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moving far away to a sunny place.
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TIL Dr. Sigmund Freud was addicted to smoking and failed to quit for good throughout a 45 years long battle that included 33 operations for cancer of the jaw, an artificial jaw replacement, and attacks of “tobacco angina” exacerbated by nicotine . He was known to smoke up to twenty cigars a day.
via reddit.com
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Via @WritersGuildF at Twitter. (Not that this’ll help NBCUniversal, particularly when the LA City Department of Urban Forestry comes after them…)
This move, it seems likely, is damage control aimed at attempting to mitigate the situation before LA-based TV news crews show up.
(BTW: images in other threads here and on Twitter apparently confirm that Universal also did this illegal trimming three years ago, and the trees were in the process of trying to recover from it.)
ETA: this from @DanSigner at Twitter, showing images of the trees in previous years.
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…For those interested in looking at the images more closely: this is the north end of Barham Blvd., the Toluca Lake-ish end, outside Universal’s Sheinberg building (Google Maps link here). If you use Street View to move up and down the road here, the tree images will change—check the right-hand bottom of the images to see the dates the photos were taken.
For those curious about why my dander’s up about this: leaving aside the casual spite of lopping trees at the wrong time of year so as to make picketers suffer (and let’s not forget the sudden construction / ripping-up of sidewalks elsewhere on the lot): the Universal / Universal City area was very much part of my personal “stomping grounds” when I was living and working in LA. Hanna-Barbera was just off the other end of Barham, north on Cahuenga, and I was up and down this road all the time, since friends and co-workers lived nearby. And trees there have enough trouble prospering without this bullshit.
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As a rape survivor, I understand the need for safe space together – free from sexist harassment and potential violence. But fear of gender variance also can't be allowed to deceptively cloak itself as a women's safety issue. I can't think of a better example than my own, and my butch friends', first-hand experiences in public women's toilets. Of course women need to feel safe in a public restroom; that's a serious issue. So when a man walks in, women immediately examine the situation to see if the man looks flustered and embarrassed, or if he seems threatening; they draw on the skills they learned as young girls in this society to read body language for safety or danger.
Now, what happens when butches walk into the women's bathroom? Women nudge each other with elbows, or roll their eyes, and say mockingly, "Do you know which bathroom you're in?" Thats not how women behave when they really believe there's a man in the bathroom. This scenario is not about women's safety – its an example of gender-phobia.
And ask yourself, if you were in the women's bathroom, and there were two teenage drag queens putting on lipstick in front of the mirror, would you be in danger? If you called security or the cops, or forced those drag queens to use the men's room, would they be safe?
If the segregation of bathrooms is really about more than just genitals, then maybe the signs ought to read "Men" and "Sexually and Gender Oppressed," because we all need a safe place to go to the bathroom. Or even better, let's fight for clean individual bathrooms with signs on the doors that read "Restroom."
And defending the inclusion of transsexual sisters in women's space does not threaten the safety of any woman. The AIDS movement, for example, battled against the right-wing characterization of gay men as a "high-risk group." We won an understanding that there is no high-risk group – there are high-risk behaviors. Therefore, creating safety in women's space means we have to define unsafe behavior – like racist behavior by white women towards women of color, or dangerous insensitivity to disabilities.
Transsexual sisters are not a Trojan horse trying to infiltrate women's space. There have always been transsexual women helping to build the women's movement – they are part of virtually every large gathering of women. They want to be welcomed into women's space for the same reason every woman does – to feel safe.
Leslie Feinberg, Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Marsha P. Johnson and Beyond
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A very obscure language
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there is always some fucking laundry and dust and some other shit
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decodethefallenmoon · 2 years
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decodethefallenmoon · 2 years
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decodethefallenmoon · 2 years
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decodethefallenmoon · 2 years
I love men. I'm half man myself on my dad's side
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decodethefallenmoon · 2 years
“My dogs thought I was still in the front yard”
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decodethefallenmoon · 2 years
God can you imagine if Donald Trump became president? There’d be like a new bubonic plague and he’d be like “idk drink bleach about it”
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decodethefallenmoon · 2 years
trans friends— this has been circulating a lot on the internet already but PLEASE stop ordering from gc2b. their quality has massively declined, they send the wrong size binders correctly marked, the stitching is extremely poor and rips often times when first putting it on. do not waste your money on them!
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decodethefallenmoon · 2 years
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