#there is so much things i love about clone troopers and mandalorians
cienie-isengardu · 2 years
Hi! I noticed that some unfounded criticism was being sent to you... I just want to write to you that your posts are very interesting. Special thanks for the fact that they are traditional. Don't pay attention to the negative! Keep writing in the same style, and write more and more. I wish you tons of inspiration! :) May I ask why you love the topic of clones and Mandalorians so much? It would seem that there was little about both of them in the history of Star Wars. Anyway, I wonder why...
Thank you very much for the kind words! 💜
In general I like cool armors and the military feeling (settling) so the warrior/soldier/assassin type of characters draws my attention immediately but as for my Star Wars interests, the funny thing is that everything always starts and ends with Anakin/Vader and both Mandalorians and clone troopers fall into that monothematic obsession of mine. 
For Mandalorians the passion of course started with Boba Fett, partially due to the cool armor and no-nonsense attitude and partially because he was Vader’s favorite bounty hunter - although I won’t lie, it took some time for my uncle to actually convince the kid!me in that matter because Boba’s performance in RotJ kinda left much to be desired. My uncle literally brought me the first novel (The Mandalorian Armor) from The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy to change my mind and to this day I’m truly grateful for his dedication because it did the job. Of course, twenty years ago there wasn’t that much star wars tie-in materials in my country, even less about Mandalorians so everyone latched at anything that was available and the great work of fans who shared for free all the translated scanlations of comics or articles and so on still warms my heart at the mere thought how awesome fandom can be. Again, thanks to the courtesy of my uncle, I got my hands on Jango Fett: Open Seasons and I absolutely fell in love with Mandalorians, especially with Tor Vizsla - and by extension, with Death Watch even though I know most fans despite this character. It is the black armor (my weakness!) and ruthless cleverness, battle skills but also underrated (or outright ignored?) little aspects of his personality that makes Tor Vizsla a very compelling character for me. That and also the fan translation that presented Death Watch as “Wataha Śmierci” in which Wataha in Polish may means a dangerous group but is also a Polish term for wolf-pack (while Death translated accurately) that I will admit, shaped my image of Mandalorians way more strongly than anything else. Ya’ know, the wild, dangerous predators tightly knit together as the clan and all the wolf symbolic for freedom, hard life, honor, majesty, nightmares and so on. Oops, sorry for the digression. Anyway, I like Mandalorians because they aren’t the holier-than-thou group and they can be - and are - ruthless bastards but also the loyalty to clan, the brotherhood in arms and honor sense is what I’m here for.
(I like Jango and think he was one of the best aspect of AotC and in general True Mandalorians vs Death Watch and the Fenn Shysa’s Protectors fight against Imperial occupation are great stories but thanks to The Sith Wars, I will always favor the original Mandalorians (Taungs) and KotOR era Mandalorians. Mainly because the Mandalore Indomitable is both awesome and hilarious when interacting with Exar Kun and Ulic Qel Droma.)
As for clones, well, I watched AotC in hope to see young Anakin the great battle (sadly battle of Geonosis didn’t take that much movie time overall) and I was truly touched and impressed with the little scenes they got then. In general I like to watch competent soldiers/specialists at their job - and Revenge of the Sith for sure provided more joy in that regard -  but also I love the complexity of Star Wars that has this whole subplot of exploiting humans literally “breed for war” while Republic (the symbol of democracy) and Jedi Order (the legendary good guys from Original Trilogy) doesn’t blink an eye on slavery that is technically forbidden by their own laws. Of course, the potential was never truly used, even more so with Anakin’s backstory of being born in slavery. Anyway, Clone Wars is one of my absolute favorite star wars eras, exactly for heroic Anakin and his slow, tragic path to Dark Side but also for his relationship with clone troopers (an interesting mirror to Vader’s specific relationship with common troopers in contrast to the “military elites” and oh boy, even with so little focus on clones, there is so many moments to see how Skywalker cares for his men). So the more I explored source material in that regard, the more I came to love Legends!clones, like Alpha-17 and his sarcasm or Nate who took the name of Jangotat for himself or the most awesome Delta Squad or commander Faie who definitely wanted to kill his Jedi General during Order 66 or those few commandos who refused to kill their Jedi comrades. The spectrum of experiences that shaped the supposedly same people is thrilling to watch how those men develop into their own persona, how they break from dehumanization or not, while all are so competent and no-nonsense humans always ready to die for a system that doesn’t care about them in the first place. Clones and their place in the story is really heartbreaking and I do think all the time about this complexity. However I wholeheartedly hate the chip-in-brain nonsense and I’m tired of the weird (TCW?) fandom tendencies to present clones as some kind of dumb idiots who either love their Jedi generals *so much* they can't function like normal human beings or can’t be left without supervision because again, dumb idiots… Uh. Sorry, ranting again. 
In summary, I love Mandalorian and clone troopers because they lack special powers in a universe that is all about special powers (Force) while being still pretty good at their job and generally neutral on the scale of good and evil. They are all a bit of both which gives a great possibilities to explore star wars universe, both from in-universe perspective and our real life. I love them because both groups provide me a lot of interesting stuff in regard to Anakin/Vader. Because yes, I’m that monotonic when it comes to star wars. And well, again, brotherhood in arms and cool armors are my thing.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
its so funny to watch people wish for things that already exist in repcomm. like yeah repcomm sucks. but also what you're asking for is there. might as well read it.
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blackkatmagic · 3 months
Do you have summaries for the unpublished stories (in the last patreon poll)? I would love to hear more about them!
Absolutely! I realized belatedly and while not massively sleep deprived that I should have put the summaries in the heading part, whoops. :'D
Feral/Plo - identity porn/sugar daddy/biology made them do it AU:
Canon goes AU in that Talzin handed all three of her children over to Sidious instead of just Maul. Fast forward to the middle of the Clone Wars and Feral has grabbed his brothers, both of whom are in a bad way, and skipped out on Talzin/Sidious to hide on a planet that's mostly under Republic control, where he makes a living collecting information/carrying out assassinations for the local crime lord. Enter Plo, who's in the middle of like. the Kel Dor version of a horny season. Not quite fuck or die, but fuck or be distracted and miserable and horny for months. Feral, thinking this will be a good opportunity to gather info on the Jedi, volunteers to help him out by being a sex partner whose sturdiness can stand up to Kel Dor physiology. Except that Plo is nice and Feral is maybe not prepared for that.
Jaster/Granta - Sith empire vs. Mandalorian empire AU with lots of daddy issues:
Xanatos is the Sith Lord ruling over Telos, and Granta plays assassin/weapon for his father, right up until he makes a mistake, a Jedi gets away, and Sith Emperor Sidious demands that Granta be punished for failing. Xanatos promptly sends Granta to murder Mand'alor Jaster, who manages not to die but does clock the daddy issues at 20 paces. When Xanatos completely disavows Granta and leaves him for the Mandos to execute, Jaster offers a deal - he'll let Granta live, but in return Granta will be his consort as a fuck you to the Sith Empire, and use his skill at killing Sith for the Mandalorians. Granta accepts, and they have a lot of messy sex and even messier feelings about it.
Padme/Rex - Time travel/time slips/identity porn/fake Jedi!Padme:
Canon divergence in that Obi-Wan's remarkably stupid escape from Vader's base in Kenobi doesn't work, and Reva ends up kidnapping Luke and Leia both at the same time to bring them to Vader. Padme, vaguely a Force ghost by sheer force of will, realizes that her kids are in danger and gets so angry that she quite literally tears time itself apart, throwing herself, her kids, and Vader back to the start of the Clone Wars. They all end up scattered, though, and Padme, with a brand-new Force sensitivity and Obi-Wan's lightsaber, makes a plan with her past self and goes to find her kids, pretending to be a Jedi to let her move through the front more easily. Which goes great, right up until she falls in with Torrent by accident as they're looking for a vanished Anakin. Rex, for his part, has no idea what to make of this angry, driven Jedi lady who tears her way through the CIS like she's aiming to bring them down all by herself, but is also devastatingly sad and kind when there's no enemy to fight. He does know that he very much needs to keep her alive, though, and given Padme's recklessness and Vader making plans in the shadows, that's the furthest thing from easy.
Tae/Fox - CIS!clones AU/spy shenanigans/fake relationship:
AU with CIS!clone troopers under the command of whatever Sith Dooku can vaguely train/pull out of the mud, wherein Fox is the Marshal Commander of a newly-captured Coruscant under Dooku's control. Tae is a new Knight, following in Nico's footsteps as a Shadow, and when Nico goes missing on Coruscant, he decides to go undercover to look for him. Of course, the best way to do this is to volunteer to help the infamously difficult Marshal Commander, who chews through aides like it's a sport and defies even the Sith. When Dooku starts getting a little too suspicious of both of them for comfort, though, Tae comes up with a plan - fake a relationship and pretend to hide it, and then no one will look any deeper. Fox agrees, still unaware that Tae is a Jedi and an enemy.
