potterroleplay · 4 years
Even though they're not active anymore, I always enjoyed seeing theotherdumbledore (Aberforth Dumbledore) and retired-death-eater (OC) on my dash. Both were well written and always entertaining to read!
@theotherdumbledore / @retired-death-eater 
Potter Positivity Party! Send something nice about your favorite roleplayers and we’ll @ them for you. (Guidelines.)
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
Tell us a story where nothing horrible happens and nobody gets injured or killed for a change.
One time I knocked out half of a wall in the Hog’s Head and didn’t get immediately kicked out and banned by @theotherdumbledore
So, I don’t actually recall why I’d decided to stay at one of the rooms at the Hog’s Head rather than just, you know, go home but I did.
As is fairly usual, I didn’t so much sleep as I ended up sitting in the room and doing a bit of practice with a Venari chained to an Excidium, just sort of having it chase some random little object I’d enchanted to circle the room.
Thing is, even with a Venari on it, Excidium is still hard to control and you sort of have to force it to keep itself attached to the Venari; good mental exercise if nothing else.
And, at some point I nicked a wall.
Now, the thing with Excidium is, if it touches something, whatever it touches just straight up explodes and if what it touches isn’t a living thing it’ll just keep chewing its way through whatever it is until something stops the spell.
Something generally being either a living thing, at which point it self-extinguishes, or the caster either stopping it manually or dying.
I stopped it within two seconds of it hitting but, again, a lot of noise especially for two in the morning.
So, at that point, I figure there is absolutely no way I am not getting dragged out of the place by my ear and banned because people get banned from the Hog’s Head for a LOT less than blasting a wall out with a particularly nasty curse.
Knock on the door and, to nobody’s surprise, it's  @theotherdumbledore and he didn’t look particularly cross but I figured that was likely because he had no idea what had happened and it was two in the morning.
All he says was, “I heard your…noise.”
At that point, I could have just gone with some explanation that would have been infinitely more reasonable than, “Oh yeah I was playing with Excidium on a Venari and nicked the wall, sorry about that.”
I did not.
I told him exactly that. Do you ever just say something and internally cringe as you’re saying it because you just know it’s not even remotely close to what you should have said?
Happens to me all the time.
Anyway, by then I was certain I was getting thrown out because, again, that would be a perfectly reasonable response.
Except that’s not what happened.
He just stepped into the room, shut the door, and started clearing debris while asking me where I’d learned that spell and how to get the Venari attached to it around a bit of an, “also, you should probably be helping me clean this mess up” sort of statement.
Got the wall patched up as well as you ever can with Excidium, so it’s probably still got some visible cracks in it unless something got hung over them.
I rattle off a bit about my job, the sorts of things I study–obscure magic, experimental magic, magical theory, spell modification and circling back to what I was doing with the Venari/Excidium combination–still fully expecting to be kicked out of the place at any given moment. Except, at that point, I noticed he’d sat down at some point and and was smiling at the floor while telling me I was not, in fact, talking too much.
What you have to understand here is that, over the past 15-ish years, in all the times I’d ever been to the Hog’s Head, I’ve only ever really seen two expressions and you never really wanted to look at him for too long because, well, you might get thrown out if it came off like you were staring:
1) Annoyed.2) Annoyed, but slightly less so.
This is someone I have never once seen even crack the slightest hint of a smile and he’s sitting there nearly grinning at the floor after I kind of wrecked a room at his place of business.
No idea what’s happening at all at this point, and he started going over what I was doing with a passing mention that he had a not insignificant interest in pretty much everything I’d just said and tells me he knows a nice, wide open space with nobody around for miles if I’d like to go there and resume what I was working on.
The answer to that sort of proposition is always yes.
So, tell him yes, hold an arm out and tell him not to rip it off during the trip and he sits there looking like I suddenly sprouted maybe four extra heads and stopped speaking English.
C'mon mate, we should’ve been out of this busted up room at least five minutes ago, quit staring and let’s go!
Turn up again in a massive field with a house that looked like it’d been abandoned for at least a good fifty years or so; completely falling apart. I start flattening the grass and cast a few charms to scatter any wildlife as I never like accidentally hitting something living with Excidium and he says, “I think we still have our old bludger in the barn” and something else about the place being practically his and that didn’t really click, the wording I mean.
He goes and grabs an entire damn Quidditch set; old one at that. You really want to have an Excidium chase and probably destroy that? Says he’s not much of a Quidditch fan so it doesn’t matter.Okay. Admittedly, bludgers are pretty good targets to work with for getting anything with a Venari attached a good run to test its accuracy; same with a Snitch.
Still dark at this point; probably around three in the morning. Excidium burns pretty bright and it’s kind of impressive to watch in the dark. It also changes colour depending on its proximity to something living. When it’s not particularly close to something alive, it’s yellow; as it gets closer to something living it turns to orange, and eventually to red when it’s almost close enough to hit so, definitely something that’s more fun to mess with in the dark and if it’s trailing a bludger it should be able to stay close enough to keep it lit so it doesn’t smack one of us in the face.
