#there needs to be more love shown to joonie
ldysmfrst · 2 months
American Mate (11 Part 2) - Just a Staff Member
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 11 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 11,511 
Work count for Story: 77,023
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs, and the other loves everyone. I started a Patreon, and I would be grateful if you donated to help me make ends meet while I am out of work.
Warnings: NOT BETA READ!! This chapter does have pack dynamics, comfort, Alpha/Luna vibes, possessiveness, and self-doubt.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit
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Back in the Vans, the remaining four split up. 
Jimin and Jungkook hightailed it into one van while Namjoon declared that Taehyung would go with him and Yoongi would try to get you to allow him to join you. 
After not seeing Yoongi on the side of the road as they left, Namjoon settled into his seat. His eyes return to the younger Alpha and appraise the hunch of his back, downcast eyes, flat ears, and tail wrapped around his waist in a self-soothing manner. 
Good.  He knows he messed up.
“What are you going to do?” Namjoon asks, his voice strong in his Prime Alpha role.
“Joon,” he starts but is cut off with a growl. 
“Right now, I am not your Joonie-hyung. I am your Prime Alpha, leader of the Bangtan Pack, and you just…” Namjoon sighs, his eyes looking around, trying to figure out how to say everything. 
“Prime Alpha Kim, I know. I messed up. I shouldn’t have growled at the driver so rudely.”
“And I should not have been so possessive of our new mate, especially since she doesn’t know yet,” says Taehyung with a growl. “It’s just so hard. He was practically drooling over her like a piece of meat or candy.”
“That may be the case, but Y/n either didn’t notice or didn’t care. So, correcting him with her presence and in that manner was not okay. Taehyung-ah, do you realize how much you may have set us back with her because of this?”
“She wasn’t that upset, Prime Alpha. She is a woman. She’ll get over it. Besides, she has to forgive because of the mate bond. We just need to give her time, flowers, or gifts and what-not,” says the younger Alpha. 
“The mate bond doesn’t work like that. She can reject you and, in turn, reject us. We don’t know how much a human can feel the bond because it is so rare.”
Namjoon sighs, “You know apologizing to a mate isn’t the same as to a friend. Flowers or gifts, really? Is that how you apologize to our mates?”
“Well, no, not really,” mumbles Taehyung with a shrug.
“Y/n already has obstacles that we have to help her overcome. Obstacles must be conquered to prove to her that we are different from anyone she has been with. We have to show her how genuine we are. She deserves, and the rest of our pack will demand, that she be shown the same love, devotion, and care that we already show each other.” 
Leaning forward, Namjoon reaches out a hand to grasp Taehyung’s chin, forcing him to make eye contact, “She may need more reassurance than others because of her past. Today, you will stay in the van away from Y/n for the meeting. After which, you will be at her beck and call like the staff you have not shown respect for, and it will be up to Y/n as to when you will be forgiven. Understood?”
“Yes, Prime Alpha. I will seek forgiveness and serve her until she forgives me, even though it will not be easy for my Alpha or me.”
“Good. Pray that she is as forgiving with you as she was for Youngi-hung. If she doesn’t… I don’t know. I just don’t know.”
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Lucky for Bangtan, they arrive before you do. Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook head to the office, where the new assistant greets them. Under Namjoon's orders, they leave Taehyung in the van. 
 After inquiring where Derek is, they are directed into the conference room. Inside the room, he is laying out copies of the updated contract. 
At the pack's entrance, he greets them, “Oh, Mr. Kim, Mr. Park, and Mr. Jeon, Hello!”
Looking behind the three Alphas, Derek expects to see Y/n, but no one else enters. “Where is Y/n-ah? Is she coming with another packmate?”
“She is coming with Yoongi-hyung, and Manager Sejin is also coming. We came a bit early because we wanted to ask you a question,” Namjoon asks as he steps forward.
“Beta Derek, temporary Alpha of the Y/l/n Pack, I, Prime Alpha Namjoon of the Bangtan Pack, would like to request an audience with you and your pack Omega.” 
The Prime Alpha makes the request with a bowed head, mirrored by the other Alphas present. The formality honors this as a traditional request, and Derek gapes like a fish out of water. 
“You are requesting… Why not ask my Luna?” Asks the weary Beta, his scent hinting at worry and his body language on edge. 
Lowering his head even further, Namjoon responds, “We wish to discuss your Luna and our future with her. I would rather not say something here because it would not be the right place. Please, will you meet with select members of the Bangtan Pack?”
“Very well. As temporary Alpha of the Y/l/n Pack, I accept your request. As the receiving pack, I will offer to meet at the Y/l/n Packhouse tomorrow at 11 a.m,” 
“Most likely, because none of us are actual Alphas, our Luna will not be present, and our Omega’s mate may join us. Are the terms acceptable?” says Derek without wavering and holding himself high. 
“They are. Thank you for accepting our request. Myself, Seokjin-hyung, Hoseok-hyung, and Taehyung-ah will be present from Bangtan Pack,” responds Namjoon, standing up.
“Oh, that is a lot,” comments Derek. The packhouse is not very big and has no couch. The fox hybrid scent shows his stress at figuring out seating arrangements. 
“Derek-ssi? As the visiting pack, they will be fine with sitting on the floor of your packhouse. Respectfully and traditionally, you and your pack representatives should take any other proper seating,” Jungkook says, his big bunny smile on display.
At the other Alphas' nodding, Derek visibly relaxes and smiles back, “I will make sure you are comfortable, Alphas; don’t worry. For today, please sit on the far side of the table where your nameplate is and we will start when everyone is here.”
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The drive to the office was quiet. Yoogni kept to himself for the ride, his tail securely wrapped around his waist and his hands in his lap. If it weren’t for one of his ears firmly tilted in your direction, you would have thought that he had forgotten about you. 
You are upset. You were thrown for a loop. You lost some of the footing that you thought was solid. 
You wanted to be left alone. 
Technically, this is what you are getting, but now that you are here, it’s not what you want.
Your fur leash is missing, and the soft stroking of Yoongi’s tail on your leg to calm and reassure you is absent.  You miss the subtle touches you have gotten from the jaguar in the past few days. That is when you realize that it is not the action itself but who it was that was doing that made it mean so much more. 
You are growing attached and don’t know how to stop it. Maybe you should express your concerns to Prime Alpha Namjoon and find another solution before signing the contract. 
Your mind is riddled with thoughts of how caring Yoongi and Jungkook have been, how Jimin opened up, and your beautiful time with Seokjin. You feel connected with these four. 
Well, maybe not so much Jimin, but at least he has started making progress toward not being a stranger to you. 
Hoseok, on the other hand, started out really flirty but hasn’t looked to spend more time with you than when the pack is all there. Then again, his schedule has been the fullest out of everyone. 
You were primarily worried about Namjoon. Without the Prime Alpha wanting you to be involved, you can bet all the money in your account that this contract would never happen no matter who else wanted you around, especially after the last Playmate.
Until this morning, Taehyung was someone who you thought found a connection with. You met his Alpha briefly in the breakroom, and he seemed so caring. He was one of the pillars you planned to build over the next several weeks.
What if you now screwed up everything?
You had just scolded your Omega about how reactions can ruin everything, and then you turned around and did the same thing. 
Glancing at Yoongi, you wonder if you ruined everything with him by speaking out against his mate. However, you are not willing to compromise your ethics and morals—period.
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Heading up to the office, Yoongi follows you, dying to know what you are thinking. Your scent hasn’t wavered from the lemon. The only hope that Yoongi feels is from the vanilla mate scent, which is still present but light. 
“Princess?” he calls, attempting to get your attention in the elevator.
At the sound of Yoogni’s voice and the use of his nickname for you, your shoulders relax just a tad. You hadn’t realized how much his silence and distance were affecting you. 
Looking at him standing next to you, you are met with hard-set eyes and a tall, dominating posture. He says, “Taehyung has a good reason for what he did, but he was not entirely correct in his actions. Our Prime Alpha will correct that with him, so you don’t have to worry.”
Turning to face him, you open your mouth to respond, only to have Yoongi quickly take your hand and continue, “Please don’t cancel the contract.”
It isn’t a demand. You take in his words, posture, and scent of strong vanilla and ocean. He is shaken and worried, which shocks you because you figured he would side with his younger mate. 
“Let us prove to you that we mean everything we have told you. Look to Seokjin, Jungkook, and me for examples of how things will be in the future.”
His eyes tell you he is being honest. They are hard-set, but at the same time, they are glossing over with unshed tears.
“Yoongi, my Kisa, I won’t cancel the contract, nor will I force anyone to partake in the contract.” Your words act like a breath of fresh air for the Alpha. “What happened today is just one person in the pack. What he did is not a reflection of all of you.”
Pulling you in for a hug that startles you at first, Yoongi kisses your temple, mumbling against your skin, “Thank you, Princess.”
When the elevator doors open, you pull out of his hold and take his hand. You weren’t sure how you would feel around Taehyung, but you didn’t want anyone else to be uncomfortable.
“Yoongi, what do you mean I don’t have to worry about Taehyung?” 
“Namjoon-ah will take care of it and let you know what it is that was done. That’s how Bangtan works. When there is a disagreement or incident like the one this morning, it gets deferred to Prime Alpha.”
“Oh, I wonder what my punishment will be,” you muse.
Pulling you to a stop, Yoongi asks, “Why would you get punished?”
“I spoke out against an Alpha. An Alpha that is a bonded mate. Then left without being granted permission to leave by the Prime Alpha,” you say, looking at the office doors. 
“Princess,” Yoongi says as he lifts a finger to your chin, directing you to look at him again, “You stood up for someone, stood your ground against a pack member, and demanded space. Nothing you did was wrong. I mean, sure, it would have been better to talk it out, but you aren’t used to us yet.”
Leaning up, Yoongi kisses you on the forehead, “No one is going to punish you. In fact, I see some groveling happening really soon.”
“Will that happen before or after the Prime Alpha?” You feel a blush crawling up your face, attempting to lighten the mood.
Yoongi knows you are avoiding the situation in your own unique way. He chuckles at your joke but is still worried because your sweet pea hasn't returned yet, and only the lemon scent is present. 
Any other nearby hybrids will notice your scent and think something is wrong. To them, this could mean either that the hybrid with you is unsolicited or that you are being forced into something. Neither one of these options is good for either of you. 
He opens the office door, his tail curling around your waist, and you head in. He hopes you will naturally fall into petting his tail or your scent will change before gaining unwanted attention.
The temporary front desk assistant greets you and directs the two of you to the correct office. Yoongi opens the conference door to reveal Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook, and Derek sitting around the conference room.
While the Alphas stand at your arrival, Derek jumps up and tilts his head in submission, pulling a shocked “oh” from you. As you walk closer to your family pack member, he drops to a knee and whimpers slightly.
“Derek? What’s wrong?” you ask, looking to the room full of Alphas for help. Each of them seems also to be avoiding your gaze.
“Luna, what has caused you to be so upset?” asks Derek, his eyes still cast down and his neck bared to you. 
“Did you say something?” You question the Bangtan pack members who were present before you arrived. 
“No, Luna Y/n, we have said nothing, but your scent says plenty. Yoongi-hyung, did you not comfort her and explain?” questions Namjoon.
“I explained...” Yoongi starts, but you cut him off. 
“He did, Prime Alpha. I just didn’t understand how affected I am. He needs to do nothing more as he did as requested. I will see to my pack.” 
Focusing back on your Beta, you lean down and scent him lightly with your wrist to show that you are not upset with him. “Beta, I am not upset at you. There was a… misunderstanding this morning. I am sorry if my scent is still soured.”
Finally, Derek looks at you, his gaze flitting over all of you to make sure you are not physically hurt. You smile at him and hold your hand, helping him stand.
“Luna, are you sure you are okay? What happened?” asks Derek.
“Don’t worry about it,” you glance around. “It is something that must be dealt with between the parties involved. You know how I do not like bringing in more people than required.”
“Luna Y/n, Taehyung-ah will not be present for the meeting if you wish. He is waiting down in the van.  He will remain distant from you until you are willing to have him in your presence, and then he will work for your forgiveness,” says Namjoon with an air of authority. 
“Oh. I see.” You then blatantly say to Namjoon while you pick at invisible lint on your pants and sleeve, “Strange that Young Mr. Kim has been made to keep distance when others who are also looking for forgiveness are not, Prime Alpha.” 
Looking at your Beta, you ask, “I am correct in saying that if he wishes to receive services he must be present at PMS to sign the contract?”
“He does, Luna, but we can have him come do it later. Just like Mr. Jung and the eldest Mr. Kim,” answers Derek as he moves to his seat again.
“I see.”  You move to the seat with your name on it and notice that Yoongi is slated to sit next to you, with the Director on your other side. 
“He is welcome to be present for the meeting. It does affect him and his bonded mates. I will not stand in his way, Prime Alpha.” You state with clarity and no room for discussion. 
“It is still his decision to join this contract of his own free will and no one else’s. Am I mistaken, Prime Alpha?” you say as your Luna side continues showing strength. 
“You are correct. I will go get him then, Luna Y/n,” Namjoon says, making his way to the door as you and the rest take your respectable seats.
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It isn’t long before Director Johnson and Manager Sejin enter the conference room and take their seats. Everyone exchanges casual greetings and pleasantries. 
“Director Johnson, it is good to see you again. I hope this hasn’t caused you too much trouble,” you say as he sits beside you. 
“Oh no, it has been interesting but nothing troubling. How are you handling all of this? It must not be easy since you have no Playmate training.” 
As the director speaks, you feel Yoongi’s tail slowly wrap around you again, as if he is trying not to make it noticeable. Remembering someone mentioned that the Bangtan pack does not have a good relationship with the director, you maintain a smile in hopes that no other issues will come up. 
“Not to worry. As you know, I have a family pack with Derek as my Beta. So I am not completely unaware of pack dynamics, and I have read more than my fair share of contracts and witnessed playmate interactions in the past.”
Before he could respond, the door to the conference room opened again. Namjoon and Taehyung enter, with Namjoon taking his place back on the other side of the table. You pay no mind to what Taehyung is doing to the best of your ability. 
“Just as in any honest pack, there will be differences of opinions, challenges to positions, and discussions to occur. This will happen as we get to know… each… ooothherr.” 
Your words stop as you see the odd look on Derek’s face as he pointedly looks at you, then behind you and back several times. You also note that Yoongi has stiffened, the three other Alphas in your eye line are looking behind you, and the director has also turned to look.
Following their lead, you turn in your seat to find Taehyung standing behind you against the wall, looking directly at you, “May I help you, Mr. Kim?”
“Y/n,” several growls are heard.
“She is Luna Y/n right now, Taehyung-ah. You will take note of her scent and address her as such,” Namjoon says.
“Yes, Prime Alpha,” he answers without his eyes drifting from you. “Luna Y/n, I would like to apologize for my actions this morning. You are your own person. It was wrong of me to assume that you were being mistreated and disrespected by Mr. Green.”
Your eyes widen at his words. Glancing at the director, you notice he frowns deeply at hearing that something has already happened. You can also see that Derek has a look of irritation. 
Your attention is pulled back to Taehyung as he kneels on the floor. You stand immediately, shocked to have an Alpha do that, but you hear someone clearing your throat before you can process anything.
“Luna Y/n, from this moment until you have forgiven him, Taehyung will be your personal attendant. It is an older tradition but one that Bangtan Pack has utilized for a long time,” informs the Prime Alpha.
“Luna Y/n,” Yoogni gathers your attention. “Remember what I said in the elevator? This is it. Don’t think that because you are new to the pack or where your position is within the pack means that you have to forgive him right away. I think Hobi had him in service for almost a month.”
“27 days. I was in service to him for 27 days, and I will be in service to you, Luna Y/n, for as long as you see fit,” he tells you as he sits on the floor behind your chair.
“But why are you on the floor?” His eyes widened momentarily, and he looked to his packmates for help.
“Luna,” calls Derek, “If they are following the Acts of Forgiveness, then the one looking for forgiveness must serve the one to grant it at all times. They must never be found higher than or in front of the grantor. Plus, they must be in close proximity unless the grantor orders otherwise.”
“But he is taller than me! How is that gonna work? He can’t sit on the floor. What will Army think if they get wind of this?” You, not so gracefully, plop back into your seat, “I’m a dead man.”
“Luna Y/n, while I will not go against the traditions of the Acts while within the presence of our Bangtan pack if it makes you more comfortable, might I suggest something?” Taehyung offers, seemingly unaffected while sitting on the floor like it’s normal.
Glancing at Yoongi for some kind of guidance, as you have never dealt with any of these Acts before, he subtly nods his head once. Clearly, this is not something that is not out of sorts for the Bangtan Pack. With that knowledge, you look back to Taehyung and wave your hand for him to continue. 
“Why don’t I always walk behind you and sit on a designated side when someone outside the pack can see us? I don’t care about what Army thinks. I care about what you think,” offers the tiger hybrid, still sitting on the floor. 
“You don’t… Mr. Kim, you must think of Army. They are the key to your success. I am, by far, not someone to risk a scandal over,” you huff out. Another sharp spike in your lemon-ed scent supports the determination of your words.
“Now, your ideas will work. You still cannot sit on the floor, though. That is not right. You are not a slave. What about a pillow?” you ask, looking between Namjoon and Derek.
But it's again, Taehyung answers, “If you order for me to use a pillow, I will be grateful for your kindness.”
Taking a deep breath, the scent of your beta with those of Bangtan finds a place in your heart. One thing you loved picking up from Evie’s family when you were young was the ability to identify scents. Scents became your comfort afterward.  
“Fine. I will follow the Acts of Forgiveness. You can walk behind me, sit to my left when we are in public, and use a pillow when sitting on the floor. Is that agreeable, Mr. Kim?”
Yoongi gives a pleased rumble beside you, and Taehyung nods, “As you wish, Luna.”
You had thought that Taehyung would have taken a seat with the pack or somewhere to your left, but he refused because the Director was sitting there. He also refused a pillow “because he caused enough of a delay.”
Deciding that this was a battle you had no desire to pursue, you let it slide. You also make a mental note to place an over-stuffed or large pillow in each room you might end up in with him to ensure he is comfortable.
At the same time, you still feel awkward about the Acts of Forgiveness and debate forgiving him when you leave the office. However, your thoughts get pulled to the paperwork in front of you as the meeting officially starts.
Halfway through the contract reading, Seokjin and Hoseok arrive. Both take note of Taehyung sitting on the floor and your still acidic, lemony scent but say nothing. Only a smirk on Hoseok’s face gives you a clue that he at least understands what is going on.
“Jin! Hoseok! You both made it,” you smile, standing up and hugging the eldest Alpha. 
“Hello, my dear. Of course, we made it. This is an important meeting,” Seokjin says while he returns your hug. 
“I made sure that my dance practice ended on time. My instructor kept trying to make me take breaks, but I wasn’t having it. They understood once I explained it,” says Hoseok as he ruffles your hair on his way to his seat.
“Thank you for joining us. Please take a seat. We are about halfway through. Do you want a moment to catch up?” asks Director Johnson.
At the sound of his voice, Seokjin stiffens, and his face drops. “No, Director. Our Prime Alpha takes care of the pack, including Miss Y/n, as a proper leader should, and neither of us has any reason to question him.”
“Jin,” you whisper harshly, “Be nice. Please, he is still my boss.”
Looking down at you, Seokjin takes a moment to admire you. His Apha wants to argue that Bangtan has a claim on you that ‘your boss’ will never have.
“I am sorry, my dear.” Seokjin glances at the director, “Thank you for your offer, but we can continue from wherever you are.”
As the eldest Alpha sits next to Namjoon, the meeting moves forward. The preliminary one you agreed to back at their packhouse seemed the same as the contract in front of you once you got past the results from Dr. Blackwell and Ryan’s report.
That is until you get to the last few clauses:
The Bangtan Pack will not seek additional Playmates for companion or partner contracts as Y/n is the sole Playmate of the Bangtan Pack. 
There will be no sexual or intimate contact outside of the contracted individuals. 
Y/n will have the option to be integrated into the Bangtan Pack by agreement of all members, at which time the Playmate Partner Contract will be null and void. 
“Okay, wait. Why does this last clause even need to be included? What do you mean ‘no sexual or intimate contact’... What does that mean to Alpha hybrids?” you ask as you read and re-read the last clause.
“Integrated? Why is there an option to be integrated into your pack, Prime Alpha?” you ask with your eyes wide. 
You look at Namjoon, waiting for his explanation. When he doesn’t answer immediately, you look to Derek, “You wrote the contract. What does this mean? Are you kicking me out of our family pack at the end of this? Are you ashamed of me?”
“What?!? No, Luna, that isn’t happening. That will NEVER happen. Family packs are for life. These were added per last night's eldest Mr. Kim’s email request,” Derek quickly responded, looking to Seokjin to explain. 
“Luna Y/n, I want to be very clear with you,” starts Seokjin. “You are someone that none of us were expecting. You intrigue us all. Alpha Yoon has never… NEVER… protected someone outside of Bangan.”
You glance over at Yoongi, the tips of his ears fluttering, his cheeks hinting rose, and his tail wrapping around your braced wrist. 
“Alpha Chim, not Jimin but his Alpha, hasn’t initiated scenting of anyone, mate or not, since Seul-ki left,” your eyes snap to Jimin’s as he nods. “Not only did Jimin-ah tell you about what happened, but Alpha Chim scented you on his own.”
“You have also met Alpha Tae and Alpha Kook. Luna Y/n, you have met over half of our Alphas, and as a mate-bonded high-profile pack, that shouldn’t happen unless there is something special about you.”
“But, I am just me,” you utter softly as a sweet pea, the mate vanilla, and a soft peach scent slowly replaces the lemon tangy.
“Sweets, you are just you, and what you are is amazing. Never forget that,” piped Jungkook.
“Luna Y/n,” Namjoon summons your attention. “I know you ever expected us, and Seokjin-hyung is correct– we never expected you.”
