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Dimension of Self - Emergent Self
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Dimensions of Self - Biological Self
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Hello, everyone! How is everyone doing? I’m hoping y’all doing great from the other side of this screen, even though we may haven’t seen and met each other in person.
Before I start, do you wonder how everyone present themselves physically? Or how someone look different from the other one? For today’s entry, we’re going to dive in on what I’ve learned and understand under the Biological Dimension of Self.
There are two units under this discussion. So, without further ado, let’s get started.
Unit 1: The Physical Self
Learning the elements of one’s topic is surely beneficial because learning is fundamental. Under the physical dimension of self focuses on how people grow or mature as an individual. In this unit, there are three factors affect one’s physical self: Hereditary, Maturation, and the Environment.
If you wonder how do we have similar features to our parents is because of our heritage (hereditary). Their genetics is one of the reason why we are created uniquely from other person. So if you wonder ‘why does John has straight hair and I have naturally wavy hair?’ Genetics could be the answer to it.
Do you remember how small you were, so you did your best to look for that one old photograph of yourself holding a cone of ice cream, and the chocolates are all over your face. As you found many pictures, reminiscing your younger self-portrait, you can’t help but smile. Browsing all photos from that album, you suddenly saw your reflection through the vanity mirror, and you realize how much you’ve changed throughout the years. You’ve grown so much and became the responsible adult that you are right now. You’ve entered that level where maturation occurs, where your height, bone structure, or your voice are different from when you were young.
Do you also wonder why you look and dress differently or go to other places where fat and thin, altered appearance or not, tattooed or not are considered beautiful? Because these factors are also affected by your environment, where a community has something in common. Imagine if you are live in a healthy and good-influenced surrounding; how cool is that?
We all know that there are different factors that affects the appearance of an individual. We tend to look at our own appearance and that makes us conscious of what we project physically. But remember that the factors that we portray makes us distinct and unique from others. We may see ourselves as imperfect, but do understand that there is no perfect, and we are driven by the beauty standards set by the society. We are made perfectly imperfect.
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Unit 2: The Sexual Self
Wondering why there are different spectrum of gender? Or are there two genders? In this topic, we’ll be talking about how every individual define themselves through sexual self.
If you think what you believe are the only things that exist, well you thought wrong. Upon learning this topic, it provided several information that might blow your mind. To simplify this, it defined the difference between gender and sex, where gender is what you want to project and sex is what you are biologically born with. Personally, I am a transgender and my biological sex is not translating right with me which causes body dysphoria. So, in order to feel right inside, I have to change something from the outside.
The topic also discuss about sexual intercourse and the risk of not having safe sex. It teaches us to be aware and be mindful of whatever decision we make because it is better to be safe than play with fire.
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Next topic: Social Self
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Dimensions of Self - Social Self
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Hello! How’s everyone doing? Previously, we talked about the Biological Dimension of Self where we discussed how every person portray and project themselves through physical and sexual self. Today we will discuss the Social Dimension of Self. This topic includes three (3) aspect and will be discussed now. So without further ado, Let’s start!
Unit 1.1: Social Self
Looking upon when we were born, one already belongs to a social group. Our first social group may be classified as our family where we grow as an individual or your sibling may be classified as your first friend. As time passed by, our social groups expands. We join other social groups that fits your liking whether it is a baddie squad or the cool kids among the bunch, or even religious groups hoping to strengthen your spirituality more.
Moreover, other educational environment and institution also helps us improve our communication and social skills that will help us connect with other people. By socializing and exchanging of ideas with your peers will surely develop your skills.
Moving forward, Herbert Mead differentiate the term “I” and “me” whereas the term “I” is known as the unsocialized self. In contrast to “me” where it is known as the socialized self.
To simplify the terminologies, “I” is how you view yourself (reality on your own). The “I” concept shows more often when the person is alone because “I” believed that no one judges them when their natural selves are vulnerable. On the other hand, “me” is how you perceived yourself to others.
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Unit 1.2: Cultural Self
Culture, on the other hand, has an impact in molding our social differences. This aspect may differ depending on the geographical location, traditional, and individual contexts. As defined by Edward Tylor (2010), “culture is the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, law, art, moral, custom, and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of the society.” With that being said, culture reflects on people’s shared norms, beliefs, and personality.
To give examples, Philippines are known for it’s people’s hospitability. Using po and opo as a sign of respect to elderly are also common.
