#there hasn't been much in the way of them as a duo yet
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nonsscrapheap · 1 day ago
Hello again same annon from the last ask! Loving the new chapter! Ahhh can’t wait for the next take your time!
I am here to ask a scenario that probably many thought of but probably too early for the story so far but! What if the original idw lost light meet DTFB!Hot Rod? Like a duplicate that accidentally got on the lost light type of story since you finished the comics already, there is stark contrast to the LL!Rodimus we know as in personality and abilities in consideration, LL!Rodimus flamethrower is a Mod while Roddy is a outlier ability I know the canon in DTFB is not restricted to one continuity but I love ideas of other continuities meeting a character that is drastically different from the one they know and Brainstorm probably freaking out about the breathing forms, and how it seems like it could be taught to about anyone that has the motivations and/or determination to learn it basically.
you have NO idea how much i've thought about it ever since- no even BEFORE i finished mtmte and LL. i want LL!roddy to meet DTFB!roddy, i want my roddy's shenanigans seen by the others.
i want my roddy to end up surprisingly envious over LL!roddy for [SOMETHING I CANNOT EXPLAIN YET] and also [MORE SOMETHING I CANNOT EXPLAIN YET]
BUT- fuck it, snippet time!
===== Fire Bot on Lost Light =====
"What am I looking at Brainstorm?" Rodimus questioned dryly as he, Ultra Magnus, Megatron and Drift, stood in Perceptor and Brainstorm's shared lab on the Lost Light. The two scientist having called them over for something important.
"Behold, Simpatico presents; The AU Observer!" Brainstorm exclaimed with his usual flare. Perceptor had rolled his optics but was presenting it either way, a stark contrast to the way he acted towards Brainstorm at the start of Lost Light.
They all stood in the lab in front of the largest screen there, the words AU Observer were scrawled over the screen along with a loading screen and the words Scanning AU...
"With how we're jumping between universes now, I thought it prudent that we see which universe we are jumping into first. To avoid... well, to avoid another situation as last week." Perceptor replied and they all made faceplates at last week's universe jump.
A universe where alignments had all switched with the chivalrous Autobots becoming somehow even more terrible monsters than the old Decepticons? Yeah, they got out of that universe as soon as they could.
"We still cannot exactly choose which universe to go into, but we can at least get a forewarning and a general explanation of what is to come."
Both Ultra Magnus and Megatron seemed to approve of it while Rodimus peered at the screen, "Is it scanning the next universe already?"
"Indeed!" Brainstorm nodded, "Actually, we scanned it before hand but it was a small sample." He brought up a picture of... Rodimus? No, it wasn't Rodimus. It was Hot Rod. With green optics and some different detailing but it was definitely Hot Rod, Rodimus' old identity and frame. "Since you are our illustrious main captain of our duo-captain system, I thought it was only fair that we use your likeness to find the Rodimus in the next universe- Lo and behold, we found you! Somewhat."
"Huh, so what, in this universe I have green optics?" Rodimus couldn't help but ask, intrigued by his other self. Drift snorted, amused at the sight of the green optics yet couldn't help but find Hot Rod's optics... kind for some reason. The smile on his derma certainly helped.
"And you have yet to hold the Matrix, your frame hasn't been reformatted." Ultra Magnus noted, peering at the mech's green optics.
Megatron hummed, "How long until the scan is finished? What can we see?"
Perceptor tapped against his keyboard. "Not long, we're still locked on to Rodi- pardon, locked on to Hot Rod, so we shall soon see him in action at least."
"Speaking of which! It's done!" Brainstorm announced as suddenly the screen changed.
All their faceplates immediately turned grim as they found themselves seeing an area with grey bodies with torn chassis and spilled energon. There was a strange amount of mirrors around, floating in the air, and Hot Rod was in the middle of it.
Heaving, panting and hurt. Optics wide and searching as he tensely looked around his surroundings.
In his servos was a katana, similar yet different to the kind that Drift carried. The blade was interesting, a dark mixture of white, red and blue swirling along the metal, glowing like cracks on the sword's blade.
"What the frag?" Rodimus asked as Hot Rod kept stance.
"Give it up, you may have killed other demons but I can assure you. I am no demon you have ever faced." A voice reverberated from the mirrors, a dark shadowy figure in each mirror with haunting pale blue optics.
"Demons?" Drift repeated tensely, his own servo instinctively going to his swords at his sides.
"Perceptor! Brainstorm! Is this happening now?" Megatron barked as Hot Rod's optics narrowed, energon dripping from his intake as he kept his guard up.
"It is! It's-" Brainstorm quietened when the screen spoke once more.
"Those other demons were talentless brutes who were not worthy in becoming like me. You may have slain other demons but I... am far above them." A figure darted out of the mirror, faster than a normal mech's optic could process- Hot Rod had barely reacted in time, managing to change directions and block an incoming clawed servo with his sword with a grunt.
It revealed who he was fighting up against- "Is that a sparkeater!?" It looked very similar to a typical spark eater. Only it wasn't decaying or dilapidated. Their frame was polished, shiny, underneath the stain of energon. But those sharp metallic tail-like bladed tendrils were unmistakeable. "Why is it talking?!"
"And how did it get out of that mirror?" Ultra Magnus asked and pointed out at the same time.
Spark-eaters were mindless, and they certainly couldn't jump out of mirrors!
"I believe that is just how spark eaters are in that universe." Perceptor said with a tense and haunted look on his faceplate, no doubt remembering the time he and several others had been turned into sparkeaters.
Hot Rod struggled to keep against the spark-eaters strength but managed to grin, "You'd be surprised!" His optics sharpened before his moved. A strange whistling in the air as abruptly, he slashed at the so called 'demon' spark eater.
Ni no Kata kai: Yoko Mizu Guruma!
It took a second for the words to translate from... Human Japanese?? It meant; Second Form: Improved, Lateral Water Wheel.
But in the same second, before anyone could even ask any type of question- water seemed to phase into existence. Slicing a circle around him, the sharp liquid crashed into the intelligent spark eater, sending them flying back against the mirrors- but instead of going inside, it cracked the mirror they landed on. The tendrils they had were cut off, flailing in clear pain.
"What the heck was that?!"
Rodimus held his servos up at the looks he got, "Don't look at me! I have no idea why that Hot Rod has a weird water mod! It very much clashes with our name though, I thought he would've gone for a fire one."
"I don't think that's a mod." They all turned to Brainstorm who seemed enthralled by the Hot Rod on the screen. "There's something off about this, but I can't put my finger on it."
"Grrr- right, yes. The weird swordsmechship you can do." The demon snarled, pained and- were they healing? The tails were back! What the pit?! "I'll give you that, Hot Rod. You're no ordinary mech- someone who dealt with Proteus wouldn't be that easy to kill..."
Proteus? Who??
"Senator Proteus?" Megatron muttered incredulously, recognizing the name.
"This is your last chance, demon. Surrender! Atone for the innocent lives you've take—" Hot Rod said, optics burning with righteous determination, something that Rodimus was cheering for yet at the same time. He couldn't remember if he'd been like that when he was younger... Definitely not.
This alternate universe was already so wild with just him alone! Not to mention the spark eater.
"Never! Those worthless lowlives have two uses! To work as they were forged and constructed or to be feasted on by those more powerful than them! Like ME!" Primus could you be any more villainous?
Megatron's faceplate twisted into an angry scowl, glaring at the sparkeater. He was very pleased to see anger on Hot Rod's own faceplate.
"Speaking of such, did you know, little slayer? We are being watched. Not by my brethren, but something else. And I sense such delicious sparks akin to yours."
"Someone else is there? Brainstorm, can we look around or-"
Ultra Magnus interrupted him, optics wide as suddenly the demon was looking at them. "He's talking about us!" He barked suddenly the spark eater launched itself at them, at the screen. Behind him, Hot Rod looked alarmed and immediately sprinted towards the spark eater.
"That's impossible!" Perceptor barked but suddenly the AU Observer's screen sparked and shattered- with the force of a spark eater and a familiar red and yellow mech behind it.
"SCATTER!" Megatron screamed, grabbing Rodimus and throwing them both to the side to avoid the flailing spark eater who hissed and snarled. Drift and Ultra Magnus had done the same, with Drift unsheathing his own swords, prepared to fight.
Hot Rod landed in a roll but immediately leapt towards the spark eater, speaking human Japanese once more.
Mizu no Kokyū - Shichi no Kata: Shizuku Hamon Tsuki!
This time, the translation was automatic.
Water Breathing - Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust
Hot Rod stabbed his sword several times at the spark eater- water forming once more, a surface that depicted droplets that were sharply stabbed against the howling spark eater.
"PUT THE LAB IN EMERGENCY LOCKDOWN MODE!" Ultra Magnus roared as Hot Rod was suddenly flung back thanks to a lashing sharp tail, a cut along his chassis all the way to his shoulder.
===== Fire Bot on Lost Light =====
i would write more but- well, honestly i shouldn't XD im going to end up writing spoiler territory stuff- i mean i kinda already did but im still on the fence of the details ive already revealed so those may or may not be changed.
but yeah, this is ONE of the ways hot rod could've accidentally gotten on the lost light.
i have other ways in mind but for now...
im gonna leave it at that hehehe
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spock-smokes-weed · 1 year ago
I'm at the Sanji and Zoro Davy Back Fight!!! let's see if my ZoSan stonks investment is gonna pay off
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strawberry-hachi · 1 year ago
Nekoma falling head over heels for their manager? Yes.
It was just a coincidence that you were transferring to a different school in the Tokyo area. It was just a coincidence that you happened to like volleyball. It was just a coincidence that the school in question was Nekoma, which was closest to your guardian's work.
What wasn't a coincidence however, was getting kicked off the girl's volleyball team for retaliating against some girls who were picking on you for coming into the school year late.
So now your only way to really do anything volleyball related was to do it outside of school or become a manager for the other team.
Nekoma hasn't had a manager in who knows how long so of course they jump at the chance when you are somehow brought along as one of Kuroo's many friends.
He was able to convince you with the allure of skipping class for games as well as more help with homework and who would pass up good grades and the chance to play volleyball? Not you.
Kuroo has always had an eye for you, believe it or not. He is a logical person, even underneath all that mischief and wild flair. He had a way with words and an even better way with figuring people out. So it's no wonder he would attempt to talk to the new person who suddenly appeared at Nekoma one day. Even less surprising was him falling face first when talking to you.
All you did was help him when his school supplies got trashed from a particular nasty fall he took early in your time at Nekoma, and that was it for him. He was stuck to you like a parasite despite the different classes and year. He was hooked.
He was a logical person until he wasn't. Such as when Kenma oversleeps on purpose to avoid playing games, or when Yaku gets on his nerves for the nth time that day. He was logical with certain people, and perhaps a bit of a menace with others. He isn't really sure where you fit in his us vs them mentality and he isn't sure if he wants to find out. Not when you glance at him while walking through the hallway that sends a chill up his spine, or when your arms or legs brush together when you are studying together that has him shoving his head into his pillows at night, or even that one time when you had shoved him and you into a locker that was much too small for both of you so you could avoid the girls on the volleyball team. Yeah. Perhaps it's better if he doesn't figure you out just yet.
And it wasn't long till he began bringing up the idea of manager, even more so since you got kicked off the girl's volleyball team.
So now you are being introduced to the team as Kuroo practically vibrates with joy because his favorite people are coming together for something he loves.
And it's not long till Yamamoto tries to approach you. Despite his rather intimidating demeanor, he is a sweetheart and a bunch of nerves at heart. He could only keep his eyes off the ground when talking to you once and so you simply gave him the space he needed. He was obviously overwhelmed and somehow, this was all he needed to have confirmation with himself that he liked you.
Just like the Humpty Dumpty duo at Karasuno, he can be a bit overbearing at times. You can't seem to exactly shake him off even when he is practically dying on the floor.
You need to refill the water bottles? He can help if you let him! You need to help plan the team schedule? He has the entire night! You need to pick up some groceries? He's already got it!
You know who is just like Yamamoto but x10? Lev. He is such a sweetheart but goodness gracious sometimes he needs to take a step back otherwise he will take all your personal space.
He first approached you about a week after you joining the team and it was because he almost fell onto you while trying to get his water bottle. He had apologized, of course, but not without taking note of how nice it felt to hug you.
Lev, as you learn later, has always been the affectionate sort and it grew from his older sister, Alisa, who would constantly dote on him. You met her much later during nationals, which you had attempted Lev to try and set her up with you but it resulted in absolutely dreaded failure because Lev immediately passed out upon the request and Kuroo, upon hearing said request, attempted to take Alisa's place.
Lev, as he later learns, is that he developed much more than a stupid puppy crush. He isn't sure exactly when it started. Maybe when he first met you and how he almost crushed you under himself, or maybe a bit later on when you two accidentally got locked inside the gym because you were practicing late together, so you two talked until dawn. It could've even been the instance when you taught him how to do a floater serve and he clearly remembers how your hands held his and your body up against his back as you focused on the ball instead of his red face.
It was from then on you didn't escape practice without Lev trying to glomp you at least once, and you aren't entirely sure if you hate it or not.
Someone who does hate it would be Yaku, who can't seem to stop yelling at Lev each time he goes rushing to you for help with his spikes and receives.
The first time Yaku interacted with you was a little after Lev did, with Yaku scolding the boy for trying to "run you over" (you could probably tackle and eat Lev alive if you really wanted to but you didn't mention it).
Yaku has told you that you are too soft on the boy and he needs more discipline if he wants to be good, but you honestly don't have the heart to be as mean to him as you would be with actual teammates.
Yaku, quite frankly, finds it infuriating how soft you are with Lev, and the team in general, but he won't say anything about it if it means that he gets to call you in the middle of the night after a particularly rough practice to hangout. If it means he gets to see you look at him with such a soft smile on your face that he seldom sees during school, he is more than willing to let it slide.
And if you two accidentally get trapped in the storage room one day, it isn't exactly his fault if you two decide to use each other as warmth until they unlock the door. His face was red anyway, he's sure that you won't think twice about it.
Fukunaga on the other hand, is someone who probably over thinks every single little thing you do in relation to him.
It was around the time you met Inouka that you met him. You were helping Inouka with rounding up the stray balls when you had responded to one of Inouka's questions about your volleyball skills with a joke (as you often do because why go into detail about how often you had beef with your own teammates?!). It was then that Fukunaga had fired a quip back and turned the question once more onto you had you two finally learned of each other's existence.
Perhaps it's why you two are so aware of every little thing either of you say.
You said hi to him, does that mean anything? Oh you helped him with his serves, that must mean something right?
However, just because he is prone to overthinking (just as you are with him) doesn't mean it's his whole character. More often than not he is trying to come up with jokes for you and is probably the one you talk with the most if Kuroo wouldn't constantly stalk (he doesn't actually and he swears by this but Yaku and Kenma find it funny as it is something to hold over his head) you.
It's odd to say the least. He is usually the most detached of all the people in Nekoma's team and yet despite this, you find yourself absorbed in conversation after conversation with him. It was a matter of time till he started looking for you in every single room, unconsciously or not.
Liking someone is a foreign concept, especially in the way Fukunaga sees you and so you can't blame him when his jokes slowly turn to pick up lines every so often or he replies to your quips with compliments to throw you off. It's not like you can blame him either when he decides to try and plan your conversations ahead of time so he can catch you at every single front. Perhaps even get you flustered in the same way you do to him he so often finds.
Someone who doesn't show his emotions, however, is Kenma, who you've never really gotten a good read on.
He was perhaps one of the last ones that you had truly met before things kicked off with the team.
You'll admit, the way you met him wasn't the best. It was after practice and it was particularly stormy that night. You had an umbrella but a certain somebody didn't.
Kuroo, bless his heart, had left earlier before the storm came full blast to get something back home, and so Kenma was planning to walk through the rain until you offered him your umbrella.
You had more than once ran through the rain because of practice running late and so you thought nothing of it, but instead of him going with it, he simply took it and glued next to your side until you got home yourself.
It was an awkward walk as you stood shoulder to shoulder, and even more awkward when you got home as he bid you goodnight like some boyfriend and walked home; umbrella still in hand.
It was a Friday and so you did not see him or your umbrella until Monday, and so when he gave it back during class it was quite the sight. Yet, he did not seem fazed from all the stares and whispers. Not a bit.
You don't think you'll ever be able to read his expressions.
Him on the other hand, finds you quite the enigma. You were known as some wild dog since you had attacked three of the members on the volleyball team at Nekoma your very first day, and yet had acted so kindly, if not reserved, as a manager.
Even more so when he saw the way some other members looked or spoke of you.