Cody/Maul - identity porn/Force-sensitive!Cody/canon divergence
Cody touches the wrong artefact during the destruction of the Jedi Temple and the building of Palpatine's palace, and wakes up back at the start of the Clone Wars, still fighting the influence of the chip. Not willing to trust himself enough to go to the Jedi, he instead picks the next best thing: Maul. Except that as soon as he touches Maul, lost in the depths of Lotho Minor, it's not spider!Maul who crashes down on top of him, but Sith apprentice!Maul, pulled right out of his fight with Eldra but with all the doubts about his path that it raised. He immediately assumes that Cody is a Sith Lord challenging Palpatine, and Cody goes along with it, hoping that Maul will be able to teach him to control all of his unsettling new abilities. He very much doesn't expect the mad sort of devotion Maul brings with him, or the fact that he's suddenly the whole Jedi Order's number one target, thanks to Palpatine also assuming he's a rival.
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ddesertmoon · 1 year
Star Wars Fic Recs Feat. Time Travel
I think this is my favorite Star Wars trope… maybe just because sw is a tragedy and i want the characters to be happy.. maybe because I’m a sucker for the “reveal moment”… i don’t know.
Hopefully you all enjoy these as well!
(All fics are Gen unless otherwise specified!)
Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars by Ariel_Sojourner
“In which Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader travel back in time together to the Clone Wars era, have amazing adventures, and save the galaxy.”
Basically, Luke and Vader time travel and take over a clone battalion to change the major battles of the war. This is. A masterpiece. It’s insane. It feels like an actual, published story when you read it. It is told in a nonlinear way, so if you’re not into that, you probably won’t enjoy this. But I promise it’s one of the greatest fanfictions I’ve ever read, and there’s a reason it’s first on this list.
(Padme/Anakin and Obi-Wan/Satine, though neither ship is a focal point of the story)
there but for the grace of god by wanderlove
“There’s nothing particularly remarkable about Sullust.
Well, except for Obi-Wan’s time-traveling son. But, you know. Apart from that.”
I LOVE this fic. Young Luke is sent into the clone wars, and since he’s been raised by Obi-Wan on Tatooine, everyone assumes that he’s Obi’s kid. His appearance changes everything by causing the people around him to reveal deep secrets that would otherwise have led to the fall of the Jedi.
(Padme/Anakin and referenced Obi-Wan/Satine)
Old Masters, New Tricks by soft_but_gremlin
“Sixteen-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi finds himself on Lothal in the middle of the Imperial Era. He has no idea why he's here or what all these white-clad troopers are for, but after a rocky start with a little Mandalorian, he finds out that his friend Luminara is in trouble and vows to rescue her.
Sabine Wren has no idea what this other Mandalorian is doing on Lothal, but he looks just like former rebel Korkie Kryze and he's got lightsabers on his belt. He's either going to be a fierce but foolish ally, or the Empire's paying bounty hunters to track down Jedi.”
One of the few SW fics I’ve read where characters are sent FORWARD in time! This one is really great, and I reread it all the time. The heartache Obi-Wan feels when he remembers that all his friends are dead and the heartache KANAN feels when Obi-Wan does something that reminds him of the Jedi…. Amazing.
Free Jedi to Good Home by soft_but_gremlin
“Jango Fett expected several things from this hunt on Galidraan. Three hypothermic Jedi children stumbling into his camp was not one of those things.”
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka (and maybe a few others, later on 👀) are sent back in time to change the outcome of the massacre at Galidraan. This one is REALLY great and I especially love the sequel (which is currently unfinished but very suspenseful and exciting)
The Making of Mavericks by AppoApples
“Master Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn't let her just walk out into the galaxy without a lifeline. With Commander Cody and Captain Rex at his side, Obi-Wan tries to give Ahsoka some well meant advice. But the Force was listening and decided these four souls needed to blaze a better path. With all that has happened to them, waking up twenty-five years in the past shouldn't be a big deal, right?”
Time travel with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, AND Cody! FOUR people. Crazy. The classic “Obi-Wan is sent back to his childhood to change things before Anakin ever enters the picture” fic. It greatly surpassed my expectations for a time travel fic though! One of the best for sure.
Legacy by myrlendi (thehistorygeek)
“Three months after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker goes in search of a rumoured Jedi temple in a secluded part of the Mid Rim. He finds within the temple nothing but a strange artifact, which unexpectedly brings him much closer to the Jedi of old than he ever thought he would be.
When Luke fails to return from his mission, Leia goes after him, retracing his steps to the ancient temple — and to the past, to the time of the Clone Wars and the waning years of the Old Republic. Under suspicion by the Jedi Order, the twins struggle to find a way back to their own time while trying to keep their knowledge of the future from affecting the past.”
Okay, time travel with Luke Skywalker is great (one of my favorite things!), but time travel with Luke AND Leia??? Perfect. I love when she’s included.. it usually leads to some very interesting interactions between her and Anakin.
Luminous We Are by AppoApples
“Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is filled with regrets when the Padawan he chooses is assigned to Anakin. When he discovers that it was Yoda's meddling that had prevented him from being a Padawan in his own youth, the betrayal runs deep. Wondering what could have been, a trick of the Force throws him back in time, where he learns to put his trust in the Force, not the High Council.
Redemption of Qui-Gon Jinn had he not been forced to take a Padawan before he was ready, and where the Order learns to take another course that put quite a wrench in the Sith plans. Start of the Clone Wars to 44BBY AU of the Apprentice books. Cheeky Obi-Wan and Mandalorian shenanigans.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi being adopted by Mandalorians is QUITE a popular trope in this fandom for some reason… I think it’s actually a tag on Ao3 now (don’t quote me on that). Anyway, this fic is one of the few where the time traveler is unable to rely on (very much of) their knowledge from the future.
The Kenobi Scandal by AppoApples
“One moment they are speeding on their way to Mos Eisley, only to be hit by a Force instigated sandstorm, and the next thing Ben Kenobi knows is he wearing his old armour with the Jedi insignia and Luke can't find the droids. What's a Jedi to do when he finds himself back before the fall of the Republic? Come up with a cover story more scandalous than time travel: ‘Luke, this is Anakin Skywalker. Anakin, this is my son, Luke Kenobi.’”
Amazing! I really like when we see the potential Luke has with some formal Jedi training. And although there is a cover story for Luke’s (and Obi-Wan’s, technically) time travel, there are still some lovely emotional outbursts :)
(Obi-Wan/Satine and Luke/Ahsoka)
Gone Are The Days by theycallmesuperboy
“While investigating an ancient Jedi distress signal in the Outer Rim, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles are mysteriously sent back in time to the last days of the Republic, and stranded on Naboo, meeting two people Luke could only have ever dreamed of meeting: his parents.
Only, due to Luke's "quick thinking," the two are lead to believe that Luke and Wedge are just like them: a secretly married couple, due to Luke's status as a Jedi.”
Luke gets an opportunity to really get to know his dead parents, and Wedge gets to kiss Luke. I’m a sucker for the fake dating trope lmao, and combined with time travel? Zoo wee mama!
(Luke/Wedge and Padme/Anakin)
Significant Brain Damage by AppoApples
“Luke Skywalker finds himself in the past as Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan finds himself retraining his old apprentice who has permanent amnesia while also taking on Anakin's Padawan, being a General, a Council member -during a Galactic Civil War, and fighting for a Republic he's beginning to lose faith in. Clone Wars, no paradox, no easy fix it.”
I love this one so much. Luke has to kind of pretend to be Anakin.. but everyone around him just thinks he’s had some amnesia and a major personality change. I LIVE for the “why is Anakin so much nicer now” moments.
(Padme/Sabe and Obi-Wan/Satine)
Also you may notice that this is the FOURTH fic by AppoApples on this list… I love their ideas so much.
May Death Find You Alive by Must_Be_Thursday
“Anakin finds himself trapped in a nightmare, reliving the same day. He tries. He tries to change things, but it always ends the same.
With a broken bond and a dead best friend.
He's not sure how many times he'll be able to watch the life leave Obi-Wan before he loses his mind.”
Let’s switch it up! Groundhog Day style time loops are always fun, and this one saves the universe! So yay! Fr though, Anakin learns to trust Obi-Wan and it changes everything.
The More I Live The More I See This Life is Not About Me by K_R_Closson
“After touching a mysterious artifact, Cody's general is suddenly a child with the memories to match. Cody has to coax a suspicious adolescent back to base without alerting the nearby Separatists of their presence.
Reversing his general's age an easier fix than Cody thought it would be, but he didn't factor in the possibility that Obi-Wan might not want to give up his self in order to become General Kenobi again. It'd be easier to think if he didn't have an insidious voice in his head, whispering to him to distrust the Jedi.”
