#there is almost certainly an easier way to make a digital version of the patterns
tj-crochets · 2 years
Hey y’all! I got some comments on my “what to make next” post, and it got me thinking. Do you want me to make a post explaining some of how I do pattern designing for sewing?  And if so, do you want me to use the round elephant pattern as the example, or should I make a new pattern so I can show you from start to finish how it goes?
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honestandsincere · 5 years
reputation part four
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There’s something about living in a city that only those with experience can truly understand. Its disquiet is unending, each hour spirals into the next without any time for composure or evaluation. Sensory overload is a regular occurrence; sound and light and smell and feeling all rage into incessant cacophony.   Life never ceases its movement, at least not until an apartment door is slammed shut on the outside world.
Y/n presses her back against the cool wood, closing her eyes and exhaling a sigh of relief. The elevator has been broken for the past month and having to take the stairs is a task that one would assume gets easier with practice. Sadly, that is not the truth. She doesn't have the energy to take off her coat or her gloves, so she rests against the door as she tries to regain her breath. Her eyes scan the apartment; her dishes are still in the kitchen sink from her rushed breakfast, the faux fur throw hangs off the arm of her velvet sofa in an utterly unattractive manner and the magazines scattered across the coffee table and dog-eared and worn with age. Y/n tips her head backwards allowing a small painless thud from its contact with the stained wood. She doesn't have the energy to tidy up, the day has extracted every tiny ounce of motivation to achieve or accomplish anything she has.
LIFE Magazine has been buzzing with activity for the past month, y/n, in particular, getting the most attention as a writer. Of course, this is extremely flattering and brilliant for her career, but juggling multiple projects at once has proven to be harder than she'd anticipated. Y/n loves working; it's what spurs her to roll out of her paisley duvet set every morning, it gives her life structure and she didn't struggle through four years of college to give up her dream job now. It seems that every journalist on her floor is coming to her for advice, asking her to proofread articles for their website or offer ideas on points they should discuss. Again, this is all very laudatory, considering she's the youngest published writer the magazine has ever housed, but reading has become tiresome and strenuous rather than enjoyable and writing almost insufferable.
She's currently finalizing an article on the trials and tribulations of attending New York's state-funded schools; travelling across the city to interview students and teachers alike. It's fascinating, honestly, considering that for the past four weeks y/n has been mingling with the city's elite. She has her dear 'boyfriend' to thank for that. But the project is time-consuming, she desperately wants to do these kids justice and present them in their truest, most honest form. She's been in the office from eight in the morning until ten at night, eyes squinting at her computer screen despairingly trying to formulate coherent sentences as well as the most applicable lines of dialogue. The whole thing is a digitalized headache.
Mustering her very last measure of strength, y/n pushes herself upright and takes a few steps into her disordered apartment. She peels her coat from her body and hangs it on the hook attached to her wall, her fingers wriggle free from the woollen mittens adorning her hands and they are placed on the side table along with her keys. The hum of the central heating is comforting, but it's offset by sporadic beeps from vehicles passing outside and the steady purring of traffic. This is the sound of the city. This is her version of quiet. Y/n slides off her pumps and shuffles towards her couch, flopping unrefinedly into its plush embrace. The blanket falls over her feet but she cannot bring herself to readjust it. She's exhausted. Her hand reaches outwards towards the table at the centre of her living area, fumbling for the television remote. The screen lights up in a blinding glow and she winces at its vibrancy.
"And in today's news; multi-millionaire businessman Ethan Dolan has decided to donate a staggering $50 million to NYC's very own Project Change, a charity that helps students from government-funded schools apply to Ivy League colleges."
Y/n's tired eyes enlarge, her mouth is suddenly slightly agape. How coincidental.
Her mind flashes to the last time she'd seen Ethan; they were on one of their staged dates last week. The pair walked arm in arm through Central Park, stopping at a quaint coffee shop for a seemingly riveting conversation. Tabloids went crazy, they were followed by cameras for the entire duration of their rendezvous and stopped by a few passersby for selfies. It was unnerving but necessary if they wanted to appear convincing. Y/n had told him all about her latest work and he had listened with acute concentration, nodding his head and humming in agreement after she'd vented her frustrations.
Ethan Dolan is extreme, but he is not this extreme.
Certainly, y/n can't help the way her heart swells with pride as images of Ethan flash across the screen. Him petting an elephant, dressed in safari gear from his trip to South Africa last year. Him standing in a school playground, a child clinging to each of his limbs, huge smiles on their faces from his month in Namibia. He and Grayson stood beside the City's mayor, smiling widely as they open a recreation centre for children in Brooklyn. Him.
"This is the organization's biggest ever donation, commentators are calling Dolan one of the greatest philanthropists the city has to offer."
The newscaster's voice melts into an indecipherable babble, their words dissipating into incomprehensible sounds. Y/n's eyes stay focused on the footage of Ethan Dolan. Her 'boyfriend'. It cannot be denied that the man is consistently portrayed as a saint. His work is commendable, amazing even. She just yearns for different circumstances, prays that his donations are not dirty money. The truth taints everything, it reminds her that ignorance is positively bliss. If she hadn't rifled through those documents, tried to dig up some dirt on Ethan Dolan, then maybe everything would be altered. Y/n knows that if she was not hyper aware of the truth, Ethan Dolan would have her hook line and sinker. Straight sushi.
There's a knock at the door. Not the delicate kind, those that resemble some kind of rhythm or upbeat pattern. Two heavy thuds hang in the air. Y/n grumbles and forces herself to her feet. She already knows who it is.
"Mr Dolan," she croaks as she swings the door open, "I wish I could say I've been expecting you."
He's dressed in his typical suit, but his tie is knotted loosely around his thick neck as if he's letting himself breathe. His hair is tousled and brushing the skin of his forehead, eyes heavy with tiredness but they brighten when they dance across her face. "Y/l/n," Ethan Dolan all but coos, "you're looking tired." "Tell me something I don't know," she steps to one side and he takes this as a verbal invitation, walking into her apartment.
He's all too familiar with y/n's place, he'd come to pick her up for their 'date' last week and she'd given him a brief and begrudging tour of her humble abode. She knows this is well below his standard of living, her mind conjuring images of huge penthouse suites with infinity pools and surfaces that can't be touched with bare hands because they're just too clean. But her space is a perfect chremamorphism of her, an amalgamation of all things y/n in one little space. Ethan studies the pictures she has hung up on the wall. He recognizes her friends from Delevigne's, their smiles all reflections of unadulterated joy. She stands out, she always has to him. Her smile is a little more radiant, her eyes shine with such vivaciousness it's almost painful. Her photographed lust for life is breathtaking. There are pictures of her with who he can only assume are family members, clustered together in somebody's living room, all dressed in matching Christmas pyjamas. It makes him miss home.
"What brings you here, Ethan?" y/n sighs, pushing her hair out of her face. He turns to her, his fixation on her memories interrupted, "I wanted to tell you something." Y/n rolls her eyes but he can see traces of a smile appearing on her lips, "Take it away." "I've talked to Grayson." "Right." "No, y/n. I've talk talked to Grayson." "Oh." She shuffles past him in her pencil skirt and creased navy blouse, making her way to her deliciously comfy looking couch and sitting down. Ethan does not know what to do with himself. He's developed this habit since spending more time with y/n. He stays standing up, almost hovering in her living room.
"I don't think you get it-" "No, I do," she wraps the blanket around her shoulders and stares up at him intently as if he's reciting a trivial poem. "We're gonna change Dolan & Dolan. For the better, obviously," he fiddles with the chunky rings that adorn his fingers, she notices the way they catch the light and glimmer. Ethan Dolan is a magpie's dream. "That's really great," he wishes her voice held more sincerity, he understands she's fatigued but he was definitely expecting some kind of applause. "We're gonna start selling back the companies we took over, cheaper this time. So it's all fair." "Ethan, that's amazing. I'm really glad you've decided to do this."
As happy as she is, y/n knows this sweet is contaminated with bitter. Ethan Dolan has only changed his ways for the sake of his reputation. It was her threat, the idea of her first draft being out there for everyone to read, that pushed him to finally do some good. Beggars cannot be choosers, she knows this. But the reality is as hard-hitting as the truth.
"I know what you're thinking," he crosses his arms over his broad chest. She quirks an eyebrow at him, shuffling closer to the end of the sofa to allow him some space to sit down. She turns off the TV before he has a chance to comment on what she was watching. Ethan lowers himself down beside her, shifting his weight so that they're almost facing one another. "I didn't do this because of you. I didn't do this because of the article."
Y/n scoffs.
"Honestly, I didn't. Of course, it motivated me to make some kind of change, but it's not the only reason I did it." She looks at him; the firm line of his jaw that's now dusted with stubble, the curve of his nose, the furrows in his forehead. He looks sincere. "The truth is supposed to set you free, isn't it? But if anything, my truth makes me want to run for the hills. That's not a legacy I want to leave behind. I don't want to be covering my tracks for the rest of my life, y/n. I may as well change everything while I still can."
Ethan looks at her with such depth, watches as she hangs onto each of his words, analyzing them. He wants her to know that this is the truth, it's her job to find it and showcase it, he's hoping she can see it. Y/n's bottom lip gets pulled into her mouth as her teeth worry it. She's thinking about what to say, how to word things. "That's very admirable," is all she can manage. Ethan feels relief but he does an excellent job of not showing it, "It's not. I've just come to realize that I'd rather play fair than have to watch my back. You've helped me see that."
She shakes her head, quite rapidly for someone so tired. Y/n opens her mouth to say something but words escape her, she wants to tell him what she's been thinking, not the version he's created in his mind. "I think I gave you a wake-up call more than anything," she shrugs. "Yeah, I guess." They're plunged into silence, both trying to determine which way is best to fill it. He wants to thank her but he doesn't know how. She wants to talk, but she doesn't know what about. It's one of those conundrums that can be look back on with such embarrassment that one begins kicking themselves for not saying whatever was on their minds. Both y/n and Ethan are far too scared to do so.
"I saw what you did for Project Change. That's really incredible." "It's the least I could do after what you told me." "It's going to make such a difference." "I hope so." "It will."
Another silence bestows itself upon them. It's slightly more comfortable than the first.
"Listen, y/n. Do you want to maybe go out for dinner tonight? To celebrate? With me?" this is the first time in a while that Ethan Dolan has felt nervous, his usually cocky exterior disintegrating into a puddle of nothingness. She breathes heavily and looks at him with some kind of look that is a bizarre intersection between sympathy and apathy. He can already predict what her answer will be. "Thank you, but not tonight, Ethan. Work has been tearing me to shreds." He swallows, nodding his head in faux understanding, "Sure, of course."
She shows him to the door, still wrapped in her fluffy blanket. He looks defeated, but she brushes this aside as a reaction to her lack of enthusiasm. He spins on his heel to face her as he walks into the hall of her apartment complex. Y/n realizes he looks young again, she enjoys seeing him like this. Ethan Dolan looks closest to normal this way.
"I'll pick you up at ten on Sunday for our grocery shop," he chuckles half-heartedly, "the entire city is anticipating great things from our domesticity."
"Help yourself to some coffee." "I'm fine, thank you, Mr Benson."
Early morning light streams through Howard Benson's blinds, casting horizontal shadows across his spacious office. The room reeks of some kind of sickly scented candle, fake and chemical. His desk is piled high with papers, some separated into folders and others strewn haphazardly across the mahogany.
"Please take a seat, y/n," the older man's tone is severe but not stern. Y/n eases herself into the worn leather of the chair opposite his desk. Howard sips on his mug of coffee, purses his lips, then speaks, "You're probably wondering why I've called you in so early. The education article isn't due for another week." She nods, watching the way he places the mug on top of a stack of documents. "But this isn't about your work, at least not necessarily." Y/n can already tell by the way Benson is prolonging the gap between each of his words that this is about Ethan Dolan. Her boss has always spoken of Ethan in the same way one would a rambunctious child, tentative and temperate.
"What can I do for you, Mr Benson?" she asks. Howard folds his hands, weaving his slightly wrinkled fingers between one another and looks at her, "We've had a few complaints since Mr Dolan decided to cause a scene with The Daily Mail, which I couldn't have foreseen." "Right." "You see, y/n, you are an incredibly talented writer with a stellar future ahead of you," she can sense the contradiction approaching, she braces herself, "however our sponsors are not too happy with the credibility of your work following Mr Dolan's announcement."
Y/n doesn't intend on furrowing her brow, but she feels her forehead crease in confusion as she processes Benson's words. She knew Ethan's little games would cause a stir, after all, that's what he wanted, but she didn't think they'd affect her work. At least not negatively. Pretending to be Ethan Dolan's girlfriend is tiresome and inconvenient, but it's not as insufferable as she'd imagined. He's helped put her in the spotlight, helping her establish her name and her work within the field.
"I know it's hard to comprehend, especially because you didn't exactly sign up for this willingly, but they're not impressed, y/n. All of a sudden the whole premise of the Dolan article is warped, people are under the impression that you're biased. It's inevitable that you'd sing his praises in your article if you two are linked romantically." "But surely LIFE's sponsors understand that Mr Dolan announced our relationship a week after its publishing?" Howard sighs, "This is New York, people lie, fact-checking is nonexistent in the world of gossip." "But they must know that-" "Y/n, you've done an excellent job of keeping up the appearance that you are in a relationship with Mr Dolan. I don't want this to impact your career, your impeccable reputation."
Y/n exhales, her shoulders slumping a little.
"You can fix it, though. It's definitely not too late."
Her mind flashes to Ethan in her living room. He's changing, it may be a slow change but it's change nonetheless. Ethan Dolan is changing things while he still can. Before it's all too late.
"I think it's best that you inform Mr Dolan that your public relationship comes to an end."
She nods slowly, imagining old men with whiskers for beards cheering with joy as the reputation of the magazine is suddenly restored. The city's most unbiased publication, factual and fair, returns to its rightful position.
"I hate to do this, y/n, honestly I do. But if you cannot conclude your little games with Ethan Dolan, I'll have no choice but to take matters into my own hands," he looks sombre, full of regret. "You'll fire me?" y/n's eyes are wide and her mouth is now bone dry. Howard Benson's face morphs from an expression of severity to a look of amusement, "Of course not!" he scoffs, "I'd never dream of firing you, Miss y/l/n." She breathes a sigh of relief, her hand coming to her chest to try and still the quickening pace of her heart. Adrenaline had coursed through her veins as panic had set in, she knows now it was unnecessary. "But, I've promised Mr  Reeves that if you cannot escape Mr Dolan, I'll see that your first draft is printed."
Y/n wants to gasp, clap her hands over her open mouth and run from Howard Benson's office. She wants the floor to open, dropping her twenty-five floors until she smacks the hard concrete beneath her. Mary should run in, tell them there's a fire that's swallowed the entire building and they have no choice but to jump from the floor-length windows and onto those weird trampoline-like structures the fire brigade have brought to them. Anything would have seemed more likely than Benson, one of the meekest men she's ever met, threatening to publish her first draft. It is scathing, derogatory and brutal, casting nothing but an awful light on Ethan Dolan. All the lies he told her in order to protect his reputation. His inflated self-assurance, his flippancy. It all seems so separate now, thinking of Ethan does not bring y/n a sickening sensation, she no longer seethes when she hears his name. His promise of change has changed her.
"Mr Benson-" she stammers but can't quite finish her sentence. "For the sake of LIFE, y/n, it's for the best. Your relationship with Ethan Dolan is a hoax and I am certain that a young woman of your intelligence can't have developed a certain romantic attachment to the man."
Two months ago, y/n would have agreed wholeheartedly. She owed Ethan Dolan nothing. He had swanned into her life off the back of a project that was retrospectively destined for greatness. She'd saved his reputation. Nevertheless, y/n has come to learn that even the most stubbornly unyielding human beings have the capacity to change. Under pressure, Ethan Dolan saw the light, not the billboards of Times Square or the spotlights of Broadway, but the truth. It scared her how quickly he'd decided to appease her, shocked that all it took was a threat.
Y/n can't help but feel some kind of loyalty to Ethan. She's grown to find him somewhat likeable, his mannerisms are unfathomably chaotic and unpredictable but his wit is unparalleled. He's a comrade; a young soul in the heart of the most turbulent metropolis in the city, trying to navigate his way through his mistakes. Undoubtedly, their backgrounds are dissimilar but their intellects are not. Ethan Dolan fights with fire and so does she.
"But if I end things, the draft will not be published?" though she's regained some of her composure, her mind is still reeling. "You can shred the document yourself. I suggest you pay Mr Dolan a visit this evening, you should probably terminate your association with him face to face." Y/n shakes her head in agreement, rising from her seat and smoothing down her black cigarette pants. As she heads towards the door she's stopped by the editor's voice, "Again, y/n, I am sincerely sorry."
Something in his words tells her it's not about the article.
Ethan Dolan's apartment is just as she has imagined it. All her wild and impudent fantasies have manifested themselves into the reality of polished marble and the smell of incense. Y/n sits in the lobby of his apartment complex in Tribeca, it's a renovated commercial building from maybe the 1930s. Its exterior is bedecked in flamboyant carvings, making it appear old and worn which is heavily contrasted by its sleek and modern insides. She wouldn't be surprised to find out that Ethan owned the entire complex, perhaps he shares it with Grayson.
She rests on a deep purple velvet loveseat, her every move being analyzed by the woman sat behind the reception desk. Y/n straightens her back and pulls out her phone, waiting to see whether or not he was going to let her in. The elevator doors slide open but she pays them no attention, the sound of their shifting has become white noise, blending into the dissonance of sound surrounding her. "Y/l/n," she hears, her head shooting upwards to take a look at him, "how nice of you to stop by." He's in his black dress pants, they cling to his muscular thighs leaving little to her imagination. His white button-up sleeves are rolled up to his elbows and there isn't a tie in sight. "Can we talk?" y/n asks, standing from the comfort of her seat and pacing towards him. Ethan senses her alarm and nods, leading her to the elevator and sending a quick wave to the receptionist. Y/n almost laughs at the woman's hard stare.
