyes avoid yours.
"I just wanted to say thank you for earlier." Rosalie says, the tense look she had fades into a small smile, her eyes meeting yours. You see some vulnerability in her usually guarded gaze. She gives your shoulder a squeeze before dropping her hand. "You didn't have to do that. I'm... admittedly used to that."
"No need to thank me, Rosalie." You smile back at her.
"I do, because not many would step up like that." She softly sighs and her smile grows a bit. You felt her words had more meaning to them, but you decided to not linger on them for now. "I know I've been slightly avoiding you but I have a hard time trusting hu- new people. But, after today, I think I want to open up a bit and be friends."
"I'd like that too." You beam. "Alice has been begging me to do a shopping trip, maybe the three of us can plan a trip soon."
"I'd... I'd like that." She almost looks like she is relieved and less guarded.
"Is your hand okay?"
"Well, I saw you grip your locker and you dented it."
"Oh. Yeah, it's fine. I work on cars and my grip is strong. It's nothing." She holds out her hands and you saw just flawless skin. "Well, I will see you soon. Class is starting."
"Talk to you later." You wave and go to class. You sit down at your usual spot and start preparing. You sigh, irritated at the way those two spoke about Rose so loudly. But you also felt happy you and Rose were close now. Her bending the locker was suspicious... there were many things off with the Cullens that you've picked up, however, you don't linger on it. They have their quirks much like you have your own.
Edward lounged on the couch reading, back from his trip up to the Denali clan to clear his head. After witnessing that nightmare from you, he needed a moment alone to sort his thoughts. He wasn't sure what he felt afterwards but once he took some time to sort out his thoughts, he came back to Forks. None of the others knew what happened. He didn't tell them those details of your life, as none of them were privy to it. He wasn't either but that bridge has been crossed thanks to his ability and curiosity of the galaxy protecting your mind.
He felt guilt initially when he realized he deeply invaded your privacy. Then, despair and immense sadness followed when he recalls back to your nightmare, your past. Edward had seen many horrors in his long life, he even committed some when he'd hunt those men. However when he witnessed what you went through, he couldn't help feel a spark of protectiveness. You were nice. He found you a joy to be around despite it not being long since you transferred. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to you.
Edward couldn't help but smile when he thought back to you and him outside the fire station. It was a peaceful moment. He couldn't help but linger on the sight of you in his jacket, pointing out the stars and constellations. It was silent other than your internal thoughts. And when he got to witness your galaxy so at peace? He also felt a sense of tranquility he longs for.
Edward quickly put those thoughts away and resumed his attention his book when he heard his adoptive siblings come in. Alice and Jasper pass without saying to him, which he was slightly thankful for. However, Emmett and Rosalie lingered by him.
"How can I help you both?" Edward sighs, snapping the book closed as he looks at both of them.
Rose crosses her arms. "You need to come back tomorrow."
"Why? Did something happen?"
"Yeah, Tiny happened." Emmett grinned and gestured to Rosalie. The blond sighed and let the memory replay of you standing up for her so Edward can see what happened today. He furrows his brows, setting his book down. He stands up from the couch and looks between the two.
"My guess is those two will probably retaliate against our friend one way or another." Rosalie says softly. Edward chooses not to point out how she said 'our friend.' "You spend the most time with them, they'll need you to stick around them the most."
Edward nods slowly. He recognizes Mark and Tony, and he knows they each have a class with him and you. He's heard the thoughts that spew from them both like garbage and he knows they aren't above getting back at someone.
"I'll come back tomorrow." He confirms. He wanted one more day to himself, but tomorrow is good as ever to face you again. He knows how you lost your voice and how you ended up living with your uncle and aunt now, but you don't know he knows. And he'll have to keep that in mind.
Although, Edward couldn't help but smile at the sound of your voice in Rosalie's memory. It was rough and hoarse, and it caused you pain, pain he doesn't want you feeling again... but it was nice hearing that voice that matches to the one in your head... when that space of yours is dropped.
You make your way to your locker first thing in the morning. You get yourself situated, grabbing the things you need for your classes before lunch. You set aside the folder where you kept your copies of notes for Edward down on the small shelf. You huff softly, throat still feeling sore from using your voice.
A familiar voice calling your name has you spinning around quickly, a smile instantly growing on your face. Edward approaches you with a small smile, looking the same as he did the last time you saw him.
"Glad to see you're feeling better." You grin, your mind flashing back to what Emmett signed to you in regards to Edward's health. You catch your friend's eyebrow twitch, a flash of annoyance on his face that he quickly recovered.
A Cullen quirk, you muse to yourself.
"Yeah. I'm doing a lot better now." He replies softly, standing  a little closer to you than usual.
"I have something for you." You see his eyebrow quirk as you turn back to your locker. You pull out the black folder and hand him it. "Notes for the classes we share."
Edward stares down at the folder before chuckling. He looks up at you and gives you brilliant smile, one that makes your heart flutter for just a moment. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."
"Of course."
Suddenly, you feel hand on your back. Edward was standing much closer to you with an expression akin to a scowl as he stares off a little. He looks to you and smiles softly, though you can still see the tension on his face.
"We should get to the classroom. I'll probably have questions about what I missed." He says in a low voice. You nod, a little confused by his demeanor. You finish up with your locker and let him guide through the hallway, his cold hand still resting on the middle of your back.
You weren't aware of Tony's and Mark's presences until you both were walking by them to your first period classroom. You paid them no mind, keeping your focus ahead of you. Doing this, however, has you missing the deep and threatening glare from Edward towards the both of them.
As you both walked through the hallway, Edward felt that his non-existent blood boiling at the degrading, violent, and nasty thoughts those two were thinking. He knew they both weren't the best that Forks has to offer, their thoughts sometimes louder than others.
That protective urge he felt after witnessing your nightmare? It's working overtime now and he isn't completely sure why.
What Edward does know that he won't let them try anything towards you.
Taglist: @buckybarnes-1917​, @trawberry-fire​ , @dreamy-caramel​, @urgirlfriendspage @azazel-nyx @stinkii-boii @vanessalovesonedirection @sunnyisntthere @theatrenerd101601 @awesomebooklover17 @esposadomd @whichwitchisthebitch @bofadeezs @gons-dad-is-gon-e @kathsuhki @aoi-targaryen @srh-006 @onlyheretosimp
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legendary-guest · 3 months
High school sucks, from puberty to petty relationship drama to navigating the cliques - not to mention the teachers! Some so crabby, so lippy, so unfair, so mean that you could swear they were...evil?
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Meet Dr. Drew Lipsky and Ms. Shea Go! Other outfits linked here. Lots of text under the cut.
"Mr. Lipsky is my father. You will address me as Dr. Lipsky."
It is difficult to escape Dr. Lipsky on the learning side of the high school ecosystem, he practically runs every class that involves math or science.
Arrogant, grouchy and with a tendency to ramble, Doc runs his classroom with an iron fist and a strict no lip policy. He is seldom seen without his ruler, which he uses to write along the chalkboard with his terrible handwriting, draw diagrams, gesture wildly with and slam on sleeping students' desks to rudely wake them. Despite this unpleasant behaviour, he has obvious favourite students - some of them have gone a long way just by sucking up to him - like not being yelled at and being one of the privileged few that haven't been damned to detention for a minor transgression. He's not just mean, he's also weird.
He likes to show-off the fact that he can draw a perfect circle, free-handed. This impresses a lot of the kids, until it becomes dull - he is workshopping drawing a perfect dodecahedron free-handed (it's not going well). School festivities and similar events, not centred around sport, tend to have him actively organising and participating in them. Always decorates the classroom around Christmas time, becomes unbearably cheery. His love for Snowman Hank is infamous.
