#there is a noticeable lack of green here 😔
dreamersdwell · 3 months
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Spider-man!Hobie Brown x Reader
Side note: I did my best to keep reader gender neutral for everyone 🫶😍. Also made it more friendly than flirty. 😔 sorry y’all. (Basically more platonic, BUT if I make another I may make it romantic.)
Summary: Just reader and Hobie hopping dimensions and taking out bad guys.
Warnings: None? A little violence ig. Just reader and him bickering. Not proof read 🙁 I got lazy as hell.
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“Yo Hob, where’s my mask at?” You asked as you watched yourself in the mirror. Your tooth brush sudsy with toothpaste as you quickly brushed at your teeth.
Crashing with Gwen and Hobie was certainly a risky decision to make, but with you always traversing the multi-verses you never stayed anywhere for too long. Which is why you were staying with the two. Well, staying with Hobie. Gwen was currently out on the hunt for a new anomaly, and you were eager to get to work with her.
“Didn’t you leave it on the couch?” He responded as he slipped his ripped leather jacket over his shoulders. The man was already geared up and ready to go. “I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you.” You retorted with the roll of your eyes. You soon rinsed your mouth out with water and tossed your toothbrush into a cup. As you went to exit the bathroom, you took notice of the lack of toilet paper (courtesy of living with two other people), and sighed. “We need more toilet paper Hobie, we’ve already run out.”
He peeked his head throw the doorway, taking a glance at what you had mentioned and laughed. “Ain’t that something. We’ll buy some from a different universe, I’d rather not provide to this crappy economy. Now hurry it up mate, we’ve already got a mission.” You scoffed at his stubbornness as you headed towards the cluttered living area. Per-usual, it was a mess. But you didn’t have time for that now. You dug under piles of junk and gadgets until finally you got your hands on your mask. “Ew..” You grumbled as you stared at the ink stain on the side of your mask. Shooting a look towards Hobie, he only returned it with a grin before pulling his mask over his face.
“We’re cleaning this place up when we get back. Now let’s go.”
The two of you departed, a portal appearing in front of you. The dynamic shapes and colors had grown to be something of a norm to you, though you couldn’t say the same as you hopped through it and shot through the tunnel. It still managed to twist and turn your stomach up.
“I believe this is the place.” Hobie chimed as the two of you clung to a building side. “Ya think?” Hobie only chuckled at your sarcasm, having already grown quite used to it.
The evening sunset was almost as mesmerizing as the large mountain of houses. They followed along a road that spiraled all the way down to where they stood. It was like staring up at a giant version of the Aztec temples. “Sometimes I forget how different these universes can be. Alright Hobie, you know who we’re looking for so lead the way.”
He gave you a pat on the back before shooting out a web and pulling himself in the air. You could only smile at his playfulness and follow his movements, now swinging yourself towards the top of the mountain. The area was vibrant with warm colors, reds, blues, and green accenting the bright gold of the buildings. You’d been to plenty of universes, but none quite as beautiful as this. Smells of food, and seasonings flooded your nostrils, as well as the chattering of the busy streets. “Cool innit? Went here once with Gwendy, was a little preoccupied though.”
“With?” You questioned as you worked your way to the top of the mountain.
“This wild variant of the lizard. He was huge! More of a crocodile I’d say.” His enthusiastic attitude seemed to infect you, another smile creeping it’s way onto your face. “That sounds cool as hell. Yo is that who we’re looking for?” Your eyes widened as your spider sense raised your alert. Up ahead stood a large statue, though unlike usual statues, this one was moving. It worked at ripping a large jewel that stood at the very top of the mountain. Hobie, who had been swinging backwards, spun around, the lenses of his mask widening. Then they narrowed. He pulled his guitar from over his shoulder, holding it in one hand as he swung himself towards the golden statue. “Taking that as a yes.”
You webbed the side of two buildings, tugging at the webbing and slingshotting yourself towards the chaos. “I’ll get its legs, you- do whatever. I know you don’t like to listen.” You huffed out.
