#there are already lots of tasty ones out there just on day 1!
soiwj · 3 months
Pastry Present pt.2
Tasty Treat pt.1
Arlecchino x fem!baker!reader
Part 2 is heree!!! Im writing this one in broad daylight, so if i fuck up structure wise then you have the right to berate me :)
Request/Ask here
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Life has been going pretty smoothly lately! Since you started working for the house of the hearth, your wallet has increasingly grown in size. Now that you have some extra mora, you get to spend it on things you want rather than only on things you need. Yet somehow, even when something is to be expensive, you always end up getting it for free, or the mora just somehow ends up in your pocket. You like to think the archons are watching over you that day, but little do you know it's a certain fatui harbinger pulling the strings.
Your relationship with the orphanage owner has increased, too. She invites you for tea in her office at times and always helps you out at your bakery whenever you need it. Yet whenever she does come over, she tends to linger, unbeknownst to you.
It's another beautiful morning as you make your way to the orphanage, box in hand, head held high, and seemingly beeming with happiness. You enter the orphanage, not needing anyone to open the door for you since you've received a key from Arlecchino. You walk to the kitchen, seeing Arlecchino setting up plates and cups. "Good morning, baker." Her sultry voice carries over to the doorframe you're standing in. "Good morning, Arlecchino!" You beam brightly as you skip to the preperation area. Arlecchino has done you a favor by carrying almost all of the boxes, leaving you to carry just one. "I carried all the boxes. Where did that one come from?" She leans against the kitchen counter after finishing setting up the plates and cups. "Oh well it's Timmy's birthday so I thought I'd make him something special," you open the box towards her so she'll see the little heart-shaped cinnamon roll.
"We have a strict meal plan here. We can't just indulge the children whenever we please." Her voice grows stern as she tenses up. Your smile falters, but you quickly recover. "I understand that, but a little treat now and then won't do any harm, right? Besides, it's a special day!" Arlecchino's brows furrow as she walks towards you, looking down at you. "Rules are rules. Consistency is important for these children," her demeanor reminds you of what everyone says about her.
You sigh, your frustration evident. "Arlecchino, I know you care about the kids, but I really think something like this is not gonna disrupt anything. Don't you think they deserve a bit of joy?" You plead with her.
Arle grasps your wrist as she pulls you closer, her frame towering over yours and her face nearing yours. Her eyes narrow as she looks at you. "You think I don't know what's best for them? I've raised and trained these children for years. Discipline and routine are what they need. Not some curdled snack." You look down at the box trying to figure out what she means. The cinnamon roll broke apart on your way to the orphanage. You put quite a lot of effort into making it, seeing it broken like this fills you with disappointment and sadness.
You see no point in arguing with her anymore since there's nothing to gift anyway. "You're right. I shouldn't have questioned your rules. My apologies." Tears fill your eyes as you start walking towards the entrance. "Wait, I didn't mean -" before she can finish the sentence, you've already stepped out of the building.
You're surprised when you get a letter in the mail. You open the envelope seeing a folded pieace of paper and... a picture? You take it out of the envelope, revealing timmy sitting in front of a plate of what looks like your frumbled cinnamon roll put together by force. Although it doesn't look like the most appetizing snack, timmy looks extremely excited in the picture. In the corner, you see a black thumb. You take the letter out of the envelope, surprised Arle did all of this for you.
The letter reads:
I am sorry for my behavior today, I shouldn't have been so harsh on you. You are merely trying your best to make the children happy, and I do not want to seem ungrateful of that. I did not mean to upset you with how I spoke about your pastery. Your baking skills are immaculate, and I want to preface that I do not undermine it. I want to let you know that you may give the children treats from time to time, just not too much.
If you have the time this evening, I'd like to have some tea with you in my office.
Your employer friend
Your mood lifts in a flash. You're thankful for such a wonderful friend. You pick up the picture as you stand, walking towards your fridge. Using a magnet, you stick the picture to the fridge and write the date on its white border.
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Part 3 coming soon!!!
Im literally screaming at the lack of romance in this one what the fuck
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linos-luna · 1 year
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Ask and you shall receive 💕
My Queen (Pt. 2) 🔪
Yandere!Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
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Warning: Yandere, 18+, delusions, Stockholm Syndrome?, Soft Sex, drinking
(Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt 4)
Another two weeks has passed. Your shoulder was finally healing but still sore. A weak point, if you may. You felt that the longer you were here, the more Hyunjin’s mind slipped into this delusion. And while you were technically his prisoner, it wasn’t all that bad…
Hyunjin was able to gather more of your items from your house as the days went by. He would also bring you new things as gifts. You wondered if any friends or family had realized you were missing. Were they even looking?
Whatever was happening in the outside world, it didn’t matter to Hyunjin. He was too busy with you. Loving you. Serving you. Spoiling you.
He would barely let you walk, opting to carry you bridal style anywhere he went. He dressed you everyday and would fix your hair. If you didn’t comply, he’d be angry but try and control himself to not hurt you. It was hard sometimes. He was very unpredictable and some days were like walking on eggshells.
A cheesy rom com played as you sat on the couch. A blanket rested on your lap as you waited for the man to finish cooking. You weren’t paying much attention to the movie and fiddled your thumbs on your lap.
Hyunjin soon came out of the kitchen, setting some dishes on the dining table.
“Dinner is ready, my love.” He said with a smile while taking your hand.
At the table you see a tasty steak dinner. You didn’t know he could make something like that. But maybe he looked it up online.
Hyunjin pulled your hair behind your shoulders before sitting next to you.
The steak was cut up in small pieces and vegetables nicely aligned with the rice. A glass of wine was there as well, nearly halfway full. Seemed like a lot.
You were about to take the fork to begin before Hyunjin stopped you.
“How about I feed you today.” He said while taking the fork. “A queen shouldn’t have to lift a finger.”
“I… I can feed myself…”
“My love, I insist.” He took your hand and looked at you with desperation.
He hasn’t been so serious about feeding you before so this was unsettling. But the least you could do was feed yourself.
“No… Hyunjin… I don’t—”
Hyunjin suddenly squeezed your hand tight. And it was very tight. The grip had you whimpering as your finger bones were squeezed together. Needless to say that it hurt a lot.
“I’ll feed you tonight.” He said sternly, suddenly getting very serious.
“H-hurts… you’re hurting me…” you whimpered and he quickly let go. Almost as soon as he went serious, he was back to himself.
“I’m sorry, darling!” He pleaded while kissing your hand. “I must’ve hurt your frail bones!”
You sighed as he began to feed you. The food was actually delicious and you ate the whole thing.
Hyunjin took a sip of the wine before holding it to your lips.
You were about to grab it when he slapped your hand away and tilted the glass for you to drink. You weren’t exactly fond of red wine but if you didn’t drink, it would just get everywhere.
The bitter drink went down your throat fairly quick and he was already preparing another glass.
“One is okay…” you said as you felt your cheeks getting warm. It must be a strong wine as you were already feeling buzzed.
“Nonsense.” He said before putting it to your lips again.
Drinking it again definitely left you buzzed and your mind was getting a little fuzzy. Nothing too crazy but you definitely weren’t sober.
“Was it good?” He asked. “I only buy the best for you.”
You nodded and he smiled with joy as he helped you to your feet.
“Um… Jinnie?” You had an idea, not sure how it would go.
“Yes, darling?” He replied quickly.
“I… I was wanting to um…” you looked down, feigning shyness. “N-never mind…”
He instantly got on his knees before you and held your hand. “No what is it, my love? Anything! I’ll do it!”
“I just… I wanted…” you paused for a moment, hoping that if you use his lingo, perhaps it’ll entice him more. “I want to… take a stroll… around the castle…”
“Why of course!” Hyunjin said before standing up and holding your cheek. “My queen needs her activities, right.”
You nodded as he took your hand and led you to the bedroom.
He got you a coat and held your hand as he started walking you from the room to the kitchen.
“Um… how about outside?”
“Outside?” He paused. “But we are strolling your castle.”
“But… but I wish to see the garden!” You said quickly. “Surely there is a lovely garden. All castles have one. You know?”
“Of course!” He blinked as if coming out of a thought. “I will take you there immediately!”
After putting on your shoes, he took you out to the backyard.
Now his backyard wasn’t anything special; in fact, it was quite small. There wasn’t really much of a garden either.
There was a small tree to a side and on rose bush. Trees from the neighbor’s yard carried over into his, leaving some apples hanging on the side. Other than that, the grass was almost dead.
“Wow.” You said awkwardly while looking around.
“I’m glad you like it, my love.” He said while kissing your cheek. “I was sure to fill it with the most beautiful flowers just for you.”
He motioned in a direction that had nothing, only dirt where a flowerbed could be.
“Hyunjin… there’s nothing there…”
“Nothing there?! Of course there is!” He chuckled and went to the area, reaching out as if he plucked a real flower. “I was sure to plant the prettiest flowers. The castle garden must be as gorgeous as you.”
You laughed nervously as he put the nonexistent flower in your hair and admired you.
“I-it’s… a lovely pink…”
“Pink?! My dear, that is purple.” He laughed. “The wine must be messing with your head.”
Hyunjin continued to walk you around, avoiding some spots as if plants were actually there. It worried you a bit.
“Jinnie… may I see the garden up front?”
“No.” He said bluntly.
“Why not?”
“Because someone will try and steal you away!” He said frantically.
You stepped back for a moment as he calmed himself.
“It’s getting dark.” He said while looking up to the sky. “Let’s go in.”
After settling down, you were in a nightgown. You waited for him to come back from turning out the lights in the kitchen and living room. He then came in with another two glasses of wine. Both half full.
You were still a bit buzzed from the last two glasses and looked at him confused as he raised it to your lips.
“Jinnie… haven’t I had enough?”
“Tonight is special.” He smiled while tilting it, making you gulp it down pretty fast.
With that, you were definitely past buzzed. Tipsy is more like it. Your mind was a little fuzzy and vision delayed. You only looked at him with drooping eyelids.
He gave you a kiss on the lips before pushing you on your back. For a moment, you snapped back into reality and saw him looking down at you. And yet… you had no ambition to move.
“Let me please you tonight.” He said while holding your cheek. “I promise to be gentle.”
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out.
“Let me worship your body as a queen deserves.” He added while rubbing your side and delivering another kiss to your lips. But this one was deep and filled with more passion.
As he kissed you, you found yourself doing the unthinkable. Kissing him back. Surely it must be the alcohol that was clouding your judgement!
Hyunjin loved when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, deepening the kiss and making soft moans.
His hands were under your nightgown, lightly groping you as he pushed his tongue through. And you? Well you didn’t fight it.
“Please, my love.” He whispered against your lips. “Let me love you…”
His hand was already at the waistband of your panties and you could feel yourself getting aroused by his touch.
“Hm?” Hyunjin paused, holding your cheeks while looking into your eyes.
“You can….”
“I can show you my love?”
You couldn’t believe what you were saying. Your mouth must have a mind of its own! No way! Surely you weren’t in the right mind! Right?
“Thank you my love!” He said before continuing to make out with you.
“My dear queen…” he gasped between kisses to your neck. “No one is as fair as you… nor as beautiful…”
You blushed. His complements always felt good. Hyunjin kissed your breasts and nipples over the nightgown and slowly lowered your underwear.
They were already wet. Very wet actually. He quickly stripped of his pants and boxers, already noticeably hard.
He teased your hole with his cock making you gasp softly before he slowly entered.
A fairly tight fit, but felt so good.
“My queen…” he grunted as he started to thrust. “So tight…”
You moaned at even the slightest of moment and it got more and more breathy as he continued.
He held your wrists above your head with one hand while holding you cheek with the other. He passionately kissed you, swallowing your noises as he made love to you.
The feeling was amazing. So warm and comforting. For a moment you forgot about everything in the world and the situation at hand. What situation? He was loving you. Taking care of you and giving constant praise,
It all accumulated to when you had your euphoric orgasm. One that you hadn’t had in a long time.
After coming himself, Hyunjin pulled out and gave a few more sloppy kisses before resting next to you.
You only stared up at the ceiling. Where are you? What is happening?
“I need to use the restroom, darling.” He said while walking out. “Ill be right back.”
When hearing the bathroom door close, you stumbled to your feet and made your way to the front room.
Your mind was still clouded but it was clear enough to see that the front door was unlocked. Perfect.
You went to it. Excited for the taste of freedom but then you paused.
Your hand laid on the doorknob but you did nothing.
Open it! The voice of reason pleaded. But you didn’t.
He’ll be devastated if you leave! Right? Or is it that… you wanted to stay…?
No way! That’s crazy talk! Why would you want to stay with the man who kidnapped you?? The man that took you from your life! … Your boring and mundane life… A life where no one cherishes you like he does…
You shake your head at the absurd internal arguments and twist the knob. Before you do anything, you hear Hyunjin call out to you.
“My love?! Where are you?!”
Your heart was pounding. It’s now or never.
“Darling, what are you doing here?” Hyunjin chuckled as he entered the kitchen.
And there you were. Leaning against the stove, away from the now locked front door.
“I just… wanted a snack…”
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Personal and Professional- pt 3
Part 1. Part 2.
An anon asked for this! There's a backyard barbecue being held, and you're a bit hesitant because no one has seen you as the alternative woman that you are outside of school. They also don't know about you and Melissa.
WC: ~2.3k
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Janine is organizing a backyard barbecue at Barbara’s house for the Abbott crew- and you are less than thrilled to be excited. It’s not that you don’t like your work crew, because that isn’t true; you’re dating one of them. It’s that you really would rather not have everyone commenting on your body and your… tasteful markings.
“C’mon, hun,” Melissa says softly as she lays with you that night. “I think it’ll be fun to let our hair down.”
“I really would rather not,” you sigh. “No one knows about my tattoos, and no one knows about us.”
“The tattoos aren’t a big deal- I think they’ll like to see that you aren’t as buttoned up as you like to play. And they don’t have to find out about us,” she smirks. “I can keep my eyes and my hands to myself when I want to- just like I do at school.”
“You came into my room today and ate me out during prep because you were too horny to focus on grading your kids’ last assignments,” you tell her.
“It takes two to tango,” she shrugs. “It was good though, wasn’t it?”
You push her off of you. “Shut up.”
“All I’m saying is, I can control myself if that’s what you’re worried about for this barbecue,” your girlfriend tells you.
So begrudgingly, you find yourself at this barbecue for the fourth of July. The redhead and you drive separately so as not to give anything away, and you arrive there far too quickly. When you pull up to the kindergarten teacher’s house, you’re impressed. You can smell the food cooking, you hear the music playing from the backyard, and you can hear your boisterous girlfriend already laughing it up with her work wife. You head into the fenced area after taking a deep breath.
“About damn time!” Melissa teases you as she winks from the pool. “I was starting to think you weren’t gonna show!”
She’s saying this to you playfully, but she really was worried you weren’t going to pull up to the party, especially since you’re arriving an hour later than her.
“I’m here, I’m here,” you chuckle nervously as you wrap your thin cardigan around your body subconsciously.
“Well what are you waiting for?” the redhead heckles you. “Grab a drink, and come on in!”
You know she absolutely loves to see you in your bathing suit, and she’s going to drool when she sees the tattoos that dance around your hips and ribcage. She won’t be able to contain herself.
“I’m actually good right now,” you chuckle. “But I’ll grab a drink. Mel, you want anything?”
“Just another beer,” she tells you.
Everyone else looks at you like you’re crazy for only asking the redhead. “Uh… anyone else?”
And that’s how you essentially become beer girl for the day. Finally, Barb has had enough.
“For the love of all things holy, Y/N,” she throws her arms in the air. “Let loose a little and show some skin! You have to dying in all those clothes!”
“I’m really okay,” you say softly as you wipe a bit of sweat from your brow.
“Sweetheart, if this is about body insecurities,” the kindergarten teacher tells you, although her words are a bit slurred at this point. “No one is going to care what you look like in a swimsuit.”
“I bet yo’ tasty ass looks a lot better in a bikini than it does in all your buttoned up outfits that match Barbara’s energy,” Ava comments.
“I’m not always buttoned up,” you roll your eyes. “I just like to maintain some sense of professionalism when I’m with coworkers.”
“You think we give a shit about professionalism?” your boss smirks. “I go out clubbin’ every weekend and see half the Abbott parents out too. Janine and Greg were out at a hookah bar and were grinding up on each other. I’ve seen Barb and Melissa get absolutely hammered at PECSA!”
“And I am known to have a few too many aperol spritzes from time to time!” Jacob cuts in.
“Come on, baby boo, show us what youse made of!” Ava goads you.
You take a deep breath before opening your eyes again. “You really wanna see what I look like outside of school?”
Melissa’s eyes widen and her brows creep up her face. You don’t shed any clothing, not yet- but you do open your bag and pull out your different jewelry. You expertly take out the clear stud in your nose to exchange it for a hoop. Your earrings are all put in. Even though it’s just a small change, you look like an entirely different person to them- all except Melissa, who loves seeing you like this. She licks her lips subconsciously.