He caught on quickly with the other's feelings for you, and he wasn't sure you'd ever come to realize, but that's okay. It's perfectly fine if it means he can take you to the rooftop to hangout without any pressure of another. The moment he perhaps truly fell head over heels, however, was during their summer camp that Karasuno was invited to. You had met Shoyo and hit it off, and he, somehow, was able to convince you to teach him how to serve. Something perhaps all of Karasuno + Kenma knew how bad Shoyo was at it.
It was then he fell, he thinks. To see someone so straight laced and aggressive during school hours willingly help someone with a smile on their face? Yeah. He fell hard.
And he struggles to show this to you and not others, especially considering how Kuroo has attached himself at your hip and Lev at your arm. Especially considering how Yaku always tries to find time to hang out with you and Fukunaga talks to you all the time. It infuriates him to no end but yet you still have patience for him even after all that socializing. You still have time to watch as he beats a level you were stuck on. You still have time to get him that game he has been looking at and for once, he doesn't mind the company.
He really doesn't mind, even if the side effect comes with wanting to kiss you breathless and have you look at him the way he looks at you.
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spenceragnewfics · 8 months ago
f!reader losing virginity to spencer ? maybe as "just friends" to help her "get it out of the way" but they really like each other.
So...this was supposed to come out on Spencer's birthday but work and life got in the way...sorry.
WE’RE JUST FRIENDS? | Spencer Agnew x F!Reader | 18+ MINORS DNI
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(also, yes the girl in the photo has a certain skin color but it's not indicative of the reader. I try to make these open to everyone as possible.)
TW: Smut, oral (f! receiving), fingering, cursing, two idiots in love
DESCRIPTION: You have told you're best friend Spencer everything...well except two things. You're in love with him and you're still a virgin. Two things you never plan to tell him...until you do.
She never understood why people couldn’t just be friends. Opposite genders can be friends and not have any romantic feelings. Is it kind of hypocritical coming from her…yeah, but not totally. 
You see, Y/N has feelings for her best friend since college but is purely platonic with all her other male friends; Chanse, Shayne, Tommy, Ian, Anthony, and all the other guys at Smosh. She knows the main reason she’s attracted to Spencer and has been for years, he’s himself. It’s hard to explain unless you know Spencer but what made her fall for him…is him.
It’s not like her feelings are so intense she couldn’t date anyone else, in fact, she’s dated a couple of guys but they haven’t lasted for vastly different reasons. One thing has been one of the constant reasons for the break up, you don’t want to sleep with them.
She doesn't know why, but she has yet to date anyone who has made her feel comfortable enough to lose her virginity to, not wanting to regret it later on. That’s something she hasn’t told anyone, not even Spencer because she doesn't know how to explain why she hasn't yet. It’s something she never thought she would tell him until one night of drinks, pizza, and gaming. A semi-regular night for the two of them, especially after a long shoot week.
It was barely midnight, the two of them had been hanging out for like four hours at this point just talking, eating, and trying to beat the other at Mario Kart or play duos on Fortnite.
The night had gotten away from them after an epic Battle Royale about an hour ago where they celebrated with an extra drink and chatting. Like everything, somehow they got onto the topic of dating, both of them being single for almost, or over in Spencer's case, a year. That then delved into talking about more intimate stuff, “Honestly, I’m so fucking happy that I lost my virginity in high school. I could not imagine still being a virgin now. Too much pressure.” He quips after he makes a joke about the movie 40-year-old Virgin.
Y/N looks at him confused and lowkey, panicking, “Why do you say that? I don’t think it’d be that bad.” She confesses, sipping more of her drink. “Dude, when you’re in high school or college it’s all just part of the experience. You barely have dated anyone so there isn’t much pressure. Now though, fuck dude!” He says, rubbing his face in frustration at the thought and she looks down.
“There would be so much pressure at this point. You’ve dated so many people and at this point, it’s probably just you being in your head.”
“Or you’re scared to give it away and regret it. Guys losing their virginity is a lot more different than girls. You have to remember that, Spence. A lot more at stake too.” She looks at him, trying to show a stoic face but Spencer isn’t buying it.
Y/N is always someone who tries to show both sides of the coin but is usually more silly about it. Now, she’s being very serious and trying to act stoic, like she’s hiding something. It’s not something he wouldn’t have noticed unless they had been friends this long.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to strike a nerve. I know you’re all about being things neutral but this seems like a bit more than usual. What’s up?” She looks at him confused, trying not to get embarrassed and say something she doesn’t want to. “Nothing, I just think that sometimes this whole thing is oversimplified.” He raises an eyebrow, “You’re acting like you’re still…” He trails off when she looks down and squeezes her eyes shut.
“Oh my god! Y/N! What the fuck! I thought you and-”
“We were but I changed my mind. Every time I thought about possibly losing it to him I felt nothing but dread. Same thing with the other guys. I don’t want to regret it.” She plays with her fingers, not wanting to look him in the eye.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She looks at him shocked, “Why would I need to tell you? It’s personal but also how the hell do I bring that up?” She says before speaking in a silly voice, “Oh, Spencer, I gotta tell ya, buddy. I’m a virgin because I get major anxiety and overthink it to where I just haven’t done it.” She does a silly laugh that sounds a lot like Goofy.
“Okay, I get it. This is a sensitive topic, I’m sorry.” He apologizes, looking at her sadly and she feels her heart pinch. “It’s not that. I just…I want to. I want to so badly but I just get so anxious and overthink everything. Sometimes I think that it’d be easier to find someone to hook up with or just get an escort or something.” She looks at him, “Or someone I have been friends with forever basically and I trust more than anything.”
Spencer looks at her confused until she raises a brow and he gets the message, “Oh, you mean me? Really?” She nods, playing with her fingers again as she gets nervous. “Yeah, I mean. I know I wouldn’t regret it with you because you’re my best friend. I don’t think there is a guy I trust more than you.” She confesses, making his face light up.
“I would be honored. Holy shit, you won’t regret this. I promise.” He says, sounding like an excited young kid who just got picked first for baseball. She giggles at his silly antics before letting out a shocked yelp when he pulls her close. “So, are you more dominant or submissive or…” She shrugs her shoulders. Spencer shrugs his as well before putting his hand on her cheek, pulling her in gently before connecting their lips.
She puts her hand on his as her other moves into his hair. He sighs into the kiss as her nails scratch at his scalp, sending chills down his spine. Gently, he lays her down on the couch as his lips move to cheek then to her jaw, and landing lastly on her neck.
He feels his pants tighten as she lets out soft sighs from his lips on her sensitive neck. His tongue licks a long stripe along it before he sucks on her pulse point. Her hand pulls at his hair in response as she mutters out his name softly, the sound making him harder by the second.
Unknown to Y/N, Spencer was slowly coming to the realization of his own feelings for her. What he would always brush off as anxiety of her dating someone new and unknown to him has turned out to be jealously. Jealous that these random guys would take you out and not him. He finally has his chance to test the waters…well test a little more than the waters.
His lips continue to work on her neck but stop when she starts to giggle. “What, what’s so funny?” He asks, moving back a little and chuckling himself. “Your beard tickles a bit. I like it though.” She’s coy about her words, he smiles at her shyness before going back to kissing her neck as she giggles again.
This is nothing he’s felt before. The other girls he had dated and slept with were all serious about sex. They didn’t want or think that sex could be playful and fun but in this moment Spencer feels his heart soar. He’s pulled out of his trance as she tries to pull off his t-shirt, he helps her take the article of clothing off before slipping his hands under her shirt.
He holds back a moan just at the feeling of her lace bra, not even seeing it in person. She giggles before slipping the shirt over her head and swears his eyes are popping out of his head. “I knew you had awesome tits, but holy fuck!” He groans as he puts his face between them.
His warm breath fans over them, sending chills down her body before his warm tongue licks her lace-covered nipple. She bites her lip as he does the same to the other before pulling her bra down to expose the flesh fully.
A strangled moan falls from her lips when he wraps his around her right nipple. His thumb and forefinger play with her left, rolling and gently tugging it. She feels herself getting wetter with each tug as her hands tangle in his hair. He continues to stimulate her nipples for a while before moving down with open mouth kisses.
“Spence, you don’t have to-”
“I want you, now sit back relax and enjoy the show.” He jokes with his sassy smirk before kissing her plush thighs. She sighs comfortably at the feeling before laughing when he playfully bites her thigh. “Sorry, you just tasted too good not to have a bite.”
Her eyes stay on him as his beard tickles her thigh before he moves to be face-first with her pussy. His finger come up to spread her lips as she feels her cheeks heat up, not used to having someone see so much of her. Her thighs start to close but Spencer stops them before they can. “Don’t hide yourself. You’re beautiful.” He assures her as he licks a long strip up her slit.
The new feeling makes her eyes roll as she breathes shakily. He continues to give long licks before moving to suck on her clit. “Holy fuck!” She moans, her hands quickly finding a place in his hair as she relishes in the new feeling.
She had used vibrators and other toys but nothing had felt like this before. His tongue swirls around her clit a few times before sucking again. He moves a finger to her entrance, “I’m going to put a finger in. It might feel weird at first.” She nods, moving a hand down to his arm. She releases a breath at the uncomfortable feeling, her hand squeezes his arm.
“Are you okay?” He asks his finger fully inside. “Yeah, just feels… different.” She confesses as she starts to feel embarrassed. “It’ll feel better in a bit, just gotta get you warmed up a bit.” His finger thrusts in and out for a moment before he adds a second. She moans softly when adds a second and whimpers as they move. “Is it feeling better?” He asks, she responds with a sweet moan that makes his cheeks heat up.
His fingers continue going in and out, stretching her out slightly. His fingers graze the spongy spot inside her, “Oh my, do that again! Please.” She begs. The feeling made her see stars, who is Spencer not to please? His finger rubs the spongy spot as she starts to feel herself get close.
“Yes, yes, just like that-Fuck!” She screams when his lips wrap around her clit again. He licks and sucks intermittently while still playing with her G-spot as she screams his name. “Spencer! Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” She yells as the knot in her stomach snaps.
He licks and sucks her clean before sitting up. Pulling off his hoodie and pants. He aligns himself with her leaking hole, “This will probably hurt, but it’ll subside. I promise.” She nods as he slowly pushes in.
While the tight feeling makes him moan loudly, having been a while since he slept with anyone, Y/N bites her lip, the feeling being intruding and uncomfortable. Noticing her discomfort, he leans down and kisses her sweetly, trying to distract her as he continues to sink in.
Spencer is just a bit above average in length but more girthy than most. The stretch is something Y/N will come to love but for the first time, it’s a different feeling than anything she’s ever felt. Her face unconsciously skews in a bit of pain when he’s fully inside.
Leaning down, he locks their lips. His hips are still as he gives her time to adjust, the feeling of her wrapped around him is making it hard to keep still though. Her hands tangle in his hair once again and gently pull when she’s adjusted, giving them the okay to move.
His thrusts start out slow, letting her body adjust to the new sensations and the starting pain slowly melts away. He intertwines their fingers as he thrusts at the same pace. The gesture is small but is enough to make her feel safe and loved by the man on top of her.
It takes about a minute before Y/N starts to moan, “Faster, please Spencer.” She begs needing to feel more. It takes everything in him not to smirk as his hips pick up speed. “Oh god.” She moans, wrapping her legs around his waist to keep him close.
Spencer keeps a steady fast pace, his tip hitting her G-Spot as he moves his hips a little. The only sounds in the room are skin-on-skin, moans, and heavy breathing. The two are eye-locked, watching the other’s face and expressions.
“Shit, I’m close.” Y/N moans, feeling the familiar knot forming. “Me too, shit,” Spencer groans as his hand moves to rub her clit. “Fuck, Spencer!” She practically screams with the added sensation.
“Cum for me, Y/N. Please cum all over me.” He moans, his thrusts getting sporadic.  She screams his name as the knot bursts in her stomach and she cums on his dick. He groans as she clenches around him, making it hard for him to not cum inside her. He continues to thrust through her high before he starts to breathe very heavily.
“Where do you want me to cum?” He struggles to get out, feeling very close. “I don’t care.” She says, her voice very breathy. He pulls out and only strokes himself a few times before he cums on her chest.
Coming down from his high, the two look at each other and then laugh. “Oh my god, that was amazing. How the hell are you still single?” She jokes as he lays on top of her. “Just haven’t found the right one yet.” He says, his eyes looking at her softly as she runs a hand through his hair.
“Maybe you just haven’t been looking in the right places.” She smiles at him and he leans in, “Or maybe I just have been overlooking a certain someone.” he says before kissing her.
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mrs-g0th1ka · 11 months ago
1Am Astrology Observations!!!
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These are my observations of some zodiac placements, some may apply and some wont. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't :)
I know Gemini and Aquarius are good matches, but when these two are on each other's bad side, it's like a battle of who can cut who the deepest with words. Things can go one or two ways. Both signs communicate it out or argue it out. The arguments can become heated really fast due to both air signs being so direct yet cut throat with their intelligent comebacks.
I've noticed a lot of Sagittarius suns/ moon/ risings in open or poly relationships.
8th house synastry is very interesting to me along with 12th house synastry. It's always a game of "will this be a lover or a enemy, or both?!"
I don't like how Taurus placements get called "lazy", they are not lazy they just choose to take their time. Change isn't easy for Taurus placements, it can even cause some to have anxiety. Taurus placements get things done on their own time.
The pisces and libra duo just makes so much sense, Libra being exalted in pisces. These two signs are always bumping into each other, platonic or romantic.
Virgos either love Aquarius or hate them, there's no in between.
Aquarius mercury people are genuinely so smart and funny, they are intellectual yet so unserious??
I don't know one pisces who hasn't been in some odd love triangle.
Capricorn and Aquarius risings can be just as intense as scorpio risings, Saturn ruled people have this bold/ mysterious look to them.
I've noticed many scorpios and sagittariuses are attracted to Aquarius or vice versa.
Libra placements can be such good siblings, they care so deeply for their families.
4th house synastry can be very beautiful, the person you share this synastry with could remind you of home in some way.
Aquarius/ sagittarius/ leo are trendsetters, I've seen these placements get their ideas stolen or copied first hand.
If a Gemini chooses not to speak to you it's probably because you bore them.
If someone's moon is in your 6th house it means that person will care so much about your well being. It may feel smothering at times but it's truly because they care.
I've seen leo and virgo in relationships a lot, it's not really healthy but both seem to gravitate towards each other.
Sagittarius suns need hugs. A sagittarius will light up a room and then go home to their darkness. They hide their vulnerability almost as well as an aquarius. Sagittarius are sidereal scorpios so it makes sense why they would be so secretive of their hard times.
Sagittarius and Aquarius are so similar, people don't talk about it enough!!
Cancer placements can be thee most caring people on earth; but as soon as they shut the world out to focus on their well being they get attacked.
12th house hidden enemies is so so true!! I have a 12th house scorpio and scorpio suns just hate me for some reason. Even when I'm kind to them they become bitter?!?. Nevertheless I'm obsessed with scorpios lmao.
Thank you for reading my zodiac yap session♡♡
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vroomvro0mferrari · 1 year ago
CL16 | Oblivious
Sorry it took me so long, I was really busy with finals the last couple of weeks but I've finally finished the fic from the poll! I hope you like it :)
Summary: Charles has been blatantly flirting with Y/N for months, but she's the only one who hasn't noticed.
Charles Leclerc x Sainz!Reader
WC: 2.4K
Warnings: None
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Charles was busy in the garage, talking with his mechanics when he saw her walk in. Y/N Sainz, the younger sister of his friend and teammate. He had seen her many, many times when she came to support her brother at his races. It seemed like Charles could sense her presence, knowing she was there without having seen or heard her, always looking up right when she walked in. Y/N Sainz was greatly loved by the Ferrari employees. With her bubbly personality, witty jokes, and bright smiles, all the team members enjoyed her presence. And Charles couldn’t help but feel the same way, although Y/N was completely oblivious to his affection. 
His face lit up when their eyes met, instantly smiling at her company. As soon as she was close enough, he greeted her, “Ah Y/N! Nice to see you again, you look lovely today!” He grinned.
“Oh, thank you, Charles. You’re so kind!” She responded with a bright smile as she hugged him in greeting, the flirty undertone going by entirely unnoticed.
Charles had been enamoured with Y/N since the first time they met. In an effort to not come off too strong and scare her away, Charles tried to flirt with her subtly. However, after several occurrences without any reaction from Y/N, it seemed his flirting was too subtle. Either that or she was not into him. But he couldn’t give into that possibility just yet.
As time passed and Y/N became a more familiar face in the paddock, Charles’s flirtations became bolder. He’d constantly try to include her in conversations and would make up all kinds of excuses just to talk to her. Whenever he did manage to string her into another conversation, he’d try to make her laugh as much as he could. Simply because he could, and because he loved to see her happy and smiling. And if he was feeling really confident, he would even go as far as to touch her arm or the small of her back while they were chatting away or walking around the paddock together. Nevertheless, to Charles's frustration, Y/N didn’t seem to notice his underlying motives, dismissing his actions and words as nothing more than friendly gestures.