Students have figured out an effective method to avoid learning - by getting Dr. Lipsky to talk about himself, or anything that vaguely interests him, he isn't difficult to distract. If he realises what's happening, everyone gets extra homework. If he doesn't and class ends, he seethes about it.
Of course, this means that he's always marking, always busy, a vicious feedback loop. He secretly doesn't mind this, as it keeps him occupied, away from depressing thoughts and crushing loneliness. His job is his social life, but even this is difficult as the only real rapport he has with anyone are the students he rambles to. Well, them and now Ms. Go, whom he carpools with - picking him up and dropping him off 5 days a week, just the two of them. His own car was totalled by Ed, and unable to afford another on a teacher's salary, he'd been catching the bus to and from work. His garage has turned into a workshop, where he tinkers with fixing old computers, building robots, lasers, programming microchips, etc. He really doesn't spend time in his own home.
Drew is dyslexic but doesn't know it - he's found ways to manage this. One of these ways is calling on kids who he knows are in Ms. Go's classes - he always knows them - to help him spell something. “How do you spell it?” “What?” “What do you mean ‘what?’ I know you’re in Miss Go’s AP Literature class, so tell me how to spell it!” “Uh…” [spelling ensues] “That wasn’t so difficult now was it?” “Thanks would be nice” “Detention.” “What?” “I heard you talk back. Detention. I’m old, not deaf.” Unlike Drakken, the subject of his blue skin and scar aren't things he's keen to talk about. He addresses it once at the beginning of every semester to the students to quell rumours and that's it. “Before you all start asking, I’ll tell you. This nasty scar? Lab accident. Blue skin? Lab accident. Is it contagious? No. We’re speaking about injuries, not cooties. So, you know I take lab safety very, very seriously. Gloves, closed shoes and glasses in the lab at all times! Last thing I need is a lawsuit from your parents.” No member of staff, including Ms. Go, know why he is blue.
He is still a college drop-out - his doctorate and teaching certifications are fake. He has never been caught. The inciting incident for dropping out (I have yet to cement whether or not it is the Bebes) has defeated him instead of motivating him. Drew Lipsky is still Drakken, but listless, without real focus or ambition, prone to indifference and depression. As Dr. Lipsky, he is a genuinely good, competent teacher, despite all his faults - the need to explain things, repeatedly, helps him in the profession.
Ms. Go is the hot new English teacher at school! Although she is new to teaching on her own, she is not as naïve as some might think. With her experience as Shego, member of Team Go from Go City, dealing with her brothers and various criminals and villains alike, Ms. Go knows her way around people - the Child Development qualification is merely a bonus.
Staff and students don't know of Ms. Go's hero identity and she goes to great lengths to deceive students that point out her strangely tinted skin - by telling them that it's merely the fluorescent lights in the school that make her appear green, and that, maybe, they should be more focused on what's on the board. Several students have started wearing glasses since her employment. Gaslighting the kids is something she enjoys immensely. Dr. Lipsky has noticed, too, but he doesn't bring it up, accepting her reasoning - for now.
Her attractiveness is no secret, with many a boy harbouring a crush on her, some of the bolder ones hitting on her in class or the hallway. Ms. Go effectively destroys the fragile, male teen ego in a single, creatively worded sentence, leaving a path of bitter, broken hearts (and sometimes tears) behind her. Creative put-downs aren't just reserved for boys that hit on her.
Ms. Go's criteria for her hitlist include: disrupting class, poor enunciation/pronunciation, mumbling, using the wrong words, incorrect/poor grammar, and abuse of teen slang in class.
Anything that isn't a school textbook or notebook that is left behind in Ms. Go's classroom goes missing. Pencils, pens, spare change, personal diaries, MP3 players, CD players, gum (which they shouldn't have anyway!) - gone. Ms. Go picks the room CLEAN as soon as all of them leave - finders keepers! She has an impressive collection, and shares the spoils with Dr. Lipsky. Forgot something in Ms. Go's class? FORGET IT! She gives props to those who can clap back in a creative (grammatically correct, well-spoken) way. For this, she is a very divisive figure, fluctuating between cool-hot-mean-bitchy at all times.
The popular, self-absorbed girls try to emulate Ms. Go, from her mannerisms to her style. She doesn't mind this, and even has some fun in seeing how far she can take it.
Ms. Go runs her classes efficiently and she never assigns extra homework - she doesn't want to mark it. She clocks in at 7am and clocks out at 3:30pm, not a minute before or after.
She has an expensive sports car (I'm thinking a Maserati), which she was able to procure from the Mayor of Go City for her service. Hego was, is, very upset over this. Although she has been out of the hero game for a while, something about the unusually hued Dr. Drew Lipsky had her extend the offer to carpool - just him. Especially after she saw him come to work, late, soaking wet from some surprise torrential rain, snarling and growling and snapping at anyone who so much as looked at him funny - only to be berated by the principal on top of it all.
Her degree in Child Development means that she holds the position of school counsellor. Problem is, no one wants to see her! Who does after hearing all the mean things she says? Her small office is rarely visited, to the point where Dr. Lipsky has moved in with all his stuff, mountains of paper that made his corner of the teacher's lounge very unseemly. Anyone who knocks is met with the Doc's intimidating stature and signature frown.
Ms. Go and Dr. Lipsky sit by themselves in the small office, never in the teacher's lounge. Drew will sometimes stay back and work, catching the bus home, whilst Shea goes home. As they get closer, Ms. Go will sometimes just go for a few hours and return to the school to take the Doc home. Although it seems like she's got it all, at the end of the day, she still goes home to her apartment - alone. Used to being surrounded by her family, as annoying as they are, used to the excitement and rush of hero work, and no longer actively using her powers, Shea is not too sure what to make of normal, civilian life. Especially after hers has been anything but. Partying, clubbing and shopping on the weekends are fun, but the prospect of socialising with others, finding interests that aren't focused on her career is daunting, if not a little frightening, if she were honest with herself. Shego, as Ms. Go, still calls him Dr. D (for 'Drew', she says the alliteration makes it fun to say) and Doc. Drew Lipsky for when she really wants to annoy him.
Drew/Drakken having dyslexia, Drew/Drakken taking the bus and the name Shea for Shego's real name are all lifted from Dwelling by @gogofordrakgo. The AU has been stewing for a very long time, almost as long as I have been reviewing. All elements lifted have been credited. I see several paths for it.
A 'Normal' AU where they exist within the KP world but never become villains, and don't teach at Middleton High School.
An Origin Story of how Drakken and Shego met teaching at some high school and then getting into villainy together.
An AU where they are teachers at Middleton High School and Kim and Ron are students there, still saving the world. They still play an antagonistic role, Drakken more than Shego, with Shego empathising with Kim without breaking her Shego-ness and becoming too nice, still distance between them. Ron would also be Shego's one-and-only student that she sees as a counsellor. Their sessions consist of having him accompany her to the mall - retail therapy. In this version of the AU, the recurring villains would be The Seniors. Senior Sr. is a big name supervillain looking to retire and is training his spoiled, sheltered son Senior Jr. to take up the mantle, but all he's interested in is becoming a teen-pop sensation, even though he learns quickly and can take on KP. Senior Sr. finds Kim Possible, not only a worthy adversary, but the ideal match for his son! He is the number one Kim x Junior shipper. (500k slow-burn, enemies to lovers epic fanfic, babies ever after - 7 for all 7 continents - 4 girls and 3 boys - evil-and-in-love - he's planned Junior's entire life for him, he can't wait to retire!). Dr. Lipsky and Ms. Go become villains at the end, becoming Dr. Drakken and Shego, the new villainous couple looking to rule the world and taking the place of Senor Senior Sr. and Senor Senior Jr.