“Damn!” Ava grins. “We got ourselves a hot little alt girl!”
You roll your eyes at that comment. “Give me a few minutes to go change, and I’ll come in the pool.”
The hostess gives you directions as to where the bathroom is, and you thank her before heading inside to change. You do before throwing your big ripped up band t-shirt overtop of your figure. If you’re going to stun them all, you might as well go all out. You tie your hair up into one of your messier buns before making sure that your ‘slut strands’ (because that’s apparently what the baby hairs that don’t make it into the bun are called) look as though they’re supposed to be there before heading back outside.
Your secret girlfriend’s eyes go wide as you make your way into the fenced in area. You swear you see the smallest droplet of drool escape her mouth as her eyes stay trained on you. 
“Happy?” you ask your work friends.
“We’d be happier if you took off the hot t-shirt,” the principal smirks as she sips her seltzer. 
With a roll of your eyes, you peel off the shirt, revealing all of the tattoos that you have.
“You have tattoos?” Janine is mesmerized.
You shrug as you slowly start to make your way into the pool. “Young Y/N mistakes.”
“They look amazing though! I’ve always wanted a tattoo, but I’m too scared that it’ll hurt or get infected or that I’ll-”
“You just have to find something that means something to you and brace yourself. And then it’s just simple aftercare. Not too bad at all.”
“Are we really gonna ignore the fact that our good little teacher is secretly an alternative hottie with a body?” Ava gestures to you wildly. “Like, damn girl. I knew you were fit, but I didn’t know you was gonna look like-”
“Enough,” you cut her off as you grab a float and situate yourself on it. You push yourself so that you’re close to Melissa, and she hangs off of your raft. “I don’t need my boss objectifying me.”
But she doesn’t get the hint- she never really does. And you can see the way that your girlfriend is getting more and more aggravated. Silently, you nudge her with your foot and shoot her a look, telling her to cool it.
You spend the afternoon in the pool before it’s time to start cooking some more food. Gerald comes out to take everyone’s orders, but you absolutely insist on helping to cook with him. It only seems right since they’re hosting, and you quite like to barbecue.
So you climb out of the pool. You can practically feel Ava’s eyes on you as your sun kissed skin glows. You wrap your towel around your body, and she’s immediately booing.
“Show that body, girl!” she tells you.
“I’m going to be grilling,” you roll your eyes. “I ain’t trying to barbecue myself.”
When you’ve deemed that you’re dry enough thanks to the sun still out and your closeness to the grill, you unwrap yourself from the towel. Ava cheers. Why is she always around? Her applause quickly dies though when you reach for your t-shirt and pull it over your head.
You continue to help Barbara’s husband, making small talk with him, when he asks you something that entirely throws you for a loop.
“So, you and Melissa?”
You look at him as though he has four heads. “What about it?”
“The two of you together or what?”
“What are you talking about?” you feign shock.
“I see the way she stares at you,” he shrugs. “And not the way that Ava is… there’s something there, even if you don’t know it yet.”
“I think you’re crazy,” you lie through your teeth.
“Barb thinks there’s something there too,” he tuts. “And that was before you revealed yourself to be little miss alt girl. Funnily enough, that’s exactly Melissa’s type.”
You roll your eyes. “We’re coworkers.”
“That ain’t stopping your boss from flirting with you,” he chuckles. “All I’m sayin is-”
“Is the food almost ready yet?” Melissa calls from her place in the pool. “And will you grab me another beer, hun?”
You don’t make a move, and Gerald laughs. “She ain’t callin’ me ‘hun’. That one’s all you.”
“Almost,” you call back. “And you just want another Yuengling?”
You grab the beverage, opening it up for her before making your way back towards the pool. She’s in the middle though, so you peel your shirt off again and make your way in to deliver it her.
“Body-ody-ody-ody-” the principal starts dancing, making quite a few splashes in the water.
“Ava!” Barbara tuts.
You roll your eyes as you climb back out of the pool and make your way back over to the grill, not wanting to hear how your boss will respond to being scolded. 
Dinner is wonderful, it’s cleaned up, and then you find yourself back in the pool as the sun starts to go down and the moon starts to rise. Gerald comes out to light up the tikis that they have around the outside, and he waves.
“Alrighty, I’m heading in for the night, but it was wonderful to see you all again.”
“Thank you, dear,” Barbara blows him a kiss.
That leaves you and the rest of the Abbott crew to spend some time in the moonlight together. Somehow, the conversation leads to you and the less professional side that you’ve now shown them.
“So, when did you get your first tattoo?” Janine asks you.
“Three days after I turned eighteen,” you laugh as you float alongside your girlfriend. “Got my nose pierced the first weekend I went to college. My mom was so pissed.”
“Why?” Barbara of all people asks. “It’s an expression.”
“She hates them,” you roll your eyes. “Told me if I got tattoos and a nose ring, she’d kick me out of the house… she never did.”
Melissa chuckles. “Sounds like-”
“Sounds like what, Melissa?” Barb cuts her off with a raised eyebrow.
“Sounds like our generation,” your girlfriend states quickly. She’s thankful it’s dim, or everyone would’ve seen the panicked look on her face.
“Who carees?” Ava asks. “It’s fuckin’ hot. If I had known that you were hiding all of that under your stuffy attire, damn… I would’ve been hitting on you way more.”
“Which is why I wear what I wear at school,” you deadpan.
“I mean, really… my boyfriend and I would love to-”
“Enough,” your girlfriend practically hisses.
The entire crew looks to the redhead. “What’s got your panties in such a twist?”
“Just shut up. Stop talking about her like that,” Melissa tells your group. “Or else.”
“Or else what, Melissa?” Ava presses. 
“Or else you’re gonna have to deal with Y/N’s girlfriend,” the redhead snaps. “Who just so happens to be me.”
You press your lips together in a fine line as you look anywhere but where your friends are floating around the pool.
They all immediately start questioning both you and the second grade teacher.
“What do you mean she’s your girlfriend?” a chorus of voices ask.
Only Barbara smirks. “I knew it.”
Melissa looks to you as she pulls you and your float in tight. “That’s right. Y/N is my girl, and y’all better stop ogling her before I throw youse in with the wolves at the zoo.”
“Mel,” you roll your eyes at her threat.
“I’m serious!” she hisses as she points a finger at Ava. “I know a guy who can make it happen, and I won’t hesitate to use him if you don’t stop drooling over my girl!”
“Since when has this been a thing?” Jacob asks. “If I had known you swung that way, Mel Mel… we would’ve been at Woody’s this whole time!”
“And that is why no one knew,” she rolls her eyes. “I’m past my days at Woody’s.”
“Well what about you, Y/N?” the middle school teacher asks. “You and me? Woody’s?”
“In your dreams, Hill,” you tease. “Maybe a more low key gay bar though.”
“So, when did this come about?” Barbara asks, quite interested. “I’ve been telling Melissa to go after you since you sauntered your way in- and that was before I knew you were a little alt girl- exactly her type.”
“Caught her at the grocery store one day,” Melissa shrugs. “We went out the next Monday… been together since.”
“It’s been, what? Four months?”
“Four months, two weeks, six days,” the redhead says casually. “And enjoying every moment of it.”
“Good on you,” Barbara cheers as she holds her drink in the air.
“So stop all your flirting with my girl, or there will be hell to pay, and I’ll make it look like it was an accident,” Melissa pointedly tells the group.
Ava puts her hands in the air in surrender before pursing her lips together. “What if both of you-”
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r3starttt · 8 months
a/n: third part of don’t delete the kisses (lmk if you noticed the Dina x Ellie reference 🤞)
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.4
Warnings: a little bit of angts(? lots of fluff. homophobia. mentions of suicide.
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“Between the gasps, I was swimming laps”
Echo chambers inside a neighborhood
In centerfold, humility’s shown
You’re not as good as what your mama’s sewn
Nobody yet everything, a pool to shed your memory
Could you say you’ve been tired? You haven’t called your family twice
I can hope tonight goes differently, but I show up to the party just to leave
The delicious and soft aroma of sweet bread wakes you up. Before you can even open your eyes properly, you feel your stomach growl. How much have you been sleeping for?
The warm of the sun coming from a big window besides you doesn’t help as you try hard to open your eyes. You rub them, yawning and stretching your legs.
It was probably the first time since you moved to this place that you didn’t felt exhausted.
You grabbed your phone to check the time, it was 10:30 am. How on earth could you slept for so long? you usually don’t make it pass 9 am, your body simply wakes you up and once your eye open there’s no way to feel tired enough to go back to sleep.
“Did I wake you up?” Ellie’s voice bring you back to reality, you finally turn around, there’s two plates on top of the kitchens counter with what seemed like hotcakes in them. Your heart felt like melting. “No… did you just cook our breakfast? How long have you been awake?”
Still a little bit sleepy you stood up from the couch you’ve slept in last night. Giving slow dizzy steps towards the counter and sitting on one of the few chair that were along it.
“Not too long, probably an hour” you could only see her back and her messy hair as she looked trough the many cabinets of the kitchen “what’re you looking for?” “The fucking maple syrup! I literally bough it like… three days ago”
“I bet you forgot it at the store” a sleepy chuckle came out of your mouth, already craving the very tasty hotcakes displayed in front of you.
“No I didn’t, I’m not that stupid” just before you could speak back she found it, whispering a ‘yessss’
She turned around and sat next to you, covering her plate with and exaggerated amount of syrup “That’s a lot” “it’s not” “it is”
Probably she was just as hungry as you were because none of you spoke again último both plates were empty, not even a crumb left.
“No, lemme do it” you pushed her away from the sink, she’d already done more than enough by cooking something for both “Why did you wake up so early? Didn’t you say how your day started like…. suuuper late?” with your hands you lifted both sleeves of your sweater, starting to wash the dishes.
“Couldn’t really sleep” she replied, almost too fast “Why?” she stood in silence for some seconds before explaining “It’s gonna sound super cheesy, just forget it”
“Now I really wanna know” you laughed “Did you dream of me? Of us? Did you marry me and started the most pretty cliche life with me?” she groaned
“Actually yeah, but you were so different…. and we were younger too” could it be? “did I have the same name?” you glazed at her quickly, but enough time to see her sudden change of expression “How’d you know?”
“I’ve had the same dreams, I freaked out when I first met you” you could hear the way the chair moved abruptly, her footsteps getting closer to you
“It made me feel nostalgic” her figure finally appeared on the corner of your eye, you were about to finish cleaning the last glass “and you haven’t even got to the best part” the sarcasm on your voice made her feel so confused,
Were you being serious right now? “What does that even mean?” her arms rested on the counter, watching you clean the glass “I’m not gonna spoil you our failed romance, just go to sleep and you’ll see” “You’re fucking with me” her hand slapped your shoulder slightly “I’m not! You’ll see what I mean tonight” all dishes now clean, how convenient.
“Is this what you meant yesterday? Is that why you asked me about-“
“Yes, but you don’t believe in those things, it’s fine”
“We’ve really met before then? Isn’t creepy?”
“Not really, I mean, not literally”
“You think we are soulmates then?”
You shrugged
Wooden floor sounding loudly as you walked to a small coffee table where you’d put all your bags the day before. Everything you’d bought and everything Ellie had insisted on buying you. There were just a few bags, you didn’t want to carry much.
“I can’t believe you suddenly believe in all this” you chuckled “well, we both dreamt about it. It’ll be too creepy if it was just a coincidence or something” she was just following you through the apartment, walking behind you whenever you moved.
“Have any plans for today?” you we’re hoping she didn’t, it would’ve been cute to stay all day with her, or maybe go out again. But she nodded, she did have plans for today.
“Gotta go see my parents, family reunion or some shit” you hummed “then I’ll go already, I don’t want you to be late or anything”
“I won’t”
“You know if you bring a girl this is over” Ellie’s mom looked furious. Her dad was just sitting besides her, trying to calm her wife down and trying to convince Ellie to stay a little more to properly talk.
But both of them were so stubborn and easily blinded by anger. No one could really intervene once they started shouting at each other.
“What’s the matter with it? I’ve been a fucking perfect child for this entire family but I’m not allowed to do one thing for myself?” she was so mad, her fists tightening more and more every time her mother spoke back.
“You are, just….not something like this” her mom finally calmed down, sitting besides her husband and staring back at Ellie with the must blank expression ever. it was infuriating.
“We’ll it’s either her or you two, and I’m not gonna quit to my life anymore just to please you” the whole room stood in silence. Everyone could fill the tension but it was completely quiet.
“Then don’t ever dare to come back”
This words made everyone feel disgusted, an unexplainable shiver running trough the ambience, touching every inch of skin of those present.
“No… shit, mom I’m sorry alright? I just” the knot of tears forming on her throat didn’t allow her to speak properly “what am I supposed to do? why can’t you accept it?”
“Get a man Ellie, grow up and start acting like an adult”
“Why not a woman? If it’s about the money, she’s rich alright? She has a great job, she lives in my same building, you know it’s not-“
“She lives there?”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
“You’ll find another place then. I don’t want you to keep talking about this, I trust you’re gonna do the right thing”
You haven’t heard of Ellie since that day in the morning when you left to your apartment. You could hear her when she came back but decided not to bother.
She’d told you about her parents, how they weren’t so supportive now that she’s an adult. She’d told you how much it overwhelmed her the idea of visiting them or just having any type of contact with them.
And it’s not that you could do much about it either. You’d only have one date and knew her for almost two months so far so you weren’t quite sure about how to help or comfort her, also, you didn’t have the time to go and find out right now.
You were busy placing every new decor you’d bough with her and taking the chance to clean everything.
However you were thinking the whole day about her, well, the old Ellie you’ve met somewhere else. Could she have any effect on your new Ellie? on your new relationship?
It gave you anxiety to think about how she’d react when she knew what had happened, if she ever got to see it.
Would she understand? Would she hate you? Would she just ignore it? Would she even let you know If she knew what happened?
And the most darker and cozy the ambience got the more your anxiety grew, because you feared that night came and Ellie could see something that made things change. That maybe it’ll affect her as much as it did to you when you first saw it all.
You feared that the story could somehow repeat again, maybe as a karma type of thing. You feared that not you or her could handle it.
Because you’d wait her forever, you’d do anything for her. But something you did knew and something you were sure about was that whenever someone hurt her, she’d never forget about it, she won’t forgive, not easily.
10 pm
Weird to not have a single text from Ellie, she always sent you dumb stuff or tried to convince you to go with her to work or eat together.
“You haven’t texted me all day. U good?”
“Can you come over? I feel like shit”
“Wanna talk?”
“Just cuddle, hurry”
She’d been sleeping next to you for almost an hour now.
When you came in she didn’t say anything, her eyes looked puffy, her nose and cheeks were slightly red and her hair was a mess.
You decided not to ask any questions, she’ll tell you everything eventually, when she’s ready to talk about it.
You’d been running your hands trough her hair, caressing her back and arms, hugging her tightly and whispering to her how everything will be fine, how you wouldn’t leave her side ever. Reassuring her that you would stay as long as she needed. Until she fell asleep.
So now you were just cuddling with her. Arms around each other’s warm bodies, the whole apartment in complete silence, just Ellie’s heavy breathing as your hands kept on palming and caressing her back.
She started to cry on her sleep, saying random words and murmurs that made no sense. Whispering a bunch of unfinished phrases and letting out small whimpers.
You assumed maybe it was the stress, or whatever situation her parents had put her in some hours ago.
Until you heard your name. Could she be dreaming about the two of you again? Should you wake her up? Was she experiencing what you feared the most? So fast already? Maybe you-
Her eyes opened abruptly, letting out a loud gasp as if she was out of breath.
“Ellie, hey…. I’m here shhh” small pats on her back as she tried to compose herself. She was breathing extremely heavily “What happened?”.
Her eyes met yours and only there you realized about the tears on them, about the sweat on her face making some of her baby hairs stick on her face.
“You’re here” her body practically jumped to yours, embracing you with her arms, tightly “What is it? did you have a nightmare or something? El?” you could practically hear her heart beat, so loud and unsteady. Almost too fast.
She murmured something, her voice was too shaky and teary to speak properly “I don’t wanna lose you”
Your hands ran trough her hair, trying to not panic and make things worse for her. You leaned on her and kissed her head, gently.
“Why’d you do something like that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Leave everyone and everything like that”
“That wasn’t really me, don’t worry ab-“
“Just why? you had so much privilege and fucking friends, I was dating you, we were best friends”
She couldn’t go to sleep after that, she didn’t really tell you about the dream she had but you already knew.
And you thought she’d understand, but maybe you were wrong, maybe she never did and you just convinced yourself about it because you two were in love.
“I felt overwhelmed, I thought you-“
“I feel overwhelmed too but it’ll pass, there no fucking need of killing myself”
Was she being serious? How were you supposed to reply back?
“Is it because of your parents? We don’t need to talk about this if you’re not feeling like”
“No it’s not” it is “and It’s important that we talk about it because that fucking detail just changes everything, how am I supposed to live like this with you knowing you could do it again?”