When encased by the metal doors, y/n shifts towards him, "I've got good news." Ethan holds his index finger to his full lips, "Wait till we get into the apartment." The elevator pings and they're faced with more shining marble. His hand hovers over the small of her back as he guides her into his suite. He waits for the doors to close before speaking, "Paranoia," he says, "I don't ever know who's listening. The security cameras have microphones."
Y/n looks unsure but doesn't question him. She takes her time absorbing the sheer elegance of his space. It's open and airy, huge mirrors clasped in gold swirling frames adorn his walls, paintings and prints hang idyllically. The huge flatscreen television reminds her of the fact he's New York's most eligible bachelor and the Persian rug on the floor emphasizes the extent of his wealth. "My mother's big on interior design," Ethan shrugs from behind her. "It's stunning," she breathes. "Now," he walks towards his blood red coloured couch and sits down, "you said you have news." She finds herself situated in the crimson armchair opposite him, the space between them makes him feel slightly on edge, "Good news." "Do tell," he folds his arms over his chest.
"They're scrapping the first draft, I get to do it myself. We just have to break up." "I thought that was a given?" "It was but we have to end now. Benson sort of threatened to-" "He threatened you?" Ethan leans forward in his seat, his jaw clenching. "No, not really. Apparently, all the big shots at LIFE aren't happy with me and you being together. It supposedly ruins the integrity of the publication." "That's ridiculous." "Maybe, but if the magazine is supposed to be unbiased and I'm making you out to be God's gift, people are going to assume it's because we're together." Ethan purses his lips, "What was Howard's threat?" Y/n leans back into the armchair, feeling the soft fabric hug her closer, "It was more of an ultimatum. If we don't end things now, he's gonna print draft one."
She watches as Ethan rolls his eyes. He's less panicked than she thought he would be. Y/n was expecting a repeat of his tantrum in Howard's office, intimidations and hard looks, but instead, he looks unamused. "This is preposterous. What a joke." "Is it though? Ethan, this is all pretend, it's not that big of a deal."
He sighs and she notes the way his shirt sleeves strain against his built arms. Her eyes follow his figure as he walks towards a table towards the back of the room and he pours two glasses of what she assumes is scotch. Y/n takes the drink from his hands after he walks back towards her. Ethan Dolan runs a tired hand over his face, dragging his perfect skin downwards in its wake. "We'll just have to break up then," he says before taking a sip. "Yeah, I guess so." "My people aren't gonna be happy." "Your people?" "Friends, business friends. People high up in the company. They love us." Y/n smiles, "We really are New York's star-crossed lovers." "Even more so now that we have to be apart," he scoffs.
They sit in silence, sipping their drinks and stealing glances at one another. She feels the finality hang in the air, the impending climax to their performance. Ethan has grown on her, she realizes she does not mind admitting it to herself now. She feels as though she knows him, she enjoys his company and not having him around will be strange. "Are our paths allowed to cross again?" there's hope in his words but he doesn't sound hopeful. "I suppose so." "Do you want them to?" "Our paths to cross? I wouldn't be opposed to it." "Neither would I."
She swills the liquid around at the bottom of her glass, watching it crash against the transparent sides like miniature storms at sea.
"I never thanked you," Ethan Dolan says, his eyes now boring into hers. "For what?" "Everything; rewriting the article, coming to the Gala." Y/n shakes her head, "It's fine." "It's not though. I was a huge asshole, like a massive dick to you. I'm sorry." She licks her lips, cleaning them of any alcohol, "Apology accepted."
A telephone's shrill ringing interrupts the intensity of their exchange. Ethan leaves the room to go and answer it. She places her drink on the floor beside the armchair and moves towards the windows of his living room. They overlook this part of the city, the overpriced houses, glowing signs of real estate agents and the steady humdrum of traffic. The deep rasp of Ethan's voice is unintelligible, but its soothing mumbles resonate throughout the apartment. This is y/n's first time in Ethan Dolan's abode and she suspects this will be her last too. She watches the sun's bleeding orange light disappear behind the towers and concrete columns of New York City, fragments of light forcing themselves through the crevices between buildings. It's stunning. She feels herself fall under the city's spell, the same way she did when she first arrived. It may be romanticized, but that doesn't debase its unmitigated beauty. This is the embodiment of human craft, the legacies left behind in people's wakes, establishments left to their inheritors to stay solidified within the skyline.
"It never gets old," he says, coming to stand beside her. "This is your world," she utters, her gaze never faltering from the view. "It's your world too, you're part of this now." "It was mine, for a very brief fleeting moment, and even then it was all pretend." "Fake it til you make it." Y/n laughs, at his sentiment and at herself, "I guess I did." "It's gonna be weird not having you around, y/l/n." "You mean it'll be strange not finding time in your schedule to arrange a fake date?"
Ethan slings a heavy arm around her shoulders and pulls her into his side, the smell of his cologne is now familiar, almost comforting, "You know what I mean." "Yeah," she rests her head on the space between his neck and his chest, "I do." "Thank you again, for everything." "Ethan, I swear you don't need to thank me-" "Say it again." "I'm sorry?" she moves from his grasp to look at his face. He watches her, a smile across his lips, "Say my name again, but slower this time. Like we're friends." "Ethan." y/n puts an emphasis on the syllables. "Sounds nice," he hums, "I like the way you say things, y/l/n."
She's reading his expression as if it's the most riveting piece of literature she has ever been given. She wants to drink in every one of his features, learn them all by heart and save them for a rainy day. Nothing in her brain stops her from her admiration, no scream of dread reminding her that this is Ethan Dolan. He isn't allowed to be attractive, is he? Can she not appreciate his beauty and detach it from him as a being. Y/n recognizes that she doesn't want to do this. Ethan Dolan as an entire entity is alluring and gorgeous and irresistible. She wants to hate herself, but she can't. He's too dazzling. "What are you looking at?" his voice has dropped to a whisper, his eyes are a delicious caramel flickering over her face. "You." "I feel like I owe it to you to make a literary reference of some kind." She feels her mouth pull itself into a smile, "Only you could do-"
His lips are on hers before she can finish her sentence. Y/n is encompassed by Ethan Dolan. Nothing within her tells her she shouldn't kiss him back.
So she does.
Part Four! I had a tiny nightmare over the past few days because I did intend to upload this part yesterday but Tumblr decided to delete it from my drafts! I’ve definitely now been scared into saving my work on separate documents. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this part! I do love this series with every ounce of my being, but I have been toying with the idea of starting a new project as well as keeping up with this one. Currently in the process of doing research for a Gray piece, but only time will tell!! Let me know how you feel about this! Love always - K xx
@lukescolours @honeybeeesworld @yslbailey @quickdolan  @dolancrew @sunflowerpseudonym @dreamergirl2727 @arrantsnowdrop @ceejay1163 @peruvian-bae @crown-jul @kinkbaby95 @takenbyheartstrings @loveyou3000-tonystarkzine @ergojenn @blackpinkdolan @sara29392 @someonedoingnothing @americasarse @dolanscello @siana2208 @
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miannedomusings · 5 years
SEVENTEEN’s Happy Ending:
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Summary: The choreography in this song shows how we play out our fantasies in our minds, inventing the happy endings we don’t always seek out in real life. 
A/N: My first real attempt at analyzing and explaining choreography -- so naturally it’s for Seventeen! 
For lack of a better word (and lack of knowledge on dance), I’ve used the term “centre” to refer to whoever is currently singing/rapping in the song even if they are technically off-centre choreography-wise. 
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With the announcement of the tracklist of Seventeen’s 3rd full length album, An Ode, I found myself revisiting the Japanese version of Happy Ending from earlier this year. Here, I found an interesting pattern running through the choreography that adds to the message of the song and makes the ending... less than happy. 
In this song the lyrics talk about the members imagining themselves as the main character in their own movie where they get their happy ending with their love interest. The lyrics make many references to movies, describing scenes like the fights they’ll win and the slow-motion moment they’ll have when seeing their love for the first time. In the video we get complementary shots that show our men in the hero’s role of classic movie genres -- with boxing rings, fast cars, and special forces scenarios all playing out in a very cinematic, wide-angle aspect ratio. 
However, the lyrics and video also make a point of zooming out and placing us behind the scenes of these movies. For example, in the lyrics we get references to the end credits, as well as Wonwoo calling out the commands of the director (stand by, one two, and Action). Similarly, in the music video we see various members outside the idealized scenes -- Joshua as an author, Mingyu inspecting film, S.Coups in a sound booth with a car scene happening behind him, as well as many other shots of the members surrounded by A/V equipment. 
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Additionally, across many of the scenes we see digital effects added on top as if we’re watching someone editing the video in real time. All of these elements converge in the chaotic groups scenes that show all the movies coming together, with digital overlays, and lighting equipment in plain view. By doing this, Happy Ending draws our attention to the fact that these ideal endings are being crafted instead of coming true naturally.
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On top of this, driving home the sense of fantasy and feelings of fabrication, many of the movie-like scenes either take place inside a warehouse -- looking very much like a set -- or in a dream-like abyss, where nothing exists beyond the victory moment. 
The lyrics and music video create a cohesive vision of the daydreams we orchestrate in our minds and identify with on screen. Something that isn’t so easy to see in the music video is how the choreography for this song plays into the theme of directing our own fantasies. 
Seventeen is well known for the performance component of their music. For many (myself included), it’s hard to find another K-pop group that holds a candle to the dancing that this group does on stage. Along with incredible physical skill, Seventeen has also shown great thoughtfulness in their choreography and how it can connect with the lyrical content of their music. A clear example of this is the Korean sign language that has been woven into the choreography for their song, Thanks. 
In the case of Happy Ending there are the obvious references to the lyrical content, like The8 turning the pages in a book to the get to the ending, Mingyu and Seungkwan following the scrolling credits with their fingers, and Wonwoo making the gesture of a movie slate closing when calling out Action. But Seventeen has also thrown in a more subtle sense of story-telling that runs throughout. 
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Commonly in stage performances that involve vocals, whoever it is that is singing is usually centred on the stage, doing actions slightly differently from those around them, and often dancing a little less intensely. All of these things serve to draw attention to whomever is meant to be highlighted, while also making singing easier for that particular member. We certainly get that singling-out in this choreography as well, but Seventeen has managed to incorporate another element into the way that they use their centred member. 
Sprinkled throughout the choreography we get moments where whoever is singing is also directing the members who are dancing around them. This is done in a few different ways in this song. Sometimes, like in the beginning of each pre-chorus, we see our centre perform a movement alone before being matched by everyone else
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Other times we have the centre directing the movements of others like a conductor -- using hand and body gestures to draw the other members into the right patterns. 
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All over this choreography we have whoever is singing being somehow separated from the others and leading the motions as the rest of the group mirrors or follows them. In general, this technique isn’t especially uncommon in choreography. It serves to both highlight the singer, and add a bit of dynamism to how a group of dancers relates to each other. However, I rarely encounter it being used so many times in a single dance, and given the themes of the song, it seems much more likely that it is being used a tool to communicate the song’s message. By including this element running through the choreography, Seventeen is using their numbers to show how we play out our fantasies in our minds. It’s as if the person centering is the dreamer and the other members are acting out the story that brings them to their happy ending. 
We can see this very literally in the way that the members backing Wonwoo begin to dance with fervor only after he calls Action. 
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With this theme in mind it’s fitting that it’s the person who is singing that gets this role of power. By being the one singing, they are the one responsible for telling the story and describing the fantasy they wish would play out. They are effectively narrating their daydream, which then comes to life through the other dancers. As the reins get handed off to the next vocalist or rapper, the one who is telling the story of the song switches over as well, and so our narrator changes identities. 
Happy Ending makes it’s focus (in the lyrics, music video, and choreography) the way in which we fantasize about who we could be and what we could have if we were the ones calling the shots. The members of the group then embody this dream of making your own world through the way they have a single member directing the choreography. On top of that, many of the movements included in the choreography are quite powerful, playing into the fantasy of being a hero, and very energetic, reflecting their inevitable triumph. 
With a title like Happy Ending and so much talk about being the hero and saving the day, it would make sense to expect some grand and glorious finale to this song... 
And yet, this choreography ends on a note that may feel a touch out of place. Despite the upbeat music and the victory dance (the dabs) that we keep getting attached to the chorus’ happy ending / happy ending, the final moment of the song is somewhat reserved and brings the emotional tone of everything down. As the song comes to a close, Jeonghan charges to the front of the stage and the other members file in behind him, obscuring themselves from view. Finally, Jeonghan dips his head, breaking eye contact with the camera, and the music fades. 
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Though this feels very different from the rest of the song and choreography, this almost sad moment fits in very cleanly with the idea of him being our (current) daydreamer. This final moment feels like the return to reality. The music ends, bringing the daydream to a close, and our centre is reduced to just himself without his fantasies. To illustrate this, the choreography has the other members, who played the characters in his dream, disappear behind him, leaving us with an almost empty stage and a lonely individual. Along with this return to reality we also see a change in posture that has our strong hero fading into a mere man. 
Throughout this song, the choreography places an emphasis on the behind the scenes aspect of the lyrics. We get references to books and movies that go hand in hand with the visuals chosen for the music video. We also get a repeated pattern of someone orchestrating their daydream through the control of the other members’ movements in the choreography. Despite the song and choreography maintaining a lively energy, and despite the final line of the song being, happy ending, ultimately Seventeen has chosen to end their performance with the return to reality. This final moment feels like a reminder that no matter how vivid the movie you’ve played out in your mind is, the happy ending you’ve envisioned doesn’t hold much weight if you don’t make it real. 
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thanks for reading!
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pokesception · 5 years
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Whelp, started playing pokemon sword.  Have complained quite a bit here about dexit & related issues, and honestly I would have skipped at least the initial versions of these games entirely, or at least held off on purchasing them until we could see just how egregious pokemon home will be.  But my brother got shield, and my problems with sword and shield are not so severe that I’m going to refuse to play a game with family.
Thoughts so far?  Setting dexit entirely aside it’s... another pokemon game, for better and worse.  Largely for the better.  The new monsters, at least those I’ve encountered so far, are fun and good.  Music is nice.  Tone is bright and cheerful.  I love my team, and my protagonist.  It’s been nice.
As expected going to a more powerful console, it looks better, but it’s not a huge jump from the 3ds games, not least because lot of the visuals of this game are ported over directly from those games, and the stuff that is new has been made so as to not clash aesthetically with the older stuff.  If you’ve seen mods of usum that display the games at higher res and without the black outlines, it’s very much like that.  Closer to that even than to the let’s go games in ways that I find difficult to articulate.  In and of itself that’s not a complaint, really, the game looks plenty good enough for a pokemon tame.  It’s just not a major leap forward in presentation like the leap from gen 5 to gen 6 was.
Gameplay is mostly what you might expect.  Tall grass battles are an interesting mix of pokemon you can see on the field and engage or avoid as you wish and random battles that appear in the grass.  The random fights appear as a rustling in the grass that again can be pursued or avoided, you just can’t tell what they’ll be before you bump into them.  Finding rarer pokemon in a route is often a matter of sneaking or dashing between the new pokemon to get to the random fight, then crossing your fingers and hoping for the pokemon you want.  I’m not sure if there’s deeper levels to it, like chaining or whatever.  At the surface level it’s engaging enough.
The new pokemon are great so far.  There’s a bunch early on that you won’t have seen if you avoided leaks, and that was really excited.  I went into gen 7 knowing every new pokemon and with a particular desired team all worked out in advance.  This time around I’ve avoided spoilers, and gamefreaks official previews have kept a lot more hidden, so it’s been really fun to meet a lot of cool new faces early on.
The game does let you skip some early tutorials, but still frustrates to no end by stopping you every three seconds for another unnecessary explanation or detour, so it’s still pokemon in that unfortunate regard.  Routes are, if anything, more linear than ever before, at least early on, with the exception of an early expedition through the wild area which... I’ll talk about later.
Experience share is always on and cannot be turned off.  It scales shared xp based on the level of the pokemon, with lower level pokemon getting a higher portion, but not by enough so it’s still a pain to keep everything in the same level range, and you’ll still probably be wildly over leveled from very early on with nary a challenge to be seen even if you try to avoid grinding.
You can access the box from anywhere, which can be used to help overcome both the maintaining-a-level-range and over leveling problems of the experience share, but it’s a hassle to do, and wouldn’t be necessary if you could just toggle off shared exp in the options menu.  And on another level it makes the game even easier, since attrition is much less of a problem when you can swap in fresh pokemon whenever you feel like.
The online functionality is... kind of bad.  Maybe it’s just my internet, but being online in the wild area causes all sorts of slowdown.  Worse, there’s no equivalent to the pss functionality from gen 6.  No way to just see which of your switch friends are online and directly offer to trade or battle with them.  No instead you have to contact them *outside of the game* to share a 4 digit password, and then hope that nobody else happens to be using the same password as you when you try to connect with each other.  Raid battles are neat, but infuriatingly use the same password hassle.  You can’t just have easy friend-only raids from within the game itself.
It’s marginally better then gen 7′s festival plaza, but it remains miles and miles behind gen 6′s pss system that was simple and intuitive, and just centuries ahead of anything that came before or after.
Apart from raid battles, the wild area is... interesting?  Not all that different from having just a really big route with subareas of various level ranges.  Not bad, but not as big a departure as I had made it out to be in my head.  An idea with some potential that future games might expand into something great but that, knowing this series, will just be dropped after a single generation instead.  I’m still pretty early in the game, so my opinion on it might change after returning to it later.
