#there is a third one at the end but it kinda trails out and doesn't have the same oomph ya know?
bloomingonionbitch · 1 year
i have to prepare to teach with a very specific series of commute songs - one of them being "Killing in the Name" by Rage Against the Machine. Great song to sing-along to and love supporting my hometown boy Tom Morello, but let me tell you, the most transcendent parts of the song are the brief seconds of Zack de la Rocha's "UGH!" it's unbelievably cathartic so i captured and condensed the essence of the experience for y'all.
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hemipenal-system · 3 months
eldritch horror girl who looks almost human when you meet her. sure her skin is kinda ashen and her hair moves when there’s no wind but she’s so pretty you can’t say no
so you take her home and she pushes you gently against a wall and your lips meet, and then her tongue’s in your mouth and her slender fingers are trailing up your thigh and you're doing the same to her
and she leans in and presses her tongue forward, but this time it just keeps going, curling around your tongue and down your throat and getting longer and thicker until you're almost gagging on it
and you open your eyes out of confusion and she's staring back at you, all six unnaturally orange eyes focused on you. the same cute smile is plastered on her face but her slim lips are parted just enough to see razor-sharp pointed teeth behind them. her skin is rock-gray and chipped and cracked like aging stonework.
she's so hot.
she pulls back to look at you, about six jet-black inches of her tongue suspended between your mouths, the end still wriggling teasingly inside you, and puts a finger to her mouth in a playful "shh" motion. her joints scrape together audibly as she does.
she leans back in and a second tongue curls out her mouth, then a third - one moving down to lick over your jugular and taste your blood through your skin, the other caressing the folds of your ear. her hands are covering your eyes and wrapping around your throat and holding your hips and moving vigorously between your legs and playing with your nipples all at once.
you get the sense that she's caught you, and if she so desired it she could eat you like a mantis eats a fly. the fires inside her irises dance to an irregular tempo.
open your eyes. become one with her.
you don't remember having had sex with her. you were kissing, and then you woke up in your bed and it was morning. there's an old, mossy statue wrapped around you like a lover. it doesn't move, but it's warm to the touch and its stonework is surprisingly soft to lay against, as if its edges were molded for your body. its fingers are clasping yours. you're covered in gentle bite marks.
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papafuckingemeritus · 2 months
NOT MINE, but and absolute incredible theory on Ghost in the Trees found on Ghostbc subreddit that is too good not to share. Credit to VisAeternitatus on Reddit.
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“Buckle up. You'll either find this interesting, or tell me I'm insane.
“The "Ghost in the Trees" VHS tape sitting atop the stack of other videos in the movie caught my attention because it simply doesn't fit and doesn't have anything to do with anything that we know of. Kinda like the cardinal sitting on top of the gravestone in the Square Hammer video. At the time, so random- yet it was a hint. We see this VHS tape twice during the movie, and it's sitting on top of an Infestissumam era tour video ‘Haze over North America Tour 2013’
“I googled "Ghost in the Trees" and came across this psychedelic garage art-rock album by a band called Thee Oh Sees. There's a song of the same name on their album, "The Masters Bedroom is Worth Spending a Night In". Other than carnal delights, why might one spend a night in the Master's bedroom? Usually something to do with conceiving the antichrist, right?
“The album cover and subject matter seemed Ghost-related enough for me to continue going down the rabbit hole, so I listened to the entire album. I have no doubt in my mind that TF is familiar with and has listened to this, I get a lot of raw vibes from it that one might perceive in all three Nihil-era songs.
“So why is this here, and what does it have to do with anything? Good question, and I honestly don't know but I just thought I'd throw out some possible breadcrumb trails. This is all some pretty loosely related stuff, but when considered all together who knows?
“1. I immediately noticed a similarity that the devil on Thee Oh Sees album has to the devil in the center panel of the red tour backdrop that started going up during Square Hammer (third photo).
“2. Proximity to the Infest era tour video along with some Papa II-related stuff in the movie also had me thinking "antichrist stuff". No, not that Copia is the antichrist. Rather, that his twin might be.
“Why? Well, during sister's life flashback scene, right before the twin birth is shown, there are a series of hidden images. We see an eclipse, a still shot from the Year Zero video of a hand reaching up towards a church window, a b&w still from the Dance Macabre video where the devil arrives, and two separate shots of Infest era ghouls. (These images go by so fast that they are practically subliminal!)
“So why are we seeing clips from a Papa II era song, and shots of his ghouls? Why do we see a cut to his face on the stained glass stage backdrop during the movie when Imperator is talking about how everything is "cyclical"? We even see Infestissumam in the background of the VEEPS bonus video.
“So I've seen different theories. Papa II is returning! Copia is the antichrist! Etc, etc.
“I think showing all the Papa II stuff could have something to do with the antichrist, not that Papa II is coming back. Infestissumam was about the antichrist's time on earth. Not to mention that some religious people believe that an eclipse supposedly occurs at the birth of the antichrist (and we are shown an eclipse right at the birth scene!)
“Also, we've seen a lot of antichrist type of imagery related to Copia, he's got the 666 tattoo, etc. If he's a copy (Copia), then his twin could be the antichrist.
“3. Back to the red devil background that appears during Square Hammer. There's a winged pope figure shown above the devil. I thought it was Copia, to be honest. But he's wearing a beehive shaped mitre, and the same shaped mitre appears above him, larger and wrapped in flames. This is actually a Papal Tiara, not a regular mitre. It used to be worn when a new Pope was "crowned". Why would a demon winged Copia be wearing this on a backdrop at the end of the tour? He was already "crowned" in Mexico City. And who appears at the Ministry doors at the very end?! Someone who is about to become the next Papa?
“4. I also wonder, who raised Copia's twin? And how could Copia's twin be the antichrist? Do they have two different Fathers, or was it during some ritual?! Does it have something to do with Papa II? Maybe the twin grew up influenced by him in some way?
“5. I also wonder if "Ghost in the Trees" is a musical stylistic hint of sorts, in relation to the Papa II era. This album is psychedelic post punk garage rock. It's an interesting listen and is all over the place stylistically. "Psychedelic" is frequently used to describe aspects of Infestissumam, too, as is garage rock and surf rock, even.
“I recall an interview where TF said that Phantomime was where he was leaning to take the sound for the future album. Well, there's two specific covers on Phantomime that have similar flavor to Thee Oh Sees- "See No Evil" by Television (often described as post punk/art rock/garage rock) and "Hanging Around" by the Stranglers- which has VERY psychedelic/garage rock vibes.
“So do what you will with that, but I'm wondering if the next album is going to have that element (not in the way the Nihil-era songs do, though!).
“Thank you for reading this mess and if you have any better ideas, please do share. I just wanted to get this off my chest.”
Tobias never ceases to amaze me, and I have no doubt there is something to “Ghost In The Trees.”
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
i’m kinda feeling a jealous!luke rn…… how do we feel about luke going to cheer for fuve star in one of her matches but afterwards when he’s going to congratulate her, he finds some dude trying to flirt with her. and she’s clearly not interested but luke doesn’t miss the chance to greet her with a kiss and then look at the guy with the most annoyed, dismissive expression ever. then luke smiles. “sorry, was i interrupting?”
a/n: i know nothing about field hockey! beware!
"mr. d, i don't know how you do this," luke muttered, eyes darting between you and clarisse on the field. the score was 1-1 and it was end of 2OT. both teams were gearing up for a shootout for the national title. "i've never been this nervous in my life."
mr. d chuckled from beside him, placing a comforting hand on luke's upper back, "trust me, it doesn't get any easier."
"i think i'm gonna throw up," chris mumbled from beside luke, anxiously waiting for the referee to indicate that the shootout was starting. clarisse was third on the line-up.
"you and me both, brother," luke replied, chewing on his bottom lip. he tugged on his shirt, suddenly feeling confined in the fabric. you were so close to the championship. this was the final game and if you won, you'd be a back-to-back national champion.
luke knew how hard you worked to get here. he often got voice memos from you, ranting about how practice and training wore you out, but he knew you got up bright and early the next day to do it again. you fell asleep on facetime calls often, sometimes only lasting ten minutes before you fell asleep on the call.
"it's starting," chris said, getting up from his seat. "i don't know if i want to watch or look away."
northwestern was up first. goal.
"fuck," travis groaned, echoing the sentiment of fellow unc supporters in the stands.
connor and travis were sitting behind him, both equally nervous to see how the game would unfold. you and clarisse had bought them unc merch to wear to the game, but luke and chris wanted to surprise you and clarisse with diy shirts that said "number [your jersey number/ clarisse's jersey number] biggest fan." you and clarisse both laughed when you saw their shirts. you loved them.
by the time it was clarisse's turn, the score was 1-0 (shootout) with unc trailing behind.
"come on, clar," chris hollered, clapping his hands, "you got this!"
clarisse masterfully maneuvered around northwestern's goalie and sunk the ball into the net. the boys and mr. d screamed in celebration as the score changed to reflect the goal. 1-1. unc was still in it.
clarisse pointed to the stands, eyes finding chris' in the crowd and blew him a kiss. chris beamed as he saw himself on the big screen. he pointed to his shirt, mouthing, "that's my girl!"
"i love how two days ago you guys had no clue how field hockey worked and now look at you," silena teased, adjusting the unc cap on her head.
"we still don't know what's going on, to be honest," luke replied sheepishly, scratching the nape of his neck, "but this is the big game!"
"i get it," she said, nudging charlie, "i still don't understand football but i'm at my wits end every time i watch him play."
charlie chuckled, wrapping an arm around silena's waist, before cheering with the rest of the crowd when you stepped up for the shootout.
you were the last one to go and even that alone is a lot of pressure, but you were the tiebreaker for this shootout. the score was still 1-1. nobody has scored since clarisse, both goalies were brick walls and luke's heart was hammering in his chest.
"come on, five star," he whispered, biting his knuckles, "light work baby."
you took a deep breath and dribbled the ball. you were electric out there. you were strategic and quick on your toes. luke was mesmerized watching you play. he'd seen your tapes before, in preparation for this game just so he wasn't completely clueless walking into the championship game, but watching it in real time was something else.
you swerved around the goalie and hit the ball. luke held his breath. goal.
"let's fucking go!" you screamed, falling to your knees on the field as your teammates rushed to engulf you in a hug.
the screams from the unc fans were defeaning. luke was grinning from ear to ear as the boys cheered around him. chris wrapped an arm around his shoulders, shaking him relentlessly. luke couldn't contain his excitement, but he knew that he should let you have this moment with your team. he'll celebrate with you in a bit, for now, you needed to soak in this feeling. back-to-back national champion.
as the adrenaline from the win began to subside, luke and chris, with the help of mr. d, made their way to the field. chris wandered off to find clarisse and luke was standing on the sidelines as mr. d talked to your coach. he watched as you did your post-game interview. you were glowing and it took all his willpower to not run up to you and kiss you on national television.
when you shook the reporter's hand in goodbye, luke began walking over to you, only to stop in his tracks when a boy approached you. luke blinked, tilting his head as he watched the situation unfold.
the guy was... okay-looking. he was definitely an athlete too, based on his build and height. luke's assumptions were proven correct when he got close enough to see his unc basketball hoodie. the boy's eyes fucking twinkled while he spoke to you, a charming smile adorning his face that luke wanted to punch off his prince charming facade.
he watched as you took a step back from the boy, awkwardly gesturing somewhere in the stands. luke felt smug hearing you say, "well, i have a boyfriend and he's over there actually so i should go find him."
but the guy was not letting up. luke watched as the guy rolled his eyes, obviously unphased by your revelation. luke clenched his jaw, keeping his composure.
luke marched over to you and wrapped an arm around your waist to turn you around. he roughly connected his lips with yours, smirking inside when you moaned at the contact. your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him deeper. his hands traveled up your spine, pushing you flush against his body. when the two of you pulled away, your eyes remained closed, a giddy smile on your face as you breathed out, "hell of a congratulations, castellan."
luke laughed, placing a quick kiss to your lips before turning to address the boy, "sorry, was i interrupting something?"
you had to cover your mouth to muffle the snort that came out of you. luke was staring at the boy intensely, lips in a tight line, as his hand squeezed the skin of your hip in possessiveness. the boy faltered, taking a step back in defeat. luke continued to shoot daggers at him, not deterred by the threat, or lack thereof, in front of him. eventually, the boy got the hint and walked away, shaking his head.
luke's cocky smirk was unstoppable as he faced you again, "great job, baby. national champ, again! look at you."
"thank you," you sighed, nuzzling your face into his neck. luke welcomed your public display of affection. "are we gonna talk about what just happened?"
he rolled his eyes, playfully, "nah, not worth it."
"yeah, but it was hot."
"then yes, let's talk about how hot you think i am."
"shut up," you replied, kissing him again. if this was your way of shutting him up, he wasn't going to complain.
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
Sic Mundus Creatus Est
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Remus Lupin & Son!Reader | Harry Potter x Male!Reader Summary: sic mundus creatus est - thus the world was created Word Count: 10,884 A/n: Kinda a reimagining of "broken crown"!reader but in a one-shot :) This is a long one tbh
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You knew from a young age that you were a special case of magic. Knowing early on that you were a descendant of Merlin, from the courtesy of Dumbledore. No one really knew if there was anyone of Merlin's blood, many thought he never had children and his line died with him, but that was very untrue.
When you were five, Dumbledore started arriving at your doorstep. Every first day of the month, he would visit the family home and your mother would always be there to greet him. From a young age, you knew you bore the powers and responsibility of Merlin - to explore the world and finish any of his unfinished businesses.
You were advanced for your age and when you entered Hogwarts, you excelled in third-year content, however, at the request of your mother, you were to be kept in the same year and not skip years to avoid questions - especially with the threat of the dark lord looming above everyone. Your dad had no idea about your true nature, your reason for life, he was kept in the dark about everything.
It was easy to keep things away, your father never liked to stay in one place and your parents weren't married. He would often come to stay during the holidays so he could be a part of your life. In your first year, you made friends with the trio, being a part of Harry's adventure whilst living your own.
During the first year, you unlocked Merlin's cursed vaults. Well, at least three of them - out of the six. You were the only one who could access it and had the brain to unlock it. During the second year, you opened the last three, and from that moment Dumbledore knew you were a formidable wizard.
That was when Hermione, Harry and Ron found out you were Merlin's descendant, destine to finish his work. They were, at first, wary about it - they didn't know if you were just joking but when you started to reveal little things about the curse vault rumours and your magic spells that were definitely not going to be in the curriculum.
"That's bloody brilliant," Ron excitedly praised you, "Do you think you could teach us that stuff?"
You shrugged your shoulders, "It's pretty advanced stuff, Ron..." You trailed off, scratching the back of your head, "But, you three have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about it. Not unless, it comes from me, got it?"
"Potter! No!"
At the end of summer, your mother was killed in an attack. It was unknown who did it and many, especially Dumbledore, suspect it was the death eaters who managed to avoid jail. Dumbledore wanted to keep you safe, you were stronger and smarter than most wizards and you were just thirteen.
When you got on the train to Hogwarts, you weren't expecting your dad to be on there as well. When he expelled the dementors, he gives you a wink - which made you smile.
"He seems like a nice professor," Hermione commented as Remus closes the door, there was silence in the carriage as Harry recompose himself.
"Hey, (Y/n), what's your plan?" Ron asked finally as Hermione smacks him, "Ow! I'm only asking!"
"Something tragically happens to one of our best friends and you immediately ask him about it? It only happened last week!" Hermione scowled as Harry looked at you inquisitively, of course, Harry was left in the dark about it - even meeting the Weasley and Hermione at the Leaky Cauldron.
"My mum was killed last week, Harry," You softly say, looking outside to take in the view, "They say it's...you know who's people, but we- I mean I couldn't care less."
"I'm sorry, (Y/n)," Harry replied as your other two friends silently give you looks of encouragement, "What about your dad?"
"Dad doesn't know yet, I haven't had the chance to tell him, really, he seems to be a bit preoccupied with being the new defence the dark arts professor."
"That's your dad?" Hermione screeches, you didn't know whether out of excitement or surprise, "Why didn't you say something?"
You shrugged your shoulders, "Just a lot on my mind," You hummed, watching Hermione regret her words, "It's fine, honestly, I'll be fine."
