#theodore roosevelt jr
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ted-calling-orson · 7 months ago
so I thought it would be silly if I turned the roosevelt family into warrior cats and added a rose theming to their names but my god it was harder than I thought
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if I missed your favorite roosevelt then pls inform me and I’ll try to think of a name for them
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deadpresidents · 9 months ago
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Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. -- the eldest son of the 26th President of the United States -- was the only Allied general to land on the beaches of Normandy with the first wave of soldiers during the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944.
Crippled by arthritis, hobbled by old combat wounds from the First World War, and forced to use a cane as he landed on Utah Beach with the U.S. Army's 4th Infantry Division on D-Day, General Roosevelt was the oldest man to take part in the opening stage of the invasion. He had made three requests to personally lead the assault on Utah Beach before finally being given command despite concerns about his health. During the confusion and chaos of the largest seaborne assault in human history, Roosevelt realized that tidal currents had carried nearly two dozen of the initial landing craft to the wrong location and was said to have announced, "We'll start the war from right here!"
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For his actions on D-Day, General Roosevelt would be awarded the country's highest military decoration, the Congressional Medal of Honor, on September 21, 1944:
For gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty of 6 June 1944, in France. After two verbal requests to accompany the leading assault elements in the Normandy invasion had been denied, Brig. Gen. Roosevelt's written request for this mission was approved and he landed with the first wave of the forces assaulting the enemy-held beaches. He repeatedly led groups from the beach, over the seawall and established them inland. His valor, courage, and presence in the very front of the attack and his complete unconcern at being under heavy fire inspired the troops to heights of enthusiasm and self-sacrifice. Although the enemy had the beach under constant direct fire, Brig. Gen. Roosevelt moved from one locality to another, rallying men around him, directed and personally led them against the enemy. Under his seasoned, precise, calm, and unfaltering leadership, assault troops reduced beach strong points and rapidly moved inland with minimum casualties. He thus contributed substantially to the successful establishment of the beachhead in France.
However, the Medal of Honor would be awarded to Theodore Roosevelt Jr. posthumously. On July 12, 1944, thirty-six days after landing in Normandy on D-Day, General Roosevelt died in his sleep at the age of 56 after suffering a heart attack. In a letter to his wife, General George S. Patton would write, "Teddy R[oosevelt] died in his sleep last night. He had made three landings with the leading wave -- such is fate...He was one of the bravest men I ever knew." General Patton would join General Omar Bradley and numerous other generals as honorary pallbearers at Roosevelt's funeral. Roosevelt was buried at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial along with thousands of his fellow American soldiers who died in Europe during World War II. He is buried next to his youngest brother, Quentin Roosevelt, who was killed in action in 1918 after being shot down over France during World War I.
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mmt1983 · 11 days ago
Only do what your heart tells you.” ―Princess Diana
“If it’s a good idea, go ahead and do it. It’s much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.” ―Grace Hopper
“I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse.” ―Florence Nightingale
The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.” —Kobe Bryant
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” —Helen Keller
“If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more.” —Oprah Winfrey
“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” —John Wooden
“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” —Lyndon B. Johnson
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” —William James
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” —Theodore Roosevelt
“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” —Martin Luther King Jr.
“When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.” —Carol Burnett
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” —C.S. Lewis
“Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” —Maya Angelou
“Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you’re positive, good things happen.” —Deep Roy
“The most wasted of days is one without laughter.” —E. E. Cummings
“It isn’t where you came from. It’s where you’re going that counts.” —Ella Fitzgerald
“Stay close to anything that makes you glad you are alive.” —Hafez
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markloveshistory · 8 months ago
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr on July 4th, 1942; Connections
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nodynasty4us · 1 year ago
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krautjunker · 1 year ago
Tigrero! Sascha Siemel
Er war anders als alle anderen Mitglieder des Boone and Crockett Club, die sich üblicherweise für den Naturschutz engagierten. Sein Name taucht auch nicht in den Aufzeichnungen über nordamerikanische Trophäen auf, weil er nie dort gejagt hat. Siemel verfügte jedoch über eine besondere Fähigkeiten, die er in einer langen Lehrzeit im Dschungel des brasilianischen Bundesstaates Mato Grosso erworben…
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1900scartoons · 1 year ago
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An Appropriate Reception Committee
September 6, 1907
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. is greeted by Theodore Bear Jr. on his visit to Duluth. The bear says "Hello Teddy! How's your pa?"