The biggest frustration of the wild area, and something that brings it down tremendously, is that while you can encounter, and with some effort defeat, pokemon there, you cannot catch them at all if they’re above an arbitrary level range set by your number of gym badges.  This runs so completely counter to everything almost good about the wild area that I basically swore the whole thing off until I get to the end of the game, and frankly they might as well have just made it a post game area at that rate.
It’s extra frustrating because the problem of a player getting access to a pokemon too strong for the game too early on is one that the pokemon games already solved infinitely more elegantly all the way back in gen 1!  Just make pokemon that you acquire at too high a level uncontrollable, exactly like traded pokemon, so you can catch that over leveled onyx or whatever, but can’t use it until you’ve progressed far enough in the game for it not to be over leveled anymore.  How hard is that?  And who cares if a player gets an over powered pokemon early and steam rolls the game?  If that’s how the player wants to play, why is it a problem?  It’s not like the main game is challenging to begin with, thanks to always on exp share its almost impossible not to have over leveled pokemon anyway, what does it matter if it’s because you caught them that way or because they just outleveled the game curve?  A better exp scaling system would fix all those problems anyway.
Pokemon games not only failing to progress and solve problems that return game after game, but also repeatedly forgetting solutions that the series has already implemented is the longest running and most frustrating and most justified complaint to level at the entire series.  Of course, in the past pokemon as a series always had one core feature that none of the other - often more innovative - monster hunting games that sprang up in its shadow could replicate.  Backwards compatibility, the ability to maintain your collection in full going forward from generation to generation in a chain unbroken since gen 3 on game boy advance.  And that’s where dexit puts a sour note on the whole business.
The last several pokemon generations have failed to significantly improve on the core gameplay of a nearly two decade old franchise, but for many that has been largely forgiven because each new generation could easily be viewed not as stand alone games but rather as major expansions to the same existing game.  Dexit breaks from that, and forces the new games to be viewed as stand alone games and... well they aren’t pad at all.  They’re still cute.  I’m having fun so far.  Sword and Shield is no Anthem, no Fallout 76, no singular disaster to turn an otherwise largely positive track record on its head, and the extreme negativity directed against the game has been way overstated, even probably by myself.  In particular any vitriol directed at the devs is almost certainly unwarranted, the problems that have been growing in the pokemon series generation after generation almost certainly come down to corporate decisionmaking way above the heads of anyone who actually *worked* on the game.
Still, now that gamefreak’s pattern of cutting progressively more and more corners has reached the point of cutting actual pokemon, it’s shouldn’t be surprising that a lot of people who had been giving all those issues a pass suddenly aren’t anymore.
And while pokemon sword and shield isn’t a bad game, it’s hard to compare it to something like oras or usum and say it’s worth 50% more up front cost AND an added monthly subscription to access features like GTS that used to be just part of the game to begin with.
The dex cuts would have been more forgivable if the games had been a major leap forward, whether in graphics or gameplay.  Monster Hunter World, for instance, had /dramatically/ less content in terms of sheer quantity than the games that came right before it, but it also completely overhauled the visuals, heavily revised and updated the core gameplay, and completely changed how the area maps worked.
Alternatively, I think all the people currently complaining about models and trees and balance would have been fine with ‘just another pokemon game’ if it had maintained the backwards compatibility, just as they’ve been alright with ‘just another pokemon game’ for game after game after game until now.  Imagine if gamefreak had announced sword and shield as the last main line games to maintain all previous pokemon instead of the first games not to.  Then at least everybody’s personal faves would have had the chance to see play on a home system, and sword and shield could advertise themselves as the biggest pokemon games ever and actually mean it, and players would have time to adjust to what was coming.
I’m reminded of a scene from the Gravity Falls Halloween episode in season one.  Mabel & Dipper had always trick or treated together, but this year dipper decided to ditch mabel to try and go to a teen party, arguing that they were getting too old for trick or treating.  To which Mabel says something along the lines of “I knew some Halloween would be our last, but I didn’t realize it had already happened.”
And that’s the feeling I have with pokemon right now, the wet blanket draped over all the bright colors and fun new characters and monsters in sword and shield.  I knew eventually pokemon games wouldn’t be able to keep supporting all the pokemon, I knew eventually my collection would be left behind.  But I didn’t think it had already happened.  And to find out that gen 7 of all games was the last ‘complete’ pokemon?  That’s just kind of sad to realize.  And while I am on balance enjoying sword and shield, it’s a realization that keeps coming back uninvited to sour the experience.
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mindthump · 5 years
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Why TinyML is a giant opportunity https://ift.tt/35QdGDS
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The world is about to get a whole lot smarter.
As the new decade begins, we’re hearing predictions on everything from fully remote workforces to quantum computing. However, one emerging trend is scarcely mentioned on tech blogs – one that may be small in form but has the potential to be massive in implication. We’re talking about microcontrollers.
There are 250 billion microcontrollers in the world today. 28.1 billion units were sold in 2018 alone, and IC Insights forecasts annual shipment volume to grow to 38.2 billion by 2023.
Perhaps we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves though, because you may not know exactly what we mean by microcontrollers. A microcontroller is a small, special purpose computer dedicated to performing one task or program within a device. For example, a microcontroller in a television controls the channel selector and speaker system. It changes those systems when it receives input from the TV remote. Microcontrollers and the components they manage are collectively called embedded systems since they are embedded in the devices they control. Take a look around — these embedded systems are everywhere, in nearly any modern electronic device. Your office machines, cars, medical devices, and home appliances almost all certainly have microcontrollers in them.
With all the buzz about cloud computing, mobile device penetration, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) over the past few years, these microcontrollers (and the embedded systems they power) have largely been underappreciated. This is about to change.
The strong growth in microcontroller sales in recent years has been largely driven by the broad tailwinds of the IoT. Microcontrollers facilitate automation and embedded control in electronic systems, as well as the connection of sensors and applications to the IoT. These handy little devices are also exceedingly cheap, with an average price of 60 cents per unit (and dropping). Although low in cost, the economic impact of what microcontrollers enable at the system level is massive, since the sensor data from the physical world is the lifeblood of digital transformation in industry. However, this is only part of the story.
A coalescence of several trends has made the microcontroller not just a conduit for implementing IoT applications but also a powerful, independent processing mechanism in its own right. In recent years, hardware advancements have made it possible for microcontrollers to perform calculations much faster.  Improved hardware coupled with more efficient development standards have made it easier for developers to build programs on these devices. Perhaps the most important trend, though, has been the rise of tiny machine learning, or TinyML. It’s a technology we’ve been following since investing in a startup in this space.
Big potential
TinyML broadly encapsulates the field of machine learning technologies capable of performing on-device analytics of sensor data at extremely low power. Between hardware advancements and the TinyML community’s recent innovations in machine learning, it is now possible to run increasingly complex deep learning models (the foundation of most modern artificial intelligence applications) directly on microcontrollers. A quick glance under the hood shows this is fundamentally possible because deep learning models are compute-bound, meaning their efficiency is limited by the time it takes to complete a large number of arithmetic operations. Advancements in TinyML have made it possible to run these models on existing microcontroller hardware.
In other words, those 250 billion microcontrollers in our printers, TVs, cars, and pacemakers can now perform tasks that previously only our computers and smartphones could handle. All of our devices and appliances are getting smarter thanks to microcontrollers.
TinyML represents a collaborative effort between the embedded ultra-low power systems and machine learning communities, which traditionally have operated largely independently. This union has opened the floodgates for new and exciting applications of on-device machine learning. However, the knowledge that deep learning and microcontrollers are a perfect match has been pretty exclusive, hidden behind the walls of tech giants like Google and Apple. This becomes more obvious when you learn that this paradigm of running modified deep learning models on microcontrollers is responsible for the “Okay Google” and “Hey Siri,” functionality that has been around for years.
But why is it important that we be able to run these models on microcontrollers? Much of the sensor data generated today is discarded because of cost, bandwidth, or power constraints – or sometimes a combination of all three. For example, take an imagery micro-satellite. Such satellites are equipped with cameras capable of capturing high resolution images but are limited by the size and number of photos they can store and how often they can transmit those photos to Earth. As a result, such satellites have to store images at low resolution and at a low frame rate. What if we could use image detection models to save high resolution photos only if an object of interest (like a ship or weather pattern) was present in the image? While the computing resources on these micro-satellites have historically been too small to support image detection deep learning models, TinyML now makes this possible.
Another benefit of deploying deep learning models on microcontrollers is that microcontrollers use very little energy. Compared to systems that require either a direct connection to the power grid or frequent charges or replacement of the battery, a microcontroller can run an image recognition model continuously for a year with a single coin battery. Furthermore, since most embedded systems are not connected to the internet, these smart embedded systems can be deployed essentially anywhere. By enabling decision-making without continuous connectivity to the internet, the ability to deploy deep learning models on embedded systems creates an opportunity for completely new types of products.
Early TinyML applications
It’s easy to talk about applications in the abstract, but let’s narrow our focus to specific applications likely to be available in the coming years that would impact the way we work or live:
Mobility: If we apply TinyML to sensors ingesting real-time traffic data, we can use them to route traffic more effectively and reduce response times for emergency vehicles. Companies like Swim.AI use TinyML on streaming data to improve passenger safety and reduce congestion and emissions through efficient routing.
Smart factory: In the manufacturing sector, TinyML can stop downtime due to equipment failure by enabling real-time decision. It can alert workers to perform preventative maintenance when necessary, based on equipment conditions.
Retail: By monitoring shelves in-store and sending immediate alerts as item quantities dwindle, TinyML can prevent items from becoming out of stock.
Agriculture: Farmers risk severe profit losses from animal illnesses. Data from livestock wearables that monitor health vitals like heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, etc. can help predict the onslaught of disease and epidemics.
Before TinyML goes mainstream …
As intriguing as TinyML may be, we are very much in the early stages, and we need to see a number of trends occur before it gets mainstream adoption.
Every successful ecosystem is built on engaged communities. A vibrant TinyML community will lead to faster innovation as it increases awareness and adoption. We need more investments in open-source projects supporting TinyML (like the work Google is doing around TensorFlow for broader machine learning), since open source allows each contributor to build on top of the work of others to create thorough and robust solutions.
Other core ecosystem participants and tools will also be necessary:
Chipset manufacturers and platforms like Qualcomm, ST, and ETA Compute can work hand-in-hand with developers to ensure chipsets are ready for the intended applications, and that platform integrations are built to facilitate rapid application development.
Cloud players can invest in end-to-end optimized platform solutions that allow seamless exchange and processing of data between devices and the cloud.
Direct support is needed from device-level software infrastructure companies such as Memfault, which is trying to improve firmware reliability, and Argosy Labs, which is tackling data security and sharing on the device level. These kinds of changes give developers more control over software deployments with greater security from nearly any device.
Lifecycle TinyML tools need to be built that facilitate dataset management, algorithm development, and version management and that enhance the testing and deployment lifecycle.
However, innovators are ultimately what drives change. We need more machine learning experts who have the resources to challenge the status quo and make TinyML even more accessible. Pete Warden, head of the TensorFlow mobile team, has an ambitious task of building machine learning applications that run on a microcontroller for a year using only a hearing aid battery for power. We need more leaders like Pete to step up and lead breakthroughs to make TinyML a near-term reality.
In summary: TinyML is a giant opportunity that’s just beginning to emerge. Expect to see quite a bit of movement in this space over the next year or two.
[Find out about VentureBeat guest posts.]
TX Zhuo is General Partner at Fika Ventures.
Huston Collins is Senior Associate at Fika Ventures.
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barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: Ultracore (Nintendo Switch)
It’s quite interesting that the development of the 16-bit run and gun shooter Ultracore is one which has striking similarities to even Star Fox 2’s own journey to existence. Both titles were near completion at the tail end of their console’s respective life cycles only to be cancelled at the last minute. And much like how Star Fox 2 found new life on the SNES Classic Mini and Nintendo Switch Online service, Ultracore is now resurrected on modern hardware. 
Originally developed by Digital Illusions (now known as the famed developer DICE) and slated to release on the Amiga, Sega Genesis, and Sega CD in 1994, Ultracore’s late cancellation left the game’s nearly complete data wandering in the unknown for years. More than two decades later, the game’s code was soon found on an old hard drive and later preserved and fully finished for official release on an aftermarket Genesis console called the Mega Sg. To its own credit, Ultracore is a product of its time when run and gun titles were prevalent on consoles and arcades. While its newfound release on the Switch does show what aspects of this once cancelled game has aged for better or for worse, its retro roots and new features do highlight a pretty decent and slightly challenging 2D action romp.
Ultracore plays just as you’d expect if you are familiar with the run and gun genre. Throughout the game’s five fairly large levels, you will be using quick reflexes to dodge multiple enemies and their firepower whether they are approaching you via ground or in the air. Aside from your starting arsenal being a rapid-fire machine gun with unlimited ammo, you will eventually be able to equip more powerful weapons. These weapons (which all run on limited ammo) along with your starting machine gun can be upgraded as you progress. Control is tight per usual and responsive but do get used to being constantly moving on the fly. One of the bonuses in this completed version of Ultracore is the added twin-stick control option. The addition of this modern control scheme offers fluid use of combat and made switching between weapons all the more easier. Also, if you feel the need to mix things up with Ultracore’s nostalgic Genesis-based tunes, do take the opportunity to switch over to the newly composed synthwave soundtrack. Even separated from the main game, this brand new soundtrack hits in the right spots and is worthy of a few listens track by track.
While Ultracore echoes its fair share of familiar run and gun entertainment, it does come with its slight shortcomings. Platform jumping, especially, can be frustrating when you are also focused on conserving your extra lives. One moment in particular has you carefully timing your jumps on weighted platforms, which only lead to many times where I undershot and into my own death. Segments like these are populated throughout, and on top of dealing with various robotic enemies flying toward you, expect to die a lot. Of course, cheap deaths are gonna be prominent throughout a game of this type. Once you find a pattern between enemy movements and the varying bosses at the end of each level, you’ll be able to progress with added ease. Surprisingly, Ultracore is also fairly lenient when it comes to checkpoints and continues. When you lose a life, you’ll be conveniently spawned in spots that aren’t far from where you originally perished, which makes for a less stressful trek. When you are forced to use a continue, you’ll spawn at the door or entryway of the last room you entered as opposed to the beginning of the stage. Unfortunately, there are no save states, as Ultracore opts to use lengthy passcodes given to you after completing a stage. While this type of save system may seem to be a way to fit into the mold of a short action heavy shooter, it’s still incredibly archaic and annoying to input when you run out of continues. So, heed this advice when I say be sure to hit the Switch’s capture button when a code is given to you. 
Overall, Ultracore is your standard run and gun sci-fi title that comes with the ups and downs of the genre. While, yes, you are bound to see plenty of cheap deaths and unforgiving sequences, the game is still forgiving when you make a costly mistake. This factor alone makes the later portions of the game less daunting even as the challenges increase. As a short but fun experience with a cool soundtrack and nifty pixel art, Ultracore is almost like a long lost love letter to games of its era. Simply put, after years of being dormant, this one was certainly worth preserving.
The post Review: Ultracore (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: Ultracore (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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jeremystrele · 5 years
51 House Numbers for Fabulously Functional Curb Appeal
First impressions always matter. When guests visit for the first time, they’re often seeking one detail before they even arrive – the address! Those who spend time manicuring their lawns and accessorizing their entryways know that curb appeal is worth the extra consideration. Address plates are one of those details that are often negotiated as a matter of function over form. But why not enjoy the best of both worlds? In this guide, we’ve collected 51 of the most attractive address numbers and plaques available online. Whether you live in a classic bungalow, a chic brownstone, or a sleek ultra-modern abode, there is something here to complement any style.
$135BUY IT House Number Plaque with Planter: High-contrast numbering ensures your address remains visible from the street, while sleek modern design provides a pleasing experience up close. This powder coated steel plaque has a built-in planter compartment – use for hardy potted plants or seasonal decorations for an expressive exterior touch.
$210BUY IT Address Plaque with Magnetic House Numbers: This planter and address plaque combination is made-to-order in a wide variety of finishes so you can find the perfect fit for your home style. Numbers are attached by strong rare earth magnets, easily swapped out for other numbers so you can take your address plaque with you when you move.
$20BUY IT Black Acrylic Floating House Numbers: Floating house numbers immediately capture attention, great for use against highly textured backgrounds like stone. This modern acrylic address plaque is available in every color of the rainbow in addition to the contemporary matte black pictured here.
$59BUY IT Custom House Numbers Colorful Plaque: Color is a quick and easy way to make sure your house numbers pop. This custom address plaque is available in a range of hues from bright red to baby pink to mint green, plus a variety of handsome neutrals. Powder coated galvanized steel construction ensures all-weather longevity.
$155 set of fourBUY IT Red Powder Coated House Address Numbers: While address plaques offer easy installation, individual address numbers provide greater flexibility. This delightful bright red design boasts a modern font for contemporary curb appeal. Each is crafted from recycled aluminum and powder coated in hardy all-weather red. Arrange horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
$15 eachBUY IT Modern Yellow House Numbers: These high-contrast address plaques are made from layered acrylic panels with pre-drilled holes for mounting. The effect is dimensional and stylish. Use individually for single-number homes, choose the two-digit option for two-digit addresses, or invest in a set of individual numbers to create a stylish arrangement for longer addresses.
$58BUY IT Floating Black House Numbers: These floating house numbers keep things simple with a sleek modern font. Choose from contemporary matte black finishing or opt for brilliant aluminum. Each one measures at 6″ tall for clear visibility. Use without the spacers for a flush mount installation.
