#there are definitely more but I forgot to ss them :(
a-cloud-for-dreams · 11 months
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The way this game never fails to boost my ego
10 Random Favorite Screenshots from The Elementalists
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sadrockandwaltzes · 2 months
Just me making (sort of unfair) digs at Jim Gordon's love life from 16 episodes into Gotham (Sorry Jim☹️) So spoilers up till that point😅
Jim really isn't made for this whole relationship biz huh😅
He's too brave for Barbara and not brave enough for Lee
He wants to work 23/7 whenever he gets a call but also have someone who will be there to spend time with him that last hour of the day, but not waiting desperately for him so that he's not nagged. He doesn't feel comfortable doing his work with them around, and basically seems to enjoy the single life more than anything...
So either stay single, long distance date, or date Bullock, since he's already used to working with him (except something tells me he'd get uncomfortable with him on police calls too if they got together, proving that dating coworkers is a dangerous thing...)
Well the last paragraph's mostly a joke but I assume since Barbara and him are end game that she'll stay out of his police work and cool down emotionally, and he'll stop looking for someone braver and be happy with a girlfriend who's totally uninvolved in his life. WHICH- what does Barbara do??? She's rich enough to afford the penthouse suite?? But we've NEVER seen her work, and her fam seems to not ever want to see her. Do they send a check in the mail once a month??
Oh and unrelated but I met the Joker!! Kinda like him ngl. Time will tell if that stands...
#Gah Thompson is so freaking cool#I love her so much#like usually shows give the cool mc bland/uninteresting/unlikable love interests which is why people get so into slash ships#but I actually really like both of his! And when they're doing well with him I'm psyched#but I do wonder if either of these couples is good for each other#I hear that a lot of peeps ship him and Harvey so I guess I'll have to see on that... So far for s1 I can't t really imagine it on Jim's en#I can imagine Harvey liking him (cause he's so cool!!) but so far he just seems in awe and puzzlement/bewilderment of him#I hope we get to see lots and lots more of Lee and that she finds someone who's a good match#cause she definitely enjoys being in relationships but she's around such squares😫#“you're an unusual woman” “you just don't know many women” <- SO TRUE#Jim has good taste in love interests but he always crushes out of his depth#Rip Barbara's heart near the end... It's for the best I think. She's not in a good place for them to get back together just yet#she needs friends and a support system outside of squatting kids and her (formerly?) toxic and obsessed ex#and to get back her personal mojo and self confidence#I'm rooting for you!!#also- love how Penguin made his club umbrella themed to really own up to his humble roots as an umbrella carrier XD#he's so endearing#Well the club thing's going pretty bad rn so I guess it's best for him that Jim didn't show...#poor guy's out here looking ready to cry :/#Send a new invite when things are really swinging#And I totally forgot to mention but I like this Szaz guy and his stylish crew#Glad to see Butch is alive... But WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIM#Mooney and Butch are such an awesome duo#love how she's kicking @ss as per usual despite the unfortunate circumstances she's found herself in#very random but I never noticed how freckley Ozzie's face was until this ep... I don't know if it's the lighting or him going red with ange#but yeah#Why is he so red this episode?#Gotham#spoilers#jim gordon
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strawberrypoundtown · 4 months
Orc x Halforc!Fem!Reader: Part 2
After returning to your tent, you attempt to sneak off to let off some steam. However, you get caught quickly and things escalate from there...
Contains: pregnancy risk, breeding kink, chasing, wrestling, pinning, physical restraining, degradation, spanking, biting
'Fuck, shit, god I can't do this. I have to think of something.'
You were more than a little embarrassed and flustered as you laid in your bed, pretending to be asleep. After finding out Gan was going to be the one watching over you, you had no idea what to think. You tried to play off your short circuit brain and after some small talk excusedyourself to go lay down, saying you had a headache. How were you supposed to find a mate when Gan is the one watching over you? Whenever he was around, you were a puddle. You couldn't think of any person you wanted as your mate other than him. He was the best option, surely. Your brother may not be keen on the idea, but the rest of your family would think he would be the best option for you.
The only issue was that you didn't know if he would even hope to feel the same way about you. He always treated you with nothing but respect and kindness, but something about it felt much more withdrawn compared to when he would act similarly with other females in the clan. He would seem to be more playful, flirty even. He was already almost 26, just a couple years older than you. He never seemed to want anything serious from what you had heard. Oh no. Maybe he only saw you as a sister? Maybe he just wasn't the type to want a mate?
You rolled onto your back and let out a sigh. You needed to let off some steam. You had to get out of here. You rubbed your eyes before carefully sitting up. Gan was right outside your tent. He at least let you have that much privacy, but it was almost worse that he was right there. You wanted him to walk in and take you already. You wanted his strong hands to hold you down and give you his big, hard cock. You wanted him to fill you with his cum. To make you all his. That would definitely help you relax.
A gruff cough outside your tent broke you out of your horny daze, bringing you back to reality. You had to think of a way to get out of here. You needed to get away from Gan without him knowing. You can't think straight with him right there.
You could sneak out from behind your tent easily. You had a flap on your tent behind a chest, but someone might see you run off. You had to peak and see if anyone was there first, but Gan might hear you moving things and wonder what's going on. You sat on the edge of your bed as you pondered your options. You got up and snatched a smaller letter opener from your desk. You walk over to the chest and carefully using the sharp end to cut a small slit in the tent, just big enough to peak through.
You mentally pat yourself on the back for your creativity. You could sew it up if anyone noticed it anyways. At least that was one issue solved. You take a quick look out the small hole and didn't see anyone. Perfect. Time to try and move the chest in front of the escape spot as quietly as possible.
"(Y/n)?" You heard from outside your tent just ss you were about to stsrt moving the chest. The from entrance, thankfully. It was Gan. You loved it when he said your name. You sighed and figured it would be better to walk over the entrance. Maybe you could get him distracted with something else.
"Yes Gan?" You say as you opened the flaps of your tent, closing them behind you as you stepped out and stared up at Gan. He stared down at you and rolled his eyes.
"I was just going to ask how you were feeling. Were you thinking of going on a walk?" He said with a bit more sass in his voice than you were comfortable with. However, you face remained unfazed as you rolled your eyes yourself.
"No. I was actually going to ask if you could get me an apple. I'm a bit hungry and forgot to grab anything earlier." You asked him, genuinely a bit hungry, but you could easily find food outside of camp. You knew where the apple trees were. "Please?" You said, with a small pout. How could he say no to that face?
"Fine. Just don't go anywhere." He grumbled after a long pause. He avoided your gaze as he walked off towards the food tent. Now with Gan out of the way, you could slip out the back without anyone noticing. I mean, Gan would notice when he got back, but what was he gonna do? Tell your parents?
You quickly went back inside your tent, moving the chest out of the way before quickly peaking through the hole again. After making sure the path was clear, you lifted the flap and started to move through it. However, fate was not on your side.
"Hey (Y/n), I'm back with your app-" Gan freezes as he walks through the entrance of your tent, thrown off at first when he sees you halfway through a random hole in your tent. "What the-" you don't give him enough time to react, diving through the hole and bolting to the forrest. The advantage of being a bit smaller is that you were quick on your feet. "Ah fuck!" He yells in frustration, needing to go the long way around the tent.
You were already just a blurr in the distance by the time he got around the tent, but he could still see you. He chuckles to himself and takes off his armor and weapons, leaving them against your tent before running after you. He might not have been fast, but he was more known for his endurance... in more ways than one. He'd catch up to you eventually.
You were running as fast as you could, dodging and weaving between the trees. You were hoping you were losing him, but everytime you looked back, you kept seeing him in the distance. Why was he chasing you? He was always able to keep a pretty good pace with you, but in that moment you kinda hated him for it. Or did you love it? He could catch you so easily. Maybe he would claim you as his once he catches you. Or maybe he'd punish you? You couldn't tell which idea excited you more, but you couldn't focus on that right now!
You nearly trip on a tree root, jumping out of the way so you miss it, but not realizing the hill drop next to you. You yelp and stumble a bit, nearly falling, but you manage to catch yourself on a tree and pull yourself back. You use the second to catch your breath and stabilize yourself. You're about to start running again when you don't hear anyone behind you anymore... or see anyone for that matter. There was no way you lost hik that easily
For such a large man, he had managed to hide himself easily in the dense trees, his dark green skin helping him blend into the scenery as he moved between the foliage. He didn't understand why his heart was racing so much. Or why he felt himself getting excited as he got closer to catching you. He wanted to catch you and claim you. He wanted to make sure no other man would dare look at his mate. He wanted you as his mate. His one and only. He just had no clue how to do that. Maybe chasing you and getting you alone would help...
His footsteps quickened as he had heard you yelp, so he was fairly close to you, but he didn't see the edge of the hill. As your back was turned, he decided that tackling you would be the best way to capture you.
"Found you." He growled ominously before jumping out from around a tree. You screamed out and tried to dodge, but the attempt was futile. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close to him as he waited for you guys to hit solid ground. But he quickly realized that he had made a mistake as you both started to tumble down the large hill. He had managed to keep you mostly protected throughout the fall, but had hit a tree and lost his grip on you, sending you tumbling your own way down the hill. You both landed at the bottom with a soft thud
He groaned in pain as he sat up, rubbing his head. He checked his body quickly, and other than a few scratches, he was fine. He looked around for you a bit panicked. He didn't know how far away you could have gotten. Thankfully, he spotted you only a few feet away, but noticed you were laying motionless on the ground. His blood ran cold as he rushed to your side, fearing the worst.
"Oh my god, (Y/n)!" He shouts as he turns you onto your back, only to be met by a swift, solid punch to his jaw from below. He groans in pain and turns away from you. After delivering the punch, you quickly get up and jump on his shoulders. You clamp your legs around his neck in a firm hold, causing him to fall backwards as he grabs at your thighs. It was like you were trying to kill him, but not because of lack of oxygen. If he didn't get out from between your thighs soon, he wouldn't be able to get away.
"Why were you following me?!" You yelled, not letting up on your grip. He could still breathe, but barely. He kept struggling, trying to get away from you before he got an erection. He had never had you do this to him like this before and he was enjoying it way more than he should. However, his struggling was causing his head to rub against your pussy through your clothes. You tighten your grip with your legs to try and get him to stop moving. "S-stop making this difficult and tell me why you followed me!" You yelled at him, letting out a soft sigh under your breath as he finally stopped struggling. You lightened your grip slightly to let him answer.
"I-I... don't... know... I... wanted... to.." He still struggled to speak because of her thighs, but she heard him. She let go of him, leaving him laying on the ground as he struggled to catch his breath. "I... didn't want you... to be alone out here..." He added between breaths, finally able to breathe normally for a few moments. However, he quickly couldn't breathe again as you jumped on his neck, your legs wrapping around his head once again, but from the front this time.
"I can take care of myself!" You yelled in frustration, your legs tight around his head, his face buried against your clothed pussy. He didn't dare move or breathe this time, hyper aware of every muscle in his body. You didn't think about what you did until after it was already done. You felt your core getting hot as you felt his tusks against your inner thighs, your face heating up. This felt like some sort of weird dream. Why did you do that?
He had to think of a way out of this before he passed out. His heart raced as he struggled to breathe once again, trying to get away from the sweet smell you just smothered him with. His erection grew and he was thankful you were facing away from it at least. Your pussy right in front of his face was all he could think about. He wanted to just rip your clothes off and make you ride his face, but it took all his willpower not to.
Instead, he wraps his arms around your thighs, keeping you in place with an iron like grip before swiftly turning, rolling the two of you so he was on his stomach. You had thought about this position too, but you were broken out of your thoughts as he quickly hoisted you up. He jumped up himself, your legs still around his head as he smacked you on a large smooth boulder. He was finally able to use his leverage to get out of your hold, gasping for air as he stood and braced himself on the boulder.
