dailyhatsune · 5 months
HAVE! Have you done banana Miku!!!
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oh my god i forgot to queue this
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mars-ipan · 12 days
ur so right about dog hajime i love it so much
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russelllamon · 1 month
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📸 @him.russ
@Houston Public Media
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newzeppelincalling · 3 months
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For one weekend only, enjoy new works hand- picked by the resident directors of the playhouse. Showcasing the young writer's graduated from Serendi[pity]'s spring workshop, come support Port Manteau's most bright and shining new talent.
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newzeppelincity · 3 months
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For over sixty years, the Plant lay a dormant relic of a bygone era, its skeletal frame a haunting reminder of the once-thriving Zeppelin industry… But then came The Board, a collective of visionary creatives with a shared passion for revitalizing Port Manteau. They saw potential in the abandoned husk, a canvas upon which they could paint a vibrant new future. With unwavering determination, they breathed new life into the sprawling complex, transforming it into a dynamic hub where creativity knows no bounds. Nestled within the very heart of the former Zeppelin Plant, in structures that seamlessly blend the old with the new, lies a thriving community of businesses and local havens. This is a place where the echoes of the past harmonize with the rhythm of the present, where the spirit of innovation thrives amidst the remnants of a bygone era. The Plant welcomes all who wander through its doors: the penniless dreamer and the privileged patron, the gifted artist and the ordinary soul, the driven entrepreneur and the carefree spirit. It is a haven for the freeloader seeking inspiration, the wanderer searching for a sense of belonging, the introvert yearning for connection, and the social butterfly eager to spread their wings. Though they may come from different walks of life, the Plant weaves an invisible thread that connects them all, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. Even those who harbor a secret desire to disappear into the crowd find themselves drawn to the Plant's magnetic energy. Here, they can shed their inhibitions, embrace their individuality, and become part of something greater than themselves. For in the heart of this revitalized industrial landscape, a vibrant tapestry of human experience is woven, a testament to the power of creativity, community, and the enduring spirit of Port Manteau.
the plant locations.
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nyancrimew · 1 year
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oh yea thanks for finally getting one of your stickers my way @fern--theplant, it was great meeting you yesterday!!
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gemini526sdumptruck · 3 months
PVZ Fever!
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So recently I heard of this style called superflat pop, and long story short I fell in love fast. So then I wanted to draw the PVZ1 plants in a kind of superflat pop-like style. I kinda ended up turning it into a mini-AU, thus me calling this PVZ Fever lol.
In a nutshell, imagine the OG game where the gameplay is the same, but the aesthetic and story is different. Kinda like in PVZ2 there’s like cutscenes between some levels, and they’re mostly about theplants interacting with eachother and/or the zombies, and everything is played out like a super fun and bouncy cartoon.
This is purely self indulgent lol.
So here's the day plants to start this off!
Day (you are here)
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kaitowotd · 5 months
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Kaito word of the Day: Pens
Anyone else just have a collection of bank pens in their car? No?
(Word requested by @dontfeed--theplants !)
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mask131 · 7 months
The myth of Dionysos (8)
And to conclude this long overview of the mythical figure of Dionysos, here is the remaining parts of Félix Guirand's analysis/recap of the deity.
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III/ Birth and childhood of Dionysos
After the earth was fertilized by the benevolent water of the sky, it needs to suffer the dry burning of the sun. Only then will theplants reach maturity, only then fruits grow – and only then will the grapes appear on the vine. This seems to be the deeper meaning of the myth of Semele, usually said to be the mother of Dionysos. Daughter of Cadmos, the king of Thebes, Semele attracted the attention of Zeus, who seduced her and made love to her – the god frequently visited her within her father’s palace. One day however, Semele followed a pernicious advice given by Hera disguised as the princess’ nurse: she begged Zeus to appear before her in his full Olympian glory. However she could not stand the intense and burning light of the divine form of her lover, and the fires that surrounded Zeus’ true shape burned her alive. The child within her belly only survived thanks to a miraculous thick ivy that had wrapped itself around the palace’s columns, and that shielded with its green leaves the unborn baby from the divine flames. Zeus took the baby, that was not yet fully formed, and placed it in his own thigh so he could finish growing. When the birth was due, Zeus (with the help of Eileithyia) removed the young Dionysos from his thigh – and this is why ever since he was called “Dithyrambos”. Zeus then gave his son to Ino, Semele’s sister, who lived in Orchomenos with her husband Athamas.
