#there was a prompt to combine your first fandom with your current fandom
druidonity2 · 1 year
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Invaders of Pandaria
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thepromptfoundry · 8 months
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The prompt theme for February 2024 is a Fannish Fest February!
Come, join in the party, celebrate your fandoms, fandom history, and community!
If you use this list, please tag me here @thepromptfoundry, I’d love to see your writing and art!
Feel free to combine different days' prompts with each other, or combine them with other seasonal events. Respond to as many prompts as you want or as interest you, don’t worry about missing or skipping any. Remember, this is supposed to be fun!
If you have any questions or musings, check our FAQ, and if you don't find your answer, shoot me an ask.
Plain text list below the cut:
1 Your First Fandom 2 Your Current Blorbo 3 A Character Who Deserves More Love 4 Your Favorite Bit Of Fannish History 5 Characters Swapping Clothes 6 A Fannish OC (yours or someone else's) 7 Patching A Plot Hole 8 A Fanfic Trope You Always Love 9 A headcanon with canon support 10 A headcanon with no canon support 11 Cosplay 12 A Character Who's Totally Not Dead 13 If The Characters Found The Fanworks 14 Your OTP (or OT3+) 15 A Crossover 16 A Fanfic Trope You're Very Picky About 17 A Ship You Don't Ship, But Do Respect 18 The Sequel We Deserve But Never Got 19 Different Versions Of The Same Character 20 A Friend's Blorbo 21 A Fandom You Didn't Expect To Get Into 22 A Non-Human Character Made Human 23 A Human Character Made Non-Human 24 A Rarepair 25 How You Would Do A Gritty Reboot 26 A Villain Who's So Good At Being Bad 27 Your Smallest/Least Active Fandom 28 A Bit Of Backstory 29 What The Future Holds (Post-Canon)
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fuckyeahfraxus · 1 month
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Fraxus Week
                                      is approaching for yet another year!
We haven't forgotten or dropped this event! Due to admins' personal issues, it takes place around a different time this year. Thank you all so much for your patience and your continuous love and support ❣️
Save the dates and please help spreading the word as much as possible. Even if you don't plan on participating, it would be a great help if you share the post 😊. Every reblog helps us to get the information around, so nobody misses the oppourtunity ❣️
As every year we can't wait to see what you guys will come up with for the prompts and thank you for everyone who sent in their suggestions. We made sure to try and mix and match them well!! It's always a highlight of the year and it's so amazing to see that the love and fandom for this incredible ship still very much existent and strong. Newbie or oldie, we welcome you!
The week will being on the 31st of August with the first Bonus day (we call it Fraxus Week Eve) and end on the 8th of September with the second Bonus day, as usual. The rules haven’t changed but please make sure to read them again, especially if this is gonna be your first time participating.
So, the prompts, finally, - here goes!
August 31st/Fraxus Week Eve: (Dancing in the) Rain / Height of Summer
September 1st/Day 1: Learn how to love / Transformation
September 2nd/Day 2: Sports & Competition
September 3rd/Day 3: Hidden moments
September 4th/Day 4: Dusk/Dawn or Moonlight/Shooting Stars
September 5th/Day 5: Solace / Haunted
September 6th/Day 6: Mischief and Debauchery
September 7th/Day 7: Guildmates / Family
September 8th/Bonus day: Mythology AU/Crossover or Videogame/Movie AU/Crossover
Everyone is allowed to participate and basically every sort of entry is allowed! Art, a fanfic, edits, headcanons, …everything! Just make sure that it has to do with Fraxus and does not imply something else/negative/other ships/trigger topics like r*pe etc! It also shouldn’t include something n.sfw. Entries bordering on n.sfw or suggestive mentions are alright.
Please put at least one of the tags fraxusweek or fraxus week in the first five tags of your entry! fraxus will suffice, too, if you forget to tag it otherwise but using the first two named tags will just make it easier for us to find the entries for this week! If you have twitter, you can also post your entries there with the tags!
You can also combine prompts, create multiple pieces per prompt or not use the prompts at all. If you’re not inspired by any of them, it’s okay to do your own thing or do something similar to the prompts.
The prompts can take place in the Canon Verse or an Alternate Universe, it's up to you!
Don’t worry about being late/on time! Late entries are always welcome, no matter how late. We know that things can get stressful very easily, so don’t worry about it!
Do not steal other people’s content! That won’t be accepted and that applies not only to this week but in general. Also refrain from reposting somebody's work without permission.
You can also submit your entries to our blog if you want.
If you’ve got any questions, just shoot us a an ask or a private message!
That’s it! We’re super looking forward to the event again. Let’s celebrate our beautiful ship!
The artwork on the banner is drawn by the absolutely lovely @intelligentbiscuit! We used it with their permission and want to give a shoutout for y'all to go and support their artwork! Y'all can find the original artwork post right >here< and they're also currently taking commissions. Thank you again for allowing us to use your artwork for the banner <3 😊
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fluffruaryprompts · 1 year
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🌹💐Hello and Welcome to our first Fluffruary!🌷🪻
We hope to make this an annual thing if this first year goes well!
Let’s fill this month of February with love and fluffy times! We’ve made up a month of prompts, and even have some Prompt Extras!❤️
Prompt Extras!
We made this as we realize some of these prompts are not for everyone, so we hope to be more inclusive with these extras! You can use them to replace some of the prompts on the original list. Feel free to replace whatever you’d like if a prompt does not work for you - no explanation needed!🩷
You can also use these prompts if you just like them and feel like doing something extra!🩵
Have fun with these extra prompts, and we will be voting on them at the end of the month to see what are the top five and you all would like to keep!💛
Below the cut you’ll find all our rules, posting info, all prompts in writing, as well as some explanations for prompts we feel might need some clarification.♥️
If you have any questions, please ask. We want this to go as smoothly as possible, no questions are bad.💚
We hope you like these prompts, now
💕Happy Creating!💞
Standard Blog Rules & FAQ
No inc*st or p*dophilia - we can’t keep you from writing it or creating art for it but it will not be reblogged.
No hate or ship bashing - we are all different and we all love different things. As long as it does not go against rule # 1, it is allowed.
Tag correctly! Trigger warnings (including cheating!), ships, ratings, (pure) smut, etc - is all fine as long as you tag it.
There is absolutely no word count. It can be as short and as long as you would like to make it.
In regards to art, anything goes: drawings, paintings, collages, mood boards, gif sets, videos, playlist… the sky’s the limit (though not really…)
While we can not force you to write fluff or crest fluffy art, please try to keep in mind that this is a fluff event! 🧡
You can start writing and/or rating as soon as you see this - but please refrain from posting before the respective day. We have released this early as we want to give those who need time to plan everything out a chance to join.
You can participate on as many days as you like, even if it’s just one: you can also create multiple entries for the same day.
You can replace prompts from the original list with either or all of our extra prompts; you can also mix them with the original prompts or create for them in addition to the 29 original prompts, that’s completely up to you!
It is okay to write one story/a series for all the prompts as long as it’s separated into chapters and the respective chapter/work is posted on the given day.
You do not have to stick to one ship! Or even one fandom! Switch as often as you would like to or even write for multiple ships in one day! This is the month of love after all!
THE SHIP DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A ROMANTIC ONE! Friend and Family feels are more than welcome. There is more than just romantic love!
This event is currently not combined with Whumpruary.
Late entries are always welcome, even if it’s months later.
All fandoms and ships are welcome - canon and fanon. As long as they are of age (in case you want to add smut) and not related.
Posting to Tumbler
Please use the tag #fluffruary2024
Since tags are sometimes wonky, make sure to @ us on the post.
We will try to catch them all, but please do not be mad if we miss a post or if it gets reblogged late.
If you are absolutely certain that a post has slipped past us, feel free to send us an ask with the link to your post.
To make reblogging easier for us, make sure to add the following tags: #fluffruary2024 , #Fluffruary , #day [xy] , #[ship and/or main character(s)]
If you are using an prompt extra tag it as #alt [number]
Posting to Ao3
We do not yet have a collection yet on Ao3, however, if you use the tags fluffruary2024 and Fluffruary , we may hopefully be able to find it. We will make a collection sooner, and will make a separate post addressing that.
Late entries are always welcome on both Tumbler and Ao3! Neither will close but reblogs will become less regular as more months pass.
First Sight
First Date
Cozy Shelter
Ice Skating
Small Gestures
Cold hands, Warm heart
Quiet Company
True Love
Platonic Love
How Far We’ve Come
Dancing in the moonlight
Happily Ever After
Something extra!
Extra Prompts
Alt 1: True Friendship
Alt 2: Loop
Alt 3: Seasons
Alt 4: Song
Alt 5: Birds
Alt 6: Shared Excitement
Alt 7: Fishing
Alt 8: Chocolate
Alt 9: Movie/play
Alt 10: Truth or Dare
Enjoy Fluffruary! Can not wait to see your work!
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threepandas · 4 months
(But first! Art link! I found the edited version. The ORIGINAL is better VVV)
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As I mentioned on my LAST Yandere!Afo? The person Afo most wants to fuck? Is HIMSELF. But NOT as his own equal. God, No. He'd kill that treacherous, no doubt attempting to usurp him, snake in the grass IMMEDIATELY. He's an awful and untrustworthy WRETCH. He would know.
No, no, the man AfO MOST wants to fuck?
Is a slightly to moderately YOUNGER version of himself.
Someone WEAKER. Someone he can OVERPOWER. Watch as they struggle helplessly in his grip. He wants a GAME. To watch them LOSE. See the realization in their eyes, that they've been outmatched all along. Played. That their stubborn pride means NOTHING before him.
He loves himself. Is OBSESSED with himself. But at the same time? Wants to break that other self down and make him? Helpless, pathetic, and dirty.
Submit to him.
Refuse him.
Show him your RAGE.