Meanwhile, everyone else who had ever been around the duo seemed to have caught sight of the one-sided infatuation and attempt at courtship. Everybody except for Y/N had noticed Charles was desperately trying to make his feelings for the girl obvious, but she simply kept friend-zoning him. Frankly, he found it embarrassing. 
Nearly all of Charles’s fellow drivers had been caught up in one of his attempts to woo Y/N while she simply brushed his compliments off as friendly comments. It was hard not to notice Charles’s fruitless flirting when he did it right in front of them, but they didn’t say anything about it. His colleagues merely exchanged knowing glances with others aware of the situation, amused at Charles’s futile attempts at winning Y/N over. But as time wore on, and Charles kept trying, at least a few of his colleagues started to comment on his persistence, calling him a simp, and joking about his poor flirting. Some suggested he should stop his pursuit of Y/N, as it seemed she wasn’t interested, but Charles was relentless: he would not quit until he knew for sure Y/N Sainz didn’t and would never like him.
And so, when Charles spotted Y/N walking through the paddock with Lando, one of the people in the paddock she got along with better, talking animatedly and laughing loudly with each other, he approached her once more; he would seize any opportunity to blatantly flirt with Y/N. He quickly caught up with the two, putting his hand on the small of her back as he matched his speed with theirs. “You’re absolutely radiant today, chérie” He greeted her with a cheeky grin.  
Y/N looked to her side, greeting the new presence “Hey, Charles!” As oblivious as always, she sweetly smiled up at him and replied, “Thanks! You’re such a sweet friend!”
Lando was a mere bystander in the situation as he observed the interaction, surprised and amused at the ease with which Y/N once again waved off the man who was so clearly crushing on her. He held his opinions back until Charles left, “Wow, you certainly have no trouble friend-zoning him, don’t you?” He commented.
Y/N cocked her head as she looked at him, her brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
Lando laughed humourlessly, “Dear God, you really have no idea?” He paused, “Y/N, Charles has been flirting non-stop with you for ages. How on earth have you not noticed?”
She stopped walking and looked at him in confusion, “He’s not flirting with me, Lando, he’s just being nice. He’s a good friend.” 
“I’m actually quite sure he’s flirting with you, Y/N. So is everyone else. You could literally ask any of the drivers, and they would confirm it. The Ferrari employees too, I reckon. He likes you, Y/N.” He said unimpressed.
“Charles likes me?” She asked softly, suddenly turning shy, a blush creeping onto her face.
Lando sighed, realising his friend was even more oblivious than he initially thought. “Yeah, he does. I’m honestly surprised you’ve never noticed.” He gently squeezed her shoulder before they parted ways.
— — —
For the rest of the day, Y/N thought about Lando’s words. She thought about all her interactions with Charles over the last few months and realised that he did compliment her quite often. 
Once, on a sunny afternoon, Y/N was chatting with some of the Ferrari team members near the garage when Charles spotted her. He, as always, decided to walk over to talk with her, his usual charming smile on his face and mischief in his eyes.
"Y/N, only you can make a sunny day even brighter," he said with a big, playful smile and admiration in his voice.
Y/N blinked at him, surprised by his sudden appearance and his bold statement. "Oh, thank you, Charles! That's really sweet of you to say."
Unfazed by her obliviousness, Charles pressed on, determined to make his feelings known after such a long time. "No, really," he insisted, his gaze unwavering. "I mean it. You bring a brightness to the paddock that I can't quite explain."
Y/N laughed softly, “Well, um, thank you. That’s very kind. What can I say? I try my best.” She replied with a smile.
Another time, Y/N was in the team hospitality when she accidentally spilt her drink, leaving an obvious stain on her white shirt. Charles, who was, unsurprisingly, standing nearby (as always), had noticed immediately and courteously offered one of his extra Ferrari shirts. When he saw the girl he had liked for months in his clothes, wearing his driver’s number, he naturally couldn’t resist the urge to flirt with Y/N.
"Have I ever told you how stunning you look in red?" he remarked, his eyes sparkling with mischief and fondness at the sight of her.
Y/N laughed and replied, "No, I don't think you have," smiling at him in a friendly manner.
"Well, consider it said," he said, his tone playful. "You wear it better than anyone else, that's for sure."
Y/N laughed softly, appreciating her friend’s words, "I doubt that’s true, but thanks, Charles."
Thinking back to these moments, Y/N realised maybe Charles had indeed been flirting with her. However, he might just be like that with all of his friends, complimenting everyone he cares about. Nevertheless, now that Lando had brought this to her attention, she would surely pay extra attention to what Charles would say to her tomorrow.
— — —
The next day, Charles had caught her in a conversation again. They were talking about the race and the current situation with Ferrari. He mentioned the pressure from the team and all the fans that want him to do well, and that the car and the strategies aren’t working the way he wants them to. Of course, Y/N tried to reassure him; to relieve the pressure and stress Charles was feeling. He absolutely adored the way she was trying to comfort him and was not afraid to let her know, “I have to admit, Y/N, nobody can cheer me up like you can. You calm my nerves like no one else,” he said, looking at her lovingly while he expressed his feelings.
Y/N didn’t know how to respond. This was the first time she noticed he was flirting with her whilst he was actually doing it, and she had no idea how to react. When she felt her face heat up, she could only assume she was blushing from the nerves. She diverted her gaze, trying to come up with a good reply to Charles’s advances. How did she usually respond when Charles complimented her? She couldn’t remember now.
Charles was confused at Y/N’s lack of response to his remark. Normally, she’d immediately smile at him and thank him for whatever compliment he’d come up with, but now, she was looking away, and - was he seeing that right? Was she blushing? He had flirted with her countless times, but she had never blushed at any of his comments. Had she finally noticed his advances? Charles watched her with an amused smile while she searched for the right words.
Eventually, she shyly smiled at him, meeting his eyes in a fleeting glance before responding, “I’m glad to be of help.”
Charles, Charles, proud that he was the one to cause her flustered appearance, decided to push a little further, curious to see what would happen, “You really have no idea how much you mean to me, Y/N. Your support helps me so much.” Charles smiled gently and put his hand on her arm. When there’s no immediate response, he continues, “Anyway, I have to get ready for the race. I’ll see you later, yeah?” Y/N merely nodded and watched him walk away.
Her brother had been watching the interaction from a distance, observing the way his sister responded to Charles’s obvious flirting and, too, noticing the difference. “You finally figured it out, huh?” He said with a teasing smile. Y/N rolled her eyes at him in annoyance, but Carlos just continued, “You should let him know you like him too.” Y/N didn’t respond. “You do like him don’t you?” He asks, confused at her unresponsiveness. “Leave me alone, Carlos!” She replied, pushing her brother away. He laughed at her; that reaction was enough for him to know the answer to his question. He ruffled her hair and walked away, also needing to get ready for the race.
After her short talk with Charles, Y/N was sure that he liked her, but how to proceed? She could barely focus on the cars going around the track while all types of ideas were racing around in her head. What on earth was she supposed to do now? Should she wait until the next time Charles would flirt with her, or should she make the move instead? Considering Carlos’s advice, she decided she should take matters into her own hands.
She walked up to Charles as soon as she saw him entering the garage after the race. She had always thought Charles was incredibly attractive – like most women, but he looked especially handsome after he had raced.
“Hey, good job on the race!” She greeted Charles, pulling him into a hug. She looked at him for a second or two, contemplating whether she should actually do this. She smiled up at him shyly, “You know, I love the way your hair looks after a race.” She said blushing, running one of her hands through his messy hair. Charles is surprised at her comment, but he’s shocked at her hand in his hair. This is the first time she has complimented him – or at least, initiated it. Let alone, her touching him in such an intimate way. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly agape as he stared at her in disbelief. It was now Charles’s turn to be flustered as Y/N finally reciprocated his attempts at flirting.
In his silence, Y/N decided to continue, “It’s hot.” She said, avoiding eye contact. Charles was unsure how to respond. He had never experienced a situation like this before; he always knew exactly what to say, but she had caught him off guard. After Y/N had friend-zoned him countless times, he was definitely not expecting this; he was not sure what to do.
The absence of a reply only made Y/N more nervous. She distanced herself from him, letting her hand fall from his hair, realising she probably shouldn’t have touched him without permission. Charles was quick to notice her retreat and held her face to stop her from leaving. He raised her chin to make their eyes meet and asked her softly, “Let me take you to dinner?” while he stared at her with adoration.
Y/N smiled at him fondly and nodded her head, “I’d like that, Charles. I’d really like that.” 
“Good,” He said firmly, his smile growing wider, matching hers. “I have to leave now for the debrief, but I’ll text you, okay?” 
Y/N nodded her head in response, letting out a hum. Charles pulled her face closer with the hand on her cheek, and fleetingly kissed her forehead before leaving, looking over his shoulder to catch her gaze one last time.
Y/N stood still in shock for a while, processing what just happened. She had agreed to go on a date with Charles. She was staring outside, letting the situation sink in as she watched people pass by in the busy paddock. Suddenly, she spotted Lando waving wildly at her, trying to get her attention. When he realised that she had seen him, he smiled mischievously and gave her a thumbs-up, assuming the kiss he saw Charles give her was a good sign. Y/N rolled her eyes at him, annoyed by his nosiness, but Lando just laughed, amused at her bother and glad his meddling had helped.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months ago
Okay, I've been brainstorming about my pookie Gojo again and was wondering if you could write something with a jujutsu sorceress who's been getting along with romantic! Yandere! Gojo great, even friends! This is the best time he's having since his teen years (which were his best ;.;) but his friend/love interest has the opportunity to step away from the jujutsu society/school and live a normal life away from Gojo. It would keep them the most safe...but Gojo is clingy and selfish and wishes for a normal life WITH her, too.
Could prompt 15, 54, and 38 from your yandere prompt list work? Thank you :)
Sure! You said Sorceress so I assumed female reader? Here you go!
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 15, 54, 38
"Please smile for me... don't make me force you...."
"Selfish! That's what you are!"
"My life has been so barren without you...."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Trauma, Fear of loss, Guilt-Tripping, Overprotective behavior, Forced relationship.
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Satoru can't remember the last time he felt this way.
He hasn't been this happy since his teen years. Now he's much older, a teacher, and the strongest Sorcerer out there. Truthfully, after the death of Suguru, he didn't think he was meant for such happiness... not with his burdens.
Then there was you, a Jujutsu Sorceress who transferred to Jujutsu High to help train and monitor Sukuna's Vessel.
At first, Satoru didn't think he needed the help. He was completely fine looking after Yuji just like he was with Megumi. Yet, he didn't fight the extra help.
More help can be useful for other means.
Satoru was naturally friendly when he first met you. Mostly just to welcome you even if he felt he didn't need your help. He's strong, doesn't need to rely on anyone...
Then you showed him that he isn't strong everywhere... emotion-wise he was vulnerable.
He really does hate how much you remind him of his good years. Those years were long dead now, just like his friend. But despite it all... Satoru found himself attached.
He just couldn't help it. You help take care and guide the students in his care. Plus, even if he's the strongest, you still insist on providing back up.
You two became quite the duo when you join to help teach.
Satoru was never usually one to crush on girls much when he was younger. He was always focused on himself rather than flirting around, even if he is attractive. Now that you're beside him, however...
He can feel himself crushing on you like some young school boy.
It's embarrassing how your presence makes him feel... weak? He always finds himself so nervous yet calm around you. It's just you... always you... now he can't help but feel addicted.
Satoru regrettably let himself get attached to you and be vulnerable with you. He found himself taking you on little 'dates' (They aren't dates to you) and letting himself relax. He knows he shouldn't... but your smile is everything to him.
Satoru couldn't help but fall for you. You're such a pretty and precious woman to him... you make him feel all attentive. Satoru can't help but want to protect you, to be part of your life.
Satoru wants you to need him as much as he needs you. He adores you. He can't help but hope you feel the same so he can hold you... kiss you....
He's fallen into this little obsession of his so much that he gets excited when you invite him to your office. You tell him you have to confess something, to meet you in your office whenever he's free. Satoru has never appeared in a place faster.
Then you say you have to leave.
"They allowed me the opportunity to take a break. I'm just not needed here, now. I just thought it would be the safest option... and I wanted to tell you just so you knew...."
Satoru... can't believe what you said to him. You had called him into your given office to speak to him. This is the important news you had to say...? This was your confession?
You... You want to leave? You want to leave him...? Are... Are you serious...? You didn't love him? You didn't feel the same? Satoru's gaze keeps scanning you, looking for any form of deceit. When he sees none... He can't help but break his calm exterior and snap.
"Selfish! That's what you are!" Satoru snaps, unaware of any projection he may have just flung at you. You stare at him, jumping at his sudden lack of control. It's... so unlike him.
"Satoru, what's—?"
"You're not needed here...? I need you! I NEED you to stay here, with me!" Satoru pleads, stepping closer. He corners you like an animal... yet you stand your ground the best you can.
"My life has been so barren without you...." Satoru continues his sudden rant, his voice almost cracking as he looks at you. His gaze is full of hurt. "Now that I've found you, now that I can taste that happiness again... You want to leave me!?"
"Satoru, It's for the best, I'm not trying to leave you..." You try to explain your actions, only for Satoru to pull you into his chest.
"Don't you know I love you?" Satoru asks quietly, causing your face to flush. His sudden confession does not help either of you... You still feel fearful of his sudden change in behavior.
"Satoru, no...."
"I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I can't let you go, baby...." Satoru whispers, the nickname a smooth as velvet. "Please don't go... I can't protect you if you go...."
"Don't make this harder than it has to be...."
"Why can't you tend to me for once!?" Satoru barks, making you freeze in fear. "Why can't I be happy!? I want a life with you! I want to stay with you... I want..."
Satoru pauses, seeing the fear in your face. His cold gaze softens when he sees you trembling in his hands. He... He shouldn't be taking this out on you...
"... I want you to smile," Satoru murmurs, cupping your face. "I want you to smile because you're my girl, and I'm your man. I want you... I don't want you scared of me, or anything, I just..."
In a moment of vulnerability usually unseen, Satoru pulls you into a tighter hug. You almost can't breathe
"Please smile for me... don't make me force you...." Satoru whispers, his words genuine... yet they come off as threatening. "Please show me you love me too... Please don't leave my side...."
Satoru doesn't look down at you, merely shoving his face into your neck.
He's so stressed and tired all the time... He just wants to be happy, happy with you...
He doesn't care if it means he has to keep you here by force... It's all to protect you... or so he tells himself...
He just can't lose you... He's lost too much.
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greyyson-but-no · 3 months ago
kill the director
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"now, you've gotta prepare yourself, people are gonna be all over you." jess spoke, pulling the car outside the diner, just against the curb and where he used to park it all those years ago. you hadn't even been in the town 15 minutes odd, but you already loved it. firstly, it was snowing, laying a white blanket over the main square, the town tree somehow lighting up the day even more.
christmas was definitely a good time to visit the town for the first time.
you furrowed your eyebrows at his words, though, looking through the glass of the diner to everyone inside. "are they expecting us?"
jess laughed, helping you out the car with a hand as he always insisted he did. "no, but the whole town has heard a lot about you from luke and lorelai, they'll just be itching to meet you, i'm sorry."
"oh, alright." you smiled, letting him wrap his arm around your shoulder as he led you towards the door. "wait wait, before we go in-"
a hand over your mouth, you laughed, using the reflection in the glass to fix your hair where it needed it, then turning to jess. "is there anything you don't want me to talk about or mention or anything?"
"i'll signal." he nods, smiling and opening the door. "ladies first."
it immediately got warmer inside. general chatter found your ears, as well as the sizzling of someone frying something behind the counter. luke was stood behind the counter, serving the people sat at the counter, one of whom was lorelai. luke had some dismissive but loving look in his eyes as he spoke to her, a similar to one that jess used on you. they were definitely more similar than they realised.
when he saw you and jess walk in, he smiled, putting down the pot of coffee in order to come over and say hello. lorelai turned too, hopping off the stool to come and greet you besides luke.
"hey, how're you doin'?" he welcomed, pulling jess into a hug and then you, lorelai doing the same.
jess answered for the both of you. "yeah, all good. nothing out of the ordinary, that's for sure."
luke made his way around the back of the counter. "how was the drive up? hope the snow wasn't too bad."
"it was alright, traffic was decent in comparison to the snowfall, that's for sure." jess shrugged, helping himself to some coffee, pouring some for you as well.
as you took a sip, you expanded on his point. "yeah, no, we were expecting it to be at a standstill, but it was alright."
