#there was a mistake on the other one and it bothered me to the point of fixing it and reposting it
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fractoluminescence · 3 days ago
Might be off-topic but this reminds me of something mildly upsetting I've seen a pattern of.
There are people in my life, when I show then something I have made for funsies or because it meant something to me, who immediately point out all the things wrong with it, when I thought I had made it clear I was showing it to them because I was proud of it, not for feedback. Art in particular, but in other areas where one can accomplish things as well.
And when I tell them something along the lines of, "look I know your intentions are good here but the drawing is already made. And I can see where I messed up, and if I can't you're not able to tell me how to fix it, so your advice is basically useless to me"
When I say this. I've had people rebuke me with "but you have to learn to take criticism or you won't improve".
Uh, okay? I can take criticism just fine -when I asked for it-. Not every drawing I make is a study that I am doing to try to improve. I am doing it for enjoyment, and it's exhausting to have a person point out all its flaws every single time.
It's off-topic. Leave me alone. Why did I even show you this in the first place - oh, wait, because I otherwise enjoy your company and make the mistake of forgetting that sharing some of what matters most to me with you is oddly unpleasant. My bad.
I can tell what is wrong with the drawing better than you - I have so much more experience than you with this. This drawing is over, there's no fixing it now. Sure, if I had spent more time on it, if I bothered to redo it, if I somehow managed to understand the volume of the subject of the artwork better ahead of time...if only I was just better at art, really.
Yeah, no shit. If I was better at drawing, then I would draw better. I don't need you to tell me that.
And like. I understand trying to give advice. I have the reflex of doing it too. But then if the person tells me it makes them uncomfortable, I don't start arguing back, like wtf
Side note, to explain what link this has to the post - something people don't seem to realize when it comes to learning is that you need to be told what you're doing well just as much as what you're doing wrong. Because otherwise, how can you know that you need to keep doing it? That it's worth the extra effort? And you'll need to know your strengths if you are going to find a way to either work with or surmount your weak spots. And this is true of art, but of anything really.
It's not just a matter of motivation. It's a matter of understanding what you're doing right so that you can oppose a 'wrong' to it that you can avoid doing. Not doing this will sometimes lead to people's skill lagging behind in some areas because they're so busy trying to figure out what they need to learn about that aspect of things when they're in fact doing it fine. You'll have people backtracking on fully reasonable habits just because they mistakenly think a lack of feedback is a lack of good as well.
Give people positive feedback. Please. And hold back on the negative feedback unless it was asked for or is necessary
The mattress company I worked for the first time no longer exists. It was long ago eaten and assimilated by a bigger company. But when I started it was an incredibly intense five weeks of training. I was told I was extremely lucky to be selected, and I was. From a pool of a hundred applicants only fifteen of us made the cut to entering the training program.
The course covered how to talk to customers, how to ask open ended questions, how to close a sale, and product knowledge. I learned a lot, and truthfully my greatest takeaway was a lot of social scripts that I could use in other areas of my life.
We also had a midterm exam and a final. Both included a roleplay element with a trainer and a written portion. They told us when we started that the course was challenging but it was still a shock to come in after the midterm and realize half the class had failed.
I was named valedictorian of training- a dubious honor as it meant I’d done the best in the class, but popular lore had it that valedictorians struggled the most on the sales floor. Lo, I struggled.
Not because I wasn’t good. I was. But because my manager set out to systematically destroy my self esteem. Every sale, every interaction I had was scrutinized and criticized.
If I sold a bed with protectors, moveable base, and pillows he’d ask why I hadn’t managed to sell pillow protectors too. His first trainee had thrived on being challenged and he’d never bothered to learn a different way to coach.
It was wretched. My performance started strong but nosedived after a few weeks with him. My trainer, a man I loathed for stonewalling me in my interview, came in to inform me I was on new hire probation. If I couldn’t get my sales numbers up I’d be let go.
His actual phrasing was, “When you have a bandaid do you like to rip it off or pull it slowly?”
Since it was eminently obvious why he was visiting and because I thought it was condescending I sweetly informed him that I liked to soak my bandaids in hot water so they come off on their own.
He was briefly startled at this derailing but then got on with the bad news. I signed some forms stating that I understood my job was in peril.
I went home furious. I thought long and hard about why I wasn’t succeeding and how frustrated I was with my manager. I came in the next day and my anger had crystallized into a cold sharp edge.
My manager opened his mouth to address the probation and I snapped, “Just leave me alone. Go in the back if I have a sale. If you must address a serious issue then you will give me praise on two things I did right and present it as a compliment sandwich. Otherwise just say good job and shut up. Your constant nitpicking just makes me anxious and I do worse. Back off.” Belated and begrudging I added, “Please.”
He raised his eyebrows in dim surprise but I’d gauged him well. He backed off. Dutifully he’d meander into the back when I had a sale and praised me when I closed it. I resented knowing it was only because I’d demanded complimented but they still boosted me up. My numbers skyrocketed, I landed my first split king sale, and I exited probation with flying colors.
The trainer came back in to congratulate my manager for turning things around. To my gratification he gave me credit for setting him straight and said I’d taught him a different way to lead. My manager would often genuinely praise that moment when I’d stood up to him, impressed with my stubborn refusal to fail and my insight into what would help.
My biggest takeaway from the whole thing was just that people need positive reinforcement to succeed. Praise people for doing a good job. If you’re ever in a position where you need to criticize someone put it in a compliment sandwich instead of just saying the negative.
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jubileebloom · 3 days ago
As much as I appreciate the people defending Ford in the wake of TBOB's release, and discussing the importance of avoiding victim-blaming and being aware of a person's environment, there's something specific that rubs me the wrong way about some of the things I've read.
The thing about abuse is that takes agency away from its victims. This is actually something that broadly applies to different forms of trauma, as I've just been going over in one of my classes on Adolescent Development. My professor for that class specializes in trauma-informing and training, so she has an entire unit on trauma as part of the syllabus, and one of the things she emphasized was that giving people agency and control over their own choices is critical to helping them recover from a traumatic event.
When it comes to Bill's possession of Ford, the lack of control is even more literal. Ford literally has his body puppeted by a demon, and his mind altered as well. Others have taken agency from him to a lesser extent—Stan limiting his choices in education, Fiddleford potentially using the memory gun on him, as another analysis post I can't find did a really good job of breaking down—but it's not as all-encompassing as Bill's abuse, and Stan and Fidds both make better choices later in the series. Bill refuses to.
But I'm getting off topic. My point is, Ford's loss of agency is one of the most crucial pieces of his character arc. It's why he lashes out so strongly when he returns home, against his will, to find that his identity has been stolen. It probably factors into his need to be the "hero", to be the one to defeat Bill. And even though he ultimately isn't that "hero", and he does let the Mystery Shack continue to operate, he does ultimately get more of a choice in the matter. He chooses to go along with the plan. He chooses to go with Stan on their long-overdue adventure.
But there's something else he does too. He apologizes.
Why is that so important? Because in regaining his sense of agency, he also undertakes the accountability that goes with it. He isn't solely to blame for everything that happened to him, or even necessarily every choice he made, but he did make bad choices.
And that's the thing that bothers me about some Ford analyses and defenses. Some people go too far and say that Ford isn't to blame for anything that he's done. Not only is that untrue, but it is once again stripping him of his agency. He is an adult capable of making his own decisions, and ergo capable of making bad decisions. And we need to accept that, without infantilizing him or blaming everyone else around him.
One of the things that compels me so much about Gravity Falls is that is generally does strike this balance pretty well, of personal agency vs. external circumstances. (There's also an excellent analysis post out there somewhere about Dipper and Mabel's agency, how the show doesn't force them to fix the problems of their predecessors or burden them exclusively with saving the world, but does still let them have agency and power in the fight and in Stan's recovery.) There are so, so many things that happen to the main cast that are mostly outside of their control, and also bad decisions that a lot of them have made that cannot be excused, at least not fully, by their circumstances.
And the beautiful thing about that agency is that these characters are also able to use it to become better people, to regain control over their lives, to take back power after it was taken from them. But you have to let them, and that includes letting them be people who messed up, owned up, and worked to make it better.
In fact, I think the reason that Ford is so quick to own up to his mistakes when it comes to Bill is because that's one of the ways he's taking back his power. He's incredibly stubborn when it comes to holding other grudges, but with Bill, he readily admits to Stan and Dipper separately that he's made some "terrible mistakes", to use his words. And he isn't to blame for falling for Bill's manipulation—Bill was the one actively manipulating—but no, he should not have summoned him to begin with. That doesn't make him deserving of anything Bill did to him, but by admitting to the mistakes he did make and working on a way to defeat Bill, it's letting him take back some amount of control in the whole situation. He can't make Bill change his ways, but he can own up to and correct the things he did wrong.
He does overcorrect a bit; I do think he blames himself too much for "falling for Bill's flattery." But generally, I like how he also doesn't try to blame Bill for every single thing that went wrong with the whole portal deal, like he (initially) did with some other situations, especially everything with Stan.
Anway. Let Ford make mistakes. Let him be wrong sometimes. Let him have his agency.
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mama-qwerty · 20 hours ago
Do you think that Tom would be secretly jealous over the fact that Wade was able to form a friendship with Knuckles in a short amount of time, while he himself has trouble having a full conversation with the kid?
Even though Sonic and Tails already are fond of him, the idea that Knuckles isn't as close to him but with his best friend instead would probably bother him a bit
Tom stood at the window near the front door, watching as Knuckles slid into the passenger seat of Wade's truck. Wade gave a little wave, before pulling away, taking the boy . . .
Well, Tom didn't really know. Knuckles never said, and asking Wade seemed almost like an invasion of privacy. Even though Tom and Maddie were supposed to be looking out for the echidna, just like they did the fox and hedgehog who were currently sitting in the living room playing video games.
"You're gonna get frown lines glaring out the window like that."
Maddie's voice broke through his thoughts, and Tom turned to find her hauling a basket of laundry toward the utility room.
"Do you see the way he smiles when he heads off with Wade? He never smiles like that around here."
She rolled her eyes. "You make it sound like he's a teenage daughter going out on dates with a guy you don't trust."
Tom flinched slightly. "I just . . ." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Sonic buddied up to me right away. Tails, too. Why won't Knuckles?"
Maddie shrugged, shifting the basket on her hip. "He's not like the others, Tom. In a lot of ways, he had a much harder life. He wasn't looking for . . ." She gestured around them. "This. A home. A family. New parents. He was looking for that emerald. And now that he has it, he's trying to figure out where to go from here. Where he fits."
"Yeah, well, right now he seems to 'fit' better with Wade than us."
His voice was a little harsher than he meant it to be. This whole situation was actually kinda pissing him off, and he wasn't quite sure why. Sonic thought the world of Tom, and Tails was right there, too. Was it an ego thing? He had to have everyone love him?
He didn't think so.
He was pretty sure, anyway.
Maddie watched him for a moment, before moving closer. She ran a knuckle over his cheek, drawing his attention back to her.
"You're jealous."
His brow furrowed. "Am not."
A smile curled her lip. "You are. Sonic practically appointed himself a Wachowski from all those years he snuck around outside, and Tails has absorbed some of Sonic's admiration of you. But Knuckles doesn't see you that way, and it just eats at you."
Tom pulled his lips tight. She may have a point. A little one. A nano-point.
"I don't want him to idolize me or anything, but I mean, come on. Wade??"
Maddie shrugged. "Wade's got his issues, but he's a good guy. And maybe Knuckles needs someone who's not gonna be as . . . fatherly."
"But I'm not--"
"You may see it as being Sonic's 'buddy', but we all know what you really are to him." Her voice was softer, but not unkind. "Tails, too. I'm just saying that Knuckles wasn't looking for that. He doesn't want parents. Not right now. I made the mistake of just lumping him in with the others as a kid who needed a mom right before he went AWOL with Wade to Reno. I tried to parent him when he wasn't ready for it."
He didn't respond, instead looking out the window where Wade had been parked a few moments before. All that had gone down while he'd been out of town, and judging from how freaked Maddie had been when Knuckles had disappeared after the ill-fated grounding, she understood his feelings right now.
Knuckles was the hardest of their kids to understand. He didn't speak much of what happened while he was being the Most Dangerous Warrior in the Galaxy, and Tails tended to go a bit tight-lipped, too, when asked. The echidna was independent to a fault, proud to the point of almost-but-not-quite arrogance, and insisted he didn't need to be looked after.
He was older than the other two, but that didn't mean he still couldn't benefit from having people care for him. Watch over him.
Tom turned back to Maddie. "So it doesn't bother you that he spends more time interacting with Wade than us?"
She blew out a little huff. "Hell no, it pisses me off." A little smile pulled one corner of her mouth. "But I understand. It was one thing when Sonic came. He knew Earth life, he watched us for who knows how long. To him, he practically lived here already. Tails is a smart kid who seems to adapt easily to new situations. But Knuckles . . ."
She trailed off, glancing out the window with a little sigh.
"He's different. He likes to feel in charge of himself. So, like it or not, we're just gonna have to let him come to us when he's ready. And we have to stop treating him like a kid who needs to be taken care of. Even though he is. He has to decide he wants it before we can meet him there."
Silence settled over them as her words sank in. They made sense. If Knuckles were a dog, rescued from the fighting pits, you'd have to establish yourself as a safe place before getting too close. Let him realize he was safe before trying to establish any closer relationship. And while it hurt him to think of the echidna like that, based on what little he knew of Knuckles' history, it was heartbreakingly similar.
Wade had somehow broken through this defensive exterior Knuckles still wore around the Wachowski home. As much as it pissed Tom off, maybe he needed to swallow his pride and ask Wade just how he'd done it.
"He's such a proud little guy," Tom said, his voice softer. "Always watching out for danger, trying to protect us. I just wish he'd see that we want to do the same for him."
Maddie nodded, letting out a soft sigh. "I know. It kills me that he doesn't see himself as needing it. But I think he wants it. I've seen the way he looks at us when we hug Sonic or Tails. But if he catches me looking, he just turns and walks away."
Another awkward silence fell, broken only by the soft sounds of video game music from the living room.
"We just have to give him space," she said, and Tom could hear the frustration in her tone. The sadness. "Let him know we're here, but don't push it. As hard as it is, we're gonna have to leave it up to him to show us when he's ready to reach out."
Tom's heart clenched. He hated that idea. Waiting for this traumatized kid to decide he wanted love. Wanted to be part of the family. Knuckles apparently did want that closeness, otherwise he wouldn't be so buddy-buddy with Wade. He just wasn't ready to get it from the Wachowskis.
"Yeah," Tom sighed, running a hand down his face before taking the laundry basket from her. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
They headed toward the laundry room, and Tom cast a quick glance in at Sonic and Tails, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the TV, game controllers in their hands.
It'd been so easy with them. They both had joined the family like they'd always been there.
He wished it was that way with Knuckles, too. He hated to think of the horrors the echidna had seen as he grew up. The hardships he'd gone through.
And Tom wanted nothing more than to tell him he didn't have to be afraid anymore. Didn't have to be so tough anymore. Didn't have to take care of himself, or be worried about being betrayed. That there were people who cared about him, wanted to love him, if only he'd let them.
He uttered another sigh. Time. It would just take time.
And they would just have to be patient.
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tonysbed · 9 hours ago
Die for you (6) | OP81
Oscar Piastri x Singer!reader
summary: It wasn’t oscar’s plan to be the one to fix your reputation and spice up his, yet here he is and..have your eyes always looked so..radiant and beautiful?
warnings: none
not proofread
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Look who’s here alongside Oscar! Yn Yln makes her paddock debut!
user look at his smile 🥹
user her music is so bad
user black cat x golden retriever
user who’s who tho 😂😭
user adorable
user ewww she needs to go
user she is servinggg
oscarpiastri followed yn
yn followed oscarpiastri
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, logansargent and 2m others
yn vroom vroom or whatever ☀️
user OMG
user Hard launch AHH
oscarpiastri 🏎️☀️
*liked by yn*
landonorris Lets gooooooo
mclaren papaya suits you best 😌
user they’re so cute
user we lost her 😞
alexandrasaintmleux 🩷🩷
yn 🩷🩷
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f1gossip Yn yln in the mclaren garage before the race and with Alexandra saint mleux (Charles Girlfriend) before the race)
user two red flags together
user why can’t we just be happy for them? Thought we were here for the racing??
user so cuteee
user the wags already including her 🥹
user she was even wearing oscar’s jacket 🤭
user slayy
The energy in the McLaren garage was subdued, a stark contrast to the excitement that had filled the air at the start of the race. The celebration for Lando’s podium was happening just a few feet away, but you only had eyes for the figure sitting quietly on the edge of a workbench, his head in his hands.