And? We can argue all day, about whether he is heterosexual, homosexuality, bi or pansexual. A raging narcissist (he is). If he's Ace as FUCK. But? For the purpose of THIS post and prompt? I am commenting upon his boner for himself. His Selfcest aspect. So we're all going to go with it.
He? Wants to Fuck This Man:
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This one right here. Biiiiiit older of course, as this is baby faced Teen AfO. But? Twink AfO. Early-mid-late Twenties lookin, "I think I'm an adult but am wildly unprepared to handle the manipulations of a Seasoned Adult" baby faced, arrogant lil shit. Proud and sneering. Disdainful.
THATS the one he wants to slam full force, with super strength, not just down ONTO a flat surface, but THROUGH and right into the ground until it CRATERS. Hold him down by the NECK and choke him slowly as he takes his time. Make him watch as he destroys his precious little suit, his put together appearance, do as he pleases.
See the FURY in his eyes. The hatred. The kindling, obsessive, need for REVENGE.
You have NO idea how many times he's gotten off on that fantasy. Idly kept an eye out for Time and Reality Hopping Quirks. There is, after all, only so much relief quirks and his own touch can provide, in the end. He IS but a man. Even he gets... frustrated.
But? As they say? Every human on earth supposedly has 7 doppelgangers. Especially when you don't FUCKIN DIE. It was bound to happen EVENTUALLY. The right combination of genetics and Quirks. Lightning striking once again.
Perhaps they are distantly related through his mother's unknown family. Perhaps his father's. Impossible to tell. The traits were obviously VERY recessive. But? White hair, familiar eyes. A... "copy" quirk.
The young man is LYING.
Unlike himself, the younger man requires all five fingers touching. A variation of his own. Dressed sharply, he is a vicious lawyer. One with a preference for the poor, discriminated, underclasses. Those with DANGEROUS Quirks. Useful ones.
He greets everyone with a firm, American style, handshake.
AfO is ENTRACED. How many HUNDREDS must he have by now? A net, thrown to collect indiscriminately, until something useful appears? Does he piece them together? The weaker quirks? CAN he? Like AfO? Can only take or can he give as well? But, ah, why SHOULD he?
A little demon prince, pretending to be the benevolent hero. The white knight on shining steed. Here to save the day. How GREATFUL they all are! Afo laughs and laughs. Oh, how it takes him back.
And? They never see him coming. How could they? He is a ghost of a shadow, hidden in the dark. They think they are unique! Their own special brand of predator. Unaware there is something bigger, meaner, hunting THEM.
I imagine AfO has ALOT of fun.
But! That's for part two!
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hetaberia-week · 6 months
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‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧⠀⠀here are your rules !
1. this event focuses on portugal and spain. you are not obliged to make content about both of them, but must focus on at least one in each work you produce;
2. use the #hetaberia week 2024 tag (in the first 5 tags) and @hetaberia-week so we can find and reblog your work;
3. the free day token allows you to pass on prompts and create anything you want. we are going to monitor this and allow only one token per person. after all, it defeats the idea of hosting an event if every day is a free day;
4. you can make multiple works for one day/prompt and can also combine prompts if you see fit - it's up to you!;
5. your submissions must be appropriately tagged, including characters, ships, and any content warnings that apply (e.g. #cw gore, #wfsn, #spuk, #hws portugal, #aph spain). additionally, if writing about characters in a platonic relationship, you can tag your work #platonic to clarify this to others;
6. a list of content we will not accept: inc*st, n-con, p*dophilia, n*crophilia. for those using the 'historical' prompt, please avoid topics covering current affairs, dictatorships, extremism, g*nocide, etc. we feel this is not the event for these sorts of topics. we expect sensitivity and respect from participants, and we will not share works we believe are inappropriate at our own discretion;
7. we will also not accept any harrassment, ship-bashing, general nastiness or bullying. this want this to be a safe space for creators and expect everyone to be respectful. if you don't like something, scroll away;
8. we welcome any ships for this event! it's all about generating new things for the fandom to enjoy, no matter how niche or rare or popular or cliché! we want to see it all!;
9. enjoy! divirta-se! ¡disfruta!
𓆝.° 。 psst, have you seen the prompts yet? if not, check out the full list, available here!
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Anatomy of a Prompt List
This is one part of the current guide-in-progress; it's currently only available here on tumblr, but will be available on the SYWMAFW website when the full guide is complete.
You've seen this graphic before in Fanworks Step by Step, with a simple breakdown; it's time now to get into what it all means!
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▌ 1. Header ▌ 2. Event dates ▌ 3. Day listings ▌ 4. Event prompts ▌ 5. Social links ▌ NOT NUMBERED: Dividers, border, background.
Check below the cut for details!
A prompt list graphic has five (5) required features; the rest will be based on your own tastes, preferences, and level of skill in graphic design.
▌1 · Header
Should be the most prominent text element on the graphic, as this is what prospective participants need to see in order to decide if they're interested. The theme should be prominent and clear from a quick glance, although leaning into more thematic elements in styling is definitely encouraged.
▌2 · Event Dates
This section should also be set apart from the list itself, although it doesn't need to be as prominent as the header. This is counterintuitive, since the dates are probably the second most important piece of information with regard to planning and organization, but they are less important to participants than the prompts!
▌3 · Day Listings
These are less important all around, but should be stylistically distinct in order to create a sense of "flow" through the graphic; like columns in a spreadsheet or headings in a paper, these are the guideposts by which the prompts themselves are arranged.
▌4 · Event Prompts
This graphic's raison d'être! As the reason it exists in the first place, these need to be set apart from the rest of the graphic in some way. Whether this is done with typefaces, color, styling or spacing (or some combination thereof), the most important thing is that they're easily readable.
▌5 · Social Links
The most important direction on the graphic, these must be included. There's a chance that the list will be posted on its own into a group chat or reposted to a different social platform, and people need to know where to go to participate! Conversely, you don't want the social links standing out too much, as they can take attention away from the rest of the image, and that can damage the first impression of prospective participants.
▌Unmarked Elements
On this graphic this includes the background, which in this case is white with a thick grey border, and the dividers between elements, which is an interpunct for delineation between the day listing and the prompts, and a spaced slash for separating main and alternate prompts. You can also divide elements strictly by using different styles, or even by using other elements in the graphic—in the sample, the line showing the event dates is used to separate the header from the prompts!
For comparison, here's a finished prompt list graphic that was actually used in a fan week event, and the same graphic broken down into individual elements defined above:
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You can see all five required elements represented clearly in the finished graphic; the positioning of these elements is different than the sample, but it follows all the same rules.
Here's the breakdown, presented in order from left to right and top to bottom:
The header (1) is placed at the top of the image and separated from the rest of the image both with the graphics used as dividers, but also because it's larger than the rest of the text and written in all caps. It lists the year in Roman numerals in order to thematically match with the fandom in question (Final Fantasy VII), each entry for which is numbered using Roman numerals.
The day listing (3) is shown next, also in Roman numerals, and separated from the prompts themselves through a combination of placement (being on the previous line) and graphical elements (the horizontal lines defining the numbers as subheadings).
The event prompts (4) are styled and divided in two ways, thanks to featuring three prompts total. The "main" prompts are a single word, as is traditional, while the alternate prompt is a short phrase, separated from the main prompts by being dropped onto another line and styled very differently.
The event dates (2) are placed in the footer of the graphic and written in Arabic numerals instead, in order to make it easy to read, while the actual text styling is identical to the header, pulling the image together.
There is only one social link (5) listed, and the platform for that link isn't mentioned—this is because, for this event, the URL is identical on both tumblr and twitter, which are the two main social platforms for the fandom in question, and also the only two where the event was advertised. (If the fandom in question were more active on other platforms and that URL wasn't available, they would have been listed individually as appropriate.)
The background and dividers in this case are quite complex, featuring imagery modified from official art, which will be detailed in the Advanced Design section in the full upcoming guide.
If you're still stuck on how to set up a prompt graphic from scratch, here's a whole gaggle of very basic prompt graphic templates that you can literally just fill in!
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Some replies!
Anonymous asked:
Do you have an Ao3 account?
I honestly forgot that I had one because I don’t read or write fics… so it’s just for leaving kudos from time to time when I remember to log in lol
Katsu’s account isn’t as empty as mine though! But Katsu doesn’t write fanfics very often; the one I posted a sketch for yesterday was the first twst one Katsu wrote.
Anonymous asked:
I was looking at Union birthday interviews again, and the deserted island answers spark some really really reallyinteresting scenarios... Stuck in a deserted island without Internet with a guy who now can do whatever he wants with you(r body) 👀👀👀 And you can't even complain because YOU chose him!!!
Truth to be told, I originally thought of this with Lilia/Vil considering how Lilia behaved back in Stitch event, but then I realized it could be so scrumptious with other ships too! Ruggie/Deuce, Kalim/Leona, Jack/Jamil (and these three who picked victims to stuck with on an deserted island: Jack/Epel, Rook/Silver, Ortho/Malleus)
I really love this question, I wish the next bunch of birthday interviews would have more “theoretical scenario” questions like this one. It’s like the characters themselves give us a prompt for a fic or a doujin lol Stuck in a deserted island…together…
Lilia/Vil on a deserted island sounds like a delightful time, but I also don’t know what Lilia did in the Stitch event, so maybe it’s not as delightful as I picture it LOL But all of these combinations are so fun… I think Rook/Silver and Ortho/Malleus are the ones I would love to see the most.
Also, if I remember correctly, Idia went through an entire list of characters before making his pick, the boy ANALYSED IT he is so picky!!
