harunayuuka2060 · 10 months
Lucifer: Solomon, I believe that Diavolo has already given you a warning.
Solomon: I'm simply taking my friend back to our homeland.
Lucifer: What homeland? Devildom is their home now.
Solomon: Looks like you haven't received the news yet.
Solomon: I made a pact with this demon. They're mine.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: Why are you addressing MC like they're a stranger?
Solomon: *gives him a sad smile* My friend has become a stranger.
Solomon: No affection towards anyone. They will only blindly follow their master.
Solomon: This is... what my friend has become.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: Are you telling me-
Solomon: You made a mistake. MC will never exist anymore. And also, please set Barbatos free.
Solomon: Since he has no one to protect now. *walks past him with MC in his arms*
Lucifer: ...
Michael: How did it go, Luke?
Luke: ...It's finished.
Michael: *smiles* Well done, Luke. *patting his head*
Luke: ...
Michael: Anyway, I'll clean up everything for you. So take some rest.
Luke: You don't have to. MC has been taken care of.
Michael: What do you mean?
Luke: Father instructed to not leave anything.
Luke: I did what was told to me.
Michael: ...
Michael: Raphael, you won't believe this-
Michael: ...
Michael: Raphael?
Raphael: Yes?
Michael: *he doesn't see the doll anywhere in his room*
Michael: Where are they, Raphael?
Raphael: Father instructed to not leave anything.
Raphael: Luke went here and found out about the doll, so he asked the other angels to burn it.
Michael: And you didn't stop him?
Raphael: I will never go against Father's orders.
Michael: But our plan, Raphael... What happened to our plan?
Raphael: ...
Raphael: You just have to let it go. Everything has ended now.
Michael: ...
Simeon: Thirteen...
Thirteen: Yes. I cannot sense them anymore.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: I'm glad...
Thirteen: You don't have to force yourself, Simeon.
Thirteen: You can mourn. I won't stop you.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: I will take my leave. Thank you for everything, Thirteen.
Thirteen: *nods* *and watches him walk away*
Thirteen: ...
Thirteen: That's better. *tears streaming down her face*
Thirteen: I'm glad for you, MC... But I will miss you so much...
*Somewhere in the human world.*
Raphael: You should never go outside alone. If I'm not here, lock the doors and windows.
Child MC: Where are you going, Rapha?
Raphael: To work.
Child MC: Okay. *smiles* Take care, Rapha.
Raphael: *nods*
Theo: Raphael, I want you to take care of MC.
Raphael: Father, didn't you-
Theo: Yes. However, erasing their memories is similar to death. Wouldn't you agree?
Raphael: ...
Raphael: Yes.
Theo: To avoid the same thing from happening again, I've set a condition that will never be broken.
Raphael: What is it, father?
Theo: No one should know who they are other than you. If any of your brothers recognize them, they will die, and their life will start over.
Theo: To protect them, they shouldn't be loved nor love someone too much.
Theo: Do you understand what I'm saying, Raphael?
Raphael: ...
Raphael: Yes, father. Thank you for trusting me for this task.
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natimiles · 4 months
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All For Love | Fight For Love | Virtue and Vice
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whatever-fanfics · 10 months
POV: you need help with your 21st century homework in a mansion full of vampires
Imagine MC needing sitting on the table, head in their hands, about to cry because NOTHING MAKES SENSE. And in come multiple people who look over MC's shoulder to what's making them so upset, they recognize some of it but not all of it. After pondering with each other they try asking some of the others. 10 minutes later 12 vampires surround the human trying to make sense of numerous subjects. Shakespeare was visiting.
Arthur & Theo *coming in from a night of drinking*: MC? Hondje? what's wrong
MC *on the verge of tears*: Nothing makes sense🥺😭
Arthur and Theo *walk over and see numerous papers from different subjects*: What is this?
MC: homework from the 21st century 🥺
Arthur *sits down and recognizes some of the works*: Interesting...
Theo *looks over and sees art history papers and papers about painting techniques*: ?!?
Isaac *enters and sees them*: ???
Isaac *walks over and sees calculus and math*: ?!?
Isaac *sits down and recognizes some equations*: I recognize some but not all of them, hold on
Isaac *leaves and comes back with Leonardo*: I brought help
Leonardo *looks over and recognizes problems*: You study this cara?
MC: not by choice 🥲
Napoleon *sleepily wanders over*: ???
Napoleon *sees typed words in French*: Nunuche how did you get your writing so neat?
MC: that's typed, it's my homework
Napoleon *confused, recognizes some but not all*: it's French homework?
MC: Yea... 🥲
Napoleon: hold on
Napoleon *leaves and comes back with le comte*: here
Le Comte *happy to be included*: 😁 homework?
MC: unfortunately 😓
Le comte *sits down*: I see the language has evolved again, this makes things a bit tricky, no matter *starts a whole lecture*
MC *look at the camera like their in The Office*: ...
*Mozart and Jean enter*
Mozart: why are you all so noisy
Mozart *comes over and notices music sheets*: what is this?
MC: homework
Mozart and Jean: Home..work???
Sebastian *appearing out of the void*: school work that you take home and return the next day completed
Literally everyone: where did you come from?
Jean *comes over and sees typed paper*: what is..this?
MC: typed up homework
Jean:...Witchcraft *takes out his sword*
*Dazai enters*
Dazai *sees everyone by MC and walks over*:
Dazai *sees his book*: what's this? Everyone: Homework
*Shakespeare enters*
Shakespeare: Good morrow, all 😊
Shakespeare *walks over and sees multiple works of his*: ???
Shakespeare: Good MC, I had no notion of your interest in me ☺️
MC and Theo: It's homework
Theo *puts down art history papers*: be right back
*Theo leaves and comes back with Vincent*
Vincent: MC I didn't know you were so interested in art ☺️😊
MC *didn't want to tell him it was for homework*: yeah...
*Sebastian taking notes furiously in his journal*
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chevlvrs · 4 months
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I like my men mean 🤭🤭
Exam season has been HELL, I'll be more active when it's over i swear 🙏🙏
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ahqkas · 4 months
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HARRY POTTER MASTERLIST ; (bold means i prefer writing for the character or have some experience) ; harry potter, theodore nott, james potter, remus lupin, sirius black, fred weasley, mattheo riddle, sebastian sallow && might add someone later!
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160 notes · View notes
xxsycamore · 4 months
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╰┈➤ ❝ I just need to know in case…❞ ❝ In case what? In case you take it a little too far in role-playing? In case you go down on me and the words mon empereur leave your lips? ❞ - After a round of some silly drinking game, MC can't help but have certain thoughts about Napoleon and how easily he takes on the role of someone in power. Naturally, she wants to know his boundaries of it.