Alternative to the last where it's all the same but they don't become villains. Maybe they try for a bit and after having their fun, they settle down to have a family. I dunno!
Now, is there more to come? YES! MAYBE! We'll see how I am feeling. Why did I do it this way and not write something properly? Because I don't like writing or plotting multi-chapter fanfic. I really wanted to make something that I could write for in this very casual way, and, if anyone else wanted to write or draw for this, that it would be possible.
Teacher AU is such a strong concept for the characters as they are, I wanted to really have it be true to them, as we see and know them in the show. I didn't want huge differences in their backstories, interests, mannerisms or relationships with other characters, because all those things inform who they are. I love that Drakken is a scatter-brained, easily-offended, easily distracted grouch and that Shego is such an annoying, snarky woman, a staunch grammarian and runner-up for professional slacker (Ron takes the number one spot). I wanted to challenge myself with this and I hope that I have been successful with it, at least initially.
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“The Mysterious Salvatore Brother” (The Vampire Diaries: Season 1) Damon x Plus Size Fem! Reader, Part 1. This fic is a birthday gift for @armyangxls 💗
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Y/n had always felt nervous around boys and girls her age. She wanted nothing more than to fit in at Mystic Falls high-school. There was just one problem. Y/n hated to admit it, but it was really hard for her to feel confident when next to her best friend Caroline (who was incredibly popular and always seemed to get the attention of her peers). It was so much easier to sit on the sidelines during cheer practice and focus on her homework or writing her own stories, than starting conversations with other students. It’s not that Y/n wasn’t pretty or smart. She was beautiful both inside and out, and brimming with inspiring ideas. One autumn day, Y/n found herself sitting under a maple tree as Caroline practiced her cheer routine with the other cheerleaders. She sketched in the margins of the essay she was writing a rough draft about.
“What’ve you got there?” a charming voice came from behind Y/n. Y/n leapt up in surprise, dropping her pencil and whirling around. There, standing in front of her was the most handsome man. His hair was dark and swept nicely over his temples, and his eyes were electric blue and seemed to pierce Y/n’s soul with an intent stare.
“I-I’m uh… just drawing…” Y/n said, trying her best not to blush. “You really shouldn’t sneak up on people like th-that.”
“Old habits die hard…” the man said shrugging his shoulders half-heartedly and taking a seat next to her on the bench. “I’m Damon, by the way.” He smirked.
“I’m Y/n,” she said, relaxing a bit. Something in Damon’s aura of confidence made her feel a bit better about talking. “I probably should be writing this paper on the history of Mystic Falls, but to be honest most of the information I got off the internet is just plain boring. I swear, Alaric Saltzman gives us the most tedious assignments.”
Damon leaned in a bit, squinting to see the opening paragraph you’d scribbled on the sheet of paper. “Looks… good, at least, if you’re set on putting your teacher to sleep.” He laughed.
“What choice do I have? It’s not like much happened in this part of Virginia in the mid 1800s.” Y/n sighed, annoyed at Damon’s criticism. “Are you even a student here?”
“No, but my idiot brother is.” Damon gestured vaguely in the direction of Stefan Salvatore, who was standing at the other edge of the field talking to Elena (who was also in your class).
“Ohhhh so you’re a Salvatore.” Y/n said, nodding as if that explained everything.
Damon stared off at the football field, as if contemplating whether or not to say something. Finally, he spoke. “I think I can help you with your assignment. I actually did a similar history paper when I was in high-school. There’s more to Mystic Falls then you’d think.”
“Why do you want to help me?” Y/n said, a bit skeptical.
“Because…” Damon said, leaning in mischievously. “You’re pretty, and honestly? I’m bored.”
“Oh… ok.” Y/n felt her heart skip a beat. “I mean, that’s not a terrible answer, even if it is a bit forward of you…” She considered. “Fine. Meet me at Mystic Grill at seven, ok?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Damon replied.
Y/n looked down at her paper and when she looked up, Damon was gone. ‘That’s weird…’ she thought, a bit uneasy. Y/n groaned, realizing she’d have to make up an excuse for her absence to tell her mom. ‘Well, hopefully I can think of something believable.’
To Be Continued… in Part 2, coming soon!
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isaac-clarke · 4 months
So I have 2 sessions left with with the mentorship program I'm in, technically 1 since it starts in an hour. And the thing has been so SO genuinely helpful, some sessions tbh did feel heavy and almost like a therapy session because so much of it was uncovering why I think about art in a certain way. Or approach it in a particular manner... ie all in ways that aren't the norm.
On the one hand I've definitely been drawing a lot, on the other, none of them are really postable or interesting to look at since the homework assignments have all been gestures. Yeah gestures. I've been having to draw gestures over and over for 1 -2 minutes 2 - 3 times a week to force me to draw, draw a lot, and also become numb to making mistakes. Which tbh has worked since I'm at the point where they feel very routine and even boring at times.
She asked a couple sessions past if I was interested in a continued 3 more months as she usually offers that. I said yes, since I feel 3 months is a little on the short side. I'm making progress for sure but it feels more like the start of progress rather than continued.
Tbh it does make me a little sad to know the fact that the art school I went to probably did more harm than good. Especially since shit with an abusive ex-friend had gone on during my 1st year/1st semester that it really poisoned the program that was already tough as hell and didn't gel well with how I learn. Poison as in my own self confidence, POV, and my mindset going from a growth and learning mindset to a fixed mindset. A mindset you do not want as an artist.
I definitely look forward to seeing how much I improve with my relationship towards my own art, and even just my skills and knowledge in art. I've already improved far more in these 3 months than I have trying to do a self-help/self-improvement sort of deal since 2017 or 2018
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lokiforever · 1 year
New teachers at School 🏫❤️
Professor Hiddleston x Reader
Summary : The reader is in high school whose favorite subjects are History and English. Though unluckily the teacher she got for both of them are ridiculous!
Cast :
Professor Hiddleston
Y/B/F/N Carter
Surprise guest
Professor Hiddleston and the surprise guest are like best friends.
Chapter 1
Third person POV
Today, the school will reopen after the summer break. For Y/N, school reopening means having to cope with to of her least favorite teacher - Professor Pratt . Who teaches two of her favorite subjects.
You were sitting beside your best friend and it was the 3rd class of the day, which means, History. The first two classes were amazing. The teachers were nice, no homework given, no overloading, nothing. So, you were in a good mood. That was until you checked the timetable. History. Shit. You looked at your best friend, hopelessly already annoyed, just by realizing that history means you have to cope with Chris Pratt. Your history /english teacher (unfortunately ).
Y/B/F/N : Come onn Y/N!!!!! For God's sake. It's just one goddamn class!!
Y/N : Why is it always, me?? I mean, why in the nine realms is the teacher of my favorite subject so damn annoying and a complete asshole?!!He's the worst!!! Argh!
Y/B/F/N : It's okay, dear. Everything would be fine. You know I also hate him as much as you do.....
Y/N : Yeah, hopefully *sigh*. Let's do this!
Y/B/F/N : That's my girl!! Let's go! ✌🏻
*both of you start chuckling *
You sit in one of the front desks, face down and covered with your hands. Suddenly, you hear some heavy footsteps. As you were sitting in the front you had to stand up as to show respect to the 'amazing' (not) teacher.
Still you didn't look up, just stood in your place. You could feel your bestie's eyes on you but you simply sighed.