Anonymous asked:
I was rereading Lilia's union birthday card (spoilers now if you haven't watched it— you should!!!) And thinking that his ideal brother being someone who is not "boring or too independent" but more unpredictable and interesting is really silly when it sounds like his ideal "baby brother" is the total opposite of Silver lol 😭 I can't help but think Lilia has been waiting Silver's whole life for him to hit his rebellious phase and start acting out, but Silver remains as adoring and steadfast as ever... I wonder what Silver would think of this lol
OH I remember that one!! It’s funny how pretty much the first thing he said was “well not Vil or Trey”, like why would you even mention them then, Peepaw? So mean lol
It really is very easy to imagine Lilia waiting for Silver to become a little rebel… If he had had a moment of disobedience or brattiness, Lilia would’ve probably secretly be very pleased. It’s like wow! I’m raising a little firecracker. Or maybe it was a pleasant contrast with Malleus: finally, a child that isn’t trying to burn your face out of pettiness lol
Maybe Silver would get confused and/or upset by it… he is trying his best to be the best son for Lilia, and all this time Lilia just wanted more trouble?
Anonymous asked:
do you ever intend to watch cloudcalling on the savanna/tamashina mina? i know you’re not a big fan of leona and leona’s the star of the show, and i honestly can’t say i disagree with your criticisms of book 2 — frankly, if you said it’s the weakest book, the majority of the fandom would agree with you (and idk if you know but there’s a theory that book 2 was originally book 6, bc when the books were being announced before the game’s release, they were largely in order except savanaclaw being 6 instead of 2. which is admittedly not amazing evidence that the order was rearranged way too late in development, but it’d explain why b2 is so rushed and just… bad, and p. much all other advertisement and promotional material for the game since then has been in the current order). however i feel that this event does a lot for leona’s character, and also offers a lot of worldbuilding for the savanna and context for the way he is. almost like an apology for fumbling the bag on book 2 haha. i’m not trying to force you btw and it’s totally fair if you don’t want to or have other things you want to watch first!!! i’m just a faceless blob on the internet and i obviously can’t (and don’t want to!) force you. i just recommend this event, as a resident catboy lover and lion snuggler!! :3
besides that, are there any potential events that you want to see? for example i’d love an event that takes us to the coral sea, briar valley, or even the isle of woe!!
In general, Anon, we would love to watch all the events at some point (or at least the majority of them), but yeah to be honest Tamashina Mina isn’t really in our top-10 when it comes to priority.
Even though it has Lilia, Vil and Kalim, whom we love a lot, and actually learning more about Savanna would be very cool, and the idea of Leona’s character being better written there is inviting, I guess we’re just not in a Leona mood most of the times lol It all boils down to how I just don’t like the way he is written the majority of times. This balance always feels off somehow, and the way he bounces off other characters doesn’t feel as fun, but maybe it’s due to my personal taste and me disliking this type of character in general. I don’t even know how to describe it in a way that makes sense.
But the thing is, Leona has moments that I genuinely enjoy; for example, I love it when he gets called out or when he is stuck in a funny situation. I liked his fighting scene in the Playful Land event (if you know you know, I’m not spoiling it since it’s not out in EN yet) because it shows him being smart and skilled and then adds a punchline on top of it. So it’s not completely impossible even for me have fun with Leona, and I hope this event has moments like this. But we’ll see… eventually.
The theory that Book 2 was originally Book 6 makes sense because it feels super rushed and “raw” with writing all over the place at times… Honestly, I hope we’ll get some info on it at some point! I doubt we ever will unfortunately, but it would explain a lot. But I’m happy with their order now because we got a lot of stuff from Book 6, which we love so dearly. If Leona had to be sacrificed for it, so be it, we won’t complain lol
THE CORAL SEA EVENT, YES!!! This is the one we are the most excited about, I really hope we’ll get to see it soon! And Briar Valley too of course, and the Isle of Woe since in my head I almost always picture S.T.Y.X. facility, which is so unfair because they have their own (fake) ecosystem underwater, so it’s pretty much Greece-like place!
More events…. more….
It also depends a little bit on the character combo which participates in the event, we clearly have our biases too lol Events with the characters that we strongly ship will most likely get our attention asap. We actually planned on watching the Stitch event back in April, but personal stuff made us delay it for so long that it actually came out in English. We didn’t want to overlap with the Western fanbase, so instead we watched White Rabbit Fest and Ghost Marriage Event or whatever it’s called. The second one is not fully watched though, I’ll mention the reason below. And now I’m not at home so we won’t be able to finish it properly.
What hinders us in most cases is the lack of non-official translations because as soon as the official one is out, nobody is going to bother with translating the event since it doesn’t make sense. But it matters to us :c Same with vignettes, which are even less likely to get translated after their EN release. It ruins the flow of watching TWST by making us constantly looking for videos with the events being unfinished or nobody bothering with the vignettes for the event. It’s a pity, but I understand that it’s a very hard work to translate stuff in general and not to get demotivated by the official translations, because who then needs yours? I NEED!!! Please...
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mazerunner-rarepairs · 5 months
Maze Runner Rarepair Bingo: Rules and FAQ
Which ships qualify as rareships?
All ships with less than 150 fics where they are the main ship posted to ao3.
Qualify: Brenderesa, Soniet, Minally, Nally, Trenda, Nalby + all other possible ships you can think of!
Don't qualify: Thomesa, Thomally, Newtmas, Thominho, Minewt, Thominewt
When does the event take place?
The bingo runs throughout the month of May - May 1st to May 31st.
Read on for rules & FAQ 🔽
When posting, tag this blog and add the tumblr tag #rareshipbingo2024. Indicate which square your submission fills.
Fic and Artwork needs to be original, that means created for the event.
Any submission types are welcome for the Rarepair Bingo. fanart, fic, fanvids, moodboards, podfics - knock yourselves out!
The AO3 board however can only be filled with fic.
All topics are allowed, the one important thing is to tag your works appropriately. With darker themes err on the side of caution. If you're unsure, feel free to reach out.
If you post nsfw fics to tumblr, make sure you put the text under a read more break (just type :readmore: and hit enter).
You must be 18+ to submit explicit content.
I will be marking all nsfw submissions with the community label for sexually explicit content, so those who don't want to see nsfw submissions make sure to enable community labels.
This event allows all kind of content regarding maturity and topic - I expect followers and participants to practise good fandom culture and adhere to the don't like don't read principle. No bashing ships or tropes you personally don't like.
Unnecessarily hateful comments are to be deleted without response after you notify me, the mod, about them. (Just message this blog)
Upload your fics to the AO3 collection .
Addition made on May 5th: platonic ships are also allowed! For more info see this post.
Clarification: the rarepair needs to be the main focus of the fic. pairings that don't qualify as rareships can appear in your work, but only as a side ship. if you're unsure about this rule feel free to contact me.
Is there a minimum word count for fics? No.
Are poly ships allowed? Yes.
Can one submission count for multiple squares from the same board? No. You have to decide which square you want to "use" your submission on, even if it combines prompts.
Can one submission fount for 2 squares on different boards? Yes! Eg if you write a fic for the square "poetry" and it's also the first fic for a ship, it can count for both the poetry square and the "write the first fic for a ship".
Can I submit WIPS? Yes.
Can I submit new chapters of a current WIP? Yes. If you have a rareship fic that you've been dying to continue, feel free to use the bingo as a motivator!
When is the reblogging perios? May 1-31st.
How does the Extra Rare Advanced AO3 Bord (For The Very Insane) work?
All the AO3 squares are to be filled in regards to the AO3 tag before April 22 - today.
Example: if you want to write a Rachel/Miyoko fic, and someone coincidentally would post one before the start of the bingo, your Rachel/Miyoko fic would still count for the "Be the first to write a ship" square.
Similarly, and using the same example as before, if 2 bingo participants decided they wanted to write Rachel/Miyoko, the person who posts their submission second would still get to fill the "Be the first to write a ship" square.
This applies to all AO3 squares:
If your fic is longer than all the fics posted before April 22, it fills the "Write the longest existing fic for a ship" square.
If before April 22nd there was no "General Audiences" rated fic for the rareship of your choice, your fic fills the "Be the first to write a rating no one has written for the ship before" square.
If you need help using the AO3 filtering system to figure out if you would be the first to write for a ship or for any of the other AO3 squares, drop this blog an ask and I'll help you out! I know not everyone is familiar with AO3 and I want this event to be open to everyone, including AO3 newcomers.
If any questions remain, don't hesistate to get in touch!
This post may be edited if further questions arise.
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
Pink Scarf - PART 13 (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: kinda
(Read more here--Pink Scarf Series Masterlist!)
Prompt: You are part of Elvis Presley's coveted inner circle, and the currently-disgruntled wife of one of the members of Elvis' famous entourage, the Memphis Mafia. After Elvis' dynamite first performance in Vegas, you find yourself in deep water when his magnetism finally gets to you after all these years.  [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: Spanking. Dom!Elvis and dom/sub dynamics. Rough sex. ANGST. Panic attack (sort of?). Jealousy. Cussing. Infidelity. Historical inaccuracies in the Vegas timeline. Priscilla doesn't exist in this timeline.  
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)        ||     Word Count: 5,073
A/N: Woo baby, here we go again, ya'll! I know some of y'all were feeling lots of things after Part 12, so here's the hopefully-interesting conclusion to that particular encounter. But be warned, Reader and Elvis are very much still going through it with a lot of big emotions and reactions to those emotions.
(Also, the convo about the moon is real *sob*, though of course not to our reader originally.)
You will also notice the addition of the Pink Scarf Series Masterlist! I've pinned it as the top post on my page as well as changed it at the top of all the chapter parts. This will hopefully help end the confusing navigation issues that people were running into. I'm sorry it took so long. I will likely add some fun post links for the playlist and photos from the different eras referenced in different parts for funsies at some point!
As always, to all my babies, honeys, and lil' mamas supporting me out there, your reactions, reblogs, messages, asks, and comments you've given me have been a blessing beyond expression. You all are the best community a writer could ask for! Thank you so much for your support. I am loving getting to know y'all better! I love every reaction and comment and ask, and I'm sorry if I don't get back to them all as soon as I'd like but know that I love you all and am so excited to be making new friends! And a big "Hey, Y'all!" to Elvis Twitter, who stumbled into the Pink Scarf vortex and are now with us in the chokehold of '69 Pink Scarf Era Elvis and are supporting and sharing this lil' fic over there--I see you and appreciate you! 👀💋
If you feel so moved, please let me know what you think or how you're feeling (or send me asks)! I think I put everyone on the taglist who requested it, but please let me know if there are any issues or if I missed anyone. There seem to be some issues with tagging that I can't seem to fix, so please know I'm not leaving you out intentionally! Also, if you comment on a previous part that you want to be tagged, I might not always see it, so feel free to message me if I miss you!