Oscar looked utterly drained. His race suit was still damp with sweat, his hair slightly messy from where he’d run his fingers through it too many times. He hadn’t even bothered to take his gloves off yet, his fingers curled around the fabric at his knees.
This wasn’t just a bad result; this was his home race. The one he had been looking forward to for months. The one where he wanted to prove something—not just to the world, but to himself.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped closer and wrapped one arm around him.
He leaned in a bit but pulled away and sat down with a sigh “Hey.”
You sat down beside him, close enough that your knees brushed. “Rough day at the office, huh?”
That got a quiet laugh out of him—short, humorless. “Something like that.”
You nudged him lightly with your shoulder. “You wanna talk about it, or do you just want me to sit here and make sure you don’t spiral into a pit of self-loathing?”
Oscar finally turned his head to look at you, eyes tired but soft. “Bit of both, maybe.”
You gave him a small smile. “Okay. Hit me.”
He exhaled, shaking his head. “I just… I had the pace. I know I did. And then—one mistake, and it’s all gone.” His fingers curled into a fist. “I had a chance at a podium today. Maybe even more, if things had gone right. But instead, I threw it away.”
You frowned. “You didn’t throw anything away, Oscar. The conditions were a mess. Half the grid struggled with it. You kept it together and still finished in the points. That’s not nothing.”
He scoffed, running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, but ninth isn’t exactly—”
“Ninth is still points. Ninth is still a good result considering what happened. And most importantly, ninth means you didn’t give up.”
Oscar sighed, looking down at his hands. “I just wanted to do well here. For the fans, for my family…” He paused. “For myself.”
You softened, reaching out to gently take one of his hands in yours, prying his fingers apart before lacing them with yours. “You did do well. Maybe not in the way you imagined, but you fought for this result. And that means more than any perfect race ever could.”
He looked at your intertwined hands for a moment before squeezing yours gently. “You really think that?”
You tilted your head, giving him a knowing look. “Oscar, if I didn’t think that, would I be sitting here trying to knock some sense into you instead of sneaking free champagne from McLaren hospitality?”
That finally earned you a real laugh—quiet, but real.
Oscar sighed again, but this time, it wasn’t so heavy. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” You squeezed his hand once more before letting go. “Now, do you wanna keep moping, or do you wanna get out of here? I heard there’s a pretty decent afterparty happening, and you did survive your home race. That’s worth celebrating, even if you don’t feel like it.”
He considered it for a moment before standing up, stretching his arms over his head. “Fine. But if you make me take tequila shots, I’m blaming you for tomorrow’s headache.”
You grinned. “Deal.”
And as the two of you walked out of the garage together, you could already see the weight on his shoulders lifting—just a little.
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f1gossip Yn’s reaction to oscar slipping onto the grass and loosing his podium place! She was also the first person by his side after he arrived at the garage.
user i’m so gutted
user this was so sad honestly
user melbourne curse once again
user both aussies had sm bad luck today
user Love them
user so glad he has her tho
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f1gossip Yn and Oscar at the after party tonight 👀
user he’s so awkward I can’t 😭
user awww the last pic
user hope he’s okay
user And now she’s forcing him to party
user What??
user she always needs to drink hm
The Melbourne night was alive with noise—bass thumping from the club behind you, laughter spilling out onto the streets, and the occasional distant honk of a car weaving through the late-night traffic. The air was warm, the kind of sticky, alcohol-fueled warmth that made everything feel a little hazy, a little softer around the edges.
You and Oscar stood outside the club, waiting for your Uber, both swaying slightly from the effects of too many drinks. His arm had found its way around your waist at some point, fingers curled loosely around the fabric of your dress. It wasn’t the calculated kind of touch that came with your PR relationship—it was instinctive, natural, like he needed something to hold onto to keep himself steady.
You let out a soft laugh, tilting your head back to look at him. “You’re drunk.”
Oscar hummed against the side of your head, resting his chin on your shoulder. “So are you.”
“Yeah, but I handle it better.”
He let out a low chuckle, his grip tightening slightly as he leaned into you more, his other hand coming to rest over your stomach, fingers brushing against the exposed skin between your top and skirt. “Mmm. Debatable.”
The streetlights cast a golden glow over everything, making the world feel dreamlike. You could still hear the buzz of the club behind you, but out here, it was just the two of you, wrapped up in your own little world.
“You’re comfy,” he mumbled, voice sluggish with exhaustion and liquor.
You raised an eyebrow. “You’re literally using me as a human pillow right now.”
“Exactly.” He squeezed your waist lightly, his breath warm against your shoulder. “Best pillow ever.”
You rolled your eyes, but you didn’t move away. There was something oddly comforting about the way he held onto you, his hands lazy but firm, like he didn’t want to let go.
A car pulled up, headlights washing over you both.
“I think that’s us,” you murmured.
Oscar groaned but didn’t move immediately. Instead, he gave your stomach a little squeeze before finally stepping back, rubbing his eyes. “Fine. But I might fall asleep on you in the car.”
You smirked, grabbing his hand to tug him toward the Uber. “If you drool on me, I’m taking a video.”
But he didn’t let go of your hand.
I am so sad about what the fuck that race was. It was crazy but my osc 😞 Happy for lando but that was just..🫠
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weirdlybeans · 1 year ago
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adore-gregor · 3 months ago
i did okay i guess
#so i got a b in the other exam#it might have been a more difficult one because one person in my friend group in that course actually failed it#unfortunately i can't see the average on this exam but i might have done fairly well#i can't really complain when others failed the exam#at least i almost got full points on the quiz but the writing part let me down a bit#it's just a bit anoying because so many of the grammar mistakes were actually typos 😩🤦‍♀️ like i know how to write these words correctly#but i type so fast on the computer sometimes the letters of a word get switched up and i don't notice it oof 🥲#and i didn't have time to proofread it otherwise i might have noticed#altough i'm just a bit oblivious to my own mistakes if i had to read someone elses text i would notice surely#i also forgot a few commas or put them in the wrong place never were not my strong suit altough i got better with it#this might also have to do with ranting here on tumblr too much lmao 😅 i'm getting into the habit of typing too fast haha#just a bit unnecessary but i still have the 2nd exam and homework also accounts for something#an a is still possible#i keep thinking about what if only i got 2 more points on the quiz and another 2 on the writing task (if only i made less silly mistakes) 🥲#just missed an a by 3.5 points#but i have to believe i will do even better on the 2nd and get enough points for an a overall#i will bother my professor with sending him many practice writing texts before the next exam and also try simulate the time restrictions#because otherwise i can write so well if i have time to think how to correct and improve my texts but i need to be able to find mistakes#also in shorter amounts of time
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daniclaytcn · 2 years ago
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navybrat817 · 4 months ago
Knock You Down a Peg or Two
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Pairing: Husband!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Someone learns the hard way that it's a bad idea to upset Bucky's wife.
Word Count: Over 1.5k
Warnings: Established relationship, violent threats (not against the reader), protective vibes, implied sexy times, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: I'm in a mood, lovelies. We can consider this in the same universe as Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and Handsome and Beautiful. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky was no longer the Winter Soldier. He told himself every day he wasn't a cold killer anymore. He did his best to make amends and worked hard to clear his name. From time to time though, people pushed his buttons and got under his skin. You helped him brush it off. Their opinions didn't matter at the end of the day, only yours.
You mattered to him more than anything else. So, if someone bothers him, yeah, he could let it go. Someone upsetting you? He wouldn't stand for it.
Bucky's eyes narrowed as he spotted the little weasel sitting at the table in the break room alone. A few hours ago, you called him to vent about how this guy repeatedly tried to make you look bad in front of your superior during a meeting. It wasn’t the first time either. Your tears of frustration were obvious by your tone on the other end, though you tried to hide them. You worked hard, harder than anyone else he knew, and you took your job seriously.
He saw red when he heard you sniffle and it was the only color he had seen since then.
“Give me his name.”
“Bucky, no,” you had argued. “The guy’s a prick and I just needed to vent, so you don’t-”
“Please, baby,” he whispered, knowing full well you could handle yourself, but you were his wife and someone took joy out of your day. Not just that, they made you cry. He took this personally and he wanted to defend you. “Just give me his name so I can take care of it.”
You softly gave him the name, and he made it a priority to find the asshole. It didn’t take him long. No one even questioned why he was asking. It must’ve been his “murder strut” and glare. You once said it could break even the strongest of people.
He headed toward the empty chair beside the agent, careful not to make a sound. His stealth assisted with that. Once he reached the chair though, he made it a point to scrap the chair across the floor to get the prick's attention. The annoyance in his eyes quickly shifted to fear when he realized who he was looking at.
Good. He hoped he pissed his pants.
He made a show of slipping off his leather jacket before taking a seat, making sure the agent got a good look at his metal arm. He also made a show of getting one of his knives out, one you gifted him. “I think we can skip the introductions since you know who I am and I really don't give a shit who you are,” he began, his voice low as he twirled the knife between his fingers. “But I understand you know my wife and, well, she’s the reason I’m here.”
The guy blinked when Bucky made eye contact, the blade still expertly weaving in his hand. “S-Sure. Everyone knows your wife.”
Bucky smiled softly, taking a second to glance at his wedding band. “I’m usually not one to brag, but I can’t help it when it comes to her. She works hard and deserves all the praise she gets, but she’s still humble. Appreciative. Loyal,” he boasted, still smiling before he glared again. “She’d never throw anyone under the bus, especially in front of a superior.”
The little weasel cleared his throat, sitting up a bit straighter in his chair. He seemed to notice for the first time that they were the only two people there. “Look, I don’t know what your wife said, but-”
Bucky pointed the blade at him. “I would think very carefully about what comes out of your mouth next,” he snarled, his eyes as cold as ice.
There was a beat of silence as the guy squirmed in his seat and averted his gaze. Bucky wished you were there to see it. And Steve and Sam. “I may have run my mouth a bit. I just wanted to knock her down a peg or two, you know? She keeps getting promoted and…” he swallowed when Bucky’s eyes narrowed to slits. If this fucker even thought about implying that you slept your way to get where you were today, he may actually cut his throat. “Please, don't kill me.”
The silence after that statement may have been uncomfortable for some, but Bucky didn’t break a sweat. No, he was just thinking of all the different ways he could put him in the hospital for even thinking he had a right to put you down. Putting the knife away, he slowly got to his feet. “Get up,” he said quietly, flexing his hands in intimidation.
“Fuck.” The man nearly knocked his chair over as he stood. “Listen, I’m sorry,” he blurted out, putting his hands out in front of him. “I’ll apologize to her first thing tomorrow, I swear.”
“You think that makes up for it? And are you sorry for trying to make her look bad or are you sorry that you’re under my radar now?” Bucky’s stare remained steady as he knocked his chair out of the way, the piece of furniture nearly splintering when it hit the wall. “Everyone knows what I'm capable of, but do you know what happens to people who upset. My. Wife?”
Bucky refused to say that you cried. The asshole might take that as a sign of victory and he wouldn’t give him any sort of win. He didn’t deserve it. He didn't deserve to be in the same space as you.
The guy’s mouth parted as he took a few steps back on shaky legs. “I-It won’t happen again! I swear!”
“No, it won't, but how about I cut your tongue out so you can’t run your mouth again? Maybe pull out your teeth, too?” Bucky knocked the table away next as he advanced. “Or how about your eyes so you won’t look at her either. Hell, I’ll settle for taking your arm. We’ll match.”
The man let out what sounded like a whimper, his teeth nearly chattering from his fear. Scaring people had given him nightmares, haunted him, but it fueled his fire when he terrified anyone in your honor. “I won’t bother her ever again! I’ll tell my boss she deserves another promotion! I'll transfer! You have my word! I’m sorry!”
Bucky laughed after a moment, a bitter, chilling sound before he held up a hand. “I’m just fucking with you.”
His eyes were still wide with fear. “W… What?”
“I was just trying to scare you a little. You should see the look on your face,” Bucky chuckled again, lightly smacking the guy’s cheek. “Listen, you don’t have to transfer and I’m not going to torture you. Just apologize to my girl and we’re good, okay?”
“Okay.” He let out a breath and chuckled, too. “You really won’t torture me?”
“No, I won’t,” he grinned, grabbing his shoulders. “But I will knock you down a peg or two.”
The prick didn’t see the headbutt coming, but he felt it before he hit the ground. Bucky knew he’d feel it in the morning, too. He got off lucky.
“You know, after you apologize to my wife, I hope you do stay so you can see her continue to thrive,” Bucky toed the guy’s body with his boot. “And speaking of, I need to go buy her some flowers, chocolate, and wine. She deserves it.”
Grabbing his jacket from the broken chair across the room and brushing it off, he whistled as he left the room. He waited until he was a good distance away to call. You picked up on the second ring.
“Hey.” You sounded much better than you did earlier. “So, what’s the damage?”
“Hey, baby,” he smiled. “I headbutted the prick. And before you ask, my head feels great.”
The former assassin may get suspended for that and damaging the table and chair, but he doubted the asshole would have the balls to speak up about what happened.
“Bucky…” you sighed. You were probably pinching the bridge of your nose. “What am I gonna do with you?”
“You’re gonna let me eat you for dessert when I get home,” he smirked. Not that he needed an excuse to dive between your legs, but he'd take any chance he had. “Figure I'll give you at least two orgasms before dinner.”
“Is that right, Mr. Barnes?”
“That is right, Mrs. Barnes.”
The sound of your giggle spread warmth through his chest. Your happiness was his happiness. “Better not keep me waiting,” you teased, pausing for a beat. “Thank you.”
“Nothing to thank me for,” he said. You always stuck up for him without question.
“Love you.”
His heart swelled more. “Love you, too.”
He’d have some more explaining to do once he got home and would probably have to pay for the damage he caused. He was also sure that you were plotting the demise of the man’s career and would tell him that he didn’t need to do anything, but he wanted to. He was no longer the Winter Soldier.
But he was your husband and he’d defend you with his life, no matter what.
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Violence isn't the answer, but this is fanfiction and we all deserve a loving Bucky. ❤️ Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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mahgyu · 8 months ago
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──── In the beginning of your relationship, you learned that Satoru was the type who liked to sleep cuddling. Before meeting you, Satoru used to sleep hugging a pillow, even. It wasn't exactly a necessity for him, but just something he liked and that made him fall asleep faster. You, on the other hand, weren't exactly that type.
Hugs before sleeping? Perfect. Having someone on top of you while trying to sleep? Not so perfect. Fortunately, the two of you reached an agreement about that.
But sometimes, like today, Satoru was extremely clingy. He was sleeping deeply, with his body completely on top of yours, his face buried in the curve of your neck, and a leg trapped between yours.
You loved holding him that way, having the strongest man you had ever known so vulnerable curled up in your arms and sleeping peacefully. Satoru slept heavily when he felt that comfortable, and the deeper he slept, the heavier he became on you. As mentioned, your boyfriend is a strong guy, so now it was almost uncomfortable for you.
You feel this pressure against your chest as he rests on you, completely at ease. You thought that maybe, if you tried hard enough, you could fall asleep, but no, it’s not possible.
"Baby..." You whisper, hoping it will be enough to wake him, but he just keeps snoring, each snore reverberating through your body.
"Toru...?" You try again, a little louder.
"SATORU!" Still nothing. He barely moves a bit in his sleep, letting out a particularly loud snore.
OK. Plan B. If you can't get him off, it's time to slide down. Only after two unsuccessful attempts, you somehow manage to do it, taking a big breath as you escape. You haven't even fully turned to the side when Satoru wakes up, confused and abandoned, with the source of warmth under him gone. He moves his hand aimlessly over the sheets until he feels you.