As he stood you finally saw it. His massive hard on was visible through his pants. He was huge. You knew he was big, but you weren't even sure if he was fully hard yet. He got that hard from all of that? You felt yourself getting even hotter and you were unable to close your legs yet. He had his hands firmly planted between your legs, keeping them spread open. He had to have known how you were feeling right now, right? He had to smell it when he was down there...
"What was that for?!" He shouts before groaning, reaching up with one hand to rub his jaw after the beating gave it. He looked down at your spread legs and stepped between them fully. He could see the wet spot between your legs and sighed deeply. He didn't think he'ddo this so quickly after being put in charge of taking care of you...
"Are you trying to kill me? Fucking brat..." He growls as he stares down at you, his arms pinning you under him as he leans over you. The sun shines through the trees and gives you both a beautiful glow. It really did feel like a dream, and both of you would agree. He just stared into your beautiful (e/c) eyes, only looking away to look down at your lips. Your faces were only a few inches away from each other's as you stared back at him. It looked like he was conflicted. Maybe you needed to encourage him a little?
You couldn't help yourself. You slowly reached your hands up and touched his chest gently. He was so warm and sweaty, and after the fall, dirty. You ran your hands up the sides of his neck and gently held his face. You felt him lean into your hands as he closed his eyes and sighed. You used your thumbs to gently caress his large tusks as he melted into your touch even further. You couldn't help but smile and giggle to yourself a little.
"I'd never thought the might Gan would be such a helpless little baby when it comes to being held." You snickered a little, his eyes shooting open before glaring at you. You gave him an evil smile before hooking your fingers on his tusks and tugging them towards you. He let out a groan in response before the look in his eyes turns into something more evil. He suddenly grabs both your wrists with one hand and pins them above your head
"You think that's funny? You fucking tease..." He growls at you. You haven't seen him like this before. You kinda like it. Without a word, he takes one of his hands and cups it under your head, lifting your head to meet his in a rough and passionate kiss. Your bodies rubbed together as he held you down and made out with you, not wanting to let you go Your tusks rubbed together as he loosened his grip on your wrists, pulling away slightly. Seizing the opportunity, you wrap your arms around his neck and brought your lips back to his. You'd been waiting too long for a chance like this. Your legs wrap around his waist as you press your body into his, scratching his back as you let out soft breathy moans whenever your lips manage to part for a moment.
He stumbles backwards a bit in surprise, his hands immediately grabbing your ass as he keeps you held close to him. He may not have expected this reaction, but he won't complain. He moans with you as he continues to kiss you, but slowly moves his hands up your body towards your shoulders.
As you start to grind your hips against him, he pushes you back onto the rock, your arms releasing, but your legs still locked firmly in place around his waist. Your back was arched as he pinned your shoulders. Both of you were panting from the kiss, both your lips puffy and almost raw. He has a moment of clarity and wants to make sure this isn't to try and trick him into not telling anyone about this.
"What's going on with you? You've been off since I was assigned to you. You've never given a guard this much trouble when you get caught outside camp. Why me?" He asked, determined for answers. Did you hate him that much that you wanted to run away? He was so confused as to why you were kissing him then.
"Because I want you..." You mumbled, bashful as you turned your head away from him. You let go of your grip around his waist with your
"What?" He asked, a bit thrown off by your answer.
"I want you! I have no interest in anyone else in the clan. I know you may not exactly feel the same way, but I needed to get away from you to even have a chance of finding someone else. I can't think of anyone but you when you're around..." You admit, sheepishly. Your face flushes and you avoid looking him in the eyes. "I just want you as my mate... if you'll have me."
He was staring at you dumbstruck as he tried to replay what he just heard in his head. Did you just confess? His head spun as he tried to find the words to speak, to reciprocate how you feel, but decided that actions would speak louder than words. His hands moved down to your hips and pulled you to the edge of the boulder. You were about to ask what he was doing, but he interrupted you by pulling your shorts up and exposing your ass for him. You didn't have time to react before he delivered a swift smack to your ass, earning a squeal from you.
"You had to take the moment didn't you? Spoilt brat. I wanted to ask you properly after showing you I can protect you. Couldn't even let me try and be a gentleman for you..." He said lowly, making your heart race as you froze and starred up at him. You didn't think you'd actually get this for, so you weren't sure how to react to any of this. All you knew was that you wanted him to keep going.
Another slap sounded on your other asscheek as he pushed your knees back against your chest. He directed your arms to wrap around your knees as he crouched down in front of your exposed pussy. His hot breath against your sensitive clit gave you goosebumps. He took a moment to appreciate the sight of you before he finally dove in, giving your pussy long, slow licks from your entrance to your clit. You moan out and squeeze your legs closer to you as you let him do what he wants. He toys with you like that for a while before using his mouth to focus on your clit.
One of his hands migrate to your pussy, one of his large fingers sliding into you and curling against your g-spot gently. You arch your back as you let out another moan, but cut it off by biting your lip. His free hand slaps your ass again as he continues to lap at your clit with his tongue and finger your pussy. His hand stays on your ass and gropes the soft flesh as his tusks rub and scratch against the back of your thighs.
You pussy trembled as you tried your best not to squirm. As much as his hand was nice, you wanted to cum on his dick. You wanted him to fill you up and give you his little orcling. Now that you knew he felt the same, your whole body felt hot. His hands in and on your body felt like fire.
"Fuck..." He stopped suddenly and pulled away, taking off your shorts completely and quickly taking his own clothes off as you slowly let go of your legs and spread them. "You're so fucking sexy. I can't believe you're so willing to be my cum slut already..." He held his cock and rubbed it against your pussy. He was worried about hurting you, but after your pussy juices coated his cock after only ruling against you for a few moments, he decided to just go ahead.
You were eager for him to finally thrust into you. Even just his warm cock rubbing along your pussy lips and clit was making you feral. You'd jump on him soon if he didn't get a move on.
He lines up his cock carefully with your slick hole before easing his cock into you. You both moan loudly as your pussy strains slightly to take him in the best way. Your arousal only increased, making it easier for him to get more of his cock into you by the second. When he's about halfway into your pussy, you're already nearly completely full and he pauses.
"W-why are you stopping?" You whimper, not wanting him to hold back. He gives you a wicked grin before grabbing your hips and lifting you. He flips you over onto your stomach while you're still half on his dick. The sensation made your body quiver in pleasure before you turn your head to look back at him. He leans over your body and braces himself on his elbows over you, one of his forearms positioned under your head for you to rest on.
"I wanna fuck you like the bitch you keep acting like. Maybe then my dirty slut will calm down and be a good girl for me." Gan groans in your ear before thrusting the last of his cock into you without warning. You screamed out a moan out of shock, biting down on his arm as your eyes rolled back for a moment. Your tight pussy quivered around his cock as he shuddered from the sensation of having your warm, wet pussy around him. He could live like that, minus your teeth, but his hips start to move on their own as he moans in your ear.
"F-fuck, you're so tight... you're gonna milk my cock and give me a kid... everyone is gonna know you're all mine soon." He said breathlessly. As much as he was trying to act tough, his heart was melting as he fucked your brain out. His thrusts got faster and rougher as he listened to you moan through your bite on his arm with every thrust.
You tried to thrust your hips back against his with each thrust, but there wasn't much you could do when your whole body was pinned down. You felt your climax building quickly as Gan finds his pace, rubbing perfectly against your g-spot and hitting your cervix in a way that made you feel dizzy. His large, full balls kept slapping your clit with each thrust. Your jaw slacked as you released your bite, moaning even louder.
"There we go. Good girl. You're gonna behave for me, right? You gonna cum for me? I want my slut to cum on my cock and milk me..." He grumts, you only able to weakly nod your head as he just kept fucking your pussy until you exploded. Your pussy squeezed his cock so hard he couldn't move for a moment and you screamed. Your orgasm felt like you got hit by lightning, but he just keeps fucking you. Your pussy shuddered around his cock as you keep cumming, each thrust making you more overstimulated than the last.
"Fuck yes. I'm gonna cum too, princess. Take it all, please." Thankfully, he doesn't last much longer than you. His thrusts get faster but more sloppy as he chases his orgasm. He moans and groans as you whimper and lick the bite mark you left on his arm. The sight makes him groan as he thrusts inside you one last time, burying his cock deep in your pussy as he cums. You finally stsrt to come down from your orgasm with a loud sigh. You feel his warm cum fill you, but whine as you feel some of it start to drip down your legs.
He was still so hard. He rocks his hips gently against yours as you moan. Your poor sensitive pussy kept being bullied and you loved it. He kisses your shoulder gently and sighs.
"I love you, (Y/n)... I'd love to be your mate..." He whispers in your ear as he wraps his arms around you, hugging you tenderly.
"I can tell..." You giggled breathlessly. Although you were exhausted, you didn't loose your sense of humor. "I love you too..." You whispered before turning your head and kissing him on the cheek. Due to how hard he was, and how he seemed to already be ready to go again, you two were going to be there for a long time...
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akutasoda · 12 days
Heyaaaa! hope you doing well :)
Can I request Cyno, AlHaitham and Heizou, With an s/o who wore glasses, she looks a cutie, soft and silly but when she took her glasses off, she looks rather attractive and look more professional, by the way she squinted her eyes, trying to focus her view.
You know, that one trope people look way hotter when they take off their glasses (this idea came from "the girl i like forgot her glasses" I Know, what a Tittle lol)
glasses can change demeanors
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synopsis - how are they with an s/o who has glasses and takes the off for the first time infront of them
includes - heizou, cyno, alhaitham
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight crack, wc - 536
a/n: hi hi!! i'm doing alright ^^ hope you are aswell?? that is quite the title HAHA
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shikanoin heizou ★↷
↪to heizou, it didn't matter if you wore glasses or not. if anything you wearing glasses gave him another thing to tease you about - light-heartedly of course, and he would stop if you wished for him to.
↪he always thought you looked sweet, rather jovial even. but sometimes he wondered what you looked like without, he was sure you'd still look amazing but curiosity got the best of him - apart of him was convinced that he could find out without having to ask but eventually he ended up simply asking you.
↪heizou would have guessed that you looked slightly different and he would be right. immediately you looked alot more serious and professional and heizou loved it. he loved the switch up just because you simply took off your glasses.
↪he would ask you to wear your glasses less often but you needed them and so he'd prefer you be able to see. especially ss he thought you were stunning either way.
cyno ★↷
↪again, cyno wouldn't really care if you wore glasses or not. he wasn't one to tell people what to wear let alone even care about the attire of those around him. especially if they were an article that was needed such as your glasses.
↪he never really gave two thoughts about what you'd look like without them, he got so used to seeing you wearing them constantly that it became normal. so the idea of you not wearing them never really crossed his mind.
↪cyno almost had to do a double take when he first saw you without them, it felt unusual and rather strange but he wasn't complaining. your usual soft demeanor was replaced with a much harsher, professional tone that definitely suited you.
↪he wouldn't mind if you didn't wear your glasses often, or if you resumed wearing them as usual. he understood that you needed them but he'd welcome you not wearing them.
alhaitham ★↷
↪for a third time, alhaitham didn't mind if you wore glasses or not. he loved you and so he didn't exactly care how you presented yourself as long as it was somewhat acceptable - he always wasn't one to tell people how to dress or what to wear.
↪he didn't really care how you looked without glasses either, although he'd be lying to say that he wasn't at least a tiny bit curious. alhaitham knew people could look different without their glasses and so he was slightly intrigued if that was true for you.
↪and it was. your usual rather soft looking demeanor rather quickly melted away as soon as you took your glasses off, you appeared much more professional and serious. the only thing that didn't change was how stunning you still looked.