This one is technically just de-aging, with Obi-Wan becoming his thirteen year old self, but I consider it similar enough to time travel to be included, and it has a lot of the same tropes. It’s very well written, and the dialogue flows excellently with the descriptions.
what is necessary (for love and war) by hellowkatey
“His fingers reach for the hilt that has become as familiar as his own after that three-day journey back from Melida/Daan. He couldn’t stand to put the boy's saber down until he reached his quarters and reality finally set in.
Obi-Wan didn’t come back with him. Once again, he is without a Padawan.
The moment cool durasteel meets his fingertips, the overwhelming presence of Obi-Wan slams into him so hard the room begins to spin. Qui-Gon sinks to the floor, saber clutched in both hands and pressed tight against his chest as though it’s actually Obi-Wan he’s hugging.
‘You have to go back.’”
This time it’s Qui-Gon who is sent forward through time, into the clone wars. The time travel in this fic doesn’t really change anything (as in, it’s not a fix-it), but it gives some great insight into Qui-Gon’s character.
Chosen One (derogatory) by annathecrow
“Asajj Ventress, the chosen savior of the galaxy. Force help us all.”
VENTRESS is the one to go back in time. Isn’t that crazy??? Isn’t that an insane premise?????? It was SO fun to read.
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back by K_R_Closson
“Ahsoka Tano told Din to bring Grogu to the Seeing Stone on Tython, and Grogu would be able to call out to other Jedi. Ahsoka Tano did not say that other Jedi might call out to him or that the pillar of blue light was actually a type of planetary transportation.
Din ends up on a planet he's never heard of with nothing but his armor and his child. A lot has changed but his mandate hasn't. He must reunite Grogu with one of his kind. But first, he has to help these ade win a civil war against the dar'buir who abandoned them.”
Din travels back to the war on Melida/Daan, where one of our favorite padawans was struggling to lead the Young to victory (hint: he’s a fan favorite who almost always ends up being adopted by Mandalorians). I really like this one! It’s less about changing the past, and more about character growth and relationships.
Bonus: Incomplete Fics
I wanted to separate these from the fics above, which are all complete.
from this moment hangs eternity by EvanHart
“If Luke – Force, his son – was talking about slave chips, something must have gone wrong in the future.
Or, a six-year-old Luke ends up in the middle of the Clone Wars, meets his father, and changes the fate of the galaxy on the way.”
I’m a real sucker for child Luke. Gotta say. He’s ADORABLE. and moments of gut-wrenching sadness interrupted by his little sunshine smiles?? Oh my god?
Chapters: 10/15
Oya Manda’lor! by Cloud__Chaser
“After giving up his child to Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin has found himself without a purpose. Filling in the gaps by completing bounties for Boba Fett, Din comes across a strange artifact that leaves him stranded in time.
Who knows, maybe Din's complete lack of knowledge of the world outside of the outer rim will lead to the fall of the empire before it even begins...”
Din basically becomes the most admired person on Mandalore in the span of like. A week. after he travels back in time. It’s really funny, and something I like to read when I’m in a good mood!
Chapters: 38/?
Also, it’s been over a year since this updated (as of the date I’m posting this), so beware, it may or may not be abandoned.
Sith Lord Swell by AMournfulHowlInTheNight
“‘Well, looks like we're all Sith Lords, now. I hope you've all been practicing your most menacing laughter for our first run in with the Jedi Council.’
Ben could only sigh and raise a distasteful eyebrow at the cross shaped, red lightsaber he was given. Down the line other students were also handling their new weapons and robes with a raised eyebrow here and quizzical expression there.
‘Really, uncle?’
‘Really. I don't want to compete with the local Jedi population.’
Why did Jedi politics and time travel have to be so difficult?”
Like most Star Wars fans, I’m not a big fan of the sequels (‘somehow, Palpatine returned’ my ass), BUT! This fic, involving a young Ben Solo and old Luke Skywalker, was a lot of fun to read.
Chapters: 13/?
There is another Skywalker by WabiSabi
“‘They couldn't narrow down the precise relationship due to some strange contamination in the sample. But when they launched a search in the DNA databank they found a match. Reliability of 50%, which only happens between parent-child and—’
‘Siblings,’ Master Kenobi completes, voice faint. ‘Full-blood siblings.’
The clone nods. ‘She was estimated to be around 30-years-old, so by process of exclusion, Leia Solo would be General Skywalker’s older sister by 9 years.’”
This time, it’s just Leia who’s sent to the past! Technically Luke lives as a voice in her head, but it’s pretty much just Leia. Also, I really like the premise that the temple runs a DNA test and assumes that she’s Anakin’s sibling. It’s a lot of fun!
Chapters: 10/?
Also, it’s been over a year since this updated (as of the date I’m posting this), so beware, it may or may not be abandoned.
Companion of the Ancestors by Omegarose
“Ahsoka finds herself in a strange place, out of contact with Obi-Wan and alone with the twins. The Force feels like it hasn't in years, and she runs into a man who has to be an idiot for the way he's acting like a Jedi two years after Order 66.
((Dooku, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka all meet each other when they're 19 years old. With the addition of the Skywalker twins and a slightly-younger (than Ahsoka remembers him) Yoda.))”
I love Ahsoka, I love Luke and Leia, I love Obi-Wan… I love this fic. All of the secrets and reveals and drama! So much fun!
Chapters: 10/?
You’re not able to read this fic unless you have an Ao3 account, but those are easy to make. If anyone doesn’t know how to make one, I’m happy to make a post explaining the process!
That’s all, folks! 20 fics is… a lot. And there are A LOT of characters in all that… So, sorry for the exorbitant amount of tags I’ll be using here. Happy reading!
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marmota-b · 3 months
Glitch IS meant to be Force sensitive, here's why
Clone Trooper Glitch Who Is Definitely Force Sensitive.
As far as I can tell, everyone has fallen in love with that idea and everyone is now saying "Glitch is Force sensitive and you can't convince me otherwise."
Listen, what if I can actually convince you he is, with literary analysis?
I don't think I've ever seen this particular angle discussed (not that I have looked too hard, but no one ever brings it up when talking about Glitch). Everyone just loves the idea that he's Force sensitive because it's a lovely / exciting idea. And, okay, it's never stated outright in the source material, so there's some room for doubt. (And it was obviously intentionally left open-ended.)
I think the subtext, for those who know what it is, is so thick it might as well be an open admission of authorial intent. You see, Glitch's comic, Defenders of the Lost Temple, is drawing heavily on the Knights of the Old Republic comics in its lore. The Gauntlet they're sent to recover comes from that series. The moon where it resides is named after one of the characters from the series and likely is the moon he moved to at the end of his arc, and there's a statue of him there. There are all these deliberate, easily proven links to the series.
And there's also the less direct but still present parallel of questioning whether Jedi should be fighting in a war at all - Knights of the Old Republic (comics) takes place at the beginning of the Mandalorian Wars when some Jedi went to fight and others argued that wasn't their place, and some people get caught in the conflict without ever wanting to. That's a more dubious connection, and may not have been deliberate, but...
That is - the writer knew what he was doing here, in relation to previously published material.
The main protagonist of that series is Zayne Carrick.
Zayne is a sort of off-beat Jedi (well, almost-Jedi). He is just about Force sensitive enough to be admitted to the Jedi Order. He has "a special relationship with the Force." His special relationship with the Force mainly manifests in him being very clumsy and having the worst sort of luck. No one really thinks he'll make it as a Jedi. His own fellow padawan friends don't think he'll make it as a Jedi. But he's so good and caring and trying. And in the long run, he learns to work with his bad luck, and it turns out it's not so much a bad luck as the Force working... as a sort of swing, around him, with a balance of good and bad events. Things rarely work out as expected, but he learns to expect the unexpected. And once he does, and learns to ride the waves instead of trying to swim against the current, it actually works mainly in the heroes' favour.
Does that remind you of anyone?
I'm pretty sure Glitch is a deliberate callback to Zayne Carrick and his special relationship with the Force.
I don't know if he started out that way from the start, or if the idea of "what if a clone was Force sensitive" came first and this theme just slotted into place later (honestly, the latter is probably likelier). But it's undeniably there; with all the other references to KOTOR, it's unlikely the author would have missed the main protagonist's character arc re: Force sensitivity.
Glitch has a special relationship with the Force exactly like Zayne's. He just has, unlike Zayne, also the bad luck of never having been tested for Force sensitivity. (This is all EU/Legends. Don't expect New Canon to stick to any of the above.)
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gffa · 4 months
If Kenobi season 2 happens and they bring back Commander Cody, how do you think they should handle Obi-Wan and Cody storywise?