"Where are you going?" He murmurs sleepily, moving closer to you. "No..." A heavy arm wraps around you, pulling you back to him with ease. There’s a soft hum as he feels your body fit into his.
"Toru?" You call him sweetly. "You know I can't sleep like this, hmm? Come on." You pat his arm, signaling for him to let you go.
Satoru doesn't move. Instead, he just makes some whiny sounds before rubbing his face in your hair.
"Come on, let me go, please?" More pleading.
"Nuh-uh, I don't want to." He whines. "Hug me." He pouts, looking so needy and neglected.
"Love, you're acting like a baby" You complain.
"Because I am. I'm your baby!" He says defiantly. "So, you should treat me like one."
At this point, you know it won't help to try to convince him when he's in this mood. You sigh, deciding to give up and give in.
About five minutes pass in complete silence and then Satoru quietly asks: "You really can't sleep?" The thought of this now bothers him. How could he relax knowing that you're not even comfortable?
"Mhm" You respond as he pulls separates from you.
"OK, I'll give up the hug time for you!" He sighs, rolling away from you dramatically. A few minutes later, he sighs again, a bit louder.
This is his cue to tell you that you should give in and cuddle with him. But you can't, having finally found a position that relaxes all the right places in your body, perfect for falling asleep.
"Are you really going to leave me abandoned?" His voice is so stupidly captivating that it makes you melt. You can't say no to that.
Satoru smiles when he hears the rustling of the sheets, your body moving toward him.
With open arms, he welcomes you back as you rest your head on his chest. "I think I can sleep like this..." You admit as he smiles, making sure you're comfortable but still wrapped up in him.
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Hiii, long time no see, uh? 👀This time I brought something cute, a thought I had because I've been feeling so needy and missing our Gojo😞
(It is not well corrected, please ignore any possible mistakes.)
Your interaction is very important to me, reblogs and comments are always welcome. 🫶🏻💕
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kitimeq · 4 months ago
surprise encounter 🤍 sylus 秦
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pairing: sylus x reader
summary: You’ve been playing love&deepspace ever since the game came out and it became your comfort place now. You like all of the boys, but you have the highest affinity with sylus, who had your heart in a grasp ever since the beginning. Who would’ve thought that he shares the sentiment? And after your monthly absence from the game, he decides to pay you a little visit and finally confess to all of it (and maybe kind of try to kidnap you in the process too oho).
tropes: fluff, angst to fluff, fluff to angst to fluff? fluff to angst to fluff to angst to fluff???? idk angst with happy ending!
word count: no idea, it goes on for days sorry. (7k!!)
warning!: i apologize for any mistakes, i am not a native speaker of english!! if you see any errors you can write me a dm and i will correct them for sure ♡ and i think it gets better later! i can’t write for shi, especially the beginnings, and the second part was fueled by my delulu so it is probably much more fun to read 🤍
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You liked days like these: quiet days, lazy ones, when you didn’t have any errands to run, meetings to attend, or people to please. You could just stay inside for the whole day, reading your favorite books and playing cozy games, spending your time however you wanted. Today was Saturday and you didn’t have to go to work until Monday and you decided that you finally deserved to have some rest after the last couple of weeks of almost working yourself to the bone due to the amount of the assingments you had to complete at work. You often had to stay after hours or work from home to complete everything in time. Your work was not usually that challenging, but there were certain times of the year when everyone at your job had their hands full and when it happened, you were almost completely cut off not only from your social, but also personal life. However, you never complained, because you actually liked what you were doing, and even if the occasional hard times were inevitable, your work brought you so much fun and satisfaction.
And today was a good day! You finally finished everything you had to do, so you could go back to your favourite game. You didn’t have time to play recently due to the amount of work, up to the point that you didn’t even bother to check in to grab some stamina. Usually, love&deepspace was an important part of your day - you logged in there at least twice a day, completed every task thrown your way and had a blast doing so, but these couple of weeks were so hard for you that you almost forgot about it completely. But even if you were too busy, you thought about the boys from time to time, as well as about the events that you were probably missing out on. You really hoped that if some new events had taken place during that time, that they did not involve Sylus, because if you had missed them, you would be slightly devastated.
Sylus was your favorite. Ever since the beginning, there was something about him that caught your attention. You downloaded the game after his announcement and haven’t looked back since. You played with other boys as well, but your time with Sylus was always the most memorable. Not only was he extremely attractive in your eyes, as well as the eyes of other players around the world, but you also understood his character, adored his little jokes and mannerisms, and could safely say that he made your life a little more exciting. You knew that it probably sounded lame to someone who didn’t play such games, and you were aware that he wasn’t real, but you enjoyed yourself regardless. In your real life, you had some experience with men and were pretty popular among them; however, you never felt comfortable enough to form more serious romantic relationships.
Here, with Sylus, you didn’t have to worry about such things. You were aware that he was only a game character and maybe that was why you were so honest with him from the very beginning. You knew that he wouldn’t judge you, misstreat you or make you miserable - he was created in a way that was supposed to make your playthrough enjoyable so you didn’t have to worry about your responses in the messages for him or your real life reactions to everything he said or did. You could just be yourself. And you loved how freeing that felt.
That is why you felt so excited ever since you woke up. Because you knew that today you could finally go back to playing l&d, and you could meet up with your Sylus after so much time apart. You quickly did your chores, spent some time on self-care to slightly relieve the fatigue from the weeks before, you put on your favourite cozy outfit and finally clicked the ”enter game” button.
And there he was. Sylus was standing in the cafe, wearing his extremally attractive biker outfit and you caught yourself sighing dreamily at the sight of him. You missed him so bad, you missed the little memories you shared and the sound of his voice. You missed playing kitty cards with him, catching plushies together and even looking for that bastard Tobias again and again. You couldn’t help but smile brightly at him.
“Hi Sylus, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.” You said cheerfully, feeling kind of dumb for it but you couldn’t help yourself. You often talked out loud to him during your playtime.
You watched him blink slowly once, then twice, and you started to think that there was something wrong with the server because his response should have already been uttered. But then the look on his face changed. At first, he appeared really shocked and relieved, but then a little frown appeared between his perfect little eyebrows.
“Where the hell have you been?” He responded quickly and it shocked you. You didn’t know that they could swear in the game, but after connecting some dots you figured that it had to be included in the special responses after the player was away for some time.
“At work mostly, been so busy lately but now I’m back and ready to defeat some Wanderers!!” You fist bumped the air above you, you couldn’t contain your excitement.
You also noticed that his expression stayed the same. He was silent, looking at you through your phone screen with bewilderment, and he looked almost hurt. In an attempt to provide some comfort to him, you swiped your finger gently through his hair and across his cheek. However, when you touched his cheek, he closed his eyes and nuzzled into your finger, which made you widen your eyes in surprise. Was that always a thing? Was he always so responsive to your touch? It had to be a new feature; you didn’t remember him being so lively.
“Next time you decide to leave me without a word, I think I’m going to take more drastic measures, sweetie” He said while opening his eyes. You couldn’t help but notice he did look different than usual. More… realistic? Even the way in which he moved his body looked so smooth.
“If not for Mephisto, I would have worried sick about your safety. You can't do this to me every time you have more work than usual; you have to visit me, even if it's just for a minute. I won't exaggerate when I say that I almost went insane after the first week of your cruel silence�� And at that you were completely stunned. Should he talk this much? He never talked this much. And how could he know that you had more work than usual? Was that a lucky guess on the studio’s side?
“That’s so weird…” You whispered and touched his hand to trigger some kind of reaction that would appear more usual than what was happening right now.
“Is that your way of catching me of guard? If you wanted to hold my hand so badly kitten, then you would have visited me sooner. I will not let myself be distracted by your cute little behavior” He raised the hand you touched and crossed his arms at his chest, while continuing to frown. And you were still so, so confused.
“Promise me that you won’t leave me again, I know where to find you now.” You raised your eyebrows and bit your lip gently. You started to feel a little bit out of place, you knew that he was not real, but he sounded kind of scary. His voice was demanding, and the part about him finding you? You shivered involuntarily.
“What happened? Cat got your tongue, kitten? Or did you finally understood the selfishness of your actions?” Sylus continued and you opened your mouth in awe. “Promise. Me.” He said slowly, his gaze unnerving. Suddenly you heard a series of loud caws outside on your balcony. The sound made you jump in place, and you dropped your phone on your bed. Was that a freaking crow?? Outside your apartament???
You quickly picked up your phone and cursed softly. You were going insane. You got scared just because the game had an update you did not know about. You almost wanted to laugh at how stupid that was. Almost. Because Sylus walked up to the front of your phone screen and spoke to you again.
“Why are you hesitating? Are you really planning to leave me again?” You swore you never heard him so hurt.
“No!” You said before you could think.
“No?” He answered immediately, which scared the hell out of you. “I am not sure I believe you. And I can’t stand it. I can’t stand being away from you anymore.” He took two steps back and closed his eyes.
That was when the game crashed. Your phone appeared to be broked too, after the colourful lines appeared on the screen, flickered a couple of times and the whole screen turned black. You threw the device away from you and your heart started beating so fast you could hear the blood pulsing in your ears. You were so confused and genuinely scared. Was there an update that switched the genre of the game to horror? You were stunned.
And then you heard the knock.
You almost jumped out of your slippers. You brought your hand to your heart in order to calm yourself down and you started taking slow, deep breaths. It’s just a game. It’s just a game. Besides, how did Sylus, of all people, managed to scare you so badly? You adored that character, and you should know that he was prone not only to exaggeration, but also to intimidating behavior. That was literally one of his characteristics. So you forced yourself to calm down and opened the damn door, because it was probably either a mailman, or one of your friendly neighbors, and here you were making a scene like some kind of a delusional psychopath.
One. Two. Three.
You opened the door, and at first all you could see was a huge cloud of black mist. You closed your eyes in order to keep the mist from clouding your vision and then you felt wind pushing you gently further into your apartament. You heard the door close and the sound of the key turning in the lock. Everything happened so fast. And when you opened your eyes your knees almost buckled.
Sylus was all you could see. He was standing in front of you, in your own apartament, looking so out of place that you wanted to laugh. The first thing that you noticed about him was that he was huge, you couldn’t really see past him, and the more you looked at him, the more real he appeared to be. Soft-looking silver hair, rugged skin, that perfect nose and those piercing eyes. They looked into yours now, and at first they seemed to be searching for something, and after one quick second they visibly softened. You could also see how his handsome, oh so handsome mouth started to display his signature little smirk. And that was when you started to tremble.
“W-wha—” You tried to say something, anything but your mouth was not working. You have never been so confused and scared in your entire life. “Who—W-who are—” He was starting to close the distance between you and that is when the panic finally took over your body. You flinched and went to take a step back, but you slipped on your soft carpet.
Yet you didn’t fall. You felt the gentle caress of the mist that managed to caught you before you hit the ground, and it streightened your posture so that now you stood tall in front of the man.
“Careful kitten, I do not think that falling on four feet applies to you.” He spoke out loud for the first time and the voice was so familiar to you. It was the same, deep, husky timbre that you loved to hear, the same voice that made you squeal in happiness, that lulled you to sleep countless of times. You couldn’t believe it.
“Oh my god, am I dead?” He laughed softly at your reaction and looked at you through his lashes. “This can’t be happening.”
”Oh but it is. I knew that I would find my way to you, I just needed time.” He said and tried to close the distance between you, but you didn’t let him. Every step forward he took, you took one back. “It was so hard to find you. But after you disappeared without saying a word I think I got desperate.” Something flashed in his eyes. You recognized it as determination.
He stopped walking when he noticed that you were getting too close to the balcony. He straightened his posture, and you almost released a gasp. He was huge. And he was real. Alive and so, so real, that you had trouble breathing. You were so scared, but at the same time, so happy to see him, that your body didn’t know how it should react. You just looked at him, taking him in, trying to assess whether it wasn’t your mind playing tricks on you, or if it wasn’t some random man breaking into your apartment and your brain had created a new, fantastic defense mechanism. But no, the longer you took him in, the more similarities you managed to notice: the scar in the corner of his eye, his unevenly clipped fingernails, strong but dry hands, olive skin, slim lips, long, slightly furrowed eyebrows. The not-so-hidden gentleness in his gaze as he was taking you in himself.
“It’s really you.” You managed to breathe out.
“You’re so beautiful.” He answered and his voice was slowly starting to make you feel these familiar butterflies. “So, so magnificent.” He continued. You felt your cheeks heat up and he seemed to drink that reaction in. “Will you talk to me more? You sound angelic. I did not think that you could sound even better than you did through the phone but I guess you will never fail to surprise me, sweetheart.” He did not move an inch. He just looked at you, and you still didn’t know how to react, but you were slowly coming to terms with the fact that it was not a weird dream. He was here and he didn’t appear to have bad intentions. At least you wanted to believe that.
“You’re still trembling. Are you really that scared of me?” He pressed his lips into a line.
“I’m sorry. I just… I’m just not sure what is happening. I had no idea you were… real.” He laughed softly at that.
“You wound me, kitten. Is that your way of unleashing your little claws?” He continued with a small smile on his lips and you couldn’t take it. He looked… stressed. And you thought that was new for him. You spend so many hours playing with him in l&d but you have never seen him so stressed.
Everything that came out of his mouth was slow and precise, not a word was spoken without a purpose. However you could see by his appearance that he was uncertain.
“Of course I’m real. And all the time we spent together is real too. Was it so wrong of me to expect that you would be at least a little bit happier to see me?” He was starting to look hurt. But not angry, not displeased. More concerned than anything, and that was when most of your worries started to disappear. He was your Sylus. He really was.
“I am happy to see you. I really am.” You said truthfully, the fear slowly dissolving. “What are you doing here? How did it happen?”
“When you left me, I was worried to death. I had to come see that you were alright for myself.” He said, not taking his eyes off of you. “I found a path between our worlds, and first I sent Mephisto after you. And that was how I knew you were fine, just busy.” He started explaining slowly and put two fingers at the bridge of his nose. This gesture was so familiar that you felt a slight pang in your chest. “Which l understand. But you stopped visiting completely and I panicked that I lost you. And that you lost your interest in me. And when you logged in today I guess I just lost control over myself.”
“I had to see you. I had to feel you. I needed to know that you will never leave me like that again. But how could I be so sure if you thought I was not real, sweetie?” His voice carried a hint of a ridicule. He smirked slowly and you allowed yourself to relax. You spend so much time with him on your phone, that you knew when he really needed reassurance. And it was the first time you saw him being so honest about his own feelings.
You decided to step closer to him and his eyes widened slightly. His body tightened because of the sudden change in proximity, and when you gently touched his hand bringing it to your mouth, he appeared to be rendered speechless.
“I would never leave you, Sy. At least not without saying goodbye first. You are my safe space, remember?” You said quietly and smiled at him brightly, reminding him of what you had written in your game bio. And then you brought his knuckles to your lips and placed a soft kiss upon them. His hands were much warmer than you expected them to be. They felt harsh, but gentle.
The next thing you heard was a soft grunt and you felt yourself being suddenly lifted in the air. You yelped and found yourself pressed against his big, solid chest. Sylus hugged your body to his by wrapping both of his arms around your torso, and when he realized that you weren’t comfortable, he put one hand under your thighs and brought your body to his by your waist. You let your arms wrap around his neck and squeezed, and he buried his head in the crook of your neck. You heard him inhale your scent and his breath became rigged, as if he could not contain his excitement. You also became familiar with his scent. He smelled so manly and comforting, you could catch some notes of wood and leather, and something surprisingly sweet.
“You smell divine. You’re so soft, so warm.” He breathed against your neck and you felt goosebumps spreading throughout your whole body. You were so embarrassed, you felt like you needed to release some tension.
“I did not expect you to be so open with me. You’re usually the teasing type.” He chucked deeply and put his forehead against yours, while closing his eyes. Your cheeks burned. You couldn’t believe it wasn’t a dream.