Says we can crash in the house when we’re done messing about with the Excidium.
Blew up ¾ of a Quidditch set over the course of a few hours. It didn’t take that long for them to get hit, they spell chain was set up to just chase it but never quite catch it mostly because I wanted to see how long I could keep doing that before it either got boring or tiring. It was probably close to 8 in the morning by that time.
The Snitch was more interesting to watch, mostly because its movement is more erratic and it tries to avoid people. The bludgers were more, “Yeah, and I’m taking you out with me, buddy!”
It is very possible to hold a complete discussion about the irrationalities of Quidditch scoring and magical theory while dodging bludgers that are being followed by a curse that has a very real possibility of slipping from its path and knocking you out of existence, if you were curious.
(( This story probably now makes Calleo owe @lamentedhope infinity +1 bottles of brandy. ))
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ofsalamandereyes · 6 years
@theotherdumbledore liked for a non spoiler starter 
Tina entered the small pub in Hogsmeade, not sure what to expect. It was quiet which was how she liked it. Newt had gone up to the castle and Tina had agreed to stay here in the village. Approaching the bar, she smiled warmly at the innkeeper. “A butterbeer please.” She asked. Her accent made her stand out, it clashed with the general decor of this place.
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Random Book Starter ( Meme ) || Accepting !!
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“ Proof enough that it is a matchless fool who takes an idiot as an advisor !! “ 
(( ‘ The Nature Of Monsters ‘ By: Clare Clark ))
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mudbloodmasquerade · 6 years
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NAME: Jolene Marie Delacroix
THEIR PROFESSION: Student/ Gossip column Writer/ Editor of Witch Weekly
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND: The Courtyard/ Nocturne Alley/ Witch Weekly Offices US Division.
FAVOURITE TRAIT: In others -- their ability to so freely trust. In herself -- patience. 
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE: Someplace they’d be seen. Jolene loves to be shown off, and to show others off.
IDEAL GIFT: A new journal.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY GO TO BED: Depends on the person, and if she’s feeling like pissing people off that day or not. Usually two dates.
TAGGED BY: @theotherdumbledore
TAGGING: @theosdorons @repudiated-heir @chasingxprongs @vndeluscus and anyone else who wants to do this.
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burntmutt-blog · 6 years
— answer these questions then tag blogs you’d like to know better!
tagged by: @the-dimensional-bartender (Thank you!)
tagging: @mudbloodmasquerade @allxstoriesxarextrue @masterofthelivingforce @
nickname: Tiitu
zodiac: Leo
height: 5′
time: 12 am EET
favourite band / artist: atm Amanda Palmer but I really listen almost everything ^^
song stuck in my head: Winnie the Pooh theme
last movie i saw: Noroi: the curse
last thing i googled: Fire spell Hermione used (I needed the information to a thread and it appears that the spell doesn’t have official name XD)
other blogs:I have so many of these... Active ones?
@soullessflorence my side blog for a dementor called Florence Periwinkle
@theotherdumbledore rp blog for Aberforth Dumbledore
@queenofgoldsteins +18 rp blog for (dark) Queenie Goldstein
do i get asks: Well I don’t usually ask for them (Pun intended)
why did i choose this username: I wanted to include his inner dog and his relationship with his family into it
following: 152. Some are aesthetic/inspiration blogs
average amount of sleep: Well... It’s either 3 hours or 13 hours, there is no between
what i’m wearing: A grey dress with black trees on it
dream job: Speech therapist
dream trip: I really want to go to New Zealand to see the Shire and simply walk into Mordor (I have heard that it’s great route for hiking)
favourite food: Cheese cake. If I would eat just one thing for the rest of my life it would be cheese cake.
play any instruments: Nope, except my mouth
eye colour: Blue
hair colour: Strawberry blonde atm
languages you speak: Finnish, English & Swedish (Not very well though)
most iconic song: Livin’ la Vida Loca
random fact: I love flea markets
describe yourself as aesthetic things: Sugar, spice and everything nice. Also Yellow aesthetics
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Do you want to have a drink? It's on the house.
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“On the house? Are you sure?”
His brow furrows in confusion a little at the offering. He’s not quite sure why he’s being offered a free drink, especially as he hasn’t exactly done anything, although he’s grateful nonetheless.
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heroicintention-a · 6 years
the howl of wolves.  moonless nights. dirt under fingernails.  stained silk.  chattering teeth. voices hoarse and cracked. rotting fruit. echoing drums. dry heaving. hanging cobwebs. stifling humidity.  bloodshot eyes.  the roughness of rusted steel.  wild rose bushes. muscle cramps. the sound of splintering wood.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream:
crackling fires. the faint music of running water. dirty, bare feet.  tattered clothing. petrichor. thistledown.  wilted wildflower crowns. ivy crawling on stone. late evening birdsong. curling leaves. a symphony of croaking frogs. drifting feathers. the eerie sound of windchimes at night. humming bees.  beds of clover.