"You watch your own mother die," Harry emphasised as Remus opens the carriage door, "You don't have to pretend to be fine."
Remus cleared his throat, his eyes sharply on you as you look like you wanted the floor to swallow you whole.
"Nice one, Potter," You muttered, as Harry sheepishly smiled at you, "Hi dad... I guess we have a lot to catch up on..."
Yet, even with Remus in the castle. You and Dumbledore had agreed not to inform him about your heritage, only a few knew and you know that Remus would not take it lightly in the future.
After your mother's death, you stayed with your dad or the Weasley over the holidays. You had become closer to your dad, which was to be expected. You were thrilled that Remus was more active in your life, but you felt bad. You knew of Remus' condition since you could remember and you felt terrible keeping secrets away from him. How he would often see you leaving Dumbledore's office, and he wanted to ask badly but he didn't want to overstep the line.
As months went by, you were extremely close with your dad. It was almost as if he had been in your life from the beginning. After the Tri-wizard tournament, you had arguments with Dumbledore.
"You don't look happy," Harry commented, you sighed, flopping on your bed, "What did Dumbledore want?"
"I can't say, Harry," You apologise profusely, before burying your head into the pillow, "All in due time, you trust me right, Potter?"
You didn't want to unload onto Harry about the arguments with Dumbledore, especially after the fact that Cedric just died. But, truth be told, you knew that everything was going to spill. You knew from the moment Remus told you that you would be living in the Orders' base.
You were there gathered by the members and the children, upon their first meeting. They explained what they are and the children weren't allowed in these meetings and cannot ask any questions. But, as Dumbledore dismissed the kids to go back to their rooms in Grimmauld Place, he asked you to stay.
"I would like a moment with (Y/n) if you would please."
You shot your dad a "help me" look, but you know he couldn't. He gives you a reassuring smile, whilst your uncle Sirius gives you the thumbs up of encouragement. You turn to look at your headmaster, sighing as you prepare yourself for an argument.
"I think we both know it's the time," Dumbledore started as you rolled your eyes, "People will find out in due time but I think it's time to show your dad and the Order the true you."
"Is that all I am to you?" You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest, "You are really despicable," Looking at your headmaster with such distaste, "I'm not a soldier, you know that?"
"But, you can help to the cause, your strength and your knowledge can help us protect Harry, is that not what you wanted?"
You wanted to sneer at your headmaster, using Harry as an excuse, knowing full well the two of you were in a relationship with each other was just low. You've had this talk more times than you'd liked.
"Don't you dare use Harry against me," You shouted at Dumbledore, who sat down as you were standing, "I'm not some, some-"
Remus from the kitchen could hear your voice, loud but incoherent. The adults shared a look, they had quietened down upon hearing your voice, before they were having conversations to distract them from thinking about this meeting.
"I wonder what that's about," Sirius mumbled, as Remus nodded, his eyes staying on the door that had you and Dumbledore behind it, "It doesn't sound fun at all."
The door slams open with Dumbledore entering first and then you behind, looking furious. The order stood up abruptly at the presence of Dumbledore, but you looked like you weren't done shouting at him.
"Are you mad?" You shouted, Remus grabs your shoulder to stop you from lunging at Dumbledore, Sirius on your other shoulder, sensing hostility.
"You agreed, Mr Lupin."
"Yeah! When I was bloody nine and I didn't know any better, but, now...I refuse," You exclaimed, shoving your father and uncle off you as if they weren't strong enough to hold you back, "I'm not some pawn in your game, I could die!"
Dumbledore looks at you, the adults were afraid to talk as they looked at each other before their attention settled back on the fuming fifteen-year-old. You huff, throwing your hands up in the air and you splutter incoherent words.
But, somehow you managed to calm down. You run your hand through your hair. Your mind was racing and the only thing that was calming you down was the comforting hand of your dad.
"He will want you, and he won't stop until he does. He will want you just as much as Harry," Dumbledore explained, but the older members still didn't understand, "You must promise me that you will not go to the dark lord's side."
"But, you want me to be your spy? Isn't it obvious?" You asked, there was a bitter tone within your voice.
"I'm sorry, but what?" Remus cuts in, almost offended to not be in this plan, "Not my son, Dumbledore."
"I'm terribly sorry, Remus, but what must be done should be done."
"He's just a boy!" Molly and McGonagall cried out, even Snape was surprised at this new information, looking at this great wizard as if he went mad.
"Even, I think this is all mad, Dumbledore," Alastor chided as you were thinking about your options.
You finally sighed in defeat, sinking down on a chair as the adults argue about you. You hadn't seen your dad so riled up before, it was a first to see his anger. His anger to protect you, but deep down, you know no one was ever going to be strong enough to protect you.
You looked around and see the people that Harry cared about so dearly, sacrificing themselves to make sure he will not be touched by the dark lord. Looking down at your hands, knowing full well you're going to be the one protecting Harry's loved one.
"I'll do it," you softly say, the words barely escaping your lips as they adults stop their shouting to look at you.
"No, I won't allow this," Remus declared, you smile at him, though he could tell that you were defeated by this topic, "You're my son, none of the kids are allowed to help so why should you? You're no better at defending yourself as the next kid in this house!"
"I'm sorry, dad," you apologise, your eyes softening as you gaze upon him, "Dumbledore is right, once everyone knows who I am... it's only a matter of time."
"What are you on about?" Sirius asked, confused as you look up to your headmaster.
He slowly nodded to you, "(Y/n) will be joining our Order meetings, as much as you do not like nor accept it he is an important asset."
"Your plan is to get him killed!" Molly exclaimed, she was a mother first before being a soldier for Dumbledore, "I will not have any children-"
"The daily prophet will get headline news about me, and from there Voldemort will try to recruit me," You continued from Dumbledore, watching the adults look upon you with interest, "After all, if he's able to get Merlin's descendant on his side, he'll be invincible."
"Merlin's beard," Arthur breathes out in awe, "I've heard rumours that Merlin's back, I- I wouldn't have thought- how, why?"
Remus slumps down in the empty chair next to him, adjacent to you. He was speechless as you looked at him with worry.
You didn't want your dad to think ill of you. But, you know he has every right to be angry. You had lied and kept this secret away from him and now you're announcing a suicide mission. It was all too much for him, he couldn't even look you in the eyes.
"Look, I don't know much about why or how Merlin gave me his knowledge and powers, but," You hesitated, unable to find words, "I want to help out as much as I can, even if nine-year-old me didn't know what you fully meant."
The first meeting was primarily awkward and silent. You explained your whole life story to them, how you have bestowed Merlin. Whilst they understand that you can be terrifying in your own way, all they can see is a boy. A terrified boy.
Remus didn't look at you for a week, he didn't speak to you for two. Your heart was breaking, and you cried yourself almost every night. The news of you spread like wildfire, just as you expected. You don't know how Dumbledore got the information out, but there was no backing out now.
Remus finally mustered up the courage to talk to you, after Sirius knocked some sense into him that he couldn't and shouldn't abandon his child when you need him most. He finds himself alone in the drawing room, reading a book as the piano plays softly in the background. Remus takes in the scene, surprised that you somehow enchanted the piano to play.
"Ministry is dumb, you know," you say, your eyes never leaving the page of your book, "They can only detect wand magic for people under the trace, nothing is said about wandless or wordless spells."
"Impressive," Remus replied truthfully before coming towards you. You looked heavily invested in your book, though when he stands behind you, all he can see is a blank page.
"Merlin's code, a spell he made to see all his other works. A precaution to prevent his work from falling into the wrong hands," You explained, you were avoiding the subject, both of you knew it, but both of you didn't know how to approach the subject, "I heard about Harry..."
"Yes, the order is planning a rescue mission."
"I assume you'll be going?" Finally looking up over to him as he nods, you sighed, knowing that you weren't going to stop him, "At least I'll know both you and he will be back safely."
"Actually, they want you to come along," Remus says as you raised an eyebrow, "Mad-eye wants to know your whole, um, you know, powers."
You nodded, and there was a beat of silence as you look back down at your book. The room quickly filled with awkward yet hostile silence, you wanted to squirm under your dad's eyes.
"I'm not mad anymore," Remus started, clearing his throat, though you'd do anything to avoid his eyes contact, so he sat down in the seat adjacent to you, "I'm just worried that's all, and I have every right to be, (y/n), you're my son, my boy."
"You think I want to be dragged into this?" You finally asked, slamming your book closed, "I don't really have a choice in this."
"I know," Remus says tentatively, placing a gentle hand upon your shoulder, as you gaze into his soft eyes, "I'm just terrified for you."
After a while, you were dismissed from the recuse mission with many order members voting against you. You sighed in relief, as the meeting continued. Every time you would leave the meeting, the children would surround you asking about it.
"Guys! I can't say," You exclaimed, lying back in your bed.
"It's worth the shot," Fred says as George smirks, you rolled your eyes as all of you went downstairs for tea.
You watched the children happily talk to other Order members and not ask about the whole meeting. You found yourself playing with your food, not feeling hungry. You abruptly stand up and leave the table, some people watching you leave. You were barely seen for the rest of the week, only reappearing when you went to bid your dad good luck.
You couldn't even say hello to Harry upon arrival, as Dumbledore was starting the meeting. Most of the time, you're quiet during the meetings - you had no other contributions to the meeting, so you didn't want to say anything in a place that you're not invited to. Usually, you're squished between Remus and Sirius, almost as if they had an unspoken protection pact over you.
As the meeting concluded, you could hear loud noises in the hallway You went up and investigated to see Harry and the rest, who had disturbed Walburga's portrait. You watch on as Sirius and Remus was attempting to pull the curtains, you move over and placed your hand upon the portrait.
Soon, enough her voice dies down, and everyone watched in amazement to see her moving and attempting to talk - however, no noise was coming out.
"Couldn't have done that sooner?" Hermione chastise as you rolled your eyes.
"Hello Harry," Sirius composes himself, "I see you’ve met my mother."
The reunion was more bitter than you liked. You couldn't really give your boyfriend a loving welcome, especially since the fire in his eyes wasn't dying down. He was getting riled up that he couldn't join the Order, you even shouted at him whilst Sirius and Molly were bickering.
After his hearing, Harry started to be open with you. Most of the days, you spent yourself in isolation, reading mostly. Oftentimes, you would be joined by Hermione or even Remus. But, as Harry was once starting to warm up to you, the pair of you were found screaming at each other. Remus grabs you whilst Sirius grabs Harry.
"What's going on, boys?" Molly asked, sweetly, it seems like you created a crowd, "You two haven't-"
"Broken up?" You replied, sneering at Harry, who looked like he wanted to fight you, "Oh, dear sweetheart - what are we?"
Your tone had enraged Harry so much, he managed to wriggle out of Sirius' hold and landed a right hook right in the cheek. Soon enough, you managed to get out of your dad's hold and retaliated. It took about five minutes to rip the two of you away.
Harry managed to land better with his hands, a part of you inside knew that Harry had the right to be angry and it's why you didn't fight as much. You swat your dad's hands away, fixing your clothes as Harry stops fighting against the twins.
"Tell them," Harry spat, your eyes hardening as you felt two pairs of hands holding you back once again, "Go on tell them!"
You say nothing.
"Fine, I'll tell them! (Y/n) did the unbreakable vow!" Harry announced as eyes all fall on you, "With Dumbledore."
"When?" Remus says, using one of his hands that were gripping your wrist to cup your cheeks tightly and make you look at him. Remus looked furious with you, "WHEN?"
"Last day of Hogwarts," You spat, pain stretching from your cheeks at your dad's tight grip.
"Have you gone mad?" Molly roared at you as you finally stop your struggle, you felt Sirius' hands loosen and then completely disappear. But Remus still had a grip on you, "A death sentence!"
"A few weeks ago you were shouting at Dumbledore that whatever you two had planned was a suicide mission!" Sirius exclaimed behind you, "Unless you two have been planning this for weeks?"
"Tell me what was said," Remus demands from you, but your hardened gaze does not drop.
"Fuck you," You spat, headbutting your dad as you ran up to one of the bedrooms. Locking yourself from the rest of the house, panting in relief as you weren't able to be caught by other household members.
The last few days leading up to the return of school, were fairly quiet, not that you liked it. But, you had the oath to uphold. Dumbledore was quickly informed about you, and whenever Order meetings occurred, before he leaves - he would come to your door. You would unlock it and lock it behind Dumbledore, and no one knew what the two of you were saying.
The first two days, since you locked yourself, you did not come out of the room. Molly would knock on the door and leave quickly, and every time she would leave a tray of food for you. The first meal, you didn't touch, but as the day progressed, you were eating little by little. By the third day, Molly found herself an empty tray in front of the locked bedroom.
"He's eating at least," Molly reassured Remus.
Remus was not doing good, after his initial anger, it turn to worry. His anger lasted a bit too long for Remus' liking, but he had every right to be. He knew that you knew that as well, but as a dad, he couldn't help but think about what you were up to on the other side of the door. Molly has tried to cheer him up, that it was just usual teenage angst and it was just a phase.
But, everyone knows that it wasn't just teenage angst. Remus had found himself knocking on the door, attempting to reconcile with you. Though, there was nothing back. Harry started to feel guilty, in fact, he didn't know whether you two had broken up, especially after the fight. He, too, found himself trying to talk to you from behind the door.
"I love you," You could hear him say, but you rolled your eyes.
You finally emerged when it was time to get to King's Cross. Everyone was downstairs, chatting loudly as you stood at the top of the stairs. Mad-eye looked around, hoping for someone to show up.
"Sturgis isn't here yet!"
It was chaotic as hell, as you slowly descend the stairs before Fred and George wrapped their arms over your shoulder.
"It's alright, (Y/n) is here!" Fred bellowed loudly as you sighed, eyes landing on you - you really had to get used to this.
"And (Y/n) makes up three people in the Order," George cheekily continued as you rolled your eyes.
"I guess it'll do," Moody nodded, before delegating which child goes with what Order member.
You managed to escape being paired with Harry or being with your dad as you travel with Moody, there wasn't much talk between the two of you and you two were the first to arrive. You had twenty minutes before the trains leave as you see one by one the group appearing.
"Congrats on prefects," You say to Hermione and Ron, they looked at you before smiling back at you.
Hermione jumped on you, engulfing you in a hug, "I've missed you."
"I haven't-"
"Shut up," Hermione says, as you looked at her confusingly, before accepting her hug knowing she won't let go of you, "You're a bumbling idiot, honestly!"
"It's been quiet without you," Ron admitted as Hermione got immersed in a conversation with Ginny, "Harry was a bit moody."
"Then, you wouldn't have enjoyed my presence."
A bell was sounded, calling for the last ten minutes before the train leaves. You watch the Weasleys say goodbye to their parents as you looked a bit lost. You turned away and were faced by your dad, he looked at you, with soft eyes - understanding. You couldn't help but crash into him for a hug.
"I'm sorry," You mumbled into his chest as you hugged him tightly, he hugged back just as tight, "I'm a terrible son!"
"No," Remus reassured you, rubbing your back, he knows you're almost in tears, "You're not a terrible son."
He pulls out of the hug, hands on your shoulders - gentle yet firm. He looks into your eyes, which were threatening to spill tears.
"I have to accept there are things that cannot be said. I hope one day, you'll be able to tell me everything. I trust your judgement, okay?" You shakily nod as he places a kiss upon your head of hair, "Now get onto the train before you miss it."
Fifth year for you was a rollercoaster for you. Harry and you made up, but put a pause on the relationship. It broke the two of you but it was for the best. Though, Harry was getting suspicious by the day, your personal mission was to keep an eye on Draco and track down his family. It was easy, unfortunately.
As the next coming of Merlin, you were already sending letters back and forth with the Malfoys, attempting to recruit you to their side. You got details and were reporting them to Dumbledore, you knew that this was the easy part of your mission. You were in for a long run. But, nevertheless, you were always by Harry's side, lover or not. You assist him in teaching the newly founded group known as Dumbledore's Army. The group always were in awe at your advanced magic. You were practically ready to graduate.
You armed your friends with attack and defence spells, basic ones at least. You knew that they weren't ready for other spells. Despite suspicions that you were going to the dark side, that did not stop Umbridge from giving you detention - mostly because of your dad.