“There will be a time for teasing you, kitten.” He rubbed his forehead against yours slowly. “Right now let me enjoy you for a bit. I can’t believe I finally got to see you.” He squeezed you harder to him. You reciprocated the hug with all you had. You were actually kind of scared that your grip was too hard, but he seemed to bask in it. “Communicating through that small device was not nearly enough for me. I could always see you and I heard your little responses to everything I was saying. But it took me some time to figure out how to change some things up.” Your eyes went wide at the mention of your reactions, you knew that a lot of times there were beyond embarrassing, but you decided your blush to speak for itself. But what truly caught your attention was how he managed to appear in your home.
“Change things up?? You must have made such a mess, will it really be okay?” The concern in your voice made him look up and find your eyes with his. You were now looking at his beautiful red ones, so full of adoration and determination. You could see that the consequences of his actions did not matter to him at all.
“Sweetie, I would gladly burn the world down for you, even if it meant that I could see you just once.” You swallowed audibly and proceeded to shy away from his piercing gaze. You started to feel unworthy of such attention, you couldn’t quite grasp what exactly made him care about you to such extend. “Fortunately for everyone, the process did not involve starting an intergalactic war.” He smirked slowly, his eyes finding your lips and staying there for much longer than necessary. “Yet.”
You chuckled at that and proceeded to bury your fingers in his hair, stroking the strands with care. They were so soft to the touch, they reminded you of silk. He closed his eyes and let you touch him to your heart’s content. Your hand quickly found its way to his forehead, and then to his cheek, stroking the skin delicately. You couldn’t believe how someone so handsome could really exist.
“See something you like, kitten?” He said and nuzzled into your palm, pressing a kiss right there. ”You will have all the time in the world to touch me when we arrive in the N109 Zone.” He seemed so peaceful, so content with himself, but the mention of the N109 Zone stopped you in your tracks. You tensed visibly and he opened his eyes, noticing the change in your posture.
“The N109 Zone?” You asked puzzled. “Are you taking me away for a weekend?” You took your hand from his face and he used his Evol to bring it back to his cheek. The mist around your fingers felt weird, but not unpleasant.
“For a weekend? No, no.” He locked his eyes with yours, his head slowly closing the distance between you. He licked his lips and looked at your mouth once again. “I am taking you away forever.” And before his lips managed to touch yours, you flinched. Your hands quickly pushed him away and the panic returned to your features.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I meant what I said. Pack your bags if you believe there is something that I cannot provide for you quickly enough, and we will be off shortly.” He said matter of factly, kind of annoyed by the distance you decided to put between you. “Luke and Kieran have already prepared a room for you, although I think that you will have more than enough space for your belongings in mine.” His eyes brightened with excitement that you unfortunately could not share. Instead, you lightly pushed his torso, making him lower you to the ground grudgingly. His brows were once again furrowed.
“I can’t go with you Sylus. At least, not for forever”
“You can. We can stay together for the rest of our lives and no one would have any objections. I took care of everything.” He reached to grab your forearm and stroked it softly with his thumb. He was so sure of everything he was saying that you could feel how much he let himself get lost in his fantasy. It did make you feel wanted, loved even. But no matter how happy you were that he was real, and apparently shared your feelings, you couldn’t agree to his plan.
“No, Sylus. I need to stay here, I have built my whole life in this place.” You could feel how much your words shocked him. He was looking at you so puzzled as if he didn’t think that you declining his offer was even an option. “I can’t leave everything that I managed to achieve, I really am content with my life, despite how complicated it can be.” You said truthfully. A part of you wanted to go with him, to feel safe and cherished for, for the rest of your life but you knew that was not realistic. You wanted to achieve more, you wanted to have your own life and your own space. You needed to be independent, to feel that you were perfectly capable of caring for yourself and your own needs.
“I do not understand. Don’t you want to be with me?” It pained you how quickly he jumped to that conclusion. And you hated the look on his face - it made you feel like you were betraying him.
”I do want to! Oh my god— I really, really do want to Sylus. I don’t think that I can live without spending time with you anymore.” You smiled at him, and took hold of his huge, rugged hand. “But I can’t live with you in the N109 Zone. I can’t leave my whole life behind.” And the fact that he wanted to make you do that somewhat scared you. Made you feel distressed.
“I see.” He sounded deep in thought. Then, he broke the eye contact for a second, looked at his hand in your hold and before you could even react, he grabbed your body gently with his Evol and picked you up. Your whole body was above ground and although you felt secured, you looked at him with surprise.
“What are you doing?” You wanted to get free from the hold of the mist, but it was impossible with how tight it was. “Sylus, you have to let me go.” You tried not to panic, you knew that you weren’t in danger. But he looked relentless, unforgiving as if his mind was already set in stone.
“No. I can’t. Not now when I finally got to have you.” He looked up at you, with his eyebrows still furrowed, and you could hear a hint of a growl in his voice. “If you do not wish to go with me, I guess I would have to take you by force.”
It was then that you felt a sense of panic. You knew him, and you knew that if he wants something, he always gets it. It just did not cross your mind that he would ever go against your own wishes.
“No. No, no, no, Sylus, please calm down.” He narrowed his eyes and stood motionless before you, his face devoid of almost any emotion. Almost, if not for the desperation shining through his watchful eyes. “You cannot take me away. At least not for now. But I will do anything you ask me to! You can also stay here for some time, and visit me whenever you want to, I swear, I would be so happy to have you.” You just needed him to listen. You knew that you could change his mind, he always listened to what you had to say, he just needed a little bit of persuasion. Maybe he didn’t even think about alternative options?
“And I would make you happy in the N109 Zone with me.” You laughed with disbelief. He was completely missing your point. You decided to once again yank your hands from the grasp of his mist, and then hissed with pain when it did not loosen up its hold. “Your struggle is futile, please stop, I do not wish for you to get hurt.” He was annoyed with you and your disobedience. He did not think that you would have any objections, he started loosing his cool.
“You would never let me get hurt.” You answered, wanting to assure yourself of it as well. You didn’t like how commanding he sounded.
“Yes.” There was no doubt in his voice. “Yes, you know I would stop at nothing to protect you.” His gaze never wavered from yours. He truly thought that what he was doing was for the best. And you just had to let him know how wrong his approach was.
“Yes! Yes I do know that! Because I know you, Sy.” You started to sound as if you were pleading. Deep down it scared you, send uncomfortable shivers down your spine. “I know you, and I know that you also know me.”
He placed his hand on his heart.
“And I adore every single piece of information. And I still wish to know you much, much better.” You tensed when you noticed that his right eye was starting to glow. You did not know if that was intentional, or just a trick of the light.
“Then you MUST know how much this life means to me. How much I like my stupid job, and how much I love the people that are here for me. My friends, my family.” You noticed that your reasoning started to get to him when he clenched his fists and avoided your eyes for a second. “And you have to know how much it would hurt me if you were to take me away from them.” He appeared taken aback. It seemed that his longing for you clouded his judgement, and now he started to notice the faults in his plan.
“But I cannot stand to be apart from you anymore, sweetie.” In normal circumstances that would be so touching to you. But nothing about this situation was normal, and you guessed you just had to show him how normal looked like.
“You won’t be. You can visit me anytime you want. Stay for how long you want.” You wanted that too. So bad.
“But that is not ENOUGH.” It was the first time you heard his raised voice and you started to tremble. His outburst must’ve thrown him off guard too, because he wavered and the grip he had on you loosed. You acted instinctively. You freed yourself from the mist and started to run towards your door. And although he was stunned by your reaction, he quickly teleported so that you ran straight into his chest. His hands grabbed yours in order to protect you from falling due to the impact.
He gently caressed your now slightly red forehead and sighed loudly. You could hear that he was hurt. You cried out from frustration.
“If you really thought that you could run away from me then you must be a total fool.” He tucked your hair behind your ear and lifted your chin up with his finger. “Usually I like playing cat and mouse with you, but I do not like the fact that you appear genuinely scared of me right now.” He hugged your waist and brought you closer to him, lowering his head at the same time. “And that you tried to run away from me when I only want to offer you my protection.”
“It doesn’t sound like protection, it sounds like imprisonment.” You used strong words, but you sounded so small. You did not know what to do with him, you were so scared. ”I’m just scared. I tried to run away because you scared me, Sylus.” You sounded desperate for him to understand you. To look past his own clouded vision.
“You do not have to fear me. I just want what is best for you. For us.” His grip on your waist tightened, and he also proceeded to grab your wrist.
“No. You only want what is best for you. You are not listening to me. I do care about you Sylus, but I cannot leave this place.” You tried to stand your ground but you two never argued before. It was an unfamiliar ground to you, especially when it was the first time that you had a conversation in person. Everything felt more intense and dangerous when you remembered the extreme measures he was always willing to take to achieve his goals.
“You can. And I will make you leave.” He almost growled and a cloud of black and red mist surrounded both of you, and that was enough to bring tears into your eyes.
”Sylus, no, please, I don’t want to. Please, just listen to me, please.” And it was at that moment he started to came into his senses. Your quiet voice and your eyes full of tears made his breathing stop. It was the first time he was seeing you react like this. He hated how broken you sounded. How small. “I’m so scared, Sy, please stop scaring me.” Your voice sounded choked and you could feel that the tears started streaming down your face. Every single one physically hurt him. It was your first meeting and he already made you so miserable. He wanted to scream. “Please.” You tried once again and it shocked you that it finally worked on him.
He tensed and released you from his grip. The mist also dissipated as he took a step back from you. You could hear him breathing deeply.
“I cannot do this." He sounded panicked. “I did not want to scare you, and I cannot listen to your little broken pleas. They break my heart.” He hidden his face in his hands and curled in himself. He felt as if someone pierced his heart with a knife and twisted it. He could not bring himself to look at your beautiful heartbroken face again. “They really do. Please, just stop crying. You won.”
You sniffed softly and touched your wet cheeks. You tried to calm yourself down, he finally listened to you.
“It does not feel so good this time for some reason.” You answered, referring to your Kitty Card battles. You wanted to relieve the tension somehow. You knew that he didn’t want to hurt you, you understand that he lives in a different reality where danger awaits everywhere. You could understand why he wanted to have you beside him at all times. But it scared you how insistent he was, how brutal and final. “Do you really understand why I got so scared?”
He nodded helplessly. “I won’t steal you away. Not when I know how much you despise the idea of spending the rest of your time with me.” You noticed how hard he was pressing his hands to his face and you grabbed them in your own. He let you uncover his eyes and you saw how much it hurt him to let you go.
“Oh, Sy.” You whispered and hugged his hands to your chest. “You know that’s not the reason.”
“Stop calling me that. It drives me crazy.” He breathed and met your eyes. “You drive me crazy. What am I going to do with you? How can I make sure you are safe now?” You took his hands and made him follow you into your bedroom. You sat on your bed and urged him to do the same. This way you could finally talk with him more comfortably.
“Sylus, we have to talk about it.” You squeezed his hands and he looked at yours and took notice of how much smaller they were in comparison to his. So fragile, so breakable. He couldn’t stand it. His whole body longed to protect you. “I do not despise the idea of spending my time with you. I just can’t randomly leave everything I know and love. And this world is different from the one you know, we have our dangers but no one wants my head.” You explained to him slowly. “There are no Wanderers. No protocores.” He looked conflicted.
“I already know that sweetheart. I do. But when you disappeared for such a long time I couldn’t help but think that something bad happened to you” he gritted through his teeth. “I nearly lost my mind looking for you everywhere. It was terrifying, that thought in my mind and the idea that I would never have another chance to speak with you. To see you.” He touched your forearms and brought you a little closer to him. “And when Mephisto found you safe and sound I thought that I never want to feel that fear, that helplessness again. And the only way to do that is to keep you beside me at all times. To guard you with my own body and soul.” He took your hand and rested it on his chest. You could feel the fast and steady rhythm of his heart. You could feel his desperation, his complete devotion. And it almost made you tear up.
“I-I’m so sorry that I made you worry this much.” He studied your face with intention and you shake your head. “But I didn’t even know that you were real. I really thought it was just a game that made me feel less alone and now…” You swallowed audibly. “Now I know that everything I built with you during our time together was very much real and I’m still having trouble to wrap my head around it to be honest.” You smiled at him softly and he nodded with understanding.
“And then you came in and wanted to kidnap me to a world much more dangerous than mine where I do not have my close ones and—“
“I did NOT mean for that to be a kidnapping I though that you shared my sentiment, and also wanted to spend some time—“
“SOME time?? Sylus you wanted me to switch literal worlds and live with you in your freaking villa in the middle of nowhere—”
”I live in an apartment that has a fantastic location, mind you, and you would feel so comfortable in—“
”Apartament??? You cannot possibly be a freaking leader of Onychinus and live in an apartment complex, are you being serious with me right now??”
“Have you ever heard of a saying that the darkest place is under the candlestick, kitten? Besides there is no one in the whole N109 Zone that would pose an actual threat to me—” He cut off when he met your eyes full of laughter, and then he heard that beautiful sound. You burst into giggles right in front of him and you touched him by the bicep and brought his forehead to yours. He couldn’t help but chuckle too, understanding the absurdity of the situation. Feeling your forehead against his, hearing your adorable chuckles and inhaling your sweet scent made him feel so at peace that he closed his eyes to embrace the moment completely. He couldn’t believe that he almost ruined your relationship by being so selfish.
“I missed this. This back and forth with you” You said and he chucked deeply. “I really am happy to see you, Sy. And I swear that we will be able to talk and spent time with each other more often now. And actually see each other in person.” He nuzzled into your face more and you caught his smirk by the corner of your eye. “We can stay in touch at all times, so that you won’t have to worry about my safety so much.”
“So bossy, kitten.” He answered, but the small smile did not leave his face. He couldn’t make it go away even if he tried. “Forgive me for scaring you earlier. I was not thinking straight. I was just so elated to finally have you in my arms that I let my selfishness get the best of me, and for that I’m sorry. I did not want to ruin our first meeting, sweetie.” You hugged him by bringing your arms around his chest and he closed his eyes drinking in the proximity. You were too small, too adorable, too attractive for him to take it. Too honest. Too lovable. Made just for him to adore. To protect.
“You did not ruin anything.” You said into his shirt, hugging him tighter. “I understand you, Sylus. And I like you a little selfish if it means that’s what brought you to me” He smiled into your hair and reluctantly let go of your fragile frame. He touched your chin and delicately lifted your face up to face him. His eyes were once again drinking you in, committing every single one of your features to his memory. He sighed contentedly.
“Selfishness was not the reason of my visit.” You could see how his eyes softened and you felt your chest squeeze. You brushed his cheek, loving the way how he seemed to relish in your touch. His eyes wandered to your lips: pink, plump and so inviting. “Adoration was. The complete love and devotion that I have felt for you for quite some time now.” You gasped quietly and opened your lips slightly, which didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“And I guess a little emotional push was what made me finally find my way to you, my beloved.” He half-whispered, leaned in, and pressed his lips to yours, locking you in a sweet, passionate kiss that went on and on, seeming to deepen with every minute you spent in his embrace.
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙ ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙
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teamred · 9 months ago
focus on me
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✩‌ qimir x acolyte!reader | smut | fluff | 2.5k
SUMMARY | in which the tension finally breaks between you and your master when you train together one afternoon.
WARNINGS | smut, s*xual force choking, knee foreplay, finger sucking, f*ngering, dirty talk, piv s*x, unprotected s*x, violence (fighting and choking)
RATING | explicit
NOTES | i'm simply a girl who's fallen to the dark side for qimir!!! qimir's lowkey a softie in this, which might not be canon, but idc!!!
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You stumble back with your palm soiled wet. 
Thankfully, you grounded the rest of your weight with your makeshift wooden staff. Panting, you drag yourself upward, readying yourself for what’s to come next. 
Sweat drips down your forehead as the sun begins to dip into the horizon beyond the abundance of trees and overgrowth, the heat felt by your exposed arms and through your thin sleeveless wrap top.
It's been more than two hours of training, but your master knows your limit. Pushes you until you break–and he knows you’re far from your breaking point. 
Perspiration also stains his forehead. Master Qimir wipes it away with the back of his hand, moving his hair aside too. 
Moments like these, you pride yourself in knowing his identity after years of him preserving his anonymity behind that intimidating, powerful mask. He’s gained followers over time since you've known him, but you’re his one and only acolyte. 
