#there are many benefits to being an archaeologist
a-book-of-creatures · 2 months
Current mood: Bronze Age sleeping faience hippopotamus (Byblos)
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pacificwaternymph · 1 year
Empires smp s2 Western AU
Lizzie is the town mayor who everyone knows is corrupt and definitely involved in some underhanded dealings, but nothing ever really gets done about it because her little brother Jimmy is the exasperated sheriff who keeps burning all the reports on her. He doesn't know how much longer he can keep doing this for her, but what is he going to do? That's his sister.
Most of the stuff Lizzie does under the table is really pretty harmless anyway, or at the very least doesn't affect the people of the town much, so they're mostly content to let her do whatever.
Sausage and Joel are couple who married for tax benefits, and accidentally adopted Hermes when they found him living under their porch like some kind of raccoon.
Lizzie takes great pride in being the fun "aunt" who teaches him swears and feeds him more sugar than he probably should have. She also won't stop flirting with Joel whenever she gets the chance.
"Aunt Lizzie taught me about tax fraud today!"
"Why does the mayor need to know how to commit tax fraud?"
Scott is the bartender with a really complicated, off and on relationship with Jimmy. It basically consists of flirting his way out of trouble because he's definitely a dealer in the black market and a lot of sketchy shit goes down at his bar.
Katherine is the daughter of the wealthiest man in town who moonlights as a vigilante, and Shelby is the town doctor who she keeps visiting in order to patch up the injuries she gets while out at night. Not so surprisingly, they are both crushing hard on one another.
Joey is a bandit whom Katherine regularly crosses paths with. He's a bit infatuated with her even though she is not interested in the slightest.
False is a reclusive engineer whose projects are... questionable at best. Everyone has just kind of learned to ignore the strange explosive sounds coming from her house.
Oli is a musician who plays at Scott's bar. Jimmy is convinced there is something up with that guy but he is in fact, not involved in the previously mentioned sketchy shit at all. He's shockingly oblivious to all of it, actually.
Fwhip is the town's deputy who really doesn't like Jimmy. They tolerate each other for the sake of their work but things tend to get complicated when you have to work with your ex-boyfriend on a daily basis. They try to avoid one another whenever possible.
Gem is a farmer who ran away from wealthy parents because she got bored with that life. She also works at a beekeeper. Basically the entire town's only food source.
Pixlriffs is an archaeologist who came out to study a new dig site and then realized that there were so many fossils out here he could spend the rest of his life here without running out. Whenever he's not out digging he's running the local library. Has the weirdest, most random collection of hyperspecific knowledge.
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blueiscoool · 11 months
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These Bronze Statues Reveal Ancient Healing Rituals
Discovered in a dig at a thermal spring in Tuscany, Italy, the well-preserved items offer a glimpse into medical practices from the Etruscan and Roman eras.
An exhibition that opened Friday at Rome’s Quirinal Palace could be described as a classic rags-to-riches story.
Just ten months ago, many of the bronze statues now on show there — artfully spotlighted and captioned — were submerged in layers of thick mud in what had been a sacred pool of thermo-mineral water roughly halfway between Florence and Rome.
Their rediscovery last fall during an ongoing archaeological excavation in a field just below the Tuscan town of San Casciano dei Bagni made headlines around the world, propelling the bronzes — via a stint in Italy’s main restoration institute — to the rare honor of being exhibited at the presidential palace.
“It’s an extraordinary discovery,” Luigi La Rocca, the culture ministry official responsible for archaeology, fine arts and landscape, told reporters at the palace on Thursday, praising the variety of the bronzes, their quality and their high degree of conservation.
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The artifacts — mostly dating from the second century B.C. to the first century A.D. — were votive offerings collected in the sacred pool of the so-called Bagno Grande, or “large bath,” part of a sanctuary that was in use in various forms for more than 700 years.
Lightning struck the building around the first century A.D., and following the Etruscan tradition of burying objects struck by lightning in a sacred place, the statues and other artifacts were concealed under a layer of terra-cotta tiles along with a bronze thunderbolt, a ritual called “fulgur conditum.”
Successive votive offerings, mostly bronze coins and plants, were deposited until Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century A.D. Then, the sanctuary was dismantled, and its offerings were buried once again, which contributed to their remarkable conservation.
The dig that uncovered them began in 2019, but it was only in 2020 that the first artifacts — inscriptions, altars and small bronzes — began to emerge. Last year, the archaeologists dug further down into the sacred pool.
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“We thought there could be something here, but nothing like what we found,” said Emanuele Mariotti, the director of the excavation, on a recent hot afternoon as he surveyed the site. “It was like a time capsule waiting to be opened,” he added.
The finds offer insights on ancient medical practices. The waters were considered curative by “Etruscans, Romans, Christians and Pagans,” Mariotti said. “This was a place of healing, meeting of cultures and medical knowledge.”
Many of the bronzes had inscriptions from the territory of Perugia, about 70 kilometers northeast of San Casciano, a considerable distance to travel more than 2,000 years ago. This shows “how complex and nuanced” cultural interaction was at the time, added Jacopo Tabolli, the scientific director of the dig and co-curator of the Quirinal show.
“Gods changed, but the water remained the same,” he added.
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Some of the bronzes are still being restored, but many made it to the Quirinal for the exhibition. In one room, bronzes of arms, feet, ears and other body parts are on display, reflecting the various ailments that were treated at the thermal baths.
“These are unique,” Mariotti said, stopping in front of two bronze plaques showing what he said was a “very accurate” depiction of internal organs. Similar terra-cotta examples existed, he said, but bronze versions were hitherto unknown.
Other statues represented gods and goddesses, but also men, women and small children, wrapped in swaddling cloths. Some were sickly and in need of healing. Others appeared to have benefited from the cures.
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The thermal springs are still used today for their therapeutic properties, both in the public baths near the archaeological site and at a private resort.
For San Casciano dei Bagni, a picturesque hilltop town, the ancient finds will hopefully bring new economic prospects, especially after the opening of a new museum in the city center.
Earlier this week, at a property deed transfer in Rome attended by various authorities, the culture ministry formally bought a palazzo in San Casciano dei Bagni from local clerics to house the museum (list price 670,000 euros, around $730,000) and Italy’s culture minister, Gennaro Sangiuliano, pledged to contribute “additional resources.”
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Massimo Osanna, the director of Italy’s state museums said Thursday that he hoped one section of the museum would be ready next year. “I’m an optimist,” he said.