I'm so very on the fence about whether I would even want a second season of the show--the first season was never meant to be anything beyond a mini-series and I think having it be self-contained that way made it so much more satisfying. It wasn't meant to be an ongoing story like The Mandalorian is, and Ewan was just leaving the door open for any potential future stories. On the other hand, I WILL NEVER HAVE ENOUGH OF EWAN'S OBI-WAN. For me, I think any potential second season needs to really feel like it has a point and feel sufficiently tied to Obi-Wan's core story if they're going to the effort of bringing all the actors back again. Which means: Anakin needs to be a central figure in it, even if I'm not sure how well that would work after that unnamed moon wrapped things up pretty well between them and Obi-Wan was where he needed to be for ANH. An Obi-Wan show needs to be centered on Obi-Wan's story. Versus that I think whatever Cody's storyline is, it needs to be about him, and not about someone else story. Which means I'm not sure how good I would feel about him being part of an Obi-Wan show, which would make his issues about Obi-Wan, meanwhile Obi-Wan's been more about Anakin and Luke and the Jedi. (Leia worked because she was about Anakin and Padme and Obi-Wan's connections to the Republic/Bail.) I would prefer Cody's story about what he does after leaving the Empire to be told elsewhere because I think Cody deserves to get that to himself. What I really want is a story that can fully focus on Rex and Cody meeting up again and maybe joining the Rebellion or working together to help other clones. There's some really potentially good, crunchy conflict to be had between Obi-Wan and Cody because of Utapau, and theoretically what I would love is if it could be tied into a story about rescuing Luke and some clones somehow, that they intersect for an episode or two, that it has this undercurrent of how well they worked together--and still do, they fall right back into seamlessly understanding each other and complementing each other's fighting styles--but that they're on different paths now. Obi-Wan has his sacred duty to watch over Anakin's son on Tatooine. Cody has his need to help his clone brothers or fight in the bigger Rebellion. Both important paths, but they part ways as friends again, maybe Obi-Wan can put him in touch with Bail to join the Rebellion proper. I would love to see Cody and Obi-Wan crossing paths again, conflict about what happened on Utapau, maybe that's how Obi-Wan finds out about the chips, Cody gets closure and can go on to fight against the Empire that oppressed him and his brothers, Obi-Wan is watching over Luke to ensure the galaxy has a future, and both of their core stories are respected, but there's resolution here. I'm not against cameos in Star Wars, I just want them to be used for emotional resolution, not because of Rule of Cool. This is why I thought the 501st trooper was perfect for the show, because it was part of the theme of Obi-Wan seeing Anakin's ghosts everywhere, that's why Leia worked so well for me in the show, because it was about Anakin's ghosts again, about the missing part of Obi-Wan as a Jedi who was a teacher, about the loss of Padme in the galaxy, about his duty to help the people of the Republic where he could versus his own crushing depression and trauma. Whatever role Cody would play on the show, I would want it to support the core of those same themes, while also respecting that Cody has his own story to be told. What I picture so clearly in my head is, post-fight scene where they've wiped the floor with whoever was coming after them, is just the two of them nodding at each other in understanding, that there are scars between them but they both can let it go now, Obi-Wan knows it wasn't a betrayal, Cody knows that Obi-Wan doesn't hold it against him, they both know the other has purpose in their life, and they each have regained a friend. The galaxy looks a little brighter after that.
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tesalicious2 · 5 months
Was thinking about CCs train and shit when it hit me. There are a few commanders, such as Monnk, Jet, Blackout, and Hound (he’s a cc to me) who would have to be trained alone or with CT’s, since their specialty requires so much work.
So, I have come with an idea. Since the standard week is 5 days, 3 of the 5 are spent in specialized classes. They’d do their flash training and then be taken by other trainers. They would train with a squad of others, and put in charge.
For Hound, since it’s a special case of having a Massiff buddy. Those three days are set together and Grizzer would stick with him all day, and night. To strengthen their bond, they would spend off time together and Hound would have his official trainer (an Mandalorian) set Grizzer in the bunk with him. This was a not great idea for some massiffs but Grizzer loved the pod and would wiggle like hell when the Alpha picked him up.
I can just imagine, Monnk coming back to his squad from specialized training soaking wet and cold. Having his Alpha help him peel off the dry suit before he goes to bed. Talking all about the fun things he learned and saw with his Mandalorian trainer. Actually, I headcanon that Monnk and his trainer got along incredibly well is basically adopted by the Mandalorian. Monnk got his name and the sea dragon across his armor from the Mandalorian. (I also headcanon that Dred Priest hated the Mandalorian and reconditioned Monnk to get at him. Dred ended up in a bacta tank and the Mandalorian retaught Monnk everything from scratch. (Monnk was about 3 standard at the time.))
Jet scared the shit out of his trainer with how well he was able to control the flame. He was also taught what alternate fuels could be used on different planets and Jet got so interested he found all the options he could on Kamino (only 2) and he switched out the fuel, Pyro (my OC) was all to happy to help. They both were found sitting on the floor with the flamethrower between them, quietly watching the flames. Turns out, all of the flame troopers either had or developed pyromania to *some* degree. The trainer in charge was quite happy to find out about this as he had a severe case himself and was all to happy to indulge his troopers under the excuse of teaching the troopers.
Blackout is a special operations clone trooper, trained for stealth operations and piloting. While he did not have a super close bond with his trainer, they both still enjoyed each others company and considered each other friends. Blackout is one of the few who was already good at lying, but his training made him the best (better than even Fox, which he is very proud of). He wasn't as close with as many of his troopers due to their numbers being quite large, but he (like the rest of the spec ops troops) does his best to instruct and learn about his troopers in their short time together.
Bacara, though not recieving any special training, caught the eye of a Concord Dawn Mandalorian who took him for special Marine training for one day a week. It would be till later when they decided to have a Marine Corps that he would become the specialist.
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roseaesynstylae · 4 months
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Chapter 7
"It was the fields. There was too much open ground between areas of cover. Niner had been sitting in the fork of a tree for so long that one buttock was numb and the other was catching up."
Any time there's a funny (or mildly funny) moment in these books, I feel obliged to record it. It's less because I feel bad about criticizing them (I don't, at all) and more due to the fact that I like to note anything I actually enjoy in these books.
"Yes, she could use the Force. When she felt confident and controlled, she could master everything Fulier had taught her; but those days were few and far between She wrestled with a temper unbefitting a Jedi. She watched those with serene acceptance of the Force and envied their certainty. She wondered why Jedi blood had bothered to manifest in someone who was so fallible."
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I get Etain's low self-esteem. In fact, most of that paragraph is pretty relatable. BUT. "Jedi blood?" It has never been called that. Yes, Force-sensitivity tends to run in families (see, the Skywalkers, the Horns, etc), but, and considering how much certain characters rant about it, I'd think Traviss would pay attention to this, the Jedi Order is not about bloodlines. It's the furthest thing from. What exactly prompted--
OH. Oh, I have a sneaking suspicion as to why it's referred to as "Jedi blood" here.
What's the connotation most people have when they hear the word blood in the context of abilities or families or whatnot? For me, it carries this hint of elitism. There's just a sense of "Me and the rest of my family are so superior to you that even our bodily fluids are Better Than You." Why do I have this feeling that KT is trying to make the Jedi Order look elitist?
THE JEDI ARE NOT ELITIST. They are, again, the furthest thing from. They help everyone, especially people who are at the bottom of the pecking order, and they don't care where their members come from. Nothing about the Jedi Order is elitist.
But Karen Traviss is ignoring that "little" fact. She wants to make the Jedi look bad and unsympathetic and "Why would anyone stay a member," and she is ignoring facts in order to do that. It's one thing to have an interpretation that uses canon facts. It's another thing entirely to ignore facts.
To sum up:
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Jedi-Bashing: 14 (one for the elitist subtext, one for the blatant ignorance of the facts)
"Then she became aware of something she wasn't expecting to encounter in the Imbraani woods.
A child.
'Sorry, ma'am,' a man's voice said. 'I didn't recognize you.'
And still she detected only a child, so close it had to be next to the man. For some reason she couldn't sense him in the Force at all."
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This is how I want two people who are going to fall in love to meet! By one thinking the other is a child! That isn't creepy at all!
Also, why is Etain sensing Darman as a child? In all Star Wars media involving the clones, including this very series, portray all clone troopers as adults. I don't get why she senses Darman's chronological age in this scene.
Oh, wait. Yes, I do. Traviss wants to reinforce how bad the Jedi Order is. "Oh, look! They're using child soldiers! Aren't they just awful?!" In response, I say "Hey, remember how Kal Skirata wanted to start training his sons to kill people when they were eight? And remember how his wife was treated as a bitch for not being comfortable with that?" Am I deliberately misinterpreting canon facts? Maybe. Is someone else definitely doing the exact same? Yes. Shut up.
Jedi-Bashing: 15
"Sergeant Kal was especially eager for his Wet Droids to read stuff about a culture called Mandalorian. He admired Jango Fett."