Teacher : Good morning, class. Please, sit down.
Immediately your head snapped up. This voice couldn't belong to that jerk of a teacher, no. It sounded so calming, a perfect, british accent.
Looking up, you saw a devastatingly handsome man standing in front of you. He looked like as if his face was carved by the God himself. He was tall, above 6 ft. "Nope! It's not that dumbass" you thought. You exchanged glances with your best friend, confused about what this handsome man is doing here.
Teacher : I am Tom Hiddleston and I will be teaching you English and History from now. You can call me Mr. Hiddleston or Professor Hiddleston.
The man said with a friendly smile and nod. The whole class greeted this adonis. You were still a bit shocked, but extremely happy.
Professor H. : Would you all like to you introduce yourselves? I'm new here and thus, don't know any of you?!
Whole class : Sure!
Professor H. *pointing to a boy who was sitting at the corner *: We can start with you, young man.
The boy introduced himself and so did the rest of the class and now it was your turn.
Y/N : Hello, professor! My name is Y/N Y /L /N and my favorite subjects are History and English. I like to draw.
Professor H. : Oh, that's great!Hope you enjoy the classes. *smiles and you return the gesture *
The whole class was amazing, the way he spoke was so passionate and his sweet and polite nature was a cherry on top. You were really grateful to God for finally listening to your prayers and providing you a better teacher.
*A few months later *
You had established a friendly teacher - student relationship with your favorite professor, Professor Hiddleston. You were the best student of his class and he was proud of you.
That day you got the notice that the Headmistress is assigning a few students with the position of a teacher's assistant.
The next day, you and your best friend were called to the principal office.As you entered, you saw your principal, Professor Hiddleston and Mr. Jeon Jungkook, your science professor . Both you greeted them and stood there. God that man was looking so amazing that day (as always) Mr. Jungkook was also looking great, but he was your bestie's. Yup! you both had crushes on the two professors who were standing in front of you. (Y/N on Mr. Hiddleston and Y /B /F /N on Mr Jungkook.
Mr Hiddleston's dress
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Mr Jungkook's dress
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This 👇🏻is what you were wearing today
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Principal : Y/N, you are assigned as a teacher's assistant to Mr. Hiddleston and Y/B/F/N, you to Mr. Jungkook
Y/N : Thank you so much for finding me able to help , ma'am . I assure you I'll do my best!
Y/B/F/N: Thank you very much, ma'am! I will do my best, I promise!
Principal : I know girls, that's the only reason why I chose you both!
*We smiled at each other *
Principal : You may go now and discuss the important things with your respective professors.
You and your best friend nodded in unison and went out of the office and waited there for the professors
Professor H. : Please come with me to my office, Miss Y/L/N. I want to discuss a few things with you related to the teacher - assistant thing.
Mr. Hiddleston said softly, with a smile
Y/N : Sure, Professor Hiddleston!
Mr. Jungkook : And you with me, Miss Carter.
He also smiled
Y/B/F/N: Of course, Mr Jungkook
*In Professor Hiddleston's office *
Y/N : Thank you so much, Professor Hiddleston for finding me able to help you 😊😊
Professor H. : For the first thing , just call me Tom outside the class. And for another .............
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Should I make part 2??!!!!!!
Hope you guys like it! 💗💗💗
Tagging @holdmytesseract
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artleaguemdcnorth · 13 days
DRAWING CLASS , Negative Positive Space relations - 9/10/24
Today you will learn how to look at the the balance between the negative space and the positive shape that objects hold. In class we will set the still life together.
Setting up Props -
As you set up your props for your at home still life , find objects similar to those you see on my set up. I use rectangular, cylindrical, square and round objects.
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Notice that I have set up some items ( brushes and scissors)  that break up space.
Also, observe that some objects are above the Horizon Line.
Prop them up higher than other objects.
Slightly space out your objects .
Try to create a balance between the objects and the negative space.
The objects in your still life hold positive space and the space around the objects is called negative space.
An artist’s job is to find the balance between these two worlds.
We call that negative to positive space relations.
Once you have created a good arrangement for your Still Life, then you can begin drawing.
Sit in front of your still life at eye level.
Start with the following exercises:
1) 10 mins    
Gesture Drawing warm up exercises non stop for 10 mins.
2) 10 mins  
Non Dominant hand  Gesture Drawing
3) 15 mins      
Contour Drawing.  
4) 15 mins
Blind Contour Drawing
Next you will do an Outer Contour Drawing.
The outer contour drawing looks at the overall shape of all objects. That means,  You are looking at the outer edge of all the objects.
In this drawing your line stays above the Horizon line.
Horizon line is where the table holding your Still Life and the wall meet.
Draw everything above it, nothing below it.
Outer Contour and Negative space Drawing
20 mins      Begin the outer contour drawing .
Starting from the Left side of the Still Life at the horizon line begin drawing using the charcoal pencil.
Draw only the outer edge of the objects that rise above the horizon Line.
Do not draw below the horizon line.
Once you are finished, you will now darken everything above the horizon line using a charcoal stick.
You will then be left with a drawing that documents two worlds:
White (the color of the paper ) is below the horizon line.
Black is everything above the horizon line .
Once you have completed the above drawing you will then spend an hour doing a free lance drawing. You will have two HW to complete today.
1) Homework:
Using a cereal box as your form, create a view finder that measures 5  X 7 inches. See the video above to create your own view finder.
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You will cut out ( two L ) measuring 5x 7 inches as you see above in this picture.
You will be using this view finder next week on Tuesday. Class work and homework will be posted to your Tumblr portfolio.
In your sketchbook create 16 squares measuring 1.5 inches with and 1/8 inch separation between them .
Fill each square with a variety of lines to include, thick thin , broken, dotted , zig zag as many varieties as YOU can come up with.
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Example of how to create squares in sketchbook
See how you will break up your squares to do the line assignment above in your sketchbook.
How many types of lines can you come up with?
BE as creative as possible.
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You will work on this HW assignment Tonight and tomorrow.
All Homework is due on your Tumblr by tomorrow at 5pm.
You will be using the viewfinder on Thursday and next Tuesday in class.
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heartstringsduet · 1 year
Ohh for the wip name game - any of them that you would love to talk about but wasn't asked yet!!! Or one that you just wanna gush a little more about!!!
Okay thanks, then let me talk about Fathers. It doesn't have a fancy name yet but it was supposed to explore the relationship of the boys with their fathers-in-law.
So Carlos and Owen. TK and Gabriel.
And basically, the premise is, they both change their minds as they get to know the other. TK starts liking Gabriel more and Carlos starts liking Owen less. Which...is a bold claim, I know. I do love Owen/Carlos scenes. I just also watch the show and think, if I were the partner of TK, would I truly truly always love Owen? I mean it is complicated of course. I don't think Carlos would end up hating Owen. He's too important. But I want him to lose a bit of the glossy admiration and see him as more as a person. This is the part I already started and got a bit deeper in. Gabriel/TK was supposed to be Part II so nothing is written there and for obvious reasons, it might look very different now with how short the time was they knew each other.
(and I actually think it has some of my strongest writing in any WIPs so that's something. I do want to work on it but have sooo many other projects)
This was such a looooong reply. Still, here's a snippet of Fathers:
When Captain Strand enters the room, everyone exits their stupor, this vigil they held around TK’s bed. It’s then that Carlos notices that he hadn’t even greeted them, doesn’t know the people TK works with and has probably burned that bridge by being this impolite. There’s little he can do now, because he doesn’t dare interrupt them as they talk to their Captain. It’s best to use the distraction to slip out the room unnoticed, even if his heart tugs painfully every step he takes away from TK’s side.