You defended your dad at any given moment, Hermione had to talk you out of fighting Umbridge once and even Ron suggested trying and not talking to her. Remus was updated about it by letters from Harry, Remus was touched but was horrified about the abuse.
"I'm telling you, Potter, it's a bad idea, don't you have the mirror?"
Harry was determined that Sirius was held captive, and despite your protest, you followed him. You didn't expect yourself to be defending your friends in the ministry. At this point, all your friends were injured, and you used your wandless magic to move them from harm's way.
Harry had your back, not much he could do to defend you, but you were holding yourself quite nicely. You watched as Neville drops the prophecy and Harry reassured him it was fine, that he needed to move Neville out of the fight. Soon enough, you see a wisp of white, watching Order members apparate in and quickly fight back.
You watch as Bellatrix's eyes widen at the sight of her cousin. Before she could muster any words, you blasted a spell her way, as you cause a push of wind towards Sirius into Harry.
"Dumbledore!" Neville shouted his presence.
But you paid no attention as you make a break for it with Bellatrix hot on your heels, casting spells upon the chase, whilst you fire back.
"(Y/n)!" Harry exclaimed following closely behind.
"Neville, where's the rest of you guys?" Remus asked, itching to follow his son as well, but he saw Dumbledore race as well after the three of you.
Neville pointed to the rest of the gang, protected by your dome of a shield. Though the magic was still holding up, Sirius helps Moody and Tonks before standing with the rest of the group.
"This shield," Kingsley commented, poking it with his wand, "Strong despite distance and his multitasking."
"I guess we found out his power, Moody," Sirius says, "Bloody powerful, no wonder Dumbledore wants him fighting."
"He shouldn't be," Remus hissed, failing an encantation to release the rest of the kids from the shielf dome, "He's still a kid."
"Sixteen and able to take on about ten death eaters at once," Sirius pointed out, placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder, "I think we both know he saved my life there."
Suddenly, the shield disappears, and the children release but injured. Suddenly, the scratches and spells they'd taken had started to reverse.
"(Y/n), he's healing us," Hermione cries out before scrambling up, "we have to find them!"
Quickly, the group moved to find the rest of the battle. Upon scene, they see Harry on the floor with Dumbledore by his side, Voldemort looming over Harry. On the other side, there was a limp body, guarded by Bellatrix. When Voldemort realised there was a crowd forming he apparates away with Bellatrix.
Some were quick to run to Dumbledore and Harry, but others ran to you. Remus' heart slowly breaks upon your state, he hastily finds a pulse on you, sighing in relief when he finds one.
"He's alive."
You spent days in the hospital, recovering, which meant you weren't in a state of consciousness. Remus stayed by your side as much as he could, Sirius was there if Remus wasn't, thanking you each time for saving his life. Harry found himself by your side if no one was by your side. He wished you woke up soon, all he felt was guilt that you almost died.
When you wake up, you're alone. Madam Pomfrey was quick to alert people who would be interested in you. The first to see you were Harry, Hermione and Ron, who were all ecstatic to see you awake.
"Are you okay, Harry?" You asked, eyes comforting to Harry. Harry just hugs you instead, you were taken aback at the sudden affection, "Oh, Potter, you're not going soft are you now?"
He managed to laugh as Ginny, Luna and Neville greeted you, apologising to you for burdening you in protecting them. You waved them off with your bandaged hand. Soon, Remus and Sirius appeared, with Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall right behind them.
"You gave us a right scare, Mr Lupin!" Dumbledore says, you could only give him a sarcastic look back. Remus was quick to be by your side again.
Pulling you into a side hug and kissing your hair, "Thank god you're okay."
"We thought you died!" Sirius says dramatically, before looking serious for a second, "I know you're terrifyingly strong and that, but don't be testing death like that."
"Oh, Sirius," you hummed, tilting your head slightly almost menacingly, "Death can have me when it earns me."
The Order didn't really want to mess with you in the first place, but when you utter those words, shives ran down everyone's spine. What Sirius and Remus caught on is that you weren't staring at Sirius when you spoke of death, in fact, you made eye contact with Dumbledore.
Harry was a lot closer to you after the first battle that had awoken Britain that the Dark Lord returned, you didn't know if it was because you almost died or because you saved one of the few living family he had left. Nevertheless, it was nice to have Harry by your side, though that happiness didn't stay when he realised he couldn't stay with Sirius.
"This is utter-utter..."
"Think the word you're looking for, Potter, is shit. It's utter shit."
Harry rolls his eyes, replying with a snarky tone, "Thanks, (y/n)."
Your summer was eventful, to say the least, you spent some days repairing the relationship with your dad. It was hard, you wanted to tell him everything be he understood that you were bound by a vow. You got a lot closer to Sirius, who enjoyed your company, calling you the miniature version of Remus just a lot cooler. You watched as your dad and Tonks were dancing around each other, you don't really want to touch that topic.
Other times, your days were spent in Order meetings, where your opinion started to become valuable to them. They wanted your input, and your opinions and a part of you were relieved that they accepted teenagers in this group. You filled your summer saying no a lot.
"Can you teach me-?" Hermione started as you give her a pointed look, "Not even like a little bit?"
"Hermione, please indulge me in how I can teach you a bit?" You asked eyebrow raised as Remus stifled a laugh behind his own book, whilst Sirius loudly snorted, "My hands are tied, I cannot."
"It was worth a shot," Hermione grumbled, before patting your head with her own book, "Budge over."
Ron came into the kitchen, with the Twins following, looking excitedly but Ron looked more apprehensive.
"You three better not be nagging (Y/n)!" Molly exclaimed as she begins to cook dinner for everyone, "I'm sure he's sick of all of you."
"They humour me," You answered honestly, you waved Molly off, eyes never leaving the letters on the paper.
"Well, I was just curious, I don't want you to teach me anything, but-"
Your eyebrow raised as you sat up, closing your book slowly. Your attention is fully on Ron, who squirms under your attention. Your mere movements caused everyone to look at the scene before them.
"I heard Melin has his own spells, well, they're yours now. But... I was just wondering what are his- I mean, your most brutal spells, that you've mastered, if you don't mind me asking."
You smirked, leaning back in your seat, "I'm glad you asked, Ron, and I'm going to preface this that I will not be teaching anyone these."
"Not like we can do them in the first place," Fred commented as George nodded.
"You're practically invincible, mate," George finishes, "But, go on, tell us then!"
"Blood bending, granted it's not perfected," You started off, tapping your chin as Hermione's eyes widen, "What?"
"That's what you start on? That you can bend the flow of blood in someone?"
"I said I haven't perfected it!"
"Still!" Hermione exclaimed as you chuckled at her, "You haven't got it mastered, have you?"
"Let's say I hope you're not in the same room as the victim," You replied easily, before quickly adding, "I haven't killed anyone by the way."
The sixth year had seemed to be a rollercoaster, whilst you were eyeing up on Draco - which, he had turned for your help in serving the Dark Lord. It seems like he could only trust him as you had not explicitly said whose side you were on, Voldemort was still eager to recruit you despite the encounter at the end of last year.
"Draco, you know I can't," You replied, leaning against the wall, looking around to see if anyone was listening in, "I'm not going to stoop to your level."
"I rather think you beneath that level, you're still helping me," Draco hissed at you, though you looked unbothered, "Aren't you?"
"And every little plan you've done has failed, I wasn't the one who became a death eater," You taunt as Draco refrains himself from knocking the everliving shit out of you, "But, since I am nice, I'll figure something out."
Draco sighed in relief, "I don't get why you can't just join our side, you fit right in."
You gave him a side eye and replied with a snarky tone, "I sure do."
You watched Hermione and Ron's relationship hit a hard patch, and you cringed at the pining looks. Not that you could say much, You and Harry were still on a pause in the relationship, though every day you two got closer and closer. You knew it was inevitable, but, you had to hold off a little longer.
"I think Draco is a death eater," Harry announced, looking at the men before him, "And I think Snape is helping him."
"I just think Snape is acting for Dumbledore," Arthur says, Remus nodded, chastising Harry from continuing the family prejudice against Snape.
"(Y/n)!" Harry says as you looked over to him, "Do you hate Snape."
"As much as the next person."
"Atta-boy!" Sirius cheered as Remus rolled his eyes.
"Do you think Snape is helping out Draco, Dumbledore is making a mistake?"
"Truth be told, Harry," You say as softly as you can, "I loathe Dumbledore, but you have to admit, the guy barely makes mistake. Snape could be helping Draco, who knows, but I don't think Snape is someone you should scrutinise."
The topic changed quickly, as you find out that Remus had been spending time with the other werewolves. You had to leave the room as you couldn't take the news.
"I knew he would react badly," Remus exhaled, watching you leave the room.
"I mean you reacted badly, remember last summer," Sirius reminded as Remus glared at him, Harry could only snort at the two adults.
As the night was closing in, Harry found you standing by a window. Looking outside, you noticed that Remus, Sirius and the Weasley parents were standing in the doorway, Remus sensing something was off.
"Are you alright?"
Before your eyes, you see a circle of flames lit in the dark night. Your eyes widen at the dark wisps of the death eaters. Your eyes locked in on Fenrir, who you quickly wanted to murder. You dashed down the stairs, pushing past all the adults as you chase after Bellatrix and Fenrir.
You no longer have the trace on you, so you have no qualms about having another duel.
"Lupin!" Fenrir snarled loudly, you were flickering between directions to find him, and you raced further into the field.
"(Y/n)!" You heard your dad in the distance as Harry comes crashing into you.
He stands on your six, as you started attacking the field, beams of white expelled from your wand, echos of whips of your wand. You held onto Harry's wrist, almost as if to reassure him that you had it under control. Suddenly, you see Arthur, Remus and Sirius joining you two in the fray.
"(Y/n)!" Remus breathes in relief as Sirius does the same with Harry.
The five of you stand on guard as you watch the death eaters start to apparate. Arthur quickly returned to his family, as you watched the Burrow get burnt down.
"Molly, please let me help rebuild, it's partially my fault," you begged the next morning, it was quiet other than your voice.
Molly merely smiled, "Perhaps, after you finish school," but you were not satisfied, as you sink further down in your seat before opening your mouth again, but Molly managed to intercept, "And I will not be accepting any money!"
"Hmph," You say in defeat, as Remus pats you on the shoulder, whilst Sirius snorted into his drink, you stuck your tongue out to him.
"Remus!" Sirius whines, "Your son is being mean!"
"He's your nephew," Remus replied quickly, acknowledging little as he continued to eat his breakfast whilst Sirius tried to splutter out that you were his godson, "He's your problem too."
"I'm not a problem!" You objected as you turn to look at your friends, "Am I?"
"Well..." Harry replied teasingly as you gasped in offence
"You wound me, Potter!"
It seems like you broke the ice as everyone returned to their jolly self, in time for Christmas as well. As the new year came, returning to Hogwarts, you couldn't help but be apprehensive. Draco has been giving you looks upon arrival, and you hadn't had a moment to be alone with him.
"You know, it's never late for you to turn around," You hummed as you accompanied Draco to the Room of Requirements.
Draco scoffs, "It is late."
You let a small noise out, "You could be a spy for the right side."
"How do you know who's on the right and wrong side?"
"Draco," you gently bumped his shoulder, "Think we both know whose the wrong side."
As time went on, you realised that this had been the most normal year for you, which made you feel nervous about the future. Every day you awoke with a sense of dread and couldn't figure it out. But, the puzzle pieces started to fit with each other when you had your last meeting with Dumbledore.
"Hang on, what?" You said in disbelief, standing behind Dumbledore, who stared off into the distance.
"It's for the best."
You groaned, rolling your eyes and running your hand through your hair, "It's always for the best, what if- what if it isn't?"
"That's why he has you."
"So, what, you're just gonna burden Harry with the responsibility? And I'm supposed to what? Guide him? I barely know shite all!"
Dumbledore gives you a stare as you sighed reluctantly. You knew he was right, he has told you more stuff about the cause than he has to Harry, and you've been a spy on Malfoys.
"So, I'm supposed to let you die?" Dumbledore looks at you silently, "Yeah, yeah, it's for the best. So, what do you want me to do?"
"Harry and I will return tonight, if you are correct about Draco allowing the break-in tonight then I need you to patrol the halls of Hogwarts. You must somehow get the message out to professors and the Order."
"Doesn't seem too hard."
"I must express this that no Order member comes here tonight," Dumbledore emphasised, as you huffed before nodding, "I would think you'd be more delighted at this news, it would mean that the vow will break."
"You have a lot of faith in me sticking to cause."
"Well, Mr Lupin, you'd do anything to protect the one you care most," Dumbledore complimented as you softly smile to yourself, "It's an admirable trait of yours."
You were correct, the break-in did happen. You watched as your school turned into a battlefield as you watched Order members and yourself duel against the infiltrators. You watch the fall of Dumbledore.
"Snape killed him," Harry announced as you turn to look away.
Harry explained why Dumbledore trusted Snape, after all this time, as your dad and Sirius almost looked furious. That this was the guy that allowed Snape because he was sorry for James' death.
You knew you couldn't say anything, that you knew that this was planned and why it happened. You shut your mouth as you tried to comfort Harry in the hospital wing. Watching Tonks and your dad has some wild heated discussion.
"You know, everyone deserves love," You mention loudly as Tonks look elated that you backed her up, even Remus had a small smile on his face whilst you looked at Harry, who, in turn, smiled that you referred to a potential rekindling of a relationship.
Hogwarts was chaotic, with professors running about, unsure how to proceed.
Harry leans onto you, you were always going to be there for him. He turns to you when he had theories and when he wanted to vent, you always had a listening ear. Some days, you found yourself cuddling Harry when he looks like he needed it, you saved all your affection for him. And out of respect, you attended Dumbledore's funeral
"Ready to leave Hogwarts, Potter?"
Harry merely nodded as you shut your trunk, you looked at him and open your arms. There he managed to bury himself into you as much as he could. You tighten your grip around him as you kissed his head of hair.
You had dreaded the months to come, the sense of dread had washed away for a day before returning. You knew that you couldn't leave Harry to find the Horcruxes by himself, you had no bound to a vow, so you were essentially free of doing whatever the fuck you wanted.
You didn't have to pretend to be interested in being a death eater, you didn't have to protect Draco anymore. You no longer have to restrain your full power anymore, you can breathe in freedom.
"I still don't think Sirius should come with us!" You say as everyone watches you argue with Mad-Eye, "It's already risky enough to bring Tonks, but if we do get ambushed, Bellatrix has it in for Sirius."
"I'm capable of taking care of myself!" Sirius argued as Mad-Eye nodded, "If it's any consideration, I'll take the poly portion."
Harry welcomes you to his home on the night before his birthday. A hug lasted longer between the two of you, before trailing everyone into the living space. After realising Harry had to go through with this plan, he sees which are paired up. He was very much appreciated that you were paired up with Sirius, knowing that you are there to protect him.
He didn't see much of the fight behind him as Harry went through the portkey. He got increasingly worst as everyone was returning and yet there was no sight of you.
Remus and he stand guard, despite Remus being very persistent in making Harry go inside and relax for a bit.
"I know you're worried, and so am I," Remus says, comforting to him, "I don't think I've seen Sirius so worked up."
The two men looked through the window to see Sirius pacing through the living room as Tonks and Arthur were trying to consolidate him.
"He thinks it's his fault, you know," Remus explains, "He got separated after fighting Bellatrix with Tonks, he thinks it's his fault for leaving (y/n)."
There was a snap in the distance and they see a figure approach them, they both had their wands out as the figure turned to be Moody.
"After the first order meeting, what did you say about my son?" Remus interrogated as Mad-Eye stared at him.
"I said, your son is up to no good and we had to keep an eye on him."
Remus lowers his wand as he tells Harry to inform everyone that Mad-Eye had finally turned up, but there was still no sight of you. Mad-Eye walks into the burrow with a sullen look on his face.
"They took (y/n)," Moody reported, gasp was heard around the living space, "Bellatrix managed to hit a stun spell when he wasn't looking, and one of the death eaters took him."
Harry was miserable, unable to get the thought of you out of his head. You had missed his birthday and the wedding, you missed taking off with Harry to find the Horcruxes. He missed you, everything about you. He felt so lonely without you, missing your comforting words and gentle affection.
