#there are deathclaws and geckos and then there's this guy
flamer-gay · 1 year
For the uncommon asks: 5, 14, 15, 23, 43, & F for the oc(s) of your choice?
Thank you literally so much for indulging me!! I have so many OCs so uhhh strap in this is gonna be a doozy
5) How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Arson's default state is mistrust. It's also usually his only state.
Aster rarely trusts men outright and is quicker to mistrust them, but she'll put aside misgivings about anyone who she thinks she can use to get what she wants.
Rocky trusts people far too easily. She doesn't stay mistrustful for long, and is very generous with second chances. She forgave Benny for shooting her in the head when she freed him at the Fort.
Sasha is very trusting, but as soon as someone gives him a reason not to trust them, he will cut them out and keep it that way. After becoming a ghoul, he's found that he has more reasons more often not to trust people. 14) What animal do they fear the most?
Arson's worst fear are dogs. He's seen enough of the Legion's attack dogs to last a lifetime. It doesn't matter how friendly a dog seems, he's seen people killed by dog bites, and will get as far away as possible.
Aster is terrified of rats and geckoes. They're enough to make her run away screaming.
Rocky likes most animals, but she's developed a healthy fear of cazadores.
Sasha has discovered that he's not a huge fan of deathclaws. He can't really get behind the whole mauling-his-friends-to-pieces thing.
15) How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Arson is selectively mute, and will rehearse what he plans to say for a very long time before speaking to someone, aside from his closest friends. He'd most talkative when he's able to talk about something he knows a lot about.
Aster is very impulsive with what she says, and is often the sort of person who speaks just to hear the sound of her own voice.
Rocky tends to blurt (she's a kid, she has very poor impulse control) and she doesn't always think before she speaks. Though it is apparent from her speech that she is uneducated, she is always very polite.
Sasha is an on-the-spot type of guy. He often just starts saying something and goes with it, for better or for worse.
23) How does envy manifest itself in them?
Arson gets mean and combative when he's jealous. It's an emotion he struggles to identify in himself, so he often finds himself angry and lashing out when he doesn't mean to.
Aster is the queen of jealousy. When she wants something, she will stop at no ends to have it.
Rocky gets cold with people when she's jealous. She's usually very sweet and talkative, but she'll grow quiet and distant from someone she's jealous of.
Sasha isn't much of a jealous person, and when he does get jealous, he tends to brush it off quickly. The only time he's ever really gotten jealous was when he convinced himself that Ian had feelings for Katja, and the jealousy went away as soon as he found out Ian was distant and awkward around him because of how bad of a crush he had on him.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC?
Arson is really personal and somewhat nostalgic for me. He's really fucking important to me, even if I know he's kind of mary-sue-y and if I keep messing with his backstory because I created him when I was like 17. He's kind of an ideal version of myself, and I'm so excited to bring him to life for the fnv meetup :)
Aster is honestly my least favorite OC. She's a fascinating character, but playing fnv as her or writing about her just feel kind of icky. She's an embodiment of greed and envy and impulsivity, and at the end of it all she's just tragic and miserable.
Rocky makes me so proud. She's built off this archetype of the gender-bending girl hero (think Pippi Longstocking, Calpurnia Tate) who was so instrumental to my childhood. She's adventurous, she's generous, she cares about her friends and wants to do what's right. She's kind of an adult perspective on that younger hero, my way of looking back at my own childhood self. She symbolizes that pivotal stage when you start becoming your own person, and I hope someday I'll write characters like her that capture kids' imaginations and show them that they can be themselves and be heroes.
Sasha is kind of my favorite OC right now, and I love his intentional absurdity and passion for proving himself. I think he's sort of a manifestation of my anxieties about breaking out into the adult world and trying to stay true to my values and where I come from while also making a difference for the greater good. I think my favorite thing about him is his commitment to being one of those cool old people who has all the best stories.
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anotherisodope · 4 years
I’m a reptile nerd too
My blue tongue skink’s cage is right behind my desk, and he’s scratching at the glass to be let out. At three in the morning. Because he is a big weirdo and it’s warm.
Now the average bluey can be over two feet long, like my long boi is. And my Fallout-infested brain just went “how much bigger would they be if they were the subject of bioweapon experiments like Jackson’s Chameleons were...but these experiments totally failed to produce anything really dangerous?”
I’m thinking the size of a bus, but relatively non threatening even at its size. The real ones tend to only be violent in self defense or toward other skinks, and will try to scare people off by opening its weirdass blue mouth and hissing. The only time they would be dangerous would be when hungry. The rest of the time:
Giant Skink: *sleeping off a mole rat meal inside the entrance to Diamond City* 
Diamond City guard: Uh, what the fuck is this? Is this somebody’s pet? It’s not attacking...
Guard supervisor: Go tell it that it can’t park here.
Diamond City guard: Oh, great plan, Larry.
Giant Skink: *opens an eye*
Diamond City guard: AAAAAAAA! *unslings his rifle*
Guard supervisor: Don’t kill it, you idiot, we don’t have enough brahmin to drag it out of here!
Diamond city guard: Fuck, really? What the hell am I supposed to do, coax it out with a Dandy Boy apple like a radmoose?
Guard supervisor: Uh...I’d try a melon. Maybe a trail of them.
Giant Skink: *blep*
Diamond city guard: This is way above my pay grade...
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agent-deacon · 3 years
alright, no deathclaw wrestling. at least snag me something cool? -six
you want a fire gecko? I can hook you up, I know a guy
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 years
Raul: Hey boss, you’re from Canada right?
Lydia: yup.
Raul: Can you settle something between me, Gannon and Veronica here, Do you have deathclaws up north? She says yes, but we say no because you told us it’s always winter down there now, reptiles and snow don’t mix well.