You’d make her dinner this time, but at this point it wasn’t possible for either of you to even touch the food anymore.
“Did you see what happened after I died?” she nodded, maybe the lack of knowledge was troubling this whole thing. “Is that why you’re mad? I didn’t see it”
You were trying your best to not explode, but you felt like punching her right in the face. How could she speak like this about you? About everything?
How could she be so selfish and stupid right now.
“I’m mad about the whole situation, why’d you leave me and not even talk to me about it? Why didn’t you tell me how you were feeling? Why’d you have to be so selfish? I was left alone after that, your parents moved out of the town.”
So they did take care of her as you’ve asked them to. And she did search for them to have some support as you’ve insisted.
“That was someone else Ellie, things are different here. I won’t leave you, I’m fine”
“How do you know? if we met again is for a reason”
“To actually end together maybe?”
“I don’t think so”
The immediate regret on her face was something you’ve never seen before. But you’re now too focused on your own pain to care.
“You know, the reason of those letters, the reason of why I didn’t died earlier and the reason why I’m here right now, making you fucking dinner Is because I care about you more than I could ever care about myself”
You could feel the salad flavor of tears slowly appearing in your throat. The tears slowly blinding you as rage built in your heart. It was physically painful.
“And it sucks and I know it’s not how any of this should’ve been but it it’s, and we can’t change what we’ve experienced” she stood up from the chair she was eating at, almost running towards you “but I’ve tried over and over again to make us work, and I’m tired of you not understanding. You’re supposed to love me Ellie, why can’t you?”
“I really thought you’d get over it, I really thought you’d understand in this life too. But you always let the anger in you fuck everything”
She tried to hold you, to speak, anything to try and talk and not fuck yo things again. Because you were more than right and she knew it.
“I guess we’ve changed, maybe you’re right snd we are just not meant to be anymore”
“That’s not what I meant! my mom she- they don’t want me to be with you, I’m sorry I’ve been feeling like shit today, please let’s talk Mhm?”
Her hands were on your face, cleaning every tear that ran along your pretty eyes and your pretty nose, along your shaky lips and all the way to your jawline.
But you stopped her, because you didn’t care about any explanation she had now. It was fucking stupid from her to act the way she did and maybe she was right, maybe you two weren’t meant to be.
Maybe it was all an illusion.
“I’m mad at them and you’re right, I let the anger blind me but I’ll promise I’ll control it. Just let’s talk, please” you wouldn’t reply, not verbally or physically and it made her feel so horrible to see you like this.
“She wants me to stay away from you, but I chose you over them. I love you, I really do-“
“I’ll make her a favor then”
Hopefully it was an illusion.
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sunandflame · 1 year
Flame and Water, Chapter 8
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Ship & Trope: Kyojuro x Fem!Reader (Water Pillars Tsuguko) / Slowburn
Warnings: none, fluff
Word Count: 1134 Words
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Since you were bedridden anyway, you had no choice but to spend a lot of time together with Rengoku. And he really kept his promise to not leave you alone by coming to your room every day. At first you didn't talk much, just listened to him - how he talked about his mission and other things he enjoyed. You weren't used to people wanting to talk to you, since they tended to avoid you. But after some time, you warmed up to it, to him and slowly but surely got out of your shell by talking more with him. He seemed to enjoy it and that left a comforting and pleasant aftertaste in your mind.
And he was so funny and entertaining too. You still had to chuckle about how he had asked if you were hungry. Your answer was not needed back then, because your stomach growled loudly to affirm his question. He had laughed his thunderous laugh and just asked you to be patient. He came a little later with several trays of different food, carried by the Kakushi behind him, since he was still injured.
"Who's going to eat all this?!" You were so surprised by the amount of food. No one could eat that much, you thought back then. Now you had to laugh about how wrong you were.
While you were slowly drinking your soup, Rengoku had already finished several plates. And that wasn't even the most striking thing about him, oh no. It was his call for how tasty he found everything. With each bite, he called out a loud "Umai!" The first time you were so startled that you nearly dropped the soup onto your lap. You quickly realized that he was doing this to cherish the food he was eating.
What first scared you became a habit. You ate together every day and Rengoku always made sure you ate more than you could eat. "You're way too skinny L/N! Don't you want to get healthy and strong again?" It stirred something in you to see how much he cared for you.
Then after 1 or 2 weeks you finally had enough energy for a little walk but were not strong enough to do it unaided. The girls of the Butterfly Mansion rushed over with crutches, but Rengoku waved them off, laughing his boisterous laugh and telling them that he will be your support and help you while taking the walk. It frustrated and fascinated you in equal measure to watch a Hashira's healing process. Though you had been a visitor to the Butterfly Mansion for much longer than Kyojuro, he was nearly completely healthy again. His sling was gone, and he was able to walk normally, but this was to be expected from a Hashira of his caliber.
You were focused on your Breathing as you tried to breathe away the muscle pain in your legs when suddenly a little anxious voice appeared in your head. It kept telling you that your debts to him increased by the day, how pathetic you were, and that you were not even able to walk on your own. Your fingers and lower lip trembled at the sudden realization how actually weak you had become.
"Hey L/N-san, don't worry." His voice was unusually soft as was his smile. "You will get back to your old form, I promise." You blushed at his words and were surprised how much strength they gave you.
You never would have thought about it, but your conversations were something you grew very fond of. Your time in the Butterfly Mansion was really one of your happiest, but you knew that when he returned to full health, your paths would separate again.
That thought made you oddly sad. You liked the blond man more than you would ever admit. Yes, you could say that a friendship developed between you - you could not have even imagined it in your wildest dreams, when you consider how your beginnings were.
"L/N, what do you think about training with me?"
You chuckled, as you hold onto his arms, feeling the dew of the grass under the bare soles of your feet.
"You are laughing, I guess that is a good sign!"
"Oh? You were serious."
"Of course, I am! Why should I make jokes about that?" He looked at you with his big owlish eyes and you were comfortable enough to not hide your surprise.
"I guess it's because I am a Water Breather and you- well you use Flames. I don't think we are compatible, Rengoku-san..."
Those words hit him in an unexpected way, and he didn't know why. He wouldn't give up that easily on the idea though, because he had a good feeling about it and his instincts were never wrong.
He was quiet for a moment and that was very unusual. Unease formed inside of you as you looked up at him, cocking your head. "Rengoku-san, are you okay?"
He blinked, snapping out of his thoughts, and stared back at you with his usual bright smile. "Yes of course! I just think it's a shame that you would not even try it!"
"I am still Tomioka-sama’s Tsuguko..." You remembered that time when you were injured. You two hadn't talked about it, but he had said it to the Kakushis, hadn't he? Doubts arose in you now and you were no longer sure. Maybe you really should give it a try, there was nothing wrong in learning something new. "... but I guess it's okay-"
"Great! Then after your recovery we can start training right at my house!"
"Your house...?"
"Yes, the Rengoku estate! Where I live with my little brother Senjuro and my father!"
You stopped in the middle of the aisle and felt your heart pound in your throat. His father... That would mean-
"L/N are you okay? You immediately went pale."
"I-I am okay... I think I just need to sit down." You were not okay. It was the thought of the man in flames that triggered you again. You had already figured out that it had to be Kyojuro’s father who scared youm and not Kyojuro himself like you thought back then. It was just the resemblance that had triggered a long-forgotten memory. And since then, you had done your utmost to contain that memory behind several mental walls. But how could that work if you were to start to train under the same roof? What would happen if you were confronted with him directly? Sweat poured down your temples as Kyojuro brought you in the direction of the engawa.
You sat down and Kyojuro gave you a bamboo filled with water. With trembling hands, you took the bamboo and greedily drank the water.
"Rengoku-san, I need to tell you something."
🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥
Again a new chapter and that soon? Yes, yes, yes! I don't know if you lovely peeps are aware of this, but the story is already more than half done! And I'm very excited to finally finish it, because I already have a new series in mind that I won't tell you about just yet, but it will again be about Kyojuro x Fem!Reader! Again a big thanks to my lovely friend @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi for beta reading and editing❤️ I am open for discussions and critique. All likes, reblogs and replies are highly appreciated!
@krillfromsky@kingmultiverse404 @deepressed @nelissecrectplace @yomoya-girl @theycallmemrsbarnes @roninishere @beelzmunchkin @kyojurismo @stuckinthewrongworld @lynnw @love-me-satoru @felix99999l @noarawriteszr @strawberrymm @rye-flower @demonslayeranimex @kittensssss-blog @hanatsuki-hime @kxthxrinx0310 @thatw3ird0 @lovely-nayiq @anjox
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
This all goes down while Wukong's dealing with the fallout of the Brotherhood. As much as Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy, and the Ao Longs want to stay with the monkies, especially after everything that happened, they have their own livelihoods to handle and by the time the Brotherhood had first started their coup they has already spent way too much time in the Celestial Realm. So ince they've verified Wukong would be... okayish, considering the massive changes in his life he's got going on, they return home to get their matters in order.
Tang has a lot of backlogged projects and research papers that are overdue for his career, to the point that he nearly lost his job over it. Luckily, the fact he was in the Celestial Realm itself means he could easily convince the board of directors he was just working on a massive, long-term project that took priority and involved preciously unknown information about Sun Wukong... which bought him time, but now he has to slemhow to get permission to reveal the whole "Wukong actually had a Mom" deal, presumably heavily edited to spare Wukong his privacy and the fact he most definitely does not want to have the bureaucratic nightmare he's dealing with follow him home to the mortal Realm if and when he's allowed home.
Pigsy Noodles had several competitors pop up with Pigsy absent and a massive loss of revenue as a result. The restaurant is straight up not doing well right now, and Pigay has to work overtime and a half to get back up to speed. The months Pigsy had spent in the Celestial Realm and on FFM had caused many loyal customers to seek food elsewhere, most assuming he'd closed down for some unknown reason. He has to fight to get them back now (which probably leads to Food Wars)
Sandy's job as a ferry man was not as heavily affected, but his job as a foster for many a cat is heavily affected. The sitter he hired hadn't been able to handle the sheer volume of cats he had, and the place was a mess! Luckily, sll the cats remained healthy in spite of the environment being less than ideal, but many of the newer fosters were back to square one on Sandh earning their trust.
And then Pigsy found a cat demon kitten in the dumpster.
Yes! The Noodle Gang were able to support and care for Wukong when he was stationed on FFM, but now that he's a whole Realm away it's become a lot harder to do.
Even if LBD froze Megapolis for a bit, the world keeps turning.
They all have their own lives to attend to, no matter how much they wish to stay in the Celestial Realm. Especially since they aren't sure at first if the Celestial Realm has a time dilation problem like the myths say - luckily it turns out to be a mistranslation, "1 Celestial Day = 1 Earth Year" is a space/orbit thing, the days in Heaven are super long and it takes a whole earth year for a whole "day" to complete. But the guys arent taking chances.
Tang's gotta go back to work. Luckily the tasty lore and tomes he managed to scavange from the Imperial Library gives him a good excuse for his disappearance.
Pigsy is straight back into "the restaurant business is war"-mindset when he gets home. He may have served literal gods while he was away, but that means nothing if he's lost loyal patrons! He does get some odd-looking new customers that couldn't resist glamouring-up to taste "Marshal Canopy's decendant's" cooking though.
Sandy would not forgive himself if any of his foster cats got sick without him. He'd spend literal days inside tending only to them - exiting only to get deliveries and the odd ferrying job. He's been especially busy at the moment with "Little Lady" - a feral momma cat thats moved into the captain's bridge while he was gone, and has a runty blue-furred kitten who needs lots attention.
The Ao-Long couple have arguably more freedom than the rest of the gang, given their status as wealthy dragons. They easily explain the situation to the Dragon Kings and why they had to provide witness statements in a Celestial Trial - Ao Guang has been frozen stiff with terror for days at the thought of Sun Wukong multiplying. They're able to visit the monkeys more often than the others, especially since little Mei and Red Son are getting along so famously, and both have declared Xiaotian their duty to protect. The dragon couple are able to pass on messages and gifts between the monkeys and the Noodle Gang where it would have taken a lot longer otherwise.
The Noodle Gang try their best to visit the Celestial Realm when possible, mainly weekends. Tieshan is a big help with getting them there - Sandy's mechanical creations can only go so far (though little Red is fascinated with his attempts). They have to be careful though, like a casino it's easy to forget how much time is passing withthe super-long days - Tang has like a million alarms on his phone to remind them when to sleep and when to prepare for home. Its good to reconnect and bond with Wukong and his little family, but they often feel on measured time.
Then one night, as Pigsy was taking out the garbage;
Dumpster: (*loud crying/mewing* sounds*)
Pigsy, dread building: "Oh no..."
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Pigsy dug around praying it was just a cat... only to half-right.
Pigsy, holding a baby cat-demon: "UHHH... Tangy!"
The next few hours are a blur.
Now both Pigsy and Tang are guardians to a tiny abandoned kitten they name "Bai He" - a little white lily sticking out amongst the grime of the alleyway. A quick freenoodles wedding may be required to help seal the adoption papers.
Sandy helps a lot when it comes to cat-specific problems the baby has ("We gotta help her go bathroom!?") in the coming weeks.
Pigsy is a natural father, he isn't sure what nonsense led to his baby girl being in his arms but he's glad she is right now. Bai He is his little princess, can't do no wrong. Tang fumbles a bit, but adapts quickly. Bai He loves listening to him tell fairytales and stories, even the one's she doesn't care for like the White Bone Spirit ("she sounds mean").
The ice powers come in later. They're super confused where those come from.
Wukong is *delighted* to have a new niece! And Xiaotian (now at toddling age) is super excited to meet a new baby in the troop!
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serhum · 8 months
[Part 1] Birthday Game - Reader x Shohei Ohtani x Yuki Ishikawa AU - NSFW
Disclaimer: This is a 18+ writing so if you’re not comfortable reading this, please skip it! There will be a lot of smut & mentions of sex in this work so beware. ;)
I have been living with my partner, Yuki Ishikawa, for almost 2 years. His apartment in Milan is close to his volleyball training centre and here I am, working in the heart of Italy as a fashion PR. Today is our day off and we decided to stay indoor and spend quality time together.
“Babe, are we expecting a guest today?” ask me while he is doing the dishes and reorganizing the tablecloth. 
“Actually yes. Do you remember Shohei? He will be coming tonight. He took a vacation in Italy for several days.” my eyes went into shock. Did he mean Shohei Ohtani? 
“Shohei from the Angels?” ask me one more time. 😳
“Yes. Your idol.” he replied with a small chuckle. 
“Well, I thought he is in recovery mode as he recently underwent a surgery. Anyway, do you think we should prepare food or something?” 
“I think wine and pasta is enough.” I nodded in agreement.
“Sure. Let’s go to the grocery then. It’s 4pm already and I don’t want him to be disappointed when he sees nothing on our table.” I reply and hurriedly go to our bedroom to change.
“You are okay with him coming tonight, right?” Yuki suddenly pops out behind me with his arms lingering my waist. I turn my head to see him and smile.
“It’s fine. We can have quality time everyday but welcoming him in person is such a rare one.” He smiles after hearing my thought. I feel his lips on my temple and I hug him.
“Tomorrow is your special day and I have present ready for you.” Yuki told me.
“Oh what is it? I can’t wait to see it!”
“You’ll see. Soon.” He smirks. 
“Ding dong ding dong” I stopped my hand from scrolling the tv channel when I heard the bell rang. It must be Shohei! 
I look around and realized that Yuki is still in the bathroom so I get up and walk to the door. I don’t know why my heart is beating fast knowing that Shohei is right in front of our apartment. I’ve met him so many times before but it feels different each time. I am indeed his fangirl! 
“Hi! How are you?” I said as I open the door and see him smile with a bottle of wine.
“Hi y/n! Long time no see. How are you? I’m great.” He leans closer and hugs me for a second.
“Likewise. You look great in that polo shirt! Come in!” I complimented and his smile turns bigger. 
“Thanks. I brought you and Yuki a wine from Cali. It’s really tasty to be paired with cheese.” He follows me to the dining area and puts the wine bottle on the table.
“You don’t have to. Thank you, Shohei. Umm Yuki is in the bathroom and please make yourself at home.” I said and sit down on the sofa with him following beside me. He then places his bag near the sofa.
“How’s life so far? I saw the news that you undergone a surgery. Are you okay?” I open the conversation when I noticed that his elbow is still covered with bandage.
“Well it happens you know. I’m totally fine now. How about you-“ 
“Shohei Ohtani!! My brother! How are you man?” Before he finished his sentence, Yuki came up and patted his shoulder. Shohei immediately stood up and gave Yuki a brotherly hug. 
“Great! You look bigger now hahaha” Shohei jokes to Yuki. 
“Yeah I’ve been lifting a lot these days. But look at you! Bulkier than ever.“ And the convo continues around their life. It’s so warm seeing their interactions and how they become close to each other because of their profession as athletes, representing their country in the global stage. They had so many things alike.