Romeo and Juliet:
warm golden lamplight. worn shoes.  crumbling brick walls. whispered poetry. embroidered satin. cool, hazy mornings. tousled hair. rosewater. flushed cheeks. distant orchestras.unfinished marble statues. cobblestone streets. loose threads. ink smudged on parchment. tapping fingers. dust illuminated by sunlight. poison vials.
shattered glass. a cluster of fraying ribbons. unanswered knocks on doors. lingering dampness.  white noise. inexplicable drafts. migraines. bleeding ears.  the taste of metal. reflected mirrors. dry, cracked lips. the sound of tearing paper. fogged windows. memories of dreams. tarnished silver. protruding veins.
Tagged by: @domuslux
Tagging: @manynarrators @vulnerasanentuur @antonindoloxv @theotherdumbledore @proditeur && whoever else wants this ^^
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
Aberforth is the FUN Dumbledore.
(( Another one I meant to consolidate into one post ages ago and forgot about until, oddly, I got to the part in Hogwarts Mystery where you meet Aberforth Dumbledore.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure @theotherdumbledore​ has disappeared; they were away once for a few months and came back, then disappeared again. :(
Of course, if they ever do come back, I'd love to pick this one back up.
Edits for spelling, grammar, clarity, etc...have been done where needed.
Somewhere in the distance, I’m sure @lamentedhope​ either has another massive headache or is just doing the screaming internally thing.
The start ))
“Look mate, I’m next door. I heard you. Your… noise. Last night.”"
“Oh! Right, sorry about that; it all went a bit sideways at one point and I lost the silencing charms, two windows and about a third of the Southern wall,” Calleo laughed, “I’d call the fire damage minimal, but I keep finding bits of it everywhere so I can’t necessarily get an accurate gauge of that right now.”
“It’s probably all right–ah–did I wake you, then? Reckon I owe you a drink if I did.” Smooth. Offer the man who owns an entire pub a drink.
Aberforth frowned and looked at the other man, both curiosity and vexation in his eyes. “What were you even doing? Some experimental magic or what?” he grunted, lifted his wand and stepped inside the room.
He started to repair the damage while waiting for an answer, waving his wand in circles to gather up the pieces of broken window.
“I thought that you could use a hand. And you don’t owe me anything. I was just… Worried” he grunted again, shrugs like it was no big deal to him. Like he actually didn’t care.
“Exactly that!” Calleo replied with a grin, “It’s one hell of a hobby. Usually doesn’t go too badly, sometimes causes something or other to explode, light up, or melt. Wood melts into liquid if you screw it up badly enough. Or succeed. Which it is would depend on how you look at it.”
He waved his own wand, both to check for remaining fire and to clean up bits of debris, “I’ve never really liked calling anything a failure, though; it usually isn’t, it’s just a success in a way you hadn’t considered as a possibility before seeing the result.”
“Failure,” Calleo picked up a few books that had fallen, “is just a way to talk yourself out of a path that might be potentially more interesting. Unexpected success is a much better turn of phrase.”
He tilted his head slightly at the mention of worry, and met it with a smile and a shrug of his own, “Ah–right, well, I never do mind a hand, but there really is no need to worry. I am careful, despite what the room might indicate at the moment. Haven’t died yet, at any rate.”
Calleo stopped to consider his last statement, “Been close a few times–closer than I’d generally like to be, to be honest–that that’s bound to happen.”
If any part of him had stopped to consider that maybe he could be a bit reckless at times and should probably take some steps to control that sort of impulse, it faded quickly and he very cheerfully asked the other, "Do you? Experiment with magic, I mean.”
“Failure is when you screw up so badly that you get yourself homeless. Or killed. Failure means you should slow down and give another thought to the whole project. And this,” Aberforth gestured to the room, “was a failure.”
“Are you sure this experiment is worth your life?” He sighed and lifted up couple of fallen paintings. “ I can’t even imagine what this spell of your should have done if this was the unexpected solution. What you were trying to do?”
When Calleo asked about his history with experimental magic, Aberforth chuckled a little. “Well, actually, I have made couple of spells and brewed some unique potions during the past few decades.” He smiled a little smile, feeling proud of himself.
He also resumed repair the wall, rocks banging together when they land back to their places. “It was a long time ago but I really enjoyed it. It made me feel smart, you know? Maybe…” A hesitation. “
“Maybe I could help you out? I’m not very good but I’m sure that I won’t blow down your house or anything.”
Aberforth silently hoped that Calleo would say yes. He had been lonely for the past couple of weeks, customers were gone and Matey was sick so the goat slept a lot and Abe didn’t want to disturb him.
“That–is also an accurate interpretation of failure, though, in fairness, homes can be rebuilt or moved. Death is slightly more permanent, but still not technically a failure. I view it more as a potentially unexpected shift in priorities of where one spends the majority of one’s time.”
“I’d prefer not to die, if given the choice, but if it happens it happens,” Calleo added with a lazy shrug.