These facts about Kal Skirata aren't bad in this book, but they're going to make him very punchable in future material. God, this fucking guy...
Jedi-Bashing: 15
Di'kut Count: 6
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hipwell · 6 months
i wanted to share my current thoughts about CX-2 and the clone operatives! this is kind of a follow up on this post i made after s3 ep6/7
in my previous post, i talked about how it is possible that CX-2 is a clone we know. i suggested it could be cody or tech (i was leaning toward cody) and i've seen a lot of other theories since these episodes. honestly, over the last week i've been really on board with the "CX-2 is tech" theories.
after today's episodes (10 and 11), i don't think it's tech. i don't even think which clone CX-2 is will be significant, which is how i felt about it at the beginning of the season.
i think we are going in the direction of dark troopers. that makes me really sad to think phase 0 dark troopers were clones, but i think it would be a really cool part of the bad batch story.
my mind immediately went "is that a dark trooper?" in this scene with hemlock, when he is contacting CX-2:
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we haven't seen a lot of dark troopers in canon before, and there's a lot of variation in legends. we got to see a decent amount of dark trooper content in the mandalorian, and it confirmed that those phase 3 dark troopers were the first model phase to use droids.
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i think if that's the direction the story is headed, it would be really cool. there's a small part of me that still thinks it could be tech, but i think it's unlikely. we have only 4 episodes left of the show, and if there's a reveal that CX-2 is tech then i can't imagine there could be a happy ending.
i've seen a lot of posts today about CX-2's use of the word "domicile" and how that's such a tech thing to say, and it absolutely is. however, i've been thinking about it and i don't know if anyone in the star wars universe has used the word "house" before (i could be totally wrong). i think that might just be an imperial vernacular thing, rather than some sort of hint.
i talked about this in my previous post, and i want to address it again. i still see a lot of posts saying things along the lines of "if CX-2 isn't tech then it's bad writing." i don't think that's true at all. honestly, there might not be any intentional suggestions that it's tech throughout the season. understandably, fans have been wanting tech to be alive since plan 99 and have been looking for any possible clue that he might be. i'm worried that some of us will finish this series with a lot of disappointment, and that makes me sad :(
that being said, i could be wrong too! i still love to see everyone's different analyses, theories, and predictions. i love getting to talk about the world i love so much with other people who share that love! this community has been so wonderful, and it's made me feel a lot more confident sharing my thoughts and interacting with others on here.
i'm really excited to see how this story continues!
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emperor-palpaminty · 5 months
Kix X Reader
Hi I had feelings for the last clone and I wanted some angst so. Have some Kix. Here is his wookiepedia which is interesting! It may give you some context as well. This is a part of my underappreciated clones series- send in a clone you don't think gets enough love!
Also BTW this armor SLAPS (from his Wookiepedia)
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You had seen all kinds of outcasts, outlaws, and outsiders come by your little hostel. It offered a safe place for people to come stay. With the empire crumbled and a new order trying to be rebuilt, people needed somewhere safe to lay their heads.
You only had one rule: no fighting or killing within the walls of your domain. If they did, they would be subject to being booted out or being hunted down by the other patrons.
And you did not want these patrons getting peeved at one another.
You sighed. The air was humid on this planet. Money and business was good, and that seemed to be enough for you to never leave whenever the inkling came to mind to scurry off this planet. Especially in a galaxy as turbulent as this one- it felt like little skirmishes were still outbreaking, with bounty hunters and gangsters slowly finding their places and rising in this more free and open universe without an Empire to bow down to. Your arm hurt from scrubbing the counter.
Your parents had met in the war. You didn't hear them talk too much about it- war is war, they said, and it is better to not discuss these things.
So you let it stay quiet as they established the little inn. Their scars and weapons hanging on walls behind the counters or hidden in closets did all the talking.
Everyone needed a place to rest. Surviors and deserters and bounty hunters. It made money.
But you never knew who would walk in the door.
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Even when the door opened, you could sense the meloncholy weight on his shoulders. You didn't pay much attention to the feelings that plagued you when you saw people- the sadness, the anger, the dread.
This guy was just tired.
You glanced up when the footsteps stopped by you. It gave you pause- his armor looked like a storm trooper, but so very different. Scuffed, but layers of paint were placed in some places as if to rebrand himself, but the stark white armor always coming forward and revealing itself.
A deserter, perhaps?
It was the helmet that made it dawn on you- the shape of the visor. Whatever this man was, he was not a storm trooper, or at least you didn't think so.
A modulated sound came through his helmet. You blinked, making an apologetic sound, and he repeated himself. "A room, please?"
Please. As you nodded and turned to grab a card, something in you kneaded softly against your chest as you handed it to him.
A jolt shot through your hands as you felt the tip of his own hand, a smooth glove, brush your own skin. He was quiet, and only nodded and mumbled his thanks before leaving.
An unusual patron indeed.
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You didn't see his face the first couple of nights. He would keep his helmet on, turned away from everyone. You heard stories of some Mandalorians being very private with their faces, and you heard him speaking mando'a over the comm system in his helmet, which looked vaugely Mandalorian from what you had seen.
He didn't walk like a Mandalorian though. He was broad, and treaded carefully. His head was level and his voice was soft. He didn't want attention called to him, even if it was hard to not notice him. The scuffed blue paint stood out to the reds, the metals, the browns and blacks that other folks who came through wore.
Your eyes always found the blue armor.
You rounded the corner, carrying the clean towels. You had a nice and folded stack, pausing on occasion to tuck one by each door. They were clean and still warm, but somewhat worn. Not that anyone minded- a clean towel was a luxury in this part of the galaxy. You hummed softly, kneeling down to set the towel neatly on the little table by the door.
It opened swiftly, making you step back in surprise. A sound caught in your throat and you nearly fell back, the towels tumbling from your arm.
A hand caught your arm and kept you from effectively smacking into the floor. You adjusted at the hold and looked up, gulping when the blue helmet tilted. After a moment of silence, he spoke- the first time you heard his voice since he checked in. "You okay?"
You nodded, pulling yourself back up. "Thank you." The grip had been quick and tight. Not that you minded. "Sorry." You leaned down to pick up the towels and start re-folding them.
He knelt down by you and helped. The motions were fluid and un-soldier-like, but he folded every towel crisply and easily, much quicker than you could. You watched as he turned, holding out the towels.
"I should apologize." He said, gently nudging the towels into your arms.
That was the extent of the conversation- He stepped away and moved down the hall, steps silent. The towels were warm in your hands, and felt softer than before if that was even possible. Your mind flitted to the possibility that, perhaps, he had not always been a mercenary, and that thought lived in your head through the remainder of your tasks.
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wantonlywindswept · 1 year
@lucdarling replied to your post “so all of the fic where the GAR and Coruscant...”:
pls give me your fic recs, friend. this sounds very relevant to my interests.
​oh heckie yes i got u boo @lucdarling
Fics Being Mean to the Coruscant Guard:
Two Strikes / Crowning Glory A variety of steps Cody takes to ensure the Guard doesn't get abused as horribly -- Fox and his men might not be on the front lines, but they're still Vod'e -- and their consequences.
linking to the first fic in the series, the story starts out mostly with Cody being a slut (affectionate) but then goes on to get into the Tragedy of Darth Plageius the Coruscant Guard and Fixing It and tbh if you read nothing else read this series it is So Good. make sure to follow the links, things are slightly confusing and non-sequential if you don't
it also actually addresses post-trauma stuff too which is AMAZING, yes def read this but be sure to put some time aside for it the series is like 500k and you Will want to read it all in one sitting and then you might get yelled at by your wife for not sleeping for three days or that might just be me, 100/10
Galaxy-Saving Memes You can only access the page if you're GAR. The Coruscant Guard decides to infiltrate it because they are tired of being ignored, and honestly? Their memes are way better. Or, the Guard saves millions of lives through stupid internet posts.
second on the 'if nothing else read this' list, unless you dislike epistolary stories, in which case you can skip. but it is short and it is fucking HILARIOUS which you would think wouldn't be possible given the subject matter but no, it is great, 100/10
The Adoption Wars The only thing stronger than the dark side is Rex's ability to get adopted. Or: the one where Rex would really like everyone to know that he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Oh, and Fox finally gets to kill a sith.
only somewhat about Being Mean to the Guard but by god it is cute and adorable but also makes you Feel Emotions, excellent story 10/10
Their Days Are Darker After the death of ARC Trooper Fives, an altercation at 79's leads Wolffe to spend his leave snooping around the Coruscant Guard. Fox assumes he'll drop it and leave the Corries to their fate; it's what everyone else has done. He is very, very wrong.
so this is heartbreaking in the whole 'doesn't understand that what is happening is wrong' kind of way and tbh Cody is a little bit more of a dick than i usually imagine him but it is still Quite Excellent 10/10
exploitation, hesitation The Coruscant Guard makes a mistake while working with the 212th Attack Battalion. Fox prepares to take the heat.