While they are on it, I started to prepare the dinner. The time is 8.00pm already. 
“Yuki, can you help me open the wine that Shohei gave us?” He stopped talking for a sec and walked across the room. “Thanks” I smiled when he opened the wine and poured it to our glasses. “You guys are so cute.” I added and he just smile coyly and returned to Shohei. 
“Well the dinner’s ready guys! Let’s eat” I announce and take a sit first. Yuki and I made carbonara pasta and tiramisu.
“So how’s your relationship with Yuki, y/n? He doesn’t give you a hard time, right?” Shohei asked. He’s now sat across me while Yuki is beside me.
I chuckled and turned my head to Yuki. “Sometimes haha.. But I am so proud of him. He worked so hard and he deserves what he have now. I just don’t like it when he started to blame himself when his team lost.” I rub the back of Yuki’s head softly to showcase my affection. 
“Aww.. look at these two lovey dovey couple. I’m happy for you both.” Shohei added. His aura is so calm and cool, similar to Yuki but there’s something different.
“Thanks, babe. It’s hard not to blame myself though. You don’t have to expose me to Shohei like that” and with that, all of us are laughing. 
“The pasta is delicious. Did you make it yourself, y/n?” Shohei asks while chewing. I nodded, “Yuki helps me with the tiramisu as well. You should try it with the wine!” 
“I’m so happy you guys made the tiramisu. I’ve been wanting to taste it for a long time.” He added. 
“Her cooking skills is no joke, bro. I can gain weight easily but thanks to her, she always looks after my diet.” I can feel his hand and stare on mine. I love this guy!
“Can I make a toast for both of these gentlemen?” I asked and both Yuki and Shohei nodded. “You guys are hardworking, successful, and love sports a lot. Be it volleyball or baseball. I just want to say, keep going and make your country and fans proud. Cheers!” the sound of wine glasses clash each other can be heard with big smiles on their faces. 
After we finished dinner, we continue to chit chat in the balcony. “How long will you stay in Italy?” asked me. “It’s short. I’m here for 5 days. I want Yuki to show me around, of course when he’s not working.” Shohei pokes Yuki’s belly in a friendly manner. “I can do that! Let’s take time off together.” Yuki replied him.
“I’ll be back in a minute.” Shohei excuses himself to the bathroom. 
“Babe, are you happy Shohei is here?” Yuki take a seat next to me and holds me in his arms. He is so close that I can feel his breath on my neck. 
“What do you mean?” I furrowed my eyebrows. 
“I am thinking that maybe we can try something new for your birthday. Not tomorrow but tonight.” my head tilts towards him. I don’t know what he’s talking about at all.
“I don’t get it, Yuki. Talk clearly please.” 
“I know for a fact that Shohei is your biggest idol. I want you to feel intimate with him.” I shiver after listening to what he just say. “Why don’t we have a threesome?” My mouth went wide. I am shocked to hear him saying that thing.
“What? Are you kidding me?” He shakes his head. “I don’t think of him in that way, Yuki. I can only be intimate with you, my boyfriend. Don’t you feel jealous by saying that?” I pull my body from him. Standing up and staring at him. A bit irritated.
“Of course I am jealous. But, tomorrow is your birthday. I want you to have pleasure you haven’t had experienced before. We can have sex anytime but imagine having it with your specific idol too? Won’t you be on the cloud nine?” He stood up and came closer to me. As if he want to convince me, I see seriousness in his eyes instead of jealousy. My heart went racing right now. Did Yuki just give permission to me to have sex with Shohei? His best friend?
I take his hand and place it on my chest. “Do you feel it? I feel really nervous with your statement. What would Shohei think about it?” I am blushing so hard right now. Yuki started to grin and whisper to me. “I already told him and he agreed.” He hugs me. “Don’t be afraid. I am here with you.” 
Is this the present that Yuki mentioned to me earlier? And Shohei agreed to do this already? Yuki is so unpredictable! How dare  you! I felt dumbfounded now.. 
“If you say so,” I paused for a moment. “But I am shy.” 
“Don’t be. You will take the lead and we are all yours.” he winked. “You dirty boy.” I added and punch him jokingly. 
How should I act now that I know Shohei is here to have threesome with me and Yuki? I am totally embarrassed. I don’t know what to do. I get more surprised when Shohei walked towards the balcony with no shirt. W-wait… is this starting already? 🥵
“Shall we have fun now?” Shohei lends his right hand to me as if he wants to reach me. I tilt my head to Yuki and he nods. “Are you okay with this, Shohei?” ask me. I don’t want things go awkward after this if he doesn’t want to then I shall not start the fire. 
“Anything for the birthday girl.” he smirks and reaches my hand without hesitation. 
His footsteps are fast, just like Yuki’s, and I follow him. He makes me sit down on the sofa. This time he is facing me and holding my hands gently. I can see clearly his toned body. He is slightly bigger and chiseled than Yuki. His skin tone is warmer than Yuki. Wait.. I shouldn’t compare him to Yuki.. 
“Babe, don’t be shy.” I felt Yuki’s arms suddenly around my body. He hugged me from behind. I feel like he tries to encourage me to make the first move. 
“Alright. We can play this game unless both of you follow my rules.” I bravely said. “One, you can do whatever you want with me tonight. Two, you can be rough but make it gentle. Last, you guys have way higher stamina than me and I might unable to keep up, so give me chance to breath. Ok?” saying that feels unreal and I feel like explaining to two school boys. 
“Of course. I ain’t gonna hurt you.” Shohei replied me with smile. I can feel Yuki nods on the crook of my neck. “So, what do you like the most during sex?” Shohei’s hand started to trace my knees in circle. Oh god, I’m not your strongest soldier tonight. “I like dirty talk. What about you?” 
“I like women on top of me.” he said with eyes staring into my soul. I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE WHY IS HE SO BRAZEN. “Ugh.. okay.” was the only word that came out of my lips.
“Yuki, do you want to watch us first before you join?” Shohei asked him and I felt Yuki’s arms are no longer holding me and he pulled himself. “Yeah, you guys can warm up the game. I will follow.”
Right after he said that, Shohei took my body and lifted me without a warning. We have no space left between us. I can feel his hot breath on my face. God, why did I wear short dress in the first place, my legs hug his waist and my skin was revealed too much in this position. I feel his right hand on my ass, trying to keep me in this position. Hence, my hands are holding his shoulders tightly. 
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“Where are you taking me?” I gasped when he brings me closer to the kitchen. He put me down on the island, “Have you tried doing it in the kitchen with Yuki?” I nervously shake my head. He smirks and leans closer to my ear, “Let me show you how good it is without your boyfriend touch.” I AM DONE. He made sure Yuki doesn’t hear that as he lower down his voice. I shudder hearing his husky voice. 
He started to kiss me passionately while his hands are grabbing my neck softly. I kissed him back and moved my hands on his chest, roaming his chiseled body. His body is built different. I can feel it. “Ahh” I react when his tongue tried to play with mine. He is getting deeper in my mouth and he tastes so sweet. 
His hands are now exploring my body here and there. “Shohei” I called his name when he starts to caressing my covered breasts. “Do you want me to stop?” I shake my head. “Keep going.” I mumble in his kiss. 
That sentence triggers him to undress me. He unclasp my bra and pull my dress together with it so easily. He throws them on the floor, leaving me naked with my panties. Why do I feel so shy? I try to cover my body with my arms only to make him say, “Don’t cover it. You are beautiful and I can’t wait to feel you.” his voice was so low but really calming me.
“It’s my first time getting naked with other man. I’m too shy to stare at you now..” then he chuckles lightly. “You’re so sexy.” Then he kissed my neck and traced down to my shoulder and boobs with his lips. Leaving some saliva traces on me and I’m getting shiver all over my body. After removing my hands, he licked and sucked my nipple so hard that I feel stimulated down there. I play with his hair while feeling so good with what he did to my body. “Ohh yes” I finally let that moan out. Did Yuki hear it too? 
I turned my head back to see where’s Yuki at. He’s standing in the corner watching us. His face seems quite red and he smirks when our eyes met. I can’t comprehend whether he’s mad or enjoying the view. 
Shohei’s fingers are now trying to pull down my panties while he nibbles my ear. The cold surface of the island gives a tingling sensation to my body. “Are you wet for me already, princess?” More dirty talks coming out of his little mouth. I felt his fingers in between my clothed pussy. I put my hand on his finger down there, trying to pause him. I didn’t realized I was that wet when I touch the fabric of my panties. “Be gentle.” I told him when our eyes met. He nodded and get down on his knees.
He pulled my panties, spread my legs and I saw his amused face when seeing my pussy. He blow some air before I feel his lips kissing me there. “Ohh sweet Jesus!” I scream when he gets to the right spot with his playful tongue. My body automatically jerks on his face. I feel the pleasure hits me.
His technique is different to Yuki’s, he keeps unfold and folding my vaginal lips and he shows how passionate he is by caressing my inner thighs while doing his magic. “Faster please..” I beg and I feel him smiles. He gets faster and I lay down on my back, feeling the cold surface, and biting my lips out of pleasure. “Uh-huh, I feel it coming.” I close my legs created more pressure from his mouth. He then caressed my clit real fast and I was sent to heaven.
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When I opened my eyes, I saw him standing and lick his fingers. “It’s unfair how you’re still in your pants, Sho” I cry while punching his area in a teasing manner. It feels as if my order is his command.
He started to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. I’m lying if I act unsurprised with how huge his  boner is.  He reached my hand and pulled me until I sit on the edge. He removed his brief and then located my hand on his bulge. Seeing his puppy eyes, I rub it slowly while staring at him. He whimpered every time my hand reaches the tip. “Is it enough, Sho?” I innocently ask him on the pace. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. I take it as a yes.
I think it’s time for me to take actions after what he done to me. I keep doing the handjob while I trail kisses on his upper body. “Faster” he said. Not long after, he hugged me and put his lips on my ear, “You are amazing”. I can feel his broad shoulders on mine and his heart beats quickly. This feels different to hugging Yuki. 
“Hold me tight. I like it.” I whisper back to him while holding his strong biceps. “Do you like it when I touch you there?” he whispered back. I nod and see him smile. His little eyes are very attractive when he smiles. “Yuki, any ideas what position should we all try?” Shohei speaks up while still hugging me. I was smiling like crazy underneath his body when hearing that. He’s so blunt and careless. I heard Yuki laughs. 
“Come here and bring me my girlfriend.” Yuki replied with his hand signaling us to follow him. All of us chuckles together. “Did you enjoy watching us?” I asked him but he doesn’t respond and walked away to the bedroom.
Shohei didn’t let go of me and he carries me bridal style towards the bedroom. “Your eyes are beautiful, Sho. Are they brown?” I asked him before we reach the bedroom. “Yeah. You like what you see from that angle?” he teases me with his fingers caressing my cheek and I can’t help but smile. He is such a warm and lovable person. This is the only time I can compliment and touch him without Yuki being mad. 
To be continued
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the-himawari · 2 months
A3! Usui Masumi - Translation [SSR] Rosa Pura Yearning for Love (1/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Masumi: (Third period always ends early. I guess I’ll stop by a CD store…) (Come to think of it, it’s almost White Day. I have to start on my research for Director’s present soon.)
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Girl: Sorry for making you wait~.
Boy: Not at all. I just got here too. …Hold on, did you change your hairstyle?
Girl: Mhm. How does it look? Do you like it?
Boy: I love it. It’s super cute.
Masumi: … (…You know what, I’ll head home.)
Izumi: Ah, Masumi-kun. Welcome back.
Masumi: I’m back. …You seem like you’re in a good mood?
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Izumi: Fufu. You can tell? Tah-daaah.
Masumi: Is that a dessert tin…?
Izumi: It’s a cookie tin. I fell in love with the packaging at first sight. Since you’re here, why don’t we have some together?
Masumi: Are you sure?
Izumi: I’m tempted to keep them all to myself, but gobbling them all up… would also make me feel a little guilty.
Masumi: I’ll have some. If you’re inviting me, then there’s no way I’d refuse.
Izumi: Thanks. Ah, what would you like to drink? Black tea? Coffee?
Masumi: …Coffee.
Izumi: Got it! Wait a sec, alright?
*walks away*
Masumi: (…I’m glad I came home quickly.)
Izumi: Alright, I'm cracking it open.
Izumi: Woah, the cookies inside are cute too…! It’s packed with all sorts of different shapes… like hearts, flowers, and birds!
Masumi: Adorable…
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Option 1: “Do you like it too, Masumi-kun?”
Izumi: Do you like it too, Masumi-kun?
Masumi: I like it a lot. I want to look at it forever.
Izumi: So true. They look so nice it feels like a waste to eat.
Masumi: Are you going to eat them?
Izumi: Of course I am. They’re cookies, after all.
Masumi: What I wanted to look at forever wasn’t the cookies, but you.
Izumi: Me!?
Masumi: *Stares*…
Izumi: And there he goes again… Come on, let’s have some already.
Option 2: “It’s like a treasure box.”
Izumi: It’s like a treasure box.
Masumi: It’s shining.
Izumi: Yeah, that’s how lovely it looks.
Masumi: It looks so cute, I want to place it out on display just like that…
Izumi: Ahaha, I guess that might also be possible. But I’m curious about the flavours, so let’s try some.
Izumi: Which one should I start with? There’s so many different kinds. I can’t decide.
Masumi: Why don’t we pick each other’s first ones then?
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Izumi: Ah, great idea! Let’s do that.
Masumi: I’ll give… this one to you.
Izumi: Ah, it’s a heart cookie. It’s pink, so I wonder if it’s strawberry flavoured? Okay. Now for you, Masumi-kun…
Masumi: …
Izumi: How about this one?
Masumi: A flower cookie…
Izumi: I thought it looked tasty since there’s strawberry jam in the middle.
Masumi: …
Izumi: Masumi-kun? Um, perhaps you didn’t like that one…?
Masumi: No, it looks delicious. (I actually wish I got a heart cookie, but…) …Thanks. I’ll savour it since you chose it for me.
| next
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ichinisankaku · 5 months
Backstage Translation - Sharing Out Cuteness (Part 1)
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Sakuya: These chocolates are delicious, Muku!
Muku: Yay, I'm glad! When I heard these yogurt and strawberry chocolates were only being sold this Spring, I figured it'd be nice to bring them to today's tea party.
Homare: Quite right. They've a truly lovely taste. Not being too rich, you find yourself reaching for another one.
Sakuya: And they go perfectly with the tea Homare-san prepared!
Muku: Yeah! Alice-san's tea is really tasty, I love it.
Homare: That's wonderful. I purchased this blend recently from a specialty store, if you two are fond of it I'll endeavour to buy from there again.
Muku: Wow, are you sure?
Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Muku: By the way, you're helping out at that café too, right Alice-san? I definitely want to go and check it out!
Sakuya: I'm excited too. Homare-san's really good at brewing tea, so I'm sure he'll be a big help!
Homare: Thank you. It's a rabbit-themed café, so I'm looking forward to seeing what poems will sprout from it.
Sakuya: Speaking of rabbits, I saw some adorable tea bags the other day. Should be on my phone…
Ah, here!
Homare: What's this now…
Muku: Wow, they're so cute!
Homare: There's a rabbit clinging to the rim of the tea cup, as if soaking in a bathtub.
Sakuya: Looks like there's dogs and cats too, and even unusual animals like otters.
Muku: It seems easy to drink, and would probably make a good gift. Choosing the perfect animal for who you give it to sounds fun as well.
Homare: I see… I myself would never have imagined tea bags such as this exist.
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Homare: (When I went to stock up on those tea leaves Sakuya-kun and Muku-kun like, I ended up taking the opportunity to buy a whole variety of things. I'll try to use them at the next tea party.)
Izumi: -Ah, Homare-san!
Homare: Oh my, are you also out to buy something, Director-kun?
Izumi: I'm on my way back from a meeting. Are you buying something?
Homare: Indeed I was. I'm heading home having just finished my business. If you're also returning, shall we go together?
Izumi: I… want to say yes, but I'm thinking maybe I will go shopping.
Homare: Allow me to accompany you, then.
Izumi: You sure? Thanks a lot!
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Izumi: Fufu. Having Homare-san push the cart really is refreshing.
Homare: Is that so? You must have seen this many times already.
Izumi: Yeah, but that's not the poi- ah, onions and carrots! And minced meat, too!
Homare: What a fluid way of tossing the ingredients in. Perfect! I feel a poem coming up!
A silver runway for a vegetable and meat harmony, clad in spicy finery!
Izumi: Ahaha. That poem's really put me in the mood for curry. Though, today I was thinking of using eggs for-
Wait, I forgot the ketchup! I'll go get it now, wait here for me please.
Homare: Understood.
Homare: …I was certain she was going for keema curry, but I suppose it was omurice.
…Oh? Oh me oh my?