Napoleon Bonaparte/MC • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Drinking Games; Alcohol; Shenanigans; Humor; Sexual Tension; Massage; Kink Negotiation; Sexual Roleplay; Power Play; Dominant Napoleon; Dom/sub; Master/Servant; Blow Jobs; Oral Sex; Choking; Dacryphilia; Stripping; Dirty Talk; Vaginal Fingering; Begging; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Aftercare • wordcount: 6,055 • masterlist
a/n: The idea for this fic was conceived long before an event of the same theme came to Ikevamp EN... We ended up not seeing them all play together in the game so I hope this right here fixes that, maybe? I have no idea how it ended up being that long. I guess I've been looking for the right opportunity to explore this part of Napoleon's character in a smut fic, namely his feelings about being called emperor and the likes in the bedroom. Hope you enjoy!
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"Oh, I know! How about we play the Ousama game? It's a popular drinking game back home, in my era!"
It's rare for MC to be the one initiating activities on game nights, so naturally, all eyes are on her. Dazai is quick to give his enthusiastic approval, wanting to know more about a game that came after his time but originates from his homeplace. Sebastian smiles in a similar fashion.
"Good pick, MC. I think our residents are going to like it. Will you please excuse me for a second?"
As Sebastian stands up from the table and dashes out of the room, someone's comment oh my god, he's totally fetching his diary, can be heard. But really, there are no hard feelings. Everyone's more than happy to welcome Sebastian at the table and see him being more open and relaxed around his masters for once. Maybe it does have to be documented.
"It's not something like Arthur's games, I assume?" Isaac directs his gaze at MC, almost pleading under the surface for an affirmative response.
She rubs awkwardly at the back of her neck. As much as she hates to disappoint him…
"Erm, it's basically a game of dares… but don't worry, you can always refuse a dare!"
"That's it, if you want to take the punishment, Newt." Arthur seems ready to dance on the physicist's nerves with a complimenting chin-cupping stance, elbows rested on the table and all. Theo rolls his eyes.
"Let me guess. Refuse a dare and drink a shot."
"That's correct." MC nods before Arthur can take more liberties at orchestrating her own game, even if they happen to be thinking in the same direction. "Let me go get what we need for the game!"
By the time Sebastian is back and patting his breast pocket suspiciously, so is MC, with a handful of… chopsticks. And a fountain pen.
"So, what I'm going to do now is write a number for each one of us… Vincent, Theo, Arthur, Isaac, Mozart, Dazai, Sebastian, Napoleon, and I…so that means numbers 1 to 8, and on the ninth chopstick, I'm going to write Ousama - which means 'King' - and then we shuffle the chopsticks in a cup - Arthur, can you pass me the empty cup next to you? - then we each take one but without showing our numbers to the others. Whoever gets the Ousama chopstick becomes King and he places a dare for someone, using the numbers! Is everything clear?"
"Uh. What kind of dares are allowed?"
Napoleon nods at the direction the question originates from. "Good point. Hey, maybe tone it down with the sexual stuff. There are taken people at the table."
Arthur snaps, "Why are you looking at me? I wasn't intending to. Besides, if a dare doesn't stand right with you, you can always drink and avoid it!"
Memories of other game nights seem to flood multiple minds at once, so MC lets out a half-chuckle half-sigh and moves on. She does take a mental note of the hint of possessiveness in Napoleon's comment just now who instantly got worried about another man being prompted to touch her inappropriately. As if anyone has the balls to touch Napoleon's woman, she thinks to herself… and kind of likes the way it sounds in her head.
It's a shame that Leonardo and Comte aren't joining them tonight and are instead enjoying a more sane way of getting alcohol in their system, in some quiet corner of the mansion. And Comte is totally not smoking a cigarillo right now while talking to his old friend, claiming that he hasn't had one in forever, again. And for that matter, Jean's presence is missed as well, but sadly (although understandably) he dislikes partaking in such activities. He's a lot like Mozart in this regard, with the difference that Mozart becomes another person when he drinks some. And that person loves joining drinking games with his buddies!
"If we're all ready - here we go!"
MC gives the cup a rather unnecessary bartender-style shake, assuring the chopsticks are well shuffled and ready to make it to all the wrong hands.
Once placed on the table, a crowd of hands quickly reach into the cup and sneakily withdraw in order to hide their new secret identity, with the exception of one person who has nothing to hide.
"I'm the king. My, I wasn't prepared for this."
As Sebastian holds up the chopstick of fate high in the air for all to see, a few pairs of surprised eyes catch his own. And something like a shimmer lights up in Sebastian's ones.
For someone as unprepared as him, he surely doesn't waste time on thinking about his next move. Not at all.
"Number 6, exchange a clothing item with number 1. Number 3, take off your pants without using your hands. And number 4 must do a handstand."
"By Jove, Sebas, your fetishes are showing!" Arthur blinks, both surprised and somehow entertained by the turn of events which (in his own head) kicks him off the position of number one most perverted person around the table. Or at least for the time being. He's only smiling now because he's safe, being the lucky number 7 and out of Sebastian's fantasies.
Isaac and Theo can't say the same. They exchange a look - eyes traveling up and down each other's frames - looking for a convenient clothing item to exchange, given their different builds. Theo is done with his choice first, and he reaches over the table to undo Isaac's necktie. The smaller man averts his gaze, turning his head away as much as he can so it's not in Theo's way, or perhaps out of embarrassment, but it's over before it ever began thanks to Theo's rough but effective methods of freeing the cloth from under his collar. Using the chance coming with the shortened distance, Isaac snatches Theo's scarf in return as the most adequate thing to take.
"Aw, you two are boring." Napoleon mocks for change, drumming his fingers on the table with a smirk. Theo muses with the thin black tie in his hands, turning to Napoleon with an empty look and silently wrapping it around his forehead instead, tying it off at the side.
"Is this better?"
"Snrk. I don't know, what do we think, Sebas?"
"I approve of your new look, Master Theodorus. Or should I drop the 'Master'? I'm the King now, after all."
MC gasps, "Sebas! Oh, this game is dangerous…"
"Tell me about it. My first dare and I already have to drink. Woe is me." Dazai weeps, rising up from his seat to point at his hakama, making it impossible for him to complete the take off your pants without hands dare.
"Guess that leaves me." Napoleon sighs, pushing his chair back audibly as he stands up.
"Ooh! Go for it, Naps!"
"Good thing it went to someone who's in good shape. I bet it's a piece of cake for him."
"We'll see now." Napoleon smirks to himself, rubbing his hands together as he prepares to tackle the handstand. His eyes get serious for a second as he calculates it all, and in the next moment, his hands are flat against the floor changing the center of his weight. While he's upside down, the gravity makes his partly untucked shirt expose his abs.