This was the most common tradition, but other tales recall how, when Cadmos learned of his daughter’s pregnancy, he locked her in a wooden chest that was thrown into the sea. The floating chest want to the seashore of Brasies, in the Peloponnese: when it was opened, Semele was dead, but the child was alive, and it was taken by Ino. Still filled with jealousy, Hera continued her vengeance by turning Ino and Athamas mad. Zeus saved his son once again by turning him into a young goat, and he gave the order to Hermes to carry Dionysos to the nymphs of Nysa. Where was Nysa? Was it a mountain of Thrace? It is impossible to pinpoint the exact location of Nysa, because every region of Greece where the cult of Dionysos settled claimed to have their own Nysa.
Dionysos spent his childhood on the legendary mountain of Nysa, taken care of by nymphs whose efforts were rewarded later on, as they became the constellations known as the Hyades. The Muses were also said to have helped with Dionysos’ education – and so did the Satyrs, the Silenes (Seleinoi) and the Maenads. Finally, in Euboea, it was said that Hermes had entrusted Dionysos to Macris, a daughter of Aristaeus that fed the young child with honey. Crowned with laurel and ivy, the oung god spent his time exploring the mountains and the forests surrounded by nymphs that laughed and screamed happily. The old Silenus also taught Dionysos how to be virtuous person, and gave him a great love for the concept of glory. When he became an adult, Dionysos discovered the fruit of the vine, and how from these grapes he could make wine. He visibly first used it without any kind of moderation, as the legend says he was struck with madness by Hera – but it was only a temporary derangement. In order to be cursed from his insanity, Dionysos went to the oracle of Dodona – on his way there he had to cross a swamp on the back of a donkey. To reward this animal, he gave him the power to speak. Once his mind was healed, Dionysos started travelling throughout the world to teach mortals the art of winemaking. Numerous fabulous adventures happened to him as he went from country to country.
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V/ The travels of Dionysos
Coming down from the mountains of Thrace, he crossed Boeotia and entered the Attic land. There he was welcomed by king Icarios, to whom he offered his grapevine. Icarios carelessly offered wine to his shepherds who, upon feeling the effects of drunkenness, believed they had been poisoned, and killed Icarios in revenge. Her daughter, Erigone, searched for her father and thanks to her dog Maira discovered his grave. Despaired, she hanged herself on a nearby tree. Dionysos, to punish this tragedy, cursed all the women of the Attic region with a furious madness – meanwhile Icarios was brought to heaven with his daughter and the faithful she-dog, where they became constellations. Received in Aetolia by the king of Calydon, Oeneus, Dionysos had sex with his host’s wife, Althaea. To reward Oeneus for pretending this never happened, the dog offered him the very first grapevine, and from the one-night union of Dionysos and Althaea was born Deianira. In Laconia, Dionysos was received by king Dion, who had three daughters. Dionysos was in love with the youngest, Carya, but the oldest two tried to prevent their romance by warning their father about it. Dionysos punished them first by making them mad, then by turning them into rocks. As for Carya, she was turned into a walnut-tree.
After continental Greece, Dionysos visited the islands. It was during these travels that, as he walked by the seashore, he was kidnapped by Tyrrhenian pirates who imprisoned him on their ship. Mistaking him for the son of a king, they hoped to get a ransom from him. But in vain they tried to tie him up with ropes: they kept falling to the ground, and the knots unmade themselves. One man, feeling Dionysos’ divinity, became scared and encouraged his companions to set their prisoner free, only for his crewmates to refuse. Then a series of miracles happened: a strong wine started pouring from the ship, vine grew onto the sail, and a dark ivy surrounded the mast. The god himself became a terrifying lion, and the terrified sailors threw themselves into the sea, where they were turned into dolphins. Only the man that had tried to set him free was spared by Dionysos. Finding himself on the island of Naxos, Dionysos saw a young woman asleep. It was Ariadne, the daughter of king Minos, that Theseus had brought back with him from Crete but had just abandoned. When she woke up, noticing Theseus’ absence, Ariadne fell into a violent despair – but Dionysos comforted her, and soon after, he married her officially. All the gods were guests to the wedding, and they covered the couple with gifts: Ariadne gave Dionysos three sons, Oenopion, Evanthes and Staphylos. The Homeric tradition, however, gave a different record of this tale: in the Homeric texts, Ariadne was killed by Artemis as a young woman, and Dionysos only married her after her death. A grave of Ariadne could be found in Naxos, where the Homeric tale was commemorated through dual celebrations: one was a sad celebration about crying for Ariadne’s death, another was joyful and centered around her wedding to Dionysos.