$45BUY IT Super Large 12″ Address Numbers for House: Do you live in a home that sits far away from the street? Larger numbers will ensure visitors, delivery drivers, and emergency personnel can still find you. These black address numbers measure at 12″ tall, crafted from corrosion-proof stainless steel for dependable longevity. Small 1cm mounts create a subtle floating effect.
$39 eachBUY IT Floating 6″ Modern House Number: At 6″ tall, these address numbers are a conservative standard size to fit most applications. These are crafted from solid recycled aluminum – the model in this listing is finished in a sophisticated bronze powder coat, easy to coordinate with a variety of home exterior styles.
$10 eachBUY IT Art Deco House Numbers and Letters: Looking for something period-appropriate to match your home architecture? These house numbers are inspired by Art Deco style, a perfect fit for homes built at the turn of the century – and often appropriate for mid century modern homes as well. These are crafted from marine-grade plastic for excellent outdoor durability, lightweight and easy to mount.
$25 eachBUY IT Large Cursive House Numbers: Script house numbers provide a lovely classic feeling, a fantastic complement to traditional home exteriors. This font takes a slightly more modern approach with its chic and easygoing curves. Choose between small and large sizing options to find the closest fit for your intended mounting spot. Cursive fonts are fantastic for use above doorways and garages, but can be hung almost anywhere that ordinary address numbers would go.
$35BUY IT Wooden House Numbers Plaque: Wood address plaques are not a new concept, but the innovative designs available today certainly explore a fresh new frontier of aesthetic possibilities. This handsome plaque makes a bold decorative impact with its chevon wood grain and metallic numbering. This piece is available with endless customization options.
$74BUY IT Wooden Contemporary House Numbers with Planter: Here is another take on the wood number plaque concept, this time with a built-in planter. Choose from five different wood finish options, and pair with black or white numbering. When you move, a handsome plaque like this can serve as a playful keepsake for interior display.
$34BUY IT Elegant House Number Plaque: Luxury finishes can transform the look of a wood number plaque. This one features sophisticated gold numbers over a rich black background. Choose from a variety of other colorways as well – each one is made on demand according to your specifications.
$23 eachBUY IT Stone Tile House Numbers Set: In some areas, tile address numbers have historical roots as remnants of forgotten standardization processes – every city has their own story and unique look. Tile has long been an economical and attractive solution for numbering homes and they’re still just as practical today. The numbers pictured here are crafted from textural marble and can be mounted to the plaque of your choice for DIY flexibility.
$10 eachBUY IT Colorful Ceramic House Numbers: Ceramic house numbers are available in an endless array of colors, patterns, fonts, and even shapes. Mount them within iron frames, secure them to wood panels, or acquire the help of a skilled professional to drill holes through the tile for screws. These tiles can also be anchored directly into concrete or stucco by a contractor, or “glued” on with strong surface-appropriate adhesive.
$10 eachBUY IT Vintage Style Tile House Numbers: These delightful hacienda tiles are perfect for southwestern style architecture. They can also serve as a fun accent for other types of exteriors that could use a touch of vintage flair. Each tile is hand-painted in Mexico by skilled artisans.
$20 eachBUY IT Ceramic Decorative House Numbers: These handmade, hand-decorated ceramic house numbers have dimensional depth for eye-catching appeal. Each one includes holes in the back for mounting by nail, but due to the artisanal nature of these tiles it is recommended to use a strong adhesive suitable for the surface you wish to attach them to.
$18 eachBUY IT Solid Brass House Numbers 7.75″: Looking for something classic and dependable? These solid brass house numbers are easy to mount using truss head screws, each one well-balanced and proportional. Choose from four finishes: oil rubbed bronze, satin nickel, rustic venetian bronze, or the brilliant polished brass pictured here.
$179BUY IT Mid Century Modern House Numbers Plaque: This metal address plaque is exceptionally versatile with a font that bridges the gap between mid-century modern and contemporary urban industrial. The plaque itself is made from thick recycled aluminum. Use the included spacers for a floating effect or mount flush for a streamlined look.
$220BUY IT Custom Craftsman House Numbers Plaque: With such an emphasis on quality construction, it makes sense that a craftsman style home would have an equally well-made address plate. This house number plaque is made from durable HDU and finished in a real metal coating for a high-end look that remains easy to mount.
$74BUY IT Solid Stone Engraved House Numbers Plaque: Crafted from solid granite stone and etched deep with your address, this engraved plaque is sure to provide years and years of everyday enjoyment. The lettering is available in multiple color options and two sophisticated fonts.
$89BUY IT Engraved Granite Address Plaque: Here is another solid granite address plaque, this time with a square 12″ by 12″ size. Choose from four paint colors to highlight the numbers and text – gold, silver, white, or copper. Two font choices are available.
$34BUY IT Custom House Numbers Monogram: Few accents are more delightful than those little personalized details that make a home feel truly “your own”. This address plaque doubles as both a monogram and a street number sign – an expressive and unique touch. Each one is crafted from high quality steel, available in a matte black or shiny metal finish.
$34BUY IT Round Metal Address Plaque: Create a bold modern statement with this minimalist yet exquisitely functional address sign. The round matte black profile commands attention while the smooth and simple font ensures easier readability. This piece is available in three sizes: 16″, 20″ and 24″.
$44BUY IT Industrial Address Number Plaque: For a sharp industrial look, this large address plaque is perfectly on-theme. Choose from a diverse range of finish options from the flat black pictured here to creative options like raspberry violet and bright lime green. Or, for a custom look, order the unfinished version and have the sign powder coated to your exact specifications locally.
$113BUY IT Vertical Aluminum Address Plaque: This bold address plaque is simple and straightforward, cast from aerospace grade aluminum to withstand even the harshest outdoor environments. The numbers are cast into the aluminum – they will never fall off and cannot be removed, unlike similar models that use magnets or adhesives.
$17 eachBUY IT 8 Inch Steel House Numbers: Measuring at 8″ in height, these modern steel numbers are practical and highly visible. The pre-drilled mounting holes offer easy flush-mount installation on a variety of surfaces. Choose from raw unfinished steel, polished steel, or powder coated finishes. The powder coat options range a spectrum of vibrant hues.
$14 eachBUY IT 6″ Art Deco House Numbers: Let your love for retro design shine through every first impression. These 6″ metal house numbers feature a bold Art Deco font, decorative yet easy to read. Floating mounts cast a subtle shadow to help these fabulous numbers pop even more.
$39 / eachBUY IT Stainless Steel Metal House Numbers and Letters: At 10″ tall, these stainless steel house numbers offer fantastic visibility. Each one is backed with short mounting plugs for a subtle floating effect, further enhancing the contrast between number and surface. Unlike many other sets on the market, this collection also includes the letters A through D for multi-unit homes and businesses.
$38BUY IT Super Modern House Numbers: It’s hard to find suitably modern address numbers to match sleek contemporary architectural styles. These address numbers by Jehs + Laub make a bold decorative statement, each one protruding more than 2″ from the mounted surface for a visually appealing 3D effect. The font itself is smooth and streamlined, minimalist yet creative and appealing.
$14 eachBUY IT Frank Lloyd Wright Collection Copper House Numbers: While legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright is known to most of the world for his iconic structures, his unyielding attention to detail ensured he also left a mark on the world of typography. This set of house numbers is based on lettering developed by Wright and later expanded to a complete typeface. This series can be mounted flush or floating.
$9 eachBUY IT 5-Inch Antique Brass House Numbers: Solid cast brass ensures this streamlined house number set will only grow more beautiful with age. Mount flush or floating – each set includes instructions and all the required hardware.
$12 eachBUY IT 5-Inch Polished Brass House Numbers: Here is another set of solid cast brass numbers, this time with a brilliant polished finish. Mount flush or floating. Each one measures at 5″ tall for clear visibility, especially when paired with an illumination source at night.
$35 / eachBUY IT Richard Neutra House Numbers: Designed in direct collaboration with the legendary architect’s estate, this series of house numbers faithfully reflects the innovative letterforms Richard Neutra developed over the course of many residential and commercial design projects. These house numbers are crafted from quality aluminum, available in two sizes and three finish options.
$20 eachBUY IT 16 Inch Extra Large House Numbers: Oversized house numbers can serve a very practical purpose for homes that are set far away from the street, but they can also provide a worthwhile decorative effect for the sake of decoration alone. These tremendous house numbers measure at 16″ in height for instant visual drama. Choose from a spectrum of color options.
$9 eachBUY IT Traditional 6 Inch Cast Iron House Numbers with Gold Finish: These heavy cast iron house numbers have an antique hammered appearance for old-world artisanal appeal. A bright gold finish adds a touch of playful luxury. Mounting holes make these numbers quick and easy to attach to plaques, walls, fences, and more.
$10 eachBUY IT Shabby Chic Cast Iron House Numbers: Crafted from sturdy cast iron and finished in a soft distressed whitewash, these lovely house numbers are perfect for a rustic or cottage chic exterior theme. Or, if you’re looking for something a little different, these numbers can be custom painted in a whole spectrum of delightful colors offered by the seller.
$9 eachBUY IT Distressed Rustic Bronze House Numbers: Unique distressed bronze coloration brings rich depth and detail to these solid cast iron house numbers. This series would be perfect for nautical-themed beach homes, traditional farmhouses, and other ruggedly adventurous styles.
$10 eachBUY IT Cast Iron Unique House Numbers: Creative fleur-de-lis embellishments give these cast iron house numbers a distinctively decorative look. Each one includes convenient mounting holes for easy installation.
$6 eachBUY IT Rustic 3 Inch House Numbers: These small house numbers measure at only 3″ high, great for compact installations. Consider this series for mailboxes, interior multi-unit entryways, garden gates, and more. This series is also available as a full alphabet – perfect for spelling street names or welcome messages.
$229BUY IT Backlit House Numbers Plaque: Appropriate lighting is an oft-forgotten essential when it comes to address number placement. Illuminated numbering systems provide an elegant solution with no directed exterior fixtures needed. This handsome made-to-order sign features numbers that gently glow for easy visibility all throughout the night.
$37 eachBUY IT Backlit House Numbers with Light Bar: Equipped with a sensor that responds to low light levels, these backlit address numbers will turn on when it gets dark and switch off at dawn. The convenient lightbar add-on is sound activated, casting bright illumination when nearby movement is detected.
$49 eachBUY IT 5 Inch Illuminated LED House Numbers: These backlit address numbers provide fantastic flexibility thanks to their individual construction – install horizontally, vertically, or diagonally as desired.. In the daytime, the matte black finish presents a sleek and modern look. At night, the numbers glow brightly for sharp visibility. Choose from three convenient sizes.
$149BUY IT Modern Crystal Lighted House Numbers Plaque: Heavy crystal glass and sleek metal details give this illuminated sign a professional and polished look. Choose between bronze and brushed silver finishes to best suit your home exterior.
$85BUY IT Colorful Backlit House Number Plaque: With a base constructed from solid African teak and a plaque face made from aluminum, this address sign provides elegant style even when not illuminated. When illuminated, an included remote allows you to change the color of the RGB LED lights on demand – switch between colors to suit your mood or to match seasonal holiday themes.
$69BUY IT Solar Lighted House Numbers: Solar lighting options offer a convenient alternative to hardwired designs – great for DIY installations and older homes with tricky wiring. This design features bold numbering printed on glassy acrylic, backed by a bold steel panel for contrast. A dawn/dusk sensor ensures the power collected by the solar panel lasts all night.
$78BUY IT Solar House Numbers and Light Combo: Here is another handy solar design, this time with a bright built-in yard light controlled by motion sensor. Thick black numbering ensures easy visibility night and day.
$20 eachBUY IT Individual Solar Powered House Numbers: Individual solar-powered address numbers are very flexible but quite uncommon. These illuminated numbers are built strong to resist even the harshest weather conditions, and the advanced battery design means they will fully charge even without direct sun exposure.
$119BUY IT Personalized Reflective House Numbers Sign: For homes that are set far away from the street, or for situations where you might not want to drill into the side of your home to mount address numbers, a standalone sign can provide a convenient alternative. This personalized double-sided sign features bold reflective numbering for clear visibility at night. The elegant classic signpost boasts strong curb appeal your neighbors will adore.
$118BUY IT Reflective Contemporary House Numbers Sign: This decorative address signpost offers a sleek modern look well-suited to homes with sharp contemporary architecture. Tall 6″ letters grace each side in a smooth modern font, bright and reflective to immediately capture the attention of guests, delivery drivers, and emergency responders.
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actutrends · 5 years
Why TinyML is a giant opportunity
The world is about to get a whole lot smarter.
As the new decade begins, we’re hearing predictions on everything from fully remote workforces to quantum computing. However, one emerging trend is scarcely mentioned on tech blogs – one that may be small in form but has the potential to be massive in implication. We’re talking about microcontrollers.
There are 250 billion microcontrollers in the world today. 28.1 billion units were sold in 2018 alone, and IC Insights forecasts annual shipment volume to grow to 38.2 billion by 2023.
Perhaps we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves though, because you may not know exactly what we mean by microcontrollers. A microcontroller is a small, special purpose computer dedicated to performing one task or program within a device. For example, a microcontroller in a television controls the channel selector and speaker system. It changes those systems when it receives input from the TV remote. Microcontrollers and the components they manage are collectively called embedded systems since they are embedded in the devices they control. Take a look around — these embedded systems are everywhere, in nearly any modern electronic device. Your office machines, cars, medical devices, and home appliances almost all certainly have microcontrollers in them.
With all the buzz about cloud computing, mobile device penetration, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT) over the past few years, these microcontrollers (and the embedded systems they power) have largely been underappreciated. This is about to change.
The strong growth in microcontroller sales in recent years has been largely driven by the broad tailwinds of the IoT. Microcontrollers facilitate automation and embedded control in electronic systems, as well as the connection of sensors and applications to the IoT. These handy little devices are also exceedingly cheap, with an average price of 60 cents per unit (and dropping). Although low in cost, the economic impact of what microcontrollers enable at the system level is massive, since the sensor data from the physical world is the lifeblood of digital transformation in industry. However, this is only part of the story.
A coalescence of several trends has made the microcontroller not just a conduit for implementing IoT applications but also a powerful, independent processing mechanism in its own right. In recent years, hardware advancements have made it possible for microcontrollers to perform calculations much faster.  Improved hardware coupled with more efficient development standards have made it easier for developers to build programs on these devices. Perhaps the most important trend, though, has been the rise of tiny machine learning, or TinyML. It’s a technology we’ve been following since investing in a startup in this space.
Big potential
TinyML broadly encapsulates the field of machine learning technologies capable of performing on-device analytics of sensor data at extremely low power. Between hardware advancements and the TinyML community’s recent innovations in machine learning, it is now possible to run increasingly complex deep learning models (the foundation of most modern artificial intelligence applications) directly on microcontrollers. A quick glance under the hood shows this is fundamentally possible because deep learning models are compute-bound, meaning their efficiency is limited by the time it takes to complete a large number of arithmetic operations. Advancements in TinyML have made it possible to run these models on existing microcontroller hardware.
In other words, those 250 billion microcontrollers in our printers, TVs, cars, and pacemakers can now perform tasks that previously only our computers and smartphones could handle. All of our devices and appliances are getting smarter thanks to microcontrollers.
TinyML represents a collaborative effort between the embedded ultra-low power systems and machine learning communities, which traditionally have operated largely independently. This union has opened the floodgates for new and exciting applications of on-device machine learning. However, the knowledge that deep learning and microcontrollers are a perfect match has been pretty exclusive, hidden behind the walls of tech giants like Google and Apple. This becomes more obvious when you learn that this paradigm of running modified deep learning models on microcontrollers is responsible for the “Okay Google” and “Hey Siri,” functionality that has been around for years.
But why is it important that we be able to run these models on microcontrollers? Much of the sensor data generated today is discarded because of cost, bandwidth, or power constraints – or sometimes a combination of all three. For example, take an imagery micro-satellite. Such satellites are equipped with cameras capable of capturing high resolution images but are limited by the size and number of photos they can store and how often they can transmit those photos to Earth. As a result, such satellites have to store images at low resolution and at a low frame rate. What if we could use image detection models to save high resolution photos only if an object of interest (like a ship or weather pattern) was present in the image? While the computing resources on these micro-satellites have historically been too small to support image detection deep learning models, TinyML now makes this possible.
Another benefit of deploying deep learning models on microcontrollers is that microcontrollers use very little energy. Compared to systems that require either a direct connection to the power grid or frequent charges or replacement of the battery, a microcontroller can run an image recognition model continuously for a year with a single coin battery. Furthermore, since most embedded systems are not connected to the internet, these smart embedded systems can be deployed essentially anywhere. By enabling decision-making without continuous connectivity to the internet, the ability to deploy deep learning models on embedded systems creates an opportunity for completely new types of products.
Early TinyML applications
It’s easy to talk about applications in the abstract, but let’s narrow our focus to specific applications likely to be available in the coming years that would impact the way we work or live:
Mobility: If we apply TinyML to sensors ingesting real-time traffic data, we can use them to route traffic more effectively and reduce response times for emergency vehicles. Companies like Swim.AI use TinyML on streaming data to improve passenger safety and reduce congestion and emissions through efficient routing.
Smart factory: In the manufacturing sector, TinyML can stop downtime due to equipment failure by enabling real-time decision. It can alert workers to perform preventative maintenance when necessary, based on equipment conditions.
Retail: By monitoring shelves in-store and sending immediate alerts as item quantities dwindle, TinyML can prevent items from becoming out of stock.
Agriculture: Farmers risk severe profit losses from animal illnesses. Data from livestock wearables that monitor health vitals like heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, etc. can help predict the onslaught of disease and epidemics.
