#there should have been a jump scare warning for episode three. i was not prepared.
echo-stimmingrose · 9 months
I love hating on Lin Manuel Miranda. I don't really know why. He's an excellent lyricist and is an absolutely brilliant man when it comes to music. But for some reason I just want to scream in anger whenever I see this face.
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ladybugout-au · 3 years
Dear. GOD. After seeing Furious Fu, I would honestly love to see LBO!Marinette just chewing out Su-Han for all his canon-to-fic BULLSHIT. Like, I know you’ve already got a plan to incorporate Feast into LBO, which I’m super excited for, so this asshole showing up with all his nonsense after the new Team Miraculous is set, hell maybe even after they’ve already retrieved the Butterfly and the Peacock, and watching Marinette (and possibly Fu since he has the memories to stand up for himself) tear this dude a new one would really be the cherry on top of an already awesome fic. Sorry to rant in your inbox lol but the new episode just made me so. ANGRY.
In the lounge room of the Liberty, everyone jumped as they heard a noise from up above deck, as if something heavy had fallen or been dropped. Marinette briefly pulled away from Luka’s hold, staring up at the ceiling and wondering aloud, “What was that?”
“I don’t know,” Juleka admitted, exchanging concerned looks with Rose.
“That definitely wasn’t Mom,” Luka noted with a tilt of his head.
Pounding footsteps followed, making it clear that a person had clearly gotten on the houseboat without the gangplank being there.
Nino jolted on alert, turning to Duusu with a hushed whisper. “Hide!”
“All of you,” Kagami began, standing up and looking around vaguely at every kwami. “get out of sight.”
The kwami, breaking out of their trance after the brief scare, scattered in every direction to find their own individual hiding places, some choosing to hide with their respective holder and others preferring to hide behind or inside objects. Ivan went into his usual protective mode, wrapping an arm around Mylene while she clung to him.
Marinette stood up, rushing over to the table and picking up the Miracle Box to stow it away. She looked around, then dashed for the microwave and stored the box inside.
She shut the door just in time for the intruder to descend from the staircase: an old man, dressed in Chinese garb and carrying a strange mystical-looking staff. He had a stern expression, his brows knitted together as he scanned the room like none of them were even there. He raised his staff, his gaze eventually locking on the microwave the Marinette was standing near.
Without a word, he pushed Marinette aside, earning an offended, “Excuse me—hey!” from her as he grabbed the microwave door and tugged it. When that did little more than jostle the microwave itself, he tried blindly tampering with the buttons to no avail.
Marinette slapped his wrist away, standing with all her pride as guardian as she asked, “What do you think you’re doing?!”
He glared at her in response. “Young lady, I demand you open your magical sealing chamber and return what’s rightfully mine!”
She blanked, the words catching her completely off-guard. This guy thought their microwave was a magical sealing chamber?
In response, Marinette gave a brief glance to the others, who were all looking back at her with equally puzzled expressions, any tension from before completely gone.
An unspoken question echoed throughout the room: Is he for real?
Before Marinette could ask any further, Tikki emerged from her hiding spot, flying over and explaining, “Marinette, I know who this is! This is great master Su-Han, the guardian of the Miracle Box!”
Marinette raised a brow skeptically. “But I’m the guardian?”
“He was responsible for the box before the incident that Master Fu caused,” she corrected.
Su-Han looked down at Marinette condescendingly. “So you are the current holder of the box.”
“That’s right,” she confirmed unapologetically. She gave a side-glance to Luka and the others, seeing that they were prepared to stand up and fight for her, but she gave a subtle gesture to let them know that it wasn’t necessary. Resolving to deal with Su-Han herself, she faced him again. “How did you find us?”
He held out his staff, the jewel on it mere centimeters from her face. “Guardian scepters are equipped with compasses that can find their Miracle Box at any given time.”
“In case you lose it?” Marinette blurted out, but didn’t apologize or try to take it back.
“Insolent!” Su-Han gasped. “You are not even a proper guardian. I can tell that this box hasn’t even been properly passed down to you!”
“Because Master Fu gave it to me,” she explained, “and we agreed that he should keep his memories.”
“Fu?” Su-Han echoed. “You mean Wang Fu? Chicken legs?”
Is this guy five? Marinette wondered.
Orikko popped out from their hiding place, waving a paw at Su-Han as if in warning. “I take offense to that!”
Su-Han glared at Orikko at the comment, and Orikko quickly ducked back down. Turning his attention back to Marinette, he continued, “Wang Fu is a student who wasn’t even able to fast for a day, nor do a thousand finger-pushups. He was never a rightful guardian, and he failed to fulfill the hope we’d seen in him.”
“Master Fu may have made mistakes, but he’s done his best to make up for all of them!” she argued. “He protected the box for over one hundred years and it’s because of his choices that our team was able to defeat Hawk Moth!”
“Team?” Su-Han asked, his face scrunching up as if he were piecing something together.
Marinette gestured to her boyfriend and friends for emphasis. Luka, Ivan, Kagami, and Juleka stood while Rose and Nino pinched and stretched their shirts to show off their respective miraculouses.
“Children?” Su-Han gaped. Glaring at Marinette, as if she had personally given out the miraculouses herself, he declared, “Children are never meant to hold miraculouses, especially from the first and most powerful Miracle Box! Kwami are extremely powerful, cosmic creatures!”
A voice piped up from across the room. “Y-you say that, but—!”
Marinette and Su-Han turned to look at Nooroo, who had peeked out from behind Rose’s shoulder. He breathed up, seeming to gain some confidence, then floated out to the center of the room.
“They saved me and Duusu from the hands of evil! We would still be in Gabriel’s clutches if not for them!”
“What?” Su-Han asked. Just when Marinette thought they might be getting somewhere, he turned back to her and accused, “The peacock and butterfly were lost?!”
“Fu lost them when he was escaping the temple,” Marinette explained, a mixture between unphased and annoyed at the man’s outbursts, “but we got them back and everything’s okay now.”
Luka chimed in from his place near the couch, “Marinette has been an incredible leader, as both Ladybug and the guardian.”
She smiled at him in thanks, but Su-Han was clearly focused on anything but the positives.
“Ladybug? You’re even wearing a miraculous?! Guardians aren’t meant to hold miraculouses!” he said, throwing his arms out for effect.
“What—why?” she asked, genuinely confused.
Instead of answering her, Su-Han pulled out a book, shoving it pointedly towards her with the cover facing downwards in his palm. “Let me remind you of a few important rules you’ve violated.” He flipped through a few pages, then pointed at one of them. “Rule fourteen: Kwami must not live outside of the box.” He flipped through a few more. “Rule fifty-two: Guardians must never lose a miraculous. “He flipped to a page near the end. “Rule one hundred and thirty-three: Guardians must never, under any circumstances, wear a miraculous.”
“Master Fu wore a miraculous,” she argued, having never heard of any such rule from him.
“And that proves exactly what I’m talking about!” Su-Han retorted. “Neither you nor Fu are capable guardians because neither of you have respected the rules of the order!”
When Marinette initially imagined the Order of the Guardians and the people who ran it, this was not what she’d pictured. She had pictured zen and calm, not belligerent and immovable. She was reminded vaguely of her grandfather when she first met him, and that wasn’t a good thing.
She tossed another gaze at everyone, who gave her the same look and nod in response: let him have it.
“Young lady, I’ll repeat myself once,” Su-Han warned. “Return the Miracle Box and the miraculouses to me before--”
Marinette grabbed the book out of his hand, shut it with a satisfying “clap,” then set it back in his hand. “No.“
“What did you say?” he asked, aghast that she would speak to him that way.
“I said no.” Marinette advanced on him, the sheer force of her presence making him take a step back. “Now let me remind you about everything you must’ve missed this whole time.”
She raised a finger at him, raising additional fingers as she went on. “One: You intruded on my boyfriend’s house without any sort of permission. If you’d actually called out to us, we might’ve actually been willing to come out and listen to what you had to say. Two: You wouldn’t have even been able to be here in the first place if not for me using Miraculous Ladybug after our team took down Feast, which you weren’t able to do. Three: We aren’t children, we’re teenagers, and the fact that you can’t tell the difference or bother learning what technology is shows that I shouldn’t trust you with the Miracle Box even if you had a right to it. Four: You didn’t bother to listen and blamed me for losing miraculouses when it was you and your order who didn’t keep an eye on a poor boy who didn’t want to be there. Five, last but not least: I say the kwami are allowed out of the Miracle Box because I am the guardian. You and your order have been gone for over one hundred years and you can’t go making demands after I brought you back. You told me rules I didn’t even know about and didn’t explain why you have those rules in the first place. The kwami are my friends and they have feelings and I’m not going to shut them in a box because you told me to.”
Silence filled the room, no one saying a word and Su-Han’s face contorting between shock and outrage.
Marinette took a step back, standing at the ready and gesturing to herself. “So if you want the Miracle Box, you’re going to have to go through us first.”
She tossed a look at her team, all of them doing a synchronized, confrontational motion to face Su-Han.
They then shouted in unison, “Transform me!”
Several individual flashes meshed together, overtaking the room and then fading to leave several heroes behind, their weapons equipped for battle.
Su-Han looked amongst them, a flicker in his eyes that hinted that he knew he would be outmatched, but also wasn’t willing to admit it. He retreated a few steps back, hands out to show that he was prepared to defend himself.
It was at that moment that Ladybug heard and noticed movement from behind him, realization striking and a smile overtaking her face. Pulling back from her fighting pose, she placed a hand on her hip and stated confidently, “Captain Anarka will escort you out.”
He looked confused, and he was only able to let out a, “What—?” before a hand clamped down on his shoulder.
Su-Han wasn’t even able to turn around before he was pulled backward, a jewelry-adorned fist decking him in the face and sending him flying into the staircase. His scepter fell to the floor and he could only gape at the woman standing there, cracking her knuckles while he was sprawled out on the stairs with all air having been knocked out of him.
“A trespasser on my ship, eh?” Anarka asked, a grin on her face but her eyes glinting with malice. “I don’t take kindly to ship rats who threaten my crew and think they’re too good to walk the plank.”
Su-Han hurried to get up, only for Anarka to grab him by his shirt and haul him up the stairs, a rapid shuffling noise following as Ladybug went over and shut the door.
A few seconds passed and the atmosphere shifted to peace, everyone mutually releasing their transformations and relaxing. Marinette smiled reassuringly at everyone, letting them know that things were okay, but then jumped as she heard a resounding, “Marinette!”
The kwami all emerged from their hiding places, Marinette having no time to react as they all charged at her, their tiny bodies clinging affectionately to whatever they could grab of her.
“You’re amazing!”
“Thank you so much!”
“You stood up for us!”
“You’re the best guardian ever!”
Marinette gasped, finding it hard to move without disturbing any of them. Trying hard not to laugh, she protested, “Aha—hey! Stop, you’re all tickling me!”
She blushed, looking over at her teammates who were only staring at her with pride, which just made the pink on her cheeks turn red. “This is so embarrassing!”
Once the kwami had their fill of thanking her, they finally obeyed and flew away, each giving her smiles of approval. She covered her face with a hand, waiting for the shyness to die down, then noticed the guardian scepter out of the corner of her eye, still lying on the ground.
She approached, touching the scepter at first to make sure it was safe, then properly picking it up and letting it stand next to her. She tapped the gem on top, eyeing the compass that Su-Han had been talking to her about, then followed its direction back to the microwave. She walked over, opening it up, then took out the Miracle Box and held it in her free hand.
Looking back and forth between the two clearly ancient objects, she couldn’t help chuckling. “They don’t really suit me.”
Her friends giggled in response, Luka in particular shooting her a warm smile and approaching. One of his hands went to the scepter and the other went to rest on the Miracle Box.
“I think you make them work, actually,” he replied.
Marinette beamed at him, thoroughly warmed by the compliment. It didn’t feel like that long ago when her support was lacking and defeating Hawk Moth seemed like a pipe dream.
Now, holding the Miracle Box and scepter in her hands, she didn’t know why she’d ever doubted herself.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right.” Then, looking at the Su-Han-less room, she gave a shrug and walked back with Luka to the couch. “So, where were we?”
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fearfully-fiction · 3 years
St. Albans Pt.4- Dakota Laden x Reader
word count:3625
warnings: Fluff/comfort. PaRaNoRmAl aCtiViTy *insert spongebob meme*
Summary: Based on season 1 episode 4 of DF so all credit to the crew, the show, and the channel! Coming back together after separation reader and Dakota have a comforting conversation before deciding where to sleep alone.
part1! part2! part3!
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(not my gif!)
The doors opened and you took a deep breath of fresh air. Dakota went to film with Alex and you went to talk to Tanner.
“Hey Tanner.” you greeted your friend. “Hey (y/n)? You ok?” he asked you. “Yeah, I’m ok. I just wanted to say sorry for overreacting earlier. It was really silly of me, and I hope you know I would never actually mean that.” You apologized. He looked down at you with a smile. “I know (y/n), it’s ok. I know you just want to protect him and I do too. C’mere.” He said and opened his arms to you. You wrapped your arms around him and held him tightly. “I want you safe too Tanner, I want all of you safe I hope you know that,” you said to your friend. “I know that, and I want you safe too we all do. We’ll keep each other safe.” he said and let go. You nodded your head in agreement. "Of course.”
Dakota walked over to you both and you could see his eyes looked a bit glassy. Your heart sunk he walked straight to you and wrapped his arms around you. Tanner walked away letting you both have a moment. 
“What happened my love?” you asked softly as his head rested in the crook of your neck. 
“I swear it doesn’t want us down there. I’m so nervous about this. I really don’t want anyone going back down there. I don’t want to go back down there.” he admitted to you. 
You held him tighter and kissed his head. “I’m so sorry babe, I don’t want you down there either. I can’t stand the thought of you down there by yourself,” you said and he pulled away. You placed your hands on his cheeks. He looked at you with those beautiful eyes that you loved so much. You could see the fear glimmer in his eyes, and it caused a frown to form on your face. 
“If you get the basement/bowling alley, I don’t want you to go alone. I’ll go with you ok,” you reassured him.  “No, I don’t want to bend the rules because I’m scared. You’ll have your walkie close?” He asked you. “Of course I will, but are you sure you don’t want me with you?” you asked him just to make sure.
“I’m sure,” he answered you. You nodded and let your hands slip from his face and down to his shoulders. Rubbing his shoulders gently trying to calm him down a bit. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours letting his hands grip your waist, your hands moved from his shoulders and to the back of his neck to play with his hair. He sighed into the kiss held you tighter. Your lips moved together slowly as if trying to memorize the feeling. 
“Hey! If you guys would stop making out I’d like to get this night over with!” Alex called over to you. You broke away and took a breath before letting a smile fall on your lips and dropping your head onto his shoulder. He let out a chuckle, something you haven’t heard all night and it made your smile brighter. “I guess we should appease the crowd huh?” you asked with a raised brow. 
“I think it would be best,” he said. You let go of him and were about to grab his hand and walk back to the group but he pulled you back to him and pressed one more short kiss on your lips just to annoy the group. You heard aggravate groaning and it made you giggle against his lips. You pulled away once more and dragged him toward your friends. “Alright, alright, we’re here. Sorry.” You jokingly apologized. Chelsea shook her head and bit back a smile. 
“Alright. So, right now, we are going to sleep separately. This is gonna raise our fear levels, and hopefully, ramp up the activity in the sanatorium.” Your boyfriend informed the audience. 
You rolled your eyes. “I totally hope that happens.” you retort sarcastically. “I know right.” Dakota shot back. You glared at him playfully. 
“So, we should agree on the five scariest locations. We already kinda have,” he said and looked at you all. “Yeah. we know it is definitely the bowling alley.” Tanner said. 
“Bowling alley for sure is the worst one,” Dakota said. 
“The electroshock therapy room.” Chelsea put it out there as well. 
“Absolutely the electroshock therapy room, so many people were tortured there,” you said. 
“And then the suicide bathroom for sure.” Tanner threw that on the table as well. 
“Suicide bathroom it’s on the third floor you’re so far away from everyone else. So yeah the three that we have are on this building.” Dakota said. “Someone should be in the east building in that creepy winding corridor.” Tanner also suggested. “Yeah, the basement.” you piped up. 
“So, we did a walk-through of the east building earlier, and nothing happened, but when we were down in the basement that’s when it felt like we were not alone,” Dakota explained to everyone. 
“We also have the boiler room, which really fucking creeped me out,” you said and a shiver ran up your spine at the thought of having to sleep alone down there. 
“Right yeah,” Chelsea confirmed. 
“So Tanner’s gonna now write these five locations out on paper and then we’re gonna draw out of a hat and decide where we sleep for the night.” Tanner placed all of the locations in the hat, and you clenched and unclenched your fists nervously. 
“Okay, you got it?” Dakota asked him. 
Tanner held out the hat toward Chelsea first and you could tell she was nervous. 
She quickly grabbed one and showed the small crumpled ball of paper to the camera with a nervous smile. 
“Alright Chelsea, where are you sleeping?” her brother asked her. She looked right at him. 
“I don’t even want to tell you,” she said and you chuckled. 
You looked at her paper over her shoulder and cringed. 
“Ooh. Electroshock.” All of you cringed at the location. “That’s the second-worst one, you said.” She relays. 
Dakota moved the camera forward to get a good look at her paper. “Chelsea got the electroshock therapy room. I think Alex should draw next.” He suggested with a grin. 
“Alex.” he held the hat out for him, he reached his hand in and pulled out a paper to unravel his location. 
“Suicide bathroom,” he said with disappointment dripping from his words as he showed the camera. 
“Not to scare you anymore Alex but you are three whole floors above anyone else,” Dakota said, and you placed your hand on your best friend’s arm in a comforting manner. “You’ll be ok Al.” you smiled at him reassuringly. 
“Ok babe, you’re up. It’s between the east basement, bowling alley, and the boiler room,” he said and gave you a grin. 
“I better not get the boiler room or I’ll be pissed I swear.” you shook your head as you reached in to grab a paper. “Hey, at least you won’t be three floors away from anyone else,” Alex said. You gave him a sarcastic grin. “Yeah, that makes me feel great Al.” he chuckled at you. 
“Alright, let’s see what you got,” Chelsea said while looking over your shoulder as you unraveled the paper. 
The minute your eyes scanned the paper you immediately dropped your arms to your sides in exasperation. “No way. No way in hell!” you exclaimed. 
“She got the boiler room,” Chelsea explained to everyone. “I got the damn boiler room.” you sighed before holding up the paper to the camera. 
Alex threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you into a side hug. You leaned into it and sighed. 
You grabbed Dakota’s camera and began filming for him while he and Tanner chose. 
“I hope it’s not the bowling alley because I feel like I’ve been picked on this whole night.” he ran his hands through his hair out of anxiety. “Ok, whatever. I’m just gonna do it. I’m just gonna do it” he tried to muster the courage and reached into the hat when Tanner did. When both of them had their paper. 
“Open at the same time. Don’t look.” Alex said. 
They both unraveled their paper at the same time. “Bowling alley.” your boyfriend read off and your stomach lurched. “No!” he exclaimed loudly while Tanner jumped in excitement and relief that he didn’t have to sleep down there. While you were happy for him you were extremely worried for your boyfriend seeing as he most definitely was being messed with down there. Dakota had a smile on his face but you knew just how scared he was of that place and it broke your heart. 
“Dude, I got touched down there. A handprint showed up on my back,” he said. You looked away because tears were collecting in your eyes. “I’m scared for all three of us,” Chelsea said and looked at her brother. 
“Honestly, the bowling…” he cut himself off. “Can we redraw?” he asked.
You sighed and turned away from everyone else preparing to go get your things for the sleeping arrangements. Your boyfriend noticed that you had gone completely silent and looked over at you. Your back was turned to him, and he could practically see you trying to not breathe too hard.
He could tell that you were about to cry and made his way over to you. 
The others were already grabbing their things. 
“Hey,” he said trying to get your attention. You didn’t turn around and so he tried again this time walking around to face you. “Hey, babe look at me,” he said and you released a shaky breath before looking up at him. He could see the shine in your eyes from unshed tears and sighed. 
He pulled you into a hug and you held him tightly. 
“We can trade places. I know the boiler room still sucks and it’s super close, but it would be better than the bowling alley,” you suggested though it was a bit muffled by his chest seeing as you buried your head there. 
Though your voice was muffled he heard you and pulled away from you. “There is no way, I would ever let you sleep in that bowling alley. Not after what happened tonight and to Chelsea last time. I’ll be ok, we’re close together ok. If you scream for me I’ll be right there, and I know you’d do the same for me. We’ll be ok babe, I promise you.” he said and kissed away the tears that fell down your cheeks. He nudged your nose with his gently and placed a kiss on it. It brought a small smile to your lips, and he smiled as well. “We’ll be ok,” he reassured you both one more time before grabbing your hand so you could both gather your things and head to your locations. 
You all walked Alex up to the third floor and helped him set up. You made sure to give him a big supportive hug before leaving. “Love you Al!” you called while walking away. “Love you (y/n)!” he called back. 
You made your way down to electroshock to drop off Chels and help her set up before giving her a hug as well. All of you said your I love you’s, getting the same response back. The next stop was Dakota, you and Tanner help him set up and Tanner wished him luck. You walked over and kissed him. “I love you, Kota. Just walkie me ok, or scream whatever you think will work better.” you joked a bit. He gave you a soft chuckle before kissing your cheek. You began to walk away with Tanner and sighed when you reached the boiler room. 
You set your stuff down and Tanner helped you set the camera up before giving you a hug and wishing you luck. “Hey, wait,” you called after him. He turned back around with his flashlight in hand. “You ok?” he asked. “Yeah, I just wanted to know if you wanted me to walk with you so you aren’t alone,” you said to him. He gave you a warm smile and shook his head. “No, no I’ll be ok. Plus if I ever said yes to that here I’m pretty sure Dakota would kick my ass.” he joked which made you laugh. “I guess you’re not wrong. Well if you need anything just walkie me alright,” you said and he nodded. “Night, Tanner, love you!” you called and he responded the same. 
 You sat yourself on the ground and sighed heavily knowing you were not even going to be able to shut your eyes that night. “This is gonna be a night from hell…” you spoke to yourself. 
“So, I am in the boiler room which is right next to the bowling alley actually so me and Dakota are very close to each other. Which is really strange because none of us have been this close in a location before but hey, I am not complaining about it,” you spoke to the camera. “At least I’ll be close to my boyfriend if I die here,” you said with a sigh.
As soon as the words left your mouth you hear what sounded like faint laughter. Your heart dropped as you shone your flashlight throughout the room. “That was a laugh, I just heard a laugh.” you began to panic. “Shit, I hope the camera caught that,” you mumbled to yourself. 
The night had just started and you already felt more unsafe than before. 
You picked up your walkie to get a hold of Dakota to ask if he had heard it too. Seeing as you were practically right next to him he had to have heard it. 
“Kota,” you called. 
“(y/n), what’s up?” he asked with a concerned tone. 
“Did you just hear laughter? Or did you maybe laugh at all?” you asked him anxiously. 
“What? No, I didn’t laugh. You heard laughter?” he asked in a panic. 
At that moment you could just tell you were screwed. 
“Yeah, it was very faint but I heard it. I’m not sure where it came from but I swear on my life I heard it,” you explain to him. “We’re not even 20 minutes in, and this is already frickin sick,” you said in a frustrated huff. 
“We’ve got this, only a few hours left ok.” his voice crackled through the walkie. 
“Alright Kota, you know what to do if you need me,” you told him. 
“Got it see you soon.” he ended. 
You went back to just sitting in the dark just waiting for something to come out at you. You knew for a fact that you were not alone in the room. It made your skin crawl at the feeling of someone or something watching you. 
You sat there in the dark making sure to listen for Dakota if he yelled for you or if something happened. As you sat there you still couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Seeing as you were so focused on listening you suddenly heard something go by you. It wasn’t like walking more like the sound of shuffling as if someone were to crawl across the floor. It made you freeze in your place your breath got caught in your throat and you felt completely helpless. You wanted to walkie your boyfriend or even just yell for him because you were so scared but you didn’t want him to worry more than he already was. You knew that something wasn’t willing to let up and it scared you more than you had been at any other location. 