Lydia: *looks sick* Okay, I want you guys to picture hunting in a frozen wasteland, It’s night time the aurora lights are painting up the area a beautiful mélange of dark blues and bright purples...a Rabbit hops passed as you think “it’s gonna be a good night...” then you hear that all too familiar bone rattling roar, and then there’s a rotten stench in the air, it saw you before you saw it. your eyes frantically look around the irradiated tundra... then you see it a large gnarling mass of Death, claws...and fur.
 [Takes a drink from her canteen]
Raul:...are you...are you trying to say you guys have wooly-Deathclaws up north?
Lydia: Yeah, life finds a way and it’s fucking terrifying, Also our Brahmin are hairy too, we use their wool to make clothes, also have giant beavers instead of mole-rats, and rad-wolves instead of nightstalkers...and frogs instead of geckos and two headed moose.
[the three listen intently to the difference between the Mojave and the Canadian wasteland.] 
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outerworldss · 7 years
The first time I made an NPC mad in Fallout (1997) I laughed my head off for like 5 minutes and actually now that I think of it, every. single. time. that happens I laugh my head off so moral of the story: pissing off the talking heads is a Very Fun Thing To Do
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Ain’t That A Shot in The Head Ch.3
"This is Mr. New Vegas wishing you all lady-like luck tonight" Mr. New Vegas' voice crooned over Six's pip-boy radio as she tended to the small fire at their makeshift camp. They had set up camp on the top of a small ledge to give them the perfect view of anything attempting to approach their camp.
"I swear, I think I've heard someone like him before," She mumbled to herself as she looked out at the sky slowly changing colors as the last of the sun's rays disappeared beyond the horizon. A quick zip of movement on the ground below caught her eye and she grabbed her binoculars to get a better look.
"What the hell are those?" She asked out loud to no one as she spotted a large bug creature flitting around back and forth. It was too large and fast to be a bloatfly and she couldn't recall seeing anything like it in her limited memories.
"It's probably a cazador, spotted a hive not too far away."
Six jumped and turned with her pistol out to face Boone who had just returned to camp with a dead gecko slung over his shoulder. Six relaxed and took the gecko from him to begin preparing it for cooking while Boone sat across from her to take over tending to the fire.
"What's a cazador?" Six asked, skewering some meat and holding it over the fire. While she couldn't see his eyes, she could see Boone raise an eyebrow at her question.
"They're a quick and dangerous insect. Getting stung by one of the adults is an almost guaranteed death sentence. There was a guy in first recon called Sting that survived getting stung by one of the younger cazadores and he had a permanent scar from the stinger."
Six could hear it in his voice that he was confused how she didn't know about them. Passing him the cooked gecko meat, she began adding more to another skewer before answering his silent question.
"I don't remember where I came from but wherever it was, there weren't any cazadores there." She gently touched the scar on her head as she tried to recall anything about her life before getting shot in the head. "I've tried remembering but all I know is there were a lot of buildings and rubble." She gave a tug on the collar of the vault suit Doc Mitchell gave her with a frown. "Wearing this feels familiar too, like I've worn it before."
Boone frowned, tossing his empty skewer stick into the fire as he rested his arms on his knees. "Are you sure you really don't know? How do I know this isn't just an act for pity?"
Six's skewer slipped out of her hand and into the fire as she looked at Boone. "Why would I lie about something like that? We've been traveling for a week now and this is the first time I even mentioned it to you. If I wanted you to pity me, I would have told you about it sooner."
Boone shrugged as he looked away. "If you're really from a vault then how are you so skilled with a gun? I've heard many stories of vault dwellers leaving and dying in the wastes because no one taught them to fight in the vault."
"I don't know, maybe someone taught me." She replied, looking down and watching the meat burn in the fire.
"Maybe someone like Charon," she thought but kept to herself. She had told Boone she was looking for two people but she didn't mention one was a ghoul who she had a contract with. At this point she's not sure if he'd even believe her if she tried explaining it to her.
"How do I know you're not working with the Legion?"
Six's head snapped up and she couldn't stop her jaw from dropping in shock at his insinuation. "How could you think that?"
Boone looked at her with furrowed brows and a frown. "I've heard stories about the Legion using kids to attack NCR troops. I wouldn't put it past them to use a woman to trick a first recon soldier into letting their guard down."
Before Boone could react Six was on her feet and his cheek was stinging where she slapped him.
"How dare you say something like that Craig Boone. Did you think I'd try coming onto you or something after reading that bill of sale. I don't know what made you think I would do something like that but you should know not everyone has an ulterior motive."
Boone sat still as she grabbed her pack and her pistol. Behind her ED-E made a confused beep as she stormed past Boone and started making her way down the hill.
"You should go with her." Boone mumbled to the eyebot who floated silently for a moment before beeping and quickly flying to catch up with her. Boone listened to her footsteps slowly fade away and when he couldn't hear her footsteps anymore he sighed, taking his sunglasses off to rub his eyes as the fire slowly faded until all that was left were dying embers.
Six kicked a rock as she shone the light of the pip-boy in front of her. She was starting to regret storming off while it was still dark. She froze when she heard the sound of rocks falling a few feet ahead of her. Slowly she raised her pip-boy and cursed when the light ahead of her shone on the thick leathery back of a deathclaw that turned to face her.
Six had turned and began sprinting away as the deathclaw roared behind her. She could feel the earth tremble as it began chasing after her. She took out her pistol and fired a few shots behind her, hoping to hit the beast even just once.
Six let out a scream as the ground gave way under her feet and she fell into a deep hole she didn't see. She let out a pained shout when she hit the ground and pain shot up her left leg. Above her she could hear the deathclaw growl and huff as it paced around the hole. ED-E nudged her shoulder and gave a concerned beep as he hovered above her.