Remus was tearing himself apart, all he could imagine is how badly you might be enduring. He didn't want to think about negative stuff, but his brain wouldn't let him think of happy memories. He knows Sirius is properly beating himself about it as well.
You missed Harry and Remus's argument, how Harry called your dad a coward for running, afraid of having another child. Both parties were glad you were not present for the fight as you would be disappointed in both of them.
There was nothing heard about you for months, before showing up unexpectedly in Godric's Hallow. Harry was in disbelief as he and Hermione engulfed you in a hug. You looked like you'd walked Hell and back every day, you had scars and you looked so worn down.
You camped with them after the Nagini fight, Harry sees all the scars that litter around your body. He sees discolouring around your ribs, your neck and wrists. Your lip was busted and you sported a black eye.
You didn't talk much about what happened as you continued to stick by them. Harry was constantly hovering over you and if not it would be either Ron or Hermione. Everything was holding up until you managed to wind yourself back into Malfoy Manor.
After doing Bellatrix's artwork on Hermione, she moves on to you, as you have been her favourite victim. You were already showing discolouring after the snatchers had a good beat down on you. Blood was already smeared on your face as she cuts into you.
Bill and Fleur came to rescue you from your injury, but you waved them off and told them you can handle it. You were upstairs when Remus makes a visit to Shell Cottage, sleeping off most of your injuries. Harry runs upstairs to wake you, ushering you downstairs.
Remus turns to hear the extra voice, his heart almost leapt out of his mouth as you come into view. He sighs in relief that you were alive as he engulfs you in a bear hug, pulling your head close to his chest. He leans out of the hug to see your state, his eyes darting back and forth, looking at all the scarred cuts and vile words cut into you. He cringe to see bruises on you, you looked absolutely drained.
"She had the baby!" Remus announced to everyone as you raised an eyebrow, confused at the news, your dad looked at you with bright eyes; "Tonks had a baby boy! He's called Teddy, (y/n), you're a brother."
You had to get back to the mission with Harry, you spent most days rebuilding your energy, after using the last on healing yourself - you were more sluggish. After resting for a few days at shell cottage, you ventured with the trio to Gringotts before sneaking into Hogwarts.
"(Y/n)," Harry calls out to you, as you turn to look at him, "Are there any more Horcruxes?"
"Why are you asking me all of a sudden?"
"Dumbledore trusted you with something, he must know about its whereabouts or what it is."
You shrugged your shoulders, crossing your arms over your chest, "He said something about his snake, there is a reason why he takes the thing with him everywhere he goes."
Harry nods, and he turns away before turning back to you. You let out a soft chuckle and tilt your head as he gazes at your warm smile. You can see his mind racing with a million different thoughts.
"I need to talk to you," Harry says as you shake your head.
"Later, Potter," You replied, letting out a heavy breath, "We'll talk later, after all this, okay? I know you have some burning questions for me."
Harry nods before running out of the Room of Requirements to follow a hunt on a different Horcrux. You turn around to look at half of Dumbledore's Army, and you tell one of them to contact the Order and anyone who can come.
"But, Harry said-"
"I know what Potter said, Hermione," You sighed, watching the hole in the wall for anyone willing fighters, "But, trust me, this is more than he bargained for."
Hermione nods as she and Ron run off to the chamber of secrets. You watched as the old Quidditch team flocked into the room, and you see the Weasleys come on after the other. You wait anxiously as you hear the bang of a stick come from the entrance; seeing Moody arriving with the rest of the Order.
"(Y/n)!" Sirius greeted, hugging you tightly and you chuckled gleefully "I see that death has not earned you yet."
"No, not at all," You say with a grin, hugging your old man as well.
Moody cast you a look with Kingsley smirking behind him. Remus gives you a pat on the shoulder as Sirius ruffles your hair. You give your dad a look.
"He still doesn't trust me, does he?"
Remus pulled a face, "Uh, why'd you think that?"
"Dad, you can drop the fake act, I've known since the first order meeting. He's not sublet as he thinks."
Soon enough, Harry comes barrelling into the Room of Requirements in amazement with the turnout but confused as to why there were more people than last time. You give him a knowing look.
"Voldemort is on his way, they're barricading the school," Harry announced, as there was a cheer from Dumbledore's army, "They're evacuating the young students and everyone's meeting in the Great Hall."
"Harry!" You called out before he can make a dash out again, you panted slightly as you were trying to keep up with him, "Be safe,"
"You're not coming with?" You looked behind you to see everyone making plans to get to the great hall, Harry nodded, understanding, "Okay, please be safe... I-I can't lose you."
You pause for a minute, "I love you too, Harry."
The adults started making battle plans for the school as the students, now soldiers, turn to them. You looked helpless as you see the order members throwing their opinions.
"You'll need a shield around the school," You say as you approach the discussion, they all stop to look at you, "It'll buy Harry time and enough time for us to man the school. We'll need fighters up in the sky - which I would assume Oliver wouldn't mind leading."
"I can do that," Oliver says, nodding, pride on his face, looking at his old team, who followed him as he went venturing for any quidditch players in the other houses.
You looked at Moody, his glare trying to shrink you down, you cleared your throat, "Moody and some of the Order take to the quad battlements."
Moody looks satisfied with your choice, as named members to follow Moody. You shot Remus a reassuring smile before mutely saying goodbye and turning to your head of the house.
"Professor, I'll need any willing professors to be stationed on school grounds - especially the viaduct, they'll attack all entrances at all points."
McGonagall nodded, "Then, Mr Finnigan I have a special task for you if you would follow me."
You quickly made your way up to the quad battlements, calling to the portraits of the castles to be the connection line to each army. As you finally reach the top, you were out of breath - mentally telling yourself if the school gets destroyed, you should install some sort of easier way to get to higher levels.
You hear the rumbles of thunder, and you see through the windows you quickly passed by, you see the dark grey clouds as the day draws to night. You couldn't tell whether you were controlling the weather subconsciously, if you were, it might be because you were filled with adrenaline. You reach the top to the quad battlement.
You see Moody, Arthur and Kingsley on one side, and on the other stood Sirius and Remus. You let out a heavy breath, causing the five men to turn around, you waved them off as you tried to catch your breath.
"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" Arthur asked, his face turning to worry quickly, "Nothing has-?"
"No," You shake my head, "The school needs me more than Harry right now, he has Ron and Hermione - they'll figure it out."
There was a beat of silence.
"Glad you're here with us," Moody broke the silence as you raised an eyebrow.
You wordlessly go over to your dad, who puts a firm hand on your shoulder. There was an unspoken conversation between the two of you, he worries for you. He doesn't want you to fight in this war, you've gone through enough, but he knows there is nothing stopping you.
As the war began, you were buzzing with adrenaline, and you were grinning ear to ear. The order members who snuck looks your way was taken aback that they could see the hunger for blood, it didn't bode well for them, yet they were thankful you were on their side. They couldn't comprehend how you were eager, they heard about your endeavours in the past months.
You were tortured, beaten down, and exhausted - yet, your body language and demeanour didn't show that. They had lost you as death eaters raided your station, you were battling fiercely, conjuring Merlin's spells left and right. There was a look of darkness within your eyes and any death eater that appeared in your path - you were their last regret.
They underestimate your power and you grin as you murder or maim them. They regret challenging them as you set them up for their demise. However, you were so consumed by your hunger you almost missed Dolohov attempting to murder your father, you felt energy underneath the floors travelling towards you as you snapped your head towards that direction, only to be met with Dolohov wanting to deliver a killing blow.
You swished your wand and your father watched Dolohov look panicked before his eyes slowly staggered towards you. Remus followed his sight and saw you standing there, inching closer and closer as you walked menacingly towards them; Ignoring any death eater running towards you as you waved them off with your hand - magically tipping them off the tower. Remus looks back to Dolohov, whose skin is slowly drained of colour - he attempts to catch his breath before ultimately he takes his last one.
With one last flick of the wand, Dolohov was no longer under your spell as he came crashing down onto the floor without life in his eyes. Your demeanour changes as you reach your dad, holding your hand towards him.
"You okay?" You asked him softly, he looked at you almost scared and yet confused.
"Am I? (Y/n), please don't tell me that was blood-bending you just did." Remus says as you look at him wordlessly.
You shrugged your shoulder, "I honestly don't know what you want me to say."
Remus sighs before chuckling as he brings you in for a hug, you chuckle back as you hugged him tightly. He strokes your hair, he doesn't know whether or not he was attempting to comfort you or himself. He hadn't seen you for so long, and the last time was an hour of visit where you and he had hardly interacted since everyone was asking him how Tonks was.
He hadn't had the time to check up on you, if you were okay, you were just hurled into being a commander, and you were expected to fight. You separate from the hug, Remus noticed now that standing before him was a man. You were almost, if not, at the same height as him - you looked weathered down, almost giving wise vibes from you. Stood before him, was a man, who was wise and powerful.
"Do you think you guys have up here covered?"
"Y-yeah," Remus stammered out, wanting to be selfish and asking you to stay with them.
You joined Harry at the start of the one-hour armistice. After Harry knew that the people closest to him were alright. Fred was one of the few that were heavily injured. Alive, but injured - Harry was grateful to see him, seeing he almost witness his death if not for you being there. He saw Tonks in the great hall, leaning on Remus. She looked fine, a bit frazzled, but overall fine.
She had been filling in Remus and Sirius that she had run into you as you made your way down to find Harry. You had provided distraction as she could sneak away from Bellatrix's rage. But, after returning from the boat house, Harry came to find you.
"Let me come with you," You softly say, your forehead against his as you stood with him on the grand staircase.
"I can't let you, you have to stay here with everyone," Harry replies just as softly, his grip tightening around you, "If- if everything goes well, you are the one to kill him."
"What's going on?"
You turn to see Hermione and Ron at the bottom of the stairs, you sighed as you rip yourself away from the grips of Harry. As Harry walks to his death, it leaves you and your best friends.
"I want to be alone, right now."
You didn't know how you managed to end up fighting Voldemort, but you were. In your mind, you had to avenge Harry's death. Adrenaline was pumping through your blood. Remus was watching on the sidelines, anxious. Many of the order members watch in anticipation., whilst the professors had a go with Voldemort, you were battling him by yourself.
You were the power of three experienced wizards, and the order had no idea if you were more than that. Voldemort was getting frustrated as you were taunting him, verbally, laughing and the look in your eyes of determination.
Harry watched under the cloak at bother battles before him. Wildly impressed that Molly had delivered the final blow to Bellatrix. He watches how Voldemort screams in fury, sending a powerful blow towards you - flinging you back into the crowd.
The final battle between Harry and Voldemort lasted minutes, as the war dies down. There were two people looking for you, but it was Harry who could really figure out where you could be hiding. His nerves were bubbling in his stomach as he reaches the Merlin portrait. Harry was met with a letter.
As Harry returns to the great hall, he is met by your dad.
"He's gone," Harry says, almost defeated, "He left."
Harry hands him your letter as he meets with his best friends outside. Remus reads the words you have written to him and Harry. How you have to embark on a quest for Merlin. You have unfinished business, you were stepping up in the role Merlin has created for you.
Remus wanted to hate you.
He wanted to be selfish, he wanted you to be back home, somewhere he knows you'll be safe. But, Remus loved you too much and he was always going to be there for you. You tell him to focus on himself, and take care of Teddy whilst you're gone, and Remus will tell stories of you.
Harry will wait for you, you promise to come back to him. He was excited to start a new chapter with you; he wanted to be your boyfriend again. But, Harry will wait for you.
Years had passed by, and there was still no sight of you. But, in the years between, you were always there to remind them you were alive and around. Hogwarts got a hefty sum of money to repair the school, as did the Weasleys' burrow. You had promised Molly you will help replay for damages that you caused in the winter of 1996, though you knew you will get a right earful from Molly that the money you sent was enough to renovate the whole burrow to her heart's content.
You send a birthday present to Teddy, your dad and Harry every year without a fail, it was to let them you that you were always thinking about them. The group had started to think you knew everything, what they were doing and whenever they feel lonely or sad - they think of you. Both your friends and order members, think about how you are alone, how you are much braver than they are.
The thought of you was encouraging to them.
You returned home after five years. You heard about the retirement party for Moody, you just had to be there. The party was held at the burrow.
"Bloody hell, is that Merlin I see?" Fred says, looking off into the distance to see walking toward them with a new pet on your shoulder.
The group turns to see you arguing with your Niffler as your Demiguise hangs off your other arm. This wasn't a teenager anymore, that wasn't the eighteen-year-old they last saw. This was a man aged twenty-two, with a confident stance. You were different now, some of your locks had turned grey, and your body was littered with tattoos - some moved and some didn't.
Everyone thought it would be Remus or Harry first to greet you, but instead, it was your little brother who was intrigued by these magical creatures.
There were hugs given to each person; people didn't miss how your voice had changed - it was rough around the edges and slightly deeper. People noticed how you were taller and there was a look in your eyes that says you've seen everything you wanted and things that you did not. It was Remus and Harry who hugged you the tightest.
"I've missed you," Harry mumbles into your ear, "I waited for you."
"I know, Potter," You say back, equally quiet as his words, "I've missed you too."
"Don't be hogging him, Harry, I'd like to hug my son too, you know," Remus interrupts causing a chuckle from a few people.
You smiled brightly as you hug your old man, you sink into your father's touch, relieved to be back after a while. Everyone was happy to see you again, you even gave Moody a cheeky jab that you couldn't miss his retirement party.
"So, (Y/n), what's your plan now?" Ron asked.
You shrugged your shoulder, "Well, I'm going for Supreme Mugwump."
"That's brilliant!" Hermione exclaimed as you laugh, there was a clear buzz of excitement for you.
"But, really, I just want to relax, I've been working too hard and for too long for this world," You hummed, placing a tender hand on top of Harry's, "So, I'll turn down the position for now just so I can spend time for you guys."
"Awh, aren't you a darling," Sirius jokes as you rolled your eyes.
"I've missed you too Sirius."
Life hasn't been easy for you, but, the world was safer now, especially in your hands. In the end, it was worth it. To be with Harry and see Remus grow old as he should.
You are content.
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directdogman · 2 years
In my own writing I struggle with giving each character their own voice (speech patterns, phrases they use) and in Dialtown each character is super specific. Are there certain things you had to remember for each character, other than Oliver using his fucked up slang lmao.
When I write my characters, I can usually hear them in my head to some extent. Like, I can picture how it would feel to talk to them, or if I tuned out while one of my characters was chattering away about something, I can kinda hear the unintelligible static.
If you want me to write a lil essay pointing out differences in how the characters in the main cast are written, alright, I'll bite:
Verbal ticks help differentiate characters for me. We all know about Randy's stuttering, but there's more than just that in how the characters' sentence structures affect how we see their speech.
Karen's sentences tend to end in periods, if they aren't questions or if her voice isn't raised. Almost all of Randy's sentences, meanwhile, end with ellipses (…) or hyphens to indicate he trailed off/stuttered his way through the ending. Oliver does occasionally end sentences with ellipses or hyphens, but defaults to periods and often exclamation marks, as he's pretty excitable. This alone shows the difference in tone/confidence that the main 3 have without changing any words.
The characters all use slightly different terminology when they speak. Oliver's fucked up slang is only a part of it, he also uses theatrical language, often framing sentences creatively and in a way that absurdly beefs up the word count of his dialogue. He uses fairly atypical adjectives, surrealist language. He refers to himself in the third person sometimes. He uses imperfect tenses in order to make his sentences longer/less uniform. I'll give an example, from when Gingi asks Oliver if film reel movie projection is magic:
"I consider myself a sorcerer of FILTH, perhaps (an apt conjurer of muck/grime), but this artform isn't QUITE witchcraft NOR warlockery, I'm 'fraid."
Okay, putting aside the bizarre content of the sentence itself, one curious thing to note is that the whole sentence is full of words that don't convey any additional information. Conjurer is a synonym of sorcerer and he uses two synonyms for dirty AFTER already using filth. Guy loves theatrical language and will structure his sentence to make sentences much longer, so he can fit more of it in. But, then ends the sentence by taking a whole syllable away from the word 'afraid' and abbreviation it, like speaking with an accent. Oliver's sentence pacing is completely different to other people because of the volume of odd language he uses. In the context of the game, he's also drawing the player in by creating a pause, as the next line is:
"No, the actual "beaming" work comes from our dear old movie projector, and possibly my greatest love: Big Bertha!"