Looking slowly at each of his mates, the Prime Alpha settles back on you, “The additional clause is included because we all feel this longing to be close to you. One of the ways we, as hybrids, get close to someone is through physical means, like how Yoongi-hyung is holding you by his tail right now or Hoseok-hyung by scented your hair when he came in.”
“However, the average human considers most of what we do to be close to one another as intimate. As a pack, we want not to limit our interactions with you. We just want to see where we end up naturally with you, Luna.”
“Princess, remember that no matter what we want if you do not want something… please tell us. This go for anything from holding hands, hugs, to cuddling and scenting. If any of the pack members do not listen, I will declare a Challenge to them, and I expect them to do the same with me,” Yoongi adds quickly to ensure clarity and security. 
A few comments of agreement are heard, along with Derek muttering under his breath that he “will Challenge if they don’t,” which also causes snickers around the table. 
“Ah… well… okay…. I think that is understandable. From what I have experienced so far with getting closer to some of you, the scenting has been very different from what happens with Y/l/n Pack. So, it makes sense that you have that included. But what about the integration part?”
“As you saw with Taehyung-ah’s display this morning, Alphas protect what we consider ours,” Jimin says with a sight smirk. “He isn’t the only one wanting to make it known to others that you are not theirs.”
Next to Jimin, Jungkook’s ears drop as he hides behind them. The action causes you to giggle, and the vanilla mate scent from you grows, drawing the attention of the Bangtan Pack to you. 
Yoongi tries to hide his amusement at the awe he finds on the faces of his bonded mates at the change in your scent. Their reaction answers his question about the bond becoming stronger. 
Your attention, however, has gone to the contract before you, and the reality of your situation is starting to settle in. 
You are becoming a Playmate of the Bangtan Pack, and they don’t want to limit interactions. Are they changing yet another part of the contract because of you, or is it for you?
Does that mean you are not alone in your reactions to their advances? You can call those advances now, can’t you? All you know is nothing will be the same for the next seven weeks.
While your mind is imagining a trillion things that could go wrong, your heart and soul cannot wait for the adventure ahead. 
The others around the table seem to agree with everything said so far. Even Director Johnson and Derek have huge smiles and a knowing glint in their eyes.
“Sugar, your scent is turning again. What are you thinking about?” Worries the youngest Alpha, reaching out towards you but stops as he is unsure if it will help.
You attempt to give him a reassuring smile before you turn to sit sideways in your seat. Sitting like this allows you to see Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung. 
The three wild cards. You need to talk to them. You want to make sure they want this and not just consent because the majority rules. You need to talk to them without Namjoon or Yoongi around. 
“Prime Alpha, Sir, I wish to discuss a few questions with some of your mates. Do I have your permission to speak with them privately?” 
You can feel the room tense up. Looking at Namjoon, you see his face is pensive, but he nods, “You may, Luna Y/n. Do you wish for us to relocate, or do you have another room that you would like to use?”
“Miss Y/n, why don’t we step out? I could use a coffee, and I am sure a few of us may need a break,” Director Johnson offers. He knows the other conference room wouldn’t grant you privacy because of the observation room.
“Thank you, Director. I think that would be a good idea. If Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung would be so kind as to remain, we could discuss a few things.” You say, but your eyes never leave Namjoon's. Watching the expression change to one of understanding. 
“As you wish, Luna,” responds Taehyung, but your heart tugs at the thought he is only willing to stay because he is in trouble with the Prime Apha because of this morning. 
“Hoseok-hyung and Jimin-ah, are you comfortable staying?” asks Derek. The questioned Alphas nod and smile, prompting the PMS representation to stand.
“Wonderful. If the rest come with me, I can show you where the cafe and restrooms are. Also, answer any questions you may have,” informs the Director, giving the remaining Bangtan packmates no room to wiggle their way into staying.
At this point, you are actively avoiding Yoongi’s staring as it is boring into your head. You know that if you were to look at him, you would give in and ask him to stay. 
Doing this, however, allows you to see the concerned look shared between Jungkook and Hoseok and the quiet conversation between Seokjin, Namjoon, and Derek. Slowly, you feel the drag of Yoongi’s tail uncurling from you as he and the others follow the director out. 
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For all Seokjin knew, the Director of PMS could be speaking Swahili. His mind, heart, and soul were left in the conference room with his four remaining mates. 
After what feels like the longest tour ever, the Director leaves with Derik with the mention to let the front desk know when everyone is ready to resume the meeting. 
Coming out of his fog, Jin realizes they have returned to the break room where it all started. Looking around, he takes in his pack mates.
Jungkook has attached himself to Yoongi, looking like he lost his best friend. Yoongi attempts to comfort the young Alpha, but his ears are pinned on the break room door, and he is undoubtedly listening for any indication that Y/n and the others are ready to continue. 
Namjoon also watches them, his tail hanging low and his ears flicking between laying flat and listening for something. Jin is thankful that the Prime Alpha could hold the conversation during the tour, allowing the rest to be in their own world. 
Jungkook is the first to break the silence. With hushed tones, he asks, “Do you… why do you… she isn’t leaving, right, Joon-hyung?”
Looking at the door, Namjoon sighs. “I don’t think she is. I think she just has questions. It’s best not to jump to conclusions, Kookie.”
“Y/n knows our scents,” Jin states to the room. His eyes bounced between them all. 
“She can do what?” Namjoon steps closer to Jin. “How can she do that?”
“I don’t know, Joon. While on our date, she told me that she knows Yoongi’s, Kook’s, mine, and even Jimin’s scents. Guys, she was right in them all.”
“She knows my scent. My new mate knows my scent. She has to be bonding with us then, right?” asks a hopeful Jungkook. 
“I mentioned earlier that her vanilla mate scent was getting stronger around me. That is an indication that the bond is becoming solidified. She must be growing the bonds with the mates that have shown their Alphas or scented her,” offers Yoongi. 
“I figured she is bonding with Jimin and Taehyung, so why the private meeting with them? I would think she would want to meet with those she cannot recognize,” contemplates Seokjin as he moves to sit next to his mates on the small couch. 
“I don’t know, hyung. I just hope that whatever answers they give her are the answers she needs to hear.” With Namjoon’s last words, the room falls silent, and each contemplates what is happening in the conference room.
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Once the conference room door closes, you hold your breath. So many questions flood your brain.
What about asking the main question instead of beating around the bush? Do you really want to know what feral animal lives within the bush? What about leaving the bush alone?
“If you are waiting for the pack to be far enough away to not listen in to the conversation, they are. I can’t hear anything,” Taehyung offers.
“I wasn’t, but that is good to know. Thank you. Can you please take a seat? I want to talk to Alpha Taehyung and not “being punished by the Prime Alpha” Taehyung,” you ask, gesturing to the seats next to his packmates.
Taehyung looks at you with confusion and then looks past you to Hoseok, who subtly shakes his head. Standing up, Taehyung takes the seat to your left, “Luna, what is it you are wanting to talk about?”
Turning to sit straight in your chair, you clasp your hands together on the table and take a deep breath. 
This is it.
“I know I came outta nowhere. I know that you were happy and untroubled before I crashed into your lives and the lives of your mates. I have absolutely no desire to ruin the bond that you have with Yoongi, Jungkook, and Seokjin.”
“Y/n, you aren’t…” Hoseok starts to say, but you cut him off. “Let me finish. Please?” 
After a moment of silence, you continue, “I understand the obligation that has been measured between Yoongi and me, but it doesn’t have to involve everyone else. Seokjin and Jungkook have also grown an attachment to me. For the life of me, I have also grown attached to them.”
Feeling the tightness in your chest and the slight tremble of your hands, you take a deep breath, hoping to remain calm and not cry. You can hear one of the hybrids in the room shifting in their seat, probably impatient with you for keeping you from getting this over with. 
“I know your Prime Alpha signs onto any contract that comes before the pack but the three of you have a choice.” A sharp intake of breath. A scrap of a chair. “I will support and stand against Namjoon if any of you wants to back out of the contract presented to us today.”
Silence followed your words, but you didn’t dare look at them. 
Your words strike Jimin with a strength beyond description right now. You would support them even if it meant going against a Prime Alpha. Most Alphas refuse to challenge a Prime Alpha, much less a human, but here you are. Do you understand how selfless your actions are? 
Taehyung curses himself with every language he knows and maybe even some he makes up. Before this morning’s fiasco, he would have bet money that you would allow him to have a scenting session with him. 
If you only knew who you are, it would explain why the choice you gave them is not an option, even if it has a meaningful impact. It would also help you see why he had to act as he did this morning, even if it was over the top. 
The only calm one in the room is Hoseok. Unlike the younger mates in the room, he remembers the words that your Beta has said before. He also has been watching you around his mates, observing how the mate bonds between Yoongi, Jungkook, and you are practically glowing. 
One thing Hoseok can tell is how touch-starved you are; your actions also show that you are trained to deny it. This presents a problem for later since it seems that your mate bond only grows through that physical touch. Right now, the three of them must find a way to convince you that they want to be there. 
“Y/n, I would like to address you as just Y/n, not Luna Y/n or Miss Y/l/n. May I do that?” Hoseok asks with a gentle tone.
Finally, looking away from your hands, you meet the marten hybrid gaze, “Of course, Hoseok.”
“First, I would like to offer my apologies for not being available to get to know you better. Tomorrow is one of my free days, and I would enjoy nothing more than spending time with you and my other available mates.”
Leaning forward, he continues, “Second, I want to apologize for not following through on my promise to keep you laughing. I have every intention of signing the contract and following through.”
“Hyung is right,” Jimin joins in. “I promised to be your friend, but a friend is just the start. Any strong relationship that lasts has a friendship deeply entwined within. My Alpha has been after me to close the distance between us, and I also want to. I have never even thought of not signing the contract, nor will I ever.”
Your breathing turns normal as they speak, and your scent blends in your sweet pea. Two of the Alphas want to keep going. You can tell by their honest expressions, the sincerity of their words, and the openness of their posture that they are following their own path and not being forced like you are worried. 
That leaves one more. Both of the Alphas across from you have turned their attention to the tiger sitting next to you with fondness in their eyes. 
“Y/n, can you look at me please?” Taehyung asks with uncertainty. Your eyes are still on Hoseok when he glances back at you and nods toward the awaiting Alpha.
Closing your eyes and tilting your face downward, you turn in your seat to angle yourself to face him. Taking the chance, you open your eyes and look at the man before you. 
The intensity of his stare is not what you were expecting. A swirl of emotions is bleeding from his eyes: dominance, worry, anger, hope, and panic. Meanwhile, you can almost feel the tension he is holding in his posture. 
His back isn’t straight because he is trying to look at you from the same level, his tail is snapping behind him, and his ears are pinned so far down that you can’t see them anymore. 
Simultaneously, you want to run from the predator before you and lose yourself in him. All you end up doing is saying his name in a way that shows just how breathless he has made you, “Taehyung.”
That word breaks you out of the enthrallment you swore the tiger hybrid turned vampire had you under. Shaking your head in confusion, you open your mouth to question everything when he continues.
“No, you didn’t crash into our lives. We wanted you before you got injured. Jin-hyung, Jimin-ah, and Jungkook-ah had all asked about making you ours before we even met anyone else.”
“No, you cannot and would not ruin any bond that any of the Bangtan bonded mates have. In fact, despite what you may think, all of us have grown attached to you.”
Taehyung takes your hands in. His eyes soften into a fondness that you haven’t seen before. “There is no way that contract will be missing any of our signatures. Everyone wants you in our lives.”
You are still trying to process it all and are at a loss for words. 
Taehyung just gave you a surplus of information that you never thought possible. Your heart fluttered and skipped beats. It’s slightly overwhelming but comforting. 
A gentle thumb on your cheek pulls you out of your gaze at Taehyung, and you see Hoseok kneeling next to your chair, wiping the tears you didn’t know had fallen. 
“Doll, Taehyung is correct in everything he said. We all want to be around you for at least the next eight weeks. Each of us wants to grow this connection with you to see where it goes,” Hoseok says, now cradling your face in his palm. 
“Y/n,” Jimin calls your attention as he stands behind the kneeling Alpha. “None of us are signing the contract or inviting you into our lives because of an accident.”
“No one is being forced, either.” Jimin clarifies before you can express any doubt. “Maybe one day you should ask Manager Sejin and Namjoon about the argument they had with Bang PD-nim while we were on the flight after he heard your voice over the phone.”
“You guys have no idea… No, I have no idea what to say. You three have said plenty,” you chuckle at your misspoken words. 
Pulling your hands out of Taehyung’s, you lay one over Hoseok’s and snuggle into the warmth. After collecting yourself, you say, “Thank you for everything you have expressed. I feel a lot calmer about everything. Yoongi had said to look to him, Jungkook, and Seokjin to see how things should be.” 
“He isn’t wrong. However, I would much rather have what you have with them be experienced with the rest of us,” says Taehyung as he slides the contract closer to you.
The contract's last page rests on top; it’s the signature page. Per standard procedure, Derik and Director Johson sign the copies before the meeting. 
But that is not what catches your attention. 
Every signature line is filled but one…
“Luna y/n, Miss Y/n, Yoongi’s princess, Seokjin’s dear, Jungkook’s sugar, my doll, and all the additional names to come…” Hoseok holds out a pen to you and asks, “Will you please give us a chance?”
PART 1 / Next
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spookyserenades · 5 months
So so so much to say about this chapter and yet so little organization in my brain but we're gonna try anyways:
First of all Namjoon being just so protective and sweet?! Could get down on one knee for this man I swear🥰🥰 Also him being so irritated over her not looking after herself properly OMG?! HIM NUZZLING HER NECK AND SITTING HER DOWN ON HIS LAP ?!?! LOVE HIM I SWEAR😭
Jimin and Hoseok being so serious and concerned?! Jimin lightly scolding her cause he's worried but also being so soft and understanding about it?! Could die😫 Hoseok taking the time to have a serious conversation about it and then MARK her?! UGHHHH😫😫
YOONGI AND JIN BEING SO SO SO CONCERNED AND PROTECTIVE?! FALLING APART AND YEARNING FOR HER SAFETY AND RETURN?! IM GOING FERAL!!!😫😫😫 Yoongi's soft moment when he's opening up about his mom?!🥹🥹🥹 Them teaming up to comfort her and keep her safe while they sleep?! MY HEART😭😭😭 also Jin, I see you, com'ere *daddy*😏😏😏
Tae and I are no longer on speaking terms.
The ghosts are getting fucking scary, I dunno how the trio deals with it cause I'd be shaking and crying in a corner in fetal position😭😭😭
UGH Joonie bug 😭 I just am so excited for his protective wolfish instincts to get stronger and stronger with each update (and as he falls in love 😉) AH like he's done so much growing over the course of the series, going from more wild and distrustful to really attempting to get used to more human emotions. He's really starting to watch over Y/N and it's not only super sweet but also VERY sexy... Ooof like when he nuzzled into her neck yeah I'd fold. And when he tenderly helped her with her nosebleed :( down bad horrifically.
Jimin scolding her was very much needed IMO. I don't think Y/N would have shown the others the audio otherwise, which would have caused a total fucking shitstorm if the other hybrids found out she kept that from them. He was nice about it though, which I think was sweet of him-- he was the best choice to convince stubborn Y/N. Hoseok toooooo he was probably not only worried about her but also his bestie Jinnie, who would literally become a shell of a person if something happened to Y/N. AH but when he marked her... such a stark difference from the first time, when he was so rough. EEE nice to see a serious side of Hoseok!
!!!!!!! YOONJIN! They literally were fighting for their LIVES when they listened to that audio. Call it hybrid devotion! I'd say they both consider Y/N to be their mate, so hearing something like that totally sent them into panic mode. 🥺 But that part where they both hold her to sleep the night after the investigation is everything to me. Both set their pride aside for her, just to keep her feeling safe 😭
I've been sitting on that part of Yoongi's backstory for a while, his history with his mom. He's one of the only (besides ONE other!) That came from a natural birth, not from a lab. We'll see how this makes Yoongi different from the others as time goes on! And I can't wait to write his birthday scene, it'll definitely be vvvvv intimate 💕
Don'tttt get me started on soft dom Jin. I literally had to take like five water breaks writing that scene until I was like fuck it and cracked open a vodka seltzer LMAO 🥵
As for Tae.... we're all very upset with him rn, even if we can't blame him for trying to move on or distract himself 😭
Hehehehehhe I love to spook y'all with the paranormal scenes!! I too would be shitting bricks if that happened to me but also I wanna investigate hauntings sooo bad so I'd probably stick it out!
I'M HAPPY FOR THEM TOOOOOO LIKE OO I CAN SEE JIMIN TAKING SOME UNI CLASSES AND HOSEOK COACHING HIS LIL TRACK TEAM 🥺 Hopefully more laws will be passed, like banning of hybrid sport hunting 😡
AHH THANK YOU SO SO MUCH I'M SO HAPPY YOU LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!! I'm glad you think everyone had a little moment, too, we love balance ❤️ Love u cherry!!!
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jjungkookislife · 2 years
So I’m not sure how well I am going to answer this but I will try my best and I’ll answer them all cause why not 🤷‍♀️
1. Okay, now this is so difficult cause I love a lot of your work but if I REALLY HAVE TO CHOOSE SOME 🫢😂
• The Nanny - cause of dad!Jin and baby Dae-hyun 🥹 need I say more? Lol and it’s also the fic that led me to you so that’s that
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - do I really need a reason? It’s the boys AS TATTOO ARTISTS. I love the whole idea of this story and its characters. The MC is also open-minded about the boys’ relationship which made me love her even more. I really loved this and am actually patiently waiting if and when you update it, no pressure though ☺️
•Ho-Ho-Home Series - cause what’s NOT to love? It’s Minnie as the cutest most amazing human and the bestest bf/husband 🥺
Whew 😮‍💨 that took me so much time cause it was so hard to choose only three 😣
2. • The Nanny - the last one cause everything’s good and fluffy and she’s finally moving in 😁
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - can’t really choose, both were amazing plus, the texts were also fun to read
• HHH Series - well, it’s a one shot so that’s already my fav chap lol 😂 but I guess I’ll just pick my fav drabble and it’s between Birthday boy cause he had the best birthday ever 🥰 and Pain cause it just showed again how amazing he is as a bf 😩
3. I have to choose HHH Jimin cause I can’t help but fall in love with his entire being in the story🫣
4. I’m gonna go with Little Mouse💜Jk and Crybaby💜Joonie just cause both couples are adorable for me
5. None. I read them all 😉
6. When I read your work Shadow, I automatically thought of Shego and Dr. Drakken and found out that it was based on them. I really loved that. And I also could not get enough of that couple, they were chaotic and adorable together 😍
7. Tongue Like Candy, cause I didn’t know it was gonna end that way. I really thought it was gonna have a happy ending so I got blindsided with the ending. Don’t know if you still plan on writing a continuation of this in the future but I just want to say that I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you did 👀😂
8. That you have this ability to mix smexy scenes with fluffy ones, and I just can’t help but love the story and the couple in your work more and more 😌
9. I don’t really have anything specific. I always get excited when you post something new or update an ongoing fic. I literally am just thankful to anything you share with us despite being busy so thank you so much for that ☺️
10. I also don’t have an exact answer for this and I did enjoy it but I guess MC with Hobi along with the other boys. The whole Butterfly Tattoo Studio Series was really interesting when I first saw it. The whole idea behind it along with each of the characters shown was really refreshing. I didn’t know I would love it as much as I did after reading it.
11. Nothing in particular, I would honestly love anything you write so feel free to post and share anything you like when you want to 😊
12. I think I’ve re-read most of your work from time to time when I miss them but I always do it when you update an ongoing fic to refresh my memory on that story.
13. I mean I’m not really that active here in Tumblr but I have reblogged every fic of yours when I first read them and I think I recommended and told some of my friends your stories cause I really loved them.
14. I think I mentioned it above already but it’s Butterfly Tattoo Studio
15. Don’t really have anything with a specific work but can I ask what are your current wips? Like what stories are you planning to work on this year? No pressure by the way, just curious. You can choose not to answer this if you don’t want to disclose it or you’re not sure what to answer.
Anyways, I hope I answered them all correctly and that it didn’t get cut. This took me much longer that I thought it would but I hope it came out okay and complete ☺️
ah <33 this made me so happy! thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy the nanny and that's the fic you found me with <3 I've been working on it here and there so hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon <3
ah BTS I've also been working on the next chapter and i adore them all, especially Jimin's character lmao and HHH I've been thinking of them a lot! I reread it all recently and ugh he's just the sweetest. I have a drabble for them at JK's bar that I'm working on next <3
I'm glad you enjoy those chapters! <3 and the texts as well. i feel like they're so easy to write for in butterfly :)
Jimin in HHH is just the bestest boy! I swear he makes me delulu every now and again 'cause he's a sweetie!
i adore LM!JK so much, he was so shy and sweet! and then Joon in Crybaby! I think that's one of my top 3 Joons <3 I'm happy you like them! :) and thank you for reading all my fics too!
oof i have a lot of series i need to work on lol i just get so excited i post before they're done and then take ages to finish them (if i do) but yes Shadow, i adore them, there's some angst coming around but I've been working on their fic here and there and i have it plot(ted?) out but just writing it the way i want is hard lol
ah yes! it kind of ended abruptly but the OC definitely didn't want to hurt her brother and i have been working on a part 2/conclusion i just got stuck with it and then i hated what i wrote so i had to rewrite some and i got stuck again lmao I'll have to have a look at it soon.
i love writing fluff and smut the most, just couples being happy and in love and just all over each other. i try not to do too much angst especially without happy endings 'cause it hurts my heart :(
ahhh you're an angel, thank you <3
piercer!hobi just came out of nowhere tbh and it was just supposed to be a one shot but then i got an idea for the second chapter with jungkook and tae and of course Jimin !