I imagined this with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat! 
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch. 
(I did start cross-posting Pink Scarf to my long-neglected AO3 account (which some of you already discovered!), so if you are so inclined, you can check it out over there, though it's not all updated yet!)
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Elvis rises from the velvet couch. He looks incredible, powerful, his tan face flushed, those electric blue irises blown black with rage and lust, a combination that sends fear and excitement like a bolt of lightning down your spine.
Your chest begins to heave as he undoes his belt. He is staring daggers into you as he does so. Jaw clenching, those pouty lips in a stern line, he unzips his fly, letting his tailored pants fall down over his narrow hips. Even though you know you can stop this at any time, the way he’s looking at you makes you feel like you pushed him too far indeed, and he is not going to go easy on you, and a part of you is glad for it. You look up at him, eyes wide.
“Open that dirty lil’ mouth for me, y/n,” he orders, one hand pumping his dick. Precum already glistens on the tip, and the way he says your name feels like an admonishment. Your legs go weak at the implication of what he is commanding.
You obey, mouth dropping open, and he guides himself in. Your eyes roll back at the salty taste of him as he fills you.
“No, no, baby, you look at me while I punish you. Gotta see that you’re learnin’ your lesson,” Elvis says, grabbing your hair and pulling up, forcing your eyes to open.
His words have more wetness pooling in your core and at this rate, you’re worried you’ll drip on the expensive, lush couch. You look up and Elvis looks positively godlike and gorgeous looming over you, his mouth popping open and eyes wild with desire as you widen your tongue over the bottom of his cock. You start to bring your hands up to fondle him, but he slaps them away, his eyes smoldering.
“No, you take what I give you,” he growls, then without warning, plunges deep, hitting the back of your throat.
Unprepared, you sputter and gag around his hot length, but he holds you still, his hand strong at the back of your hair. He moans and pushes deeper, and you begin to panic a little, tears stinging your eyes.
“Look at me.” You look up. “Next time you want to use this mouth on anyone else, I want you to think of my cock deep in your throat, just like this,” Elvis whispers vehemently. “I want you to remember that mine’s the only cock you should ever even think about choking on.” He pushes a little deeper for emphasis. You moan, the vibrations making him shudder. He pulls out, strings of your saliva clinging to his dick, and you can breathe again. You take in deep breaths because something tells you this is not over and that thought has your thighs quivering with need.
“Is that clear, lil’ girl?” he says, fingers wrapping in your hair and pulling tightly. He looks down at you like he could eat you alive, drunk with power.
“Yes, Daddy,” you concede.
“Gonna be good for me and learn your lesson?” he says, tapping his swollen head on your lips. You open wide and look up at him again through wet lashes, relishing in the way he makes you feel so small yet also like you’re the only other person in the world.
“There’s my good lil’ girl, so hungry for me,” he praises.
His words have you rubbing your thighs together, desperate for friction, as he pushes into you again. You are more prepared this time, but Elvis is still longer than you’re used to, so you gag around him. He groans low and long, those long dark lashes of his fluttering as his eyes drift closed, as though he is composing himself to continue. When he opens his eyes again, the lust in them is so palpable that it sends a searing heat rolling over you, spreading through your body like wildfire. He begins fucking your face unrelentingly, holding your head fast as he plows in so deep that the hairs at his base tickle your lips. He pulls out enough to let you breathe and checks in with you nonverbally before disciplining you again, his length sliding down your throat, filling you in a way you never imagined possible.
“Relax that throat, honey,” Elvis encourages you. “Doin’ so good, baby, taking your punishment,” he murmurs, looking down at you, eyes inebriated with you as he fucks your mouth.
You know you are a mess, tears streaming down your face, covered in spit, with absolutely obscene sounds coming from your mouth as he uses you in a way that no man has before. But you don’t care because all of Elvis Presley’s attention is on you, you are making him feel good, his dick is down your throat, and god, that makes you want to come undone.
His pace quickens and you feel him tense all over, his legs beginning to shudder, and you know he’s close. His lips tremble and curl as he grits his teeth, those bedroom eyes falling shut as his grip in your hair tightens and stills you.
“You’re gonna hold on to it for me, baby…aw, hell!” he cries out, eyes rolling back, and you feel him pulse, his warm salty cum hitting the back of your throat. You obey, trying not to choke as he fills you up, pumping his frustration and possessiveness into you. Holding his cum in your mouth, you wait patiently as he pulls himself out of you.
He catches himself so he doesn’t collapse on top of you, his gorgeous blues blinking slowly as he comes back down to earth, taking you in. You’ve never seen something so sexy in your life as seeing him come apart.
“Open your mouth,” Elvis commands, looking at you intensely and once seeing the pool of his desire there, he nods approvingly. “Swallow,” he orders, tapping your chin closed with his index finger, and you do, making a show of gulping it down. He grabs your chin, those still wounded eyes trapping you in their gaze. “You ain’t never gonna spit me out, are ya, baby?”
You know he’s referring to what you said you did with Jack. He’s still not happy about it, his voice both authoritative and hurt.
“No, Daddy,” you respond. You don’t want anyone but Elvis ever again, if you can possibly help it, though you don’t know how realistic that is. But you don’t want to think about that now.
He grunts and runs his thumb over your bottom lip. The heated way he looks at you lets you know he’s not done with you yet.
“Such a good lil’ girl for Daddy,” he praises, “Takin’ your lessons so well.” He runs his fingers through your hair, then effortlessly pulls you up to standing. You are so close to him, but not touching, reminding you of that moment a mere week ago in the bar the night of the opening of his show. How you had practically rolled up his body, the teasing tension between you thick but much more innocent than it is now. Now, his assertive essence envelops you to the point of dizziness, your physical need for him slick between your thighs and the rest of you needing him on a level you’ve never needed from anyone.
Elvis looks down at you, eyes heavy but alert, still brimming with passion but unwavering. You bring your hand to his chest, but he catches your wrist before you can touch him with a tsk and a shake of his head. You cannot help but pout, your need growing exponentially the more he denies you.
Instead, Elvis sits on the sofa, kicking off his pants, spread wide for you to see his half-hard dick between his lean, toned thighs. Tilting his chin down and looking up at you in that famously cocky and alluring way of his, he demands, “Take of your dress.”
You blink for a moment, then realizing he wants a bit of a show, you turn and unzip slowly, your dress falling into a puddle at your feet. Your panties are already tangled there, from when he took his hand to your backside, and you step out of them, turning towards him in only your bra.
He just looks up at you through those classic rebellious but boyish eyes, reminding you of a time long ago. You can’t help but see the petulant young man in him, the one that parents hated and teenagers fell over, as he lifts his hand to signal that he wants you completely naked for him. You shiver at the sudden thought that maybe, just maybe, you could’ve had him like this a long, long time ago. That he could’ve taken you in that booth in the diner or on the lawn at his house in the cover of darkness, his young and less experienced hands petting you, luscious lips soft on yours, making you fall apart for him in more innocent ways.
And out of everything that has occurred in the last hour, that is the thought that really has you feeling hot all over, the one that brings you close to shame and the blatant realization that maybe you two were headed here all along. That these games you’ve been playing didn’t start a week ago, but nearly 14 years ago. That as much as you came to love Jack, it might’ve been Elvis who you truly fell for first.
It nearly knocks the breath from you as you remove the last bit of clothing from your body, exposing yourself completely for this mesmerizing man who has the masses in the palm of his hand, who has you in the palm of his hand. He beckons you to him wordlessly; he doesn’t need words, and you go to him as if hypnotized.
You think you knew subconsciously then what you know consciously now—Elvis Presley cannot be contained. He is beyond any other man in that he belongs to both everyone and no one. Trying to tie him down would be like keeping an eagle from flight. Somehow you sensed that in 1955 and let him go before you could even dream to tie him down. And now, more than anything, you want to fly with him.
He stops you as you walk in between his legs, looking over you with controlled hunger. His fingers dance up your thigh, teasing up to the place you need him the most. You can’t help the whimper that escapes your lips as his fingers flit over your mound.
Head tilted to the side, Elvis speaks again, his voice soft but commanding, “Are you gonna be a good lil’ girl for Daddy, or are you gonna be a brat?”
You ponder that for a second, because honestly both options are tantalizing, so you try to figure out what he wants. Does he want you to submit or to fight him?
Finally, you decide. “I’m gonna be a good girl, Daddy.”
That seems to be the right answer. His lip curls up in a half-smile. With that, he runs a long finger ever so gently between your legs, barely touching your folds. You mewl at the sensation, body shuddering, desperate for more.
“Christ, baby, you’re soaking and I ain’t hardly touched you,” he smirks, looking at your wetness on his fingertip.
You wiggle a little, needing friction, something, anything. He stills your hips and shakes his head. “Uh uh, I thought you said you’re gonna be a good girl. Good girls ask nicely,” he grins.
“Please, please touch me, Daddy,” you plead breathlessly.
He nods, lust filling his eyes, as he deliberately runs two fingers back and forth through your sopping folds before circling over your clit. The stimulation after so long has you moaning, knees weak, nearly falling over into him. Your hips start to rock of their own accord, but his hand stops again and you whine.
“No, tell me exactly what you want, baby,” he coos, eyes heavy lidded but alert.
“I…please…Daddy, I want your fingers inside me,” you whisper, begging. You barely recognize the breathy sound coming from your lips.
“Like this?” he asks, his left eyebrow shooting up as he slowly slips two digits into your pussy.