There’s no way he can go home now. There’s no way he can overstay his welcome with TK’s father here either. He’ll just change at home, then go to the hospital cafeteria and wait until it feels like reasonable time has passed to return.
“Officer Reyes,” Captain Strand says, just as Carlos is at the door out, “would you mind sticking around for a minute?”
His insides raw, Carlos longs to be rude enough to decline. Contention fosters between Southern politeness and male assertiveness. At last he remembers that staying means a few more moments in the room with TK and it’s suddenly the easiest decision to stay.
Captain Strand pulls up another chair on the other side of the bed and gestures for him to sit. The seat is still warm like Carlos never left. He wonders if the mattress is too, from where he leant on it to hold TK’s arm. Now, he doesn’t dare reach out. Instead Carlos draws back up, slips into the hardened persona like it can shield him from this fatherly presence.
“Sorry for keeping you here longer. You must have come after a long shift.”
“No need to apologize, sir. I--” and here he pauses, unsure on how to finish, but only the truth dares to be spoken, “I want to be here. If that’s okay.”
“You know, TK has never been any good at keeping secrets,” Captain Strand says, smiling at the hand of his son held easily in his now. “Even as a little kid, you could just immediately tell when he lied. It's his eyes. He doesn’t need a tell, his eyes are a window. Anyway... there was no use in telling us he didn’t secretly secretly have candy before dinner, or that he did his homework, or that he didn’t throw sand at the neighbors kid on the playground.”
Carlos had expected questions. Hadn’t expected pieces of TK, he could treasure. It immediately makes his throat burn.
Holding Captain Strand’s gaze now is a herculean task, especially when he hears, “I knew he’d been acting different the past few weeks. But he never told me about you.”
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enstarsurbanfantasy · 10 months
Mikagura - POV Hiiro
[Mikagura: a ritual dance performed at the imperial court and various important Shinto shrines. It consists of welcoming, entertaining and greeting the deities with humorous or poetic syllabic songs.]
Hiiro hears the singing before he sees the source.
He's strolling through one of the side gardens, thinking over one of his homework questions, when he's alerted to the distant sound of instruments. Music isn't uncommon in Ensemble Square, but it's mostly the music that the idol units are making. The music now vaguely resembles Akatsuki's songs, but it's slower and doesn't have modern instruments.
Hiiro turns a corner, curious about what's going on.
Water floats around Aira, ribbons swirling around his arms and legs as he steps back and forth with a string of bells in hand. He's dancing to the music, chanting with his eyes closed and moving as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Hiiro can see the kamuy dancing with him, water, storm, and war caressing his cheek like a mother to her child.
The music ends. With a sweep of his hand, the water surrounding Aira comes together in one long stream, and it funnels into the water bottle by the door. The spirits settle around Aira's shoulders like a winter cloak. Finished, Aira bows (to the kamuy?), opens his eyes and--
He is surprised, but the realization is... slow. His unitmate is settled, possibly in that floaty feeling Hiiro gets after finishing prayers, when his mind is more in the spritual realm than the human one. There is also something... other. Something playful and tricky and entirely inhuman.
Hiiro's throat is bone dry, and he swallows, opening his mouth to say... something.
But nothing comes out, because Aira places a finger to his mouth in a gesture for quiet. In fact, he seems to be physically unable to say anything. Aira gives a high pitched laugh, beams at him uncharacteristically, and blinks.
Aira shakes his head, and he's suddenly back to his usual countenance.
"Sorry," he says. "Ame-no-Uzume is a bit of a trickster."
"Ame... no Uzume?"
"You don't know a lot about Shinto gods, do you?" Aira remarks drily.
"Nope!" He'd like to learn more, if possible. The part of him that was trained to protect Nii-san rises, seeing all the possibilities of danger from such casual possession.
Aira takes a breath, exhales, and recites a story like he's heard it a thousand times before. "The sun goddess, Amaterasu, once quarreled with her brother, Susanoo, the god of sea and storms. After coming together to produce children, Susanoo vandalized her rice fields, flayed a horse and threw it at her loom, and brutally killed one of her maidservants. Amaterasu, furious, forfeited her divinity and retreated to a cave. As a result, the world was plunged into eternal night.
"The other gods came together to confer on the situation. In a bid to draw her out, Ame no Uzume placed a mirror by the cave's entrance, leapt upon an upturned tub, and proceeded to dance while tearing off her clothes. The other gods, stunned, started to laugh.
"Amaterasu heard the laughter and wondered how they could be happy in a world of eternal night. She looked out, and upon seeing her beautiful face in the mirror, went to take a closer look. As Amaterasu left the cave, the other gods threw a sacred rope across the cave entrance, preventing her from returning. Amaterasu agreed to rejoin the divine, and light was restored to the world.
And thus Ame no Uzume became known as the Heavenly Alarming Female."
Aira smiles, expression showing that he's still bit out of it. "Ame no Uzume is the goddess of revelry and the arts. I was praying for a good result in the MDM." he considers, and continues, "A sacred dance opens up your heart and mind to outside forces. Usually the gods have better things to do than to possess a random human, but Ame no Uzume likes to have a little fun."
"So it's like a send-off ritual," Hiiro murmurs.
Aira shrugs. "I... guess? I don't know much about your traditions."
Hiiro glances at Aira, just in time to see him sway concerningly. Hiiro slings an arm over Aira's shoulder to steady him, and Aira rests his head on his shoulder. "How long have you been praying?"
" 's the shorter ritual.. six hours?" Aira slurs.
Hiiro presses his lips together and declares, "I'm going to carry you back to the dorm."
Aira, already half asleep, doesn't do more than hum an assent.
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lunar-wandering · 9 months
i have a 5 - 8 pm class today
i genuinely think it's gonna be the toughest class for me this semester cause this is the one thats probably gonna be the most rigid about grading stuff
also though i gotta do like. 50 gesture drawings as homework for next wednesday and although i know it would only take me an hour and a half. it feels like so much work
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rikiblues · 1 year
close your eyes
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featuring. nct na jaemin x fem!oc contents. college!au, romance, fluff, banter, literal sleeping together
track. teddy bear, nct dream word count. 2612
note. a submission for a writing event by decelis_acvdemy on wattpad.
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"You," Jaemin announces, "work entirely too hard. You skipped movie night for homework!"
Jiwon looks up tiredly at him. "You do realize I'm working on a deadline here," she deadpans. "Tell me how you expect me to sacrifice three hours for a movie."
Jaemin frowns. "Are you feeling okay?" he asks, stepping back a bit, instead of leaning all of his weight on the side of her study desk, so as to give her some space, instead of crowding her. "You haven't really been responding very well tonight."
"I'm distracted," she gestures to the papers strewn across her desk, the scattered pens and pencils, eraser teetering on the corner of the desk—which he scoops up and safely returns to its respective spot beside her pencils—one lone paint palette resting beneath a box of acrylic paints also far too close to edge of it, so Jaemin pushes that farther up the desk, too. No paintbrushes, though he knows those are still at the top of her wardrobe, drying out after her impromptu painting session yesterday.
"Too distracted," he frowns, gently prying the pencil from her reddened-from-pressure fingers. "I get it too, you know, how hard it is to stop when the urge to do something about creativity blocks, hits you. I also want you to know that there's a limit to these things."
She huffs. "I can't help it if my stupid brain won't give me a proper idea," she says, sulking as she utters the words, though she most likely doesn't realize it. Jaemin thinks it's adorable. "I've been trying to get past the stupid art block, but none of my ideas are good enough."