Before TinyML goes mainstream …
As intriguing as TinyML may be, we are very much in the early stages, and we need to see a number of trends occur before it gets mainstream adoption.
Every successful ecosystem is built on engaged communities. A vibrant TinyML community will lead to faster innovation as it increases awareness and adoption. We need more investments in open-source projects supporting TinyML (like the work Google is doing around TensorFlow for broader machine learning), since open source allows each contributor to build on top of the work of others to create thorough and robust solutions.
Other core ecosystem participants and tools will also be necessary:
Chipset manufacturers and platforms like Qualcomm, ST, and ETA Compute can work hand-in-hand with developers to ensure chipsets are ready for the intended applications, and that platform integrations are built to facilitate rapid application development.
Cloud players can invest in end-to-end optimized platform solutions that allow seamless exchange and processing of data between devices and the cloud.
Direct support is needed from device-level software infrastructure companies such as Memfault, which is trying to improve firmware reliability, and Argosy Labs, which is tackling data security and sharing on the device level. These kinds of changes give developers more control over software deployments with greater security from nearly any device.
Lifecycle TinyML tools need to be built that facilitate dataset management, algorithm development, and version management and that enhance the testing and deployment lifecycle.
However, innovators are ultimately what drives change. We need more machine learning experts who have the resources to challenge the status quo and make TinyML even more accessible. Pete Warden, head of the TensorFlow mobile team, has an ambitious task of building machine learning applications that run on a microcontroller for a year using only a hearing aid battery for power. We need more leaders like Pete to step up and lead breakthroughs to make TinyML a near-term reality.
In summary: TinyML is a giant opportunity that’s just beginning to emerge. Expect to see quite a bit of movement in this space over the next year or two.
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TX Zhuo is General Partner at Fika Ventures. Huston Collins is Senior Associate at Fika Ventures.
The post Why TinyML is a giant opportunity appeared first on Actu Trends.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Tip: avoid any field whose practitioners say this. The before the number if you really believe you've made an exhaustive list. If free copies of your content are available online, then you're competing with publishing's form of distribution, and that's pretty easy with digital content. Boston ones. The answer, I realized, is that my m. Why didn't better content cost more? He didn't. You could read the list in any order. At the time any random autobiographical novel by a recent college grad could count on more respectful treatment from the literary establishment. But Wodehouse didn't give a damn what anyone thought of him.1 Facebook, his default expectation was that he'd end up working at Microsoft.
You can see how much things are changing from the examples I've mentioned. This is not a messaging protocol, although there is a trick you could use the two ideas interchangeably.2 Startups are more like science, where you go looking for problems without knowing what you're looking for. That makes him seem like some kind of progression.3 Imagine what it would do to you if at mile 20 of a marathon, someone ran up beside you and said You must feel really tired. Closely related to poverty is lack of social mobility. So how do you deliver drama via the Internet?4 Because they come at the end of a long and unbelievably distracting process. How are we to develop new technology if we can't study current technology to figure out where to live. He wrote exactly what he wanted. Blogger got down to one person, and they were absolutely honest.
You can be a professor, or make a lot of squawking coming from my hen house one night, I'd want to go out and get a job doing B, and then they come back and say their boss has vetoed the deal and won't do it for more than half the agreed upon price. That kind of title is the same sort of reflexive challenge as a whodunit.5 I want them to be doctors than who want to get rich now you don't have to do it mainly to help the poor, then you should probably take the organic route, because it will have a wave of secondary effects. And not just in its beautiful lines: it was at the edge of what could be manufactured. Do we want to fix the underlying causes. People in Florence weren't genetically different, so you have to assume there was someone born in Milan with as much natural ability as Leonardo couldn't beat the force of environment, do you suppose you can?6 They have an answer, certainly, but odds are it's wrong. I'm British by birth.7 If the founders know what they're doing, it's better to have half their attention focused on the product than the full attention of investors who don't. For example, in 2004 Bill Clinton found he was feeling short of breath.
If anywhere should be quiet, that should. In the more common case, where founders and investors are down on advertising at the moment, San Francisco's message seems to be the same as the cause of poverty is the same as Berkeley's: you should be making this for consumers instead of businesses?8 If that's true, most startups that could succeed fail because the founders don't devote their whole efforts to them. What I like about this idea is all the different ways in which we'll seem backward to future generations that we wait till patients have physical symptoms to be diagnosed with cancer.9 Conversations with corp dev work. If you have a day job you don't take seriously because you plan to be a startup.10 I realize now that was because I'd always implicitly understood it to mean ambition in the areas I cared about.11 I was very excited at first. They didn't sell either; that's why they're in a position to pick and choose among projects. So far the complete list of messages I've picked up from cities is: wealth, style, hipness, physical attractiveness wouldn't have been there 100 years ago, but now we advise founders to vest so there will be an orderly way for people to quit. When I thought about it all the time.
He knew a lot of users, there won't be a long term.12 It might be a good idea to spend some of the most powerful forces in history.13 It's not necessarily evidence readers are lazy; it could also mean they don't have much confidence in the writer. Startups are almost entirely a product of this period. And if it's not impossible but simply very hard, it might be helpful to be in a very limited way in a list of n things is easier for writers as well as consuming your attention they undermine your morale. I had a design philosophy. Ambitious people already move halfway around the world to further their careers, and startups can operate from anywhere nowadays. Often your information will be wrong: I tried living in Florence when I was about 9 or 10, my father told me I could be whatever I wanted when I grew up in Pittsburgh in the 1970s were a pretty dull place. When someone from corp dev wants to meet, or send us an email proposing we grab coffee. It is no accident that Silicon Valley is in America, and not just intellectually, but the way he composed them into molecules was near faultless. The first sentence of Pride and Prejudice: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
How did she get into this fix?14 The way medicine has always worked is that patients come to doctors with problems, and the content was what they were selling, and the bureaucratic obstacles all medical startups face, and the essay will still survive. I wouldn't bet on it. What if there was a kid is that much of the best stuff isn't made for audiences, but for oneself.15 But only graduation rates, not how to convert that wealth into money. It's legally a company, and that grows exponentially. But hunter gatherers didn't treat land, for example.16 But it will happen, and it will be at the end of my working day, and I asked him if the people now running the company would be able to.17
That was not a natural move for Microsoft.18 And this is not an irrational fear: it really is hard to bear.19 The stick-to-your-vision approach works for something like winning an Olympic gold medal, where the problem is to start from the symptom and hope to fix the underlying causes. It wasn't so bad. You can of course build something for users other than yourself.20 If you run out of money you'll become increasingly pliable. An essay can go anywhere the writer wants. I once asked a physicist friend if Einstein was really as smart as his fame implies, and she said that yes, he was. Why is it conventional to pretend to like what you do? The books I bring on trips are often quite virtuous, the sort of poking around that leads to new ideas.21
Why the pattern? For me the list is an exhaustive one. You'll probably have to figure out where to live by trial and error.22 And managers prefer popular languages, like Jane Austen's novels, continue to survive at all. Tip: avoid any field whose practitioners say this. Or the would-be successors both directly, as Roger Bannister did, by showing how much better you can do something you'd never want to do something. If we had a national holiday, it would be hard to tell exactly what message a city sends, you sometimes get surprising answers.23
But one of the growth rate to impress are not all equal, and would not be able to. An earlier version of Word 13.
The person who wins. But while it makes sense to exclude outliers from some central tap. So it's not the original source of difficulty here is Skype. When I catch egregiously linkjacked posts I replace the actual server in order to win.
But there's a continuum here. I learned from this experiment: suppose prep schools do, and this is a huge, overcomplicated agreements, and the restrictions on what interests you most. Fortunately policies are software; Apple probably wouldn't be able to fool investors with such abandon.
Then you'll either get the money invested in a signal. But not all are. So for example, America's abnormally high incarceration rate is 10%, moving to Monaco would only give you term sheets. More often you have to be room for another.
That makes some rich people move, and as an idea where there is no external source they can be done at a time machine. Not only do they decide you're a loser they're done, lots of potential winners, which have remained more or less, is to try, we'd ask, what would our competitors hate most?
99, and that modern corporate executives would work. Galbraith p.
We think of the 3 month old Microsoft presented at a 30% lower valuation.
CEOs in the comment sorting algorithm. If I were doing Viaweb again, that alone could in principle is that their local network infrastructure would be reluctant to start a startup, and thereby subconsciously seeing wealth as something that conforms with their decision or just outright dismisses it and creates a rationalization for doing badly and is doomed anyway.
And while they tried to combine the hardware with an associate is not such a baleful stare as they seem to be able to claim that their local network infrastructure would be far less demand for unskilled workers, and a few critical technical secrets. Could it not grow just as he or she would be to advertise, and that's much harder to fix. I could pick them, just that it would be more alarmed if you sort investors by benevolence you've also sorted them by returns, and Foley Hoag.
The continuing popularity of religion is the most common recipe but not the distribution of good startups, because you have the same time. I had zero false positives caused by blacklists, I can hear them in their early twenties. They have no idea what they give with one of the incompetence of newspapers is that parties shouldn't be too conspicuous.
The proportions of OSes are: Windows 66.
Though you never have to preserve optionality.
For example, the initial plan and what not to feel uncomfortable.
According to a partner from someone they respect. I make the hiring point more strongly.
Presumably it's lower now because of some brilliant initial idea. Peter, Why Are We Getting a Divorce?
It's much easier to get the money.
Ditto for case: I once explained this to realize that in fact they don't yet get what they're wasting their time on is a bridgehead.
If I were doing Viaweb again, I'd open our own startup Viaweb, which parents would still want their kids to them. At the time 1992 the entire cross-country Internet bandwidth wasn't enough for one another indirectly through the founders: agree with them in advance that you wouldn't mind missing, false positives caused by filters will have to watch out for a sufficiently identifiable style, you need but a blockhead ever wrote except for money. We think of ourselves as investors, but suburbs are so intellectually dishonest in that sense, if the statistics they consider are useful, how do you use that instead. Others will say I'm clueless or being misleading by focusing so much attention.
Cascading menus would also be good.
But it turns out to be considered an angel-round board, there are already names for this. We try to write great software in a more powerful version written in Lisp, though. Heirs will be out of loyalty to the customer: you post a sign saying this is what approaches like Brightmail's will degenerate into once spammers are pushed into using mad-lib techniques to generate all the East Coast.
They're so selective that they probably don't notice even when I first met him, but I wouldn't want the valuation of your mind what's the right startup. So in effect what the rule of thumb, the police in the world. This is isomorphic to the same reason parents don't tell the whole. This is not whether it's good enough at obscuring tokens for this point for me, I advised avoiding Javascript.
It would be a lot of the advantages of not having the universities in your classes, you need to fix once it's big, plus they are bleeding cash really fast.
0 notes
anycontentposter · 5 years
Photographing Portraits with Classic Lenses (includes Example Images)
The post Photographing Portraits with Classic Lenses (includes Example Images) appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Matt Murray.
From the 1930s onwards, manufacturers around the world produced 35mm film camera systems with a huge array of interchangeable lenses. Some good, some bad, some legendary.
With the rise of digital in the early 21st century, much of this gear fell out of favor, and prices declined rapidly. But things soon turned around.
Classic lenses are now in big demand. This is not only due to the current renaissance in film photography but also due to the fact that many photographers love to shoot with these lenses on digital cameras as well.
In this article, I explain how you can shoot portraits with classic lenses on your digital camera, including how to find one, how to set your camera up, and what to expect from vintage glass. Why limit yourself to the lenses made by your camera manufacturer when there is so much good glass out there?
Three classic M42 mount lenses that can be used in digital photography. Pentax Super Takumar 50mm f1.4, Helios 44 58mm f2, Meyer Optic Goerlitz Oreston 50mm f1.8.
Why shoot portraits on classic lenses?
This is a key question – why shoot portraits on classic lenses? There are a few reasons why I enjoy it.
Firstly, I love the different look that it gives my photos. They’re not better or worse than images taken with modern autofocus lenses. However, they certainly have a unique charm and character that you just don’t get from today’s ultra-sharp digital lenses.
Secondly, buying a vintage lens is a fantastic way of getting some quality glass in your kit on the cheap. Although prices have risen in recent years, you can still buy many amazing lenses for under $100 USD.
Finally, it’s a lot of fun to shoot with an older lens. I love to think about the images the lens has taken over the course of its lifetime, who has used it, and where it’s been. It’s also a point of interest – people often look puzzled and will go out of their way to find out what lens you’re using and where you got it.
How do I find a classic lens?
Finding a classic lens is relatively straightforward. The first thing you could try is to ask friends and family if they have any old film photography gear. It’s quite possible that an old Pentax or Olympus film camera is lurking in their attic. With some luck, the lens (and camera) will be in a usable condition, and you will be able to shoot portraits with it.
If that avenue doesn’t produce any classic beauties for you, turn to eBay, Facebook marketplace, and other online markets to see what’s for sale.
Considering their optical quality, Super Takumar lenses are still a bargain despite rising prices.
Before you do this, do some research about which lenses you’d like to buy, and make sure that you can get an adapter to fit the lens to your digital camera.
Take care when reading the description of lenses online. Ideally, you want a lens that has clear glass, with no fungus or haze. Don’t worry too much about small amounts of dust – all lenses (especially vintage ones) will have dust in the lens, which doesn’t usually affect image quality too much.
Although I’ve said above that you should avoid lenses with fungus and haze, I have used lenses with plenty of fungi in, without having much of a noticeable effect on images. Still, it’s something you’re best to avoid. If you look at the images of the lenses posted in this article, there are plenty of spots of dust and marks on the lenses I’ve used, but with no noticeable effect.
Buy a lens adaptor
A classic lens will not fit on to your digital camera as it is – you will also need to buy a lens adaptor. There is an adapter for almost every classic lens/digital mount combination.
Don’t just buy the cheapest one you can find; quality does matter here. If you’re not sure which brand to buy, ask around in Facebook groups to see what other people use and recommend.
The adapter I used for images in this article is the K&F Concept M42 to Fujifilm X adapter. I have two K&F Concept adapters – one for M42 mount and one for the smaller M39 mount.
Lens adapters are available for almost all classic lens to digital camera combinations. Pictured are M42 and M39 to Fujifilm X lens adapters.
Set your camera up to shoot with your classic lens
Once you have your lens and adapter, you now need to set up your camera to shoot with it. The steps I have below are for my Fujifilm X-Series cameras. If you’re using another brand, ask in Facebook groups, or turn to Google to find out how you can do the same for your camera.
Firstly, you need to enable the “shoot without lens” option in the menu. If the camera doesn’t recognize the lens, it may not allow you to take any images at all, so this is a must.
Secondly, set the focal length of the lens you are using in the mount adapter setting. The camera doesn’t know which lens you are using, so it will take the value in here for the metadata for images. If you skip this step, it’s no big deal, but it certainly makes finding images later on a little easier in Lightroom. Also, remember to keyword your images on import, as you may have several classic lenses with the same focal length.
Now you’re all set to manually focus your classic lens on your digital camera.
Wait, I have to focus manually?
In the vast majority of circumstances, yes. If you’re adapting a lens from one system to another, you’ll have to focus manually.
It may surprise you to know that in terms of the history of photography, autofocus lenses are relatively new. The first mass-produced autofocus camera was the Konica C35 AF point-and-shoot in 1977, and the first 35mm autofocus SLR, the Pentax ME F, was released in 1981.
Even after the arrival of this new technology, many professional photographers thought of autofocus as a gimmick and didn’t trust it until further advancements in the late 80s and early 90s.
If the thought of manually focussing on a portrait shoot alarms you, don’t worry. Digital cameras have amazing technology inside them that will help you.
I found this classic in a charity shop for $15USD.
Set up focus peaking
Focus peaking is a technology that many cameras have to make manually focussing a lens easier. When this is enabled, the camera will highlight objects that are in focus with a color (typically red) as you look through the viewfinder.
As you rotate the lens back and forth, different objects will come in and out of focus. When shooting portraits, you rotate the lens until your subject’s hair and/or eyelashes highlight in red.
This technology helps to focus enormously, especially if, like me, your vision isn’t as good as it used to be. Other options to assist manual focusing in the Fujifilm X-Series line include digital split image and digital microprism.
Classic lens road test
To illustrate the types of portrait images you can take with vintage glass, I’ve used three different lenses for this article. I’ve used the Meyer Optik Gorlitz Oreston 50mm f1.8, the Pentax Super Takumar 50mm f1.4, and the Helios 44 58mm f2 lens.
All of them have the same M42 mount, a system of attaching a lens to a camera body originally designed by the Carl Zeiss company in the late 1930s.
M42 is a screw mount. To attach the lens to a lens adapter (or an M42 mount vintage camera), you rotate it around in a circle until it stops. Don’t overtighten it. This is quite different from many modern cameras which use a bayonet-style mount. Many legendary camera manufacturers have used M42 at some stage, including Contax, Pentax, Yashica, and Olympus.
Meyer Optik Gorlitz Oreston 50mm f1.8
I picked up this Meyer Optik Gorlitz Oreston in a bag of camera gear at a charity shop for $15 USD. As soon as I saw the zebra stripe pattern around the edge of the lens, I knew I had something special.
The Zebra stripes of the Meyer Optik Gorlitz Oreston 50mm f1.8, mounted with a K&F Concept adapter to my Fujifilm X-T2.
Meyer Optik produced this lens in their East German factory from 1960-1971. After this, the company was absorbed into the Pentacon group, and the name disappeared from lenses entirely.
A feature of this lens is its beautiful color rendition and distinct vintage look. It has a softer, dreamier overall look than other lenses, but it’s still sharp. Shoot wide open with this lens for beautiful, dreamy bokeh. It’s one of my favorite classic lenses.