<33 thank you! that means so much to me! and thank you for reblogging and recommending my fics <33
I'm working on The Nanny, TLC, my collab fic Bad Decisions will be out tomorrow, the last chapter of milk! should be out in February, i think i have a one shot called La Boda and a second/last part of Ah, Mr. Kim :)
thank you so much for taking the time to send this in and writing all that out! I was so happy to read this this morning! Thank you <3 I hope you stay safe and get lots of rest and I hope you enjoy bad decisions tomorrow <3
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ardentlyjae · 7 years
Work in Progress Tag
So I got tagged by @hijoonie​ for this and I finally got around to doing it after forever. Thank you for the tag! It just made me realize how lazy I’ve been with some of the other ideas I’ve had in my head! Some are still outlined while others I’ve started and just haven’t finished them. But if anyone is actually interested in them let me know! 
So without further ado, let’s do this. 
#1 - All I Want - Part Four
Taehyung/Reader, Jungkook/Reader
Angst, War AU, Smut
You weren’t even sure what your feelings were for Taehyung anymore. A part of you knew that you would always love him, but Jungkook was now in the picture too, and your feelings for Jungkook were just as strong as your feelings for Taehyung, if not stronger. Taehyung was the person that you had dreamed of your whole life, the one person that you had been waiting for. Jungkook on the other hand, showed up when you weren’t even looking for someone and slowly enough, he became the shining beacon in your dark world. To you, they were on two opposite sides of the spectrum. Taehyung was the burning sun, consuming anything and everything about you while Jungkook was the moon, providing light and hope in the darkness that had become your life and pulling you back up from your lowest point.
I feel like I’ve been working on this part for forever. It’s so close to being done but something about it is just bothering the hell out of me. I promise this will be out before August ends.(Hopefully)
#2 - Glass pt. 1
Namjoon/Reader (Feat. Jinyoung of GOT7)
Angst, Cinderella AU, Instructor!Namjoon
“Everyday you will wake up at promptly seven in the morning by either me or one of the servants; you will then be served breakfast in your room and I will observe your table manners. After you are dressed, you will be escorted by myself to the castle library where you will meet with Sir Namhyun who will provide you with history and language lessons, depending on the day,” Madame Sun explained. “Then you will be taken to lunch and after I will train you on all of the fine arts in order to turn you into a more refined young lady until it is time for dinner. After dinner you will take a bath and then go directly to sleep. This will be your schedule until I find that you are worthy of marrying Prince Jinyoung.” “Isn’t this schedule too demanding?” You asked, surprised at her quick rundown of what was to be your life for the next few months. “You cleaned and cooked all day for that woman and her two daughters, but now learning is too hard for you? You might be hopeless after all,” Madame Sun sneered. 
I’m actually really excited to write this one! It won’t be as long as AIW but I hope the twist on Cinderella is something everyone likes. I feel bad for making Jinyoung into a bad guy but whenever I think of the word  “prince” he’s always the one who comes to mind.
#3 - Astronomy vs Astrology (title is still tentative haha)
Comedy, Scientist!Namjoon, Oneshot
Yet out of all the subjects, the one he loves to study the most is astronomy. That’s how it became his major. He loves learning about the stars, what they’re made of, how old they are, the distance they are from earth. He also loves the stories behind each of the constellations as told by the Greeks and the Romans – yes, he loves mythology as much as he loves astronomy. 
Kim Namjoon really loves learning. 
I hope this one is funny to people. That’s the one thing I’m most worried about. It’s honestly just a silly story about a bad date and I just thought that Namjoon would be the perfect person for it!
#4 - Alive - Day 0
Horror, Angst, Zombie Apocalypse AU
The scream came from the girl who had begun the commotion, who now stood closer to the entrance of the building across the quad. The man who had been trying to restrain her was holding her in his arms as she struggled against him. She was in hysterics again but the officers ignored her focusing their attention on the approaching people. Then one of the bodies got close enough to one of the officers and grabbed his arm. From your viewpoint, it looked like they were…biting the officer.
No. It couldn’t have been biting.
This was actually one that I’ve had in my head for a really long time. I had written a first part to it a really long time ago with Jungkook as the main character but I went back and read it and realized how badly written it was so I rewrote almost the entire thing. I have the first part mostly completed but I don’t think I’ll post it until I know where I want the plot to go. 
#5 - Untitled
Angst, Royalty AU, Prince!Jin
Preview: None because it’s still being outlined hah.
This one is still mostly in the planning stages. I’ve written a few words here and there when I don’t really want to write for any of the other ones but the plot still isn’t super clear in my mind.
Tagging: @bangtansohotdamn @rude--jude @the-third-guy-from-the-left @fantasies-of-euphoria 
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siderealmyg · 3 years
a sight for sore eyes | knj
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pairing: namjoon x reader
genre: smut, fluff, established relationship
word count: 3k
summary: your boyfriend's new glasses send you spiraling out of control.
warning(s): unprotected sex. creampie. blowjob. face fucking. nipple play. multiple orgasms. biting/marking/hickeys. slight scratching. dirty talk. joon is sensitive in certain places. joon in glasses. joon just being sexy in his natural state. yn unlocks a new level of horny.
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"How long are you going to keep staring at me?" 
Namjoon's eyes stay glued to the book he's reading, casually flipping to the next page. You don't answer him, your loving gaze burning into your pretty boyfriend's face as you look at him from the other end of the couch. 
You've been at this for 30 some minutes, staring unabashedly at Namjoon ever since he planted his ass onto the couch, book in hand. Your eyes sparkling as you take in how nice he looks today, giggling quietly to yourself when you notice his full lips pouting. 
The subtle noise brings Namjoon's attention to you, eyebrow raising at you questioningly. Once again, you ignore him, instead smiling at him. He sighs as he pushes his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, before turning his attention back to the book. 
Unnoticed by him, you squeeze your thighs together, trying to relieve the ache between your legs that has been steadily growing ever since your boyfriend entered the room. That simple action makes you want him even more. You have no idea why the sight of him wearing glasses is turning you on so much. He's worn them plenty of times before and caused no problems to you, but it's different today.
"Maybe it's because these ones are new," you thought to yourself. The frames decorating his face are quite cute, but they shouldn't be getting this type of reaction out of you. All rational thoughts evaporate from your mind as your eyes rack over Namjoon's body. His thick thighs being shown off in the shorts he was wearing, one leg crossed over the over. His hoodie makes him look smaller than he actually is. A dangerous combination of too cute and too hot and its fucking up your brain. Licking your lips, your eyes trail every inch of him. The ache between your thighs is growing stronger to the point something needs to be done about it.
Crawling slowly across the couch towards him, swaying your hips gently as you do so. You stop when no personal space is left, your hot breath fanning over Namjoon's sensitive neck. He shivers, but makes no effort to acknowledge your presence. 
"Joonie…" your sultry voice whispers into his ear before placing a gentle kiss to the lobe followed by even more. A trail of kisses down the column of his neck turn into licks and bites that have his breath pick up. "You look so hot like this, it's driving me crazy," you mutter against his neck. Namjoon swallows thickly, his eyes glancing at you quickly, before shifting his gaze elsewhere. The book he was reading begins to be forgotten as he tries to regulate his breathing. 
A deep, breathy moan escapes those plump lips as you lick a stripe up his neck and bite down on his sweet spot. One of your hands ends up on his thigh, gripping the warm flesh to uncross them. With his legs now apart, you change your position and sink down onto your knees between them. Your hands smooth over his skin, further spreading his legs apart and allowing you to see what you've been craving. 
A prominent bulge in his shorts has you licking your lips. Ghosting the tips of your nails over his exposed thighs, slowly trailing up to teasingly trace the outline of his erection.
But your teasing doesn't last too long as your own patience wears out quickly. Hands making their way to the waistband, Namjoon lifts his hips and you pull down his shorts and boxers in one go. His hard cock dripping with precum has a wave of arousal shooting to your core. Teasingly, you run a finger up his shaft, chuckling lowly to yourself when his cock twitches. 
"Fuck, babe d-don't tease," Namjoon chokes out. He's peering down through his glasses that have slid down and fogged up slightly. His pink lips wet along with his rosy cheeks. His hands are fisted at his side, allowing you to do whatever you want with him. 
Deciding to be nice, you take his heavy cock into your hand and lick up to the leaking tip, suckling it before taking the head into your mouth. Namjoon fights the urge to throw his head back and keep his eyes on you as take more and more of him down your throat. He watches as you bob your head up and down his length, your hands resting on his bare thighs, squeezing them occasionally. You're so focused on taking as much of him down your throat as possible, which was a bit of a challenge considering his dick was fucking huge. 
Pulling off to breathe, you're quick to wrap a hand around him and jerk him off. Your eyes are hazed with lust as you start up at Namjoon. He's a bit thrown off, confused as to what's got you so unusually horny to the point you looked fucked out despite not being touched yet. But he doesn't have time to dwell on it when you're taking him back into your mouth without breaking eye contact. It's messy. So fucking messy. You're drooling all over his cock and your chin and still jerking off the inches of him you can't take. You look so desperate, and it's turning him on even more. He gets even harder in your mouth, causing you to moan around him. Your unoccupied hand is moving one of Namjoon's to your head. He's panting heavily above you, his fingers brushing your curls out of your face and holding it back.
"Shit, you look so pretty," Namjoon hisses out praise, but that's all he can do before he's rendered speechless by how good your mouth feels. His eyes flutter shut and his hips stutter forward. You retract your hand from him, placing both back on his thighs and tap lightly, giving him the green light. Almost instantly, he's pushing his cock deep into your throat and pulling out. Repeating this slowly a few times until he grows impatient. Fisting your hair tightly, he thrust deep in your hot mouth. Your nails digging into flesh of his thighs to ground yourself as he fuck his cock down your throat. Tears threaten to spill from your eyes from how roughly Namjoon is going, but it's nothing you can't take. 
Namjoon's muttered moans consist of breathless curses and pants of your name with the repeated promise that he's about to come. Without warning, he's pulling out of your mouth. Tilting your head back with one hand, the other is frantically pumping his length. His swollen bottom lip is once again trapped between his teeth as he works himself to the edge. 
The sight of you sticking your tongue out, ready to take everything he's about to give you, has him bursting over the edge. Thick ropes of cum cover your tongue, some dripping down the sides of your mouth that you hurriedly try to lick up to not let anything go to waste. 
"Oh my fucking god…," Namjoon pants out, head fallen against the back of the couch. His arms fall limp at his sides as he regains his breath. You let him rest for a minute, using this time to strip completely bare without him noticing.
"What's gotten into you?" Namjoon asks, finally opening his eyes when he feels you climb on top of him to straddle his lap. He chokes on air when he sees that you are now suddenly bare. His eyes trail down and he groans when he takes in how wet you are. Your arousal soaks the inside of your thighs and even more drips out to add to the mess. 
He moves to take his hoodie off, but you gently grip his hands to stop him. He gives you a confused look. "Keep it on, you look cute," you explain. Namjoon looks down and blushes at your compliment, his hands now resting on your hips. The shy giggle that escapes his lips has you groaning, wanting nothing more for him to be inside you.
Your hurried hand grips his aching cock and lines him up with your entrance, causing Namjoon to panic.
"Wait! Don't you want me to–," he starts, but you cut him off with a desperate kiss.
"I need you right now, Joon," you moan against his lips. Namjoon stares down at you with wide eyes. You desire for him has never been this overwhelming before and he's not sure what to do about it. He doesn't have another second to dwell on this since you're interrupting his thoughts again by sinking down on him.  
You take all of him in one go, desperate to be filled to the brim. Namjoon's hands tighten their grip on your hips as he groans. 
"Shit, give me a warning next time," he laughs breathlessly. You smile evilly at him and place your hands on his strong shoulders. You don't bother to build up a steady pace, instead going right into it, bouncing your ass on his lap as you take him deep.
Poor Namjoon can't catch a break with you today. The relentless pace of you fucking yourself on his cock has his brain turning to mush. You're so wet and tight around him and he can't do anything but moan and pants breathlessly out loud. Head thrown back, he peers at you through hooded eyes, watching as your tits bounce and thighs flex every time you move. You can't fuck him up anymore than you already have, he thinks to himself.
You slow down, no longer bouncing and instead circling your hips, grinding teasingly against him. Hands trail down the front of his hoodie, you play with the hem before pushing your hands underneath the fabric, running your nails over his taut muscles to his nipples. The moan that Namjoon let's out is so needy it almost doesn't sound like him and it has you nearly coming right then and there.
"Fuck, baby please," Namjoon whines, hips bucking up into you hoping to get you to start moving again. Unfortunately you don't, still focused on teasing him relentlessly. Your finger swipe over nipples again causing a shudder to run down his spine as he sat there helpless to your touch. 
Namjoon wasn't the only one surprised today. You also shocked yourself at your own behavior, but now that shock is directed to the man underneath you. Your extreme horniness must be rubbing off on him, because he's never been so desperate and needy before. He looks so delicious like this: those sexy glasses slipping down his cute nose, plump lips wet and swollen, the lust-hazed stare he pinning you with, the way he's sensitive to every single one of your touches. It's new and exhilarating. 
Arousal and (little) dread fills Namjoon when you start pushing the hoodie up his chest. You stare at for a bit, admiring him.
And then you're leaning forward and sucking one of his pebbled nipples into your mouth.
Namjoon uses every fiber of his being to not blow his load. He can't form a coherent thought, his mind buzzing with how good you're making him feel, trying not to come in your tight cunt. 
You switch sides, and his cock twitches violently inside you causing you to accidentally clench around him. The short gasps that escape his throat are becoming more frequent. He grabs a handful of your ass, squeezing the flesh as a means to ground himself. 
"Baby, shit please," he begs, eyes shut tight.
"What do you want, Joonie?" you ask, swirling the tip of your tongue around the perky bud. 
"God dammit, ride me please. I want you to move," Namjoon emphasizes his wish by moving you himself, raising your hips up and lowering you in time with his own. 
"Okay," you release a shaky breath and reach for his shoulders once again, underneath the hoodie this time to keep his body at your viewing pleasure. Namjoon shifts below you, adjusting his position so his feet are more stable on the ground. Without warning, he’s snapping his hips up and ruthlessly fucking up into you, desprerately trying to reach his orgasm. 
“Fuck, Namjoon,” you moan falling foward from the force of his thrusts, chest-to-chest with him. Your head naturally falls into the crook of his neck, warm breath tickling his sensitive skin as you pant against him. You don’t move, it’s not like you could anyway. The grip he has on you and his hurried pace has rendered you immobile. The most you can do is clench around him and leave wet kisses and bites along his neck that drive him even closer to the edge. 
Namjoon, for the first time, is focused solely on reaching his own end. He can’t think of anything else other than to come in your tight pussy, that he’s forgotten to take care of you. But you don’t mind all that much, with the way that he’s desperately groaning your name. You happily let him use you how he wants.
"God, I'm so fucking close, feel so good baby," Namjoon groans, his thrusts growing sloppy. Tightening your walls around him, you spur him closer to his orgasm with wet kisses to his sensitive neck. 
With a guttural moan of your name he's coming, filling you up just the way you like it. Slowly grinding your hips against his as he comes down from his high, you kiss him deeply, stealing the breath he was trying to regain. Namjoon opens his eyes once you pull back. Those pretty dragon eyes hazed with lust staring directly into you, his tongue swiping over his swollen lips. The way he's staring you down has a shiver running down your spine and causes you to accidentally clench around him. 
"You're still hard," you breathe out, the corner of your mouth twitching up.
"Yeah, and you haven't come yet," Namjoon says. He lifts you off his lap, his cock slipping out of you. He's quick to lay out down on the couch and situates himself comfortably between your spread thighs. He reaches behind his head and pulls his hoodie over his head, tossing the unwanted garment somewhere. The only thing left are his glasses which he fixes to sit on his face properly. 
"You seem to like these a lot," Namjoon chuckles, running his hand through his hair. 
"Mmh, what I would like even more is you inside me," you smirk up at him. 
Namjoon huffs a laugh and rolls his eyes. He leans down and plants his lips on your neck, sucking and biting gently along the column of your neck. 
"Joon please," it's your turn to beg when you feel the tip of his cock tease your entrance. Your soft plea is all it took for him to give you what you want. He slowly sinks his cock inside you, filling you to the brim once again. Nipping at your neck one last time, he pulls away. Arms on either side of your head, he pulls out nearly all the way before slamming back in, setting a rough pace that ruins you immediately.  
"Shit, Namjoon!" you gasp. Your hands grip his bicep, small crescent indents forming from the pressure of your hold. Head falling back, your neck bared to the man above you. Namjoon admires the marks blossoming across your skin, wanting to lean down and mark you up even more but the way your face contorted with pleasure steals his attention. 
Your mouth was slightly open, airy moans passing through, eyes closed, with your curly hair fanned out around you. Namjoon shifts all of his weight to one arm so he could cradle your face.
"Baby, look at me," he gently hold your chin between his fingers, "Look at me while I fuck your tight pussy." Lashes fluttering open, you moan at the sight. His glasses are threatening to fall off his face from how much he's moving. Those full, pink lips pulled up into a lustful smirk. And his eyes. Fuck, those pretty eyes are are gazing into yours with so much love you want to turn away, but he's too beautiful to look away from. 
You're throbbing with so much want and desire. Been wound up for way too long and want nothing more than to finally reach your release.
"Na- ah fuck, namjoon, please. Wanna come so bad," you whine, not breaking eye contact. 
His thumb roughly circles on your untouched clit, causing pleasure to instantly shoot through you. Your walls clench around him as he fucks you faster and harder. 
"Come for me babe. Want you to cream all over my cock for being so good and spoiling me today," Namjoon pants out, his thumb speeding up on your clit. 
You're moaning out his name as you come hard around him, thighs trembling, back arching and toes curling. A few strokes after, Namjoon is spilling inside you, replacing the cum that he just fucked out of you. 
The only noise filling the living room was your shared ragged breathing. 
"God damn," Namjoon sighs, pulling out and falling onto the small empty space between you and the couch. 
The two of you lay together in silence for a few minutes before Namjoon speaks up. 
"What were you on today? Are you okay?" he asks, confused.
"No, I'm not okay. You drive me fucking crazy," you smile up at him, rasing a hand up to adjust his glasses. 
"Yeah, okay, but this was some next level horniness even for you," he pulls you into his chest and places a kiss on your forehead.
"Are you saying you didn't enjoy it?" you question him, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
Namjoon sighs, "I didn't say that."
You chuckle, placing a kiss on his nose, "I don't think I told you, but I like your glasses, they suit you well."
"Yeah, I can tell you like them a lot," Namjoon rolls his eyes. 
You laugh again, relaxing in your boyfriend's comforting hold. You can tell he's slowly drifting off to sleep, and so are you, but a thought pops up in your mind.
"Since when were your nipples so sensitive!"
"Shut up Y/N!"
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©siderealmyg 2021 | all rights reserved | reposts, copying, translations, or modifications of any kind are NOT permitted.
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kooktrash · 3 years
hello! can i request the "is she really just a friend" and "trust me on this" with Namjoon please. maybe joon idol au where he gets into another scandal with an idol he's collaborating with? thank you!
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For @sweetjellyfishland and @blxckswxnxge since it was similar
rumor has it | kim namjoon DRABBLE
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summary | you’ve only been seeing him for a year, was it necessarily a serious relationship? nobody knew about you two and it made it that much harder to watch him be shipped with other idols.
Disclaimer: it’s a namsoo ship rumor (I literally don’t know any ships and that was the first non-bts one I found lol
warning(s): jealousy. angst. secret relationship. idk. insecurity
You felt stupid, so unbelievably fucking stupid. He told you so many times how much he loved you, called you every chance he could and you just couldn’t believe it. And it wasn’t even that you doubted that he cared for you, but it was just the nature of your relationship. Maybe this was all your fault, you’ve never been with anyone with his circumstances. You didn’t know how to act like this so sometimes it really did feel like this wasn’t for you.
As selfish as it sounded, you liked being shown off. You liked the idea that someone was proud to be with you, who wanted to let everyone know you’d chosen them. Or maybe you were just used to that. So used to past partners holding your hand in public, posting you on their story, bringing you up in conversation. It wasn’t even that you were asking for much, but you always were apparently.
And God you were so fucked up. You know how much Joon loves you. He shows it in every way you can, searching for you at concerts where you’d hide in the back. Play with the bland brown bracelet you gave him once that matched yours while he was in front of a camera. Everyone just thought Hobi got it for him. He’d wear the sweaters and shoes you’d get him and bring you back something anytime he went out of the country.
But that’s the thing, you didn’t want those small little signs that he was thinking about you when he was away. You were a clingy brat and wanted to be able to go places with him, see the world him… not watch some stupid hosts in this stupid ass variety show talk about how good their guest stars, Kim Namjoon and Kim Jisoo, would look good together. Hear them talk about the chemistry they had in front of a camera and how their looks matched too. Because of course when you’d go to Twitter or WeVerse, Instagram, YouTube, anywhere, it’d now be filled with ships of them.
Your phone dinged drawing your attention away from the tv, Namjoon’s name on display.
joonie <3: are u busy love?
joonie <3: wanna hear ur voice
joonie <3: k gonna call
And there was the ringing, his cute face on display as he tried FaceTiming you. You fixed your hair quickly, answering and see his big smile on the screen, “Hey.”
“Hello my beautiful girlfriend,” he chuckled fixing his hair as he pushed his glasses up his face, “Sorry if you were doing something, we just got done with practice and I wanted to call you before bed.”
“That’s fine, I wasn’t doing anything,” you licked your lips nervously looking back to the tv. You exited out of the call so he’d only be on the corner of your screen and scrolled through social media.
‘BTS x BLACKPINK [Namjoon and Jisoo]’
‘Namjoon falling for Jisoo in 3 minutes’
‘ARMYBLINK’S dream: Namjoon and Jisoo’
You wanted to chuck your phone across the room. Namjoon was watching you, the way your brows knitted slightly or how your jaw would clench, “What’s wrong?“
“Nothing,” you told him blandly, exiting out and clicking on his spot to make it full screen again. Namjoon hated when you did that. He needed you to know he was here for you, no matter what, and when you’d close yourself off from him he never felt more distant.