You finally let out a shaky breath, “I just heard something literally crawl past me I swear on my life. I know I’ve been like a baby this entire night but damn…” your voice broke. You hated feeling weak but tonight you just couldn’t help it. You were extremely emotional and it most definitely wasn’t helping your situation. You needed to pull yourself together for your sake and everyone else’s. “Ok, I’m pulling myself together. I’m gonna be ok, Dakota is gonna be ok, we’re all gonna be ok. We’re stronger than this thing.” you spoke to yourself as calmly and confidently as you could. After saying this you once again heard faint laughter and it made you jump and turn your flashlight on to scan around the room. Still, you saw nothing but knew you would always feel something watching you. You took a breath and kept the light on for a few more seconds before turning it off and trying to push the events to the side. You just tried to focus on everyone else and it seemed to help slightly so that’s what you kept in your mind.
It was about an hour later when you began hearing noises again. You heard what sounded like tapping, “what the hell?” you whispered. 
Then you heard your boyfriend from the other room. 
“What the fuck? Ok. No. No.” your head snapped in his direction. 
“Dakota! Hey, are you ok?!” you yelled. You heard him gasp. “Shit” he mumbled. 
“Did you not hear that?!” he called to you. “The tapping?!” you asked. “No, the loud scratching noise!” he shot back. Your eyes widened, and all of a sudden things felt really heavy. 
“No, I didn’t! Are you ok?!” you yelled hoping to get a good answer back. 
“Fuck that was loud.” you heard him say. “Red if you’re down here, please leave me alone.” he pleaded. Your heart wrenched at the tone of his voice. 
 You got up from your spot as quickly as you could and grabbed your camera and flashlight. You made your way out of the room and into the bowling alley where your boyfriend sat with his head in his hands. 
“Kota, hey. I’m here are you ok?” you asked softly trying not to startle him. He looked up at you and his eyes flooded with relief. 
“(y/n), crap you should’ve heard it. It was frickin terrifying, and it was so loud,” he said as you sat down next to him letting one hand rest on his back while you set the light on the floor next to you. 
His tense muscles relaxed at your touch and he sighed. 
“I’m so sorry. Is there any way that Chelsea may have made the noise? I know she’s above us but maybe she did it.” you suggested. “I’ll check right now,” he said and picked up his walkie. 
“Hey, Chelsea,” he said into the walkie. 
“What?” she asked sounding exhausted. 
“You’re not moving at all upstairs?” he questioned his big sister. 
“Not moving at all,” she answered. You could tell that she was ready to be done with this place just as much as you were. 
“You have to hear this. What I just heard.” Dakota said to her. 
“Thanks for sharing your fear. Now I’m fricking wide awake,” she responds. 
He sighs heavily. “Fuck.” you said in exhaustion.
“What was that?” he asked. 
“I believe you. We know you’re down here.” he talked. 
“I’ve heard you. You’ve talked to me, she heard you laughing earlier. I get it. We get it. Please leave us alone.” Dakota spoke into the dark. You both knew he was there, and it was even scarier that he didn’t respond, and knowing the things that had happened earlier in the night to you. You decided not to mention it in fear of making his fear worsen and his panic rise even more.
You turned to face him. “Do you need me to stay with you Dakota?” you asked him with sincerity floating around your words, quietly hoping he would ask you to stay, as you didn’t think you could handle that room alone.
He let out a heavy sigh before looking at you with disappointed and fear-filled eyes. 
“Honestly, please. I really don’t want to be, I can’t be here alone anymore,” he responded and you set down your camera to wrap your arm around him and sit close to his side. “Then, I’ll stay. Just like I said. I’ll stay.” you told him and rested your head on his shoulder. Letting out an internal sigh of relief. He placed his head atop yours and let your presence be a grounding force for him. 
“I’m sorry I made us do this.” you heard his voice, it was small and sounded so apologetic. 
“Hey, it’s ok. Look at us, hell yeah we’re scared, and rightfully so but we’re together and we’re close to the finish line and then we can leave and never have to come back.” you tried to relieve his fears. 
“I never should have brought us back here,” he said and put his head in his hands once again. You switched your positions so you were sitting in front of him.  You took his wrists in your smaller hands and pulled his hands away so you could properly look at him. You could see guilt forming in him and you understood why, but you also understood why he had done it. He wanted to conquer this building because they didn’t before. 
“Listen to me, Dakota. You came back here, to conquer the challenge that you quit last time. Now here you are hours and hours in. You’re here, we are all here and we won’t let it win. We can beat this. So let’s do it together huh.” you said and tried to smile though it was barely visible in the darkness. 
“Together,” he said. “Together,” you reaffirmed. 
Taglist: @jaziona92​
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x-reader-theater · 4 years
An Austenite Affair {1}
Relationship: Javier Peña x Male!Columbian!Reader
Summary: “There are people, who the more you do for them, the less they will do for themselves.” Emma, Jane Austen
Warnings: Cursing, Sex, Unprotected Sex, Period Typical Homophobia
Word Count: 1656 words
A/N: Hello! Been a while, huh? Well, I hope you enjoy this. This is my first time writing for Javi, and there will be three chapters for this first story. I’m writing a second one and have a third planned as well, but I think that’s all I’ll be doing, This is set a little before the first season and into episode one. Also available on Ao3 here. Also, I don’t speak Spanish, so if my Spanish is bad, I'm sorry. This is edited by @mystic-writes​ 
[1] [2]​ [3]
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Chapter 1: Emma
"Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way." ~Emma, Jane Austen. 
You have your feet kicked up on your desk, reading a novel you've read a thousand times before. It's the only thing you could do when sitting in the archives of the United States Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia. Sometimes people brought things in that needed to be archived, but most of the time, you sit at your desk, reading a book. 
It isn't exciting by any means, and if any of the DEA agents would be bothered to file their own reports, you probably wouldn't be needed. 
But, DEA agents are notoriously lazy, and if they can hire someone to do the work for them, they'll do it. 
So that's how you ended up here, sitting at your desk, re-reading Emma by Jane Austen when a familiar face leans over your book. 
You look up and see Javier Peña leaning over your book, looking at the page you're currently on. 
"There are people, who the more you do for them, the less they will do for themselves," he reads aloud and you frown, closing your book, but not before dog-earing the page. 
"What do you want, Peña?" You ask, annoyance tinging your voice. 
He throws a stack of papers down on your desk and you pick them up instantly, flipping through to see where it should be sorted. "You know, that quote is very apt." You just roll your eyes as he says this. 
"Yeah? Would you like to file this instead?" you ask, and he puts his hands up. 
"I would, but I'm afraid of getting yelled at," he says with a wink. 
You stand and walk into the archives, quickly depositing the report in its proper place. "File my fist up your ass…" you mutter. You walk back to the desk and Javier has your book in his hands. 
"He thought much of the evils of the journey for her, and not a little of the fatigues of his own horses-" you rush over and grab the book from him, hitting him on the leg with it. 
"Maldito pelotudo," you say as he jumps from your desk, feet landing on the floor loudly. "You're gonna make me lose my page."
Javier rolls his eyes and says, "Because you haven't read that book a thousand times." 
You just hit him with your book again. 
"Vanity, working on a weak head, produces every sort of mischief." 
~Emma, Jane Austen
"So, what happened with you and Javi yesterday?" you hear one of the women in the break room ask loudly, and the other woman shushes her. 
"Shh! Not so loud!" she whispers, though not that quiet herself. 
You stand outside the door, drinking your frankly disgusting, cold coffee while you listen. 
The two women giggle and the second woman says, "It was nothing. Really. He took me home last night, and left the next morning. It's not a big deal!"
The other woman gasps and you roll your eyes. "That's not nothing! I've been trying to get his attention for a week! You bring him coffee once and he has sex with you?" she asks, before you hear her slapping the arm of her friend. "You're so lucky!" 
You grimace as you take the last gulp of your coffee, and turn to enter. The first woman starts to say something, but cuts herself off when you walk through the already ajar door. You give the two women a tight lipped smile, and the first woman, the one who was talking about wanting to have sex with Peña nods, while the second woman looks away, her pale cheeks turning the same of colour red as her lipstick. You pour yourself another cup of coffee and lean against the counter, and the first woman glares at you. 
"Sorry," the second woman quietly says, and you smile as the two women shuffle out of the room, blushing furiously. Peña walks in after them, looking behind him as he enters, then back at you. 
"What did you do?" he asks and you shrug. 
"I could ask you the same thing," you reply and Javier raises an eyebrow at you as he pours himself a cup of disgusting coffee. "I see you're making your way around the office," you say into your mug, looking straight ahead and not at Peña. 
You hear him scoff and you see him lean next to you out of the corner of your eye. 
"What, jealous?" he teases. "You want me to put in a good word?" 
You roll your eyes but only to distract yourself from your cheeks heating up. "'Better to be without sense than misapply it as you do,'" you quote, looking up at Peña as you take a long sip from your coffee. You set the mug down in the sink and move to leave, but stop, half turning around as you say, "Besides. Why would I be jealous of you when I could be jealous of them?" 
you shuffle out of the break room as fast as you can, your heart pounding in your chest, your cheeks buzzing with embarrassment as you flee whatever consequences you may have to face. 
"Why not seize the pleasure at once?— How often is happiness fooled by preparation, foolish preparation!" ~Emma, Jane Austen. 
You're sitting at your desk, reading the final chapter of Emma, your feet kicked up on your desk. It's been a couple days since you told Peña you were into him. Well, not into him. You at least wanted to have sex with him. He's come in a couple times to give you his work, and you've chatted idly with him, but there's been this underlying tension between the two of you. 
As you're reading the final pages of your book, you feel a hand rest on your shoulder and you jump in your seat, your ankles leaving the desk for a moment before slamming back down. 
"¡Ah, chingar!" You exclaim, putting your feet on the ground to stop the pain that's radiating from your ankles. You look up and see Peña above you, a guilty look on his face. 
"You okay?" he asks, and you nod. 
"Yeah, just don't scare me like that," you say, huffing as you close your book and put it on your desk. "What do you want, Peña?" 
He looks around the room, trying to be casual but you see the hesitation in his eyes. "Come with me."
You frown, but do as he asks, letting him lead you into the back of the archives, and through a door into a small closet. You hear the door lock and your eyebrows shoot up. 
"Peña, what-" 
You're cut off as his lips smash into yours, his moustache tickling your top lip, and all hesitation you may have had goes right out the window. You throw your arms around his neck and pull him closer, which means your back is pressed to the door behind you. His body is flush against yours and you can feel his erection against your thigh. 
You moan into his mouth and start undoing his belt, and he moves his lips to your neck, pulling down your shirt to suck and nip at the skin. 
"You have no idea," Peña says into your shoulder, "How long I've been wanting to do this."
"And- ah- and why didn't you do it earlier?" you ask, your hips jerking up as he bites down on your collar bone. 
He chuckles. "Well- oh fuck- I didn't know you were into-" he cuts himself off as you finally pull his hard cock from his jeans, and he moans. You move your hands to start undoing your own belt. "And, I haven't had much time these last two- fuck- days." 
You grab his chin and pull his face up to yours again, giving him a bruising kiss as you pull your own cock free from its confines, and you both moan softly as you press them together. You grasp your hand around both of them and start pumping up and down.  
"Oh, [Y/N]...." Peña moans. 
You and Peña are no longer kissing, but breathing heavily into each other's mouths as the two of you fuck your fist together. You roll up your shirts as your hips start to stutter and you moan quietly into Javier's mouth, "Madre jodida polla de perra, Peña."
Peña laughs lightly before groaning, leaning forward so his mouth is on yours again, and he comes into your fist. You follow closely behind when you feel Javier's cum splatter on your stomach. 
Peña pulls back, but just enough so he can breathe. You feel his breath on your lips as you pant as well, looking into his beautiful dark brown eyes.  
You reach your hand up between you two and lick the cum from your fingers, and you see Peña's pupils widen slightly in the darkness of the closet. It isn't pitch black with there being a small, almost burnt out bulb in the corner, but it's not light enough to see many details. 
Peña leans in and kisses you, hard and needy, and you kiss back, but he pulls away before you can do anything else. You let out a small groan as you hear paper rustling and you moan softly when you feel paper on your soft cock and stomach. 
"I hope that's not important," you murmur to him, and he pauses for a moment before he continues to clean you up. 
"I'm sure it's not," he says. 
You lean forward and mouth at his neck lightly, not enough to leave a bruise, and you mutter against his skin, as threatening as you can, "It better not be," but it's hard to be threatening with your dick out. 
"It is difficult for the prosperous to be humble." ~Emma, Jane Austen.
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itspufflehuff · 3 years
Alone Chapter 4 - Bucky Imagine TFATWS
Summary: SPOILERS As you all get closer to the flagsmashers more problems begin to arise, mostly to do with John Walker.
I try not to write too much in these summaries in case anyone hasn't caught up with TFATWS but one thing is for sure there is a lot of fighting in this chapter as most of the episode is full of fight scenes. Don’t worry there are still some cute moments with Bucky! 
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Word Count: 3057
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After everything that went down in Madripoor and with the information you were able to get you all mad your way to Riga hoping to find Karli or any information on her.
Zemo wasted no time settling back into his old home while Bucky decided to take a stroll on his own for a bit. Meanwhile, you and Sam sat beside each other on the couch with your legs resting on his lap. "Remember when we were in Spain?" He smiled at the memory, "Yeah we spent most of our time hiding out in one of those Air BNB's, you were the least recognizable of us so you had to go out and get us food." You laughed along, "Yeah I guess one good thing did come out of sitting out on a lot of missions." It went quiet for a second as you rested your head back on the couch, "You know that was when I realized my family was bigger than just Steve, Nat, and Tony. I had Wanda, Vision, and you."
Before Sam could say anything in response Bucky came in with news of the Wakandans arriving in Riga. You all devised a plan to head into town and try to find out some information on any services they may be having for Donya. This would, hopefully, lead you all to Karli.
The four of you headed to one of the camps where many of the refugees were staying. Bucky watched over Zemo while you and Sam headed into the building to find anyone you could talk to. Everywhere you went you were met with scared people who scurried off into the next room. Then you both walked into a room with children and a man, the teacher. It only took a minute for the man to send out of the children and himself out of the room. "Why won't anyone talk to us?" Sam asked with a hint of frustration. "You have to understand Sam, these people had a connection to Donya and somehow the Flagsmashers are connected to her. They'll do whatever to protect her and them. When a man comes in here looking intimidating they're gonna run away.
He looked at you offended, "I do not look intimidating."
"Well, when you come in here with your hands in your pockets and asking questions... it sends the wrong message." He took his hands out of his pockets and tried to loosen up. You pated his shoulder and began to walk away, "A little too late for that Sammy."
The both of you joined Bucky outside and watched Zemo from afar, "What the hell is he doing?" Bucky asked aloud. "He's gaining their trust." You said with a side glance to Sam.
Back at Zemos house, you all sat on the couch feeling defeated as Zemo made tea. You laid your head back as everyone bickered over Karli's morals. You rubbed at your eyes not wanting to hear this anymore. It was the same conversation you all have had before and never ended any different. "I'm going to lay down," you pushed yourself off the couch. Sam and Zemo continued their conversation but Bucky looked over to you concerned, "Are you feeling ok?"
The truth was you were feeling tired and dirty. You just wanted a nice bath and a long nap but now was not the time for either of those. Instead, you nodded your head, "I'm fine. I just need to lay down for a few minutes. Bucky nodded unconvinced but he didn't want to push you on the topic.
You barely laid down for two minutes when you hear glass shattering. Worried you ran out of the room to see Bucky storming away from Zemo with anger. From the door you called him over, ushering him into the room, and shutting the door behind you. "What was that all about?" He was pacing around the room, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you I know you were trying to rest." You sat at the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to you, "That's alright, come sit."
He hesitated for a second but gave in keeping his distance from you, "What's wrong?"
"It's just- he's treating this like a joke. Hiding information from us as if he has the upper hand." Bucky let out frustrated.
"That's how it's like with people like him. They want to believe they're always on top, especially when they know they're not."
"Yeah, you're right. Well, you should get some rest before-" Bucky was cut off when Sam burst into the room.
"We should get going. I have Sharon keeping an eye out for us and Zemo said he can lead us to the memorial." He left without waiting for a response.
You and Bucky looked at each other before you chuckled tiredly, "A hero's life is not a peaceful one."
On your way to Donya's service, you were unpleasantly met with John Walker and Lemar Hoskins. John made no effort to cover up his anger as he charged at the four of you, "Hey take it easy before it gets weird." Sam said pushing back at John's chest. Cautiously Lemar nudged John then pointed to your hands. Your hands were beginning to glow red hot as the energy from your magic built up. You didn't even realize you were preparing for a battle until Lemar pointed it out. The men took a step back as they lowered their voices to a calmer tone. Although it didn't stop them all from bickering the whole way.
"My associate is just up ahead." Zemo gestured to the little girl he was speaking to at the camp. He made his way towards the girl as everyone followed close behind.
"Whoa guys, I get the whole superhero walk but she's a child loosen up a bit. We don't want to scare her." You commented as you watched the men walk over to her looking intimidating.
The "transaction" between Zemo and the girl went smoothly. He handed her some money for her and her family. She then lead all of you towards Donya's memorial. "What the hell?" John cursed to Lemar.
"Language." You said as you continued walking in front of him. Beside you, you could hear Sam and Bucky snicker, "Don't say a word."
As you all waited for Sam, Bucky strolled over to you leaning on the wall. "Language huh? Steve really did raise you." He laughed.
You felt your neck heat up, "It just slipped out." He chuckled shaking his head as you stammered over your words, "It was- well I- I was just worried about the girl hearing someone cure. I don't usually care."
"I didn't get to talk to Steve much when I came back but when I did he talked about you a lot."
"Really?" You asked turning your head to him, "Yeah. He said you were like a sister to him."
You smiled at the thought but didn't have time to respond. Frustrated John walked towards the both of you trying to get by but Bucky refused. "Your partner needs backup. Do you really want his blood on your hands?" You turned to Bucky seeing how that comment hit him. He looked as if he was ready to give in and let John pass, "Don't listen to him, Buck. He doesn't know what he's talking about."
This only seemed to make John angry. He straightened himself up, shifting his feet to turn towards you. Bucky stood in between the both of you like a shield as Lemar reached for John's arm, "Come on man she's just a girl."
"Just a girl?" John shouted, "She's killed more people than you think!"
This made you defensive, "I only kill bad guys. I'm not going to kill you unless you're calling yourself a bad guy?"
"No, but you're not as perfect as you pretend to be." John spat back.
You were beginning to get angry. You tried to move Bucky out of your way but he kept an arm extended, not to protect you but to protect John from your anger, "What is that supposed to mean?" John looked down at your hands looking smug as of to say 'I told you so'. You could feel the energy running through your veins hot like fire but it didn't hurt you, it never did.
You didn't care that you were doing exactly what he thought you would because he was starting to piss you off. "I'm not waiting around any longer. There's a soldier in there who needs back up. If you're not going to help then stay out of my way."
"We're not at war John." Bucky sighed.
"If you go in there you're going to screw this up for all of us." You stepped up.
"I'm not going to ask again, move." John said I'm a stern tone.
"No." It was as if he had never been told no before. He lifted up the shield and tried to make himself look intimidating. You and Bucky stood your ground preparing to fight back if you needed to.
"Stand down soldiers." He warned. This only made you laugh, "I'm not a soldier. I'm an Avenger."
He charged at you. Bucky was ready to jump in front of you and push John out of the way but using your powers you were able to knock him down with ease. He stood back up angry. He charged at you again, this time Bucky knocked him down. You were able to manipulate the wind to keep John staples to the ground he thrashed around trying to get back up but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't.
Then you felt someone wrap their arms behind you locking your arms to your side. This distracted you allowing John to be set free. "I'm sorry but he needs to get in there." You heard Lemar's voice. You tried pushing yourself out of his grasp but he was much stronger than you.
Bucky was fighting off John until he saw you stuck in Lemar's hold. You could see him debating whether he should help you or hold Lemar back. He wanted to help you but he knew how important this mission was. Ultimately he pushed John back and ran to your side.
It didn't take long for John to slip through the door and into the room where Karli and Sam were. The three of you ran after him forgetting all about Zemo.
Everything moved so fast. John walked in with so much authority it was sickening. Lemar was trying to hold me and Bucky back. Karli pushed Sam to the ground and began her getaway. Bucky pushed Lemar out of the way chasing after Karli. You ran to Sam's side but he brushed you off, "I'm ok. We have to get to Karli." The both of you ran off in different directions hoping to corner her somehow. Instead, you and Sam reunited along with Bucky, "I lost her."
The three of you tried searching the place once more but gave up and decided to head back to Zemo's place.
There you all took a much-needed break as you regrouped and planned on what to do next. One thing that was for sure was to keep John Walker out of your way. Had he not intervened Karli would have stepped down and trusted Sam.
You sat at the table with Sam, listening to him type away on his computer. You were too zoned out of everything to pay attention to what was happening. It wasn't until you heard Bucky's voice next to you, "Would you like a drink?" You turned to see him shifting on his feet awkwardly. "A drink would be nice, thank you." He placed two cups on the table and poured the drinks. When he was done he passed one to you and took the second one for himself then pulled out the chair next to you to take a seat. You sipped your drink as the men talked.
It wasn't long until John came bursting through the door shouting, "Alright, that's it. Let's go. I am now ordering you to hand him over."
You rolled your eyes and continued to take sips of your drink. You watched as John tried to intimidate Sam, but everyone knew it wasn't working. Well everyone except John and Lemar. He put the shield down on the floor preparing to fight Sam but as soon as he stood back up a spear came hurtling towards him. You gasped turning to the source. The Dora Milaje.
Shit just got real.
As always John was trying to be his cocky self and show some authority. That didn't go too well with these women. The second he placed his hand on one of them a fight ensued. You sat back in your chair amused. You weren't the only one. With a quick look around the room, you could see Zemo and Bucky enjoying the show of John Walker getting his ass handed to him. Sam on the other hand looked concerned.
"Looking strong John!" Bucky shouted mockingly. You laughed. Sam scolded him. They jumped in to attempt to save John and Lemar from the ladies but that was proving to be harder than it seemed. Sam and Bucky were both distracted with saving John that they didn't notice Lemar about to get him. You jumped in pushing him out of the way before a spear came flying at him. Before you could grab it one of the ladies took it and started fighting you. Sam jumped in to help but even with the both of you, it was hard to take her down. Suddenly she turned to throw the spear and John immobilizing him. Seemingly at the same time, the other women disarmed Bucky. Literally. He looked at her in shock as she walked towards the bathroom.
"He's gone." You didn't know who "he" was until you took one glance around the room to find your prisoner had escaped.
All day it seemed to be one fight after another. Soon after the visit from the Dora Milage the three of you went to pay Karli a visit. Not much talking or negotiating was done before Walker had to once again come and ruin it. The three of you jumped off the patio and made your way to John. Sam flew but you decided to run with Bucky. As soon as you got there everything was chaos. Lemar was taken hostage and John was... strong? Much stronger than before.
You ran ahead of Bucky making your way up the stairs when you heard him grunt. You turned to see one of the flagsmashers attacking him, "Bucky!" You shouted as you made your way back down. He was in a chokehold and was fighting his way out. He shooed you away with his hand as he managed to say, "Go!" You furrowed your eyebrows, shaking your head, "I'm not leaving you behind."
Bucky got himself loose then kicked the man down the stairs. He jumped down, kicked him into the wall, walked over to his unconscious body, and said "Stay there." You couldn't help the grin that crept up to your lips. Sure this was a serious moment but he was such a dork. It was cute.
He made his way back up the stairs trying to hide his confidence, "Let's go." He placed his hand on your shoulder leading you up.