"ED-E, go find Boone, tell him there's a deathclaw and I need help," she told ED-E who beeped in confirmation before flying up quickly to avoid the deathclaw swiping at him. She listened to the deathclaw give another growl as it continued it's pacing. Using her pip-boy light she checked her leg to see her ankle was beginning to swell from a sprain. She dug through her bag looking for the roll of gauze she kept in her pack until she heard a pained roar from the deathclaw followed by the sound of a loud buzzing noise.
Boone was just starting to fall asleep when the alert beeping of ED-E jolted him awake and reached for a flashlight in his pack. By the time he had the flashlight on, ED-E was circling around him continuing his beeping.
"ED-E? Why are you back? Where's Six?" He asked. ED-E halted and played back the panicked recording of Six.
"ED-E go find Boone, tell him there's a deathclaw and I need help."
Boone cursed and jumped up, grabbing his rifle as ED-E started flying back the way he came. It was difficult to keep up with the eyebot but Boone kept running until instead of the roar of a deathclaw, Boone could hear nothing except for his own footsteps.
As they approached Boone could see in the light multiple cazadores scattered across the ground dead. Finally the large body of a dead deathclaw came into view. It's body was riddled with sting marks from the cazadores. Boone quickly readied his rifle in case more cazadores flew out from the darkness.
"Six! Can you hear me?" Boone called out as he looked around for a trace of her. He heard a faint cough and a voice almost too soft for him to hear.
Boone turned and pointed his light in the direction of the voice. He could see a hole in the light beam and carefully walked over and looked over the edge. What he saw made his blood run cold.
In the bottom of the pit was Six, skin a sickly pale with scratches covering her face and vault suit torn. On top of her laid a dead cazador with Six's knife embedded in it's head. The from his position Boone could see the cazador's stinger was still stuck in Six's leg.
"Six!" Boone quickly but carefully climbed down and shoved the dead insect off her. Six groaned in pain as the stinger was pulled out of her leg as Boone sat her up and dug through her bag for a vial of antivenom.
"Do you think you can hold onto me? We need to get you out of here and to a doctor." Boone said as he passed her the antivenom. Six drank the vial and climbed onto Boone's back. Her arms were draped over his shoulders as he climbed back up the pit. Her blood felt like it was boiling and it took everything she could not to cry out in pain. She could feel her eyes drooping and she was about to close them until she felt one of Boone's hands squeeze her thigh hard.
"I need you to stay awake Six. That antivenom won't work for long. Just stay awake until we get into Freeside." Boone explained as he started running. While he wanted to take her to camp McCarran he knew the Followers of The Apocalypse have a better chance of having cazador antivenom.
"I'll try but I feel so tired. It hurts so much." Six said, voice begining to slur.
"Just keep talking Six." Boone encouraged her as he reached a nearby road and ran down it. He was thinking of the quickest way to get to the north gate without running through fiend territory
"I don't know what to say. You won't believe what I say anyway." She said, groaning in pain when Boone had to jump over rubble and it jostled her sprain.
"I'm sorry for what I said. Loosing Carla made me cautious about trusting anyone. Tell me about what you remember." Boone replied before cursing when he saw a group of fiends ahead of them. He quickly took a sharp turn around a building as the fiends opened fire on them. With the plan to avoid the fiends failed, Boone changed directions and charged straight through the fiend territory. He could hear fiends shouting as he ran past them and bullets whizzing by him as he ran between buildings.
"Boone, just leave me. You're going to get shot at this rate." Six could barely get her words out. Her lips and tongue felt numb and her vision was starting to blur as she tried to focus on his face over his shoulder.
"I take back what I said Six, be quiet if you're going to talk like that." Boone growled, picking up speed as the north gate came into sight. Suddenly a bullet ripped through his right leg and Boone stumbled, falling to the ground and Six falling off his back and onto the street. Boone cursed as he pushed himself back on his feet, wincing when he put weight on his leg. Looking at Six he knew she wasn't going to be able to climb back on his back so he carefully picked her up and held her tightly against his chest as he started limping to the gate.
Arcade yawned as he walked around the tents trying to wake up. He'd give anything for a cup of coffee right now but unfortunately the last caravan didn't have any so he was screwed until the next caravan. His thoughts were interrupted when an eyebot flew over the fort walls and began beeping frantically at anyone that it flew near. Most ignored or tried pushing the eyebot away but this was too unusual for Arcade to ignore.
"Hey there buddy, what has your circuits going haywire?" He asked the eyebot as he walked up to it. The eyebot immediately perked up and began repeating a woman's voice saying help and flew over to the fort entrance. Taking it as a sign to follow it, Arcade walked over to the doors and pushed one open on the other side, collapsed about a foot away from the doors was a man, his back coated in blood and a woman with a bloody leg.
"Shit. Julie get a stretcher! We got two people that need help!"
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gohnnyjuitar · 4 years
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20 OTP Questions
tagged by @sunset-cassaparilla ( i am in love with myra & danse’s dynamic btw wow) this took me so long bc my little brain was like Hm.. make pic for them........
i’ll tag uhh @benny-gecko-official, @saddeniq, @theartofblossoming if you haven’t already!! otherwise i mean if you see this just pretend i tagged you bc i’m bad at tagging hlhlfh
anyway, here’s Anthony and Deacon bc i’m Hopeless!! under the cut this time bc i talk a lot jfkgfj
1. Who can out-drink the other?
Deacon’s by no means a light weight, but Anthony’s got that patented Prewar Liver™ and some fancy Vault Tex nanites cleaning up his blood.That being said, they’ve never actually attempted to get drunk together; they’ve had a few beers together, sure, but they’re usually too busy or too antsy to get drunk.
