Love was such an ambiguity to his purity. It was his quality to being open to more than just one interpretation of her past, which is typically the one thing our souls can't get past. See, he loved freely and believed deeply that the power of two unified souls was enough to grow. Like a rose learning to blossom, he entrusted her with his heart to sow. She loved him beyond all measures and circumstances because she knew that man had an internal glow. She knew it wasn't something she could explain, even when those closest to her told her that he would bring pain. She smiled and said, "I still love him, and we were built for the rain." It was a connection so deep the ocean's depth would be jealous of how someone could breathe under such pressure and still say, "I love you." She adored him, not for what he had or what he did, but for simply for who he was. He was different, she was magnificent, and together they fought every storm. No promises were too great, and he was there for every bad day, even the ones where the love seemed to fade. But as he began to grow, her past became the very fabric of what she experienced last. So the image of who they were, became that of her past, a constant reminder of the pain she had overcome. Yet, he didn't run. He loved her still, through every broken piece of glass, hoping to one day step on his last. But the view of her past continued to grow because the seeds she planted became the ones she chose. Not out of love but out of fear, so removing herself became her peer. To tell herself that he deserved better was easier than remembering why she wanted him near. In this season, she operated out of fear.
Written by: Prince of Nostalgia
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wnq-writers · 7 years
Let me get this straight. Now you want me when I don’t want you? Like I’m supposed to drop everything and run towards you. When I did want you, the love wasn’t true. So why in the hell would I run back towards you? When there’s a whole ocean—possibilities many mysteries. I know it hurts when I don’t answer your text and you missing me. But I gave you my energy, you was dissin me. Now I’m standing next to a new person and they missing me. Our lips don’t gotta touch but I feel it in my mind when they kissing me. I guess this new person helped me understand that I was missing me. Because looking at you I see emptiness in myself—cause I was missing me. I lost sight of my potential. Thought I was in love with your essential. But love takes credentials to edify your mental. You weren’t feeding my mind, my soul, or my spirit. So our communication of love was quiet—I couldn’t hear it.
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quotesviral-blog · 8 years
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Life Quote – “I don’t fear falling in love. I fear falling in love with the wrong soul.” Quote and Saying about life “I don’t fear falling in love. I fear falling in love with the wrong soul.” - theprinceofnostalgia
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theprinceofnostalgia · 2 months
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It's been a long time, Tumblr fam. I don't think I've actually written anything here in over 2 years, but I just wanted to check in and let you know that I'm going to be posting a lot more new poetry. I've got some things that I know you will love. The journey has been amazing, writing and producing television shows and film for the last ten years, but I want to come back to Tumblr, where I first started, and share some poetry. See you soon. ✍🏾🤎✨
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There were two young boys on the same bus sitting on opposite sides of it. One boy had a view of all the mountains and was enamored with life. The other only saw the mountain rocks and viewed life as a disappointment. Where the power of perspective kicks in is that the bus was empty, and each child chose the seat they sit in.
Perspective is more powerful than you'll ever realize. It's almost a choice.
- @theprinceofnostalgia
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It’s really a curse to be this indifferent yet resistant to the idea that we could be in love and so different. I write like I bleed, and your idea of conceptualization cages me. You’re attracted physically; I’m attracted mentally, so we keep missing the “WE.” It’s easier for humans to retreat than to open wounds and bleed so that another soul can rebuild more than you can see. However, what if that same fear is what have you here? Stuck running and pushing away every soul who tries to open your lock with their keys. Maybe life wants you to take a leap of faith and dig deeper than our social bait. I don’t want our love to be clickable; I rather create an indispensable magic. What if life wants us to allow this very magic to penetrate every sense of the term. Could you live with that?✍️🏾
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Once upon a time, you thought I would lose me to find you. In the end, we ended up losing us. You couldn't see the authenticity in my simplicity, so no matter how many times I ever said we would figure this out, you could never hear the intentions that left my mouth. Each word turned into arguments that I question if not submitting to your thoughts is what started it. I don't mean to get poetic, but maybe you can feel the vibrations of my pen. See, even when you wanted me to lose, I prayed that you win. Living in this home is nothing like when we began. Lately, I've been questioning if loving you was a sin because putting you first made me lose sight of what's within. That very energy is connected to my purpose, so when we argue, you cut me deeper than my surface. Just look at me and tell me that I'm worth it, not that I'm perfect. What if losing you was my purpose, to teach me that I'm worth it? Could you live life knowing you deserved it?
Written by: Prince of Nostalgia (4/29/20 • 11:30PM)
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I’ve grown to an age that sex has really become a minimal energy, and if that’s all I have to offer you, then I don’t have much. I rather us read with one another to make sure we are both growing inside of “us.” I rather focus on the love instead of lust. See, there’s something magical about a human you can share your knowledge with. Someone who isn’t focused on what society tells us knowledge is. I rather feel you, and nothing about that statement is physical. I rather hear you, and everything about that statement is mental. Us being complacent in a world full of complacency is a shadow we can’t afford. Every stereotype is a perplexing perception of someone’s dislocated thoughts, and if you allow me to inspire and dismantle the idea that chivalry doesn’t exist, maybe we can — exist. I’m living in a time where I’ve learned to be humble and put my battle swords down in the name of love. But in a world of just “us,” how far could we run?✍🏾
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I can't lie, I can tell you're jaded baby
Wipe your eyes
Don't let him see that he got the best of you
Girl I'll take the rest of you
Look, I gotta question for you
Is it worth it?
Real love, do you think you deserve it?