Someone whistles, and MC finds herself staring. As if for the first time.
All too soon, Napoleon is back on his feet again, dusting off his palms and retaking his seat by the table. Sebastian is beaming. "I like this game. Thank you for the idea, MC."
"Thank you, MC." Mozart chimes in, for some reason, oblivious to Sebastian making history tonight as opposed to quietly observing it from the side like usual.
"Haha, you guys are welcome… so, let's do it again, shall we? Let's see who will be King this time around~!"
After the new shuffle of chopsticks, everyone seems a little more lively, a little more hopeful - some driven by revenge and some simply by the contagious evil brewing in the air.
"Who is King?"
Out of the people looking at their newly acquired chopsticks, Napoleon is the one who speaks up.
"I guess that would be me."
"It's Napoleon, huh…"
"Oh, how fitting! You were born for it, Naps."
"Haha, not really."
"My bad. You're an emperor, not a king. I'm so sorry, Your Majesty."
Napoleon snorts, not playing along - or perhaps his dismissing the extended apology is his way of playing along. MC raises an eyebrow, studying his reaction. Napoleon's attitude towards these things is… rather complicated, as he seems to both loathe his so-called days of glory and simultaneously accept them for what they are, a part of him. She's been confused more than once about what's a good way of navigating through the situation when the topic is brought up in their conversations. On one hand, she hates the change of expression on his face that makes her feel like winter has returned - even if it's never going to feel to her like how it felt to him, the cruel winter - on the other, she knows he hates it when people walk on eggshells around him.
But now they're all at least half-drunk and merely goofing around. No one's bothered to care about these things, and maybe Napoleon prefers they don't anyway.
"Number 5, hold three ice cubes in your mouth until they melt. Number 4, confess about a fetish you have in front of everyone. Number 2, crack an egg over Number 7's head. Number 1, give me a massage."
"N-Napoleon is a sadist!!"
"So cruel…"
And he's laughing too. Sadistic tendencies aside, his laughter sounds every bit as genuine (and loud) as MC always remembers it to be, and it's strangely soothing. Maybe she should refuse a dare just for the shot, just to drown her worries a little more… Taking a look at her chopstick again because she thinks she heard her number, she sees a 1.
Theo goes somewhere, for ice presumably, despite Sebastian's offer to do it in his stead, and Arthur follows. "Wait, I'll go for the eggs."
"Who got the fetish one?" Napoleon browses the faces of the ones left at the table to spot the flushed one. Vincent raises a hand.
"My fetish is, um… I don't really-"
"Come on Vincent-kun, we all have fetishes~"
"I think I could say… maybe… um.."
"Yes? Go on, say it. We won't judge."
"I'd love it if my partner would touch themselves and let me watch."
"That's perfectly normal, Master Vincent. Nothing to be ashamed of."
"Woah, it's both very vanilla and somehow kinky at the same time..." MC muses out loud. "Oh, but nothing to be ashamed of, certainly!"
Arthur and Theo return, with the latter immediately taking note of Vincent's beet-red face.
"What did I miss? Broer?"
"The fetish dare… Don't worry, Theo, I just had a shot instead."
"Oh, that's good. I mean, no it's not! Napoleon, how dare you make mjin broer take a punishment!"
"It wasn't really- Anyway, Theo, let's shut you up now."
Theo groans, dragging on every move as if giving the ice a chance to melt as much as possible before the inevitable contact with his mouth. At last, there's nowhere to escape and he pops the cubes in his mouth, thankfully they fit.
"Okay, I've been waiting for this. Who gets an egg in the head?"
"It's me… I hate this game…"
Isaac cards his fingers through his strawberry locks, as if for one last time while they're still egg-free. In the meantime, Theo's expression twists, less out of sympathy and more because the ice begins to torture him from the inside out.
"And the executioner?"
"Master Isaac, I'm truly sorry, it's me." Sebastian raises his gloved hand.
"Ahahaha! Haha!" Mozart laughs at the turn of events seeing a servant disserving his master. Or maybe the reason behind his laughter is nowhere that complex. One thing is certain, for some reason, he always gets out of the bunch's drinking games taking no damage in the form of nasty dares and punishments.
Sebastian stands up reluctantly, then sits down again. "Should I just drink? But I have to remind, I can't hold my liquor very well, I'm afraid."
"Just get it over with. I won't be mad at you or anything."
Sebastian sighs to show a little more reluctance before committing the deed. He looks like he's trying to miss his target, but unfortunately the raw egg still perfectly lands on Isaac's head, quickly descending down his face. Isaac's grossed-out expression mirrors Theo's current agony. As someone hands Isaac a handkerchief to wipe off the sticky mess with, another jokingly calls the sight erotic…
"Alright, I'm ready for my massage. Who shall serve the King?"
Napoleon relaxes back in his seat demonstratively in anticipation. It's a bold invitation, and everyone looks up to see the chosen one.
"My king."
MC stands up, showing her chopstick marked with the number 1. She tries to mute the sound of the others' reactions in her head as suddenly her pulse speeds up.
Napoleon flashes her a grin.
"Very well. The King is expecting you."
He lifts his glass to his lips as he hasn't touched it since the beginning of the game, probably deeming it worthless with the nature of the game. Not that he's expecting to be drinking anytime soon - he's simply not the type to back out from any dare unless it's too ridiculous even for him. Maybe that's why he started to miss the warmth at the back of his throat.
As MC makes her way to where he sits, she witnesses the singular bobbing of his Adam's apple when he gulps down the liquid, and she watches dumbstruck for a second as he motions for her to take a sip if she wants to, from the same glass. Well, yes, she finished her own drink a while ago. She accepts the glass from his hold.
"Now, what kind of massage should I request? Hmm…"
Arthur's dirty remarks fall on deaf ears as MC focuses on not choking on the liquid in her mouth.
Napoleon is a giver.
But there's something damn attractive when he allows himself to take from others.
"The king orders you to rub his shoulders."
And it's damn attractive when he's commanding like that. She sees now what the others were referring to in their provocations earlier - it rolls so, so easily off his tongue when he gives an order like this. Even if it's for a stupid game, the sharp look he gives her feels rather… real.
Not that this is anything new to her. For all Napoleon's gentleness, in the bedroom, he has this side of him that colors him rather dominant. And she'd be lying if she said she's gotten so used to it by now she doesn't feel anything between her legs right this moment. Instead of being a liar, she blames it on the alcohol.
Standing behind Napoleon, MC puts her hands on his broad shoulders… and really, it's been a while since she last gave him a massage. Usually, it's the other way around, as Napoleon added it to his ever-growing list of skills, even if initially it was something he'd never done before, given his status in his past life. Now she has his shoulders all to herself to knead and push at, and she catches herself putting selfishness in the act of service. Because she can't help but have impure thoughts.