“It’s going to be a tremendous opportunity,” said Agnese Carletti, the town’s mayor. Following on from previous administrations, Carletti’s council championed and funded the local archaeological excavations that led to the finds, offering room and board to archaeology students participating in the summer digs.
A new excavation begins next week, and Tabolli said that it would concentrate on expanding the archaeological site to better understand the context around the sacred pool. “We’ve reconstructed the structure of the sanctuary, but there is still much more to know about the overall site which must have been monumental,” he said.
Osanna said that more surprises could be in store. “We don’t know what else the sanctuary has to offer,” he said.
By Elisabetta Povoledo.
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Martyr’s don’t kill innocents including children. Content warning: it’s about a school shooting and people posting pictures of themselves holding weapons.
Controversial group behind 'Trans Day of Vengeance' raised money for firearms training - as other trans protestors pose with guns ahead of march in DC on Saturday
The protest was rebranded before the Nashville tragedy from 'visibility' to 'vengeance' by the Trans Radical Activist Network
But some social media users appear to have taken the protest to another level and have posed with powerful firearms posted along with the hashtag 
Twitter has since removed more than 5,000 posts that have used the flyer for the event on April 1 
Despite three nine-year-olds being gunned down by a transgender shooter at a private Christian school in Nashville, activists are still rallying the troops to protest for a 'Trans Day of Vengeance' - months after raising money for firearms training. 
Transgender shooter Audrey Hale opened fire on the Covenant School in Nashville at 10.30am on Monday, killing Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney and Evelyn Dieckhaus during her rampage at the school.
But despite rising political tensions across the country, which saw a press secretary for Arizona Democrat Governor post a Tweet about shooting transphobes, the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) is pushing forward with their protest in DC.
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The Virginia chapter of the group held a 'dance party fundraiser' in Richmond 'benefiting firearm/self-defense training for trans-Virginians' on March 7, before the mass shooting had taken place. 
In statements, the group has taken pains to distance themselves from Hale, and her actions, and changed the name of the protest before the brutal slayings.  
The protest on Saturday was initially meant to be called a 'day of visibility' but rebranded before the shooting to vengeance because it means 'fighting back with vehemence' – though the group was quick to say they do not 'encourage or promote violence' when contacted by DailyMail.com. 
But one person posing as an activist appears to have taken the movement to the next level, posting a picture of a heavily armed person with an assault rifle and threatening to 'kill christcucks' - as Twitter removed thousands of posts with flyers for the event. 
Twitter has been removing the posts that could be deemed threatening or involve guns associated with the 'TransDayofVengeance' hashtag - but it is unclear exactly how many were others posing with weapons as they have since been deleted.
Ella Irwin, Twitter's head of trust and safety, wrote that the company removed more than 5,000 tweets that included a poster for the event.
She said: 'We do not support tweets that incite violence irrespective of who posts them. 
'Vengeance' does not imply peaceful protest. Organizing or support for peaceful protests is ok.'
Two other trans activists have since posted footage and photos of themselves with rifles, which appear to be in direct response to the Nashville shooting. 
One says that she will use the weapon for 'protection' against 'transphobes' who  target them. 
Kayla Denker, who describes themselves as a ‘communist, archaeologist and writer, posted the video of herself with her gun after the incident in Nashville – despite saying ‘advocating for trans people to arm ourselves is not any kind of a solution to the genocide we are facing’.
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She is also appealing for help with the medical bills for her transition on her social media, which has now been locked down.
Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Green also saw her account removed after she launched several anti-trans attacks on Twitter.
Greene claimed that 'Antifa' was organizing the alleged event, and reposted a poster for the protest while complaining Twitter kept removing her posts before she was ultimately suspended.
Activists are being encouraged to 'bring a buddy' and wear a mask at the event outside of the Supreme Court in DC on April 1, and is billed as avenging a 'trans genocide.'
Organizers did not respond when asked questions about the safety of protests amid the increasing pressure between the two sides of the political spectrum.
Websites such as Etsy are still being used to sell pro-gun and trans merchandise, with stickers that say 'defend equality' with assault rifles on as well as t-shirts and other items emblazoned with 'Trans rights… or else' which also have the high-powered guns in pink, white and blue – the Trans colors – on them.
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TRAN is run by three co-founders, one of whom is a former staffer for the Virginia Democrats and stepped down to work with the group.
Bo Belotti, the national recruitment director, is a 'trans masculine non-binary person' and helped the Virginia chapter of the group to raise money to go on guns and self-defence.
On March 7, the Virginia chapter held a 'dance party fundraiser' in Richmond 'benefiting firearm/self-defense training for trans-Virginians. Come boogie with us and defend trans life!'
Belotti worked as a fellow for Del. Elizabeth Guzman, and Del. Joshua Cole as a legislative aide and helped draft HB 145, which required the state to create model transgender policies for public schools.
His bio on the website adds: 'While working in their state's legislators they helped craft trans-affirming statewide policies.' 
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Another co-founder is non-binary Tsukuru, who had been posting updates on the protest before locking down their account following the backlash in the aftermath of the mass shooting.
Their bio states that they were a 'graduate of a high school in Hiroshima where 350 young lives were brutally taken on August 6, 1945, Tsukuru is an anti-nuclear/anti-war/human rights activist.'
It adds: 'After his brief marriage to his best friend and the birth of his child, he first came out as lesbian at age 29 and as a transgender man at age 50.'
The final founder is Noah Buchanan who helped to set up Tran initially, writing on the website: 'Noah Buchanan; I am a transgender male and have been out since 2018. I have 10+ years of working in the mental health field.
'What motivated me to start TRAN was the fact I was bullied to the point where I attempted to end my own life. The person that bullied me was a fellow member of the LGBTIA+.'
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In a statement to DailyMail.com Buchanan said: 'What I will say is that this protest was not about encouraging or promoting violence.
This protest is about uniting and letting people know that we are human beings, we exist, and love conquers hate.'
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dailyterukane · 2 years
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there are many benefits to being an archaeologist
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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National Walking Day
National Walking Day is every year on the first Wednesday in April and takes place on April 3 this year. National Walking Day is exactly as it sounds — a day to celebrate the easiest way to be the healthiest version of you. Walking for thirty to sixty minutes per day may sound like it isn’t much, but studies have shown that it can drastically improve your health and even help prevent ailments such as type II diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
When is National Walking Day 2024?
Reap the benefits of walking and make it a part of your lifestyle on National Walking Day on April 3.
History of National Walking Day
Walking has always been a part of being human. Many archaeologists have found that even when humans were nomadic tribes, we would often walk great distances to stalk our prey (think Wooly Mammoths) and wait for them to sleep before pouncing. Walking is, essentially, what humans are physically we best at. We’re the slowest runners, the worst swimmers, and we can’t even fly without a big jet engine. Walking is the humans bread and butter.
