theoryandahalf · 18 days
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Ash's lack of a professional headshot on an off white background with a forced smile like someone is holding a gun to their head is giving 'oopsie baby belatedly added to the family Christmas card' vibes. Also Santi, who did not get the 'wear black or gray' memo. He's clearly the teenager in the family. I guess Steph-mom is dead.
Also this is the last month we'll see that stupid man on the front page. Unless we make him the face of Theorist Media. But a part of me thinks it would be super funny to have MatPat nowhere on the front page on the wiki that has his damn name in the URL.
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theoryandahalf · 2 months
I decided to check the Theorist Wiki analytics...
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What this is telling me and @theoryify is that you are all a bunch of Ash and Matt simps desperate for more Matt images and that you all prefer to use your phones on a website that is super janky on mobile.
In other words, we have learned nothing new. Carry on, Theorist nation. o7
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theoryandahalf · 3 months
I’ve been hitting my head against a wall trying to get the theorist wiki to format properly on mobile. This thing refuses to use the correct photo of Steph. It’s like nope! I must objectify this woman in some way.
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It also refuses to use the new wiki name (Theorists Wiki) but I get that it’s impossible to fix without a domain change.
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theoryandahalf · 3 months
Hey! For the few of you following the ongoing saga of the Theorist Wiki, I made a blog post basically proposing we start accepting fan art/fan games/fan music articles and collecting them under a new category called "Community". Now, there is a pre-existing Community tab, but I'm proposing we just move all that content to another label called Wiki, as its really all the information only Wiki editors need (which are not the majority of users). So the nav bar would look like this:
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The repurposed Community bar would hold Music (including the theme songs, Stupendium's song etc), Fan Art (I'd particularly target the ones that were featured on the walls of GTLive like @world-of-ezraprisc work so it acts like an archive for these pieces), Fan Games (like the 10th anniversary game if its still up) and Misc stuff I can't figure out what to do with (Like podcasts Matt is featured on).
Does this sound sane? Am I sane? Don't answer that. If anyone has any thoughts please hit me up! Otherwise I'd like to get working on this next week.
I'm sorry to the majority of you who don't care about the wiki!
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theoryandahalf · 2 months
I need people to know that updating MatPat and Stephanie's wiki bios is my Mt Everest. If I die, know that these two oversharing mofos killed me with their cringe.
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theoryandahalf · 3 months
Because this is going to drive me crazy and I don't have time to figure this out today...
Does anyone know when Mirror Matt's first episode was? I'm trying to flesh out his wiki page of course. I think its around the time of the alpharad episodes but if anyone knows off the top of their heads, it will save me hours of re-watches at 2x speed. ;_;
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theoryandahalf · 7 months
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This is a Sideblog for Team Theorists, covering all hosts, producers and figments of Matpat's Imagination. Not affiliated with Team Theorist.
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