Napoleon groans. It's quiet but she catches it over the cacophony of other noises in the room coming from the rowdy bunch. They're already setting things up for the next round, and here she's still stuck on her dare. She doesn't want to go back to her seat. Maybe Napoleon can read her thoughts like he always does and offer her his lap for the rest of the night; maybe he will go further and excuse the two of them for the night-
One hand at work, she reaches the other into the cup because they tell her to, and it appears to be Isaac's turn to be King. Good for him, but bad for everyone else. Seems like it's going to be a long night…
Later in the night and a few more rounds down the line, apples have been eaten without hands, glasses have been downed, a few mounts were the targets of unpleasant substances, either deadly spicy or deadly sweet, some clothes have been removed, some eyes filled with tears - and the collective level of soberness in the room has been drastically lowered.
It's a surprise how they even managed to put an end to it before the sun came out when naturally there's always someone who didn't get a chance to take revenge on someone else. Napoleon and Theo, being the best at holding their liquor as per usual, felt it their duty to help the others to their rooms.
MC didn't have much to drink, otherwise she'd be asleep on the pile of residents by now. Not that she intended to retain some of her soberness, it simply happened - because the bubbling feeling in her chest wasn't caused by alcohol, to begin with.
Napoleon, always the caretaker. Maybe if she throws herself at him he'll carry her to her room as well.
"Goodnight, Theo, go get some sleep." The sound of him returning after separating from Theo interrupts her daydreams.
Once he sees he's all alone with MC, he offers her a smile.
"And we're the last ones again. C'mon Nunuche, let's go to our room."
"Carry me?"
MC tries her best puppy-dog eyes at him, and he tests her for a second like it doesn't work on him. He then gawks at her laziness, hoisting her up his shoulder and giving her ass a little spank. "Let's get you to bed, naughty Nunuche. Some of those guys will be mad at you for weeks, you know? But you better not give them those eyes. Only I get to see them."
The varnished floorboards creak under Napoleon's steps as he makes his way down the hall, holding MC's weight securely. "Yes?"
"Do you really enjoy it? You know, being treated like a majesty."
It's a short trip, and MC's perspective soon goes back to normal as the floor and the walls swap their places once more before her eyes. Not that she's interested in it, so she throws herself at the bed in the next second, sinking in the welcoming embrace of the comforter, not bothering with removing it at least for the time being.
"Pfft, where did that come from?" Napoleon says while closing the door behind him. The crickets are still singing their songs under their window, it can't be that late in the night.
"From the game. For a second I was worried it left a bad taste in your mouth."
"Hmm." Napoleon fake-muses, kicking off his shoes before sinking one knee on the bed. "I think I liked it when you were the one treating me like a majesty."
"No, don't joke, tell me seriously."
"I am serious though."
Somehow they end up in this position that doesn't help resolve the tension poisoning the air around them one bit; with him caging her with his body on the soft mattress and her having nowhere else to look at but right at his penetrating gaze. Her fingers twitch, nails catching into the fabric of the comforter, seeking a sense of stability.
"I just need to know in case…"
"In case what? In case you take it a little too far in role-playing? In case you go down on me and the words mon empereur leave your lips?"
Like a spark to the kerosene pooling low in her belly, Napoleon's words make beautiful explosions bloom behind her eyelids that have fallen shut amidst the last sentence. She takes a breath but it only feeds the fire as she can't help the way her exhale sounds raspy.
"Would you like that?"
"Would you?"
MC bites on her bottom lip. "This is not about me."
"I thought you wanted to serve your King."
She averts her gaze, because if she looks a little longer at this alluring jade gaze that reeks of sex, she'll be able to feel herself losing her composure, and she's trying to have a serious conversation here.
"I do."
"Hmm." Napoleon plays with her, trailing a hand down her modest home dress, prodding at the buttons at the front. "This is bad, I don't know what to ask for first. I've lost shape."
"Liar. You were perfect at it earlier."
"Someone's been paying attention. Were you also fucking me with your eyes? Right there, at the table?"
MC takes two sharp breaths, and it resembles panting, all too soon. It's out of irritation and not arouse, not yet. When she pictured their little game, she thought she'd just have to bow her head obediently and indulge in her desire to serve. Not enduring Napoleon's verbal teasing as any other night.
"Is it that bad? Will my King punish me now as he sees fit?"
Napoleon looks at her. For all the things that may be at the tip of his tongue, MC imagines most vividly the tone Napoleon would speak them in and how much he's cut for the role. Her soul sings at the thought, but it's nothing holy.
"Get up then. Don't you think it's a little rude to be lying down in my presence?"
That's fair. With renewed vigor, she pushes herself off the bed and waits readily by the side of it.
"Remember to not look me in the eyes. It's forbidden. You'll only look when I allow you to, if I allow you to. You'll have to earn my grace."
Instinctively, MC wants her nod to be accompanied by eye contact, but she corrects her mistake before it can even take place.
"Present yourself. Take it all off."
MC blinks surprisedly at how fast things are happening but isn't against it at all. She has the feeling that he is capable of making her do all sorts of dirty things with a mere flick of his tongue, undressing for him is nothing.
She makes a show of it, despite not having many articles of clothing on her to take off seductively - before long, she's stepping out of her dress that has pooled at her feet, and she retakes her previous position.
"I'm pleased with what I'm seeing. Come closer. Kiss me."
He doesn't have to ask twice. It's something familiar and yearned for since they crossed the threshold of their room—hell, no, since they took a seat at the table for that game. It's welcoming and fulfilling and it's just what she needed-
Or so she thought, until she terribly embarrassed herself with a rather awkward and rigid pressing of lips against lips, and no movement. In her selfishness, and out of habit, she left her mouth open for Napoleon's invasion. But she's forgetting to consider that kings get tired of their conquests too.
She summons her boldness and turns the desire in her veins into fuel for action. She shoves her tongue in Napoleon's mouth, but gently, not with the intention to dominate, but rather to serve. To kiss him until he gets enough. Her tongue swirls against his own, the movement rather clumsy, the making out of a juvenile rather than that of a skillful lover… but it's what he wants. He wants to see her seduce him, use every millimeter of her body for his pleasure, and keep going until he has his fill.
A thin string of saliva connects their lips upon her withdrawal, and her eyes are shut tight. She has to keep them shut, otherwise she'll look right at him. Napoleon chuckles.
"You may open them."
She does, and the sight is not kind on her fragile composure. Locking eyes with Napoleon has never felt like this, like a privilege, and exploring this new feeling is exciting.
"You're not half bad with your mouth. Undress me and put it to use."