↪he didn't really care if you wore your glasses still or preferred to keep them off more often. although he wouldn't mind if you did keep them off more often…
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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pupyuj · 8 months
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super late but i’m hoping you’re feeling way better now 🥺🥺 anon forgot to cover themselves up so i put up an ss of the ask instead mwuahaha 🤓 ANYWAYS damnnn everybody loves kitty lizzie huh?? AS WE ALL SHOULD!!
also i’m obsessed with these pics i love her silly catgirl ass sm my jiwonnn 😭💞💞
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as much as i want to think if jiwon could be a bratty kitty just to spice things up… i really can’t see it! 😭 she’s just too much of a good girl to be capable of doing anything that might even remotely upset her mommy :(( and you’re always so good to her anyway so she never has any reason to act out even if she wanted to! the most she’ll do as an act of rebellion is pouting and pretending not to hear you when you’re scolding her… as soon as your tone drops to a scarier one, she folds quickly though :(( not wanting to upset you even more bcs she hates seeing that look on your face, esp if it’s bcs of her! 🥺
could definitely top you if she doesn’t get so flustered every time you do anything with her 👀 it’s very possible bcs come on… you’re just as whipped for her as she is for you and if the day comes where she just decides to take what she wants from you without warning or permission… well fuck, who are you to not give her everything?? 😵‍💫 it’s too bad she’s so polite! you’d have to tease her so much just to push her patience even a little bit… but you don’t mind 🫣 the sight of her riding your thigh desperately, begging for your touch with teary eyes and a cute pout, her ears twitching on her head… feeling her little claws dig into your shoulder as she kept herself steady while she chased after her climax on her own… so, so beautiful that you basically had it engraved in your brain 🫠
willingly offers her spit as lube?? willingly offers her spit as lube!! jiwon really doesn’t give a fuck if she looks ridiculous sucking on your strap like it was a real cock—it turned you on, it turned her on so whatever! 🤤 that look on your face while she slowly rides you?? hooded eyes raking all over her body before finally piercing into her own?? only getting darker when you decide to take matters into your own hands and fuck her silly like she always wants you to?? yeah, jiwon fucking lives for that look on your face 😚 she especially loves being underneath you while you fuck her with your strap bcs you would hold her so close, making sure to hit all the right spots and telling her how much of a good job she’s doing taking mommy’s cock like a good kitty :((
it all gets even better when jiwonie sucks on your fingers instead! she’s so unhealthily obsessed with your hands 😵‍💫 once in a while you’d find her absentmindedly giving your hands little kisses or just playing with them while you’re both watching something on the tv 🥺💕 other times she would be drooling all over them, making sure they’re nice and wet so you wouldn’t have any trouble fucking her with them 😋 sometimes she would even just take your hands and put them on her chest just to prompt you to do something… and it works every time bcs how can you say no to her??
in conclusion, you could never ask for a better, cuter and more obedient kitty than jiwon! 🥺
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theamityelf · 2 months
i am eating and chewing your yandere content, its so good, i love it so so much, if youre still taking requests maybe some yandere mukuro and naegi? I always think there's a lot of potential there but there's not a lot of content for it
Oh, I love it. I need to pick what time period I'm going with...
It didn't take much.
A smile, a greeting. Asking about her opinions and experiences. The time he asked if she needed help carrying her bag (and she had to run away because if he came any closer he would notice the smell of blood coming from inside it), the time he asked her if she was coming to lunch (and she blushed so badly, Junko later said her face looked like one big zit). Or maybe it was nothing to do with her at all; maybe it was because of how he was with everyone else, or how they were with him.
Maybe it was even as simple as the fact that she was used to traveling light, used to picking a few things she could carry and disregarding everything else.
She could carry him easily.
"Uh, Mukuro?" he said. "Are you okay?"
Right, she'd been staring. He'd taken the time to ask her if she wanted to join his group for ice cream after school, and she was being weird.
How embarrassing. She was definitely blushing again, now.
Well, it wasn't like that mattered. She was weird. She was socially inept and ugly and useless, and none of that mattered. Because the world was going to end soon, anyway. Maizono or Kirigiri could take him to a school dance, but Mukuro could pull him from the school before it turned into a warzone.
"Go on without me," she finally said. "I need to discuss something with Junko."
"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow!" Makoto and his friends vacated the classroom, leaving only...the 'despair sisters'.
Junko was sitting in her seat, filing her nails. Mukuro walked over to her and just stood there, waiting to be acknowledged. There was no doubt that her sister already knew everything she was feeling. She always did.
"Well?" Junko eventually said, her eyes meeting Mukuro's with cool amusement. "Are you too scared to ask, or do you just love wasting my time, skank?"
"I'm not scared," Mukuro answered. She did have a heightened awareness of the seriousness of this situation, but what she felt wasn't fear. "And...I'm also not asking."
"Gadzooks! Could it be that the worm has grown a spine?!"
"He can easily be spared from the plan. We don't need him in order to do what we intend to do."
"No sh!t, dumb*ss! The despair doesn't kick in when it's fvcking necessary!"
"The despair doesn't kick in if the plan doesn't happen, either." Mukuro's fingernails bit into her palms, as she forcibly steeled her tone and held her sister's gaze. She'd never threatened disobedience like that before. "You have everyone else in the class. You have me. You don't need him. Really, for a guy like him to keep his memories and watch them die that way...it would be more despairful than losing his memories and getting killed in the first or second round without understanding anything."
"So. You're suggesting he languishes in the data center while the killing game plays out, then you collect him in your nasty little arms once it's all over? Once the world is in ashes and there's no one else to love but you?"
"Essentially, yes."
Junko's lips curved. "And what's your contingency plan for how he'll react to knowing your designs for him?"
"He won't know about it until it happens."
And Junko's expression went blank, as though she found Mukuro's answer terribly boring. She rolled her eyes. "Fvcking atrocious. I can't even hint with you. Hey, Ultimate Soldier. You didn't secure your perimeter. Kind of a rookie mistake, dontcha think?"
She dipped her head to the side, indicating a desk a few seats away where a familiar composition book lay open. "He forgot his notebook, smart*ss."
Mukuro wheeled around and heard a gasp from the doorway, and then retreating footsteps.
She broke into a sprint. Naturally, she was able to catch him, hand-gag him, and drag him into an unoccupied classroom before he could even think to yell.
Makoto's ineffectual squirming, his kicking and his elbowing, his growling and his vain attempts to speak...Mukuro was sure that she was blushing again, as she allowed more of her body to touch his than was strictly necessary to subdue him.
She was restricting his airflow, so he was going to pass out very shortly. And then she would have to contend with her sister. But for now...
"H-Hi," she said awkwardly, as he struggled in her arms. "Um, sorry. Sorry that I, uh...If I'd known that this would happen, I would've laid down a rug here. And maybe worn some perfume. I mean, I guess you can't breathe anyway..."
Fortunately, Makoto lost consciousness before she could say anything else.
She let go of him, so she could watch him slide out of her arms and rest on the tiles, all helpless. She took stock of what he must have overheard. Jeez, she must have sounded like such a pathetic, lovesick...
She heard Junko coming before the door moved. Immediately, she positioned herself defensively in front of him. Her sister was not allowed to kill him. That was the one thing in the world she wasn't allowed to do.
"Well, this is a clusterfvck, isn't it?" Junko deadpanned. "I guess not much of a cluster. It's just him. This one tripping hazard of a guy. I could just bite his little cheeks."
"I've never asked you for anything. Just him."
"Au contraire! You're not asking, remember? Where did that spine go? Did your body reabsorb it?"
"This is boring. Take him to your dorm room, keep him there. I'll figure out what to do about this, as always. Can you manage an iota of stealth this time, you troll?"
Mukuro's heart soared. "Yes. Thank you."
"Oh, shut up. Out of my sight."
She princess-carried him to her room.
(I thought about making Kyoko the one who overheard, but the outcome there would be too similar to the Yandere Taka one.)
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askbloatedbellyblog · 9 months
Hii! I just saw your genshin tier list, I noticed that there is no fontaine characters, what do you think wriothesley’s tier would be?
You're right, it hasn't been updated since before Fontaine. I'll have to ruminate a bit more on where I'd put them officially but I think so far Lyney would be the only SS tier burper in Fontaine. Then probably Wriothesley and Freminet would be S. And Neuvillette would probably be A tier (entirely that high because of some pretty great art).
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Granted this may change as I'm behind and haven't done his character quest yet but this is how I see it so far. I do think that Wriothesley is a big eater in general, though especially of anyone in the Fortress. I'm of two minds here, where he'd either try to have more manners as he's well regarded and slightly elevated in esteem in the prison, but I also can very easily see him wanting to be more on a regular occupants level and to be more approachable so he drops the facade when he wants to. I could see him burping when palling around with other prisoners when drinking alcohol or Fonta (since it literally does nothing but be carbonated and he has high opinions on what it should look and taste like) or he's having to chug water or special rehydrating Fonta during a break in the middle of a Pankration match. Just burp softly before he's going to fight again.
There is the interesting thought thanks to this fantastic comic. Sigewinne, like the other Melusine, doesn't quite understand humans or customs, nor their food. So it's very likely that she may view burps as a sign of satisfaction and health, though may even misunderstand their meaning from their types. It may have even cultivated a culture of burps being acceptable since she watches EVERYONE.
So burping is taken as a sign of good health and good food like it is in some cultures, so when people are well fed like Wriothesley, he'll let out large epic belches to show how stuffed he is. Now she might keep overfeeding him and he's having smaller burps during his meals because he's trying to force himself to eat more, but I could see him patting his bloated belly and letting out an epic belch to show it was a good meal.
The only issue is that Sigewinne may not understand different types of burps, just like she doesn't understand that some foods aren't good for humans. So when she makes others or Wriothesley eat food that disagrees with them, they have a bad stomach gurgle and let out a sickly wet belch as they try to keep down the Melusine food. Those days, Wrio is probably just spending all day burping, rubbing his bloated belly trying to get it to settle. He leans heavily on ginger and lemon tea to try to feel better.
EDIT: You know what, an addendum. I very much forgot about the Fonta Cup.
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You can fill it up once you win it and it's very much hinted at that Wriothesley has won it before. He's definitely the type that would win that and have it filled and used as a cup for a while. Despite the disclaimer on it filled, I can very much see Wrio winning and in the moment, just absolutely chugging down the entire contents of the Fonta Cup, his abs swelling out as extra Fonta dribbles down his face and chest and then just letting an absolutely monster burp before cheering and raising it above his head to celebrate winning. He's one of the "few that could swallow the contents in a single swig" and just chug it down. But that gas definitely builds up and he fights it as the carbonation tickles his throat and nose until he finally releases it. Honestly I could see many others in the prison actually praising and cheering him on when he does too.
There is the thought along with that there there is A) Wriotheley has a reputation of being a beast of a burper or B) It's the cause of another mystery of Meropide where there loud noises or moans late at night that no one can explain but they find out the truth that it's actually Wrio burping loud and groaning from eating too much.
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neerons · 4 months
I need to know if you can enlighten me as to what direction Kei's story is going, why does he need to stop making excuses and obstacles? He already admitted that he loves her, why do he keep putting up barriers? I hope to finally see a development in Kei because the MC always brings him back and gives him strength but in my opinion he just runs (I have nothing against Kei, I love his character and I understand his past) but in his new story eden's love seriously gave me a headache to become a priest and definitively renounce everything they have experienced together and their love for God because he himself has said that he doesn't believe what do you think about this? there is hope??
Hey there ❤️
[TW: Mentions of cannibalism, sexual abuse, and psychological trauma]
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I'm not sure if you have read the Eden's Love story as a whole or if you only relied on my recent screenshots. If it's the latter, just know that I'm not done posting ss and that other spoilers will be posted soon.
Admittedly, Kei's story is more complicated to understand and it can be hard to remember everything, so I'll try to explain the problem both he and MC were facing in their relationship, and why they decided it was better to "break up" while still being very much in love.