When you walked into the room where all the action was going on a dagger came flying towards Bucky. With ease, he dodged the dagger then grabbed it. As he started fighting the man who tried to kill him someone came up from beside you trying to attack, but you were faster than they were. You stepped back grabbing onto their fist that lunged to your face. Without a struggle, you punched them in the gut and pushed them down to the floor.
Suddenly Lemar came rushing in to save his best friend. What happened next was too quick to understand.
Karli punched him a little too hard. It sent him flying back into the pillar. Even through all the fighting, you could hear the crack of bones. Everyone stopped. It was like slow motion. The man who was holding John back let him go.
He made his way to Lemar trying to regain his conscious but it wasn't working. He was already gone.
The flagsmashers all made a run for it. You, Sam, and Bucky went chasing after them.
You made your way to the front of the building to see a crowd of people with their phones out. That's when you saw it.
John proudly holding onto a bloody shield. A man dead on the floor.
You felt sick. You could taste the bile rise up to your mouth as you swallowed it down. With one hand rested in your stomach and the other on your mouth you turned unable to look at the scene in front of you. Concerned Bucky pulled you in with one arm hiding your face into his shoulder.
You tried taking deep breaths and closing your eyes but you could see John plunging the shield into that poor man's body. Of course you'd gone on missions before and seen blood, injuries, and sometimes death. But this was the most gruesome thing you'd ever lay your eyes on. You could hear everything that was going on and prayed for it to end.
When it finally did Sam motioned for you and Bucky to follow him, "You go on we'll catch up." Sam gave you a concerned glance. He didn't want to leave you considering how sick you looked but he also couldn't allow John to getaway. He nodded to Bucky before running after John.
Bucky lowered his head to look you in the eyes and put his hands on your shoulders keeping you a small distance away, "Are you up for this? If not you can sit this one out no one will judge you." His eyes filled with worry as he examined your face.
Your eyes were to the ground as you took some more breaths in calming yourself down. A few seconds later you nodded looking up to lock eyes with him, "Let's take the shield back."
@majo240820 @yougottalovefandoms @sebstanfan123 @twpkhes
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whump-town · 3 years
Takes place after 5x01 because I love that angst of that episode and I love hurting Hotch but also Reid so...
No warnings
Dozing in and out of anesthesia it takes Spencer several hours to recall the full events of the day. He’s in too much pain, too distracted to note the lack of people at his bedside. Penelope holds his hand and he knows it’s her because he cracks an eye open and sees that someone dressed as the embodiment of the rainbow is softly asking him if he wants another ice chip. As time moves on, minutes feeling like hours, his sense comes to him and he sees the room around him. Feels a pang of hurt when he realizes that while Derek is eating his jello he does not see the typical crowd of three always waiting just at the edge of his bed.
“Where’s Hotch?” he asks sleepily. He can’t disguise the pain in his voice at this realization that Hotch hasn’t shown up. Hotch is always here. Lingering just out of reach but watching, Hotch always watches. Maybe not every time that Spencer wakes up but there are always blurry memories of the older man. Sometimes resting or pacing the room or just sitting and waiting but something. There’s always something.
Derek clears his throat but Garcia’s softly muffled sob beat him to it.
The heart monitor jumps as Spencer’s anxiety skyrockets, the pieces of his memory filling in as he recalls the conversation he had with Emily. Foyet and blood and the hospital. He can’t fight his tears, no amount of quick blinking abates them. “Is he…”
Derek sits up, shushing him before he can find the words to fill in the heavy blank. “No, no,” he cups Spencer’s cheek, shaking his head. “No, pretty boy, he’s okay.” Derek shakes his head at his own exaggeration of the truth. Hotch is anything but okay right now but he’s alive and that has to count for something. “He’s a little banged up,” Derek amends. “He’s alive.”
They dodge his questions for the rest of the day. Using just how touched starved he is against him, turning his attention away from his thoughts with a hand pressed to his forehead. Fingers sweeping through his hair until he’s safely nestled back into his blankets and pillows, losing to his exhaustion.
The sunrise of the next day brings the pain he hadn’t felt under the mental fog of the other drugs. He curses Tobias Hankle and hates himself as he fists the sheets in his hands and shakes his head. Turning away their offers. Thankful he doesn’t have to explain how life has left him here chewed up and spit out and deprived of the drugs that would soothe this pain. Derek tries to help but Spencer doesn’t care that it’s not technically a relapse and no one would blink an eye if wanted something, hell anything but he shuts his eyes and refuses.
He’ll be fine.
The pain… After a while, he struggles to keep his cool. Penelope comes up early and wipes sweat from his brow where it’s accumulated in his strain. He tries to keep silent, answer her questions as nicely as he can so that he doesn’t say something mean. He hates the way that the words come out of his mouth. The way he takes his pain out on everyone else around him.
He just wants to know how Hotch is and after a while of their brief answers and shrugging, half-assed mumbles he can’t take it. Secluded to this bed, having no say in anything happening to him, all he has is time to get lost in his head. Which is okay for a while, he can think about books to take his mind away from the pain but that does get boring quickly. Daytime television is ass and he’s not nearly tired enough for a nap.
“How’s Hotch?” he asks knowing already what they’re going to tell him. Never direct answers because he suspects they’re trying to protect him but it’s really because they don’t know. They’re afraid to really know. He would be afraid too if he could see but he can’t see and he can’t know and he’s really, really fed up with it.
JJ shrugs. “He’s just--” she crosses her arms over her chest, shaking her head. Guarding herself. “You have to be careful around him,” she mumbles. That’s all that any of them seem to be able to agree on. This careful that they all seem to ache with. The way that they can’t even look him in the eyes to say it. Even Penelope, she looks down and tears glisten in her eyes and there’s that word again: careful.
And he mistakes JJ to mean that he has to be careful around Hotch. That they’re saying that he is at risk of setting Hotch off and it’s childish and a simple misunderstanding but it drives him crazy. Of all of them, they’re worried about him? He and Penelope are the only people who don’t go out of their way to piss Hotch off. Derek yells at him all the time, the two of them never get along. Hotch has known Spencer twice as long as he’s known Emily and Hotch hated her for the first year she was on the team.
But he needs to be careful? As if they aren’t torches lighting him ablaze.
So, he goes to see for himself.
It’s late and he’s working with a small time frame. Needs to wait for Dave to head home after dinner but before Emily can come to sit with him for the night. It’s about twenty minutes, he knows only because Derek aired the concern two days ago. Was afraid of what could happen in that amount of time but Dave had won out and the twenty minutes remained. Hotch needs a break from them and he likes the twenty minutes, so they’ll give him that.
So, twenty minutes it is.
The moving makes him tremble, the pain nearly overwhelming but he’s got a plan and he needs to move. Needs to do it fast.
He doesn’t know where Hotch’s room is but he knows it’s on the second floor. He’d heard JJ and Emily talking about Hotch getting moved from the intensive care unit to a general floor but not one like Spencer’s. Someplace still close to the nurses who often need to get to him quickly. Emily had dropped that it was the second floor, twisting her fingers anxiously in her hands. She hadn’t liked the idea of the move but it wasn’t up to her.
So Spencer makes his slow way down the hall of the second floor. His bracelet and crutches get him far, it just looks like he’s been sent by another floor’s nurse to get some exercise in. That and he’s aware that his overgrown hair and thin body makes him look younger, innocent so he gets smiles and the occasional wave and one says anything.
Finding Hotch is harder than he’d thought it would be but he finds the room. A giant stuffed bear sitting in the windowsill-- the same one, if not smaller he notes with a jealous frown, Garcia brought him. Stepping into the room he’s not sure what he’s expecting to find but it’s not this. Careful, they’d said, and he’d thought of Hotch’s performative anger. The way he sends paper flying through the air. Thought of the way Hotch had fussed with him over the years for his dangerous stunts.
Careful and he’d assumed Hotch would be hardened. Guarded.
He’d never thought careful could be mean weak.
There’s a walker sitting by the bed, discarded Spencer knows when he realizes that the wheelchair is physically closer to Hotch. That the tiny amount of space between the chair Hotch sleeps in now and the bed was too great a distance. Even though it’s no more three feet, no more than a step or two.
He’s paler than Spencer has ever seen him, held up by pillows, and breathing heavily even with the aid of the oxygen canal sneaking under his nose. Entirely limp, lifeless with his head turned into the raised side of the chair. To his left is the dinner he’d left nearly untouched, unable to stomach even a bite of unseasoned chicken or the steamed carrots that should have been easy on his stomach. He’d had a few sips of apple juice and fallen asleep, exhausted from just being moved from the bed.
Spencer stands there so frozen that he’s glad Hotch is asleep. He can’t imagine the ways in which he’d hurt his boss if he were awake to see the emotion in Spencer’s eyes. To see the tears and sympathy as his eyes move over Hotch’s chest. Taking in the dots of blood on his chest, the gown pulled down to show far too much. To see the staples peaking through where the gauze isn’t thick enough. That he’s being held together like a broken doll and he looks their measures just aren’t enough. He’s broken beyond compare.
He jumps and turns to see Emily standing outside the door and he wonders just how long he’s been standing there. He steps out into the hall, flinching at the grip she has on his elbow as she steps close to him. There’s something about her eyes, the sneer he hasn’t yet heard in her voice. He’s afraid of her and she wants him to be. “Don’t let him see you looking at him like that,” she warns but it’s not the way you reprimand a misguided child. She’s pulling his hand from a red hot burner and she means to scare him. “Do you understand me? Do you think that’s what he needs right now? Seeing you look at him like that?”
She releases him and he resists the urge to rub where her fingers dug in. Only then does she soften, just a little, and sigh with a shake of her head at him. “Pull yourself together,” she mumbles, brushing past him to step into the room. “Don’t come in here unless you can handle it.” He sees her pain now, the way she looks at the floor. “He needs you to be strong, Spence. It’s not easy but he can’t do it right now.” She pulls in a deep breath, “I’ll tell him you came by--”
He shakes his head, “no, no I--”
She stops him, “please? Take tonight. Feel. Let it sink in and come back in the morning. He’ll… he’s better in the morning.” But her tone makes him think that’s probably not true.
He watches her go into the room, watching from where he’s hidden as she walks up to Hotch. Cherishing a soft moment while he sleeps to press a kiss to his temple and wake him, gently like she’s sorry. They exchange soft words, Hotch’s too slurred for him to make out but Emily’s clear and kind. She’s walking him through the last few days, reminding him until he can nod and fill in the pieces himself.
He turns away when he sees Emily preparing to get him up and he realizes that he really isn’t strong enough for this. She was right and he can’t imagine… he doesn’t want to even think about Hotch right now.
Curiosity killed the cat and now he's dragging his sore ass back to his room. Left to sit on the image of the man who's always protected, the man who never leaves slumped and hurting because he can't stomach it. He's too weak.
Spencer's always too weak.
What does that say about him? That he can't think of a single time Hotch left him alone in the hospital, no matter his condition, but when Hotch needs him...
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
don’t wake up pt. 3 | rafe cameron x reader
summary: you and rafe grow closer, and the line between dreams and reality starts to blur
warnings: SMUT (unprotected), drug use mention, cursing, ward cameron being a dick of a father
word count: 3.7k (it’s a big one folks)
a/n: wow, thank you all for the amazing response to this series! it makes me so happy to see all your likes, reblogs, and comments, you have no idea. this part is long and sweet and honestly some of the best writing i’ve ever done. part 4 might take a little longer, since i go back to work tomorrow, but it should be up by the end of the week. also, warning, we jump right into the smut on this one. absolutely 0 foreplay. 
series masterlist
“Fuck, Rafe!” you screamed as Rafe’s fingers started working on your clit.
“Don’t cum yet, angel. You know what happens when you don’t listen.”
His grip around your throat tightened as he continued to slam into you from behind. Your hands searched for something, anything to ground you, to keep your impending orgasm as bay. Your back was pressed against Rafe’s chest, keeping you far away from the sheets you wanted to grasp. Instead, your hands reached up and made a home in Rafe’s hair, making him groan as you pulled hard on it.
“Please, Rafe, please let me cum. I can’t hold it much longer!”
Rafe hit your pussy with a rough slap that nearly sent you over the edge.
“What did I fucking say?” He growled in your ear. Despite what he was saying, Rafe loved hearing you beg to cum. He moved his fingers faster, thrusts becoming sloppy but harder as he felt himself getting closer.
Right when he reached the edge, Rafe leaned close to your ear and whispered, “Come for me, angel.”
You met your release with a scream, Rafe following right after you. He held you against him, giving a few more lazy thrusts as you both rode out your orgasms. For a few moments you were both still, Rafe still filling you up but no longer thrusting. Rafe felt his heart beating fast against his chest, his breathing just as fast, same as yours. He placed a few soft kisses on your neck before slowly releasing you, laying you onto your stomach on the bed. He quickly ran to the bathroom to dispose of the condom before joining you on his bed, pulling you onto his chest.
A month had passed since the first time you two had hooked up. Rafe had texted you that same morning, telling you how much he wanted to do that again. And so you did. At least once a week (most of the time more) Rafe texted you or you texted Rafe wanting to meet up. You would either drive to his house or he would pick you up if someone else in your family was using the car. Then you’d head back to the Cameron residence and spend the rest of the night tangled in each other (though there was one time Rafe couldn’t control himself for the entire drive, pulling off to the side of the road and taking you right then and there).
You didn’t talk much about your arrangement, refusing to put labels on it for fear of ruining the moments you had. Moments that neither you or Rafe wanted to give up. It really was like a dream to Rafe. You came to him at night caressing him, touching him in ways no one else had before. No matter how rough he was with you, your touches were always gentle and caring, as if you weren’t just touching his skin and instead reaching in to touch his soul. When he was done making you scream and come undone beneath him, he held you close, afraid you would dissolve and fade away like all his other dreams. And in the morning, you did just that. The only proof he had that you had been there at all were the love bites strewn across his chest, the smell of you on his sheets, and the little notes you left for him.
Sometimes you wrote dumb jokes or promises of another night with you or just a doodle of a flower or a heart or a smiley face. He kept all of them in a drawer in his desk, but always placing the newest one in his wallet. He would look at it throughout the day, especially when the day became extremely difficult, to keep him going until the night when he would see you again. He didn’t want to force you stay, worried that the tighter he clung to you the harder you would pull away and the sooner he’d lose, because he would lose you eventually. He knew that. Even if you did try to stay, he couldn’t let you. He didn’t want to ruin you while he ruined himself. So he kept his problems hidden away from you, letting them set with the sun. When the moon was up, he got to pretend they were gone, and he had you in their place. Rafe was great at pretending. So when he woke up the next morning, he forced himself to prepare for reality that came when he opened his eyes and he woke from his dream. Except he didn’t.
The first thing he noticed was the smell of weed in the air, a gentle breeze from the window blowing the haze around his room. Then he opened his eyes and instead of seeing the empty side of the bed, he saw your bare thighs, criss-cross-apple sauce. You were leaning against the head board, smoking a joint and wearing one of his shirts. Your eyes were trained on the TV, and he could hear the sound of voices softly through the speakers. He pushed himself up on to his forearm, the movement alerting you of his consciousness. You smiled down at him and he damn near swooned.
“Morning, sleepy head.” You said. Rafe admired your morning appearance for the first time, taking in your messy hair and slightly droopy eyes, though that might have been from the weed. He loved how you looked in his shirt, how he could see the marks he left on you peeking out from the collar. Rafe almost pinched himself. You offered him the joint and his fingers brushed against yours, which meant you were here, really here. He took a hit while your eyes returned to the TV. He blew out the smoke then said, “Why are you still here?”
You turned back towards him, but didn’t meet his eyes. You furrowed your brows, looking down at your fingers as they picked at a loose thread on the sheet.
“It’s peaceful here,” You said simply. You looked back up at Rafe, concern now lacing your forehead. “I can go if you want.”
“No! No.” Rafe reached out, his large hand trapping your smaller one. He smiled softly up you.
“Stay, please.”
You smiled back and took the joint back from his offering fingers. You scooted closer to him as he sat up more, giving you space to rest your head on his shoulder. Rafe tried to calm his beating heart as you laced your fingers with his, staring at the TV intently. He tried to distract himself with the show you put on, but it just confused him.
“What the hell are you watching?” He questioned.
“The X-Files. It’s my favorite.”
You spent the next few hours watching The X-Files. You had put on an episode from the middle of season three, so you tried your hardest to fill in gaps for Rafe when he needed it. By the time you claimed you had to go home, Rafe was ready to go back and watch from episode one. Especially if it meant he got to hold you a little longer. But you just chuckled, shaking your head at the boy as you pulled on your shorts.
You leaned across the bed and placed a hand on his cheek.
“Next time, I promise,” You said before kissing him sweetly. His lips moved gently along with yours as your fingers stroked across his cheek.
It wasn’t until you were out the door after giving him another quick peck and a smile that realized the pattern your fingers had traced was random. It had been a smiley face. Another note for his collection.
If Rafe couldn’t get you out of his head before, you were stuck in it with super glue now. He didn’t text you for the next couple days, too busy overthinking every moment of his morning with you. You had done nothing sexual, but, to Rafe, it felt more intimate than anything else you had done up until then. He wasn’t sure what to do now, it felt like everything had changed. It scared him and excited him. He had thought your relationship was just physical to you. But you had stayed. You had cuddled with him and smoked with him and laughed with him and shared your favorite show with him. God, he loved listening to you talk about the things you were passionate about, even when that thing was a strange but surprisingly awesome alien crime show from the 90s. But you had stayed. You had burrowed yourself deeper into his heart while at the same time opening a whole new vault of vulnerabilities and fears in his mind. He didn’t want to break you, but he was also absolutely terrified that you might break him. He wasn’t right for you, and he knew that. It would be selfish if he let you in. Really, truly claimed you as his like he wanted to, pulling you out of his dreams and into reality. But, Rafe was a selfish person.
The stress and wonder of his relationship with you was flowing through his head when his father found him, sitting by the pool. Ward sat in the chair beside him, bringing up another thing Rafe had done wrong. He heard what his father was saying but didn’t really listen. He felt the anger boiling inside of him, all the emotions that had been building up this week were ready to burst out of him. So he let them.
The argument escalated quicker than it usually, Rafe and Ward at each other’s throats as they screamed in each other’s faces. Rose eventually ran out, trying to break apart the father and son to no avail. The fight ended with Ward yelling at Rafe to get out of his house and out of his sight, so Rafe complied.
When he sped out of the driveway on his bike, he wasn’t sure where he was going. Normally, he would have gone to Barry’s to do a line and complain and get lost in the euphoria the drugs brought him. But his heart had other ideas.
Rafe had never been this close to your front door, let alone inside your house. You always made him wait for you in the car. The one time he had tried walking up to the front door, you had met him halfway, nearly ripping his arm off with the force of you pulling him back to his bike.
He took a deep breath before knocking, praying that you would be home and wouldn’t be angry with him for turning up at your door in the middle of the day.
“Rafe?” You said as you opened the door. He couldn’t help but smile as you appeared in the doorway, just the sight of you enough to calm him down.
“I’m sorry for just turning up. I would have texted you but I just sort of ended up here. You know what actually, I should just go. Sorry for bothering you.”
He started to turn, trying to keep a cool exterior while inside he wanted nothing more than to run for the hills. But he was stopped by your hand taking his.
“Rafe,” You smiled at him, taking in his disheveled hair, slightly crazed eyes and red face, “it’s okay. Come in.”
You opened the door wider and pulled him through, closing it behind you. The fingers that weren’t gripping your own were fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, taking in his surroundings. This was completely new territory for him. He’d never been in your space before. The house itself was just slightly bigger than his and Sarah’s rooms combined. The kitchen and the living room were smushed together, the living room being the larger of the two. There was a short hallway  that led to a single door, with two other doors on either side of it. You led him to the kitchen, releasing his hand to grab a couple of glasses and fill them with water.
Rafe continued to take in the home, taking note of the toys and clothes strewn about. Jackets thrown over chairs, worn children and adult books sitting on the couch, a bowl of cereal left to sog up on the table. He’d never been in a home that looked so lived in before. He kind of liked it.
“Sorry it’s such a mess,” You said, handing him a water, “Three young children live here, so it always looks like a tornado has blown through.”
Rafe’s eyebrows shot up.
You laughed at his expression.
“Yeah, my niece and nephews. I live here with my sisters. My older one is the mother of the tornado. But, they all went to visit my uncle for a couple nights, so I have the house all to myself!”
Rafe absorbed the information your were giving him, storing it away in the part of his brain reserved just for you. He was realizing how little he actually knew about you. He knew nothing about your family, he’d never really thought about it before. He tried to picture you here, in this kitchen, three little kids running around while you stood with two other girls who looked similar to you.
“Sounds nice, peaceful,” Rafe commented.
“It will be. I miss them already, though. It’s been too quiet. Usually, the Pogues or at least Kie or Sarah would come keep me company, but they all have shit to do.” You moved closer to him and smiled up at him, cheeks heating up slightly as you spoke, “I’m glad you’re here.”
Rafe blushed instantly at your words, looking down at his feet to hide the smile growing wide on his face. He was so screwed. He thought of all the times he messed with Topper, calling him pussy-whipped. If only Topper could see him now.
“I’m glad I’m here too,” Rafe said, meeting your warm gaze.
The pair of you are silent for a moment, getting lost in each others eyes. You pull away first, taking a sip of your water before speaking.
“So, what’s up? Did something happen you look a little…wild.”
Rafe chuckled at your choice of adjective.
“My dad, he, uh…he kicked me out. I fucked up something, I can’t remember what but I’m sure I did it. We got in a huge argument and he told me to leave. It’s not the first time, I’ll go back in a few days and beg for forgiveness or something. I just…” Rafe sniffed rubbing his nose quickly on his arm. Rafe Cameron was not a cryer. He couldn’t remember the last time he had shed a tear. But standing here in your kitchen, feeling your understanding eyes on him, allowing him to talk about all the shit he’d been holding in for years about his father, he wasn’t afraid to let the dam break. The tears were quick and silent. He didn’t sob, but he felt his breath getting caught in his throat as the rivers ran down his cheeks.
“I just want to be a good fucking son.”
You pulled him into you. His head nestled into your neck, tears soaking the collar of your shirt. His arms wrapped around your waist, squeezing the breath from you but you didn’t care. You held him just as tight, whispering sweet things in his ear. A few minutes passed before the tears finally dried up. Rafe pulled away slightly, keeping his hands on your hips as he looked at you with swollen eyes.
“I’m sorry, fuck, I’m sorry I-”
“Shh, Rafe stop,” You took his face in your hands, forcing him to look directly at you, “Don’t apologize for having fucking feelings and crying when someone hurts them. Believe me, I live with three children under the age of six, we have a lot of crying going on around here. Sometimes you just have to let it out. Let it out, Rafe.”
Rafe closed his eyes, letting your words quiet his wayward mind. Your thumbs stroked his cheeks, taking the tears with them. You leaned forward and kissed both his cheeks before kissing his lips. He could taste his own tears on your lips. The kiss was short but he could feel the emotion in it. You pulled away slowly, leaning your forehead on his. For Rafe, however, you were way too far away.
His arms wrapped around your back, one hand cupping the back of your head and pulling you back to meet his lips. The kiss wasn’t as rough and sexually charged as the others you had shared. This one was more like your first kiss, filled with passion and emotion and a pure and unadulterated need to be close to another person.
It wasn’t long before Rafe’s hand made there way to the hem of your shirt, pulling it up over your head, placing it on the counter. You weren’t wearing a bra, and he groaned at the sight of your bare breasts. His hand moved down to your thighs, squeezing them. You understood his signal, arms wrapping around his neck as you jumped. You wrapped your legs around his waist, his hands supporting you on your ass as he moved you through the house.
“Which one is yours?” Rafe asked as he reached the hallway.
“Left,” You said before reattaching your lips to his. He kicked the door open. Opening his eyes for second to asses the layout of the room, he noticed two twin beds in pushed into the corners of the room.
“Which one’s yours?” Rafe asked again with a small smile.
“Right,” You said with a matching smile.