“You know me so well, love.” He said as he went to taking out the giant. You went to do the same, now swinging your webs around the statues legs. While at first your idea was working, the giant seemed to have a mind of its own. It ripped the webbing in half, but in doing so lost its balance. It tumbled, falling backwards and heading straight for the edge of the cliff. You tried not to panic, and Hobie was now joining you in stopping the giants potential destruction of the golden city. You worked at making a canopy between two poles, the wide wall of webs ready to catch the giant in its grasp.
Hobie stood at the top of a building, webs shot out to slow the giants fall. He strained, pulling back at the web lines. And it worked. The giant was caught in their web.
The two of you met up, now standing in the orange dirt with a victorious look. Then you glanced at one another. “High five?”
Their hands met, the sound of victory ringing in their ears. “High five. Hell yeah Y/N!” His arm found its way around your shoulders, tugging you closer as he spouted jokes. However, you interrupted, “We still have to clean up when we get back.” Hobie’s jubilant expression turned unamused, and he sucked his teeth sighing at your seriousness.
“We really gotta loosen you up love. Now let’s get this guy back in his universe.” His thick accent made it difficult for you to comprehend at first, but once you did, you nodded. The two of you had completed your mission, unscathed, and with time to spare. You were certainly impressed with your efficient work.
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gatitties · 7 months
Who 's the villain?
─JoFoes x gn!teen!reader (platonic)
─Summary: You wanted to have a less boring life, what you didn't expect was a kidnapping and ten villains older than the sun trying to take care of you, and not by choice.
─Warnings: none
OKAY, I'm currently finishing watching the part 4, HOWEVER, I always end up getting spoilers, I found some books on wattpad and here about this theme with the villains and I really liked it, so here I am writing this to please myself for the lack of content 😔, I'm sorry if the villains between parts 5-6 are not as faithful to their personalities, I am guided by other writings I also plan to write more parts, however not as long as this one (I just got a little excited 🙂)
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You were wallowing in your misery, you angrily threw the notebook with messily written notes across your room, letting an exasperated sigh escape your lips, you wish you had an invention that would make you remember all the contents of the exam, but alas, Doraemon did not exist.
You rubbed your temples, noticing how the sun had completely hidden, you decided to go out to get something for dinner, knowing that your parents weren't big fans of dinner, they would just let you get what you wanted or if it was something more elaborate you would ask them to do whatever just for you, you settled for something simple today.
You took the food to your room, closing the door and clearing your desk full of sheets, opening your computer to put something on the background because there was no way you were going to eat without seeing something, you moved restlessly in your chair, turning it as time passed ridiculously slow, one of the wheels got stuck with something and made you stumble to the ground, luckily you had already finished your meal and didn't stain anything.
"Damn, why is there always a random pencil on the floor?"
You grabbed the green pencil, looking at it as if it were your worst enemy and threw it towards the desk, it bounced and returned to the floor, but you didn't realize it, you lay down looking at the ceiling, your mind completely empty without wanting to be conscious of your responsibilities, couldn't you skip the entire phase of adolescence? Or at least, do something more entertaining? Your days were spent stuck at home without much to do because all your friends were too busy or it was difficult to agree on a date to go out together.
You got up from the floor, closing the window of your room because it started to get cold, looking at the stars, you wished you had some interesting change in the rhythm of your life, as if destiny itself had planned it, something tugged at the collar of your pajamas, you coughed from the sudden grip, struggling to free yourself from whatever was holding you, it had more strength than you and ended up dragging you out of your house, you screamed when you saw that you were falling from the second floor, but you barely had time to react when some arms picked you up and put a cloth over your mouth.
Now, when you thought about having a little more interesting life… you weren't referring to this, voices that were distant became increasingly clear as did your consciousness, it seemed that several men were arguing about something that you still didn't understand, your body shook when you opened your eyes finding several imposing people, luckily no one seemed to have noticed that you stood up so you decided to use that to your advantage.