[A little disclaimer before I begin: I realize as I'm writing that explaining Kei's story is hard. I try my best to articulate my thoughts as best as I can, but it can be difficult to understand if you haven't read the stories yourself. Just keep in mind that, all throughout Kei's stories, he and MC have always been in love, it's simply that they don't understand their feelings for the other right away due to their particular circumstances.]
As of now, Kei and MC should soon go back to being together once MC realizes Kei has actually not become a priest, which will enable them to go back together.
➡ The reason for their break up was due to their lack of physical intimacy, provoked by Kei's own lack of desire after remembering traumatic memories who made Kei distance himself from physical touch again.
As MC realized that Kei probably didn't love her that way anymore, she imagined that he thought of her as a friend now, like with Josh, Yuzuru and Theo.
She thought that, by keeping their relationship as a couple, she was forcing Kei to keep being tied to her when he didn't have romantic feelings left for her.
So she asked to break up while still being in love with him to free him from this relationship (She hid her own feelings to not make him feel guilty of sacrificing herself).
Now, as we already know, the reason Kei felt confused about his feelings for her is because he had more than just a difficult past.
He was an orphan getting sexually abused, beaten up, malnourished, and then he was adopted and under the protection of the Romleys, but that didn't stop Caleb, an acquaintance of the Romleys', to traumatize him behind the scenes as well.
Caleb, who has a twisted version of love, is a cannibal who eats everyone Chad, the man he loves (aka Kei's grandfather), loves.
This led to Kei witnessing Caleb eat Libre, Chad's horse, that Kei loved dearly, while he was visiting France with Caleb.
Kei then forgot these memories as a protection mechanism, but he grew up thinking that every adult speaking about what "love" is is disgusting. To him, love was disgusting.
This is also why he was unable to desire physical intimacy with women and wouldn't have skin to skin contact with them, until MC.
➡ His disgust for love and physical desire led Kei to using domination, and then faith to control his desires later on.
Despite reading people like a book, his tragic past full of obsessed weirdos made Kei unable to understand his own emotions very well.
After being with MC, he is not capable of showing her the extent of his feelings, and they find it hard to have a "normal" relationship due to that.
(Deep down, they both know they love and care for each other, but the weight of the past and their enemies make it difficult for them to be together in a normal romantic relationship.)
➡ Because of his own inner struggles clashing with their relationship, and the remembrance of his trauma, Kei is scared of tainting MC with his "impurity" and ruining her life.
He doesn't want to be selfish and thinks she should be with someone who gives her the love and intimacy she "deserves", because he is not capable of normal love like her due to his past, and he wouldn't have sex with her anymore after remembering Caleb (especially after learning that the choker he gave MC had a listening device planted by Caleb all this time, so Caleb had heard them make love on that night when Kei and MC finally did it "normally").
On the other hand, MC is scared of Kei dying because of her love. Kei has risked a lot of times his life to be free from his past to be with MC. She doesn’t want him to risk everything for her, because she loves him and wants him to be happy with his friends.
➡ They both become self-sacrificial for the other without realizing.
At the end of Eden's Love Volume 1, Kei has realized he doesn’t need faith the same way Josh, his childhood friend, does.
Before being officially baptised, he realizes it’s not God who has saved him, and who can save him, it’s MC. He tells Josh he cannot be baptised.
Ultimately, MC is the reason why he even was able to step into a church again. She’s his one and only salvation, not God, and he cannot see a future without her.
He decided to not become a priest, because doing so would mean ruling out of your life romance and sexual intimacy.
Kei realized he actually is capable of normal love as he desires MC and would only sin and disrespect Josh’s religion and faith if he became a priest.
On her own side of things, MC realizes after their break up as well that she did truly fall in love with Kei, like she had hoped she would ever since Kei declared he would make his life about getting her to fall for him.
In the end, their break up was very much needed as it was the only way they could realize just how in love they both are.
Kei, who had so much trouble understanding love, could not tell the difference between his feelings for Yuzu, Theo, Josh and MC. It's only after their break up that he understood how special she is to him compared to them, and how much he desires her physically as well.
And MC, who thought that as long as Kei is happy with his friends, told herself she'd be able to live without his love. However, she started desiring him more and more as well, and it only made her understand she had fallen hard for him and couldn't live without wanting him.
They both knew they would keep loving the other, but decided that for the other sake's, they'll put their feelings to sleep. But their feelings were too strong.
(Damn, isn't that MS so beautiful?)
Meeting the MC is what naturally taught Kei what true love actually is, and he started changing for the better along the stories. But as his trauma came back in bits and pieces, he started feeling confused.
It's after their break up, after having a neutral relationship and not being able to touch each other anymore, that they realized just how much they desired each other.
So of course, there is hope! Kei didn't tell MC he didn't actually become a priest, so once she knows, they'll probably be together once again (it's an otome game after all).
Thank you for the ask, and I hope you understood it a bit better. I never know if I explain it well considering how difficult the story is, but I hope I did a good job
Have a lovely day ❤
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kyogre-blue · 11 months
SS is done.
The most standout part: I got the Rhea S rank. It was good. I support it, but I wish there was a gen version and also that it was available on VW. My general impression is that VW actually gives you more chances to ask after and worry for Rhea (plus Claude is a rather meh romance option), so it would be great if I could get with her there too.
In general, I wish VW and SS were just one route. Both have some nice small details, but given how similar they are, I feel like you'd get a better experience if they were just combined.
Checking my VW endgame notes, it seems VW gives you info dump about Agartha, which definitely feels missing in SS, and SS gives you a bit more detail about Byleth's deal from Rhea, which adds some nice details on the Rhea relationship front. Seriously, they should have just combined them.
(Hilariously, Catherine's endcard outright contradicts the paired Rhea one. They are incompatible, but I got both. Additionally, Ingrid's card seems to be written for Crimson Flower, since it mentions Galatea being "seized" and Ingrid needing to push strongly to be allowed to govern it, which comes across weirdly as a post-war in the Byleth-led United Kingdom, especially since the other Lions kids I recruited all got their lord positions without any apparent fuss.)
Overall, not much else to say about SS. Final take: SS and VW are really obviously the same route, but even though SS was supposedly written first, VW feels marginally better in its focus and I enjoyed it more. However, the Rhea stuff specifically is good, and I wish I could get it on VW. Yup.
Final save file time: 95:19. Minus the VW playthrough, it's 44:07, so a bit faster. Specifically post-route split, it's 20:16, so it seems like the part that I finished faster was actually just Academy phase, possibly because I just didn't care much for the BE kids.
Liveblogging notes:
Looking closely at the battle selection screen, it seems Shambhala is at the very eastern tip of the Empire. There's a bit of mountain that stretches down from the Throat across Airmid River, and it seems to be there.
Narration calls it a "sprawling underground city."
Thales was kind of a chump!
Ah, I just realized I forgot to check his X description blurbs. They probably weren't too interesting tho.
The Agarthans are super mad about living underground and not having "light." Thales also name drops Agartha in his battle line vs Seteth and in the cutscene afterwards. Aside from their ability description, I think this is probably the first time their proper name is mentioned. But we uh, don't seem to discuss this much?
Small scene with Nemesis's coffin is missing, I think. Well, obviously because he's not the final boss now. iirc the scene immediately after the month change, with everyone freaking out over Rhea is new instead. It's a little weird because iirc VW gives you more opportunities to express concern for her. Here, the Rhea focus feels a bit less supported.
Seteth didn't realize you already knew that Rhea is the Immaculate One (which you did, btw).
Seteth "long ago" lost the power to change form, but "it seems" Rhea has not. My dude, did you not know... He does confirm that he's also a child of the goddess, which Rhea keeps hidden in VW. Flayn is also counted as one of the children of the goddess, even though she's more like a grandchild. It's a general term for dragons.
Seteth and Flayn press Byleth about taking over as the leader of Fodlan in some capacity, now that Rhea's future is uncertain.
We find the Sword and Bow of Zoltan in Shambhala. I was wondering about whether these things existed, since Zoltan is a dude that got namedropped in a small quest item description a while back. I also have an Axe of Zoltan though I can't remember exactly where I picked it up. No spear?
Just noting that you use Arcane Crystals to repair magical weapons like the Bolt Axe, Mythril to repair sacred weapons like Cichol's Spear of Assal, and Umbral Steel for relics. Mythril is also used on forging the rusted weapons that require A+ professor rank. iirc they're legendary weapons from other games or something like that. Smithing Stones are for normal weapons of all rarities.
On VW, this month was about Nemesis appearing and us going to fight him, but here on SS, that doesn't happen, so the explore dialogue is all about Seteth telling us that we should become the new Ruler of Fodlan and us taking the month to think about it. Everyone around the monastery comments on this, how we should think about it carefully, how they believe in us, how they're thinking about the future, etc. It's... hm. I think it's okay, but it really highlights how much Byleth has not been setup for this role At All.
They're a mercenary who became a teacher via nepotism and while we do things in the story that you could probably read as proof of Byleth's ability to lead, they don't really feel that way, especially since Seteth can end up spending half the war refusing what we suggest. Byleth is also just... not a real character. So them becoming the big deal leader is kinda... yeah.
Anyway, I accidentally ended the month early. But whatever.
Before you tell Rhea your "decision," she gives you exposition about how she made you and Sothis's crest stone is in you. She wanted to see Sothis again and thought she could regain everything she had lost.
Sitri was Rhea's 12th attempt. She "grew up" without Sothis's consciousness and fell in love with Jeralt. But when she gave birth, the child was not breathing and she herself was also "in grave danger." Sitri told Rhea to take the crest stone from her and put it into her baby. Otherwise, both would have died.
Byleth is suggested to be able to house Sothis's consciousness because they have both the crest stone and a body born from a parent with Rhea's blood.
Rhea is aware that Sothis gave you her power and disappeared, which means Rhea's dearest wish did not come true, but she's accepting of that. She basically entrusts Fodlan and the future to you.
And she just flips out in the middle of that.
"White Beasts" appear all over the monastery. They are from priests and knights that Rhea shared her blood and "stones" with. Tho given how JP plurals work, it's impossible to tell if Rhea is meant to have one crest stone or several. Demonic Beasts also run in??
Enemies are Frenzied Church Soldiers with minor crests of Seiros, Altered Golems, White Beasts (cardinal that has transformed and gone mad due to the rage of the Immaculate One) with Blest Crest Stone Shards (bestowed by a saint and wielded as a weapon), and the Immaculate One herself. She has a crest stone of Serios, can recover HP when near a White Beast and is described as having been driven to an uncontrollable anger due to the power of the goddess.
This battle was annoying because of the Classic setting. The whole business with Rhea having a private army of people whom she shared blood with is, hm. But I get the feeling this was done purely to explain her battle having the same mechanics as with Nemesis and the 10 Elites. It's... an interesting tidbit that these cardinals and such exist, but kinda weird that the crest of Seiros is actually this common, especially since they can ALL presumably pass it down to their kids, and I would expect Rhea had done this for more than just one generation.
(funny concept: after a thousand years of Rhea just sharing her blood all over, a good three quarters of Fodlan has some Seiros crest blood and it manifests pretty much at random in people all over.)
Anyway, final blow by Flayn.
OK, enough screwing around. tbh I do like Rhea, so there's some emotional resonance in everyone being very worried about her and having little voicelines about how they want to pay back the debts they owe to her, and her sadness and suffering and all that. It's not the worst.
She mistakes Byleth for Sothis when collapsing in the cathedral.
They did make a mistake: Rhea transforms in her dressing gown without the mantle or headpiece, but she changes back in full archbishop regalia.
The post-battle exposition exposition is kinda... ah yes, all nations in Fodlan are gone, but you see the Church is leading people toward a new... nation? How does this work. Sorry, but I don't see a religious government (??) as a good thing.
