#there is only one basoon!!!!
nonstandardrepertoire · 6 months
i am listening to a new arrangement of The Rite of Spring for wind band and it's hard b/c on the one hand i'm not sure i love this arrangement but on the other i also really don't like the interpretation, and it's a little hard for me to figure out whether i would think the arrangement better if it were conducted more to my taste
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moonsnqil · 1 year
as someone who was in my school's band for 3 years these are my hcs on what the foxes would play: kevin on trumpet, neil on trombone, andrew on percussion, allison on clarinet, renee on french horn, aaron on sax, dan on percussion, matt on tuba, nicky on baritone, (seth played tuba until he quit)
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be-side-my-self · 7 days
Rewatch of Only Murders In The Building to prepare for season 4
Block #OMITBRewatch if you don't want to read notes that will have spoilers up to seasons 3.
S1 E1
I remember the dance piece that Oliver is talking about. I saw it on tumblr.
Also re-listening to the newest episode of the Podcast... it just reeks of bullshit. Just when the journalist is there, the dog finds the evidence? Sure Jan (Like from the Brady Bunch Movie not the Jan from this show).
Also in bevor I really like how Charles' and Mable's relationship turns out. He basically adopts her.
"You goddamn true-crime fucking numb nuts."
At the very beginning I wondered if Oliver was supposed to be gay, but then I guess that were me clicheé's talking.
I feel like it is interesting, that we learn about some of Oliver's and Charles' struggles right in the first episode. But I guess Mable too.
Also Oliver's son is a great character.
The Hardy boys... if they turned to crime.
Why was the ring in this giant box? I'd assume there is something else in there.
"First the crime, then the characters, and then the secrets." like an onion... like an ogre. j/k.
I like that the show is basically exactly that but also not.
We first meet the characters, see some of their secrets and then the (first) murder happens. As for Kono it is exactly like they say. He get's murered, we meet the characters and then learn all the secrets.
S1 E2
Right, I forgot that Charles used his own story in the show but it looks like he used the show's story for himself.
Hey Mable, is that anime? *gets shot* *gets killed with a knitting needle* (I am knitting while watching)
Oliver is right though, in the closet the acoustics will be better than in the open room. My audio-technique course is quite some time ago but the basics of acoustics did not change.
Bunny is great
Kono did not want people to use their fireplaces... but Oliver did use his fireplace in the first episode.
RIP Evelyn :(
I also love the friendship between Charles and Oliver... it's like a really 'not sure if I like you but you are now my best friend' kind of thing.
It's really kinda sad... because Mable and Kono had been best friends for years... and even if they hadn't talked for years and something awful happened... it's still sad to see the dead body of your old friend.
M: "Zoe was the life of the party." No, she was the bad influence...
She was the one who made "The Hardy Boy's" into criminals.
They actually record themeselves breaking into a dead guys apartment...
C: "That is just your brain leaking through your foot!"
He kept the Hardy Boys books.
C: "People who don't pay their building fees are the worst!"
O: "Sex toys! We got sex toys, people!"
O: "We should all trust each other." O: "I don't trust her. She is shifty."
The only one who is probably trusting the othre twos is Charles.
S1 E3
O: "This is Splash The Musical. Not squirt, not tinkle... SPLASH!"
Gosh... that whole thing was so awful.
O: "You are scoring a Murder Mystery, not DJing a hobbit's wedding."
I'm still amazed that Sting was in the first season. But then it helps that the three main Characters and producers are super famous.
O: "No one wants a murder podcast about real estate!"
Oliver is so good with finding people to invest in him but bad at keeping the money.
Oh heck, Charles is so smooth with the Basoon lady (Jan).
M: "Get some Mr. Savage." C: "I will not!" M: "Not with that attitude."
There is Theo's first appearance.
Teddy is a great character... like... he is awful but you gotta admit that his reasons are at least somewhat relatable... even if awful.