She gestures to the angrily-torn out, balled-up pages of paper in the wastebasket beside her on the floor. Jaemin makes a mental note to take the better ones out of the pile, if only to tease her outwardly with it but actually keeping them for her future reference. As temperamental as Jiwon is, she tends to forget in her frustration at herself that her past supposedly-failed art serves as a good frame of reference for what she can do later down the line.
"That's because your brain is overworked," he scolds. "You've been at this since before I arrived, idiot. It doesn't take a genius to realize you need rest."
Jaemin had come over earlier to her dorm at her request to bring something to eat because she was "far too lazy to drag myself down ten flights of stairs right now," only to find that she was really immersed a tad bit too much to do more than bite into her food in between sketching on her drawing block. Being the caring boyfriend that he is, he hadn't discouraged her, just nagged at her to eat in a very annoying way until she gave in.
It's been almost four hours since then, though. Jaemin has almost finished a drama series by now. It's a lie to say he isn't concerned; of course he is, he loves Jiwon. He loves that she's so passionate about all of her interests, even if they fizzle out after a short period of hyperfixation, but that's one of her quirks.
Except for art. That one is lifelong, at this point. For all of the three years that he has known her, art has been practically the center of her life. Pencil lead smudged on her hands, just like it is now, streaks of an almost-non washable paint in a swirl of rainbow colors on her arms and hands, sometimes her face, too, which more often than not earned her a scolding from her parents and teachers.
But the bigger issue is that she's overworking herself at this point.
"But it's not even that late," she protests, looking at the clock. "It's only barely eight p.m..."
"I know, but you've been working this hard all day, and you're not getting anywhere."
"But if I try a little harder..."
"Jiwon," he says, firmer. Jiwon's stubborn, pleading expression falls into one of dejection. Once upon a time, Jaemin would've worried that he went too far and said something wrong, but now he knows that it's just her being upset at herself for going too far. Even if Jaemin doesn't necessarily agree with it, he's also aware that right now, the most important thing is destressing her cluttered, overloaded brain.
"Okay," she sighs out, standing up. She wobbles for a moment and she grabs at the desk to regain her balance, which immediately has Jaemin taking her arm, holding her up, recognizing it as a dizzy spell, a thing she experiences far too often from how she forgets to eat in the concentrated haze of making art. "Oh. Sorry, sorry, I'll eat something now..."
Jaemin has to smile at her somewhat ditzy expression. She has a weird way of laughing off even a few of the worst things that have happened to her, though he supposes that it's not so concerning when they already know that having her eat something would fix the dizziness very quickly.
"Want me to get you that apple you bought earlier?" he offers as they walk out into the living room of her dorm. She used to share it with someone else, who dropped out halfway through the year. Jaemin has been taking advantage of that to pop in on surprise visits to her during the day, and sometimes he's tempted to stay over for a night, but imagining how badly that could go keeps him from doing it.
"Yes, please," she mutters, throwing herself onto the couch. "I doubt I could handle anything else right now."
While she turns on the TV and flips through Netflix (before remembering that she has yet to finish 86's first season, to date), Jaemin heads to the kitchen to retrieve her apple for her. He often does this kind of thing for his friends and roommates, which earned him the moniker of "mom," but Jiwon is really the only person he truly gets satisfaction out of taking care of. Her, and his younger friends.
She's so absorbed into the screen that she startles when Jaemin sits beside her, handing her the plate of sliced apple. "You didn't have to do that," she notes, eyebrows lifted. Her gaze turns right back to the screen, which Jaemin takes no offense at. He is surprised that she continues talking. "I get that I messed up for myself, but I can eat an apple, you know."
"I don't think you can last the next episode without falling asleep," Jaemin smirks. She scoffs.
"You wanna bet?" 
"I already know it. One-hundred-percent assured."
"Oh, you're on, Na Jaemin," she grins. Jaemin isn't quite sure whether it's from watching the young, teenage soldiers on screen interact with their miles-away commander, or his challenge, but either way, it's a cute smile.
"Bring it on, Kang Jiwon." 
Contrary to expectation, Jiwon lasts until two episodes before the half-season finale, and then she turns to Jaemin and says, "I want to go to bed now. You should head back before it gets too late."
"I'll stay with you," Jaemin says nonchalantly. "My roommates are going to be out until really late."
"And?" she stares at him, eyes wide.
"I don't want to sleep alone," Jaemin answers, standing up. "Come on, Jiwon, it's not a big deal. I'm just going to sleep next to you. It's the weekend, too, so we're not going to have to go anywhere, right?"
"Well..." she hesitates, seeming to weigh between her choices. "I guess..."
"It's not mandatory," Jaemin clarifies, smoothing back the hair that had gotten loose from her ponytail away from her face, rather absently. "No pressure."
"No, I want you to stay," she decides, standing up and tugging him towards her bedroom, much, much more spacious since the roommate's stuff had been taken out of there. Jaemin internally second-guesses himself for a minute, but he talks himself out of it, reminding himself that they're technically not doing anything wrong (even if Renjun will have a neurotic fit when he finds out...well, he just won't). 
He stands by the door, watching her arrange her messy bed—twisted, balled-up covers, both of the pale violet pillows she uses at two opposite ends of the bed, a few books scattered across the flower-patterns decorating her bedsheet—before she lets Jaemin near it. It's endearing to see how she frowns at herself for letting her space get so messy. He knows she usually makes a point to order everything and put it all in place before she sets foot outside of the dorm.
"Okay," she turns, exhales. "Come on. I'm beginning to feel dead on my feet."
Jaemin chuckles softly and joins her, watching her climb into her bed only for a second before he does the same, though somewhat awkwardly. It's...strange to be here, right now. Not to mention incredibly awkward. Before he can say something stupid, he says, "your bed is really soft."
Jiwon blinks at him, from where she's adjusting the covers over them. Jaemin doesn't object, since she's got the air-conditioning turned on at twenty-six degrees. "Uh. Yeah, my parents got this for my brother when he moved into the dorms but he disliked the way it's so soft, so we traded mattresses." 
"Good call, I guess," Jaemin returns. A silence falls over them as Jiwon lies on her back snuggled under the comforter up to her chest, Jaemin sitting up leaning against the headboard with the comforter only covering his lower half.
Their eyes meet and they stare at each other for a full ten seconds before they burst out laughing.
"Jeez!" Jiwon wheezes, sitting up. "We're ridiculous, acting like a pair of teenagers on their first date!"
"Right," Jaemin snorts, pulling her closer the way he always does. "This is literally no different. We're a bit too nervous for just literally sleeping together, seriously."
Jiwon lets him essentially cuddle her. Jaemin doesn't look like it, but he is actually rather affectionate in many ways, and physical affection is one of his love languages. As such, Jiwon is the subject of quite a lot of hand-holding, random hugs, and just being affectionate in general. Jaemin is aware she doesn't mind at all, so he doesn't feel uneasy about doing things like that.
"I don't think I can fall asleep any time soon now," Jiwon admits softly, her voice just a whisper. With Jaemin's arm thrown loosely over her stomach, her head pillowed on his other arm, they're somehow in a closer position than they have ever been in before, but it's...comforting, to say the least.
"Shall I sing for you, then?" Jaemin purposely whispers in her ear. She shrieks in surprise and hits him.
Jaemin giggles, not releasing his grip on her. "Sorry, sorry!"
"Sure," she lightly pinches his arm, freezing a little bit when Jaemin starts running her hand through her short hair, a little bit longer than the absolute minimum required to tie a ponytail. She claimed it was for aesthetic reasons, though the bigger reason, he knows, is because she can't be bothered to take care of such long hair, practically waist-length, all the time. "What do you propose singing?"