You moved slowly along the sofa, you were about to put your foot on the floor when you felt an intense gaze on you, you exchanged glances with a tall, muscular man with barely any clothes, his hair was very pretty, but you weren't going to stop and flatter him right now.
"The little human has finally woken up, maybe they have some answers about this situation."
"Little human? My God, I've been kidnapped by aliens…"
You mumbled, swallowing hard as you saw that now all eyes were on you, you laughed awkwardly, lowering your other foot to the ground, everything remained in an awkward silence until you decided to use your legs to run wherever as fast as you could.
You went up a flight of stairs, hearing footsteps behind you, you went crazy when you saw the magnitude of the house you were in, you could easily get lost in the maze of hallways and rooms, you managed to avoid the arms of another tall and strong guy, luckily you were elusive, you turned into a hallway and hid in a closet watching as a blonde with fangs and some kind of priest were looking for you, once they left your vision you ran down again hoping to get out the door.
You were startled when another blonde man in a purple suit grabbed your shoulder before you could reach the living room where you woke up, sending a quick kick to his shin you ran towards the door, unfortunately another person grabbed you to stop you, this time you didn't hold back and screamed when he approached you, latching onto your waist in a strange hug.
The strange thing is that he started to scream just as scared as you, you slowed down your scream while the pink haired boy continued to have a commotion, the strange situation left you confused, but the presence of the others entering the room made you react, looking at the windows of the living room, you made the new plan, and before anyone reacted or guessed your thoughts you ran to the windows, or tried to.
"Ack-! What the hell…?"
Your head began to hurt because you fell directly to the ground, frowning when you saw a damn green pencil rolling on the ground, you groaned in pain and trembled when you saw how everyone surrounded your body, apparently you had nothing more than to accept your fate .
"Oh Father who art in heaven, forgive me for having insulted all those people while playing Roblox and Minecraft, forgive my sins and let my body rest in-
"Hey kid, you're not dying, cut that shit."
You frowned at the blonde who interrupted you, he had a stupid helmet with the word 'Dio' on it, before you could complain the priest spoke.
"No, it's good for young people to pray, continue."
You looked blankly at the guy, did he really think you were seriously praying? Someone picked you up by grabbing your ankle, you tried to look at the redhead who had picked you up and was looking at you with big eyes analyzing every movement, but your neck started to hurt trying to get a good look.
"Santana, that's not how you hold people."
Another giant snatched you up, now holding you with his arm on your legs, instinctively your arms went around one of his shoulders to keep you upright.
"Now then… I think you have something to explain to us, don't you?"
You blinked a couple of times in bewilderment, looking at all the men in the room, you pointed at yourself in confusion, exchanging awkward glances with everyone.
"Excuse me, I did what, exactly?"
"Don't play dumb! As much as I would like to live again to reign in this world, I, Dio, remember exactly that I died and now I am here."
One of the blondes pointed at you accusingly as if you had caused him to come back to life, a shiver ran through your entire body, pushing your body further against the man who was still holding you.
Each one expressed their displeasure against an entire lineage, all apparently dead on another occasion or timeline, leaving you even more confused, how did these crunchy old fossils think a teenager brought them back to life if you seem even more confused than them? Apparently everyone woke up before you and started an argument, accusations flew between them but they came to the conclusion that none of them knew anything, so that's why you were the last accused, the last to wake up.
"Well eh- I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have nothing to do with it, the last time I checked I wasn't doing any ritual to bring back dead people…"
Everyone seemed ready to discuss the topic again, but the television in the living room suddenly turned on, the guy who was still holding you, crushed you against his broad chest, scared by the electronic device, while the majority watched expectantly.
A video from a certain 'Speedwagon foundation' began to play explaining some things about a social reintegration program, something about a second chance in an alternate universe and things that you couldn't understand, apparently the others seemed to understand most of the references about some things called stands and their weakening, throughout the entire explanation you looked with your eyes blank, not knowing that you were painting with what seemed to be villains from another universe, apparently the video coincided with your thoughts when you heard your name come out from the person speaking in the screen.