2. Who says “i love you” more?
Deacon, and usually in private. They both know all too well that the Wasteland can take just about anything from you if you aren’t careful, but Deacon especially. After Barbara and working with the Railroad- the Switchboard- he wasn’t even expecting to get close to anyone like that again. Now, he won’t let himself take that for granted. They do pick up kind of a “code” when it comes to wanting to say it in public.
3. Who has trouble sleeping alone?
Anthony’s had issue with this since leaving the Vault. Not only was he used to sleeping next to someone, he was used to sleeping in a room with three other people.Travelling on his own is the only time it gets really bad. Nightmares come more often and, at its worst, insomnia. If he’s having a particularly bad day, he likes to tuck his head under Deacon’s chin and press his face into his shirt as if to reassure himself that there is another presence there.
4. Who swears more?
Deacon does. Anthony was usually in sight of a camera prewar so usually had to watch how he acted and what he said. He’s so used to it, that when he does swear, it catches him off guard a little. Always gets a good chuckle out of Deacon, too, who usually threatens with a swear jar.
5. Who does more of the housework?
Got me thinking of them settling down now oof.. I think it would end up being both of them pretty equally. Anthony did his own housework when he lived in his own apartment prewar and Deacon just doesn’t like Mess.
6. Who forgets their anniversary?
Deacon takes pride in being able to remember, well, a lot. Anthony insists he’s been around long enough that things tend to blur together. Deacon will tease Anthony about it on different days, but they don’t really take the whole ‘anniversary’ thing too seriously. What’s one day matter when the next could be your last in the Wasteland?
7. Who steals the duvet in their sleep?
Deacon, absolutely. Anthony’s always run pretty warm and doesn’t usually go for a blanket unless he’s sick or it’s actually cold out. When winter rolls around, it wouldn’t be uncommon to see Deacon wrapped up in whatever blanket he could find with Anthony all but draped over him.
8. Who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring?
Deacon will never admit it- and Anthony will never tell him- but he snores whenever he’s actually sound asleep. Anthony thinks it’s endearing, not to mention he lives for when Deacon gets some actual sleep. He’ll take watch all night if it means the poor man gets some rest.
9. Who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
Anthony is, unfortunately, allergic to pet dander so Deacon knows better than to hold onto a stray dog or cat. That definitely didn’t stop him from presenting Anthony with a pristine Deathclaw egg and nearly killing him on the spot.
10. Who usually makes dinner?
They take turns! When they can remember whose turn it is, anyway. Sometimes it’s decided with some good ol’ fashion rock paper scissors. Neither of them are terrible cooks, but it’s always better than some of the prewar food left behind.
11. Who plays their music out loud?
Anthony carries around an Elvis holotape that he likes to play whenever he finds an intact holotape player. Otherwise, it’s not uncommon for him to end up humming a song that might’ve gotten stuck in his head when visiting say Diamond City. Deacon doesn’t mind. In fact, sometimes it helps lull him to sleep at night.
12. Who hogs the bathroom?
Listen, a man’s got to know just how well a disguise works. Deacon only hogs the mirror whenever he’s putting on a disguise and Anthony usually couldn’t care less. He likes to make sure his hair doesn't look absolutely disgusting, but he can usually get enough space to do that while Deacon’s changing. It has ended with an elbow to the ribs or stepping on feet in smaller bathrooms, but they end up with a good laugh if that’s the case.
13. Who gives the most compliments?
Oh, they’re obnoxious. They like to shoot increasingly dramatic or outrageous compliments at each other whenever they’re somewhere safe and around others. Especially at HQ. It grinds Carrington’s gears and they think it’s hilarious. The more sincere compliments are said only when it’s just the two of them. They’re said with soft smiles and gentle voices and they’re as sincere as could be do not attempt to fight me on this.
14. Who usually starts/causes arguments between them?
That definitely depends on the argument. They’re both generally pretty laid back dudes so not a lot gets them really heated like that. When they do argue it’s usually a brief, angry thing. They have to find separate corners of HQ or even go a couple days with radio silence before they come back together and apologize. It’s never words intended on hurting, it’s usually concerning the other’s well being.
15. Who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public?
Deacon is really good at that. He can do something completely asinine and still keep a straight face. His favorite thing is to say something incredibly specific and a reference to something only Anthony would understand in front of him and whoever he’s talking to. Anthony will embarrass unintentionally, usually by way of complimenting Deacon to someone else like Desdemona or Carrington while he’s in earshot.
16. Who gives the other cringe-worthy pet names?
File this under one of the things they do to get on Carrington’s nerves.’Stars’ and ‘Deeks’ are the go-to nicknames, but man can they get creative if they’re bored enough. Deacon leans towards the more outrageous, ‘that’s not even a real word’ names while Anthony will absolutely break out the prewar slang. If Carrington has to hear Deacon be called ‘one chrome-plated pussycat’ one more time, he’ll lose it.
17. Who fusses over the other when they get sick?
Anthony doesn’t get sick often at all, so when he does it’s usually pretty bad. The  Vault Tec nanites in his blood can work to clean out his system, but that can mean Anthony’s body going comatose while they do their job. The first time that happened since coming back to the Commonwealth, he’d contracted Vault 81′s Molerat disease and given the cure to Austin. Deacon, who didn’t know much about his nanites at the time, was absolutely beside himself when Anthony suddenly just dropped.
18. Who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
They’re both, as mentioned, incredibly laid back about most things. Deacon can manage to stay ‘angry’ longer than Anthony, given the reason. Anthony’s attitude leans towards ‘I don’t know what’ll happen tomorrow, so let’s fix this before then’. Deacon has the potential to ‘stay angry’ longer simply because he can avoid and throw himself into work if he really wants to.