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star—" 
"God, no."
"Rockabye baby, on the treetop—"
"Na Jaemin!"
In response, Jaemin starts laughing, which sets off Jiwon, too. They devolve into laughing so hard, tears form in Jaemin's eyes. His own ridiculousness and how there's still a thin barrier of awkward tension that they have yet to break.
So, he hugs her closer, and says, "tell me something I didn't know about you."
"Huh?" He can't see her face, but he imagines her frowning in concentration. "There's a lot that you do know about me. As for what you don't know..."
"Anything is fine, really."
"Huh." this time, it's more of a contemplative sound. "Do you remember when your mother said that I would make a good teacher?" Jaemin does not, but he hums in response anyway. "I laughed it off back then, but did I ever tell you that when I was a kid, I really wanted to be a teacher?"
"Really?" Jaemin is surprised. "What kind of teacher?"
"I don't know. Kids don't think too deeply about those things, you know?"
"Why did you? Want to become a teacher, I mean. You've always said you don't have enough patience to handle a class of children."
"There was this teacher when I was in the first and second grades," Jiwon's voice is soft, almost sleepy; a very in-character thing, for her to get sleepy just as they start properly talking. "She was always very nice to me, never stopped me talking when I got going or had an idea. There was an autistic kid in our class, too, and she never treated him differently. In fact, he and I were the favorite kids. When I finished first grade, I actually cried about having to have a different teacher."
"Awh, that's so cute."
"I was seven," Jiwon says with an intentional sulky tone. "So, when my brother started the first grade in the same year I started the second, he got the same teacher. You know about his ADHD, so you know how difficult it can be..."
Jaemin does. When he first met Jiwon's brother, he was quite hyper and excitable, and understood lots of things differently than most of them did. According to her, he was like that but ten times more hyper in his childhood, and it didn't help that most adults in his life treated him like he was a bad kid.
"She was the greatest teacher he ever had," the smile in her voice is evident, blooming like a sunflower in the sun. Jaemin finds it beautiful that her pride in her family and loved ones take precedence over much else, much like how Jaemin puts his mother before everyone else. "He was her best friend by the end of the year, and what do you know, he cried, too. I mean, have you ever known him to cry about saying goodbye to someone?"
"Never," Jaemin finds the idea alien. But he knows her brother has feelings, too. "That was what made you decide?"
"Yeah. Until my mother, ever so practical," there's a teasing hint of fondness there, "convinced me that I would die penniless and stressed out because kids are hard work and teachers don't get paid enough."
"I mean, my mother survived?"
"She had a husband to support her. I was in my 'die a single woman' phase."
"Ah. That explains so much."
"Shut up," she laughs, hitting his arm. "I wasn't upset about it ever, actually. I was cycling through a lot of professions at the time, so it isn't too big of a disappointment that it took a day to get talked out of it without much effort. Even if I do think about it sometimes."
"Imagine me dating a teacher."
"Your mother would approve. Now tell me something about you."
"I never drink because my mother said she doesn't like to drink and would prefer it that I did not drink, either," Jaemin says the first thing that comes to mind. Jiwon snorts, clearly disbelieving. "I'm serious, I really don't like doing it! It tastes weird, too."
"Such a momma's boy," Jiwon teases, but her voice is slurred now, beginning to sound more sleepy and tired than anything.
"That is my pride, Jiwon," he says very seriously. He can't stop the yawn that escapes his mouth after he says it, though. "Now I'm sleepy."
"Then sleep," she mumbles, shifting so that her legs aren't twined together. "Good night."
When it's silent for almost a full minute, Jaemin realizes that she really isn't joking; she's actually fallen asleep. Her soft breathing is the only sound in the room now, aside from his own.
With a fond sigh, Jaemin closes his own heavy eyelids, still hugging Jiwon.
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yes, i still hate it. but thanks to all of you who reassured me it's okay haha ilu guys.
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Comparative Anatomy Studies
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I'm following a digital course by the incredible Terryl Whitlatch about creature design. This is some homework from the first lesson. We had to draw a gestural rig, skeleton, muscular system, and surface of both a human and fictional tetrapod (mine is based heavily on a dog), My brain is currently broken by trying to match muscles across both frames. Also, every anatomy reference ever skips fat for some reason?? That seems like a massive oversight given that it's at least 10% of a human body, but usually 25% or more. What a bizarre omission. Anyway, up next is some type of human/tetrapod hybrid!
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keefwho · 4 months
June 03 - 2024 Monday
I'm losing focus of the point of this journal, to express myself and rehash my day as if explaining it to someone else. I'm still iffy with having it public, or more like I'm iffy having my identity tied to it. I'd be okay with it if it was anonymous but it's already known. And I don't want to just make a new blog because I want it to be cohesive.
This morning my mom called me at 6am to wake me up so I could get my little sister up. She is 17 and I said she should be able to get herself up for school and it's not helping that this behavior is enabled. It is NOT my job to be doing this.
When I woke up for real it was raining so I couldn't mow. Instead I shaved my body smooth. For breakfast I took one of my frozen breakfast sandwiches and chopped it up to mix it into some rice. Also with onions. I thought it was going to turn out weird/bad but it was actually pretty good so I might do it again sometime.
Before work my mood plummeted and I just couldn't do it anymore. I laid in bed and had a good cry for about an hour before I felt good enough to get back up and start working. I knew I couldn't afford to take the first work day of the month off.
For work I warmed up with human gestures since that would help with the commission today. Then I cranked out this $55 commission which meet my quota almost perfectly. I went about 10 minutes over which wasn't too bad. Since I had started late, it was nearly lunch time when I ended. Before lunch I decided to take some much needed personal time which ate into my lunch hour. As a result, I just made a can of spaghettios and was still a little late to my afternoon period.
I did today's request confidently and opened the file I was working on for idea requests next. I realized I really hate this idea system and it doesn't seem to be very popular so I decided to scrap the idea and I'll figure something else out for the time block. Instead of drawing anything, I removed links to the request form and updated all my profile pics since I forgot to do that. Then I worked on my pony avatar for an hour and got the armature set up.
My therapy appointment originally got set back an hour but the other guy cancelled so I was back on for my normal time. I read my therapy journal to him like usual and we talked about this depressive episode I've been in and a bit about triggers and socializing. At the end I had to quickly squeeze in reading him my homework which was to compile all the relationships I think have contributed to my trust difficulties. My homework for the next couple weeks is to try and identify triggers and practice awareness of how I'm feeling without overthinking it.
After therapy I sat around trying to figure out what to do. DS's friends seemed like they wanted to do an art jam but I correctly guessed that nothing was actually going to come of it. Other than that I waited for DS to get back to me. While she worked on her fursuit, we watched 600lb life. She couldn't actually stream it so I only got the audio. I worked on BD's avatar re-texture just getting it set up for the real work to get done later. Then I booted up the Roblox car game and made the brave move to open up about my feelings for a bit since I haven't done that in awhile. It was a good idea and I learned I need to start speaking up again for my own sake AND for others. In bed we did our puzzles and I finished my car run. For the last 30ish minutes of my day, I watched funny videos.
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villain-in-love · 9 months
cherry vanilla, matcha and blue moon for Jamil? (@canarycurse)
I'm finally done answering this... Sorry for the delay, I was fighting demons here.
cherry vanilla: how does your F/O show their affection for you?
Does allowing me to be stick around by his side without him making a sour face count as an affection?
Just kidding. But it was, at one point, the first sign of affection that he ever showed to Prefect.