"that's good." luke grabbed the other coffee pot, turning to see the two cups already poured. "coff-? oh, well, should have seen that coming."
jess grinned between you and luke, letting you rest your head on his shoulder as you laughed at their duo. while there had definitely been some rough patched within the years, they'd worked through them all, and come out on the other side better of than most uncle-nephew relationships.
suddenly, a curly red haired woman came walking over, in a bright shawl wrapped around her shoulders, large earrings dangling from her ears, looking excited to see you and jess.
before she could say anything, luke inserted himself into the conversation. "hey, miss patty, you remember jess? this is his girlfriend, y/n."
"oh, it's just lovely to meet you." she spoke, taking your hand to shake it without really giving you a choice. you just let it happen, jess did warn you about this. "and you're just gorgeous, where on gods earth did he find you?"
you smiled, laughing to shake off how odd this interaction was. "thank you, it's nice to meet you too." you kept as polite as possible, not knowing how else to deal with this.
she smiled, stepping back ever so slightly. "well, it's good to have you here in stars hollow, he certainly hasn't said much about you so we're all raring to get to know you-"
"patty..." luke warned, getting an idea of where this was going.
yet, she persisted. "and i'm telling you, when him and rory broke up, we all never saw him being with anyone else! he was really caught up on her too, for years afterwards, but look at you! proved us all wrong, that's for sure..."
luke moved around from behind the counter, escorting miss patty away from you and jess. "alright, that's enough, give the girl some space."
rory. he'd told you about rory, of course. you must have forgotten that the whole town knew about them, saw everything that went down between them over the years. you hadn't even met her, but she was lorelai's daughter, you'd heard about her. even jess got regular updates about her, to your graceful dismay.
even though you were sure he was completely over her, and everything between them was in the past, there was still that little voice in the back of your head. he had been caught up on her for years, miss patty just confirmed that, what was stopping him from still being caught up now?
if jess had heard your thoughts, he would have said everything you needed to hear, but that wasn't his problem to sort out, so you pulled yourself together, shoved her name out your mind and turned back to jess and luke.
"sorry about that." luke apologised, grabbing a mug to start washing up. "never knows when to stop, that woman."
you shook your head. "no, it's alright, don't worry."
even though you tried to hide the fear in your mind, jess somehow still caught on, grabbing your hand in his and giving it a squeeze for silent comfort. he looked up to jess. "alright, we should probably go and find a room somewhere, just gotta move the car first, before kirk gives us a ticket."
jess leads the two of you outside the diner, but when you go to get in the car, he pulls you back by the hand, swiftly slipping his fingers through your belt loops, pulling you closer.
"listen, about what miss patty said-"
you shook your head. "no, it's alright."
"it's not." he interrupted right back, insisting. "yes, it took me a while to get over her, but we weren't... her and i never would have worked out, under any circumstances. us? that's a different question. you were exactly what i needed then, and exactly what i need now to keep me grounded. i'll make us work out no matter what, alright?"
your eyes met his, warmth radiating from the seemingly endless brown staring back at you. "stop, that started to sound like wedding vows."
he smiled softly, a hand on your cheek. "you alright?"
nodding, you let out a breath. "yeah. it's just,, hard to hear about her sometimes. i know you love me and i love you and we're exactly what we need for each other, but you two were the talk of the town not so long ago, it's hard for me to not worry."
"i get it." he nodded. "it's just important you tell me when you feel like that, because i can help. just like when i tell you when i'm not 100%, yeah?"
you smiled again, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, giggling as you pulled away to see his breath from the cold. "yeah."
he tilted his head towards the car. "c'mon, i see kirk down there with his notebook, let's bolt before he actually gives me a ticket."
"who even is this kirk guy?" you laughed as you swiftly stepped into the car, waiting for jess to reach his side and get in beside you.
"too confusing to even explain." he chuckled, starting the car and setting off towards the hotel you had booked, a hand reaching over to rest on your thigh as he drove.
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anticidic · 7 months ago
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Doing my at least bi-annual reread of the manga, and I kinda just glossed over this bit the first time around because it wasn't something that I considered to have much significance until later. But the fact Dazai refers to Chuuya as partner and not ex-partner, or even just Chuuya can be interpreted in a bunch of different ways knowing Dazai and his propensity to kid around, especially with Chuuya. But the panels after where Steinbeck asks what kind of duo they are, and Dazai responds with terrible rivals rather than enemies or the sort makes me lean more toward the fact that even though they're on opposite sides now, nothing's really changed between them. Certainly not for the worse. They were also supposed to only be partners for the night and Chuuya set aside his grudge just this one time, but we know that ends up not being true because of the entirety of Meursault. Sure, Chuuya was likely at least irritated (and rightfully so) by Dazai's sudden disappearance the night he defected and went out with a literal bang by blowing Chuuya's car up, but I think if Dazai sensed any real animosity from Chuuya he wouldn't be so eager to refer to Chuuya as his partner still, even if he was teasing. But also, like, if Chuuya harbored an actual grudge toward Dazai, he would've been more hesitant about using Corruption, and yet he still trusted Dazai. Dazai knows he can be a little shit. He's definitely self-aware that he gets under people's skin. But over the duration of their partnership even he's had limits he wouldn't cross when messing with Chuuya—hasn't brought up the Sheep, the Flags, or rubbed any of the losses or betrayals in Chuuya's face. And vice-versa Chuuya to Dazai with Oda. I fully believe Chuuya knows why Dazai left, and that it was probably an open secret Mori obviously wanted to keep hush-hush about to save face, but Chuuya probably found out regardless. And that's why I think Dazai is still comfortable with Chuuya even after the reunion they had in the dungeon—Chuuya doesn't have to agree with what Dazai did and he has every right to be annoyed that Dazai just upped and betrayed the Port Mafia, but he understands because Dazai was driven off in an almost familiar way as when Chuuya was ostracized from the Sheep.
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gethoce · 5 months ago
Can I just say that I LOVE how Marx looks in your art?
All his expressions are just... top notch stuff. I love how expressive he is. He genuinely looks smug in a lot of it and that's just great.
And, uh, if you don't mind, I'ma throw in a question: What do you imagine being some of Marx's favorite prank targets in terms of notable members of the extended Kirby cast?
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Explanations under the cut ~
Shadow Kirby: A near impossible task. Whenever Marx tries to prank him, Shadow Kirby seems uninterested, going as far as to taunt him for his lack of creativity. That disinterested stare in the reflection's eyes frustrates Marx to no end! Not a fun target at all, never ended up satisfying that prankster itch.
Gooey: Marx has tried to prank Gooey before, to no success. Gooey seems to simply accept whatever happens to him and move on as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. This usually leaves Marx absolutely flabbergasted! He just can't get his head around Gooey, the unprankable. It almost feels like it is him who actually gets pranked by Gooey!
Rick, Kine and Coo: He used to prank them occasionally, but since that Kine Yin-Yarn fake love letter prank somehow ended up bringing these two together he has gone on a hiatus when it comes to pranking all three of the animal friends. To think he would end up causing Kine to divorce Mine and marry some sort of knitting needle duo… He still hasn't told anyone that it was him who wrote the letters.
Taranza: Marx has pranked him many times at first mocking his posh appearance and behavior with glee! That all stopped when Taranza got a hold of him and used his puppeteer skills to parade him around so everyone could see what a jerk he is and mock him in retaliation. Marx has been keeping his distance from the spider since.
Galacta Knight: The old reliable. At this point Marx isn't even sure whether Galacta's surprised face is genuine. Arguably he is the victim of Marx’ greatest prank. If only he had been there when Galacta Knight found out about it… if he ever did. These days he just feels awkward trying to prank him.
Francisca: Marx likes her so he doesn't go as hard on her. He'll play the occasional trick on her but usually the kind that makes them both chuckle. If it was something more serious he'd evoke the ire of Flamberge as well anyway.
Zan Partizanne: It is easy to rile her up, this much is clear. He could prank her with his eyes closed! Whether he is fast enough to avoid the consequences is a different thing… Still worth it for the bit occasionally.
Adeleine: Since he has known way more humans than she ever has he likes to tell her a thing or two about them. Occasionally he may… twist the truth a little bit. She may have thought she could learn how to breathe fire at one point or another. Notably he does not dare to do anything to her art. He did it once and everyone was on his bad side within an instant.
Elfilin: Since he knew Fecto Elfilis personally he likes to take advantage of what he knew about them to unsettle him. In truth he didn't know Elfilis all that well, but Elfilin doesn't know that and Marx gladly uses that to his advantage.
Dark Meta Knight: You'd think he would be an easier target than regular Meta Knight, yet DMK is already frustrated when Marx is simply just in the area. There isn't much he can do in front of him to rile him up even more. Instead Marx came up with a more stealthy tactic… He reminds DMK of his existence by leaving notes in his house to taunt him. A witty remark or a framed Marx selfie on his nightstand, anything that causes the reflection to think of him. The payoff is a little delayed since he usually misses out on the reaction, but he enjoys it greatly to see the knight storm into his direction with murderous intent.
Susie: His normal pranks don't seem to have an effect on her. She'd usually just act all nonchalant and unimpressed or even ignore him entirely. Instead Marx has to resort to different tactics… He likes to orchestrate elaborate plans to make her question her sense of reality and perception. Sometimes he just moves an object from one place to another, other times more drastic changes come into play such as subtly changing the colours of her walls just a little over and over again until they are a different colour.
Kirby: Since direct methods have proven to backfire he had to come up with a different tactic… A tactic that allows him to prank multiple targets at once no less! Simply convince Kirby to take part in a prank and then let him take the fall or at least have him take some of the blame! Either way Marx has the last laugh! Not as fun to prank as others, but he does get enjoyment out of pranking his old nemesis.
Daroach: A fun but challenging target! He always has the most hilarious flabbergasted reactions! Though he is very attentive, Marx has to really prove his skill to not be noticed by a master thief like Daroach. He notices even subtle changes in his environment, unlike Susie. Marx likes to lure him with treasure, something Daroach just can not resist.
Ribbon: Marx’ favorite way of pranking her is jump scares! He can do some excellent screeches and her reactions are the best! It's usually in good fun between the two, they actually get along quite well!
Bandana Waddle Dee: Marx’ favourite prank is to pretend as though he doesn't recognise Bandee as anything but a random Waddle Dee. In his case he also likes to sabotage him in secret to make it seem like he is doing a bad job. Bonus points if the king gets to see whichever mess the Dee has gotten himself into. A very fun target!
Meta Knight: Arguably one of Marx’ biggest pranks was directed towards Meta Knight. He pretended to be just an innocent citizen who needed help and just a few days later Meta Knight tried (and failed) to overthrow the king! Meta Knight also blamed himself for Marx’ “death” when he tried to take over Popstar thinking it was his failure that led to the takeover attempt of the noddy. Meta Knight still isn't fully aware of Marx’ true nature and the jester loves to take advantage of that. Having that vigilant knight stand up for him cracks him up every time!
Flamberge: Similar to Zan she is easy to prank but escaping her wrath isn't as much of an issue, although many fires have been started as she attempted to chase after him regardless, which just add to the fun in his eyes. She isn't nearly as fast as Zan and actually does get along with him on a normal day.
King Dedede: Oh, a favourite of his! Dedede’s big ego and loud personality allows for all kinds of different pranks to work! The only downside really is that the king doesn't have that stoic attitude Marx enjoys to break through. Most reactions are a bit standard. Still a fun target any day of the week! Quick and easy!
Morpho Knight: There is probably nobody in existence Marx despises more than Morpho Knight. He doesn't just prank it casually, he wants to be cruel about it. Is it dangerous to dare prank a bringer of death? Most certainly. Does he fear it even a little bit? No fear can ever overpower the hatred that fills his mind when he sees it.
Magolor: He is both a partner in crime and a target at the same time. Magolor has to endure pretty much everything Marx has to offer and there is nothing more delicious than his reactions! Magolor's huge ego and self-important wizard attitude make him the perfect pranking target! As much as Marx enjoys the sciences himself, he will sabotage Magolor wherever he can even when it has negative consequences for him. Anything for the bit!
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ethicaltreatmentofcowplants · 4 months ago
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Oh yeah, because this household really needed more of a push to be mean to each other (well in fairness, it’s only really two of them). And we got creepy crawlies! Yaaaay, go us…
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Our chef of the day Sage arises (from a flirty dream about Araminta - is Do-dud in danger?), bats out and sets about making rice cake for breakfast - because why the Dine Out pack not. Turns out we have yet another cooking non-enjoyer in our midst.
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Okay in this case, her loathing is possibly justified. She doesn’t even need to consume food - gosh.
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Forest pee-walks his way into consciousness with quite the array of moodlets, while Giovanna has her appearance complimented by Lilac, then enthuses about the outdoors (which Lilac liked) and… housework (which Lilac didn’t quite as much).
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In spite of the Diabolical Duo (Lee and Forest) making their way downstairs, it appears to be all fun and games over breakfast?
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And Mister becomes the latest masc to figure out that the way to get in a good word with Lilac is to impress Moojito. Hooves up, 8/10, left an after dinner mint on her pile of hay, would definitely recommend to a friend…
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However all good things must come to an end, and Forest lets loose at Sage - within earshot of Lilac, who fortunately for him is rather occupied with Tiago. Does Forest have a rabbit’s paw tucked away in his top pocket or something? Just how long will his good luck last?
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As Forest delivers some fan service (you know who you are) by helping Baarry White in the garden, Sage has a chat with Lilac - likely asking why she didn’t defend Sage against Forest earlier?
“Sorry babe, the interaction got cancelled in my queue - you know how it is…”
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Potential besties Forest and Giovanna continue to gossip up a storm in the garden - and the animals get in on the action too. Only the Watcher knows what they're saying about the rest of us (and no, she actually doesn't...).
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But Mister and Tiago have remembered that they are in a competition, and are currently making Lilac feel like the prettiest girl at the soiree over a game of Don’t Wake the Llama. While I have to suspend my sense of disbelief over the ‘no jealousy’ settings sometimes, it is rather refreshing to watch the lack of ‘eggplant’ measuring between the masc contestants in particular.
Eventually however, Lilac does pop the question - and it's Tiago who's the recipient.
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(I won't include the 'ask for sex' dialogue because... is it just me who is grossed out by the word 'panties'? Not because it refers to underwear but because there's something about it that just icks me on a visceral level, much on par with the word 'moist'...)
Anyway, by the looks of things a good time was had.
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(This is the most explicit I'll get - promise. I just felt like there needed to be a visual here, and this duo got their clothes off preeeetty quickly. Also once I censored Lilac's melons, Tiago patting her head was cute.)
And everyone else is chore montage hour-ing.
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So far there hasn't been much in the way of meanness about the place, but rest assured that this Watcher has an ace up her sleeve...
@riverofjazzsims @ravingsockmonkey @fl0pera
@igglemouse @panicsimss @simsfvr
(part ii likely coming tomorrow)
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3lliesan · 7 months ago
Twst x Sbg when????
tbh I might make a fic for it anyways for self-satisfaction, but why hasn't anybody made an twst x sbg fic yet??? I can totally see the first years grouping together for a history project and go on a field trip together, get invited to a haunted house, agree to it bc Ace's stupid ass said he's bored, and shit hits the fan bc- WTF WAS THAT UGLY HUMAN-BOT(??????) THING?!?!? Yuu is like Ashlyn in some ways, learned to open up more as she got used to Twisted Wonderland, and everybody would love it if Ace would stop yapping about the most diabolical shit. Hey, these kids survived multiple Overblots, leave them be. I would like the idea of how the gang of misfits are closer to each other because they have been fighting together in life-or-death situations for a good while now, and this alternative-kinda-end-of-the-world FNAF-ahh situation just made it affect their psyche more.
Speaking of affected psyche,
Ace lowkey carries Aiden's energy tbh, just less unhinged. Oh well, sanity goes down as the semester continues anyway-
Jamil gradually finds himself comparing Floyd and Ace with each other for some reason. Is he influencing the red-head a bit too much...? (Hahahhaha, no.❤️)
Yuu & Deuce: the "scared" duo... - The upright model student who wants to follow the rules and make his mom proud, but finds his hand itching to crack someone's skull when he sees one of his friends being picked on by anybody, whether it's a Phantom or not. - The quiet yet kind magicless prefect who is scared that she might lose another close friend and be forced to get used to her classmates dying on a "mission" on a regular basis again. Don't worry though, she'll do her best to keep the casualties at zero, as always!... Please don't mind her empty gaze and brutality whenever she's engaged in battle though. Old habits die hard.