Part 2
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hellooo!! i just loved "what are you waiting for?" 💖💖💖 i would love to ask for a part 2 or if you can do a serie of it 👀?
luv your work, drink water and take care ✨✨✨
What Are You Waiting For? Pt. 2
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author’s note: part two as requested c: thank you for the support, hehe also thanks for the reminder, pls do the same!! eat & drink, take care of yourself <33 p.s. yes this will most likely have a part 3
warnings: fluff, brotherly fluff, just a lot of fluff in general, plus coffee crack
> part one <
previously. . . He landed on his bed, closed his phone and rolled around too excited to do anything else. He couldn’t wait to take you out for another date. Hoping this would become a recurring occurrence in his life. He couldn’t wait and immediately started thinking up other date ideas, kicking his feet out happily.
The next day, Donnie woke up drooling. He groaned, rubbing his face in his pillow and then turned trying to go back to sleep. Slowly his brain started working, and thoughts of yesterday with you filtered in and he suddenly remembered he had your number. He quickly turned to his nightstand, blindly reaching for his phone for a couple of seconds before he brought it up to his face. Heart soaring as he saw you had already left him another message.
‘Good morning! I’ve got a busy day at work, if you’re not busy I’ll save your favorites again :) I probably won’t be able to message while at work, so til then~’ - y/n💜
Donnie read and reread your message. Honing in on the smiley face and how sweet you were, thinking of him and saving him some of your tasty treats. His stomach grumbled at thought but knew he couldn’t exactly go out to the surface during the busy parts of the day. He sighed, oh the benefits of being a mutant turtle he thought sarcastically. Which made his stomach turn sour, he wondered how you would react to that… it wasn’t like he could keep it a secret forever especially if he was serious about you.
And he was very serious, he’d never felt like this before. Utterly consumed by his crush on you, and you had sprinkled hope on that crush last night with every sweet word and action. He recalled your flirting and how happy you had been to go on the movie date. He opened up his notes app at that thought, last night he’d fallen asleep researching and typing down date ideas. He looked over the options he had: 1. Cheesecake Factory, that one was indulgent towards your profession and also because Donnie had never been. 2. arcade, he’d get to show off his gaming skills anddd dancing skills if they had a DDR like in the lair though he wondered if you would be interested 3. walk through the park/picnic, this one would require planning on his part if he went through with the picnic part of the idea.
The list went on to about six more good ideas. Nine in total and he definitely would spend more time adding to the date list. But for now he needed to type out a reply,
‘good morning :) same time as before? i can’t wait your baking is the best!’ - donnie
He kept it short and sweet fully aware you most likely wouldn’t be able to respond anyways. You being the owner of your own business he wondered when you had a lunch break. Maybe he’d be lucky enough to get a message then. He sat up finally in bed, stretching and groaning. He needed something to preoccupy his mind, and his lab was the perfect remedy. His stomach growled again, reminding him to stop by the kitchen first. He was slow to move, still pretty sleepy as he trudged to the kitchen, coffee and then food he thought. “Morning lover boy~” Leo said as Donnie entered the kitchen.
Donnie’s only response was an eye roll as he opened the fridge grabbing the creamer. “Aww what’s wrong no good morning messages??” Leo continued to tease, but this only made Donnie smirk. He did in fact get a morning message, though he wasn’t about to announce that to his brother, even if he was proud. Though Leo was pretty perceptive when it came to his brothers and noticed Donnie’s smirk instantly. “Aha! Spill it brother, what’d they say?” Leo asked as he sipped his own coffee. “None of your business,” the purple turtle finally spoke after taking a long swig of his own coffee. It wasn’t as good as yours. Not by a long shot.
“Oh come onnnnn, this is a big deal, my socially awkward brother, going on a date and getting their number?! Unheard of!!” Leo went on a tangent and Donnie walked out of the kitchen, Leo hot on his trail. “Morning you two,” Raph called out from the living room, he was lounged out on the couch flipping through channels on the tv. Stopping when a rerun of a wrestling match came on. “Morning,” the twins responded before Leo continued on all the reasons why he should know everything that pertained to you and Donnie’s relationship. Donnie continued to ignore him until he passed through his labs doorway. He turned on his brother, who stopped appearing hopeful that his speech had gotten through to Donnie. “Not gonna happen,” Donnie grumped and shut the door to his lab, promptly, in Leo’s face.
Later that day, after he had spent hours on a certain project in his lab he reached over for his phone on his workbench. Looking at the time, 8:05 pm, and Donnie figured he had waited long enough. He sadly hadn’t received any messages from you during lunch hour. But instead of going down a rabbit hole of worry or insecurity Donnie just hoped you had been too busy to be able to do so. It wasn’t like the two of you were dating yet, you’d went on one date with him, that didn’t constitute for constant texting… even though Donnie would definitely text you back immediately.
He shrugged on his purple hoodie, gloves, and a pair of black jogger pants. When he was confident he wouldn’t draw too much attention to himself, he bolted for the sewers that led to the manhole ladder. “Where ya goingg?” Mikey chirped as he rolled up on his skateboard from the opposite direction Donnie had come from. One of Donnie’s eyebrows raised as he took in Mikey’s attire, he was wearing a colorful beanie, an orange sweater, and jeans with random patches. He looked suspiciously ready to go up to the surface just like Donnie was. “Nowhere!” Donnie lied as Mikey stopped his skateboard and stepped off. “Let me come!!” Mikey whined, knowing exactly where Donnie was going, “Mikey please,” Donnie exasperated but he was met with the full force of Mikey’s puppy dog eyes.
Donnie groaned, giving in after a few moments as Mikey smiled in celebration. “Just don’t say much okay? They don’t know we’re turtles alright??” Donnie started to climb as he talked and Mikey said, “Dude! I knowwww,” but that didn’t stop Donnie from being extra cautious and telling Mikey all the things he should not say or do. By the time they had dropped into the alleyway next to your bakery, Donnie was sure Mikey had been ignoring him because he was bouncing up and down excitedly, very much not staying calm and collected like Donnie had told him to do. “Oh Galileo please watch over me and my dumb dumb brother,” Donnie muttered as he led the way and pulled open the door to your bakery,
“Mmmmmm smells so good!” Mikey commented as the air hit him as soon as he walked through the doorway. “Right?” Donnie smiled, taking in a deep breath. Unlike yesterday, they still has a few customers, though they all had their pastries and drinks. So no one was at the counter. Mikey stuffed his hands in his pockets as he made his way to the counter to look at the treats on display and the menu. Donnie followed after him, noticing you instantly. You were crouched behind the display glass, fixing one of the label cards. “Hiii~ Welcome to Y/n’s bakery, what can I get you?” your voice chimed as you stood finally and did a double take. Donnie spoke first before Mikey could open his mouth, “Hey Y/n, this is my little brother Michelangelo-“
“But you can call me Mikey,” Mikey cut in and gave you a mega watt smile. “Hi Mikey, it’s nice to meet you!” you beamed back, “I loveee your jeans by the way,” you motioned subtly to Mikey’s pants. “Oh these?! Thank you heh, I added the patches myself!” and your eyebrows shot up at that, “wow really?! you’re super talented it looks like it came from a store!!” you continued to compliment Donnie’s younger brother and Mikey was practically floating. “Well… do you know what you wanna order Mike?” Donnie spoke up when the chance arose.
Your eyes went alight at this and gave him a knowing smile as you held up one finger and went for the back door. Donnie smiled too already knowing you were going get his favorites. “So that’s them???” Mikey waggled his eyebrows as he whispered up to Donnie. “Yes” Donnie whispered back quickly as you came back. Mikey took a great interest in the petit fours that you placed on the counter. “I’ll also have a coffee,” Donnie added and you nodded putting in the orders into the register. “Hmmm can I get a m&m cookie?” Mikey said looking over at the displays. “Of course!” You replied, “will that be everything?” You asked and Donnie nodded, handing over the amount in cash. “Thanks Dee!” Mikey said as he bit into his cookie as soon as it was paid for.
“This is sooo good!” He complimented and you smiled, “Thank you! Be sure to come back Mikey!! Your brother is a regular here,” and you winked at Donnie. Who couldn’t stop grinning and Mikey was looking back and forth between the two of you, smiling as he munched down on his cookie. “Oh I’ll definitely make him bring me back,” Mikey promised, and with that Donnie and Mikey headed for a table. The bakery had emptied out completely so they were now the only ones here. “They’re nicee,” Mikey commented as he stared down at one of Donnie’s cakes now that he had finished his cookie. Donnie pushed one forward and Mikey beamed, plopping the whole thing in his mouth.
“Yeah,” Donnie sighed dreamily sipping his coffee as he stole glances your way. “I don’t think I should ask to go on another date just yet, it’s too soon right?” Donnie spoke quietly and Mikey shrugged, “You should just do what you wanna do not what you think you should do,” Mikey was now eyeing the last cake Donnie had, and he rolled his eyes, taking a quick bite before sharing the rest with his little brother. “Yeah, I just don’t wanna move too quickly, it took awhile to become a regular customer you know?” Donnie went on as Mikey chewed a mouthful of sweet cake and icing.
“Stay here, I’m gonna go talk to Y/n,” Donnie said finding some resolve as he left his coffee on the table. “Good luck Dee,” Mikey eyed the cup, as he took out his phone.
“Hey,” Donnie started
“Hi,” it was quiet, and you were smiling for him.
“Another busy day?” Donnie asked curiously and you nodded immediately.
“Yeahhh, about the same as yesterday,” you sighed but despite being a busy bee it was a good thing and you were happy your business was doing so well.
“Well, I was thinking..” you waited for him to finished.
“maybe this weekend we could go on another date?” He looked straight at you this time, not feeling as nervous as the first time. “I’d like that,” you said, a slight blush dusting your cute cheeks. “Did you have something in mind?” You asked curiously.
“I’ve got a couple ideas, but I was wondering if you had any preferences?” Donnie was leaning against the counter, subtly moving closer. “Well, there is this ice skating rink..” you said thoughtfully and Donnie’s eyebrows shot up, he didn’t think he had that on his list. “Though I’m not the best skater I think it’d be fun! And you could invite your brother if you wanted,” you offered kindly because you had felt Mikey’s staring.
Donnie glanced over at Mikey and almost didn’t notice how the coffee cup had suddenly disappeared. Almost. “Oh shit,” Donnie scanned his brother carefully and saw both his knees were bouncing as his feet were going up and down. “What’s wrong?” You asked, Donnie hadn’t realized he had said that loud enough for you to hear, “Mikey isn’t supposed to drink coffee,” he explained quickly, “I’ll text you! Okay?” Donnie said walking backwards and smiling apologetically at you. The conversation would have to be cut short, because there was no one he would let Mikey say something crazy and out him. “Oh okay! Bye Mikey,” and Mikey hopped up from his chair and bolted your way, Donnie had to grab him as he tried to pass by, “Byeeeee, it was nice meeting you Y/n!” Mikey called out happily, waving and Donnie dragged him to the door. “Bye Donnie!” You called out laughing at the scene, as he reached the door, and even though Mikey was embarrassing the hell out of him, Donnie couldn’t help his cheesy smile, “See ya later Y/n!”
Out of the shop and onto the sidewalk Donnie finally let go of Mikey. “Really??? Coffee Mikey?? We doing this again?!” Donnie said and Mikey was bouncing all around his purple brother in a circle. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Mikey feigned ignorance though it was quite obvious he had drank the rest of the Donnie’s coffee. “You are not coming back,” Donnie informed his little brother as they headed to the manhole cover. “Whaaat, but Y/n totally likes me, she even wants me to go ice skating with you guys!” Mikey whined and Donnie glared, “she was being nice, how’d you even hear that?!” Donnie grumped. “Super powers bro, coffee gives me superrrr powerrrs,” he was waving his hands all around now.
“Fine I’ll take you back to the bakery if you promise not to complain about not going ice skating if that’s what we decide to do,” Donnie said giving in because he definitely wanted to have alone time with you. “Hmph fineeee,” Mikey agreed.
Back in the lair, Mikey ran off hollering for Raph and Leo to tell them alll about his adventures on the surface. Donnie quickly went to his lab, not wanting to get bombarded like last time. Just as he closed and locked the door for good measure, he felt a buzz from his phone.
‘Hey finally out! Can I call?’ -y/n 💜
‘Yeah!’ -donnie
Donnie answered on the first ring,
“Hi,” you breathed into the phone cutely
“Hi,” Donnie repeated smiling to himself as he landed on his rolling chair.
“So about that date, I was just offering the invitation to your brother, but it can be just us though,” you spoke quickly, Donnie wondered to himself if you thought he had taken it the wrong way.
“I’ll let you know as soon as Mikey comes down from the shot of expresso, though he’s probably telling my other brothers all about it,” Donnie said absentmindedly
“How many brothers do you have?!” You asked curiously.
“Oh, three, Mikey, Leo and Raph” Donnie went on to say.
“Well I don’t know how you would feel about it but I wouldn’t mind if they all came,” you reassured him and Donnie felt some relief because he would’ve had a hard time convincing them all to not go.
“I’d much rather have you all to myself..” Donnie spoke his thoughts aloud before he could stop himself.
The line went quiet for a moment and Donnie was cringing at himself, gripping his phone tightly and wetting his lips, getting ready to deflect what he had just said somehow.
But you said “oh” and he wished he could see your face because you sounded like you were in a daze. He relaxed in his chair again, pushing his foot against the ground to start swirling in a slow circle.
“Yeah but I guess I can wait ‘til next time,” Donnie sighed dramatically and that earned him a giggle from you.
He started to spin faster, a big goofy grin on his face. “The rink is pretty big.. I’m sure we can sneak to the other side for a little alone time,” you murmured into the phone and Donnie about fell out of his chair. The way you spoke, it was so seductive he wondered if you knew the effect you had on him.
“Hello?” You spoke softly and Donnie realized he hadn’t responded.
“Oh sorry still here! I- uh- yeah we should definitely sneak away,” he said quickly.
“Sounds like a plan!” You laughed and Donnie chuckled with you and he had some background noise, keys jangling.
“Made it home!” You announced to him and Donnie smiled, glad you were safe. “Good, so ice skating this weekend.. Saturday?”
“Yeah! We can go late at night too, I’d rather not make a fool out of myself in front of all of New York,” you joked and Donnie agreed with you completely, happy since night worked in his favor, the less people the better.
“It’s a date!” Donnie said then added on, “though my brothers will tag along I’m sure..” as an afterthought.
“I can’t wait! Goodnight Donatello~,”
Donnie felt chills at the sound of his full name leaving your lips. He shivered, “goodnight y/n~” and the call ended. He placed his phone down on the work table before pushing away, spinning in his chair. Squealing to himself in excitement. Boom! Another date planned!!
Donnie you are definitely becoming a natural at this, he complimented himself as he hopped out of his chair doing a happy dance. Now he just needed to figure out what to wear. He wanted to be the ones receiving your compliments this time… though he was sure with the promised sneak away time he might get lucky and, dare he even think it, get a kiss?!
This had him stilling, eyes widening as his imagination couldn’t be stopped. The feel of your lips would be just as soft as your hands, no even softer, like kissing a cloud. He imagined himself taking control, kissing you like you deserved, his hands going into your hair, it would feel like silk no doubt. By the time he blinked out of that lovely daydream his whole face was a dark green. “Oh Fibonacci~” he sighed with excitement. Wishing for Saturday already.
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day 1: A Record of You and I
A diary from the mid 1700s kept by a man named Simon Snow, a farmhand for the Grimm estate. He records the death and the subsequent vampiric transformation of his close friend, and heir to the Grimm estate, Basilton Grimm.
Rating: M
Length: 4,321
Warnings: main character death/undeath. non-graphic (maybe slightly graphic) depictions of violence/blood, mentions of animal death, implied sex
Read on AO3 or below the cut
September 3rd 1742
I've never had a journal before but Basilton tells me it will help with my reading and writing. He's taught me all my letters and wants me to practice on my own now. He says he’ll continue reading to me if I like. He’ll keep helping me with handwriting too, but Basilton insists that having a personal record will do me good. Even so, I do not know what to record. Though I must not waste this lovely gift. Basilton says to write about my day, my thoughts. He must have more thoughts within him than I, for I am already out of things to say, and Basilton adds to his journal at all hours of the day. 
September 6th 1742
Today I milked the cows and took them out in the field to graze. I ate fresh bread with a lot of butter.  I did some other chores. It is late. I do not wish to write more.
September 7th 1742
Today I had porridge for breakfast, and some tasty stew Ebb made for supper. Charlie, the cattle dog, found a new favorite stick out in the pasture today, he hasn't stopped chewing it since this morning.
September 8th 1742
I hope Basil will forgive me for my short entries. It's not as if he’ll read what I put down here. Personal journals are to be personal, he tells me. So I’m just meant to speak to myself? I will keep at it, if only to gain more surety in my handwriting. 