He’d been the one to seek you out. He was the one who first went up to you, asked you on a date, and just because you were waiting at the bus stop in front of the convenience store near his apartment. Of course you couldn’t tell who he was, you’d be surprised what a good disguise a cap, sunglasses, and a mask was late at night. It was beginning to rain, and unlike him you didn’t have an umbrella. In your defense, you hoped to be back home when the rain started but with the bus being late that wasn’t happening. Long story short, he’d gone to give you his, the sound of his voice as he spoke immediately familiar to you and when he took the sunglasses off and that was it.
He let out a sigh, a sign for you to know he felt distant again. This was a constant battle between you two, who could push the other away. “They’re right, yknow?”
His brows furrowed, “Who?” “Everyone, you and Jisoo look good together.” He shook his head, another huff in annoyance as he sensed an argument creeping on.
“Please don’t start with this, she’s a friend,” he tried telling you but you just looked away from the camera in thought. It’s like you knew that, you knew he loved you but god did you wish he could show it. Just so that you wouldn’t have to sit through an interview or scrolling through social media filled with edits of him and all these pretty idols with perfect bodies and visuals. You were jealous because he was yours.
“Is she really just a friend?” You asked, feeling stupid and insecure but you just couldn’t help it. You were insecure and self conscious and part of you hated yourself and couldn’t see why he was still with you when there was not one special thing about you. You weren’t ‘different’ from other girls, you were just the same.
“Baby please look at me,” he drew your attention toward the screen again, “Trust me on this, there’s no one else that I love like I do you. You know that, I try and show you every chance I get. And I know, I’m shitty, I can’t take you out like you want me to or talk about you to everyone and I’m so sorry about that, but I never want you to doubt how I feel for you.”
You looked away again, not because you didn’t believe him or because you were mad, your brain just played tricks on you to make you think nobody would ever want you. “I’m,” you opened your mouth to speak, “I know. I know you love me, I’m, I’m trying I really am, to be better and more trusting.”
He shook his head, “Don’t blame yourself, this isn’t easy. I don’t like being away from you either,” he looked to the time on the top, biting his lip, “Fuck it, I’m coming over. I want to see you.”
“No you don’t have to, it’s late, you’ve got a bus—“
“Baby,” his voice was calm and deep, “I wanna see you, now.”
You nodded, knowing you couldn’t change your boyfriend’s mind. And you didn’t really want to.
Not when he came over, engulfing you in his warm hugs and sleeping in your bed at the end of the night.
ok I’m sorry this wasn’t that good but honestly I legit don’t pay attention to ships so I really didn’t know wth I was doing 💀💀💀💀
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | Walking In On You Changing [BFF Series] [Request]
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A/N: WARNING: SOME OF THESE ARE MATURE BUT I HAVEN’T LABELLED IT AS [M] BECAUSE NOT ALL OF THEM ARE MATURE [If you want to avoid the mature ones avoid Yoongi, Tae and Jungkook]
You’d shown up on your best friends door step after the worst possible date of your entire life and all you wanted to do was crawl up onto Jin’s sofa and watch movies with him but you were still dressed up in one of the fanciest dresses you owned as well as an expensive lingerie set that you’d worn underneath thinking you were going to get lucky that night but it had gone so wrong so fast that you called Jin from the bathroom to fake an emergency for you to leave.
“I’ll tell you all about it, can I borrow some clothes?” You questioned as you walked through the door and up towards Jin’s bedroom,
“Sure I’ll come grab something for you.” You stripped out of the dress the second the bedroom door shut and laid back on his bed staring at the ceiling, you did this a lot. Whenever you had a stressful day at work you’d go straight to Jin’s place, it was your home away from home after all and he was always welcoming you there.
“I brought you some - Oh my god!” He screamed dropping the hoodie and shorts he’d brought up for you and covering his eyes, you screamed back at him and rushed to cover yourself with the pillow. Jin backed out of the room and you rushed to get changed into the clothes he’d given you.
“Jin!” You called out as you walked out of the door only to find him standing there, his ears a bright red colour and his face flushed as he stared at the door.
“It was an accident, I didn’t expect you to be naked on my bed-”
“I wasn’t naked, I was in my underwear.” You whispered feeling shy that your best friend had seen you half naked, other people jumped at the chance for their best friend - whom they had a crush on - to see them half naked but not you. You’d thought for a split second he might come in and kiss you but life wasn’t like the movies and he was avoiding looking at you.
“I’ll leave, I clearly made it weird I’m sorry.” You went to walk away but he held onto your wrist to stop you from moving,
“Why are you hiding away?”
“Cause you saw me naked and you didn’t like it…Jin I just- I feel-” He kissed you and out of shock you didn’t kiss back for a couple of seconds until your felt his hands on your waist. Your arms snaked around his neck and you pulled him closer to you as he backed you back into his bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him.
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Yoongi knew exactly where he was going and what he was doing, he’d known your brother for 17 years and he’d been to your house more times than he could even count so he knew what room he was about to enter wasn’t the bathroom he’d said he was going to find but your bedroom. You’d done nothing but tease him all day, walking around the house in skimpy shorts so he could see the outline of your thong and then tonight, you’d walked down the stairs in one of the hoodies he’d given you when you were teens, but you’d walked down in that with a black thong on underneath, reaching up in front of him to grab something and ‘’accidentally’’ showing everything off that he’d been dreaming about you. He opened the door and you jumped as you saw him standing there, a tent in his trousers as he caught the sight of you. He’d expected to see you in the hoodie once again but this time you were just changing out of it and you were standing there in nothing but the bra and thong trying not to scream out about him catching you like this.
“Shit! Sorry!I thought- I just…I thought this was the bathroom and I was trying-” He covered his eyes trying to back out of the room but you stopped him by pulling him inside and quietly shutting the door so your brother wouldn’t hear you talking to his best friend.
“Yoongi, you’ve been coming here for years…You know where the bathroom is.” You whispered looking up at him but he was still covering his eyes. He hadn’t thought this through, he’d been so confident about coming to talk to you, and making you sort out his problem but the more he thought about it the more he realised this wasn’t the plot to some kind of porn movie he’d seen. You were a real girl with real emotions, the same real girl with real emotions he’d been In love with since he was a teenager. He sighed in defeat,
“I know but I didn’t think-” He was cut off when you pulled his hands away from his eyes and looked up at him, you looked so innocent to him and it made him want to ravish you all the more.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He begged as you continued to stare at him, you bit on your lip.
“I’m just looking Yoonig…You know you can look too…Maybe you can touch if you want.” He groaned as his hands made their way up to your waist, your skin was so soft and it made him want you more.
“We can’t.”
“Why?” You whispered looking at him and cocking your head to the side,
“You want me…I want you…What’s the big deal?” He groaned as he watched you drop to your knees in front of him, he couldn’t even deny that he wanted you.
“Fuck…Okay, yes I need you.” That was all you needed, you pulled down his basketball shorts and smirked as he sprung free, he knew it was going to be a long night.
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You were staying over at the dorms with your best friend Jungkook while your apartment was being renovated, the apartment above yours started leaking through so everything had to be redone. Jungkook offered you up his room while he stayed on the sofa and it was fine. The first week it was just you and Jungkook alone in the dorms because the boys were all on holiday but they were all slowly coming back home and realising that you were there. None of them minded they all loved you…Hoseok loved you a little more than the others did since he’d had a huge crush on you the moment Jungkook introduced you to one another.
“I’m gonna go change.” You whispered to Jungkook as you got up from the sofa, you’d been playing video games for the last hour while you waited for Jimin to come home and order food for you both.
“Hoodies are on the top shelf.” You hummed and went into the bedroom stripping from your clothes and looking around for a hoodie to wear, the only clean underwear you had on was a lingerie set that you’d gotten for yourself. Everything was still drying in the dryer so you had nothing else to wear,
“Hey Hobi you’re home early.” You heard Jungkook say through the door and a serge of excitement washed over you at the mention of his name you’d always had the biggest crush on him but would never act on it because of Jungkook.
“Hey, I’m just gonna grab one of your hoodies-” The door opened and shut before anyone could even process what was happening. Hoseok’s eyes landed on your half naked body and you felt your cheeks heat up as he didn’t look away from you until Jungkook screamed about you being in there.
“It’s okay! I’m dressed!” You lied quickly grabbing the first hoodie you could see and slipped into it,
“S-Sorry! I didn’t know…When did you come over?” You giggled and handed him a hoodie and looked down at the floor,
“I’m staying until my place is fixed, sorry you saw that,” He started shaking his head,
“I never said I didn’t like what I saw…Not that I saw anything and not that I was looking it’s just that you were just stood there anf you looked really nice and you-” He was cut off when you stood up on your tip toes to kiss him, it was mostly to stop him from rambling so much but also because he was making your stomach flip as he mentioned everything he thought of you. His hands landed onto your waist and you giggled as he brought you closer to his body.
“Welcome home.” You whispered walking away from him and going to find Jungkook.
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One of the joys of having a roommate that was always away on tour was getting to walk around your apartment in whatever you wanted without him seeing you. You and Namjoon had been friends since you were kids and you’d had a crush on him for years, keeping it to yourself since you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had with one another. You walked across the landing from your bedroom to the bathroom to get yourself some water, it was the middle of the day and it was too hot to think about wearing real clothes so you threw on a lingerie set instead. Namjoon was away on tour so you didn’t have to worry about him walking out of his room and seeing you.
“Why would you ever kiss me, I’m not even half as pretty?” You sang along to the music coming from your bluetooth speaker as you walked into the bathroom,
“You gave her your sweater it’s just - Holy fucking jesus christ!” You screamed holding a towel over your body when you turned around. Namjoon was sat laughing at you singing when he noticed you in nothing but a red lingerie set.
“What the fuck?!” You screamed throwing a second towel at him,
“You scared the shit out of me!” You screamed throwing another and dropping the one you had around you completely forgetting what you were wearing you were just so excited he was home.
“I missed you!” You screamed wrapping your arms around you but frowning when he didn’t hug you back,
“Joonie?” He started stuttering as you pulled away from him and you looked down remembering what you were doing before he came in.
“Shit.” You whispered trying to cover yourself again but this time Namjoon pinned your arms above your head on the wall behind you and groaned as you stared up at him,
“You look so innocent,” He whispered as he ran his thumb along your bottom lip and grunted to himself,
“I missed you,” You whined out, neither of you had been like this together before but it just felt right, his lips were on yours and he picked you up from the floor, carrying you over to the bedroom and dropping you down on the bed.
“I missed you too Princess.”
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You held the blanket tightly around your body while you waited for Jimin to come home. You and Jimin had been friends for years and you were currently living together because it was closer to work for you and it was cheaper to live together and share the bills than it was to be in separate apartments.
“What’s the big emergency?” Jimin laughed as he walked up the stairs to your bedroom but you screamed for him not to come into the room yet, his hand stayed hovering above the handle of your bedroom door,
“I want you to know that this! This was an accident and I never wanted you to help me but I need your help.” He smirked to himself trying to come up with ideas as to what was wrong with you but nothing was coming to mind.
“Okay…Come in.” You took a deep breath and looked at him as he walked into the room. He’d been imaging you stuck in some awkward yoga position, or thinking you’d slipped in the shower but not this. You were sitting on the edge of your bed clutching onto a sheet for dear life as you held it around your chest.
“I’m not seeing an emergency.” He whispered and you sighed getting up and looking at him,
“We’ve been friends for years, this isn’t weird okay…Just help me get it off.” You turned so your back was facing him and you dropped the sheet from around you. Jimin’s eyes landed on the red lingerie that was clinging to your body, it made your breasts somehow look larger…Not that Jimin had looked before…much.
“How is it stuck?” He stepped closer and your breath hitched in your throat. You’d always had a huge crush on Jimin but never acted on it since you were such close friends you didn’t want to ruin anything just because of a silly crush.
“The corset back,” You whispered holding your hand up to show him the bow that had turned into a knot you couldn’t get undone. He stepped closer and held his hands on your shoulders while he tried to untie it.
“Fuck, it’s super tight.” He grunted sending a shiver down your spine and a pool to your core as you imagined him saying that about you, thoughts of him fucking you forever entering your head the more you thought about his choice of words. Jimin noticed how tense you’d gotten since he stepped so close to you, he’d be blind not to notice that you had a crush on him, he knew but he also knew you didn’t want to act on it so he didn’t act on his either.
“Here,” He bent down and placed his teeth on the knot, loosening it as much as he could until it finally came free and he untied it, pulling the laces from their holders.
“You know,” He whispered in your ear, his fingers lingering your hips as he traced small patterns into your hips.
“If you wanted me to get you naked, all you had to do was ask.” In one quick motion he turned you around to face him and he kissed you roughly, your hands went into his hair and you desperately kissed him back tugging on his hair and moaning as he laid you down on the bed behind you.
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Taehyung was downstairs making food for you both so you thought it would be the perfect time to try on a new lingerie set you’d treated yourself to that morning. You and Taehyung had been friends since you could talk and you were living together while you saved up for your own apartment in Seoul, you hadn’t been living together long but there was always this kind of awkward tension that had never been there before. You were used to sleeping in the same bed as Taehyung as kids but this was different, being this close to one another and always being together was different. You couldn’t please yourself in the ways you wanted to and you knew that Taehyung hadn’t either, there was all this pent up tension that you both needed to let out but couldn’t. You stared at your body in the mirror, the lingerie set was stunning it was just a shame that no one was ever going to see you in it, you’d been in love with Taehyung as well as his best friend and could never imagine yourself with anyone but him. Taking a step back you went to look at yourself a little more but you slipped and hit your head on the edge of the bed, screaming out a series of curse words as you did.
“Y/n?!” Taehyung panicked moving the food off the oven and sprinting in the direction of the stairs, he freaked out thinking something had happened to you and instead of knocking on the door as he usually would he burst into the room to see you holding your head and wearing nothing but a black lace bralette and a matching thong, he tried to avert his eyes but you looked amazing.
“T-Tae.” You stuttered trying to cover yourself up but he helped you stand up and looked at your head,
“You alright? I heard a bang and I thought you’d hurt yourself.” You nodded and he handed you a blanket to cover yourself up. He was blushing like crazy and now avoiding your eyes which made you smile a little,
“It’s okay to look Tae.” You were shocked at yourself as the words fell from your lips but his eyes went back to your face instead of your body, he loved every part of you and you weren’t going to lie it felt good to have him look at you like this. His eyes were filled with lust and it was turning you on the more he looked at you.
“When did you- Who did you buy it for?” He couldn’t think of what question to ask first and you giggled as he stumbled over his words, you took his hand in yours and laid it on the lace bralette strap.
“What if I said I bought it for you?” You didn’t of course but he didn’t need to know that, he rubbed the fabric between his finger and thumb and you smirked at him.
“Y/n what are you-” You cut him off by kissing him on the lips, his hands cupped your face and he brought you closer to him, sitting you down on his lap as he sat down on the bed.
“Fuck I want you Tae.” You pleaded with him as you ground your hips up and down a little on his crotch, he let out a grunt and nodded in agreement.
“I need you too.”
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You hated your room mate with every fibre of your being, he was a disgusting fuck boy with no thought for anybody but himself. You’d come back from a date with a guy and were making out on the sofa when Jungkook decided that then would be the perfect time to start professing his undying love for you. Claiming that he adored the ground you walked on and how no one could ever love you like he could - all a joke in his head of course. He never wanted anyone to be happy if he was around and wanted to ruin your evening.
“You’re a self centred cunt!” You yelled slamming the bedroom door and looking at yourself in the mirror, you’d worn the perfect black dress that people found hard to resist you in and you had a matching black lace lingerie set on underneath.
“Fucking idiot.” You grumbled unzipping the dress and stepping out of it, you took it over to the wardrobe and hung it up. Jungkook felt bad for what he’d done to you but it was just the way he showed you he cared, though he would never admit that. Hating one another was easier than living each other, or at least it was in his world. His hand hovered over your door debating with himself if he should go and talk to you or not. He pushed the door open and caught you in the wardrobe, you screamed trying to cover yourself but Jungkook did nothing to look away from you, you looked breath taking.
“Jungkook! You pervert!” He shook his head as he looked at you biting down on his lip,
“Who would have thought, perfect little y/n looks like that.” He moaned a little at the thought of you dressing like that for him and his mind raced with thoughts,
“You’re a fucking disgusting pig.” You went to push him out of the room when he pushed you up against the door closing it in the progress,
“If I’m so disgusting why are you letting me do this,” He whispered as he ran his hands down your front and into your panties, you whimpered as his fingers came into contact with your clit.
“Soaking for me already I see.” He chucked kissing down the base of your neck and sucking on the exposed skin.
“Get ready baby, tonight you’re mine.”
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @fan-ati--c​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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sleephyjhs · 4 years
Him As Your Boyfriend (Namjoon Headcanon)
pairing: boyfriend!namjoon x reader
genre: fluff, romance
notes: man i’ve been waiting for this one
m.list | requested
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everybody and their mothers know
this man is the only man
just look at him he oozes boyfriend
joon’s just a big ol’ softie
who looks great in suits
and grey sweatpants
there’s nothing in this world that he’d treasure more than you
as private as namjoon can be, that would in no way affect his love for you
in fact, you could be the only exception for too much skinship
namjoon’s the kind to hug you from behind and rest his chin on your shoulder
and as good as his chest is for laying your head on
he’d also enjoy doing the same
to smell your faint perfume
to embrace your warmth
so you’ll curl his hair between your fingers
namjoon loves to be loved like he loves you
for me, he’s the easiest member to imagine in domestic settings
like he has to reach up to the highest shelves in the kitchen to grab what you need
because he forgot you can’t reach quite as high as he can
coming home to find him putting clean sheets on the bed
and rushing to help him because he overestimated the length of the duvet against his wingspan
grocery shopping?? now that’s a concept
nooo but think about joon waddling up to the trolley holding some kind of sweet treat
and not necessarily saying anything
but just giving you the look
and of course
what would your relationship be without nicknames
personally i call him joonie
so imagine namjoon just blushing when you call him by his favourite nickname
and when he thinks you aren’t around
quietly whispering to himself in third person using your special nickname for him
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ok so
i wouldn’t be doing my job if i didn’t discuss this
bike dates along the han river.
an activity namjoon has shown much interest in
but please i’m so soft for casual cyclist namjoon
in his basket he places some snacks, maybe a blanket too
so you can sit together under a blossom tree
with a mini picnic to watch people and time pass
cool breeze fluffs his hair
and so after giggling at his scruffy curls being tossed in the wind
you’d be quick to sort them out
namjoon is a lover for small details and gestures
so he’d always ride his bike behind you on narrow lanes to watch over you
but namjoon is probably quite big on homemade dates
being in the comfort of your shared home only felt more romantic to him
outside on a balcony or rooftop terrace
he’d hang a large white sheet over a washing line and get a projector
string up some cute bulbs and bring out all the soft furnishings you own
disney movies in the dark
outside under the stars :(
what kind of gifts would namjoon give you?
things that reminded him of you
or things that he’d think would remind you of him
souvenirs from places you’d visited together
he’s also the type to try and source gifts from ethical companies
we all know how much namjoon loves nature
and so he’d do his best to protect it where he could
but i think he’d also splash out for occasions
his jewellery of choice? rings
small bands, decorated bands, promise rings
engagement rings ooo
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we’ve never really seen namjoon angry
and in a way that’s very good
because i’m willing to bet money that it’s terrifying
we know he’s incredibly protective and caring for his members
(namjoon best leader)
and so when he’s in a relationship i can only imagine that his protectiveness is heightened
but i also imagine that he wouldn’t let you know
because the last thing namjoon would want to do is be your shadow
it goes without saying that all the boys are gentlemen
but i think namjoon’s gentlemanly attitudes are some of the most imaginable
he’s patient and selfless
namjoon would quite enjoy waiting for you to get ready
making sure he was out the way of all mirrors before admiring your concentration
when you were unable to make a decision
either on a menu, in a store, wherever
but knowing namjoon
he probably wouldn’t be able to help much
you could be indecisive together
compared to the others, namjoon is less open to skinship
but even in public he wouldn’t think twice about holding your hand
showing you off (in a respective way, of course) sounds very namjoon to me
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^ are y’all psychic or smth? but i also love namjoon with all my heart, don’t trust anybody who doesn’t
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
Knitting You a Home - 5
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Pairing: Wolf Hybrid Namjoon and Human Reader
Word Count: 2,745
Genre/Rating: Hybrid AU - Established Relationship - Angst - Fluff - Smut - PG-13
Overview: Things have changed for you and Namjoon. It’s been a year since the two of you got together, and despite a rocky start, it was impossible to deny the bond and love you shared for each other. But ever since Hoseok had been separated from his Mate, Namjoon has been withdrawing himself from you and doesn’t come home until late at night.
With questions far larger than either of you imagined, you can’t help but wonder if he’s let his past and old fears come back to haunt him. You had shown him that it was possible to have a home and be loved once before, but will you be able to do it again?
Warning: None
Main Master List:
Knitting You a Home Master List:
Mated Love is Never Easy Series Master List:
Sneak Peak - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - ?
©thatmultifandomhoe Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
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The outside world faded away from Namjoon as he sat in his studio, scratching out lines that he’d previously written, trying to find another way that explained the way he was feeling that flowed with the song.
He had been like this for the last several hours, biding his time as Yoongi and him waited for the artist to arrive and listen to the tracks they had prepared, and to give them the input they needed on that one song.
“You know, as nice and passionate as he seems to be about his music,” Yoongi murmured, scrolling through his phone like he had been for the last few hours. “I really hate it when people are late and don’t bother to call and give a heads up.”