Your mind wanders further. Why does he choose to wear his mask in public when he can make nations fall to their knees just with a flash of his smirk? 
Said smirk is plastered on his face as he twirls his two batons between his fingers with ease. Beyond his smirk, there was also the ordeal of seeing his glistening, gorgeous arms every day and– 
Your master calls out your name playfully, “I hope you’re focusing on me.”
“You know I am, Master.” You’re not exactly lying. You inch closer, holding your staff firmly with both hands and pointing one end of it in his direction. 
He tsks and lets out of a deep chuckle. It always bothers you how his chuckles make your heart skip a beat, among the other things it does to the rest of your body.  
“You're focusing on things about me, Acolyte. Not on me directly, nor on my presence,”—he paces in a circle around you, with you tracking his every step—“If this was a real fight, you’d be dead.”
“Well, I can’t help it that my master can be so distracting!” you grit out, taking the opportunity to lunge towards him. 
Weapons clash. Loud echoes continually reverberate throughout the forest, along with your occasional grunts. 
Master Qimir’s style is aggressive and swift, always on the offense, so you’ve become accustomed to defend his moves well. He comes in with one baton towards your side, and the other towards your head. You deflect both smoothly, and without much thought, you decide to attack him. 
However, your confidence blinds you.
Too close. 
He elbows your arm and slams into your side, causing your staff to drop.  
Then, Qimir shoves you far with the Force, distancing you from your weapon, and gets close again to hook his foot around yours. Your back stings as you fall down. 
In the blink of an eye, he pins you down with both batons tightly pressed against your throat, cutting off your air supply. You struggle under him, trying your best to smack him away with your diminishing strength. 
“Breathe, think, and focus,” he calmly orders, despite the agonizing scene in front of him. 
You take a second to compose yourself, inhaling as much as you can for a second.
Suddenly, you feel his knee move up between your legs, spreading them.
And you feel him moving upwards again, but this time brushing against your core. 
Your sparring composure absolutely shatters–a gasp and small moan release, and you’re back to struggling once more. 
You assume it was a mistake, but you’re relishing in the pleasure nevertheless, even in your current state of distress. 
“Focus, my acolyte,” Master Qimir barks, and he presses the batons harder into you. “Focus!” 
Your vision begins to blur alongside the increasing pounding of your heartbeat in your ears. Gathering all your might and wanting to avoid disappointing Qimir, you breathe as much as you can and drown out everything to focus on how to get out of the situation. 
With a sliver of consciousness left, you will yourself to use the Force and seize your staff. Your fingers clutch around it and you thwack Qimir hard on the head, disorienting him for a moment. Without hesitation, throughout your excessive gasping, you skillfully maneuver yourself to switch positions. 
Now, your staff is pressed against his throat. 
“Is this better, Master?” you pant and cough with a grin, basking in your success. “Am I focused now?” 
He grants a brief nod, but you notice an unusual look in his eyes. 
It reads as a rare time he’s overly impressed, but there’s something else. 
Qimir raises his hand and gently curls it around yours, wordlessly asking you to lower your weapon. You ruffle your eyebrows, unsure why he’s letting down his guard against you during training.
“Master Qimir,” you whisper, still holding your staff to the side with a relaxed but guarded grip, “is this another test of yours?”  
He shakes his head, his touch now carefully grazing your forehead and cheeks. Your staff rolls away as your eyes flutter, savoring this foreign feeling from him–tenderness, affection, warmth. A hand softly cups your face. 
“Training’s over for today.” 
The warmth fades into familiar roughness with a sharp pull by the back of your neck downwards. 
His mouth drives into yours, each kiss igniting fire within you, sparking every inch of your body. Desire is bursting at the seams. He kneads your neck and body intently, mirroring you as you clutch onto his face and sturdy frame. 
You’d be lying to yourself if you said you had never fantasized kissing Qimir before, but this is everything you dreamed of and better.  
“Master–” you gasp sharply at the sensation of him pressing his knee up against you again. Reflexively, you writhe as your body screams for more. 
“You like this a lot…” His tone drips of arrogance. Further pressure is added and he happily inhales your moans between his teasing chuckles.   
You manage to muster the following amidst the rising pleasure, “So it was intentional before.”
“Of course.” His words are muffled as he leaves open-mouthed kisses upon the side of your neck. Your fingers dig further into his shoulder and scalp as he cups your breast. “You need to learn to push aside your desires when training.” 
“Should we stop then?” The neck kissing sears you, especially when he tugs skin between his teeth to bite and suck. “To teach me a lesson?” 
He shakes his head and removes himself from your neck, coming back up to drag your lower lip between his teeth. 
“It doesn’t mean I want to push aside my desires.” 
You catch a fleeting glimpse of his signature smirk before his lips are on yours again. Kisses become more electric as he dips his tongue into your mouth.
Hands fly erratically and grasp everywhere. His arms. Your ass. Fingers running beneath his top, feeling up his abs. His harsh grips of your thighs. 
Unexpectedly, he holds you close and flips you over; you’re back on top of him again and you can surely feel his prominent desire against yours. 
In a rush, you bunch up his thin shirt and attempt to pull it off him. He sits up with you in his lap and, with a fluid flick of his wrist, he rids you of your clothes and they are tossed to one side; his follow suit. Qimir promptly draws his nearby robes closer to be placed underneath you both, covering yourselves from the soiled forest. 
The look in his eyes is unmistakably lust-filled, completely insatiable. He wastes no time in taking your tit into his mouth, tongue flicking and lips puckering, while one hand holds you by your back and the other dips two fingers into your desire, wet and ready for him. 
You arch into him, leaning your head back and letting yourself go. Wanting to reciprocate, you reach out to stroke his cock. Relishing in the pleasure, he draws back his head, eyes closed, and leans his forehead against your chest.
The forest may be filled with the rustling of the wind against the trees and the odd bird cawing, but all you can focus on is Qimir’s throaty groans and every obscene squelch when he slides his fingers in and out of you. 
He glances up and attempts to open his eyes as much as he can to give you his full attention, despite the heavenly strokes you’re giving him. 
Eyes shine back at you with the utmost vulnerability–a sight you never see. A sight that you want to etch into your memory forever, knowing you, his Acolyte, could make your Master weak and let his guard down with just your touch. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve held myself back…”
The vulnerability dissipates as he darts his tongue against your untouched nipple. 
“...wanting to see you like this for me.” 
You two become one for a while as he plays with you like a toy he just received as a gift. He tries you out, sees what you like and what you can handle. How sensitive you are with your breasts. How many fingers you can take. How much noise you make when he thumbs your clit. 
At one point, he eventually removes his fingers from you, evidently drenched from your bliss. He holds out his fingers in front of you, and you realize what he’s suggesting.   
Obediently, like you always are with him, you open your mouth and let his fingers lay on your tongue. You wrap your mouth around them, and finally let yourself suck on them a bit, tasting yourself and treating his fingers as if it were his cock. 
When you finish, to your surprise, he sticks his fingers into his own mouth, sucking off the remnants of you. He then kisses you deeply. Tasting yourself in his mouth excites you, riles you up again and back to wanting the next step with Qimir. 
As if reading your mind, he adjusts himself to lay back down vertically, and takes you by your wrist to lead you to sit onto him. 
You hold his possession against you between your legs, teasing his tip by not quite sitting onto him fully, indulging in your control over him. However, at this point, Qimir lacks patience, so he grasps you by your waist and forces you to ease onto his length.  
The guttural moan you release could easily be heard at all ends of the forest. 
He fills you deliciously, stretches you in the sweetest way possible. Using the strength of your thighs and your hands to keep you steady, you bounce at a comfortable pace, not wanting this to end just yet.
When you find a good position to balance your weight, you allow yourself to stroke his perfect body. His chiseled abs. The solid planes of his chest. His strong forearms. The sharp jawline that you dream of kissing almost every night.
“You take my cock so well.” 
A more familiar look flashes through his eyes, one that you normally see him flash prior to slaying Jedi or when he's in a bad mood. It’s drenched with darkness and dominance, almost bordering on fury.   
You freeze, and then you feel it.
The constriction around your throat, created by the Force. He can easily kill you within seconds. He's done this only once to you, and that was when he was testing your loyalty to him years ago.
But this is different. Different than that time, and most definitely different than before with his batons. This is more controlled; the hold is mostly against the sides of your windpipe and it isn't overtly harsh. 
On top of that, your entire body is on fire, becoming wound up by this act.  
“Do you enjoy this?” he asks, tone teetering between curiosity and being threatening.
“Yes,” you mentally scream.
“I want to hear you say it.” 
“Yes,” you manage to croak. 
He raises an eyebrow. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, Master.” 
“Nu-uh,” he says. “Say my name, my beautiful acolyte.”
You're too distracted to be caught up in the fact that he called you beautiful. Instinctively, you want to ride this new sensation to lead you to another high. But you know that if you don’t reply, he might not let you get there. 
“Yes, Qimir.”
His signature smirk takes up his whole face and your pussy clenches tighter at the sight of it. He may have the upper hand with his strength around your neck, but so do you when you notice the flickering of his eyes.
“And how does my cock feel?” He tightens a little more around your throat, and you're affected further. Qimir's collectedness can only take much longer too.
“Feels good, feels so fucking good…” 
Intoxication rises from your abdomen and to all ends of your body. Your eyes begin to roll, and you're so close— 
And it's gone. The tightness on your throat stops, and so is your near-high.
You're about to complain, but Qimir quickly hauls you in close to his body. Face to face, forehead to forehead, your breaths fan one another.
“Before I let either of us finish, I want to hear you say my name as you come on my cock.”
That smirk will be the absolute death of you, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
“Can you do that for me?” 
You nod breathlessly.
Your master holds you by your waist and immediately thrusts over and over, deep and fast into you. Desperate to reach his climax, and to ensure you get to yours too.
And so you unravel, voice rising with every iteration. Saying his name like you’re praying for forgiveness from all ends of the universe. 
Qimir then brings his mouth to yours once more, swallowing all your pretty whimpers and allowing himself to chase his own release moments later. 
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Laying on his bare chest, you glance up at him and wonder how the relationship between you will be from now on.
You couldn’t just go back to what you were before; you would now be a master and acolyte intertwined sexually at least, romantically at most. Would it not be complicated? 
But of course, Master Qimir can hear what’s going on in your mind, and he doesn’t even need the Force to do so. Being his enigmatic self, he merely answers your thoughts by speaking the Sith Code: 
“‘Peace is a lie. There is only passion…’” 
He meets your eyes, strokes your face with a small smile. Affection blooms in your chest.
“‘Through passion, I gain strength.’” 
Holds your hand against his beating chest. 
“‘Through strength, I gain power.’” 
His grip tightens. 
“‘Through power, I gain victory. And through victory, my chains are broken.’” 
Qimir leans in and kisses you deeply as the darkness of the night sky engulfs you, the sun saying its goodbye for the night.
And with that, you realize that no matter what will happen from here on out, he’ll always care for you. 
That despite all the blood, sweat, and tears shed through training, stealing, and all the killing, he’s just as loyal and devoted to you as you are to him.
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lologoinsolo · 7 days ago
Haunted House Masterlist
A fun little idea that’s very quickly written. Apologies for mistakes, I should be sleeping but brain wouldn’t allow.
Your alarm is blaring. It’s loud and obnoxious and screams for you to wake. You don’t want to but you have to “seize the day” as one would say. You turn to your side and hit snooze though, shutting it up and deciding that five more minutes won’t hurt. You had such a wonderful dream that you want to get back to it. It was about you being rich and never having to work another day in your life.
“Yer gonna be late again for work, lass.”
Your eyes pop open as you scream, balling your fist and punching the man that lays down on your bed. Your fist phases right on through though and he laughs so loudly that you wished you could actually hit him.
“Ah, ouch, lass. That hurt.” He feigns pain, rubbing his face and he grins like the Cheshire Cat itself.
“Johnny,” you rub your temples. Your want for sleeping in is fleeting, “how many times do I have to tell you. The beds off limits.” Glaring at your ghostly companion.
“Ye said, Johnny, make sure I stay awake even when my alarm goes off,” he mimics your voice horribly, really laying on an abnormally high pitch to make you wish you couldn’t hear. He places a hand against his cheek and the other comes around to tap your forehead. You shiver when you can feel the cool sensation, you’ve never gotten used to that. “S’not my fault ye keep sleepin’ in.”
“Yeah, yeah,” flinching when your alarm goes off once more. You groan even louder than before as you turn the alarm off. You sit and rub your face till it hurts. “Alright,” you feel his hand pressing and nudging on your back. You swipe at him like a hissing cat and tumble off your welcoming, warm bed. He laughs and lays still as you move around sluggishly. You walk out of your room even when you can hear your bed weeping for you and head to your kitchen.
Grabbing a tea bag, a mug, and pouring water from the sink in it before placing it in the microwave. Pressing the buttons and you watch the light flicker on the mug spinning slowly. There’s a growing heavy weight against your back, it press well against your shoulder and even when you try to shove him away. He doesn’t budge, a mountain of cold, hard steel that doesn’t move even when you say his name. “Simon,” you whine, trying to push him away but alas, your hands phase through him just like it did with Johnny.
“You need a kettle,” he says with so much disappointment in his brown eyes. There’s an atrocity happening before him, actually it’s happened many times. You’ve flat out refused to even boil the water on at least a pot. “I feel like I’m dying again just watching this.” He leans ever more and you’re damn near fused to your counter.
“Okay, okay,” the microwave beeps and you open it to grab your mug. Wincing and trying to hold the hot ceramic handle without it peeling your skin off. “I’ll buy a kettle this time around.” You say as you have many times over, “can you move? Please?” You hear him sigh like he’s suffering and he leaves. Disappears off into the nether and probably won’t come back until you pour him a glass of his favorite whiskey as an apology. “Fucking Brit’s.” Grumbling your annoyance as you dump your sugar and stir it in the cooling liquid. Not even bothering to blow as you drink it. You don’t really get the difference but somehow it’s always an offense when Simon sees you do that.
“He’s right,” John sits on your recliner. A cigar in hand and even though he’s as ghostly as the others he manages to find a way to smoke in your house. “That’s no way to drink a tea.” Of course he’d jump in on this, though you think he might only do that just to get a rise out of you.
“Buy me a kettle and make me a tea.” Holding the mug against your face. Drinking it defiantly and Kyle comes through a wall as quickly as you say that.
“You banned us from making drinks or food.” Holding a finger out as he nods in making his point. John grunts in agreement, smoke somehow puffing around in swirls.
“For good reason, Kyle.” The last time they tried to do anything it was a mess. And not in the incompetent way but more in the paranormal why is everything floating kinda way. “There was tomato sauce splattered on my ceiling! The ceiling,” placing your mug down on the counter. “I had to get a ladder to clean it.”
“Didnae ken that would happen when I touched the damn thing.” You hear Johnny somewhere in the room but have yet to spot him. Probably hovering in a dark spot as usual when he plans on scaring you by grabbing you. He seems miffed about the incident since he’s the main reason why they’re all banned. “Ye were sick at the time. We just wanted to help.”
That makes you feel a little guilty. Your ghosts do try to help around as much as they can but sometimes their paranormalness doesn’t always work well in your house nor around objects. So far they’ve been able to touch you with no problem but with other things though… somtimes they will float or get weird with the temperature, your hairbrush has been freezing cold here lately… one of them probably snooped around your bathroom again. You’ve gotten as used to your roommates as best as you can. Your ability allows you to see and hear hem as clear as day while others can’t. It’s a blessing and a curse with your wonderful little ability despite the learning curve.
The curve being that there’s ghosts in your house.
“Ah, shit,” Kyle pulls you from your thoughts. “You need to hurry, you’re gonna be running late again.” Kyle, ever the one to keep you on your goals quickly points that out as he looks at the time.
“Oh, son of a bitch!” You fly down the hall back to your room to get dressed. Forgoing buying breakfast on the way even when John yells for you to do so. You hobble to get your shoes on and nearly roll out your door to get to your car. Not even bothering to lock your house since your ghostly apparitions won’t allow an intruder to do harm. You slam your foot on the gas after reversing and drive off to your job. Blasting music down the road to get your mood right for the next eight hours.