Maybe that’s why during the Victorian era there was a little fad called pedestrianism, where walking became one of the major spectator sports in America and Europe until baseball usurped it. But individuals would wager massive bets over whether walkers could make it marathon distances and under what time. There’s a reason why racewalking is an Olympic sport, after all.
Whether it’s John Muir’s spiritual journeys through the woods; pilgrimages to Mecca; or just a casual stroll through your local park, walking has always held a close, dear place in the hearts of humans. It’s no wonder that there are so many health benefits associated with it and also why National Move More Month and National Walking Day were created promote this fantastic and surprisingly easy pastime.
National Walking Day timeline
1.5 Million Years Ago
Fossilized Footprints Tell a Story
According to fossilized footprints, it's likely that humans were walking similar to how we do today about 1.5 million years ago.
Bet on Pedestrianism
Pedestrianism enters the modern lexicon as a popular sport for betting who can walk the longest, fastest, and still keep the proper gait. 
On Your Mark, Get Set, Walk!
Racewalking is introduced as an Olympic sport following pedestrianism's popularity where a "fair heel and toe rule" is established.
Manpo-Kei Becomes Okay
Y. Hatano creates a pedometer based on the concept of 10,000 steps a day (what manpo-kei roughly translates to).
National Walking Day Traditions
Go for a walk! Well that one’s pretty easy. Take thirty minutes to an hour to get the blood pumping and the legs moving!
Do a racewalk Why not! They’re a great form of aerobic exercise and you can impress your friends with your new, faster walking technique.
Join a walking club They’re a great way to get out, get the work done, and also meet fun people at the same time.
National Walking Day Statistics
3.1 miles per hour — the average walking speed of a human.
500 miles — the walking duration a pair of tennis shoes lasts for. 
50% — the percentage of Americans who exercise regularly. 
6,000 — the number of steps a day that improves overall health. 
65,000 miles — the distance a person walks in their lifetime. 
10 miles — the distance it would take to walk every week to end 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions every year. 
20 minutes — the number of extra minutes of walking it would take to burn seven pounds of body fat per year. 
2,000 steps — the number of steps that equal one mile. 
60% — the percentage boost human creativity gets from walking. 
15 minutes — the time it takes to curb sugar cravings by walking. 
National Walking Day FAQs
Is there a National Walk Day?
National Walking Day is on April 6 every year.
Why do we celebrate World Walking Day?
World Walking Day is a fun way to be active and promote walking as exercise. 
What is Warrington Walking Day?
The Warrington Walking Day Fair is an annual event for young people. Processions take place throughout the town and in parks. 
National Walking Day Activities
Walking: Well, this is a no-brainer. Walking is, obviously, the most popular activity on National Walking Day. Just make sure you put one foot in front of the other. 
Racewalking: Get out there and get competitive. Racewalking is great aerobic exercise and can help you zoom around your town at lightning speeds. 
Light jogging: Or, if you prefer, take a light jog instead. Sometimes walking is just too slow for your speedsters and this next step up is nice and relaxed, but efficient. 
5 Facts About Walking That Will Make You Walk Right Away!
It is popular: Walking is the most popular form of exercise in the U.S.
Walking does wonders for our mood: Walking increases blood flow to the brain and improves our mood.
It is a lifespan indicator: Walking speed tells us how long a person will live.
Walking prevents diseases: Walking can help reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer.
Hippocrates said it right: He said, “Walking is man’s best medicine.”
Why We Love National Walking Day
It gets us outside: Getting outside is an important element to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Walking is a great way to get out doors! 
It improves our health: Walking 10,000 steps per day is an effective way to improve your own health. 
It's easy to do: No weights necessary. No running. No special skills or talents. Just get out there and walk!
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fahime12 · 3 months
The health benefits of almonds
The health benefits of almonds
Almonds contain nutrients that may help prevent cancer, strengthen bones, promote heart health, and more. However, almonds may not be good for everyone.
People can eat almonds raw or toasted as a snack or add them to sweet or savory dishes. They are also available sliced, flaked, slivered, as flour, oil, butter, or almond milk.
People call almonds a nut, but they are seeds, rather than a true nut.
Almond trees may have been one of the earliest trees that people cultivated. In Jordan, archaeologists have found evidence of domesticated almond trees dating back some 5,000 years.
In this article, find out some of the reasons for almonds being a healthy choice.
Benefits of almonds
There are several potential health benefits that scientists have associated with almonds.
1) Almonds and cholesterol
Almonds are high in fat, but it is unsaturated fat. This type of fat does not increase the risk of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad"  cholesterol .
In moderation, the American Heart AssociationTrusted Source (AHA) note that unsaturated fats may improve a person's blood cholesterol status.
In addition, almonds contain no cholesterol.
A StudyTrusted Source from 2005 suggests that consuming almonds may:
increase vitamin E levels in the plasma and red blood cells  
Lower overall cholesterol levels
According to these researchers, vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help stop the oxidation process that causes cholesterol to clog the arteries.    
Further studies have found similar results.
Authors of a 2018 reviewTrusted Source note that the nutrients in almonds may help boost or maintain levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol. They advised people to consume around 45 grams (g) a day of almonds to protect heart health.
Which foods should you eat and avoid if you have high cholesterol? Click here for some tips . 
2) Almonds and cancer risk
The authors identified a two to three times lower risk of  breast cancer  among individuals who consumed higher quantities of peanuts, walnuts, and almonds, compared with those who did not.
They concluded that "peanuts, walnuts, and almonds appear to be a protective factor for the development of breast cancer."
Is there a link between diet and cancer?
3) Almonds and heart disease
Almonds, along with other nuts and seeds, may help improve lipid, or fat, levels in the blood. This can benefit heart health.
In a study from 2014, scientists found that almonds significantly increased the levels of antioxidants in the bloodstream, reduced blood pressure , and improved blood flow. The participants were all healthy males from 20-70 years of age who took 50 g of almonds per day for 4 weeks.   
The  researchers  believe this may be due to:
Vitamin  E, healthy fats, and fiber, which help a person feel full
the antioxidant impact of flavonoids
They recommend eating a handful of almonds a day to obtain these benefits.
High blood pressure  increases the risk of heart disease . Which foods can help a person lower their blood pressure?  