The caption reads "The son of the president is welcomed by the son of his old friend, Brer' Bear, on his arrival in Duluth."
The president's son was visiting Duluth on a hunting trip.
From Hennepin County Library
Original available at: https://digitalcollections.hclib.org/digital/collection/Bart/id/6856/rec/241
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1 George Washington 1732-1799 Indépendant 1789-1797
2 John Adams 1735-1826 Parti fédéraliste 1797-1801
3 Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826 Parti républicain-démocrate 1801-1809
4 James Madison 1751-1836 Parti républicain-démocrate 1809-1817
5 James Monroe 1758-1831 Parti républicain-démocrate 1817-1825
6 John Quincy Adams 1767-1848 Parti républicain-démocrate 1825-1829
7 Andrew Jackson 1767-1845 Parti démocrate 1829-1837
8 Martin Van Buren 1782-1862 Parti démocrate 1837-1841
9 William Henry Harrison 1773-1841 Parti whig 1841
10 John Tyler 1790-1862 Parti whig 1841-1845
11 James Knox Polk 1795-1849 Parti démocrate 1845-1849
12 Zachary Taylor 1784-1850 Parti whig 1849-1850
13 Millard Fillmore 1800-1874 Parti whig 1850-1853
14 Franklin Pierce 1804-1869 Parti démocrate 1853-1857
15 James Buchanan 1791-1868 Parti démocrate 1857-1861
16 Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865 Parti républicain 1861-1865
17 Andrew Johnson 1808-1875 Parti démocrate 1865-1869
18 Ulysses Simpson Grant 1822-1885 Parti républicain 1869-1877
19 Rutherford Birchard Hayes 1822-1893 Parti républicain 1877-1881
20 James Abram Garfield 1831-1881 Parti républicain 1881
21 Chester Alan Arthur 1829-1886 Parti républicain 1881-1885
22 Grover Cleveland 1837-1908 Parti démocrate 1885-1889
23 Benjamin Harrison 1833-1901 Parti républicain 1889-1893
24 Grover Cleveland 1837-1908 Parti démocrate 1893-1897
25 William McKinley 1843-1901 Parti républicain 1897-1901
26 Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919 Parti républicain 1901-1909
27 William Howard Taft 1857-1930 Parti républicain 1909-1913
28 Woodrow Wilson 1856-1924 Parti démocrate 1913-1921
29 Warren Gamaliel Harding 1865-1923 Parti républicain 1921-1923
30 Calvin Coolidge 1872-1933 Parti républicain 1923-1929
31 Herbert Clark Hoover 1874-1964 Parti républicain 1929-1933
32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1882-1945 Parti démocrate 1933-1945
33 Harry S. Truman 1884-1972 Parti démocrate 1945-1953
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890-1969 Parti républicain 1953-1961
35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1917-1963 Parti démocrate 1961-1963
36 Lyndon Baines Johnson 1908-1973 Parti démocrate 1963-1969
37 Richard Milhous Nixon 1913-1994 Parti républicain 1969-1974
38 Gerald R. Ford 1913-2006 Parti républicain 1974-1977
39 Jimmy Carter 1924-2024 Parti démocrate 1977-1981
40 Ronald Wilson Reagan 1911-2004 Parti républicain 1981-1989
41 George Herbert Walker Bush 1924-2018 Parti républicain 1989-1993
42 Bill Clinton*1946 Parti démocrate 1993-2001
43 George W. Bush*1946 Parti républicain 2001-2009
44 Barack Hussein Obama II.*1961 Parti démocrate 2009-2017
45 Donald John Trump*1946 Parti républicain 2017-2021
46 Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden, Jr.*1942 Parti démocrate 2021-2025
47 Donald John Trump*1946 Parti républicain 2025-2029
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demons · 15 days ago
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Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (left) taking a break with the 2nd Moroccan Infantry Division of which he was the Liaison Officer of.