For some reason, I feel like Epel would follow Vil's regime better than before because Phantoms were enough to give him an experience worse than the weirdo house known as "✨𝐸𝓁𝑒𝑔𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝒫𝑜𝓂𝑒𝒻𝒾𝑜𝓇𝑒✨"... Or he somehow thinks it's worse. Well, I guess Epel fits his role as the "Poison Apple" more now! (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) Lilia realizes how he had mistaken Sebek for a certain old comrade he had fought with back in the day. He's quieter these days too... Strange. Jack, in his professional opinion, thinks any of them would survive in Savanahclaw just fine. (Ironic, from the guy who tore apart a couple of phantoms limb-by-limb before out of instinct...)
I'm pretty sure that whenever the first years let their lack of sanity show, their seniors compare them to the state some of them are familiar with... You know, before Overblotting? (⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠)
Ok, I'm done rambling. YOU WANT MORE? ASK FOR MORE. (but if do something based on it I'd be happy with that as well-) Feel free to share ideas! :D
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onlyjaeyun · 2 years ago
࿏ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐒𝐢𝐦 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
࿏ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭!𝐀𝐔 (𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫), 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐬/𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬!𝐀𝐔, 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞!𝐀𝐔; 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, (𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞) 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
࿏ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟒𝐤
࿏ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫...
← 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 — 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 →
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You politely thank the airport employee next to you before you finally reach for the handle of your suitcase and make your way to the gate, knowing two very special boys are waiting for you on the other side.
After a whole week away from the brothers, you can't help but get emotional at the thought of finally seeing them again. You definitely enjoyed your time back home a lot more than you expected, mostly thanks to your sibling who always made sure to save you from the potential escalation of situations, yet you've started looking forward to finally be back in your own four walks rather early into the trip.
With quick steps you rush through the crowd of travelers, your eyes busy roaming your surroundings to see if you can spot the cute duo and before you can even look in their direction, you hear your name being called.
"Noona, over here!" Yunie chuckles, holding a cute little sign in his hands which welcomes you back home, as he sits on his older brother's shoulders who's trying his best to keep the little one steady.
You instantly break into the biggest smile, tears of excitement block your sight and you simply can't get yourself to care about all the stares from the people around you.
"Yunie!" You yell and stop midway, get on your knees to catch the young boy with widened arms and a loud chuckle. He's quick to jump right into your hug, soft giggles falling past his lips as he wraps his tiny arms around your neck and buries his face in your hair.
"I missed you so much, big boy", you mumble and give him a soft kiss on his temple before he pulls away and takes your face into his small hands, a huge smile plastered on his own as he pulls down your mask and gently pushes his finger against the tip of your nose.
"Did you like my sign, Noona? Hyung helped me make it", the younger one chuckles and starts playing with your hair, suddenly a lot shier than just a few moments ago.
"I love it, handsome. You did such a great job, and your Hyung too."
And as those words leave your lips, you look up to meet the gaze of said older brother, plump bottom lip firmly pulled between his teeth as he holds back his bright smile and runs a hand through his thick hair. You don't dare taking your eyes off of him; hungrily taking in just how good he looks and letting your body enjoy the feelings you've missed oh so much.
"Hey, pretty girl", Jaeyun says calmly and waits for you to stand up, yet not hesitating to reach for your hand and pull you into a tight hug as soon as you do.
You don't reply anything. There's so much you want to say, but for now you decide to just enjoy the feeling of finally being in the safest embrace you've ever had the pleasure to be surrounded by.
Jake tries to press you even closer against his body, one of his hands resting on the back of your head while his other arm finds home around your waist. He hasn't missed anyone this much in quite some time, so the urge to hold you in his arms has been absolutely unbearable for the past few days and he's determined to make the best of it.
"How was-", but Jaeyun doesn't get to finish his question about your flight as you press your lips against his and silence him in a way he's come to love ever since the two of you first kissed. Despite his love for PDA, Jake is a little hesitant because he knows his body might betray him if he pushes his luck and gets a proper taste, which he simply can't risk in this particular situation.
He's going to have you all to himself in a few hours and until then, the young parent tries to keep his kisses soft and gentle, not realising you're the one to lead in this one as you push your hands into his hair and dig your teeth into his plump bottom lip, something you've actually been dreaming about for the past few days and as soon as he grunts into your mouth, you feel your head getting lighter.
Considering your eagerness, Jake isn't surprised to see the little pout on your lips when he manages to pull away and places a soft kiss on your forehead, but he knows you probably got too excited and he wouldn't want you to feel embarrassed once you realise.
"Let's save this for later, hm?"
You nod wordlessly and quickly shift your attention back to the little guy next to you, offering him your hand and chuckling when he takes it. Neither you nor Jake make a big fuss about the way you intertwine your fingers with the young parent's before the three of you slowly leave the airport and make your way to his car.
For the first ten minutes of your drive all you do is listen to the two brothers telling you some of their exciting stories from the few daytrips they'd been on during your absence, the smile on your lips never once falling as you join in on their laughter and excitement. You've missed hearing their voices and cute laughs, their big, absolutely identical smiles and the sight of their puppy eyes widening every time one of them is building up to a certain point in their story. Jaeyun never once interrupts his little brother, just reminds him to keep it to one language to make things easier for the little guy and seems to enjoy listening to the four year old just as much as you do.
You can feel Jake's urge to look at you and the way he barely manages to keep his eyes off of you whenever you stop at a red light gives away just how much he's missed you, but for some reason you're too shy to look at him longer than a few seconds; your mind quickly wandering to all those thoughts you've been having, especially the ones which kept you up at night and ended up being the reason for a very special phone call between the two of you.
"I actually wanted to call the girls over after our little dinner since it's a school night and you're working tomorrow, but they said they're busy and I hate how upset I got", you explain to Jake once Yunie's attention has shifted back to the little car in his hands.
The young parent can barely contain his cheeky smile once your words reach him and he's more than just grateful that you're only a few minutes away from the restaurant since keeping this secret from you any longer is actually going to make his hair fall out.
"I understand, Baby", he says and finally reaches the street the restaurant is located at, his heart basically hammering against his rib cage and for a short moment Jake feels like passing out from how nervous he's been. Everything went according to plan and nothing had to be improvised, so he's actually a little confused about his body's current state, but as he thinks about it, he realises it's probably because of what's yet to come.
"But I'm pretty sure the girls are going to make up for it and for tonight you can stay over at our place, yeah?" He quickly says to distract himself from his anxiety trying to take away the excitement as itkeeos replaying all the worst case scenario in his head.
All you can do is meet his gaze and sigh softly, nodding in response to his words. He's right and you know it. The girls knew you'd be home tonight, and knowing them they would have never declined your offer if it wasn't for anything important, which is why you try your best to shrug it off and enjoy the evening. If it really bothers you too much, you'll make sure to let them know about it in the groupchat, but until then you're not going to let your anxiety get the best of you. Not when you're about to finally spend some quality time with two of your favorite people.
You wait for Jake to reach the entrance of the restaurant before you reach for his hand and then head inside with Seyun on your other side, quickly welcomed by the delicious smell of all the homemade food you've been craving ever since you had left. Of course your hometown had similar places, yet none of them taste as good as this one and you definitely fell a little harder for Jaeyun when he suggested to have dinner here on the day of your return.
You don't realise how much you've been rambling to Jaeyun about what you're going to eat, the young parent just listening and nodding with a soft smile before he gives the waitresses a quick nod of appreciation and then guides you through the whole restaurant to the very back where all your friends have been waiting for you.
"I'm definitely going to have dessert, too, their chocolate canes are just–", Jake doesn't get the chance to prepare you for the loud cheers as soon as you wakk through the door, the suddenness of it all startling you just a little, whereas both Sim brothers seem absolutely overwhelmed.
"Welcome back!"
You can't help but stop right in front of everyone, hiding your face as you try to hold back the tears but simply can't because these people are your family and every time yoj come together like this, you feel your heart growing with gratitude and appreciation to have people as good as them in your life.
The girls are the first one to throw their arms around your body, embracing you in a tight hug, during which Chaewon has quickly joined in on your cries and Jennifer is chuckling and giggling like a middle schooler.
They both litter your face in kisses, bright smiles plastering your faces and never once letting go of each other's hand as you promise to catch up as soon as possible, planning a girl's night right then and there with all the other boys watching.
Jake can't seem to stop himself from looking at you. Probably because he's missed you so much but also because the last time you talked on the phone you sounded exhausted and tired, so seeing you this happy has him absolutely lightheaded.
He calmly watches the way you hug the boys one by one, spending a good minute with Sunoo who keeps whispering something in your ears and knowing the younger one Jake's sure it's something regarding his plans for later but you just shake your head and greet the others yourself.
And once you and Jake sit down next to each other, the dinner finally begins; the room being filled with loud laughter and yelling, new insiders being made, actual bickering and way too many accidental profanities considering Seyun is firmly seated in between Jay and Heeseung.
Throughout the whole dinner, never once is Jake not touching you; it's either his hand on your thigh, an arm around your waist or over your shoulders and just as usual you definitely don't mind. Your body feels at ease with his touch lingeeinc on your skin, yet also manages to drive you absolutely crazy the more time passes.
You actually have no idea how much time passes. If it wasn't for Sunghoon poiting at a sleepy little Seyun, you would have never realised how late it's gotten already and after taking a few more pictures with everyone, Heeseung takes little guy into his arms and says his goodbyes to everyone.
For a moment you don't even understand why he's leaving, yet Jake remains next to you and once your brain has managed to process it, your hesd ahoots back to look ag the young parent with confused eyes. Jaeyun just smiles at your reaction and takes advantage of the others discussing something energetically, to push your hair back and place a soft kiss on your neck, knowing you're going to melt underneath his touch from just that.
"Hyung's going to take care of Yunie for the night and the others promised to do the clean up so we can have some time to ourselves, how does that sound?"
Jake's voice is a deep whisper, raspy and hoarse to the point where every word sends another row of chills down your body and if it wasn't for everyone still being around, you would have definitely whimpered.
"Great", you whisper and nudge his nose with your own, quickly kissing him on the lips and sighing softly when he refuses to pull away.
"No, please don't", Sunghoon suddenly whines and throws a scrunched up tissue your way, hitting you right in the face and basically having the whole tanle erupt in absolute chaos.
Once you manage to calm down Jennifer and stop Chaewon from actually punching Hoon right in the face, Jake shoots Jay a quick look and nods before he gently tells you to say your goodbyes as well because despite having the best time, the young parent has still been on edge because the actual reason behind this whole plan hasn't happened yet.
Since Jake couldn't just break into your apartment to get everything ready, him and Sunoo have decided to keep it outside and hesd over to yours to sleep, which is why he's had two of his coworkers who still owed him a favor, set up a cute little picnic up at the park where the two of you had spent your dinner date together. Jay had told his best friend about a spring festival happening close to said park, and as if destiny had decided to be on his side for once, your arrival collided with their yearly firework show.
Everything is going to go well and even if it doesn't go as planned, Jake has promised himself to not be as strict on himself as he tends to be because he knows you'd appreciate the tiniest of gestures.
The drive to the park is rather quiet. Shy glances and sweet giggles filling the space of Jake's car as you hold his hand and try your best to not get too emotional thinking about this being the very first time someone has ever done something like this for you. And as Jaeyun remembers this, he can't help but bite his lip as he imagines the way you'll react once you see the second part of his little surprise.
As you walk to the spot his coworkers had prepared just a few minutes prior, Jaeyun listens attentively to your little rambles and enjoys the sound of your voice. He's glad you're not suspecting anything because the girls definitely let a few hints slip as they said their goodbyes. Fortunately, you were too caught up in the excitement and adrenaline of your surprise dinner to actually realise what they had said.
It doesn't take you a whole five minutes to finally arrive at the spot and as Jake slowly stops walking until he comes to stand right next to the "abandoned" picnic blanket with little cakes and chocolate fruits, candles and a neatly wrapped present the size of a little jewelry box, you just look at him with confised eyes.
"I wanted this date to be a little more special than the others", he says and smiles, patiently waiting for your reaction only for you to burst into laughter.
"No way", you say and accidentally mimick the accent of your romantic interest, making him chuckle and roll his eyes before he just nods and guides you to the blanket.
"No fucking way", you whisper and take your shoes off without missing another second, plopping down on one of the empty spots and look up at him with big, glossy eyes, "you prepared this for me?"
"Yes, Baby", Jake replies and gets rid of his own shoes to get comfortable next to you, his big puppy eyes attentively observing every single one of your reactions.
However, as soon as his gaze falls to your face, his smile drops as panic fills his body from the sight of actual tears streaming down your cheeks.
"Baby, what's-", but you don't let him finish again as you basically jump into his lap and throw yourself into his embrace, burying your face into his neck and chanting words of gratitude which easily turn incoherent from your sobbing.
Jake just chuckles and holds you tight, his hand caressing your back sweetly and waiting for you to calm down again.
You have no idea how long you stay like this but agter your brain has finally managed to process everything, you pull away and quickly hide your messed up face, only for Jake to push your hands away and pulling you into a gentle yet passionate kiss.
"Thank you so much, Jae", you whisper against his lips and sigh softly.
"No need to thank me for this, pretty girl. You deserve this and so much more", he mumbles calmly and feel his arm leaving your body as he reaches for the little gift behind you.
"Here you go, open it", the young parents says with a big smile on his pretty lips and waits for you to take the little box from his ring clad hands.
You physically can't manage to produce any words, your head is completely empty and it's like the whole world has come to a stop ever since you sat down.
But you also can't hide your curiosity and open the little gift with shaky hands, your brows shooting up and eyes widening as you read the expensive jewelry brand on the front over and over again.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to propose", Jake says as soon you open the box and are met with the sight of a cute little ring, his words probably a response to your audible gasp as you take in the fact he got you a ring of all things.
The design isn't anything crazy, something to eear on the daily to the point where taking it off wouldn't be necessary and the longer you look at it, the faster your heart starts hammering against your rib cage.
"Jake, I – wow", you whisper and look up at him with teary eyes again, gulping harshly when he takes the ring out of the box and gently pushes it down your ring finger.
"I knew I wanted to be with you the day I saw you for the first time and actually tripped over my younger brother because I couldn't believe I was actually looking at you", Jake begins and places the softest kiss on your now ringed finger before he continues.
"Nobody has ever made me feel as safe and comfortable as you, Y/N", the sound of your name falling past his lips has become so unusual, yet you still love it like you did the first time you heard him call for you, "and that's why I wanted to give you this promise ring. A promise to always be there for you, hold and understand you when you need it and trying my best to be everything you deserve. A promise to remind you of your worth and importance every day. A promise to be the boyfriend you've always dreamed of, if you accept to...be my girlfriend."
Jake's words are – as always – carefully chosen, thoughtful and deep. Something you thought you had gotten used after several months of knowing him, yet your brain struggles to actively process what he had just said since nobody, not a single soul on this earth has ever gone to these lengths just to be this sweet with you.
You've always daydreamed about a guy as dreamy and romantic as Sim Jaeyun and now this exact guy is actually asking you to be his girlfriend. With a promise ring right from the start.
The gesture, the meaning behind everything he said, his promises and the actual symbol of just how genuine and serious he is about you in your hands definitely don't fail to overwhelm you in the best way possible.
You don't even realise that you started crying again; the gentle burning on your cheeks the only thing to indicate your physical reaction to his words.
"Yes", you whisper and look up at him again, your first instinct being your hands finding home in his hair yet again before you wrap your arms around his neck and keep repeating your single worded answer.
And in exactly that moment the heaviness he's been carrying on his chest for the past few days finally vanishes as he inhales your scent and returns your hug just as tightly.
Yet another round of minutes pass by in which you do nothing but hold each other, tears finding their way down your cheeks even if you try your very best to keep it together.
"Thank you so much", you mumble yet again, placing the softest kiss on his neck and slowly letting of your tight embrace to look at the man who has managed to fulfill almost every single one of your high expectations in ways you only dared to dream of all these years.
"Thank you, pretty girl", Jake replies and gulps harshly, pushing the strands of hair out of your face to kiss your forehead and nudge his nose against yours, "thank you for making me feel like I deserve someone as good as you. Thank you for being everything I prayed for all my life. Thank you for caring so deeply about me and my brother."
You don't really know what to say in response to his words of gratitude, so all you do is smile against his lips before you finally kiss him the way you've been craving it all this time.
And this time Jake doesn't hold back.
His lips eagerly chase yours, yet remain steady and rhythmic with each of his kisses before he slowly pushes his to gue inside of your mouth and grazes your hot muscle with his own, eliciting a row of light moans from the both of you.
You quickly lose yourself in the perfect feeling of his lips on yours, his taste spreading in your mouth just the way you've come to love it and if it wasn't for the part of your brain which reminded you of your surroundings, you definitely would have gotten even further lost in him.
"F-Fuck", Jake suddenly whispers and lets out a chuckle, "we gotta stop this or I'll have to drag you to my car."
