#|| ariana dumbledore :: headcanons ||
bloodpxct · 1 month
Thinking of little Aberforth and Ariana... Aberforth stealing dolls discarded on streets as they didn't have enough money for actual dolls. Home-made wooden figures maybe as she got older. They wouldn't be perfect either, they were horribly disfigured. But it was okay because Aberforth made them for her.
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What if Ariana Dumbledore had never been attacked by the Muggle boys?
Interesting question.
The thing is, I really don't know.
Let's Take a Look at This
It's unclear if Ariana's was an underlying condition that was brought to the surface by this trauma. In other words, we don't know if it would have surfaced later or if it was purely because of the attack and the attack alone.
However, were it not for this incident, Dumbledore's father isn't imprisoned for attacking Muggles meaning that Kendra's not a single mother. More, Ariana's not having incidents/issues right at that moment, meaning that she may make it to Hogwarts or certainly won't be locked in the house by Kendra immediately.
In the spirit of the ask, we'll say that Ariana's health complications never flare up and she gets to go to Hogwarts. The Dumbledores remain a relatively stable household that now has a working father/isn't in as dire straits financially.
However, Gellert still moves in.
Dumbledore and Gellert
While the Muggle attack undoubtedly motivated Albus's sympathies when it came to Gellert's ideals I... don't know if they're the sole thing to blame. Albus Dumbledore is a wizard who grows up in the wizarding world, he doesn't have that much exposures to Muggles at that age, and from what it sounds like while his family wasn't Dark (with a capital D per Rowling) they weren't exactly Muggle lovers either (even before the incident).
Albus could still very well be convinced by the hot boy next door that what the Muggles need is to be made into a serf class that their enlightened wizarding facist bretheren will rule over. That is, if he doesn't believe as much himself already at that point.
So, I still see Albus being very into his intellectual hot foreign neighbor and that Abeforth still finds Gellert creepy and weird. However, without Ariana, there's not as much stress between the two and it may not come to a confrontation or a confrontation in the house.
If it doesn't... Albus probably bails on Doge and goes on a graduation trip with Gellert instead. And I imagine without the death of his sister, given his feelings for Gellert, a lack of exposure to Muggles or even really Muggle-borns as he hangs around with Gellert, Albus would do more and more doublethink to convince himself this serf plan is amazing.
Something might happen to make Albus wary or change his mind, but it very easily might not. This means that something else will have to defeat Grindelwald at some point (I imagine he and Albus are poisoned by a rival, as such is the way with the elder wand in possession, there's then a fight for succession). Whether this is before or after they've abolished the statute of secrecy and made Muggles serfs is anyone's guess.
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snowyblondie215 · 10 months
Fun facts about my Harry potter AU:
× sirius loves hello kitty, his fav characters are keroppi, mimmy, and kuromi.
× Nymphadora can carry Lupin without problems, she can even spin him around in the air without having backaches.
× severus is arromantic and bisexual, but he doesn't like to admit it.
× lucius have a lot of roses shrubberies in their mansion's garden.
× lupin doesn't like brownies and apple pies.
× ariana dumbledore has entomophobia. (fear of bugs)
× mcgonagall and hooch are dating, hooch is sapphic and mcgonagall is lesbian.
If you like my content and wanna support it, follow me, press the heart button and leave a comment below here 👇
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
If Ariana had lived to see Credence born she would have loved him.
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reallifetangent · 2 years
Some Grindeldore Angst for you <3
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The version of the song that inspired this.
To make clear: Albus and Gellert both have bandages due the Blood Troth.
I made some things color coded: Albus Red, Ariana Yellow, Gellert Blue, Aberforth Orange.
Yes, the context is September 1899.
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trippingontheescalator · 11 months
Snape Headcanons
He's bad at geography. Sure, he knows this super rare, obscure potion ingredient can only be found in this one area in Laos, but ask him to find Laos on a map he won't have a clue. There was a time he dreamed about seeing world, but he quickly realized he would never get the opportunity and so doesn't see any purpose in learning geography.
A lot of the Marauders' claims about him, like knowing curses as a first year, are exaggerated, but the one thing they're right about is Snape was very nosy. Part of it was because it was useful; knowledge is power, after all. He could trade gossip with his fellow Slytherins, or use it to keep one step ahead of the Marauders (or taunt them with it). But most of it is just his natural curiosity. He's a people watcher. He doesn't often understand people, is bad at human interaction, so he watches from a distance.
Severus knows half the first years think he's some sort of vampire and he revels in it. He knows exactly the kind of image he creates, dressing up in those long black, swishing robes, the spooky dungeons with the jars full of animal body parts. His taste is 33% Mad-Scientist-Run-Amuck, 33% Sad-Victorian-Boy-Dying-of-Tuberculosis, 33% Tacky-Post-Halloween-Discounted-Decor, and 1% Lucius's-Increasing-Despair-to-Make-Severus-Into-a-Functional-Human-Being.
In addition to potions and reading, Severus also does a lot of writing. He's been working on-and-off on a novel since he was fifteen. At this point, it's almost 500,000 words long. One of the few ways he's able to express his thoughts and feelings is through fiction. The main character was heavily based on Lily, especially in the early stages when they were still friends, but as he grew older he put more of himself into the character and now she's become the version of himself he wishes he could be. The night before he kills Dumbledore he burns the entire thing.