EXCELLENT writing with the whole 'pov character thinks one thing is happening while outside characters Definitely Do Not', fox is so self-sacrificing which is why and how we love him 10/10
learning solitude It's a gradual, insidious thing, Fox's absorption into the Chancellor's office. The Chancellor wants a clone commander of his own, so he gets one. All Fox gets is a position far away from his brothers, a lesson in how to work around natborns who detest his very existence, and a seemingly endless list of monotonous jobs to keep him occupied through all his waking hours and beyond. Fox misses Kamino.
less Guard more Fox, but man what a way to emotionally stab you in the face! lots of gaslighting and manipulation and it is part of a series but the series also gets Extremely Dark at the end before having a recovery/happy ending, so ymmv 10/10
Blood Iron Fox has seen many things seized during raids. Illegal weapons, Spice and other assorted of banned drugs, slaves, carnivorous beasts trained for the fighting rings, the list goes on. Nothing prepared him for finding beskar among the crates of contraband and bad life choices.
so much worldbuilding fuck yeah! semi-the mandalorian crossover, the Guards have it Real Fucking Rough but then they run into some traditional mandos with hearts of gold beskar, v excellent 10/10
i'm sure there are others! well i know there are others, but these are the ones i remember standing out/have read so far. all of these have happy endings, i wouldn't do that to you (and tbh don't really read stuff w/o happy endings myself)
go forth and read whump!
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "The Protector of Concord Dawn"
In which Kanan is the best and Sabine eventually learns to follow his example on things.
I honestly don't think I've watched this one often enough to remember it that well so this'll be an adventure for me.
Having been driven off Garel the Phoenix Cell fleet is once again just kind of ambling through realspace in the middle of nowhere.
Rex casually recanonizing the "Mandalorians trained the clone troopers" thing from Legends.
Oof, you know this conversation had to hurt Sabine in some private places.
Lol, Hera's "Sounds familiar." She talking about Sabine there? Probably.
Sato's line here about warriors only understanding strength is interesting, considering it was suggested/implied that he's a former Separatist. Who knows if he ever had to tangle with Mandalorians during the Clone Wars, but he clearly recognizes that they tend to be a stubborn and belligerent people.
Side note, I love how bouncy Hera's lekku are.
"There was a time when it [diplomacy] always won the day." *CRIES ABOUT THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE REPUBLIC FOREVER*
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You uh... you look like you're missing a little... a lot of... something there, Concord Dawn.
This is a unique music cue, frenetic and tense even before there's any actual danger.
Hera's slight hesitation when she talks about those who would stand against the Empire, hngl, she's so hopeful for the best-case scenario, she has so much faith in people's inner goodness and desire for freedom and autonomy.
Too bad Fenn Rau already made a self-preservation deal with the Empire.
This battle is really nicely staged and shot.
Was that a very fragmented excerpt of the "Shenanigans" theme?
*listens harder*
Sounds a bit like!
Sabine groaning in aggravation when Hera tells her to "just follow orders" oooh boy that's a sour spot for her.
I think it's only thanks to their bonding in "Out of Darkness" that Sabine chooses to trust Hera.
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My gosh the way shards and pieces still seem to be floating around the A-wing like they're pulled by gravity towards it.
Wonder if the Chimaera looked similar when it exited hyperspace, wherever that was.
The worry in Kanan's eyes and his pinched brows, ugh.
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The kids waiting anxiously for news about mom. :(
Sabine immediately blaming herself, and I can't help but think about the parallels to "Call To Action", how Ezra must have blamed himself for leaving Kanan behind, for not fighting alongside him.
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Sabine sounds so vulnerable here, ouch.
Kanan backstory! If I remember, the issue of the Kanan: The Last Padawan comic that covered the event he's referencing here came out right about when this episode was airing, in a bit of fortuitous narrative timing.
Sabine be very angry. That Mandalorian call for revenge be beating strong inside her.
Kanan decides to protect the others by barring them all from coming, only risking himself.
Except, grudgingly, Chopper, who is none-too-happy about this lol.
Takes his frustrations out on Ezra, of course.
"You must be pretty distracted not to have noticed I stowed away." Well, you know, Hera is in the ICU, that's probably pretty distracting.
I actually really love that Kanan is going full Jedi here, offering the protectors, and Fenn Rau specifically, another chance to do the right thing. There's something to be said about his and Hera's shared faith in the true inner goodness of people.
"This Jedi philosophy stuff doesn't work for everyone." "That's why we're at war." CHEEKY BASTARD KANAN.
He's right though, if everyone were just more forgiving and self sacrificing and compassionate like the Jedi there would be far less problems in the galaxy, "You said the biggest problem in this galaxy is that nobody helps each other." CATCH ME SOBBING ABOUT THE PURE GOODNESS OF THE JEDI ORDER AND THEIR MODUS OPERANDI OF SELFLESS COMPASSION AND HOW THEY DIDN'T DESERVE ANY OF IT.
"You always bring enough explosives." Lolol Kanan knows his surrogate foster daughter.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: Kanan leaning in and peering through Sabine's helmet antenna display.
Sabine gives every impression that she intends to take revenge for Fenn hurting Hera so it's a little bit weird when she suddenly backs off from her rage and anger to reinforce a "no killing" moral.
The only reason she doesn't follow through is Kanan's Jedi influence, so I'm going to picture him as a little shoulder angel next to her ear, whispering to her the right thing to do and I'm going to assume that's the deliberate intention of the writers.
Side note: Kanan gives a lot of encouraging/calming/reassuring touches to Sabine's shoulder in this scene. It's adorable.
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Oh wow, Kanan legit pushed Sabine's blasters down as they were sneaking here.
This location feels very weird to see in light of "Imperial Supercommandos", I swear they reuse shot and camera angles for some of the scenes.
Kanan saying he trusts Sabine, aww.
Rau is remarkably considerate of Kanan's intrusion. I really like this scene. Gives the impression of two worthy foes sizing each other up. Feels very much like some kind of callback to classic samurai films.
Rau puts his blaster away when he learns Kanan's a Jedi, a subtle hint to his true loyalties. Rau wants to believe in the miracles the Jedi are capable of but years of subjugation have made him cynical and bitter.
This tapping percussion bit in the score is often used to signify stealth or infiltration.
LOL Sabine blowing her cover by banging her head on a fighter, lololol.
I remember fandom went kind of nuts when Sabine declared she was "House Vizsla". I was never really into the Mandalorian lore side of things so I was like, "Cool. That's nice."
(Basically it means her family was Death Watch and caused way too many Problems On Purpose in the Clone Wars.)
"I believe they have the strength to defeat you and the resources to back it up." UNEXPECTED THRAWN PARALLELS HELLO??!?!!!??
No but seriously, Fenn Rau allied with the Empire for much the same motivations that Thrawn did, to preserve his own people and further their interests. He owes no true loyalty to the Empire but his strategic mind has determined that acquiescing to them is the best option to protect his own.
Wow I did not expect that in this rewatch.
Lol Kanan's whole expression of, "Goddammit Sabine."
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Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Sabine's bangs bounce as her head moves.
Kanan desperately appealing to Sabine's better instincts, the ones Hera instilled in her, and Sabine seeming serious all the way to the end until she holds herself back and shows mercy.
Aaaaaaaaaaah I have so many feelings!
Also LOL at Kanan being so frustrated with Mandalorians and how they fight at any provocation.
Sabine's "You need to trust me." sounds like she's already mentally backed down from her "RAWR MUST TAKE REVENGE" plot and is more calmly assessing the situation and figuring out how to accomplish the goal and adhere to Kanan's (and by proxy Hera's) wishes.
More Old West Hollywood shots here.
I don't think the visual similarity between this moment post-explosion and Sabine's fight with Gar Saxon in "Imperial Supercommandos" is a coincidence.
"You love making this hard for me." Lol aww.
...Where was Fenn intending to go? No really, this is gonna bug me. Was he going to search for the ship Kanan and Sabine clearly came in? Was he going to contact the Empire?
Oooh there's a leimotif in here that I'm sure I've heard, I can't determine what it's meant to symbolize or be associated with (maybe Kanan?) but it's a good one.
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Obligatory pretty cloud shot.
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Looks Rau straight in the face as he stabs his lightsaber through the Fang controls lolol, what a badass.
Kanan is exceptionally competent here. It's really sexy.
For those fans whose primary blorbo is Kanan I mean.
Fenn Rau begrudgingly accepting his defeat in acknowledgement of Kanan's raw skill. <3
It's not exactly what Hera wanted but it's close enough. Rau submits to a clearly superior foe and chooses to hedge his bets by ordering his men to grant them safe passage, out of a chagrined respect.