September 9th 1742
It is Sunday, I went to Mass. Basilton came to the cabin after the service. Brought me some scones Vera made. Sir Grimm does not approve of his son spending so much time with a farmhand, Basilton told me of another scolding he got earlier this week. I do not know why he spends time with me, against his father’s wishes, but I will not stop him. We ate lunch together. I enjoyed the food, and the company more. Basilton would call me a liar if he read that, my love of scones is rarely bested by anything, but Basilton is a good friend to me. 
Everything feels so easy with Basil. He can make me laugh no matter what, even when he's poking fun at me. We talked for hours yesterday, and he listened when I spoke about my days, my observations of the cattle. Basil worries I work too hard, but I don't do much really, and I enjoy the labor. Besides, what else am I to do with my time? We discussed a poem Basil had read to me a few weeks ago. I am not usually one for poetry, but Basilton speaks about poems in a way that makes sense to me. I thought him unbearably arrogant when I first started working for his family, speaking of literature constantly and looking down his big nose at me. He still is arrogant at times, but now that we are friends I know he is also kind and caring and truly intelligent. He speaks of his sisters often, and how he worries he won’t meet his father’s expectations. He remains unmarried and this troubles Sir Grimm. 
But Basilton has land to inherit and good social standing. He has many admirable qualities, and it goes without saying that he is handsome. He should have no trouble finding a wife. I said this to Basilton today but he became uncomfortable. Quickly, he brushed it off and picked up a new topic of conversation. This has happened before, I do not know if it’s the subject of marriage, or if he is too modest a man, but many times I have stated his good qualities, only for Basiton to blush and deny them, or leave the conversation. 
September 20th 1742
I ate Turkey for supper yesterday. One of the bulls charged at me today because I looked at him wrong. Bastard. Gareth made me help him till the field today. Another bastard. He said he couldn’t get it done in time without help, despite the crops being his and his sons’ job, and the cattle being mine. 
Went to the pub with Ebb, the goatherd yesterday. She told me a great joke about goats but I was drunk and can't remember it now. I might ask her to tell me it again.  
September 22nd 1742
Today was an easy day, I fiddled with my carving knife while out in the field. Made a little wooden Charlie but when I showed it to him the blasted dog chewed it up. I tried to stop him but then I just laughed. I suppose I’m glad he found my carving nice enough to devour. 
September 30th 1742
Basilton visited today. He brought me some of his books, said I could keep them, since I mentioned how much I liked the last one he read to me. I thanked him for the books, he is so kind to me. I do not know if I will ever read them though. Perhaps I should not have taken them. It’s not that I am ungrateful, I just didn’t know how to tell Basilton I mostly enjoy hearing his voice read to me, more than I care about the contents of the books. I am sad as this probably means he will not continue reading aloud to me. 
October 1st 1742
I’ve not been writing as much as I feel I should. I fear my life is just not that interesting. Basilton tells me it’s plenty interesting. He’ll listen to my stories about cattle and Charlie without complaint. Gareth tells me my stories are boring though. “Who cares if a calf was born with a spot that looks just like a field mouse?” he said to me when I told that story at the pub last week. As if throwing seeds on the ground makes for great stories. 
October 8th 1742
I found some poppies in the field, the first of the fall. I picked a couple of the red flowers. Gave them to Basil when he came round my cottage in the evening. He tried to resist them but I insisted. I told him it was repayment for the books he left with me. That wasn't all true, I just wanted to share the beauty of those little things with him. Basilton accepted the flowers then, I do hope he likes them. I cannot offer him much more, though I wish I had more to give to my friends. 
October 10th 1742
I tried carving a flower out of wood but I cocked it up. I might try again with a thicker stick.
October 12th 1742
The cattle are well. The sun is shortening our days. I heard a bird song I did not recognize today, while out in the field. It was lovely. I must start saving up for a new winter coat, mine is threadbare and has not been keeping me warm enough as the world gets colder. Basilton tells me he’s going deer stalking with his cousins in a few days. He will be gone for at least a month. It will be their first hunt of the season. 
October 15th 1742
Basilton left today. I tended to the cattle. I tried to brush off the sadness that seemed to hang over the day. Perhaps the cloudy days are affecting my mood, or the cold weather. I might just sleep early today. 
October 30th 1742
He died. On that trip he
November 25th 1742
I went to Mass today. I sat alone. I tried to welcome the Holy Spirit but I feel so alone in this world. I grieve Basil every waking moment. I thought this would pass, it’s been nearly a month and still the wound is as fresh as the day I learned of his death. I’ve never had someone to lose before, like this. I loved him deeply, as if he were my own family I have come to realize. I find myself almost grateful that I did not know my parents, that I will not, one day, have to grieve them as well.
The Lord’s Day is the most painful, God forgive my soul for saying so. I cannot distract myself with work. I try to pray, but my mind wanders ever back to my lost friend. I grow tired of writing, but I will not put down this journal forever, Basilton wouldn't want me to.
November 27th 1742
I woke up this morning to something strange. I found one of the cows dead in the field. I hadn’t noticed any signs of sickness in the herd, but there were also no signs of an animal attack. There was no wound I could find, no blood. She looked strange, I cannot say why, though. It was as if something was missing, from beneath the skin. I told Sir Grimm, and the other farmhands, in case there is sickness in the herd. I’ll be keeping a closer watch on the cattle.
November 29th 1742
I visited Basilton’s grave this evening. It did me no good. I only felt the pain of loss much stronger standing there, reading his gravestone. It was as if there were a stake ran through my chest. I could hardly breathe through the sobs that came out of me. It was so strange, knowing Basilton was so close, only two meters or so below where I stood, and yet he was impossibly far. 
It does me little good to dwell on these negative feelings. 
November 30th 1742
I try to fill my days with actions. I inspect the cows twice, three times over, to check for any signs of decaying health. I pace the perimeter of the field while they graze. I help Gareth work the land when I should be resting. I chop enough firewood for this winter and the next two. I stay too long at the pub and drink more than I can afford. I imagine spots in my cabin that need cleaning, and I scrub and scrub and scrub until the pain in my hands is all that I can feel. And yet, I still ache for the companionship of Bailston. What am I to do with myself?
December 1st 1742
I cannot stop thinking of Basilton. Truly, I never stopped thinking of him, even when he was alive and with me. The Grimm family told us he was trampled by his own horse, fell off it while hunting. In quiet moments my mind creates imaginations of his last terrible moments. When I lay in bed, if I am not drunk as a lord, I cannot sleep for hours. I pray to God for a miracle, but my pleas are left unanswered. I know it to be foolish, but I cannot help myself. I would do anything for Basilton. Anything to see him again. 
December 4th 1742
I do not want to write this, but I feel I must. I saw Basilton last night. I know, I know that he is dead, and God willing, he is at peace in heaven. But I came home from the pub late last night, crawled into bed, then, I saw Basil in my room, as if he were alive. He did not look ghostly, no, he looked as if he had new life coursing through him. His skin flush. His smile wide. There were no signs he had ever been dead. 
I cried out, I could not help it. He came to me, to my bed. I sat up to meet him. And he held me. A hand pressed to my chest, the other wrapped around my back. His dark hair against my chin as he rested his face to my collar bone. We did not speak. I feared I would wake from the dream. And it must have been a dream. 
I woke up this morning half expecting to see Basilton about the grounds, as if his death was a nightmare I could finally wake from. But he was not here, of course not. My mind has been so fixed on Basilton it only makes sense he would creep into my dreams.
December 5th 1742
It happened again, last night, I was not asleep this time. I was changing into my night clothes, when Basil appeared to me. I did not hear him come in. My candle cast his shadow against the wall. He must have been standing there as flesh and bone, not as a ghost or a vision. He wore regular clothes, not the burial shroud–made from his own family’s wool–that he was laid to rest in. He had on his purple vest with yellow embroidered flowers. It was one of his favorites, he told me years ago. Again he did not speak, but he touched my hand. He was so cool. a welcome feeling; I was so hot. I pulled him into an embrace. I whispered his name, I did not know what else I could do. I swear to God, he spoke my name in response.
Suddenly I felt so tired, so drained. Likely the day’s work catching up to me. I tried to fight the urge to sleep, but my eyes closed before I could watch Basilton leave, or say anything more to him.
December 6th 1742
Another cow, and one of the bulls have died, for the same mysterious reason as the first cow. The herd was restless yesterday, as if they could sense misfortune in the air, but I could not do anything to prevent their deaths. I do not even know what I need to be protecting them from.  
I am worried, and unsettled.
December 8th 1742
The night before this last I stayed up, hoping to see my old friend again, though he never came. But last night I saw Basilton again. He spoke this time, only my name. My heart filled with joy to hear my friend’s deep voice call me Simon after I was sure we’d never be able to speak to each other again in this life. He sat beside me on the bed. I told him I had missed him. He placed a cool hand on my cheek, looked into my eyes. His were a familiar light grey, but he wore an expression I couldn't make sense of.
Then, he kissed me. I hesitate to write these words. He must be a sodomite. I have always heard such men are evil, but I could never think of Basilton that way. He's always been so lovely. 
And the worst part is that I kissed him back. The best part is that I kissed him back. I have not kissed anyone before. He was so soft against my lips. So cool. His hand held my jaw, and his tongue pressed against my lips. An elation sprung up within me that I cannot describe. I held him tightly, wanting more than anything for this moment to last forever. I couldn’t help but think he should have done this sooner. We should have done this when Basil was still living. 
Oh God! I weep remembering that he is dead. 
Basilton kissed farther down my neck, across my collar bones, left kisses on my chest so hard they hurt. I did not stop him. He didn't go farther than my bosom, but-
I wanted him to. I felt as if under a spell, wrapped up in a world of pleasure balanced by the slightest pain. I wanted more, wanted all of him , but before I knew it I was awake, and alone, as the morning sun shown through my window. 
I was slow in my work today. Gareth noticed, told me I should not be so lazy. My body betrays me, I feel so weak.
December 13th 1742
Basilton visits me nightly now. I welcome his touches, his hard kisses. I walk through my days now, dreaming of night. 
The cows have begun to distrust me, they put up a fight when I try to milk them, and a few are no longer eating. I do not know why. Sir Grimm, despite having experience with livestock, seemed just as perplexed as I when I brought up the strange deaths and behaviors of his herd. Though, I know his mind is elsewhere, the mourning clothes he and Madam Grimm wear are a constant reminder of their loss.
I hear whispers at the pub of ghost sightings. I hear gossip from the house servants that the Grimm children wake up screaming in the nights now. 
December 19th 1742
The weather gets worse. I feel frozen to the bone. My hands hurt daily. My work gets harder, as more animals under my care drop dead, and my strength seems to dwindle with each moment. The waking world has no joy, no pleasure left. But I go through each day, waiting for night. Only at night can I remember what happiness is. Basilton comes to me. He holds me, and we kiss for hours. Basil leaves marks and bruises on my skin but I welcome it. My hands praise the skin he uncovers for me. We commit sins I never knew could bring such pleasures. 
December 20th 1742
I admit, I have not allowed myself to consider how or why Basilton appears to me alive, when I know he was laid in his grave two months ago. I just cannot think of it, I cannot search for reasons to distrust this gift I have. I may be a fool, or a doomed sodomite, but I cannot find it in me to fight what is happening. I cannot consider this to be anything but good or I might truly lose myself. 
December 24th 1742
Last night was disturbing. Basilton came to my room as usual. We kissed, and lay together, and I felt so joyous, but quickly the tides turned. He pinned my naked body to the bed. He sat over me and tore at my flesh with his bare hands. I cried out but I could not stop him. Some dark part of me did not want to stop him. Basilton lapped up the blood that poured from my chest like a starved dog. The unGodly sight did things to me. As if possessed by something, I craved his bloodshed.
I do not know what is wrong with me. 
I awoke with deep wounds on my chest. A mess of horror and lust arose within me as I touched the raised flesh, the dried blood. I know this is not natural, this is not holy. I should seek out a doctor, or a priest, but I can't stand the thought of losing my dear Basil again. I would open up a vein for him. I would tie our hearts together for eternity if it meant Basilton could be mine. 
December 25th 1742
It is Christmas Day. A holiday that should be full of cheer. Basil once told me it was his favorite holiday, so it holds an extra special meaning for me. I wish he had been here, enjoying the day. I try not to be too sad, he will be here soon, arriving with the stars in the sky.  
Ebb spent the day with me. I gave her a small wooden goat I carved. She does not say it but I know she misses her brother most around this time of year. I tried to be there for her, as I pretended not to notice the tears running down her red cheeks. But I found it hard to care. All my thoughts were consumed by anticipation for my next visit with Basilton. I know that is terrible. I tried to fight it, to focus on the friend I had with me at the moment, but I struggled. My mind, and my heart are trapped in a world with only Basilton and myself. A world no one else could understand. 
December 26th 1742 
Basilton attacked me again last night. My neck, chest, and stomach are covered in signs of his violent affection. Oh my dear God, I try to feel remorse, to summon disgust at our actions, but it is just not there within me. My mind is a haze of painful pleasure, my thoughts, along with my flesh and blood, fully consumed by Basilton. He is a fallen angel. He is a monster, and I must be one as well, but I have no will to change that. 
I love him. I’ll love him no matter what we become. 
I found more cattle dead this morning. Now nearly a third of the herd is gone. This time they have markings to match the wounds on my chest. 
I told Ebb about the deaths, she told me a few goats have passed as well. I will tell the baronet tomorrow. 
December 27th 1742
I went to tell Sir Grimm about the dead cows this morning. 
In the manor I overheard the baronet and baronetess speaking of another attack last night. I stopped myself short of the doorway into Sir Grimm’s study. I stood in the hallway, slowing my breath to hear them through the door. 
“Mordelia saw Basilton again last night. He hurt her, picked her up and left scratches on her back,” Daphne said to Malcolm. Sir Grimm stated he’s seen their son some nights as well. I became jealous upon hearing these words, at learning I was not the only one Basil is giving attention to. A foolish thought, of course he would want to see his family. But they spoke of him in fearful tones. They do not know my sweet Basil is only full of love. 
“He is a vampire,” Sir Grimm said. I had to stop myself from crying out. Madam Grimm gasped, begged him no. Sir Grimm mumbled something comforting. “It must be done. He’s not our son anymore, Daphne, he is an evil creature.” 
A vampire. The livestock dying, the frightened children, and my nightly visits from Basilton, all signs of a vampire. Dear God, Basil did not deserve such a fate!! I know what they will do to him: dig up his grave, stake his heart, cut off his head, and burn him to ashes. 
He will be gone forever. 
I cannot bear the thought! 
I know now what I must do, and I must do it quickly. 
Later on the 27th
Hastily, I have made my preparations. I could not risk Sir Grimm getting to Basilton first. I am prepared to go tonight. 
December 28th 1742
I went to Basilton’s grave late last night. I was the only soul awake besides the owls. I brought along a lantern, a shovel, a small pack with all my coin and what few possessions I care to keep, and a small wheelbarrow I took from the barn. The light of my lantern guided me through the familiar trees and headstones, until I found the name Basilton Grimm carved into stone. 
The rain poured down endlessly. The wet earth offered little resistance to my shovel, but digging was not quick work. The wind put out my lantern thrice. I gave up relighting, nothing would stop me. I had a singular purpose. I felt as if I’d been guided here, to this moment, to save my love. 
After hours of labor, my shovel kissed the wood of a coffin, I nearly collapsed from relief, and exhaustion. Prying the lid from my Basil’s prison was harder than I had expected. Once I had it off, I threw it from the hole. 
I wept. There was my dearest Basilton asleep in his coffin. I relit the lantern. I fell to my knees, sharing the cramped space with him. The light revealed a blood-stained mouth and burial shroud. His hair was a little longer, more lustrous than in life, his skin ruddy and plump. I worried I would find his face smashed, his body mangled from horses’ hooves, but he was unmarked and as beautiful as ever. His hands were free from his shroud, also bloody. 
These are all signs of a vampire, but I could not care. I had to reach out to touch his cold flesh.
I had to kiss him. 
My lips met his, and in that coffin, surrounded by earth, over the sound of the attacking rain, Basil softly moaned. I swear I heard it. I swear his lips moved against mine.  
Elated with indescribable joy I tried to wake him more, desperate for proof he really was living. He did not open his eyes, or speak to me, or move. But when I pressed my ear to his chest I heard the drum of his heart beat steadily. 
My sweet Basilton alive! Now that I have him, I will let no harm come to him. I will keep Basil safe from those who want to kill him again. 
It is early morning now, the sun is just starting to peak over the land in the East. This will be my last entry. I shall leave my journal here, in my Basilton’s empty grave, in case anyone is searching for us. I care not who reads these words, they will not find us. I will be far away, with my love, finally happy. 
(A note placed in the back of the journal)
Dearest Simon, 
I hope this journal will be of use to you. I do believe keeping a journal will help you continue improving your literacy. And perhaps it will aid in other ways. I find it helps to have a private place for one's thoughts and feelings. My journals are a great comfort to me. 
Beyond that, I must admit I do enjoy the thought that there will be a record of you and of I. That people may know who we were, and that we were good friends.