Heartbeat thumping in her ears, MC finds it impossible to conduct herself in that moment; to sturdy her hands into performing the task and to break her gaze from his piercing pools of jade. She starts with the shirt, more tugging at the buttons rather than precisely undoing them, before pushing it completely off his shoulders, and finally letting it fall to the floor. He's glorious with just his trousers on and that scrutinizing, almost cold gaze. She opens the fly enough to take his hardness out, and her stomach tightens instinctively.
She wets her lips and parts them, taking in the head of his cock, letting it rest on her tongue. Even when her world narrows down to the hot pulsing flesh in her mouth, she catches herself dividing her focus between pleasuring her lover and.. the position she's doing this in. There's a little bit of getting used to it being required, and it makes her realize how unfamiliar that is - her being on her knees, on the hardwood floor, and Napoleon standing upright. When was the last time they've found themselves in that exact arrangement? It could've happened once or twice before, in the heat of the moment, or when the space had limited them. But never intentionally. Not because MC has anything against it - rather, it would be Napoleon who changes the position whether he's about to receive oral. He makes sure he's at least sitting down at the edge of the bed, where MC can rest her hands on his hips, or on the bed. Where he can see her better, to check up on her. Now she has to look up to see him, and he seems so far away, or maybe her eyes are doing tricks on her, or maybe her vision is blurring because she accidentally took his cock too deep down her throat and now tears are gathering in the corners of her eyes.
Napoleon brings his hand over her head and collects a fistful of her hair, one unfamiliar thing after another - but before intimidation can mix into her blood, she breathes in deeply, because it's not him forcing her down his cock, it's him forcing her off it.
He holds his cock firmly by the base as he directs it at her parted lips again, but doesn't breach the gap between them. He simply rubs his cockhead on the soft cushion of them, gathering the saliva that starts to droll down and smearing it back on her lips.
"A pretty mouth indeed."
MC can only look at him. She looks at him like she's looking straight at an open flame.
"Next," Napoleon begins, cupping her chin and caressing with his thumb where his cock used to be just a second ago. "I want you to go on the bed and show me the position you want to be taken in. Can you do that for your King?"
MC finally averts her gaze; it happens involuntarily, purely as a reaction to another surge of surprise and embarrassment.
"I— Yes, my King."
Napoleon angles her chin up, a signal for her to rise to her feet. Yes, that would be a good start.
The bed is just two steps away from where she is but MC feels like she can trip thrice on the way there with how much her legs have turned to jelly. Still, she makes it. There's not much room for thinking this through, for deciding on what would work out best for both of them - normally it's him who takes these decisions, anyway - so once she leans forward on the bed, she gives way to impulsivity and the way it saves her from having to give it any more thought. If she has to name the reason, it would be that it aligns with everything that Napoleon is tonight. Of course it would be fitting if he were to take her on her hands and knees.
"Does this… please you?"
She hears the rustling of clothes behind her back, probably the sound of Napoleon getting rid of his trousers, before he approaches her. He doesn't say anything about approving the position or not, and MC can't decide if his silence is worse. He comes to stand right behind her, and she crawls a little closer to the edge of the bed to make sure their skin is touching. Napoleon lets one hand roam from the fold of her knee up to the curve of her butt, and MC jumps lightly at the touch. Needless to say, she's sensitive and oh-so neglected. Her insides throb at the mere proximity of Napoleon's slender fingers close to her sex - it's a miracle she doesn't come undone on the spot as he actually directs his touch to the apex of her thighs. Wetness catches on his fingertips and he wastes little time caressing her folds before plunging two fingers inside.
"Nnghhh…" MC tosses her head, trying her best to enjoy the feeling of finally, finally claiming some pleasure but without losing herself completely in it. Napoleon twists his fingers until his open palm is facing upwards, thrusts in and out a few times in a way that doesn't intend to bring pleasure but rather to prepare - and then his fingers audibly and briskly exit her wetness.
MC whines at the loss of his fingers but finds a new fire sparkled to life inside her, and she's more than happy she wouldn't have to wait any longer for the next dose of intoxicating pleasure.
"Good girl. Do you want my cock?" Napoleon asks, openly and greedy. He's not risking having her beat around the bush by posing a more generic question like what she wants next. They both know the answer to that already.
Not that he spares her the torturous reminder of what she'll get by saying the right thing. He rubs his flushed tip on her glistening folds, pressing it in enough to just barely catch on her entrance; to make her bite her tongue and assume he just might show mercy and put it in without her pleading for it.
"I- Yes, please, Napoleon— take me, fuck me! Please…"
She only realizes once it slips out that she used his name and not the object of their little game of pretend that is his title, but there's no going back.
Napoleon doesn't punish her for it. Instead, he rewards her, giving her what she wants most. The groan he lets out as the familiar warmth and tightness enfolds his aching cock is telling of his own desperation.
MC cries out at the intrusion, only now understanding the difference of not having him finger her for longer prior to this. It doesn't hurt - she just feels a little fuller somehow. A little on edge. He gives her time to adjust, however, and she just basks into this dangerous feeling for as long as it's there until he carefully withdraws only to give it another thrust.
"Ahh!" Her insides squeeze around Napoleon again, as he goes in deeper this time. She blames the position, trying to reason out why she feels him in her guts. Napoleon withdraws again, and then pushes in, trying to fit even more of himself inside.
"You're taking me so well. I'm so deep inside you, I bet you can feel me in your deepest parts."
She groans at his words and their truthfulness as his thrusts grow rhythmic, the place where they're connected burning with the delightful friction, and her arms soon give out. She buries her head between her hands, enduring the change of angle as her rear sticks out, and Napoleon keeps pounding at her. His own sounds of pleasure are barely masked by the sounds of skin on skin, but he's not hiding them either. He lets her know how good she's making him feel, telling her something dirty in a low voice that she can barely register over the drumming in her ears.
"You feel so good- merde- Ngh. I want to stay inside you forever."
He's always holding her tightly when he fucks her, his grip being strong enough to leave marks the following day, but there's something about the way he takes hold of her hips now. At first, MC thinks nothing of it, lost in euphoric pleasure. It's only when she feels her knees being lifted off the bed that she understands what's happening.
Napoleon rises up her bottom to meet his hips, in his standing upright position, taking full control of her body in that moment. He's so strong, making it all seem effortless; and it's not a matter of matching his thrusts anymore - she can't do anything. She's facing away, with one pair of limbs immobilized and the other grasping uselessly for purchase at the covers. Her whole body rocks back and forth, feeling like a ragdoll in Napoleon's arms. There's something primal and simultaneously embarrassing about how good it feels to give herself over to him like that; about the trust she puts in him to have her completely at his mercy.