4) Almonds and vitamin E
Almonds contain relatively high levels of vitamin E. Vitamin E contains antioxidants, such as tocopherol. One ounceTrusted Source (28.4 g) of plain almonds provides 7.27 milligrams (mg) of vitamin E, which is around halfTrusted Source a person's daily requirement.
Vitamin E and other antioxidants help prevent oxidative damage in the body. This damage can occur when too many free radicals accumulate.
Free radicals result from natural bodily processes and environmental stresses. The body can eliminate many of them, but dietary antioxidants help remove them, too. High levels of free radicals can cause oxidative stress , resulting in damage to cells. This can lead to various diseases and health problems. 
Scientists have also tentatively linked a higher vitamin E intake with a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease .   
A 2016 reviewTrusted Source notes that one antioxidant in vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol, may play a role in reducing the risk of cancer. However, more studies are needed to confirm this as findings have been contradictory overall.
Find out which other foods  are a good source of vitamin E.
5) Almonds and blood sugar
There is some evidence that almonds may help manage blood sugar levels.
Many people with type 2 diabetes have low magnesium levels. A deficiency is common among those who have difficulty managing their blood sugar levels. Scientists     have suggestedTrusted Source There may be a link between magnesium deficiency and insulin resistance . 
In a 2011 study , 20 people with type 2 diabetes ate 60 g of almonds a day for 12 weeks. Overall, they saw improvements in: 
blood sugar levels
blood lipid, or fat, levels
One ounceTrusted Source of almonds provides 76.5 mg of magnesium, or between 18% and 24% of an adult's daily requirementTrusted Source.
Some experts suggest using magnesium supplements to improve blood sugar profiles, but almonds may offer a suitable dietary source instead.
Learn more about  how nuts may help people with diabetes . 
6) Almonds help manage weight
Almonds are low in  carbohydrates  but high in protein, healthy fats, and fiber.
According to researchTrusted Source appearing in 2015, eating almonds as a mid-morning snack can leave a person feeling full for some time. People consumed either 28 g (173 calories ) or 42 g (259 calories). The extent to which the participants' appetites remained low was dependent on the quantity of almonds they consumed. 
Feeling full can help people lose weight, as they will be less tempted to seek more snacks.
Nuts often feature in breakfast cereal. What other breakfast foods can help a person feel full? 
7) Almonds boost bone health
Almonds  contain  calcium , magnesium, manganese, copper , vitamin K, protein, and zinc, all of which  contributeTrusted Source to bone health.
Experts have recommendedTrusted Source almonds as a way to obtain some of these nutrients.
What are some other ways to improve bone strength? Find out here . 
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danielsiegelalonso · 3 months
Music and Mental Health | Daniel Siegel Alonso
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In the springtime of our lives, we get to unravel and discover unexpected ways of entertainment. Listening to the harmonized version of an individual’s composition might even make you healthier, as suggested by some research. The notion that music can influence your behavior instincts conveys much more than just an assurance of contentment.
Research suggests that we spend about 40% of our waking hours listening to music both actively and passively. Such an encounter affects our emotional lingo around 60% of what we spend associating our emotions to it. Through music we can put into practice the integration of one’s mind and body.
Daniel Siegel Alonso & His Passion for Music
Daniel Siegel Alonso has released several acclaimed albums, performed at prestigious venues and festivals. The contemporary music that he composes not only shapes the cultural identities but the personal sense of belonging with his audience. Over the course of years, Daniel Siegel, in the industry of soulful jazz, has been able to deliver heartfelt performances.
Daniel’s passion for music shines through a spectrum of audiences of all ages in today’s time. Composing music, as a form of self-expression, is seldom underrated. However, it is helpful in a myriad of ways in boosting mental health. The density of assonance with one’s mind and soul can bring out the most serene emotions in people. That is, considering the substances inter-linking the distinction and connectivity between the art and the artist.
Uncovering The Resonance of Music
Archaeologists in 2009 excavating a cave in Southern Germany unearthed a flute structured from a vulture’s wing bone. Such a delicate instrument is known to be dated as one of the oldest musical instruments on our planet Earth. The discovery of soulful music and rhythms is yet unknown to mankind. Indicating over 40,000 years ago, modern-class scientists have been able to discover as to why we listen to music the way we do.
Listening to soulful music has its benefits both individually and collectively. The structure of validating and processing the positive impacts of listening to music are many. Many researchers over the years have proved that listening to notable music heightens and elevates mood swings.
Music Through Time & Mind Uncovered
Listening to Music Can Lead to Equipped Learning
The esteemed doctors at John Hopkins have recommended that listening to soulful music can lead to stimulated mental health. Thus, this further leads to the reduction in stress, processed emotions reflecting a relaxed state of mind.
The Power of Improved Memory
Music has the notable ability to intersect the mind in improving one’s ability to memorize. With the power of science and technology in today’s era, music memory is one of the fundamental functions resistant to dementia.
The Neurological Impact of Listening to Music
Music literally changes the neurological ailments of one’s brain. Researchers have focused on understanding the relationship of neurochemicals produced by the brain as triggers while listening to music. Of all the ages of civilization, listening to music has been associated with the suggested therapy improving the lives of people with schizophrenia.
When we compare humans today with our caveman ancestors, something that has remained consistent is the ability to respond to music. The neurochemicals released in our brain often cater to the reduction of stress in human beings. Daniel Siegel Alonso, with his soulful artistry in music has been able to deliver commendable music compositions witnessed by his audience. The deep investment put in by him through time and time has been relentlessly successful. For some, music may just be a metaphor influencing the nuanced realities in life.
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thxnews · 4 months
Roman Oyster Processing Site Discovered in Yorkshire
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The recent discovery of a Roman oyster processing site in Yorkshire has shed light on ancient culinary traditions. Unearthed during a major coastal re-alignment scheme, this finding highlights the Roman's sophisticated tastes and the historical significance of oysters in their diet.  
The Remarkable Discovery
During the last three years, the Environment Agency has been working on re-aligning sea defences along the north bank of the Humber Estuary to create 250 hectares of new wet grasslands, salt marshes, and mudflats. This project aims to provide new habitats for wildlife and enhance flood protection for local communities. As part of this initiative, a series of archaeological excavations funded exploring the historical significance of this region. A team from York Archaeology uncovered what they believe to be a Roman oyster processing centre near an early Roman settlement. The site, located just south of Weeton, near Hull, contained large quantities of misshapen oyster shells. Large quantities of misshapen oyster shells were found, pointing to the oysters having grown naturally on a reef rather than being farmed. This suggests the area was likely a Roman processing site where they prepared oysters harvested from the Humber Estuary.  