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yurinaa-world · 6 months ago
May i request love and deepspace boys with clingy!reader? Shes shy too!! In public, she'll hold onto his hand or finger and stays quiet but at home she becomes a yapper machine and also likes to plop onto his lap as she talks. Sometimes likes mindlessly squeezing and playing with his meaty bicep too :3
"𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓀 𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒶 𝓁𝑜𝓉"
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💫𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Rafayel, Zayne, Xavier, & Sylus x Gender-Neutral reader
💫𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: with a reader who's clingy at home and mindlessly touches him
💫𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Fluff, & Spelling Mistakes
💫𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: I got sickkk 😫 this isn't my usual quality...I'm sorry (it had to be when it's my first post with the 4 lnds guys...Give me another chance!)
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💫𝑅𝒶𝒻𝒶𝓎𝑒𝓁 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒜𝒷𝓎𝓈𝓈𝓌𝒶𝓁𝓀𝑒𝓇"
He eats it up, watching you act shy in public, grabbing the piece of his shirt or finger whenever you're in public. The second you feel like you're in a comfortable space he watches you unwind, holding onto him so tightly that he’ll just tease you. 
Your pretty self not wanting to let go of him, not even for a glass of water, straddling his lap, and arms wrapped around his neck, hiding in his neck. You're just begging him to tease you so badly. Yet his jaw just drops whenever you unconsciously touch him more. 
While you’re talking about your day, your hands unconsciously go to his chest. aren’t you so handsy? He stops in the middle of your sentence, teasing you so much even bringing up the other times you act shameless with him. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
After such a long day, you can’t help but unload everything you had been feeling the entire day, just going on and on while he puts on his irrelevant commentary—letting gasps and hums, you play with the buttons on his shirt before taking your hands away from his buttons, gently caress his chest while you talk about the climax of your entire day.
“You should have seen her, she was completely soaked and the owner didn’t even say anything even though it was his fault that it happened in the first place!” you chirped—your eyes shining so bright there might be little stars in them—leaning into his face to emphasize your point, he just gasps as if he were there experiencing it. “Oh wow…” he smiles back at you—it looked more like a sly lazy grin plastered on his lips.
“Yeah! And then…”
There you go again switching through topics so fast that he might just start taking notes to understand what you’re talking about. But feel his grin get wider, while your hands shamelessly touch his chest like a creep on the streets.
“If you’re going to shamelessly touch me, at least own up instead of pretending to tell a story.” He grins, snapping you out of your story with an accusation of your character. Your eyes go wide feeling embarrassment pool into your stomach, resulting in your cheeks becoming rosy red as your hands spring back.
“I didn’t mean to touch you like.” you stutter as if he were a cop, while he just enjoys watching you freak out. “You’re such a terrible liar, you’re always touching me, taking advantage of me just because I let you do it once” he sighs dramatically, pinching, and pulling your cheek as if he were an adult lecturing a child—in reality he would be the child…“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Don’t bother, I already know the truth.”
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💫𝒵𝒶𝓎𝓃𝑒 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓇"
He lets you unwind, it’s good for a person to relax after a long day, and you it’s no different—maybe a bit more affection from him while he lets you grasp onto his arms.
Arms wrapped around his one arm while you talk about your day, with a large smile on your face, your body basically sinking into the side of his. He finds it amusing the way you act but what does he expect? You’ve always been like that; it's not like he hates it, he loves it.
He even lets you play with his tie, slowly untying it and fiddling with it as if we’re some kind of toy.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“I didn’t tell you about the craziest thing that happened today.” You realized, switching through topics so fast that he has to put his entire mind onto what you tell him, which he doesn’t mind, he’ll always listen to whatever you have to say. 
Your body against his, sinking into his side with your fingers fiddling with the tie as if it were a toy.
His eyes are loving to them while he listens to your voice with such attentiveness as if he were still taking a midterm exam back while he was a medical student. Just going on and on, telling every part of the story, before stopping to think of another story in the past. “Remember when we were kids!…” there you go again.
He’ll always find it adorable, a small plastered upon his gentle face from your hold speaks for itself.
 “Do you remember that?” 
“Pretty well, I remember another embarrassing thing you used to do, always holding and touching…seems that nothing changed,” he smiles at you, his hand going to withdraw your hand that was fiddled with a tie, his thumb gently rubbing your knuckles.
“Your touch still feels more like a medical exam,” he gently teased you, seeing your mouth agape made him love you more.
“Not that I dislike the feeling, I can’t go a day without it.” He reassures, bringing your hand to his heart, making you feel where his heart is.
“You can Continue speaking, I won’t stop you.”
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💫𝒳𝒶𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓇 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝓊𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝒻 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉"
He just loves to listen to your voice, whether it be a childish story about what happened that day or a drama your friend/coworker told you.
Now it’s no different even if he’s dozing off, his head flinching awake while you straddle his lap. It's fine! He’s not tired! You should keep on talking!
Through his half-lidded eyes looking back at you. Your touches might be the thing that brings him towards the border of going to sleep and staying awake, how dangerous you are.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“And then she left her boyfriend for her boss,” you gushed, leaning into his face to exaggerate the story more while he looked back at you with his tired gaze, “can you believe it, Xavier? And you know what her boyfriend did!” you exclaimed, he can’t help but let out a yawn.
“What did he do?” he asked sluggishly, his arms snaking their way up your waist, he might just be going in and out of sleep, every time he slowly closed his eyes and opens to jump in between different stories or different parts of one long story, yet he couldn’t fall asleep, feeling your hands move around his body.
“Xavier, are you awake?” 
You gently poke his cheek, while he just softly groans before he pushes you into his neck, taking the chance to hide himself in the crook of your neck. 
“You can keep talking…”
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💫𝒮𝓎𝓁𝓊𝓈 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝒪𝒻 𝒪𝓃𝓎𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓊𝓈"
He’s very “attentive” to your little story about what happened in Linkon that day, with his eyes softly staring at you with that signature smirk. 
You have quite the hands, don’t you? He would think you were robbing him blind with your touches. Just feeling your arms on his bicep, his bicep right against your chest, even if he pulls slightly away, you just pull him back.
He can’t help himself but stare at you like, to the point you notice and stop your story under his gaze.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“So that’s what happened…” he hums, listening to your little stories, grasping tightly on his arm while you laugh at your own story, and the way your lips grin ear to ear. 
“Pity I wasn’t there to see that.” He murmured—the little voice in the back of your head tells that it’s probably not the story he's focused on, cocking his head to the side, watching you go off onto another rant. only for you to cut your story short when you locked eyes with him for too long.
“Something wrong?” He tilts his eyebrow with a subtle smirk on his lips, watching your lips pressed together in nervousness. “Well…” you mutter, while he just laughs at your expression. 
“Go on, keep on talking, I'd rather not miss what you were telling me, keep grabbing my arm like that as well.”
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hexhomos · 3 months ago
Hello fellow Jayce defender.
First off, virtual kisses on both your cheeks for your Arcane analysis. They're refreshing to read, and insightful as well.
Something that's always bothered me about the way fans interact with Jayce is assuming that he's always the one making the mistakes in any of his relationships. It's almost funny in a way how they strip other characters of their autonomy and arcs just so they can point out how Jayce is failing his partners.
With Mel and Viktor especially, there's this narrative that Jayce simultaneously ignores both of their needs while also prioritising one over the other. Either he neglects Viktor to go and swoon over Mel, or he abandons his relationship with Mel to go play science with Viktor, or he neglects both to go do his own things while they suffer through their own plots.
And it's fascinating how incredibly mistaken these people are, and also how they reduce his character to only being important when he's in a relationship.
I'm here like, "hey, do you wanna discuss the reason for how Jayce seemingly knows how to navigate the ways of high class society very easily is probably because he's had to rely on sponsorships and donations for most of his youth to find his research because his house is too poor to be able afford it?"
Or "It's canonical that Jayce only ever had one friend in his youth before Viktor, and that was the daughter of his main sponsor, do you think it's interesting that this indicates he probably had difficulty making or maintaining friendships and that this is possibly a symptom of the Academy mainly housing elite and rich students so they couldn't relate to his struggles and he couldn't relate to theirs?"
But no, people just want to hate on him for not being the picture perfect boytoy in a relationship.
And I mean, it's not like it's just reduced to Jayce either. So many other characters have had similar treatments where they're reduced to either their most basic qualities or mischaracterised entirely. And I'm really not trying to be the fandom police or whatever - everyone interprets differently - I just find it frustrating is all.
Anyways, you're cool.
YES I never have time to talk about this bc people don't give a fuck but in Jayce's journals we even see him stewing with envy and petty rage at this star-rising student on the academy that he sees as the example of a perfect prodigy (in opposition to how much Jayce fucks things up...)
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It also strongly suggests he's on a scholarship, which ties into his suicide attempt.
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Jayce is keeping his experiments a secret from everyone to avoid the blowback and isolating himself further and further when they don't work. Jayce is flawed! He's proud of his dream pitch to the point of hilarity. Jayce doesn't like socializing, he does it out of obligation! Even when he's being raised to a councilor position in s1 he's PANICKING. He doesn't want the fucking job, he doesn't like the parties nor the people, his truest honest self is that moment in season 2 where he declares the lab was always his home, and so was Viktor.
But even then he subsumes his own wants spends most of s1 trying to attend to the needs of other people. He routinely asks Viktor if he's alright, if he wants to come up to do the presentation, if he's sure those experiments are safe, etc. He tries to make Heimerdinger proud despite his constant rejections of their projects, and only turns on him when he threatens viktor's wellbeing. The reason why he doesn't announce anything on progress day is that he Was listening to Heimers so-called wisdom and it only bit him in the ass. Jayce gets himself in trouble with the council by being too naive and assuming his new post will allow him to crackdown on Piltovan corruption aided by the Hexgates. Majority of the complaints wrt relationships I see people making of him are just wildly exaggerated. "He was neglecting viktor" bro he talks about viktor in nearly every scene he has with mel 😭 viktor is the one who isolates himself and randomly disappears at times bc he's a grown man with his own boundaries.
Jayce's entire life is defined by the transactional nature of his existence, his work, the patronage receives - all depending on how much he can play the showpony role without fucking it up. It's not a comfortable position. Jayce is stressing out the whole damn show because if one person isn't pissed at him, someone else will be, and it always comes down to revokable money, investments, social standing. if he really was as uncaring and well-off as some claim he wouldn't give a shit. He could just coast along life, but that's not what he's doing ever. He only 'frees' himself in season 2 by abandoning his life's dream and the rotten reality that existed around it. Which is kind of bleak, but at least its over.
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aliceinborderlandsquidgame · 2 months ago
His. | The Salesman x Wife!Reader
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Summary: You were his, a shame some men did not get the memo.
Warnings: Canon violence - Possessive!Salesman  - Violent!Salesman - Jealous!Salesman - Simp for his wife - Slut Shaming (not reader) - A man being a creep - The Salesman getting quiet creative with the games - grammar mistakes -
The Salesman loves his wife, he loves her so much that he would burn Seoul down just for her.
He hates when others get her attention, your attention, you are his after all. Why do you need to meet up with your parents ? Dont they trust that He is taking well care of you ? Why does your friends wants a night out without their S/Os ? Does they want to be whores and cheat ? You woulnt ever do that to him!! You are smitten and down bad for him.
He has worked so hard to make you fall for him and his well composed self. You never once saw his dark side, his emotions were always under control when he was with you. He only showed you his good side, the side that was deep down locked only for you.
Would it bee too cheesy to say you had the key for his heart ? Probably, but that was the truth. No one could pull him away from his dark ideas, only you, he just needed to see your name on his phone to light up his mood.
And he knows he has his own failures, being possessive over you its one of them. But he cant help it, you are after all an amazing woman. Everyone should bow down to you when you pass them. The Salesman has to calm down his anger when he sees just the smallest disrespect towards you. He is already making plans on how he would take revenge for you.
But he cant go on killing every person that bothers him. Not because he does not want to do it. No, he would love to. But because it would attract too much attention and last thing he wants its you being under stress or having a police on his tail.
However there are things that just crosses the line, makes him see red and think:
When was the last time I played a game with someone ?
And god knows he does not mean an innocent game.
But what was going on that was pulling on his nerves?
Well, the spring season had just started and you being the lovable creature wanted to go out towards a well known park to see the new flowers.
He agreed, anything for his wife. He even looked up which day would be the best one to go and see all the new flowers. Not that he cared for these, no. He wanted to see your smile and that spark in your eyes. That was what he wanted.
And of course you had dress beautiful for it, part of him was temped to just stay home and show you how much he loved you in more carnal ways. But he decided to let that for the night.
The park was as expected full of people of all ages. Three times he had moved to the side to avoid being crashed by a kid, and three times you had give the parents a polite smile and a few words to not worry about it.
Hand in hand you two walked around. Besides the flowers there were sellers, ballooms, sweets, water, even umbrellas.
"Love can you get me a bottle of water? Oh! And ice cream?" You asked pointing at two stalls.
He nodded giving you his signature smile kissing your cheeck and telling you not to move that he would be back soon.
Saddly the ice cream took more time since there was a small line. He kept looking back over his shoulder to make sure you were alright. And for the most part you were, sitting there looking down at your phone (probably telling your friend group about your date, well he will check that later).
"What flavor Sir?"
He told the seller the flavor you wanted, pay for it and waited taking another look at you, a small smile on his face-
Only to be wipped out at the new sight.
A Man, maybe younger than him was sitting right next to you. Talking to you, smiling at you, being too close to you.
Who does that Man think he is ?
He cant help it, he is jealous, knows you wont ever go behind his back. You were his, his wife and only his. Why others seemed to not get the message?
Fuck, he must have stared for too long and looking a bit too agressive because now the seller was almost trembling as he was giving him the ice cream.
Just as he was having a death stare it went back to his polite self, taking the ice cream and going towards you.
The closer he got, the angrier he felt. That Man, no, that fucking worm was even closer now. He did not need to know what he was saying to you, his body language gave it away.
And so did yours. You were not liking it. If you being almost on the corner of the bench was not enough then your face was a clear give away.
But some men are pathetic and even when they can see the ring on your finger they wont back off.
Scum of life, this one would not live.
"Im married, and im getting uncomfortable. You should leave"
Oh your voice, like an angel it almost made him feel at ease.
"Dont be like that baby, I just asked for your number, and I dont mind sharing"
Well he did mind. In fact he never liked sharing. And even less when it comes to you. You and sharing does not go in the same prhase, hell no.
He catches your eyes and can see the ask for help. And so he is finally there, whatever that excusme ot a human was going to say its cut off by his polite cold tone.
"Sorry my love, there was a line. I got you water and your favorite flavor" He says ignoring the man and giving you the items.
"And who may you be?" He asks his fake polite smile showing. He is towering over him. Making him feel small and smaller.
If he could, he would snap his neck here.
"Uhh, no one important. Sorry I will leave now" The namelss man says standing up and bowing, but before he can go the Salesman takes his arm rather harshly.
"I insist, you kept my wife company while I was gone after all.
And like that, thinking that he is fooling him he gets his name.
The Salesman nods and thanks him before taking your arm to start walking to the opposite side of the park.
"He came- I did not want to make a scene" You start, not scared of him but feeling rather bad because you are covinced he feels bad.
"No. Its my fault. I left you alone for too long, a beautiful woman as yourself should never be alone. Dont worry, you are with me now" He says kissing your head. "Eat your ice cream before it melts or did that exchange leave you with a bad feeling?"
Fucker he would pay for ruining his wife day.
"A bit...but you got it for me, so I will eat it" You said smiling up at him.
His heart flutters, you would do anything for him. He knows it. Maybe not like the same things he would do for you, but he knows you would push whatever thing or person aside if it means making him happy.
His dear wife.
"Park Beolle" The Salesman said the mans name in a cold tone walking behind him. "Your parents did not like you a lot right? I cant blame them, you stole money from them multiple times" The Salesman said.
"This is not for them, its because you ruined my wife's day. And did not respect her. So I must punish you, I dont expect someone like you to understand"
Park Beolle stood there, hands tied behind his back, heels tied up together as well, a tape over his mouth. In front of him multiple bear traps stood.