"And another thing that will show that you are capable of returning to society as rational people is being able to take care of the teenager that you have at your side, we hope that they can also provide you with some reasoning and kindness."
"I don't think I gave my consent for this… isn't this considered kidnapping?"
The television was turned off, leaving now a very silent room, apparently that foundation had enough power to do anything, they fulfilled your wish to change your pace of life, but at what cost? Everyone looked at you again.
"So we just have to not kill people for a while and make sure the human doesn't die? That will be an easy task."
Everyone seemed to nod at what one of the giants said, you looked at them nervously, you weren't sure if they really understood what this was all about, but at least it ensured your life in some way.
Wamuu put you down once the whole situation became somewhat clearer, and your next move was to find your room and hide under the covers in hopes that this was a weird dream.
It was not.
You woke up suddenly when the door to your room flew to the floor, splintering in several places, well, goodbye to your privilege of privacy, the first thing you saw was the tail of a dinosaur moving slowly, which you recognized as Diego complained about the blow while Valentine ─if you remembered correctly─ looked at him with fury, the fight continued down the hallway, deciding not to intervene, your stomach asked for food.
The living room seemed a little messier than the night before, apparently some people couldn't get along with each other, you shrugged and entered the kitchen, finding a nervous Doppio being watched by Santana.
You greeted, receiving a small nervous smile from the pinkette and a silent look from the pillar man, Doppio seemed to escape once Santana's eyes watched you move around the kitchen, conveniently full of food, since you were not a cook and your skills were limited, you opted for some simple toast.
"What is that thing?"
You stifled a scream when the redhead spoke, pointing to the toaster, you briefly explained how it worked as he nodded, what you didn't expect was that when the buns jumped he got scared and broke the toaster, you looked at each other in silence for a second, your buns at least landed on the counter safe and sound.
"That thing tried to attack me."
"Sure… hey, don't worry, it scared me too even when I know they're going to jump."
You'll think about how to get a new toaster later, you sat at the table that had been cleared by Kira, who seemed to be the only one to make himself something decent for breakfast, it was the only half normal at least at first glance.
The first days passed in a blur, a new toaster appeared at the entrance of the house, the arguments continued, and your routine was based on locking yourself in your room and dying of boredom, sometimes Santana followed you around the house asking about the electronics devices, of course he wasn't the only one to ask about how things worked, but your interactions were brief.
You also took charge of tidying up the house a bit, since these men seemed to have no sense of cleanliness except for Pucci, Valentine, and Kira. Your door was not yet repaired, you used a blanket to cover the opening, but you decided that today you would try to fix it, after walking around the house you found a room with tools, you didn't know what you were going to need so you grabbed a box with several heavy things.
You looked blankly at your old door, starting to glue the parts together with super glue and stapling them with a staple gun, it was good enough as it held together without falling apart again, the problem was that when trying to frame the door in place you stubbed your finger too strong.
"Oh, fuck!"
"Teenagers should not swear."
Pucci looked at you seriously as if you had committed a war crime, you could only dry a mischievous tear that escaped due to the pain in your battered finger, ignoring the priest you returned to work under his gaze.
"What are you doing here, huh? Watching the puny human?"
The last thing you needed was eyes on you, Dio's presence gave you chills and caused you to stub your fingers more than you would have liked while you finished fixing your door.
"Oh my! How can you just watch while a teen does all the work? An exemplary family man would be the one who should take care of these things."
The hammer was snatched from your hand, when you looked up you saw Valentine, who finished your poor job, the other two had disappeared seconds later.
"Thank you."
"No problem dear, you should treat those battered hands."
You nodded looking at the redness on your bruised fingers, either you had really bad aim or you were really shit at carpentry, but whatever.
You were mostly ignored as no one really cared about your existence because you seemed to be able to take care of yourself, however Doppio found himself attached to you, you didn't know if it was because he was just as fearful as you in some ways or because he found comfort in you because you seemed less tougher on him than the others, they weren't especially friendly or at least their appearance was scary enough not to be around.