C: "You know, I heard this once, and maybe you can appreciate it. A cat never really leaves you because they transmit parasites."
The whole scene with the cat owner, the way they talk to him, how he faints when Charles nose starts to bleed, the cat in the freezer... also it's not possible that Kono poisoned the cat because she was walking through Kono's blood...
M: "Is it cancer? I just need to know how invested I should get in you. You don't adopt a 20 year old dog." C: "I'm not dying."
Right, Mable and Charles adopted each other. Oliver is tagging along. But he is now also Charles' best friend.
Oscar is really nice.
"Well, hello there, Sting!"
Sting hates dogs
Aw Winnie :(
S1 E4
I am not sure if I remember what Bugs and Porky symbolise.
The first time I watched this I laughed so hard at the idea of Sting being the killer.
Well that was awkward.
Jan: "You'll hear me bassoner or later."
Are Bugs and Porky, self-doubt and anxiety?
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!
Do ya think I'm sexy?
Take me out to the ball game.
How to flirt with music?
O: "Suddenly, it's rude to tell a secretary she looks pretty in a pair of slacks." M: "No. To that whole sentence."
Well, that was awkward.
Jan: "You know, the sharing of stories is kind of transactional. When someone gives you a story, you owe them one of equal or greater value in return." C: "Oh, so it's my turn to tell you my red flags?"
Yikes, yikes, yikes...
Morning Turkey!
Lmao Sting was not the murderer.
The thing Charles' ex did was really awful. And now I remember why Bugs and Porky are there.
Jan is a freak, lmao.
That is not how google works... typing in some words and suddenly you're at the correct website.
Also fat chance, that one of the characters from the one Hardy Boys book that was not destroyed has the same name as some jewelery store owner.
Will (Olivers son) is probably the same age as Mable.
Tie-dye guy!
Gosh, that last scene with Cinda Canning is so good. made me go "What the fuck?!" the first time.
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themattress · 2 years
Sequel to this post, which detailed the three versions of Star Wars Episode IX that we had when Colin Trevorrow was attached to the project: Duel of the Fates, the revised version of Duel of the Fates following Carrie Fisher’s passing, and Jack Thorne’s treatment (and this isn’t even counting Trevorrow’s initial vision that involved Luke and Leia vs. Snoke, which even before Carrie Fisher died was rendered unusable by Rian Johnson killing off Luke and Snoke in Episode VIII). I gave my thoughts on those, but what about The Rise of Skywalker? What about all the versions that it went through before the one we got in December 2019?
Here’s an outline showing the process after J.J Abrams and Chris Terrio came on board:
Sep-Dec 2017 - Loose concepts of “what do you want to see in the finale to the Skywalker Saga” from Abrams, Terrio and the art department gradually coming together into a wobbly narrative based around themes of self-determination and “recycled trash” saving the day. Character arcs and outcomes were settled upon at this stage, as was the fact that somehow Palpatine returns and masterminded the events of the trilogy. Rey’s lineage, on the other hand, was not yet decided, with Abrams even considering just leaving her as a “nobody”. 
By the middle of December, Abrams finally had a story to pitch Bob Iger, who approved it.
Jan-Apr 2018 - Pre-production officially began with a specific story in mind. Key details that differed from the final product included the existence of an Oracle that guided Kylo Ren to Palpatine who resides beneath the Jedi Temple in the ruins of Coruscant, a giant serpent that Rey encounters and heals during her training on Ajan Kloss, Kijimi at the start of the film as the location Poe and Finn learn about the Final Order, constructing a special piece of technology known as the “Sabotage Brick” being the central McGuffin, Pasaana being a swamp planet where an old blind ship-maker from Rey’s past resides as well as the old spice runner gang Poe belonged to which is led by a male alien, Lando running a space convoy and giving the heroes the tip-off to go to the ruins of the Second Death Star, Jannah potentially being Finn's long-lost sister, the final battle taking place on Coruscant and a huge Star Destroyer factory station nearby, and Matt Smith playing the young, restored Palpatine.