Rhea says she had a vision of flying free and speaking with Sothis while near death. She's happy she survived... so am I.
Rhea's wish was for peace, but she admits fault in propagating a false history and deceiving the faithful. And she did a bit of forbidden experimentation on the side, obvs. We forgive her tho.
I wish there was a gen way to save her, without the romance. It's such a good coda, honestly, without the marriage.
I wish Byleth was a more concrete character. Not necessarily a super detailed one, but with at least some grounding traits.
Still, Rhea romance scene is pretty good. WAY better than Flayn. Why can't I do this on VW..........
Endings: Ashe takes over Gaspard as the new lord. Galatea was "seized" what the heck, though Ingrid did rule it. Felix still ended up Duke Fraldarius. Sylvain talked his way into peace with Sreng, good on him. Lindhart "escaped the Empire" but went missing. Dorothea fled with her troupe to a secret location. Petra went to Brigit. Caspar fell on a battlefield. Bernadetta because seriously ill and lived as a recluse. Ferdinand returned to his territory but went missing. Catherine became Guardian of Zanado, but why was she shaking up with MY wife in solitude? Because in the ending card with Byleth, Rhea is still archbishop and assists the leader of the new "United Kingdom of Fodlan." Shamir became Robin Hood. Alois became captain of the knights. Seteth became very tolerant lol
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I've just watched Purple Heart on Netflix (don't, it's a waste of time for more reasons than fits in this ask box) but it reminded me once again that it took me some time when I was younger to understand why having a severe health issue would lead to financial ruin and debt in several American movies (I'm French). Some things would be tough in France, like being able to afford a really good wheelchair (more expensive than SS price cap), but not diabetes like the girl in the movie, or cancer. 1/2
2/2 I don't understand how people who would have all reasons to be in favour of a state-subsidised, paid-by-social-contirbution (it's cotisation sociale in French, not quite like a tax in its principle) health care system. We do also have discrepancies between rich and poor and our hospital is on the brink of collapse but that's under investment, not the the solidarity system.
Sorry I think I forgot a bit. I don't understand why people who would benefit form such a system are so resolutely against it. Just because of ideology?
As I have written about in various posts before, it is impossible to overstate the damage that forty years of hard-right messaging, starting with Reagan and continued in some shape or form by almost all his successors, has done on the American psyche. Until the 1980s, taxes were high, the welfare net was robust, things like college, health care, house buying, etc were either readily affordable or heavily subsidised, and somehow this was not viewed as Socialism, even in the middle of the Cold War. But then when Reagan and company got in there and revamped the entire economic system to chiefly and only favor rich people, they had to come up with a way to sell it to everyone else. Thus the Myth of the Free Market became America's guiding philosophy, and it worked. Oh boy, did it work. It still works now. You should reject any benefit or system introduced by the government because blah blah bad (as if the chaotic for-profit privatised broken mess we have now works so well, but shh, don't criticise the capitalism. That is, as we all know, Socialism!)
Anyway... yeah. I feel it important to note, however, that despite the stereotypes, the core base of Trump/MAGA/Republican supporters actually are not poor. They do fit some of the expected demographics: largely white, male, straight, and don't have a college degree -- but they often make $50k or more a year, which is definitely not poverty level. We are often sold the "Economic Anxiety" canard about Trump voters (ignoring the fact that voting for a Republican to fix the mess created by Republican policies is, uh, confusing), but the people at the Capitol on January 6 had enough money to leave their jobs, arrange travel and hotel in DC, and buy Trump merch and weapons and God knows what else. Some of them even flew there by private jet. So on the one hand, yes, there are plenty of poor and working-class white people who have been so brainwashed by Reagonomics that they reject even those reforms/programs that would help them (and also don't want those programs to help non-white people). But a lot of the MAGA support is exactly what it looks like: well-off white people for whom this unfair economic system is working pretty damn well, who do not want to be forced by the Evil Government to redistribute any of it, and are eager to embrace fascist and fascist-adjacent social and cultural policies as a result.
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beyourownanchor6 · 2 months
Our beloved hellsite runs on ducttape and chewed gum for real like a macgyver thing
I used to watch Smallville with my mom and I have sincr rewatched it a couple times. It's s bad it's camp.
Oh i used to love the cw superhero shows. I fell out around the time they did the heroes vs. Nazi dopplegangers crossover special, because seeing mt favorite heroes all decked in ss outfits was triggering to me as a Jew.
Yeah i totally get that.
Shooting star is the glee school shooting episode. It's the worst example of them butchering a serious issue but there were many (suicide, post partum depression, eating disorders...). Yeah exactly. It is an interesting documentary though. I found it curious how they barely dedicated any time to mark salling. Like usually a documentary like that would milk the scandal as much as it could, but they barely touched on it.
Lol exactly!! And thank you. Yeah me too i'm wearing them right now! They make me look like a bearded Velma. I like that.
Oh i look forward to rambling about the bike riders! Ooh my favorite marvel characters or ships... i like Spider-Man, the Scarlet Witch, Agatha, Bucky, Quicksilver, both Captain Americas, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Thor... as for ships, I ship Buck and Steve, mostly, but I also like the thought of most of the guys making out with each other. What about you? And lol i still listen to hannah montana often.
Oh SAME! I'm trying to get back into books without sacrificing much of my fanfic time. It's tricky. And you're right, fanfics are basically endless. Besides, there's the added bonus of "we already care about these characters".
P.s.: are these asks annoying you? Are they too long? Would you rather I dm you?
it really does though, and yet we keep coming back lol.
i think my parents said it got "weird" after a while, and i've definitely stopped other shows for that lol, but maybe one day i'll try it out again.
oof, yea that's understandable. i think arrow was the only one i watched all the way through and i regretted that lmao. they all lost me after a few seasons, but superman and lois has been good all around which was a nice change.
ohhh i completely forgot they did an episode on that! the school shooting ep that always sticks out in my mind is from one tree hill. yea i thought that was weird too. i think since that was so shocking and such a sensitive topic they wanted to steer clear of it? but yea you'd think for the scandal they would've been all over that.
i've thought about writing some fic for the bikeriders, but we shall see! oooh that's a great list! i love thor, bucky, venom, scarlet witch, black widow, hawkeye, echo, both captain americas, and...so many honestly 😄 i think my big marvel ships are sambucky and symbrock, but i did start reading some deadpool and wolverine after seeing the new movie lol
ugh yes!! i told myself i need to catch up on the fics i have open and then make a point to read some actual books. my goal is 20 for the year so i still have 10 to go lol.
not annoying me at all! and i am ok with whatever! i put read more incase it's annoying anyone else lol. but i am good with whatever works for you 😊
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rhythmantics · 2 years
The Secret Saturdays Iceberg
Original iceberg here.
Jay Stephens’ answers on the Toonzone Forums here, his Insta here, blogspot here. List of comics here.
“I watched a couple episodes while it was still airing”
What most people know about Secret Saturdays from having seen it a couple times when it was on. It’s a children’s cartoon.
Doc and Drew have an exchange that goes “when have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible?” “I keep a list. It’s alphabetized,” which has plagued incorrect quotes blogs for years. Many people know the quote without knowing the show it’s from.
“I watched it through to the end”
This tier is about stuff you know about how hard the show goes once you watch it through the first time.
All cryptids in the show are based on real-life cryptids, mythological creatures, or prehistoric animals: true with a single-digit number of exceptions. The TSS wiki has done a really good job of cataloguing them.
Children die on-screen: both Zak Monday AND Zak Saturday die on-screen. It’s great.
Sneople: nagas.
Clone: Francis is a fucking clone! Holy shit!
Fisk has actual dialogue: This one actually belongs in the “I followed Jay Stephens” tier, as he has revealed that Fisk is written actual lines in the script, which are then translated to “Fisk-speak” by the voice actor.
Cheechoo is Inuit / Beeman is autistic / It’s the glasses: Cheechoo wears traditional inuit sunglasses, and also references the far north of Canada as being his “ancestral home” and having grown up there.
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Beeman, meanwhile, has a hard time picking up on social cues (”he’s a little rude to everybody,” Jay once said on the Toonzone forums, confirming that Beeman isn’t acting like that because he dislikes Zak or anything -- in fact, he acts the same way even when he’s actively trying to bond with Zak over his fake UFO footage), has a really good time watching hours of (what most consider boring) footage related to his particular interest, and his glasses are probably tinted pink to deal with photosensitivity, a common symptom.
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Wadi is Bedouin: The Bedouin are nomadic Arab tribes that live in the desert. So, like. Yeah.
Last will and testament of a guy who drowned: Zak and Doyle find the titular will in the episode where a lake is trying to hunt and kill them, left behind by someone that the lake has previously hunted and killed.
DNA brothers: Do you guys remember the episode where Zak, Fisk, and Komodo all get spliced together? Was that fucked up or what
Forgot to put this one on there but do you guys remember when Argost dressed up in an SS uniform look-alike to taunt the Saturdays in Once More the Nightmare Factory? Incredible.
“I read some character analyses”
This tier is all about realizing the full implications of the stuff they show in this children’s cartoon where they can’t say the word “kill.”
Serial killer that keeps trophies: I think Van Rook literally expresses disgust over how Argost kept trophies during his yeti era. Incidentally, this means Van Rook has ALSO killed multiple people, since at least he doesn’t keep trophies, lol.
Doyle has probably killed people and is definitely a felon: Doyle is cut short before he can elaborate on how many places he has a criminal record; he’s definitely stolen priceless cultural artifacts and other goods well above the felony limit, he has a story he doesn’t give Zak the full details of because “then things get messy. Let’s just say the bird and I took care of it.” Not to mention how many times Zak’s parents stress to him that Doyle has lived a dirty life, and he’s done many bad, bad things. Doyle has killed people you can’t change my mind.
Doc was Drew’s rebound romance: Drew dated Van Rook in college, presumably broke up with him when she realized he was studying archaeology so that he could steal artifacts to sell, and later wound up with Doc. She’s in her 30′s-or-so according to Jay (while Doc is in his 40′s-or-so) and her kid is 11 at the start of the story. She’s a “trained archaeologist,” meaning she’s probably got a PhD after at least 5, 6 years of college (she's a genius, so I wouldn't be surprised if she got it sooner than the usual 8 years We know she's an archaeologist from the Field Guide). So there’s a reasonable buffer of a few years between her dating Van Rook and her meeting Doc while mountain-climbing (Doc mentions this is how they met in the blue tiger episode), so he’s not necessarily her rebound romance exactly, but it’s funnier to word it that way.
Doc really thought Munya killed his family: In Once More the Nightmare Factory, when Doc reaches Munya after being separated by his family, Munya takes the tokens with Doc’s family’s faces on them and throws them in the trash to taunt him. Doc proceeds to go berserk and kick Munya’s ass (and nearly choke that bitch Argost out), while screaming that Argost took “everything” from him. So they can’t, like, have Doc actually SAY “you killed my family, you bitch!” but that is definitely what he was thinking. I also want to note here that part of Doc’s specific baggage throughout the episode is that he blames himself for the 43 secret scientists that died the first time they tried to assault Weird World - people who were his colleagues, if not his friends - so just keep that in mind when Doyle comes in later to rub in Doc’s face how easy it is to break in.
On that note, RIP the 43 secret scientists that died the first time they tried to assault Weird World.
The nagas were really gonna let them die: In the Legion of Garuda, Zak tricks the nagas into letting him into their sanctum by having his parents fight the Secret Scientists above the river, while pretending to the nagas that he’s decided to switch sides because the humans won’t stop coming after him. The nagas let him in and promise to help his family, but once Zak is out of earshot, Rani Nagi tells her guards to leave Zaks’ parents to their fate. “Give the boy a tragedy to avenge.” Bruh.