“This,” at the question of what he was trying to do, Calleo perked up noticeably, “was not technically experimental magic but more experimental tying together of two existing spells; I have a slight problem with being told something is impossible and often like to try and prove that it isn’t.”
“What I was trying to do was to tie a chaser to a curse that’s legitimately not anything I’d ever use against someone; just wanted to see if I could couple the two and get around that ‘requires line of sight’ limitation. And to see if it’d work.”
“It took it just fine, oddly enough, it was more that I…didn’t. I mean, I did, but only for a few seconds before it required a bit more control to remain under control, if that makes even the slightest bit of sense,” he laughed, “Pulled the chaser off and managed to grab control of it again before it fully hit the wall we’re currently repairing. If I hadn’t, honestly, it wouldn’t have been the end of the world but it would have been the end of that wall.”
Calleo waved his wand again, sending more pieces of debris back to their proper places, “Took less than five seconds total, despite how long winded I just was about it.”
He stopped speaking entirely when Aberforth mentioned that he used to experiment a bit and offered to lend a hand.  It was, if nothing else, an interesting proposal and the other Wizard hasn’t just called in authorities, which was also a nice bonus. Never fun to deal with the Ministry when experimental magic went off the rails. Despite his position there, and that it was in the Department of Mysteries’ Research Wing, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement could still be a bit of a hassle.
“I would, I think, enjoy that immensely!  I can’t promise that I’ll listen if you tell me I’m doing something stupid or high risk, but I will take it under advisement and give you full rights to say, 'I told you so.’ if the outcome is a bad one.”
“Could be fun, dragging that ’used to’ out of retirement, yeah?” This time the grin was significantly more playful than cheerful.
“Oh!” Calleo snapped his fingers as a sudden thought struck, “If cursing’s not really a thing you’re into, just let me know; it’s easily avoidable."
Aberforth listened while the other Wizard talked and thought to himself, "How the hell he is able to talk so much?" It’s not a bad thing, he just wasn't used to it. His pub was more a quiet ‘let’s-just-drink’-kind a place.
Calleo's babbling made him smile, though. It reminded him of home, of Ariana’s talking while they were feeding the goats.
He looked at the repaired wall and nodded to himself before he started to clean the candle wax off the floor. He was pretty sure that some of them had been on that wood before the accident happened. Calleo seemed to be that kind of a Wizard who would burn the candle at both ends when his mind was on something.
“You don’t have to avoid anything. I have seen and done much  worse things that you could even think of.” he sighed and waved his hand.
“I may be little rusty, it has been so long I have done everything experimental but it would be nice, yeah. Tying two spells together doesn’t sound so difficult, though. It depends on the curse, right?” he looked at Calleo over his shoulder before turning to face him.
“Let’s try it again. I want to see what we are working on here. You need a proper target to your tests, I can make a counter spell. Maybe we can figure out what went wrong.”
Maybe this was the new liquor talking, but Aberforth was really enjoying this. Talking with someone who didn’t seem to care about his reputation or his brother, making something new with them outside of those two all too common contexts. Before this Matey was his only experimenting partner and his ideas and opinions were hard to understand.
“Yeah?” Calleo answered cheerfully, “Ever hit a living thing with Nihilus? I have–not a person, just a rat that a friend of mine found in his office at work.”
“Still,” he shook his head, still smiling somehow, “can’t say I’d recommend it. It’s also why I cap myself at maybe two drinks. Turns out if I throw all inhibition out the window I don’t much like what I’m capable of doing in that state.”
“BUT,” Calleo clapped his hands together once, “we’re not dealing with that curse and I wouldn’t trust it on a chaser anyway, it’s hard enough to control by itself. This time I was just toying with its messier cousin,” Calleo busied himself tidying up again. It seemed almost impossible that he could be either still or quiet.
“Aside from one time I hit a mouse with Excidium, I wouldn’t use it on anything living; wouldn’t even hit the mouse again if given the chance again. All the punch of Nihilus with meat bits splattered so widely across a room that it takes weeks to find it all. Same end result, though,” he shrugged.
Now and again, Calleo glanced over at Aberforth, not for a reaction so much as it was just to see if the poor man was trying to get a word in edgewise.
“Usually, it’s just a line of sight sort of curse, right? It doesn’t even take aim very well unless you’ve got one hell of a grip on it; I use it for practicing maintaining high levels of control and it’s started to be a bit too easy. Always goes where I tell it to go, doesn’t even try to wrench away anymore.”
“It’s a lot harder to force it to attach to a chaser and follow a moving target; the chaser itself can’t get a strong enough attachment to direct it, so there’s an element of manual control. Lose that, the chaser snaps off and goes out, and that particular curse doesn’t just keep on the path it was on, it tries to circle back to whoever cast it. The only reason I caught the mouse was it was running in a fairly straight line.”
“I can catch it if it breaks loose again–or at least before it hits anything; the last one didn’t hit anything hard enough to go completely off, I just caught it and detonated it mid-air, which is what made most of the noise,” he added sheepishly.