But you started to lose your mind, you wished you could do something with your boring life, however your routine was to spend your days watching fights break out, considering that all your electronic devices were gone, it drove you crazy by not being able to do anything fun.
Then you entered your villain arc, you were supposed to have some immunity to these geezers, so you decided that what would reign in the house would be chaos. Everyone started to really rethink whether taking care of you was going to be that easy. You didn't even try to make things chaotic, your mere existence was, it was just something you kept to yourself, so as not to embarrass yourself or stand out too much for your clumsiness.
Kira found out that your cooking skills sucked to the point where you could burn water somehow, the pillar men would be confused as to why they can't use the TV like you told them to, and there's only a background video of some guy singing 'never gonna give you up' on a loop, Dio will find everywhere a pink diary with glitter and some red letters 'vampire diary' where there are poorly made drawings of him and Pucci with hearts, casually your tongue will rant with the words most barbarians in front of Pucci and occasionally inciting fights between Valentine and Diego, you discovered the identity problems of Doppio and his alter ego Diavolo and decided that your best option was to gaslight him to annoy.
They also discovered that you have some kind of power ─you don't─ because they find colored pencils lying randomly on the floor that they usually trip over, although you are not free from your curse either. Since you discovered all that about the stands after doing a little research on your own you started punching the air in the hope of hitting one of them.
You are only making their existence more complicated and they were already dead in other universe, do they have to take care of you? Well, you'd run around juggling knives in shoes twice your size to see how long it would take them to realize that you'd accidentally stabbed yourself, hopefully if they failed in their mission to take care of you they would return to their graves and you back to your normal life, which now seemed be much more fun than being trapped with pangea survivors.
At least now you have their attention, they will prevent you from tripping down the stairs, from burning yourself trying to cook, they will even go to the point of scolding you if you stay up late, indeed, none of them ─except for Kira─ knew what it was like to deny doing things to a teenager, so you moved on to your disobedience phase, you weren't that much of a brat, at this point you were doing it just to annoy these guys, although your real problem was with the Speedwagon foundation, since they were the ones who deemed you "fit" to show them empathy and a new way of seeing life peacefully.
The foundation definitely didn't take a psychological test before making that decision, they think you are a psychologist, and you are the one who needs a psychologist, you are definitely not the person who can fix them.
At first you thought you were locked in with them, but in truth, they are the ones locked in with you.
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murumokirby360 · 22 days
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My first ever Android Smartphone - Busted (Cherry Mobile Jelly) [feat. my Paper Dolls]
DeviantART version → [CLICK ME!]
Hello, August... 🏫🎒 It's been a rough and depressing month for me from nothing to earn funds for myself, to struggling with my life staying at home. 😟😞 Although I do occasionally go outside to get some fresh air when the sun is bright, it remains the same. 😔 I'm still stuck on my mom's slow-performance laptop, and I can't make item reviews because of the aforementioned laptop. 👩💻 Meanwhile, I'm still browsing some job openings, though the only problem was the "lack of trustworthy". I did apply once and I was going to go anyway, however, my mom investigated the details of where the venue at for a schedule, and it turns out that the job that I applied for was a sham... Yeah, I dodged the bullet on going there owning to my flashbacks of what happened in 2019. *Sigh* So much for that... 😟 I wish this type of fraud job would be ended by the time the government and authorities caught red-handed on fake application jobs. Right now, I've already applied for a job by submitting a resume to legit hiring via email, and to this day nobody answered my call. I'm still a helper for my parents' small rug business, although they didn't give me a raise, but small treats and food. Also, I'm selling my scrap computer parts, unfortunately, nobody seemed to be interested in my items... Bummer. 😔
[I want a end my life... But, I refused to kill myself. Not yet... 😟😞]
Should I keep posting and sharing my items on tumblr? 🤔 I'm still thinking about it, but for now this could be my last item... As we hit the first "Ber" month (September 📆), I need to take a break from posting it until my custom PC desktop brought back to life with a brand new GPU Card. 🖥️🔧