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Roman oyster shells. Photo by Derby Museums Trust. Wikimedia.   The Roman Appetite for Oysters The Romans highly prized oysters, with some historical accounts suggesting oysters played a key part in Julius Caesar's decision to invade the British Isles. The Romans exported many of these oysters to Italy, with reports indicating that Roman Emperors valued them so highly they paid for them by their weight in gold.   Jennifer Morrison, Senior Archaeologist for the Environment Agency, remarked, “It was truly amazing to find the evidence of this early oyster processing site during our dig. We know that, at this time, oysters would have been plentiful and that they were a staple part of the diet." "British oysters were prized by the Romans, and it is quite possible that some of these oysters found their way back to Italy.”   Oysters: A Key to Modern Environmental Efforts Today, oysters are recognized for their environmental benefits, including their ability to filter water and improve marine ecosystems. Furthermore, as part of the Wilder Humber partnership, a collaboration between Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, and Orsted, efforts are underway to reintroduce native oysters to the Humber Estuary. In turn, these oysters help protect the coastline from erosion by stabilizing the seabed and absorbing wave energy. The project plans to reintroduce over half a million native oysters to the estuary by 2028, sourcing them from sustainable aquaculture and carefully reintroducing them to suitable areas. This initiative not only aims to restore marine biodiversity but also improve the estuary's resilience to climate change impacts like rising sea levels and storm surges.  
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Exterior of the Hedon Museum. Photo by the Hedon Museum.   Exhibition and Public Engagement To share these exciting discoveries with the public, an exhibition titled "Holderness Histories – ‘A Flight Through Time’" is running at Hedon Museum in Hedon, near Hull. This exhibition, organized by the Environment Agency and York Archaeology, showcases not only the archaeological artefacts but also provides insights into the ongoing work by the Environment Agency to re-align the sea defences and create vital wildlife habitats on the Humber estuary. The exhibition is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays, offering visitors a chance to learn more about the Roman and medieval finds, as well as the environmental efforts to restore the Humber Estuary.  
Importance of the Discovery
The discovery of the Roman oyster processing site offers a unique glimpse into the ancient Roman way of life and their sophisticated culinary preferences. It also underscores the historical continuity of oyster consumption and their environmental importance. This connection between historical and modern uses of oysters highlights the ongoing relevance of sustainable practices in preserving both cultural heritage and natural ecosystems.   Roman and Modern Oyster Processing Aspect Roman Times Modern Efforts Purpose Culinary delicacy, trade Environmental restoration, biodiversity Methods Natural reef harvesting, processing Sustainable aquaculture, reintroduction Historical Significance Valued by Roman Emperors Key species for marine ecosystem health Geographic Focus Humber Estuary Humber Estuary Archaeological Findings Processing site, misshapen shells Restoration projects, environmental impact   Final Thoughts The archaeological excavation funded by the Environment Agency has not only unearthed a significant Roman site but also linked historical practices to modern environmental efforts. The reintroduction of native oysters to the Humber Estuary reflects a blend of preserving historical heritage while promoting sustainable ecological practices. The continued exploration and understanding of these sites provide invaluable insights into both our past and future. For more current information on the excavation and the Wilder Humber project, visit the Hedon Museum website.   Sources: THX News & Environment Agency. Read the full article
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ainews · 5 months
Middens are an ancient form of waste disposal, commonly used by ancient civilizations to dispose of their garbage and waste. These trash heaps were often rich sources of information for archaeologists and historians, as they contained artifacts and remains that provided insights into the daily lives and habits of these ancient cultures.
One particular type of midden, known as a "jaguar midden," has caught the attention of researchers for its unique purpose. These middens were specifically created for the benefit of jaguars and goddesses, and they were treated with a special chemical process known as mercerization.
The reason behind this treatment dates back to the belief systems of these ancient civilizations. In many cultures, the jaguar was revered as a powerful and sacred animal, often associated with strength, protection, and divine powers. The goddesses, often associated with fertility and nature, were also worshipped and respected.
The creation of jaguar middens was considered an offering to these powerful beings, a way to honor and appease them. These middens were not just ordinary trash heaps, but carefully selected and curated collection of items, such as bones, shells, and pottery, meant as a tribute to the jaguars and goddesses.
The use of mercerization on these middens had a twofold purpose. Firstly, it made the materials more durable and long-lasting, ensuring that the offerings would not deteriorate quickly and thus maintain their value to the jaguars and goddesses. The chemical treatment also gave the items a soft shine, making them more visually appealing and pleasing to the gods and goddesses.
In addition, the mercerization process also made the artifacts more attractive as trade goods, bringing in valuable resources for these ancient communities. This practice may have also contributed to the spread of mercerization techniques throughout different cultures.
Today, these jaguar middens continue to fascinate and intrigue researchers, shedding light on the beliefs and practices of ancient civilizations. The use of mercerization on these sacred offerings is just one example of the complex relationship between humans and their environment, and their reverence for powerful beings such as jaguars and goddesses.
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seogurus233 · 10 months
Zia Pueblo Ceramic: Unveiling a Full Historical past involved with Ancient Design
Zia Pueblo pottery appears as being a evidence of a timeless craftsmanship plus national benefits stuck around the lifestyle of one's Zia people. Even as we learn about a intricate playing field of Zia pottery, the next few paragraphs seeks to construct have faith in through representing well-researched knowledge with authority companies even while igniting enthusiasm about the magnificence plus track record exemplified for every different clay surfaces vessel.
So why Zia Pueblo Ceramic?
Zia Pueblo, located down the middle of Unique South america, is acknowledged for the nation's different pottery, exhibiting a essence involved with Indigen U.s artistry. The particular engaging variations plus a depiction motifs stiched zia native american pottery straight to every different portion inform content involved with traditions, otherworldliness, plus a link with the soil of which covers generations.
Professional Observations plus Authoritativeness
Created through experienced artists, Zia pottery boasts a traditions of which exercises beyond simple aesthetics. Utilizing the help of national historians plus archaeologists, the next few paragraphs delves throughout the controlled areas of which corroborate a craftsmanship. Historical collected information offer observations throughout the trend involved with Zia pottery solutions, exhibiting a control transferred in the ages.
Unraveling a Connotation
Zia pottery will be decorated by means of signs, every different holding unplumbed national significance. The logo, middle towards Zia certain principles, shows everyday living, emergence, plus some key directions. Comprehending the importance magnifies a admiration of them divine parts, elevating these folks with simple artifacts towards conduits involved with spiritual expression.