He likes Big Bertha and enjoys talking about her, and he tries to draw Gingi in and get Gingi invested in this thing by drawing out the introduction and forcing Gingi to wait for him to introduce Bertha in suspense. Randy volunteers info as if he thinks you're gonna hit him, unable to stand silence and hence, the sound of his own thoughts.
To contrast, Karen uses direct language, mainly. I wouldn't call her speech robotic, as most of the time she can retract language, she does (I am->I'm, I would->I'd, etc) but usually she uses direct tenses, and takes fewer words to say what she needs to compared to, say, Oliver. Generally, the words she uses tonally matches what she says. Weirder, less usual words come out when Karen is reacting to something she finds weird/illogical.
Norm's speech could be described as someone with a heavy accent who's well read, but is slightly insecure about being well-read. He uses words like 'y'all', 'ain't', 'reckon', retracts words like 'to' as 't'', but if you pay attention, he occasionally uses technical, academic language that doesn't match the aesthetics of the rest of his language. You can take the boy away from book learnin', but ya can't take the book learning outta the boy.
Billy is aggressive and generally, his language is designed to make the player feel bad in some way. Generally speaking, he's either insulting you, mocking your knowledge of the world, pointing out something you said as stupid, or is using words like 'lmayo'. Billy doesn't care much about the player, but is interested enough to talk to the player as a means to offend/demean them until you run out of things to say or leave, frustrated, which is Billy's goal. If you view what he says in this lens, you'll see this accurately describes how he speaks to you.
Billy uses surrealist language occasionally to seem more hellish and inhuman, but often, uses fewer words than other main characters. Subconsciously, it's to convey that Billy doesn't respect you enough to use more words. When Billy DOES use big words, it's exclusively on purpose and exclusively to subconsciously belittle Gingi, like when he refers to Gingi as a 'amphibian moron'.
God, similar to Billy, tends to use fewer words than most other characters. He often gives formulaic dialogue responses. There's no psychological play here, God just genuinely doesn't care how Gingi or anyone else sees him or if his tone/phrasing is improper because he knows how little respect people in Dialtown have for him anyway and embraces it.
Sometimes though, he does use uncommon synonyms for words, a byproduct of having lived so long through other times/eras. The references he makes are much the same. Fucker occasionally references ancient Greek figures and expects the references to land, as if everyone present somehow would've once somehow met these ancient fellows.
Mingus uses formal, impersonal language, and tends to use uncommon synonyms for words. The purpose of this is to subconsciously belittle the person she's speaking to and affirm her social class.
While she'll skirt past a commonly used word for a rare synonym in order to make her speech sound more dignified, she rarely leaves out pronouns in sentences. The reason for this is because most of her speech has an indignant tone. She's complaining about some shoddily done action or what she feels is a lack of service. So, the last thing she'd want to do is miss the opportunity to rant directly about her grievances in direct terms. Creative phrasing isn't used to replace pronouns but used to more elaborately phrase the error someone has committed to further emphasize her dismay. EG:
"You created the entire universe, and yet, the ability to perform a simple CARTWHEEL eludes you?"
Instead of saying "can", she says "the ability", instead of 'can't do', it's 'elude'. Hell, instead of 'do', it's 'perform'. But, both at the beginning and end of the sentence, she doesn't think to phrase the sentence in a way to avoid repeating the word 'you'. Like I said, the flourishes are just to drive the point home that she sees herself as above the person she's speaking to and to reaffirm how absurd she sees the limitations of others.
How Jerry talks is basically the conflict within a well educated but defeated man whose brain is decaying from years of substandard life. His speech, like his brain, is in conflict. His job dictates that he should always use terms of respect, like sir/ma'am, but he curses too. When he raises his voice, his sentences are often short and abrupt, but the words he uses tend to be elaborate and rarely used. Jerry is educated, has opinions on stuff. His mind is wasted at his job, and even through his defeated cynicism, you can subtly see that Jerry wants a better life through the words he uses.
Jerry's speech patterns are actually quite close to the narrator, and this is intentional, actually. The two characters share a few things in common that affect how they speak. Namely: Having to deal with Gingi's antics. There's almost a tired parental tone to both.
I could ramble for hours (please don't let me do this), but those are some examples of core character writing differences, namely in how I try to use language. Incorporating subtleties into the dialogue is good for separating characters and when you plan these out so that these placed differences are specific to traits that the characters have, your work'll feel more alive and be more satisfying to analyze later. Overthink. Overthink overthink overthink. It works, at least for me.
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I've seen at least one post comparing the season 2 finale of OFMD to the season 2 finale of Good Omens. I've seen people saying things like "we're in the second act of the story! this is supposed to be the moment when all hope seems lost! don't you remember Good Omens?"
Well. I remember.
And I mean, yeah. But also, it's very different.
As someone who was excited to see new seasons of both shows, and in the end went all *walks out of the season finale covered in blood* in both cases, I can tell you that the impression they left on me couldn't be more different.
In the case of Good Omens, I watched that second season and all the damn time I couldn't help but feel like I was being presented with a trail of breadcrumbs, or with lots of loose threads if you will. I did not know where I was going, but I was excited to find out! There were so many little things in the season that felt meaningful in one way or another, or that they could become meaningful in the next season. I was presented with a bunch of puzzle pieces, but not all of them. Also, I don't yet know exactly what picture I'm supposed to make out of them.
Not to mention, the part of the season finale, which did hit me like a tonne of bricks - as much as it hurt me, I understand it and I know where it came from. It's consistent with the characterization of the main characters. And that's extremely important to keep in mind.
And then we have the second season of OFMD, which feels like the breadcrumbs were dropped all in one spot by accident, and the puzzle pieces all fit into a picture that's supposed to mimic what it feels like to have a stroke. I feel like I don't know why I'm here in the first place. And I kinda don't have much hope that I am going to find it out. Or that if I do, that it is going to be gratifying.
And I think that's the fundamental difference between the way the second season of these shows made me feel: the hope vs. lack of hope.
With Good Omens I can see the general idea of where we're going, but not the specifics, not the how. And it doesn't deter me from wanting to find them out. On the contrary - knowing what's the end goal, I'm all the more excited to see just how we're going to get there.
And OFMD seems to be all over the place, all the while, somehow, staying in place. It feels confused about it's own identity, claiming to be one thing when there's evidence right there that, perhaps, it isn't what it thinks it is, not anymore at least.
And I'm not even sure whether there are any loose threads for me to tug at here. Granted, of course, that we don't know whether or not there is going to be a third season at all. But even if that's the case, the second season is here, and it doesn't look great. It doesn't feel like it knows what it wants or where it wants to go. The characters make decisions that I can't say I understand 100% of the time, and while we could say that hey, maybe I don't have to understand them all the time! there is also the glaring issue of overall bad characterization of many characters this season - some characters stay in place or even deteriorate, taking one step forward and three steps back.
And I don't understand why we're even here anymore at this point. And that, I think, is the main difference between those shows' second seasons.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
A/N: shhh no I don't have a problem, I dunno what you're talking about..this isn't my third Miguel fic in a row hnng…but also thanks so much love on the first two! Seriously, I'm blown away! Anywho, if there's anything I'm a sucker for writing about its…like character deep dives. I like to get in their heads and kinda make my own interpretations or take to the best of my ability while staying true to what we know of the character. And while it's kind of a "x reader" it's not until the very very end. Also if you guys have any requests or ideas feel free to send them my way! It may take time but I'd love to hear any ideas! Here's a link for my request info!
Trigger Warning: none, some depressive/angsty thoughts cause it's Miguel and his backstory so...rip and also unsure if I used resentment right or not I like one word titles rip
Word Count: 1k
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Miguel O'Hara x Reader - A Long Way To Happy
Miguel's eyes strained at the screen once more. 
It probably wasn't healthy watching back these tapes from a universe that once was. Over and over, and over again. 
He sees himself. A big proud grin on his face. A darling little girl propped on his shoulders, smiling, laughing, living…
Miguel doesn't even recognize that man anymore.
It is him, sure. 
Exactly where he shouldn't have been. Filling in the shoes of an alternate him that was supposed to not be there. 
Miguel O'Hara wasn't supposed to be there for his daughter's games and practices. He wasn't supposed to wake her up and cook breakfast or tuck her into bed and wish her sweet dreams. 
But he was…and now Gabriella and that entire universe was destroyed. 
All because he was careless, selfish, foolish. He let his own desires get in the way of protecting and maintaining the multiverse. 
Not again. He knows the risks now, the sacrifices that are endured whenever someone tries to go against the silk of a predetermined web. 
Miguel won't let himself get distracted, get pulled away. He doesn't care what the others think, he doesn't care if he's not as warm and bubbly as the other Spiders…he was never entirely like them anyway. 
Maybe before, but that man was long gone, only to be seen on film. 
He won't slip up again. Now that there's holes and anomalies popping to and from universes…there's no time for indulgences or distractions. 
After he swallowed the growing lump in his throat on seeing a beaming Gabriella hugging him. He turned off the video and began a routine scan for anomalies. 
Then he felt a sudden weight along his back along with some soft coos. 
When he turned his neck he was greeted by a sweet baby face with a mop full of red curly hair. The baby smiled widely at him before continuing her trail. 
Miguel sighed. 
This…this was not helping…
It just…it didn't feel fair. It wasn't fair. 
Miguel shook his head. 
It's not Peter's fault he didn't have Gabriella and Peter could be a dad to Mayday. 
Then he thought of Jessica with her mystery baby on the way…
Miguel wasn't sure how he'd feel if she had a girl. 
This has to be his punishment. 
He obliterated an alternate universe by filling in for that universe's Miguel O'Hara because he wanted a family…because he wanted what that Miguel had. 
He deserves this. To be surrounded by happy families and precious babies. 
At least the multiverse was stable and safe enough to where they felt comfortable starting families.  
Miguel doesn't want to feel this resentment. He knows it's childish, so he buries it deep along with his traumatic memories of his daughter glitching out of existence. 
He distracts himself by staying focused. Pushing, pulling, and commanding the Spider Society. Maintain order in the multiverse, that's what he should have been doing to begin with. 
Perhaps then he can be redeemed…for his own sake. 
Until then, he had no reason to be playful and carefree like the others. He had no reason to pursue his wants, not after what happened the last time he did so. 
Then there was you. 
Bright-eyed and bushy tailed as all the other Spiders (well most of them). You were personable, kind, and sweet. Peter said you also had a sense of humor, leaving Miguel to still be the only Spider without one. 
Miguel didn't think much of you at first. Just another part timer perhaps. May catch a glimpse of you every once in a while. 
That is until you almost went out of your way to see him or do things for him. You always checked on him once if not twice a week. (He almost wishes you'd visit more so than Peter B.) And every now and then he'd notice a tray of food for him.  
He did take notice of your prowess on missions. He always appreciated a competent agent. This led him to have you on his backup team with Jessica. 
Needless to say, he did feel…content with you. Which was something he hadn't felt in a long time.
"Oh, geez, there you are, Mayday! Your daddy's looking everywhere for you." Your voice echoed throughout Miguel's headquarters as you swung up on your silk to retrieve the baby. 
"God, sorry Miguel, I turned my back for a minute and she's gone. Should've figured she wanted to see her favorite uncle." You chuckled as you pried the baby off Miguel's shoulders. 
"I doubt that." He sighed. 
You nodded. 
You noticed a familiar tab open on the hologram beside the tab he had open with a map of the multiverse. You recognized the name and date. 
You sighed as you began turning around ready to hand Mayday back to her dad who was sparring in the training room. 
Until you looked over your shoulder at Miguel slumped over his desk. His eyes heavy with exhaustion and his lips down in a depressed frown. 
"You know, you don't have to take this burden on your own. You have us…and the whole society…and everyone's happy…content for the most part. Outside of canon stuff anyway but…" You took a deep breath, trying to control your rambling to a minimum. 
"Look, I just…want you to know…you deserve happiness too." You concluded. 
As if to agree, Mayday squealed and kicked her feet in your arms.
Miguel didn't respond. He straightened his posture so he wasn't leaning and he glanced at you over his shoulder. He solemnly nodded and nothing else. 
Finally deciding there was nothing more to say, you began shooting your webs and swinging out of his headquarters. The quiet room is filled with echoes of Mayday's laughs and chortles. 
When Mayday's noises faded. Miguel brought the video back up. 
He paused when the video reached the end. 
A close-up of him. A ghost of him.
Was it possible? Could he be happy again? Should he be? Did he really deserve to be?
Where resentment slightly gnawed in his gut. The idea of becoming content made it fade away. Actually, indulging in other relationships while also protecting the multiverse. Not trying to control something that even he and Lyla have minimal understanding of and controlling a plethora of other individuals. 
Miguel can't change what's happened, that is for certain. He can control what he does today and the next though. 
It's going to be a long way to happiness. Yet, he couldn't help but think with someone like you around…it may make the journey a little easier.
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cyb-by-lang · 1 year
I kinda already commented and it felt weird to do it again? So I thought I’d ask here instead:
I just saw a post on tumblr that Batman did try to kill Joker and Superman stopped him??? And it was because Joker was somehow linked with Iran, and couldn’t be killed cuz it would start a war. And other Batkids also tried to kill Joker???
I’ve honestly always thought Batman didn’t kill Joker cuz he’s too popular a villain so it was just sort of waved off because of ‘Batman rules’ and publication reasons.
Is Batman almost killing Joker included in your fic? I have very little knowledge of the comics and hearing about newer versions overwriting previous stories makes me even more confused.
Congrats to you for having unlocked a secret level of rambling through deciding to send an ask rather than a comment. This would totally have ended up on AO3 below your comment. :p
And it is going below the cut because it's long as hell.
The scenario you've heard about was from the original run of A Death in the Family, which is the story arc where Jason was killed back in the 80s. In the aftermath of Bruce finding Jason dead (and Jason's birth mother dying shortly thereafter), he hunts for the Joker after realizing that the warehouse explosion didn't, in fact, kill the clown. Somehow (racism!) the Joker ends up being appointed as the Iranian ambassador to the UN. This was later retconned to the fictional country of Qurac, because even DC realized that was a step too far. In the scene after that fun little reveal, Superman is on hand to try and keep shenanigans to a minimum, the Joker predictably tries to gas the entire UN assembly chamber anyway, and then flees via helicopter. Batman, who has been trailing along this entire time in a rage, pursues.
He's planning to kill the clown. Superman, for reasons related to "we don't whack ambassadors and start wars," has been holding him back for the arc thus far. Helicopter pursuit turns into a helicopter fight, during which the Joker's henchman fires a spray of bullets that kills the pilot while everyone is on board and having a bad time. Batman exits the aircraft alive, intact, and furious, and doesn't give a single shit if the Joker died when the chopper hit the sea.
And then a month later the fucking clown comes back again like nothing happened. Only the entire setting has undergone a serious tone shift since Jason's death, which means you're gonna see a lot heavier, dramatic stories that have more significant body counts. Batman cannot get over the death of his son, because no, and eventually Tim Drake pops up in the middle of that death spiral with a hypothesis: "Batman needs a Robin."
He's not wrong.
He also doesn't go about it super gracefully, including an attempt to convince Dick to come back to the Robin mantle that goes nowhere, but eventually he convinces the Dark Knight to take on a third Robin. Unlike Dick and Jason, Tim is locked the fuck down for training and not allowed out in the field willy-nilly. And when he does go out, he is ferociously competent.
Incidentally, this is because the writers/editors realized that after the child murder storyline they'd just done, Batman had to have one hell of a reason to ever take on another kid sidekick. And they needed to try and drag the Robin role's popularity back up, since killing a kid sidekick was also a symptom of DC's tanking sales at the time; the whole thing was ultimately a publicity stunt. It was a bad idea and now we just live with it.
So Tim is, broadly, never portrayed as incompetent in any aspect aside from maybe high school socializing. I don't think he gets kidnapped even a tenth of the number of times Dick did during his decades-long career as Robin. Certainly never falls for a honey trap plot or anything like that.
But yeah, the meta reason why the Joker never dies is because he's an iconic villain who drives plots. But unless you step out of the main continuity, he's also never just been a "no-frills funny" villain since.