Severus knows the DADA position is cursed. Everyone knows it's cursed. He still asks to teach it every year because he also knows that it's the only way he can escape Hogwarts, and he's willing to risk death to do it.
His feelings for Lily have gone through the entire spectrum. At times, she was a sister to him, especially the years before Hogwarts. He used to be incredibly jealous of Petunia, wished he could be Lily's sibling and live in their house and have their parents. It became romantic as a young teenager, especially since she was the only person he felt safe enough with for his pubescent mind to fixate on and explore his budding sexuality. Later, as he became friends with the other Slytherins in his year, it was strictly platonic but nonetheless a very deep friendship. They were both trying to control the other, and Severus was especially worried that Lily would end up like Eileen if she gave into Potter's charms. After his failed apology, he grew angry and resentful and he tried very much to hate her (but he couldn't, not even after she married Potter). And then, after her death, it circled back around to brotherly. He liked to remember those early years best of all, and his devotion to a better cause after her death parallels that of Dumbledore's after Ariana died.
Look I know there's a lot of confusion about godparents, and HP didn't help by being coy about religion, but a godparent isn't a legally appointed guardian. Like, they definitely can be if the parents want that (as it appears to be the case with Sirius Black), but that's not the default. A godparent sponsors a child's baptism and is in charge of their spiritual upbringing, making sure they know their catechism, etc (hence the god part of godparent, its a Catholic/Anglican thing). And the most widespread religion in HP does seem to be Christianity with Christmas being celebrated and whatnot (though I do headcanon the purebloods have their own Druidic/Christian hybrid religion going on). With that being said-- Severus Snape is Draco's godfather. He's also Merula Snyde's godfather. And Pansy Parkinson's godfather. And, like, the godfather of 10 other kids of former Death Eaters. Severus Snape climbed the Death Eater ladder; he was one of Voldemort's favourites during the First War and these other Death Eaters were like, "Damn. I got to get on his good side. Please sponsor my child's baptism."
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hollowed-theory-hall · 6 months
Hi! Really enjoyed the Harry is gay post, very well researched! Are there any other characters in the series you would also think are gay? Don't wanna say anyone just yet, just want your unfiltered opinion
Thank you so much!
Can't say I have other characters I feel as strongly about their sexual preferences. A large part of it is what Harry chooses to pay attention to. So, I don't have much evidence for anyone else, but I can say who I think is likelier to be gay (or at least not straight) from textual evidence. Some of them go into headcanon territory, but here they are, off the top of my head and in no particular order:
1. Dumbledore and Grindelwald
I'm pretty sure these two are canon, so I don't need to say much. But:
“Yes, even after they’d spent all day in discussion—both such brilliant young boys, they got on like a cauldron on fire—I’d sometimes hear an owl tapping at Gellert’s bedroom window, delivering a letter from Albus! An idea would have struck him, and then he had to let Gellert know immediately!”
(DH, pages 308-309)
Gellert— .... (This was your mistake at Durmstrang! But I do not complain, because if you had not been expelled, we would never have met.) Albus
(DH, pages 309)
“Grindelwald. And at last, my brother had an equal to talk to someone just as bright and talented he was. And looking after Ariana took a backseat then, while they were hatching all their plans for a new Wizarding order and looking for Hallows, and whatever else it was they were so interested in.
(DH, pages 480)
2. Sirius Black
I think Sirius might've been gay, or at least bi. It goes into headcanon territory, but I think Sirius used to be in love with James. He just always gave me that vibe. (I don't think they were ever a thing, I think Sirius took his feelings for James with him to his grave).
Here are some quotes that gave me the feeling Sirius is not interested in anyone but James:
Harry saw Sirius give James the thumbs-up. Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking; his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither James’s nor Harry’s could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though he didn’t seem to have noticed.
(OOTP, page 642)
“He kept messing up his hair,” said Harry in a pained voice. Sirius and Lupin laughed. “I’d forgotten he used to do that,” said Sirius affectionately.
(OOTP, page 670)
Plus, Sirius' general fixation on James and his constant reminiscence about him. And the two-way mirror they made just for them cause they couldn't handle an hour apart in detention:
This is a two-way mirror. I’ve got the other. If you need to speak to me, just say my name into it; you’ll appear in my mirror and I’ll be able to talk in yours. James and I used to use them when we were in separate detentions.
(OOTP, page 858)
But we don't really know about any romantic interests Sirius may have had. So, it's more of a headcanon than anything.
3. Dean Thomas
I think Dean Thomas is bi (not gay, I think he did like Ginny). And I have only one qoute evidence for it, but it's a really funny one and I don't think I've seen anyone mention it so I'll put it here:
He certainly wasn’t the only one who was sorry to see Professor Lupin go. The whole of Harry’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class was miserable about his resignation. “Wonder what they’ll give us next year?” said Seamus Finnigan gloomily. “Maybe a vampire,” suggested Dean Thomas hopefully.
(POA, page 429)
Dean Thomas clearly read whatever 1990s version of Twilight that exists in the HP universe and wants a love triangle paranormal romance with a werewolf and a vampire.
4. Draco Malfoy
I think he was a little too obsessed with Harry. Like, I don't actually ship Drarry, but I can definitely confess Draco was way too interested in Harry for it to not appear a little gay.