Energy Words plus Emotional Internet connection
Adapt to a allurement involved with Zia pottery having radiant different shades plus intricate patterns. Let the timeless richness of them handcrafted most beloved destinations move want you to a new region where culture plus craftsmanship intertwine. The particular pulsating energy of each and every portion encourages anyone to explore the high history and national tapestry stiched straight to any swing of one's artisan'erinarians hand.
Match the Artisans: Bridging Previous plus Latest
Zia pottery isn'g just art work; it'erinarians a new musical legacy serviced through current artists aimed at saving your national heritage. Match the experienced craftspeople exactly who exhale everyday living straight to clay surfaces, linking this last plus found by means of unwavering dedication. Their particular content improve a narration, featuring a a continual involved with Zia craftsmanship.
Ensuring that Authority: E-A-T Key facts
This post is curated through consultants for Indigen U.s art work plus traditions, being sure that the info offered isn't just exact but more seated for scholarly research. The particular target will be to provide a thorough, trusted source of which builds customer have faith in, by means of every different characteristic properly verified just for authenticity.
Typically Questioned Thoughts
Daring Steering: Researching Zia Pueblo Ceramic FAQs
Queen: What is the benefits of one's sun's rays logo for Zia pottery? Some sort of: The logo shows everyday living, emergence, plus some key instructions, embodying a key tenets involved with Zia spirituality.
Queen: The simplest way usually are Zia pottery variations transferred by many years? Some sort of: Zia pottery solutions usually are typically transferred with excel at artists towards apprentices, ensuring a efficiency involved with national heritage.
Queen: Are actually current Zia pottery musicians and artists swayed through standard solutions? Some sort of: Sure, innovative artists often unique blend standard solutions by means of their artistic expressions, developing a powerful fusion involved with history plus present.
Judgment: Adopting a Older
To conclude, Zia Pueblo pottery will not be merely an art form; it'erinarians money evidence of a resilience associated with a traditions and its particular long-lasting link with a earth. From exploring the depths involved with Zia workmanship, most people not only recognition this last but more help with a efficiency involved with a wealthy national legacy. Daring, radiant, plus rich for culture, every different portion encourages want you to be a part of a day to day narration involved with Zia Pueblo'erinarians artistic heritage.
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handrailcovers · 11 months
Sex toys and Types of sex toys Canada
In recent years, the stigma surrounding the use of sex toys has steadily diminished, giving way to a more open and accepting conversation about sexual pleasure and wellness. Sex toys have become an integral part of many individuals' intimate experiences, providing a means to explore desires, enhance pleasure, and promote overall sexual well-being. This article delves into the world of sex toys, exploring their history, types, benefits, and the evolving cultural perspectives surrounding their use.
A Brief History:
The use of sex toys is not a recent phenomenon; rather, it dates back centuries. Archaeologists have discovered evidence of various sex aids in ancient civilizations, including objects made from materials like wood, leather, and even stone. However, the modern sex toy industry began to flourish in the 20th century, with the development of more discreet and innovative devices.
Types of Sex Toys:
Today, the market offers an extensive array of sex toys catering to diverse preferences and desires. Here are some common categories:
Vibrators: Perhaps the most well-known type of sex toy, vibrators come in various shapes and sizes. They are designed to provide pleasurable stimulation through vibrations and can be used for solo or partner play.
Dildos: Dildos are phallic-shaped toys intended for penetration. They come in a range of materials, including silicone, glass, and metal, catering to different sensations and preferences.
Anal Toys: Designed for anal play, these toys include butt plugs, anal beads, and prostate massagers. They offer a unique form of pleasure and can be enjoyed by individuals or couples.
Couples' Toys: Innovations in the industry have led to the creation of toys specifically designed for use during partnered activities. These may include remote-controlled devices, vibrating rings, and dual-stimulation toys.
Suction Toys: Mimicking the sensation of oral sex, suction toys have gained popularity for their ability to provide targeted and intense stimulation.
Benefits of Using Sex Toys Canada
Enhanced Pleasure: Sex toys are crafted to stimulate erogenous zones and enhance pleasure, offering a heightened and varied sexual experience.
Solo Exploration: Sex toys provide individuals with the opportunity for self-discovery, allowing them to understand their bodies, desires, and preferences more intimately.
Couples' Intimacy: Incorporating sex toys into partnered activities can deepen intimacy, communication, and mutual satisfaction.
Stress Relief: Sexual activity, including the use of sex toys, has been shown to reduce stress and promote overall well-being through the release of endorphins.
Changing Cultural Perspectives:
As discussions around sexual wellness become more open and destigmatized, the perception of sex toys is evolving. People are increasingly recognizing the importance of prioritizing their sexual health and embracing the use of tools that contribute to their overall well-being.
Sex toys have come a long way from their historical roots, becoming an integral part of contemporary sexual experiences. As societal attitudes shift towards a more open and accepting approach to sexuality, the use of sex toys is likely to continue growing. Whether used for solo exploration or shared experiences, sex toys contribute to the vast tapestry of human pleasure and intimacy, offering individuals the opportunity to explore and enhance their sexual well-being.
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Peru Local Tour Operator: Your Gateway to Authentic And Unforgettable Experiences
When it comes to exploring the diverse and captivating landscapes of Peru, there's no better way to immerse yourself in its rich culture and breathtaking beauty than by partnering with a local tour operator. These experts in Peruvian travel offer visitors a unique opportunity to go beyond the typical tourist experience, providing a gateway to authentic and unforgettable adventures.
Peru, a country renowned for its ancient civilizations, stunning natural wonders, and vibrant traditions, has become a prime destination for globetrotters. And while many visitors are drawn to its iconic attractions like Machu Picchu, the Nazca Lines, and the Amazon Rainforest, it's the local tour operators who can truly make your journey one for the books.
Local tour operators in Peru possess an intimate knowledge of the country's hidden gems, secret trails, and off-the-beaten-path destinations. They are well-versed in the nuances of local culture and customs, which enables them to craft experiences that are both respectful and immersive. As you embark on your journey with a Peru local tour operator, you can expect a personalized and enriching adventure that reveals the heart and soul of this remarkable nation.
One of the key advantages of partnering with a local tour operator is their ability to create itineraries that cater to your interests and preferences. Whether you're an adventure enthusiast seeking thrilling hikes in the Andes or a history buff eager to explore ancient ruins, these operators can tailor your journey to match your desires. They can also adjust the pace and level of activity to suit your needs, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for all.
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Furthermore, Peru local tour operator often collaborate with local communities, contributing to sustainable and responsible tourism. They engage in eco-friendly practices, respect the environment, and support initiatives that preserve the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples. By choosing a Peru local tour operator, you're not only enriching your own travel experience but also making a positive impact on the communities you visit.