Yours truly, 
Tyrannus Basilton Grimm
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sunshine-overload · 7 months
[BSTS] Ran Valentine’s Day 5* Card Story
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Chapter 1 -starless kitchen, table area-
kongou: Sorry for the wait. These are prototypes of the chocolate cupcakes we’ll be selling during our event. 
ran: Oh, here they are!
mizuki: Oi Ran, don’t eat them all yourself.
ran: I won’t, I’m not you.
hinata: Let’s see~ I’ll take this one!
mizuki: Hey that’s the biggest one of the lot! Gimmie it!
lico: They’re all the same anyways. But still, make sure you leave some for Heath and I.
mizuki: If you miss out it’s your fault for being too slow.
heath: …I’m ok with just this one.
ran (eating): Hm? Don’t thwese ones twaste different from ya fwirst batch? They’re even tastier!
kongou: I’m glad to hear it. It’s tedious making desserts. Even the smallest change in the amount of an ingredient used, or the temperature you bake them at can change the flavour. Appears this prototype is a success.
lico: Don’t they smell really good?
kongou: That’s because I tried adding some liqueur. It’s very fragrant. 
lico: Oh I see.
hinata: What’s liqueur?
mizuki: Food right?
ran: No no, liqueur is a type of alcohol.
hinata: Huh, it’s alcohol then?
kongou: The alcohol burns off, so it’s fine for people who don’t drink to eat it.
ran: Ooh, informative~
mizuki: Quit talking about complicated stuff, lemme eat more.
heath: Mizuki, how many have you already eaten?
kongou: I whipped up some prototype cookies for decorating the cakes with too. Here, you can have some of these.
mizuki: Woah! They look super tasty!
ran: As I thought, with Kongou here B’s Valentine’s Day will be the best!
Chapter 2 -starless kitchen, table area-
ran: I’m baaack~!
lico: Aren’t you a bit late? Where the heck did you wander off to—
saki: Oh, Lico-san, sorry for intruding.
lico: If it isn’t Kotori-chan. You’re not intruding at all, you’re welcome anytime. Here, come take a seat.
heath: You’re here, Saki.
saki: Yes, I happened to run into Ran-san on the way here…
mizuki: Whatever, let’s get started already.
kongou: Ok, here are the cupcakes we talked about previously. So that they’re easy to decorate I made them in a simple shape. I planned to make it so that you can eat it at the store or take it home with you.
lico: Nice.
kongou: Today’s just a trial so I prepared a few different topping candidates.
hinata: Woah, there’s so many to choose from! So we can decorate the cake with these?
kongou: Yeah. Let me know which you prefer or if there’s any that can be improved.
ran: Then let’s get into it already. Nee-chan, let’s decorate them together!
saki: Yes.
-time pass-
lico: And then I’ll put this here and— It’s done, doesn’t it look great?
kongou: I see, you carefully stacked the chocolate to make it look like a rose. You’re skilled, Lico.
lico: This much is nothing.
hinata: There’s so many decorations here that I’ve never eaten before. What else should I choose~
mizuki: What even is this? Cream? (he eats it) Bleh, it’s so sweet…
lico: Hey are you planning to just put every single topping on there? Put some more thought into it.
hinata: What-! I thought it was a really good idea though~
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ran: If I put the dog shaped cookie here then… Ooh~! It’s super duper cute!
kongou: Hahah, it’s fun trying all sorts of combinations isn’t it?
saki: (Fufu, it looks like everyone is having fun.)
heath: Saki, is this good?
saki: Uwah, your decorations are beautiful, Heath-san.
heath: Last year I made chocolate by myself, so I’m glad to be able to make it together with you this year.
saki: Yes, me too.
ran: Ah, Nee-chan! What do ya think of my puppy choco cakes?
saki: The puppies are playing with each other on top of the cakes right? It’s very cute.
ran: Hell yeah! It’s got Nee-chan’s seal of approval! White Day is next month but doesn’t it suck havin’ to wait that long? That’s why I wanted to make it so we can repay the sentiment right away.
saki: I see. I’m sure the other guests will like that too.
ran: I know, how about we trade cupcakes right now!
saki: Sure.
ran: Yay! I hope ya enjoy Valentine’s together with us this year!
Chapter 3 -break room-
lico: Our event this time has been getting lots of good reviews. The ladies and everyone else all seem happy with it. Well, it means they enjoyed decorating cupcakes with me specifically right?
ran: Well it’s true that you’re good at it, Lico.
kongou: I’m glad it’s popular. Depending on the toppings you choose the flavour and appearance changes, so it appears we’ve been getting a lot of repeat customers.
lico: See I told you women are into this sort of thing. They love traditional Valentine’s Day stuff.
mizuki: All we’re doing is putting things on a cake and they eat it.
lico: Do you, the person providing the service not even understand what you’re doing? When you’re on the stage, you hear the fans cheering in the audience don’t you? I’m happy they’ve come to watch of course, but hearing them do chants or wave their penlights is nice, y’know?
ran: Ah, I get ya! Ya can really feel that they’re here to support us.
lico: Yeah exactly. What I’m trying to tell you is that the goal of this event is to repay them in a similar way that reflects those feelings.
mizuki: Oh shut up, quit yapping at me about everything little thing.
heath: …It’s not that hard to understand. The fact we’re putting our souls into the show hasn’t changed. We’re just giving it a physical form.
mizuki: Oh… The heck, just tell me that from the start.
lico: I did…
Chapter 4 -backstage-
ran: …… (seems nervous)
saki: Ran-san…?
ran: Oh~ Nee-chan! You’re here to watch us!
saki: …Um.
ran: Hm?
saki: Are you… ok?
ran: What makes ya ask? I’m full of energy today like always!
saki: Is that so? Sorry for asking something strange then.
ran: ……
ran: Ya don’t need to worry about me. But well, it is true that we’ve had plenty of ups and downs since our first ever performance, ‘Eclipse’. It’s not like I don’t understand why you’d be concerned. However, we’ve overcome all sorts of hardships.
saki: Yes.
ran: First and foremost, B’s shows are packed full of fun. Even when Heath was missin’ from ‘Idaten’ and when Mizuki didn’t show up for ‘Island of Rabble’. And of course when Heath came back and we performed ‘Total Eclipse’! Lots of things have happened, but there’s still plenty of things that haven’t changed either.
saki: Things that haven’t changed?
ran: The fact that once we’re up on that stage, we have a blast! That includes for this show too of course. Thinkin’ about it though, even recently Mizuki and Lico have been buttin’ heads and Hinata’s been actin’ recklessly. It’s been a mess~ Wherever B goes, discord follows! I kid, I kid. But well, when you take everythin’ into account, it does kinda suit us.
saki: Fufu, that may be so.
saki: (That’s good, Ran-san seems to be his usual self…)
ran: Ah, you finally smiled. That’s our Nee-chan.
saki: Yes. And the Ran-san that sparkles on the stage is the usual you.
ran: …….
ran: Yeah. Because while I’m here— I want to entertain you as both a member of B and as ‘Ran-chan’.
saki: Thank you. I’ll always be supporting you.
ran: Yeah, it’s a promise, alright? Enjoy watchin’ my sparklin’ self!
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victoriouscabaret · 4 months
I was tagged by the forever lovely @chaeza! Thank you friend! <3
Do you make your bed? When I remember to/feel like it. Mornings are usually chaos for me, so getting dressed and making myself look presentable usually takes priority over making the bed.
Favorite number? 9
What's your job? Office Manager. I’m happy with it. Definitely not burnt out like I was when I did funerals. I do really miss being a mortician though. Helping people and taking care of them during a tremendously hard time was so fulfilling, and I don’t think I’ll ever not be fascinated by death from a psychological, cultural, and medical perspective. Alas…
Can you parallel park? With a good deal of swearing and asking myself why I’m even doing this.
Do you think aliens are real? It would be stranger if they weren’t.
Can you drive a manual car? Better than a few, worse than most.
What's your guilty pleasure? Hmmm… I don’t really like sweets or candy, but I could absolutely devastate a package of dark chocolate covered orange peels. Those little things are unfairly tasty.
Tattoos? A teeeeeeny tiny Tolkien illustration of Smaug above the crook of my left arm, a hand holding a candle and a flower with the solar system around it (the universe I guess according to the artist? That’s what she called it at least. Its dope and I love it) on my right thigh, a tribal-esque snake that I drew when I was 19 and decided I needed it on me permanently, so it’s between my shoulder blades and has aged terribly. Going to get that covered up with a Big Ass Panther or something probably. Aaaaand a tragic stick n poke on the inside of my left ankle that I did when I was 17 and thought I was edgy. It looks like nothing. Just a bunch of faded dots of ink in the suggestion of a circle. I love tattoos and held off getting any after my snake for so long because I was worried about family and society judging me, but I’ve recently realized how absolutely fucking ridiculous that is, so I’ve already got my next three planned out lol.
Favorite color? Green
Favorite types of music? Any and all. If it’s got a danceable groove or great lyrics, it’s for me.
Do you like puzzles? Hyperfocusing on jigsaw puzzles is one of my favourite pastimes, but I have two cats, and one of them especially likes to “help” so I just don’t bother these days lol. Some brain puzzles stress me out, and numbers don’t work properly in my brain so stuff like Sudoku isn’t for me. I really enjoy riddles and logic puzzles.
Any phobias? Spiders, enclosed spaces, and heights.
Favorite childhood sport? I really enjoyed most sports as a kid and am a naturally athletic person. I really wanted to do hockey, but certain people thought that dancing was more appropriate for a girl, so into ballet I went for years. I did enjoy dancing a lot, and after I quit ballet and jazz, I started ballroom dancing and competed in country ballroom and swing until I turned 18.
Do you talk to yourself? I think my head would literally explode if I didn’t.
What movies do you adore? Oh man… so many. Comfort ones that I’ll always be happy to watch are: The Princess Bride, Kill Bill Vol. 1&2, Only Lovers Left Alive, the lotr trilogy, Moulin Rouge, and Wristcutters: A Love Story
Coffee or Tea? Coffee, but have ventured more into tea over the past year or so. My caffeine sensitivity went bananas when I still did funerals - I think because the funeral coffee I drank all day, every day was so strong my body was eventually just like “nope” so I can have like… max one coffee a day now otherwise I’m just anxious AND tired but can’t fall asleep at bedtime.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? An acrobat lol.
Non-obligatory tags: @thefallenangelsgang, @preciouslittlebhaalbae, @allofthebarks, @myheartismadeofstars, @inkymoonbunny
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blossombriefs · 6 months
Legendary | Chapter Four
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Over the next few days, I stayed with Broly in his shack on Vampa. The intended few hours of rest turned into a day and a day turned into a few, my injuries were worse than I had expected. Broly was more than kind to me. I slept in his bed while he bunked on a rolled-out futon on the ground after a great deal of debate. I tried tinkering with the scanner to get it to work, hopefully well enough to send Frieza a distress signal, but there was no luck. Through my time on this desolate rock, I learned new skills that Frieza's men never deemed essential enough to show me. Broly instructed me on how to hunt, bringing in fresh food each day, and in turn, he also showed me how to cook some simple meals to keep myself going. He educated me more on keeping myself healthy, specifically with treating my own wounds, as I always relied on Frieza's doctors to get me back to full health. Watching him fend for himself and teach me how to do the same was an eye-opening experience and I knew it would prove useful in my future missions. 
"You aren't a machine," Broly had mumbled on the second night, stirring a pot full of Vampa's native meats. "You need to eat regularly while you train. I don't know how you could even have the energy you claim to have on a near-empty stomach."
By the fourth day, I was fully healed from the attack. Broly had used the last of his medicine stash to help with my recovery. I offered countless times to replace it with any I had left on my ship but he refused. My armour had taken an equal beating to me. I knew once I returned to Frieza's mothership I had to get a new set. It's purpose was served. Broly had given me some more comfortable clothes that he had stored away, albeit they were much too big for me but they kept me warm and clothed. I sat with my chin on my knees, perched on a fur rug beside a makeshift fireplace. The warming and hearty aroma of Broly's cooked stew flowed through to the room from the kitchen. I smiled up to him with glee as he approached with the bowls, one in each hand.
"Thank you Broly," I said gratefully as I took the bowl from him. "For everything. Really. I'm very grateful."
He nodded with his usual grateful smile that softened his features as he took a seat beside me to take in the warmth, "You're welcome. I'm just glad I could be of some kind of help."
He stirred his stew with his spoon, almost playing with his food as he was clearly taking a moment to be deep in thought. I ate steadily, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow before asking him directly what was up, "Is something wrong? I think the stew is really tasty today."
"No... it's not the food." He trailed on, I kept my gaze locked on him as he lowered his warm bowl to sit it on his lap. He lifted his arm, scratching the back of his head, "I just don't know what to call you... I've taken care of you the past few days and I still don't know what I should call you."
"As in my name?" I responded with a light chuckle, setting my near-empty bowl to the side. "We've already discussed this Broly. When we first met remember? My name is Capt-"
"Yes, but that's not a name. That's just your rank on your squad." He interrupted abruptly, spooning some of the food in his mouth. He took a moment to chew while he matched my gaze. He swallowed, "Do you not know your own name?"
"I..." I trailed off as I could feel myself looking away awkwardly. "I don't remember. I've always just been Captain 4 Alpha 1. I feel like I've lost track of a lot of my memories... including my name. Maybe it's just because I've been so busy."
"You don't forget something like a name by being busy," he responded. "Is there anything you'd like me to call you?"
The answer I gave was in a similar manner to the one I gave before. I just didn't know. Despite fighting countless battles across the galaxy and claiming thousands of lives along the way, I was just a nameless warrior at the end of the day. What kind of legacy would I leave behind without something as primitive as a name? My eyes shifted up and down nervously, Broly's hadn't moved. "Would you have any suggestions for me, Broly? What name would you give me?"
"Let me think. You're very smart but kinda scary,"
"Thanks, Broly."
"Your name you have already is Captain Four Alpha One... Four.... Alpha... One... Four... Ah... Fl-" I watched on as Broly tried to brainstorm ideas, sounding everything out phonetically. It did look like he was using the entirety of his brain's capacity to try and think. He pressed his finger against his lip as he was deep in thought, scrunching his eyes together. I could almost see the answer click as he instantly snapped his fingers together.
"Flora." he smiled, looking at me as his cheeks gently warmed.
"Flora? Like a flower?" I could feel myself grimacing at his response.
"Yes, I think Flora would suit you." His low voice trying to reassure me. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow, prompting him to let out a sigh. "You remind me of a flower. It looked very pretty on the outside like you do, but if it isn't taken care of it wilts and dies. It struggles to survive. It has to be looked after in order for it to be strong. It's delicate."
He reached down as he picked up my bowl from the side, my eyes following him as he did so. "That's why I picked Flora. It also isn't too far off your old 'name'. If you don't like it I can choose something else but I'm not too full of ideas."
Lost for words, all I could do was nod as a response. Broly smiled sweetly once more as he went into the kitchen to wash up the dishes. Flora. My new name was Flora. It felt weird to finally have a name given to me, especially with the obvious juxtaposition. A cold-blooded killer named Flora, the most girly and feminine name I could've been given. Flora The Conqueror. Flora The Destroyer. I sat still, letting the warmth of the roaring fire continue to envelop me in the moment. I whispered to myself, "Flora". I kept repeating it to test it out. It felt strange but almost right the more I would say it.
As I was lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed that Broly had returned to the room, standing before me listening as I was talking to myself, his soft gaze peering down as I repeated the name he had chosen. He spoke in his usual softness, letting the name roll off his tongue with a sense of familiarity, "Flora?"
"Yes?" I replied to him. I knew that I needed to try and get used to it.
"I like this you." he sat back down on the floor beside me as I tilted my head in confusion. I didn't say anything in response, offering him the chance to elaborate. "When we first met you were scary. Now, you're not. I don't feel as afraid of you."
"You're... not?" I heard my voice croak in disbelief. In all my years battling through the stars, no one had ever uttered those words to me.
"No." He responded, shaking his head. "I sensed your energy from so far away that day. I had to check it out. That's when I first saw you on the grass with that man on top of you. I could feel your energy fading, that's why I rushed to help. You were caught off guard, there's nothing shameful about that." 
"Okay," I exhaled. "Maybe I am grateful you helped me that day, Broly. Do you not think it's still a tiny bit embarrassing for me to admit that?"
Gradually I found myself settling into my new identity as "Flora". The warmth of another's acceptance was another new experience and it felt nice. More days passed and on top of being fully healed, I found myself drawn closer to Broly as we spent more time preparing for my eventual departure. The camaraderie between the two of us grew through shared meals - the longer I stayed the more confident I got with cooking - sharing stories and sharing laughter. We also regularly began sparring in Vampa's grassy plains to prepare me for any battles I would face in the future. He would win some, I would win some, but the most important thing was that we pushed each other to our limits. I learned of his past too. The green pelt around his waist was from a creature he befriended as a child named Ba which led him to open up to me about his relationship with his father - a lot of it struck a chord with me as it sounded almost like the relationship I shared with Frieza. He didn't know where his father went, he wasn't on Vampa. Broly had assumed he had left when he found the chance.