You groan and nod frantically, but once inside, he does not move them. Frustrated, you buck on his hand.
“Back to being a brat, huh?” he says in such a way that you think he’s glad for it. He spanks your ass, causing you to hiss in surprise, squirming and clenching around his fingers. “So goddamn hungry for it, huh? Didn’t you learn your lesson, baby girl?” His voice is husky and dark again, and you want him so badly it hurts. You’ve had enough of his teasing.
“I guess I fucking didn’t, Daddy,” you say belligerently, impatiently, with as much sass as possible. Being good isn’t getting you anywhere. No, you want him over the edge.
In one quick move he throws you face down onto the sofa. “Guess I’m gonna have to wreck this pretty little cunt of yours then, won’t I, baby girl?” Elvis snarls in your ear, his hand at your neck.
It’s exactly what you want. What you need.
“Fuck me, Daddy,” you gasp into the couch cushion, the soft velvet creasing into your cheek, and you hear him groan as though helpless to contain it.
With a loud smack, he hits your ass again and before you can recover from the sting, he’s got his dick between your legs. He’s already hard again (the man’s stamina is unmatched), which you are grateful for as he finally plunges into your pussy, filling you completely.
You cry out in pleasure as Elvis begins fucking the hell out of you, seemingly taking out every frustration and insecurity he has on you in the best of ways. He yanks up your hips, drilling into you relentlessly, filling you, hitting every spot of satisfaction along the way with his length. Your eyes roll back as you clutch at the velvet fabric under your palms. The squelching between your thighs is punctuated by his thrusts and grunts and growls.
Elvis, needing more of you, pulls out and flips you over. His eyes are wild, too wild perhaps, but it doesn’t matter. Those soft pliant lips of his crash into yours frantically before dragging down your neck, teeth biting at your collarbone. You wrap around him, nails digging into his back, scratching into his scalp as those lips scorch into your chest, suckling welts into your breasts, claiming you as his.
When he enters you again, it’s as though he’s trying to consume you from the inside out. Like he wants every part of you at the same time. His beautiful face rockets from one emotion to another—possessive anger to boyish insecurity to passionate lust to unbridled fear—you can’t keep up. You are along for the glorious ride.
Your pleasure builds but it’s not just chasing the high that has you flying above the clouds. It’s that in this moment, he’s yours, all yours, and there is no doubt that you are his. You don’t care about Jack or anything else. It’s just him. It’s all Elvis.
The closer you come to unraveling the more frenetic he becomes. It’s as though everything is being stripped away, leaving him vulnerable and untethered, so he clings to you. This larger-than-life man clings to you and all you want is to get lost in him. But he won’t let you.
“I’m…close…” you stutter breathlessly, needing the release he’s promising, needing him to shoot you far up into the inky black of the night sky.
“Y/n,” he pants, “baby, look at me.”
You stare up into his endless blues.
“Are you mine?” The question is not possessive, or part of the game, or even leading. It’s so completely honest and innocent you almost forget what you’re doing, the cliff you are headed for.
You don’t even have to think about it, it just comes out. “Yes, Elvis, I’m yours.”
And then your climax hits hard, so hard you’re almost blinded, but the way he’s intimately staring into your eyes keeps you grounded as he rides you through it. Your body tenses and then it lets go, and you can barely breathe because everything you’ve been holding in for the last week seems to release from you all at once, in an overwhelming flood of sensation and emotion.
Elvis is so intensely focused on you that you feel as though you might drown in him, drown in all these feelings. Everything seems to collide within you all at once and suddenly you’re crying as you come down, sobbing as your body gives way under the pressure.
“Baby? Oh, god, did I hurt you, baby?” he asks desperately, sounding frightened.
You shake your head, your shaking hand coming up to cover your face. “No…no, it’s…not…that,” you choke out between sobs.
“I’m sorry, baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Satnin,” he whispers in your ear, rolling off you and pulling you into his arms.
And for the first time in a long time, you let yourself truly fall apart without trying to cover it up to make someone else comfortable or to push it down and ignore it. You let it overtake you completely, letting yourself be carried away on the flood of uncertainty, of grief over your failed marriage, your inability to conceive, and the feeling that you’ve wasted so much time on all of it. Your fears about opening your heart up again just to be hurt once more also surface, and with them your love, your love for Elvis which has been growing since the day you met, the love you are finally admitting to yourself, which is absolutely terrifying to you because what if it means that everything else was a lie? Was your life with Jack born from a life you knew you couldn’t have with Elvis? And perhaps you are doomed to love yet another man who cannot give you his whole heart?
And then Elvis goes and looks at you like that and asks you if you are his, and of course you are, of course, of course, is all you can think, over and over. But you can’t allow yourself to get lost in another man, especially not this man, but you feel like you have no control. You are being swept away by Elvis, regardless of logic.
You don’t know how long you weep for, wrapped in Elvis’ arms as he pets you and murmurs in your ear, “Satnin, breathe. Breathe, baby.”
You feel like the world is collapsing in on itself, but you anchor yourself to the sound of his voice, that crooning, distinctly Elvis voice, and the feel of his arms around you and you breathe. In and out. In and out.
“That’s it, mama,” he coos, still holding you tightly. “You just get it all out. I’m here.”
He’s here.
That nearly makes you weep all over again, but you continue to breathe through it, through your panic and your doubt until you begin to relax.
Finally, you are able to look at him again, your body feeling strangely light and floaty. Elvis looks at you with a mixture of concern, fear, and protectiveness, trying to comprehend what is happening, but waiting to take your lead rather than asking himself.
“I…I’m sorry. That was…overwhelming,” you breathe out, wiping the wetness from your cheeks.
“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you?” he asks quietly, brow furrowed.
“No, it wasn’t that, that part felt good…it was more like the physical release somehow broke through a dam inside me and sent this flood of emotion through me,” you try to explain, trying to make sense and reassure him at the same time.
He nods and waits for you to continue.
“I…I’m going through some stuff, baby,” you stutter out, “and I’m rethinking a lot of my life and what’s led up to this, us. My marriage is in shambles, and I feel caught up in this whirlpool of emotions that I don’t know how to piece through.” Your voice wavers and you clutch at him, afraid to spin out again. You can’t tell him more than that, not yet, even though you know he is wondering.
Elvis smooths your hair, resting his warm palm against your cheek, his rings cool against the burning of your skin. You sense that he has things he wants to say, you can practically see his thoughts churning, but he holds them back, not wanting to overwhelm you with them. And for that you are grateful.
“Will you come with me?” he finally says, getting up, putting on a robe, and holding out his hand for you. Confused, you take his hand, glad for it, as you are a little dizzy and unsteady on your feet. He holds out another robe for you, wrapping it around you gently, and then pulls you with him.
He opens a door you’ve never seen, one that blended so seamlessly into the wall, you didn’t know it was even there. He takes you up the dark staircase, your thoughts now running with curiosity, and then he opens another door at the top. It reveals a rooftop patio, clad with lounging chairs and all.
You gasp at the sight of the Las Vegas skyline twinkling with neon lights against the darkness of the desert night sky. You are so far up, you feel like you could touch the moon, and it makes you feel more lightheaded than you already are. You clutch at Elvis’ hand, and sensing your awe, he brings you to one of the lounge chairs and encourages you to lie back. He pulls another right up against yours and lies next to you.
There is silence for a moment as you both take in the night sky. The light pollution makes it hard to see all the stars, but some are still there, twinkling in the infinite blackness.
“Keep your eyes on the moon, y/n,” he says quietly. “Do you remember?”
And suddenly, you do.
Memphis 1956
It’s a hot and sultry early July night, and you are glad for the new swimming pool here at Elvis’ house on Audubon Drive. Your swimsuit sticks damply to your skin, despite having been out of the pool for a while, causing you to practically peel yourself off the lawn chair you’ve been sitting in. You managed to finish yet another glass of sweet tea as you watch Elvis, Jack, and Elvis’ relations mess around in the pool, but as twilight turns into night, you feel like you need a moment away from the roughhousing of the boys and the tittering of the girls.
You grab your towel and find a quiet spot on the lawn, enough away from the fray that you can breathe, but not in view of the fans camped out in front of Elvis’ house, wishing and begging for a glimpse of their new idol.
It’s mind boggling how quickly he’s gone from hometown celebrity to near superstardom in a year. This is his first real stay at the new home he was able to buy for his parents in this upper crest Memphis neighborhood—a far cry from the projects he grew up in. You are so happy for him, but he has been going nearly nonstop since the turn of the year. In fact, this is his first vacation from the insanity of touring and television appearances and recording sessions since everything blew up for him.
As you lay down on the towel, head looking up to the stars, you think of just how much has changed in the last year. God, a year ago, you thought you’d be engaged to Ted. That thought makes you scrunch up your nose. And now, well, now there was Jack, who was quickly becoming much more than just a friend. And, of course there was Elvis, your handsome friend-turned-celebrity, playing sold out shows that ended in riots with the girls tearing off his clothes and causing an uproar amongst parents everywhere with his jiggling on national television. He was even starting his movie career out in Hollywood next month.
It was all rather overwhelming. It was a wonder he hadn’t forgotten you all back home, but while he had definitely changed in some ways, fame had not changed his unwavering love for his family or his friends.
Suddenly, water rains down on you from above as a tall and very wet-from-the-pool Elvis looms over you, bending down and shaking his wet hair over your face to get your attention.
“Elvis!” you squeal, throwing your hands up to protect your face, “Ew! Stop!”
He laughs that boisterous laugh of his, pleased with himself. “What ya doin’ all the way over here by your lonesome, doll?” he asks, plopping his wet body next to you on your towel. He’s close enough that the cool wet of his arm brushes up against yours as he leans on his side and looks down at you, those eyes of his sparking in the dark. “Ain’t you havin’ fun?” he asks with concern and honesty, with another shake of his head.