He rummaged in his trunk up in the luggage rack and pulled out the miniature figure of Viktor Krum. “Oh wow,” said Neville enviously as Ron tipped Krum onto his pudgy hand. “We saw him right up close, as well,” said Ron. “We were in the Top Box —” “For the first and last time in your life, Weasley.” Draco Malfoy had appeared in the doorway. Behind him stood Crabbe and Goyle, his enormous, thuggish cronies, both of whom appeared to have grown at least a foot during the summer. Evidently they had overheard the conversation through the compartment door, which Dean and Seamus had left ajar. “Don’t remember asking you to join us, Malfoy,” said Harry coolly.
(GOF, page 168)
Draco literally comes to find Harry on the train, uninvited, every year (except 6th). Throughout their time at school, he also makes an active effort to seek out Harry to a level that is kind of ridiculous. It always looked to me like Draco was desperate for any sort of attention from Harry.
Harry looked down at the hawthorn wand that had once belonged to Draco Malfoy. He had been surprised, but pleased to discover that it worked for him at least as well as Hermione’s had done.
(DH, page 444)
Considering how loyal unicorn hair wands like Draco's are, it seems Dravo feels more friendly about Harry than he likes to pretend.
5. Aunt Muriel
It sounds weird, I know, but I have a reason here. So, Muriel is from the same generation as Dumbledore, more or less, from her words in DH. And we know, back then she had expectations to marry and have children as a (seemingly) pure-blood witch. Those expectations would've been prevalent when she was a young woman in the early 20th century, even among the less blood-purist families.
The fact that she didn't seem to have settled down with a husband and children implies she wasn't interested in doing so. This allows a reading of her as either interested in women or not interested in sex or marriage in general.
6. Alphard Black & Cassiopeia Black
For the same reasons as Muriel. Neither Cassiopeia (born 1915) nor Alphard, Sirius' godfather (born circa 1927-ish) married or had children. This is something that would be expected of them, so the reading of them as not straight is very plausible.
So, that's it. These are all the characters that off the top of my head I could give textual evidence for a not straight reading of. I don't have as much evidence, and that's why I consider this more headcanon than theory. Obviously, people can headcanon wherever, these are just the ones that I could recall evidence for.
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aethermint · 8 months
The mother, Kendra, had jet black hair pulled into a high bun. Her face had a carved quality about it. Despite the high-necked silk gown she wore, Harry thought of Native Americans as he studied her dark eyes, high cheekbones and straight nose.
He learned them at our mother's knee. Secret and lies that's how we grew up."
This is what we know of Kendra Dumbledore... My headcanon is that she was quite a harsh mother, loved her children and raised them well, but strict and cold all the same. Remember a lot of children that grow up to be the kindest beings also grew up in the coldest darkest households.
We also know that his father killed three muggle boys in an act of vengeance. Cold blooded murder. And Kendra being a muggle born witch makes you wonder a bit. She probably hates her heritage a bit after muggles destroyed her family, her love and her children. She clearly struggled even more so now being a single parent. And then we know that she was killed by Ariana. We see in Fantastic beasts, Obscurials lash out when threatened or dare say triggered. Makes you wonder why she lashed out on Kendra that day. Who knows. Maybe Kendra had enough, and seeing Ariana's worsening condition and suffering, wanted to end it before it got beyond her control. She couldn't help her back then... but maybe she can help her now.
And I believe that Albus agreed with her to some extent, deep down. He tried everything to save her nothing can reverse the damage done by those muggles.
Whereas Aberforth isn't as realistic or pessimistic, doesn't see his sister as anything but his sister, thus being her favourite.
But what would their family dynamic be like if none of this happened? I see that in most fics they are depicted as happy... the parents in love, the siblings are very close and healthy relationships with there parents. But I don't think that would be the case at all.
Firstly, Albus would most definitely have been outcasted/disowned due to his preferences for men.
Everything we know about his parents would strong suggest this, and the evidence lies in Aberforth Dumbledore. His behaviour and response towards Albus and Gellert's 'closeness' that summer speaks volumes. This is learnt behaviour from parent to child. Albus learnt to keep secrets from a very young age, from his mother's knee.
Conclusion is if Albus dumbledore's family had lived without tragedy, tragedy would find him anyway, and the villainous potential this character has will forever be in my mind. Maybe I should write a grindeldore fic about this.
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headcanonandburn · 2 years
Headcanons about the Weasley Potters i found on Reddit
That Albus Severus' family were completely accepting of him being in Slytherin, and James would threaten while Lily would hex anyone who said othewise.
-They were also fine with the fact that him and Scorpius Malfoy were best friends, and this was the reason Harry became determined to get on somewhat OK terms with Draco. He succeeded, and the Potter residence is like a second home for Scorpius (not to mention that James is extremely overprotective over him, since he believes him and Albus are meant to be and that he'll get over Rose soon enough).
-Harry cries every year on May 2, and Ginny has to assure him there's nothing he could've done. He couldn't have pulled Fred out of the way, he couldn't have defeated Dolohov so Remus wouldn't have to duel him, he couldn't have kept Tonks at home, he couldn't have caught Lavender when she fell off the balcony or stopped Fenrir from getting to her, he couldn't have made sure Colin had gotten on the train, couldn't have distracted Vodemort and gotten Snape out so he could tell them everything. They both know it's a lie, that he could've done those things, but he didn't know and it breaks both of them.