RIP Von Finster: RIP to the scorpion man, who was definitely killed after Argost caught him to silence him since he knew things about Argost’s past. This is what they meant when they said that people who know things about Argost were “disappearing,” and why Von Finster was so scared.
RIP Mizuki’s body: why does Mizuki in hibagon’s body cry out in rage when he sees his human body crushed under the rubble? Because that body is actually a corpse, man! On that note, RIP Ulraj’s dad, forgot about that one.
RIP xing-xing: so apparently the xing-xing shows up in War of the Cryptids so I messed up on this one. Just replace it with Ulraj’s dad.
RIP Dr. Basil: Yeah Doc’s father figure is dead. Old age probably, but also maybe he was killed as retaliation for scrapping the genetic human/cryptid testing research.
Argost’s body count is so high holy shit: 43 secret scientists, Ulraj’s dad, Von Finster, Drew & Doyle’s parents, Zak Monday, and Zak Saturday - and that’s just the deaths we KNOW ABOUT!
Forgot to put this in there but damn the Legion of Garuda guy was seriously gonna kill Zak, like holy shit. So many people want this 11-12 year old boy dead
“I followed Jay Stephens”
This tier is all fun Word of God stuff if you happened to follow Jay Stephens while he was posting on the Toonzone forums while the show was running, from his old blogspot, or while he’s talking to people on instagram. I have a minor and not exhaustive collection of such postings here.
Smoke mirror is NOT a mirror universe / It’s just a shittier universe: According to Jay himself on the Toonzone forums, and in line with actual Aztec mythology, the Smoke Mirror world is NOT a mirror universe. Aztec cosmology states that the world has ended and been remade 4 times, each stint being represented by a different god as the sun, and we're currently on our fifth sun. "The Smoking Mirror" is an epithet used to refer to Tetzcatlipoca (whose temple the Smoke Mirror was found in), who had the dubious honor of being the first sun, and his sun was black and only shed half as much light as our current one, possibly related to how he was missing a leg. Thus, the Smoke Mirror is not a portal to a mirror dimension - the fandom just kind of assumed it was because that's the common trope, but Jay has explicitly said that it isn't one. Rather, the Smoke Mirror is a portal a world inspired by Tetzcatlipoca's sun, a darker and twisted world where everything is generally much worse. This is further enforced by the fact that the Wii/DS/PS2 game is literally about this myth, as the game is called “Beasts of the Fifth Sun.”
Screwed by the network: The show barely ever had reruns shown and was constantly having its timeslot shafted by sportsball. It was insanely hard to keep up with the show as new episodes came out and even harder to catch up on missed episodes, which was death for a show with such tight continuity. On top of that, season 2 was only ten episodes, which is NOT standard (season 1 had 26 episodes and a half-season would be 13), which means they had to cut more than half of season 2′s contents. You can really feel how rushed it is in the last three episodes.
The executives at Discovery Kids had spent many hours telling me that my original Tutenstein designs were "too cute" and "too Casper", so, stubborn jerk that I am, I made sure to make this one even cuter. For inspiration, I went over my old Floyd Gottfredson Mickey Mouse comics... particularly the Seven Ghosts and Phantom Blot stuff... excellent, classic work. My idea was to update the 'funny animal mystery trio' by incorporating my love of Cryptozoology into the pitch. It went a little like this:"CRYPTIDS features a crack team of globe trotting cryptozoologists uniquely qualified for the job because they themselves were once cryptids! OKAPI, KOMODO, and MEGAMOUTH, along with their nine-year-old human mascot, FRANCIS, serve as a sort of anti-detective team. Scooting across land, sea, and air in their fantastic CAMPERCOPTER, their never-ending goal is to preserve the mystery of the world’s strangest creatures before they are exposed by humans… or destroyed by the Cryptids' nemesis, MONSIEUR DODO."I pitched it to a bunch of studios and got some interest, but, ultimately this incarnation went nowhere. Nobody 'got' the design, commenting that it looked like a kiddie show but read edgier. When I brought up the classic Floyd Gottfredson Micky Mouse adventure comics, I got blank stares. Not even Walt Disney Television Animation knew who or what I was talking about. Sigh... back to the drawing board.
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Doc’s design was based on Harry Belafonte: Said on Jay’s Insta.
Doc and Drew canonically straight but everyone else is open season: Said on Jay’s Insta. FWIW Doyle gives me really strong bisexual energy.
Viral Marketing: The show’s initial ads were found footage-style short videos of horrific puppets of the show’s cryptid protagonists. I think they’re still up on youtube.
List of “hundreds” of creatures compiled for the show: Said on Jay’s Blogspot.
I forgot to mention this one, but Jay Stephens says that in-universe, cryptids aren’t just “creatures unproven to science,” but rather, “creatures that share a common, mystical bond.” It’s never said in-universe but I figured I’d let you guys know that this is what sets cryptids apart from regular animals.
Can’t “stay on the side of good” if show didn’t end how it ended: This is referring to how, according to Jay on the Toonzone forums, Zak losing his powers was the only way for him to firmly stay on the side of good. This is a very contentious opinion in the fanbase, but honestly, I kind of get it. By the end of the show, Zak has enough power to destroy human civilization within a week, anytime he feels like it, just by thinking about it. And he’s 13 years old. Humanity wouldn’t survive if he had, like, an emo phase when he turned 16. As long as he has that kind of unchecked power, there’s ALWAYS going to be doubt as to whether or not it’s safe to let him wander around, there’s ALWAYS going to be people who either want him dead for the good of mankind or want to use and manipulate him to their own ends, and - as we see in Return of Tsul’Kalu - he’s not immune to despair, as he literally says “if even the good cryptids think I’m destined for evil, I don’t know why I should even fight it anymore.” Even assuming Zak is incorruptibly “good” (which, again, we have evidence that he isn’t), at some point he’s going to have to start thinking about whether it’s his responsibility to police humanity. If people are illegally burning down the rainforests, and the government won’t do anything, wouldn’t Zak be morally obligated to do something extrajudicial about that? Where does that slippery slope end? So, like, honestly, I kind of agree. The only way for him to firmly stay on the side of good is for him to lose his incredible power, because you know what they say about absolute power.
“I have done a lot of research into the show”
This tier is about doing a bit of extraneous googling into tidbits that are brought up in the show. The cryptids all being based on real things is pretty common knowledge, but there’s so much more in this show that’s based on real stuff than that.
Drew’s fire sword is Manjushri’s khadga: Drew’s fire sword is based on the blade (khadga is the specific type of sword) that the bodhisattva Manjushri wields. It symbolizes wisdom, which cuts through duality and ignorance. And there are ones from Tibet (where Drew was raised) that look JUST LIKE the one in the show.
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Tetzcatlipoca’s epithet was “The Smoking Mirror”: Most of this is covered in the previous section, but did you know that Tetzcatlipoca was considered the rival to Quetzalcoatl? This is especially interesting given that Quetzalcoatl is the feathered serpent, and Kur was believed to be a serpentine dragon (more on that later). I will also mention that Tetzcatlipoca transformed into a jaguar after Quetzalcoatl struck down his stint as sun, by the way. For fanart purposes, you know.
Garuda is a mythological Hindu figure: Garuda is a demigod in Hindu mythology that is depicted either as a giant bird resembling a kite (sea-eagle), or a bird furry. There’s a myth where he eats nagas. This is why the Legion of Garuda is named after him, and why the wizard guy summons a giant eagle illusion to scare off the nagas.
Kumari Kandam, Lemuria, Shangri-La Real: Kumari Kandam and Lemuria are two names for the same proposed (and disproven) sunken land bridge between the Indian subcontinent and Madagascar, which would’ve explained how monkeys got to Madagascar and became lemurs (hence the name). Due to some Hippie New Age Bull Shit, the survivors of Lemuria (often interchangeably used with Atlantis) moved to the Mt. Shasta region of California, where myths and legends of “lemurians” persist to this day. Shangri-La (the Lemurian homeland in the show) is unrelated to the two and is instead a fictional earthly paradise located in the Himalayas.
Dead Sea Scrolls reference: The scroll Wadi finds is definitely a reference to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Related to that,
Methuselah Tree Real: In real life, the methuselah tree is the oldest tree in the world, and - like in the show - its location is a carefully guarded secret. Not because it’s the font of all water in the world (a clear reference to the Norse myth of the World Tree and possibly a reference to the Zamzam Well), but to avoid vandalism, as we all know what people are like.
Inaccessible Island Real: Argost briefly mentions that they’re on Inaccessible Island before he steals Zak Monday’s powers. This is a real, shitty little island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Tomb of Kur Real: The Official Cryptid Field Guide lists the Tomb of Kur as the “Kohker Archaeological Site.” This is a real place, and is a temple dedicated to Shiva.
 Library at Alexandria Real: The Library at Alexandria was a massive collection of books - every book brought into port at Alexandria would be copied, the copy stored in the library, and the original returned to its owner. Such a massive collection... all burned down. Tragic.
Naga fireball phenomenon Real: There’s a phenomenon that happens along the Mekong River where fireballs regularly erupt. The family goes looking for the naga using this phenomenon in the season 2 premier.
Mines set on fire that stay on fire for years Real: The mine that’s on fire in the bunyip episode is probably a reference to Burning Mountain, a mountain in Australia that has a fire under it that’s been burning for 6000 years. There’s many other such long-lived fires in the world.
Judaculla Rocks Real: The rock Zak damages in Return of Tsul’Kalu is the Judaculla rock, which is in the show the same as it is in real life - significant to the Cherokee people and associated with Tsul’Kalu, the Master of Game.
“Kur” used to refer to the first mythological dragon: So we now know that “Kur” referred to a TON of different things - the mountains, the lands, the people who came from the mountains, the netherworld, etc. HOWEVER, at the time, the main person writing about Kur attributed the word to a serpentine beast living at the bottom of the Netherworld, which he then called the first dragon ever depicted in human mythology. This has been more or less debunked now, but it’s what the show was using. Serpentine symbolism is used in the show to represent Kur - there’s a set of snakes on some of the doors in Kur’s tomb, and Kur’s most dedicated servants are sneople.
“I have done TOO MUCH research into the show.”
This tier is about my descent into madness. It covers research that wouldn’t normally be performed, supplementary material that very few people know about, etc.
Men of the Saturday family have biblical names: First we have Solomon Saturday and Zak Saturday, with Zak pretty obviously standing in for some variant of Zakariya/Zechariah. The prequel comics also give us an Elijah Saturday and a Samuel Saturday, so this is a very deliberate choice.
Solomon = “peace” but also associated with the Lesser Key of Solomon: The Lesser Key of Solomon is a famous demonology grimoire that lists several demons, their ranks, what they do, and how to summon them. A little bit like a cryptopedia.
Zak = Zakariya = “God Has Remembered”: That’s what his name means. And, like... kind of spooky considering Zak’s the reincarnation of a god. Now, while lots of spellings of this name exist, I prefer Zakariya. I think Doc initially would've wanted Zachariah/Zechariah because it's more biblical, but I also personally believe Drew (who speaks Arabic and is a white mom) would go for something a little more unique, compromising on the Arabic spelling. Plus, it has the K in it. Which I like. Though it would be in character for Zak to be Zachariah and shorten it with a K on purpose himself to look cooler. Either way, Zakariya/Zachariah/any of its variants is almost certainly what Zak is short for. Zechariah is also, famously, the last of the martyrs. And martyr himself Zak did!
Drew and Doyle are Gaelic / Ginger confirmed: Drew is albino so she wouldn’t have them but we were cheated out of Doyle with freckles. This is, incidentally, probably why Zak has freckles in the Ben10 crossover that I don’t like thinking about.
Wadi = riverbed that sometimes dries up: Wadi, noun. A valley, gully, or streambed in northern Africa and southwest Asia that remains dry except during the rainy season. It’s symbolism about the whole Eterno thing.