Cut him off go and find your purpose
And get you a nigga that's solid personally
I'll do more than support your dreams
Baby, get you a me
It's time to boss up
Fix ya credit, girl get at it
Get ya bag up
Hit that gym and get back fine
Go get that degree, go girl
Focus on me
Unlock potential that you didn't know you had in you
Fuck that nigga (ayy)
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The best thing about a comfort zone is learning to marvel outside of it, from meditation to prayer, to wanting to learn to love you how you want to be loved. May every forehead kiss mean more than anything that can be bought.✨
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She just wanted to attract the same energy she was giving out. See, her synergy was one of a kind, and she wasn't willing to settle for those who were blind to her nature. Even when the world laughed at her curls, or her she wore that crown with the special pearls, she was true to her being. For she knew that her magic far surpassed the challenges and TicToks, that perpetuated the same stigma that screamed, "TO BE BEAUTIFUL, I MUST BE ANYONE BUT ME." She was conscious; even it meant walking alone. She was loving even when she had the change to prove others wrong. For she was in tune with her spirit, so magically, she could hear it. She radiated a true bliss, like closing your eyes and visualizing that first kiss. She was confident in every way. She was beautiful, with the sight of no makeup on her face. She was just H.E.R., and every time she wrote, her heart spoke. She just prayed one day her true Prince would actually read what she wrote.
Written by: Prince of Nostalgia (4/29/20 • 12:01AM)
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I hope everyone finds that peace and understands that it all starts with you. Until you genuinely learn to be alone and love on you, you’ll always be a victim to the idea that you need someone to complete you. It took me a while to grasp this concept until I stopped dating to be in a relationship and started connecting to be friends. What I learned in the process is that I was already happy, and I was connecting with people who weren’t so I would take on that burden to equalize the situation, not knowing that over time I was becoming unhappy settling. I’m not too vocal about my relationship or who I'm dating these days, and I love to let people speculate and assume, but I was talking with the queen about this topic last night, and we were both agreeing that we couldn’t make each other happy. We both were already happy people, and when we connected, that magic became an addition, a supplemental presence. I wasn’t looking to build her, and she wasn’t looking to build me, we were enjoying our times loving ourselves and met during that journey. That’s when shit is beautiful, in my opinion. I also believe social media will make you feel like you being alone is weird and unorthodox when actually I find it one of the most healing energies in the world. However, it’s about perspective. What works for me and mine, may not work for you and yours, but one thing I’m sure of is self-love is at the center of it all.
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By no means am I saying a woman has to uplift her mans or even be his peace, but it definitely makes a BIG difference renc in any man’s life. It’s empowering and inspires you to want to be better for the unit as a man. Me personally, my thoughts be EVERYWHERE, and I’m thankful God blessed me with a human in my life who likes to sit and talk intellectually and will go a long way to motivate me. It’s never the big things, always the small and something as small as a, “Keep going and don’t give up” or a “You’re killing it babe” or even a woman who gets you together spiritually. I see it as all being healthy, and a man should reciprocate that same energy, always. Queen asked me a question last night, “Why do you put so much energy into people who barley put any into you in all aspects of your life?” As I was thinking about it, it was interesting because that’s honestly not something I would have figured out alone and not because I didn’t want to but because I didn’t hold a mirror up to see myself valuing so many friends and associates that didn’t value me. It was becoming normal. Speaking life into someone is not always inspiring someone, sometimes it’s being truthful. Sometimes it’s making someone realize that life is inside them and they have to reach for it. Today, when I woke up, I stopped replying and putting so much energy into the people and associates I was breaking my back for and providing with energy because energy isn’t free. A person pays you in currency by the way they appreciate your energy. Once again, what works for me and mine, probably won’t work for everyone but something is telling me to start sharing the conversations that I have with mines as some may find some type of guidance or good energy in it.
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Cherish the good people...
I see you for who you have the potential to be when the rest of the world counts you out.
I’m still there cheering you on and not a day goes by that I’m not praying.
for your well-being
Whether you see the dynamics the universe has set forth in your journey,
Just know you’ll never have to face it alone. I want to help you find that magic.
But It’s kind of tragic that you don’t see
That inside of YOU is where you have it
I just hope that you feel this energy
Before one day, I’m no longer in your life
To tell you that you had it
I would never want to be the person,
You say you loved, but you hadn’t
written by @theprinceofnostalgia
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Once you truly learn to love you, things just feel different.
Going back to putting you first just isn’t an option.
This time I’m loving on me and catering to myself.
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Really learning the power in letting go...
Lately, I’ve been learning the power in letting things go. Things can be people, places, ideas, or even energy. It’s the idea that sometimes we truly can’t progress in life until we release what’s hindering us.
This can be hard when we’ve become dependant upon things that we feel we need to make ourselves whole. However, I’m here to tell you that the key to it all is to love you. The love you put in yourself holds you accountable for the way you feel and perceive your reality.
I say this to inspire those who are having trouble letting things go.
Today, I made the conscious choice to finally put me first, for the first time in a long time. I’m not going to lie and say it was easy, but I wake up happy now. I fell in love with myself all over again.
I even blocked a woman I loved in my phone and on social media that I knew had a hold on me in a very negative way.
But it was freeing just knowing that I was taking my power back as I pressed the block button.
I know it’s small.
But I now know that I don’t need anyone to validate me.
I validate me, and it started with loving all on me again.
If I can do it, I’m sure you can too.
Release what doesn’t value you or brings you down.
Signed: @theprinceofnostalgia
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