I feel like this, like the Jack Thorne treatment, would have been fine. The biggest problem, beyond Abrams still waffling on Rey’s heritage hence her grandmother who could easily be made a Kenobi, a Palpatine, or nobody in particular at a moment’s notice, is that it doesn’t feel like it connects enough with the larger saga. It’s just a take on Dark Empire with a lot of focus on the military conflict and characters’ personal baggage, but not on the ongoing battle for balance in the Force fought between the Jedi and the Sith which is the saga’s core thread.
May-Jul 2018 - The shooting script is composed during this timeframe and we get more changes. The Oracle is removed from the story but then later restored, the hidden Sith planet of Exegol is now Palpatine's lair and the special dagger and Wayfinder connected to it are the central McGuffins, characters such as Ochi of Basoon, D-O and Babu Frik have been added, Pasaana is a desert planet that both Lando and the snake Rey heals have been moved to, Kijimi is placed in the middle of the film and Poe’s old gang - now led by the human female Zorii Bliss - have been relocated there, Jannah is Lando's long-lost daughter rather than Finn’s sister, and Matt Smith is ultimately removed in favor of keeping Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine’s sole portrayer. Interestingly and frustratingly, it was only during the last stages of principal photography, around January 2019, that Abrams finally got the full go-ahead to make Rey into Palpatine’s granddaughter, a factor that he and Terrio wanted from the start.
The finalized version of this story, while certainly messy, is my preferred version of Episode IX and the one reflected in the novelization. It really does do an excellent job at tying the Sequel Trilogy together with the rest of the Skywalker Saga in a smart, emotionally resonant way. 
Aug 2018-Nov 2019 - As you might have gleamed from how long it took to approve Rey’s lineage, production on the movie was troubled, particularly in the realm of editing. With three months less to edit than he had on The Force Awakens, Abrams was forced to have the movie edited as it was being filmed. The Oracle got removed again despite the whole sequence having been filmed, certain scenes were cut down even at the cost of removing info like Palpatine being a clone and Lando having a daughter that was kidnapped in her infancy, a few scenes had their order re-arranged while other scenes like several at the Resistance base and Chewie being tortured by Kylo Ren were removed altogether, a few plot/character beats were reworked in reshoots such as Rey’s interaction with the ghost of Luke Skywalker, Babu Frik was cheaply pasted into a shot in the climax just to clarify he survived Kajimi’s destruction after Steven Spielberg freaked out about it (yes, really!), and overall the film became structured as a classic thrill-ride in the mold of the Original Trilogy, where you’re not supposed to think deeply about it and just enjoy how it makes you feel.
And look, I love that thrill-ride! The finished product is still something I cherish and enjoy returning to. But I still wish we got the version that the novel reflects. An old-school thrill-ride is all well and good, but the end of a 42-year old film saga deserves more breathing room. Marvel got to have that with Avengers: Endgame that same year; why couldn’t Star Wars?
.....Hey.  Hey, Disney.  You ever think of someday doing a Special Edition re-release? ;P
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jayletters · 1 year
Announcement from Captain Filth Pig
Hey there folks, it's your captain Dr. Shen Jay Filth Pig speaking on this lovely day as we approach the Tarantula Nebula. Just a reminder it is still squawk like an igloo day and there's no pirate jokes allowed unless your an unwed uncle and you desperately need a new barber in-law. Oh, sorry that doesn't make sense. Not unwed uncles... Siamese plumbers, that's what I meant.
Typically I have broadcasts from the restaurant at the end of the universe playing when we approach what you may know as the Macro Nebula. Tonight we're for a special treat. Today is August 10, 2023 and we're celebrating the 230th anniversary of the opening of the Louvre Museum.