Short hair Drew: You guys want some concept art?
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Zak’s name used to be Francis:
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Abbey sold plundered relics to museums for money: Also from the prequel comics; Abbey was Zak’s favorite babysitter because she used to take him on wild wacky adventures... robbing tombs. And then selling the artifacts she’d find there to museums. Van Rook shows up and does a “not so different” on her for this. And he was sooo right!
Divining rod = Shiva’s trident: This fucking thing HAUNTED ME FOR YEARS
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Because that’s not any “divining rod” or “dowsing rod” I know about! Well, GUESS WHAT.
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It’s Shiva’s fucking trident. It symbolizes many different trinities, like “past/present/future” and “joy/compassion/love” and stuff. YEARS IT TOOK ME.
Kur is associated with the Hindu god Shiva, known as “The Destroyer”: Kur’s tomb is literally a temple dedicated to Shiva, one of Shiva's symbols is a cobra coiled around his neck (and Rani Nagi famously uses cobras to chat), and the divining rod used to find Kur is shaped like Shiva’s trishula. Furthermore, one of Shiva's aspects is the King of Beasts. So, like, yeah. The cobra tends to symbolize how Shiva has tamed the venomous ego, and his dominion over all animals on earth, so... they are making a really obvious parallel here. Rani Nagi even calls Kur “the destroyer” at one point! The clear implication of this association is both to more strongly enforce the idea that Kur is something divine, or seen as divine, and to cast its destruction in a more ambiguous light - Shiva may be the destroyer, but he is also the preserver, and in no iteration of Hinduism is he treated as an evil deity. Creation, preservation, and destruction is merely a natural cycle, one of the trinities represented by Shiva's trident. But it sure sucks for the people who are getting destroyed, so it's natural a creature whose existence IS destroying things would be viewed as "evil" or "bad" by the unfortunate species getting their asses kicked.
“These questions plague me deep into the night”
These are just questions that haunt me. Someone save me from this madness
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crystalelemental · 9 months
"books-are-my-life-stuff: Oh right, EX roles, here you go: https://pastebin.com/vAT9NuVg All I can say is, your wish has been answered, congratulations. And here's the link for SS Cynthia, Lucas, and SS Leon grid expansion because I forgot: https://pastebin.com/5gRXMKtZ"
YESSSSS! Support/Sprint combo fucking rules, I'm so glad they actually gave Cynthia what she needed. Finally, I can know peace. More importantly, fuck Red in particular. They realized he was already the strongest piece of garbage on the planet, and they didn't even give him an EX Role. That's so fucking funny.
Oooohohohoho, man. Okay. SS Cynthia got both layers of grid. Okay. The 5/5 seems shit, the only thing I really like is the Shocked Freebie. HE2 on Dragonbreath is something depending on need but most of the time just let the partner do it. 3/5 grid rules. Furious Brain and Brainpower is fantastic, Sharp Entry 2 is exactly what she needed for her TM, and X Atk Ramp Up is at least nicer self-setup I suppose though it's not accomplishing as much given Cynthia wants to fast-ramp. Very, very good Cynthia month, despite having no new Cynthias.
Lucas basically got nothing of value. The only useful trait is extension on Dragon Zone, and the fact it's a rank 3 kinda stings. I don't know why they gave him Satisfied Snicker, I don't think any Dragons use Devastation.
SS Leon is comparable to Lucas, not getting the best performance overall, but there is one trait I very much like. SMUN each TM. Leon's great at self-setup, so he can absolutely stack that way, and Eternabeam getting the 50% bonus after foe's sync, he's definitely able to play risky in CS with SS Mina saving the team for sure, blast with sync, then with a heavy-hitting Max Move, then an attack. I kinda like it.
It's about fucking time we got back to these PokeFair expansions. Took forever, but I'm glad to see them. Do Steven's 3/5 grid next, fuckers.
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wordsbymae · 2 years
I took ss of your response. So when at a place where there no wifi I’ll just over what you said, I’m low key kinda obsessed. And I the world building, with only women get to be magical inclined, like purr 💅. And I forgot to mention this from my previous ask, about name for your oc. I was thinking he would have formal full first name, but goes but a nickname. Like Charles-chuck, Ronald- Ron, Gabriel-Gabe, George- Georgie, Fredrick- Fred/Freddy, Robert- Robby, Edward- Ed/Eddie, Francis- Frank. Sorry that’s a lot 😭😭😭. I thought why not a silly name for a silly man. I have a headcanon that his mother probably named him this formal name in hopes he grows up to be some kind responsible and stern man, of course that’s not the case. His sisters probably gave him the silly nickname as some kind of teasing, which he probably didn’t like but eventually accepted. And for when he’s jealous? I think both are good, but depending on the mood of the story. Like is it going to be more silly and up beat, or does it have it’s fun moments but has its dark undertones. I definitely see them wrestle, it would be funny because he’ll think it’ll be cute to pretend that “he’s so weak” and she “got him” and let her win, when in reality SHE’S the one pretending not to be strong :D. I see him as this dumb lol country boy, with a southern accent, with flannel shirts, and belt buckles as big as his fist. I really like how the whole thing that’s pushing the plot is reader letting him do things, like letting him manhandle her, letting him be in control during sexy times, letting him think that he’s letting her win in wrestle matches. I find that fact so adorable. She’s the actually puppy but he’s acts like one. I think a funny scenario would be where they are at a bar, and manically he gets hit on right in front of reader. Shes pissed and he’s confused…he didn’t think it was possible for even one beautiful woman to like him, but two? Yeah he must drunk and past out somewhere, so reader and that woman duking it out in the floor, yeah that’s not real 🤓. Me: He’s a silly little man *The silly little man in question*: porbably 6ft, beefy, can kill a bear with one shot, can snap wood in half. And I can only imagine when she’s pregnant, like big belly and everything. Like he’ll be gone for a couple days to hunt down food, and he comes back just to get a scolding “I thought you were a good hunter, why did it take you a week (was like three days)” he’s already apologizing but confuse what she’s means by a week, must be the hormones… “now come and rub my feet.Do you have idea how heavy it is carrying your child?”, he so happy to do it. That is until he starts kissing on them and she’s like “don’t be a freak, I need them rub!” 😭😭😭😭. But yeah that’s what I came up with for our lil silly man 🌚. Hope you liked? I tried not to go over broad with the werid specific details, I mean it is your oc, so what am I doing lol 😂.
Thank you! Thank you! I very much loved it!!!! You always have such nice things to say and you always add a lot of thought. I never thought anyone would read my original one of his, least of all it would lead to our daily conversations about him!!! I love it.
Oh!!!!!! I am loving the name ideas, I think I'm partial to Fredrick, I can totally see his mama naming him that after his grandfather or great grandfather, a stern, responsible, no non-sense man. And then out pops Freddy. I love the idea that it's what his sisters nicknamed him and mini Freddy would cross his arms and pout whenever they called him that. After a while, he would get used to it but he still wanted everyone else outside his family to either call him Fred or Fredrick because those are manly men's names and Freddy makes him sound like a kid. Until reader! and then he gets sad when they don't call him Freddy and think something is wrong when they call him Fredrick.
I've had some thought about the jealousy stuff (I have a full one planned) and I think that it depends on the situation. Like if it's some guy who doesn't pose a threat to him or you at all, and if Freddy is drunk or if it's a friend or just another drunk guy who only said something Freddy didn't like, Freddy is going to go down the route of goofy-looking fighting. Like these two drunk guys are pulling each other's hair while locked in an embrace on the ground while shouting "you let go!", "no, you let go!", I then see them pretend to make up and then Freddy is just punching the other guy's dick and then tackling him to the ground. And you're just standing to the side in disappointment, shaking your head watching as he's doing the helicopter technique with his arms to hit the other guy.
But if he sees the other guy as an actual threat or it's someone who put their hands on you. Oh boy, I can just see him belting the other guy up and being an absolute feral, screaming and everything. And then you'll have to get involved and just rip him off the other guy, and I think because you are so used to restraining your strength around him you underestimate how hard it would be to take him off, and you almost need your full strength to rip him off. But as soon as he sees you he's fretting over you and any perceived damage, he's touching your face softly and asking if you're alright.
Ah!!! Play fighting!!! Why didn't I think of that before! Your mind is amazing. Of course, the reader would want to play fight, she's part canine. I love to see the reader initiate it as well, she's just in this silly goofy mood and she starts stalking him. Like he's doing yard work and just chopping wood, and here you are hiding in the bushes waiting for the right moment. And a part of me is torn between him like knowing your there and playing along because he just loves you so much and he thinks it's very cute (he thinks it's cute you think you could actually surprise him and actually win), and the other part of me wants it to be a surprise, every, single time. Like he's just walking past and you pounce, knocking him to the ground and just putting him in a headlock (not with your full strength otherwise he would be knocked out). Or another time when he steals a bit of meat from your plate and just laughs as he devours it, but it's near your time of the month (full moon) and you get a bit wild and your just sitting there mouth in a tight frown growling and he just slowly stops laughing and then he tries to defuse the situation by giving you a piece of his food but the damage is already done and you are both on the floor and you both are just wresting. I love to think he still has no idea the reader is a werewolf and he just thinks all the growling, play fighting, can be naked in the cold and not freeze, love your meat rare (a bit too rare), love it when he scratches your head and sometimes you just grab his hand and plop it on your belly and almost purr when he rubs it, are just apart of your personality. And when you get a bit wolfy getting closer to your time of month he just thinks it's your real-time of the month. He makes his mother's chocolate chip cookies (i don't care what anyone says werewolves can eat chocolate) and he gets water/wheaty bags for you in cute designs like a puppy or rabbit.
And yes!!! I totally see him holding back his strength and letting you win, and he says things like "oh you've got me pup!", "your so strong!", "Mercy!", "you're doing so well pup" and you're just thinking the entire time about how careful you have to be and how you cannot bite him even though your wolf mind is just like bite bite bite bite (not in a killing way just in an 'i want to bite my mate and play with him' way). I also see you letting him win sometimes, especially during sexy times. But that's for another time!!
Yeah!!! I love the idea that he really cannot do anything without her wanting it like she really has all the power, it's all about her allowing him to be in charge of certain situations and allowing him to do what he wants with her. He still of course asks for consent during sex and all that but it's in the little moments where she is actively giving up control to him.
I can see the reader getting far more jealous than he ever could. Freddy gets protective but the reader gets jealous to the point of grabbing some girl's hair and dragging her outside the bar and chucking her out. She wants to do more but that would be extra illegal. And Freddy has no clue!!! He just thinks the other lady is being nice, or he is very politely telling this lady no and the reader just comes out of nowhere growling and just telling her to fuck off and if she ever lays hands on her man again she'll rip them off. The lady quickly leaves. And Freddy thinks it's so cute!! You called him your man!!! You love him!! From then on he's telling everyone at the bar how sexy his mad wife is and how much he loves her. He then proceeds to pass out around the back of the bar and it's the only time you can use your full strength on him to just lift him up and walk home.