Namjoon hummed in agreement, not even bothering to check the time. Instead, he chewed on his bottom lip, sighing as he once again drew a harsh black line. The page had slowly filled in with more crossed out lyrics than when he started rewriting it this morning.
He had felt bad leaving you in bed this morning, again. Like clockwork, he’d leave the house by seven thirty to guarantee he’d make it to the bus stop to get to work ten minutes before eight, but this morning had been different. Those few moments you shared when he did crawl into bed hadn’t happened this time, and it left him feeling off centered. You had ended your day not knowing if he came home, and were going to start it off waking up and wondering if he had come home.
Then he ended up not being able to go visit you during his lunch break, because by a stroke of luck, Yoongi had called him over to Genius Studio to go over an idea he had on the unspeakable song. They had nicknamed it that when the rapper turned down another version that they had for it this morning.
It was only a quick and short text that he was able to send to you before going over to Yoongi’s studio, feeling even guiltier. If his math was correct, then you hadn’t seen him since yesterday at lunch. Which was one thing if the two of you lived in separate houses and were only dating, but you lived with each other, shared the same bed, your paths should have crossed more than once.
Not hearing a reply from Namjoon, Yoongi lifted his head, shifting on the couch to see that his friend was still leaned back in his chair. His feet were propped up on the drawer of his desk with the notebook against his legs.
Yoongi’s tail lightly thumped against the couch – not even Namjoon’s ears flicked in his direction – and he glanced at the time. It wasn’t late like yesterday, only eight, but just like the other day he wanted Namjoon to go home. He was concerned about his friend and thought that he needed to get away from the studio and spend some time with you.
Maybe by being with you, Namjoon would realize that it didn’t matter whether there was a ring on your finger, or a Mate Mark on your neck, you were the love of his life and he was yours, and that was all that mattered.
“Mixtape?” He finally asked, curious as to which project Namjoon was working on.
Namjoon nodded, finally turning to the next clean page to write out what he had. Maybe if it wasn’t surrounded by scribbles and cross outs, he’d be able to figure out the next few lines before the chorus.
Namjoon reached out and tapped on his phone out of habit, curious if you had messaged him. The lock screen photo made him smile, taking a moment to admire it before going to his messages. It was from the morning after one of his heats and naturally, he had woken up before you. Sunlight had streamed through the curtains, highlighting your body in an otherworldly glow as you slept. The only adjustment he had made was when he brushed your hair off your neck, revealing the – at the time – Mate Mark that was only a couple days old.
It was a picture that relaxed and sent a wave of pride through him. While the day that you officially adopted him was one of the happiest days of his life, this particular moment in time was forever ingrained in his heart. He had found the one person meant for him.
When he finally pulled up his messages, he smiled as he saw an unread text from you.
From Angel:
Don’t worry about it Joonie! I have some news to tell you when you come home, so I’ll see you tonight. Love you!
He hoped you hadn’t gone overboard with dinner, but knowing you, you probably dug out the cookbooks and decided to try a new recipe. Without a doubt there’d be a plate fixed up for him waiting in the fridge for him when he came home. The gesture was sweet and while he was thankful for you thinking of him, it only made him want to come home at a normal time to eat it with you, when it was done cooking.
A knocking at the door captured his attention, forcing him to slide his notebook closed with the flyer for the underground rap battle serving as a bookmark back into the drawer when Yoongi opened the door. Namjoon hid his surprise when not only the rapper entered the room – apologizing for being so late – but a woman entered with him, her hand clasped in his own.
One inhale and Namjoon was gripping the arm of his chair, feeling like he had gotten run over when the scent of her overbearing perfume hit him, along with the rapper’s scent coming from her as well.
In some shape or form, these two were together, and they hadn’t been late due to dinner as he was telling Yoongi.
“Well,” Namjoon spoke, clearing his throat as he shook hands with the artist and then his, friend. “Why don’t we get started.”
As everyone got comfortable, Namjoon glanced at Yoongi over their heads, raising an eyebrow at his older friend.
Yoongi simply scrunched up his nose, tail flickering in agitation at the humans overpowering scents.
It was going to be a long night.
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“Knit one, pearl two,” you softly murmured, reading over the knitting pattern. Dinner had long since been put away and the dishes cleaned up, a plate already made up and set aside in the fridge for Namjoon for when he came home.
Since you were officially on vacation, you were sitting on the couch with a pattern you had printed out God knows how long ago. It was for a baby blanket, and as you had been rifling through your binder of patterns, you couldn’t help but linger on this particular one. It was too soon to assume – with Hoseok leaving for a year at the end of the month it certainly wasn’t going to happen – but you couldn’t help but think that Sarah would need it. If not now then she would one day for sure. Something told you that her and Hoseok weren’t going to have only one child.
And if not, it’ll make a beautiful display for the shop, you thought, writing a check mark in your notebook next to row one, continuing on to the next one. Right now, it just looked like a long section of yellow yarn. Give it a few days and it would look like the picture, a baby blanket with a seashell design big enough to wrap the baby up in or to put in the crib.
Sighing, you glanced at the clock on the wall, not surprised that Namjoon wasn’t home. It was only nine, too early for him to even consider leaving work.
It hadn’t always been like this. He used to come home at a normal time, or the latest at least eight pm. That had been when he first started working for the music company. With Yoongi by his side guiding him, Namjoon had managed to work his way up and was able to produce music alongside with Yoongi. The promotion had surprised even you, but you didn’t care. All that mattered was that Namjoon was doing a job that he loved, and from the stories he told you with bright smiles, the hours he spent at the studio were worth all the late nights.
Of course, you missed him. You missed teasing him as he tried to help prepare dinner, and curling up on the couch when the dishes were done. Tender moments of when the two of you were in separate worlds, him lost in a story or new book of poetry and you knitting up a new project, but always connected as he pulled your legs over his lap and would run his palm along your bare skin. Those were the sweetest memories that you missed.
Tonight, was nearly identical to those precious moments. The TV was on low, your legs stretched out on the couch as the knitting needles clicked together. The only thing that was missing, was Namjoon.
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Namjoon pressed down on the back of his neck, groaning as he entered the house. The night had gone exactly as he had thought, and they were still left with the unspeakable song to do. Every idea and suggestion ended up crumpled up and thrown in the trashcan.
By the time the artist and his girlfriend left, both him and Yoongi reeked  of the perfume she wore, and Namjoon was growling in irritability because his studio no longer had his scent. He had spent the last hour trying to rid the room of hers, but it was no use. The only female scent that belonged in there was yours, and he was debating on having you come by one day to help restore order. Until he got a shower and smelled like himself again, scenting his studio was absolutely pointless.
He stopped short in the living room however, his thoughts hitting pause as he walked around the couch to see you asleep. The basket that held your knitting was placed on the floor next to the end table, the throw blanket that was usually over your chair half haphazardly covered your body.
The sight of you sleeping eased some of his distress, but it only raised a new worry now. Crouching down, he gently brushed back the hair that had fallen, a soft smile appearing on his face as he gazed at you. There was probably a good reason you were out here instead of in bed, but like a quick fire, guilt plagued him at the thought that you had been waiting for him. He remembered that you had wanted to tell him something, but he didn’t think it was serious enough for you to camp out on the couch.
“Angel,” he softly called out, running his knuckles against your temple. “Wake up sweetheart, it’s time for bed.”
A soft groan came from your lips, making him chuckle, but he continued on. “Come on, you know an angel like you isn’t meant to sleep on a couch.”
You tiredly smiled before opening your eyes, relishing at the sight of Namjoon. “The only angel I see here is you.” You stretched a hand out to cup his cheek, sighing at the content sound of his growl.
Namjoon ducked his head down, chuckling as he gazed lovingly at you. A wave of deja view had him taking a trip down memory lane, recalling another time when he had come home to find you sleeping on the couch in an attempt to wait up for him.
“Why weren’t you sleeping in your bed?” He hoarsely asked, watching you unfold the towel and settle it on his hair, all while being mindful of his ears. He hadn’t expected the rain and he was soaked as a result of the sudden storm.
You didn’t answer for a few moments. Instead you were focused on drying his hair and gathering your thoughts. “I was waiting for you to come home,” you finally answered, moving the towel off his head. His wolf ears lifted up, bringing a soft smile to your face despite the serious situation at hand, and began to carefully dry them as well.
His eyes burned with tears and despite biting his lip and trying to think of anything else, he couldn’t. Never before had a place been a home for Namjoon. The feeling was foreign and it scared him. The idea of there being a place where he felt safe, cared about, and loved terrified him, so he ran.
He ran until he realized there was no-where he wanted to be than with you, that the only person he wanted was you. He loved the things that you knitted him, he enjoyed starting his weekend off with you on the couch drinking coffee and watching those wedding shows.
He loved the way your house always smelled like something was being baked, and he sincerely appreciated that after he woke up from a nightmare, you were there to coax him out into the kitchen where you prepared to make tea or coffee and a late-night snack to take his mind off of his memories. You never forced him to, but he knew that you’d listen if he wanted to talk about it.
Without a second thought, he wrapped his arms around your hips, pulling you closer so he was able to rest his forehead against your stomach.
The tears slid down his cheeks as he sobbed, his grip tightening the slightest when he felt you move. But it was only to set the towel on the table as you wrapped your own arms around his shoulders, gently rubbing your hands in circles on his back.
“It’s okay Namjoon,” you softly spoke. “You’re home now. It’s gonna be okay.”
Shaking his head, he gently slid an arm underneath you to help you sit up right. “Are you awake enough to tell me about that news?” He teasingly asked.
You frowned up at him but realization dawned on your features, resulting in him chuckling as you nodded. Holding your hands out, Namjoon took them in his as he pulled you up, immediately leading you to the bedroom.
“Well as of today, Grandma has declared that I’m on vacation,” you told him. He slid his arm around your waist and you leaned into him, your nose scrunching up at the citrus smell on his shirt.
“She finally got tired of you?” He joked, not noticing the way your face fell.
Licking your lips, you frowned as a headache began to form behind your eyes at the scent. “She says that we work too much and don’t spend enough time together.”
“Was there the mention of us having kids?”
“That we should be in a certain room in our house more than we are.”
Namjoon snorted, watching as you sat down on the bed before going to his dresser and pulling out a new pair of boxers. “I need a quick shower but I shouldn’t be long.” He smiled as he walked back towards you, kissing your lips briefly before heading to the bathroom.
The water was heard instantly. You were staring at the doorway, wondering if he had known. He had to know that he reeked of another woman’s perfume, his own sense of smell was heightened incredibly compared to yours but yet, he didn’t say anything. There was no explanation for why he smelled like that.
Reaching up to touch the side of your neck, you shakily inhaled as you forced yourself to dress for bed, curling up under the blankets on your side.
It was the first time that he was home before midnight. The first time in so damn long that the two of you were going to bed at the same time, and he smelled of another woman. While you figured there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for it, your heart seemed to hang in your chest.
By the time he crawled in behind you, burying his face in your neck and softly kissing the skin, you couldn’t erase the venomous thought that there was no other reason for why he was staying so late at the studio anymore.
Before you had wondered if…now you were wondering just who wore that disgusting perfume. 
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sugakookielix · 4 years
BTS Scenario: First "I love you"
Prompt: The first time you or one of the members says “I love you”
Requested? Yes by anon
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1919
Warnings: None
Gender neutral reader. Gifs are not mine!
AN: This is my first official scenario so apologies if it isn’t the best. Requests are open!
Kim Namjoon:
He would be the one to say it first. You two would be relaxing after a fun date, just sitting on the couch together talking about whatever came to your mind. Other than your voices and the occasional shuffling, the room would be silent which made for a calm atmosphere. Namjoon would be listening to you talk about work/school while looking at you intently. It was as if he was looking at you for the first time as he took in every small feature about you. Every spot, every mark, every little imperfection, but to him you were perfect. You hadn’t even noticed that he was staring at you, too focused on what you were saying when he suddenly would cut you off by blurting out a soft “I love you.” You froze, all words leaving you as you turned to look at your boyfriend, wondering if you heard him correctly. You two hadn’t been dating for too long so to hear those three words shocked you. Namjoon sensed this as he smiled and cupped your face in his hand, “I mean it Y/n, I love you and everything about you.” You blushed and looked away for a second before glancing back up at him, “I love you too Joonie.” He smiled and pulled you into a tight hug which you gladly returned, snuggling against him and listening to his heartbeat. It was a perfect ending to a perfect night.
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Kim Seokjin:
Jin would be the one to say “I love you first.” The boys were busy practicing for their next comeback and you knew how hard your boyfriend was working, so you decided to surprise him. You weren’t the best cook, but you spent the first half of the day in the kitchen trying to make a decent meal that you could take to him during his break. Finally you managed something you were proud of and quickly cleaned up and made sure you were presentable before grabbing the food and heading to the BigHit building. The timing was almost perfect since you knew the boys should be taking a break soon after you arrived. Hesitating for a moment before opening the door, you saw the boys looking exhausted as they finished the current routine they were doing. Jin saw you enter in the mirror and immediately rushed over to you once the music finished. He was out of breath and covered in sweat, but he still seemed excited to see you which made you happy. “I thought you may be hungry so I brought you lunch!” you told him, showing the container in your hands. “Ah my jagi is the best!” he responded as he quickly took the container and pulled you to sit down with him while he ate. Taking a bite, he smiled and pulled you into his arms, “Thank you Y/n! I love you so much!” You were shocked to hear those words come from him, but he had already returned to the food before you could question it. Instead you smiled and kissed his cheek before whispering the three words back to him, ignoring the teasing looks of the other members.
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Min Yoongi:
Yoongi was more subtle when it came to his feelings so you would be the one to say “I love you” first. The two of you were laying in bed watching a movie after he had called and asked if he could come over for a bit. Work had been really stressful for him lately and he needed your help to take his mind off of things for a bit. You understood all the pressure he was under so you said yes which led to you cuddling an exhausted Yoongi while watching a random drama you had found. Neither of you were really paying attention to the movie though, Yoongi was trying not to fall asleep and you were watching him with adoration. It was obvious from his state that he likely hadn’t slept very well these past few days. Seeing his eyes close, you turned down the volume of the movie and ran your fingers through his hair until you felt him fully relax against you. Looking down, you couldn’t help but smile at how cute he looked. Brushing his bangs from his face, you leaned down and kissed his temple before whispering, “Good night Yoongi, I love you.” Thinking that he was asleep and didn’t hear you, you turned off the movie and laid down to hopefully fall asleep yourself. Only to feel your boyfriend cuddle further against you and mutter, “I love you more,” against your neck before falling asleep again, his grip on you never faltering.
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Jung Hoseok:
Honestly with Hoseok it could go either way. You two were still a fairly new couple but it felt like you had known each other for years already. There was no doubting the chemistry between the two of you. Hoseok had finally gotten a free day from his schedule and immediately planned ways to spend it with you. Unfortunately since the relationship was new you guys weren’t public, meaning he couldn’t really take you out anywhere without risking others seeing. You two still managed to have fun in the dorm though, talking, playing games together, and he even attempted to teach you the choreography he was working on. By the end of it all, you two were on the floor laughing and joking about how ridiculously fun the whole thing was. It took a few minutes for your laughter to die down and you were left catching your breath while looking up at each other. It was as if your minds were suddenly connected, and ran on autopilot, because you both suddenly said “I love you!” at the same time. The result was even more laughter as the two of you lay on the floor together, talking and joking around until it got late and he had to return back for practice early the next morning.
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Park Jimin:
Jimin would be the one to say it first. It would be a few months into your relationship, once you guys really started to get to know each other and open up more. He would have honestly wanted to say it for a while but always got shy the last minute and never did. Though he would always play it off and tell himself that he was waiting for the right time to tell you. That time came when it was your guys’s six month anniversary. Jimin had invited you over to the dorms to spend time together when most of the other members were out. For the most part, the two of you stayed in his room with the occasional trip to steal snacks or see what anyone who was still there was up to. It was getting late and you were getting ready to leave since you both had an early day tomorrow, Jimin silently watching you put your shoes on while debating if he should say anything or not. You placed a kiss on his cheek as a goodbye and opened the door to leave, but a small hand gripped your wrist before you could leave. “Before you leave!” he said nervously as he pulled you back over to him, “I want you to know that I...I love you!” He tried to mask his embarrassment by hiding in your shoulder which caused you to laugh before pushing him away so you could look at him. “I love you too baby!” you said, kissing his nose before turning and walking away, leaving a nervous and giggling Jimin behind.
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Kim Taehyung:
You would be the one to say it first. Your birthday was coming up soon and Tae decided that he wanted to surprise you and make the day as special as possible. You had been under the impression that he would be busy on your birthday and, while disappointed, you understood how busy it was. You had also been together for less than a year so you knew you shouldn’t expect anything over the top from your boyfriend. The actual day went by as usual, you went out and spent time with your friends for the afternoon before returning home to relax and watch movies for the rest of the night. What you did not expect was to walk into your apartment to find a very excited Taehyung in the living room. Your favorite food was on the coffee table, the couch was flooded with pillows and blankets, and Taehyung was standing there with a present in hand and a huge smile on his face. “Happy birthday Jagiya!” he said excitedly once you got a moment to process everything, “I figured we could spend the night cuddling and watching your favorite shows!” You stayed silent for another moment which scared him a bit, but before he could say anything you ran over and wrapped your arms around him tightly. “You are the best Tae! I love you so much!” you squealed without really thinking of your words. This time it was him that froze and you immediately realized what you had just said. Was it too soon? You were about to apologize but Taehyung surprised you again by squeezing you tighter and spinning you around, “I love you too! I’m so happy to hear those words from you!” This was turning out to be the best birthday ever.
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Jeon Jungkook:
You would say it first, though Jungkook had wanted to be the one to say it before you. You were Jungkook's first official partner so he was still a bit unsure of how to act around you. That didn’t mean he didn’t try though, he was just afraid of rushing things or doing something wrong. He had known for a long time now that he really cared about you, but had never brought himself to say “I love you.” Jungkook had shown up to your house unexpectedly on your day off, having bought a new game that he wanted to try out with you. You had never heard of it before, but he seemed excited and you were always down to try new co-op games with Jungkook so you agreed and set it up. After a few rounds of extremely competitive gameplay and getting used to the controls, you managed to beat him which caused him to toss the controller to the side dramatically. “I did it! I won!” you exclaimed as you bounced in your spot, your boyfriend only mumbling in response. You rolled your eyes at his childish reaction, moving closer to place a few kisses around his face. “I love you Kookie!” you said with a cute expression, causing the male to widen his eyes and look at you. “You what?” he stuttered, wanting to make sure he heard you right. You however, shrunk back a bit and refused to look at him, “Was that too soon? I’m sorry I just-” he cut you off before you could continue talking. “No no it’s fine! I actually wanted to tell you that for a while but I didn’t know if it was the right time so hearing you say it was surprising.” You both looked at each other for a moment before laughing softly at the awkward situation. You grabbed the controller back once you recovered and looked back at Jungkook, “Rematch?” “You’re on!”
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binniewon · 3 years
Midnight Roses 14 (repost)
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Pairing: DarkAngel!BTS/ Female!Reader
Warning: Major character death, minor character death, language
A/N: Yes this story is mine I am just reposting because my links weren’t working!  I’m sorry!
How is it possible that your life led you to this moment, when you were younger the most dangerous thing that you wanted to do was help your mom cook brownies, how is it that now you had a sword hanging over your head and at any moment it could drop, but if you had the choice would you go back?
If you had a choice would you have left them and never let them into your home if you had done that instead would your life be different, would you still be in a dark hole of sadness waiting for someone to save you maybe if you knew the outcome of letting them into your home that day you would have chosen differently.
But with how far you have all come as a couple in this messed up relationship you don’t think that you would have chosen differently they had shown you more love than you could ask for, they had answers to your many questions, and when you needed them most they were there for you they would always be there for you, even now as you sat in the corner of the dark cell wondering why someone would be so cruel to show you that your soulmates were going to die and there was nothing that you could do about it.
“Baby it’s okay” Hoseok said as he held you in his arms trying his hardest to comfort you but you could see through him you knew that he was just as scared as you but there was no way that you could comfort him and you hated yourself for that. “I-i-I am such a terrible person if I hadn’t been so upset with Y/N then we wouldn’t be in this situation I’m so so sorry” you looked over at F/N and slowly got out of Hobi’s arms “Save you fucking sorry and don’t try and make this situation about you because it isn’t all of our lives it has had to be you in the spotlight when I felt like crap you forced me to go to a freaking concert you barely even came over and you know what I am so fucking done with you and your bullshit I honestly hope you rot in hell”.
She looked at you confused but it was soon replaced with hurt, you just couldn’t find it in yourself to care she has hurt you in more ways than one just because she was pissed at you for not living up to her expectations. Jimin looked at you with sympathy as he pulled you closer “I know it is hard Y/N but just think we will always belong to each other even in death” you didn’t know why that comforted you but it did, it was probably because Jimin wasn’t as nervous as Hobi so your emotions weren’t on edge as he held you.
“Let’s get some rest we have a long day ahead of us”
“psst” you slowly opened your eyes and you were met with Taehyungs dark brown one staring right at you “psst” you heard again but a bit louder this time when you sat up you saw someone standing at the gate with an oil lamp “Mom?” you heard Taehyung ask as he slowly stood up “Yes baby I can’t just let them kill you we have to leave now” Taehyung nodded his head and turned around to everyone who was now awake he didn’t have to say anything you all knew what you needed to do.
The forest was so dark and on top of that fear was coursing through your veins if you got caught you knew it wasn’t going to be good so you tried your hardest to push you emotions to the side and be there for your soulmates “Taehyung I am so sorry for not doing anything the first time letting you go was the hardest thing I could do as a parent if you were to die I would never forgive myself” you watched as Taehyung hugged his mom before letting her go “I know mom you don’t have to explain yourself” he said as he walked over to Jungkook’s awaiting arms “I never blamed you” his mom gave him a small smile before she continued down the path.