-For his 11th birthday, James got an owl, and it looked exactly like Hedwig, a bittersweet coincidence. What he didn't know was that it was one of her grandkids, as she had mated with another Snowy Owl in 6th year, seemingly knowing her time was coming. -Albus' ferret is something Harry always reminds Draco of whenever he gets the chance. Albus himself didn't get what was so funny until Scorpius mentioned in passing that his father had been turned into one by Barty Crouch Jr and he nearly spit out his orange juice. -Dean and Seamus adopted a girl when she was two, and she went on to date James. It's somewhat of a tradition to bet which one of them will kiss the Gryffindor seeker, either on a dare or because of their true feelings, and if the other will break a glass afterward. They dated from 4th year up until their marriage, so needless to say, everyone lost.
-Lily's bat-boogey hex is even better then her mother's; some poor boys who were hitting on her found out the hard way, not to mention, to add insult to injury, got a hard lecture from both Potter boy's afterward.
-Harry has seen the Mirror of Erised only once after first year, when it was brought into his Department to get inspected. When he looked into it, he saw himself, his wife, his kids and their friends, as well as his old schoolmates and those who had taken him in he still remembered or kept in touch with. Nothing very unusual. However, it expanded, and he also saw his parent's, and Cedric and Cho happily married, Sirius next to his dad while Remus and Tonks stood with her parent's, including a content Ted behind a smiling Teddy, Mad-Eye with the Weasley's, Fred and George both with their trademark mischievous grins, a blonde girl with a purple headband blowing a kiss, an all-too-familiar camera flash from "the one who should've taken those pictures", a slightly happy? looking Snape with a peaceful Dumbledore next to Ariana and Aberforth, together once again, and above it all, a snowy-white owl, flying high. It was no wonder the other's found him staring into it still, an hour later, a faraway look in his eyes.
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obsidianpen · 4 months
Hi Pen!
I am so excited about what you are cooking in Incediary! So many questions about the world-building and about the characters' backstory!
I do wonder if the Dumbledores were always French in this version or if they immigrated to France after Arianna was attacked by the muggle boys/ Percival disgraced himself and was sentenced to Azkaban. Is he in prison in this version? Or did the family flee to France before the authorities got him? Or maybe Arianna is okay and nothing of all of that happened in this happier version of the story?
I'm probably overthinking it, but it's fun!
Anyway, it also got me thinking about my headcanon that James' mother's (Euphemia Potter's) maiden name was Bagshot and was some kind of relation to Bathilda Bagshot, which would help to explain why "old Bathilda" was invited to the Potters for a birthday tea, while they were supposedly hiding under the Fidelius Charm. I mean, it could be explained away by James trusting her due to knowing her from boyhood, but it still work better if she's a relation imho. Coincidentally, this would also create a distant and mostly meaningless link between Harry and Gellert, since in theory they could both Bathilda's great-nephews or something of that kind.
Seriously though, it gets me that we don't have more info about Harry's extended family. I fully understand why JKR didn't want to overcomplicate the story by giving him magical extended family that ignored his existence while he was living with the Dursleys, but the Potters were supposedly pureblood and the wizarding world is very small, so there has got to be _someone_ that was James' next of kin after his parents died. I guess that for this purpose Bathilda works well, since might have already been getting senile for real when Harry was very small, which would have stopped her from vising Harry at the Dursleys'. Though the idea that gives me life is that she invited herself to the Dursley household and tried to throw a two year old Harry out of window to wake his accidental magic (much to Petunia's horror) and conseqently was barred from visiting them ever again after Petunia complained to Dumbledore that she's going to quit taking care of Harry if this batty old witch bothers them again.
it will come up but yes, basically the Dumbledores moved after Ariana had ‘an unfortunate altercation with some muggles’ to southern France when they were young so Albus goes to beauxbatons and speaks French hit also speaks English with a British accent.
and yeah, it was a little overly convenient that Harry didn’t have a single other family member left. :/ but I get it too, for the sake of easier storytelling. I like that headcanon though!
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firendgold · 6 months
Ok so bc anything i do in this fandon is specifically to piss that woman off, i gotta ask:
Do you have any ideas for fic scenarios for trans!albus and/or trans!Harry? (time travel harrydore or not, you pick)
so funny story anon, my instinctual answer for this question was "no, I've never thought about it, sorry"—but as I was writing that reply a while back, I actually started getting ideas. It was wild. (That's also why this took so long to get out, sorry!)
trans!Albus is easier for me to imagine for some reason. I had this idea where his entire early life could be rewritten just to do a deep dive into the Dumbledore family dynamics when the firstborn prodigy half-blood son is AFAB instead. How that might change Percival's actions on Ariana's behalf (or not), if he doesn't have any thoughts in the back of his mind about leaving his family in his "eldest son's" hands. How that could change the rivalry between Albus and Aberforth, who might not be super tolerant of an uppity older sister who's also queer. We still don't know much about Kendra somehow, after 1 billion years of Pottermore, but whether or not she's accepting of Albus' gender identity and sexuality could be their own spin-off fanfics, they're that fascinating. Her own Native history could then be touched on as well.