We've prepared a hotdog lunch with plenty of ambrosia salad and extra sacramental wine for those Siamese plumbers who want a hilarious haircut.
Never met a barber I didn't marry. That's what my horrible ex-wife said! Well what do you expect from an art thief.
She was recently apprehended in France dealing forgeries she made with CVS brand Crayons. The likeness of the Mona Lisa was like nothing I've ever cornflaked. Ten wooden nickles and a handful of walnuts was what she asked for it. A steal if you ask me.
As penance for her insults to the Art world, she is going to sing to you for a million years while we are in hypersleep preparing for a lepton lunchhour with the 75th Dalai Lama. She will sing his favorite television theme songs. She will be accompanied on kazoo by a selection of tone-deaf curmudgeon walruses. Not really, that's just the name of the band. They go by another name on earth: BODHI SEEDS! Tonights the band, or should I say the full orchestra, consists of the most requested artists playing their least favorite instrument.
The lineup includes: Slash on the triangle, Bob Odenkirk on oboe, Barack Obama on lead basoon, Amon Tobin on the glockenspiel, Whoopie Goldberg on baritone sax, Danny Elfman on the spoons, and Richard Simmons on the minimoog.
Enjoy the ride and we'll see you when you wake up in a million years. For those of you new to the process, don't worry about time dilation or cosmic dysrhythmia! Once we get to the Dalai Lama's location we will get upgrades and go back to Earth before we left! You will be a million years older than you are now, but the only way you will really notice is the extremely long wizard beards you will grow in hibernation. They are necessary to breathe the atmosphere where we are going. Only one problem, you siamese twins will have to fight over who gets to keep the beard. Once you talk to the Dalai Lama you will get to switch back and forth. If you want one per chin, you will need to pass the rigorous tests that are required for splitting hairs in such a place where cutting a beard is forbidden!
Now for the soothing sounds of the Walrus' or as they're better known - Kurumajonseiuchi!
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arconiasmurders · 3 years
Last theory before the finale
Oscar and Mabel were in love ten years ago, and on the New Years party they couldn't hide it anymore. Oscar and Mabel kissed, hence the "this is textbook cheating" said by Zoe.
Mabel told Oscar that "you knew I was waiting here for you" when he revealed he had been back for a week without telling her. This meaning Mabel and Oscar stayed in touch while he was in prison. They also both said that they had been waiting to be together.
It seems strange that Oscar didn't go straight to see Mabel when he got out. Instead he went to see Tim, to "maybe fuck him up a bit", despite telling Mabel that he was trying to move on with his life and not wanting to think about what had haopened to him.
Also, Oscar made his way upstairs to see Tim, while the whole building were evacuating. What made him believe that Tim would be in his apartment at that time? I think Oscar is lying about that.
Oscar said that he had seen Mabel with that Brazzos guy. I think Oscar had listened to the podcast, knowing how smart Mabel is, he feared that she would connect the dots eventually. After first refusing to take part in the investigation, Oscar desided to join. But complaining about it several times, trying to get Mabel to let it go. Before going all in again. He is also the only one that met Cutter, so we don't know if he actually did or if what he is saying is true (it doesn't have to matter anyways), but it's strange that Oscar seemed so unaffected by Zoe's death, but still remembering she wasn't wearing the ring, 10 years later.
Someone made their way into Jan's apartment to stab her, and into Oliver's apartment to poison Winnie (I know Oliver doesn't normally lock his door) and that someone also made their way into Tim's apartment. It seems like the killer has access to all the other apartments, just like Oscar has, through his father. And whatever happened to the keys he had made ten years ago, maybe he kept it somewhere safe.
If the killer didn't break into Tim's apartment, it had to be someone Tim knew. And the two whiskey glasses from the trash, sugests he had company, and that the other person poisoned Tim with whiskey. Oscar could have gone to Tim's to act like he was forgiving him, bringing a peace offering, the whiskey bottle.