Sarah in a field. This image shows the dreamy bokeh of the Meyer Optik Goerlitz Oreston 50mm f1.8 lens.
This is one of my favorite shots of my daughter, taken with the Oreston 50mm f1.8 lens.
  Pentax Super Takumar 50mm f1.4
This lens has a few dents but keeps on rocking! Super Takumar 50mm f1.4 mounted with a K&F Concept adapter to my Fujifilm X-T2.
  In the 1960s, Pentax wanted to come up with a lens that would rival – or even outperform – Carl Zeiss glass. The result was the first version of the Super Takumar 50mm f1.4 lens with eight elements.
It’s been said that in the early days of its release, Pentax lost money each time they sold one. Perhaps this is why they soon switched to a cheaper seven-element version of the lens.
Manufacturing differences can make identification tricky, but I understand the lens that I have (pictured above) is a later version of the seven-element Super Tak. This version of the lens uses a radioactive element – Thorium – in its rear element. Despite their radioactivity, lenses with Thorium are not considered dangerous. Unless you grind one up and eat it, but that would be a terrible waste of a good lens.
Over many years, Thorium can cause yellowing in the glass. You will see from the images below – especially the first – that it has quite a warm look to it because of this issue.
The Super Tak (any version you can get your hands on) is a gem of a lens. Faster than other lenses in this review, it’s sharp, has pleasing bokeh and fabulous color rendition. If you don’t like the warm cast some of them have, due to the yellowing of the lens, you can always correct it in post.
At the beach. Shot wide open at f1.4 on the Pentax Super Takumar 50mm lens. Note the very warm look to the image caused by a yellowing of the lens over time.
Alyssa in Brisbane. Shot on the Fujifilm X-T2 with Super Takumar 50mm f1.4 Lens.
  Helios 44
Helios 44 lenses are among the best-known vintage lenses that photographers have bought in recent years to use with digital cameras. Like many post-war Russian lenses, it’s a copy of an earlier German design, the Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 58mm f2.
An odd-looking combination – a silver Helios 44 58mm f2 lens mounted on my Fujifilm X-T2.
Helios 44 lenses were produced in several different factories in the former Soviet Union. My lens features a full chrome metal construction, but others are black anodized lenses that come in a variety of styles. It’s been said that no two Helios lenses are the same – each has its own unique character.
Take the photos below – the Helios lenses are most associated with swirly bokeh, but in one of the images below, my lens has quite a bit of soap bubble bokeh.
The Helios is sharp, fun to use, and has the most unique bokeh in the lenses I’ve featured in this article. When you use the lens for portraits, though, beware of the bokeh trap.
What’s the bokeh trap?
Bokeh is the name for the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus parts of an image. Vintage lenses are known to generally have much more unique bokeh than modern lenses. Be careful not to fall into the bokeh trap though – remember that you’re shooting portraits, you’re not producing images just to show off the bokeh.
This image shows some of the swirly bokeh that the Helios 44 line of lenses is known for.
In the right circumstances, the Helios 44 lenses can exhibit incredible looking bokeh. Pictured above is the soap bubble bokeh due to the backlit foliage behind the subject.
  Lens comparison test at the beach
I took the photos above at different locations, so to demonstrate what the lenses look like on the same shoot, I took them to the beach with my Fujifilm X-T2.
On this shoot, there are noticeable differences between the three, and I believe that I could pick each one if I hadn’t taken the images myself. However, the differences were not as big as I had imagined. All images were shot wide open (using the smallest f-number the lens has) with focus peaking turned on.
No prizes for guessing which lens this is! The Super Takumar has a warm cast to it.
Next up is the Oreston, the sea did not produce a very distinctive bokeh in this instance compared to other images I’ve taken with foliage in the background.
Almost surprisingly, this image taken by the Helios was my favorite all-around image in this test.
The Helios RAW image with some edits applied in Lightroom.
Using a vintage lens with your digital camera is something every photographer should try. It’s an easy way to give your images a very unique and characteristic look, including bokeh, which you just don’t get on modern lenses.
It’s also a fantastic way of adding some high-quality glass to your kit for a fraction of the price of modern equivalents.
An added bonus is that it can help you grow as a photographer – especially if you’ve only used autofocus lenses before. Using a classic lens will force you to manually focus and discover more about the incredible features of modern cameras, like focus peaking.
Has this article, Photographing Portraits with Classic Lenses inspired you to try classic lenses with your digital camera? If you’ve already used classic lenses in your photography, which ones were your favorites? Tell us in the comments below.
The post Photographing Portraits with Classic Lenses (includes Example Images) appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Matt Murray.
Read more about this at digital-photography-school.com
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ynsespoir · 6 years
Are the New Smartwatches, Devices with Life Saving Features?
Apple released its Watch Series 4 on October 12th. When Apple releases a device, they also release the platforms and ecosystems that support the device.  In the past few years, Apple has doubled-down on its smartwatch development more than the iPhones, which is its strongest foothold. Some even say that iPhones have become boring and the real deal is the Apple Watch. How important is relationship between healthcare and wearable technology? There is some substance to the argument as Apple has been investing considerably in the research and development of Watch because it takes forward Apple’s vision of “tech changing people’s lives.”
Apple Watch is more then a cool gadget that tells time. It has many health oriented capabilities as well. At the recent event, Apple COO Jeff Williams said, “Fitness is at the core of Apple Watch.” Therefore, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Apple Watch is very much a health product.
Apple Inc. is an ingenious company which stays significantly ahead of its competitors. While every electronic company is still innovating in mobile space, Apple has taken a step in a different direction. They have started focusing on wearables as they believe easy accessibility of technology is the future. Apple Watch Series 4 is an incredible piece of hardware with a multitude of sensors embedded into a tiny little structure. The Series 4 has advanced sensors which constantly monitor the bodily activities and provide necessary insights to the user in real-time.
While there are many experimental projects Apple runs behind the closed doors, some of these are laid off in the process of development. However, Apple Watch did see the light of the day finally and it has come into existence. Let’s find out how all of that happened over the years.
The Story behind the Apple Smart Watches
When the first personal computer hit the market for the first time in the 1980s, it was a device without a purpose. Everyone wrote off computers as unproductive and useless. To be frank, PCs didn’t do much other than calculating basic sums and writing notes on the WordPad. No one wanted an expensive box with functions as basic as of a calculator. There was no peripheral device like printers to make use of typed notes on computers.
Mainframe computers were at the helm, and they were used extensively by corporations. Luddites who were basically tech conservatives saw personal computers as a mean to feed tech nerd’s futuristic dreams of World at their fingertips. They condescendingly disapproved the culture of PC and showed its futility for having no future.
Fast forward 30 years, and we are living in a Digital Age where computers are ubiquitous, and smartphones are the latest entrant in consumer technology. All these tech products are making our lives better, convenient and stress-free. Just imagine how much more efficient we are with these devices or maybe, how helpless we will be without them.
The way computers were ridiculed for their seemingly aimless purpose, new technologies like wearables are also facing similar kind of criticism. To rewind a bit, when the first Apple Watch came in the market three years back in 2015, people laughed it off saying it’s a $300 watch that tells you what time it is.
But as always, the classic “told you so” pattern played out. And the Apple smart watches caught on well. What time has shown, the watch seems to be best suited for health metrics. In this day and age, the current population is more aware and informed of health issues. then previous generations.  If used for the right purposes and also with a little bit of care on the individual’s part, this device might be able to save lives, and hopefully increase health awareness.
To fully understand the genesis of this watch, you have to understand Apple’s philosophy first. The core of Apple’s vision is borrowed from its founder, Steve Jobs. He believed in creating a product elegant from both inside and outside; as much as humane and accessible. Jobs perceived the idea of a movable device which can fit in the palm, which later came out to be an iPhone. However, the technology had not caught up, and he had to wait for almost 20 years to bring his ideas to the table. This kind of prescience about technology puts Apple in a different league among its competitors.
Jobs’ Dream of a Better Tomorrow
Apple has historically been a secretive company. No one knows what this Cupertino-based tech enterprise is experimenting behind their closed doors. Neither they let the world know what they are hiding under their sleeves. The company had brought the first edition of the Apple Watch to the public back in 2015. However later, reports pointed out that Apple started working on this watch since 2011.
In essence, Jobs imagined the future of technology even before mobile phones were a common sight. At present, mobile devices are still innovating, and the consumer needs are ever-expanding, yet Apple is focusing on the Watch.
So, to lay Apple’s grand strategy in words, it’s making technology easier and simpler for everyone. There is a reason why Apple keeps repeating, “it just works.” Now when you think of Apple Watch, it makes sense at a whole new level. Apple Watch is the latest addition to their line of products, and they are planning to put every useful technology into that tiny piece of hardware soon.
The steep turn Apple Watch took from a fancy gadget to a medical device is fascinating to see. The Watch is not approved for medical usage. Instead, these receive consumer grade certifications, meaning they are “information only” devices. Let’s dive deep into the health aspect of Apple Series 4 and see how it can change people’s lives for the better.
How these Little Things Can Make a Big Difference?
The smartwatches are definitely the thing of the future. With the convenience of use that they have. You’ll be able to use it for a lot of different things, much more than you can think with a smartphone. The best part is that it stays attached to your body, i.e., around your wrist.
With that, there is the possibility of tracking your health metrics, fairly accurately. So, it is a boon to the healthcare industry as well, other than being an awesome device in its own rights. With all the progress that is happening in the healthcare industry, one can only speculate regarding the upper limits of the possibilities.
So, now to talk about a few things that are already very viable pertaining to this discussion.
Activity Tracking
Apple Watch Series 4 has a unique way of tracking different activity. It has something called the Ring which has three different shades of color that indicates Stand, Exercise, and Move. While this feature has been there since the first watch, Apple has improved the sensors for accurate tracking.
Moreover, with the help of GPS Service and Accelerometer, the Watch detects immobility and alerts the user to stand and take a small walk. Medical science says sitting for long hours increases the chance of diabetes. So, Apple is trying to make people healthier by reminding them from time to time to go out for a brisk walk.
Exercise (the second tracker), asks the user to do some workout that raises the heart rate consistently. The Watch recommends to take a brisk walk or using stairs while in office. In Apple Watch Series 4, it has intelligent algorithms which learn body patterns and monitors heart rate. Meanwhile, the Watch learns your body habit and pushes to do more with time.
The third metric is the Move. This indicates the calories you have burned throughout the day. It takes the data on heart rate, exercises and walks into account and measures calorie burnt. This will help in shedding weight as you would be able to monitor your progress and make changes accordingly.
Apple Series Watch 4 has an in-built Workout App. You can get more information about the App from Apple Support. This app can detect workouts the moment you start doing the activity. Earlier, the user had to set individual activity before working out. However, with Automatic workout detection, you can start working without fear of losing workout data as well.
Further, it supports gym activity, swimming and running. The Series 4 Watch is integrated with few equipment brands for direct data feeding to the app. All this data will make the gadget understand your body so that it can provide important insights for further improvements.
ECG on the Go
With a wearable smartwatch, tracking heart activity data is easier than ever before. It is a major development in the field of science and tech research. Never before such a technology managed to catch the attention of the industry.
Heart rate monitoring was available on earlier versions of the Watch, but it used a pulse detector through the reflection of LED lights on the skin. Doctors have said that this method is inaccurate as there are many layers of tissue on the skin. What the Apple Watch Series 4 essentially does is, it sends electrical signals directly to the heart and interprets heart rhythms.
Accordingly, doctors confirmed that sending electrical signals is the traditional method for assessing heart rate and it’s used in hospitals. For this very reason, FDA has cleared Apple Watch Series 4 as a medical device. This is certainly a great occurrence since it can of saving lives due to real-time and accurate heart rate monitoring.
Not only this, it can detect irregular rhythms and atrial fibrillation before something untoward happens. World Health Organization says heart diseases are one of the major reasons for most deaths around the world. With this technology, Apple has made a vital advancement in the space of health and technology.
Additionally, they are also collaborating with the researchers of Stanford University under the Apple Heart Study program. This is mainly to understand atrial fibrillation and its consequences. Increasingly, Apple is posturing as a health company. It’s only good news for all of us and tech companies around the world can start taking health seriously.
DeepHeart and Emergency
With this new technology, there are thoughtful additions with alertness and well-being of the user in mind. The Watch constantly collects data and uses Machine Learning to understand symptoms of diseases. Many users have come up and shared their story. An Apple watch user was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The watch detected an unusually high heart rate even at rest which kept alerting the user of irregular behavior.
While many think Apple Watch is a fashionable gadget, but in essence, it could be life-saving device. One of the important aspects of Apple Watch is DeepHeart, a cardiogram learning neural network which Apple has developed to understand heart diseases. It can positively detect diabetes, hypertension and sleep disorder with 85% accuracy. This is a serious technological advancement capable of changing our lives forever.
Sleep Tracking
We all have felt that uneasy feeling when we haven’t had that good night of rest. To be honest, sleep deprivation creating an uneasy feeling is a gross understatement. A lot more damage has been done to your body, with just one night of poor sleep. And, this is pervasive in today’s society.
However, better late than not at all. With research clearly pointing out the fatal dangers of sleep deprivation. Apple has responded, with the Apple watch series 4. It can now track your sleeping patterns and quality.
That way, you’ll have all the necessary information you need regarding how your sleep is going. Further, if you can, then you’ll be able to decide on improving it and also know what to do for it once you know the issue. Or you can plain and simple hand over that data to an expert who will help you.
Essentially, you’ll be able to monitor how your nightly sleep is doing. And with that, you’re less likely to fall ill. Good sleep is essential for your immune system, and thus, you’ll have to visit the hospital less and less.
Detecting when you have Fallen
Yes, you heard it right. This device will be able to detect when you have fallen down on to the ground. At first, it senses the way your limbs are moving and also sensing the impact from the fall.
Then, after that, if it senses that you’re lying still for an extended period of time, 10 seconds in this case. It sends an alert message to the emergency contacts that you have set up beforehand. This is particularly a useful feature if you have some kind of heart condition.
Cardiac issues like a heart attack can cause one to lose consciousness and fall down. In that situation too, you are safer with this Apple Watch on you than otherwise.
Even if that’s not the case, still if you slipped and fell, hurting your head in the process. Thus, you’re unconscious and may be bleeding at the same time. With this feature, you’re more likely to make it out of that dire situation with someone coming to help you. Fall Detection is in its initial stage as a functional feature. Only time will tell how it fares.
The Bigger Picture…
There are ways in which this system is going to be even more powerful. And no, we aren’t referring to any kind of new discovery here. What we’re talking about is already out in the market and thriving. Data analytics! This when fully brought into the picture, which it is very soon going to be. Will change the game forever.
Say for example the heart conditions of an individual wearing the Apple Smartwatch Series 4. All the data that it records can be accessed and archived with their permission. Once, medical professionals have that; it’ll be high-quality research data. An expert will be able to figure out a lot of different things from it.
Apple Inc. has set up an entire operation dedicated to the healthcare industry, with the Health mobile app as well as with the HealthKit development platform. Due to the colossal number of iPhone users, mainly in the United States gathering data would be fairly easy. Gathering data on diabetes and cardiac issues will be more efficient and accurate than ever before.
With that, getting a grip on these two killers of mankind will be all the easier. And also, knowledge being power, other health issues can be tackled with as well.
And Finally…
The Apple Watch Series 4 is at least three years ahead of time when it comes to innovation in health technology. It can essentially change our lives for better and can make us lead a fit and healthier life. Every year, Apple puts forward something new with the Watch series.
As of this moment, Apple Watch Series 4 does plenty with accurate predictions. Also, it can act as your personal caretaker when an emergency presents itself. Apple has nailed the wearable industry with its tight ecosystem and accessories.
With this particular product, as well as the series of these Smartwatches, Apple has not only taken care of the aesthetic and convenience aspect. But much more pressing issues as well. With such an emphasis on serving the healthcare industry, we do have the chance for a healthier future.
from Health Care Technology – ReferralMD https://ift.tt/2pHPUHk via IFTTT Are the New Smartwatches, Devices with Life Saving Features? Health Care Technology from topofbestone https://ift.tt/2CyJm6a via IFTTT
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pets-beaty · 6 years
via How Webs | Information | Technology | Education | Entertainment | SEO | Lifestyle
How SEO can Help to Build a Readers and Market Your Book in Google Search Results 
A writer writes. A writer must write. It seems simple and imperative. But no writer says it's simple. The act of writing is discouraging, lonely and, often, lonely. Almost certainly there is a quote from Charles Bukowski, Virginia Woolf, Maria Vargas Llosa, or John Green or who says exactly that.
How SEO can Help to Build a Readers | For modern writers, seeing a blank page and a blinking cursor (unless you keep writing by hand or on a typewriter) is just as intimidating as stitching holes or conversing with a character who would otherwise be unfriendly or find the words correct that perfectly capture the wiring your own mind
For a romantic, writing is the writer's only duty. That should be.
Arriving and finding the readers is the work of another person. And do not get us wrong, that's true for writers like Neil Gaiman or JK Rowling who have their own literary agents or advertising team. But for most, especially new and self-published authors, finding readers can seem as daunting as writing for yourself.
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There are a million answers and a million subtle and eloquent ways to answer the question: "Why are you writing?" But the simplest and the most imperative is: you write to be read.
How SEO can Help to Build a Readers | The good news is that for any modern and fighter author, finding readers is not as difficult as it used to be. We live in a digital world where arriving and finding your audience is as easy as moving through your FB feed.