It wasn’t long before you were in front of this thing that looked like a portal “Just walk through here and you should be back in Korea” you all nodded your heads and started towards it before she stopped you all again “Taehyung I lov-“ she didn’t have a chance to finish her sentence before an arrow was sticking out of her chest you screamed and covered you mouth in shock “Mom!” Taehyung shrieked as he ran over to his mother’s dying body “I knew she would do something like this” you looked up at the voice and saw Jimin’s mom standing there with a crossbow in her hand “Well it was supposed to wait until tomorrow but I guess I will kill you myself” Yoongi quickly pulled you behind him “I should really rip your throat out right now” Jimin said and for a moment you thought you saw his eyes turn black “That’s no way to talk to your mother Jiminie” Jungkook let out an inhuman growl before you saw something you never thought you would witness in fact you didn’t even know they could do this.
Beautiful black wings sprouted from Jungkook’s back before he ran over to Jimin’s mom and snatched the crossbow out of her hand he quickly bashed it against her head before throwing it to the ground at this point you were close to passing out from shock and fear “Taehyung we ha-” you weren’t registering anything that they were saying even as you felt some shake you their words sounded jumbled “Y-y/n we have to go” you shook your head trying to pull yourself out of this daze “Hey we need to go” Yoongi said sweetly as he brushed your hair out of your face.
“We can’t go out of the portal they will just follow us” Namjoon said “Well then how do you expect us to leave Joonie” Jin asked confused “I don’t know” you knew it wouldn’t get anyone anywhere to get upset but it was kind of hard when you just witnessed someone die right in front of you “Well can you please figure it out” you asked annoyed “I’m sorry that was really insensitive of me” you apologized but nobody said anything the only sound that could be heard was the sobs coming from Taehyung who was in Jimin’s arms “We will probably have to fight our way out of this” Hoseok said as he looked at Namjoon who just nodded his head “I think Hobi’s right”.
Your dream suddenly came into your mind and you shook your head disagreeing with Namjoon and Hobi’s statement “Absolutely not that is too risky” Taehyung stopped crying and looked at you anger in his eyes “They will pay for what they did Y/N” he said malice dripping with every word.
The sound of shouting alerted you all as you came closer to the Kingdom you could see fire from where you stood in the forest Namjoon who was leading you all turned around “No matter what happens I love you all more than anything” you quickly ran over to him and threw your arms around his neck “I love you too” you turned to the rest of them “All of you”
You knew you should have stopped them they told you and F/N to wait in the forest and they would be back but it seemed like that had been hours ago “I’m going to find them” you said as you stood up but was soon pulled back down “No you’re staying here Y/N” you were about to snap at her when excruciating pain shot throughout your body you struggled to catch your breath the pain being too much to handle “S-something’s w-rong” you said to F/N  “Y/N what’s wrong” you quickly jumped up ignoring the pain and ran out to find your boys you needed to find them they couldn’t leave you not like this.
You coughed as you walked through the smoke trying to find them the pain was getting worse but you pushed through it you knew that you needed to find them “Jeon Jungkook you have been found guilty of murder and treason may you rest in peace” at that you fell to the ground the pain finally catching up to you when you were about to give in and pass out the smoke cleared and you saw your worst nightmare in front of you your boys laying side by side…
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salvejoon · 4 years
Life is Beautifully Ugly (At Times) - pjm | 02
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⇒ Warnings for this chapter: Not much for this chapter, some cursing but that’s about it.
⇒ A/N: Happy New year lovelies! 
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Namjoon let himself into the apartment and he was met with silence. He glanced at his watch on his wrist. Usually, by now the apartment would be full of noise and life. Han would be on his 3rd cup of coffee, ready to drown himself in paperwork and Charlotte would be busy tidying the place up with soft music playing in the background and Hyejin would be running around, probably with a Superhero toy in her hand, making weird noises to assimilate flying sounds.
He hung up his coat and glided a hand through his still-damp hair. He had barely gotten any sleep last night, regretting how he let you go home by yourself after the hospital but you had insisted that he simply drop you off and he should go home and get some rest. 
You shouldn’t be alone in this. You needed support as much as Hyejin. 
He walked into the living room, glanced at the turned-off TV as memories of Han and Hyejin watching cartoons flashed by in his mind, and proceeded to walk into the kitchen. 
Standing still, he spotted you. You had your back to him and were still dressed in your dress from last night. His heart constricted when he saw you lift a trembling hand to your face, wiping away tears no doubt. Your hair was a mess too, sticking out in various ways. 
You jumped slightly at the sound of his voice and turned around, a soft sigh escaping you as you saw him, “Joonie. You scared me.” 
“Sorry.” Namjoon walked over to you. 
“Do you want some coffee? I was just making some.” 
“I’m fine.” He said and you nodded, turning around to fumble with the coffee machine, “How are you?” 
“I lost my little sister and my brother-in-law last night in a car accident and I had to tell their 4-year-old daughter that they won’t be coming home ever again and then I had to watch that break her tiny heart while trying not to break down myself. So far, so good.”
“I haven’t slept in over 24 hours. I’m still in the dress I wore last night. I haven’t showered nor brushed my teeth. I feel like crawling into a hole and cry and scream. I don’t want to deal with the people that have been blowing up my phone since the news came out. I don’t want to deal with the tabloids. I don’t want to… Deal with this…” You paused off as tears began to trail down your cheeks, “I feel so lost, Joonie.” You ended with a murmur. Strong arms enveloped you in a tight embrace and you clung onto him like he was the only thing keeping you together. 
Your sobs were muffled by his shirt as he comforted you, “You’re not alone in this. I’m here. Our friends are here. You and Hyejin won’t go through this alone, Y/N, I promise.” 
His words only made you cry harder, “Whatever you need, I will provide it.” 
“Can I have them back?” 
Namjoon blinked and felt a few tears roll down his cheeks, “I wish I could bring them back, sprout. I truly do.” 
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Jimin stared at the picture standing on his desk. It was of himself and Han a few years ago. Han was holding up a large fish, flashing that signature Park smile while Jimin held the fishing pole. He smiled too but not as big as his brother. He remembered having been bored on that trip his big brother had dragged him on to. He remembered having said to Han that he didn’t care about fishing. 
Right now he wished he could go fishing again with Han.
Sighing, he ran a hand down his face. 
His heart hurt. His stomach growled. His head pounded. Everything just hurt. But he didn’t have time to wallow in the hurt. He had people to call.
The drunk man that had killed his brother and Charlotte wouldn’t know the taste of freedom ever again.
He would make sure of it. 
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You left the bathroom feeling a little bit better after having changed out of the dress and taken a shower. You could hear the deep timbre of Namjoon’s voice coming from the living room and you guessed he was on the phone with someone. Deciding to leave him alone, you walked the other way and found yourself at the door to Hyejin’s bedroom. You carefully opened the door ajar and peeked inside, expecting to see her sleeping still but instead you saw her sitting on the edge of the bed, her small frame trembling. Then she sniffled and hiccuped and you walked into the room. 
“I-Imo?” She looked up at you with wet eyes, bottom lip twitching, “I had a nightmare.” 
“It’s okay, baby. I’m here.” You sat down beside her and pulled her onto your lap, rocking her back and forth as she cried into your t-shirt, “It’s okay.” 
“I-I’m s-sorry.” She hiccuped and you glanced down at her. 
“For what?” 
“Because I know you are sad too.” Her small hands grasped your t-shirt tightly, “And I don’t want to see Imo cry. It hurts.” 
You tightened your hold on her and kissed the crown of her head, “I know baby, but we’ll be strong together, okay? It hurts me too to see you cry but that’s okay.” 
“I miss them.” 
“Me too, sunflower, me too.” 
There was a knock on the door and Namjoon popped his head inside, “Thought I heard someone whispering.” 
“Boon!” Hyejin exclaimed weakly when he approached you on the bed and bent down, ruffling her hair lovingly. 
“Hey sprout. You okay?” He asked softly, wiping away the wet streaks on her cheeks. She leaned into his touch and shook her head, “How about we go make some breakfast, hm?” At this, the small girl smiled a little and made grabby hands towards him, “Okay, up we go.” 
“Missed you, Boon.” She said as she was picked up and nuzzled her face into his shoulder. Namjoon chuckled and kissed the top of her head, “I missed you too, sprout.”
You smiled at them and stood up from the bed, “Okay, let’s go make some breakfast.” 
“Do you need help?” You heard him ask behind you as you walked down the hallway. 
“You stay as far away from the kitchen as possible, Joonie. I don’t need a burnt down apartment on my hands either.” 
“Alright, alright.” 
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His father sat by his desk, on the phone, as usual. Jimin waited patiently for his father to finish up the call. 
“I see. Since Mr. Hakimura doesn’t agree, can you ask him if his wife will appreciate being shown pictures of him and his secretary last Friday night? Mhm. Mhm. Call me back once you have his signature.” 
And as usual, his father was ruthless. 
“Ah, Jimin.” His father said as he hung up, “Have you talked with Mr. Kim?” 
“I have, sir.” 
His father leaned back in his leather chair and folded his hands on his lap, “Good. And what did he say?”
“He told me to talk to her myself.” It was more like ‘How about you talk to her yourself, idiot’ but he couldn’t tell his father that.
“I see. I trust you will have it handled?” 
Jimin bowed, “As soon as I’m done here.” 
“Good. Call me once it’s over.” 
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“I was on the phone earlier.” 
“It was Jimin.”
“Oh. How was he?” 
“Alright, given the circumstances.”
“Did he want something?”
There was a knock on the door and you lifted your head from the stove and glanced towards the living room, “Mind getting that?” You asked Namjoon and the man nodded, patting Hyejin on her head as he sat her up on the counter. 
You heard the door open and two deep muffled voices but turned your focus to the omelet in the pan. You glanced over your shoulder when you heard your niece move and stand up on the counter, panicking slightly, “Hyejin, sit back down.” 
“But I was just getting a cup. I’m thirsty.” She pouted but stood still. 
“Sit down, sweetie. It’s dangerous.” You moved the pan away and went over to her, lending her a hand as she sat back down onto the counter, “You could have asked me to get a cup for you.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
You kissed her cheek before opening the cabinet to get a cup, “It’s okay but don’t do that again, okay?” She nodded and you walked over to the fridge to grab a water bottle. Someone cleared their throat and you looked over the door of the fridge. 
“Good morning.” Jimin greeted, looking at you and then at Hyejin. He looked as sharp as ever in a white shirt and black khakis, his hair swept back neatly but you noticed the dark patches under his eyes, “I’ve brought breakfast.” He announced, putting a white plastic back onto the island. 
You huffed, “Thank you but as you can see, I’m already making breakfast.” 
“It’s donuts.” He stated. 
“I love donuts.” Hyejin mumbled as she stared at the plastic bag. 
“That’s why I brought some for you.” He smiled at her and ruffled her hair. Hyejin looked at her uncle, contemplating for a second before she turned her attention to you and you sighed, the look on her face already melting away your annoyance. 
“Fine.” You grumbled and closed the fridge, “But only this once.”
“Yes, Imo.” The way her eyes lit up made you smile a little and you poured the water into the cup. Namjoon grabbed a plate from another cabinet and put it next to the bag, pulling out the container.
Hyejin could barely contain her excitement as the multitudes of colors were revealed to her hungry eyes, “I want that one! And that one!” 
Namjoon chuckled, “What about the chocolate one?”
“There’s chocolate?! Give me!” 
The tall man put a chocolate donut onto the plate and took it with one hand while he swooped up Hyejin in his other arm, “Let’s go watch some cartoons.” 
“Can we watch One Punch Man?” 
“Anything you want, sprout.” 
The pair left the kitchen, leaving you and Jimin in peace. The latter leaned against the island and glanced at his watch, making you raise a brow, “Do you have somewhere to be?” 
“I have a board meeting in an hour.” 
You scoffed and walked over to him, hungrily eyeing the donuts, “Of course. Do you ever not work?” 
“It’s important.” 
“More important than you taking some time off to grieve?”
You rolled your eyes as you grabbed the blue donut, “Your brother died last night, Jimin.” 
“I am perfectly aware of that which is also why I am here. Do you have plans for the funeral?” He asked, looking at you as you shoved the donut into your mouth. You had dark patches under your eyes, indicating you had gotten no sleep like him. Your hair was damp and cascaded down your shoulders, making your black t-shirt wet by the strands. You wore a pair of sweatpants, no doubt Namjoon’s, with how big they seemed on your body.
You chewed and scowled, “It’s on the top of my to-do list but I haven’t really had the time nor energy since I had to console a 4-year-old and accept the fact that I won’t ever see my sister or your brother again. It’s been less than 24 hours but I’ll get to it later today.” 
Jimin nodded and you kept on munching on the donut, his eyes following you as you walked over to your half-cooked omelet and picked up the pan.
“Our father wants to do the funeral arrangements.” He blurted out. He heard the clicking sound of the gas stove, the pan hanging midair as you froze.
“Does he now?” You asked and put the pan onto the stove. 
“I see.” 
Jimin knew that tone and prepared himself for a fight, “Let him do what he wants, Y/N. It’ll be easier for everyone.” 
“Oh, if your father thinks I’ll just roll over…” You paused and grabbed the handle of the pan tighter, trying to contain your anger, “He’s wrong. If he thinks that he can just waltz back in and act like he actually cared about Han, his son whom he cut off, by the way, in case you forgot, just because he’s dead, then he can think again.” 
“The expenses-”
“The cost doesn’t matter.” You whirled around and glared at him, “I have my own damn money, Jimin, so I don’t need his money.” 
“Don’t ‘Y/N’ me!” You yelled, “He hasn’t been a part of their lives for years and now he suddenly wants to act like a father? Act like he’s heartbroken by the fact that his eldest son is dead? Fuck off.” 
“Don’t be selfish.” Jimin said stiffly and flinched when you slammed your hand onto the countertop. 
“Don’t you fucking dare calling me selfish. He can participate in the service but he is not going to plan anything. You can tell your father that and if he has a problem then he can call me himself.” You were breathing heavily as you tried to reign in your emotions, “I know it’s your father, Jimin. But he hasn’t been a father to Han for years, don’t forget that.” 
“Am I allowed to help plan the funeral arrangements?” He asked, voice softening slightly and watched as you nodded and turned back to the stove. 
“And let me pay for half of it?” 
“If you insist. Han was your brother. Now, do you want omelet or donuts?” 
“I am not eating anything that you have cooked. You might try to poison me.” 
“You know, you really are an asshole.” 
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Mafia! Namjoon prompt request: “Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so…”
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Namjoon had been acting strangely the past few days. He was extremely tense whenever you spoke to him. His shoulder would shrink up, his eyebrows would furrow, and he’d give you a curt one word answer before walking off. You couldn’t help but wonder if you did something wrong, or if he was just stressed. He had plenty of reason to be. Running an entire mob empire of course would be very physically and mentally draining. But in the past 6 months you two had been together he never raised his voice at you. Not even once. Which left you feeling more confused than ever.
Take right now for instance. You had been trying to get in contact with him all day, sending text messages, attempting to call him. You were worried. You couldn’t help but wonder if something had happened to him. When you were done working you called his right hand man and best friend Jin to see if everything was okay and if he was home, tired of getting only radio silence from your boyfriend.
“Hey y/n what’s up?”
“Hi Jin. Is Namjoon home right now?”
“Hmm, yes. He’s been home all day. Hasn’t left the apartment actually. Why?”
“Oh.. He hasn’t responded to any of my calls or text messages I was just worried something happened to him.”
“I think he’s just stressed. I wouldn’t take it personally.”
“I thought so. I just wanted to surprise him and maybe bring him dinner.”
“I think that would be a lovely idea y/n. Surely seeing your beautiful smiling face would make him feel better.”
“You are such a flirt! Namjoon is gonna have your head on a silver platter if he hears you someday, you know?!” He laughs loudly into the phone.
“I’m not being serious! I see how in love you two are with each other, it’s disgusting. Now go get food for your boyfriend and shower him with your love to bring him out of this slump okay?”
“Will do. Thanks, Jin.”
The drive over you can’t help but feel nervous, like something is off. You enter into the apartment and notice it’s pitch black. All the lights are off. You can see a glow coming from the bedroom door where it’s cracked open. You assume it’s from the TV as you hear quiet voices talking in there. As you approach you can hear it is a news report.
“He is ruthless. He is a monster. He won’t hesitate to kill anyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s killed his own family members before. Is he even capable of feeling love for anyone?”
“Surely not. Kim Namjoon is the textbook definition of a sociopath.”
You’ve heard enough. You practically kick the door open and shut the TV off. The room is immediately plunged into darkness and you walk over to turn the lamp on. Namjoon hasn’t even reacted to your presence. He doesn’t even flinch when the room is suddenly bathed in light.
“What a load of bullshit. Those reporters don’t know the first thing about you. Joonie? Hey. Look at me please?” You reach your hand out to cup his face and lift his gaze to you. He immediately bats your hand away and flinches, still not meeting your eyes.
“Just go y/n.”
“Absolutely not. I am not leaving you like this. You can’t honestly believe that nonsense they were saying can you?” He finally looks at you, but there is no kindness or warmth in his eyes. There’s a darkness and an anger there you’ve never seen before.
“It’s not lies, they are absolutely right. I am a monster. A ruthless murderer. That’s all I am. That’s all I ever will be. There is a darkness inside of me that will never go away and I don’t want to taint your light with it. So please for your sake just go. Like they said, am I even really capable of loving someone? I’ll be fine. Leave before I hurt you.”
“Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so…” Your words are cut off by a wave of tears falling down your cheeks. And in that moment you see the gentleness return to his eyes. “You’re not any of those things. You’re an amazing boyfriend, a wonderful friend to Jin and son to your parents. You do bad things, but you aren’t a bad person. It’s because you were brought up in this world and it’s the only way you know to survive. And besides…” You reach down and hold his hands in yours. The knuckles are bruised, and there’s old scars littered across them. “These hands could never hurt me. Ever.” You bring them up and kiss the back of each knuckle. Namjoon lets out a heavy sigh before tugging you into his arms and hugging you tightly.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what, baby? You have nothing to apologize for.” You pull back and cup his face in your hands, holding him gently as if he’s the most precious thing in the world to you. And he is. The look in your eyes tell him all he needs to know. With little hesitation he leans in and presses a kiss to your lips, just as softly as your eyes held onto his a moment ago.
“I was an asshole to you the past few days.”
“You were.”
“I’m sorry..”
“You’re already forgiven. Is this the reason why? Were you actually believing those things about yourself?”
“Yes.. I heard a news cast when I was walking around the city. And I heard all of the things they were saying about me. And I realized they are true. But you’re also right too. It’s only because it’s the only way I know to survive.  But... I don’t want to be that person anymore. I don’t want to be a monster. I want to be someone who is worthy of your love. You’ve shown me there is more to life. That I actually do deserve to be happy. That maybe I have a chance to change and escape this life altogether.”
“You absolutely do. And I promise, I’ll be there for you every step of the way. Until you’re ready to leave, you can rely on me. Talk to me, you can trust me. I want to be there for you and protect you just as you do for me.” And at last you are graced with the sight of his adorable dimpled smile. He pulls you into his embrace again. You feel the tension slowly leave his shoulders as he resigns himself to you.
“I love you y/n.”
“I love you too, Namjoon. Always.”
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bunny-bts · 3 years
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Summary: Truth can be harder to bring in than the cattle and spirits can be harder to raise
Warnings: language, angst, mushiness, toxic relationships, mentions of religion, cattle/ranch life, love, drama, alcohol consumption
Authors Note: This one is specifically for me and a friend, I have no idea how many words as always and I'll try to make this a one shot not a series because I just abandon those but if it gets too long I may have to make it a series
Rating: M, no smut but suggestive and mature topics
Characters: Namjoon x reader, Taeyhung x reader's friend
"Morning, Y/N," Namjoon smiles as he enters your kitchen. "Morning Joonie, what are you doing here?"
"oh...uh....your dad sent me over to make a delivery...."
"oh, okay. Come on, sit down and eat," you gesture to the seat across from you at the table and wipe your mouth with the cloth napkin before sitting it beside your plate which was piled over with cheesy grits, sausage, scrambled eggs and some leftover roasted potatoes from supper. You slide your chair out to stand and he comes over to sit as you walk to go grab him a plate. "We had some garlic roasted potatoes last night, want some? The garden out back worked nice for the garlic and the potatoes in the crops came out nice this year so dad brought some home and I made it"
"Yeah, sure. Thankyou.....so the crops are good?"
"Oh yeah, and Mary Lou just had a calf last night and dad says I can keep this one"
"oh yeah? You happy?"
"Totally, you know I try not to get too overly attached usually...."
"Yeah, I know, and I know you've wanted to keep one since you were little," he smiles over at you. You can't help but giggle and jump in place, "I know~," you clap your hands. "You do know you have two horses right?" He laughs a little and rubs the back of his neck, sitting his hat in his lap. "Yes, I love them Cortney and Karen. Shush, let me be happy," you playfully scold him as you continue making his breakfast. "Okay, how're they doing?"
"They're great and Karen has a show soon so I'm getting her mane done and some new shoes-oh! Want to come boot shopping with me? I want to get a new pair so they're shiny, I've been working in mine and they're muddy and I want some more jeans with the studded embroidered pocket designs"
"Shopping?" He makes a face that's a mix of disgust and uncertainty. "Please, it's for Karen's show and my friend is coming to visit"
"Since when do you have friends other than me and Tae?"
"Since about six months ago and haha cute, I'm feeding you," you bring the plate to him and then pour him some juice before sitting back down to eat.
"Maybe, I'm pretty busy but when do you want to go?" "Well, her show is next week and Jeff is coming then too so maybe....Sunday, after church?"