And then Napoleon stills inside her. And he groans. And before she knows it, a warm spray of come hits her walls. Her eyes widen, only now realizing they've already been going at it for a while, for a while enough that he seemingly couldn't hold back and—
And maybe he just didn't feel like waiting for her to come before he does.
The realization makes her dizzy in an unexplainable way, and she moans so loudly she feels herself pathetically falling into that bottomless fit, just like that, just as Napoleon takes his cock out of her. It's petrifying, coming without him inside her, but strangely the pleasure never ceases. His hand finds his way between her quivering thighs and shoves them apart in a quick manner, beginning to rub at her clit; whispering praises against the skin of her nape, enveloping her smaller body with his own from behind as she presses into the bed so violently, chasing after her peak.
"Come for me. Come for me and scream my name."
And that's enough to tip her over the edge. Coming with Napoleon's load inside her intensifies the feeling; the way her insides are still remembering his shape, the way she's so full yet so empty. It makes her see stars.
"Napoleon— Ahhhhh!!"
"I'm here. I'm here, mon amour."
Napoleon holds her trembling form as he draws out the last of her high, gently moving her into a spooning position. He keeps touching her everywhere, her belly, her breasts, the curve of her shoulder, caressing all the spots that went unloved in their game.
"I felt— so good I thought I might die—"
Napoleon huffs out a breathy chuckle, and it tickles the babyhairs at the base of her neck.
"I'd be lying if I said this doesn't stroke my ego, Nunuche.", he whispers, and it's somehow more shiver-inducing than anything he's said that night. "I think you might be right. I might be enjoying myself a bit too much when I'm calling the shots."
MC turns her neck just enough to look at him from the corner of her eye. She studies him again, with his disheveled hair and boyish smile and his low tolerance of putting up a front now that he gave voice to his most basic instinct and let it rob him of the ability to give anything more thought than he needs to. She leans in for a kiss and he takes the initiative enthusiastically but ends up drawing it out to make the remaining endorphins dance slowly between their bodies.
Letting the tiredness in her limbs settle in just like the fact that the room is several shades a brighter blue than how they entered it, MC only nuzzles back onto Napoleon's chest, trying not to give voice to the heat between her legs beginning to awake again without a sense of the time.
"And I might just love to see you like that. Mon empereur."
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @devonares @galaxyprison @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza @my-day Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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fraternum-momentum · 9 months
Of course you have blue hair and problems
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dude u made him cry D:
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azizemsin · 7 months
LOVE ISLAND: tempting fate faceclaims (pt. 1)
alara. 23. model. from winchester. / jin. 22. model. from london.
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claudia. 25. dentist. from london. / theo. 27. travel photographer. from athens.
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emel. 26. wedding planner. from windsor. / oakley. 24. firefighter. from derby.
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sophie. 21. acrobat. from galway. / jack. 25. sports physio. from st albans.
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luna. 24. cat cafe owner. from brighton. / tyler. 26. mechanic. from auckland.
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S8, hopefully you won‘t disappoint us 😭
— Disclaimer:
I tried to find faceclaims that are close, doesn’t mean that they are perfect! This is for a bit of fun and maybe to imagine a real face to the characters. Enjoy 🩷
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opiopal · 2 months
Are we sure demons are even mammals? Their human forms are for hiding among humans, so they might not have the less obvious functions. We know Lucifer had 12 wings, but his angel form only shows six, implying that that is at least one more "truer" form, which could also be the case with demons. The truest form of a native demon might use an alternate method to feed their young.
this actually got me thinking more about it, so I started to think about their demon forms since that would probably give more answers,
so lucifer and mammon are birds, peacock and crow, so they would tend to eggs, so no need for breast feeding birds
levi is a serpent, yes there is sea life that are mammals, but sea snakes are def not one of them, so fertilizing eggs in bunches doesn't require breasts even after hatching.
asmo is a scorpion, I have NO CLUE how scorpions work when it comes to their young but i know for a fact that anything with an exoskeleton.. most of the time isn't a mammal. so again, eggs.
and beel is a bug, I forget if its fact that hes a cicada? thats just what I remember, and cicadas arent mammals so again, eggs
now i tried to search for what satan is since its really unclear(at least to me), if he was a bird like his dadmom then he would probably have wings, but he IS wing. and when I searched I was told unicorn and wolf(ofc his rebel teen emo ass would be a wolf) and obviously belphie is a goat/cow thing, so technically the anti lucifer league should be mammals just going off of their demon forms,
but again no nipples, belphie makes sense cause again, former angel, popped into existance, no mommy for him, but satan was born from lucifer.. technically organically...? (still cant believe mpreg basically happened) but lucifer probably was never intended to have kids from his own body so no nipples, and again satan came from wings, which yeah would all make sense, but then again I circle back to Dia
he's a dragon, yet was born not from an egg, but as a result of a live birth. which resulted in his mother passing away. so I'm still going strong on my dia's not a full demon theory(maybe royal blood makes him appear to be a pure demon?)
and I can also imagine that demons dont have a big powerful form like a "be not afraid" angel does, so lucifer and the brothers prolly had a down grade in the scary physical form factor. prolly another layer to their punishments. (ofc demons still prolly have a big scary demon form, just not as big as a flaming swords with wings and eyes and a booming voice)
and going onto other demons, I can imagine reproduction is very diverse in the devildom. demons who are more reptilian, demons that are birds, cold blooded creatures, anything that wouldn't give live birth would lay eggs, do silly little dances to attract mates, look pretty to attract mates, ect. and obviously demons that are goats, cows, deer, cat, dog, would give live birth. so maybe nipples with demons are like freckles? some people have them and other people just dont.
BUT, then again, demons could have only 1-2 animals that relate to their sin, demons of Greed could be crows and foxes, envy is snakes and sea creatures, ect. but then again mephisto is a thing, and he's a demon of pride, so that would make him a peacock like lucifer, but with a lack of a canon demon form its hard to say, but mephisto already shares a hairstyle and boyfriend with lucifer so it would just be mean to have him share even more with him. but than again he could also be a lion? but I dont think that would fit that little gay rich boy at all. But I think it would just be more interesting if a demons form isn't always directly related to their sin so they can be any animal.
all in all, the only thing I think I could come to a conclusion with is that angels aren't mammals. and ofc they wouldnt gain nipples after becoming demons cause how odd would that be? "NOO MY SISTERS DEAD AND IVE BEEN CAST DOWN TO HELL- what are those things on my chest." and with demons it could probably vary from being mammals and not being mammals. but I could imagine its like, 80% of the devildom lays eggs and the other 20% doesnt. but all in all I think demons can do either or, it just depends on what they want to do, get freaky and then give birth or lay an egg and sit on it till it hatches, but I'm sure no demon would willingly give birth if they had the option to just pop out an egg.
or maybe its just my crack theory, two demons kiss and get freaky then 9 months later a baby pops out of thin air, magic baby!