Anyway, let's head back to my last item (before I go *semi* hiatus):
• What I have here is my first ever cheap Android Smartphone after I graduated from vocational college [Computer Programing] in 2014. 👨‍🎓🏫💻 This here is the "Cherry Mobile Jelly". 🤖📱 Actually, it's now simply called "Cherry" which we'll get to that later. Nonetheless, I bought this cheap and small smartphone for ₱ 2,299 💵 from a local trustworthy cellular phone store at the mall, I should it picked the blue color because I loved that color for life 💙, although it is out of stock so I guess I'll settle with green anyway. 🟩📱🤷‍♀️ (After all, green signifies an android phone, right? 🟩🤖📲 Nonetheless...) As for the specs of this phone, it is pretty low-profile standard considering that this is a budget-friendly smartphone. Here, go see it by click here → [CLICK ME! #1]. Unfortunately, as you can see, my first cheap smartphone ended in 2015 due to poor quality, as I accidentally fell off my phone numerous times causing it to crack the touch screen (not to mention, the battery phone had bloated.), and my Jelly phone ended its life. It was only a matter of time before my old phone was replaced by the outdated "Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2" [GT-S7582] (which was also decommissioned somewhere in 2019). As for the so-called "Cherry" brand, they're still producing smartphones albeit a small ranges because they've already expanded to daily electronic appliances (e.g. slim smart TV, washing machine, air purifier, etc...). Pls, click here to see → [CLICK ME! #2]. One more thing, the only feature really I missed from using the old Cherry Mobile Jelly is the ability to watch TV by raising the mini antenna and opening the TV app, as you've seen on my snapshot. 📺📲😊
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• When it comes to comparison with my current Tecno Spark 20 Pro [CLICK ME!] smartphone, well... You noticed the BIG difference. 📱📲 To be honest, I missed holding a small Android smartphone, as holding it could be a very advantage (which is like holding an old MP4 player) over a tall and bulky smartphone, like my aforementioned Tecno mobile brand. 😊 And surprisingly, they're still producing small smartphones albeit in ✌"Made in China"✌ and they're using a vanilla yet recent Android Operating System, unlike Samsung, Huawei, Oppo, Xiaomi, and other giant smartphone brands with their state-of-the-art features and current running Android OS. Maybe someday I'll get my hands on the small Android phone for a nostalgic sake? Who knows? 🤷‍♀️ For now, though, I guess I'll stick with the taller smartphones. And as for my first ever owned cheap Android phone, it's already a relic of its time. Time for you to return to the memorabilia box. 🙂
Well, that's all for now. If you want to see my previous topic, then please → [CLICK ME!].
Tagged: @bryan360, @shadowredfeline, @leapant, @lordromulus90, @coda-archive, @sammirthebear2k4, @alexander1301
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lettucedloophole · 4 months
hi, I'm a trans feminist and I've been saddened by the lack of feminism in many of my communities. I'm wanting to follow more feminists on here but honestly it's a bit terrifying because so many people claiming to be feminists or trans inclusive are not remotely so and will throw you under the bus in the blink of an eye, if not slowly spread insidious essentialist ideas about gender that hurt everyone but especially those like me.
as a former terf (from your bio) I was wondering if you have any signs, green or red flags, for people and bloggers in particular, regarding radical feminism that may indicate some form of more subtle terf-y beliefs so I can keep an eye out from them, as typically I stay far away from terf spaces for the obvious reason that they hate me, but I've noticed there's some mixing in more rad fem spaces that can be very hard to disentangle, but I don't want that to stop me from engaging with feminism for again, obvious reasons.
also if you have any trans feminist or trans friendly feminist bloggers you'd recommend, especially transfeminine ones, that would be really cool too.
ty for your time! have a great day
hi! not gonna lie its difficult out here 😭 you're dead on that most ppl claiming to be trans-inclusive or feminists are not remotely. i follow people and then have to unfollow when they post or like something strange still ...
i would say chiefly, follow your instincts. as a trans person, especially if you're tma, if you're getting bad vibes you are probably correct. if you're not in a space to deal with bigotry then don't worry about giving the benefit of the doubt, avoiding feminism online won't revoke your feminist card but i know looking at feminism online can also be very healing when dealing with misogyny uh Everywhere so i'll give some other tips.