In addition to their deep knowledge of the land and culture, local tour operators in Peru are skilled at anticipating and addressing the needs of travelers. They provide valuable insights into the best times to visit certain sites, weather conditions, and any travel restrictions or permits required. This level of expertise is particularly crucial when planning visits to restricted areas like Machu Picchu, where permits and timing can be challenging for independent travelers to manage.
When you embark on a tour with a local operator, you also benefit from their connections and relationships with local experts. These connections can lead to exclusive opportunities such as guided tours by archaeologists, interactions with indigenous communities, and unique culinary experiences. These enriching encounters enable you to gain a deeper understanding of Peru's history, traditions, and culinary delights.
One of the most valuable aspects of traveling with a local tour operator is the peace of mind it offers. They handle logistics, transportation, accommodations, and any unexpected challenges that may arise, allowing you to focus on the beauty of your surroundings. In case of unforeseen circumstances or emergencies, they have the local knowledge and resources to swiftly resolve any issues.
choosing a Peru local tour operator is a wise decision if you're looking for a travel experience that goes beyond the ordinary. They offer an authentic and immersive journey into the heart of Peru, allowing you to connect with its culture, history, and natural wonders in a meaningful way. By supporting local operators, you not only ensure a memorable and hassle-free adventure but also contribute to the sustainability and well-being of the communities you visit. 
For More Info:-
Vilcabamba Machu Picchu
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skezeno · 1 year
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Layton except he is some cool as fuck dinosaur-steampunk-creature (the many benefits of being a british archaeologist) thing but I'm too lazy as of now to execute all that so I'm just leaving this here to not be a forgotten idea forever
Also Luke is here
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sphinxormus · 1 year
Colloidal Gold
Colloidal Gold has been referred to by the ancients, Ancient Egyptians and Atlanteans or otherwise known as the Annunaki were known to consume colloidal gold, It was written in the emerald tablets written by Thoth or Hermes that they consumed monatomic gold and they mixed colloidal gold and even took colloidal silver. Thoth taught alchemy in the ancient mystery schools of Kemit otherwise known as Egypt.
He taught astronomy, alchemy, mathematics the 7 laws of the universe and was known to be the King of wisdom. It is said he lived for 11000 yrs. He was known as the image of a man with a bird head. This was because when the bird digs in the dirt he forages in the dark and then brings up to the light. This was Thoth trait. he brought from the dark to the light. His goal was and he succeeded to bring and teach and raise the vibration of the individual with this positive wisdom. It is said just from reading the emerald tablets they possess the ability to change one’s vibration. words have power and resonate vibration and create
it was not uncommon for Egyptian kings to live long periods, stone tablets relay many instances of kings reigning for up to 28000 yrs old. This sounds hard to believe but you just need to look at how advanced the Ancient Egyptians were. Thoth claimed he was the builder and architect of the pyramids which we cannot replicate today even from the highest degree of engineers. He also stated that he transferred his consciousness into another being in the halls of Amenti inside the great pyramids.
we are very close to this today with Elon musks new invention and also we have done this with monkeys.
Time and technology are progressing, but it’s true that Ancient wisdom has been hidden from us in many forms to stop us from having powers of Telepathy Clairvoyance or Clearsentaince. This comes from our hidden crystals or transmitters on the pineal gland that can advance our soles spiritually.
Monatomic gold was taken in the hierarchy of kings and pharaohs for higher spiritual consciousness and longevity for it is known to activate the Pineal gland. Evidence shown is that Sphinx Ormus can enhance the Aura and boost all 7 chakras to 100% this is shown on Aura imaging photography software. This product has colloidal Gold mixed in with it at 42 PPM.
This is showing proof of how Gold, Colloidal Gold, and Monatomic gold is enhancing us spiritually. Aura increasing can make us operate more efficiently, strengthen our immune, and have stronger manifestation powers, Increased immune. This Reiki master or natural healer’s goal from ancient natural healing methods is to get all chakras unblocked and running smoothly so energy or Chi, or Prana can flow to heal organs.
Our Intuition is enhanced as the cortisol receptor in our skin pick up on negative energies, danger etc are amplified to a larger area from the aura being increased and coming into contact with another Aura this cortisol is activated to notify us on one of our sixth senses.
The Chinese were also civilisations that used gold therapy or Chrysotherapy. The main point of these therapies was to reverse or inhibit and prevent joint and bone damage from rheumatism rheumatoid arthritis and ageing.
Colloidal Gold was also used in Medieval Europe, Alchemists produced powdered gold and fed it to people in drinks for sour limbs, and arthritis.
In Ancient Rome gold ointments or creams were used for skin ulcers.
Archaeologists discovered that Gold was used for dentistry 4500 years ago.
Approx 1890  a German bacteriologist named Robert Koch discovered that gold compounds inhibited the growth of tuberculosis bacillus. He received a noble prize in medicine
Colloidal gold benefits
Colloidal Gold offers promising benefits with much research still underway, Colloidal Gold benefits offer pain relief in association with arthritis and rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis. Gold is able to remove blockages, and assist with poor circulation and tissue regeneration of the heart spleen, pancreas and muscles.
Other Benefits of colloidal Gold are that it assists the Pineal gland and the pituitary glands and is effective against aneurysms. It stabilises collagen which is a contributor to anti Ageing. It also helps to assist in the absorption of nutrients. It inhibits or releases enzymes as required by the body. Colloidal gold benefits have a positive effect on the rhythmic balancing of the heart and improve blood circulation.
Gold stimulates the glands and assists with the nerves as its a superconductor and passes energy with no net loss or resistance so electrical impulses of the body can run optimally. Gold can regulate temperature and assist with chronic fatigue and is known to be used for neurological dysfunction and can assist with depression.
Another benefit of colloidal Gold is it is helpful for addictions. Monatomic gold is also proven to boost Left right-brain balancing within minutes and this can boost intelligence as the brain’s traits can run optimally if one side is running down. This study was done by the Swiss alpha institute in Switzerland.
Studies Research MONATOMIC GOLD
It also possesses remarkable sedative properties without impairment.
The main trait of colloidal Gold is to strengthen the natural Immune system and to optimise our DNA potential.
More on Colloidal Gold
Colloidal Gold is nanoparticles of gold that are suspended in high-quality distilled water. The different concentrations of colloidal Gold relate to the particle size and colour. The darker the colour the more concentrated the Colloidal Gold.
Many companies make colloidal gold using gold chloride this is not good for health and has been proven to be harmful, and many don’t expose this method on the labels as it’s cheaper to make.