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The travels and adventures of Dionysos did not limit themselves to the Greek world. Followed by satyrs and maenads, he went to Phrygia where he saw Cybele, and the goddess initiated him to her mysteris. He then went to Cappadocia, where he banished the Amazons from Ephesus, and to Syria, where he fought against Damascos – for having destroyed the grapevines planted by the god, Damascos was flayed alive. Dionysos then went to Liba, where he met Aphrodite and Adonis (even making love to Adonis’ daughter Beroe). After ruling for some times over the Caucasian Iberia, Dionysos followed his journey to the East, crossed the Tiger river on an actual tiger sent by Zeus, he united the two shores of the Euphrates by a rope made of vine and ivy branches, and he went as far as India where he brought civilization. He was also seen in Egypt as a guest of king Proteus ; and in Libya, as the one who helped Ammon regain his throne, usurped by Kronos and the Titans.
After those glorious expeditions Dionysos returned to Greece – but he wasn’t the rough god that came from the mountains of Boeotia. No, after having lived in Asia, Dionysos became an effeminate figure: he was now a graceful teenager wearing a long dress in a Lydian style. His cult had now orgiastic rites borrowed from Phrygia. And so, when he returned to Greece he was met with mistrust and doubt, sometimes with outright hostility. Most noticeably, when he returned to Thrace, its king, Lycurgus, declared himself the enemy of Dionysos. Forced to flee, the god found shelter with Thetis in the depths of the sea. However Lycurgus had imprisoned the Bacchants, the followers of the god. Dionysos cursed the land with sterility in retaliation, and removed Lycurgus’ sanity: the king ended up killing his own son by believing he was cutting a grapevine. Peace only returned to Thrace when Lycurgus, by order of an oracle, was trampled to death by horses on the Pangion mountain. Dionysos was not received better by Pentheus, the king of Thebes, who imprisoned the god in his jail. Dionysos easily set himself free, and he cursed with insanity Pentheus’ mother, Agave, as well as all the other women of Thebes. Transformed in Maenads, they went to the Citheron mountain to perform Dionysian orgies. Pentheus, who had followed them, was ripped to pieces by his own mother. This terrible tragedy became the subject of Euripides’ play “The Bacchants”. A similar adventure happened to the inhabitants of Argos, who had also refused to recognize Dionysos’ divinity: their women, possessed by an insane fury, ripped to shreds and then devoured their own children. Among the many punishments inflicted by the gods, the most famous is the one of the daughters of Minyas, king of Orchomenos. They were three sisters: Alcithoe, Leucippe and Arsppe. Since they refused to participate in Dionysos’ celebrations, the god appeared before them under the shape of a maiden, and he tried to convince them in a sweet and soft way. Failing, the god turned successively into a bull, a lion and a panther. Terrified, the Minyads were literaly scared out of their wits, becoming insane with fear – one of them, Leucippe, even killed with her bare hands her own son. The three sisters ended up transformed in nocturnals animals.
Now, no one would dare challenge or refute Dionysos’ divinity, and no one would dare prevent his worship from spreading. The god completed his glorious career by going into the Underworld to rescue his mother Semele. He then renamed her Thyone, and brought her with him to Olympus among the Immortals. The place through which Dionysos returned from the Underworld was supposedly located in Troezen, within the temple of Artemis Soteira. According to the tradition of Agos, Dionysos has rather learned the road to the Underworld thanks to the help of a man of Argos called Polymnos, and returned to the world of the living through the Alcyon sea. Within Olympus, Dionysos also took part in the war of the gods against the giants: the braying of the donkey he was riding terrified the Giants, and the god killed with his thyrsus a Giant either named Eurytos or Rhatos.