"Yeah, that works, we can go after we leave and get food....Jeff," he did not like the idea of it being a guy. You had all too recently ended a really bad relationship. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Who was he kidding, he didn't like the idea of anyone with you that wasn't him, but, he wanted to protect you after your last boyfriend. "I know what you're thinking, and yes. Jeff needs this"
"Alright then, this is good, just orange juice?" "Yeah, I need to run to the store after work. Want to come with?" "Can't, delivery." "A long one huh, well do you need anything? I can shop for you and take it over"
"Uh no no yes, yes, I need everything, all of it, groceries," he laughs, "do you know where the spare key to the house is?" "My bra, you gave me one last year when you went to Florida, remember?" "Oh yeah, alright," he had already finished, "can I meet the new addition before I start the day?" "Sure!" You were already running out of the door. "Wait, we gotta do the dish-" "I'll do it when I get back!! Come-on!" You grab his hand a pull him.
"This is Mochi," you introduce him. "She's cute," he smiles and pets her and her mother, "alright," he stands back up and stretches. "Hi Karen, hi Courtney," he waves to your jet black Friesian horse with the gorgeous wavy mane, the ever graceful and snooty Karen and the tan Mustang with black from the hooves to the knees like long socks and dark black hair that have a red highlight at the tips in the sun, the ever goofy and stubborn Courtney in the stalls nearby in the barn. "Well, sun is getting up so I should get going. Where are they?" "Uhm, oh! These," you guide him to the cattle he was here to get and he starts loading them up while you wash the dishes from breakfast and put the leftovers away.
"Bye," you wave to each other as you're both heading out for the day. You were already excited for Sunday.
"Morning," Taeyhung scrolls up, he worked with you. "Hey Tae, oh, we decided, she's coming next week on Thursday"
"Awesome, you've been excited. Jeffree right? I have a room ready for her at my place, can't have her stay at a hotel" "Cool, great, thanks you're a sweetheart, I'll tell her"
The next few days passed as always, only now you were excited because you had Karen's show so you got to prepare for that, got her groomed and everything and you were making arrangements for your guest, Jeff, your friend online you met through a mutual liking of a band. As always, days were tiring but Taeyhung made them interesting. The three of you, you two and Namjoon and had been together for as long as you can remember since Taeyhung moved to town when he was six and you all went to the same church. He was a good guy, they both were.
"Night Lil, see you in the morning," he waves goodbye and slips his gloves off as he walks to his truck to go home for the night. The two of you felt like siblings after spending pretty much every day together, you worked most days of the week together then on Sunday there was church where ofcourse the 'golden trio' as the church elders had coined you, all chose to share a pew, and snacks and memes; and after work you would sometimes drink together. You all had other friends from church too, but they weren't as close as the three of you were. You had no idea that Namjoon didn't feel like you were a sibling, maybe he used to, but not for the longest time now. It was Saturday, which meant, going out with them for a drink and something to eat. Taeyhung had insisted he was tired and would see you at church in the morning so you go home, well to the house. You wash up and change into clean comfortable jeans and a clean t-shirt then head out to the bar. You were starving after a days work to say the least, breakfast had worn off forever ago.
"Y/N!" He waves and gestures you over and you skip, for lack of better verb, over to the stool next to him. "Hi Y/N, what will it be?" The server asks, you order your drink first and a appetizer to share with him. That usually was more than enough to fill you both up. "Okay....since the other day....I've been thinking....," He speaks, his hands fiddling with his glass beer mug. "Thinking about what?" You ask curiously and sip yours. ".....Maybe it isn't my place .....but uh....about this Jeff.....I do-"
"it will be fine, relax," you grab his shoulder. "A-Alright.....how was your week?" "It was good, Tae Tae said he was tired so he went home...."
He nods, "that's weird...."
"I know right!? How was your week love?" You were too busy enjoying your drink to look up and notice him change color at the term of endearment. "Oh, I missed you...you guys, I missed you guys," he smiles, those dimples that melt your heart when he has a bashful moment appearing on his cheeks. "Aww, we missed you too. I think Tae is excited about Jeff coming, he has a room ready and everything. Oh, you remember we are going shopping tommorow after work right?" "Yeah, I remember, oh he's happy ab-Jeff is staying with Tae! That's great!" "Joonie ......honey, are you alright?" You ask, raising a brow at him. "Oh...oh yeah, it's just-hotels would be expensive," he covers and is thankful you nod in agreement. It's silent for a bit while you wait on your food, he taps his fingers on his glass and looks straight ahead mostly except for when he steals quick glances at you. His insides were shaking like the leafs on a tree and his foot was tapping like Thumper against the bar on the bottom of the stool as he hears a song come on that he knows is one of your favorite. Letting his eyes scan the room he sees a few drunken couples dancing like complete idiots. "Hey, it's your song......we should dance?"
"You're joking, right? Joonie, seriously"
"no, really," he laughs
"Alright, what the hay?" You shrug and down your drink so you won't care and could actually go through with it.
He chuckles and holds you steady, "feeling brave now?" "Mhm, oh yeah," you nod and giggle.
That Sunday is was a bit of a struggle waking up after the night you had before, Namjoon was sure that you are plenty and drank water but that wasn't enough for him so he drove you home and called Tae to come and get him so he could drive his truck home; he wanted to tuck you in. The shopping after service was fun, Tae even came, he wanted to get a new shirt and some new jeans which he got several of and wanted your opinion on all of them then he proceeded to also get new pointed toe boots. The week seemed to drag for you both as you both got closer to Thursday but it was finally here.
"Tae wake up," you smack him because he stayed over and was going to ride with you to get her. "Hmm?" He sits up slowly and wipes his eyes. "It's Thursday, she texted she's at the airport" "Oh, yeah"
You pick her up together and bring her back to Tae's place and show her around. She seems nervous at first and quiet, shy. "Relax," you laugh as you give her a tour and help her unpack while you wait on Namjoon to come. Tae had seen her pictures online because you had shown him but it was his first time meeting her as well.
"Y/N," he called out for you from the kitchen. "Just a sec, Jeff," you go out to him as he's drying his hands from washing dishes. "Can you introduce us?" "Yeah, sure? Come on," you pull him by his arm.
"Jeff," she turns to you as she is putting her things away on the floor. "Taeyhung is shy, He wants me to introduce you guys."
"Oh, hi," she smiles and you instantly notice his reaction and it all clicks in your head, making you try and hide a smirk. "This is Tae Tea and Tae this is Jeffrene, Jeff"
"H-Hi," he smiles and they shake hands, "Taeyhung," he says, she notices how deep his voice actually is and paired with the shyness has to laugh. You share a look about how adorable it is.
"Hello?" Namjoon calls from the front door. You introduce everyone.
"Jeff is a girl," Namjoon is shocked, you just wanted to see his reaction to thinking it was a guy. Funny, as you suspected.
"There's nothing to do today as far as work...," Tae speaks, directed to you. "Okay? Cool, what should we do?" You ask them. He pulls you off to the side, "c-can I take her to get some boots?" "Some boots?" You cross your arms. "Y-Yeah....," He tucks his hands in his pockets, "I want to show her around...."
You take his body language into account and conceal from him that you see he is crushing on your friend. "oh yeah, that's a good idea, you can take her to meet the girls" "Thanks," he tries to hide how overly excited he is, "h-how do I ask her?" "Okay, it's really complicated," you put a hand on his shoulder, "here is what you do"
"You go to her and you," you pause
"Yeah?" You could tell he was falling for your trick. Sweet gullible little Taeyhung, you loved him so much.
"and you say ....do you want to come with me to buy some boots? I want to show you the animals on the farm"
He gives you a squinting glare, "you're an asshole," he says while you're laughing and Namjoon is listening in and kindly restricting himself. You both watch your friend approach his first crush.
"Hi....," He smiles and greets her again, with a awkward little wave, one hand tucked into his back pocket. "Hi"
"Do you want...to come with me...to uhm....to buy you some boots and I can uh....show uh....show you the animals?" You face palm for him.
"That's sweet, sure, that sounds nice," she was happy to go along and as excited as he was, she loved animals.
----you and Namjoon at Tae's house-------
"That's cute, it's good that Tae is finally going for it with someone. I was starting to worry that he's never crushed on anyone before," Namjoon chuckles.
"For real though! I'm so proud but our little boy is growing up, now I'm sad," you stomp and come over to him, hugging his torso to lay your forehead on his chest like a melodramatic distraught wife who was experiencing empty nest syndrome. The action was nothing out of the ordinary. He laughs and pats your hair, "it's okay, we can have s'mores, how about that?" "Oo~ I feel better," the two of you grab the graham crackers and marshmallows but Tae didn't have the sticks or the chocolate so you run to the store for them and come back. Namjoon starts the bonfire then you two get cozy and start eating the s'mores without the other two in Tae's pasture.
"Naa~," Your melted chocolate and marshmallow delight cracker sandwhich is taken away from you. "Hey!"
"Hey! Bad Cleo! Bad Cleopatra! You can't take your aunt's s'mores!" Namjoon scolds the pony. "Now, tell her you're sorry young man," he throws his hands on his hips in a sassy manner which makes you almost fall over laughing. The pony rubs his head against you as a apology. "It's okay baby, I forgive my favorite nephew," you pet his nose and kiss it and he trots away to go to his mother. Namjoon laughs and sits back beside you, looking at them. "Mable is getting old......," you both knew what he meant by that. "Yeah...., I know." "Think Tae will be okay....?" "Let's hope so....."
---Taeyhung and Jeff-----
"What size do you wear?" Tae asks, he insisted on opening his truck door for her, and the store's door. He bought her a pair of boots and gloves before taking her out to your place. "I'll show you Y/N's first, then mine"
"This is Mary Lou and her new calf, she hasn't named her yet," he watches her happily pet them then takes her to your horses, "this is Cortney and Karen," after you've gotten to know them all he shows you all around before taking you home.
"I have horses too, well I have a horse and a pony," he takes you out back.
"Oh, they started without us, I won't let you miss the s'mores," he promises. "Cleo! Mable!" Cleo comes to them and she happily plays with him for a moment before Mable finally gets there and she pets the old horse.
The night is spent enjoying s'mores and getting to know each other by the fire.
Authors Note: This may have a chapter two
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missgarnet · 4 years
Bad Idea
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Word count:1.9K
Part Two of Yours, Mine, & Ours 
Part One  Part Three
Summary: After a messy breakup Y/N ends up at her neighbor Namjoon's home with a bottle of wine. What could possibly go wrong? 
Link to ao3
 Everything was NOT going as you planned. It was supposed to be the best anniversary you and your boyfriend have ever had, the last before you got married. All of that ended when you glanced over at his phone, and saw the messages from your friend. Next thing you knew, the two of you were in a screaming match worse than any of the other fights you had. The night ended in broken glass and slammed doors.
 You sit with your back against the wall, listening to the sounds of your neighbor shuffling around his apartment. The two of you weren’t particularly close, especially since he stayed somewhere else most of the week. You didn’t want to bother someone you barely knew, but anything was better than sitting in the heavy silence of your empty apartment. Before you could overthink anymore, you grabbed the bottle of wine and went next door.
He seemed confused that you had shown up at his door in your current state. You almost couldn’t stand seeing the pity in his eyes, but it’s not like you could blame him. Seeing yourself in the mirror had shown you enough to understand his reaction. After all, it’s not everyday that your neighbor sees you carrying a bottle of wine with puffy eyes and  watery mascara smudges on both sides, or at least it shouldn’t be.
“I’m sorry you had to hear all of that, it’s usually not this bad. We just got carried away”
“He shouldn’t treat you like that, a relationship needs honesty and communication. If he’s not willing to give that, he shouldn’t be with you. You deserve someone who’s going to respect you and think about what you want.”
“What if I don’t know what I want” you mutter.
He returns from the kitchen with two glasses. “Well, you may as well join the club,” he jokes, pouring the glasses so full that they nearly spill when he goes to lift his. 
“Are you sure you poured enough?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re not the only one who had a long day.” He lets out a dry laugh, “Actually I’d argue that I need this more than you right now.”
You grab your glass off the table, trying not to dump it on your clothes or Namjoon’s light grey furniture. “You probably don’t want to play who has it worse right now. Turns out I’m pretty damn good at that game, and I don’t think you’d win tonight.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure of that if I were you.”
You grin at this, “You want a bet, how about loser buys take out?”
He nods his head at this and pulls out a stack of menus from the coffee table. “Winner picks which one we order, and you go first.”
“Fine, you probably already heard some of it anyway.” You sigh as you begin to speak, rushing through your words as if that would make it hurt any less. “I found a ring in the closet, so I thought he was going to propose. We had a timeline; he didn’t want to get married until his career was in a good spot. I thought tonight was the night. I wore the skirt he likes on me, curled my hair, fuck I even put on lingerie for him. And then I find out my idiot boyfriend fucked his best friend. I went to check the time on his phone, and I saw pictures of him cheating on me with her.”
Namjoon sits silently for a moment thinking through everything you said. “Yea, I still win. My partner left me because he couldn’t stand feeling like I was putting my work before him.”
You bust out laughing as tears begin to run down your face, “How does that win?”
“Your boyfriend was a jerk and I could hear him yelling at you through the walls all the time. Mine was a good person, he just wanted more than I could give him. At least you can move on to someone better now.”
You take a large sip of wine and roll your eyes at him, “That’s easy for you to say, you have options. He was the only one that ever saw me that way.”
“That’s not true,” Namjoon said, placing his hand on your thigh.
You find yourself drawn in by something in his expression, he seemed so sweet and caring yet insanely hot at the same time. Maybe it was an accident, or the wine but you couldn’t hold back any longer. You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer. Without a second thought his lips met yours. You feel him reach around your waist and pull you onto his lap. You reach up and curl your hands through his soft brown hair, giving it a hard tug.
He smirks against your lips and pulls back for a moment, “You like things a little rough, don’t you princess?”
“Only if you can last,” you say as you grab his collar and pull him back in. He glides his hands up your thighs and under your skirt, reaching around to grab your ass and lifts you further on to his lap so that you were positioned right over….. You start rocking your hips back and forth, grinding on him as he pushes your hair aside and buries his head in the crook of your neck. 
You gasp as he begins to suck, leaving little marks leading down your throat as he starts to unclasp the front of your shirt. He pauses to finish taking your shirt off, and all you wanted was for him to hurry the fuck up and take the rest of it off already. You grab the buttons on his shirt and undo them in a rush, unable to wait any longer. You hadn’t been this intimate with someone for a while, and you needed to feel his skin against yours. Being with Namjoon felt different. He wasn’t just doing what made him feel good, he was doing whatever you were responding to most. Each time you gave a little gasp or soft moan, he would start going harder at what he was doing, if you got quieter he would change to something else.
You barely noticed him slipping your panities off, too focused on the way his lips wrapped around your breast. It caught you by surprise when he suddenly flipped you underneath him and sank down to where his face was level with your thighs. He started placing soft kisses, starting from your right knee and trailing up to the highest part of your thigh stopping just short of where you wanted him to go. You whined and shifted in your seat when he switched sides, trying to get him to move faster. He smiles as he leans back away from you, “If you want something, you can always ask for it.”
Without him touching you, you began to grow frustrated. “Namjoon,” you demanded, “I want you.”
He sat back on his knees and smirked, “I’m sorry, you’re going to have to be more specific than that.”
“Damn it Namjoon!” You felt so needy and couldn’t stand him teasing you like this anymore. “I want you. Inside of me. Right now. And if you make me wait any longer so help me”
He cuts you off, “All right princess, if you want it so bad then turn around and get up on your knees.” 
You didn’t appreciate being told what to do, but if doing what he said would get you off sooner, you would do it. Turning in the large chair, you got up on your knees and leaned over the back so that you were more exposed to him. The anticipation was building inside of you as you heard him remove the rest of his clothes. His hands slipped under your skirt and pulled you back, pushing himself inside of you without warning. Your hands grip the edge of the couch in shock as you try to adjust to the feeling, the size was almost too much for you to handle. He gives you a moment before setting a brutal pace. You rock forward with every harsh snap of his hips against yours, lewdly moaning as he traces your curves moving his hands up your body. He rolls your nipples in between his fingers and pinches chuckling as you shift in pleasure. 
It was nothing like you had experienced before, he went from softly kissing your back and caressing your breasts, to digging one hand into your hip and pulling your hair with the other. He managed going from loving and gentle to rough without needing to be told. Even as you finished he fucked you through it, thrusting even harder as he ran his hand up and down your thigh.
You were starting to put your clothes back on when his phone started ringing on the coffee table. Trying to get Namjoon’s attention didn’t work, and the person kept calling. It buzzed one more time before a text popped up on screen Hey Joonie! Don’t forget about our date tomorrow, Love You!
You couldn’t help but shake your head at this. He knew what you just went through, and yet here he was doing the same thing to someone else. “Are you kidding me?” You snap, handing him his phone. “I can’t believe you.”
“Y/N, wait, I can explain” he tries to stop you from leaving, but you’re already slamming the door on your way out.
Namjoon hadn’t talked to you in weeks, he knew you were avoiding him and was trying to give you space. Still it was difficult to hear about the other guys spending time with you when he knew he could make things right if you only gave him a chance. He wanted to explain, but you made it clear that you didn’t want to see him. It hurt for him to see you so happy around his friends when all he could think of was how badly he fucked up. If he was usually so careful with his words, why couldn’t he just find the words to tell you everything? He almost couldn’t believe it when he saw you wheeling a giant suitcase down the hall, sure you probably needed distance, but you didn’t have to move out.
“Y/N, wait,” he ran across the lobby to catch up with you. “I’m sorry, I know I messed up but please don’t leave just because of me.”
You do your best to ignore him, turning away to keep yourself from seeing how upset he’s acting. You try to remind yourself that this is just an act, that he doesn’t really care about you and you didn’t need him. “I’m not leaving, and this isn’t because of you. I’m doing this for me.”
“Y/N, please just hear me out for just a moment. The guys made fun of me for how much I stay here, I got the apartment so that I would have somewhere quiet to write. They liked joking that I only came here to flirt with you, and they’re not wrong.”
“Namjoon, I don’t want to talk to you. You’ve done enough.”
You turn around to leave, but he tries to keep up with you. “Please, that’s not the full story. There’s more going on, and if you could just listen.”
“No,” you snapped, “you’re with someone else. You can’t just take back the things you did. I am sick and tired of people acting like they want me, when really they just don’t want to be alone.”
Namjoon looked hurt and his voice cracked as he spoke, “No, it’s not like that. I do want to be with you. Please just give me a chance to explain.”
Trying to keep yourself from crying, the only thing you could say was, “No.”
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bangtanlalaland · 5 years
situationship 「prologue」 | knj (m.)
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synopsis ↳you recall the moment you made the worst yet best mistake of your life that involves your best friend: Namjoon Kim.
— college!au
→pairing: college student!kim namjoon x female reader
→genre: smut, pwp
→word count: 5.2k+
→contents ⨯ warnings: kissing, unprotected sex (remember: no glove, no love!) slight degradation/pet names (basically being called a cock-slut lollol) daddy kink, mentions of sexting, joon is huge, (srsly he’s packed downstairs so plz be prepared) mentions of masturbation, oral (m + f receiving), nipple piercings, hair pulling, ass slapping, creampie, overstimulation, breath play, (just a little lol) face-fucking
title inspired by: “situationship” by snoh aalegra
a/n: HIIII U HOES, so sorry i haven’t posted in v long, life has me all over the place. so here’s my valentine’s day gift from me to u so plz forgive me. a special thank you to everyone that has shown me love for “in case we die” & “the final touch,” promise i have more content on the way!! LOVE U HOES 💘
prologue 「sixty minutes」 
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It was all so easy. Fleeing to him in an instant whenever he’d hit you with the:
“Are you up? I need you rn” text.
Maybe you’re just a fool, but you simply cannot resist him. No, you aren’t dating. Of course not because that would be silly, right? You’re just best friends. Best friends who occasionally fuck each other’s brains out. You didn’t like putting a label on it either, especially the “friends-with-benefits” one. And that was the problem. This entire situationship being a never ending cycle:
You both have sex ⟶ You get caught up in your feels ⟶ You come to your own conclusion that you’ll break it off with him ⟶ He texts you saying that he “needs” you and how much he misses being inside of you ⟶ Lastly, you go back to him - repeating the process all over again.
And here you are again, riding the hell out of your “friend” Namjoon.
“Yeah, just like that.. ride this fucking dick, fuck!” Namjoon exclaims, slapping and gripping your ass cheeks as you continue to ride him.
“Daddy!” Your head thrown back in ecstasy at how his thick cock fills you up completely. In this moment, all of your feels and doubts of ever getting into this situation with him - gone. Your ultimate goal is to cum on his cock, for what is now probably the thousandth time.
But you love it. You love how amazing he feels inside you. How he can make you feel good beyond limits, and how he pleases you in ways you didn’t think was possible. And Namjoon loves it too. The power he has to make you writhe and scream his name strokes his ego tremendously. He loves that he’s the only man in this entire world that knows what it’s like to hear your moans as he fucks you continuously.
How he’s the only man to ever see your lips part, eyes shut tight, and body tremble as your walls contract around his shaft, being completely drowned within your orgasm - all because of him.
This whole fling first started when he supposedly “accidentally” sent you a dick pic. Apparently you weren’t the intended recipient. You were stunned, not so much that he sent you a photo of his cock but it was the size of him + including the vulgar message sent with the photo itself:
From: joonie 🤩 11:17 pm
My cock is throbbing rn. So horny and in the mood to bend you over and fuck you until your body gives out.
The moment you opened the message, your mouth instantly salivated and your core throbbed with anticipation. It was almost as if he knew exactly what you were doing in that moment because when you got his notification, you were busy watching porn paired with your fingers inside of your cunt. For the past 4 years you’d known Joon, you never put much thought into what his dick may look like.