19. Who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
Anthony’s more likely to actively seek out comfort when he’s upset. He’ll end up in a funk for a day or two, realize he’s Upset, then go find Deacon and pull him away for a hug. Sometimes he can get away with just being near Deacon and listening to him just talk, other times he likes to be Held.
20. Who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
Probablyyy Anthony, if only because Deacon’s more of a private guy so only displays affection when there aren’t any prying eyes. I like to think that eventually, in places they’re both comfortable, they’re more likely to be seen holding hands or lingering touches. In times of celebration, Anthony has the potential to get carried away and Scoop Deacon up into a big ol’ hug.
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orionlancasterr · 4 years
Arson: A bed with no sheets but in the very center there is one pillow, one stuffed deathclaw and one cotton blanket.
Radio: I’m a guy in the way that like, baby geckos running across the road are guys.
Rust: If you put woman in a glass with ice and the ice melted leaving you with watered down woman.
Stevie: The color pink but somethings wrong with it
Noose: I- uhh...hmmm. You know when you leave all your stuff in a shack when you’re crashing in the desert and you go out to piss and you come back and you can hear the cazadors? You know that feeling of “God Fuck Not Again” and its like- you’re not scared you’re just mildly irritated? yeah
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scarecrow-forest · 5 years
OC Interview!
I was tagged by @amalthemir​  thanks buddy!!!
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
I’ll tag @rogue-snorunt​ @marvilus73​
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1. What is your name?
“Name’s Jax, Just ‘Jax’, that’ll do.“ *tongue clicking with winks and finger guns*
2. Do you know why are you named that?
“Oh, that’s easy! That was some dude’s name. uh, my old friend, and she’s ghoul btw, That Jax guy, not me, was her friend, before all this bomb shits happened. ...well, actually, I’ve never met him in person, If I did he’d be another ghoul i guess?, but I heard he had a rich brown hair like me! HA! ain’t that awesome? huh? oh he must have been one damn fancy guy, I can feel it!”
(**FYI: that pre-war ‘Jax’ guy was Eternity’s dog. A brown retriever dog. and Jax doesn’t know about it.)
3. Are you single or taken?
"Aw ,man. I actually came here with him! oh, right there. that tall guy with glasses, *waves hands to that guy* HEY, BABE! He’s here with me to make sure I don’t spill some stupid shits.”
4. Have any abilities or powers?
“HA! I made that gorgeous sweet summer sunshine to fall in love with me. That can count as some super power, ay? *receives some directions from tall guy* oh, wait. which one? the sunshine part? WHY? ...fine. Can we scratch that sunshine part out? he’s kinda really very shy, so...“
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“Aw, you. *chuckles, but has no idea who marry sue is*”
6. What’s your eye color?
“it’s kinda whisky color. y’know, but like, when it’s shinning under the sun light-color. Eternity used to say it looks like a tiny piece of cazador’s wing, but I like whisky color more. *tall guy tells Jax it’s ‘amber’* oh that called an amber? yeah, you know what? my babe’s hella smart, so he’s probably right. Amber it is. ”
7. How about your hair color?
“Damn rich brown, just like that before the bomb Jax guy.”
8. Have any family members?
“Ma and pops are long gone. yeah, no need to do that sad faces, it was already a few decades ago, and there’s E, my ghoul buddy. she’s... dunno, she’s badass, one hell of a sharp shooter and no cazadors can fuck with her. so, she should be fine, or... i don’t know, man. hey can I have that sad faces now? I think now is the good time for that.”
“Oh, hey, but I got an awesome gang now! there’s, well, my sunshi-, um, babe there, a good buddy who’s a damn great sniper, tiny and perky friend who likes to punch things, Raul... I think he’s kinda picky tho, also Cass oh man, she makes this moonshine thing and those are just great. Ed-e is an awesome eyebot, they’re, yay big, and round, oh and shoot cool laser. also Rex, my good boy! and there’s a nephew of mine, He’s a really cool kid! oh I wish I could bring some fancy meals he made, man. I think he can do some magic things with foods. those are all so good.“
9. Oh? How about pets?
“dunno... Oh, OH! I heard somewhere, some scavengers take a yao guai with them as a pet? oh man that sounds so crazy. I wish i could do that.“
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
“Cazadors and Botflies, man they literally looks like one big hairy ballsack with wings. I mean, I like big hairy ballsacks, dang, my ballsack is also hairy, but COME ON. Cazadors and Botflies are just too nasty. ...*coughing sound from distance* ...oh, okay, we should scratch that ballsack talk out too, dude.”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“I... uh, umm. like to read. well, no difficult stuffs tho. a--nd... hmn, like to watch my babe read something.“
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
"Every time I came back from some weird ass place? and my babe, he worried sick every time. mostly It’s because of me. I’m just a big idiot and he’s a kind and smart.... *whispers* sweet summer sunshine. hehe.”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Only someone’s being an ass to me, yeah.”
14. What kind of animal are you?
“Me....? huh, dunno. oh, I think some girl called me Opossum once. eh, but anything’s fine, but cazador and botfly, man.”
15. Name your worst habits?
“Nah, man my habits are all the bests.”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“My babe, I think? He’s a really great man. Y’know. A bit shy tho. Every single day I’m becoming more of a good man, because of him.”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“I’m... what was it babe? oh, I’m Pan, buddy.”
18. Do you go to school?
“what’s ‘school’?”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“I.... Yeah... haha *sweats* yeah, marry... ha... next question?”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
21. What are you most afraid of?
“Cazadors? and... well, babe's death.”
22. What do you usually wear?
“Leather armor, man. those smells nasty, but pretty comfy. *receives some directions from tall guy* what? NO! THAT’S NOT ME, ARMOR STINKS, YES, BUT NOT ME! BABE! COME ON!!!!”