Art and music also plays it’s specific roles in terms of culture. Arts have many styles to express the artist’s emotions and music, such as indigenous music, can be a factor to identify it’s community.
Since culture may vary depending on the geographical location, make sure to know and learn what are the sensitive areas of the specific culture possessed to avoid cultural inappropriation.
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Unit 2: Socio-Digital Self
In today’s world, technologies is a necessity. The truth? Technology actually opens up opportunity towards everything and gives ease to anyone by just using the tip of your finger. However, this also affects the mental and emotional health of an individual.
If you’re thinking how does a single technology affect the mental and emotional health of a person? Let’s find out.
Our social media is a great way to escape the reality, which is also true. It makes us happy just by using your own device. But some people are seeing social media as their lifeblood, where their everyday lives are revolving through social media.
People tend to build their digital identity to attract fellow netizens. We all know, numbers makes us crazy. If a person build their platform and it grows, it is addictive, Once you had the taste of popularity where your video became viral, you tend create more because you want have it again be addicted like smoking a pot.
We have to remember that indulging to something in a negatively manner is a risk for our health. Remember that less is more and the real happiness does not always come with just using your smartphones. You have to look beyond your screens and appreciate the beauty of the outside.
Disconnect in able to reconnect.
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Unit 3: The Material / Economic Self
As a normal person, it is not new for me to say, “reward yourself,” because who doesn’t want to treat yourself sometimes? It is fulfilling if you purchase something for yourself.
Going on a trip because you have a fear of missing out. Sometimes, I am guilty of it because we don’t want to miss anything and we just tell ourselves, “bonds are more important, just save again later.”
As a regular consumer, sometimes we confuse the difference between needs and wants and sometimes see them as “needs”. As a responsible consumer, we have to practice limiting ourselves from being an impulsive buyer. Try the 7-day rule, where you have to wait and ask yourself if you really need that thing you keep looking for on that shelf for 7 days. With that, this may help us save some cash and can be allocated to much more needed purchases and in terms of emergencies.
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Next topic: Mental Self
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Dimensions of Self - Mental Self
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Hi everyone! How are y’all? It’s good to see you all again! In the previous blog, we talked about the Dimension of Self - Social Self. We discussed the things I learned in cultural self, where we look into our culture we grew in; socio-digital self where we discussed...; and lastly the material or economic self. For today, we will tackle about the in-depth topics on what I learned under the Mental Self. Let’s dive in!
Unit 1:  Cognitive, Memory, and Intelligence
Notice when we were born, our knowledge towards everything expand. From solving a a simple to complex mathematical problem or writing an essay, each of our skills improve. Imagine a person as a sponge, when we encounter new knowledge and information, our brain soak the information helps us learn new things. This means our mental capacity and ability to learn, grow, and improve is continuous.
Defining the term cognitive from Merriam Webster’s,  it is our ability to relate and/or involve our conscious intellectual activity through thinking, reasoning, or remembering. We are born with innate capabilities that allows us to manage ourselves in various situation and settings.  According to Ashcraft & Radvansky (2010), cognition is an umbrella term to cover all high-order thinking process and is defined as the complex array of mental processes involved in remembering, perceiving, thinking, and how these processes are employed.
Our minds have the capacity to remember things. It is often compared to computers where we can store, retain, and process information. Memory, on the other hard, is like a chipset in our brain and is composed of three levels: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.
Sensory memory allows information to be perceived from the outside via his/her senses. It is the shortest level of memory where information last for about half second. To apply the situation, if you buy a perfume and smell it, your sensory memory will activate it. Our brain will process it and transfer to our short-term memory. Short-term memory, also known as working memory, is where all information are temporarily stored. The key to transfer information from sensory to working memory is through attention.
In able to retain the information, this has to be repeated to transfer it to the long-term memory. This level of information is permanent and is acquired through practice and replay. An example to this matter is our personal information, like name and birthdays. The ability to uphold permanent information may only have issue if the person have disability like Alzheimer’s diseases.
Human intelligence is often thought as hereditary than environmental in nature. It is defined in many ways. Generally, intelligence involves different mental abilities like problem-solving, logic, reasoning, and planning.  Intelligence is one of the critical constructs that underlie studies of individual differences and a number of theories have already been presented to explain its nature.
The difference between cognition and intelligence is, cognition is the mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses while intelligence is the ability to easily learn or understand things and face new or difficult situations confidently.