You laugh and wipe the droplets off your face, knowing that making a deal of it will just spurn him on and likely get you thrown in the pool. “Yes, I’m having fun. I just needed a moment away from the fray,” you say, looking up at him.
Elvis eyes wander over you curiously, quietly, and suddenly you feel very exposed in your two-piece bathing suit, lying here alone in the dark with this beautiful yet goofy young man hovering so close. Those eyes of his are so soulful sometimes, so watchful, like he’s taking in every little thing around him, and right now that is you. A warm flush comes over you and you are glad for the darkness.
You want to speak to break the silence, but you can’t think of anything to say, your mouth suddenly full of cotton. While you and Jack have started dating and you are quickly becoming committed to that, you feel very aware of why so many young women are literally throwing themselves at Elvis, why he seems to have a girlfriend in every county from here to Texas. Your heart flutters. You want to shake the thought and the feeling away, but as his too-long wet hair falls over his forehead and his pretty baby face looks down at you, you feel nearly entranced.
Finally, he seems to have gotten whatever he was looking for by staring at you and flings himself on his back with a loud sigh. You let out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding and scold yourself for thinking about Elvis in any more than a friendly manner. He is still close to you though, the side of his damp body nearly pressed against yours, and for a moment, you feel a shiver of gooseflesh rise on your skin in response.
“Yeah, I get that,” he says, almost startling you, “the needin’ to ‘get away from the fray’ thing. I feel like I’ve been in the fray so constantly now that I’ve forgotten what bein’ out of it feels like.”
You are both quiet for a moment, just staring up at the stars. It’s not uncomfortable, the silence, but to you, it feels charged somehow. Maybe it’s just your imagination. Regardless, your heart still flutters in your chest.
“What a beautiful night,” he breathes out next to you.
“Yes, it is,” you say quietly, keeping your eyes to the stars.
“Keep your eyes on the moon, y/n,” he says, almost dreamily.
You look over at him, confused.
“Seriously, baby, keep your eyes on the moon, and you’ll see a glowing blue ring appear,” Elvis urges you.
“Okay,” you say incredulously, turning your head back to the sky. Silently, you both stare at the glowing orb hovering above you for what seems like minutes. You wonder if he’s lost his mind a little, or if he’s playing one of his tricks, but then you see it—a bright blue ring, pulsing with the beat of your heart. You gasp.
“Do ya see it? Now, let yourself totally relax, and just focus on the space between the moon and the stars,” he says, his voice almost hypnotizing. “Don’t think about anythin’, just let yourself float. If you can relax enough, you can go right up there with them.”
So you do. You lie there and let yourself float up between the moon and the stars. You feel increasingly strange but also free and unchained from the constant thoughts that usually race through your mind at any one moment. You are enthralled by the night sky, flying high.
“How long have you been doing this?” you whisper in the darkness.
“Since I was a little boy,” Elvis whispers back, eyes still on the moon.
You look over at him, his face full of an innocent wonder. Then, he turns his face to yours, so close in the darkness that you think you can feel his warm breath on your face. “Do you believe me, y/n?”
You nod. With Elvis, anything seems possible.
“I promise you, y/n, I’m serious. People think you’re crazy if you talk about things they don’t understand,” he says, offendedly, as though he has very real wounds from that happening before.
“I don’t think you’re crazy, Elvis. I see it. I feel it,” you say, in wonder. In wonder not just at the night sky and your ability to float to the moon, but at the boy lying next to you, the one who is so much deeper than he appears.
He nods, giving you a vulnerable yet piercing look that shakes you. Then his cool hand grabs yours, as if anchoring the two of you together as you both turn back to float into the night sky.
“I remember,” you whisper, answering his question, looking into up into the same sky as before. It is years older and from a different vantage point but nearly unchanged in its ancient, endless beauty.
“Just relax and float, Satnin. Just you and me and the moon and the stars,” he whispers. Then he winds his fingers through yours, anchoring you together and you breathe. You try to let go of it all and just be, knowing that Elvis won’t let you float aimlessly away, lost in the sky forever.
Just you and me and the moon and the stars.
@atombombbibunny @yesimwriting @uselessbutinteresting @mirandastuckinthe80s @dark-as-love
@domaniquessidehoe @im-lame-irl @allybrooke05 @hangmanswhore
@jazmin2211  @kvcssghbjbcd @coldonexx @dudinhahoff @whatstruthgottodowithit @tiredbuthappy  @amiets2  @saintmagx
@kvcssghbjbcd @butlersluvbot @babydollie43 @vainbimbo @meladollsims @wstelandbaby @dre6ming @normatural @ash-omalley @xcallmetaniax @galvz-42 @thejezebel @fullmetal-falcon @robinismywife @dre6ming @seaweedbrain00 @amiets2 @mslizziesblog @heisatroubleinapinksuit @calusussss @dont-feel-so-good-peter @rainydayz101 @pizzaisrelationshipgoals  
@liaaacantwrite @kittenlittle24 @kaitaesupremacy @butler-trouble @eliseinmemphis @russian-soft-bitch  @tattywood 
@sassanoe @re3kin @thella @suspiciousmidge 
Reblogs, likes, comments + feedback are extremely appreciated! Please help support your content creators!
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Headcanon Prompts
I've been working on this for a while lol. This is a list of prompts for Headcanons that I can take when I open up requests.
(Other Prompt Lists)
Requests: With these prompts I would create a list of Headcanons for whatever character is chosen. These headcanons will be written in a 'x reader' style. - some might also include drabbles afterwards. When requesting hc's you can chose one or two that are similar for one request, and I can combine them. *Note: I also do just take other headcanon requests for whatever else you want (more specific things), this is just for people who might not be sure, or want ideas.
[Rules] -- [Fandoms]
Feel free to reblog these for use on your own blog. If you want to use specific ones, or only a certain amount in your own list(s), I give you permission to copy them - but only if you provide a link to the original post and/or an @ credit to me. Please, and Thank you!
Current Number of Prompts: 43 (will be adding some on as I think of them)
A-Z Relationship Headcanons
Crush > Confession > Dating
Crush: How would they act with a crush, do they pine?
Relationship: General Relationship Headcanons
First Date + First Kiss
Flirting: How they flirt, how they react to you flirting, etc.
Intimacy: How they show intimacy; physical and not.
Confession: When and how they admit their feelings for you
Hobbies: What hobbies, interest, etc would they share with you.
Holidays: How they celebrate the holidays
Comfort: How they would comfort you after a ... (bad day, nightmare, your choice)
The moment(s) they realize they have feelings for you (pre-relationship)
The moment(s) they realize they are in love with you (established relationship)
Cuddling: Do they cuddle, how do they, when do they, etc
Kissing: Do they like kissing, how do they kiss, when, etc.
Love Languages: What is their receiving and giving love language (and how do they show it)
Jealousy: How they act when they are jealous, what would make them jealous, etc. (before and/or during the relationship)
Cooking/Food: Cooking for each other, food preferences, etc.
Taking care of them when they are sick
Them taking care of you when you are sick
Romance: Are they romantic, how do they show it, etc.
First Meeting + First Impression
Domestic Headcanons: What it's like to live with them, how they show domesticity (Note: I don't write for pregnancy/kids/children)
Protective: Are they protective? How they show it. Etc.
Taking care of them when they are hurt.
Them taking care of you when you are hurt.
Friends > Lovers
Love: Ways they say or show they love you.
Anniversaries: How do the two of you celebrate your anniversaries
Proposal + Wedding
Traveling: Where would you go, what would you do?
Platonic/Best Friends: What is your friendship like
Gifts: What kind of gifts would they give, how often, when, why, etc. And, what kind of gifts do they like?
Pet-names/Nicknames (for you and for them)
Regret/Guilt: How would they act, what would they do if they hurt you, or you had a fight (wont right for abusive styles of fighting, just general arguments and misunderstandings)
Aesthetics: What smell(s) are they, what flower are they, what season do I associate with them, do I think they have a favorite aesthetics, songs, etc.
Surprises: How would they surprise you, what with, why, etc.
Magic/Fantasy AU: If they were in a world of magic, what powers would they have, what would their role be?
Meet-Cute: If you were to have a meet-cute with them, what would happen during and after.
Secret Admirer: What would they do as a secret admirer
Enemies > Friends > Lovers
Dates: How often, and what kind of dates do you go on?
Royalty/Fantasy AU: In a world where there are such things and princes, princesses, dragons and knights, what would they're role me, and how did it coincide with yours? ((42))
**When requesting hc's you can chose one or two that are similar for one request, and I can combine them.
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kingxlinkwrites · 3 months
Whumpmas in July #1: (Re)Introduce Yourself
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(Re) Introduce yourself
i feel like i just did this lol, but hi! i'm link! i write a combination of fandom (usually ocxcanon) and oc whump, but I've been focusing more lately on my oc stuff, especially the things i work on with my friend & roommate nyx! (they get mentioned a lot but aren't an active tumblr user so i don't bother tagging them in non-creative-content posts, jsyk)
i don't have a masterlist yet, but I've posted a couple of pieces that might interest you if you haven't seen them before, with more on the way!
Ask Game: Tied to a Pole #1 (Kane Foster)
Never Saw It Coming (WoW Birthday Whump Event Day 1: Kidnapping, Bound & Gagged, "I have your loved one")
my favorite whump things to write are kidnapping/captures & the following rescue (or lack thereof), humiliation, begging, used as bait scenarios, caretaker comforts, human or nonhuman whumpees and whumpers, pet whump, dub-to-noncon, and institutionalized slavery...but honestly that's just what i can remember offhand - I'll write almost anything and I'll read about the same! (i also draw, though I don't often draw whump...though that's slowly changing lol)
i have a bunch of stories in progress and a mountain of OCs (over 200, most of which have stories even if they don't have visual designs) and I will jump from muse to muse as i see fit XD but always hmu if you wanna see something of a particular character (like sequels to previous pieces or new prompts, whatever!).
i refer to my main story as "the multiverse" and it is the thing I work on with nyx. most every idea i have is passed by them first before i work it into a fic bc most of them have to do with nyx's characters or the worlds they've built. ^^ there are also a ton of AUs for it which will randomly show up in fics when I get the vibe. i also roleplay on discord, though i don't have any current whump partners 🤔
i also LOVE getting asks, whether they be writing/art prompts or questions
i haven't been in the community very long, but i've been writing whumpy stuff since i was a kid - so here's hoping i hit my stride here and nestle in with all y'all whumpy weirdos /affectionate
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here today to talk all things whumpy is the fabulous @not-a-space-alien!