As far as the rest of the Batfam taking a swing at the Joker, there's one incident that I can recall off the top of my head.
Dick Grayson, currently Nightwing, wasn't especially close to Jason while he was alive. During Jason's original run, they had a cordial (if brief) relationship, but they basically didn't get any storylines together, so it's hard to really tell how strongly they bonded. After Jason died, Dick began experiencing...I wanna call them chronic night terrors. The idea is that a boy in a Robin costume is falling, and falling, and Dick can never save the kid.
I'm sure it has nothing whatsoever to do with his dead brother, no sir.
So, some time later, the Joker gets told he has terminal cancer by a psychiatrist who assumes that if the clown was convinced he was going to die, he might try reforming or something. A terminal turnaround. Lots of people do that, right?
He assumed wrong.
The Joker goes on an utter tear, doing all sorts of escalating villainy that starts with gassing everyone he can get his hands on, including other Arkham inmates. Somewhere amid this rampage, Robin III goes missing and the Joker cheerfully tells Nightwing that yeah, he killed the kid. And he has the gall to bring up Jason in the middle of all the gloating. By name. (The Joker knows Jason's name due to some nonsense involving Crane and Fear Toxin hallucinations and Batman in a prior story arc.)
And Dick
Pummels the Joker right there on the floor. Barehanded. No sticks, no pausing, just beats him to death.
Two seconds later, a very alive (if hurt) Tim manages to get there and go "oh god what happened." Because Dick is not doing well! He has a crisis about killing a dude, no matter how terrible. He never thought he'd go that far.
Batman swoops in and resuscitates the clown. In the time between Jason's death and The Joker's Last Laugh, he has apparently decided that it's more important to keep Dick from suffering a breakdown than it is to kill the clown. DC editorial was gonna keep him alive either way, but whatever.
And now for the third part of my ramble.
As for Under the Red Hood, Jason's death is seriously streamlined for the film. In this version of events, none of the UN chicanery happens. Ra's al Ghul hires the clown for a distraction job while trying to crash the world economy (again) and whoops, the clown killed Batman's son. Crowbar, bomb, whatever. Before Jason's body can be buried, the League of Assassins steals it, hucks Jason into the Lazarus Pit, and now he's alive again!
Except, given how he died and how long he spent dead and how that interacts with the magic, he wakes up as a berserk ball of rage and pain, kills two of Ra's al Ghul's guards with his bare hands, escapes, falls into a river, and disappears.
...So much for making that whole thing up to Batman. The League of Assassins just quietly lets Bruce bury a latex dummy and doesn't ever bring it up.
Cut to Gotham, years later, when Red Hood is tearing up the place and Batman goes "Ra's al Ghul, what the fuck" and the whole story comes spilling out.
In A Ninja's Guide to Gotham, Jason's dropped hints in his narration that he was actually with the League of Assassins for a while, even before going 'round the world training with assassins and stuff. The Lazarus Pit just got him back to full functionality. So, you can assume it leans more on the comics' "spontaneous resurrection" scenario.
If Bruce ever tried to kill the Joker while Jason was dead, Jason doesn't know about it. And because we haven't been in Bruce's head, there's no indication either way.
(Bruce makes mention of how easy it would be kill the Joker in the film, but that he could never come back from doing so. It is not specified if he made the attempt or just thought about it a lot.)
I've been holding back on Jason's and Bruce's accounts of events because they're both owed a moment of dramatic catharsis (and shouting). You can generally rest assured that it'll be more likely to be a mix of events than a pure account of any one take on what happened in the warehouse that day.
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Thanks for setting off an exposition bomb~
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asheronangel · 3 months
i need
to share
this dream i had.
i want to make it an au but i want to finish the drawing i'm already working on since i'm still figuring out sonic art-style
so ahem:
shadow and sonic.
but from a different dimension? just the two of them.
and they're both in an art-style different than the typical one. stylized.
shadow is greys, no black. he has like. muted rainbow trailing after his quills and maybe as accents? idk grey with muted rainbow
sonic is like. rainbow dash. a lighter blue with darker blue uhh accents and more-saturated rainbow following his quills + the darker blue but i think less rainbow than shadow. (and for some reason in the dream i remember being disappointed that "they didn't make sonic greyscale like in the concept" so??)
and they've just been living together for their whole lives. so brothers i declare them
anyway they live in this like. colourful varied jungle kinda. and i remember them racing on a mountain/cliff/rock thing.
and they fought these robots, and sonic kicked one into this uhhhh like giant gear looking thing sticking out of the ground? but when he did the lower half of it opened like a door and the momentum pushed him into the portal. (because the gear-thing was like a wall and he didn't just kick it he jumped and slammed it into the gear with his foot)
and shadow watches, somehow knows somewhat about what happened even though they never saw this thing before (he definitely doesn't know everything though) and then he uhh jumps onto the part of it that hadn't opened above the portal, but he stood there for a bit like gravity was being weird and i think the thing actually kind of pulled him to it?? and then he jumped into it
and sonic appeared to some sort of school? in front of it. and i can't find anything exactly what im looking for but:
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perspective-wise it's more like the first and third. that angle, looking up, but you can see the whole building. and the school's kinda square? colour-wise it's like dark browns and desaturated colours. i kept on thinking "dark academia" but results for those buildings are all kinda castle-like?
and yeah it was at night
and he notices his appearance has changed, and he looks more like regular modern sonic in that sort of art style. and i believe he says something like "i can't believe i'm being compressed into this!"
anyway he joins the school i believe but i don't actually know what he does there. he does get an outfit though like ik he gets a dark brown jacket
shadow does something idk he's transported somewhere different in the same world. i think the person he ends up hanging out with is Very Confused in What He Is and doesn't like him very much at first.
he also looks different and more like regular shadow
and eventually he finds sonic at that school and he joins it and gets and outfit (along with the person he met) and idk what they do there
oh my god it's mlp equestrian girls what
that was the end of the dream i believe however upon thinking about it more later i got some stuff:
when sonic and shadow were Little they were raised by like. a mongoose i think? whose name started with "T"? and he's the only other person they knew in their world. but one day he left (which he usually does to get stuff) but he didn't come back
they waited for him for a While
but shadow realizes he'll never come back and tells sonic this, sonic says he would never abandon them, and shadow says something along the lines of "it doesn't matter whether he wanted to leave or got lost or what, he's still gone either way and we need to take care of ourselves."
and so they do? and shadow's like a big brother to sonic here.
i was also wondering "wait canon shadow's the ultimate life form science experiment he doesn't age though how does child shadow exist here" and my brain proceeded to conjure this:
sonic grew regularly like a regular kid and started getting taller than shadow. then shadow's body decided it's time to hit his growth spurt. but it was an unnatural way that it was uhh designed to do because for some reason my brain's decided artificial life forms in that dimension or by his creator don't really grow (physically) naturally
which is to say he grew Way Too Fast in a visibly unnatural way (haven't figured out that part yet) and it resulted in terrible growing pains. i also imagine he still has pains from his unnatural biology but thankfully it's not as bad and it's something sonic got used to comforting him through :D
and when sonic got his growth spurt shadow watched him Closely to make sure he'd be okay but sonic's growing was natural and longer than his. so he might've had some growing pains but not as bad as shadow
also for some reason i decided that instead of having rocket shoes. shadow's rockets are just In his feet like a cyborg. idk why i've done this. i pictured the friends they made their new friends concerned by this discovery as it does not look comfortable
i have no idea who made shadow or why in this au. lots of mystery in their dimension which i want to keep a secret from them but i need to actually know something to make it a secret
if you read all of this and don't immediately think i'm weird thank you 👍
(and if you have any ideas to add i'd love to hear them yknow yknow)
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findafight · 2 years
Eddie ruffles through Steve's glove box and finds a cassette labeled BANNED SONGS and thinks "don't mind if I do~" before shoving it in the player without looking at the tracklist.
Olivia Newton John's Physical blares through the speakers, already halfway done. Steve laughs but doesn't say anything.
It fades out and the next song starts with a weird sort of clicking noise, and sounds sort of snyth popfunk? Eddie isn't really sure. He lets it play out, anti-reagan sentiment and condemnation of fascism behind the synth. Its. Unique. He kinda digs it though. He listens for the next song and- Loretta fuckin Lynn?
"Steve. what the fuck."
Steve's mouthing along, tapping the beat on the steering wheel. He grins. "It's my banned songs tape. All of em have been censored in some way or another. Listen!" He turns it up, and, Loretta Lynn is singing, in her charming Appalachian drawl, about how she's not having any more kids, how she's getting her life back and not going to be pregnant constantly because she's got birth control. How she's going to have fun.
The song ends with a beat of silence, and trumpet bleeds with piano with the white noise of an old recording transfer from a record, and Billie Holiday sings mournfully, filling the car with the pain in her voice.
It trails out, the soft sound of a record not quite finished after the song, and then there's a drumbeat, strong, on the next one. Eddie finally checks the carefully written tracklist on the inside of Steve's little homemade cover.
"Redbone? The--the 'come and get your love' guys?"
Steve nods. "The lyrics, Eddie." And oh. Oh it's about Native Americans getting killed by the army. Shit.
"yeah. Some of em are heavy, some of em just talk about sex. Or god." He smirks.
It fades out, and the goddamn Beach Boys come on.
"are you serious?"
Steve laughs again.
"what made you make this?"
He shrugs, "after it all came back, in '84, I was. Messed up. Nance and I had broken up and she'd gotten with Jonathan, I was suuuper concussed, and these government goons were giving me the third fucking degree even though it was all their fault it happened in the first place and they hadn't done shit to stop it. I already had the Redbone album" he ignores Eddie's muttered of course you did "so I thought, fuck it. I can't do much but I can listen to things they don't want me to. So, yeah."
Freddie Mercury croons, and they both laugh.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Obito doesn't know how to eat pwssy but Gai bullies him into learning while Kakashi watches
yes yes eys ye ys eysbgjbgn.kjl
CW: I’m using ‘afab’ genitalia words for my transmasc dudes as that’s my personal preference! Please don’t read if this triggers you!
Obito is only permitted to crawl up to Kakashi, nuzzle his legs apart, and fuck him on his tongue once Gai is satisfied with his training.
It's quality control, you see? Gai insists that his rival should only get the best treatment.
And so, Gai rides Obito's face on the bed and gives loud, bombastic commentary & praise, constructively criticising his technique and telling Kakashi how fucking good his tongue feels, sliding soft between his folds, rolling smooth and slow over his clit.
And Kakashi...
Kakashi says 'mmhm', and turns his page.
Okay, so maybe his hands shake. Just a little.
This all started because Kakashi insisted on finishing his chapter before joining the pair of them on the bed. He just didn't expect them to start without him.
Now his whole body is one hot clench, his legs trembling where he's curled on the armchair in the corner. His shirt sticks to him with sweat, his slicked underwear rubs against him whenever he beathes, his mask is all that hides his flush, and he's been staring at the same line.
For the past. Thirty. Minutes.
And sure, he could put the novel down. Slide in a bookmark, admit defeat.
But - well. Kakashi's never been all that good at that.
There's this tiny curl to the corner of Gai's mouth that says he's well aware. Obito, on the other hand... well, it doesn't look like he's aware of much of anything.
A stutter in Gai's running commentary. A drawn-out, low-pitched moan. Gai rocks fierce against Obito's tongue, grinding his clit on his teeth like he's daring him to bite and -
Kakashi quickly looks back at his page. Two more to go until the end of the chapter. He can do this. He's Konoha's top jounin. He has to.
Some five minutes later, he's made no headway. Gai finally swings his thigh off over Obito. As he slumps, panting, to one side, his ridiculous post-orgasmic cross-eyes hidden behind his sweaty fringe, Kakashi gets a good look at Obito's face.
The third part of their trio flops flat out on the bed, the creases in the sheets radiating out from his muscular body. His scars shimmer with Gai's juices and his intermingled spit, and the wet, red tip of his tongue dabs at his shiny bottom lip between gasps for air like he can't get enough of the taste.
Kakashi's gaze trails down, without his permission. Gai kept smacking Obito's hands away from his cock. Now he stands proud against his belly, full despite being untouched, thick and long and almost as red as Obito's right eye.
That same right eye that cracks open. He catches Kakashi ogling and pins him with a fever-hot glare.
"Well?" Obito growls. "Is this an audience-participation kinda show?"
"I can heckle you," says Kakashi, "if that would get you off."
Obito's death-glare is dampened by the shaky rise and fall of his chest, the tremor in his arms as he pushes to sit. It strikes Kakashi that Gai's collapsed boneless beside him, only just starting to recover - but despite his earlier endeavours, Obito hasn't taken the opportunity to jack himself off.
"Just get over here and let me eat you out, idiot."
Kakashi shuts his book. It takes all twenty-something years of his shinobi training to keep his legs from shaking as he saunters to the bed, mind still echoing with the rhythm of the bodies sprawled across it - Gai, all thick curve and hardpacked muscle, gyrating over Obito's mouth; Obito's muffled grunts and whines; the shudder that ran through them both when Gai hit his peak, like he'd grabbed a live wire and shocked Obito through that point of connection...
"Sure," he says, keeping his stare artfully flat. "If you want."
Obito rolls his eyes.
Kakashi makes it another step closer to the mattress before Obito strikes: grabbing his hips and manhandling him down. Kakashi could twist away. Could writhe out from Obito's hold, knee his chest, put distance between them. There are a dozen potential strategies of escape. He lets them all coalesce in his mind, then slip through his fingers, like grass stems caught in the wind. Arching up just once against Obito's grip, he grins against his mask when he's immediately slammed back down.
Still, he keeps his voice level: "Maa, you really are desperate, aren't you? That's cute."
Obito snarls.
Hm. This might be fun.
Gai sits up beside Kakashi, dragging down his mask. "Cool as ever," he says, between mouthing messily at his jawline, still a bit uncoordinated from his last orgasm. "Despite our show. I'd expect nothing less from my rival!"
Kakashi is about to shrug like it's no big deal, when Obito unceremoniously shoves his legs apart and kisses him, wet and filthy, through his loose trousers.
"Not so cool here," is his verdict. "Mm. God, Gai, he's so wet. I can taste him even through these..."
Kakashi doesn't know how Obito can taste anything since his mouth is still glossed with Gai. He's too busy jerking against Obito to say so, shoving two knuckles between his teeth to stifle his moan. Fuck.
"There we go," Gai says, low in his chest, almost a purr. He rubs Kakashi through his binder, knowing how to find the tender tips of his nipples even without being able to see them. The sensation has Kakashi twisting between him and Obito, thighs straining further apart, chest tilted up, spine curved almost to the point of pain.
Suffice to say, his half-finished chapter is entirely forgotten as Gai slides a hand into his trousers, wet on one side from Obito's mouth and on the other from the hungry pulse of arousal. Need is a hell-hot chasm inside him, whining to be filled, and he only burns sweeter when Gai drags his trousers to his knees, grabs Kakashi's wrists together in one hand and spreads his cunt with the other, opening him up to Obito's first lick.
It's slickly flawless. No friction, only smooth, silky pressure. Kakashi can't bite down on his whimper - but he can't regret it either, when that noise makes Obito moan.
He goes slow and sensual, just the way Kakashi likes - the way Gai taught Obito, and fuck, that thought is just an endless feedback loop of hot. Kissing his vevet-soft folds. Lapping the edge of his fluttering hole. Dipping in - but only enough to tease, fucking him on the very tip of his tongue.
Kakashi has enough self-control not to sob - but he can't stop himself writhing. Gai needs to use both hands to restrain him, pulling Kakashi to lie on top of his chest, using his own strong legs to hold Kakashi's apart while Obito shows off his learning.
He's all too eager to do so. His long black lashes flutter shut, and damn, if Kakashi doesn't have the best view of him like this: looking down to where Obito is bowed over his slick pussy like he's knelt before the daimyo himself.
Kakashi bites his lip. Bites it harder, when Obito glances up from under his lashes, and all pretence at servility crumples. His eyes are fucking wicked. Far more than they ever appeared to be, on the battlefield.
He holds that eye contact as he pushes his tongue slowly inside him. All the way. Mouth buried in Kakashi's nest of prickly silver curls. Top lip pressing on his clit, the only barrier between it and his teeth.