Rafe sat on the edge of the bed, making you straddle his lap. He pulled his shirt over his head, then leaned forward to take one of your nipples in his mouth, his hand moving to massage the other. You threw your head back, letting out a long moan. Rafe moved to the other boob, giving it the same treatment with his tongue. After a few minutes, Rafe tried to flip you onto your back, but you stopped him. You looked him right in his eyes, pupils blown with lust as your hand reached down to palm him through his shorts.
“I want to make you feel good, Rafe,” You whispered before leaning down to kiss his neck. The sinful moan he made went straight to your center. You moved off his lap, pushing him back until he was leaning against the head board. You pulled his shorts and boxers down, allowing his erection to spring free. You didn’t break eye contact as you undressed him, enjoying the blissful spark in his eyes as you ran you hands down his thighs. You stood up, shimmying out of your bottoms until you were fully naked and moved to straddle him again.
“I’m going to make you feel so good, baby. You deserve to feel good,” You said as you placed a few more open mouthed kisses on his neck. You reached down again to grasp his dick, giving it a few pumps before aligning it with your entrance. Rafe stopped you with a hand on your wrist.
“I don’t have a condom,” He said.
“It’s okay. I want to be close to you.” You said before sinking down onto him. You both moaned loudly, foreheads meeting in the space between you. You slowly started to rock your hips against Rafe’s, relishing in the feeling of him bare inside you, filling you up perfectly.
Rafe thought he had died and gone to heaven. He was convinced there could be nothing better than this, feeling you, all of you. He felt loved. Absolutely loved for once in his miserable life.
He gripped your hips, helping you speed up your movements. He kissed you again, catching your moans with his tongue while he released his own into you. You gripped his hair, pulling him as close to you as you could, until there was positively no space separating your bodies. Your hips started moving faster, Rafe moving you up and down to bounce on his cock.
“Rafe,” You moaned his name like a prayer.
“I’m getting close, angel,” Rafe whispered
“Don’t stop, please. Don’t stop, baby, I want you fill me with your cum.”
You reached down to rub your clit quickly, feeling your orgasm coming on quickly.
“Fuck you feel so good, angel. Make me feel so good,” Rafe moaned before sucking on the sensitive spot on your neck. You came with a moan of his name, head collapsing onto his shoulder as he continued to pump into you. His thrusts became faster as he chased his release. You kissed any piece of skin your lips could reach as his thrusts became sloppier, breathing heavier than before. He came loudly, grunting as he filled your pussy with spurts of white ropes. You rocked your hips lightly, helping him through his orgasm before stilling completely.
Your foreheads rested together, breath mingling in the space between. You sat like that for what felt like eternity, a moment frozen in time. You savored the feeling of Rafe’s cock in you, your combined juices leaking out of you and dripping down his shaft and your thighs. Rafe gave you a few gentle pecks, fingers massaging the back of your head. For a moment he felt complete, invincible, fucking incredible.
You stayed together until Rafe was completely soft in you. You reluctantly lifted yourself off his lap, the both of you whimpering at the loss of contact. You sneaked across the hallway to the bathroom, wiping yourself clean and doing your business. You returned to your room, grabbing your laptop from the trunk at the end of you bed and snuggled back up next to Rafe.
His eyes were still closed, head resting against the wall. He was so still you thought he might have fallen asleep, until his eyes opened and looked down at you, a lazy and utterly joyful smile gracing his features. You smiled back up at him, giving him a quick kiss before opening the laptop.
“Want to watch The X-Files?”
He grinned, wrapping an arm around you and snuggling deeper into the pillows.
“Oh, hell yeah.”
You giggled at his enthusiasm, clicking open the webpage and starting the episode.
Rafe held you tight in his arms, but for once he wasn’t afraid of you disappearing. As the sun beamed in through the blinds, casting light across your bedroom floor, Rafe allowed himself a moment to be selfish, and let his dreams see the light of day.
tagging: @ilovejjmaybank @diverrdown @diverdcwn @drewsephsmiles @https-luna @juliarose21 @bluesiderudy
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fayeimara · 4 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
Episode 4. If You're A Masochist
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Putting your phone away after posting your latest update, you look around one more time for either of your cousins. The oldest, Ren, had left you with his brother Shin, strictly telling him not to leave you alone before he met back up with you both. But then you convinced Shin to call the car and drop off the bags you'd overloaded him with, agreeing to meet back here this cute café. It had been pretty easy to convince him, seeing as how you could barely make him out over the bags and boxes of items you'd bought for your friends and family back home. It was fair play, after all, you'd brought just as many gifts with you for your cousins here when you'd arrived.
Smiling as you tip the cup of coffee up to your lips, you consider if you've harassed him enough for the day or if you should top it off by ordering him something he'll hate just to see that distressed look on his face. He deserves it for the prank he pulled on you a few days ago, when they picked you up from the station, literally scaring you half silly when he snuck up from behind you, grabbed you, and started to run. You were pretty worried because not a single person in the busy terminal had tried to stop him even though you were clearly (momentarily) terrified and not aware of who had 'kidnapped' you until he'd finally put you down. You guess you should have expected this with him though, given you both have always messed around with each other, pulling fun pranks and stupid stunts, since the two of you were kids, but you'd gotten completely complacent since you'd last seen these oh so lovely cousins of yours.
If there was any doubt on whether you had any payback planned for Ren, well, he was the one who'd grabbed not only your bags but also several pictures of your embarrassing slip in composure, i.e. your briefly terrified face, and shared it with the world. So yeah, you were sure he was sleeping with an eye open for the time being, which is why you would call on your considerable patience before hitting him subtly and satisfyingly when he least expected it.
With that in mind, you head back to the counter to place another order and then ask if there are any specialty dessert shops in the area. Happy to hear of one pretty close, you're sure you'll be able to quickly head over and back before Shin returns.
The shop is as incredible as promised because it only takes them about ten minutes to prepare your custom order of mochi with a spicy twist. Trying one out, you can't help but enjoy the sweet flavour and texture even if you're disappointed that it doesn't seem to have the effect you were hoping for, until you feel the heat slowly build the more you chew. Oh. Oh my. Oh my g- Mouth burning, you quickly gulp at the coffee still in your hand to try and relieve the pain. Okay so.. it's perfect! Cue evil laugh.
You thank the brilliant artisans, because that's what they are, and promise to leave a review on your way out. It's not until you're walking by an alley (how typical, right?) between shops on your way back to the cat café, that you're pulled from your thoughts of not-so-sweet revenge.
"Give it up, kid." It's nothing alarming at first. Not until you hear the next cry.
"Don't touch me! Leave me alone!"
Um. What?
You've stopped even before you turn your head to look in at a couple older guys surrounding a little kid. Seriously, what's with the cliché? You honestly thought this only happened in anime but you guess dummies always prove people wrong.
Debating who you should call, because you're not going to assume adding yourself to the equation alone is going to be any help, you quickly look around only to realize that the only people passing by near or across the street either don't seem to care, or aren't the kind of people you'd feel comfortable asking for any assistance from. People can call you out on stereotyping but really, where's the kind but strong elderly gentleman or tough, no nonsense, do-gooder woman when you need one??
"Hey!" The tears in the kid's voice draw you back, with your head whipping around to witness one of the bullies reach out to grab his collar. Quick kid, he manages to dodge even if barely but he's about to be blindsided by one of the other guys.
You don't even have time to sigh at your stupidity as you run up between them as fast as you can, slapping the second guy's hand away from where it was reaching for the kid's arm.
With that loud sound and dramatic entrance, all eyes are now on you, but the element of surprise does provide enough time for you to pull the boy behind you and back the two of you up a bit so you're both not completely surrounded.
Okay, this kid barely reaches over your hip, he can't be older than about 6 or 7 maybe, what's he doing here alone?
"Well, well. What do we have here?" The first guy that had tried to grab the kid's collar studies you. You want to say his voice is annoying or that he's an ugly creep but he's just an average guy of about a few years older than you. The only distinct feature are his glasses and that's probably because you don't typically think of wannabe thugs in glasses. Again, so sue you for you conventional stereotypes, but you're in a kind of delicate situation to be worried about thinking inside the box.
"Why don't you tell me," You shoot back, pretty upset about this pathetic tableau, "since it looks like three guys old enough to know better than to bully little kids."
The third guy hasn't done much until now but he laughs at��your statement and, okay, at least his laugh is kind of annoying, like a dumb donkey's braying. You hope he's trying to fake an evil laugh or something and that's not his real one? Seriously, it sounds forced and fake so you hope for his sake it really is or no one will trust him once they hear it if that's all he has to work with for the rest of his life. You're tempted to say that to his face, but you've also been told by your friends that your reckless impulses tend to escalate the situation when you need the opposite so you hold back.
Because you're outnumbered. With only a crying kid at your back, quite too literally.
"Oh no, we're not bullying him. He's my kid brother, you know? We were just messing with him since he was being a brat and grabbed the new games we just bought."
You hesitate, thinking it over. Did you make assumptions and jump in too fast? He didn't call out for help or say anything specific to indicate he didn't know these guys. You don't want to turn away to look him over, but he had been holding something clutched against his side.
You feel a little hand clench into the back of your dress and a couple tugs follow, so without turning away, you cast your gaze down and meet teary hazel eyes that are peering up with a little hope among the fear, "He's lying, oneesan, I don't know them."
"Ahh, stop lying and dragging the nice, pretty girl into this." Second guy speaks up, trying to reach around you to grab the kid, but you quickly shift the both of you back a bit more. You realize the wall is just behind you, if the kid's gasping sob means anything. You're out of space to maneuver.
So...you're in a tough spot, you've got your hands literally full and you're up against three guys that are definitely living up to your first impression of them. You don't really have time to think it over as 'glasses' loses patience and reaches for you directly, grabbing your arm that's holding the trick mochi and trying to pull you forward. "What's this? Maybe we should take it for the trouble you've added by interfering in a family issue."
"How about this instead?" And before you can pity the loss, you've thumbed off the lid to your delicious hot coffee that you guess won't get to finish drinking, and toss it in his face.
"Arhggh!" Wow, high pitched for a tough guy, but you really can't think about that right now. Goodbye, coffee, your sacrifice is appreciated.
"What the hell, you crazy b-"
"Don't bother, dumbass, it's probably not hot enough to permanently scar him at this point." True story, you like your coffee cooled down more than most.
They're staring at you like you're crazy but it's really just the recklessness you're known for. Although you should have held on to that reminder of your friends' warnings that ran through your head earlier because the situation has definitely been escalated if the mean, hateful looks that are appearing from behind their fake polite masks are anything to go by. They clearly weren't even trying that hard to pretend. While the second guy is supporting his friend who's flailing, 'Fake laugh' reaches for you, this time angled for the collar of your dress or even your neck, "You stupid bitch."
Oh okay. Well, I'm so sorry for my impertinence, god. This is payback for the mochi prank, isn't it? You actually roll your eyes upwards for a split second with that thought.
Then you prepare to drop the maybe-unlucky box for the coming fight but just before his hand reaches you, another suddenly shoots out and grabs it. Hard.
"Don't you know how to treat women, buddy?" Wow, now that's a nice voice.
Shifting your eyes to your left without turning your head, you catch sight of a handsome bedheaded guy about your age. You would probably be all heart eyes in any other situation- who are you kidding? This is literally the perfect situation.
"I don't think he does, but that's probably because he has zero experience with them." Yay, your mouth can run freely with your attitude now that you have some back up. Not that it stopped you earlier, though..
This new guy shifts his gaze to meet yours and looks pretty surprised at your smirky smile (yes you're calling it that). Why so surprised though? You guess you should have been crying or even praising this god for stepping in. Whatever, he's just a boy. Even if he is drool worthy.
He studies you and pauses briefly on the redness marking your wrist from where one of the guys had grabbed you and then his golden eyes flick down to the boy hidden behind you before focusing a steady stare back on the bullies, "I think you should leave before I really get pissed off."
He must be a magician because they vanish pretty fast after his low declaration, supporting their friend who's managed to wipe most of your precious coffee off of his slightly reddened face. Looks like, he'll live to be a dumbass another day. Could've told them that and avoided the escalation. Oh wait, you pretty much did, right?
The guy is turning back to you after watching them leave the alley and you reach for the little kid with the hand that once held your coffee. Feeling his little hand slip into yours, you start to walk the two of you towards the street while keeping your body angled so you don't completely turn your back on this new guy. You swear the amount of times you've had a situation like this turn into something unexpected is a little unnatural. "Wow. Well... Thank you, stranger, for your help."
He narrows those stunning eyes on you but you don't think he's angry, just a little confused for a moment, before he realizes you're equally wary of him. He moves out of the alley after you both, but thankfully not too closely, because you have to turn your back on him so you don't trip or walk into anyone once you reach the main street.
"It's Kuroo. Kuroo Tetsuro."
You silently startle around at the sound of his voice coming from a lot closer to you than expected but compose yourself quickly so as not to offend him by whirling around in alarm.
"Oh, uh.. nice to meet you." Okay, you both should be safe now. You turn back to face him and the kid is now glued to your side, tiny hands gripping your dress with both hands, one at your back and one at the front. At least it's not silk because that would leave quite the wrinkles. "Anyways... we have to get going now to find whoever lost this little guy."
His arm moves up, rubbing his hand in his hair at the back of his sheepishly tilted head. Probably can't get his hair any messier at this point. "That would be me."
"What?" You raise a disbelieving eyebrow. Always the unlikeliest odds with you and really, what are they anyways here in this situation? But it turns out he's not kidding and you're not misunderstanding.
"I'm the one who lost him. That's my little cousin you're trying to walk away with."
"Hey!" You protest his teasing implication, before looking down at the boy. The other guys tried this too, though.
So you delicately crouch down (aware you're in a dress and heeled ankle boots that could spell impending disaster if you lose your balance) to make sure you're at eye level with the kid. He's not crying anymore, but not looking happy or relieved either. Just staring back at you steadily, a little like the calm gaze of this other guy, actually, but let's not go with confirmation bias. Maybe he's just not an overly excitable kid to begin with.
"Do you know this guy?" You ask softly. He told the truth before, under the stress of a pretty scary situation, after all.
He looks over and up at the tall teen claiming to be his cousin before nodding. "Oh." You give the little boy a reassuring smile before leaning in to whisper in his ear, "Can I ask your name?"
And when you turn your ear to him so he can whisper a reply, you hear, "Itsuki."
Giving him another sweet smile, you stand back up and he's glommed right back onto your side. You meet the bedhead's eyes with your own slightly narrowed but steady too, and settle on a serious expression with an eyebrow raised. He hasn't looked away from you even once but that's fair considering you might actually be trying to take away his little cousin... whom he's lost already once today, if we're all being honest.
"What's his name?"
He raises an eyebrow to match yours, stance indicating he's in no rush but expression definitely amused, "You mean Itsuki?"
"Yeah.. okay, then." You look back down at the boy who's reluctantly releasing you as Kuroo moves closer to you both, your smile back on my face. "It was really nice to meet you, Itsuki. Thank you for being so brave and strong back there. I couldn't have sent those bullies away without you!"
"Or me?" Kuroo asks but it's not really a question more like an amused statement sliding into remind you that he did save you both in the end. Isn't he a little too close for politeness?
"I suppose." Now you have tilt your head back to look at him again. Argh, why is it like a compulsion to just stare your life away when you look into those eyes? "Thank you, then.. Kuroo."
"Not that you needed my help." Ohh, he's smirking at you and it. is. something. "You looked like you were mostly holding your own before I stepped in."
You laugh, because he's really just being nice and you don't know what expression your face might make after seeing his smirk if you don't pick amusement, "Pretty sure it was painfully obvious who brought the most advantage on our side if it came to a fight... and it wasn't me."
"Oya? Our side, huh? And what's your criteria for assessing that advantage?"
And before you can stop yourself, his question has you looking him up and down like.. like you're checking him out. Cue your blush. Ugh. You pass it off and try to push through, "What? I'm not supposed to notice that you have the physical advantage over me?"
Yeah, you worded that deliberately and wouldn't change it for anything because it's so worth it to see the red lightly tint his own cheeks. Yeah, I see your thoughts went there.
"Anyways," You start to step backwards, "Really, thank you."
You turn away to walk over to the coffee shop just another door down.
"Wait," You look over to see both Itsuki and Kuroo catch up to you quickly, the latter now holding on to the former gently but firmly, "I should be thanking you. You did step in to help my cousin when not many others would."
"Oya?" You copy his cute phrase with a look at him from the corner of your eyes and a teasing smile of your own, "How do you know he didn't step in to help me?"
"Somehow I doubt that." The three of you come to a stop in front of the coffee shop and Kuroo's distracted for a second, "Wait, this is your stop?"
"Yeah, why?"
He chuckles, "Ours too. We'd just stopped in here ourselves when Itsuki wandered away." We?
"Oh, I was here a little earlier too, but I needed to grab.." You lift the box, ".. this, for someone. I left my order here though."
"You lose your coffee often or just an addict?"
"Haha. Neither. It's... a thing. You'd think I'm horrible if I explain."
"I doubt I'd ever think that at this point. Can I pay for your new order and you can tell me about it over your next cup? You know, as a thank you for putting yourself in a dangerous situation for my cousin." Why does he make that sound both grateful and like a stern admonishment at the same time?
"I covered it already and it wasn't really for me. But I really appreciate the offe-"
You're cut off by the door opening and Shin bursting through with a very exasperated look on his face. Whoops, guess you took too long. He immediately starts complaining, "Where have you been?! Imagine my worry when I arrive here and you're gone! You promised you'd wait here."
Another guy has walked out behind him but you ignore that because you see that Shin's holding the drink you got him, but that has your name on it, and can't help but point out both literally and dryly, "Clearly so worried, you picked up my order in the meantime?"
"Hey, there are two drinks so I figured one was mine! But they're both awful!" Of course he tried them both. His face turns into a sad pout, "Why would you order such sour drinks when you know I hate them! And I know you do too! So... do you really hate me for that little thing? You've been so mean today."
You chuckle because this is literally the perfect opportunity. Well, actually, Kuroo is still standing by politely with Itsuki, watching you both with interest, but that other guy has walked up to them and is now also standing there. Is he gaming out here? Never mind.
You give Kuroo an apologetic smile with a finger held up to indicate you'll be a moment and then turn back to offer the box you've been holding onto this whole time to your dear cousin. "I can't imagine why you'd feel that way, but I did get you this, too. You can't have it all though, it's also for Ren."
He reaches for the box when you pop it open and happily exclaims, "Mochi? Aw, I take it back, you're the best!" before proceeding to pop two in his mouth. Oh. Uh-oh.
Okay then, closing the box, you walk back over to Kuroo as Shin happily munches away behind you. "Sorry, yes, I appreciate the offer but as you can see, I have my hands full with-"
"Ahhh! OMG, my mouth is burning!!! What is this?" Is he crying? He's definitely chugging that 'horrible' drink. "I take it back that I took it back. You do hate me. And for what?! I'm sorry I tried to kidnap you, okay?! Ahhh! Make it stop-"
He keeps rambling, even while alternating between choking down the sour drink and pausing for quick panting breaths every now and then, as tears actually run down his face. Even the gamer boy is momentarily distracted watching. You can't help the satisfied smile that stretches across your face as you watch Shin dissolve into tortured agony from the corner of your eyes and finish your sentence "-a pretty troublesome commitment already."
Kuroo looks a little worried but definitely way more amused, "I thought that box was something really special, the way you held onto it the whole time."
"Yeah, even in exchange for my precious coffee-" You wipe away a pretend tear and swear he mutters 'so you are an addict' under his breath before you finish, "but it was worth the revenge, wouldn't you say?"
"Well... He tried to kidnap you?"
"Ugh, don't ask. It was a stupid prank that I briefly fell for. But I think he won't try getting me back for a while. At least a week of peace."
"So.. don't mess with you, is what I'm hearing."
You laugh at his accurate interpretation, "Pretty much. Or do, if you're a masochist."
He looks slightly awed and a whole lot intrigued when he states, "At first I thought you were some incredible angel.. but you're pretty much more an incredible devil, aren't you?
"Incredible, either way? I'll take it." You smirk, thinking of the irony he'll probably never understand.
"How about my request for a name?"
"Isn't it Kuroo Tetsuro?"
"I'm asking for your name, Kitten." He's a little exasperated and just a smidge embarrassed that you made him spell it out. I mean, you like that he's all witty and smooth but... you really like a guy's direct side, too.
You do still smile and tease a little more, "Kitten could work, given the irony..." He gives you an unamused look, but you were continuing anyway, "But since you asked so nicely.. I'm Y/-"
"Oi!" Ren is standing across the street with the car, door open, "I've been looking for you. It's time to go."
"Oh," You look back at Kuroo who's still looking at Ren a split second longer before focusing back on you, "I'm sorry, I have to go!" You smile at him apologetically then face Itsuki, slightly crouched, to give him a bright smile, "Bye Itsuki! Take care and don't wander off again!"
You don't have time to say anymore than those goodbyes to the pair of cousins before your own is dragging you away, cursing you out and swearing he'll get you back. He's listing a lot of pretty creative ideas, silly boy, you'll just use them before he can.
You check both sides of the road as he's pulling you across since it doesn't look like he's going to but you both make it safely to Ren who just gives the two of you a droll look. "You guys definitely didn't listen to me."
He didn't even pose it as a question. You just shrug and give him a kiss on the cheek before sliding into the back of the sleek car, followed by Shin and then Ren, who calls out to let the driver know to take you all home. Maybe you glance out the tinted windows to steal one last look at Kuroo before the car starts to move away. Maybe you see that he's looking too, he's staring at the car but his mouth is moving and when it stops, the gamer boy says something back.
The last thing you see before the car pulls away completely and you can't see anymore is Itsuki pulling Kuroo back towards the café and he takes one last look your way before heading inside with his friend following.
You turn back around, not realizing you'd shifted your whole body. Ren is looking at you oddly so you just raise an eyebrow at him, but smile when Shin happily exclaims, "Hey Ren, we got you some treats too!"
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Behind The Scenes!
-Kuroo not only didn't get Y/n's name, but was pretty curious as to her close relationship with the two guys that we know as Shin and Ren
-If she had to measure, Y/n felt about the same level of attraction and connection with Kuroo as she did with Oikawa when she first bumped into him at the boba shop; he was interesting but still just a casual, fun encounter in the end
-Gamer boy was obviously Kenma, yeah?
-Is it funny for anyone else that Bokuto is liking or retweeting the posts about Y/n? Or is it just me because I clearly know too much?
-Itsuki is non-canon, if you weren't sure :(
A/N: I really like how this one turned out, I don't know why. It could have something to do with the fact that I've been a Kuroo simp the longest but I dunno, it just... flowed. And I barely even chewed over the edits.
Btw, if you guys ever see first-person POV (my, me, I, us, we) or 'Faye', it's probably a good time to restate that this started out as a purely self-indulgent imagining, which is why I write most seamlessly as myself in the scenarios. I then change it over to 'Y/n' and reader perspective during multiple levels of edits so you all can hopefully enjoy the story/scenarios too, but it can (and likely will) still slip through sometimes. Just let me know, and I'll fix it, thank you :) <3
Taglist: @delusivist
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soft-stormcloud · 4 years
Dear Happy
On ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26028052
Summary: There’s a side only Patton knows about. 
Trigger warnings: Hurt/Comfort, food mentions, insecurity, depression, lack of motivation, self-deprecating thoughts
A/n: @justmeandmygayships beta'd this for me and if it wasn't for xem there would be a lot of sentences in here that straight up wouldn't make sense so go thank xem by reading xeir fics 
I created a character to put Patton through some Angst(tm) and instead Gray and I ended up shipping him with Patton so cheers to that
Patton wasn’t sure why he was the only one who could see him, as he visited Patton the least of all. He wasn’t so much a side, not a function like Morality, or Logic. But he was a very real part of the Mindscape, despite the others not knowing about him. 
