Send me a ‘★’ if you actually like my blog. Takes a second, means a lot.
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*jumps in through the window* Hey You! I demand you have a great week and you take care of yourself and remember you're loved! *throws hearts 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚* and if you doubt yourself then I will strangle you with hugs! *jumps out the window* ☆the passive aggressive ninja
//dhgodguisfdg Thank you so much, I will, hehe! XD I really appreciate this, really thank you!
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❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Thank you for being here we love having you here no matter what anyone says
//sadfjhasdbig Thank you!
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//Hello, everyone! It’s that time again, my Sairen blog has reached 200+ followers, so i’ve decided to make an item giveaway! I will send you an item for this giveaway to your home. If you’re uncomfortable with giving me your address so that I could send you the prize in the mail, then I don’t recommend entering this giveaway. I will only ship in the U.S, unless you’re willing to pay for shipping. This is how it’s going to work if you want to enter the giveaway then all you have to do is like/reblog this post and i’ll use a random number generator to choose the three winners. Remember, you can enter this giveaway twice. Meaning that one entry is a like and another is a reblog. You can’t enter more than twice. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to talk to me! I’m a very friendly and shy person, so i’d love to talk to all of you! ^_^
1st Place: $10 Amazon Gift Card
2nd Place: Ace keychain
3rd Place: One Piece playing cards
This giveaway will last until September 5, you have until then to reblog/like this post. Thank you everyone for following me! I love you all! <3
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( repost, don’t reblog. )
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ONE ( NAME / ALIAS ): Jenny
TWO ( BIRTHDAY ): May 6th
FOUR ( HEIGHT ): 5′0 ft
FIVE ( HOBBIES ): Writing, reading, playing video games, watching anime, and cuddling with my pets
SIX ( FAVOURITE COLOUR(S) ): Punch pink and cerulean blue
SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ): Only The Ring Finger Knows series
EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ): Gasoline by Halsey
NINE ( LAST FILM WATCHED ): Vikings (I haven’t watched a movie in a while, so i’ll go with a TV series)
Japanese historical anime- I’m a history buff and I watch a lot of historical anime, especially those of Japanese origin, like about the Sengoku Period and Edo Period. Watching them gave me inspiration to make a swordsman OC.
Sairen’s thirst for vengeance and the tragedy that befell his family was inspired by Sasuke and his family from Naruto. I love angst, so Sasuke’s angsty attitude is what draws me into his character and gave me the idea to make Sairen that way as well.
His attitude is also inspired by Fenris from Dragon Age II. Fenris also wants revenge against his former master. His angsty attitude and anger is a big inspiration for my muse.
As for his appearance, I chose him as male and with blue hair at first, then I searched on google for that description when I found who I thought best suited his character, everything else came together to make him.
TWELVE ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ): Sairen’s life has been sorrowful ever since his family was murdered. He only desires revenge, which is also his downfall. His life is a tragedy and always will be. His entire existence is filled with sorrow.
TAGGED BY: @jijiivishaa
TAGGING: @pirate-queen-rouge, @the-flaming-spade, @chiefxfstaff, @daadzi, @umbled, @fearllacy, @imnctbad, and @macabrebride
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//Hello, I know I haven’t been RPing, but I have a good reason for that. My hands are getting worse, now they’re numb 85% of the time and weak, so i’m not able to RP anymore until after I get my surgery. I’ve already seen my Ortho Surgeon and after I get a nerve test, I will likely be getting surgery. I will be on from time to time to check up on things, but unfortunately I can’t write much anymore.
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Starters | Kidnapped
“Hey there, sleeping beauty. You been out for a while.” 
“Shut up, stop fucking screaming!” 
“Oh, you want to fight me? That’s cute.” 
“Come on, you can take a hit better than that, can’t you?” 
“Fuck, stay down, would you?” 
“Don’t squirm so much, you’re going to hurt yourself and piss me off.” 
“You’ve got five seconds to get down on the ground again, or I’ll shoot.” 
“You need both legs to run, why don’t I break one?” 
“See, if you’d cooperated, I wouldn’t have had to hurt you.” 
“Easy, sweetheart. The barrel of the gun is cold, isn’t it?” 
“Open your mouth before I choke you with the gag, instead.” 
“Can’t see a thing, can you?” 
“Well, look who finally came around. Don’t bother looking around, you have no idea where we are.” 
“Such a pretty face, it’d be a shame to mess it up.” 
“I think you look pretty cute with a bloody lip. Don’t make me do it again.” 
“I’m prepared to keep you as long as I need to. Until I get what I want, you’re mine.”
“Listen, I’m what stands between you and death, so I suggest you give me some fuckin’ respect.”
“No one’s gonna came save you.” 
“I’ve been watching you for a while. This was almost easy.” 
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing out here by yourself?”