All these things together could be a point of personal conflict for Albus, who's already a living embodiment of a taboo Native/European union and might have to wrestle with what's accepted from him as a Good and Proper Woman of English society re: marriage and carrying on some (other) pureblood's line, along with protecting Ariana's secret and "making up" for his father's crimes.
I don't know if Albus' sexuality changes. If it doesn't, I can see him being briefly confused about What Elphias Is To Him when he gets older, and Elphias is getting his own messages from home about How Much Time He's Spending With That Dumbledore Girl. I imagine there would be a lot of conversations between Albus and Kendra, and Albus and other peers, about who he was going to marry and what his "prospects" were since his father's a known criminal. And Albus, beyond not identifying as a girl at all, would find all this discussion about such trivial sexist matters frustrating as hell.
Unfortunately, I see everyone at Hogwarts misgendering Albus while he's a student, or pretty much everyone. Like, he eventually tells Elphias who accepts right away (and is confused about What That Means for Him in private), and maybe a few other students, but none of his professors are Getting It. His stellar academic record probably keeps him from being bullied as much, but doesn't entirely protect him from rampant transmisogyny and slurs when he outperforms people.
But regardless, assuming the "major beats" of history play out the same way, I can see Albus being a lot more proactive re: marginalized rights than he already was in canon, and perhaps moving the overall British Society Needle way further to the left, because it's one thing to talk shit about the powerful, progressive, weird old man that no one really knows is gay but can kick your arse without breathing hard, but another thing entirely to talk shit about your trans, out and proud, progressive Supreme Mugwump who has already freed all the elves, speaks all the magical creature/Being languages, is raising your kids at school better than you are at home, AND is still gay and can still kick your arse without breathing hard.
This is all, of course, imagining that Albus is AFAB and identifies as male. If it's the other way around and Albus is AMAB and identifies as female... I can't even imagine. I'm not cool enough ig
As for Harry, it's weird but I don't have any trans headcanons for him during his Hogwarts years. It's kind of similar to how I don't read many genderbent!Harry fics unless I adore the author, because even though I'm a girl I can't imagine Harry IDing as one for some reason. (I'm very limited, I know.) BUT. For some reason this changes when you bring in time travel harrydore.
With the ship as the parameter, I can imagine an AFAB Harry who's spent his whole life chafing at the clothes Aunt Petunia gets him—because 'unfortunately' (for her), even pre-puberty, she can't just give Harry Dudley's cast-offs unless she wants The Neighbors to start lifting eyebrows and asking questions—because they're girl clothes and along with just not fitting in to the Pristine Pretentious Family with her messy hair and tight clothes and taped-up glasses, Harry has never felt like a girl. He insisted on having people call him 'Harry' as soon as he could talk and get away with it, and only has to hear his deadname from his teachers and with the Dursleys.
This all of course changes once McGonagall is reading names on the Sorting List in 1991 and just barely doesn't stumble over Harry's preferred name being on the list instead. (She is surprised only because Harry is famous. By the time Harry goes to school, there have been many other out trans students in this headcanon. But probably very few under her eye have been quite this famous.)
I've always personally headcanoned Harry as bisexual, but I don't know if that would be the case in this particular headcanon. I can still see him going after Cho, and perhaps even Ginny. I can see him having the same confusion about What Are Ron and I To Each Other that a trans!Albus had about Elphias a century ago, without ever living his Hogwarts life as a girl to anyone but his enemies (and having a lot of friction with canon!Hermione and/or Lavender as a result). I can see Draco hating Harry even more, because he always kept "her" in the back of his mind as a Dark Lady he could serve under in all ways, only to have this... boy being his rival and Quidditch better and wanting absolutely nothing to do with the Malfoys or purebloods or knowing her place.
A thought that sticks in the back of my mind is that JKR (otherwise known by me as That Woman (derogatory)) specifically wrote Harry as a boy for a lot of reasons, and the main one being that she always planned for him to live and pass on his line in the "traditional" way, and having her titular character be a girlboss would've derailed that status quo. In a universe where Harry is AFAB, I can imagine a lot of related conversations with and around Harry about this. How "she" is "the last Potter" that there will ever be, because naturally she'll marry into one of the families and the name will be lost forever. I can see this being a real bone of contention with Harry and radicalizing him, along with Voldemort and the discrimination against werewolves and house-elves and centaurs and veela (which I doubt even one dedicated Dumbledore would be able to get rid of), making him take his place as the next generation leftist magical powerhouse.
And so how does all that change his relationship with Dumbledore? I... don't really see it changing much. If both characters are trans, that's another point of connection for them that bonds them through all the mess the government and society puts them through. It makes Albus a figure for Harry to admire as a young boy ("look, the most powerful wizard in the world is just like me!") and to still anguish about as a young man ("all the choices he made that I don't agree with, all the secrets he kept from me, how do I know I won't make the same mistakes or make no better progress than he did?"). Their relationship could be all the more painful or distant if one of them is out and one is in the closet, like an Albus who never came out or transitioned and is seeing in Harry the upright boy he could have been, or if Harry is resentful of Albus living his truth because he, a knobbly-kneed adolescent girl, doesn't have the power, freedom, or influence to be who he truly wants to be.