It is important to use pure unadulterated gold of 24k and 99.99% purity for consumption or other harmful heavy metals can expose one to consequences. Copper is also used to make colloidal gold and it’s also important that this is solid pure copper preferably medieval grade.
At Sphinx Ormus one of our Products is Sphinx Colloidal Gold we use 24K 99.99% pure gold and Pure medical grade Copper with ultra-high quality distilled water to achieve the best quality gold and we produce the most potent strength with a PPM of 200. This is up to 10x the strength of common Colloidal Gold on the market. This is much more expensive because of the Gold concentration. We also vortex our colloidal gold which is nature’s way of energising and bringing water to life with the benefits of better hydration as it accesses the body’s cells easier. Our product comes in cobalt blue glass bottles “not plastic” and this is known by the ancient Egyptians and Romans to raise the vibration of the liquid from the violet colour spectrum. We believe that glass is essential for such a high-value quality product.
Current research does not state any “ideal dosage ” The dose that works for one does not necessarily work for another and this goes for Ormus or Monatomic gold. It seems the spiritual people seem to have a strong noticeable effect on the monatomic gold as they are more spiritually aware and sensitive to energies. We recommend taking 5 MLS of Sphinx Colloidal Gold per day.
Monatomic Gold/ Colloidal Gold
The Pineal Gland
Ormus Supplement Benefits
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Buy A Musical Instrument Day
Visit your nearest music store this Buy A Musical Instrument Day; celebrated annually on May 22. This day is, you guessed it, here to motivate you to create beautiful melodies with a brand new instrument. Let this day be the push you needed to get yourself a lovely musical instrument.
History of Buy A Musical Instrument Day
Music has been a crucial part of human society throughout history, with musical instruments occupying a special space in culture. People who created such instruments were revered by society. It is believed that the first such instruments were used for religious ceremonies or while hunting and were made of bones, shells, and wood. Over time, these instruments began to be used to create melodies, and musical entertainment was born.
Archaeological studies and remains show that musical instruments have evolved over time. Each generation improved the designs and creations that came before it until we arrived at the instruments of today.
The oldest musical instrument in the world is also the only one associated with Neanderthal culture. However, some instruments found, dating back to the Upper Paleolithic age, are disputed as the oldest ones in the world. The Renaissance period is widely believed to be the best time in the history of musical instruments. It was responsible for giving shape to many of the modern classical instruments. In the past century, musical instruments have been introduced to electronics, and now we also have electronic instruments!
While we could not find the origin story of Buy A Musical Instrument Day, we did learn that this day was initially held on May 18 each year in honor of writer and composer Meredith Willson (1902–1984). Willson was famous for writing the music and lyrics for the musical “The Music Man”. Why this date was changed remains a mystery.
Buy A Musical Instrument Day timeline
30,000 to 37,000 years ago The Oldest-Known Musical Instruments are Created
Flutes made from bones of mammoths and swans are used in the Upper Paleolithic age — these are widely accepted as being some of the oldest musical instruments.
5th–15th Century Musical Instruments Go Global
North African instruments find their way to Europe, and instruments from Mesopotamia appear in maritime Southeast Asia.
1400 Musical Instrument Development Slows
There isn't much in the way of the development or innovation of musical instruments, and the Western World dominates any change in this landscape.
1750–1900 A Period of Revolution in Music
In the Classical and Romantic periods, composers and musicians start using musical instruments in new and revolutionary ways, changing how we hear music forever.
1995 The Only Musical Instrument Associated With Neanderthals
Slovenian archaeologist Ivan Turk discovers a 43,000-year-old bone carving named the Divje Babe Flute, which is likely the oldest musical instrument in the world, although this flute's status as a musical instrument is disputed.
20th Century The Rise Of Electronic Musical Instruments
Many new electronic musical instruments are developed like electric guitars, synthesizers, and the theremin.
Buy A Musical Instrument Day FAQs
Are musical instruments a good investment?
While many musical instruments have little resale value, they can mentally and physically benefit a person.
What is the cheapest musical instrument?
The most inexpensive musical instruments include the flute, clarinet, and trumpet, and the infrequently used clash cymbals and tambourine.
Which is World Music Day?
World Day of Music (also called Fête de la Musique) takes place on June 21 each year to honor all musicians. More than 120 countries celebrate this day by hosting free concerts in public places like parks, streets, and museums.
How To Celebrate Buy A Musical Instrument Day
Buy a musical instrument
Take music lessons
Make music
What’s in a name? Just an idea on how to celebrate this particular day, apparently. Add playing a musical instrument to your skills and buy the one instrument you have always wanted. Don’t want to buy an instrument? Simply make your own DIY one from common household materials. For instance, you can upturn a bucket to create a drum or fill the inside of an unused cardboard roll with beans to create a rainmaker.
Now that you've got your hands on a musical instrument, how about learning to play it? You can even take music lessons to familiarize yourself with different instruments and then pick which one is your favorite.
What do you do with your new skill of playing a musical instrument? You play it, of course! You can make it a group affair by inviting friends and family to play with you. When you start making terrific music, you can even set up impromptu concerts for local communities!
5 Fun Facts About Musical Instruments
There are six main instrument categories
The piano is the most played
Guess how many Americans play the piano?
Playing music helps children
A field of study on its history
There are six main musical instrument categories: percussion, woodwind, brass, strings, keyboard, and electronic.
The piano is the most widely played musical instrument across the world — this is followed by the guitar, and then by drums.
21 million Americans play the piano, more than all other musical instruments combined.
Research shows children who play musical instruments read at more advanced levels, exhibit larger vocabularies, and are good at teamwork.
Called organology, this academic field studies the history of musical instruments.
Why We Love Buy A Musical Instrument Day
Learn about music
Music creates a community
It encourages positive habits
The history of the world has always been intertwined with music. Each culture has its own importance and history of various musical instruments like drums played during a war, trumpets to announce something of importance, and more. Buy A Musical Instrument Day brings music and its history to the forefront of our minds, allowing us to reflect on the impact music has on the world.
Playing, learning, or even talking about it — music gives us a lot to share with like-minded people. How else can you explain the energy of the crowd at concerts? Bonding over this art form encourages people to learn and carry the music-making tradition on to future generations.
Studies correlate playing a musical instrument with a better quality of life. People perform better in school and work, experience less stress, and are generally more happy and productive. We certainly think learning to play musical instruments is a sight better than giving in to harmful habits or boredom. If you knew of a hobby that could enrich your life, wouldn’t you pick it up?
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