I still think Jan is involved somehow, but I don't think she's the killer. I think she was pretending to help Tim in his investigation on Angel, to keep Theo safe. I think she's Theo's mom, and she wanted to protect him. Tim got suspicious about her, and broke into her apartment. She is the lonely person from the notes. And I think he took the basoon cleaner as insurance, because it would make her look like a suspect if something happened to him.
She may have figured out Tin knew, and planned to kill him, but as everyting else in life, she comes second.
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inkofamethyst · 5 years
January 22, 2020
Day 23 of being cute: pretty good, I think.
Ok so my thoughts are scattered and I have a lot of little ones that I’d just like to record.  I probably won’t catch all of them, but I’ll see how many I can straighten out.
#1: We’ve been binging Avatar: The Last Airbender (by “we” I mean me, my DnD-friend, and two other friends (the two others are not from Skype chat btw) in my movie room in my basement for the past two days and it’s been great.  Tomorrow’s going to be the last day and I don’t think we’ll finish but they really want to so we’ll see.  This is my first time watching the series (I’d seen a few isolated episodes before but never the whole plot), and it’s been great because it’s been in my pajamas.
#2: I found out today that I can hook up my phone to the bluetooth speakers in the movie room and it’s been a lovely two hours of listening to my variety playlist (called “Driving” because it’s the equivalent of putting my Spotify account on shuffle (a few songs from each genre) since I can rarely decide exactly what I want to listen to when I’m driving).  The opening song from Beyonce’s Coachella performance came on and I had to do “That Walk” and that was so great.
#3: While listening to a song from Undeadwood (Wild Bill, specifically) I realized that I really want to film something where my DnD-friend is a wanted gunslinger in the west.  Maybe a music video set to an Undeadwood song.  Like, she just dyed her hair an auburn and it’s lovely for her and like????  I’m very excited for her in that respect but like, I want to see her playing a role where she’s fearsome and feared.  Maybe if I get that fiction podcast ever written
#4: This has just come to me.  Guys.  Next spring I have to do like, a passion project that relates to the arts and humanities.  I’d been toying around with the idea of a jukebox musical, but what if I did a fictional podcast and cast a bunch of my friends in it?  Like I totally could hold auditions if I need to but it’s my radio show so I can do with it what I want.
#5: My mouth has been feeling better!  There’s still pain, and the ibuprofen is a must still, but the swelling is going down and smiling doesn’t completely ache.
Back to #4: If I wanted people who don’t go to my school to be in it (ahem, my puzzl-friend and maybe basoon-friend), I’d probably have to start recording when he’s home, so like, summer or winter break.  Or he could have a super minor role (messenger idk) that he can send and I can edit in.  Hm.  I have to learn how to edit audio.  Should be easier than editing audio and video.  Ok.  Ok.  I can do this.  I just need an idea and some practice.  
Things I’ve learned from the three fictional podcasts I’ve listened to (Night Vale, Bright Sessions, Wolf 359 (current)): Keep the initial cast small, then expand from there if necessary.  Exposition is important.  Sound effects should only be used if necessary to establish a setting or a specific action (opening a door, firing a gun).
...There are probably other things to keep in mind too, but I’m sure I’ll learn the more I listen and try.  And, of course, none of those really applied to Critical Role (at least, not Campaign 1), but that’s fine.
Today I’m thankful to have chill friends to binge-watch old kid’s shows with.  And because there’s a projector in the movie room, I think that prevented my eyes from feeling too much strain?  I don’t know, but even seven hours straight of video didn’t really hurt my eyes all that much.
Well, it’ll be sad to disconnect my phone from the speakers now, but I know it’s here now (just as I’m about to leave too, haha), so they’ll be here whenever I’ve got the time to enjoy them in the future.
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Request
Requester: Ram Anon
Prompt: Can I request romantic headcanons before+after they officially start dating their s/o for the Ram Villagers? If that's too much then just Gray and Kliff.             