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Is whisky a food? no? oh then, BAKED BANANA YUCCA!”
24. Am I annoying to you?
“WHA?? Nah, dude, not at all!”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
“Is it? *shouts to tall guy* hey babe! you okay? want some coffee? no? ... kay, I think we are good.”
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“I’m courier class! .... what? no?”
27. How many friends do you have?
“I’m... hmm. Many?”
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“what pie? Oh- OHH! If there’s a banana yucca pie, I’m in.”
29. Favorite drink?
30. What’s your favorite place?
“Have you ever been to the Zion? DAMN that place is crazy beautiful! my babe and I are gonna go there someday, man.”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
“Ah, He’s right there. hey babe! Love ya! *waves hand to him”
32. That was a stupid question…
“pfft, Nah man. but c’mon! he’s really cute right? actually, that was my pick up line. hahaha. I forgot to use my inner voice. and I said it out loud. *receives some directions from tall guy again* NO, BABE. THAT REALLY WAS MY PICK UP LINE! YES! .... *coughs*...heh... sorry about that.”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“I’ll go wherever as long as It’s mirelurks free zone, and centaurs, and no radiation, and... idk, no deathclaws, geckos, and shits and stuffs. aw damn, I’ll be fine if I’m with my babe and friends, man.”
34. What’s your type?
“my type..? hmm... well, smart guy with sassy mouth, looks like sweet summer sunshine, smells like sweet summer sunshine, a bit shy, really noble and has good karma and goal that can even change my whole world. yeah, that’s my type. .... *coughing sound from distance*  No, babe! It’s not you, it’s my type. like in general thing,... WHAT? NO? WHAT OTHER GUY? NO!!! YEAH! IT’S YOU! YES, YES!! .... can we... yeah... like move on? ”
35. Any fetishes?
“uhhhh... no.... I...... ...so.. if I get horny when he’s acting all bossy, does that count as a fetish?”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“eh, dunno. both sounds all fine, i guess. when you wandering around the Mojave, you can’t be so picky, y’know.”
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These guys pack a punch, some of gaming's toughest enemies!
These baddies arent bosses, youll see them here and there and their job is to be a pain in the butt. Get ready for a fight, because these guys bring the heat, and in some cases make the bosses look like pushovers. Please note these are foes you can fight and defeat, so dont expect to see the Xenomorph from Alien Isolation or the Service Grunts from Amnesia here.
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Dr. Salvador (Resident Evil 4) In the plagas infected forest in an unspecified location of Spain lives a rabid mad doctor. This doctor is the very opposite of his name, he is no savior. He is a chainsaw wielding, burlap sack wearing madman who will relentlessly hunt Leon through the first third of the game. If he gets close enough, its game over. He takes a boat load of punishment to take down, and will often appear before Leon has any real powerful guns, as early as the village encounter, the first major event of the game. When confronted by this powerful foe, aim for the head or the knees, try to stop him from charging you! Its going to take a lot of ammo to finish him off, so be prepared to judge if you should run or fight. What’s worse is in mercenary mode, a giant version exist that’s constantly berserk, has a DOUBLE chainsaw that’s on FIRE! And has even more hp. Leon really needs a vacation…
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Battelord Sentry (Duke Nukem 3D) Duke is a capable protagonist, with the large reservoir of alien enemies going against him, Duke wont back down from a fight! In Duke Nukem 3D, you’ll encounter foes such as shotgun wielding pig cops, floating octopus enemies, but nothing can send shivers down your spine then the roar of a Battelord Sentry. Essentially a miniature version of the final boss of L.A. Meltdown, the battlelord Sentry is armed with a minigun that can tear your health to shreds and grenades that can do significant damage as well. They have 1000 hit points and don’t stagger very easily, on top of that their aim is deadly accurate, close quarters combat with one will get you killed quicker than the lifespan of Duke Nukem Forevers online community. The only real way to deal with these guys safely is to blast them with rockets or devastator blast from afar, even then it will take some time to kill them. What’s worse is when they attack in groups of two to four, just make sure you don’t run out of ammo.
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Shark Giants (Bloodborne) In the dark world of Bloodborne exist the small fishing village that was drenched in eldritch horrors. Inside this village is a well, and in that well is an amazing weapon that was wielded by the once mighty hunter Lady Maria. However, this blade will be no easy blade to acquire, as it is guarded by not one, but two mighty foes. The giant shark men of the hamlet alone are difficult, but this encounter is akin to a boss fight. They have large amounts of hp, are incredibly aggressive, have sporadic and unpredictable movement, can be difficult to parry, and can kill even the most skilled hunters in a few hits, what’s worse is you can only get the weapon by slaying them, and they respawn. Watch out, its very easy to be eaten alive, and no amount of blood vials will fix that.
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Disma (Final Fantasy XII) Disma is a rare monster in Final Fantasy XII, therefore you can only find him in one area in the large world of Ivalice. The area is the back end of the Lhusu mines, already filled with deadly traps and enemies. His stats are extremely high, he has nearly 100 thousand hit points, resistances to almost all magic types, and is immune to most status ailments. His regular attacks can inflict stop, his combos can reach up to 12 hits in a row, he knows several high level spells. He gets stronger as his health dwindles away and on top of all that, youll be dealing with a horde of other enemies as well, so there’s little chance of cornering him or outnumbering him. He starts the battle with several buffs as well, so if he spawns at a bad point, the team could very well be doomed.