Thank you for joining us today! Do you mind sharing a fact or two about yourself to start us off?
I love pet rats.  I don’t know if I can have them anymore, though, because it’s really hard when they start getting sick and they get old so fast.
Rats make the most adorable pets! And how would you describe what whump means to you? 
To me whump is about lingering on the effects of trauma and pain that mainstream media usually minimizes or ignores because it’s “too messy” or apparently not interesting I guess?  Humans are messy and I want to revel in that sometimes.  It feels wrong to ignore it.  Sometimes I feel messy and in pain and overwhelmed and I want to read about people who also feel that way.  I also like the hurt/comfort aspect because…..well, my fantasy is that someone will comfort me when I’m hurting and that someone will rescue me when I’m in pain (or on the flip side that I can save someone who’s in pain)
How did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
I’ve written these sorts of things for a while even before engaging with anything on tumblr that was primarily made as whump.  I started posting my writing on tumblr and engaging in online circles originally in the Good Omens fandom, years before the TV show came out, and gradually my writing on that front started getting darker and darker as I realized there are other people who like reading that sort of thing and it wasn’t just me.  I think it did make people a little uncomfortable sometimes and they weren’t really sure how to handle it, so that’s why these days I try extra hard to make sure it’s clear what’s in the writing and how it should be viewed and handled.
If I remember correctly I found myself in this corner after a period of years where I didn’t write anything at all, then while watching some random movies I re-watched Night at the Museum and of course looked at tumblr posts about it, which led to me starting to browse g/t more often (thanks Jedtavius), and after being into g/t stuff for a while I stumbled across some people who wrote g/t whump, and from there I found some “regular” whump.  The first person I remember actually talking to was @oddsconvert, who told me to read Kane and Jim, and I have been mildly obsessed with Milly’s writing since then, which gave me a framework to pull together pieces of ideas I’d always had to write MMSS, which is really my only current contribution to “whump tumblr.” (I’d always had an idea about a scientist vampire getting caught while trying to make artificial blood, I combined this with Valen, a DnD character I’d previously played as a drow, because I knew the setting in Milly’s story would be the perfect thing to tie it all together.)
Do you think your view on whump changed since you discovered the whump community?
I’m not sure if I would really consider myself part of the “whump community” because so much of what’s out there doesn’t appeal to me.  At first I gave everything a try but as time went on I started getting more and more picky.  I’ve grown to really dislike “pet whump”/BBU as well as nameless snippets/prompts that use cardboard cutout characters or flatten characters into two-dimensional archetypes like “Caretaker” or “Whumper.”  This sounds really negative but it’s entirely a matter of personal taste and I wish people who write that stuff the best. I wish I could enjoy it because there’s so many talented people out there writing it but it just does nothing for me.
No, that’s entirely valid. There’s a lot of tropes out there and certain ones like BBU can feel inescapable sometimes!  It really can be hard to find ones that tick all of your boxes. Do you have any particular favourites?
I love when a character is scared for their life, not knowing that in reality they’re completely safe/being helped.  
Shocked when receiving mercy and gentleness when none is expected or deserved.
Character unused to receiving love being loved.
Monster characters hiding their monster nature, being exposed, but being loved anyway despite being treated badly for it in the past.
The power of FriendshipTM
Love being a powerful force that can pull people through the worst ordeals
Complicated relationships between vulnerable characters 
Excellent trope choices! Unexpected mercy or kindness is so good! Would you like to share a favourite piece that you’ve written? 
Honestly this isn’t even whump but I think my favorite thing I’ve ever written is still Falling Hazard.  I put SO much work into that story.  It had so many moving pieces and I wanted to make sure it was all polished and got the attention it deserved so it went through 3 or 4 drafts, I had the whole thing written before I even started posting it.  It was the culmination of an OC-heavy, plot-intense Good Omens second-apocalypse fic that turned into more of a thriller than anything.  
Haven’t really been interested in Good Omens fandom stuff for a hot minute but I’m honestly still really proud of it.  I don’t think it’s really possible to try the “sand the barcode off and sell as an original fiction” thing because it’s so interwoven with the themes of the novel but I think even people with only a passing knowledge of good omens could enjoy it.  (the first few entries in this series are kind of whumpy but the later ones are less like that)
Good Omens?! I’m going to binge this so much, I swear! What does your writing routine look like?
I only write when inspiration strikes, I generally don’t do my best work if I’m forcing myself to write.  I do my best work when I’m seized by some mad ideas and feel like I’ll explode if I don’t write RIGHT NOW.  I think the worst case I ever had it was this one time I wrote an entire ficlet on my phone at work.  RIP my thumbs. 
Ah yes. And the urge to write always comes at the most inconvenient time, doesn’t it? Do you find that somethings are easier to write than others?
I struggle to write in any universe where I can’t keep a firm hold on the worldbuilding in my head.  My brain will take implications of things we see and run off with it and it’s like I run up against a wall if I can’t take everything to its logical conclusion.  So I tend to write easiest in settings where the worldbuilding is simple, or based on a few things that are flexible.  I tend to get really picky and a bit ridiculous about taking things too seriously when it comes to worldbuilding.
Is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
My two big current writing projects are Watch Your Step and MMSS and I can’t really see that changing anytime soon.  I do have a google doc with some ideas for shorter pieces and snippets that I might write when inspiration strikes. 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
I'm bad at this.  Please can people comment with a joke or pun.  I’m the one who needs smiles.  I'm so tired.
A joke for you then: What's a fanfic writer's weapon of choice? His headcanon! 
Do you have any writing advice you’d like to share?
Pay attention to people in real life. Listen to the way they talk and act, the lies they tell themselves, the way they juggle things, the way they behave when they care vs when they don't care. Listen to what they say with their words and without. Dissect why strangers, acquaintances, friends, lovers interact the way they do. Notice patterns. Appreciate the complexity of human existence. Pay attention to context and background and how circumstances affect behavior. Understand that there is no true "you" at the core of every human, just a million fragments of personality seen by a million different people. Once you understand all this, you can mix and match to build a person in your head. Every character feels real when they get pieces of you, or pieces of people you know.  That’s my philosophy anyway!
I’m writing that advice down, that’s really good. Are there any blogs you’d like to mention?
@whumpsday and @oddsconvert  <3  I also love @demondamage’s stuff even though I havent been following for too long :)
Anything you'd like to add? 
Stay frosty coolios 
It was a pleasure to have you here today, @not-a-space-alien! 
And to all you fab folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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polizwrites · 1 month
PoliZ’s WIP Update -   7 & 14 Aug 2024
Out on holiday at the beginning of the month, so here’s two weeks’ worth of updates.  Over that time period, I touched four fics (2 new & 2 WIPs) - for a total of 3001  words.   
On Ao3, I posted: 
Chapter Seven of Love is a Thing That Can Never Go Wrong - eventual WinterIron omegaverse  reality show AU.  
Practice Makes Perfect -  pre-war teenage Stucky ficlet 
Beating a Hasty Retreat - pre-war teenage  Bucky & Steve ficlet 
Chapter 3 (final) of  Coming Clean - explicit Winteriron + Stucky = Stuckony fic.  
Engaging with the Enemy -  TFaWS - compliant Sam & Bucky ficlet  
Calling Love Fate - WinterIron Soulmate AU one shot
On Tumblr I posted: 
Stranded Among the Stars -  Avengers Endgame-compliant Nebula & Tony ficlet 
I’m juggling  20+  active/semi-active WIPs with my current  deadline being the July Break Bingo, which wraps up today, and Hot Bucky Summer and Tony Stark This or That, which run til the end of August.  
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
July Break Bingo [JBB_24] (runs 1-31 Jul  14 August) 
@julybreakbingo  is a fantastic any-fandom bingo event designed to spark creativity during the month of July - plus the first two weeks of August, thanks to an extension! I’ve combined squares with  multiple other events this month and I managed 26  prompts filled  - need to get my masterpost up ASAP! 
* B3 - "You're in denial." Posted Calling Love Fate  this morning.  Steve and Bucky discover something Tony already knew - that he and Bucky are soulmates.   This fills the  BaBB July: AU Soulmates prompt, as well as my BBB B2 - AU: Soulmates and  TSB  T5 - Together prompts. 
* N3 - FREE - see B3 above - re-using Alt5 - Love as patience prompt.  
Hot Bucky Summer 2024 [HBS_R2] (Ends 31 Aug)
More fun from the @buckybarnesevents folks - this time weekly challenges to create (usually NSFW) Bucky-centric fanworks!   Thanks to plenty of cross-filling with other events  (I’m looking at you, July Break Bingo)  I’ve submitted something for the first ten weeks and have at least ideas for the remaining two  - now  to see if I have time/inspiration to write them!  
* Week 10 August 3rd - August 9th --  “Shhhhhhhhh…” + Gagged  + Voyeurism - Posted  Chapter Three of  Coming Clean last Friday.   Bucky’s POV - Tony blabbering about how he doesn’t want to come between Steve & Bucky - so the two of them shut him up in the best way.  It crossed over with my TSB_R8 - K5 - Misunderstandings  square and  TSTOT_24 -  Row 2: Omega Tony prompt and came in at  1196 words.