Sometime after the puppet video, Roman took Logan and Virgil into the Imagination for an adventure. It was Roman’s way of an apology, and a very effective one, at that. A day of being spoiled by a prince in a place where you can do and have anything had a way of winning people over. 
Patton stayed behind. They invited him, and seemed sad that he wouldn’t go, but he had to work on his own apology, no matter how many times they insisted it wasn’t necessary. He wanted to. 
He spent the afternoon preparing a surprise of all their favourite treats—Lemon poppy seed bread for Logan (with a brand new jar of Crofters), red velvet cupcakes for Roman, and sugar cookies cut into bats, ghosts, and witch hats for Virgil (with a promise to help decorate). 
Patton found himself getting lost in the music he put on; he danced around the kitchen, apron twirling around like a swing dress, as he sang loud and off-key. He went on autopilot, sliding the cupcakes in the oven, and kneading the bread dough. 
He hadn’t felt so light, so giddy, in a very long time. His stomach fluttered each time he imagined their faces, and he couldn’t help but giggle. He was going to make them so happy. 
“Such a lovely sight.” 
Patton screamed and whipped around, holding the dough like a shield. The boy in the kitchen leapt back like he was startled. He pressed his back against the wall, and they held each other’s gaze. 
“Are you a new side?” Patton shakily lowered the dough, just a bit. I hope not. He’s creepy. 
He shook his head. 
“Then who are you?” Patton flicked his gaze around, half expecting to see more Thomas look-a-likes pouring into the room. 
“I’m…” The boy cleared his throat. “My name is Eden. My function is, well, for simplicity's sake… Happiness.”
Patton blinked. “Happiness?” 
He set the dough down with trembling hands and smoothed down his apron. “Well, I’m… Sorry for the fright. You surprised me. I’m-”
“I know who you are.” Eden smiled a crooked smile, eyes crinkling. “Patton. I’ve been here since the start.”
Patton frowned in confusion. He’d been there the whole time, and he just now decided to show himself? He wanted to be diplomatic, but it was hard to trust him. How did he know Eden was being honest about his function? How did he know he wasn’t just Deceit in disguise?
Eden tisked and raised a pale hand to examine it. His honey-coloured eyes sparkled through his skin, the photo of Roman he was standing in front of showing through his fluffy, dark hair. 
“What’s happening?” Patton asked in panic. 
“Well…” He laughed weakly. “I don’t stay forever. I guess the scare changed your mood a bit. I really am sorry about that, I wasn’t trying to intrude. It’s just my job.” 
“Wait- Wait- Don’t leave!” Patton swiped out to grab Eden’s hand, but he went straight through. “We still don’t know why I’m seeing you!” 
Eden faded faster the more Patton panicked. He waved and smiled. “Until next time.” 
Then he was gone. 
It was a long time before Patton saw Eden again. He kept an eye out, but part of him was convinced he imagined the entire thing. How can someone be in the Mindscape without anyone else knowing about it? Were there other figments? Why could Patton suddenly see him? 
And why did Patton miss him?
He spent every day on edge, checking every inch of every room for a glimpse of lavender fabric. It was a month later with no Happiness in sight when Patton settled himself shakily at his desk and pulled out his favourite notepad. It had little cartoon cats all over the pages, the lines pastel blue. 
The clock read 2:03. The full moon shone through Patton’s open window, brittle breeze chasing a shiver down Patton’s spine. 
Dear Happiness, 
His hand hovered over the notepad. What the heck was he supposed to say? ‘I miss you, please come back even though we don’t know each other?’ ‘I want to abuse your function and not care about you as a person?’
Patton shuddered. This was a bad idea. 
I haven’t seen you around. Is everything okay? 
You should come over. I want to get to know you more. Maybe we can figure out why I can see you. 
<3 patton 
He waited several weeks before he accepted that he won’t get a response. 
One morning, Patton drifted around the kitchen to make breakfast, eyelids heavy and steps slow. He was halfway through when footsteps shuffled behind him. 
Patton smiled. “Morning, kiddo!” 
Virgil flinched. Patton’s smile faded as Virgil sat at the table, bringing his legs up and propping his head on the table. 
“Hey,” Patton said softly. He rested his hands on the sides of Virgil’s face, guiding Virgil to look at him. “Nightmare?” 
“Yeah,” he mumbled, eyes downcast. “It was… Worse than usual.” 
Patton stroked his soft, warm skin. “You want some coffee?”
Virgil nodded shyly. Patton kissed his forehead and bounced over to the coffee pot, starting a brew. “Breakfast is almost finished, too! Just go ahead and decompress, sweetheart, I got this.” 
Patton turned with Virgil’s coffee, and gasped. Eden had his chest pressed to Virgil’s back, arms wrapped around his torso and chin rested on Virgil’s shoulder. He brought a finger to his lips and smiled. 
“What is it?” Virgil asked nervously, and Eden started to fade. 
“No- Nothing!” Patton hurried over and set down his coffee. “I thought I saw something, but nothing’s wrong, love. There—Made just how you like it.”
Virgil blushed as Eden’s form came back. “Thanks, Dad,” he muttered. 
In the middle of breakfast, Eden reached out and rested a hand over Patton’s. A smile crawled over Patton’s face. 
After Virgil left, Eden stuck around. Patton stood awkwardly, hands clasped and pressed to his chest. 
“So, um…” Patton looked away, face red. “What have you, uh… Been up to? Seen any other figments lately?”
“I got your letter.” Eden smiled sadly. “I can’t just come when you ask, Patton. I come when I’m called.” 
Patton’s face crumpled in distress. “You don’t choose where you go?”
“I go where I’m needed.”
Patton bit his tongue. I need you. 
“You’ll be okay,” Eden promised. “We’ll talk again soon. Just… Keep on, okay?” 
Patton nodded, sniffling. “Yeah.” He forced a smile and straightened up. “Yeah! Of course.”
Eden smiled, then he faded away. 
The next few months were difficult. Patton’s mind grew groggy with constant exhaustion, and he found it hard to focus on anything for too long. One time Virgil had to stop him from pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven without a mitt. 
He found himself lying awake at night, and sleeping all day. He suppressed the urge to ignore Thomas and the other sides’ summonings, and reminded himself to put on a happy face. No one paid him too much attention or looked too closely. It was stupid, but it brought a deep dread to his stomach. 
He was still in bed when they came to check on him. He was half asleep, and didn’t remember answering the timid knocks on his door. 
“Pat?” Virgil’s cool hand brushed Patton’s bangs back as the bed dipped beside his hips. “Is everything okay?”
“Hm?” He rolled over, leaning into Virgil’s touch. Virgil chuckled and ran his fingers through Patton’s hair. 
“We’re worried about you.” Logan stood awkwardly at the side of the bed, clutching his flashcards. “You’ve shown an increase in symptoms of depression, more so than usual, and… Virgil?”
“We know you’ve been repressing again.” 
Patton sat up, face burning. “It’s not that big of a deal,” he mumbled. 
Virgil laced their fingers and shook his head. “We all talked about this. It’s not good for you, and it’s not good for Thomas. You don’t have to hide it.”
Logan nodded. “Virgil put it perfectly. I have nothing to add.”
A hand touched his back, and Patton jumped. Logan and Virgil looked at him in confusion. Eden’s soft eyes met Patton’s, his hand crawling up Patton’s back and rubbing at the top of his spine. 
“Sorry,” Patton mumbled, unable to hide his smile. He squeezed Virgil’s hand. “I just thought I heard something. I’m sorry I didn’t go to you guys.”
Logan hesitantly sat. “If I were you… I’d partake in some leisure activities. Virgil and I can join, if that’ll make it more enjoyable.” 
Patton wiped his wet eyes and nodded. “That’d be great.”
Eden followed them into the kitchen. Virgil and Logan helped him bake bread, Eden weaving between the three of them like a satin lace pulling them together. 
I can get through. Patton smiled as he pulled Virgil into a dance, one of his favourite songs playing on the radio. I can get through. 
The day after the Phases episode, Patton visited Roman, who’d been holed up in his room all day. He didn’t even come out for food. 
Patton knocked on the door with his foot, the plates on his tray rattling together. He yipped as he almost spilled the glass of juice. 
“Come in!”
“You mind helping me out here, Ro?” 
He shuffled around, and a moment later, he pulled the door open. His eyes lit up. “Cream of broccoli?!” He took the tray happily and settled back at his desk. 
Patton startled. Eden sat criss-cross at Roman’s feet, leaning back against the leg of the chair. He waved at Patton cutely. 
“Good day, Ro?” He sat at the edge of Roman’s bed, trying not to stare at Eden. 
“Mhm!” Roman spoke with his mouth full. “The Phases video gave me lots of inspiration! I’ve been working on a new project all day!” 
“Well, you gotta remember to eat, too.” 
Roman blushed. “I know, I just didn’t want to lose momentum.” He set his spoon down and wrapped his fingers around the glass. He stared into it with a blush. “Thank you, padre.” 
After eating, Roman got back to work. Eden stood behind him with his hands on Roman’s shoulders, gently kneading. Patton should’ve probably left- Even though Roman couldn’t see Eden, he felt like he was intruding on something intimate -but he couldn’t draw his attention away. 
Had Eden been with him all day? Was he able to be with multiple sides at once? How did Roman snag him for so long, did Eden like him better? 
“You’re overthinking,” Eden murmured, and Patton looked at him in surprise and confusion. He frowned, eyebrows drawn in sadness. “This is why you’re not supposed to know about me.” 
Patton got up to kiss Roman on the forehead, take his tray, and leave. As much as he wanted to, he didn’t look back. 
Over the next few weeks, he struggled with his feelings. It was difficult to take the others’ advice—His habit of shoving down any bad feelings was more ingrained than he realized. Every time he was upset, he tried to convince himself that he wasn’t and it was fine, until he caught himself. Then he sat there in a kind of stumped limbo. He wasn’t sure what the next step was. 
He tried talking to Virgil and Logan about it, but everything they suggested didn’t help much, and he regretted the waste in energy. 
He desperately thought back to all the times Eden had visited before. The only thing he could see in common was that he was in a good mood. It was a long shot, but if he could replicate that, maybe Happiness would show. 
He settled himself early into bed with hot chocolate in his favourite mug, topped high with whipped cream and sprinkles. He was dressed in soft pyjamas, his weighted blanket pulled over his lap and his favourite show on. 
His drink tasted just as good as it always did, and the show pulled giggles out of him throughout the night, but in the back of his mind, all he could focus on was if Eden would show up or not. 
He tried all night, but his frustration rose with the sun. 
He slumped at his desk before bed, letters messy and words running together. 
Dear Happiness, 
I miss you. 
I’m not sure what happened last night. I guess you must have been busy, helping another side or something. That’s okay. They deserve your help. But I miss you. 
What did I do wrong? 
Unsurprisingly, Patton didn’t get a response. He waited a few days before giving up.
Maybe Eden just didn’t like hanging out with him. Maybe he was repulsed by Patton, didn’t think Patton deserved his company. 
That was fine. 
He didn’t need Eden. 
Patton’s eyes fluttered open in the darkness of his room one night. His throat burned, and he groaned when he reached for his empty glass on the bedside table. 
He stumbled past the other’s rooms as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He returned with his newly filled glass, and stopped at the top of the stairs. The soft light from Logan’s desk lamp spilled into the hallway through his open door. He wasn’t inside. 
Patton’s heartbeat quickened. The bathroom was empty, and Patton hadn’t noticed him when he was downstairs. Is he okay? Did the dark sides do something with him? 
His hands trembled as he hurried down the stairs. Deceit’s snake eye, his shimmering scales, flashed in Patton’s mind. His gaze flicked to the spot by the blinds. 
His glass teetered on its edge as he dropped it on the table he passed. He threw the front door open, fully intending to cross the street and interrogate the dark sides- 
Logan laid in the grass. 
Patton pressed his hand to his heart. Idiot. He’s fine. 
His mouth creased into a frown. Eden laid next to Logan, hands clasped. 
Patton tiptoed back onto the porch steps. One of the old wood panels creaked, and Logan glanced back. 
“Oh. Patton.” He propped himself up on his elbow and adjusted his glasses. “Is everything okay?”
He nodded, cheeks burning. “Just wanted to check on you.” 
“I’m unharmed.” Logan laid back. “You should join me.” 
Patton’s heart fluttered. He shook his head. “Oh, no, I couldn’t-” 
Logan looked back, and Patton softened. His eyes were owlishly big behind his glasses, his mouth pulled into a concerned frown. 
“I can stay a bit.” Patton sat criss-cross on the soft grass, trying not to stare at Eden. He absentmindedly ran his fingers through the untrimmed blades, the thin slices tickling his palms. 
“You don’t need to worry if I’m not in my room at night.” Logan’s eyes flicked between star to star. “I like stargazing. I like the solitude of it. It’s… In honesty, it’s the only calm I get unless I’m working.” 
Patton stiffened. “I can leave you alone-”
“I enjoy your company.” 
He jumped as soft skin touched his. Eden laced their fingers and whispered, “I miss you, too. Stay.”
Patton blushed and looked away. “I can stay for a bit.” 
As lovely as his night with Logan and Eden was, Patton found his mental health rapidly decreasing. Thomas’s life was spiralling out of control, and Patton desperately tried to keep a handle on things, but every choice he made was a mistake. 
His family grew impatient with him. Roman’s creativity was stunted, and Virgil tensed when Patton touched him. Logan was more frustrated than usual—He shut down nearly everything Patton said. 
And after the Intrusive Thoughts video, things seemed hopeless. 
How had he been so… Wrong? How could he treat them all that way, without even noticing? Was he that bad of a person? Was he corrupting Thomas?
If he rarely got out of bed before, he lived there now. He didn’t get up to eat, only to make dinner when someone requested it of him. Anxiety seeped under Patton’s door from Virgil’s room, and the frustration in the house concentrated in Patton’s room. 
Indecision hindered him. He couldn’t get out of bed, because he couldn’t be faced with another day with the potential to fail Thomas, and everyone else in the Mindscape. 
And Eden hadn’t visited him in months. 
I miss you, too, he had said. He didn’t mean it. He would have shown up by then. 
The only time he was able to force himself out of bed was to make a decision he knew he couldn’t mess up. He pulled his hood up and wrapped his sleeves around his palms, trudging across the lawn to the dark sides’ house looming across the street. He crossed the black stone pathway and stopped at the porch, hand raised. 
Inside was chaos—Glass breaking, yelling, laughing, fighting. Deceit wasn’t home, then. 
He climbed down the steps and circled around to the back. He stretched up on his tiptoes to reach over the black panels of wood and feel around for the gate lock. He sighed in relief when he hit it and it came undone, the gate slipping open. 
He took a step into the garden, and voices stopped him. 
“It worked!” Remus’s voice was practically a squeal. Patton crept forward and peeked through the leaves of a yellow rosebush. Remus’s hands clasped Deceit’s, bouncing up and down. 
“And you’re sure?” Deceit asked. His mouth twitched upwards. “Everything went according to plan?”
Patton held his hand to his mouth as Remus pressed a sloppy kiss to Deceit’s mouth. “Yes! We’re gonna be light sides, JJ!” 
Patton inched closer, the new angle revealing Eden hugging Remus’s arm, one hand rested over Deceit and Remus’s. 
Anger bubbled in Patton’s stomach. He whipped around, intention of apologizing lost, and stormed back to his room. 
He scrabbled for the first piece of paper and pen he could find. He nearly ripped the fragile pages as he scratched ink. 
I’m glad you’re enjoying your time with everyone else. I’m so happy for you all. If you ever need me, I’ll be right here waiting, alone. But we both know that won’t happen. We both know you don’t need me, don’t want me, just as the others don’t. 
I don’t need you anyway. I don’t need you to help Thomas and I don’t need you to feel okay and I don’t need you to do my job. 
I wish we’d never met. 
PS: did you plan this? 
Patton forced on a friendly face and pulled the door open. It was a few weeks after Janus told them his name, and everyone was tentatively mending relationships. He couldn’t ruin that with his own anger. 
“Everything okay, Roman?”
He nodded. “We, uh… Well, we were thinking a movie night. Uh, now.” 
Patton blinked. They hadn’t had a movie night since they watched Frozen. “That sounds fun, kiddo.” 
“So you’ll come?” Roman smiled sheepishly. 
Patton twisted his fingers in his shirt. “If you want me there, I’m there!”
He grinned. “Perfect! Come on, we still have time to vote!” 
Roman grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs. Patton’s eyes widened when they stepped into the living room. All of the usual suspects were there- Virgil curled at one side of the couch, Logan in the armchair, plenty of space for Roman and Patton to sit -but three new faces joined them. 
Janus and Remus sat on the loveseat, Remus clothed this time. Remus had his legs thrown over Janus’s lap, and Janus looked annoyed but ran his hand up and down his shin subconsciously. 
And Eden sat on the floor, back pressed to the couch, in the middle of them all. 
Patton settled in the empty seat behind Eden. He didn’t react as Eden said, “I have a good feeling.” 
Patton pursed his lips and glanced down. 
Eden leaned back and rested his head against Patton’s knee. “Hang out with me tonight,” he whispered. 
Patton relaxed into the couch. Remus cackled as he poked at the scales on Janus’s face, who continuously pushed him away. Virgil and Roman argued about Roman tampering with the votes, and Logan took it all in with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 
“Okay,” Patton whispered back, unable to stop from smiling. “That sounds good.” 
Tag list: @mirror2thespirit thx babe lmao 
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pixelatedrose · 5 years
Soulbound Part One
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Ao3 link
Word count: 1,328
Pairings: platonic LAMP, prinxiety, logicality
Warnings: none this chapter, it's really fluffy, though please please tell me if there's anything I should have tagged
Roman Creetiv and Logan Lojick are soulmates. They're platonic soulmates though. They both have the same Soul mark to prove it. But they both have one other soul mark, binding them to one other person. And when they find Patton Morrale, it just so happens that they're both his soulmate. Logan being his Soulbound Soulmate, and Roman being a platonic soulmate. But something feels missing. And it feels filled, shockingly so, when they meet a certain someone a year and a half after they found each other.
Chapter One
"See, Logan! I told you we have the same birthmark!!" Roman shouted in his little seven year old voice.
  Logan sighed dramatically, pushing up his glasses. "Stop calling it a birthmark, Roman. It's obviously a soul mark. And fine," the dark haired boy looked away from the red haired one. "I will admit you were right."
  The two boys sat in Roman's room with their shirts off, a sprawling galaxy tattoo spreading over their left shoulder and covering a third of their back. The two had identical marks. Soul marks. 
  Soul marks tied soulmates together, whether they were platonic or romantic, it didn't matter. Roman and Logan both had two each; the galaxy one that they both bore, a countdown clock on Logan's right wrist, counting down to the moment he'd meet his soulmate, and Roman couldn't see color. His mother told him it was because when he met his soulmate, he'd be able to.
  Roman jumped up in triumph. "THIS MEANS WE'LL BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!" He shouted loudly. A sudden wave of calm and nervousness over took him and he looked at Logan with a worried glance. "Right…?" He asked shyly.
  Logan sighed, but smiled all the same. "That's right, Roman," he stood up and linked arms with the other. "We'll be best friends forever."
  That was six years ago. Now, Roman stood bouncing next to Logan, who's timer was at one minute, 27 seconds remaining.
  "C'mon, Lo!! Would it kill you to be a little excited to meet your other soulmate?!"
  Logan looked away, walking normally. It was then that Roman saw his hands fidgeting endlessly.
  Despite having tried to not make a big deal out of the day, saying that he wanted it to turn out naturally, Logan had fixed his hair over a dozen times and had prepared his outfit days in advance, not wanting to be a complete mess when he met his other soulmate.
  But he still tried to act casual, despite it all.
  Roman had come over earlier that day, demanding he escort Logan to meet his soulmate, and Logan couldn't refuse, knowing Roman would just tag along anyway.
  Currently they sat in a cafe, Roman thinking it'd be so much more romantic than just wandering the streets.
  Roman eagerly eyes sued the timer on Logan's wrist. "20, 19, 18, 17-"
  Logan slapped a hand down on his wrist, the counting his friend was doing making him over-the-top anxious. "Roman please!"
  But inside he counted too.
  10, 9, 8, 7…
  Logan saw a short boy with curly blonde hair from across the cafe.
  6, 5, 4, 3…
  Their eyes met and something blossomed inside Logan.
  The boy ignored everything else and races full speed at Logan, startling both boys by throwing the dark haired boy into a hug.
  A shocked Logan could do nothing more than hold the cute faced boy in his arms.
  "You're the one…!!" The blonde boy said, his voice muffled, speaking into Logan's chest.
  The boy was warm and soft in Logan's arms, he fit there as if he was made just for that. His hair was soft and thick and Logan wanted nothing more than to bury his face in the golden locks. And it all felt so right. As if they'd known one another since the moment they'd both breathed.
  Suddenly the people in the cafe started to clap, a few cheering.
  Logan and the boy separated just slightly, though neither let go. They looked in shock at the people.
  "Roman, why are they applauding? What is there to celebrate? Did I miss something?"
  "Buddy," Roman said, clapping his friend on the back. "They're cheering for you!! It's not everyday that they get to see a couple of young kids meet their soulmate!!"
  "Oh my gosh, my timer!!" The blonde boy said looking down at his wrist as the cafe calmed down.
  Logan instinctively looked down at his own at the mention of a timer.
  Both their wrists blinked at 00:00:00:00:00 before both disappeared and were replaced by new text.
  Logan's now read, November 23, 2015, 2:34 PM. And underneath the date and time, In curly, cute light blue letters, a name was written.
  The blonde boy's wrist looked nearly identical, though the name written under the date and time was done in neat and pretty dark blue cursive, and read 'Logan' rather than 'Patton.'
  "Logan…?" The blonde boy asked. His voice was one that Logan had never heard before, but it felt warm and smooth and golden and so very right and familiar in his ears. That voice was meant to play in Logan's ears. It belonged there.
  "P-Patton?" Logan asked hesitantly, meeting his eyes once more. And this time truly seeing them.
  They were blue, like Logan's, but they held so much in them. They were happy eyes, and they were knowing. They were so deep and clear and pale and Logan was suddenly very scared of what would happen if ever stopped knowing this stranger.
  They hugged each other again, and there was no need for words.
  Roman and Logan may be platonic soulmates, but that was nothing to what Logan was feeling towards Patton.
  Logan and Patton were soulbound soulmates.
  Someone, and many people in fact, have more than one soul mark. They're friends that will last them till the end of time as well as romantic partners that will be as beautiful as the sun and moon on clear and warm day. You're friends may be your soulmates, but your partner is your soulbound soulmate. You can go your entire life never finding some of your soulmates, and live a relatively happy and normal life. Albeit spattered with episodes of depression and other mental issues in the later years.
  But you can go absolutely mad if you don't find your soulbound soulmate. In fact, it hasn't been heard of. Yes, some people go years without finding them, but they always do. It's the act of refusing a soulbound soulmate that makes one to insane.
  You're bound to them. There is no "I don't want my soulbound soulmate." You two are meant for each other.
  And that.
  That was what Logan and Patton had.
  Finally the two separated into flustered messes, realizing the scene they probably made.
  Patton held out a had to Logan shyly. "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself properly. My name's Patton Morrale."
  Logan took it instantly. "My name is Logan Lojick. Though I suppose you already knew that by now…" Logan said, turning Patton's hand over to fondly admire the tattoo on Patton's wrist, Logan's name forever inscripted upon it.
  Patton turned to Roman too, holding his hand out again. "Are you a friend? My name's-"
  Roman took it enthusiastically. "Patton! I kno-"
  And they both gasped and jumped away from each other, as if they'd been scorched from the touch.
  "I-I-!!" Patton stuttered as he looked around through his round frames.
  "Lo...Lo...Logan…!!!" Roman frantically battered at his friend, his green eyes frantic.
  "Roman? Patton! Are you Okay?!" Logan asked, gripping Roman's sleeve and clasping Patton's hand instinctively, though where that instinct came from he did not know.
  Roman and Patton turned to Logan and the two yelled at the same time; "LOGAN I CAN SEE!!!"