It was perfectly sculpted, and obviously hard as a brick with a slight curve. You could faintly see a small leak of precum oozing from his juicy, flesh-tone tip. Considering that he messaged you at just the right moment, when your hormones are at its peak, you reply:
To: joonie 🤩 11:20 pm
mmm, please... never knew how thick you are. would love to feel you stretching me out 🥵
And in that moment, you couldn’t believe what you’d just started. The tension between your legs taking over you completely. Nothing but lust oozed from your actions. Finally seeing that sexting your best friend was literally the perfect way to orgasm all over your fingers, you softly chanted his name to yourself. Imagining him standing before you stroking himself with his delicious member. After releasing yourself of your tension, you felt somewhat guilty and awkward that you’d just came to a picture of your best friends cock AND sexted him.
You also pondered who he really meant to send the photo to, which caused you to relish in your feels for the remainder of the night as you sheepishly attempted to fall asleep in your frozen, lonely bed. Part of you liked to think that you were blessed he even sent it to you. But after that night, everything changed. You hadn’t heard from him the next day until later that night asking if you were awake. You simply brushed it off and didn’t bother opening up the message, that way he wouldn’t know if you read it or not.
The reason mainly being that you were afraid he’d want to sext again. Throughout the week, you’d cross paths in certain periods on campus, but you tried in your willpower to avoid him at ALL costs. It all came down to you being aware of your surroundings to make sure he didn’t see you before you saw him. And when you would see him from a distance, you’d instantly turn the other way or hide until the coast was clear. You remembered he would even text you asking where you were since he hadn’t seen you since that day, and you would lie to him saying you were busy studying for exams or running an errand. When in reality, you were at your single room dorm, stuffing your face with gelato and watching Netflix.
The way you now saw Namjoon was so much differently. You both share one class together every Wednesday, and he took the opportunity to sit beside you considering that he hadn’t seen you since before that night. Being near him made you antsy, and you found yourself giving him short responses, making hardly any eye contact. He noticed this and was not happy about it. The distance you kept between him since that night worried him non-stop.
The constant question of: “What the fuck was I thinking?” flooded his mind everyday.
After two weeks of putting up with your edgy behavior, he decided that it was enough. It’s Saturday and yet again, you told him you were studying in the schools library and he knew that was bullshit. Because you have no classes on Saturday, you work during the school week, are off every weekend, and he’d already checked the library. Obviously you were not there, and it pissed him off that you were blowing him off like this. At least, not in the way he’d like to be blown by you.
He marched around campus making his way to your dorm. The sound of your door being knocked on startled you as you were warming up a yakisoba bowl in the microwave. You stand up onto your tippy toes to peek through the peephole. Your entire insides perform a back flip as you notice your best friend standing on the other side of the door. He runs his fingers through his blonde mullet, strands of purple at the tips, his arm resting on the doorframe, and he does not look happy. After not getting a response, he gives a few more hard knocks urging you to open the door.
“Come on, ____. I know you’re in there. We need to talk!”
Fuck. You think to yourself and take a deep breath. He obviously was not going to let up, you know Joon. Your fingers nervously unloosen the lock on the door and grasp the handle pulling it open slowly. Namjoon’s eyes snap up, his breath caught in his throat as he gazes you up and down with those familiar, wide, monolids that could captivate anyone who looks his way. His lips part gradually, and his tongue glides across his bottom lip. It wasn’t until you saw his expression that you noticed you were attired in the shortest pajama shorts you have along with a sleeveless, white tank and no bra. The imprint of your barbell piercings that decorate your nipples clearly visible. Of course, Namjoon wasn’t aware you had these said piercings. You instantly crossed your arms, wanting to hide from his gaze.
Finally breaking the silence he slips, “Nice library you have here. Sure doesn’t look like one though.”
You sigh dramatically and roll your eyes, “Seriously?”
Namjoon steps inside, welcoming his own self in without giving you time to do so yourself. He slowly treads inside, removing his Nikes by the door then flopping down on your loveseat, his legs spread wide open. An awkward silence overtakes your dorm, yet you continue with your antics and into the kitchen to grab your chopsticks so you could finish making your instant yakisoba. Joon notices this and silently follows you into the kitchen. The hair on the back of your neck stands up when you feel his presence behind you. You look up and feel his hand placed over yours, resulting in you dropping your chopsticks. Your body naturally responds and jerks around now facing him.
He continues his gaze, looking deeply into your eyes. There was something in the way he looked at you in that moment of time. His features looked so mesmerizing. You adored the tiny beauty marks that decorate his face, especially the one that sits below his bottom lip; flying strands of his bleach, blonde, hair catch your attention. After an entire week of not paying him any attention, you had nearly forgotten how physically attractive Namjoon is. It is almost sickening, and this is one of the many reasons why you wish you hadn’t started this thing. His stare softens, almost as if he’s thinking. His fingers gracefully caress your cheek, your body naturally responds - shivering under his touch.
“____, what’s been going on with you?"
Unable to form coherent words, you simply respond, “Nothing.” You shift yourself, turning your back to him breaking the contact he once had on your cheek. You hear a deep sigh emit from Namjoon.
“Goddammit, there you go again!” Your eyes widen at the sound of him raising his voice.
“What?!” You retort, slamming your chopsticks down and turning your gaze back to him with raised brows.
“You’re lying. Again. First the library, and now this. I know something’s wrong with you. You’ve practically been avoiding me all week!”
Your eyes shut immediately, trying to hold back anything stupid from slipping out of your lips.
“You’ve been avoiding me since...” he trails off, and you open your eyes to find him with his arms crossed, head hung low.
“Joonie..” You attempt to muster up the correct form to continue your sentence. His wide eyes staring back at you, waiting for an answer.
“I just can’t.. I-I can’t look at you the same way, you know? I don’t know it’s just weird. Just knowing what you, um..”
Joon scoffs, shaking his head, “Then why lead me on?”
Your snap your neck to the side giving him a ‘Really?’ look. “I lead you on?” Your tone dipped in a bit of sassiness.
“You are the one that sent me a picture of your dick! And you want to blame me for it?”
Namjoon blinks rapidly, somewhat taken aback by your tone.
“Well, y-yeah. I mean, you played along with it.” He responds, scratching the back of his neck and hanging his head low again. Truth is, he lied to you too. He didn’t exactly “accidentally” send you that photo. He meant for you to see it. For months, he’d contemplated how he should approach his feelings toward you. All the while, he felt it was a stupid idea, but he also thought it would be a hit or miss. He tends to act out before fully thinking about his actions, and that’s just one of his many weaknesses. You, of course, being his main one.
Deep down you knew he wasn’t lying, because you both know each other long enough to know enough about one another. Yet another silence lingers throughout the space. You sigh in exhaustion, pulling your thoughts together.
“Yes... I did.” Namjoon looks up and locks eyes with you. To him, you look incredibly delectable with the shape of your bare tits, along with your piercings, poking through the light fabric of your tank. His eyes are no longer soft, they’re dark and lustful. Just being under his gaze, gets you warmer by the second. It’s like he’s cooking you with his own eyes, and you are sizzling right now.
His lips part, as he slowly inches toward you.
“Did you like it?” He probes with a hint of curiosity behind the question.
You take a deep breath, looking dead-straight into his eyes while brushing your hair behind your ear.
“Y-yes, I really did.” You say, barely a whisper. Namjoon hums in response, lightly grazing his index finger across your shoulder and down your arm. You’re not sure why but your core suddenly tingled at the simple, physical contact. Causing you to gasp lowly.
“Do you want.. what we said we would do to each other that night? Because, I want you in ways that you don’t understand.” He smirks at your sudden action of rubbing your thighs together. You hum in approval. He runs his index and middle finger across your lips,
“I want to hear you say it, pretty baby.” The sudden pet name made you slip a moan you’re sure he heard.
“I want you, Joonie. Want you to stuff me with your thick cock.” You play along and guide your hands to rub his arms and broad shoulders up and down, looking up at him with innocent-like puppy dog eyes. Just the sight of you alone makes him want to shove his cock so far down your throat, making you gag on it with watery eyes. His growing erection becomes noticeable beneath his sweats. His hands make their way down your side, gripping your waist. He leans down to whisper in your ear,
“Imma beat that pussy like you never ever felt before.”
Your kitty cat clenches around emptiness, desperately wanting to be filled. Before you had a chance to respond, Namjoon pulls away and presses his lips on yours. You naturally wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. The faint smell of his cologne, masked with notes of orange, mint, and cinnamon reel you in to heighten your arousal. His pink, pillow-y lips play a game of tug of war, lightly grazing his teeth along your bottom lip. Your kisses filled with pent-up tension and longing for one another.
He pulls away from your lips and lifts you up, your legs naturally wrapping themselves around his waist as he leads you over to the loveseat and sits down, straddling yourself on top of him. He grips your waist, running his large hands across your ass. You follow the rhythm of his hands and grind against his clothed erection, wanting some type of friction to ease your libido all while gaining a sexy moan from him. Namjoon works one of his hands up into your hair, lightly tugging on it to give him access to your neck.
“Mmm, Joonie.” Your eyes shut as a response to his lips smothering your jawline and neck with wet kisses. Your fingers get lost within the forest that’s his mullet. He continues his trail up to your earlobe, gently nibbling on it.
“Want you.. So bad.. Have no idea.” He slips in between breaths. His deep voice rumbling from his chest, creating a vibration that streams throughout your body ending at your core.
“Want you too, so much.” You respond, pulling away to glance into his eyes, the color like deep pools of medium, roast coffee. He caresses your face, tracing circles on your cheek and presses his lips against yours again. The silky, wet feeling of his plush lips persuades you to pursue your previous actions of grinding. He snakes his hands up to lightly massage your breasts. The sudden motion of your piercings causing you to moan within his mouth.
Namjoon tugs at the hem of your tank and you follow along, tossing the material away on the floor while helping him to remove his basic tee. Your bare chest exposed to him, nipples cool, hardened, and aching for attention. You hear him whisper a “Fuck,” under his breath. His warm embrace sends shivers down your spine, as he desperately caresses your tits. You take this moment to admire the golden tone of his bare skin, so smooth yet such chiseled features.
“When did you get these?” Namjoon questions, gently sliding your piercing back and forth.
“Hmm.. last spring break!”
“So sexy,” He slips, while using his index and middle finger to lightly pinch your other nipple. The piercings make your nipples so much more sensitive to even the slightest touch. Namjoon licks your left nipple in slow circles, while watching your reaction. He gently wraps his lips around you, sucking your nipple with such soft care. The warm, wetness of his tongue and smooth, plushness of his lips soothes and excites you at the same time. Your kitty clenching and gushing, full of arousal and hot and ready for him. He uses his other hand to sneak into your shorts and past your panties. His slender fingers find your drenched folds, coating his digits with your juice.
Your fingernails softly graze over his scalp, as you throw your head back calling his name. He presses sloppy kisses along your neck, humming into you as a response.
“Are you really this wet for your best friend, hm? Does Daddy turn you on this much?”
“Mmm, yes Joonie..” His erection growing by the second, and you can feel it twitch beneath you in his sweats. “Such a dirty girl, want to be cock slut for your own best friend.”
He pulls his fingers from you and you silently whimper at the loss of his touch. Your eyes pry open and find him with his eyes closed, tasting your arousal that was left on his fingers. He moans at the taste. “Mmm... Heavenly.”
The small compliment making you blush and grow warmer between your thighs. Surprisingly, he slips his fingers back into your panties and finds your clit, rubbing the sensitive bud in circles. Making you gasp in shock,
“Joonie...” You look down at him, caressing his smooth strands. He slips a finger inside of you, pushing in and out. You move your hips along his rhythm, as he slips another finger inside of you while simultaneously rubbing your clit with his thumb. Your eyebrows furrowing together at the pleasure your core feels, emitting more wetness onto his fingers while creating squelching noises as Namjoon continues to finger your pussy. Your grip on his hair gets tighter, mimicking the tightness of the coil in the pit of your tummy.
“Want you to cum all over my fingers, pretty baby.” Namjoon commands, while slipping his fingers from your pussy, focusing on your clit, rubbing with just the perfect amount of pressure. Absolutely enough to make you cum on the spot. Your moans slip from you uncontrollably.
“Tell me who’s making you feel so good.” Namjoon coos, while continuously circling your clit with your fingers, all while watching you writhe above him.
“Y-you, J-J-,” Unable to even finish your sentence, your fingers lose their place within his hair. Your body continues shaking from cumming so hard.
“That’s right. Only me. Just look at you, pretty baby. Losing yourself all over your best friends fingers. Only I can do that, hm? Only I can make you feel this good.”
You push his hand away, whining at the overstimulation. Finally he lets up and licks his fingers clean. Still twitching, you glide your fingers down to meet his crotch, massaging him through his clothing.
“Can I... Please? Need you in my mouth.” He eyes your motions and moans in approval. You climb off of him and sit on your knees between his legs. He lifts up to help you remove his sweats. His member visibly shown through his Calvin Klein briefs. It’s so stiff and hard. Your hand finds itself rubbing him again, as you kiss along his thighs. Slowly teasing and finally reaching his cock through the material covering it.
“Fuck... such a tease. You’re a good baby, for Daddy.. Right?”
You look up at him and nod.
“Speak, pretty baby.” He probes, lifting your chin up with his fingers.
“Y-yes I am.”
“Yes what?” Namjoon groans, his voice much harder than before.
You shift slightly at the sudden change in his demeanor, your arousal growing thicker. You thought it was sexy though, how he was now taking control.
“Yes, Daddy..”
He smiles that pretty smile and pets your hair.
“Good girl.” You take this chance to pull his briefs down just enough that his cock springs straight up. Your jaw drops open at the size of him. Pictures couldn’t compare to the real thing, your mouth instantly salivating at his thick length, his bulbous tip the perfect color, matching the shade of his lips and dripping with precum. You moan at the sight of him, wrapping your fingers around him, you gently stroke, sticking your tongue out to taste the bit of liquid oozing.
Namjoon hisses at the feeling, you teasing him with kitten licks. His grasp on your hair gets tighter, “Please don’t tease, baby. Daddy has waited so long to have those pretty lips around his cock.” You took this as a cue to finally encase your lips around him, starting with his tip. His chest rumbles as a moan erupts from within. You swirl your tongue around the tip, sucking tightly while massaging his balls.
“Fuck!” Without warning, Joon bucks his hips upward to get himself further into your mouth, his grip on your hair becomes tighter as he pushes your head down further to take his entire length inside your mouth. You’re taken by surprise at his pace, and almost choke, as your hands now drop on top of his thighs lightly grazing with your nails while Namjoon fucks your face. Literally. You shut your eyes wanting to focus on keeping your gag reflex under control, keeping your throat relaxed, your saliva oozing out and coating Namjoon’s cock and balls creating lewd noises within your tight-spaced dorm.
“Shit yes... Look at Daddy with that pretty fucking face of yours.” He stops his thrusting, holding your head down still. You manage to open your eyes and move your gaze toward his. With water eyes, streams of tears flow down your flushed cheeks. You’re on the brink of losing your breath. The sight of you full of his cock, almost out of breath makes him want to blow his load all over your face. But if he’s going to cum, he has to inside of you.
“Fuck yeah, just like that.” Namjoon finally releases his grip from you, resulting in you letting out a massive gasp, coughing to sync your breathing back to normal. A trail of spit still connecting from his soaked cock to your lips. “Shorts off now.” Namjoon demands. You slip your finger under the hem to pull them down until he interrupts, “Turn around so I can see that ass.”
You jump slightly at his deep voice. His act of dominance making you clench around nothing as you squeeze your thighs together, needing some type of friction. This doesn’t go unnoticed. Your shorts fall to the floor, revealing your bottom that’s clothed with a pair of silk, purple panties that are cut short enough to show your full cheeks. Suddenly, you feel a sharp slap to your right cheek, making you whimper out loud.
“Look at you all horny and desperate for your own best friends dick. I should fuck you until you can’t think of anything else other than my dick.” And another harsh slap.
“Mmm, fuck!” Another slap. Namjoon reaches forward to aggressively pull your panties down. He lifts you up and carries you over his shoulder to your bedroom, throwing you on the bed. Your pussy throbs in anticipation, loving how rough he’s being with you.
Namjoon wastes no time as he aggressively pulls you forward to the edge of the bed, spreading your legs open as wide as they can go. He uses his fingers to spread your pussy lips open, revealing yourself all to him. Pulsing and soaked. “Mmm. Such a pretty little pussy. I’ve waited so long to finally bury my dick inside of you.” He coos while stroking your hair and pressing a soft kiss to your lips, while caressing your cheek. He uses his other hand to grab his cock, slapping your pussy with his cock. Your hips naturally bucking to get some type of friction. He continues coating his cock in your juices, smirking as you whimper in anticipation.
“Pretty baby, so horny and wet for Daddy’s cock.” Your fingers anxiously grip the bedsheets, as the head of his cock prods at your entrance. Namjoon hisses as he easily slips inside of your tight kitty. Your eyes shut closed, lips parting, “Oh my fuck,” you moan while gripping his toned, caramel arms. His girthy length offering a slight burn, finally over-rided by a nostalgic tinglyness. The feeling is like no other. To have someone you trust, someone you care about, offering their entire self to you. To have all of Namjoon within you.
“So warm. So wet. Fuck... You feel amazing, ____.” Namjoon fucks you with long and deep strokes, making the bed creak with each thrust. He continues this slow pace, relishing in the feel of your walls clamping around his stiff shaft. You know he’s trying his hardest not to cum so fast. However, the tingly feeling within your core has skyrocketed, and you’re ready to burst any moment now. 
“P-please,” you whimper, attempting to move your hips along with his at a faster pace.
“What does my pretty baby want, hm?” Namjoon notices your expression and comes to a halt.
“Please fuck me harder, Joonie, please!” you whine while grinding your hips to create some type of friction. Namjoon’s cock twitches at your desperation for him. “Have you forgotten your manners, princess?” He asks, with a smirk pinching your left cheek.
You groan in response. “Please, Daddy! Just need to be fucked harder, please! My pussy needs you.”
“That’s a good girl,” He pats your head and slips out of you, gripping your waist to flip you over flat on your tummy. He holds his weight on top of you, spreading your legs open to push his cock entirely into you. The angle of the position creates a more “deep” feeling, He’s so deep inside of you, you promise you feel him in your tummy. Your mouth flying agape, Namjoon leans forward to whisper in your ear while pounding from on top. “Be careful what you ask for.”
“You. Just. Might. Get. It.” He emphasizes his deep thrusts after each word. Your cries are muffled within the sheets while Joon continues to ram you from on top, his lower pelvic area literally slamming your body further and further into the full sized-bed. “Ungh, fuck y-yes! Please don’t stop!” Your dorm neighbors can probably hear your cries but at this point you don’t even care.
“Take this fucking dick like the good little cock-hungry slut you are, pretty baby.” Namjoon moans at the feeling of your pussy clenching around him, drenching him in your sticky wetness. So tight, and slippery for his thick cock. His cock throbs relentlessly from the sounds of his balls slapping against your ass mixed with your cries of his name. Nearly on the verge of cumming, he lifts you up, bending you over with your ass now up and facing him. He bends down to lick a stripe from your pussy to your ass.
Your legs tremble at the sudden action. He works his tongue all over your folds, sucking and licking your pussy lips, while slipping inside of your entrance, tongue fucking you. You reach behind to grip his hair and grind yourself against his face. Namjoon trails his fingers to find your clit, slowly rubbing it in circles. Then latches his lips around your bud, sucking and licking your as if his life depended on it. His moans sending vibrations through you entirely. He grips your ass and gives your cheeks a few harsh slaps, and that’s what sends you completely over the edge.
“Daddy.. Cumming! Fuck.” Your toes curl, legs tremble, eyes roll back, and you claw the bedsheets as your orgasm washes over your entire body. He lets go of your clit with a pop, and uses his fingers to rub your clit vigorously, riding you through your high. “Yes, baby. Keep cumming for, Daddy. Doesn’t it feel good, hm? To have your best friend make you cum so hard?” You continue calling out his name.
“Yes! Fuck, fuck.. Please!”
You push his hand away, the overstimulation kicking in. Your body continues shaking, recovering from your orgasm. He lifts you up into the doggy position, gripping a handful of your hair and rams himself inside of you. He starts with a brutal pace, fucking you senseless, slipping swear words from his lips. You gasp at the sensitivity from your previous orgasm, not able to form coherent words from how hard Namjoon is fucking you. Namjoon’s thrusts gradually grow sloppier, as he’s on the brink of his own orgasm.
“Come here,” He pulls completely out of you and lays on his back, guiding you on top of him. You stuff his cock inside of you, whimpering at the feel of your clit brushing against his pelvic area - still sensitive from your orgasm. You take your time to ride him, going at your own pace - slow and steady. Namjoon uses one hand to grip your waist. “Want to feel you cum around my cock.” He slips his fingers on your clit, rubbing it in circles. You instantly jolt forward from the sensitivity, shaking your head.
“Joon! C-Can’t, it’s too much!”
“I think you can. You’ve been such a good girl, just cum one more time for Daddy, okay? I promise it will feel so good.”
You grasp his wrist, wanting to push his hand away, but you can’t. Too lost in his touch. He licks his fingers and rubs your clit again, with a slightly more pressure. His cock still sheathed fully inside of you, twitching within your walls. Your third orgasm approaches and it hits you stronger than before.
“Mmm, Namjoon!” Your nails find themselves on his chest, scratching his pecs as your entire body shakes tremendously, your pussy pulses rapidly around Namjoon’s dick. Your body collapses on top of his, out of strength and still trembling.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum.” Namjoon exclaims, he moans your name as his cock twitches itself inside of you, coating your walls with his warm cum. He pants, out of breath, strands of his hair sticking to his forehead.
You both lie there for what seems like awhile, regaining your breathing and taking a moment to process what just happened. Namjoons member falls soft, eventually slipping out of you. Both of your bodies pressed together and binded by perspiration. He gathers up the strength to caress your strands. His heart flutters at the warmth of your fingers drawing circles on his chest. The thud of his heart beating from within him causes you to lose yourself in your thoughts... 
What have we just done? And how will we ever go back from this?
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