“Ah–if I’m talking too much just hit me with a silencing charm or something. Can’t promise I won’t brush it away and keep going, but it might help get the hint across.”
Aberforth had to sit down while Calleo explained his tests and studies so he could keep up with the train of thoughts. It all sounded so magnificent and interesting but, as he had said, the last time he had done any experimental magic had been long ago.
If he was being completely honest with himself, he had hardly used any magic in months.
“Oh, you’re not talking too much.” he groaned and shook his head. “It’s nice actually.” he almost whispered, smiling to his beard. Realising that he had been staring at his shoes and smiling like an idiot was likely not making the best ‘I-really-can-help-you’-impression, he coughed and stood up, walking next to a crack on the floor and filling it up with splinters.
“Let’s fix this place up so you can continue with your studies.” he nodded to himself and gave Calleo another quick look over his shoulder.
“But you are saying that you need a moving but not-living target for your tests, right? Have you tested it on a patronus or some spell like that or try moving an object with a spell? You need more room as well, I don’t want to have to fix the walls again…” he rubbed his chin and scratched his beard while thinking.
First, Aberforth considered the cellar of his bar. It was quite roomy and quiet and he is certain that no-one would ever come there to investigate magical experiments.
But there was that risk of blowing the ceiling of or breaking the painting of his dear sister or spilling the liquor all over the place. And he had done a lot of work with those bottles. So maybe the tavern is not the best place. But it was the only place he knew and…
He knew one another place, with lot of space, peace and quiet. He just had tried to forgot it, all about it.
He lifted his eyes to Calleo. “I think I know a place were we can practise and test those spells of yours without worrying about the Ministry or lack of space.”
Well, he hadn’t been hit with a silencing charm. That was always a good sign. Being told it was nice, however, caught Calleo completely off guard, considering the subject matter and that he’d nearly completely (accidentally!) destroyed a room in the middle of the night.
“Nice is–not exactly the answer I was expecting, but I’ll definitely take it. Beats most of the alternatives!” He added with a laugh.
“Most people mind. Not necessarily the damage, more what caused the damage, and then they start lecturing me as if I don’t know exactly what it is I’m playing with; and it really is playing, it just happens to fall in line with my actual job as well more often than not. I just get paid to play with it during the week. Been told I play ‘too rough’ by more than one person anyway.”
“Moving and non-living would be best, I’m not really ever completely on board with the idea of killing things if it’s not absolutely necessary. I can, it’s just unpleasant, even more so when using something like Excidium.”
Calleo paused and shook his head, “Death is one thing; something dies, it either moves on or remains behind as a ghost, but it still exists. It’s not gone, it’s just somewhere else. Completely removing all aspects of a living thing from existence itself is–another, and not one I’d care to experience again.” Calleo shrugged that line of thinking off quickly, re-focusing on putting the room back together and on the rest of the conversation.
“I haven’t tried it with a patronus, primarily because I’ve never bothered trying to cast one. Never had the need for it which, before you say it, I know damn well isn’t an excuse.”
Calleo finally stopped standing there and just watching Aberforth repair the damage to the room and got to work on it as well, “I should think trying to blast a patronus into oblivion might make it not–return the next time? Or at least not want to.”
And then, came an offer Calleo would never have expected.
It was a jarring enough offer to cause him to stop mid-repair of a section of the wall and just sort of stare at Aberforth in mildly stunned silence for a minute.
Aberforth had a reputation, and it was the sort of reputation that got people barred from the premises sometimes for just looking at another patron the wrong way or mentioning anything about the goat in the building, no matter how benign.
And Calleo had nearly blasted an entire room of the building apart using a notoriously dangerous, very lethal curse, and–had not only not been kicked out, he’d been invited to a presumably better place to continue messing about with it.
That should have raised every possible alarm but, Calleo being Calleo, ignored all of that and flashed a bright grin at Aberforth’s suggestion, “Brilliant! I’m in. So–when are we leaving? If it’s now, just go ahead and grab me. Wouldn’t be the first time someone’s done that and dragged me out somewhere else.”
Aberforth had been sure that this would be the moment when Calleo coughed awkwardly and told him that ‘Well, come to think of it, I think I’m better off alone, but thanks!’ So, when he got excited instead Aberforth’s mouth just popped open.
He couldn’t believe it. Was he actually interacting with another human being successfully?
“Are you serious? I mean, we can leave right away if you don’t need anything with you. It has been long time since I have used apparition but I think I can still do it…” he mumbled, putting his wand to his sleeve and walking over to Calleo.
“I’ll try to be careful,” he smiled and grabbed Calleo's arm before he closing his eyes and the two men disappeared from the room, leaving only a cloud of dust in the air.
They reappeared in the middle of an oat field, or at least it once had been an oat field; Golden plants had turned into grey twigs, weeds had used all of the nutrients from the ground and under the weeds are years worth of true grass crops so the ground feels soft and bouncy under the feet.