- the classic "look up trans on their blog before you follow." depending on what type of blog they are, it can be kind of suspicious if they never mention trans people. and then you can very easily weed out the obvious transphobes with this too.
- i would say some red flags are using the adjective "natal" (as in natal women), referring to cis women's oppression as sex-based while trans women's as. Not sex-based, and buying into "trans women are male socialized" rhetoric. this may seem kind of obvious but even if a person doing this identifies as a tirf they're revealing a clear lack in understanding of what transmisogyny is and how trans women exist in the world. this is often how people think before fully deradicalizing, but a lot of people also just begin here or never leave this mindset.
- avoid guys who talk about transandrophobia 🥶🥶 this is a specific thing bc speaking about transmasc issues in itself is obvi good and not bad but sooo many transmascs will try to pose their issues in opposition to transfems and try to do a "well but does transmisogyny exist really because i am Also tma" thing. usually these guys are gonna come out with some real fucked up talking points about trans women because they think they're oppressed by them 🙃 the term "transandrophobia" has kinda been overrun with people like that from what ive seen but ppl can use "anti-transmasculinity" and still mean the same things yk. you have to use your judgement a bit but once you're familiar with them it's easy to spot them out
- this is less of a tip and just a heads up but even blogs who themselves r trans inclusive or profess to be, or are run by a trans person, can still rb terf blogs, i probably have sometime as well though i try to avoid it and i'm not saying you have to avoid that but it's just a common thing, so if that bothers you you should look for a page that's more in the trans community or another community
- honestly the radfem tag is a cesspool and even the tirf tag can be Questionable 😔 it's going to behoove you most probably to just look for transfeminist and other sorts of patriarchy-averse individuals lmao. i looked at the transfeminism tag for the first time today (don't know why I hadn't sooner actually) and it's good! there's some stray weird posts but definitely better than the rf tag on here 💀
i would rly just recommend you check out some blogs, follow them if you think they're neat, and unfollow if you want to later on. that's generally what i do and i've followed some cool people on here from it :]
i don't have as many recommendations as i would Like to give but that's not to say there isn't transfeminists out there. they're just in their own circles. don't feel like u need to settle for terfy tirfs or antifeminists because you can find ppl you feel kinship with!!!
- i really like @taliabhattwrites ! she has a substack where she gives good insight on feminist issues, not only transmisogyny but lesbian issues as well. she also writes EPIC fiction about lesbians and trans women 🙏🙏 has taught me a lot over the years
- shey're not active rn, but i've really liked looking through @transmisogyny-explained 's blog. very informative and good to either unpack transmisogyny in yourself or perhaps help others do so.
- @leftismsideblog mostly talks about youthlib, but when she does talk about gender, they r Correct lol
- if u have a twitter, this is a must-- FOLLOW BLOOMFILTERS. they are so incredibly kind and smart and the mixing of that compassion and intelligence in a person is just bound to make Good Takes. she is an icon
i hope this can kinda help you and stay strong out there :')) it's rough but im rooting for u 💪 my asks or messages r always open if you need some help or just someone to talk to. i hope u have an awesome day too!!!
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lutiaslayton · 9 months
Hi all, I’m very sorry for the late notice (I was trying to push through until the end against the odds), but I won’t be able to get today’s update for Layton’s Book Club done in time 😔 I tried my best, but with the Christmas family gatherings (and eating ten times more than I am used to), the moving around multiple places (I get carsick so I can’t work during travels), the running some more simulations for my lab (I know my PhD is done but we just might be on the brink of a breakthrough), my favourite laptop needing repairs (it is now finally back home and I can finally draw again!), and the flu I got for two days (I’m better now), I unfortunately wasn’t able to make it.