  As it turned out, Patton and Roman were also soulmates. For the three of them to all be interconnected? It was such a coincidence Roman amd Patton began calling it fate and destiny. Though Logan was having none of that kismet nonsense.
  A year and a half passed and Logan And and Patton had started dating, Logan finally getting over himself and Patton finally working up the courage to officially ask.
  And all the while it still felt like something was missing.
  None of them really knew what exactly it was.
  But right after they had made official, they met someone who seemed to fill the space.
Authors Notes 
This is the first part in a story I got permission to write based off of this post, thank you @ghostboi-bambi for letting me write this! I’m so excited and hope you don’t mind if I changed and added some details!! If you do, just tell me and I’ll be happy to change them!! Love y’all, bye!!
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fandomrewrites · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 1: Wolf Moon
Hello! I have posted this story on my Wattpad (@stephielynn1226) but I decided to post it on here as a reader insert. I hope you guys enjoy and please leave constructive criticism! This story will be a Scott McCall x Twin Sister and at the beginning (Y/N) will be dating someone named Nate Wilson who I picture as Dylan Sprouse though I will not give him any specific characteristics so you can picture him however you want.
Season 1, Episode 1: Wolf Moon
Pairings: Scott McCall x Twin Sister, Lydia Martin x Best Friend, Nate Wilson (OC) x Reader
Warnings: Nothing really, just the usual things to expect from Teen Wolf.
Word Count: 3,181
Season 1 Masterlist
It was the night before the first day of school and I just hopped out of the shower. I could hear my brother in the room next to mine preparing for his lacrosse practice tomorrow. As I was setting my phone down to charge I heard a creaking noise coming from downstairs. I quickly poked my head out of my room, “Scott? Did you hear that?”
Scott appeared from his room with a metal bat in hand, “Yeah, stay behind me.”
“You’re the one with asthma, maybe I should be protecting you.”
“Really (Y/N/N),” though I couldn’t see my twins face I knew he rolled his eyes when he answered.
As we slowly descended the stairs, my hand on Scott’s shoulder, we kept our eyes and ears peeled. We couldn’t see anyone inside so Scott slowly opened the front door and screamed. As soon as I saw who the intruder was I rolled my eyes and leaned on the door frame. 
“Stiles, what the hell are you doing?” Scott exclaimed.
Stiles Stilinski, my brother’s dorky childhood best friend, was hanging upside down from our roof. “You weren’t answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?”
“We thought you were a predator!”
“Predator?” I mumbled giving Scott a questioning look.
Stiles laughed as he clumsily got down down from our roof, “Look, I know it’s late, but you guys got to hear this. My dad left twenty minutes ago. Dispatch call. They’re bringing in every officer of the Beacon department and even the state police.”
“For what?” Scott and I asked in unison.
“They found a body in the woods,” Stiles replied.
“A dead body?”
I scoffed, “Obviously Scott. They wouldn’t send that many people out there if they were looking for a body of water.”
Scott glared at me and then turned to Stiles who was trying to hide a snicker by continuing talking. “It was a girl probably in her twenties. Nobody knows what happened to her yet.”
“Wait, if they found the body, what are they looking for?” I question Stiles, as I stood up straighter and Scott nodded in agreement, wondering the same thing.
Stiles started to grin, it was the same grin he gets when he’s about to tell us some stupid idea, “That’s the best part... They only found half of the body! We’re going, so get dressed.”
My eyes widened as I started shaking my head, “Yeah right, we have school tomorrow and I am not stomping around through the woods looking for half of a body. You two idiots have fun and tell me about it tomorrow.” I then waved goodbye over my shoulder as I headed upstairs to get a good night’s sleep for classes the next day.
I quickly slammed my hand down to shut off my alarm then let out a groan. I slowly pulled my blankets off and stretched before getting fully out of my warm bed. I went to my closet and pulled out a black long sleeve crop top, black skinny jeans, and gold heels. I applied my usual smokey eye and mascara then brushed my chocolate brown hair. I checked my mirror to make sure y outfit, makeup and hair all looked good then made my way to the bathroom Scott and I share. I quickly brushed my teeth then headed downstairs with my bag and phone.
“Morning mother,” I gave my mom a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed a granola bar from the pantry.
“Good morning, sleep well?” She questioned as she sipped her coffee.
“Yeah, just wished I could have slept longer.”
My mom chuckled, “Of course you do, that’s all you ever want.”
I dramatically gasped and put my hand over my heart, “Mother! That is not true! How could you say such a thing!”
She then rolled her eyes and smiled, “Is your brother up?”
“I think so, it sounded like he was getting ready when I was in the bathroom.”
“Could you double-check for me, I don’t want you two to be late on your first day back.”
“Sorry, no can do. Lydia texted, she just pulled up.” I then headed out the door and shouted a quick goodbye and I love you to my mother.
When Lydia and I arrived at the school we were talking about the classes we had together and what we were looking forward to for the coming year. 
“Hey, Lydia! You look--” I glanced to the side, recognizing the voice, and rolled my eyes seeing Stiles call for my best friend. I admired his persistence but wished he would stop trying, knowing that he was just embarrassing himself. Lydia and I continued walking and stopped by our lockers that were right next to each other.
Someone came up behind me and grabbed my waist as I let out a shriek. 
“I told you to stop doing that!” I said turning around and slapping the arm of the culprit.
“Sorry babe,” my boyfriend, Nate, replied with a smirk then pressed a quick kiss to my lips.
Nate and I have been together for a little over a year and we have been in the same friend group since I can remember. He was my first everything/ First boyfriend, first kiss, first time, and first love. I honestly don’t remember a time when I didn’t have him, Lydia, Lydia’s boyfriend Jackson, and Jackson’s best friend Danny by my side.
I shook my head but smiled quickly shutting my locker, then turned to Lydia, “See you after first period!”
She gave me a bright smile and a nod then turned walking away, probably to find Jackson. Nate then grabbed my hand and walked with me to our first class, History.
History dragged by with the only interesting thing being that the teacher brought up the body in the wood before class began.
After class Nate and I met up with Lydia who Immediately grabbed my hand and dragged us over to a girl I didn’t recognize. “This jacket is totally killer. Where did you get it?” Lydia asks bringing the girl’s attention to the three of us.
“My mom was a buyer from a boutique back in San Francisco.”
Lydia glanced at me then smiled at the new girl, “And you are our new best friend.”
I quickly smiled and stuck my hand out, “(Y/N) McCall, that’s Lydia Martin. A pleasure to meet you.”
“You too, I’m Allison Argent.” She smiled back and shook my hand. I saw Allison glance behind us so I turned my head just in time to see Jackson grab Lydia’s waist and kiss her.
“So, this weekend, there’s a party...” Lydia quickly invited Allison.
“Friday night, you should come,” Jackson continued.
“Oh, I can’t, it’s family night on Friday... But thanks for asking.” Allison quickly declined. Little known fact about me, I can easily pick up when someone is lying and without a doubt in my mind I knew Allison was lying. I do have to give her credit though, she said the lie so fast that it was very believable for the others around me.
“You sure? Everyone’s going after the game.” ate joined into the conversation, his arm casually slung over my shoulders.
“You mean football?”
“No, football here is kinda a joke. He’s talking about lacrosse.” I said, “They have practice in a few minutes. If you don’t have anything else to do Lydia and I were going to watch.”
“Well, I was going to...”
“Perfect! You’ll come!” Lydia exclaimed before Allison could complete the sentence.
As soon as we got to the field Lydia, Allison, and I found a seat on the bleachers. I looked towards the field so that I could find Nate, Scott, and Stiles. I quickly found all three but frowned when I saw Scott making his way to the goal. “He’s never played goal before, why is he starting now?” I quietly mumbled.
I then heard Allison ask Lydia, “Who is that?”
“Him? That’s Scott, (Y/N) twin. Why?”
“He’s in my English class, first period.”
The whistle blows, letting everyone know that practice has begun and Scott immediately  takes a ball to the head. I winced and crossed y fingers hoping that he would start actually stopping balls, and not with his face. The next few shots turned out a lot better. Scott was stopping every ball that came his way and to be honest, I was quite surprised by how well he was doing.
I couldn’t help the wide smile that was on my face as he was catching the balls. “He seems pretty good,” Allison says after a little bit.
“He’s been practicing all summer,” I smiled at her.
I could tell that Jackson and Nate were both getting annoyed. They were the two best players on the team and watching Scott outshine them made them angry. Jackson quickly pushed his way to the front to take a shot and try to scare my brother. I rolled my eyes and waited in anticipation. Scott easily blocked the shot and I jumped out of my seat, “Woohoo, Scott!” He looked my way and sent me a big smile.
When school ended Nate walked me out of the building, “Are you coming to my house?”
“Sorry, I can’t. I promised my brother I would help him with something.” I gave him a quick kiss, “I’ll call you later.”
I headed to Stiles’ jeep where the two dorks were waiting for me. “I don’t know why you are dating him,” Stiles groaned as soon as I was sitting in the back seat.
I rolled my eyes and started changing my shoes to my black vans, “Good thing you don’t need to know why since you aren’t in the relationship.”
“Stiles has a point (Y/N), Nate’s kinda an asshole.”
“Jackson is kinda an asshole. Nate is sweet, I know he doesn’t really get along with you guys but he’s working on it. I’m making him.”
Soon we were at the Beacon Hills Preserve, where Scott lost his inhaler and apparently got bit by a wolf. The boys caught me up in the car about what happened last night. And yes, I became the usual protective sister when he said a wolf bit him.
Once I was caught up we were trekking through the woods I tuned out the boys so I could focus on searching for Scott’s inhaler. Those things are expensive and mom does not have the money to replace it. When I finally decided to listen to the conversation I wasn’t sure if I herd them correctly. “You smell things?” Like what?” Stiles was asking Scott.
“Like the mint gum in your pocket.”
Stiles started to reach into his pocket while mumbling that he didn’t have gum in his pocket, only to pull his hand out with a piece of mint gum. Stiles and I both looked shocked that Scott guessed that correctly. “So, this all started with the bite?” I questioned my twin.
“What if it’s like an infection? Like... my body is full of adrenaline before I go into shock or something.” Scott was starting to panic.
Before I could try and calm him down Stiles replied, “You know what, I actually think I heard of this, it’s a specific kind of infection.”
Scott and I both gave Stiles a questioning glance waiting for him to continue. “Yeah, I think it’s called lycanthropy.”
I smirked and shook my head as Stiles continued, “It’s pretty bad but only once a month.”
“Once a month?” Scott was now looking between Stiles and myself.
I nodded my head agreeing with Stiles, “Yeah, I’ve heard of this too. It’s only bad on the night of the full moon.” Stiles and I then shared a knowing glance and both started to howl. Our howls got cut short as Scott hit our arms and the two of us started laughing.
“It’s not funny, there is something seriously wrong with me!”
“We know! You’re a werewolf!” I exclaimed with a huge smile on my face. If look could kill, I would be dead because of the intense glare Scott gave me. “Friday is a full moon, Stiles make sure you keep an eye on him and melt all the silver you can find.” I winked at my brother’s best friend. Stiles tried to hide his snickers behind his hand but failed horribly as Scott walked away from us continuing his search for his missing inhaler. 
Once we reached a specific spot Scott sighed, “I could have sworn it was there. I saw the body, the stags running, and I dropped my inhaler.”
“Maybe the killer moved the body,” Stiles suggested with a shrug.
“Or we’re just in the wrong spot, it was dark maybe you just remembered wrong.” I then looked up and saw a very attractive gentleman watching us. I coughed to get the boy’s attention.
“What are you doing here? This is private property.” The mystery man had a gruff voice as he spoke to the three of us. He seemed ticked off that we were here but it’s not my fault my idiot brother lost his inhaler.
“Sorry man, we didn’t know,” Stiles replied quickly, he seemed a little nervous. The guy in front of us did seem sort of intimidating but I was too busy checking him out to worry about that. What? I may be in a relationship but I can still look. 
“Yeah we were just looking for something, forget it.” Scott continued when Stiles finished. The attractive mystery man tossed Scot his inhaler than turned around walking away.
“Dude, that was Derek Hale! You guys remember, right? He’s just a few years older than us.” Stiles said as soon as Derek was out of earshot.
Scott still looked clueless but the name Hale sounded familiar to me, “Wait, you mean like the Hale fire?”
“That’s the one. It happened like 10 years ago. He lost almost all of his family.”
“I feel sorry for him, I can’t imagine what that must have been like.” I bit my lip and shook my head as I stared off in the direction that he went in.
We quickly made our way back to the jeep, Stiles dropped Scott off at work then quickly brought me back to my house.
The next morning I got dressed in a short sleeve, cold-shoulder, black crop top, high waisted gray and black plaid pants, and black heels. Yes, I wore more black, that is pretty much all that is in my wardrobe and Lydia hates it. Lydia and I once again drove to school together and stopped at our lockers before first period. The minute first period ended Scott pulled me away from Nate to talk to me. “What’s up?”
“Your boyfriend and Jackass think I’m on steroids.” Scott deadpanned. 
My eyes almost bulged out of my head, “What? Why?”
“I don’t know, probably because I suddenly got a hell of a lot better at lacrosse.”
I sighed, “I’ll talk to them, sorry they’re both idiots.” I turned and walked away starting my search for Nate and Jackson. Nate may be my boyfriend and Jackson may be one of my best friends but sometimes I seriously can’t stand them.
I soon found them already on the field preparing for practice. “Hey jackasses!” I stopped in front of them. They both gave me questioning looks and glanced at each other probably wondering why I was mad at them. “My brother isn’t doing drugs. He’s been practicing nonstop this summer so he could get better and make first line. I get that you two are so egotistical that you can’t let anyone one-up you but do not start making false accusations about my brother.” Before they could get a word in I stormed off looking to find Lydia knowing that she always helps calm me down.
I was at Lydia’s house getting ready for the party with her. This is our party ritual, go home together and help each other get ready for a kickass part all while gossiping about things going on in our lives.
After telling Lydia about the argument I had with Nate she claimed that I needed to look hotter than usual so he would regret ever making me mad. This right here, ladies and gentleman, is the exact reason why I love Lydia Martin more than anyone. Working together we picked out a patterned black and white strapless dress with a gold belt that hugged my waist. The dress perfectly showed off my curves and adding a pair of black pumps completed the outfit. 
Not too much later the party was in full swing. Pretty much the whole school was there, which is not surprising for a Lydia party. Stiles pulled me to the side as soon as he saw me, “Have you seen Scott?”
“No why?” Stiles glanced nervously around then pulled me into the laundry room so we could be alone.
“That werewolf joke, not a joke anymore,” he whispers. My eyes widen and I start giggling. “It’s not funny (Y/N)! I know it sounds crazy but I’ve been doing a bunch of research, it’s the only thing that makes even the slightest bit of sense.”
“Okay, well we will keep an eye on him. I’m sure he’ll be fine. But if this happens to be true, we will figure something out. Don’t stress though, Stilinski. We are at a party, come dance with me.” I tugged on his hand and led him out of the room and into the back yard so that we could dance together. As soon as we stepped outside we spotted Allison and Scott so this also gave is a good view to keep an eye on my twin.
Soon after Nate walked up to us with a clenched jaw, “Mind if I step in, Stilinski?”
“She’s all yours,” Stiles sent me an awkward smile and stepped away, making sure to stay close so he could step in if Nate did something that would make me uncomfortable and still keep an eye on Scott.
“We need to talk.” I sighed and was about to follow him until I saw Scott rush out.
“I need to make sure my brother is alright, we can talk later.”
Before I could walk away Stiles rushed past, “I got him, don’t worry.”
Nate then gently tugged on my hand, “Come on.” As soon as we were somewhere quiet Nate started speaking, “I’m sorry I can be an asshole and I accused your brother of doing drugs.” I stared blankly waiting for him to continue. He threw his head back then slowly looked into my eyes, “I won’t do anything like that again, I promise. I love you, (Y/N/N).”
I bit my lip then slowly leaned up to kiss him, “I love you too.” I mumbled against his lips.
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tyrannysaurusfloof · 4 years
Bitter Taste | Shyan
Pairing: Shane/Ryan Tags: First Kiss, Developing Relationship, Fluff.  Word Count: 2324 Series: Barren Landscapes - Odd stories of Shane and Ryan on road trips. Summary: It had been an odd summer. Filming Unsolved was always odd. Be it constant travelling for Supernatural, or depressing and gritty details for True Crime, Shane had found both seasons leaving an odd and unappealing taste in his mouth after filming. He had said nothing to Ryan because he still truly enjoyed their work together, and enjoyed spending time with Ryan, but things felt different. Off kilter almost, like there was a tension beneath the surface that needed to be spoken about and yet hadn’t been identified. As Shane’s hands began to change to a dusty black from prodding about in the engine, he decided to think about Ryan instead. Those thoughts always brought him happiness, a quiet comfort in the lackluster process that his brain had become. Things were sluggish around him, unless it was about Ryan. A/N: Listening to Jet Pack Blues by FOB and sitting in a hot car with the window rolled down made me think of these boys on a road trip and it spiralled into this. It’s the beginning of a series of the boys on a road trip to somewhere I think.
-- Read on AO3 --
“Pull over.”
Ryan spoke the command in a relatively calm voice considering the situation they were in. They were driving down a thin barren road, barely big enough for one car, in the middle of nowhere, and several warnings, including the ‘check engine’ light, were flashing on the dashboard and their rented car was not doing so well. It made a grinding noise as they moved and Shane felt the steering heavy under his hands as he maneuvered the vehicle onto a rocky patch off the side of the road, the passenger’s side brushing against the pussy willows and weeds of the fields around them. He honestly couldn’t recall where they were going to, which episode of Unsolved they were travelling to film, or why they had taken a car for themselves instead of going with the crew, and it didn’t matter right now.
All that mattered right now was fixing the car.
Or hoping that one of them had cell service to call for assistance.
It was hotter in the car than the temperature outside, Shane noted as he climbed from the vehicle, not bothering to check the road before he did. They had not seen another car in around three hours, and considering the landscape was simply barren, cracked earth spotted with grass, weeds, pussy willows and tree stumps, Shane didn’t expect them to see any cars or other people for another couple at least.
He moved to the boot of the car and shimmied their bags aside to find the tool kit that he had thrown in. Shane didn’t pretend to have a mastery of mechanics, but there was always a niggling part of him that said he should be prepared for long journeys in the wilderness, probably instilled from trips with his dad. Or his boy scout days. And so there was a tool kit for basic mechanics in the boot, hidden by Shane’s bags, and he grabbed it now to check under the hood, pausing only to pop it open with a lever inside the car and grab the manual itself for the vehicle.
Ryan was staring out into the wilderness when Shane rounded the front of the car. He had an eye for aesthetics and places that would make beautiful pictures, and true to form his phone was in his hands, tilted landscape but the camera wasn’t open. No, instead Ryan seemed lost in thought, so Shane left him to it, finding he easily lost himself in his thoughts too as he propped up the hood of the car and looked inside.
It had been an odd summer.
Filming Unsolved was always odd. Be it constant travelling for Supernatural, or depressing and gritty details for True Crime, Shane had found both seasons leaving an odd and unappealing taste in his mouth after filming. He had said nothing to Ryan because he still truly enjoyed their work together, and enjoyed spending time with Ryan, but things felt different. Off kilter almost, like there was a tension beneath the surface that needed to be spoken about and yet hadn’t been identified.
As Shane’s hands began to change to a dusty black from prodding about in the engine, he decided to think about Ryan instead. Those thoughts always brought him happiness, a quiet comfort in the lackluster process that his brain had become. Things were sluggish around him, unless it was about Ryan. Honestly, Shane was no fool to what they meant, to what these thoughts meant in terms of his heart, but he had yet to speak that realisation aloud. And he probably never would. The friendship he shared with Ryan was too important to mess it up with complicated feelings, and there was always the anxious part of his brain that told him it was better to have the close friendship they had now rather than the awkward one that would develop if Ryan rejected him.
Shane always thought in ifs. It wasn’t a case of “when” Ryan rejected him, because Shane wasn’t sure if the man would. They shared such intimate moments that Shane could believe that Ryan would reciprocate those feelings, but it changed nothing.
Bugs chirped around them as Shane wiped his forehead and pulled back from being bent over the engine.
“I didn’t know you were so good with cars.”
Ryan’s voice came out of nowhere and it actually succeeded in making Shane jump, resulting in him banging his head hard on the raised hood of the car.
“Holy shi-, are you okay?”
They stared at each other for a moment before they both started laughing, the sound drowning out the bugs and slight breeze and echoing around them.
“So, care to share where you got so good with cars?” Ryan asked and Shane smiled, his eyes creasing as he did.
Ryan liked it when Shane smiled like that.
“I’m not that great,” Shane replied honestly, “But I think I can get us at least to civilisation before we die.”
“Can’t say it wouldn’t be nice to haunt this place.” Ryan joked, “It’s beautiful.”
“It is.”
They both fell silent, Ryan crossing the road to take more pictures and Shane bending back into the car again. He couldn’t really tell what was wrong, but he fiddled and he hummed to himself, and twenty minutes later when he turned the ignition, the car came on with only one warning light. It was the ‘check engine’ light, but it was better than before.
Shane climbed back out to call to Ryan and found he couldn’t see him. In any other place he might not have been that concerned, but this place had nowhere to hide, even for the little guy, and there was no denying the thrill of fear that shot down Shane’s spine.
“Ryan?!” He called, voice steady, “Did you fall asleep in the grass?”
Silence greeted him.
Slamming the hood of the car down, switching it off and grabbing his backpack from the boot, Shane locked the car and began to follow the crushed grass and bent fronds that showed where Ryan had walked. Internally he was cursing Ryan for wandering off. It was bad enough the car had all but broken down in the middle of nowhere, but they really didn’t need to be dealing with a potential injury, or even Ryan disappearing for a few hours.
It was getting dark already.
He kept calling Ryan’s name, hoping the desperation stayed out of it as he turned and saw the car was a speck in the distance.
How had he walked so far?
Why had he walked so far?
It didn’t make sense, Shane didn’t see any shots out here that would be aesthetically pleasing than those near the car, but he also didn’t have Ryan’s eyes or vision for things like this.
Damn, it was getting dark fast.
“Ryan! Answer me!” He called out, not caring this time if the desperation crept into his tone, and though he expected silence, his heart hammered when he heard a faint response.
The echo of Ryan’s voice sounded like it was coming from below him, which was odd. Scanning the ground, Shane spotted Ryan’s phone almost immediately, scooping it up and noticing the screen was a little scratched. Looking a little further on, Shane finally saw where Ryan most likely had gone - a hole in the cracked earth.
Sure enough, when he looked down into the darkness, using his phone as a torch, Ryan’s terrified eyes shone back.
This would have been an amusing bit had they been filming Unsolved. Shane would make jokes about Ryan being down a hole, most likely distracting him as the crew fashioned a way to get him out. If it was a ghost infested place, Shane would have definitely been singing to Ryan to keep him calm, probably Mama Mia like he always did, and maybe that was what Ryan was expecting right now as he stared up at Shane from the bottom of a hole, but this wasn’t a bit. They weren’t filming Unsolved and they didn’t have a crew behind them. It was just Ryan and Shane and fading light and the heat was still high and who knew what animals would be out here when the sun fully went down.
Everyone said Shane didn’t scare easily, and that was true. But right now, he was scared.
“Are you okay?” He called down, testing the ground around the top of the hole to make sure he wouldn’t go in after Ryan. “D’you hurt anything?”
“My ankle a bit, and my wrist.” Ryan replied, voice still echoey. “But I don’t think it’s bad. Can you reach to get me out?”
No matter what, Shane had to get Ryan up and out of the hole. Leaving him was not an option because he knew he probably wouldn’t find him again, not in this landscape with this panic running through his head. Ryan seemed to be able to tell Shane was scared, because his own expression changed from the familiar scared one, to a familiar smile.
“You got this Shane, you’re eighty percent leg so you’ve got a lot of you to dangle in.”