There. That perfect, singular moment, where Kakashi can't hold back anymore.
He whines, loud and uninhibited, feeling himself contract on the warm, soft plump of Obito's tongue. It's not thick or firm enough to squeeze on properly, but it's pressing a sweet, sparkling stimulation into each of his nerves - one that magnifies tenfold as Obito withdraws and finally starts to lap at his clit.
"Diagonal lines," Gai reminds Obito, from over Kakashi's shoulder. He swaps his wrists to one hand again, squeezing tight enough that Kakashi hopes, half-delirious, for bruises. Gai uses the other palm to shove up under his binder, groping at his breasts in the tight, sweaty space. "Nice and steady. Like I showed you, yeah?"
That's how Kakashi likes it - not Gai, who prefers a pattern a little more unpredictable with his tonguing. This steady build, each lick sending another ripple of pleasure through him, rebounding off the inside of his ribs until each individual wave starts to cross and amplify with those that came before it... It's perfect, like Obito's been fucking him for a decade, not a little under a month.
Damn, Gai's a good teacher.
Kakashi can feel himself tightening. Thighs falling helplessly further apart, ass clenching, body about to rattle apart at the seams. He cants against Obito's face, a roll in his hips that he can't control, so fucking close...
Obito pulls back, grin shining. "Can I fuck him," he asks, over Kakashi's groan of discontent. "Once I get him off?"
The question is directed at Gai, not him - and why does that make Kakashi shudder, all molten-hot inside? He pulls at Gai's grip on his wrists, lifts his pelvis and angles his fluttering, leaking slit shamelessly back towards Obito's face. Needing him like he needs pressure on a wound. "Mm - yeah - "
"No," says Gai, after a moment's deliberation. "I think you'll fuck me."
He quits fondling Kakashi's tits, reaching down to grasp Obito's head, fingers burying themselves in his sweaty black hair. He pushes him back down to where he belongs - and Obito goes with it, eyes burning, mouth sealing over Kakashi once more.
Fuck. Kakashi turns to Gai this time, whining in time with Obito's sly sucks at his clit. Sweat trickles down his throat and gathers in the folds of his mask. His chest heaves under his half-pushed-up binder. He's not gonna last much longer - but he needs something inside him before tonight's over, something of more substance than Obito's tongue, or he's never gonna be able to concentrate enough to finish his chapter.
"Gai, please..."
"Don't worry, Kakashi." Gai grips his chin, turning him so they can kiss over Kakashi's shoulder. He licks into his mouth, while Obito does much the same below. Kakashi has hit that twitchy stage where he keeps jerking - he almost snags Gai's plump underlip on his cuspids. Judging by Gai's grin, he likes the danger. "I've got a strap. I'll take such good care of you, rival."
Kakashi has never once doubted it. He moans into Gai's mouth, rocks onto Obito's, and lets his boyfriends take him apart.
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cityandking · 3 months
1, 5, 15, 22 for narayani, lira and rasa!
ty!! // inquisitor as companion asks
1. If not for the Conclave, what would drive your character to join the Inquisition?
NARYANI — answered! LIRA — lira would be found in the storm coast, also following the warden trail there. should the inquisitor come upon her, lira will ask why the inquisitor is interested in the wardens, and lira will say she is a warden seeking the same answers and offer her services to help the inquisitor in that quest. the inquisitor can accept her offer or refuse her. either way, it won't become clear she's the hero of ferelden until later, when the inquisitor either comes upon her and leliana together in haven or when leliana mentions it (she was always quick to disappear, but it seems she has improved these past years. I did not know she was in the region.) RASA — also answered!
5. If they romanced someone as Inquisitor, would they still fall for that person as a companion? How would that play out? How would they react to that person being romanced by the “new” Inquisitor?
NARAYANI — romanced solas, but she would not have any outward reaction to an inquisitor romancing solas except for a) some teasing banter and b) a conversation about it if solas removes the inquisitor's vallaslin. if the inquisitor does not romance either of them, some of their later banter will involve the third party member quipping that they argue like a married couple, but there will be no confirmation of any relationship. additionally, if both are unromanced, narayani will make reference to looking for him after the end of the game. this will be reiterated during trespasser, and the inquisitor can ask her about it. narayani will not say if she found him or not, but will comment on them being closer than it had seemed and regretting his disappearance. (I miss our arguments.) [she totally found him in the intervening two years; her end card will mention an apology for her deception and that she went after him, regardless of the inquisitor's decision to save or stop him.] LIRA — cannot be romanced by the inquisitor and has no opinions on any of the inquisition romances. if the warden contact was alistair and he survived the fade, she will make a comment at the end of the game that she intends to follow him to weisshaupt and admit that she has left much to him unsaid. I think it is time I said it. thank you for the lesson in bravery, inquisitor. [look, obviously this doesn't account for any worldstate where another warden and alistair got together, or lira's canon endgame with king!alistair, but whatever. whatever! it's my au and I make the rules! tbh I think even in a king!alistair worldstate, after the game ends she goes to find him.] RASA — companion!rasa would still be a little dazzled by dorian, but he wouldn't be upset if the inquisitor romanced dorian. he'd wish them the best. in terms of secondary/companion romances, dorian and bull still take precedence; rasa will not have a secondary romance. there will, however, be mentions of rasa and cullen being particularly close friends.
15. Without the influence of their decisions for the Inquisition, which of the companions do they get along with? Which ones do they bicker with?
NARAYANI — answered! LIRA — lira obviously hasn't got the burden of inquisitor to deal with but that said! she has some opinions: blackwall: she admires and respects his work ethic and dedication. knows 1000% that there's something fishy with him but isn't going to dig it up. it's his business. (the inquisitor can ask her if she knew he wasn't a real warden; she'll admit yes, but it wasn't her past to drag to light.) cassandra: very much respects her, and cassandra would appreciate her bone-dry sense of humor. cole: isn't even the top 10 weirdest things she's seen. she wishes he'd stop digging around her head but she kinda likes the kid. reminds her of being so much younger, which is a sweet and well-worn ache. dorian: lira would be slightly annoyed by the grandstanding, but he'd remind her of zevran, which would go a long way to endearing him to her. iron bull: somehow nothing and also everything like sten. she'd like him well enough, but it takes a long time for her to see him as himself. he has banter where he calls her on it sera: lira doesn't fault her for her childish demeanor, but has no patience for it. prone to offering one-line retorts that don't shut sera down as much as delight her; over time, this becomes fond and familiar for lira too. solas: lira can appreciate his insight and his wisdom, but she doesn't trust him one whit. she asks dorian, vivienne, morrigan, leliana, and even bull about. the more shrugs she gets, the more unsettled she is. varric: varric mostly makes her sad. he's older than he looks in the same way that she is; he's lost friends in the same way she has. he puts on a much better face about it, but it's a familiar grief. they'd be good drinking buddies. vivienne: it's funny comparing vivienne and wynne—both circle enchanters, both so self-assured. for all lira respected wynne, she never liked her all that much, and it's equally funny how vivienne makes her feel just as small and ill-shaped as wynne did. RASA — also answered!
22. If you have another Inquisitor, how would those two get along, specifically?
NARAYANI — companion!rani would initially be so suspicious and dismissive of inquisitor!vesper and her patience/mercy (softness) and her interest in elven history and her moderate position on the circles, but vesper would win her over with her genuine curiosity and her willingness to hear rani's perspective and take her advice and her admittance that she doesn't want to see the circles reinstituted but wants education available for mages and doesn't know how else to do that. also they both hold no love for the chantry, which goes a long way to endearing rani to her. they'd end up good friends, eventually. // on the flip side, companion!rani would be immediate friends with inquisitor!rasa. he's got all that positive energy, and he's dalish. she'd have no barriers to befriending him. LIRA — companion!lira would see a surprising amount of herself in inquisitor!vesper's iron dedication to getting things done, and would try to be a shoulder to lean on. it would be an awkward start, but they'd be good friends eventually. // companion!lira would be respectful of inquisitor!narayani and understand the pressure of a duty one doesn't ask for, but they'd be stilted and awkward—rani would have a great deal of respect for lira but not a great deal of patience. fortunately a) lira at 31 isn't nearly as annoying as lira at 20, and b) respect is 50% of friendship for rani, so that's a good start for them. they'd eventually have a strong working relationship. // companion!lira, like everyone else, would like inquisitor!rasa quite a lot. RASA — companion!rasa would get along swimmingly with inquisitor!vesper, and be just a wee bit protective of her even though she's a few years older than him. vesper, personally, finds him quite like the younger sibling she never had. // companion!rasa would get along well with inquisitor!narayani; he'd be steady and familiar and wouldn't ask a great deal of her, which would be a relief for rani.
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secretsolarsystem · 2 years
19 or 20-year-old Obi distraught from a vision Qui-Gon made him ignore that resulted in Obi being injured meets Lord (during Order 66) Vader.
soooo he doesn't really get injured but (spoiler) he gets kinda umm kidnapped?? so hopefully that's cool <33 I also made this spicy and we have @kyberkenobi to thank for that so GO THANK HER RN!!!!! THANK U MADISON <3
here is your 2.8k canon-divergent, raised a Sith!Vader, padawan to master!Obi-Wan, NSFW!!! masturbation (not underage!!!), vision-enemies/lovers to real life enemies/lovers?? and dyad????? my friend!!
The first time it happens – or maybe, the only time it really happens, Obi-Wan is alone. He’s alone, he’s in his bed, and he’s trailing his hand down his chest and down his stomach, all the way to his waistband.
Once he reaches it, he trails his fingers through his newly growing happy trail, pinching the hairs and tugging just to make himself hiss. Obi-Wan likes to tease himself because it makes him take his time; he’s quite revered by the Order for his patience, and he finds this act to be no exception for one of his best qualities.
Though tonight, he’s just a little too impatient. Maybe it’s because he’s riled up from sparring with the other padawans; maybe it’s because more than a few of those padawans gave him looks suggesting they, too, were riled up; or maybe it’s just because he’s an nineteen-year-old human. At the moment, Obi-Wan doesn’t care what the cause of him shoving down his underwear quickly is – all he cares about is wrapping his hand around his aching cock.
Obi-Wan lets out a long sigh, simply holding his cock for a moment. He rocks his hips in small circles, closing his eyes and sinking into the feeling. He remembers one padawan in particular, how she’d been panting after their first round, how her still-growing chest was heaving. Obi-Wan squeezes his hand around himself now, once, and then he lets go so he can spit into his palm. Getting a hand on himself again, he recalls how she’d looked up at him at the end of their third round, cheeks red and pupils blown and lips wet and parted around heavy breaths.
She’d won twice already, signaling the end of their sparring session, but still, she’d squirmed under Obi-Wan’s body and breathed, “Best three out of five?”
Obi-Wan hums out yes now, as he had then, though now he says it as he finally starts stroking his cock. He sets a steady pace, making sure to keep the pressure of his grip light. He may be eager, but he doesn’t want to come yet, not until he gets through the images of their sparring and into the ones he knows will push him over the edge.
The other padawan got her third win during their fourth round, both of them agreeing without hesitation to move onto hand-to-hand. When she’d won, she’d had Obi-Wan’s front pressed to the floor, her hips on his lower back and one arm wrapped around his shoulders, her breathing hot and loud in his ear. “I loved you on top,” she’d muttered, “but you’re lovely here, too.”
Biting his lip around a groan, Obi-Wan’s hand speeds up and he trails his other one down to his thigh, gripping it tightly with his fingers just to hold onto something. As they often do when he’s run out of whatever’s immediately made him horny, Obi-Wan’s thoughts turn to his time on Mandalore, to his time with Satine. All he really has to do is think of her biting words and how she’s shoved him against the wall when he’d returned them, about how she’d wanted him to shut up so she bit and kissed his lips until they were humping against each other, groaning ‘I can’t stand you’ and ‘don’t stop, don’t you dare stop’ into each other’s mouths.
Already feeling himself near the edge, Obi-Wan tightens his grip and keeps his fast, steady pace while the hand on his thigh presses bruises into his skin. He’s panting, he’s biting his tongue against moans, his whole body is rolling into the tightness of his own hand. He’s on the edge, the precipice, he can feel the warm start to spill over into his gut, and then-
And then the vision changes, sharply, so suddenly he doesn’t have time to even realize it and stop jacking himself off. It’s while he’s taking himself to the edge that he sees the padawan from his earlier fantasies again, though now her eyes are closed as she lays lifeless on the ground. It’s not just her, though; the whole Temple seems to be riddled by Jedi bodies, ‘sabers dropped from still hands and the marks of blaster bolts everywhere.
Obi-Wan gasps, the vision gruesome and horrifying, but it’s when the vision of a tall man appears, the shadows of his cheekbones made severe by the light of his red blade and his golden eyes boring into Obi-Wan’s that Obi-Wan’s hand finally stops because he’s coming, he’s gasping and he’s crying and he’s moaning as he spills onto his hand and his stomach and even up to his chest. His toes are curled and his back is arched because he’s come the hardest he’s ever come while he’d looked into the eyes of a mass murderer, of a Sith.
He needs to tell Master Qui-Gon. He needs to tell the Council. He needs- He needs to clean his come off of himself.
Obi-Wan told Qui-Gon, and it hadn’t gone well, in Obi-Wan’s opinion. He’d told Obi-Wan that the future is always shifting and changing, and that the Sith hadn’t been around for centuries. “It’s highly unlikely to come to fruition,” he’d said, “and even if it is on the horizon, trust that we will be well prepared to avoid that fate.”
“But Master, if we are to be prepared, shouldn’t the Council know about it?” Obi-Wan had pressed. He could still feel those golden eyes boring down into his very soul, they’d seemed so real, so inevitable. He couldn’t deny how even know they sent a horrified shiver down his spine, though he absolutely denied with every fiber of his being the way they sent heat to his gut.
“Padawan, what were you doing when you had this vision?” Qui-Gon asked, arms crossed. Obi-Wan blushed furiously, eyes glued to the floor. “Were you in a calm state that could allow the Force to speak clearly to you? Or were your emotions heightened, making the Force have to use more aggression to get to you?” Obi-Wan knew his silence would give Qui-Gon his answer, so he didn’t say a word. (Thank the Force; what if Qui-Gon followed up by asking exactly what he’d been doing?) “I think it best if we leave this be, Obi-Wan. No need to fuss over something that most likely will not occur.”
So Obi-Wan listened to his master, as a good apprentice should. He didn’t fuss over the vision, nor did he share it with anyone else. It was something he locked away to himself, for himself. As much as he wish he didn’t, he revisited it often, especially when he was doing what he’d been doing when it first came to him. He couldn’t tell if the vision was expanding upon itself each time or if he was the one adding to it, but he couldn’t be bothered to dissect it, not when Qui-Gon had told him not to and not when he was writing atop his sheets.
Nowadays he didn’t have to think of other padawans or people he’d seen on the HoloNet or even Satine; all he needed were those golden eyes and severe facial features and he was coming all over himself with a cry stifled by biting the inside of his cheek so hard he’d bleed.
Once, he’d been face down on the bed, hips swaying above his knees with his ass up in the air. His spit-slick fingers were thrusting in and out of his hole, and he was too tight and they were too dry, but he was whimpering and drooling onto his pillow nonetheless. He managed to wiggle them in deep enough and angle them just so, so he was brushing over his prostate as he saw the figure swing his ‘saber with such graceful force and a sharp smile filled with satisfaction. It had Obi-Wan shaking, and just as he felt that heat start to spill over, the vision showed him the Sith’s pink, plush lips forming the words, “Did you like that, Master?” and Obi-Wan’s cry was lost to the pillow now bit between his teeth as he spilled onto the sheets below him.
As he laid there, sweaty and. panting and hating himself, he wondered why the vision only came to him when he was getting himself off. Was the first one the only true vision, and his subconscious now connected it to the action? If it was real, did it have something to do with it? If it wasn’t, what did that say of Obi-Wan, who was getting off to a Sith who might kill his family?
And what did it mean that now that vision called him Master?
When the vision came to fruition, Obi-Wan had been in the middle of discussing strategy with Cody and a few other men early in the morning, all of them having powered through the night with no sleep. He was still in his clothes from yesterday, and he knew his hair was a mess from how often he tugged at it throughout the meeting.