On my final planned evening, the shack walls housed the dancing shadows of a crackling fire. I found myself deep in conversation with Broly, his kindness had chipped away at me over time, that much was certain. I hadn't really experienced a bond like this before. I shared my stories with him that night, my rigorous training routine, the things I had seen, the people I had killed and the planets I had helped Frieza conquer. Broly showed me no signs of being judgemental, instead offering me some well-needed empathy.
"Flora, your story isn't like anything I've ever heard before, then again there aren't any other people around here." Broly began with his soft voice full of convictions. "Have you ever thought of choosing your own path? You could get away from Frieza easily, away from all the darkness. I don't think you want to be a killer anymore."
I blinked in surprise as a response, the weight of his words sinking in. I had never dared thought about leaving Frieza's ranks. Broly's supportive words did make it seem like a possibility. The more I tried to process the idea, I could feel uncertainty colour my voice as I thought about it. "I... I don't know if I could."
Pressing a reassuring hand on my shoulder, he made me feel grounded. "You're stronger than you realise. You're already starting to blossom into a new person, someone remarkable. Don't let fear hold you back from your true potential or happiness. Your power is extraordinary. You're just as powerful as I am, you could do anything."
His words stirred in my brain, igniting something I could feel deep inside. It felt like a burning fire, courage that lay dormant all this time. With a newfound feeling of resolve, I looked up into Broly's eyes and nodded with gratitude, "Thank you Broly."
"What for?" he asked with a tilted head and a smile.
"You seem like you really believe in me. This past week or so... you've made me feel normal and you've shown me how to continue living normally. You gave me a name. You looked after me."
His smile was radiant, contagiously I smiled back to him, filled with a feeling of warmth and pride. "You don't need to thank me, Flora. Just please don't let yourself forget that you're not just a soldier. You're capable of so much more than that. Promise me you won't forget that."
I held his gaze with determination in my eyes, "I promise."
Suddenly, the shack began to shake with an unexplained rumble. I looked up swiftly as Broly, without a single thought, protectively wrapped his arms around me and covered my head with his muscular body. The wood from the roof began to crumble around us as the sounds of engines filled the air. Broly clutched me for dear life, a protective grip around me as the debris began crashing down. Piercing through the chaos, I was taken aback to hear a familiar voice cutting through like a knife. 
"Ha ha! Captain Four Alpha One! We've found you!"
It was a voice I hadn't expected to hear again in this desolate corner of the galaxy, however, as well I knew, eventually he would have come back for me or sent his men to do so. I could feel my heart pound through my chest, the anxiety settling in as I kept my head buried against Broly. The dust settled and Broly perched his head up to look around. I tried to peek out from under his arms. What was left of Broly's shack was now surrounded by a small army of soldiers, their weapons pointed towards the two of us. With a sinking feeling in my gut, I shuddered as I locked eyes with an all-too-familiar figure. Standing at the mouth of his mothership, a grin spread across his sharp, purple lips with his legs crossed in his stance, he let out a laugh.
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The Final Girl Phone Call
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(Dieter x horror loving female)
Words: 1, 1996 (get it? Because Scream came out in 1996!)
Summary: this is my entry for the PedroHalloween2023 with the theme What’s Your Favourite Scary Movie? Thanks to @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi for bringing this to my notice and suggesting the story
Warnings: lots of references to Scream, somewhat difficult questions relating to horror films, Dieter being Dieter
Check out masterlist here
Watching a scary movie had a routine and ritual to it. A scary movie required comfort and tasty snacks. Scary movies required only the fluffiest of blankets to snuggle under to feel safe and warm while people were having their limbs chopped off by a machete wielding maniac on screen. This blanket was special because it was one of the first luxury purchases you made when you first moved to New Zealand. You were strangely feeling homesick, moving out of home for the first time, and you saw this soft orange blanket made from New Zealand wool. It cost more than a regular blanket, but it called out to you, wanting to offer you comfort. It provided many hours of comfort, especially when you were feeling lonely once you moved to Los Angeles. Once Dieter became a permanent part of your life, you introduced him to the blanket, almost like it was a pet, but obviously he loved it and treated it with respect.
You had just gotten out said comfy blanket and put it on the couch to get comfy with when a familiar tune broke through the silence. It was your phone. Normally you would check the caller ID but this time you answered without checking who it was.
“Who is this?”
“Tell me your name and I’ll tell you mine.” The voice on the other end was rough and laced with danger.
“I don’t think so.”
A few days earlier…
“You want to do a Scream roleplay?” Dieter looked at you like you asked him to strip naked, paint himself green and walk around town in public, which he would actually do and probably did once back in his younger, drug-filled days. “I’m a kinky guy, but that may be a bit too kinky for me.”
“It’s not that sort of roleplay. I just want to act out the opening scene.”
“Am I going to have to stab you? Because I really don’t want to do that.” He wrapped himself around you, almost protecting you from any potential dangers.
“Aw, you’re so sweet,” you kissed his cheek. “I don’t really want to get my fake blood out. And I wouldn’t know which one to use.”
“It would make a mess.”
“And how would we get the stabbing action going?”
“It would make a giant mess.”
You were too lost in your overthinking to notice that your boyfriend was teasing, “It’s going to be a lot of prep and too much effort.”
“I only like the good mess.”
“The good mess?” his cheeky look gave you the answer you were seeking, so you gently nudged him. “I’m just curious.”
“Curious was me in my days in a travelling nomad artist commune with access to too many drugs. You, my dear, have a morbid curiosity wrapped up in a sexy adorable package. One of the many reasons I love you.” He kissed your cheek this time.
“I just want to see how I’d be if your life was in danger.” He gave you that look again. “I know it’s weird. I’m just curious to know if I’d act smart or become a hopeless case.”
“You’ve seen way too many horror films to act dumb.”
“But that’s how I’d be on screen. How would I be in real life?”
“Would a Scream roleplay really help out?”
“Possibly. It’ll be fun.”
“Let me guess, you’ve already written a script?”
You didn’t want to admit how many times you watched the opening scene in order to write down the dialogue to get material for a roleplaying script.
“Maybe. But you come up with the questions, it’s not fair otherwise.”
Back to the script…
The plan was simple: Dieter will call you as soon as you got home. Then the roleplaying would begin.
You had made your way over to the kitchen. Taking a bag out of the cupboard, you put the popcorn in the microwave. After a pressing a few buttons, you shut the microwave door but realised it wasn’t loud enough, so you opened it again and slammed the microwave door shut. This time, it was loud enough to be heard at the other end of the phone.
“What’s that noise?”
“It’s popcorn.”
“You’re making popcorn?”  you mumbled a yes, “Popcorn is only for when you’re going to watch a movie in my opinion.”
“What a coincidence, I was just about to put on a movie.”
“Really? What kind of movie?”
“A scary movie.”
“You like scary movies?”
“It’s my bread and butter.”
“So what’s your favourite scary movie?”
“I don’t know.”
“You have to have a favourite. What comes to mind?”
“Well it’s a difficult question to answer. I have one too many favourites so really it should be what is my favourite right now? Normally I’d be up for a fun adventure like The Mummy, or a parody look at horror films like Tucker and Dale but really horror is such a great canvas to explore the harsh realities of life and use the metaphor of a supernatural monster to recreate and actual human monster.”
Dieter’s real voice came through the phone, “Honey cakes you’re going off topic.”
“Sorry,” you went back to the script. “Why do you want to know my name?”
“I want to know who I’m looking at.”
“What did you say?” You sensed that you were not alone and looked out the window, seeing only darkness. You made sure the screen door was locked; it was as it always was.
“I want to know who I’m talking to.”
You had moved to the front door this time and made sure it was locked; it was as it always was. “That’s not what you said.”
“What do you think I said?”
“What are you up to? Is this some kind of joke?”
It was at this point the microwave decided to provide a jump scare. You had forgotten about the popcorn until now. A tiny yelp was heard over the other end of the phone. You just left the door of the microwave open so it would stop screaming at you.
“More like a game. Can you handle that?” you didn’t answer. “I’ll take that as a yes. Now here’s how we play. I ask a question and if you get it right, I’ll spare the life of your boyfriend.”
Dieter could not play the double role of the boyfriend in danger. He was a talented actor, but not that talented.
“I’ll give you an easy question, as a trial run.”
You had by now, made your way back to the couch and wrapped yourself in the safety of your blanket. “Okay, I’ll do it.”
The voice on the other end gave a small maniacal laugh, “Now, what was the original title for Texas Chainsaw Massacre.”
“It was Head Cheese.”
“Good. But now all the questions get harder. Which means a harsher punishment for Mr. Sexy here.”
You covered your mouth, not because you were scared, but of the nickname your boyfriend gave himself. “So, first question: How many people does Jason kill in Friday the 13th?”
“Um, none because it was Pamela Vorhees who did all the killing.”
There was a pause coming from the phone, “Uh, I was meant to ask how many people died in that film but you’re correct, nonetheless. So next question: who was the serial killer in Silence of the Lambs?”
“There were two weren’t there?” the phone didn’t answer. “There was Hannibal Lecter obviously but there was also Buffalo Bill.”
You heard a rustle of paper and mild swearing, “Stupid kid ripped me off!” After a minute, Dieter finally got back into character, “Now here’s a really hard question: what is regarded as the first horror film?”
“That would be Le Manoir du diable.”
There was a pause, “And in English that would be?”
“The Devils Castle.”
“Correct. Next question: what horror film made the most money worldwide?”
“Are we talking most profitable film or highest grossing film?” you didn’t get an answer, so you continued. “Because the highest grossing horror film is IT, but Paranormal Activity grossed nearly $40 million off a $450, 000 budget.”
“Okay, um…”
Intense rustling was heard coming from the hallway cupboard. You went to investigate, knowing it would spell certain doom in any horror film but for real life, cause just a mild inconvenience.
The rustling noises got more frantic, and the doors of the cupboard suddenly opened, your boyfriend spilling out onto the hallway floor. It was hard to tell it was him at first because he had dressed himself head to toe in a black robe. From his hands spilled out his phone, some scribbled notes, and a mask. You picked it up to see that it was a replica of Ghost Face.
“You went and got the costume?”
“Well yeah. I had to get into the part, didn’t I?” he rubbed at his knee where he fell. “It took me a while to find that mask. All the stores had were the ones from the latest Scream film and I wanted to make sure it was the same as the first Scream so…”
“I don’t think I would have noticed,” you saw the dejected look on his face so you knelt down and embraced him, “Aw, you’re the best boyfriend ever!”
“I am?”
“Yeah. But I have to ask: why did you hide in the cupboard? You could have hidden yourself away in the spare room.”
He was probably dazed from falling out of the cupboard, “Because…it was authentic to the film?” neither of you were convinced. “And I love you?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Were you planning on jumping out and scaring me?”
“Kind of. I was hoping we’d do a bit of light tussling followed by some sexy time,” he sighed. “Sorry the questions weren’t that good. The kid on set said they were really hard questions.”
“I thought they were pretty good questions.”
“Really really.”
You helped him get up which took longer than normal as the length of the sleeves provided lots of tripping up material.
“I don’t know how anyone can do anything in this costume.”
“Well, they did stumble a lot in the first three films,” you hugged him close. “So do you want to get out of this costume and…?”
“Get naked?”
“I was going to say snuggle up on the couch and watch a scary movie,” he pouted adorably. “I made popcorn.”
“I like popcorn. And I like snuggles.” He tried to wrap his arms around you but then remembered that the sleeves prevented this, so he took off his costume. You don’t know how he managed to get the costume on in the first place with how much difficulty he had getting it off. But soon he revealed back his normal self which was his normal Dieter attire.
By that time, you re-remembered about the popcorn and put it in its special popcorn bowl. Thankfully it was now at the perfect temperature for snacking on while watching a scary movie.
“Any requests?” you asked him.
He thought long and hard, so about thirty seconds, “Um, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” you looked at him in surprise. “You asked for a scary movie request.”
“Is it scary?”
“Remember the tunnel scene?”
“Oh,” You shuddered. “That might be too scary.”
“How about the one with witches and that actor you like?”
It took a while for you to decipher this, “You mean Hocus Pocus?” he nodded so you kissed in agreement and made your way to the couch.
Dieter carefully picked up the blanket before sitting down and let you snuggle up to him. He then arranged the blanket so it covered the both of you. “So how do you think you’d be in a scary situation?”
“I think I’d be a Sydney Prescott,” he looked confused. “You know, she’s the final girl from-“
“Scream, yeah. You definitely are,” he kissed your forehead. “My final girl.”
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phisen · 5 months
[ Human Alastor x reader reincarnated ]
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It is in the early 1900's when you were born. As a child, your parents noticed that you always tend to pick up things rather quickly. From cooking, doing the chores, even picking up reading and writing faster than your peers. This convinced them that you are a born genius in the family, and that this is a blessing from God.
That is the first time you saw them smile at you proudly.
You really tried to act like a normal kid. But if you're given the choice to play and interact with other kids or helping out in the house, you'll pick the latter. Your body needs to get used to chores, and you do missed eating the foods you liked before you died on your first life.
You blamed your cravings on that decision. Does a child's body crave for something that it haven't tasted yet?
The slightly concerned look they had from your decision vanished when you made a tray of donuts, with the help of your mother of course. Bless her protective and gentle personality.
The house was filled with warmth and laughter every day, which soothed your little heart. As the day's went by, you realized that you had come to love them. Not a shocker. You have a protective but gentle mother who taught you how to act like a lady, but lets you indulge in those tasty sweets that you make for the family.
And then there's your stern looking dad who is a big teddy bear behind closed doors. He's more understanding than he looks, and when he gave you that award winning dimple smile, you found yourself smiling back.
That smile never fails to make your mother blush though. Totally understandable, since he already got the personality and looks to boot. You gave your mother a knowing smile each time it happened.
Then came their discussions about your future. You heard them arguing one night when they thought you were asleep. You crept near the slightly jar door where their voices became clearer.
They are torn if you will become just like your mother who devoted herself to becoming a housewife, and having a profession for yourself. They are worried since women in the workforce tend to be belittled, and that's not the worst of it.
However, you remain calm. You know what happened to women who break from the expectations of society.
But this is the 1900s. You have the knowledge of things that are not invented yet. You can make or break history just by doing something out of the ordinary.
Do you feel scared at the knowledge that you hold?
Would you take advantage of it?
Honestly, you don't know if you still lived in the same world you once were in. You tried asking your father for the morning paper once he was finished reading it, and it doesn't help a lot since the paper only talks about mundane topics.
You poured your attention to the collection of books your father have on the bookshelves. By the end of summer, you finished reading a whole shelf.
When you reached 5 years old, your parents sent you to school. Having to interact with kids your age is something you need to adjust yourself to, since you always spend your time burying your nose into books and helping your parents.
By the end of the week, the teacher's praised your works, casually hinting to your parents to bump you up a class to which they agreed.
After a month, you are moved into a higher class, which means interacting with older kids.
You thought that the kids in the upper classes would be less rowdy since they are older, but you've been given a rude awakening the moment you stepped out of the classroom.
Someone dumped a pail of water on your form, soaking you wet. The kids laughed at you, but you payed them no mind and instead walked away, leaving the mess they created and the crowd who witnessed the whole event.
When your parents asked what happened when you got back home soaked, you innocently told them what happened.
"My new classmates dumped a bucket of water on me. I think it's their way of accepting me in their class. I think it's sweet." you said with a big shit eating grin
You ignore the way the other kids looked at you when you returned in the classroom, keeping your head held high.
You may or may not caused a food fight between the ones who poured water on you during break time in the cafeteria, which caused the other students to join in once a stray apple was thrown to the face of another student.
Which led to the teachers to try and stop them, but ended up fighting amongst themselves when a random teacher you didn't know used the chaos to slap a pie on the face of your homeroom teacher, shouting about how she was seen with her husband one weekend.
It was amusing to see a bunch of adults fighting valiantly by using trays as shields and overturned tables as their bases.
Which led to the principal walking in the cafeteria to diffuse the situation after he heard about the disarray happening.
You stared at the shiny locks of hair he has, amazed that he doesn't have white hair yet even if he was in his 70s.
You heard rumors that he's wearing a wig, and even if you're hiding under the safety of your lunch table, you can definitely confirm that it is a wig.
Now to find someone who has the balls to pull that off his head.
Oh, who are you kidding? You're the only one who has the balls to do that since you're an adult trapped inside of a child's body. And you wouldn't dare do that and sully the reputation of your beloved parents who love you to the moon and back, won't you?
After a few months, news went by that the principal indeed does wear a wig, judging by the clump of hair attached at the top of the flagpole in front of the school.
The metamorphosis of children to rebellious teens are indeed refreshing to bask in.
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