Well, that's a kind of exaggeration. But look at the numbers. In recent years, there has been an increase in self-publishing authors breaking into the industry and getting dozens of readers. Why? Why not? It takes years to be part of established traditional publishers. And we have not delved into the bureaucracy and politics involved in that industry. Therefore, doing it on your own has some healthy benefits. And since you are already a writer and the bone of SEO is writing or creating content, you have already solved half of your problem. Join us on Facebook Page
But first things first: you must put aside your romantic notion of writing and the intellectual ego and learn. Learn how the Internet works.
In the 21st century, it's not about you, the writer, finding the readers; rather, it is the other way around. There are a number of ways in which readers can find writers on the Internet, from Facebook groups to email marketing and engagement with social networks. But the main objective is to get your book and your ranking to occupy a prominent place in those search engines.
There are so many SEO practices in 2017 and the next few years that you can use to market your own book.
How SEO can Help to Build a Readers | The monster of search engine optimization, or the landing of your work or company on the first page of Google search results (SERP), can be your pet as long as you know how to master it.
Do not take it for granted, because the landing job on the first page of the search engine is the last dream of any business-minded writer (also known as humans who want to be read and win at the same time).
1. Understand the metadata in your book
It sounds loud. But we all understand what data they are, which leaves us with the prefix "meta". Meta-the Greek from beyond or higher level-is the hardcore information we have found and taken for granted.
While metadata is the bone of the entire book (book title, book subtitle [if you have one]), author, book description, publisher, ISBN, book category, publication date, for this article we will focus on your book category, book title and book description. We will address the visual aesthetics of your book in a separate publication.
[How SEO can Help to Build a Readers] | Depending on your contract with your publishing company, you must provide most of the necessary metadata for your book. Once your book is published, your metadata will be distributed to different databases selling books. If you are an independent author, you can include them personally in markets such as Amazon, iBooks or Google Play.
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Let's put it this way: potential readers go to a bookstore and see the data (their book) themselves. Bookstores archive books according to their genre. Finding the book online works in the same way. The only difference is that Google becomes the intermediary between your reader and your book. And the bridge is its metadata through which Google guides its potential reader. So know your BISAC codes (the subject codes for book categories). For example, FIC005000 FICTION / Erotica / General / or SEL014000 SELF-HELP / Disorders of food and body image. These categories of books are great ways to put all books in order or gender as well as store them in bookstores. It helps make your book easier to search or "crawl" in SEO lingo.
Now let's go to the title of your book. Fiction usually does not have subtitles. Creative non-fiction and self-help books. Think of your readers and the current book market to the owner of your book. A great example in mind is the success of The Girl on the Train. It's nothing like the excitement and suspense of Gone Girl or The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The word "girl" becomes a mental association of other best-selling books that carry the same word. If you want to be successful, walk in the car. Not with the content, but with the title of your book.
In the description of the book.
2. Know the fleshy keywords in your book
It is easy to get carried away by the description of your book.
"He is a lanky teenager, let us call him Oscar, who can travel back in time to his parents' younger years, he finds his dark past, his father was a swindler, his mother was a scriptwriter who fought and did everything possible to make herself successful in her chosen field, traveling to her past makes her realize that it is not a product of love, but a circumstance of chance. "
How SEO can Help to Build a Readers | You will be lucky if you awaken your researcher's interest with your narrative. Google, on the other hand, would simply go to the middle of its second sentence. You see, Google, busy as God is, does not have all the time to listen, or "track" to use your own version of the English language, through all these descriptions and narrations. Rather, look for certain keywords. So, what is your book, BISAC or book about in terms of categories? Is it fantasy? Self help? Romance? Science fiction? Since BISAC allows up to three categories, always use and distribute these important and fleshy keywords in the description of your book. Join us on Twitter
You can always investigate if you have difficulty determining your work in the correct categories. Look up the keywords of other writers as well. It can give you an idea of ​​the popular genres in the market today.
3. Create your own author website
Having a consistent and relevant online presence can become a powerful marketing tool. One sure way to do it is to run and maintain your own author website. Write regularly and extensively, and do not forget to pay attention to the structure of your content. Blogs can be, at times, cathartic, especially when you do not pay attention to the SEO side of your article.
But in this context, you write to direct traffic to your blog, which will then convert the readers of your book. Therefore, include the keywords to the That's addressed in your article. Be consistent. If your book is about personal finance, propose at least two articles a week related to your gender. Write informative and detailed articles about it. Or if your book is suspense, fiction and drama, do not forget to include these keywords and their latent semantic indexing in their content.
4. Develop the backlinks of your author's website
You are sure that you have incredible content on your blog. To raise your authority, you can ask others to link with you. You can communicate with people in a similar industry, send them an email, introduce yourself and tell them about the article you wrote.
Usually, there is a certain pattern of email in this case:
Dear B:
I have been following your blog for a while and I have just read your latest publication on the best SEO practices for authors. I'm creating similar content that addresses the different marketing strategies that authors can use to increase their book sales.
I would love to be linked in your publication. And in return, I can link your article to mine.
Of course, not everyone is going to press the answer button. But there is always someone who will be interested in your content. Because a permanent do-follow link is a gem. So try it.
5. Guest-blog on other reputed websites
Guest-blogging is a consistent strategy of marketing and white-hat SEO. There are many websites that accept contributions and releases. Huffington Post, for example. Although the Huffington Post is notorious for not paying unsolicited contributions, some writers rightly take advantage of its wide reach. A mention and a link to your book about your bionote can translate into more sales from your book.
Get to know your target audience and the websites they frequent. For example, Thought Catalog is one of the favorite readings of millennials. You can adapt the tone and style of Thought Catalog to have your readers. If your book is about personal finance, look for fashion blogs and the most read in this niche. Guess where you can find them. Yes, on the first page of Google.
Not to mention that guest blogs are also an excellent way to grow quality inbound links to your own website.
6. Connect with other authors online
Writing is a solitary act, but there are cliques that do not mind sharing ideas about art and things that work for them instead of drinks. Get closer to them. There is a large market of self-published authors online. One way to connect with them while promoting their own book is to write a summary article about their books. You can do it by gender. "Suspense books of promising writers to read before the end of the year." "Self-help books to make your day more positive and rich". "Learn from the experts, five books to read about personal finance." This is a way to gain readers; attracting the interest of people who read the same type of material that you write.
Shoot these authors an email saying that you included them in your article, and it is very likely that they will share the content on social networks. It is a situation where both win. You are promoting your work while promoting yours.
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Ways To Produce A Terrific Drum And Bass Track
From its humble beginnings on the london rave scene in the very early 90's, when breaks were innocently knotted rather than sequenced, and also vocals pitched up rather of timestrecthed, to today day, it has actually always gone to the cutting edge of electronic music technology. Much of the scene's early output was characterised by a complete negligence for the conventions, strategies and rules of the day (largely since none of the manufacturers recognized just what they were), while today's producers are among the most competent, precise and also cutting-edge there are. The common thread is a determination to wash it, and also rinse it in even more resourceful ways. As the manufacturing bar in drum 'n' bass has actually been rased on an almost seasonal basis, it's taken the understanding curve with it. Even producers that don't like the genre will typically sit and also admire the intricacy and also thickness of modern-day DnB productions. Likewise drum 'n' bass has a distinctive sound, and it positions emphasis on different locations of the mix to various other categories, to ensure that also producers in other sorts of digital music could struggle to accomplish that DnB ambiance. 20 MUST KNOW DRUM 'n' BASS TIPS 1- Layering sliced up break beats (DRUM LOOPHOLES) is a great way to obtain that authentic DnB sound. For a tight, contemporary sound, put each hits finish factor prior to the next drum noise happens: just leaving completion point at the end of the example makes it much easier to set junglistic beats, however you'll either have to tune or time extend it making sure it plays at the right tempo. 2- One of the main advantages of utilizing actually tightly cut beats is that you could conveniently pitch bend your drum component up and also down without it ever heading out of time. This technique could be made use of to create spectacular percussive effects. For the very best outcomes try integrating this method withother types of processing such as filtering system or degrading results. 3- If your track's switch does not have bite, attempt utilizing a different break beat or rhythm pattern to keep the crowd on their toes, processing such as pitch moving or flanging can do miracles right here. 4-When using heavy compression on your rhythm track for that fat break beat audio, you may find that your beat gets subdued when a huge kick drum audio is caused. Think about putting any type of such sound on a separate channel with its own compression. If your kick drum demands improving, attempt beefing it up with a split TR-909 kick drum example, however withstand need to transform it up also loud, see to it the sub bass as well as defeat still have enough area to breath. 5-By utilizing a range of split re-programmed breakbeats, you can promptly construct up a facility rhythm track. The trick is making it seem like one natural part that creates and also develops, as opposed to numerous different parts all defending space. The principle is to accurately set your drums to begin with, although additional EQing of loose and flabby kick drums, cymbals and also hihats could assist rule in errant beats. 6- For those fluid funk moments, a housey body organ bass constantly seems excellent. You can make your personal making use of sine, pulse or triangle waves low-pass filteringed system until you get just a couple of harmonics poking via. Try detuning one oscillator up 7 semitones for a helpful fifth that will certainly revive some old school memories. 7- Nowadays it appears everybody is rockin the saw wave lead. This audio is simple to develop - brief strike as well as launch envelope, a little chorus or pitch modulation on the saw wave and also your there. Points can be made more intriguing with a little degrading impact, and also a little bit of glide could add a fascinating spin to your horrible lead noise. 8- For expert system style warbling synth lines, an LFO connected to the filter cutoff is your best choice. Drum and bass Ensure the LFO's stage is synced to the beginning of the note and also attempt a variety of prices and also stage placements until you generate an ideal sound. Experiment utilizing different wave forms, LFO amounts and filter cutoff setups, and also try further establishing the audio with a little LFO based pulse inflection. 9- When making use of 'genuine' tool examples or presets, it's crucial that they sit pleasantly along with your even more refined audios. If feasible, develop reverb as well as delay send effects so you could position all your noises in the very same digital room. 10- Make extra advanced arpeggiator leads by using regularity or pulse width modulation envelopes to the noise and differing the decaytime. High-pass job well with this style of audio. When filter brushing up the noise in or out, attempt automating another synth setup, such as one of the envelopes decay time or filter envelope quantity. For a trancey audio, delay is a must, but do not make it as well severe or you could mask any type of chord modifications. 11- Now days, the majority of digital analogue synths include a massive quantity of wave forms for you to experiment with. Rather of utilizing a sine wave, try a variety of different wave shapes as well as low-pass filter them to get rid of all however the most affordable frequencies. This will give you a sub bass with even more rate of interest compared to a conventional sine tone, which can be boosted further with tube amplification and other impacts. 12- A correct below bass is all vital when creating DnB tracks. In order to create the preferred wall surface of audio result, the bassline needs to strike the reduced end of the frequency range. The simplest means to produce a sub bass is to make use of a sine wave with a really brief strike time and also fast launch. Try utilizing this noise to double the lead component, consequently adding beef, yet keep in mind to see the degrees, as you can have as well much of an excellent thing. 13- One more traditional DnB noise is that of the 'Reece' bassline, as utilized in Renegade Task Ray keith's Terrorist. While it's not likely you'll obtain in trouble for sampling this much enjoyed tone, you could create your very own version by layering up detuned square waves with a touch of low pass filtering system. This can then be resampled and more processed to produce your personal terrifying basslines. 14- Another excellent method to keep the energy levels up on a button is to present a kick drum roll below the major beat. 15- To develop the acquainted wah-bass effect you'll require a synth with a an oscillator set to a wave form with a minimum of a few harmonics (ie, not a sine or triange), filtered with a reduced pass filter. An LFO or, conversely, a brief assault and degeneration envelope, can regulate the cutoff of the filter. When utilizing an envelope, the note should be retriggered rapidly to develop the undulating bass riff.
0 notes
20 Home Gadget Gift Ideas to Fit Any Budget
20 Home Gadget Gift Ideas to Fit Any Budget
Looking for the perfect present for a loved one this holiday season? We’ve rounded up 20 of our favorite gift ideas. And since we work in real estate, we focused on items that add enjoyment, comfort and, in some cases, major value to your home.
From music lovers to home chefs, we’ve got something for everyone. And we’ve included a range of price points to suit any budget, from under $50 to major splurge … in case you’re feeling extra generous this year. We hope you find this list useful in identifying gifts your friends and family will love. And maybe some of these items will make your wish list this year, too!
Approximate Price Ranges
$ – under $50
$$ – $51 to $200
$$$ – $201 to $500
$$$$ – Splurge
Heat things up this holiday season! Keep your loved ones cozy all winter with these gifts that add warmth and a touch of luxury.
Tabletop Fireplace – $
On cold nights, nothing beats the comfort and glow of a fire. Whether you’re looking to cozy up on the couch with a good book, or enjoy a relaxing night in the backyard with family and friends, a tabletop fireplace is an easy way to light up your evening. The Regal Flame Black Utopia Tabletop Fireplace can be used indoors or outdoors, no vent required. It runs on ethanol, which can be mixed with citronella to double as a mosquito repellent for outdoor use.
Towel Warmer – $$
Who wouldn’t love to wrap themselves in a warm towel when they step out of the shower on a cold morning? While heated towel racks are available in a variety of styles and price points, the Anzzi Glow 4-Bar Electric Towel Warmer in Polished Chrome is an entry level version that gets good reviews. Modern and elegant, this model plugs into a nearby outlet for easy installation and is made of rust-resistant stainless steel. Turn your daily shower into a spa-like experience!
Smart Thermostat – $$$
Now you can wake up to a warm house, even if you like it cool while you sleep. After using the Nest Learning Thermostat for a week, it will start to recognize your patterns and adjust the temperature automatically to your preferences. In its third-generation, Nest claims to pay for itself over time in energy savings. It uses sensors and your phone’s location to check if you’ve left the house, then sets itself to an Eco Temperature. And this smart-thermostat knows when you typically get home from work and can heat things up before you return. If your schedule changes, you can even adjust the temperature remotely from your smartphone.
Radiant Floor Heating – $$$$
Radiant heating has been a popular alternative in new construction to traditional forced-air heating systems. And new technology has made it easier and less expensive to retrofit existing homes with radiant heating. According to BobVila.com, “radiant floors are heated either with electric resistance cables or hot water flowing inside tubing” beneath the floor. It’s energy-efficient, effective, and doesn’t blow dust and allergens around the way forced-air systems do. Not only will you love stepping onto a heated floor on a cool morning, you’ll be adding value to your home, as this is an appealing upgrade to buyers when it comes time to sell.
It’s holiday music time! Music lovers are sure to appreciate these gifts guaranteed to enhance their listening experience throughout the home.
Showerhead Speaker – $
Whether you enjoy singing in the shower, or listening to your favorite podcast, the H2oVibe Rain Showerhead Jet with Wireless Bluetooth Speaker syncs with any bluetooth-enabled device so you can stream your favorite music or other audio directly into the shower. The waterproof speaker easily detaches from the showerhead so you can bring it with you from room to room while you get dressed. And the showerhead itself features jets with three times more spray power than the average showerhead, creating a spa-like experience.
Voice Controlled Smart Speaker – $$
Smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home not only stream music on demand via voice control, they can also serve as a central hub for numerous other smart-home devices. Now you can change the channel on your TV, make a phone call, turn on your lights, set your thermostat and lock your front door, all without lifting a finger.
High-End Wireless Speaker – $$$
If you prefer a premium speaker, the Sonos Play:3 is the mid-range option in the brand’s line of wireless speakers. It delivers rich and robust sound with a sleek design that can placed horizontally or vertically to fit almost any space. Sonos speakers sync with Amazon Echo and Alexa, which enable you to control the speaker with voice commands. And you can easily add additional speakers from the Sonos line for an enhanced, surround-sound experience.
Whole Home Audio System – $$$$
The sky’s the limit when it comes to whole-home audio systems, and for a premium sound system you can expect to make a significant investment. Companies like Yamaha offer a wide variety of components, all designed to work in conjunction to give you a customized whole-home audio and home theater system to suit your needs.
Home chefs will love these gifts, perfect for holiday entertaining and home cooking all year long. Not only will they bring excitement to the recipient, everyone in the family will benefit from the delicious dishes these gifts are sure to inspire!
Bread Maker – $
Warm, fresh bread can make any meal feel special. With a bread machine like this one from Hamilton Beach, you can enjoy fresh rolls, pizza dough, cakes, jams, flatbreads and croissants with minimal effort. Plus, there’s a gluten-free setting, which makes this a perfect gift for anyone avoiding gluten in their diet.
Electric Smoker – $$
If you love to barbecue, the Char-Broil Deluxe Digital Electric Smoker gives you the tenderness and flavor of smoking meat, without the hassle. The integrated meat probe alerts you when the meat reaches a predetermined internal temperature, and when it’s done cooking the “warming” feature keeps your food hot until it’s ready to be served.
Smart Sous-Vide Machine – $$$
Sous vide is a method of cooking in which food is vacuum-sealed in a plastic pouch and then placed in a water bath to cook at a precise temperature. The new Mellow Smart Sous Vide Appliance hits the market this holiday season and promises to make sous vide as easy and foolproof as a slow cooker. Its built-in cooling system keeps your food cold until it’s ready to be cooked … so you can stick a piece of salmon in before you leave for work, choose the time you want it to be ready, and dinner will be done when you get home.
High-End Oven Range – $$$$
To really heat things up in the kitchen, any home chef would love a new high-end range, like this 36” Dual Fuel Range with Six Burners from Sub-Zero Wolf. With ten custom cooking modes—including one for proofing dough and one for dehydrating—and a temperature probe alert, this oven makes cooking almost foolproof. And the timeless stainless steel design will enhance the beauty of any kitchen. Investing in a high-end range not only adds enjoyment to meal preparation, it’s highly-desired by home buyers … something to consider if you plan to list your home within the next few years.