The words made Shane laugh and he felt better, but something else was pressing against his tongue. He had just been telling himself he didn’t want to ruin this friendship, and yet now he was in this situation, Shane felt he needed to say something. The odd tension between them, the bitter taste on Shane’s tongue when they filmed, the ache he was left with when they went home for the day, or they worked on different things and didn’t spend as much time together, he needed to tell Ryan what that was.
What it all was.
They would be forever changed when Shane got Ryan free, but he was willing to take that risk.
“I have to tell you something.” Shane began as he lay on the ground and reached into the hole, as bent as he dared be to make sure he had enough strength to pull them both up.
“Can it wait?” Ryan asked, clambouring to his feet with a hiss of pain and reaching for Shane’s. Their fingertips were a hair's breadth from brushing against each other and Ryan cursed. “I wanna get out of here.”
“I can speak and help.”
Shane sat up and stripped off the jacket and backpack he was wearing, already formulating an idea. He tied the sleeve of the jacket to the backpack handle, and held the other, before lowering it into the hole.
“Look Shane...I know. I know what you’re going to say.” Ryan interrupted, grabbing the bag and testing it. “I know you need to say it but...but I don’t know if now is the time!”
“You’re probably right.” Shane laughed mirthlessly, “Yeah, it probably isn’t.” He felt Ryan’s weight on the bag and began to pull, straining with all he had to lift Ryan up and out of the hole.
“You need to get it out.” Ryan completed, “Despite being afraid it’ll ruin things?”
“How do you know?” Shane grunted, feeling a small sense of relief as he saw the top of the backpack appear. “How?”
“Because I-.”
Ryan’s words were interrupted by a small tearing sound and Shane moving fast. His jacket sleeve was ripping, not strong enough to hold Ryan’s weight hanging freely as he was and Shane needed to do something. He reached blindly into the hole and managed to grab the backpack, Ryan shouting out a line of expletives as the jacket fully tore and fell down into the dusty darkness. The hold Shane had on the bag was cutting off circulation in his fingers, he was pretty sure he had cut himself in his desperation, but he still had hold of Ryan, and with his remaining strength coupled with adrenaline, he hauled Ryan up so he could grab the side of the hole and help get onto solid ground.
They lay there side by side panting for a while, listening to the bugs and the howls and the breeze of nature around them, fingers brushing, chests heaving.
“You don’t...have to say it.” Ryan wheezed after what felt like an eternity lay in breathy silence.
“It’ll ruin everything.” Shane muttered, “But I have to.”
“Won’t ruin anything.” Ryan said, sitting up and examining his ankle with another hiss of pain. “Shane...I know how it feels. I wanna tell you stuff too but I’m also afraid of how things will change. So...why say anything?”
Ryan’s lips were chapped as they pressed against Shane’s, and for a moment Shane forgot how to both breath and kiss. He could feel Ryan’s chest vibrate with laughter before he was kissing back, hand finding Ryan’s where it rested on the ground and curling his fingers around it. Ryan was trembling, from excitement or fear or cold Shane couldn’t tell because he was trembling too.
“Change isn’t always bad.” Ryan whispered as they broke apart, gasping again in the cool air, “It’s also really good.”
Shane nodded, heart thumping. “We should...go back to the car.”
“You’ll have to help me.”
His arm slid easily under Ryan’s shoulders despite their heat difference, and as they hobbled back to the car, Shane found himself thinking of the beginning of their day. When the car had broken down he had been unsure, tense, and happy to sit on his secret for as long as necessary to keep this relationship at its peak. And even in the part of his mind where he had imagined Ryan would like him back, he had never anticipated or entertained the actuality of it.
But when Ryan kissed him again as Shane lent him against the door to open it for him, he wished he had said something sooner and taken that leap to clear the tension, because that bitter taste was gone.
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atc74 · 5 years
S’more Love
Square(s) Filled: Campfire for @spngenrebingo
Warnings: Fluff, gooey, melty fluff, slight angst, implied smut
Summary: Our favorite threesome has some time off and head to the cabin for a long weekend. Y/N is prepared for a relaxing weekend with her men, but Jared and Jensen drop a bomb on her. How will she react?
Pairing: J2 x Reader
Word Count: 2053
Written for: @spngenrebingo 
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches because I owe her some serious fluff after the last two weeks of murderous angst. 
A/N: This is the next installment of my To New Beginnings series, which started as a simple non-request from @supernatural-jackles. 
Haven’t experienced Jared or Jensen’s scent? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker!
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Filming their fifteenth and final season was more draining than Y/N expected it to be. Sure, she expected it to be emotional, but the finality of it was hitting her with each episode they filmed. Y/N had spent years with Jared and Jensen. They had built a friendship and a relationship. They were a unit. They spent their professional and personal lives together. With their professional future uncertain, she was concerned about how it would affect their personal one. 
Y/N was done filming for the week, but her boyfriends had one more day before they were done for a long weekend and could spend it wrapped up in each other at the cabin. After the boys left for work, she loaded their bags into Jared’s truck and hit the road. Clif would be driving them up after their scenes were finished. 
She stopped at the market in town, stocking her cart. She crossed each item off her list to ensure she didn’t forget something. They had planned out a menu last night so everything they needed was on the list. The thing about feeding two large humans was the copious amount of food they could consume in a given day. Even though the list was thorough, she picked up a few extras that she knew they would appreciate. A quick stop at the liquor store and she was on her way, driving the last few miles to the cabin. 
Y/N unloaded the truck and put away all the groceries. The boys had wanted her chicken enchiladas for dinner, so she prepared chicken breasts with tomatoes and green chiles, setting them in the oven to roast for a couple hours while she gathered some wood for a fire later. She loved doing the physical stuff sometimes so they didn’t have to. She had realized early in their relationship that it was a partnership and they were all equals. She may not have the strength to chop wood, but she certainly could haul it inside. 
She spent the afternoon on the deck, basking in the sunshine and finishing the book Jared had given her. Clouds overpowered the sun and the wind picked up, indicating a late summer storm moving in from the northern Pacific. Y/N decided the plans she had for dessert would have to be moved inside if the storm forced her hand. 
“Honey! We’re home!” Two deep voices rang out through the cabin and a smile broke out across her face. 
“You’re early!” she squealed, running to the door, jumping into Jensen’s arms first, peppering his face with kisses. 
“Someone’s a happy girl!” he laughed, holding tight to his girl. 
“I’m always happy around you two,” she remarked, letting go of Jensen to greet Jared with equal enthusiasm. 
“We missed you,” Jared mumbled into her hair when she jumped into his waiting arms. She wrapped her arms and legs around him. 
“I missed you both, too,” she echoed, sliding down Jared’s body. “Grab a beer and relax for a bit, I’m just about to finish up dinner, so we have about an hour.” 
The cheesy chicken enchiladas were definitely a hit with her men as barely a word was exchanged over dinner. She watched with pride as they devoured her cooking. 
“Darlin’, ain’t nothing better than a home cooked meal,” Jensen proclaimed as he swiped the napkin across his plump lips. “That was delicious. Thank you.”
“Maybe this is my true calling,” she replied, sitting back with her glass of wine. “Stay home and cook for my men.” 
“I wouldn’t say no to coming home to you barefoot and pregnant,” Jared chuckled. “I know how caveman that sounded. I’m sorry.”
“What?” Y/N gasped. 
“Dude!” Jensen kicked Jared under the table.
“Is there something we need to talk about?” Y/N asked, looking between the two of them. 
“Well…” Jared breathed out. 
“We were talking on the ride up and we wanted to ask you something,” Jensen began. 
“With a real break on the horizon and none of us having nailed down any solid projects once we’re done,” Jared added. 
“What are your thoughts on us taking a couple years off, maybe start-” Jensen attempted.
“Starting a family?” Y/N interjected, her eyes wide. 
“Yeah,” Jared and Jensen replied together. 
“We’ve talked about it before,” Jared reminded her. 
“Yes, we have. But, it’s always been rhetorical. I love you both more than I thought I could love another person, let alone two. But, this would put us on display for the entire world. I, um, I need, I’ll be-” Y/N sputtered, picking up her wine and leaving the room. 
Jared and Jensen exchanged looks across the table. “We should have waited.”
“We waited our entire lives for her. I don’t want to wait anymore. We’ve been honest and up front with each other every step of the way. Full disclosure, remember?” Jared reiterated. 
“Full disclosure, yes. Breaking our girlfriend, no!” Jensen retorted. “We should have eased her into in. We had time to talk about it. We just dropped this on her like a bomb, man.” 
“Let’s just clean up. She’ll come to us when she’s ready,” Jared replied hopefully. 
Y/N set her glass of wine down as she lowered herself to the edge of the tub. “What just happened?” She turned the faucets on to fill the tub with hot water, sprinkling eucalyptus sea salts in the water. Thoughts were running through her mind like a pack of dogs, some rabid. 
Stripping out of her clothes, she eased herself into the steaming water, breathing in the aroma of eucalyptus in an attempt to settle and focus her thoughts. She flipped the faucets off and settled back, closing her eyes. 
There were a hundred things that could go wrong with this plan Jared and Jensen had presented to her. Their love was all she needed, she knew that. But was it enough to keep the vultures away? They hadn’t even gone public with their relationship. They had decided to wait until the show was over, knowing some of the fans may not react favorably. But bringing a child into the mix will change everything. Would they get married? Could they even get married? They were a unit and loving them was the most natural thing in the world for Y/N. 
She mulled her thoughts over until the water chilled. Stepping out of the tub, she noticed it hadn’t started raining yet and a plan formulated in her mind. She wrapped a towel around her and went to their room. She could hear them moving about in the main room of the cabin, so she knew she could take her time. 
Jared and Jensen were watching a baseball game when their phones went off. Jensen opened his notifications first. “It’s from Y/N.” 
“Bring stuff for s’mores and meet me outside please. I love you,” he read her text aloud. 
“I got it,” Jared acknowledged, getting up from the sofa. He grabbed a large tray and loaded all the ingredients on to it. “Ready.” 
Jensen grabbed the roasting sticks, the wine and three glasses, following him to the door. Y/N sat alone with a blanket in front of the fire pit on the large deck. 
“Hey, Baby,” Jared said softly, setting the tray down next to her. 
Jensen poured the wine and handed them out. He didn’t say anything, he knew she’d talk when she was ready. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and took a seat on her right. 
Y/N didn’t speak either. She grabbed a marshmallow and impaled it on the roasting stick. She turned it slowly in the fire, roasting it golden brown. Jared quietly observed her, and Jensen sat back, sipping his wine, doing the same. When it was ready, she took the graham cracker and chocolate and sandwiched the soft marshmallow between them, pulling it off the stick in one smooth motion. 
“You see this s’more?” Y/N broke the silence, looking at each of her lovers, as she held the treat in her hand. They both nodded and she continued. 
“Jen, my love, my strength. You’re the graham cracker that provides a solid foundation. I love you.” She turned to Jared. “Jare, my love, my sweetness. You’re the chocolate, soft and sweet. I love you. I’m the marshmallow, slightly imperfect at the edges, slightly imperfect on the inside, a little firm, but still soft and melty, that melds it all together, making it one.” 
“Darlin, we’re sorry for springing that conversation on you at dinner,” Jensen apologized. “We shouldn’t have blindsided you like that.” 
“No, you shouldn’t have. But we can’t go back and change it now. I did a lot of thinking while I was in the bathtub. There are pros and cons to every relationship, but ours is more public than most. There are a hundred things that could go wrong.” 
“Baby, we were just so excited about the prospect of-” Jared began, but Y/N’s hand stopped him. 
“I’m not done. There are a hundred things that could go wrong, but I weighed them against the thousands of things that could go right. To be honest, I’m scared shitless about what could go wrong, but I was when we started this too. I don’t want to let the fear stop me from living my best life with the two of you,” Y/N professed, taking a bite of the s’more still in her hand. “Let’s do it.” 
“What?” Jensen asked. 
“She said ‘Let’s do it’, Jen!” Jared repeated. 
“Yeah?” Jensen marvelled, looking at her wide-eyed, waiting for confirmation from her. 
“Yeah. Let’s start a family,” she nodded, smiling around the gooey treat in her mouth. She passed it off to Jared, who took his own bite before giving the rest to Jensen. 
Lightning lit up the sky and thunder rumbled overhead right before the sky opened up and the rain started falling. Y/N grabbed the tray and ran for the door while Jensen broke down the fire. Jared held all three glasses and the wine, rushing through the open door, shaking out his hair. 
Jensen closed the door behind them just as the really heavy stuff started coming down. “Damn, I wanted to make a s’more too!” He griped, looking up at the sky from the safety of the window. 
“I want s’more s’mores, too,” Jared giggled. 
“Are we sure we want kids? I think I’ve got my hands full with the two you already!” Y/N teased. 
“Hey!” Jared feigned offense. 
“Jen, start a fire?” Y/N asked sweetly, setting the tray down on the coffee table. 
“Oh! Great idea!” Jensen rubbed his hands together. He stacked a few logs in the fireplace, with the right amount of kindling. He opened the flue and lit a match and, within moments, a fire burned brightly. 
The trio waited for the fire to be perfect before they sat down in front of it to roast more marshmallows. Jensen was quiet, turning his own in the flames. 
“Jen, baby, what’s on your mind?” Y/N asked, running her fingers through his slightly damp hair. 
“I was just thinking about what you said. About me being the foundation. Thank you. I always want to do what is right by you, by both of you. I want to be your strength, your rock. But, in the times that I can’t, I know that one or both of you will be there. You and Jared were my strength when my dad was sick,” Jensen told them. 
“We’re a unit, baby,” she whispered, leaning over to kiss him sweetly. She turned to Jared, kissing him as well. 
“Hey, wait! I want s’more loving!” Jensen joked, pulling her back towards him. 
“Don’t worry, baby, I got enough loving for both of you,” she promised. 
“I can’t wait until there s’more of you to love,” Jared growled playfully, pulling her into his lap, facing Jensen. 
“Enough with the s’mores jokes,” she moaned as Jared attached his lips to her neck. 
“Gotta get s’more practice in before we start making babies,” Jensen mumbled, crawling towards them. 
“Want s’more of this, baby?” Jared groaned in her ear, rutting into her backside. 
“I always want s’more of both of you.” 
Did you like it? The nicest thing you can do for a writer is reblog their work and tell them, and others, how much you like it! 
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The Whole Enchilada: @iwantthedean @dolphincliffs @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @cherrycokegirls1 @closetspngirl  @roxyspearing @flamencodiva @blacktithe7 @sis-tafics @just-another-busyfangirl @evansrogerskitten @amanda-teaches @hannahindie @wotinspntarnation @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza @kickingitwithkirk  @wi-deangirl77 @hobby27 @mogaruke @gh0stgurl @alleiradayne @idreamofplaid @seenashwrite @crashdevlin @thoughtslikeaminefield @emoryhemsworth
Jensen’s Jamboree: @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants  @adoptdontshoppets @mtngirlforever @supernatural-jackles
Jared’s Menagerie:  @mtngirlforever @supernatural-jackles
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starks-parker · 5 years
Irrational fears
a/n: I’ve been absolutely itching to write a really cliche Peter blurb so here we are. enjoy and as always send in any requests or messages :)
warnings: fluff fluff fluff! enemies to lovers type thing you know the one.
summary: Peter Parker is the absolute worst. But when your night takes the worst turn, your opinion might change. also y/n is extra and dramatic asf. 
It was your first day back to school, and already it was miserable. The hot summer air filled your already crowded and un air conditioned school, and you wore jeans today. Your government class was filled with annoying people who asked dumb questions, and worst of all your best friend sat with the one person you hated the most. Peter Parker. That kid was always flying around the tower, doing dumb shit and getting you in trouble. Literally five times has this boy done something dumb on a mission that got you both in trouble. Why the hell is Mj even sitting with him anyways. 
“Hey y/n!” Peter sang as you plopped your things down at the table. He was either too dumb to pick up that you hated him or, no actually that’s probably why. 
“So Mj,” You completely ignored Peter. “Today after school want to come over to the tower? We can finish our poetry assignment and then get pizza.” 
“Yeah sounds good, Peter you’re gonna be there right? Come with?” Mj asked Peter. 
This bitch. She knows you hate Peter! What the hell is she doing?
“If that’s okay with you Y/n?” He asked, wide eyed. 
“Just dandy.” You muttered, squinting your eyes and forcing a fake smile. 
Lunch ended, and you and Mj settled into your last class, sitting next to each other. 
“Why are you hanging out with Peter? You know how much he annoys me.” You whispered to her so the teacher wouldn’t separate you two. 
“He’s cool. Plus you’re being a super bitch to him for no reason so I think it would be good for you guys to hang out. Or just hate him for forever I don’t care.” She mumbled back. 
“Whatever.” You whispered back. From what Mj knows, you only know Peter from school, so you couldn’t possibly tell her you hate him because he sucks at being Spiderman. 
You were forced to give both Mj and Peter a ride home. Peter called shotgun and you wished you had one so you could end it all. He plugged his phone into the aux and you prepared to open your car door and jump out so you wouldn’t have to listen to whatever garbage he was sure to put on. The radio started to blast Sunflower by Post Malone and you looked at Peter with almost shock on your face. 
“Dude I fucking love this song.” 
“I know right!” He screamed over the music. 
As all three of you screamed to the top of your lungs singing along, you started to think that maybe he wasn’t so bad afterall. Maybe you were just being a bitch to him for no reason. You shook your head to get the thought out. No, I hate this kid. Stop being dumb. 
It had been four hours of doing homework, eating pizza, and resenting Peter. The more you hung out with him the more redeemable he became, but you were stubborn. You kept reminding yourself that he sucked. 
“Alright kids it’s getting late. Mj, Happy can take you home. Peter just stay in your quarters tonight, May already said it was okay.” Tony said. 
Mj got up and waved both of you goodbye, heading for the door. 
“Bye Mj!” Peter waved. “Okay now what?” He asked. 
“What do you mean now what? I’m going to bed.” 
“It’s only like 8.” Peter pointed out. 
You grabbed your phone and checked the time. “What the hell it’s not even that late? Okay I guess I’ll watch Netflix for a few.” You shrugged.
“We should watch the new episodes of The Good Place! They’re on Netflix now.” 
“We?” You chuckled. 
“Oh sorry, if you want some alone time I get it. I’ll just go to my room.” He settled down, almost making you feel bad. He got really excited, and it kind of made him almost… cute? 
“Yeah, um just usually I fall asleep to Netflix and uh.” You stuttered. Normally you would love to kick Peter out of your room. Why are you trying to make him feel better? 
“No no I get it. Good night, y/n.” He said sombering away, still with sincerity in his voice. 
You drifted off, feeling bad that you pushed Peter away but still feeling like it was justified. You hated this kid. Why was he in your head? You tried to shake off your conflicting and jumbled thoughts while you fell asleep. 
You woke up, feeling like a feather was being traced on your skin. All of a sudden you recognized the feeling as a bug crawling on your hand. Your eyes shot open, the dark room filling your senses. 
“Bucky if this is some sick joke I’m not having it.” 
The feeling happened again, but on your back this time. You jumped up screaming in your head because if you screamed out loud Tony would surely bust in, fully suited up ready to kill someone. You took all your clothes off jumping up and down trying to get the thing off of you. You weren’t scared of much, but spiders were the one thing that made you go insane. Even though you knew most of them couldn’t even bite you if they wanted to, it was an irrational fear that you’ve had since you can remember. 
Once you felt like the thing was off of you, you threw on a large shirt and ran out the door, closing it behind you. You ran into the first room you could find. Most of them were empty anyways since most of the Avengers were at the compound right now. You slammed the door to your new temporary bedroom and stuffed a nearby blanket to cover the crack on the bottom of the door so it couldn’t crawl its way in.
“Y/n?” Peter called out, groggily. 
“Oh shit I’m sorry Peter I forgot this was your room.” 
“Why- why are you in here?” 
“There was a- uhm- a spider in my room. And I really am scared of spiders like really really bad and I can’t sleep in my room if it’s still there and so I came in here because I thought it was empty.” You rambled out of breath. 
“Okay- okay. It’s okay I’m here.” Peter sat up. You noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt, and damn was this boy ripped. 
“I’m sorry I know it’s dumb, but I just have such an irrational fear.” You struggled. “Um- can I sleep in here?” 
“Sure, sure.” He said scooting over tossing the blanket over to welcome you in. 
You walked over and climbed into his bed, pulling the soft blankets over your body. 
Peter couldn’t help but notice how cute you looked. You were wearing an oversized shirt which made you look so small and innocent, and he really just wanted to protect you. Also he could tell you weren’t wearing any pants, only underwear, but he tried really hard to ignore that. He could hear your heartbeat because of his senses, and it was pounding. You were still terrified. 
“Y/n?” Peter softly said your name. 
“Are you still scared? I can hear your heartbeat.” 
“Do- um- do you want me to um- nevermind.” 
“You can say it Peter.” 
“Do you want me to hold you?” 
Peter moved closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. He kind of stopped for a second, not sure if he should get any closer. He could still hear how distressed you were, so he snuggled his head into your neck, and intertwined his legs in yours. You started to calm down in his arms, your breathing slowing down to a calm pace. 
“Y/n?” He said your name again, his breath sending shivers down your spine.
“Peter?” You said his name back, trying to come to reality that the boy you thought you hated was holding you. 
“I- I always kind of thought you didn’t like me.” 
“I know, I’m sorry. It’s just whenever we went on missions together I felt you were holding me back and always messing up. But you weren’t. I couldn’t admit to myself that I was messing up sometimes too so I guess I took it out on you. I’m really sorry Peter and I hate myself for being such a bitch to you.” 
“It’s okay.” He said tightening his grip and snuggling deeper into your neck. 
“Thank you for saving me from the spider.” You joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Peter chuckled lightly. “It’s funny. You were scared of a spider so you came in here and got saved by a spider.” He said delighting himself
“You’re such a nerd.” You laughed at his dumb joke. 
Peter smiled against your skin.
“I really like you Peter.” You confessed. Everything seemed to be coming out right now. 
“I… really like you too.” He responded. 
You both fell asleep, listening to each others breaths and feeling comfort in another. You didn’t know it yet, but from now on you did not hate Peter Parker. You loved him. 
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Family First
Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 2171
Warnings: A typical episode of criminal minds, injuries
Summary: When a case leads back to your hometown, will everything pan out, or is it a bit rougher than expected?
* * * * *
It was 10:30 on a Saturday morning, your day off, when you got a text from Penelope, to start your day earlier then planned.
Hey superwoman, get your little booty to the BAU. This is a big scary haunting case. Hotch says all hands on deck… sorry about your day off.
You reply with a quick okay, and make your way to the BAU, most likely breaking a few speed regulations. What can you say? It sounded important.
You got there about 5 minutes after you received the text, and find that you and your long time crush, Spencer, are the only ones in the conference room besides Penelope and Hotch, of course.
“You weren’t prepared for this one, were you?”Spencer breaks the silence. Looking at your outfit, face and then your hair, smirking that super hot smirk that he’s got
You look at your outfit: black leggings, and a tee shirt supporting your favorite sports team, your hair in a very messy bun. You start to blush under Spencer’s scrutinizing stare, suddenly aware of you looking like you had just rolled out of bed.
Well, you had. But he doesn’t need to know that.
That’s when everyone started showing up, to begin the profile.
Penelope starts the brief. “Okay, my pretties, this one not pretty. Like at all. Or I guess I shouldn’t should say not handsome. All 7 victims were men between the ages of 20 and 35 and fit Spencer’s description. And had been drugged before being killed. Appearing to have had the drug chloroform in their system.” She starts the routine slideshow, not looking at it, “The unsub showed no mercy, he took his time with the last two men.”
Hotch says something, exactly what you were thinking, “This killer is unorganized and doesn’t seem to show remorse. And the fact that he took more time with the last victims, suggests that they were surrogates and that eventually he will go after the person that the killings prepare him for.”
“That, and notice how there are lacerations and burn marks on every victim’s back? I think the unsub may have a facial deformation, probably creating his lack of confidence to kill the men with them watching.” You say.