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theodoradevlin · 2 months
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Theodora Devlin. Considerable Wreck. Slight Arsonist. Sanctified by Chaos.
I was lucky enough to get this INCREDIBLE art commissioned by Dalooch who captured all of Theo's magic- down to the cherries. Magic in any world, HL or no. Here's where you can find more of her art: Portfolio / Instagram / Twitter
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duckyfann9871 · 5 months
I want to be a vampire too: rant
played 2 routes of ikemen vampire so far. I love the game, but both times I have wished that there was an option to join them as a vampire at the end.
I don't understand why becoming a vampire is posed so negatively in the game, but whenever it comes up in the routes it's coded like it's a terrible option that MC doesn't want to do.
Well, au contraire! If I had a chance to become a sexy vampire in a mansion full of other sexy vampires I would take it ... especially if the person I was in love with was also a vampire. If both are vampires doesn't that mean more time you get to be together??
TLDR I want to become a vampire at the end of my romance and I haven't had my way yet,
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Kid MC: Papa? I'm going to meet Grandpa?
Simeon: Yes. He wants to see you.
Raphael: *walking ahead of them*
Raphael: You seem worried, Simeon.
Simeon: ...
Simeon: No.
Raphael: I've reassured you many times.
Raphael: Father won't do anything.
Simeon: ...
Kid MC: Papa, I'm tired...
Simeon: *chuckles* Here. Papa will carry you. *lifts them up*
Kid MC: *rubbing their eyes, seems to be sleepy*
Raphael: Don't think of heading back. We're already here.
Simeon: I'm not saying anything.
Raphael: But you were about to. I know you, Simeon.
Simeon: Too bad.
Kid MC: Will Grandpa let me sleep?
Raphael: *stern* You should be wide awake when you stood in front of the heavenly father.
Simeon: Raphael.
Raphael: ...
Raphael: Just put them down. Father wants to have a private conversation with them.
Simeon: *hesitates for a moment*
Simeon: ...
Simeon: MC, Papa is waiting for you behind this door. Okay? *smiles*
Kid MC: *smiles* Hm!
Raphael: *opens the door for them*
Raphael: Remember your manners.
Kid MC: *runs into the room*
Raphael: I've just said— *sigh* Nevermind. *closes the door*
Simeon: *his arms crossed* Raphael, I think we should have our conversation elsewhere.
Raphael: What? Are you going to lecture me?
Simeon: I'm glad you know.
Raphael: Simeon, I'm still above you.
Simeon: Why? Are you using that as an excuse?
Simeon: *his face turned serious* I'll teach you how you should act in front of children. Especially to my child.
Kid MC: *looks around* Grandpa?
Kid MC: ...
Theo: I'm here.
Kid MC: Where? I don't see you.
Theo: *chuckles* I'm somewhere in the room. You don't have to look for me. I could see you just fine.
Theo: Instead, Michael will accompany you while he listens to our conversation.
Michael: *appears to their side* Hello~. Still remember me? I'm your Uncle Michael.
Kid MC: Uncle! *goes to hug his leg*
Michael: !!!
Michael: *chuckles* You're quite sweet, young one.
Theo: Michael.
Michael: Yes, father?
Theo: ...
Michael: *smiles to himself* Right.
Michael: MC? Do you know why father have summoned you here?
Kid MC: *shakes their head*
Michael: Well, he has something important to say.
Michael: So you should listen very well and take it to heart.
Simeon: *came back* *expecting MC to come out of the room*
*the door opens*
Kid MC: *slowly walks out of the room*
Simeon: MC? How's your conversation with fathe— *his eyes widened*
Kid MC: *crying* Papa...
Theo: You are a beautiful child, MC.
Kid MC: Thank you, Grandp—
Theo: But not perfect. You have one ugly thing about you.
Theo: Those unsightly horns you have on your head.
Kid MC: What do you mean, Grandpa...?
Theo: Right. You're still young to fully grasp the situation. However, it's best that you understand it sooner.
Theo: MC, you don't belong here.
Kid MC: *has ended up falling asleep in Simeon's arms after crying a lot*
Simeon: *kissing their temple as a way of comforting them*
Simeon: It was Papa's fault. I shouldn't have left your side for even a second.
Kid MC: Papa...
Simeon: ...
Simeon: My child... If they don't want you here, then we'll just have to leave this place.
Mammon: What?! Simeon's coming here?! Why?!
Asmo: What's going on, Lucifer?!
Lucifer: It's for the safety of his child.
Satan: *annoyed* Seriously? We haven't settled yet and there'll be more joining us?
Lucifer: I don't need your opinion on this, Satan. Simeon is still our family.
Satan: Family?? After they banished us?!
Lucifer: *sigh* We'll talk later. *and walks away*
Satan: LUCIFER!!!
Levi: Wow... I understand, Simeon. But isn't it worse here?
Beel: Let's think about that later. We have to make sure Satan isn't going to destroy this room again.
Mammon: Cool it, man. *sigh* What are we going to do with you when our nibling arrives here?
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natimiles · 1 year
What is that? (a tattooed reader)
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Summary: You tied your hair in a high ponytail that morning, and it was enough for the tip of your tattoo to be visible. You've had it for so long that you're used to it, and sometimes you forget it's there — plus, you forgot that they've never seen it before.
Words: 1716
Tags: reader have tattoos; platonic relationships; more like friendships; no pronouns for reader, but you wear a dress and have sort of long hair.
Can you tell I have favorites? Only Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arhur, Vincent, Theo, Napoleon and Sebastian show up. Le Comte is vaguely mentioned.
If you're curious to see the tattoos, I linked their images in their respective descriptions throughout the fanfic.
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“What is that, mademoiselle?” 
You're helping Sebastian with breakfast, moving around the dining room, but you’ve been feeling a strong stare for a while. You're already accustomed to everyone, so you don't mind. You knew that if it was Isaac trying to muster the courage to ask you something, he would eventually do it. But it’s Jean’s voice, and it catches your attention because he usually eats in silence; and he sounds unsure and curious.
You set Arthur’s coffee in front of him while you glance at the table and everything you and Sebastian made. Perhaps there's something he doesn't know, like when you baked him macarons, but today's menu is the same as usual.
“What is what?”
“That thing,” he points in your direction. 
Isaac, Mozart, Vincent, and Theo are already having breakfast too, but they pause to glance at you, curious about what Jean is talking about. You feel a bit self-conscious and briefly inspect your clothes. Did you spill something? Fortunately, no. 
“I don’t follow, Jean.”
“That thing you have here,” he points at his own back. “I’ve seen it since I sat here to eat, but I can’t understand.”