Times were strange and they were hard. The war was unforgiving, and Obi-Wan feared there would be no end to it. All he had to comfort him were the pieces of Temple life he could take with him, the bond he felt with the 212th, the Force, and the vision he still kept all to himself.
As he waited for Cody to come back from grabbing caf and tea for everyone, Obi-Wan felt a horrible, sharp shift in the Force. He heard Cody’s voice, suddenly sounding impossibly far away and much too close for comfort responding to a staticky voice with “Yes, my Lord,” and without looking up, he knew every man’s blaster was trained on him.
With a great pain in his heart but no hesitation, Obi-Wan grabbed and ignited his ‘saber, going into a defensive stance. As he looked around at his men, at his brothers, he immediately noticed that while they all aimed their blasters directly at him, none of them were pulling their triggers.
“Cody-” he began, hoping there was room for explanation and diffusion before whatever heartbreaking battle was about to break out.
“General Kenobi,” Cody cut him off, and though Obi-Wan had heard him say those exact words hundreds of times, they were now said with no warmth, no respect. “You are under arrest by order of the Galactic Empire. Surrender willingly and quietly, or we will be forced to bring you in unconscious.”
Not wavering in his stance, Obi-Wan asked, “Bring me in where, Commander?”
Clicking his teeth, Cody sighed. “He didn’t choose quietly,” he mumbled, and then Obi-Wan heard a blaster go off, and then everything was black.
Blinking his eyes open, Obi-Wan was immediately aware of his body: his head hurt, his body ached, he was sitting on a chair, his ankles were tied to the legs, his wrists tied together behind his back, and around his neck was a Force-inhibitor. Two clones stood guard in front of him, and the second he opened his eyes and groaned in discomfort, one of them glanced back at him and then promptly left the room.
Shortly after, the clone came back, and Obi-Wan’s heart began to race impossibly fast even as it fell to his stomach. Because there, following behind the clone, was the man, the Sith, from Obi-Wan’s most twisted dreams – no, visions. This confirmed this.
It all made sense in that exact moment: the Sith had something to do with his men turning against him. The others must have done the same; Obi-Wan could only wonder how many of his fellow Jedi were dead, now.
“All of them,” the Sith spoke, his voice less hard now, in person. Obi-Wan drank in the sight of his face, identical to the one he’d imagined kissing and fucking for years, now. Obi-Wan had always assumed he’d been older than himself, but he supposed his younger self was having visions of the man as he currently stood before him: sharp cheekbones; golden curls, golden eyes; pink, pink lips. He was gorgeous, and at least a decade younger than Obi-Wan now.
“You can hear my thoughts,” Obi-Wan said, more confirmation than a question.
The Sith smiled. “I’ve always been in your head, haven’t I?” When Obi-Wan simply blinked at him, the Sith’s smile grew. “It’s okay, you’ve been in mine, too.”
Obi-Wan hummed at this, genuinely intrigued. There was no bond between them, seeing as this was their first ever meeting, but clearly they were linked in some way.
“The Force has chosen us, has made us Her dyad,” the Sith explained, golden eyes sparkling. “And my master is not happy about that at all. He says it makes me weak.”
Pursing his lips, Obi-Wan considered what to ask first: What did he mean by them being ‘chosen’ and ‘made’ into a ‘dyad’? Who was his master? Why was he unhappy about it? What was the Sith to do about his master’s unhappiness? (Why had Obi-Wan gotten used to being the Sith’s master, and why did it anger him to hear him refer to another as such?)
“We are two halves of the same whole, two beings intertwined in all ways – well, nearly all ways, but the dreams help with that, don’t they?” the Sith began to answer, smiling sharply at Obi-Wan. It made Obi-Wan wonder what the Sith’s dreams were like; Obi-Wan gotten off to visions of the Sith’s carnage, but never of them being intimate in any way. The dreams never showed him that, but it sounded like they did for the Sith. “And as we are such, you can stop calling me ‘the Sith,’” the Sith groused. “My name is Vader.”
“Vader,” Obi-Wan said aloud, both of them shivering from it. Vader stalked forward and the two clones gave him ample room to do so. When he reached Obi-Wan’s still seated form, Vader swung a leg over Obi-Wan’s own, straddling him as his hands came up to toy with the collar around his throat.
“My master,” Vader went on with answering Obi-Wan’s unspoken questions, smile on his lips, “is a powerful man – the emperor, in fact.” That alone raised a million questions for Obi-Wan, but he held his thoughts and listened. “He’s not a fan of sharing, and is displeased at the idea of anyone else having any sort of sway or hold on me. Which you do, of course.”
Obi-Wan ignored the way heat immediately pooled in his gut, but Vader did not, if the way he scooted himself even closer and smiled wider was any indication.
“What am I to do about it? Well, kill you, of course,” Vader finally answered. Then, he leaned down, mouth right next to Obi-Wan’s ear. “But how am I to kill you, Obi-Wan? You’re my other half. You and I were made for each other.”
Obi-Wan bit back a groan, mind reeling at the thought of being made for this man and this man being made for him. It was impossible, how right it all felt. “So, the question remains: what are you to do?” he managed to ask after swallowing down his arousal.
Sitting back up, Vader smiled down at him. “We are going to kill him.”
Raising an eyebrow, Obi-Wan responded simply with: “‘We’?”
Nodding, Vader said, “Yes, Master. We.”
Kark, there was that word, Master, falling from his lips while he sat on his lap and was real.
There were only two ways to go about this, at the current moment. One was to not believe a word out of Vader’s perfect mouth, and assume he was being led to his master as a trap. Being led to the emperor would give Obi-Wan a (probably very slim) chance at fighting and defeating him, and trying to fix the wreckage of the Republic he was sure to find.
The other was to believe Vader, and believe the idea of them being inextricably linked by the Force itself. This would require him to also believe that Vader would take him to his master not to be killed, but to kill his master, together.
Either way, it seemed he could get to this so-called emperor with a fighting chance.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by Vader giggling above him. “I’d go with the second one,” he advised, tilting his head. “I know you can’t sense it right now because of the collar, but I’m telling the truth.”
“Why don’t you take this collar off of me and let me see for myself?” Obi-Wan retorted.
“Oh you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Master?” Vader said, hooking his fingers underneath the collar so it pulled tight against Obi-Wan’s neck. Obi-Wan sucked in a gasp, both instinctively and at the feel of it choking him just the slightest.
Vader’s eyes darkened, and his tongue darted out to wet his plump lips, an action Obi-Wan couldn’t help but watch with rapt attention. “Oh, did you like that, Master?”
Force, Vader was literally a dream come true. Though, it would probably be more accurate to say he was a nightmare come true, but either way, he was real and true and in some way, shape, or form, he was Obi-Wan’s.
Around them, the Force sang.
prompted fic collection on ao3
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whimsyskittles · 1 year
☆ he likes the girl in the band hobie x f!reader part 2!
okay everyone this is part TWO , there may or may not be a third, but i could always end it here and start a new fic. PLEASE SEND ME FIC IDEAS!!
TWs: fluff, kissing, teasing, 18+ implication(doesn't actually happen) i kinda suck at warning descriptions sorry!!
anyways, hope you enjoy and please keep in mind that this is my first fic!
word count: 1121
continued, makes more sense if you read part one, but for context if you don't want to, you're in a band and fall in love with hobie, but he falls harder. you just escaped an awkward situation and now watching tv in your apartment hours later. enjoy your read!
you heard a knock at the door.
"someone's at my door?" you thought to yourself, not expecting someone over at this time.
you stand up off of the sofa and walk towards the door, hesitant at first.
slowly turning the knob, the door opens and you are greeted with...a vest? oh, not a vest. you look up and see hobie standing there with an awkward look on his face. "we need to..talk" he said "about what happened.."
you looked at him and nervously laughed "yeaaahhh...come inside, it's more comfortable.."
you lead him to your sofa, shutting the door behind you. you both sit down and he looks at you. "so..about..earlier.."
you interrupt hobie, cutting him off. "yeah, i know..i was going to apologize but...." there was a long pause "...okay, you know what, i'm just going to say it."
"say what, love?" he asked, raising an eyebrow
you took a deep breath and spat this out as quickly as possible, "okay so i actually really like you but i didn't know if i should tell you or if you even shared feelings or if you hated me i don't know i'm so confused i was really nervous and..." you trailed off realizing you had just let out one of your 'anxiety rants', as ryan calls them. (also for context if you didn't read part one, ryan is a bandmate you are close with)
"sorry.." you sighed out.
he was looking at you with flushed cheeks and widened eyes. he eventually composed himself and cleared his throat a bit.
"wow, uh..wasn't exactly expecting 'at.." he responded, almost as if he was speechless.
you looked almost ashamed and looked down at your hands, which were fumbling with each other. "sorry, i just..-"
you were cut off by...a KISS?!
hobie had leaned over to you while you were focusing on your hands and kissed you
with wide eyes, you looked at him. you were blushing, stuttering, and could not, for the life of you, make eye contact with hobie.
"i..uh...h-hobie?" you looked up at him and he was grinning. he had the biggest smirk on his face.
"what's 'at? are you stuttering? didn't think you had that big of a thing for me." he teased
you loved his teasing.
it felt like you two were the only ones in the world
he grabbed your hands and held them in his own, looking at you again.
"you a'right? you've 'ardly said anythin'.'
you snapped out of your trance like state of gazing into his eyes. "yeah! yeah, i'm fine..i just..wasn't expecting a kiss.."
"so you didn't like it?" he was teasing you again. "should i have done a bit better, then?" he smirked again.
if you weren't blushing then, you definitely were now. instead of giving him more of a reason to tease you, you decided to play along. "maybe you should've."
getting closer to him, you teased back, "you aren't getting nervous, are you?"
"gettin' a bit confident, yeah?" he also inched towards your face, finally close enough to kiss you again, this time more passionately.
you broke away from the kiss and leaned into hobies shoulder, laying your head there.
"you tired already?" he questioned, looking over at you.
"i don't want to go too far..i just want to be here with you..can we watch a movie?" you replied back, looking up at him as your head was still relaxing on his shoulder.
he chuckled
"too far? what's too far for ya, love?" he noticed your slightly annoyed expression and said "was jus' kiddin', no need to get upset"
"so, what genre of film do you want'to watch then, huh?" he raised an eye brow and gently took your head off of his shoulder, as he reached for the remote.
you complied with this and moved your head off of his shoulder and onto the back of the sofa. "hm..a classic romance..of your choice of course."
he smiled sweetly at you and nodded
"think you'll like this one. you've seen 'pretty in pink', right? a good classic."
you smiled back at him, "well, duh! i've only seen, all of molly ringwald's movies...my favorite is [insert your favorite molly ringwalk film 😚]."
he chuckled and looked at you "'at's a good one too." he said as he opened up a streaming app and turned on 'pretty in pink'
as you two watched the movie, you cuddled closer, your head on his chest, and his arms wrapped around you. you could hear his heartbeat. you could feel his warmth, and oh, was he warm. he placed one hand on your head and traced a finger down to the back of your neck. his touch was nice and soft.
"enjoyin' the movie?" he asked you, looking down as he seen your eyes slowly shut and open again.
you mumbled a little "yeah...very...nice.." his touch felt amazing, you were already sleepy with it being late, but his touch made it so much better.
he smiled at your response
"someone a li'tle sleepy, hm?" he continued the motion of softly caressing the back of your neck as you slowly drifted off to sleep
soon enough, the motions stopped. hobie had fallen asleep as well. you both lay on the sofa, cuddling each other close as the movie plays in the background. his arms still around you, with one of his hands still placed on the back of your neck, almost acting as support for your head.
[timeskip: the next morning]
slowly opening your eyes, yours soon met with hobie's, as you were still in the same position.
"mornin'. you sleep well?" his hands went to slowly sit you up, as he was starting to get uncomfortable.
you nodded "i didn't mean for you to sleep over, sorry for falling asleep on you.." you apologized and smiled a little at him
"no worries, love. didn't have anythin' planned for today, don't matter if i'm home or not."
you both finally sat up on the sofa
"d'ya want breakfast? i can't cook, but i can go grab some for us."
looking at him, you responded, "no thanks, too early for that. thanks for offering, hobie."
he smiled and nodded
after a few seconds of silence, you finally asked him a dire question. "so..what are we? relationship-wise?" you looked over to him, only to find out he was already looking at you.
"well..we've already kissed an' all...guess that'd mean we're datin'." he grinned and held your hand as he lay his head on your shoulder this time.
you smiled at him and put a hand on his ither shoulder, leaning into him and placing your head atop of his
"guess so."
sorry if this chapter was shorter than you expected, i'm new to this whole thing! this chapter was more of a confession/fluff chapter, hope you enjoyed your read!!
side note: omg i cannot believe that i finished this in two days i thought i was gonna be procrastinating and putting this off forever wooohooo!!
please send your ideas/request for headcanons/fics!
-whimsy ☆
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How would you change Celeste into a good villain? She’s kinda thrown out into the role, and had “foreshadowing”, but what could make it feel deserved?
Quick content warning in advance for mention of the previous rulers committing ritual suicide to find out how to break the curses
I know that "good" is subjective, so this may still not resonate with absolutely anyone, but I've spent a lot of time playing with fear and avoidance as Aurora/Celeste's motivation over outright malice!
It's very human to make emotional decisions that snowball, because it's also very human to scramble to cover your ass when you make emotional decisions. Guilt and fear are just as good at driving people to hurt others as the kind of cartoon villainy that was kinda slapped onto Celeste.
Okay anyway here are my shenanigans
Aurora, Egan, and Violet were all close both politically and emotionally, being noble brats of about the same age who pretty much grew up in court together. As adults, Aurora and Egan had a marriage agreement for political reasons, and they did love each other very much, but the real object of Aurora's affection was Violet. Aurora was beyond infatuated with her best friend, and Egan was well aware of that. When Egan also fell for Violet and made the first move romantically, of course Aurora felt betrayed. She felt like Egan had shoved aside her feelings and decided to marry Violet instead of her because he was the king of Lightlark and no one could stop him, which was a luxury Aurora didn't have.
There was a nasty fight between the three of them. Aurora accused Egan of manipulating Violet, then basically told Violet that Egan only wanted to marry her because she was off limits. The other two were justifiably hurt, and Violet stormed out crying.
Like in the original text, Aurora had located the Heart of Lightlark as a wedding gift. She believed it to be a powerful wish-granting object but did not really have a sense of how powerful it was, much less how finicky. She didn't really mean to pour her anger and hurt into it, but magical artifacts tend to be feelings sponges, and she set it off and brought down the curses.
Now, the ethical thing to do would be to confess and explain that it was an accident, but how the FUCK do you tell six nations of people that their populations were just cut by a third because you were sad and didn't know you were holding a magic bomb. Aurora couldn't. Naturally, everything spiraled out of control fast as the other leaders tried to control the mass panic and figure out what had happened. Aurora was so afraid of them following the trail back to her that she just didn't really help, and she still couldn't look Egan or Violet in the eyes anyway. She certainly couldn't melt down and beg them to forgive her because she had inadvertently done all of this for them.
When it came to the plan to sacrifice all six rulers to find out how to break the curses, Aurora probably should have drawn the line there, but she didn't. She joined them in the room where the ritual was to occur, but she couldn't find the words to stop what was happening. Knowing that she had cast the curses wouldn't help break them, would it? At least if she died there, she would be fixing something.
✨ She didn't die there. ✨ She couldn't go through with it, even when she had to watch Violet and Egan die. She just froze up and her instincts kicked in, and if she wasn't in too deep before, she sure as hell was now.
Anyway, that's a huge tangent that doesn't answer the question at all. What I really mean with all of this is that I like messy people who end up in over their heads. Instead of being an outright villain, I like Aurora as someone who fucked up so, so badly because she was in pain, then couldn't own up to it and went careening down history's slipperiest slope. Literal centuries of digging her hole progressively deeper (creating dozens of new personas to hide the fact that she was still alive) sort of desensitized her to how batshit her efforts to cover her ass had become. She's not on canon Aurora's level of committing actual genocide for ~revenge~, but she's frightened and impulsive and deep enough in her own lies to kill without thinking about the consequences.
There's a lot I'm leaving out here, obviously, but this got too long too fast and if I try to write everything I have down in response to one ask, I Will Never Post It
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