"I honestly wouldn't mind", you say quickly and dig your teeth into his bottom lip, his heavy breathing fanning your sensitive kiss and easily making your head spin.
"I know you wouldn't, pretty girl, but you're too special for the backseat of a car. I'll take care of you once we're back at your place, yeah? Can you wait a little longer?"
You nod with a soft pout on your lips, knowing Jake wants to enjoy the date and soend some more time at the place he probably spent hours to prepare, but the light disappointment is basically impossible to hide.
"Now now, angel", Jake chuckles and helps you get off his lap to face the other side of the park, a quick look on his phone letting him know it's just about time for the fireworks, "just a few more minutes, I promise."
You don't get to question his words as the sudden noise of the loud spectacle erupts out of nowhere and you're finally met with the last part of your special surprise.
Neither one of you dares to say anything because no words could do this perfect moment justice as your nee boyfriend wraps his around your body from behind and holds you close to his own, knowing things are bound to finally bound to fall in place because he finally found the calmness to his never ending storm.
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(A/N: decided not to add smut bc of the nature of this chap but theyre deffo gonna get to it soon so stay tuned 😜🤞🏼 feedback of any kind esp. reblogs and comments are bery appreciated!🥺🧸🩷)
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rippleclan · 17 days ago
RippleClan: Moon 92
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The Witch Hunters find and kill Lemmy, leaving RippleClan in a strange state.
[Image ID: Darkkick, Terracottafoot, and Paleseed face Weevilsight. Paleseed says "Weevilsight?"]
Weevilsight nearly couldn't muster the energy for the Gathering. The last visit to StarClan's Shrine had been exhausting enough; Troutpool nearly cried when Trumpetspore didn't visit her dreams, and Weevilsight forgot her promise to Wolverineheart, to learn if Foampaw approved of her relationship with Mitespark, until just before the tortoiseshell cleric woke up. All the other clerics seemed forgiving of RippleClan's spaciness, yet Weevilsight dug her fangs into her lip and focused on her work. And part of that work was attending the Gathering.
Weevilsight and Honeybuzz were the only clerics accompanying the Clan to the Leader's Stone. Troutpool didn't want to face the official announcement of Trumpetspore's death, and Estherfern had to look after Gingerpaw, who somehow came up with the worst joke possible at Trumpetspore's vigil and was banned from the last winter Gathering. And thus, Weevilsight trailed within the middle of the RippleClan horde, following Downstar and Oilstripe along the SlugClan/WheatClan border. With Anchovystrike, Wolfgaze, and Ravenweaver staying behind, Weevilsight found herself with a duo she rarely got to interact with.
"I don't care how old they get," Paleseed said, adjusting her feather decor as she walked, "Terracottafoot is always going to look like a tiny scared apprentice to me. I can't believe how much they've grown! It's been ages since we had a chance to sit down with them, hasn't it, Darkkick?"
"We talked with them at Harvest Moon," Darkkick scoffed, fluffing herself up against the cold night wind.
"That was five moons ago!" Paleseed pointed out. "Before all… that happened."
"I thought mediators weren't supposed to avoid sensitive topics," Darkkick hummed.
"I'm trying to be respectful," Paleseed said. Even though the gray mediator was on Darkkick's right, and Weevilsight walked on her left, Weevilsight still saw the strained glance Paleseed sent her way.
"Why mince words?" Weevilsight laughed, venom in her voice. "My mom killed our Clanmates, my dad died, my aunt killed herself. I'm sure Terracottafoot can offer you some comfort." Considering Darkkick's short stature, she and Paleseed looked like a stunned, two-headed beast in the moonlight, their gaits evenly matched as they bawked at Weevilsight.
"I'll tell you the same thing I told your friend after the Shardling incident," Darkkick eventually huffed. "You handled that as best you could."
"I know that, Darkkick," Weevilsight sighed, staring at the cloud-lined moon as she walked. "I'm just going to feel like foxdung for a while."
"And that's okay," Paleseed added with a decisive nod. "You do what you need to do to grieve and come to terms with it all. You can always talk to me."
"I think she needs a friend, not a mediator, Paleseed," Darkkick muttered.
"Both work," Weevilsight hummed as the Clan approached the rock wall leading up to the Leader's Stone. It was slick with snow, making RippleClan's approach a slow and methodical process. Rabbitjoy walked along the edge of the path up, guarding Frostpaw from a potential fall. Boughfur took Tallowheart's basket while the rock-footed tom inched up the wall. A clump of snow fell from the grass above and smacked onto Stormjump's head, earning a laugh from her mate. Weevilsight's paws felt lighter. It felt normal, for the first time all winter.
As usual, RippleClan was the last Clan to arrive. Ospreystar, Eelstar, Gentlestar, and Lettucestar waited on the Leader's Stone while their Clans waited for their cue to mingle and share tongues. Downstar climbed to the second-highest platform of the Leader's Stone while Oilstripe took her traditonal place among the other deputies. Weevilsight laid in the half-melted snow and stared lazily at the Leader's Stone. The sooner announcements were done, the better.
The winter had been hard on the other four Clans in more traditional ways. WheatClan lost an overeager apprentice in the cold and an elder to distemper. LynxClan reported on harsh conditions in their rocky territory and gave their neighbors an official plea for hunting assistance. SlugClan and AshClan were a bit quieter, reporting a new litter and a death each, but Weevilsight couldn't help but notice how Eelstar and Lettucestar glanced at Downstar as they spoke.
"Before you begin your report, Downstar," Ospreystar said just as Eelstar finished delivering his news, "I want to say something that I didn't get the chance to last moon, when you announced the death of Mosspounce." The brown-speckled leader stood taller and faced the five Clans. "I want to formally declare LynxClan's gratitude to Mosspounce of RippleClan for killing the cougar that nearly destroyed us moons ago. He delivered the fatal blow, and for that, we hope that his story is honored with the same respect as Cougarstrike, Celestial of Cougars. LynxClan will hold a place in our hearts for RippleClan's brave caretaker."
"Mosspounce! Mosspounce!" the LynxClan cats cheered. Weevilsight sat up. Her ears rang with the sound of her father's name. Some of Weevilsight's Clanmates took up the cheer as well; Carnationspeckle and Asterblaze were particularly vocal. Weevilsight stayed still, unconsciously holding her breath. Her father was a hero.
"Take it with a drop of mouse bile, Weevilsight," Darkkick warned as the cheers began to die down. "I'm sure they are grateful, but this wh ole show is likely planned to win Downstar's favor. I'm sure LynxClan will be asking us for something soon."
"Thank you, Ospreystar," Downstar purred. "It does an old soul good to know that my grandson's fatal wounds were obtained for a good cause. I'm afraid that isn't the end of RippleClan's recent string of loss, however." Downstar shifted and prepared herself for the news. Weevilsight sank back down. Paleseed dipped her head and closed her eyes. "I'm sure some of you have learned of this, whether through meetings at the border or at the historian's gathering hosted by SlugClan this new moon. However, I regret to inform you that Trumpetspore, my granddaughter, took her own life shortly after the last Gathering." Quiet, shocked gasps rippled through the clearing. Eyes pierced the RippleClan delegation. Weevilsight closed her eyes and pretended she was alone.
"I'm sorry, Downstar," Gentlestar gulped, placing a paw on Downstar's platform above her.
"We ask that you respect our privacy surrounding this event," Downstar continued, "and know that Trumpetspore did her best against what can be the worst enemy a warrior fights; their own heart." Mutters of agreement washed over Weevilsight. She prayed no one would pry her for information. "Outside of this loss, we have no Gathering-worthy news to report. I say we get on with the Gathering proper and try to enjoy ourselves tonight." The other leaders nodded along with Downstar's idea. With that, the Clans merged. A wave of friends from other Clans crashed into RippleClan, firing questions of concern and morbid curiosity. Weevilsight wasn't ready; Yellowburst bumped into her flank, knocking her into a WheatClan historian. Weevilsight stumbled back, one of her signature petals fluttering out of her pelt.
"Terracottafoot is over there!" Paleseed called, peering over the crowd. "This way!" Darkkick looped her tail around Weevilsight and gently nudged her toward Paleseed. Paleseed pierced the crowd, leaving a trail for Weevilsight and Darkkick to follow. Questions bounced off Paleseed's pelt. She deflected them with the skill of an expert mediator, offering polite, if not slightly dismissive, answers.
Terracottafoot, as was their habit, prepared a game of moss-ball to the side of the crowd. They set up small "dens", or overturned baskets, on either end of the massive play area and merged loose chunks of moss together. They scented the three RippleClan cats and turned to greet them. Weevilsight tried to imagine what Terracottafoot looked like as a "tiny scared apprentice". Sure, the AshClan cleric carried themself with a constant air of tension; they were always moving, whether through the twitch of their whiskers or the methodical wave of their tail. But they were mature, as well-muscled as a warrior and, much to Weevilsight's embarassment, as handsome as they came (oh how Honeybuzz teased her as an apprentice for that little crush).
"Hi, Paleseed," Terracottafoot chirped, touching noses with Paleseed. "StarClan, I'm happy to see you. I've wanted to say something about your sisters, but I didn't know what."
"I try to focus on the siblings I still have," Paleseed chuckled, licking her chest.
"Keeping out of trouble?" Darkkick hummed, staring Terracottafoot up and down.
"I do what I can," Terracottafoot said. They touched noses with the former AshClan cleric and turned to Weevilsight. "Cleric Weevilsight, you didn't tell me about Warrior Trumpetspore at the half-moon meeting. Is that why Cleric Troutpool was so upset?"
"We didn't want to make the meeting all about us," Weevilsight sighed. Her paw absently snagged Terracottafoot's moss-ball and rolled it under her paw.
"I'm sorry about that, regardless," Terracottafoot said. They glanced past the RippleClan cats and groaned, "Oh StarClan he's already telling Downstar." Weevilsight looked back. Eelstar spoke with Downstar on the Leader's Stone. Both seemed deeply serious.
"Telling her what?" Darkkick huffed.
"I'm not a storyteller," Terracottafoot gulped, "but there were these Witch Hunters at our border and they told us… uh… do you want their story or the summary?"
"Tell us what they told you," Paleseed suggested.
"Well," Terracottafoot groaned. They stared at Darkkick, gaze pointedly refusing to touch Weevilsight. "Apparently Lemmy showed up in the human settlement last moon. One of the Witch Hunters picked a fight with her, and, well, that Witch Hunter ended up dead. The Witch Hunters were really mad at that, I think the dead Witch Hunter just had kits and the humans took them away? I can't remember that part. But, um, the Witch Hunter General ordered them to find Lemmy, and they did… Lemmy's dead now." The words didn't quite reach Weevilsight's ears.
"Say that again?" Weevilsight said, rubbing her ears.
"The Witch Hunters killed Lemmy," Terracottafoot said. "I think their patrol thought we were RippleClan? We didn't get a chance to explain. They showed up a few days ago. I'm really sorry, Weevilsight." Weevilsight's claws pierced the moss-ball. The chatter of the Gathering clawed her ears. Her heart beat faster.
"Weevilsight?" Paleseed whispered. She reached a paw toward Weevilsight, but Darkkick pushed it down.
Lemmy's dead. Lemmy's dead. Lemmy's dead.
Mom's dead.
"Stars damn it!" Weevilsight yowled. She chucked the moss-ball as hard and as fast as she could. It smacked into the basket and sent it rolling toward the treeline. "I want to kill someone!"
"Weevilsight—" Paleseed and Terracottafoot both stammered.
"Shut up, both of you," Darkkick snapped, shoving her tail in front of the pair. "Let her be."
"She made mistakes!" Weevilsight groaned. "Stupid, awful mistakes, it got out of control!" She paced in a circle, as though trying to get comfortable in a nest. "She wasn't a monster! She wanted to keep me safe! They didn't have to kill her! StarClan, she never even knew Dad died! Why did this happen? Why did she have to kill Potterypool? I can't even decide if I love her or hate her! Augh!" Weevilsight sat in a huff, tail thrashing. She stared at the snowy ground, head spinning. Her jaw dug into her head so hard, she thought she'd break a tooth.
Paleseed crept past Darkkick and toward the rolling basket. She put a paw on the basket, stopping its retreat. She plucked the moss-ball from inside and stared at it. Her tail waved gently as she thought.
"Terracottafoot?" Paleseed asked. "Do you have any AshClan cats who'd like to play against RippleClan in a game of moss-ball?"
"I can ask around," Terracottafoot said hesistantly, still inching toward Weevilsight. "Shouldn't we help—"
"I don't need help, Terracottafoot," Weevilsight huffed at the ground, voice monotone.
"I seem to recall you being good with a moss-ball as a kit," Paleseed said. She tossed the moss-ball to Weevilsight. It rolled to a stop in front of her paws. "Want to put that rage of yours to good use? It would be an insult to Clan pride if we let AshClan beat us."
"If that's the alternative, I'm playing," Darkkick huffed, joining Paleseed's side.
"Should I be offended?" Terracottafoot asked.
"Go get your Clan, kit," Darkkick scoffed. Terracottafoot cocked their head, but eventually sighed, chuckling at the same time. They jogged toward the larger crowd.
"For our players, I think we should recruit…" Paleseed hummed, studying the Gathering. "Boughfur, Stormjump, Yellowburst, Shrewflame, and Wolverineheart." Darkkick nodded along with Paleseed's assessment. "So, Weevilsight? Want to join?" Weevilsight gently snagged the moss-ball in her claws. She held it up to the light of the bonfire by the Leader's Stone. Did the color match Mosspounce's eyes? They had been so scarred at the end, Weevilsight almost couldn't remember…
"Let's kill these foxhearts," Weevilsight growled, tossing the moss-ball back to Paleseed.
"Metaphorically, though!" Paleseed chuckled awkwardly. "I'll go get the others." Paleseed passed the moss-ball to Darkkick and followed Terracottafoot's trail. Weevilsight sat next to Darkkick, unable to stop her thrashing tail.
"I'll help you hide the bodies," Darkkick chuckled.
A short time later, Weevilsight stood with her Clanmates in front of one of the baskets. Somehow, it seemed the whole group managed to escape the fog of grief imposed by Trumpetspore's death and laughed like kits as they prepared for the game. A gaggle of AshClan cats guarded the other basket across the clearing, throwing taunts toward the RippleClan cats. Paleseed and Terracottafoot stood in the middle, moss-ball sitting between them. A crowd of apprentices and warriors from the other Clans gathered to watch as they shared tongues.
"If it's been a while since any of you have played an organized game of moss-ball," Paleseed explained, "let us remind you. You are each on a patrol of seven cats, facing off against another patrol. Your job is to get the moss-ball past the enemy patrol and into their den, in this case the basket, to score points. No holding the moss-ball in your mouth, you have to catch it in your claws and toss it to your patrol members. If the other patrol has the moss-ball, you need to either make them drop it or grab it out of their paws, again, no teeth allowed. And no den guarding, you have to give the other patrol a chance to throw the moss-ball in. For this game, let's say… first to fifteen points wins. Any questions?"
"Do we have to be gentle with the cleric?" a dark red molly asked, nodding at Weevilsight.
"I won't be gentle with you," Weevilsight growled, ears tilted back. An excited bark of laughter and cheering rippled through the bystanders. The AshClan patrol laughed and yowled along with them.
"What about Darkkick?" asked a black and white tom, barely out of apprenticeship. "I feel bad fighting an elder."
"Darkkick fought Autumnstar, in the actual Dark Forest," Boughfur laughed, unweaving the blue flowers from her fur and placing them to the side of the game area. "I don't think you should be worried about hurting her, of all cats."
"Ready to run back to camp with your tails between your legs?" Shrewflame called, his tail high.
"I'm ready to feed you dirt, pretty kitty!" yowled the dark red molly.
"Aww, you think I'm pretty?" Shrewflame purred, wiggling his flank. "Why thank you!" Stormjump and Yellowburst laughed at Shrewflame, starting a wave of giggles across the crowd.
"Everyone go at my command!" Terracottafoot yowled, jogging out of the soon-to-be battlefield with Paleseed, leaving the moss-ball behind. All players shifted into battle poses. Weevilsight copied them as best she could. All eyes were on the moss-ball.
"Darkkick, stay in the back," Yellowburst whispered. "You can catch the moss-ball before it gets to the den."
"And miss out on clawing some AshClan fur?" Darkkick snapped in just such a way that Weevilsight couldn't tell if she was mad or teasing. "There's no chance of that."
As the pair argued, the AshClan patrol sparkled in Weevilsight's eyes. Ghostly doubles of the AshClan warriors launched toward the moss-ball. Sparkling premonitions of Weevilsight's Clanmates charged at the approaching patrol in return. Wolverineheart's future transparent form shoved into the dark red molly's shoulder. Her attack gave the black and white tom just enough time to slip around the charging enemy force and snatch the moss-ball in his claws. Weevilsight hadn't even seen that tom in the mass of cats yet-to-charge.