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Red Arremer (Ghost n Goblins) These guys are by far the most annoying and stress inducing enemies on this list. While all the other foes prove to be a difficult challenge, they can all be bested by a skilled player, not these guys… The Red Devil’s are dangerous foes that pester and bombard you with divebombs, they like to fly out of range of attack and tend to strike with deadly accuracy. Keep in mind in this game the main character dies in only 2 hits, which is why its so infamously difficult. These guys will most certainly hit you, and they position themselves in such a way to where a fight is unavoidable, what’s worse is when you are unfortunate enough to aggravate more than one at a time. These annoying foes can make you reconsider playing a different game…
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Mimics (Terraria) Terraria is home to many enemies and dangers in the vast underground, though one such foe that will give the player trouble is the mimic. The mimics, like in many other games, mimic treasure chest and wait for the unsuspecting player to get near it. They boast a good amount of health, have high attack and speed, and can travel through blocks. If one is encountered, get ready to fight, because running may not be an option.  
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Super Mutant Overlords (Fallout 3) Many things can kill the lone wanderer in the capital wasteland, from giant scorpions, deathclaws, and of course, humans. However, one major threat in DC is the super mutants, modified humans that are best describe as extremely violent brutes. There exist a super mutant hierarchy based on strength and age, older super mutants tend to be larger and more violent and brutish than younger super mutants. The oldest eventually become behemoths, which don’t show any signs of higher intelligence. Therefore the apex of super mutants is the stage before behemoth, the half behemoth, the overlord. Overlords boost high perception and health, and tend to travel in groups with other super mutants and at least another overlord, so coming across one almost always ends with a shootout. What makes the overlords dangerous is their deadly tri-laser gun, which bypasses armor and eats away at health VERY quickly. The best strategy is so disarm them as quickly as possible, then they are more manageable to kill, but are still dangerous.
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Lynels (Breath of the Wild) One of the most ancient and powerful races of Hyrule. The Lynels are best described as lion men centaurs, they are armed with powerful weapons and deadly fire breath, it takes skill to defeat one. The slightest error in a dodge can mean death when facing a Lynel. Despite being said to attack on sight, Lynels are surprisingly passive unless Link gets to close. Lynel’s cannot be fooled by a basic lynel disguise, they are too intelligent for that. When one sees a Lynel, then one should approach with caution, make sure you have appropriate buffs and armor, make sure you have strong weapons and plenty of health and stamina, because a dangerous fight is about to begin. Be wary of the silver Lynel, as they have more health than the final boss!
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Panzerdemon ( Painkiller) These demons are large and powerful. They have high defense and can only be damaged by fighting it head on. They have powerful slamming attacks, and are so large that their mere presence can take up half the screen. What’s worse is that they have very high amounts of health and are somewhat common foes in the levels they appear in. So buckle down and blast away, hopefully you have enough ammo or you will be here for a while.
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Geckos (MGS4) A powerful unmanned weapon that serves as a major threat to snake in the story of Metal Gear Solid 4. These machines can be heard before they are seen, as they tend to make animal noises akin to a cow or a cicada, they have powerful legs that can be used for kicking, and are armed to the teeth with various means of defense. They can use the environment to hide and ambush their foe. When dealing with one, high powered weapons is beyond recommended, its almost required, as lesser arms will barely dent these things. They have no glairing weakness and thus can be very tricky to deal with and are best avoided. They wont attack civilians, so that’s a plus. Some variations come with a kamikaze feature.
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owlaholic68 · 7 years
OC as companion: Fallout 2 - Carla
Find the FNV template here (not mine). Find blank FO2 template here (mine). 
Basic info:
Name: Carla
Race: Human, mixed Mexican/Japanese
Gender: Female
Affiliation: the Wright family in New Reno
Role: Assistant at the Jungle Gym, prizefighter
Location: New Reno, Jungle Gym
Base SPECIAL: 9S 6P 3E 7C 5I 8A 3L
Tagged/Notable skills: Unarmed, Lockpick, Small Guns
Perks: Slayer, Bonus Move
Talking Head Y/N: Yes
Default Inventory: Leather armor, powerfist (requires ammo)
Carla is Stuart Little’s assistant at the Jungle Gym, and a renowned prizefighter. She is the final fight before the Masticator, and poses a significant threat because of her Unarmed damage. Beating her is necessary to gain the Prizefighter title. She has a good reaction to PC with Karma +100 and Wright Made Men, and has a bad reaction to Childkillers, Slavers, and Karma -100 (and will not join these characters). 
In order to recruit her, one must defeat her in the ring or pass a relatively medium-level Speech check. She will join low-intelligence PC. If recruited but not defeated, a generic fighter will replace her slot in the “Become a Prizefighter” quest. She will join a PC despite any negative New Reno Reputation.
Initial Description: You see a tall muscular woman with two long braids. She looks tough.
Description after becoming a companion: You see Carla, prizefighter representing the Wright family. She bounces from foot to foot, anxiously looking at her surroundings and flexing her hands.
Comments and Floats:
Fear/Defeat: Let’s not try that again. 
Victory: Nothing we couldn’t handle!
Use Lockpick skill (Success)(optional): And there! Got it!
Use Lockpick skill (Failure)(optional): This nut’s too tough to crack.
Injured: Could use some help here
Relating to another companion: 
(Marcus) You look like you know how to throw a punch, big guy!
(Lenny) You doing okay, Len? 
(Myron) Just stay out of my way and you won’t get hurt. Battle’s no place for someone like you.
(Goris) So a deathclaw, huh? Interesting. 
(Cassidy) You watch where you’re pointing that thing!
Relating to scenery/location: 
(Vault City) A bunch of stuck-up assholes, if you ask me.
(Gecko) We’d better not cause trouble here, these folks seem friendly.
(New Reno) 
Ah, the sweet smell of vice and drugs. Now I remembered why I only tolerated this place. 
Can we stop by the Wright’s place? Keith and I need to catch up.
Maybe I should check in on Stuart, see if he wants me back in the ring.
(Chinatown) Wow, the Golden Gate Bridge looks even cooler in person. Wait, what’s parked on it?