One could see a wooden house and a little barn in the distance. The house looked abandoned, like no-one hadn’t been there in centuries and the roof of the barn has collapsed, probably because of heavy rains and the weight of snow. Aberforth looked at the house and smiled sadly.
“The neighbour lives couple of kilometres away so we should have peace and quiet.” he said, finally remembering to let go of Calleo’s arm and took couple of steps closer to the barn.
“I think we still have our old buldger in the barn, we could try that… Or I can use Leviosa to some objects if you want to have more steady and predictable target. Don’t mind the fields, they are practically mine so we can destroy them as much as we want.”
“So, do you want to wait the sunrise or start right away?”
When they reappeared, the first words out of Calleo’s mouth were, “No need to be careful with me, mate. My job alone puts me in close contact with things designed to injure or kill, not to mention I occasionally make it a point to make terrible things even worse just to see if it’s possible, and that’s before even getting into the sort of people I end up dealing with on a regular basis! I stopped counting the amount of times on any given day when I should have died but didn’t several years ago.”
“Awful people, for the most part, you should see the records of some of them; but networking is networking.” Calleo casually looked around the area, more to get an idea of what was there than to find out where they were. Where they were was obvious enough: A field with a couple of abandoned buildings. Nice, open, and nobody else around to disturb.
“It’d be nice to live somewhere with the nearest neighbour a few kilometres out. I don’t live in the largest town, but there are still a few hundred people and it’s oddly all packed together for as small as it is. All Muggle too! So, I get to be extra careful. With everything.” Calleo added with a laugh.
“I’ve been told my house is lit up like a prison to anyone who can see the warding. Always disagreed with that, as it’s not designed to keep anything in so much as it’s designed to keep anyone who isn’t invited out.”
Lazily, Calleo flicked his blackthorn wand out and in a sweeping motion, putting up a wide spread of silencing charms anyway, just to be on the safe side.
He then turned its aim toward the ground and spread out a rather large layer of protective warding over the plants, “I don’t want to–hit any of them. Or anything living under the grass. Thing is, plants have–I’m not sure if it’s souls or what, but I’ve got the ghost of one that I’m fairly certain is spitefully hanging about my garden. Knowing that, I’d feel a bit awful if I blasted any of the living ones into oblivion. If the aim goes off it’ll just chew up the warding and not what’s underneath it.”
“There!” Finally, he finished with the cheerful babbling explanation of what he was doing, “Now then! A bludger could be interesting, since those things are pretty well charmed to chase after people. That’d add one hell of an incentive to keep things under control–oh! And you’d get to see the colour change that curse does as it approaches and moves away from living things. Goes from yellow to red. It’ll still hit the bludger either way. Do you mind an exploding bludger?”
For a few minutes, Calleo seemed to be considering the question as to whether to wait or not and eventually shrugged, “Doesn’t matter to me, really; daylight makes things easier to see, but also gives a less spectacular light show when that curse is trailing something.”
“It’s interesting when it gets close; if you’ve ever had a killing curse just miss, you probably know the cold rush of air it leaves in its wake. This one is–” Calleo paused, “It’s different. Colder, and somehow burning hot at the same time.”
“I’m not a fan of Quidditch so an exploding bludger is okay with me.” Aberforth shrugged idly and lifted his wand, turning his eyes toward the collapsed barn.
“Accio trunk!” he yelled and the sound of pieces of the roof to lifting and turning before eventually collapsing again when the heavy wooden trunk dug it’s way out temporarily shattered the quiet.
“I think it would be interesting to see that light show of yours so let’s start right away. We can sleep in the house when the morning comes."
"You can stay as long as you want, nobody misses or needs this place anymore.” he nodded to himself and opened the trunk. He stared at the balls, tightly tied to their own places.
They were covered in dust and splinters but seemed otherwise intact and functioning. The bludgers had already started to struggle, trying to hit the man who was looking at them.
There was other equipment as well such as a helmet, a pair of thick gloves and a bat lying in the bottom of the trunk. Aberforth stared at the pieces from his past and smiled.
“Ever had a killing curse just miss?”  The smiled faded at Calleo's question.
He remembered how it felt. The coldness, the reaper trying to get a grip from the heart. It had felt like a dark, heavy cloud had tried to swallow him. But, the feeling when it missed it’s target was much more terrifying. He felt the pain of looking at his collapsed sister, the numbness and coldness that surrounded him.
The silence was the worst. Not crying, not cursing, just silence. Like the world had stopped to witness it.
“Cold and burning hot at the same time, you say? Hmm… It sounds like the feeling when you try to take the cauldron from the flames: it’s so hot that brains think it’s cold.” he murmured and took the bat from the bottom of the trunk, put the helmet on and crouched next to the trunk.
“We can try the snitch as well if you like. It’s trajectory it’s much more difficult to predict so it would be more difficult to hit as well. Not to mention the size and color difference between it and the bludger…”
Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, the first bludger’s old, rusty chains gave up and let the black ball loose.