Love the callback to the joke in "A Princess On Lothal" lol
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I... don't remember being super into this episode when it first aired. Mandalorians infighting with Mandalorians was never a drama I was into and I thought Sabine was frankly a little... boring?... as a character? In the early days for me at least. I was never much invested in her focal episodes in Season Two. She only really started getting interesting for me in Season Three.
But I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed rewatching this episode and seeing Sabine struggle against the competing family instincts and influences inside her.
That being said, it's Kanan who really shines in this episode, demonstrating perfect Jedi training and compassion, determined to find a peaceful solution to the conflict that honors both his values and Hera's wishes. He tempers Sabine's instinctual rage and anger and drive for revenge with calm serenity and mercy and it's this example that would influence several of her decisions in Season Three.
This episode is honestly a really quality one for the Kanan-Sabine bonding and relationship exploration. Maybe I didn't give its due at the time, but I'm finding myself really liking it now.
We're about to hit the Golden Streak, I am SO looking forward to covering the next several episodes. <3
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yaknow how in Iceland there's an app for checking to make sure going out with someone who's local won't be incest because the population's so small? I think the Mandalorians need something similar post-Clone Wars (probably post Battle of Endor) because of all those clone troopers going to the culture closest to what they grew up in (especially if the cuy'val dar really were out there teaching them Mando'a songs) Like Mandalorian culture isn't gonna be homogenous by its nature (if it is something's gone horribly wrong) but for a WHILE there's gonna be a "well, if we make babies in the traditional way that's gonna be incest so good thing our culture fucking loves adoption I guess" epidemic and a LOT of recessive genes expressing themselves in the population, right?
Or am I thinking about this too hard because it's midnight and I'm tired?
I'm probably thinking too hard about this because it's midnight and I'm tired. But I like sending strange asks so here we are HAVE A GOOD DAY BYEEEE
That would make a lot of sense! I admit I don't know much about genetics so I can't make an informed opinion about recessive genes, but I think that would be really interesting to explore!
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din-djarins-riduur · 2 years
The Bad Batch Episode III : Solitary Clone & Republic Commando Parallels
*Spoilers for the books*
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I really loved this episode, not only because it revolves around Crosshair, but because it parallels so much with the clone trooper Darman from The Republic Commando Series.
First, not only was this memorial striking and also a replica of the Vietnam War Memorial, but for those who read the RP books, this can also be a homage to the Mandalorian tradition of saying a dead loved one’s name every day in order to keep their existence alive even after death. In the books, Darman does this for two brothers that he had accidentally killed in self defense. It tortured him, but he knew saying their names everyday was the right thing to do. There is also a scene in the books where Walon Vau and Kal Skirata say the names of every dead trooper that they had trained. If I remember correctly, the list takes them about two hours to say, but for Mandalorians it is worth it.
Now, I can’t say this was the creators’ intention when designing this memorial, but the mood and the list of names that go on and on really reminded me of that.
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Next, I wanted to talk about the similarities between Crosshair and Cody and that of Darman and Niner. In the books, Darman wants to stay with the Empire and kill every Jedi that he can in order to avenge his dead wife. This scares Niner and without needed time, Niner quickly realizes that the Empire is not what it seems. Like Niner, Cody also sees the true intent of the Empire and wants to go AWOL.
In the RP series, Niner and Darman even attempt to escape Coruscant, but right before they can board the ship, Darman chooses to stay, believing that his duty is to rid the galaxy of all remaining Jedi. Like Darman, Crosshair also feels compelled to stay, feeling that his only purpose in life is to finish his missions and prove himself to his superiors.
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Also the freaking depression that both Crosshair and Darman go through literally rips at my heart. When I was reading the books, I felt so devastated for Darman. The poor man literally watched his wife die right in front of him and he was so traumatized by it that he would mentally tell himself that it didn’t happen to him but to someone else. He would act like a completely different person, referring to himself in his mind as “Not-Darman” all while wanting to die, unable to stand the thought of living his life without Etain. He even forgets that he has a son for while, knowing that if he acknowledged the fact that it would only cause him more pain because it reminded him of the life that got ripped out of his hands.
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Like Darman, Crosshair is also going through depression. He looks as if he barely sleeps, stares up at the ceiling, mind racing with thought and reflection. His room is dark and small. He eats his meals alone, but chooses to sit with others because subconsciously he’s desperate for brotherhood. He feels as through everything has been ripped from him and therefore acts like a complete shell of himself to try and get rid of his feelings of regret, anger, and betrayal.
The truth is though, is that neither Darman or Crosshair are able to fool themselves. Eventually, they realize what has happened to them and soon enough start to doubt the Empire that they’re serving and the meanings of their lives.
In the RC books, this revelation comes to Darman when a squad brother of his shoots himself in the bathroom. The suicide shocks him so much that he starts to realize that he can’t continue life the way he had been. And for Crosshair, his revelation comes from Cody’s words, being told that unlike the droids, they’re able to think and make choices, and as consequence have to live with said choices.
Anyways, that’s what I was thinking and feeling while watching this episode and I hope that for the fans of The Republic Commando books that this satisfies your quench and niche thoughts and parallels.
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fionajames · 1 year
ocs pt. 2
apologies but i love making characters
@lovejoysoots u asked to be tagged so here :) also, hope its okay i included xane in taki's info!
Taki Caileth
Taki is a Nautolan Bounty Hunter with dark violet skin and magenta, lilac and pastel purple. His eyes are purely black (as Nautolan eyes usually are).
He's eighteen in 22 BBY and became a Bounty Hunter when he was merely a kid - because he grew up on Glee Anslem until he was eight and then was hurriedly taken away, growing up on Tatooine and Corellia, as well as all over the galaxy.
He fights best with a sword or a blaster rifle. Taki is decently well-known as a Bounty Hunter under the name of Maverick (not related to Top Gun, it literally means an independent person). Whilst many know Maverick, not many know Taki.
Taki works - as the word maverick means - independently. It's not because he hates people or anything but because of trust issues after his family's death.
During the Clone War, Taki sides with whoever pays - and usually the GAR, because he feels bad for the clones. Not the senate, not the republic, not the Jedi, the clones.
He's smart and calculating yet sarcastic and loyal. His loyalty can be his downfall as he tends to trust easily and so his solution is to not get too close to anyone.
On several occasions, Taki has teamed up with fellow Bounty Hunter Xane. They are a scarily and shockingly good team and share several views over things, although Taki sides with the GAR more, Xane has a disliking towards a certain Jedi named Anakin Skywalker.
Although Taki is moving alot, he has a place on the lower levels of Coruscant which he uses as a base. 
During the war, as everyone is desperate for money, Bounty Hunters become very valuable. One Bounty Hunter was doing a job for the Separatists and kidnapped a Jedi Youngling - an eight year old Rodian boy. Desperately, the GAR hired Taki, who went and retrieved the boy. In the process, he lost his left leg from the knee down. In thanks, the Jedi gave him a black-metal prosthetic and paid him about 70% of what he was originally supposed to earn, even though the prosthetic cost about the same price as the original payment. Taki begins to side even more with the GAR because the Separatists captured an innocent child - which he sees as very wrong, as something similar happened to him when he was younger.
Taki doesn’t really have a best friend but he’s closest with Xane and the Rodian Youngling he rescued.
Satsuki Noriko
Satsuki is a Human girl with light freckled skin, short, fluffy (dyed) red hair and black eyes. She’s seventeen in 22 BBY. Her grandmother was a Mandalorian who left Mandalore for reasons she refuses to explain.
Satsuki has a shop on the middle layers of Coruscant where she paints armour and helmets, as well as ships and speeders occasionally. When the clone wars came around, Satsuki decided to increase her work hours - in hopes of getting more customers and more money - so she could allow Clones to come in. Because the Clones aren’t paid, Satsuki doesn’t charge them for any money.
She’s kind and generous, but also sarcastic and stubborn. Her best friend is a Clone trooper named Trinket. Trinket once saved an old, rich woman off-planet who insisted on giving him her expensive jewellery as thanks. Trinket gave all of it to Satsuki as payment for the paints, materials and her time on behalf of all the Clones.  
Satsuki is part of a rather large family with one fourteen year old sister, one eight year old half-sister and one six year old half-brother. The family do family dinners weekly and Satsuki gets along best with her sisters and brother and grandmother. Her grandmother is your resident badass grandmother who is incredibly scary and awesome. 
Satsuki has and will beat up anyone who talks shit about the Clones and is their number 1 protector. She hangs out with Trinket, Fox, Rex, Cody and Vyper (the unnamed Commander of the 13th Battalion who I’ve named) the most.
Satsuki sees the Clones as her brothers and best friends, and has to be daily convinced not to sneak on board to join the fight. 
One time, Satsuki introduced Rex to her grandmother and her grandmother instantly called him bu’ad and he almost cried. 