I would say that Jamil is a person who prefers to speak with his actions. I mean, this guy got a silver tongue, but it seems to be mostly reserved for nefarious purposes. He’s not that good at expressing his true feelings that way– the words that come out are awkward and he will just end up embarrassed, telling Prefect to forget it. She won’t.
Part of his affection is making sure that she’s alive and well. Maybe helping with some chores or homework, or finding ways to keep Grim busy when this cat is in the mood to annoy her. Treating her constant injuries (things got better after she gained the ability to control magic, but she will always stay a physically inept loser), making lunch not just for himself and Kalim, but also for Prefect.
He also always makes sure to make time for her in his insanely packed schedule, and wouldn’t mind Prefect accompanying him even when he’s busy with something. Even if he keeps a neutral expression and even when he's doing something else at the same time, he listens, observes, and analyses.
I would even say overanalyses. Like many people, sometimes he can’t sleep at night because he’s thinking of his beloved, except he just overanalyses Prefect’s every word and every gesture trying to deduce more information about her. As I always said, scientific interest is a form of love and he wants to study her with a scalpel under a microscope. This feeling is mutual.
He also always tries to come up with a logical the solution if she has any problems. Part of it is just the way he usually thinks, of course, but this time he’s actually invested.
Another way he shows his affection is, surprisingly, by teasing her, making sarcastic remarks and lovingly poking fun of her, mostly her questionable life choices and opportunistic nature. Though that is, honestly, more about allowing her to see that playful and sassy side of him he hides from most of the people behind the mask of seriousness. And it’s only fair because Prefect is also known for showing her affection in a form of roasting him at any chance she gets.
Jamil is not a fan of public displays of affection, so most of the physical affection stays behind closed doors. And when it comes to gestures of physical affection he’s surprisingly gentle and almost innocent, mostly just wanting to stay close and keep Prefect by his side.
matcha: what kind of gifts does your F/O give you? Are they always buying you little presents or do they invest only in larger items for birthdays or holidays?
Useful gifts. The ones that may not seem anything special from an outside glance, but in reality Jamil puts a lot of thought in his gifts. Judging by the information provided in canon, Jamil’s gifts are usually small but high in quality, and are usually the things that fit the situation. Jamil’s quite observant so he knows what people might need at the moment.
So Prefect might receive a new teapot because she's constantly drinking tea and her old one just broke down. Or much needed alchemic reagent for one of her (most likely illegal) experiments. Or a new set of graphite pencils because she’s been drawing using the same old stub for a while now and Jamil just wants to put an end to this travesty.
Also, assuming that this takes place during and after my s/i’s second year in Twisted Wonderland (because Jamil and Prefect weren’t quite at that level of friendship to exchange gifts before the second year), magical artifacts are the best gifts when he really has no other ideas – it's something Prefect can both use as intended or study for her own curiosity… or drain of magic in case of emergency.
Gifts are not something Jamil buys often as something like this just doesn’t cross his mind often. So even in the relationship Jamil will mostly give Prefect something only for the occasions when it’s customary to give gifts – like birthdays or other holidays. (Not that she minds – Prefect sucks at choosing gifts and is always running out of money, and she would hate to stay in debt)
However, if we look into the possible future, if Jamil’s wish to travel the world alone comes true, then it would become a custom for him to buy her sweets from different countries as a gift for when he comes back.
blue moon: is your F/O very routine-oriented or do they like to go with the flow? How routine-oriented are you?
Jamil is less of routine-oriented and more plan-oriented, if that makes sense? Let’s put it that way, he has to babysit look after and serve Kalim – one of the most nonsensical and unpredictable people you will ever meet. Which means that it’s rare for Jamil to get stuck in a predictable routine, for better or for worse. And that taught him to be ready for literally anything that could possibly happen (he can predict at least 100 ways something can go wrong and he’s prepared for every single one of them, but then the 101th thing he somehow wasn’t able to predict happens and then he freaks out.) I think that if left alone in a calm environment Jamil might eventually fall into the routine but I’m honestly not sure if he will actually like it that much.
Prefect is… not a routine-oriented person. In fact, she hates routine so much that she throws herself into a new misadventure at any chance she gets even if it’s dangerous. She’d rather risk her life than get stuck doing the same thing every day. It’s good for her mental health. But not so good for Jamil’s, though.
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artleaguemdcnorth · 8 months
Welcome to the Spring 2023-2 semester.
I sent out an email to your MDC student account with instructions for the First Day of Class.
I will include some info here for quick reference.
This class will meet in person at 12:30PM on 1/17/24.
Please read the email sent to you for information on the room number.
Figure Drawing and Drawing 2 Class meets
Monday/ Wednesday 12:30 PM - 2:10 pm  
For the first day of class you will complete the several tasks once I dismiss the class :
1)  Read the entire email sent to you and then review carefully the class Syllabus.
You are responsible for reading the entire document including attachments.
The syllabus is a class contract between you and the instructor. It is important that you read it thoroughly.
Once you have read the document, You will make notes on issues or information that is either or both of the following:
a)      important to you
b)      issues you have questions or doubts about
2) Review the class materials. (we will go over them during our first in person class meet.)
I will give students the first week of class only to complete the purchase of all class materials.
Class materials must be purchased this weekend and brought to class on Tuesday Jan. 22, 2024.
See below the materials required for start of class:
*sketchbook bound 9 x 12 or slightly bigger *Newsprint pad 18 x 24 *Soft charcoal sticks (also known as willow) *Charcoal pencil set *Kneaded eraser *Drawing board to hold 18 x 24 drawing pad
You can find most of these items at the following stores:
Blick’s Art
Artists Warehouse
Jerry’s Arterama
Walmart and some at Target. ****
3) Create a Tumblr and Threads handle. Use your name and include your class in the bio with your link to your Tumblr handle.
Here are is an example of how bio of your threads and Tumblr bio should look :
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Threads and Tumblr below
Once you have created your threads handle follow the class thread.
Look at my first thread entry for Wednesday 9/17/24 respond to that thread with a brief introduction and include the following:
a) Year in school (freshman, sophomore )
b) Art or  Art education pathway
c) A quote by your favorite artist with their name.
d) A photo of the artist you chose from the library.
4) Students will go to the school library to check out a book as stated in the welcome letter. 
You will post a copy of your book with a favorite quote of your artist. Choose a book by an artist from the list included in your syllabus. Renaissance to Expressionism period (1930).
Homework Assignment
This class will look at the work of two different artists famous for working with the figure in the videos, Alice Neel and Wilhelm De Kooning.
I have also included an article for students to read regarding the work of Lucian Freud.
All three artists use a lyrical line to express the fluid aspect of the figure.
You will notice, in the case of Wilhelm De Kooning  he uses an energetic, gestural, action approach to rendering the figure.  
In the work of the next artist, Alice Neel, we see an ability by the artist to express the psychological angle of her models.
Finally, we see an expressive, almost abstract approach to the work of Lucian Freud.
De Kooning was known as an action painter.
Alice Neel was known for the psychological strength of her figurative paintings.
Lucian’s works show an energetic style to rendering the figure.
As the semester pans out we will be looking at many of these artists known for working with the figure.
After students complete watching the videos above and reading the article, you will write a reflection statement regarding your understanding of the videos. This will be the first assignment for Tuesday.
1) Reflection post (Videos & Article) will be posted to your Tumblr by Sunday 1/21/24 by 5pm.
Include your response to the following questions:
What have you learned about all three artists?
What impressed you the most about the way they work?
Which is your favorite and why?
Find below the social media links for this class:
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Class Threads link:
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