It flung itself through the air, gathering up some speed and power before heading straight towards Calleo.
“The scoring system is completely irrational,” Calleo frowned at the trunk, as though it were somehow the fault of the Quidditch balls inside, “If you can only win the game by catching the Snitch, why have goals for anything else at all? Just send everyone after the damn Snitch!”
He laughed and shook his head, “One of my friends at school was on the Slytherin team as a Beater; I once asked him to, after the Keeper had the Quaffle, knock the Keeper through the goal to see if it counted as a point.”
“It did, if you were curious,. I don’t know if that’s in the rules or if Professor Dumbledore just thought it was creative enough that it deserved a point,” he eyed the struggling Bludgers warily. He’d never been hit with one as he’d never played the game, but he knew full well that they were capable of causing some pretty extensive bodily harm. He’d definitely had people sent to the hospital wing at school after asking his friend Braxford to whack someone in the head with it.
Calleo had intended to elaborate on the hot-cold topic and on using a snitch as well when one of the bludgers broke loose and headed at him. Whatever he said must have been some sort of profanity or, at least, was meant as one as he ducked out of the way and hit the ball with a spell just to knock it back. Way back. Back far enough that it wouldn’t be coming at his face in an instant at least, and cast the coupled spells.
The chasing charm itself held no particular look to it or, if it did, it was eclipsed by the vivid yellow of the curse as it began to chase its wobbly, weaving target. For the moment, Calleo kept it just slow enough to not immediately catch it and blast it into tiny pieces; the point, after all, was to make it chase the bludger and keep control of it, so he purposely put some brakes on it.
He kept it close, within a centimetre or two of the ball, but didn’t let it connect just yet.
The bludger, being a bludger, soon circled back toward the two the curse trailing it changed. The closer it got, the easier it became to see that it made no hesitation or attempt to conceal its desire to stop chasing the bludger and slam into one of the two living creatures in its path. In the dark, the colour change was obvious, brilliantly frightening, and lit the entire area shifting from the vibrant yellow, to orange, to–as Calleo narrowly dodged being hit in the head with a bludger–a bright, searing red. As it passed with its target, and more distance was created, the curse slowly shifted back through orange to yellow. In its wake, it left the feeling of nothing.
Cold, but wrong.
Completely wrong.
The sort of wrong that, to Calleo at least, gave the distinctly loud impression that one should immediately leave the area.
And, then, it was back, circling toward them with the bludger. Another streak of light, another streak of cold, and it was gone again.
“When I don’t have this chasing something, I often toss it back and forth in my office like a horrid little ball. It’s much easier to control that way. Just push it back and forth–did you notice how, whenever it gets close, it tries to wrench itself away from the target and come at me?” Calleo laughed, which may not have been the most appropriate reaction, and spoke to Aberforth as though they were back at the pub chatting over drinks instead of--this. Throwing beyond lethal curses to chase old Quidditch equipment, with nothing but respective skill and control standing between either of them and complete destruction.
“It does that in general, you know; this spell is designed to destroy the one casting it if they can’t manage the mental wherewithal to do what they claimed they wanted to do in the first place.”
“Good thing I have no trouble destroying a bludger, I guess!” Calleo let it loop back toward and past them one more time before letting go of the restraint he’d kept on the curse once the bludger was at a distance far enough that being hit with shrapnel was unlikely.
When it hit, it was less spectacular than one might have imagined. The curse seemed as if it engulfed the bludger rather than slammed into it despite the result being tiny pieces of bludger scattered around the field.
“I don’t think I’d want to know the sort of person who could successfully hit another person with that, you know,” Calleo slowly lowered his wand and started toward the impact area, “it was hard enough hitting a mouse, and I still feel terrible about that. I don’t even like mice.”
After a moment of inspecting the debris that was there yet somehow not there at all, Calleo sat down on the ground, leaned back on his hands and tilting his head in a vaguely bird-like manner so he was looking mostly at Aberforth again, “Let the Snitch out.”
The light show on something that moved as erratically as a Snitch would probably light up the remaining night sky better anyway.
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tenaciousxtainted · 6 years
Answer these questions, then tag blogs you’d like to know better!
tagged by: @princelydoe 
tagging: @worth12malfoys @darkmarkcdd @theotherdumbledore @herbaelogist @lyraxlestrange @allxstoriesxarextrue @padmatical @ascendiiio @heroicintention @chcscr @mirrorofserised @dginny
nicknames: Laina/Lainie/Lain zodiac: Sagittarius  height: 5′ 3″ current time: 9:34 PM favourite band / artist: Panic! at the Disco song stuck in my head: Homewrecker -- Marina and the Diamonds last movie i saw: The Last Train to Busan last thing i googled: Kick ass Alfredo recipe  other blogs: @mudbloodmasquerade  do i get asks: yes, but not ask much as I’d like. why did i choose this username: It’s a combination of Meddy’s most defining trait and how she views herself.  following: 283 average amount of sleep: 9+ hours  what i’m wearing: Leggings, a hoodie, and fuzzy fuzzy socks. dream job: I would love to work as a Dramaturge for a theater that focuses on Theater of the oppressed and community education. dream trip: Germany. Why speak a language and never visit where it’s spoken. favourite food: Chicken play any instruments: Clarinet and guitar but it’s been a long ass time. eye colour: Blue hair colour: Blonde languages you speak: English, German, Korean (learning) most iconic song: You should see me in a crown - Billie Eillish random fact:  I have Narcolepsy.  describe yourself as aesthetic things: Hot chocolate, pink faux fur, red lipstick, cotton candy, white sheets, potted ivy, and pineapple. 