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teehee · 1 year
oooooooohhhhhh theplant . oooohhhhh
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christinamac1 · 2 months
Sellafield bosses ignored and punished this whistleblower
This whistleblower was a loyal Sellafield employee for decades- in apotentially highly dangerous nuclear waste site where over 140 tons ofplutonium is stored including from nuclear military waste warheads – andhe was one of a large number of people employed to secure safety at theplant. Some eight years ago he began to raise safety issues leading to whatis said to be a highly critical issue. An…
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nobrain-the-silly · 5 months
hey biatch
changed my user name again
first it was heyimfromgalar
then it changed to dontfeed--theplants
and now…
it’s nobrain-the-silly
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babyawacs · 7 months
#words_no_human_has_ever_said_ever .@thefuture @thefuture @ayylmaocoin @ufob0t :  positron realm future ufo supergirl  you are very very very very special itis an honor thatyoustrafedmycase hybris and flycatcher exploit trickery stomps on theplant  dontlet em makeyou a breeding chicken only or sth
#words_no_human_has_ever_said_ever .@thefuture @thefuture @ayylmaocoin @ufob0t : positron realm future ufo supergirl you are very very very very special itis an honor thatyoustrafedmycase hybris and flycatcher exploit trickery stomps on theplant dontlet em makeyou a breeding chicken only or sth‎ ‎ ihope youdont aeh h a r v e s t chilean corpses or sth with wildfire alibis ‎ ‎ I am Christian…
View On WordPress
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newzeppelincalling · 3 months
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All night. [Almost] every night. The DJ spins New Zep's hottest tunes, and the bartender is on a mission to make you see stars - where else would you want to be but SUDS LAUNDROMAT? Oh, and don't forget your dirty undies! Fifty cents a load can't be beat.
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newzeppelincity · 3 months
This is what a title looks like;
Here is the body!
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bioprogreenmorocco · 1 year
Basil essential oil for factory
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Basil essential oil factory : benefits, use and daily use
Basil essential oil factory is a natural treasure with multiple health benefits and has a versatile use. Extracted from the leaves of basil, this aromatic oil offers a range of therapeutic benefits. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of basil essential oil, its common use, and how to easily incorporate it into your daily routine.
The benefits of Basil essential oil factory
Basil essential oil has many benefits for the body and mind. Here are some of the most notable benefits:
1. Soothing effect
Basil essential oil factory has calming properties that help reduce stress, anxiety and tension. Its pleasant aroma promotes relaxation and creates an atmosphere of tranquility.
2. Digestive Support
This essential oil is renowned for its carminative properties, which help relieve digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and stomach pain.abdominal cramps. It promotes healthy digestion and soothes stomach discomfort.
3. Strengthening the immune system
Basil essential oil factory has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that help boost the immune system. It can help protect the body against infection and support overall health.
4. Improved focus
Thanks to its stimulating properties, theplant basil essential oil can help improve concentration, mental clarity and alertness. It's ideal for those times when you need to focus and pay attention.
Using theplant basil essential oil
Basil essential oil can be used in different ways to reap its benefits. Here are some of the common uses:
A. Aromatic diffusion
Add a few drops of Basil essential oil in an essential oil diffuser to create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere in your environment. Enjoy its invigorating scent that will embalm your living space.
B. Therapeutic massage
Mix a few drops ofplant basil essential oil with a carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil or coconut oil, then use this mixture to gently massage your body. This will promote relaxation and allow optimal absorption of the benefits of the essential oil.
C. Direct inhalation
You can also directly inhale the Basil essential oil by placing a few drops on a handkerchief or in a bowl of hot water. Breathe deeply to enjoy its calming and invigorating effects.
D. Use in the kitchen
L'plant basil essential oil can be used in the kitchen to add a delicate flavor to your dishes. A few drops are enough to obtain a fresh and aromatic taste in your favorite recipes.
Daily integration of basil essential oil
To easily integrate the Basil essential oil in your daily routine, you can:
Add a few drops to your bath for a moment of rest and relaxation.
Apply a small diluted amount to the wrists or behind the ears as a natural fragrance.
Incorporate a few drops into your moisturizer to benefit from its skin-soothing properties.
Basil essential oil factory is a real treasure with many health benefits and versatile use. Enjoy its soothing properties, digestive support and invigorating effect. Easily integrate this essential oil into your daily routine.tidienne to benefit from its benefits on a daily basis.
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Tel:+212 524 335 449
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Website : https://www.bioprogreen.com/
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