When past me said that I had the entire first chapter as buffer and that it would amount to at least six weeks worth of updates… Well, that is technically true, but also that is only true if you want to consider the primary DeepL-only translation with the bare minimum of editing. What I realised upon giving it a closer look was that a lot of sentences are a bit hard to analyse and interpret correctly, at the very least during the scene which was supposed to be posted today. This first scene in particular is already extremely fast-paced and confusing as it is due to the sheer amount of action happening in it, so for this update more than for any other, translation accuracy really needs to be top notch. and the issue is that since I still do not speak Japanese, top notch 9/10 accurate translations take forever to make because I have to verify every word one by one.
The entire point of this second translation I am making is to have one that is better than the currently-existing Google Docs one on all aspects, mainly reliability and reading enjoyment (as much as I can make it since my own writing style is miles away from the Layton’s Book Club narration style). It would be hypocritical if my translation were just as half-baked as this first one from years ago, even if it would be of just barely higher quality thanks solely to DeepL being superior to how Google Translate was ten years ago.
So… If you want, you can read the first DeepL-with-minimalistic-editing translation directly on my transcription website in the meantime. And if you are even more impatient/curious, you can read here the Google Docs translation which was made by someone else years ago, and… really is lacking in a lot of important moments. But for Layton’s Book Club, in the end I decided to go for quality over quantity. And also this extra week will hopefully allow me to breathe a bit :')
PS: The translation you can read in black text on my transcription website is not actually meant to be enjoyable to read, it is rather meant to be as accurate and close to the original as possible (including the order of words, which is notably why they are so weird to read). Green text shows the sentences that DeepL spat out when I copy-pasted the Japanese version and which past me barely edited in order to make them sound like actual English, but their accuracy is not ascertained.
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raziraphale · 9 months
Tagged by @skinnyscottishbloke nearly a month ago now god am I time blind or what thank you sm !!
Were you named after anyone?
Not at all I am the product of a baby name book lol
Do you have kids?
No thank you <3
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, never /s
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably what they're wearing? Not in a I know things about fashion way but more of a I'm mildly faceblind/I'm cagey about eye contact way
What's your eye color?
Blue/Green. Think the colour of stanky ocean water (said with all the love in the world for stanky ocean water, if you can believe it)
Scary movie or happy ending?
I'm not really a scary movie person so happy ending it is lol which is a funny statement for everyone familiar with my tragedy and angst-loving ways
Any special talents?
Choosing to rephrase "I can't whistle the right way" into "I can whistle by sucking air in instead of blowing out" here. Embracing it as a special talent now.
What are your hobbies?
I am a couch potato that loves tv/movies/video games, but I also love to write and sew. I make my own cosplay 😊 I also just like walking places
Have any pets?
No 😔 in a pet-free apartment but I desperately want a cat. I grew up with many many dogs though and I sometimes miss the chaos (not enough to actually talk to my mom though haha)
What sports do you play/have you played?
I did soccer and cross country growing up but unfortunately didn't keep up the habit as an adult. Why is adult exercise so lonely
How tall are you?
Favourite subject in school?
English and Math!
Dream job?
I always wanted to be a writer growing up so I guess that's still my answer. Not even necessarily writing fiction as I'd originally hoped -- I'd probably enjoy writing manuals for kitchen appliances tbh. Not to be too practical about a Dream Job question, but I honestly like my current job and it's not really important to me to do what I'm passionate about for a living. As long as my job keeps me learning and being challenged, I'm good. The only parts I really hate about my job are the tech office job bullshit parts where I have to pretend to care about whatever a "growth mindset" is and doing mandatory AI training.
This is where I'm supposed to tag people but tbh I am currently lost in the sauce that is the Christmas-New Years void where time doesn't exist and my brain is mush. You (yes, you reading this!) have full permission to pretend I tagged you if you feel like answering a fun lil questionnaire. Tagging all my followers please @ me and tell me all about your pets !!! bc I am lacking in pets
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