Note: Just because a person is academically smart, doesn’t mean he/she is greater than the other one. Imagine our brain is like a smartphone. Just because iOS is better than Android (and vice versa) doesn’t mean it is greater than the other. Our brains have own ways of doing things– one isn’t better than the other one, they are different.
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Unit 2: Human Learning
If cognitive ability, memory, and intelligence from the discussion above were performed, It is called human learning.  Learning is defined as “a relatively permanent change in a person’s knowledge or behavior as a result of experience”.
If a person is able to learn and develops his/her skills, it is visible that humans are capable of learning things. There are two notions of learning namely Self-efficacy and human agency.  Self- efficacy is determined as a faith that someone has. They believe that they are capable of learning a specific skill by themselves. They will more likely to insist upon harder tasks if a person has higher self-efficacy. Human agency, on the other hand, is the influences and learnings taught by the people around us.
An application for this scenario is college (to be specific). Every students must comply to the requirements and in order for them to pass, they have to believe in their own capabilities that their skills are more than enough to pass the requirements. Indeed, no man is an island, so you gain knowledge and experience through socializing with others and apply within yourself, which will turn to a permanent change and improvement.
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Next topic: Emotional Self
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Dimensions of Self - Emotional Self
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Hello everyone! Are y’all doing fine? It’s been a while. I know that these past few days are emotionally draining and sometimes we thinking that quitting is easier than fighting to strive for the better. Well, that’s a coincidence because for today, I’m going to share the things I learned under the Emotional Dimension of Self. This discussion involves two (2) units and reading until the end will surely give knowledge that may expand your horizon. So enough chitchat, let’s get right in to the topics.
Unit 1: Emotional Intelligence
Have you ever wondered why every time we feel happy, emotions are high or when we’re sad, we feel blue? In simple words, people have feelings and emotions. But have you ever ponder what are the difference between feelings and emotions?
By having a brief discussion with myself, I concluded that emotions are the chemical reactions from the brain while feelings are expressions. Emotion is one of the factor and contributes as our basis to make decision, and sometimes people are having a hard time recognizing them.
Feelings, on the other hand, are our reaction toward to a specific emotion. It is subjective. Beliefs and past experiences may contribute on how we react to it. Through feelings, we have an option by knowing what to react in an event through logic and reasoning. Sometimes people are having a hard time on how to behave in a certain circumstances, or understand other people’s in which is a contradiction to the meaning of emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the capacity of each individual to recognize his/her own and other people’s emotions. It helps to distinguish the difference between different feelings, label the emotions appropriately, and knowing how to manage their emotions through the use of emotional information. By regulating emotions, our capacity to be sensitive and aware of one’s emotions and to others also develops for self-understanding and maintaining a healthy interpersonal relationship.
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Unit 2: Emotional Regulation
As we grow old, sometimes we forgot how to react correctly under emotional distress. We tend to become passive-aggressive in certain ways and set aside peace to resolve the problem, and I am guilty of it sometimes.
In order for us to settle things like real adults, we have to accept the reality that it already happened, then fix the issue. The key is emotional maturity and some people lacks from it. If you master how to handle your emotions towards agony, you will face it with confidence and open-heartedness.
Having these characteristics will help you to become a better person expressing emotion:
Trustworthiness, for maintaining standard of honesty and integrity.
Conscientiousness, for taking responsibility for one’s action.
Adaptability, for handling change (towards handling emotional distress) with flexibility.
By being open to new ideas (innovative), and
By understanding other people’s conditions (empathy).
Keep in mind that it is okay to show your emotions and don’t be afraid to show it. It is human nature to have emotions, just remember the limitations from expressing your emotions in a healthy manner and not through toxic behavior.
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Next topic: Spiritual Self
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Dimensions of Self - Spiritual Self
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Howdy! How is everyone? Last topic is a little emotional because we discussed about the Emotional Dimension of Self where we talked about emotional intelligence and how to regulate our emotions.
For today, I’m giving my takeaways in this discussion. This dimension of self have three (3) aspects. If you wish to proceed, let’s get this started!
Unit 1:  Inner Soul
If we talked about how do you define spirituality, your immediate answer will probably be about God, faith, and religion- and you’re not wrong. The concept of spirituality is broad that if you try to analyze it, it has more information that may come across your mind.
Spirituality, in general, is contextualized by belief in God, culture, relationships, nature, and discovering meaning in one’s life. But in some, spirituality is their philosophy in life. Something that we should be asking ourselves is “what meaning do I put in my life?” We assess the “meaningfulness” of our life, if it is worth living.