AHHHH!!! Pregnant reader and father-to-be Freddy! Like I said last time, I see him as someone who in the face of stress just mans up (not in a toxic way) and just gets things done. As soon as he finds out she is expecting he's building a cot and decorating it with little wolves (he still doesn't know but it makes you burst out in tears to see little wolves on your baby's crib). He's stocking up the cold room and the pantry with meat, preserves, homemade baby food, and canned vegetables. He's stocking up on firewood and he's making sure you are well rested and safe. I love the idea he goes away for a hunting trip and the reader is heavily pregnant, and he didn't want to go but he had to so off he went. And she thought she would be fine without him but it's the longest she's been without him since her first heat and she is pining for him. Luckily moose wasn't needed (the dog) so he got to stay behind and the two of you are just sitting on the couch practically crying for him. the reader is getting so worried for her mate and also she can't put on her shoes without him and her feet hurt and her back aches and shes craving deer bacon with ice cream and they have run out of ice cream but she can't go into town because her belly keeps bumping the steering wheel. And so she's just crying on the bed with moose curled up with her and it feels like he's been gone all week (it's been 3 days and only one has been a full day without him) and then the door is opening and he's calling out he's home and your rushing (or as quick as you can with the weight of the belly) to go see him. As soon as you see his stupid face (affectionately) your bawling again and then he freaks out, thinking your hurt or the baby is coming but you just hug him and then still sobbing you're scolding him. "Why did you take so long?" "you can kill a bear with one shoot but it takes you all week to track a stag?" "you were gone for so long, I thought something had happened" this last one leads him to just hug you as close as he can with the belly in the way and then him just putting both hands on it and kissing the top of your belly. you then switch moods and are dragging him to the couch so he can rub your feet while you tell him a list of all the stuff you need (ice cream, peaches, more of his mother's chocolate chip cookies) and he's just sitting there smiling up at you as he starts to leave kisses on your skin and knee. But you are not in the mood so you give him a look and tell him if he had gotten home quicker and didn't let you worry so much, he would have gotten what he wanted. He just pouts. he tries again an hour later when he's rubbing your back. You give in.
I loved it!!!!! That's ok, I love what you have to say! I never thought anyone would have read that first one I did of his or even get to this stage. Without you, I would have just left that one where it was and forgotten about him. but you brought him to life!!!
lots of love mae xx
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aeoki · 11 months
Sandstorm - Pointless Death Game: Chapter 2
Location: Desert Characters: Hinata & Kaoru
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Hinata: Oh~ Crazy:B’s rising in popularity, huh. We’re in the same agency so I hear about them a lot.
They caused so much trouble in summer, though. Everyone forgot all about that and they’re just spoiling them.
I guess you could say it’s because our vice president extinguished the flames and did a good job handling the aftermath. It was all pretty shocking. You know what they say, once on shore and we pray no more blah blah blah.
Kaoru: A win is a win in this industry~ In fact, it’s like that generally in society. I think it’s all based on the truth that ill weeds grow apace.
Even if you’re a good kid who doesn’t stand out, the system that has been established won’t allow you to succeed with just those things. It’s sad to admit but that’s the reality of it all.
Hinata: Then, we’re–
Kaoru: But well, we’re not meant to be “bad kids”, so there’s no need to pretend to be bad. I’m tired of that and acting like a delinquent isn’t fun at all – In fact, it’s just exhausting.
Since that’s the case, it’s better to just do your best earnestly, little by little, right?
That fits me a lot better. I can’t say for the rest of the members in “UNDEAD”, though~
Besides, succeeding using Crazy:B’s way of doing things is normally something that’s really hard to pull off.
They succeeded by repeatedly doing risky gambles and winning.
But all it takes is one loss and they’ll be walking on thin ice. If they have someone they want to protect – someone they care about – then, they shouldn’t live like that.
They should just be salarymen; work earnestly little by little and get a salary at the end of every month. What’s wrong with doing that?
People might say they’re amazing if they make it big and land the jackpot at the casino.
But that’s definitely lower than the possibility of earning enough to keep on playing for the rest of their lives. Crazy:B got lucky but it’s not like everyone can be like them.
But anyone can be an idol. If you’re loved by someone, then that means you’re already an idol, right?
Hinata: …………
Kaoru: If you become that kind of idol, then anyone can make a profit. They’re trying to make a system that will make that happen…
This system of Tenshouin-kun’s – of ES’ – is something I think that’s worth praising and supporting.
If this “SS” is something that will stabilise and help ES grow, then I’d be happy to help however I can.
I think everyone else must think similarly.
So even though they’ve realised that this year’s “SS” is a bit strange, they’re trying to not go against them and are instead cooperating in the meantime.
Anyone would be overjoyed to see their agency flourishing.
Hinata: That’s true but there will be people sacrificed, so you can’t call it justice.
Kaoru: Yeah. There are plenty of units who don’t like that idea. And people who simply dislike the fact that Tenshouin-kun is the one leading it all.
But ES is most definitely improving our positions as idols and they’re providing us with a stable source of income.
There are a lot of people who are saved by ES – by their systems.
As long as that truth stands, ES still counts as one definition of justice. Then, that justice collides with other kinds of justice and the justice that’s left standing will be the true justice.
We’re just in the middle of comparing the different kinds of justice. “SS” is probably that sort of war.
Hinata: It feels like there’s been a war going on since forever at Yumenosaki and ES~
Kaoru: It probably started when we were cavemen, but we’ve just changed our methods and used different things, right?
But fortunately, humanity has gained experience and evolved. Right now, there is a war by the name of “SS” that’s going on in this country…
But unlike the wars of the past, which involved the firing of bullets, people won’t die here and blood won’t be spilt. We’re making people happy with our singing and dancing.
It’s a very peaceful war – it does sound contradictory, though.
I’m happy to support such a war. No, I acted like I didn’t care during the War, but this time, I want to do something.
There’s not much I can do but if there was something that I could’ve done back then during the War, then…
Maybe I could have protected Rei-kun, Kouga-kun, Kanata-kun, Souma-kun or someone else. That might have been impossible, but maybe I could’ve lessened the damage and healed their wounds.
…Just maybe, you know? I don’t want to grow old just by regretting it and thinking I could’ve done something but didn’t.
I’ve been forcibly involved in the war anyway, so I don’t want to run away crying and acting like a victim – I want to do something too.
Currently, all I can do is wander in this desert, though.
But I’ll do my best wandering at the very least. I’ll do what I can. Maybe I’m being made to dance in someone’s palm, maybe I’ll end up regretting it someday.
I don’t want to choose to “do nothing” anymore. Hinata: …………
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raveneira · 1 year
Warning: Anti BoruSara, KawaSumi, KawaAda, if you ship any of these then obviously dont read, you've been warned.
Just gonna throw this out there cuz its been a while and antis have gotten a lil too overconfident so Im just gonna give a little reality check and some hope to the fandom since its our month right now and so Im here to spread some positivity for our month, since I know antis would love to try and ruin it for us, I aint gon let em.
As much as antis will try to convince you guys that KawaSara is dead yatta yatta yatta dont buy it, its all gaslighting, their using the unknown to try and pretend its something definitive when there isnt
They try to tell you they hate eachother yet wheres any panel that shows this? when have either of them said they hate eachother? you wont find anything because it doesnt exist, they base it solely on the fact that they got mad over a disagreement [which Boruto did too but nobody said they hated eachother] and that he 'tried to kill her' [which he didnt it was a sparring match and he flat out says he wasnt tryin to kill anybody] and then their conflict in 78, which still doesnt count as Kawaki trying to kill her, he tried to SPARE her cuz his only target was Boruto, he told her not to intervene and she did anyway, and even after saying he was only giving her one chance he STILL gave her another chance to live instead of killing her and Boruto both, which he didnt have to do if he genuinely wanted to kill em both.
They try to use the timeskip chapters thus far as proof they hate eachother but notice how the timeskip conveniently hasnt let them interact at all let alone really even mention eachother? so how are antis convinced theres this deep hatred and hostility between them when they havent even interacted or said how they feel about eachother at this point in time?
And lastly they try to use their lack of interaction as a gotcha as well, but literally SS had the same exact issue, in case ppl forgot Sakura was away and didnt interact with Sasuke for 3 yrs straight, Sasuke was their enemy at the time and he had chosen to walk the dark path, and after their first reunion their interactions since then were few and far between and yet their an endgame ship, so why is it different for KawaSara? and the difference is Kawaki and Sarada actually have an even bigger advantage than SS did because they've been together in the same village for those entire 3 years, they very well could've had plenty of interactions off screen we're unaware of for all we know.
But antis will try to convince you that all of this is a bad thing, that this is all a ship ender, that theres no chance at all and its too far gone etc etc but like I said this is all gaslighting bs.
KawaSara isnt dead, far from it, and the reasons antis use for why the ship is sunk are all bs, they simply use the unknown [the assumption of no interaction, the assumption of them hating eachother, the assumption that Sarada doesnt/wont forgive Kawaki etc] but if you take a moment to really think about their points [or lack thereof] you'll see its them forging a narrative out of their own theories rather than whats actually canonly stated.
You could easily take Sasuke stabbing Naruto in the heart and nearly choking him to death as him hating Naruto and genuinely wanting him dead, but obviously that isnt the truth and we all know it, but could you make that argument? yea if you just look at everything at face value you can argue everytime Sasuke tried to kill Naruto it was out of hate and genuine want for him to be dead cuz he couldnt stand him, but again we all know thats false.
Its the same for KawaSara, you can easily argue at face value that they hate eachother based on surface level reading like 'he tried to kill her, they argued with eachother, they got into a fight, that means they hate eachother' but anybody with critical thinking skills and being objective can tell that no, thats not the case, theres way more nuance than that.
So anyway to cap this off, dont let the antis get to you and dont fall for their bs, their gaslighting you with the unknown because their scared of what their ACTUAL thoughts and feelings about eachother actually are and WHAT kind of interactions they possibly had over this time and what interactions they WILL have in the future, so heed my words when I tell you this...
Their not confident in the unknown they try to gaslight you with, their actually terrified of it, because literally anything could happen right now and they know it and it scares the hell out of them because just as Ikemoto could reveal that yea they despise eachother now, he could also reveal their actually cordial but Sarada obviously doesnt agree with his methods and is working against him regardless, no different than Naruto and Sakura disagreeing with Sasuke and working against him.
Im not claiming to know exactly where the story is headed [unlike some ppl] but I can make educated guesses based on experience and knowledge of many tropes and how their used etc but thats a topic for another post.
In conclusion, dont let them fool you by pretending that they have the upper hand here, they dont and they know it, until we get any real info/insight on whats happened between Kawaki and Sarada over this timeskip its anybodys game at this point so dont lose hope and dont listen to the haters.
Trust me when I say its not over yet, I cant convince you to believe me, but I hope you can atleast trust my judgement because I havent been wrong yet, and if you think I have well just look at this old bingo card I made way back about what would be changed/removed in the anime and how much of it I actually got right vs what I didnt
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This was early in the Kawaki arc btw that I wrote these, completey forgot about I had made it, came across it again months later and realized just how much I got right.
So if yall think you cant trust my prediction skills, heres one more bit of evidence of my accuracy
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This was after the Boruto death chapter and everyone was theorizing how everyones gonna react to his 'death' etc and I saw from a mile away none of that was gonna happen and it was all gonna be resolved and sped past in a single chapter tops and rushed right into the next plotline and guess what? I called all of that, only thing I didnt get exactly right was the Kawaki and Hina and Hima thing since they didnt even show him interacting with them after that so...didnt exactly get it wrong, it just wasnt shown so we dont know what happened between them fr fr.
I have more moments of me calling the future but this gets the point across enough, I cant force you to trust me nor am I trying to, just saying if you were unsure if you could just take my word for it like those 'trust me bro' sources, I wanted to assure you that Im not and that I really DO be knowing what Im talking about.
Anyway, its up to you from here, trust me or dont trust me if you want, but just know antis are only talkin shit like they are now because their scared now more than ever but hey dont take my word for it, lets see how this goes.
Note: How does any of this relate to Ksu and Kda? because antis insisted Sumire was gonna fake liking Kawaki because of omnipotence to hide from Ada that shes unaffected only for her not to hide it at all, and antis tried to argue that Kawaki and Ada will work together now and he'll get closer to her over time only for them not to be working together in the slightest and for them to be just as distant as they were before. So yea all the negative things they try to gaslight you with for KawaSara, their doing so as a smoke screen so you dont see how their bs is actually slippin through the cracks.
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