"Attack!" Terracottafoot cheered. Weevilsight's vision popped like seafoam. History repeated itself; the AshClan patrol ran at the moss-ball like stampeding horses. Wolverineheart led the RippleClan charge. No one noticed the black and white tom, running low against his taller Clanmates. He was invisible in the rush of fire-lit pelts. An afterimage of the tom's future position still flashed in Weevilsight's eyes.
Weevilsight lunged toward the empty space. Just as she neared it, just as she began to doubt her sight, there he was; the black and white tom, swooping past Wolverineheart to grab the moss-ball. Weevilsight smacked into him a whisker's length from the moss-ball. Weevilsight and the black and white tom tumbled back into the mass of swarming cats, each shocked at the other's appearance.
Stormjump rolled behind Weevilsight and snatched the moss-ball. She flicked her paw and sent the moss-ball soaring across the clearing. Shrewflame darted alongside the flying object. He jumped as though catching a bird mid-flight. Both front paws wrapped around the moss-ball.
Another premonition flashed within the mass of playful warriors. Shrewflame's ghostly paw launched a purple transparent moss-ball toward the AshClan den. A lilac and cream tortoiseshell streaked past her Clanmates and caught the moss-ball against her shoulder.
"Run with it, Shrewflame!" Weevilsight yowled as the black and white tom finally shoved her off. She fell onto her back, staring at the cloud-speckled night while the rest of the group hurried past her. All of the petals that clung to her pelt rubbed off in the snow and grass.
Weevilsight hurried back to her paws, only to see she was too late; the lilac and cream tortoiseshell stopped the moss-ball with her shoulder, just as predicted. But would Weevilsight let that go? Absolutely not. She had to sit by while her mother was exiled, while her father died, while her Clan suffered not under the claws of some Spirit of Shadow, something Weevilsight was born to fight, but mortals and the dangers of the everyday. She didn't have to let this go.
Weevilsight was not going to lose this game.
Weevilsight scrambled as the AshClan tortoiseshell tossed the moss-ball to the dark red molly. Darkkick thundered past Weevilsight, catching the eye of the dark red molly. Weevilsight yowled and sprung at the dark red molly. Weevilsight's sheathed paws batted the dark red molly's head. The dark red molly swung at Weevilsight, but the moss-ball slipped from her claws in the process. Darkkick swiped it from underneath the fighting mollies and batted it back toward the AshClan den. The dark red molly turned to follow, but Weevilsight shrieked and dragged the AshClan molly back by the tail. Her mouth burned with the taste of cat fur, that awful scent of combat that she still despised after so many moons, but the thoughtless rage bubbling in her throat forced her to remind herself, training grip, training grip, training grip.
A cheer ripped through the bystanders. Weevilsight let go of the dark red molly's tail. Boughfur had jumped into the AshClan den, moss-ball stuck to her claws. She looked like a rabbit crawling into a hole. Weevilsight laughed, but it was more like the cauterwaul of a rabid beast than anything funny.
"Clerics are mad," the dark red molly grumbled, hurrying back to her Clanmates.
Mad? Oh that was the right word for Weevilsight at the moment, as her patrol cheerfully regrouped by their den for the next round. Weevilsight was certain the actual grief would hit her when she got back to camp. But in that moment, with the freedom to run and scream and tackle and fight? Weevilsight could be as mad as she needed to be.
(Weevilsight: 27, female, cleric, daring, deep StarClan bond)
(Paleseed: 58, female, mediator, insecure, incredible runner, steady paws)
(Darkkick: 140, trans female, elder, lonesome, talented swimmer, understands nature)
(Downstar: 151, female, leader, wise, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Boughfur: 24, female, historian, righteous, great climber)
(Shrewflame: 16, female, teacher, loyal, fast as the wind)
(Yellowburst: 23, female, caretaker, adventurous, great mediator)
(Wolverineheart: 24, female, warrior, troublesome, student of science)
(Stormjump: 23, female, caretaker, charismatic, incredible cook)
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Midnightkit is scolded for sneaking outside camp.
[Image ID: Midnightkit and Valleykit face Carnationspeckle, both in trouble. Midnightkit says "Why didn't Rattlepelt come get me?" Under Midnightkit, it says + NEW SKILL: ALWAYS WANDERING. Under Valleykit, it says + NEW SKILL: AVID PLAY-FIGHTER.]
(Midnightkit: 1, male, kit, polite,always wandering)
(Valleykit: 1, male, kit, quiet, avid play-fighter)
(Carnationspeckle: 94, female, caretaker, compassionate, fish-like swimmer)
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SlugClan attacks RippleClan in hopes of recovering Icekit and Pearkit for their newest members, Nimblestep and Quickkit.
[Image ID: Lettucestar, a white tom with a scar, and Lighttrail face Downstar, Wolverineheart, Wildclaw, Yarrowclaw, and Leathermask. Lettucestar says, "I'm sorry, Downstar, but I can't take no for an answer. Nimblestep is their mother, not Puddlewhisper." Under Downstar, it says LIVES LEFT: 1. Under Leathermask, it says LEVEL UP! NERVOUS → CONFIDENT.[
Downstar could tell it would be a late spring as she stepped out of her den on the last day of the year and into the thick, dry snow. It had snowed from one sunset and through another without stopping, leaving snowdrifts as tall as cats against the rocks and trees. It wasn't a bitter cold, though, like the one that plagued the Clans a few moons prior. This was a cold that energized Downstar's aching muscles and told the whole Clan to have a bit of fun!
The kits were certainly taking advantage of the heavy snowfall. Pearkit and Icekit dug at the snow like dogs while Midnightkit and Valleykit watched, wide-eyed. Stormjump groomed herself outside the warrior's den in a pale attempt to hide her watchful eye resting on the kits. The clerics cleared snow out from around the medicine den, but there was a shine to their eyes that brought a purr to Downstar's throat. Gingerpaw rambled to Weevilsight as the pair dug a path from the medicine den to the bonfire. Weevilsight laughed at one of Gingerpaw's silly faces, further easing Downstar's heart. If the recent heartbreak of the season could be forgotten, even for a moment, there was hope for RippleClan.
There was no hope of telling the time that day, save for the natural rhythm of day and night inside every cat. The sky was an endless silver expanse. Not a single cloud could be distinguished from another. It was as gray as a clear day's sky was blue. The unbroken bright light reflected off the snow stunned Downstar's eyes. Were it not for her nose, she might have bumped into Oilstripe, who trotted toward the leader's den.
"Good morning, Downstar," Oilstripe reported, ears perking up in front of her leader. "We have a few patrols out already. Vervaincough and Darkkick joined Billowhaze, Whitepaw, and Boughfur on an expedition to study the snow, but they promised to mark the southern border while they were there. Carnationspeckle, Tallowheart, and Drumtooth are fishing along the northern coast. Lastly, Rabbitjoy took Mitespark and Frostpaw to trade with WheatClan. They'll be gone the longest."
"Busy morning," Downstar hummed.
"Everyone wants to be out of camp today," Oilstripe sighed, stretching her front legs.
"I can manage the camp if you want to lead a patrol," Downstar said. She flicked her ears toward the camp exit. "This will likely be our last bit of snow until next winter."
"That's alright, Downstar," Oilstripe said a bit too quickly. "We have a lot to clear out of camp. I should manage that." Downstar grabbed Oilstripe's gaze and didn't let go. She studied her deputy's cyan eyes, so strangely blessed. Oilstripe's whiskers twitched uncomfortably, unable to view Downstar's thoughts as easily as she viewed hers.
"It's no good to have a distracted deputy," Downstar said. She sat in the curve of the Shiprock where the snow was thinner. "You're lingering around camp for another reason. Deputies should be open with their leaders."
"I can't tell if you're teasing me or reprimanding me," Oilstripe sighed. She sat next to Downstar, her focus drifting past her leader. The only sign of Downstar's hesistancy was the shift of her tail; she knew when she chose Oilstripe that she'd have to tolerate her ghost sight and the weird, almost blaphemous intrusion into the privacy of the visiting dead. She was good at that by now, and with a hard blink to wipe her mind, Downstar focused back on Oilstripe.
"It's about Rattlepelt," Oilstripe groaned. "I don't want to leave her alone." Downstar eyed the nursery. The snow's reflected light easily showed Rattlepelt and Wildclaw inside the den, still asleep. Wildclaw snuggled deep into Rattlepelt's fox pelt, and Rattlepelt shifted closer to her mate.
"I hope you remember you aren't the only other member of RippleClan," Downstar gently reminded her deputy. "There's always someone in camp."
"I'm not doubting anyone," Oilstripe said. She flexed her paw, poking tiny holes in the snow. The gentle motion gave her time to find her courage. "I'm scared for her, Downstar."
"Do you think she could harm herself?" Downstar asked. She regretted the question as soon as she said it. She never would have thought something like that a moon ago. But then again, a moon ago Downstar still had her granddaughter. Oilstripe caught her breath.
"No," she huffed. "No… but then again, I didn't think Trumpetspore could, either. I don't think I can truly judge what's in someone's heart."
"Blame is a weight I've borne for far too many circumstances outside of my control. Don't let it crush you."
"But don't I deserve some of the blame? We're leading this Clan, Downstar. When someone dies like this, what does it say about us? And what about Lemmy? Could we have stopped her?"
"You're rambling, Oilstripe." Downstar raised her tail to pause her deputy's spiraling thoughts. "I'm going to tell you something that it took me a long time to learn. If you did the best you could with what you knew, then blaming yourself is useless." Oilstripe breathed deep, nodding along with Downstar's advice.
"I'll try to remember that," Oilstripe sighed.
"So," Downstar huffed, getting up, "do you think Rattlepelt needs an extra eye on her?"
"I think she's struggling," Oilstripe said, picking her words carefully. "It's like what happened after the Shardling incident. I don't want this to hurt Rattlepelt's relationship with Wildclaw or their kits. Rattlepelt didn't even leave the nursery to check on Midnightkit yesterday." Yes, Downstar had noted that; out of the two mothers, Wildclaw was usually the one with an eye on Midnightkit and Valleykit as of late, and when she went on patrol, Midnightkit tried to follow. It hadn't been Downstar's place to comment on Rattlepelt's absence, but everyone noticed it.
"As the mother of your daughter-in-code rather than your leader," Downstar sighed, "don't worry about how Wildclaw feels. I'll take her out. Try not to worry. We'll help Rattlepelt as best we can." Downstar touched her nose to Oilstripe's head. Oilstripe gawked at the touch for a moment, eyes widening. She then purred and dipped her head. Her whole body softened. Downstar's work there was done; now onto her daughter.
Downstar left Oilstripe to her thoughts and entered the nursery. Her paws trapsing through the snow quickly woke Wildclaw. The scarred gray tabby lifted her head off her mate and yawned deeply. Her scar-lined tail swayed lazily.
"Wildclaw, I'm taking a sunrise patrol to mark our northwest borders," Downstar explained in a whisper. "I want you to come with. I'll even let you pick out who we bring."
"I'll be right there," Wildclaw grumbled, still yawning and blinking sleep from her eyes. She crawled over Rattlepelt, stretching her hind legs so high they nearly eclipsed her head. Rattlepelt shifted and threw a paw over her eyes. Wildclaw glanced back to her mate and whispered, "Rattlepelt, I'm going on patrol. The kits are playing outside. Do you need anything?"
"I can get it," Rattlepelt mumbled. She squirmed under her red pelt, but didn't get up. Downstar softly padded back out as Wildclaw whispered something else her aging ears could not catch.
Downstar trailed through camp, navigating around the kits' digging, and waited by the exit for her daughter. A few moments later, Wildclaw emerged from the nursery and jogged to the warrior's den, nodding to Stormjump as she passed. She seemed like the reckless young molly Downstar remembered from so many years ago, but there was a wisdom to her step and a thought in her eyes. Yes, Downstar did not need to worry about Wildclaw. The fierceness her named honored was truly something to respect now.
Some time later, Wildclaw joined Downstar at the exit with Wolverineheart, Yarrowclaw, and Leathermask. Downstar wasted no time leading the patrol into the cheerful winter. Wildclaw slipped beside her mother and pranced through the snow like a deer. Soft winds blew powdery snow off the trees, making it look like a second snowfall. The snow retained the memory of the wind in its swirling, smooth edges and gentle dance across the ground. The smell of Carnationspeckle's patrol drifted past, a soft reminder that they were never alone in RippleClan territory.
"You know who Midnightkit and Valleykit remind me of?" Downstar said as the patrol trekked through the forest. "You and Halibutdusk."
"Really?" Wildclaw huffed. "I don't see it."
"Midnightkit is going to be just as troublesome as you were, I'm certain of it," Downstar chuckled. "Valleykit has Halibutdusk's pensiveness."
"Valleykit just learned what birds are," Wildclaw laughed. "I think you might be insulting Halibutdusk there."
"They fit into our family, that's what I mean," Downstar hummed, studying Wildclaw's face. "You and Rattlepelt have done a good job so far. Just like you did with Shrewflame and Whitepaw. You'll all be alright in the end."
"I know, Mom," Wildclaw assured her. Her ears tilted back for a moment as she added, "I just need Rattlepelt to believe that."
"You've been through worse," Downstar reminded her. She stopped to rub an irritating itch on her back against a pine. "If you keep doing what you have been doing, it will work out."
"Downstar!" The whole patrol paused, ears high. Pale gray markings framed the green eyes of the tom who emerged from the depths of the forest. Lettucestar? His deputy, Lighttrail, walked alongside him, all thick ginger fur and confidence.
"Stop right there!" Wildclaw barked. She dove between Downstar and Lettucestar, lips curled tight and her body slithering like a rattlesnake ready to strike.
"This has to be a joke," Wolverineheart scoffed. "I get you're a Clan leader, but you can't just stroll into our territory without an escort!"
"Do you want to get attacked?" Yarrowclaw growled, showing off her fangs.
"Wait, wait," Downstar huffed. She pushed through her protective Clanmates, tail high to still their sudden fury. "Let me talk to him." Leathermask bristled, back arched high as Downstar approached the SlugClan leader. Wolverineheart and Yarrowclaw kept their claws out, but gave Downstar her room. Wildclaw stayed where she was, face curling in and out of battle rage.
"I know I'm intruding on your territory," Lettucestar huffed, keeping his tail low as a show of peace. "Waiting by the border would have been inappropriate. In a sad way, my purpose here isn't much different from the war patrol you brought to my camp almost a year ago." There was a mild venom in Lettucestar's voice that made Downstar's ears grow hot with old grief.
"Except Downstar's not losing her mind," Yarrowclaw grumbled.
"Yarrowclaw, you will not disrespect Gorgestar's memory in front of me," Downstar suddenly growled, turning on the brown and white molly. Yarrowclaw stiffened under Downstar's amber glare. "He was a good leader and my friend. You of all cats should know better than to make a joke of something like that." Yarrowclaw stared down, unmoving under Downstar's assault. Downstar bit back a hiss of frusteration; why in the world did Yarrowclaw have to make a comment like that? Now Downstar seemed like a weak leader! She would handle Yarrowclaw's coldness later; she had intruders to manage.
"It's once again an issue of miscommunication," Lettucestar sighed. "Lighttrail, you're the better storyteller of the two of us. Explain the situation to Downstar and her warriors." Lighttrail stepped forward, clearing his throat. He looked like a kit in Downstar's eyes. Then again, at Downstar's age, most cats looked like kits.
"Recently, SlugClan encounter a loner queen and her kit by the river," Lighttrail said. "The kit was sick with feather-head, so we offered to provide treatment. The queen grew to trust us, and the pair decided to join SlugClan. They are now known as Nimblestep and Quickkit, though you would have known the queen as simply Nimble." Nimble. So much had happened that winter, Downstar almost forgot that Puddlewhisper was not Pearkit and Icekit's birth mother.
"Wait," Leathermask grunted. "Nimble joined SlugClan? No, she hates the Clans."
"Her mate hated the Clans," Lighttrail said with the patience of a mentor with their apprentice. Downstar couldn't stop her jaw from tightening at the tone. "Nimblestep supported and followed Achilles, but once she understood we only wanted to help Quickkit, she learned to trust us."
"It's not like we didn't try to do that!" Wolverineheart whined. "She wouldn't listen to us!"
"Your Clanmates murdered Achilles in cold blood," Lighttrail scoffed, twitching his whiskers. "Would you listen to yourselves?"
"No more comments, all of you," Downstar hissed, thrashing her tail. This was no time to be debating the details.