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baura-bear · 1 year ago
I don’t think we talk enough about Mr. President Theodore Roosevelt Jr. calling Bryan Denton “Denty”
what’s that about? 🤔
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ted-calling-orson · 7 months ago
guys should I write down some ideas/headcanons for my Roosevelt animated tv show?
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deadpresidents · 2 years ago
So, sorry to bother but, are there absolutely any books you could recommend on Theodore Roosevelt? I plan to read The River Of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey, but have already read Mornings On Horseback + the entire Edmund Morris trilogy 1-3.
So outside of those books (+ A Bully Father, forgot to mention), are there any you could recommend? If not that's fine!
You're off to a great start! In my opinion, you've already checked off the best of the bunch with Edmund Morris's trilogy (The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt; Theodore Rex; and, Colonel Roosevelt). David McCullough's Mornings On Horseback would have been right at the top of my recommendations, as well. I'd also suggest picking up T.R.: The Last Romantic (BOOK | KINDLE) by H.W. Brands.
The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism (BOOK | KINDLE) by Doris Kearns Goodwin is excellent, and also explores the fascinating relationship between TR and his hand-picked successor (and eventual bitter rival during the 1912 campaign), William Howard Taft.
The relationship and rivalry between Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson during TR's post-Presidency and World War I is also a captivating subject and the focus of two other great books: The Warrior and the Priest: Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt by John Milton Cooper Jr., and TR's Last War: Theodore Roosevelt, the Great War, and a Journey of Triumph and Tragedy (BOOK | KINDLE) by David Pietrusza.
You mentioned that you're planning to read Candice Millard's The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey (BOOK | KINDLE) and that's definitely another book I would have suggested. PBS's American Experience also made a great documentary called Into the Amazon about that dangerous trip by Roosevelt. Another really good book about Theodore Roosevelt's post-Presidency and final years before his death is When Trumpets Call: Theodore Roosevelt After the White House (BOOK | KINDLE) by Patricia O'Toole.
There are scores of great books about TR because he was an endlessly fascinating character, so I'm undoubtedly forgetting to mention a bunch of books that I'd strongly recommend, but hopefully this helps. As I mentioned, I think the Edmund Morris trilogy is the definitive work on Roosevelt's life, so you've got a solid foundation already.
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freetheshit-outofyou · 2 years ago
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I have no words that have not already been said about the men and women who embarked on this endeavor, but I still thank them. I thank them from a place very few will ever know.
“We’ll start the war from right here!”
Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., assistant division commander of the 4th Infantry Division, first wave on Utah Beach. He would die 5 weeks later from a heart attack at 56 yo.
"You get your ass on the beach. I'll be there waiting for you and I'll tell you what to do. There ain't anything in this plan that is going to go right."
Colonel Paul R. Goode, in a pre-attack briefing to the 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division, Omaha Beach
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
Sorry, for these constant ranting about African and black American culture
It just sucks look at history as a black American at times. There no ancient kingdom or empire, like Han, Gupta, and Roman to call back to. No Mythos with great epics like Hellenism or Hinduism where I can see myself in.
No great warriors that might have shared your face and people use as inspiration in media. No great battle like the battle of Thermopylae for people recreate again and again
No great leaders like Alexander the Great, Ashoka the Great, Julius and Augustus Caesar that change the course of history
As soon as January and February ends, seemly everyone forgot your people history.
Will we be remember when mankind enter interstellar?