If you were constantly asking yourself if you are a good person or how can you live your life to the fullest, through spirituality, we are able to answer them.
Now, there’s a difference between between religiosity and spirituality.  Religiosity is the belief system and practices dedicated and associated with a tradition and customs. This agreement is what the people believed and practiced.
On the other hand, spirituality is different from in religiosity, where a person can be spiritual even without religion because they see spirituality as a natural aspect of self-development
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Unit 2: Connections with Nature
Isn’t it relaxing when be breathe the fresh air, whispering through ears and blowing our hair in aesthetic way, just feeling the nature connect within us.  Christian communities thought us that the environment is connected within people and God because He created it for us to live, thus we must respect and care for nature. Speaking from religiosity, there are two factors that correlates to it.
The connection that binds people with nature is called affinity with nature. It defined as “the extent to which individuals include nature as part of their identity.” On the other hand, ecopsychology shares many similarities with affinity with nature. It is concerned with “fundamental interconnections between humans and natural world through a phenomenological and sensorial link, and integration of practices based on the notion that direct contact with the natural world has healing potential.”
In able to strengthen your connection with nature, you have to go outside and feel them as the wind caress your skin and the scenery soothes your eyes.
We have to take care our own environment because if we don’t, sooner or later, nature will return the favor and everyone will suffer.
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Unit 3: Discovering Life’s Meaning
During the past academic years, we learned about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs where it states that your needs are something that a person has to have to be healthy. This includes physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization.
Connecting this with what I learned under this unit, there are two factors that are defined in this discussion. Wellbeing, where it is an inner, personal construct, associated with self-esteem, self-understanding, and intrinsic in nature. In simpler terms, it is how you see and fill yourself with positive attitude. Life satisfaction, on the other hand, is your contentment with what you have in life. It is subjective because that is how you perceive yourself without regrets.
Being grateful on what you have is a blessing because some people are trading their lives just to get what you have. Have a time looking in the mirror and recite your daily affirmations and have a time thanking the Universe, God, or the Higher-being on what you have right now.
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Next topic: Emergent Self
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Dimensions of Self - Emergent Self
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Hi-ee! It’s been a while, last topic I gave my takeaways on what I’ve from the Spiritual Dimension of Self.
For today, we’ll be talking about the three (3) aspects under the Emergent Dimension of Self, and it’s sad to say, tis will be the last topic for today.
I wanna thank you for staying with me as I give my all learnings from this subject.
Enough with chitchat, let’s get this started.
Unit 1:  Political Self : Active Citizenship
As a citizen in the Philippines, suggested and acknowledge for everyone to practice active citizenship. Politics refers to “the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society.” It is also defined as “the ways that power is shared in an organization and the ways it is affected by personal relationships between people who work together.”
How to be an active citizen? Politics is concerned with power, therefore, in order to be active, you should be open to criticize and oppose the government if you observe political injustice. In order to obtain great leader, one must be engage in political discussion and be aware of everything. We have to be speak out for those who cannot so justice and fairness will reign.
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Unit 2:  Digital Self
Technology part of our daily lives. When it was introduced to us, we become independent to it because it helps us in different ways and makes our lives easier.
Social media, for example, provides our digital information where it can be used to transact and communicate online. Social media accounts grow through the past years because it is visible how helpful it is to anyone for communication, business, and entertainment purposes.
In social media, we have digital identity to describe our persona in digital spaces. This is how you represent yourself online. Dissociative anonymity, on the other hand, like a persona within a persona: it is not your authentic self in digital space.
A friendly reminder, it is not safe to put all your personal details online because it is not safe and might be used against you so it is better to be aware of the risks using this platform.
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Unit 3:  The Future Self
This is an open letter for myself. Feel free to read it.
I am so proud of what you’ve become right now. Looking back from the past years, you’ve grown a lot and improve yourself so much than you were before.
Today, you are a college student, a part of a LGBTQIA+ community, proudly, where you strive and seek to be successful in the future. I hope, for the next 5 or 10 years of your life, you already achieved all your dreams and hopes. If you don’t, I’m still proud of you. But don’t forget that after you graduate, you will become the next breadwinner of your family and give back on what they’ve provided you.
I’m hoping that you are living your life to the fullest, happy with someone you love and still improve yourself for the better. I am so proud of you and I cannot wait to see what my future holds for you.
Your past self,
AC (2021)
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Dimension of Self - Spiritual Self
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