I'M BAAAAACCCCKKKK! Well sort of! I'm alive and well and have a ton of news to share, however, I am still working on chapter 29! The point is though...I'm coming back to finish The Paths We Take! I told you, I would never abandon my stories 😉 It may be a few weeks before the new chapter is posted but I promise promise, it is coming!
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nimeaarianastudios · 4 years
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By chance, I found my way here. Through practice I am finding patience. #knowwhatittakes ✨☁️🖤 #dreamondreamer #blossoming . . . #childhooddreams #artistoninstagram #abstractart #paperart #acrylic #journeythroughtime #imagination #play #wonder #dream #escape #freedomfromwithin #findyourplace #nimeaariana #daytoday #thepathswetake 🍃 (at In The Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLvJ2Dngx7j/?igshid=1kzyot2bij1ec
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philelixir · 9 years
You can do the rest if you're bored :p
eh no thx, it takes a lot of effort to copy and paste them questions and gotta bold that shit to make it nice and easy to read
it did entertain me for a while tho thank you :)
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decodethefallenmoon · 9 years
All of the "let us fall" questions
YESSSS ADAM YOU ARE THE BEST PERSON OF ALL THE PEOPLESfireplace: one of your favorite stories, books, or poems: Honestly, I really love quotes and poetry in general. But there are so many books that I love, I don’t think I could pick one as a favorite. If I had to pick a favorite though, it’d be the Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts.  
sweater: a favorite comforting thought: I can’t think of anything XD
pumpkin pie: a favorite comfort food: Macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes with gravy.
apple cider: a favorite comfort drink (alcoholic or non, either way): Hot chocolate or tea. 
fallen leaves: a scent that triggers a positive memory: Horses.
maple: a kindness or sweet sentiment you've done or that someone has done for you: When someone decided to include me back in their life when they didn’t have to, and we’ve never had a better friendship. 
oak: something or someone that encourages strength in you: Jennifer and my mother. 
elm: what your dreams are like: They’re either ridiculous and vivid, or I don’t remember them at all! 
cornfield: a reason you want or don't want to be a parent: I do want to be a parent. I’d love to be a parent. I don’t really have any other reason. But I do want to adopt besides having my own biological children! 
corn maze: something you need to figure out right now: Life.
full moon: something about yourself you feel is unusual: I don’t think anything in my life is actually necessarily “unusual,” because what happens in my life happens for many other people as well. But if I had to pick something, it’d be the fact that I chose to educate myself on social issues and inequality instead of remaining ignorant. 
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legendoftoph · 10 years
thepathswetake answered to your post “ok so i have a video game playlist that is basically just a bunch of...”
What type of music do you normally like?
im stupid so I just saw this, sorry!!!
I'm not a huge fan of musicals or heavy metal but I will literally listen to anything you suggest
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soupsworld · 11 years
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ovxrgrown · 11 years
thepathswetake replied to your post: IM PHYSICALLY SHAKING I DIDNT THINK A ...
What episode/ season are you up to?
season 4 episODe 12 thiS ISNT FUN
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philelixir · 9 years
omg yess son you cured me from my boredom
01:Do you have a good relationship with your parents?no02:Who did you last say “I love you” to?i texted bee (hotmiakassia) does that count?03:Do you regret anything?oh yes, but they are just little things04:Are you insecure?yes, but i’m not as insure as i was back in highschool.05:What is your relationship status?single... probably gonna be single for a long time06:How do you want to die?either old age and surrounded by ones i love, if i happen to die in a freak accident i hope it’s fast and painless07:What did you last eat?grilled cheese :)08:Played any sports?i used to play tennis.. i mean i sucked at it but my friend did too and we kinda become good friends because of it09:Do you bite your nails?all the time10:When was your last physical fight?never been in an actual physical fight, but me and my sister give each other a few punches now and then11:Do you like someone?i have no idea, it’s so confusing so i leave it alone12:Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?no13:Do you hate anyone at the moment?nope :)14:Do you miss someone?nah15:Have any pets?i used to have a dog
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decodethefallenmoon · 9 years
Thanks Adam!! 11. Favorite time of day: Definitely dusk. But I’m very nocturnal LOL
12.First pet: I think the first real pets I had were Lena and Jet (two adopted shelter cats), but I grew up with two dogs as well, Chester and Karina, who were a giant yellow lab mix and a husky. All of them were adopted from shelters. And then we also had a couple of rats as well during my early childhood, and a fish tank. I didn’t really have a “first pet.” I just always had pets!
13. Siblings: I have an older brother, Chris!
14. First car: 2011 Subaru Impreza named Sora. 
15. On a day like today you would...?: Like for my whole throat thing to stop coughing and stop being swelled and inflamed but I just need to keep taking my prescription crap. 
16. The last book you read: one of my new ones from Nora Roberts.
17. The last text message you sent/received: private conversation between Liam and I. 
18. Are you usually hot or cold: I’m normally neither.
19. Pick one thing to your left, what does it mean to you: It’s Cinder, who is my cat, who is also a fucking derpy weirdo. 
20. Day or night and why: Night. I’m a nocturnal fuckwad. 
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nowimthevillain · 11 years
thepathswetake replied to your post“voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?” Non. Le gasp
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inkarnadine · 11 years
Thoughts on the 50th?
I really loved it, yeah! I thought it was fantastic - I don't have time to fully deconstruct it or write a meta, but it did the only thing I could ever ask it to: celebrated the Doctor.
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fxrby · 11 years
thepathswetake replied to your post: ~
What happened eith the security guards?
they wouldn't let anyone into the main hall where all the signings where happening bc it was 'over capacity' but it was over capacity in the morning bc it's pretty much the entrance and ofc the first thing anyone was gonna do is join a meet and greet queue, but by the afternoon there rly wasnt that many people in the hall so they should let some in right?  no, me & many other people all stood in a queue to get into the hall for about half an hour (the hal had about half the amout of people it had in the morning at that point) and then they closed the door and told us to go away basically. they didn't let anyone in there until about 6 idk it wasnt fun
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ovxrgrown · 11 years
Fuck feminism, why don't we have a global equality movement not just on gender but on culture and class? People are focussing too much on one aspect. If we put half as much effort into helping other people as we did trying to fix discrimination against ourselves, the world would be a step closer to bring a better place.
^^^ omfg yes
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decodethefallenmoon · 9 years
39:Do you like where you live? Where would you move?: Currently live north of Seattle and I don’t know where I would move I just know I am moving soon.40:Are you more similar or different to your best friend?: I’m similar to both of them in different ways but also different in some ways as well.41:How long is your hair?: Its above my shoulders currently42:What was the last thing you drew?: I haven’t drawn anything in a hell of a long time so I don’t really remember.43:Are you the type to make lists?: Already answered! 44:What’s your morning routine like?: Depends on the day.45:Were you involved in sports in school?: Not at school because fuck that.46:Who is/was your favorite teacher?: My favorite teachers in high school were for photography and AP Government, and currently my favorite teacher is my Global Studies professor.47:Did you ever have to wear braces?: For 6 years.48:What are things you do when you’re nervous?: Well I have anxiety so I have a large number of things I do depending on what I’m “nervous” about and the situation I’m in.49:Do you like going out to eat?: Sometimes yes.
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