The Clones and her have frequent conversations in pure Mando’a and it’s rather entertaining. 
Rin Keiko
Rin is a human girl with long black hair, dark brown eyes and tan skin. She’s 16 in 22 BBY making her one of the youngest Jedi Knights, although not the youngest ever. Rin fought during the Battle of Geonosis alongside her Mirialan Master Aoi Tsumugi. During the fight, Aoi was struck down and Rin was forced to continue fighting for her life, feeling alone even though surrounded by hundreds of other Jedi.
After the battle, Rin managed to convince the Council into Knighting her using her points that one; Aoi was going to Knight her in a few months anyway, two; they’re scarce for Knights and need all they can get, and three; she is ready. 
Rin was then Knighted and given a battalion of her own to lead as General. Alongside her Clone Commander Warden, of course.
Rin is what many describe as insane. She is protective to her troops and friends and would rather lay down her life than any of theirs. She’s reckless and smart but overconfident and cocky in a scary way. Her laugh is maniacal and intertwined with trauma, plus her troops are convinced she's either seeing ghosts or hearing voices. That doesn’t mean they don’t love her though! Their General is their sister and they are extremely horrified when they find out months after meeting her that she's still just a kid.
They are terrified for her when they accidentally somehow witness one of her PTSD-induced dreams (something a lot of Jedi get and are extremely dangerous) as she floated midair and objects swirled around her like a hurricane. She - frankly - looked possessed.
Rin starts losing it with the council a lot, laughing inappropriately and insanely and muttering loudly with huge grins. It’s terrifying for a sixteen year old to do that. If Rin wasn’t such a good fighter and General, the GAR would have probably forced her into some sort of insane asylum - or at least gotten her daily therapy.
Rin’s best friend is Warden and their like brother and sister, and all her friends are the Clones and some of the Jedi. 
Iniko Edge
Iniko is a fourteen-year-old Pantoran Youngling boy. He has violet blue skin (colour hex code; #4157A2), golden yellow eyes, soft yellow markings on his arms, legs and hands, and curly raven black hair that is actually very dark, deep purple but only really obvious in certain lights.
Iniko has a double-bladed dark purple lightsaber that can be split into two separate lightsabers (like Cal’s). He got both crystals during the Gathering, and panicked because of it. 
Iniko was apprenticed to Shaak Ti at the start of the Clone Wars and lives on Kamino. He trains there and has befriended many clones. 
Iniko is a kind and quiet boy, but not shy. He loves befriending the Clones but is a bit quiet at first. All the Clones see him like a younger brother. After a few months of training with his Master on Kamino, Iniko is sent to assist other Jedi with missions and use Kamino as his base instead of Coruscant. He is sent as a Commander alongside Captain Rook and a small battalion of Clones. They aren’t really like battalions such as the 212th and 501st because they're a lot smaller and they have never gone on missions just with themselves. They don’t even go on missions as much as others, because thats how they work.
Iniko secretly cries for every Clones’ death and is a sweet Clones’ rights supporter. He befriends lots of other battalions’ clones - such as Cody, Rex, Jesse and others. He is best friends with Captain Rook, Ahsoka - who he teams up with during missions and was actually créchemates with - and several members of his squad - in particular Tripp, Kaz and Tempest. 
Iniko also met Rin and sees her as an older sister, although Rook lectures him regularly about not taking after her reckless nature. Rook is extremely protective over him, and it shows through a lot. In fact, the entire squad - and others - are protective over him. But not in an obsessed way. They know that he can handle himself and that's what scares them. 
Iniko is a wholesome boy and very similar to Dhole in a few ways because of it, but also different. 
Iniko hides his breakdowns and illnesses and injuries and all that from everyone, because he believes he doesn’t matter as much. That’s one of the Temple’s faults. They brought up all the Younglings, Padawans, Knights and Masters to believe that peace was the most important thing, and to get it at all costs. Accidentally, they taught Iniko that he wasn’t worth as much as the battle, and so he remembers that. The Clones are slowly helping him but he’s still fragile.
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kuwdora · 2 years
Star Wars vid recs
Someone on my twitter feed had asked for some vid recs for Star Wars and I thought I’d share some of my faves over here.
Desperado by fightingarrival Sequel trilogy. Poe/Finn/Rey. The Force Awakens + Rihanna + fightingarrival’s editing = the best thing you will ever see. The VIBES of this vid are incredible and editing will knock your socks off. There’s this transition of the two stormtroopers pulling Poe over to Kylo Ren and it transitions right into a tie fighter—and the shape of the tie fighter matches the way the troopers are holding Poe. Finn reaching for Rey on “not leaving me behind” — THIS VID IS SO GOOD. I have probably rewatched it 1,000,000 times since it debuted at ConTxt in 2018.
Jailbreak by @absolutedestiny. Original trilogy. The criminal hijinks and shenanigans of our rebel scum. This vid is so much FUN and full of the amazing trouble our favorites got into in the trilogy. The editing is so sharp and the lyrics are fabulous.
99 Problems by John Jay. Live action and animated series and films. Obi-Wan has 99 problems and honestly Anakin is all of them but FFFFFFUUUUCK the way these clips land on the beats!!!! I’ve seen this vid being reblogged all over tumblr but I gotta rec a million times because it is so good.  This uses all the live action and animated Star Wars source to AMAZING EFFECT, holy fuck twirl those Light sabers on the beat!!
Sk8er Boi by @ohvienna. Sequel trilogy. Kylo/Rey. This vid is hilarious and perfect and YES this is the Avril Lavigne song. Just trust me on this. You’ll see this and only be able to think of Kylo when you hear the song afterwards. You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by @rhoboat77. The Mandalorian and Grogu. This vid is a romp and delight and Rho’s pacing throughout the song will keep you captivated with squee and love for these two.
Terrible/Beautiful by @cherryberrynice. Rogue One vid featuring Chirrut/Baze and Cassian/Jyn. Cherry always has amazing song choices for her vids and this AWOLNATION song for these two and this movie is outstanding. Her editing remains absolutely kinetic and visceral and it’s impossible for me not to adore this. The BEATS IN THIS!! The action sequences!!  The tension in this vid is so good.
9 to 5 by eruthros. Lego Star Wars featuring the clone troopers!!!! Honestly you won’t find a cuter Star Wars vid than this.
Last of the Real Ones by @starlady38. Star Wars Rebels, Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus. This is the found family of my soul and I will always cry during the final episode of the show as well as this vid. These two learned so much about what it meant to become a Jedi and how to be there for each other. My heart is so full when I rewatch this vid. PLUS it’s Fall Out Boy! Amazing combination and amazing editing and so, so lovely.
In Your Head by Darth Porg. This is the Bad Wolves cover of Zombie used to DEVASTATING EFFECT for the clone troopers. Like this vid goes so fucking hard that my soul is fucking shattered. I’ve never recovered from this vid or anything about the clone troopers.
The Light by destina. This is an Anakin/Darth Vader characters study to Adam Lambert’s music, omg. It’s dancey, it’s deadly, it’s damn fucking good. The rage, the yearning, and power of Anakin in this vid is crystal clear with Adam Lambert’s vocals, holy fuck.
One Girl Revolution by bessyboo. Padme and Leia vid!! Warning for bright lights, fast cuts + stuttery/"flicker" cuts. This iconic song for two iconic women. Perfect combination is perfect with amazing parallels and badassery from both mother and daughter.
Somewhere Only We Know by trekkiebeth. Rogue One vid featuring Cassian/Jyn. The wariness and yearning of these characters works remarkably with this cover by Darren Criss. I progressively get more choked up as the vid progresses. So lovely. Standing in the Way of Control by @trelkez. This vid uses footage from all the films and TV shows to highlight our heroes standing up to fascism. It isn’t pretty, it isn’t easy and they get knocked down so many times but the tension and hope in this vid—despite facing death and genocide—is really outstanding.
Home by @collsssss. The Mandolorian and Grogu. This is the sweetest most endearing look at Din Djarin doing his best for Grogu and AHHHH the song just makes my heart swell with warm fuzzies. This vid is so, so lovelyyyyy.
And here’s my Star Wars vids (so far):
Me, Me, Me, a Star Wars Rebels vid featuring Chopper. Just a little indie rock song for my favorite Star Wars droid.
What We Live For, a Star Wars sequel trilogy OT3 vid of fluffiness and adventure. Baby you’re my open road, you can take me anywhere the wind blows, right into the great unknown. We can throw up our hands out the window, this is what we live for. All my Rey/Finn/Poe feelings right here.
One Foot, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. This game was AMAZING and Cal Ketis got me right in the feels. If you liked Star Wars Rebels, you definitely should look up the game or at least the cut scenes from the game because his journey is amazing and I of course had to vid it. The ‘finding yourself/found family’ themes in this game are A++++ and what you will find in this vid of mine.
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