“Good observation Y/N, also since the unsub used chloroform before kidnapping the victims, he may not be strong enough to use force, therefore having to use creative methods to kidnap them.” After Spencer says good observation, you start to get butterflies in your stomach. He complimented you, and that are you happy. Well as happy as you can be while working a serial murder case.
“This is a time sensitive case, we will continue on the jet. Wheels up in 20. We’re headed to Palo Alto.” When Hotch says the last part, he looks at you, almost apologetically.
He knows your background, the reason you because and FBI agent. He knows how your mother was killed be Clyde Hoodsen 12 years ago. And how Clyde’s accomplice was never found.
And he knows your dad still lives there.
Spencer knows too, but they’re the only ones. He grabs your arm when you turn to get your go bag, holding you back.
“Will you sit with me on the jet Y/N?”
Not really wanting to talk to anyone, you nod and turn to leave.
On the jet you sit in the secluded corner seat that only fits two people, that way Spence can sit next to you.
When he does, the first thing he says is, “Are you okay?”
It was in that instant that the reality of how much you actually liked Spencer; loved him even. You answered him honestly. Spilling so much to him, because you feel safe.
“No, Spence. I’m really not. Losing my mom almost killed me. I was beyond depressed for 3 years after her death, and the fact that this unsub could be Hoodsen’s accomplice… It breaks me Spencer. I can’t lose my dad too, I just can’t. And I know he doesn’t fit the MO, but I’m scared.” Your voice breaks on the last word. You started crying during the first sentence.
Spencer takes one of your hands in one of his, and uses the other to bring your chin up to look at him.
Using the same hand to he used to lift your head up, Spencer wipes away your tears.
“Text him, Y/N, tell him to stay in the house with the doors locked. And tell him to text or call if anything happens, okay?”
He gets out of the seat, but only long enough to get you your phone for you. Mumbling a ‘thanks’, you text him everything Spencer told you to, ending it with an ‘I love you, be safe’.
The plane lands in Palo Alto, and you feel unsteady about the entire thing. And it doesn’t help that you get a call right when the team gets off of the plane.
You see the caller ID and answer on the first ring.
“Hey dad, Are you okay?”
“Y/N, come to the house, hurry!”, your dad sounds panicked. You look for Spencer to make eye contact, but he’s talking to JJ.
“Bring Spencer. You trust him right?”
“Yeah dad, I do I’ll be there soon!”, you wipe your eyes, for you had started crying in the middle of that.
You run up to Spence, crying. Again.
“Spence, my dad… he called… he needs… Spencer?!”
He just pulled you into him, trying to get your hyperventilating to subside. And to keep that rant that he foresaw at bay.
“I’m coming with you, Y/N.”
“Okay Spencer… Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Spencer takes you to Hotch and talks lowly about something, but you can’t hear them.
The grabs your hand as the two of you make your way to the local police issued sedan. He makes you drive, much to your dismay, and protests.
“Spence, I don’t think I’m in a good place, mentally, to drive right now.”, you say, trying anything to not drive.
“Y/ N you’ll be fine, we will help your dad. I promise.”
“Don’t say anything about promises. My mom promised me that she would always be there for me. And where is she now? Six damn feet deep. People can barely make promises about where they’re going to dinner, let alone if you can make a promise about saving someone’s father. I mean so many thing could go tota-”
You’re interrupted my Spencer’s strong arms pulling you into yet another hug. He shushes you to stop the inevitable rant.
You quickly agree to drive, realizing how urgent the call sounded, and get into the truck. Driving to your old home, you pass a lot of stores and houses that bring memories.
The ice cream shop that your dad took you to every Sunday, or the park that you broke your first bone at.
It was your finger. You were playing in the grass, and you cartwheeled into the play set. When you fell you rammed your hand into the metal support and broke your pointer finger on the left hand.
You got to the house in about 4 minutes, and started shaking. So much so, that Spencer had to turn you away from the house to get you out of your trance.
“Hey, he’s going to be fine. Only .03% of crime victims are ever injured. And I know, that sounds like a lot, but that’s only because our place of work groups all of the murder and the pain and misery into one place. That place, will NOT be your home. Your father, will not get hurt today, Y/N.”
That should have made you feel better. And it did. Until you heard a crash inside your home.
“Oh my God, Spence!”, you say it, but too quietly him to hear seeing as you are already out of your car and to your front door. You had your gun pulled out, with Spencer copying you a few steps behind.
The unsub changed his MO. He made it personal to you. What are you gonna do? Apparently nothing, because the man pulled you and Spencer inside, and started yelling.
“Put your damn guns down! Now! If you don’t, pops over here will be eating a bullet for lunch!”
You and Spencer share a look, but comply with the man’s orders. After you set your guns on the ground and he takes them, he forces you to kneel.
You kneel on the floor of your old kitchen, tears threatening to spill onto the hardwood floors. This was not how you thought you’d see your dad next.
“You, the boy. Get in that chair.”
He looks at you and you shake you head, not wanting him to go. But he does. And the man ties him up, leaving you to sit and watch as the two most important men in your life are tied up and held at gunpoint.
“What do you want,” you say to the unsub, as he circles your father and Spence, a menacing look plastered on his face.
“I want you to choose, Miss L/N.”
“Choose what?”
“Just choose one of these men and I’ll let you know if you chose for them to live or die.”
You are not surprised that an unorganized unsub would want you to play a game like that, but it still caught you off guard. You look at your father; scared out of his mind. And you look at Spencer; who is all too familiar with being in situations like these. It sounds bad, but you almost wish he didn’t know what to do. When you look at them, both broken in different ways, all of your resolve, all your calm, is gone.
It takes everything you have not to start crying, but one warning look from your father and Spencer, makes you subdue the feeling. You make your decision and say it as calmly as you can.
“I choose myself.” Your voice never wavering, you make the decision to attempt at switching places with them.
You speak again, “I won’t let you hurt the only two people in the world that I care about with the entirety of my being, and if that means that I have to take their place, then I will.”
“Ah. You are so much like your mother. You know, when Clyde killed her, she was just as stubborn as you’re being right now.”
You visibly stiffen at the unsub’s words. Tensed up as if you were going to lunge at him. Apparently, Spencer noticed as well because he sends you a warning.
“Y/N, careful.”
When Spence speaks, the man hits him with the barrel of the gun, not knocking him out, but leaving a deep cut on his forehead and earning a pained grunt. As Clyde’s accomplice is preoccupied with Spencer, you get up and jump forward in an attempt at getting the gun away from him.
Failing, the man shoves you to the ground and lets off three shots. One of which, hit you in the stomach, making you let out a muffled scream. Right as you are seeing black around the edges, about to slip into unconsciousness, you see Hotch cuffing the man while reading his rights, and you see Spencer and your dad both crying, rush over to you.
The last thing that you felt, was a hand interlocking itself with yours. Probably Spencer’s. And a voice that you unmistakably recognize as your dad’s saying:
“I’ll be here the whole time, Y/N. Stay awake, stay with me. Talk to me! Keep your head up, slugger!”
And with that the darkness invites you in, and you accept the request.
Later you are in the hospital, hooked up to all kinds of tubes, with 3 nurses bustling around running tests. You open your eyes and the first thing you see is your dad.
“Hey, honey. How are you feeling?”
“I’m not sure yet, but I guess I’m not dead so that’s a plus. Wait! Dad, how did I not die? I got shot in the stomach. It didn’t hit any organs?”
You realize it’s awkward to talk with the breathing tube in your nose, so you go to take it out.
“No, Y/N, leave it, it’s helping.”
You look up and see Spencer leaning against the doorway to your room. He has a small bandage over his stitches.
“Spence!” You are about to get up to go to him, but he doesn’t let you. You hear your dad mumble something about being ‘more excited to see your boyfriend than you father’ and how it’s ‘rubbish’.
Spencer engulfs you in a warm hug, making sure not to hurt your stomach.
“The shot just barely missed your kidney. You Miss L/N, are a very lucky woman.”
“Yeah I am. Now that I have you here, Spence.”
The two of you share a kiss, and just sit there, in each other’s arms for what seems like eternity.
It was the best eternity of your life.
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Fun’s For Free - Chapter 3 (Roger x Reader) (smut)
Summary: It’s 1978 and you’re assigned to follow Queen on their North American tour to promote their new album. Only problem is the magazine you write for has not been kind to the band in the past, and someone has a hard time letting go of that fact.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2
In this “episode”: It’s party time.
Word Count: ~3.2K
Warnings: Language, smut (ooOoOoh). 18+
Permatags: @clogwearingspacepoodle @briansfatbottomgirl @culturefiendtrashqueen @jennyggggrrr @shutup-sorry
Series tags: @toomuchlove-willkillyou @sunshine112 @ohtheseboysilove @luvborhap @painkiller80 @hannafuckingsucks @itsametaphorbriansblog @biscuit-barrel @capsparrowtara @asquiresofftime @aridrowse @geek-and-proud @a19103 @nicholeh7 @caborhapch @catch-a-deak @thebelgiancompanion @ultrablackwidower @maggieroseevans @protectrowanwhitethorn @mercurycrowley @amy-brooklyn99 @bellas2silly @rogxrtaylxr
(If you want to be on either of these tag lists let me know!)
[A/N: I’m sorry for making you wait three chapters for what you’re really here for but… I hope you enjoy.]
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October 31, 1978 – New Orleans, Louisiana You dreaded tonight since Roger left your room. You avoided him all day, at least you tried to. He was doing all he could to avoid you, too, but sometimes it wasn’t easy to do. When you were around each other, you didn’t even acknowledge the other’s presence. No snipping, no death stares – nothing. Everyone noticed that something was going on, but no one dared ask, feeling if they did it would disturb the peace.
Most of your day was spent getting the run down of the party tonight that was being thrown to celebrate the release of their new album. You stood in the ballroom as everything was being prepared, jotting down notes in your notebook, in complete awe of the gaudiness of the whole thing.
You decided to skip the show tonight. The less chance of contact with Roger the better, you thought. It would also give you time to rest, given how you knew the night would be long and hard, especially since the party didn’t start until 11:00. Freddie’s parties were rumored to be legendary, and given how he had a direct influence on this one, you knew that wickedness and debauchery were in the works. Staying back also gave you the chance to mix with other journalists and label executives. You loved your job, but any chance to network and sell your talents was one to jump at.
But first you needed to dress the part, so you ventured into the hotel’s boutique to find the perfect ensemble. The lady working talked you into a long silver dress, something you would have never dared even touch before, but after much convincing, you tried it on. “It looks like it was made just for you!” the lady exclaimed as you walked out of the dressing room. After taking a look in the mirror, first feeling a little self-conscious seeing how the spaghetti straps and loosely flowing top left little to the imagination, you agreed. “I have the perfect shoes for this,” she tells you as she walks away before returning with a pair of silver heels. “Wear your hair down,” she says as she plays with your ponytail. “And not much makeup. You don’t need much,” she smiles, putting you at ease.
Just as Freddie said it would be, the party was salacious. When you walked in the ballroom, you were hit with a mixture of amusement and amazement, and immediately abandoned any nerves you had built up. It was decorated as gaudy as you’d imagined it would end up being and well stocked with food and alcohol, of course. Barely clothed women, oddities and debauchery galore. You weren’t left alone for long. Everyone was chatty and curious, as were you, and the alcohol helped the conversations flow easily.
The guys all walked in together, accompanied by strippers, naturally. Anything to make a ridiculously amusing entrance. As soon as he saw you, Roger’s eyes instantly meet yours, and you freeze, as does he. You hurry and turn around, restarting the conversation you were having with the radio executive who was not very interesting.
Freddie also sees you and immediately makes his way through the crowd to you. “Look at you, darling,” he smiles as he kisses your cheek. “Divine. You should be in a painting.”
“Hush,” you giggle as you slap his shoulder. “You don’t have to kiss my ass.” You introduce him to who you were talking to and walk away, a woman on a mission. A mission you didn’t want to be on but something was forcing you to go on it.
When you emerge from the crowd, you see Roger again, and he sees you, almost as if he was looking for you. “Y/N? Is that you?” you hear a voice from behind, and you see Mike, your editor. “Wow, you really can dress up, huh?”
“I didn’t know you were coming!” You drew him into a hug, a big smile on your lips, so happy to see a familiar face. “What are you doing here?”
“I had to check on you, see how you were doing, make sure you didn’t kill anyone yet.” The entire time you and Mike were talking, you felt Roger staring at you, and whenever you’d sneak a glance over in his direction, you’d confirm it. So you weren’t exactly surprised when he snuck up on you when you went to the bar to get another drink.
“Who’s your friend?” he asks you, leaning into your ear.
“That’s…” You pause and smirk, “none of your concern.” You know he won’t cause a scene, not here, so you continue to taunt him, still smirking. “Are you jealous?”
“Why would I possibly be jealous?” he asks. “I’m just curious. You look like you’re having a good time with him.”
“So you’ve been watching me?” you ask, sarcastically pretending to be surprised.
“You know I have been. Your desperate eyes have been watching me, too.”
You chuckle and roll your eyes. “Desperate. Hardly.”
You turn to walk away but he grabs your arm, and now he’s smirking too. “You want my cock in you so bad you can hardly stand it,” he chuckles. “You’re probably getting wet just thinking about it.”
You glance down at his leather pants and look back up. “Looks like you’re the one having a hard time containing yourself.”
Brian hurries over, having seen you and Roger sharing an intense stare, making him worry that there’s going to be a huge argument in the middle of the party and he drags Roger away. You go back to Mike, planning to stay by him for the rest of the party, but you’re unable to keep your eyes off of the blonde haired, blue eyed guy who can’t seem to stop looking at you.
Hours passed and the party started to wind down, finally. You eventually lost track of Roger, and you didn’t care anymore. You were busy having a good time. You have no idea what time it is, not that it even matters, but you do know that you’re feeling very tired, and very drunk. You bid Mark goodbye – he has to be at the airport in a few hours, and you decide to go back to your room.
Roger slams his door shut when you’re trying to unlock yours. “Jesus Christ, you scared me,” you gasp after being startled by the noise.
“Do you need help again?” he jokes as he walks over.
“No I don’t need help.” His presence has you irritated again, especially since he keeps chuckling as he watches you try to unlock the door.
“Give me the key,” he laughs as he takes it from you and unlocks the door. “You’re fucking useless.” He dangles the key in your face and you quickly snatch it before walking in. “I’m surprised you came back alone. I thought you’d have that guy with you.”
“That guy is my editor, Roger,” you sigh “And you’re surprised I came back alone? What about you? Didn’t see anything you liked?”
“Oh, I saw a lot that I liked. Didn’t want any of them,” he shrugs.
“That’s a surprise,” you grumble as you grab your sleepwear from the top of your suitcase and sit on the bed to take off your shoes. “Normally you’d have at least one in your room by now.” He’s standing there, silent, watching you walk into the bathroom to change your clothes. You don’t close the door all the way, and he can see everything through in the reflection on the mirror through the crack in the door. “What’s wrong? Not feeling up to it?” you ask before walking out, dressed in shorts and a tank top, your usual sleep attire, throwing your dress over the chair.
“You should hang that up,” he says, pointing to your dress. “It’ll get wrinkled if you don’t.”
You glare at him, completely unamused, and your irritation grows. “Why are you even in my room? There is no reason for you to be here.” He says nothing, only stares at you the same way he was doing last night before he pounced on you. “I think you should leave,” you mumble.
“Because if you don’t…”
He takes off his sunglasses, puts them in the pocket of his jacket and walks closer to you. “If I don’t, what?” He moves even closer. “Come on, tell me what. Your mouth never had a hard time speaking before.”
You push him away from you and he stumbles back. “You’re so fucking annoying.”
“And you think you’re not annoying?” he snips as he walks back to you. “You are the most…” He stops.
“The most what?” He doesn’t answer. “Well, come on, your mouth never had a hard time speaking before,” you mock. You grab his tie, pull him down so his face is at your level. “Cat got your tongue, Mr. Taylor?”
Suddenly, his mouth crashes into yours, melding your lips together in a kiss that is frantic and desperate, his tongue and yours woven together. He dips lower as he starts to kiss your neck, moving a hand into the front of your shorts. A sharp breath escapes you as his fingers find your clit and he starts to rub in an erratic circle. “Already so fucking wet,” he whispers with a growl in your ear.
You move your hand down to the crotch of his pants and cup his bulging cock that is visible through his leather pants. “You’ve been aching to get this in me all night, haven’t you?” You pull his jacket off and grab his tie again, making him look at you. “You better make me scream,” you sneer as you push him away, his hand moving out of your shorts. You stand there for a moment, both of you staring at each other, breathing heavily.
He hurriedly starts to take off his tie as you climb on the bed, leaning back on your elbows, your eyes not leaving him, watching him as he throws his tie, then his shirt on the ground. You sit up on the edge of the bed as he walks closer and grab the waist of his pants, pulling him even closer. You unhook his belt as he reaches down and takes off your shirt, massaging your breasts as soon as they were free. He pushes you down on your back and quickly pulls off your shorts, again rubbing his hand over your wetness. “I bet you touch yourself a lot, don’t you?” he asks in a feverous tone, hovering over your naked body. “Do you think about me when you do it?”
“Fuck you,” you snarl.
“You should do it more,” he snarls back. “You’re so fucking tense all the time.”
“Only around you,” you pant. He shoves two fingers inside of you and smirks, knowing he’s got you right where he wants you. “I can’t stand you,” you groan.
“I can’t stand you either, Y/N,” he groans back. He can’t help himself. He loves getting under your skin, and he knows that you had no idea how much it turns him on when you get angry.
You fiercely unbutton his pants as he continues to finger fuck you and grab his dick. “Look at you, already so fucking hard.” You look up into his eyes, both of you breathing heavy and rapidly. “Tell me, Roger. How many times have you fallen asleep dreaming of this being pushed inside me?” You start to push his pants down, but he hurries to stand up and finishes taking them off.
He climbs back on the bed, hovering himself over you as he slowly starts to push just the head of his rock inside of you. “I bet you’re so fucking tight,” he groans. “You’re already better than I imagined.”
You grab his face with one of your hands and make him look at you again. “Stop talking and fuck me,” you yell.
“I would, but I’m so annoying, remember?” He grabs your wrists and holds you down as you wrap your legs tightly around his waist.
“Roger, I swear to God…”
“Can you just shut the fuck up for once?” He fusses as he jerks his hips into yours, his cock sliding further in you. “So bossy,” he groans, and your moans get louder. “Can’t shut your mouth for five minutes,” he says as he gives another short push. “Always trying to piss me off,” he grunts while giving you a harder thrust. “So maybe you need to shut the fuck up for once.” You moan and twist your hips, forcing the rest of his cock inside you.
“Shit,” you whisper as he fully enters you.
“I knew you’d like it,” he grinned.
You grab the back of his head and pull him to you, your mouths once again meeting in a fierce, fiery passion. His hips were rising and falling in a slow but forceful rhythm. “I said you better make me scream,” you groan. “Go harder, you asshole.” Your legs grab around him harder and you pull him to you, trying to emphasize your point.
He caved to your demands, slamming into you hard and fast. Your nails dig into his back, the two of you releasing every single ounce of frustration that’s been building up inside for the past two weeks. “Like this?” he pants. “Is this how you want me to fuck you?”
You push him off, rolling him over on his back and you quickly kneel over him, your legs on each side of him, holding his still throbbing dick to your slick entrance. He looks down and watches as your lower yourself down, feeling himself fill you. You start to gyrate your hips, grinding yourself against him as he holds your ass to control your speed. “This is how I want you to fuck me.”
He rubs his hands up to your back and pulls you down to him, his lips curling up into a wicked smile. “I’m supposed to make you scream,” he said dryly. He lifts his hips up in a powerful thrust, catching you by surprise, and keeps thrusting upward. He slammed his cock right into your g-spot, causing you to scream with pleasure. “You fucking love it, don’t you?” he sneers.
“Yes!” you scream. “I fucking love it. I love the way you’re fucking me right now.” You time your strokes so you’re pushing down as he’s thrusting up, bringing your bodies together with the delicacy of a hurricane.
“You feel good. You feel so fucking good, Y/N,” he breathlessly calls out. “I should have fucked you weeks ago.”
The overwhelming monstrous force of the imminent climax that was overcoming both of you as he continues starts to make it impossible for either of you to speak anymore. Your screams and moans of encouragement have turned into incoherent babble having become completely disconnected from every semblance of reality.
The sheer force of the explosive orgasm sweeps you away. Every nerve ending in your body lights up as if every inch of you has become one complete erogenous zone.
You roll off of him, your entire body covered with a sweaty sheen as you lay on your back, your deep breaths causing your chest to heave. “Wow, Y/N. Who knew you had it in you?” he laughs.
“Shhh,” you say as you roll over and cover yourself with the bedsheet. “No talking.”
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November 1, 1978 – 3:00pm You wake up and find yourself in Roger’s arms. He was sound asleep, and clearly he was sleeping when he started to hold you, because there was no way in hell he would do this because he wanted to. You moved his arm and climb out of bed, not sure if you’re feeling ashamed, disgusted or rejuvenated. Perhaps a mix of all three. When you move he doesn’t even budge. You grab a change of clothes and take a shower, hoping he’d hear you, wake up and leave, this way there would be no chance to talk about it. But when you walk out of the bathroom, he’s still there, in your bed, sleeping. You started packing up – the bus was leaving at 5 – and are making as much noise as possible.
He finally wakes up and sits up, watching you frantically pack your suitcase and he starts to chuckle. You hurry and throw his clothes at him, yelling at him to leave. “Go pack. Go do whatever you want, just get out!”
But he was calm, calmer than you felt he should have been. “Should we talk…” he started to ask but you cut him off.
“No!” you yell before taking a deep breath and relaxing. “No talking,” you whisper as you rub your eyes. “Just go, please.” He says nothing as he throws his clothes on and walks out the room.
After getting on the bus, you take your regular seat in the back. You were quiet, and everyone noticed. They left you alone for the most part so you took the time to start writing your article.
“Working hard?” Brian asks quietly with a smile as he approaches.
“Yeah,” you smile back as you pat the seat next to you. “Sit. I have some questions if you’d be so kind.” As you spend the next half hour talking with Brian, you can see Roger’s glare, and you try your best to ignore it, but your eyes can’t stop looking at his and he can’t stop looking at you.
Brian notices the two of you as well and starts to joke. “Even when you aren’t talking to each other the tension is high.”
“I’m sorry. It’s just…”
“Never seen him so wound up over a woman before. Usually he’s polite.”
“What can I say? I’m special,” you joke as you shrug.
“Yeah,” he says in almost a whisper. “You are…”
You quickly clear your throat before you get lost in whatever this is, because you do not need more drama, especially not with Brian. “Well, thank you for the impromptu interview,” you tell him as you stand up and pat his shoulder. “I need to stretch my legs.” You walk to the front of the bus, immediately realizing it was a bad idea as Roger stares at you, so you hurry and turn back around.
He follows quietly and sits in the seat next to you and doesn’t give you the chance to protest. “What are you doing, Y/N? Why are you avoiding me?” he loudly whispers.
“I’m not avoiding you.”
“You’re bothered about last night. Look, I…”
“Why do you think this has anything to do with you?” you fuss as you stand up to move. “Not everything is about you.”
He stands up and blocks your path, and all eyes on the bus dart to the two of you. “Why are you always so fucking difficult?” he yells.
“Why are you always in my space?” you yell back. “I’m trying to do my job. Will you just leave me alone?”
He sits back down and tugs on your arm, pulling you down to sit. “I want to apologize for how I acted last night,” he tells you, his tone low and his teeth gritted. “Will you let me apologize?”
“No,” you say. “Because you have nothing to apologize for. We both wanted it. We did it. And that’s that.” He tries to say more, but you don’t let him. “No one has to know and it won’t happen again.”
He starts to laugh and your anger starts to rise. “Sure. It won’t happen again,” he says with sarcasm as he stands up and smirks at you before walking away.
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