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//Hello! Sorry, I haven’t been on, there was a storm and it blew out my internet. T_T I just got it fixed today, so i’ll be on to do a couple replies later today. ^_^;;
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🥇 - I think you’ve done a brilliant job with your muse.
💛 - You’re a dear friend to me.
🌟 - I love seeing you on the dash!
🌞 - You are such a bright and lovely person OOC.
//jsALFgsdafaskdfdsdfuioshdgou Thank you so much!
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The Positivity Meme
Send the following to give me a little pick me up
🥇 - I think you’ve done a brilliant job with your muse.
🎯 - Your portrayal is on point!
💡 - The plot ideas you give out are amazing.
🔮 - I can see us rping in the future and I can’t wait to get started.
💛 - You’re a dear friend to me.
📽 - I can see your muse in your portrayal, your writing is so perfect.
🎬 - I wish your canon was actual canon.
🌟 - I love seeing you on the dash!
🍋 - Life might be giving you lemons at the moment, but just remember you’re my lemonade!
🦄 - Your AUs are so much fun and well thought out.
🌞 - You are such a bright and lovely person OOC.
🤣 - You are hilarious!
🤞 - I’m always wishing to spot you online to improve my dash experience.
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pic of mun?
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//There are a lot of blogs that I love and there are some that I look up to, including inactive ones. But I guess i’ll just list three that I love. These three blogs are ones that I have RP’ed before on one of my blogs and I enjoyed RPing with them and hope to RP with them again in the future! ^_^;;
@devilslcg, @chiefxfstaff, and @daadzi
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//It’s kind of hard to choose, but @missvvave is such an amazing Nami and is super nice, so i’m going to go with her! I just love her blog and want to RP more with her! ^_^
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For every @ I get, I have to tag someone I love/look up to!
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//So, i’m almost done for now with redoing my themes for my blogs. There are two that are going to take longer, because i’m waiting for my theme commissions. That being said, once I redo my themes for my Ace and Kidd blog, I will do some replies. However, I have decided to drop all of my welcome threads. This is because I haven’t replied to them in more than a month and i’d rather we just start new ones. I do enjoy RPing with all of my RP partners, so it has nothing to do with me not liking our RP’s. In fact, I really enjoyed RPing those threads. But like I said, too much time has passed, so I think it’s better to just start new threads rather than revisit old ones.
I do apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused you, and if you would like to start a new thread, you’re welcome to come into my inbox and talk to me or just comment on this post.
This goes for all of my blogs and I will be  reblogging this post on all of them as well. Thank you for understanding.
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Send me a 🌙 and I will generate an AU starter
Trapped AU; Muse A is a young monster and Muse B is a human that finds them in captivity, being experimented on. From that point on it is Muse B’s mission to free them somehow.
Haunted Camp AU; Muse A comes to the same camp every year, seems like they’ve been there forever. Muse B is a new counselor at the camp who has heard rumors of ghosts. In reality Muse A is a child that died in the area and is stuck haunting the grounds year after year.
Doll AU; Muse B is a collector of all kinds of things- stamps, toys, marbles- people. Muse A is their long-time favorite doll though. They have been together for so long that Muse A cannot imagine a life without Muse B dictating what they do.
God AU; Muse A is a worshiper of an old God, Muse B. Muse B is rather tired of all the hapless fools who would do anything for them- but after meeting Muse A they decide to give interacting with a follower one more try.
Hooker AU:Muse A is selling themself on the streets to make money- be it for personal gain, school, family, etc. Muse B is driving home from work and sees them shivering on the corner. Muse B takes Muse A home, but Muse A is taking this as a job and is not taking no for an answer.
Pet AU; Muse A is a human-animal hybrid of some sort, and they have been Muse B’s pet all their life, living in a cage and being treated fairly well. But when Muse B takes them out one day they notice that hybrids are free creatures and that keeping them as pets is wrong. Suddenly they have the urge to escape Muse B and live free as well.
Vampire AU; Muse A is a newly awoken vampire, changed by Muse B. New Vampires need to feed or they are hopelessly confused and weak. Muse B can either choose to help their new underling or leave the for dead.
Voice AU; Muse A is a lonely, quiet, and depressed person. Muse B is a demon. Muse B starts talking to Muse A, giving them help and cheering them up. Muse A quickly begins to follow suit with whatever this voice wants. Muse B is simply rewriting Muse A’s mind because Muse B wants a pet and they think Muse A is the perfect one to have.
Pharaoh AU; Muse A is a peasant and Muse B is a pharaoh who demands that Muse A marries him/her
Magic AU; Muse A is Muse B’s apprentice, both of them are magicians/wizards/witches. Muse B is teaching Muse A because of some goal they need though, no other reason.
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Send me ‘♪’ and I will make a starter based off a random song from my music playlists.
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