oppositivityproject · 9 years
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captainbonney · 9 years
✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | Sexual Attraction✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Romantic Attraction✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | Squishing✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
Low ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ High
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[ ♛ ] send me your url and i’ll tell you the following
my opinion on;
character in general: Another character we hardly know anything about. I want to know more than just the few episodes with him in it. A spin off of the other supernovas would be nice. Right now though, I’m not sure how to feel about him since there’s so little to begin with.how they play them: I can’t say I know how he’s played. We haven’t interacted and I only just started following you (well I say that and I followed you for a while but I haven’t been on tumblr as much).the mun: Don’t know them very well sadly.
do i;
follow them: Yesrp with them: No want to rp with them: yes. I definitly want to have an 11 supernova rp one day.ship their character with mine: No. Can’t say though. Don’t really know what he’s like with so little information on him.
what is my;
overall opinion: N/A
I can’t give a good rating without any interactions. This needs to be changed
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Fountain cookies: filled of lies and destiny || Theperceivingfate & Rubberbastard
It all started on a fateful Wednesday afternoon when Luffy and his friends had decided to have lunch at a Chinese restaurant.  It wasn’t exactly the most authentic of places but it had the most delicious orange chicken that Luffy had ever tasted and, wanting to recreate it at home, Sanji was trying to best to hunt down the ingredients.  It was almost comical really, how determined the blond was. Luffy had decided to help him out so here were these two sketchy goof balls suspiciously making their way around the restaurant, talking to workers, managing to squeeze into the kitchen where the chefs were. 
Finally the manger had caught on to them.
“Take a fountain cookie and leave us alone!” The man hurled a cookie at each of them as if they were rocks. “You’re the guy who eats too much!!” An angry pointing finger at Luffy.  “And you! You keep picking up all the waitresses!” Guilty as changed, Sanji shrugged. “You and your friends get out of my restaurant and never come back!!” 
And so they drove home, bellies full and with a funny story to share. Sanji was just pleased because he’d gotten the recipe and Luffy was just happy for the cookies. Sitting in the back between Chopper and Usopp, Luffy almost ate the entire thing, including the paper, in one bite. If it hadn’t been for his long nosed friend reaching over and pulling out the slip of paper, saving it, it would have been lost.
Luffy read it in his head.
All your friends will die and many will laugh.
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It sounded like something Robin might say. None the less, this was a serious matter. Slipping it into his pocket, he decided when he got home he’d have to pay a visit to the one man with enough spiritual flow to undo this terrible fountain. The moment he and his friends separated, he ran. Hawkins lived just around the corner.
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Thunder is Just a Noise || Modern AU [theperceivingfate & ask-supernova-eustasskidd]
--Planes he was fine with. Heights? No problem. Spiders, bugs, needles, the dark - none of that bothered him. But when it came to thunder? That was one thing that Eustass Kidd could never handle, no matter how hard he had tried. It was a childish and a childhood fear that he never managed to get over and would never manage to get over for as long as he lived, he decided.
Now, sitting here in an almost empty airport, he heard that familiar rumble and it made his entire body tense. No, why did it have to storm when he was in public? Even worse of the matter, his flight home was going to be delayed. For fucks sake, could this night get any worse? It’s not like this wasn’t a fucking red-eye flight anyways. However, combined with the late night and thunder, his nerves were officially shot.
Walking over to the little waiting area that only had two other people in it, he sat in one of the rows, trying his hardest not to be able to hear the thunder. He regretted the fact that his headphones were buried in the bottom of his bag at his side, and since he had no clue where they could be, the redhead just had to sit there, suffer, and for the love of god, not make any sound of distress.
The next clap of thunder had him yelping with a jump in his chair. Great. That was really fucking smooth. It had been loud, too, and he realized now that he had caught the attention of both of the two people sitting in the same waiting area as him. Great.
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cabbagebitch-blog · 9 years
[ ♛ ]
my opinion on;
character in general: I’m fine with Basil though I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan =\ Mainly since there isn’t a lot I know about it.how they play them: Sorry I don’t really know how you play them since I haven’t actually rped with you QAQ I don’t really tend to read other peoples rps unless I’m rping with you =\ I’d be up to rping with you though.the mun: Again don’t know you v.v
do i;
follow them: Not yet =\ I don’t tend to follow unless I see myself rping with you or rp with yourp with them: Not yetwant to rp with them: Sure ‘v’ship their character with mine: Not really but ya never know
what is my;
overall opinion: Is that I don’t really know you =\
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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scarlethaki-old · 9 years
theperceivingfate || from here
(Ⓐ) – Akane had to contemplate the supernova’s question for a few moments. It was the first time ever encountering him, so she supposed that what she “believed” about him were just preconceptions from rumors. In a sense, both options he had given were correct.
The redhead wasn’t much of a philosopher-- the only area of academia she could possibly hold a conversation in was political science, but from the few things she had heard of the rookie, she believed he fit the pragmatic definition in a sense. To put it simply, it seemed the rookie wasn’t the type to beat around the bush or sugarcoat things. Was grounded.
“I guess it’d be what I’ve decided to believe. Are you suggesting you’re idealistic instead?”
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captainbonney · 9 years
🎼 {{if I still may!}}
Seven devils all around youSeven devils in your house
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theperceivingfate said: {{ His expression though, d'aw }}
Well, of course. After all, he might like Hawkins gets embarrassed saying stuff like that about people who aren’t his crew
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victhevortex · 10 years
Theperceivingfate II Magi Books [[AU]]
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 A sudden whumfp resounded from the table that was filled with boxes, just enough space put aside so that another could be added. The tape keeping it sealed was torn away and the top was ripped open; the paperbacks fluttered open for a moment before returning to a vacant rest, but that too lasted only a short time before they began being plucked from within.
“T-there’s a few Doyle’s here”, a low voice mumbled and began looking around the large empty room lined with empty bookshelves and little light for the sake of energy conservation… plus it suited the owner of the new business well with such mysterious ambiance. The curly haired adult walked over one of the shelves with a hoard of D’s and began stacking the tomes one by one where there was a corresponding D temporary stuck to the shelf.
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A gentle cough escaped the mouth and Vic repositioned the thick glasses on her nose, grumbling at herself for not ordering new contacts in time for the new job at this independent book store that was due to open soon. There was no halt in the speed that she worked at, moving to and fro between the boxes and shelves, putting everything in alphabetic order to the best of her abilities while keeping an ear out in case there was anything she did that her employer would be unsatisfied by.
There was a possibility that she could mix up the book orders within the designated shelves… she wasn’t the brightest spark, she had to mutter the alphabet under her breath while moving towards the shelf – and it was muttered…. Probably 100s of times during the entire morning… She hoped that the muttering at least wasn’t loud enough to annoy her companion.
“That’s all the boxes here… is there any more?”
There were a few complete walls of books now, but not near enough full and ready to open up shop.
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sorrowfilledexistence · 10 years
"...Why you people keep showing up?!"
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