Sorry maybe my borderline suicidal depression kicking in. Despite all the diversity push, has black Americans done anything beyond fighting slavery and racism? So we still have to hijack other people history and pop culture? Are any of our stories worth being told by media?
Or are we nothing but a sad pitiful group? Ugh sorry for making you my therapist
It just sucks look at history as a black American at times. There no ancient kingdom or empire, like Han, Gupta, and Roman to call back to. No Mythos with great epics like Hellenism or Hinduism where I can see myself in.
Check the Nubians and southern kingdom of Egypt there were black Pharaohs and dynasties those are recorded and attested by non Egyptian sources.
As for the Mythos Rome took a bunch of them from conquered lands, much like Greece did, like Babylon and Assyria did, Egypt too, oh and Hindus did the same thing. Easier to keep a population happy if you point out how our gods and your gods are the same guys just with different names.
No great leaders like Alexander the Great, Ashoka the Great, Julius and Augustus Caesar that change the course of history.
They existed, we just don't have any records of who they were, nothing concrete at least, gotta decide for yourself how faithful the oral tradition is.
Or you can treat it like folklore, doesn't mean there's not some truth to it, exaggerated is all.
As soon as January and February ends, seemly everyone forgot your people history. Will we be remember when mankind enter interstellar?
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No need to keep them separate, just because a skin colour isn't the focus doesn't mean people forget, stuff like the 'black national anthem' is divisive, it's bringing back segregation saying we have a different national anthem than you. No if you're Americans you've got the one, go start your own country if you want a different one.
Haiti looks like it's about to reset try there.
If you want some heroes that look like you, meet the Harlem Hellfighters
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To our eternal shame the US wasn't in the business of giving medals to black soldiers in WW1 not so much in 2 either, France however was.
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Sergent Johnson here managed a Coup De Gras for valor in the battle that got him named "The Black Death" it's always the black something isn't it, we back home finally rectified the travesty that had him overlooked for the Medal of Honor in 2015, he more than earned it, wish he could know how many people look up to him now.
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I do hope he saw this after he got home at least, I'd have that on my wall lmao.
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Legacy section of his Wikipedia page has lots of things on it, but this I think would be the thing I would be proudest of,
In 1919, co-founder of the American Legion Theodore Roosevelt Jr., son of former United States President Theodore Roosevelt, referred to Johnson as one of the "five bravest Americans" to have served in World War I.
One of the good Roosevelt's, and I'm gonna guess this got to him too, since he was still around.
You need a warrior here's one, he led and sacrificed, he's a good one to look up to, refused to let his buddy be taken captive at great personal risk after they'd fought of 12 Germans.
Need another group of warriors, we've got the Tuskegee Airmen.
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Made a lot of white (fighter) pilots mad because they were that good at their job, white bomber crews loved them they saw the red taifin on the P-51 their hope for surviving the mission went way up, because they were that good at their job.
Look them up too if you haven't before, check out the movie "Red Tails" Black writers adapted a story by one of them about a damn fine group of pilots, I enjoyed the movie watched it a bunch of time when I was living in Florida because it was on one of the movie channels the hotel I was living in carried.
You've got warriors who fought great battles that you can look up to though, even more so because they knew what life was like back home and how they were treated and would be on their return, and they fought anyhow.
Admirable men worthy of being looked up to by anyone really. At least for this service which is what counts for me right now.
Will we be remember when mankind enter interstellar?
How could humanity forget these men, and so many other incredible human beings that worked for the betterment of humankind in their own ways? __________
As a aside, Max Brooks got together with a artist named Caanan White who I don't know anything about but they did a fictional graphic novel about the Harlem Hellfighters and it looks pretty dang cool, so you may want to look into that at some point too.
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gadawg-404 · 9 months ago
“We’ll start the war from right here!” Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
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4th Infantry Division Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. is laid to rest in a temporary American cemetery near Sainte-Mère-Église, July 12, 1944
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