"She told us about her other kits, Downstar," Lettucestar finally sighed. "A silver tom and a pale ginger molly. They're Icekit and Pearkit, aren't they?" Wildclaw paced behind Downstar. Her jaw twitched with unspoken words. Her paws crunched heavily into the snow, turning it to slush.
"They are," Downstar admitted. "Nimble ran—Nimblestep ran from our patrol, but only took a brown kit. Quickkit, I assume. She abandoned the rest of her litter."
"A mistake she wants to correct," Lettucestar said, stepping closer to Downstar. "We're here to take Icekit and Pearkit back to their mother."
"Take?" Downstar and Wildclaw yowled in unison. Lighttrail unseathed his claws and crouched into a battle stance. Lettucestar hovered his tail over his deputy's shoulder. Downstar steadied her breath and grounded her paws flat, letting the cold sap her sudden anger.
"Lettucestar, Icekit and Pearkit are RippleClan cats now," Downstar said slowly. "All they've known is RippleClan. Puddlewhisper is raising them. Taking them would be cruel. Nimblestep abandoned them to what she thought would be their deaths. How can we trust she has their best intentions at heart?"
"She's a SlugClan warrior now," Lettucestar said, his words just as slow and restrained as Downstar's tone. "We will help her raise the kits, just as I'm sure your caretakers help Puddlewhisper."
"I'm happy to discuss Nimblestep visiting our camp," Downstar huffed. "If she wants a relationship with Icekit and Pearkit, I don't want to deny her that. But simply taking them? They aren't prey. Do you think they'd ever be loyal to SlugClan if you forced them from their home?" Lettucestar sighed deeply. He closed his eyes and pulled his tail away from Lighttrail. His claws peeked out of his paws. The RippleClan patrol slunk closer to Downstar.
"Warriors!" Lettucestar yowled. The snow behind Lettucestar shifted. Pelts peeked out from the white and gray terrain, shoving off snowy coverings and emerging from behind trees and rocks. The RippleClan patrol hissed and snarled. There was an entire war patrol of SlugClan cats, hiding just fox-lengths away! The SlugClan warriors glistened with snow melting into their fur. Narrow eyes bore into Downstar, ready to tear and bite.
"I'm sorry, Downstar," Lettucestar sighed, shifting into a battle stance, "but I can't take no for an answer. Nimblestep is their mother, not Puddlewhisper. You can't claim her kits. I wanted us to agree on this, but if you won't take us to your camp, we'll just go through you."
"Yarrowclaw, warn camp, now!" Downstar yowled. Yarrowclaw leaped over Leathermask and skidded across the snow. She raced like a rabbit along the patrol's snowy prints, tail weaving between the trees.
"Don't let her get reinforcements!" Lettucestar ordered. Half of the SlugClan patrol bolted after Yarrowclaw, stomping and kicking their way through the snow. Leathermask yowled and launched himself into a lilac tortie, the war-hungry Carvingfur. The pair rolled back behind an ancient pine.
"Wolverineheart, help Yarrowclaw!" Downstar ordered as Lighttrail lunged for her. "We'll hold them back!" Wolverineheart ran after Yarrowclaw's hunters as Lighttrail smacked Downstar into the snow. Downstar raked her claws along Lighttrail's white chest. Blood immediately dripped from his pelt onto Downstar's face.
Lighttrail stumbled off, shrieking, as the rest of the patrol converged on Downstar and Wildclaw. There were three or four SlugClan warriors for each remaining RippleClan cat. At least Lighttrail wouldn't be a problem; he stumbled against a pine trunk and pressed his bleeding wounds into the snow.
"I'd like to see you take me, foxhearts!" Wildclaw cried. She hooked her claws into Carvingfur as she and Leathermask rolled back into the crowd. Wildclaw ripped Carvingfur off Leathermask and dug her teeth into the tortoiseshell's soft ear.
Sharp claws slashed Downstar's ankle. She tumbled forward into a black molly. A cream-colored tom pounced on Downstar's back. His claws tore into her ginger patches. Blinding pain ripped through Downstar's blood.
Lettucestar crouched by Lighttrail as the SlugClan warriors beat Downstar into the ground. The leader and deputy whispered to one another, mute under the screech of battle. With a decisive nod from Lighttrail, Lettucestar hurried past the fight toward the unseen coastline and RippleClan's camp.
Leathermask and Wildclaw fought back to back against Carvingfur and the other SlugClan warriors. They spun to face every blow. Nicks and scratches riddled their faces. Neither could get to Downstar.
The black molly and the cream-colored tom stepped off Downstar, blood staining their paws. Downstar's ears rang. She stared into the now pink snow. Her legs shook. The pain coursed through her back and toward her paws. Downstar couldn't get up. She couldn't help her daughter. Yarrowclaw and Wolverineheart had to get to camp. They had to protect the kits. That was what mattered.
A brown and white mass of long fur flew past Downstar's blurry vision. The figure landed on Carvingfur just before the tortoiseshell could claw at Leathermask's eyes. Carnationspeckle! Her hunting patrol! Drumtooth and Tallowheart dove into the fight behind their patrol leader. Tallowheart pulled Wildclaw and Leathermask out of the mess. Drumtooth whipped around the SlugClan warriors like a fish. He'd land one blow, then kick back at a sneaky warrior.
"They're going for camp," Wildclaw yowled over the ringing in Downstar's ears.
"Yarrowclaw got there first," Tallowheart gulped. The fighting in front of Downstar blurred. Downstar rested her chin on the cold, stained snow.
It took a while for Downstar to die. From what she could tell, she drifted in a melting mass of dreams and noise until her strength finally left her. She couldn't tell how much time had passed, and could barely hold on to a single thought. The sounds of the battle rose and fell. They blended into orders and questions, making the line between war and peace impossible to see. Were the clerics there? They should focus on the camp. SlugClan would not have those kits!
Summer warmth licked Downstar's pelt. That oh-so-familiar ocean hum replaced the ringing in her ears. Her back no longer burned. Downstar rubbed her cheek on the sand. Oh Downstar had missed the summer. RippleClan needed that light and warmth once more.
StarClan's coastline was the same as ever; mountains far behind the forest, pure salty water nuzzling the shore. Sunhigh glistened at the top of the sky, honey-bright and as welcome as a warm nest at the end of a cold night. Now Downstar didn't want to get up at all. For now, she could breathe.
Yet who would greet her this time? She was never alone on that lovely beach. Locustseeker, Duskkit, Fennelspot, Rustshade, Scrubmask… someone always had a kind word to say. Who would be there this time? Maybe Downstar had to go find them.
Despite the tempting warmth of the sand, Downstar got to her paws. She stood quicker than she expected. Old age didn't plague her in the strange land of Silverpelt. Downstar scanned the shore. Down the coast, paws dipping into the slowly rising tide, a black tabby sat, waiting. Downstar's granddaughter was unmistakeable, even with the newly gained glimmer in her pelt.
"I shouldn't be surprised it's you," Downstar called. Trumpetspore turned at her grandmother's voice. Her ears pressed backward. She snapped her eyes down.
Downstar strolled down the beach. Her heartbeat matched the gentle pull of the waves. She slowed the closer she got to Trumpetspore. Trumpetspore's head dipped lower and lower.
"I'm sorry," she whimpered. "I'm sorry, Downstar. I should have talked to you. I missed them so much, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt anyone."
"Oh, Trumpet," Downstar cooed. She placed her chin on Trumpetspore's warm head. She wrapped herself around Trumpetspore as the ageless black warrior shook. The hum of the ethereal ocean hid Trumpetspore's whimpers.
"I should have hung on," Trumpetspore whined.
"I know, I know," Downstar whispered. "It'll be alright now. I know, you're sorry."
Downstar wasn't sure how long she sat with her granddaughter. Those visits to StarClan rarely aligned with time in the living world, after all. Downstar just let the salt water soak her flank as she offered Trumpetspore a familiar shoulder.
"There are things I need to say," Trumpetspore eventually croaked, "before you go back." The pair pulled away, leaving imprints of each other in their pelts.
"I understand," Downstar sighed. "Tell me first, though. Did Lettucestar take the kits?"
"No," Trumpetspore said, clearing her throat. There was a shift in her starry eyes, a soft dance of light cascading across her glittering pelt. Her gaze drifted to something Downstar could not see. "Puddlewhisper hid them in the medicine den when Yarrowclaw got to camp. She pretended they were in the nursery until Lettucestar's patrol had to retreat."
"As clever as her mother," Downstar purred. Good, the kits were safe. For now, at least.
"Happier moons are ahead," Trumpetspore promised as her focus returned to Downstar. She stiffened and glanced down as she added, "If I had known that earlier…" Downstar had no comforting words for that. Trumpetspore breathed deep and stood taller.
"You're on your last life, Downstar," Trumpetspore said. Her voice gained the sort of regal, knowing tone Downstar had grown used to hearing from StarClan cats. "The next time you wake up on these shores, you will not return to RippleClan."
"I understand," Downstar said. She could feel her body pulling her down. The weight of her many moons flowed back through her muscles. She laid on the sand, which now felt more like moss and leather. Downstar's body was likely in the medicine den. "One thing before I wake up. Can you pass a message to Shadowdrop and your siblings?"
"Anything," Trumpetspore gulped. Downstar purred at the light in Trumpetspore's eyes.
"Tell them I love them."
(Downstar: 151, female, leader, wise, trusted advisor, very clever)
(Oilstripe: 96, female, deputy, charismatic, ghost speaker)
(Wildclaw: 84, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor, good fighter)
(Rattlepelt: 75, female, artisan, thoughtful, leather artist)
(Wolverineheart: 24, female, warrior, troublesome, student of science)
(Yarrowclaw: 27, female, warrior, cold, fire master)
(Leathermask: 40, male, warrior, confident, good fighter, eloquent speaker)
(Carnationspeckle: 94, female, caretaker, compassionate, fish-like swimmer)
(Tallowheart: 28, male, historian, nervous, good swimmer)
(Drumtooth: 40, trans male, caretaker, loyal, great hunter, clever)
(Trumpetspore: 52, female, warrior, nervous, makes the best pottery, good storyteller)
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period-of-nocturne · 5 months ago
I just finished to read Our Happy Ending and I can confidently said This Event Have Ruined My Life
To be honest ? I knew since the Little Mermaid this is what would've happen. No matter how you thought about it, the final obstacle for WxS to stay together always was Emu's tie to PXL. And for the game to continue, something like this had to happen.
But damn. They almost got me here. For a while, I really thought Emu wouldn't follow them.
Emu, smiling and telling them to not cry. That they should be happy to make a huge step towards their dream.
I wondered how many times she practiced those lines.
Rui asking Emu's brother if he could invite her was so funny. It sounded like a damn proposal. And I don't mean there was romantic implications there, I personally see none. But the whole discussion really sounded like some guy's asking a princess' hand to her father. It's hilarious to me.
Shōsuke and Keisuke keeping up the buissnessmen attitude up constantly is just too funny to me. Like come on guys, drop it. Stop talking about the park's future when you just don't want to see your little sister sad. I don't buy it.
It's funny to remember how much I wanted to punch them the first time they appeared. The way they disregarded Emu's dream, feelings and opinions was infuriating.
They did all the opposite this time. Involved her in their business talk at the start. Worried about how she felt. Encouraged her dream at the end.
They're on the same page, now. They all want the same thing. They'll take their little sister's opinion in consideration, even if she's away. They won't ever try to destroy the Wonder Stage anymore.
So it's okay, Emu. You can leave safely.
And also, know your grandfather, who cried of happiness by seeing a bear finally make friends, would never want you to be separated from yours, even more if it put you in such a state.
I'm sure he's happy for you, now.
But at the end of the day, I don't think it would have been the end of the world if she stayed at PXL.
It led me to think about what will happen to all of those kids in a bunch of years. Where they'll be.
A World Star, a Diva and an Alchemist, all three walking towards the same place. Poster of them on the streets. On the big screen, an announcement about an Idol Group performing in Tokyo Dome. A famous Band next concert. A Team of Two Duos coming back after a World Tour.
I don't know what Niigo will be doing in ten years.
I described their theoretical prime time, but thinking about even later is also interesting. When things start to settle down. The image of those kids, who'd be adults at that point in time, coming back to the place they knew. Meeting back with old friends. Remembering the good old time.
It's nostalgic. Bittersweet. But it's also sweet to think they could one day reach that point. To know they'll have a million things to remember about. It also feel warm. Soft.
I'm trailing off. Point is that it would have been alright. That someday, in a very long time, they might have to part way. And it will be alright.
It won't be the end of the world.
It can't be the end of the world. After all...
The World Hasn't Even Started Yet.
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yuri-is-online · 7 months ago
you said that yutu and his friends have fought the heartslabyul boys in the bad timeline before, and it got the gears of my head turning. are they aware that their yutu is their kid? we know that ob! trey loved toying with his kids. even if they're not themselves anymore, it's interesting to know what their first reaction would be when this/these random kid/s (who looks a little TOO CLOSE to their long lost pregnant s/o or weirdly enough them in some cases) gets within their vicinity. can they even connect the dots since they’re phantoms now? do they seethe at this brat who masquerades as a memory of the past? (i can see ob! deuce getting extremely violent since his yutu looks like yuu, especially since i headcanon him acting as his delinquent self but 100x) Or do they just somehow know and not give af at all lmao.
How aware they are depends on 1) whether or not they died before of after the phantom possessed them and 2) who exactly killed them. This doesn't mean they act like themselves though, what I was trying to get across in Rook's pt. 2 is that he knows Roland is someone important, and might even be aware that this is his child, but the finer details are lost on him. He won't kill him outright, but if he starts using magic or if he were to try and kill him then the Hunter would kill him without much hesitation. What's left of Rook's soul would be distraught, his panic would likely influence the Hunter to take the boy's corpse to the Fairest Queen so she could "fix" him. And he wouldn't notice any difference between the two Rolands, if anything he might be relived that his son was no longer "sick." Now as for the specifics of the Heartslabyul boys:
Riddle is a wildly violent phantom. He is actively looking to enforce the Queen's law and take out his own pain on anything that looks wrong or moves. He is so caught up in his own anger, that he doesn't think Yutu is real. He thinks he is a hallucination mocking him for thinking he ever could have been happy, that you ever loved him or wanted to build a family in such a broken world. The real Yutu can't come home now, he hasn't made things perfect for him yet.
We have already talked about Trey, and I don't really want to pull back the curtain too much but (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵) The hatter is very independent. He is one of maybe two phantoms who have traveled outside of their domain but what the Phantom does and what Trey thinks he is doing are two very different things. When Trey leaves the Queendom he thinks he is going on vacation, when really he is hunting for more victims. As for his children, what is left of him genuinely thinks he is playing with them, and if one of them dies well then they just need to be taken home and put to sleep. As time goes on, the more he watches over them and tries his best to take care of them... then he might start to realize something is wrong. He gets a lot less intelligent and a lot more violent after that.
Cater's unique magic allows him to sit back and relax while his clones do most of the work for him, so actually seeing him is very rare. He spends most of his time in a state that looks like he's sleeping, only ever really waking up to do much of anything when Riddle forces him to. The clones don't recognize Yutu at all, and treat him in much the same way they do everyone else; they tend to be very annoying to fight and narrate how bad you are running for your life in very mocking tones. Actual Cater is much different; he's slow, deliberate in his movements and surrounded by a river of polluted water with a look that suggests he's tired. Maybe he is, he's been splitting off pieces of himself to trap you here and can't be whole anymore. He doesn't recognize Yutu until he finally gets in the killing blow, the only thing he has the energy left to do by then is smile.
Ace and Deuce are typically seen together. They're very similar to their duo magic line, where Deuce charges ahead and Ace laments that Deuce has lost it again, but there is a strange sort of desperation to a lot of their actions. Even if Yutu isn't their child, they recognize him sort of, they have been looking for you for a long time now and are very upset that someone is trying to use this against them.
For Ace, this manifests in him mocking whoever he thinks sent Yutu. He can't look the kid in the eye, if he is forced to think about what happened to you and your child any semblance of intelligence his phantom has leaves. Not even Riddle can control him when he thinks about how that makes him feel. He wants to kill Yutu, remove anything reminding him of what happened from the world at all. But as soon as he looks at him he loses most of his nerve. He's perfect... are you here too? Do you see what Ace is being forced to do to him? He was hoping he would look more like you...
Deuce's phantom refuses to think of Yutu as real. He is similar to Riddle in that he thinks the similarities he notices are just his imagination. It makes him violent, but unlike Ace he has no real problem looking Yutu in the eye. He makes no secret that he is looking to crush Yutu like a bug, how dare he pretend to be someone who has been dead and buried for years now? How dare he mock his grief? He wants nothing more than for you and your child to be here with him, but you aren't and that's just something he needs to accept. It's his fault you aren't here, he sees his current state as fitting punishment for that.
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