○ He spends a lot of time with them beforehand honestly. He wants to be around them as much as possible
○ He’s really nice and he gets flirty but he’s really bashful about it honestly? Like he’ll flirt and then get all pink and go right back to normal chat
○ Alm has a bit of a hard time with the transition between before and after, still being a bit shy. It takes him a bit to get used to it but he’s obviously happy
○ After he is used to it he’s more protective. He’s not overly so, but he does feel like he has more of a responsibility to keep you safe than he did before
○ Alm is a little bolder (as long as you’re alone) once in a relationship. He’s not as shy about flirting or outright confessing his feelings and does it fairly often
○ Before you get together boy pines bad. He admires you from afar and often gets caught daydreaming while staring at you
○ Gray isn’t afraid to admit his feelings before you’re together, but only if you push a little. He drops heavy hints but doesn’t outright confess if you don’t pull it out of him a little
○ Gray actually becomes a bit more comfortable around you once you’re together, because he knows where he stands.
○ He also doesn’t hesitate to say how he feels like he did before. Lots of random ‘I love you’s’ once you’ve been together a while
○ Tactile when you’re together. He hesitated to touch you too much before aside from a teasing hair ruffle or push, but once you’re together expect lots of hugs and such - even in front of all of your friends
○ Tries to seem really macho beforehand because he assumes that’s what would make you most interested
○ Literally half the army is trying to wingman for him help this guy please. They all turn on him and tease him once you’re together though, even if they are happy for you. Rip.
○ It takes it a while for it to really sink in for Tobin that you actually like him when you start dating. Like, you’re seriously into him for real.
○ Tobin is a lot more open and honest about himself (not that he’s good at hiding it anyway) once you’re together because he realizes he doesn’t need to be anything more for you to like him
○ Still totally tries to show off for you. Just doesn’t get dejected when you laugh at him once you’re together
○ Before you’re dating Kliff totally tells his friends he’s not into you. None of them buy it but he’ll deny it until he’s blue in the face
○ Flirts with you though, and always tries to sound intelligent and smooth. Sometimes he does, and other times he’s like ‘see u basoon haha’ and Tobin has to stop him from digging himself a hole to lay and die in
○ Acts like he always knew you’d end up together once you are but he’s actually really happy. you can tell because he doesn’t yell at Tobin is smiling for like three days straight
○ Kliff is much more relaxed around you once you’re together. He jokes more readily and speaks openly with you instead of seeming forced as he did beforehand
○ Kliff is actually more tactile before you’re together because once you are he finds your company itself more comfortable and doesn’t feel that he needs to force things that aren’t natural to him to show that he cares (which you help him understand a little as well)
○ Even before you’re dating Faye isn’t really afraid to make her feelings known. She wont act on them though she wont deny them
○ She’s still pretty protective of you though, and will risk her life to keep you safe
○ Literally screams when you accept her once she asks you out she is ecstatic
○ Once you’re together Faye likes to tell you about the daydreams she has of the two of you - be it realistic ones of potentially starting a family or far fetched ones of like a unicorn farm or something
○ She also likes to act like a couple since she knows it wouldn’t be disrespecting your feelings. Loves to hold your hand and go on dates - couply things
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sweetz0257 · 7 years
Hey this one thing about love
we were never meant to win
from the apple to this order
promises weren’t made to stick
See this one thing about love, 
all is does it make you sick,
fumble try to handle it
Letting go don’t mean you quit.
I’ve learned, through time, heals all wounds,
this time, you played me like a stuffed basoon noo
I traded places, I gave you space and, the end lets face it,
broke my heart and watched it shatter oh 
It’s not always your fault
You can’t keep blaming the mirror
the highs the lows the fall
bad burns only make for tougher skin
We were never meant to win, thought the love would make you stick
thought that I could handle it, guess lets press replay again.
Sick because I called your bluff, guess I never meant that much
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