#there is so much joy in being niceys not only to others but to urself
crescentfool · 1 year
guys. isn't being alive so cool. there are. so many swag people in my life. some of them don't even know i exist but i know that they exist and they're doing cool shit and i look at them with fondness that's enough for me.
the people who do know that i exist are also wonderful and i cherish them so much beyond human comprehension its unreal to me that in another lifetime i wouldn't know such splendid souls but they are here with me now and i think that's all that matters.
and there's so many cool little creatures and animals and plants and whatnot and even if i don't know shit about them i think its so cool that somewhere out there these things spark whimsy and joy and breathe life into people that their brain is like a cozy little library of encyclopedia knowledge.
the way in which life can take us on so many fun journeys and paths even if it may not look like anything to us in the moment i think it's so fucking neat to be able to walk this path and that even in hardship there will be good for us eventually and stories to tell for getting through these things.
guys i love being alive im so happy i love life and i'm so glad that i can feel a depth of emotions because it means i can be grateful for so many cool things like this.
i hope you all have something to love in life too you are so epic and swag for reading this and i think you will absolutely be able to skyrocket out of the universe to do the thing you want to do. keep on keeping on fellow humans!!!
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synthbug · 2 years
📌✨💢 for the hyperfixation asks ^_^
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📌How did you find your hyperfixation?
WELLL this is a little sillay story ^_^ for spiderman I had an entire character arc because I was introduced to it by my friend who was a huge fan of mcu spidey in 2018 and for SOME reason I decided it was cringe to ask more abt spiderman (I lost all my whimsy in 2018-2019) so I would deny liking spiderman WHILE dropping the least subtle hints that I wanted her to keep telling me more abt spidey. And well that did nawt work out</3 BUT BOOM !! NOW I AM SILLY AND WHIMSICAL AND I CONSUME LOTS OF SPIDEY CONTENT AND LOOVE TO TALK ABT IT ^_^ !!
if I could go back in time and tell my 2018 self 1 thing it would be to get some freaking whimsy and be silly with ur love for mlp and spiderman and whatever the hell and consume more content by urself<3 I am much happier now since I've embraced the silly :3 ALSO PLOT TWIST that friend only ever liked mcu spidey and after she dropped that interest I became the spidey friend for all my friendgroups so ! How the tables turn ^_^ ! And that's about it for interesting stuff </3 everythang else was cuz I consumed it from a young age :3
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
OHH YIPPEEE BABYYY I LOOVE SPIDERMAN FOR SO SO MANY REASONS ^_^ ONE OF THE LOVELIEST IN MY EYES IS THE COMMUNITY!! ofc firstly it's about what the character represents :3 how everybady has the power to help others and make a great impact in their own communities and can also do so just by being themselves <33 The community of fans all really love this idea and it is SO NICEYS !!! because they will show their love for the character by BEING NICEYS !! BEING KIND TO THEMSELVES AND OTHERS !!! like u know those people who dress up as spiderman and go to events to cheer people up and maybe even raise money for charity :] that's so everythang to me cuz its about helping others.. making others happy anonymously and getting joy from seeing others smile.. bwuh..
Personally Spiderman inspires me to keep my whimsy strong and to be the most niceys I can be to others :3 and their stories (ESPECIALLY E-1048 THE PLAYSTATION GAMDS) always make me smile cuz the in game communities and people are so loving and caring... and I think thats why It's one of my longest standing hyperfixes bcoz spideys are so so lovely and niceys which makes me happy and inspires me to be like that to make others happy too :]
Plus the diversity of spider people is so dear to me bcoz.. That's literally the manifestation of everyone around the world being like. Ohh I can be a hero and help people !! Just like spida man !! And it keeps that idea going stronger too cuz yeah peter parker already makes me wanna be niceys and help others but when i saw SILK... babygirl i dont even know u that well but oh my gosh... u look like me... THAT is insane it really hammers home that idea :3 ditto with most spideys having wildly different backgrounds, which is also cool and interesting bcoz u get to learn abt other cultures and other peoples stories thru spidermen ^_^ the character gives me so much joy and curiosity for the world and for others it's insane!!! Peace and love in the world :D
ALSO I GOTTA MENTION THE ART AND CREATIVE IMPACT FROM THIS COMMUNITY LIKE !! HAVE U SEEEN SPIDERVERSE !! HAVE U SEEN SPIDERMAN PS4 AND PS5 ... HAVE U HEAARD THE SOUNDTRACKS FOR BOTH!! Literally some of the most inspiring and incredible and just soul lifting art has come out of this community and inspired the rest of the world to keep its whimsy strong :] seriously the soundtrack esp for miles morales focused stuff is insane.. makes me feel so happy and inspired everytime ^_^ BOOM I COULD GO ON BUT YAA THATS WHY SPIDERMAN STAYS CLOSE TO MY HEART FOREVERR AND INSPIRES ME!!
💢 What do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
GONNA BE SO HONEST IM JUST A LITTLE GUY AND I LOVE EVERYTHING!! plus my hyperfixes are pretty niceys ,,, spidey, mlpfim, adventure time etc u really cannot go wrong ^_^ the only things I don't like abt them r the things purposely designed to make me dislike them. Like zephyr breeze and King of ooo, and even then it's cool cuz they do serve a purpose and tell important stories :3
Something I would have wanted to change abt mlpfim tho would be seeing chrysalis reform cuz honestly she was . Just being a mom :( she loved her hive and just needed to learn to accept that they really were healthier and happier when they evolved</3 Sawtooth waves on YouTube has an awesome video or two abt this and it's so real. Thorax was way too quick to try to convert all the changelings to adopt pony culture and i think chrysalis would have been a good mom and leader and an important piece of changeling culture if she reformed ^_^ bcoz all the other species have such cool cultures and changelings.. didn't really have any. Which makes sense but yknow !! A girl can dream :3
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