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• 10 song challenge !! • 
Tagged by: @theotherdumbledore ( Thank You !! ) 
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Rules: Write the first 10 songs that come up on shuffle, (no skipping) and quote your favorite lyrics from each song, then tag 10 people. (I’m not going to tag this much though !! )
1 | ‘ Crush ‘ - David Archuleta: “ Do you catch a breath when I look at you?, Are you holding back like the way you do? ” 
2 | ‘ F*ck You ‘ - CeeLo Green: “ I pity the fool that falls in love with you . . . “ 
3 | ‘ I Just Wanna Be Mad For A While ‘ - Terri Clark: “ I think I'm right I think you're wrong,  I'll probably give in before long . . . “ 
4 | ‘ Misery Business ‘ - Paramore: “ I'm in the business of misery, let's take it from the top ...  ” 
5 | ‘ Good Feeling ‘ - Flo Rida: “ I got power, feel so royal - “ 
6 | ‘ Close ‘ - Nick Jonas: “ Oh man, oh man - I am not really known for ever being speechless ... “
7 | ‘ Smooth ‘ - Santana: “ And it's just like the ocean under the moon, Oh, it's the same as the emotion that I get from you - - - You got the kind of lovin' that can be so smooth, yeah - Give me your heart, make it real or else forget about it . . . “ 
8 | ‘ Tonight I Wanna Cry ‘ - Keith Urban: “ I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show, And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control . . . “ 
9 | ‘ Sit Next to Me ‘ - Foster The People: “ Come over here sit next to me, We can see where things go naturally . . .  “ 
10 | ‘ Bring On The Rain ‘ - Jo Dee Messina: “ Sometimes I'd like to hide away somewhere and lock the door, A single battle lost but not the war . . . “ 
Tagging: @ whoever wants to do this !! It’s way fun !!!
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worth12malfoys · 6 years
@theotherdumbledore liked
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Oh really, they’d done it again? It was the third time this year... after making an absolute mess of their table and the surrounding area, all the Slytherins had darted off, leaving it to look as though Neville were responsible. As though one person could do all that... sighing, Neville began picking up all the trash. When the owner approached, he couldn’t help but wince a little. “It wasn’t me, sir... I promise...”
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calleo-bricriu · 6 years
Fifth Owl!
An oddly sized, wrapped and tied package arrives. This one wasn't transfigured into an owl, however, it had just been transfigured to have wings and fly its way in.
The following note is enclosed, either explaining or justifying the package contents.
How thoughtless of me to have sent you something but not sent something for your goat; I find many people consider pets family, so it was a bit rude of me not to have thought of that.
Since I'm not terribly familiar with goats beyond knowing a Muggle down the road keeps a few and one of them always chases me, she says it's because he thinks I'm going to steal her away but I'm not sure I believe that, I asked that Muggle what one should give as a gift to a goat.
She gave me several bags of various types of treats, toys that look like they're meant to be kicked or rolled around, and a blanket because, apparently, "one can never have too many, if something happens to one, you have a spare!"
- Calleo
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calleo-bricriu · 6 years
Second Owl of the Night
((This owl comes in the form of a relatively well done Golden Snitch; it is, of course, not as hard to catch as one and, after circling Aberforth's head a few times, it will land nicely on any nearby surface, unfurl into a proper letter, and have a reasonably sized, antique trunk next to it. ))
Apologies again for destroying your bludger; that was definitely an antique set and, despite you telling me it was perfectly all right to use it as a target it still warrants replacing--as much as an antique can be replaced.
This is a full set made around the time of the set you currently have a partial one left of.
The straps holding the bludgers down are in slightly better condition and they shouldn't be able to wrench themselves free.
I've also included some of my more extensive writing on the curse that was used, on the off chance that you're interested; typically, I end up going on and on about that sort of thing, whether I'm asked to or not, but sometimes conversation drifts in a way that doesn't make it a reasonable thing to bring up.
They’re underneath this sheet of parchment.
If you have any questions at all on any of what’s written, please don’t hesitate to ask.
- Calleo
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calleo-bricriu · 6 years
♪. Actually, make it three
(( From this meme. Always accepting. Me being super tired gets weird selections this time apparently!))
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
The Plot: Go and meet Aberforth. He’s at the Hog’s Head! 😇
Aberforth: 🤨
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(( @theotherdumbledore 🙃 ))
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