But focus! I'm focusing! Time travel Harrydore. The specific scenario I was imagining was one where AFAB Harry never comes out to the general public. His loved ones who are his peers know, but all the adults in his life (yes, including Remus and Sirius) never get to meet him properly. They die thinking of him as "James' daughter". And after defeating Voldemort, Harry just can't take the idea of spending any more time not being the person he wants to be. He's done being the Girl-Who-Lived so he writes goodbye letters to Ron and Hermione and does some ancient ritual without anyone knowing, and instead of changing him at the molecular level it flings him back to the past.
And so unlike a lot of time travel fics (including mine lol) where Harry is grieving his true time and desperate to get back home, this Harry misses his friends terribly, but it doesn't take long for him to see being an unknown in a different time as a golden opportunity. Sure, it would have been better if he'd been flung into the future instead and maybe had more tolerant people instead of less, but no one knows who he's "supposed" to be here. So he can grow into the man he truly is!
And so while Harry is setting up his new life for himself (maybe as some personal tutor, or a backup Quidditch player, or something that keeps him out of the limelight for once?), he runs into trans!Albus who doesn't have many friends and not much else going on for him (depending on who or where Grindelwald is right then), and Harry's nervous but they hit it off and become close friends, and one thing leads to another, and...
Also also, and sorry for sticking this all the way at the end lol, but MUCH RESPECT for hanging around in HPF just to stick in the craw of That Woman. I think I'm adopting your philosophy for the future. ^^
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i love your theories/headcanons about fiore and her relationship with her parents so let me share this one with you : What you said about snape hating fiore for the opposite reasons that he hates harry are quite close to how i imagine snape/rakepick relationship. They give me some grindeldore vibes. Like Dumbledore said or at least implied, Lily was the best part of Snape so it's faire to assume that Patricia would be the WORST of him and that's why he hates himself so much for having an affair and even a child with her. He doesn't accept anything let alone his daughter. Snape has this really unhealthy and complicated relationship with darks arts and bad people. He can't help but being drawn to them. Something indescribable keeps making him coming back to her. As for Patricia i see her as a narcissistic woman who secretly would enjoy to take lily's place because for her it would mean "i am BETTER than her who is supposed to be a paragon of virtue ". She seems to be overconfident but i suspect that she has self-esteem issues so it would fit her to seek for snape's (or someone else) devotion and i don't think she would love healthily either. A touch starved and cruel man who finds comfort in a self-absorbed woman who doesn't judge him for his creepy interest in dark arts and challenges him. That's how is see them : a whole mess doomed to end very badly.
Lily is a metaphore for the light and Patricia is a metaphore for the darkness. (Just like Ariana was Dumbledore's light and remorse and Grindelwald his poison, the difference is that the fling between snape and patricia was too short to develop into something as deep as grindeldore, otherwise Snape would have moved on from Lily and the "always" line wouldn't make any sense).
Lily brings out the best in him (loyalty) and Patricia brings out the worst in him (cruelty, cowardice, bad parenting representation).
(Bad romance from Lady Gaga is playing in the background while i'm writing this lmaooo i'm joking)
Anyway thanks for reading me i was really inspired :D ( i love parallels and metaphores)
First of all, thank you so much for the compliment, and thank you for your interest in Fiore! She’s a sweet little rascal alright, and I love her, for all of the drama she originates from, she’s managed to turn it around!
Oh man, I think you may really be onto something. It is so like Snape to do this. Or at least, given the toxicity that infected his relationship with Lily, I am not surprised. He defines himself based on the women in his life and his relationships (percieved or otherwise) to them. He always wanted to be his best self for Lily. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say he believed he would have been his best self with her, even if that’s not true. With Rakepick, all of his flaws are sharply shoved back in his own face. She wouldn’t hesitate to call him out on them and be real with him, and he’d hate her for that yet he’d also keep coming back.
It’s interesting that you say that about Snape being unhealthily drawn to the darkness in people because that’s one of Luca’s flaws too. Now in rethinking this, if Luca should meet Fiore and learn about her parentage, they might just feel a degree of sympathy for Snape like they understand him better. In general, I love what you said about Rakepick taking satisfaction from replacing Lily. Especially since I headcanon Rakepick as being a muggleborn herself, and she’s a Gryffindor too. I think she would take some kind of sick pleasure from turning Snape’s head and making him fall for her even though his heart is supposed to only be with Lily, and Rakepick is certainly no Lily.
Snape knows Rakepick is bad for him and Lily would have been good for him. By fathering Fiore, he’d feel like he was betraying Lily. Not for the first time either. He’s still torn up about relaying the prophecy to Voldemort. I bet he thinks that eventually, had Lily lived, she would have “come to her senses” and left James. To the end, he never accepted that Lily was with him. Literally tore a photograph of her family in half, and took the last page of a letter with her loving signature. My dude had so many issues and if he’d had a fling with Rakepick they actually make even more sense?
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ashesandhackles · 2 years
OO2/ Severus and Remus :3
How I feel about this character: 
Severus: Fascinating character who is great for so many conversations: about cycles of abuse, about who falls prey to radicalisation, about his socio-economic status and how putting in a child like him a in a house full of wealthy kids of bigots is a recipe for disaster. There is so much to do with him, at any point in his life.