Holiday lights aren’t the only way to make a home sparkle. These cleaning gadgets and appliances will keep your home clean and shiny all year long … and hopefully bring some joy to the cleaning process!
Portable Deep Carpet Cleaner – $
Anyone who has pets or young children will love the convenience of a cordless and portable spot cleaner like the BISSELL SpotLifter 2X Portable Deep Carpet Cleaner. Its cleaning brush agitates soiled spots while simultaneously sucking up debris. Use it to remove small spills and stains from carpet, furniture, rugs, drapes, car seats, and other upholstered items.
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner – $$
Robotic vacuum cleaners have been around for years, but new technology has made them more effective and lowered the cost significantly. The ECOVACS DEEBOT N79 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner provides a good mix of features and value. It offers several cleaning modes and moves easily from rugs to tile to carpet. You can also control it with your smartphone using the ECOVACS App.
Dishwasher – $$$
While a high-end dishwasher with all the bells and whistles can certainly be a good investment, there are some great values on the market for those with a more modest budget. For example, the Maytag Front Control Dishwasher gets consistently great reviews for its powerful motor that disintegrates bits of food to deliver sparkling clean dishes, even without rinsing. And its elegant exterior will upgrade the look of your kitchen … all without breaking the bank.
New Washer/Dryer – $$$$
If anything can make laundry exciting, it’s a new washer and dryer with smart-technology like the Kenmore Elite Smart Washer and Dryer. Now you can start a load of laundry remotely from your smartphone to time it with your arrival home. You can also customize washer and dryer cycles and receive an alert when a cycle is complete. And with the Express cycle, you can wash and dry a small load in 45 minutes, saving you time and energy.
Nothing is more important than the safety of you and your family. Protect your loved ones—and deter intruders—with gifts that keep you and your home safe and secure.
Smart Light Bulbs – $
The Philips Hue White Smart Bulb Starter Kit is a good entry-level investment in smart lighting technology. Now you can automate your lighting and control your lights from your smartphone using the Philips Hue App. Deter burglars by making it look like someone’s home when you turn your lights on remotely. And stay safer by never entering a dark house again. Plus, it has several options to enhance the look and ambiance of your home lighting.
Video Doorbell – $$
Watch over your home and greet visitors from your computer or smartphone with a video-enabled doorbell, like the Ring Video Doorbell 2.  Adjustable motion sensors alert you when someone is approaching your door, and live video and audio allow you to see and talk to visitors without opening the door, even if you’re away from home. The best part is, they’ll never know you’re not home if you don’t tell them.
Smart Lock – $$$
Control and monitor your locks from anywhere with a smart lock like the August Smart Lock Pro + Connect. Now there’s no need to leave a key under the doormat or give a copy to the housekeeper. You can activate keyless access remotely, and even lock up when they leave, all from your computer or smartphone. And no more fumbling around for your keys in the dark. Similar to keyless entry for your car, Smart Lock Pro automatically unlocks your door when you approach.
Security System – $$$$
An in-home security system is still one of the best ways to protect your home and family from intruders and alert you to the presence of smoke or carbon monoxide. Some companies, like Vivint, can integrate your security system with video monitoring, a doorbell camera, smart locks, garage doors and even your thermostat. Prices vary depending on the options you select, and a monthly monitoring service is required, but a home security system can bring peace of mind knowing your family and home are protected.
As real estate professionals, we get to visit people’s homes every day and talk to buyers and sellers about their favorite features. So we have a unique insight into the elements that truly make a house special, bring joy to homeowners and add value to a home.  Did we miss your favorite home-related gift? If so, we’d love to hear about it. Please share in the comments below!
If you do decide to “splurge” on a home upgrade, contact us for recommendations on the best options for your particular home. Buyer expectations and preferences vary depending on price point, style of home and neighborhood. We can run a comparative market analysis to find out how the upgrade you’re considering will impact the value of your home, before you make the investment.
  The post 20 Home Gadget Gift Ideas to Fit Any Budget appeared first on Orlando Florida.
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rye-from-streets · 7 years
20 Home Gadget Gift Ideas to Fit Any Budget
20 Home Gadget Gift Ideas to Fit Any Budget
Looking for the perfect present for a loved one this holiday season? We’ve rounded up 20 of our favorite gift ideas. And since we work in real estate, we focused on items that add enjoyment, comfort and, in some cases, major value to your home.
From music lovers to home chefs, we’ve got something for everyone. And we’ve included a range of price points to suit any budget, from under $50 to major splurge … in case you’re feeling extra generous this year. We hope you find this list useful in identifying gifts your friends and family will love. And maybe some of these items will make your wish list this year, too!
Approximate Price Ranges
$ – under $50
$$ – $51 to $200
$$$ – $201 to $500
$$$$ – Splurge
Heat things up this holiday season! Keep your loved ones cozy all winter with these gifts that add warmth and a touch of luxury.
Tabletop Fireplace – $
On cold nights, nothing beats the comfort and glow of a fire. Whether you’re looking to cozy up on the couch with a good book, or enjoy a relaxing night in the backyard with family and friends, a tabletop fireplace is an easy way to light up your evening. The Regal Flame Black Utopia Tabletop Fireplace can be used indoors or outdoors, no vent required. It runs on ethanol, which can be mixed with citronella to double as a mosquito repellent for outdoor use.
Towel Warmer – $$
Who wouldn’t love to wrap themselves in a warm towel when they step out of the shower on a cold morning? While heated towel racks are available in a variety of styles and price points, the Anzzi Glow 4-Bar Electric Towel Warmer in Polished Chrome is an entry level version that gets good reviews. Modern and elegant, this model plugs into a nearby outlet for easy installation and is made of rust-resistant stainless steel. Turn your daily shower into a spa-like experience!
Smart Thermostat – $$$
Now you can wake up to a warm house, even if you like it cool while you sleep. After using the Nest Learning Thermostat for a week, it will start to recognize your patterns and adjust the temperature automatically to your preferences. In its third-generation, Nest claims to pay for itself over time in energy savings. It uses sensors and your phone’s location to check if you’ve left the house, then sets itself to an Eco Temperature. And this smart-thermostat knows when you typically get home from work and can heat things up before you return. If your schedule changes, you can even adjust the temperature remotely from your smartphone.
Radiant Floor Heating – $$$$
Radiant heating has been a popular alternative in new construction to traditional forced-air heating systems. And new technology has made it easier and less expensive to retrofit existing homes with radiant heating. According to BobVila.com, “radiant floors are heated either with electric resistance cables or hot water flowing inside tubing” beneath the floor. It’s energy-efficient, effective, and doesn’t blow dust and allergens around the way forced-air systems do. Not only will you love stepping onto a heated floor on a cool morning, you’ll be adding value to your home, as this is an appealing upgrade to buyers when it comes time to sell.
It’s holiday music time! Music lovers are sure to appreciate these gifts guaranteed to enhance their listening experience throughout the home.
Showerhead Speaker – $
Whether you enjoy singing in the shower, or listening to your favorite podcast, the H2oVibe Rain Showerhead Jet with Wireless Bluetooth Speaker syncs with any bluetooth-enabled device so you can stream your favorite music or other audio directly into the shower. The waterproof speaker easily detaches from the showerhead so you can bring it with you from room to room while you get dressed. And the showerhead itself features jets with three times more spray power than the average showerhead, creating a spa-like experience.
Voice Controlled Smart Speaker – $$
Smart speakers like Amazon Echo and Google Home not only stream music on demand via voice control, they can also serve as a central hub for numerous other smart-home devices. Now you can change the channel on your TV, make a phone call, turn on your lights, set your thermostat and lock your front door, all without lifting a finger.
High-End Wireless Speaker – $$$
If you prefer a premium speaker, the Sonos Play:3 is the mid-range option in the brand’s line of wireless speakers. It delivers rich and robust sound with a sleek design that can placed horizontally or vertically to fit almost any space. Sonos speakers sync with Amazon Echo and Alexa, which enable you to control the speaker with voice commands. And you can easily add additional speakers from the Sonos line for an enhanced, surround-sound experience.
Whole Home Audio System – $$$$
The sky’s the limit when it comes to whole-home audio systems, and for a premium sound system you can expect to make a significant investment. Companies like Yamaha offer a wide variety of components, all designed to work in conjunction to give you a customized whole-home audio and home theater system to suit your needs.
Home chefs will love these gifts, perfect for holiday entertaining and home cooking all year long. Not only will they bring excitement to the recipient, everyone in the family will benefit from the delicious dishes these gifts are sure to inspire!
Bread Maker – $
Warm, fresh bread can make any meal feel special. With a bread machine like this one from Hamilton Beach, you can enjoy fresh rolls, pizza dough, cakes, jams, flatbreads and croissants with minimal effort. Plus, there’s a gluten-free setting, which makes this a perfect gift for anyone avoiding gluten in their diet.
Electric Smoker – $$
If you love to barbecue, the Char-Broil Deluxe Digital Electric Smoker gives you the tenderness and flavor of smoking meat, without the hassle. The integrated meat probe alerts you when the meat reaches a predetermined internal temperature, and when it’s done cooking the “warming” feature keeps your food hot until it’s ready to be served.
Smart Sous-Vide Machine – $$$
Sous vide is a method of cooking in which food is vacuum-sealed in a plastic pouch and then placed in a water bath to cook at a precise temperature. The new Mellow Smart Sous Vide Appliance hits the market this holiday season and promises to make sous vide as easy and foolproof as a slow cooker. Its built-in cooling system keeps your food cold until it’s ready to be cooked … so you can stick a piece of salmon in before you leave for work, choose the time you want it to be ready, and dinner will be done when you get home.
High-End Oven Range – $$$$
To really heat things up in the kitchen, any home chef would love a new high-end range, like this 36” Dual Fuel Range with Six Burners from Sub-Zero Wolf. With ten custom cooking modes—including one for proofing dough and one for dehydrating—and a temperature probe alert, this oven makes cooking almost foolproof. And the timeless stainless steel design will enhance the beauty of any kitchen. Investing in a high-end range not only adds enjoyment to meal preparation, it’s highly-desired by home buyers … something to consider if you plan to list your home within the next few years.
Holiday lights aren’t the only way to make a home sparkle. These cleaning gadgets and appliances will keep your home clean and shiny all year long … and hopefully bring some joy to the cleaning process!
Portable Deep Carpet Cleaner – $
Anyone who has pets or young children will love the convenience of a cordless and portable spot cleaner like the BISSELL SpotLifter 2X Portable Deep Carpet Cleaner. Its cleaning brush agitates soiled spots while simultaneously sucking up debris. Use it to remove small spills and stains from carpet, furniture, rugs, drapes, car seats, and other upholstered items.
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner – $$
Robotic vacuum cleaners have been around for years, but new technology has made them more effective and lowered the cost significantly. The ECOVACS DEEBOT N79 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner provides a good mix of features and value. It offers several cleaning modes and moves easily from rugs to tile to carpet. You can also control it with your smartphone using the ECOVACS App.
Dishwasher – $$$
While a high-end dishwasher with all the bells and whistles can certainly be a good investment, there are some great values on the market for those with a more modest budget. For example, the Maytag Front Control Dishwasher gets consistently great reviews for its powerful motor that disintegrates bits of food to deliver sparkling clean dishes, even without rinsing. And its elegant exterior will upgrade the look of your kitchen … all without breaking the bank.
New Washer/Dryer – $$$$
If anything can make laundry exciting, it’s a new washer and dryer with smart-technology like the Kenmore Elite Smart Washer and Dryer. Now you can start a load of laundry remotely from your smartphone to time it with your arrival home. You can also customize washer and dryer cycles and receive an alert when a cycle is complete. And with the Express cycle, you can wash and dry a small load in 45 minutes, saving you time and energy.
Nothing is more important than the safety of you and your family. Protect your loved ones—and deter intruders—with gifts that keep you and your home safe and secure.
Smart Light Bulbs – $
The Philips Hue White Smart Bulb Starter Kit is a good entry-level investment in smart lighting technology. Now you can automate your lighting and control your lights from your smartphone using the Philips Hue App. Deter burglars by making it look like someone’s home when you turn your lights on remotely. And stay safer by never entering a dark house again. Plus, it has several options to enhance the look and ambiance of your home lighting.
Video Doorbell – $$
Watch over your home and greet visitors from your computer or smartphone with a video-enabled doorbell, like the Ring Video Doorbell 2.  Adjustable motion sensors alert you when someone is approaching your door, and live video and audio allow you to see and talk to visitors without opening the door, even if you’re away from home. The best part is, they’ll never know you’re not home if you don’t tell them.
Smart Lock – $$$
Control and monitor your locks from anywhere with a smart lock like the August Smart Lock Pro + Connect. Now there’s no need to leave a key under the doormat or give a copy to the housekeeper. You can activate keyless access remotely, and even lock up when they leave, all from your computer or smartphone. And no more fumbling around for your keys in the dark. Similar to keyless entry for your car, Smart Lock Pro automatically unlocks your door when you approach.
Security System – $$$$
An in-home security system is still one of the best ways to protect your home and family from intruders and alert you to the presence of smoke or carbon monoxide. Some companies, like Vivint, can integrate your security system with video monitoring, a doorbell camera, smart locks, garage doors and even your thermostat. Prices vary depending on the options you select, and a monthly monitoring service is required, but a home security system can bring peace of mind knowing your family and home are protected.
As real estate professionals, we get to visit people’s homes every day and talk to buyers and sellers about their favorite features. So we have a unique insight into the elements that truly make a house special, bring joy to homeowners and add value to a home.  Did we miss your favorite home-related gift? If so, we’d love to hear about it. Please share in the comments below!
If you do decide to “splurge” on a home upgrade, contact us for recommendations on the best options for your particular home. Buyer expectations and preferences vary depending on price point, style of home and neighborhood. We can run a comparative market analysis to find out how the upgrade you’re considering will impact the value of your home, before you make the investment.
  The post 20 Home Gadget Gift Ideas to Fit Any Budget appeared first on Orlando Florida.
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barbosaasouza · 4 years
Review: Ultracore (Nintendo Switch)
It’s quite interesting that the development of the 16-bit run and gun shooter Ultracore is one which has striking similarities to even Star Fox 2’s own journey to existence. Both titles were near completion at the tail end of their console’s respective life cycles only to be cancelled at the last minute. And much like how Star Fox 2 found new life on the SNES Classic Mini and Nintendo Switch Online service, Ultracore is now resurrected on modern hardware. 
Originally developed by Digital Illusions (now known as the famed developer DICE) and slated to release on the Amiga, Sega Genesis, and Sega CD in 1994, Ultracore’s late cancellation left the game’s nearly complete data wandering in the unknown for years. More than two decades later, the game’s code was soon found on an old hard drive and later preserved and fully finished for official release on an aftermarket Genesis console called the Mega Sg. To its own credit, Ultracore is a product of its time when run and gun titles were prevalent on consoles and arcades. While its newfound release on the Switch does show what aspects of this once cancelled game has aged for better or for worse, its retro roots and new features do highlight a pretty decent and slightly challenging 2D action romp.
Ultracore plays just as you’d expect if you are familiar with the run and gun genre. Throughout the game’s five fairly large levels, you will be using quick reflexes to dodge multiple enemies and their firepower whether they are approaching you via ground or in the air. Aside from your starting arsenal being a rapid-fire machine gun with unlimited ammo, you will eventually be able to equip more powerful weapons. These weapons (which all run on limited ammo) along with your starting machine gun can be upgraded as you progress. Control is tight per usual and responsive but do get used to being constantly moving on the fly. One of the bonuses in this completed version of Ultracore is the added twin-stick control option. The addition of this modern control scheme offers fluid use of combat and made switching between weapons all the more easier. Also, if you feel the need to mix things up with Ultracore’s nostalgic Genesis-based tunes, do take the opportunity to switch over to the newly composed synthwave soundtrack. Even separated from the main game, this brand new soundtrack hits in the right spots and is worthy of a few listens track by track.
While Ultracore echoes its fair share of familiar run and gun entertainment, it does come with its slight shortcomings. Platform jumping, especially, can be frustrating when you are also focused on conserving your extra lives. One moment in particular has you carefully timing your jumps on weighted platforms, which only lead to many times where I undershot and into my own death. Segments like these are populated throughout, and on top of dealing with various robotic enemies flying toward you, expect to die a lot. Of course, cheap deaths are gonna be prominent throughout a game of this type. Once you find a pattern between enemy movements and the varying bosses at the end of each level, you’ll be able to progress with added ease. Surprisingly, Ultracore is also fairly lenient when it comes to checkpoints and continues. When you lose a life, you’ll be conveniently spawned in spots that aren’t far from where you originally perished, which makes for a less stressful trek. When you are forced to use a continue, you’ll spawn at the door or entryway of the last room you entered as opposed to the beginning of the stage. Unfortunately, there are no save states, as Ultracore opts to use lengthy passcodes given to you after completing a stage. While this type of save system may seem to be a way to fit into the mold of a short action heavy shooter, it’s still incredibly archaic and annoying to input when you run out of continues. So, heed this advice when I say be sure to hit the Switch’s capture button when a code is given to you. 
Overall, Ultracore is your standard run and gun sci-fi title that comes with the ups and downs of the genre. While, yes, you are bound to see plenty of cheap deaths and unforgiving sequences, the game is still forgiving when you make a costly mistake. This factor alone makes the later portions of the game less daunting even as the challenges increase. As a short but fun experience with a cool soundtrack and nifty pixel art, Ultracore is almost like a long lost love letter to games of its era. Simply put, after years of being dormant, this one was certainly worth preserving.
The post Review: Ultracore (Nintendo Switch) appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Review: Ultracore (Nintendo Switch) published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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