The Salesman took out his loved gun "If you manage to cross the room within twenty seconds then you will live but I you fail"
He stood besides him gun on his own head a sick smile on his face.
"I will shoot you, and it goes without saying that you will have to jump. Ready?"
The Salesman saw the poor display of ability seeing him get his feets inside one of the bear traps making him fall, another one closing.
The tape muffled his screams but the Salesman kept watching him and the time.
"And up" His voice was a sing song tone, like he was happy about it.
The sound of the gun fired was everything that was left. Blood soaked the bloor.
"Ah, im going to be late. I need to clean this, well I hope my dear wife waits for me" He said taking a napkin and cleaning his face. "I will call her just in case"
For the first time The Salesman came to his house with you already sleeping. He had kept you on call for one hour with the excuse of him doing some papel work.
"Eh? Metal sound?" He had say carrying the bear traps "I think you are getting sleepy my love, or maybe it was this stapler"
He smiled softly at your sleep form. Not even aware of the monster he was, to you he was a loving dotting husband. Nothing more and nothing else.
"Sleep well my love, I love you"
The now clean blood from his face and hands were a seal of it.
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luvhcarly · 21 days ago
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You and your couple of friends are at the party and you play the ‘kid’ game named spin the bottle. When the bottle lands on you, you get a dare to sit on Heesung’s lap. Everyone knows how you hate each other. Or do you?
PAIRINGS: dom!heesung x fem!reader
GENRE: smut, “enemies” to lovers ?, college AU
TAGS: smut, p in v, mirror sex, fingering, unprotected sex (don’t do it), reader is a teaser and so is Heesung, hair pulling, rough sex?, pet names (sweetie, whore), dirty talk, coming inside, choking, lmk if I missed anything
WC: 7k
A/N: reminder! English is not my first language so If you find any mistakes lmk! Also requests are opened.
© All rights reserved luvhcarly do not copy, repost, or translate.
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The semester at the university was over and that meant only one thing. Celebrate that you managed to pass all the exams.
Your peers, or rather classmates, had their own ‘ritual’, which was constantly repeated right after every semester. Everyone who felt like it went to a party to celebrate. The special thing was that it was always organized at the home of one of the well-known guys at college.
Despite the fact that almost all of them were in different fields, they were inseparable friends. This time the party was held at Lee Heesung's. Specifically, your classmate in psychology. You and Heesung didn't really like each other from the beginning. At first, he didn't bother you that much, but over time you realized that he is a terrible moron who thinks he owns the world.
You didn't like how he was always ahead of you in everything. Either in the answer when the professor asked something, or in a better mark. He was always a step forward. After all, according to your assumptions, his emotional abilities were zero, but his IQ was quite high. And that made you mad. You despised competition. You were never used to someone being better than you.
Heesung knew you. Why wouldn’t he? Who would’t know the girl who always had everything on time, passed every test and answered the professor's question every time. You were annoying in his eyes. Too annoying. The way you always answered correctly and grinned at the same time made him want to scratch your smile away from your face every time. And he did.
He started to compete with you. He enjoyed psychology quite a bit, but he enjoyed watching your angry expression even more when he always answered the professor's question before you, and also how he always had a couple of points more on the test. Deep down he enjoyed it, but he always pretended it was nothing, like that one time when you approached him with a furious look on your face.
“What’s your problem, huh?” You asked him with a furrowed brow. You were holding a psychology book in your hands and a bag was slung over your shoulder. “Ah, Y/n.” Heesung turned around when he heard you talking to him. A small smirk played on his features, while you tried to keep your cool.
"Why are you so angry all of a sudden?" He raised his eyebrows at your angry expression, but his grin didn't slip out of shape. Your lips were in a thin line and you were trying to calm down. You clutched the psychology book so tightly that your knuckles turned pale.
"How? How do you manage to overtake me every time?” You shook your head as you replayed in your head how he overtook you. Again. "How do you manage to be so fucking smart when you party all the time? What's your deal?" You narrowed your eyes and looked him up and down. His hair was styled and he was wearing a white shirt with a black tie that was slightly loose. He only had a pen in his hand, which he always carried to class. He didn’t even carried the book. And that made you even more furious. It annoyed you that he didn't have to carry a thick psychology book to just remember everything without problems.
"I am just too smart to study." He let out a laugh and with that he turned and strode away. That day you started to hate him even more.
You were leaning your body against the wall and you had a glass of vodka and soda in your hand. Your very good friend stood by you, kissing Jake, which was one of Heesung's good friends. A small sigh escaped your lips as you looked at your friend as they were almost going to fuck.
"If you want to fuck, go to the bathroom or something." You remarked with a disgusted expression on the shapes, your friend pulled away from Jake and laughed at your line, but Jake pulled her closer and planted a kiss on the corner of her lips. You turned your eyes to the crowd of people who were fully enjoying the party. Some had a bottle of alcohol in their hand and were dancing, laughing. The music was loud, so loud that you had to shout over yourself.
"Wanna play a game?" One of the group of boys on the couch spoke up. His gaze was fixed on Jake, who pulled away from your friend and opened his mouth slightly, thinking. Then he looked at your friend and waited for her to say something. But it wouldn't be her if she didn't agree.
“Come on.” She told you and grabbed your hand tightly and led you to the big white couch. Jake settled down comfortably and pulled your friend closer to him. You sat down next to them and placed your hands on your exposed thighs. You started to scan the room and the couch you were sitting on with your eyes to know who all was here. When your eyes met him, you rolled your eyes.
His gaze was fixed on his mobile phone, as if he didn’t care about the world around him. It seemed quite strange to you, but you didn't pay much attention to it. Suddenly, Sunghoon, whom you didn't know well, got up from the couch and placed the empty bottle in the middle of the table. Sunghoon went to English class with you and was very nice. He always made you smile and was willing to help you.
"Don't tell me that we are playing this shit ass-game again." Jay said annoyed and Niki smirked at his remark. You slightly raised your eyebrows because you didn't understand what was going on from the beginning.
"Who is spinning the bottle?" Jake asked, his eyes starting to look around the room. His eyes first fell on Niki, but Niki pointed his eyes at you.
“Y/n.” When he said your name, you slightly opened your mouth and swallowed loudly. "You are new here. So spin the bottle.” He pointed to the empty bottle on the table. As soon as your name was called, Heesung looked up from his phone and looked at you to see if it was really you.
"What are the rules for this game?" Since you weren't quite sure about the rules of the game, due to the fact that everyone plays it differently, you asked. "Whoever the bottle falls on must answer one question or complete a dare. But we give dares... a little spicy." Niki leaned closer to you and when the word 'spicy' came out of his lips he winked at you.
You reached for the empty bottle on the table and gave it a good spin. Everyone watched as the bottle slowly stopped and were curious as to who it would fall on. Heesung watched your nervous expression and how you bit your bottom lip. He couldn’t seem to pull away his gaze from you. The way you stopped breathing for a second when the bottle slowly started to stop, how you fidget with your fingers nervously.
When the bottle stopped at Jungwon, Heesung noticed how you sighed and relaxed. You lifted your gaze from the bottle and looked at Jungwon, who had his eyebrows raised and was waiting.
"Truth or dare?" You asked with a nice smile on your face. Junghwon was on the school council and you always admired him a lot, but nothing more than in a friendly way. In the first year, you had a couple of classes with him, but then you split up, which you were quite sorry for, because he was quite a nice classmate.
"Well, it's the first round so... truth." You suspected that he would choose the truth, so you immediately threw a question at him. "Did you actually throw up at someone at a party or was it just a rumour?" You laughed at your own question and the others started laughing too. Jungwon turned pale when you asked him that, but he knew you very well and knew you were taking it as a joke.
"No, it was just a rumor." He answered truthfully to which you nodded your head. Jungwon reached for the bottle and gave it a good spin. The bottle fell on Niki, who swallowed loudly and became a little nervous.
"Is it true that you slept with Professor Yuan?" Everyone's mouths opened wide when this question was heard and Niki grinned.
"Yeah, I wanted to pass that stupid class so." Everyone around made a disgusted expression, but then they started laughing. Only Heesung didn't laugh. He was frozen, his gaze was fixed on the ground this time. Your eyes slid to him and you observed him over for a brief moment. His hair was messy and he was wearing a black oversized shirt and blue jeans. He had an unbothered expression on his face, like he wasn’t even here with his mind.
“Heesung.” Niki said when the bottle fell on him. He immediately looked up and looked at the bottle that was pointing at him. Heesung could feel your gaze, observing him from head to toe with your eyes. The truth was, he kind of enjoyed it so he remain silent.
"Truth." He sighed annoyed and bit his lower lip, waiting for Niki's question.
"Did you ever have a threesome?" Niki narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to get a better look at him. Heesung smirked at his question and leaned his body back against the seat.
“Yeah.” He nodded confidently and you rolled your eyes at his responce and downed a shot of vodka. It wasn’t anything new that Heesung had a threesome with someone. It was a year ago when the rumour started to spread around quickly.
"Nothing new." You mumbled under your breath and Heesung immediately turned his attention to you. He looked you up and down with his eyes. His eyes fell on your exposed thighs. There was something different about you. Something that forced him to look at you again and again.
"Jealous much?" He asked teasingly and put his hands behind his head, his gaze still fixed on you.
"Of you?" You chuckled. "You wish."
“Okay, okay, guys enough. Just spin the bottle, Hee.” Jungwon interrupted you two, otherwise an endless argument would have started between you. Everyone knew you hated each other, but sometimes it seemed to them as if you were just teasing each other for another reason.
Heesung spun the bottle and it went on like this for at least an hour, the questions alternated and the tasks also increased, but when you wanted to get up, Jungwon stopped you.
“Come on, y/n. Last round!” He raised an eyebrow and you let out an annoyed sigh. Heesung was completely leaning on the armchair and his legs were spread apart while he watched with his eyes how you got up from the couch but then you immediately sat down when Jungwon started begging you to stay for the last round of the game.
“Fine.” You finally agreed, and Jake immediately spun the bottle, which landed on you. Fuck. You thought. Everyone on the couch immediately looked at you and started encouraging you to say ‘dare’. You closed your eyes and swallowed loudly.
“Okay, okay fine!” You raised your voice a little and they stopped immediately. "Dare." You sighed and looked at Jake, who was grinning. He looked around the room as if thinking about whom he would choose. "I dare you to sit on Heesung’s lap." your eyes widened as Jake let out the dare, Heesung chuckled and looked at you with narrow eyes.
"I'm out." You stood up and put your hands in a defensive gesture and started to walk away. You didn't want to do it, certainly not to him. But when you passed him, he grabbed you by your wrist and pushed you on his lap. You swallowed loudly as his arm wrapped around your hip, keeping you in a place.
"What are you doing?" You whispered at him in an angry voice, as if you only wanted him to hear. "Completing the dare." He leaned closer to you and it sent a chill down your spine. Your nostrils immediately smelled his strong perfume, which you had never smelled before, and you could tell on his breath that he had a little alcohol in him.
“I thought you were out, Y/n?” Niki commented and laughed and so did everyone around. You wanted to stand up, but his grip on your hip was so tight that you couldn't. You swallowed loudly as you felt his hot breath on your neck, he was too close and you didn't like it. You squirmed a little to create some distance between you two.
His breath stopped for a small moment when you squirmed and your ass brushed against his crotch, he cleared his throat and his grip tightened even more. You tried to ignore him and you also tried to ignore the stupid feeling between your legs. This shouldn't have happened. Of course, Heesung was attractive, like really attractive... But his behavior discouraged you.
"Who wants another shot?" Jay brought another bottle of alcohol and looked around the room with a huge grin on his face, waiting for someone to sign up. You, Jake and Niki immediately shot your hand in the air. Jay raised an eyebrow when no one else signed up.
"Okay!" Jay called out and walked over to your glass and poured you a shot of vodka. "Here you go, lady." You laughed at his nickname and he handed you a glass. Heesung watched as your body squirmed gently again as you laughed. Jay poured himself, Jake and Niki and you all raised your glasses in the air. "Cheers!" Everyone said and you immediately drank it in an one go. You didn't plan to get drunk, but you wanted to kill the time somehow. To kill the time while are you sitting on Heesung’s lap.
“Guys this is our last year.” Sunoo spoke after a long time and looked around the room. Everyone remained silent, as if they were quite surprised that this is the last year that they will go to school. No more parties, no exams and no teasing. You let out a sigh that you didn't even know you'd been holding for so long. Heesung remained in his place, his face kind of surprised. As if he realized now that this is the last year he will be at college. It totally shocked him, because he didn't want to finish school. He really didn't want to stop seeing your angry expression. Who will he tease?
"Sunoo, stop with the sad mood." Jay spoke up and suddenly everyone burst out laughing, except for Heesung who swallowed loudly again and tried to control himself. Well, it didn't help him much when you were constantly moving around and pressing on his crotch. He leaned closer to your ear and you could feel his hot breath on your neck again. "Stop moving." You turned your head at least to see him out of the corner of your eye, his eyes were narrowed and his jaw was clenched. It looked like he was fighting with himself.
"Then stop gripping my hip so tightly." You snapped backout and he just let out a small laugh, and shook his head. "I would like to if you would stop moving.” He whispered in your ear and your breath stopped for a small moment, you turned your gaze to Jay who was pouring you another shot of vodka. You ignored him at least you tried and drank your shot. An unpleasant feeling of alcohol crossed your throat, which you grimaced at.
You, Jay and Niki drank more than you should have. You were laughing at stupid things that weren’t even funny which caused you to move on Heesung’s lap constantly. His jaw was clenched for the whole time and he was leaning his back against the armchair, trying to ignore the bulge in his pants.
“Slow down, Y/n. You had enough.” Your friend commented as you went to take another shot. She grabbed the glass from you and put it away from you, at which you rolled your eyes. You crossed your arms over your breasts and leaned your body back, but when you realized that you were leaning on Heesung's chest, you immediately went back.
“Sorryyyy.” You answered with a laugh and Heesung let out a small sigh. He had the feeling that you did it on purpose. Constantly moving on his lap, laughing and how your ass always dangerously rubbed against his crotch. He swallowed as he tried to ignore the pain in his jeans.
“I am going to the bathroom.” You announced and stood up, at first you almost sat down again for a moment, but then you gained stability and made your way to the bathroom with slow steps.
“Did you enjoy Y/n being on your lap, Hee?” Niki sipped from his drink and watched as Heesung was furious and he tried to control himself. "Shut up." He answered him with a low voice, watching how your hips moved as you walked. Fuck. He thought.
"Your dream came true, Heesung. Remember?” Jake spoke with a smirk and Heesung shook his head at him. He hinted at it when he once said about you that he would fuck you or that he would at least want to taste you. And how he really likes your ass… At that moment he was drunk, he did not realize what he was saying. But the boys always gave him a hard time and always remind him that.
Even though he found you annoying, there was something about you that attracted him. It was probably the way you always answered him without interest or the way you always got angry with him for every stupid thing. But sometimes he wanted to silence you. He wanted to shut you up so you would stop talking.
You opened the bathroom door and when you were about to close it behind you, a boy's hand wrapped around your wrist. He slipped into the bathroom with you and scanned you from head to toe. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were darker than usual, which you had never seen before.
"Really, stalking me to the bathroom?" You asked him with a raised eyebrow. Heesung moved closer to you and you took a step back. "Are you okay?" You asked him again when he didn't answer the question, but he ignored you again and slammed you against the wall. Your back immediately hit the wall and his hands were placed next to your head. He took a deep breath and followed your expression with his eyes.
"Did you enjoy that?" He asked and you smirked at him. His eyes slid from yours to your parted lips. "Did you?" You asked back. The truth was that you enjoyed it. You enjoyed how his muscles tensed every time you moved a little. And he knew you did enjoyed it. A small chuckle escaped his lips, but he wasn’t amused he looked like he was furious, desperate even. He sqeezed his eyes for a moment and he slammed the wall right next to your head which made you jump a little.