(Hubologist bunker) *shivers* These freako cultists give me the creeps.
I don’t like this place: We’d better watch our backs here. This place gives me the creeps. Maybe we should make this visit quick.
Level up: I feel like my skills have really grown. Travelling with you is doing wonders for me!
Waiting: (humming a tune) You done yet? 
Misc floats: 
Nice decor.
My feet hurt. Sorry, I don’t like complaining. But seriously, I think my callouses are becoming new toes.
(PC passes a Barter check) Good. Always save money when you can. 
(PC murders an innocent or steals) Whoa, what are you doing? Let’s keep this cool!
Hey, a dog! Here, boy!
Standard Greeting: What’s up? What’s our next plan?
Reaction to Low Intelligence PC: I’d better watch your back, make sure no one tries to take advantage of you. You seem nice. 
Crippled: *pained gasp* This is going to take more than a stimpack. We’d better find help, and quick.
After healing: Thanks. I’m ready to get back in the ring!
Put your weapon away: Good idea. Don’t want people to get the wrong idea about us.
Open inventory: Good idea. We should always know what we’re working with.
Stay close to me (CLOSE): I’ll watch your corners and you watch mine, got it?
Don’t get too far away (MEDIUM): Whatever you want. Sounds good.
We should spread out a bit (LONG): Gives me more room to maneuver.
I need you to wait here until I come back: Okay, but don’t take too long. You never know what could happen when you’re alone.
Rejoin: Just let me grab my stuff and I’ll be ready to hit the road!
Rejoin, PC doesn’t have necessary requirements (optional): Listen, you’ve changed, and I don’t think I want to be seen with you, okay? 
Rejoin (over party limit): Too many people, and enemies will see us coming from miles away. How about you free up some space in your team and then come see me?
I had some other questions: Ask away. You’re full of curiosity.
Leaving/Disbanding: I can’t stand by you anymore. I’m leaving. This isn’t what I intended when I decided to come with you.
Trivia and Additional Info:
Because of her extra move points, Carla can sometimes accidentally move into other NPC (or the PC)’s line of fire, therefore risking damage. She dislikes chems, and will not use any if in her inventory. She can be asked to use her Lockpick skill, often to great success. She can also offer +5 to the Unarmed and Small Guns skill while at the Jungle Gym. This will take two hours of in-game time.
New Reno NPCs have positive reactions to her, recognizing her as a local celebrity. Wright family-associated NPCs will also have positive reactions, as she is an honorary member of their family. 
She also has a unique sprite with long black hair.
Best weapons/armor:
Carla performs best with Unarmed weapons and Small Guns (pistols, etc). To optimize her efficiency in combat, she should be given the .223 pistol or the Gauss pistol. One can also get a Mega Powerfist, which she will do devastating amounts of damage with. Be aware that because of her low Luck, she will rarely land critical hits with guns. But because of her Slayer perk, she will always land critical hits with Unarmed attacks. 
She does not have animation for big guns (Minigun, pulse rifle, etc) and therefore cannot use them. However, because of her high strength, she is proficient with a great array of weapons. It is not recommended that she be given grenades, as she has an awful Throwing skill and will likely end up killing everyone in your party. 
She can be equipped with Power Armor, though because of her high Strength stat, this would be wasted on her. However, because of her low Endurance, some armor is STRONGLY recommended.
After the destruction of the Oil Rig, Carla returned to Arroyo with the Chosen One, helping rebuilding efforts. However, about five years later, she decided to leave Arroyo and travel east in search of adventure. The Chosen One would occasionally receive letters from her, telling of exploits and challenges, and would always consider her to be a close friend.
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dragonie · 8 years
40 Through to 50 for your courier!
40. Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it)
She’s pretty gung-ho about it - technically, she’s died already, after all. She definitely doesn’t fear it enough not to go shooting up the Fort or exploring every irradiated ruin she sees.
41. Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home?
She moves around constantly since the destruction of the Twin Mothers. She’d love to have a place she could call home, but nowhere like that exists yet - another point on which she can sympathise with Ulysses.
42. What’s their favorite location?
Zion Canyon - both because it’s a beautiful wilderness area, and because it reminds her the most of home.
43. Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral?
Ferals: unfortunate annoyance when prospecting pre-war ruins, but there are worse things in the wastes. Gotta feel kinda sorry for the guys, but not sorry enough to let them chew your face off. Non-feral: no better or worse than any other people. A lot of ‘em have lived a long time, so they sometimes have good advice.
44. Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?
Between hunting and exploring, she’s a pretty skilled scavenger, and rarely has to buy too much.
45. Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track?
The getting distracted type, absolutely. It’s a wonder she’s managed to deliver as many packages on time as she has.
46. How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?
She can sleep absolutely anywhere, it’s a common courier skill. She always sleeps with her gun by her side; too much time spent travelling through raider lands and Deathclaw country to do otherwise.
47. What’s their favorite radio station and song? (post-apocalypse)
Radio New Vegas, and, all together now, I GOT SPURRRRRRRRRS THAT JINGLE JANGLE JINGLE (jingle jangle)
48. What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook?
She prefers fresh food (like gecko meat and cactus fruit) to pre-war stuff, but she’s not picky; she’ll take what she can get as long as it’s not Strange Meat. She’s a good cook for anything that can be made over a campfire - her favourite thing to cook is gecko kabobs - and nothing more complicated.
49. What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol?
Sunset Sarsaparilla! She drinks some alcohol, but not too much; getting drunk alone makes you vulnerable, and there are a lot of confidence tricksters and worse in Vegas.
50. Do they have any tag skills?
Speech, stealth, and guns. Talks her way out of trouble if she can, and if she can’t, it’s snipin’ time.
Thanks for the ask!
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