* Week 11 August 10th - August 16th  “You look good like this.” + Kneeling  + Tied Down  +  Ruined.   Working on Chapter 3   of  The Business of Pleasure -  picking up with  Steve’s  POV and continuing with some more bondage, edging  and toy play.    It’s crossing over with the  BaBB August: Bondage prompt and is currently sitting at 1220 words with one scene to go! 
* Week 12 - August 17th - August 23rd  – “What should I wear?” + Nothing -  Shifting directions slightly and going with some WinterIron massage therapy - I think I can use the same song lyric as the title  and  can possibly squish  TSB S4 - "Get it over with"  and BaBB August: Body Worship.  
Build-A-Bucky Bingo [BaBB_R1] (Ends 31 Oct 2024)
Another fun year-long  event from the folks at  @buckybarnesevents!  Each month there’s a list of prompts and you choose (at least) one  each month for your card!  At thirty  fills and one WIPs with three months to go, I seem to be going a bit overboard …. 😁
* May:  Bucky’s Trigger Words -  combined this with last week’s  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF251 Out There] for Just To Live One Day Out There - a Winter Soldier self-reflective ficlet. It came in at 312 words and will get posted to Ao3 Real Soon. 
* August: Omegaverse - filled this with Chapter Seven of Love is a Thing That Can Never Go Wrong. Bucky and his omega housemates embark on their final challenge, with an additional (unintended) twist.  I squished my BBB K3 - Nicknames square and TSTOT Row 1: Beta Tony  into this installment, which came in at 1084 words and posted on the first.  
* August: Bondage - see HBS: Week Eleven above. 
Tony Stark This or That  [TSTOT_24] (Ends 31 Aug 2024)
I signed up late and then promptly forgot I had a card - so am tackling this 8-row card with the hopes of getting it at least halfway done by the end of the month.  Am doing okay with two prompts filled so far - need to brainstorm crossovers with my TSB, BBB, and WIB cards!  
* Row 1: Beta Tony- see BaBB August: Omegaverse above. 
* Row 2: Omega Tony - see HBS: Week 10 above. 
* Row 5: Inappropriate Use of Stark Tech - potential combo with  HBS Week 12?  
WinterIron Bingo Round 2  [WIB_R2] (Ends 16 Dec 2024)
Signups are still open for pre-made cards for Round Two of this super-fun bingo event! I have fifteen  fills and zero WIPs at the moment - setting this aside for the moment, as I have other time-sensitive events going.  
* Iron Soldier (One Bingo, One Fill) - looking at combining my Column B prompts: Matchmaker, Bucky Riding Tony, Stark Gala, Inside Joke and Threesome.  Still working on a plot - if you have any suggestions/want-to-sees - let me know! 
* I3 - Car Sex -  Have a fun ficlet in mind for this - some of the dialogue & such already worked out in my head.  
*I4 - SHIELD HQ - combined this with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF245 You Never Cared] and wrote Fathers Don’t Know Best  -  No Power AU with Bucky working as an analyst at SHIELD who stumbles across a late night visitor to the lobby.  It came in at 407 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends.  
* N1 - Hair Pulling Kink -  thanks to a fun prompt from @scottxlogan  - I filled this square with Untangling Their Attraction - where Tony’s offer of assistance leads to mutual kink discovery (not as racy as it might sound).  It’s coming in at 544 words and will post to Ao3 before this event is over. 
* N5 - "I'm here for you."  - Possibly the next chapter of  Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion ?  
Bucky Barnes Bingo - Round Six [BBB - R6]  (Ends 31 Mar)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @buckybarnesbingo is back!  I have twelve  fills with no WIPs at the moment, but a couple  more crossovers planned. 
* B2 - AU: Soulmates - see JBB B3 - "You're in denial." above. 
* K3 - Nicknames  - see BaBB  August: Omegaverse above
* K4 - Last Times/Farewells - combined this with a previous  Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF257 Count The Days ] for  Short-Timing It - a pre-war (just barely) Bucky & Steve (Stucky if you squint) ficlet. It came in at 313 words and will post to Ao3 before the event is over.   
Tony Stark Bingo - Mark VIII [TSB_R8]  (Ends 31 May)
This amazing bingo event from the folks over at @tonystarkbingo is back! Late signups will start next month if you want to join in on the fun!  I have  three squares filled already and need to plan out more crossovers! 
* T1 - Watching Helplessly -  Posted Stranded Among the Stars  to Tumblr on Friday as a crossover with the Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF265 Galaxies Away]. It’s a Nebula & Tony ficlet set on the ship - it came in at 345 words and will get posted to Ao3 before the event ends. 
* T5 - Together - see JBB B3 - "You're in denial."  above
* K5 - Misunderstandings - see HBS Week 10 above.
Hawkeyes Bingo [HB_R2] (Ends TBD) 
Working on this  Tumblr event - got a 3x3 card and am looking forward to creating more  Clint-centric content and trying my hand at a bit of  Kate Bishop fic as well!    
* A3 - Awkward Flirting – this might be a good entry into my first femslash fic with Kate/Yelena?    
* C1 - Magic -  Combined this with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt  [#FFF259 House of Cards]   for   Keep a Steady Hand.  Clint notices Bucky getting frustrated with a task and offers to help.  It came in at 632 words and will post to Ao3 possibly later this month.   
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  [WFB]   (no end date)
Eight fills on my card, courtesy of   @warmandfluffybingocards  - need to try for another crossover or two!
* I2 - Vulnerable Drunk - matched this up with a previous Flash Fiction Friday prompt of [#FFF258 Milky Way Dreams]  for Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines -  a MIT-era Tony & Rhodey ficlet, where a drunk Tony shares a childhood dream with his best friend.  It came in at 318 words and will get posted to Ao3 at some point.   
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a Winter Soldier plush figure for a commission.       
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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kiwiana-writes · 1 year
Get to know your fanfic writer
Thanks @cha-melodius @rmd-writes @myheartalivewrites for the tags! 🩷
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
Probably like…2003? Ish? My first one that I still know the location of/remember the username for was from 2009 lol
First character(s) you wrote for:
Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. My baby queer self was immediately on the Wolfstar train.
Main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
Alex Claremont-Diaz and Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
I’ve written them a little but def wanna do POV/more in depth focus on Rafael Luna and also Liam (I’m so fucking predictable haha)
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
Red White & Royal Blue. I’ve got, like, my toes still in Schitt’s Creek.
Platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Alex & Raf, Alex & Nora, super six, family vibes in various combinations.
Your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
If I exclude the POV markers (because let’s be real that’s kinda boring) it’s: prompt fill, canon compliant, fluff. This surprised me. (Plot what plot/porn without plot came in at #4 though never fear lol)
Your current platform where you post your works:
Archive of our own, darlings.
Snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
The morning after Alex’s twenty-first birthday, his mom calls him into the library after breakfast. She’s sitting on the sofa when he enters rather than one of the armchairs like she normally does; she takes his hand as he sits down next to her, and he knows.
I know this has been going around for a while but tagging @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine @lilythesilly @loveisembarrassingxx @maxbegone @nontoxic-writes @notcaycepollard @sherryvalli @stereopticons @welcometololaland and, as always, anyone who wants to play!
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marbledaesthetics · 6 months
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pasc | 19 | she/they | bi | CST/CDT
hi! i'm pasc (short for pascale) and i write things sometimes. requests are open and responses are slow. i'm in nursing school during the standard fall/spring semesters, and i work full time on school breaks so i don't always have as much time or motivation to write as i'd like to
my asks and messages are always open, so come talk to me! i love talking to you guys sm! i leave my asks open even when requests are closed, so you can always reach out. please preface with content warnings if you are discussing sensitive topics (sa, si/sh, substance use, etc) i'm willing to talk about them but i need to prepare myself/be in a good headspace
All that being said, please just be nice. I’m willing to take criticism, but random hate is going to get blocked fast. On the blocking topic: racism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, antisemitism, and other general bigotry is not welcome here. this blog supports a free palestine. if you’re being an dick, i’ll block you. if you look like a bot, i'll block you.
this is not a strictly 18+ account, but if you are a minor: please do not interact with any works labeled as smut or 18+. i try to tag all of these as "mdni" (minors: do not interact). i understand that you feel mature enough to consume sexual content. i also read smut before i was 18. that being said: interacting with sexual content in adult spaces will expose you to predators. it is a US crime to allow you to interact. if you don't have an age in your bio or pinned/are underage, you will be blocked.
if you are strictly a NSFW blog/have no interest in SFW content, please interact with/follow my nsfw sideblog: darkeraesthetics. strictly NSFW blogs following this account will be directed to my sideblog and blocked if they continue to follow here.
my works
i'm always cycling through fandoms so if you want to see something but you don't know if i watch it, feel free to ask! i no longer write for 5SOS or EST19XX (honestly i probably won't do most RPF anymore, it's just not my thing). current fandoms: mainly top gun/tgm, outer range (rhett), and some criminal minds. i've been rereading the pjo books and hunger games so i might chatter about them as well!
request guidelines:
note: the length of a fic pretty much always depends on how inspired i am. you can ask for thoughts/headcanons vs narrative/fic, but whether something ends up a blurb or a one-shot is up to me and the motivation goblin in my brain please preface with content warnings if you are requesting a sensitive topic (sa, substance use, sh/si, etc) hard limits (i will NOT write these, they may be mentioned in kink negotiations as hard no's for a character): scat, weaponry/threat play, incest, anything involving minors, sexual age play (i'll add as need) i will write about nonsexual age-regression (i personally age regress and combining this with explicit content makes me v uncomfy) any prompt lists i reblog are fair game! similarly, you can make a request with a custom prompt remember that responses will be sloooowwww
i currently only post with the username “marbledaesthetics” so please tell me if you see someone else reposting my work! (if you are looking to do any kind of translation or spin off piece, please message me first!) i edit all my longer pieces extensively before posting, but if there is a typo or a broken link somewhere, feel free to let me know so i can edit it. I want this to be a safe place for everyone, so if you ever need me to tag something or add a warning that I missed, please tell me!
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