“Fuck! You’re driving me insane.” You swallowed loudly and you watched how his chest was rising up and down heavily. Heesung licked his bottom lip, his head was tilted to the side slightly. “Do I?” Even though your heart was beating fast and your breath was heavier, you teased him back, being curious how long does it take for him to snap completely. He turned his head to you, his face just a few centimetres away from yours. He could smell an alcohol from your breath.
“Listen me carefully, y/n.” Heesung leaned closer to you, your lips almost brushing against each other. His eyes were locked in with yours as you listened his every word. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” For a second you stopped breathing which he noticed, but he didn’t pull away from you.
“I’m not starting anything.” With a quiet confidence you replied and he only laughed at your statement. “Really? Cause you moving constantly on my lap and brushing your fucking ass against my cock is not starting anything, you say?” He created some distance between you two. You were taken aback by his words, you squeezed your thighs to stop the unpleasant throbbing feeling between your legs. Why did you like it so much when he looked at you so angrily? And why did you want to make him angry even more? It was probably the alcohol, but rather it was what you were secretly longing for in your mind. You never admitted it out loud, but sometimes you thought about him, but a little differently...
You clearly hated him, you hated his presence, but damn it. The way he looked, the way his lips always turned into a smirk that you would always want to scratch out of his handsome face.
“I know you liked it.” You smirked at him and he raised an eyebrow at your sentence. One of his hands wrapped around your neck and squeezed it, but not too much. "Really? That's why you did that?" He could feel on his hand how you swallowed loudly and how nervous you got. "Did you want to make me feel good? Or did you want to feel good? Hm, y/n?” He remarked when he saw that you pressed your thighs together. His arm was still wrapped around your neck and his gaze shifted from your thighs to your parted lips.
"I think you did that for yourself." His lips brushed around your ear. "Are you that desperate that you want to get fucked by the person you hate?" He shook his head at you and laughed. You were really pathetic. Well, he even more, because he didn't want anything else but to bend you over and fuck you.
“Now, you quiet.” He remarked when you remained silent, too lost to answer him at all. In reality, you really enjoyed it. His hand around your neck was something new for you and you felt even more horny. The way he spoke to you sent your mind elsewhere and the throbbing feeling between your legs rose.
“I should ask you that, because you pulled me first on your lap.” You said and his grip tightened even more, but you still had room to breathe. “Oh, y/n.” He laughed "because I could see on your eyes that you wanted to." He had read you from bottom to top. He saw in your eyes how you pretended that you didn't want to do it. But deep down you secretly longed for it, and so did he.
"That's not true." He raised an eyebrow at your sentence and tried not to laugh. He thought it was funny how you tried to pretend it was nothing. That you don’t have an unpleasant throbbing feeling between your legs. "Is it true? Because I can see you squeezing your legs.” Heesung redirected his eyes to your legs, while you parted your lips a little and let out a small sigh. You hated him. You hated how he had you readen from head to toe. But damn, why did he have to look so damn good?
He lifted your chin up with his hand and observed your face. You had that look on your face that was practically begging to be ruined. And oh god, how he wanted to ruin you. But not yet. He wanted to play with you, to tease you until you are begging for him to take your right here against the bathroom door. “Not much of a talker now, huh?” He let out with a chuckle as he bit his bottom lip, tilting his head to the side slightly. You were frozen. For the first time in your life, you remained quiet. You had the feeling that your heart will pound out of your chest. Heesung felt how you swallowed loudly and as you pushed your one hand against the door, trying to get some stability. His body was pressed against yours, his hard bulge pressing against your thigh. You could feel how hard he was, but you just looked into his eyes, being too lost for words. Only a sight of pleasure escaped from your mouth which he smirked at, being kind of proud and more confident that he made you let out a moan for just pressing his cock against your thigh.
The throbbing feeling between your legs was getting more and more unpleasant. Fuck, you just wanted him to fuck you right here. You didn’t give a single fuck, that you would regret it tomorrow. You needed him.
Without another thought you pressed your lips against his. The kiss was hungry, sloppy. Heesung was kind of impressed and surprised that you kissed him first, but he didn’t fight back. He returned the kiss, his one hand still wrapped around your neck, while his another hand was gripping your waist tightly. His body was pressing you hard against the door. “Fuck.” He mumbled into the kiss as he licked with his tongue the corner of your mouth asking for entrance. You opened your mouth and let him slide his wet tongue into your mouth, exploring it. The kiss was heated, your chest was rising up heavily as his hands roamed all over your body, enjoying every bit of it.
Your fingers slowly made their way to his jeans, trying to unbutton them, but he caught your hand and in one swift movement and he put it above your head. He watched how your eyebrows furrowed, being desperate to be fucked. With his hand that was previously wrapped around your neck before, he slowly put your dress up above your hip, exposing your clothed core. He remained his eye contact with you as he run his index finger across it and he watched how you opened your mouth.
“Fuck, being this wet from just kissing.” Heesung leaned closer to your ear, almost licking your earlobe. “You really are desperate.” You bit your lip as you tried to say something but he shut you down immediately, he let go of your hand above your head and wrapped it around your neck again, squeezing it.
“Ah, you just won’t shut up, will you?” His eyes darkened a little and you swallowed. With one finger he pushed your panties to the side and he pressed one finger to your wet pussy. You squeezed your eyes at his touch and he smirked at that. He enjoyed how you listened him, how wet you were just for him. He wanted to ruin you in every way possible. You threw your head bqck slightly as he watched you squirm at his touch. "Would you like if I touched you lower? If I slid my fingers inside your pussy?" He asked crudely, his voice low as you squeezed your eyes, but he moved his hand from your throat to your jaw, bringing your head back. His finger brushed against your bottom lip as he waited for your answer, keeping an eye contact with you.
“Please.” He smirked at your desperate plea, finding immense satisfaction in reducing you to this state. His finger pressed harder against your wet pussy, feeling the heat emanating from your body. "Please what?" He teased, his breath hot on your ear. "Please stop? Or please touch you more?" The way he was looking at you was driving you crazy and how his one finger was pressed against your pussy made you even more crazy. “More. Touch me more.” You mumbled as you closed your eyes again. “Ah, come on, don’t close your eyes, sweetie.” He noticed how you immediately closed your eyes when he pressed another finger. At his words your eyes shut open, he could see on your eyes how you begged for him for him to slide his fingers into you. Slowly, he spread your folds and pushed one finger inside your tight hole. Right away, your mouth fell open and you let out a moan and he put his other hand on your hip, keeping you still.
He pressed his mouth to your lips again, kissing you roughly. Then with a smirk on his face he made his way down. Leaving a wet kisses on the corner of your mouth, your jaw, then your neck. At first he left a lot of wet kisses but then he bit your skin, sucking on it. He made a good time on it, marking you up as he owned you. And he did. While his finger curled inside you, stroking that special spot that made you gasp every time.
"Want another?" Heesung asked against your neck as he felt your tight walls around his one finger. He didn’t even give you time to respond to his question, he just added another finger in, stretching you. With your hand you made your way towards his hair and you pulled one strand of his hair, making him moan against your neck and sending shivers down his spine.
He pulled away from your neck and he observed the red bruise on it. Being proud he bit his bottom lip and then he shifted his gaze at your face. Your cheeks were red, your eyes were looking desperately at him and your lips were parted as you wanted to say something but only moans came out from your mouth. His fingers started to move faster, pumping in and out of your soaked pussy. "You like that?" He asked huskily, his thumb pressing against your clit. "You like my fingers inside you?" A moan escaped from you again and you shook your head at his question. His hand grabbed your jaw firmly. “Come on, sweetie. Answer my question.” "He smirked as he observed your already fucked face, his thumb circling your clit. "Say you like my fingers inside you." He added a third finger, filling you completely. You whimpered at the sudden fullness, struggling to hold back your cries. "Say it,"
“Fuck, y-yes. I like your fingers inside me, Hee.” The nickname sent a shiver down his spine again, he chuckled and shook his head at your response being satisfied. “Good girl. I knew you could answer me properly.” He leaned closer to your ear, his hand still gripping your jaw tightly. “You just need to be scolded, right? But you like it.” His hot breath against your ear move to your lips, almost touching against. “It turns you on even more, doesn’t it?” A smirk appeared on his face as he felt your walls tighten even more as he teased you.
“Y-yes.” You replied with a swallow as you tried to control your breathing. His fingers curved inside you, hitting that sweet spot again and again. "You're so wet," He growled, "Your pussy is sucking my fingers like a good girl." When he added a fourth finger, stretching you mercilessly, you immediately shut your eyes, the pleasure being just too much. “Ah, look at me, sweetie.” His voice was low as he made you look at him, his hand moved from your jaw to your hair as he made you look down, how his fingers disappeared into your pussy, stretching you out perfectly.
“Pretty, right?” He asked. “Pretty, how my fingers disappear into you, hm?” You swallow and your mouth fell open at his statement, he made you watch how his fingers slide in and out of you. You could feel your inner walls stretching to accommodate his four thick fingers. He watched your face contort with pleasure and discomfort, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your swollen nub.
When he felt that you were close, he pulled his fingers out of you. Your mouth fell open as you felt sudden emptiness. “You thought I would let you come, just like that?” He chuckled as he observed his fingers being covered with your juices. “Not a chance.” He added as he watched your whimpering face. With a slow movement he pressed his four fingers to his lips and he puts them into his mouth, licking them but keeping an eye contact with you. He let out a moan as he licked your juices, being even more hard than before. You were out of breath, still feeling the throbbing wet feeling between your legs. It felt so empty within his fingers. After he was done with cleaning his fingers from your juices, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you against the bathroom sink, your back facing him.
He pressed his hard length against your ass, rubbing it against you. "Feel how hard you make me feel?” You gasped when he pressed his cock against you. Even though he still had his clothes on, you could feel how big and hard he was. Heesung made an eye contact with you through the large mirror infront of you, smirking at you. Fuck, you looked so perfect. Your eyes practically begging to be bent over and being fucked against this sink, roughly.
With his fingers he unbuckled his belt and pulled his jeans and his boxers in one swift move down. Then he grabbed the hem of your panties and he pulled them down slowly. He put one hand on your ass and one hand on your hip, gripping it hard. All of sudden he gave your ass a rough slap which made your mouth fall open in an instant. Without hesitation you grabbed the sink, supporting yourself more. He smirked as you whimper, your back arching slightly. He slapped your ass again, harder this time, leaving a red mark on your butt cheek. He could see your body shiver with unexpected pleasure. “You like it, y/n?” For a while you remain silent watching him through the mirror. “Come on, answer my simple question.” He pressed against you more harder and he whispered into your ear, his voice low but commanding.
“Yes.” You moaned and shook your head in an agreement, a wide smirk appeared on his face once more, enjoying the sight of your ass and your arched back just for him. God, how he wanted to slide his cock into your soaked pussy.
With a teasing move, he pressed his tip against your pussy from behind, enjoying how wet you were. Your chest was moving up rapidly as you squeezed your eyes for a moment as you felt his tip brushing against you, teasing you. “Please.” With a moan you started to beg for him to slide his dick into you, stretch you out. Being amused by your begging he let out a chuckle as he looked into your eyes through the mirror.
“Ah, please what? Please stop?” He started and you immediately interrupted him. “Please just fuck me.” You blurted out, being desperate and without warning he slammed his cock into you. He didn’t even give you a time to adjust to his length he started thrusting into you, gripping your hip tightly. He buried his face in your neck from behind as he speeded up his pace. You let out a small cry as he kept thrusting into you, his hips slamming against your ass.
“You wanted it.” He grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your head back. “Fucking take it like the whore you are.”
Heesung let out a moan as he felt your tight walls around his dick. “Hee-“ He smirked when he heard you moan his name, feeling your pussy clench deliciously around his cock. "That's it, moan my name," He growled, pounding into you relentlessly. His hips slapped against your ass with each powerful thrust, the dirty sound echoing in the bathroom.
When your legs started to shake, he let go of your hair and he put his hand on your hip, making you stay in the place so he could thrust into you more deeply. The pleasure for you was just too much, his cock thrusting into you deeply, hitting every right spot inside you. He noticed the tears welling up in your eyes and a wicked grin spreaded across his face as he leaned in close, whispering huskily in your ear, his chest resting against your back. "Are you crying, sweetie? Does my cock feel that fucking good, hm?” He left a wet kiss behind your ear as he kept an eye contact with you waiting for your answer.
“Too good.” You replied, your cheeks were flushed red, your eyes watery as you looked at him through the mirror. His eyes were dark and there was something possessive in them, something you couldn’t quite place. There was a huge grin playing on his face as he kept thrusting you, your bodies slamming against each other. Only moans echoing in the bathroom.
He felt you were close to the edge and so was he. You closed your eyes immediately, enjoying how his cock felt inside you. Heesung noticed how you closed your eyes and in an instant he grabbed your jaw, making you look in the mirror. “Look how pretty you are when I fuck you so good, y/n” You opened your eyes at his order and you were met with your fucked face. “God, you’re so pretty, right?” His grip on your jaw was tight as he scanned your face again and again. When he noticed that your legs started to shake and how your inner muscles tighten around his length, he knew you were close. So he pulled back slightly and thrusted deep and hard, making you cry out. He did it again and again, each thrust hitting your sweet spot. His fingers dig into your hips possessively.
“Fuck, fuck. You- you feel so good.” He moaned as he kept repeating the process. God, he wanted to this for so long. He wanted to make you shut up like this for so long and he did. He finally did. "You're so close, aren't you?" The sound of his hips slapping against your ass filled the room. He could feel your pussy fluttering around him, ready to tighten. “F-fuck yes, Hee~!” You were a moaning mess and fuck, how he enjoyed that.
"Who is fucking you this good?”
“Say it like you mean it," He snapped, his hand tightening on your jaw even more, forcing you to look into his eyes more properly through the mirror. His eyes bore into yours, full of intensity and desire. He thrusted deep again and held himself there, his thick cock pulsing inside you. "Say my fucking name."
“Heesung.” You moaned his name loud desperately and he began thrusting into you once again.
“Again.” His grip on your hip possessive and he squeezed his eyes as he felt your walls tighten more and more against his cock.
“Heesung!” He let go of your jaw and put another hand on your hip too. His name echoed through the bathroom as you finally broke apart, your pussy contracting around his length in powerful waves. “Fuck.” He buried his face inside the back of your neck as he still kept thrusting into you chasing his own high. He knew that he was hurting you, but at that moment he didn’t give a fuck. He heard your crying of course he did, but he was too lost. Too lost making himself good.
For the last time he thrusted into you and he came inside you. Filling you up so good, that you felt full by his cum. For a moment he stayed like that, catching his breath. His large body draped over yours as he nuzzles your neck, inhaling your scent deeply. His cock was still pulsing inside you as you were trying to catch your breath. “Fuck.” He mumbled against your neck as he realised that he fucked you in the bathroom and he enjoyed it. He enjoyed how your pussy felt against his cock. This wasn’t definitely the last time he fucked you. He wanted to be buried inside you every fucking day.
Slowly he pulled out and you let out a small sigh as you feel sudden emptiness. He looked at you through the mirror, his gaze taking in your flushed face, your messy hair, your smudged mascara from your crying. He wanted to fuck you again and again.
But he kept his cool and he took a step back from you, leaving you the space to pull away from the sink. He noticed his cum leaking down your thighs slowly and he smirked. Heesung grabbed some napkin and he kneeled down infront of you. Your eyes widened slightly as he cleaned you up. You cleared your throat at the sight and swallowed. He stood up and looked into your eyes, waiting for you to say something. But you remained silent, don’t know what to say and still thinking about how he just fucked you a second ago.
You grabbed your panties from the floor and put it on, then sliding your dress down. He himself put his jeans on, put a belt on too and then he scanned you again. When he noticed one strand of your hair sticking out he leaned closer and put it behind your ear. His touch was gentle, something you’ve never felt before. You nervously bit your lip as he moved his hand to cup your cheek with a soft touch. The awkwardness in the bathroom rose and your confidence just washed away. You didn’t feel like before, you felt too exposed. Too vulnerable now. And he noticed that. He noticed how you felt all of nervous sudden. And that’s what he wanted. To break you.
When you both step out from the bathroom and walked back, trying to act like nothing happened. Jay immediately yelled with a mischievous smirk on his face.
“Finally you guys fucked.”
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