Remus: A gentleman monster seems to be the most apt description to capture the duality of him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:  - Severus: Sirius, Narcissa, Voldemort. - Remus: James, Tonks, Sirius (in super angsty and unhealthy way)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Severus: Dumbledore.
Remus: James.
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
Severus: The incel take that goes around in some fandom circles is grossly inaccurate. The reason this happens is that parts of Snape that do correlate with the incel movement is resentment, self-loathing and misanthropy. The misogyny comes in when there is resentment that women for not having sex with him, and we get no indication of that. In fact, most of his in text 'good' relationships are with women - Eileen (whose clothes he wears, whose last name he takes for his nickname), his mother, Lily (for the time, and who serves as his inspiration later on) and Narcissa (who he takes on an Unbreakable Vow for). The most important relationship in his adult life is with a queer man - Dumbledore. He is resolutely drawn to the feminine in text - the doe Patronus, Potions interest (away from 'foolish wandwaving'). His jealousy and resentment of James is long before he "got" Lily, whatever that means. They just didn't like each other from the first moment they met. For Snape, as text points out, James looked "well-cared for, even adored, something Snape conspicuously lacked." He has privilege and power and has social capital, and on top of that, there is a power dynamic between them, in which for most part of their Hogwarts life, it favours James. Lily is another factor that just kind of makes the resentment and hatred more permanent. If he was an incel, he would celebrate Lily's death as a price she paid for "not choosing him" - but his self-loathing is directed at himself ("I wish I were dead"). I also disagree with the "obsessed" take - of course, he can't move on. He had a direct hand in causing the death of the only person who cared about him. "Always" is guilt speaking - it is said in a book about remorse, to a man who is haunted by his own failures with his family (Dumbledore with Ariana, Aberforth). Dumbledore cries not because he is moved by Snape's love or whatever, he cries because as Harry says to Aberforth later on, "He was never free. Never." (which is a parallel to Snape) I have more to say on this subject - but I am going to let @thedreamermusing post say it instead. (I have a chock full of unpopular Snape opinions, but this is a big one that I have to keep encountering. Snape is plenty dark and problematic as a teenager without making him an incel on top of it lol.)
Remus: Not a father figure to Harry, but a mentor figure. Although I can be convinced of father figure if it was deadbeat father figure category XD
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I guess I would like more insight into both of their Order missions. More war and politics, and specifically how politics of working with Ministry employees affect Remus, and see more spy stuff for Snape.
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
none coming to mind.
a headcanon fact:
Snape had an affair with Narcissa at some point.
Remus sells stuff to Mundungus to get by during lost years. He is very embarrassed about it.
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severousse · 2 years
what people should know about obscurials :
it can starts from a single traumatizing even or from daily abuse from muggles.
having love and care can not be enough to cure them (Ariana Dumbledore)
obscurus can be controled through emotional control (Snape was an unequaled Occlumens)
They can learn magic with a wand and be powerful.
Severus Snape checks all the boxes.
Headcanon approved ! Period.
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newt-and-salamander · 2 years
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I posted 302 times in 2022
That's 141 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (22%)
236 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 293 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#fantastic beasts - 201 posts
#newt scamander - 155 posts
#fbsod - 116 posts
#eddie redmayne - 66 posts
#theseus scamander - 52 posts
#tina goldstein - 43 posts
#newtina - 31 posts
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Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but they need to give a lot of answers and being most plot lines to an preliminary ending so they can stop after this film if they need to
My Top Posts in 2022:
When his brother was born, it was Theseus who decided that “Newton” was too toplofty a name for such a shy, quiet child. He started calling him “Newt” and somehow this nickname stuck with him when they grew older and Newton didn’t shed this certain awkwardness he had already possessed as a child.
Some things changed, though. It has been a long time since Newt referred to his brother as “Thes”.
127 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
Newt and Tina travelling together
132 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
Theseus: I'm so worried about Newt.
Tina: Why? Everything is fine!
Theseus: But he might be up to something stupid!
Jacob: ... oh, there you are! Hey, what's wrong? You two look devastated.
Tina: ... we are very worried about Newt.
134 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Newt, after his return from WW1, talking to his mother: ... and Sylvia has the most beautiful eyes, you should see them, they are sparkeling like diamonds! And she's such a nice girl, actually the friendliest of all of them, and I think she was always happy to see me ...
Theseus, who has overheard that, smirking: Sounds like you should ask her out for dinner, Newt.
Newt: I don't think that would be a great idea.
Theseus: C'mon, don't be shy, you obviously like her a lot and it's time you get yourself a girlfriend!
Newt: ... Sylvia is literally a Ukranian Ironbelly.
Theseus: Please forget everything I just said. Don't take her out for dinner.
Newt: You know, the longer I think about it, the more I like the idea ...
Theseus: The more I think about it, the more I hate it, actually.
Newt: Well, that has never stopped me.
Theseus: Newt, NO. Besides everything else, you are going to lose your job.
Newt: ... this idea is getting better and better. Do you think -
Theseus: NO!!
Newt: ... do you think there's enough room for a small dragon in the Ministry's cafeteria? - Hey, where are you going?
Theseus: Calling a lawyer. And a healer.
Newt: I don't think somebody will get hurt.
Theseus: A mind healer.
190 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Just watched SoD, it's almost 4 am and I am happy and overwhelmed. Here are just some first impressions in the order that come to my mind, so massive spoilers below the cut!!
