vice-admiral-rampart · 6 months
SO what if I signed a child's enlistment papers
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vice-admiral-rampart · 7 months
I have been reinstated
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vice-admiral-rampart · 7 months
Actually reinstated
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vice-admiral-rampart · 7 months
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I don’t care if you’re exhausted you have a 48 hour shift
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✨💛 This is the Awful Person Award! 🏆Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain you will be cursed for the rest of your life. Good Luck.
(( Thanks ))
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You know exactly who you are and what you've done.
Okay, maybe that was a tad dramatic.
But this has been going on for a bit too long, and this person just won't stop. Maybe it doesn't bother any of you guys. And if it doesn't?
Apologies for this post, feel free to ignore it.
However, myself and other muns have noticed the same person overstepping boundaries. I, as well as other muns, are extremely uncomfortable with the way this person has been portraying characters and how they have been interacting with other characters.
This person has also portrayed their characters with mental health issues, PTSD being among them. And don't get me wrong! I'm all for the spreading of awareness and acceptance for people with these conditions. But the thing that has made myself and other muns pissed is the fact that this person uses the mental health issues & trauma to infantilize their characters.
Trauma does not make a person. We are more than our trauma, and portraying someone as just traumatized is never okay.
I have tried to talk to this mun and have tried to reason with them. But later, I saw the rp that they wanted to start with me, and I realized that they had learned NOTHING.
Nothing from the borderline essay that I had written to explain how they where making myself and other muns uncomfortable. Yes, it is this person's account. But what pissed me off was the fact that this person did not take ONE PIECE of what I had written to heart.
Am I being bitchy about this? Probably.
But this person has been nothing but toxic to myself and other muns since we met them. They have pressured other muns into doing things for them, as well as roleplaying in certain scenarios.
I don't like doing callout posts. But, sir/madam/colonel, if you're reading this and you KNOW WHO YOU ARE, just know how we feel. I'm not expecting you to change. But please, leave us alone.
Have some common decency. If a person doesn't want to talk to you, leave them alone. Don't be an asshole.
Love, Mun.
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He saluted back " I assume you're on patrol ST-01 , How is my aide, IOA-01?" He asked
The trooper girl walked through the hallway of cells as she took her guard shift. It was so quiet....
Something made her stop at one of the cells, looking into it she couldn't help but ask...
"Who are you?"
Xevian looked up at the trooper “ I’m a former Vice Admiral “ he said “ Xevian Rampart “ he introduced himself
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How’s jail Rampart????
… I rather not comment
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The trooper girl walked through the hallway of cells as she took her guard shift. It was so quiet....
Something made her stop at one of the cells, looking into it she couldn't help but ask...
"Who are you?"
Xevian looked up at the trooper “ I’m a former Vice Admiral “ he said “ Xevian Rampart “ he introduced himself
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(( someone ask Rampart how is jail ))
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Interesting, I shall make a note of it.
I caught CS-4825 floating a small object in its hands … @vice-admiral-rampart
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This includes
stuffed toys
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Very well Hemlock I shall see to it personally that you gain a test subject
Project Unity is well on the way however, I need a test subject
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“ it is “ he said sharply
The rumbling sounds of the Imperial Star Destroyer, The Vengence echoed through the small holding cell of the block. Inside, a small Lothalite child lay on the ground unconscious her tiny fingers moved a bit meaning she would get her bearings back within a few moments. She opened her eyes and was greeted by the smooth cold metal floor "what the-?" she held her head " where am I?" she looked around seeing she was alone
Crosshair sat in his room, he had shot a kid. It was a stun round of course and it was an order he followed orders like a good soldier. But she was a kid, and she looked so scared.
Of him.
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Rampart sat at his desk reading his report on the girl he took. Everything seemed in proper order to warrant his actions. As the door opened he looked up at the soldier before him “ Ct-9904 I trust our newest edition to our cause has awaken. See too it that she is given proper uniform a standard cadet male regulation haircut will suffice afterwards bring her here for future intake. “ He said sharply
The rumbling sounds of the Imperial Star Destroyer, The Vengence echoed through the small holding cell of the block. Inside, a small Lothalite child lay on the ground unconscious her tiny fingers moved a bit meaning she would get her bearings back within a few moments. She opened her eyes and was greeted by the smooth cold metal floor "what the-?" she held her head " where am I?" she looked around seeing she was alone
Crosshair sat in his room, he had shot a kid. It was a stun round of course and it was an order he followed orders like a good soldier. But she was a kid, and she looked so scared.
Of him.
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Ct-9904 calm yourself before I make the order happen
Establishing connection
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