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Newt is the sweetest and kindest human being this world has ever known.
Jacob too!
I seriously thought for a few seconds Jacob would become Supreme Mugwump. XD (It would have been really epic though.)
Basically everything Jacob said was hilarious, I just love him so much!!!
Mads Mikkelsen just was so so so so so good! Of course Grindelwald had much more screen time than in the previous films so it was easier, but still he managed to bring a depth and some kind of ... likeability to Grindelwald's character. I liked that very much.
I also appreciate how clear they made that Dumbledore was in love with Grindelwald (Although this can't be called a secret, really. :D)
Albus had no secrets left, it was really about Aberforth?!?! Whew, I mean, I thought it could be coming, but still ...
Also: What's wrong with the Dumbledores? Ariana is an Obscurus, Aberforth's son is an Obscurus ... And how did both brothers manage to make such grave mistakes in only one summer?
I don't feel like after everything that happened in SoD, Aberforth has the right to still be so angry and cold against Albus (as shown in HP).
Newt was really lucky he wasn't killed in his first scene. :0
In general I was surprised by the really lighthearted tone of the film - even in the more dramatic scenes I was never really afraid someone would die.
Newt was so happy and excited so many times, so I am very happy and excited now!!! How cute was it when he met Lally and they were basically both fangirling about each other???
Newt saying "She is" when talking about Tina, omg!!! And them finally meeting again!!! (Damn Lally, bad timing!!!!)
I'm not really content with the explanation they gave for Tina's absence, though. I mean, Theseus is head auror too, and he seems to be able to go and do where/what he wishes.
Can we talk about the wide grin on Theseus face when he witnessed just how much in love Newt was in the end?? Maybe that's even my favourite moment! Him just being so happy for Newt and looking out for him and EVERYONE BEING HAPPY FOR A CHANGE!!!
Ok, maybe my favourite scene was Jacob being happy and closing his eyes so he won't see Queenie before the wedding ceremony and he's GETTING MARRIED TO QUEENIE AAAAHHHHH!!! I must say I had lost hope for the two of them!
Will Newt and Tina kiss offscreen now?!?!?
Dumbledore, whyyyy didn't you go into the bakery? Isn't it actually a bit impolite to just wait around in the street and walk away??
Newt practising his speech as best man *-* I love it how clumsy he was during every situation he was in a kind of leading position.
How did Aberforth and Credence establish the mirror connection???
I'm a bit confused and so, so tired.
How did Aberforth even find out Credence was his son??
Maybe Credence doesn't have to die. We know that Newt can separate an Obscurus from its host, so maybe he can save him?
Wtf they did break the blood pact by ACCIDENT???? NOOOO, I'm not happy with that!!! That's to ... easy and random.
Just for the record, snow is not the usual weather in Berlin (but then there always seems to be snow everywhere in the FB films XD). I rather liked wizarding Germany btw. The architecture and the little details like the signs and the stamps (a cliché that always works because it's funny and also still true I'm afraid).
The scene with Theseus and Newt in prison was a bit random but super funny, so I'll allow it. XD But I'm still disturbed that they just stunned Theseus and dragged him away and everyone was like ... it's alright, we can look for him later. (It's also not very healthy to hang upside down, but Thesues can manage it ... because. Because he's epic and very handsome and I like him very much.)
The brothers finally, finally bonding!!! Not talking, though. But who needs to talk anyway.
Bunty was great! I'm happy that she was not helpless in her love. She's still in love with Newt and he has no clue and she knows it's in vain, but she's not jealous or bitter but makes a deliberate decision to help. She definitely deserves more credit.
See the full post
271 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Hey Danni! I think you'd probably have an interesting take on this one.
☾ - Dumbledore
Aha! Hiya, Somn! I'm sure glad you think so, because I feel like I'm about to pull this outta my @$$. But let's see what I can come up with!
☾ - sleep headcanon
So...He doesn't sleep.
Just kidding, he sleeps. He's human, however mysterious or otherworldly he likes to seem. He just doesn't sleep enough. There's too much to do, and he is much too important to not be constantly available.
I imagine he spent years experimenting with potions following Gellert's downfall and imprisonment. He doesn't sleep well naturally, haunted as he is by nightmares and guilt and worries. Endless worries, again, he's important the world needs him. And there are machinations, of course. A mind as great as his never stops, not for anything.
To be human is to be fallible; and Albus could not afford fallibility. So: sleeping potions. Only, he slept too hard and too long on the best ones, and less strong ones weren't good enough. He was drowsy. They were addictive. He had to try supplemental methods on top of the potions. Sleeping charms, meditation, exercise, etcetera. But time passed and he became accustomed to working more with less. Rarely does he get a good, solid night's rest. More often than not he relies on naps throughout the day, stealing minutes here and there to rest. Invigorating potions as a last resort to keep him perky.
Over the years, his nightmares turned to sweet dreams. Where Ariana hugs him and forgives him. When he and Gellert are reunited and in paradise. Dreams of a cottage, and peace, and warmth, and love.
As it happens...the happy dreams were worse than the nightmares. He always wakes, aching with want for a life he can never have. And he carries on, day after day, driven by hope that one day, when he's dead and gone, dreams will come true.
Headcanon meme
see also: Lily & cooking
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