You raise an eyebrow at him and look over your shoulder, Arthur takes advantage that you’re still by his side to lean backwards on his chair and measure you up and down — and definitely stare at your ass.
“Stop it, perv,” you playfully spat the writer’s arm, earning a chuckle from him. 
“Ah, I think Master Jean is talking about your tattoo,” Sebastian tries to help, pointing at his own nape.
Realization finally hits you. Since arriving at the mansion, you've been exclusively wearing long clothes that cover almost your entire body. However, summer started a few weeks ago, and you've been feeling the full force of the heat. It's scorching every day, and at times, you wake up covered in sweat. You've been yearning for an air conditioner or even just a simple fan. So you bought lighter clothes recently — aka Comte bought you a whole summer wardrobe as a gift. What you're wearing today is just an off-the-shoulder dress, so the front and back necklines are a bit lower than usual, but not by much. However, you tied your hair in a high ponytail that morning, and it was enough for the tip of your tattoo to be visible. You've had it for so long that you're used to it, and sometimes you forget it's there — plus, you forgot that they've never seen it before.
“What is that?” Jean is even more curious now, evident from the way he furrows his brow.
“It's a drawing on my body, made with a special kind of paint that never fades. It's a form of art.”
“Really?” You've piqued Theo's interest in art. “And what is it?”
“Music,” and now you’ve piqued Mozart’s interest in music. He doesn’t really show it, but you know him well enough to see when he’s curious. “Well, kinda. It goes a little down my spine, but it’s safe to show. Sebastian, can you help me, please?”
The butler nods and approaches you. You turn your back and move your ponytail to the side for a better view, while Sebastian lowers your neckline slightly so the others can satisfy their curiosity and see it.
It starts just at the end of your nape and goes 5 inches down. It’s an all-black DNA drawing with musical notes on the middle lines, a representation of a metronome pendulum on top, and a treble clef at the bottom. The middle actually has the same number of lines as a music sheet, and the notes can be read as the first five notes of your favorite song.
There’s only silence for a few moments, and as you turn around, you see that they're still staring at you. You think Theo hadn't even blinked until now because he suddenly blinks a lot, and his eyes meet yours.
“It’s pretty!” Vicent smiles like the angel he is. “Is it a real song?”
“It is,” Mozart hums the notes, his eyes conveying that he knows it’s your favorite song.
You've told him once, when you went to the music room to give him an afternoon snack. You were already friends (kind of), so when you saw he wasn't there at the moment, you knew he wouldn't mind if you sat down and softly played it; so you did. The next thing you knew, he was barging into the music room to scold whoever had the audacity to touch his piano, but he stopped when he saw you. He may have asked you to write down the notes so he could play it with you.
“Oh, yeah, you played it for us in the last banquet,” Isaac remembers.
“Does it hurt?” Jean asked, curious again. 
“No, not anymore. It hurt when I was getting it done. Boy, that was one hell of a ride,” you laugh. “But it’s been years, so it’s all healed and okay now.”
“It suits you, hondje. Do you have more?”
“I do!” You beam at them, feeling all bubbly inside. It's lovely how they always show interest in anything about you and remember what you like. “It’s on my thigh.” You use the tip of your toes to put more leverage on your right leg, grabbing a fistful of the skirt of your dress. You lift it to show them your tattoo, but a hand stops you when it's reaching your knee.
“Nunuche, what the hell?” 
Napoleon had just woken up and was joining you in the dining room. Did you say something about your thigh? He was still a little sleepy, so he thought he heard you wrong. But then you grabbed your dress… What the fuck do you think you’re doing? He was at your side in the blink of an eye, gripping your wrists tightly and looking at you with a panic expression. It’d certainly be red in a second, if the loud slap sound was any indication. 
And that’s how you make vampires choke on their foods and drinks. You look at them, a confused expression on your face. Isaac spat his tea all over his plate and is now coughing to clear his throat. Jean dropped his fork, frozen in his chair. Mozart is blinking in a frenzy, his mug in such a tight grip on his hand that his knuckles are white. Vincent is blushing furiously, his mouth agape. Theo is actually amused, and you clearly heard Arthur complaining to Napoleon that it was just getting good. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, startled. 
“MC, just remember we’re not in the 21st century,” Sebastian says, clearly holding a smirk. 
You feel your entire face heat up. Oh my God! That was certainly an uncomfortable situation. But you were so used to them; they made you feel at home, so you didn’t really think about what you were doing.
“Oh, right, sorry,” You chuckle and blush under the intensity of their stares. “But it’s no big deal, really. Sebastian and le Comte have already seen it.”
“Say that again?” Theo asks as his gaze drifts to the butler, just like everyone else's. 
“It’s nothing weird!” You can almost feel the emperor’s grip tightening. Sometimes he was so overprotective — they all were, and it was both endearing and funny. You huff. “We were talking about the 21st century, and I told Sebas that I have tattoos and showed him. Simple as that. Lots of people wear clothes that show a lot of skin in modern days. Do you think I would lift my dress to show the tattoo when I’m right next to Arthur if it wasn’t okay?” You deadpan Napoleon.
“Hey!” The writer complains, but everybody ignores him. You do have a point.
Napoleon frowns, but slowly releases you. You look at the others and just from a look they know you’ll be mad if they freak out again, so they try to act cool. Keyword: try. They’re staring so much you think they’ll open a hole in your thigh, but at least they’re quiet. You lift the dress just a little more and your tattoo is finally showing. It’s colorful and about the same size as the other. There’s white fine lines connecting dots, forming the Leo constellation, with a blue-purple watercolor background.
“Yes, luv! Now that’s a good breakfast,” Arthur smirks and places his elbow on the table to support his head as he looks at you. He’s so glad that Jean started this conversation while you were still beside him. Napoleon purses his lips and glares at the writer, but he knows better than to start a fight. His nunuche wouldn't let him live it down. 
“What the fuck is that?” Theo raises an eyebrow. Don’t get him wrong, he likes the art, but he just doesn’t understand what it’s supposed to be.
“Theo, language,” Vincent scolds his brother. He doesn’t want you to think they don’t like it.
“Is it upside down?” Jean frowns and tilts his head, trying to get a different angle, but it doesn’t make a difference.
"It's the Leo constellation," you chuckle and glance at Isaac, knowing he would understand. He enjoyed stargazing and always invited you to join him, especially after discovering your shared interest — then he started rambling about physics and astronomy, and you were lost.
“Oh, the stars,” Vincent says.
"So," Theo begins, and you can tell from his amused tone that he's about to say something to make you blush, "you have one that resembles Mozart and another that resembles Isaac."
“No, no. It’d have to be an apple for Newt,” Arthur grins when the poor physicist blushes as red as… the mentioned fruit.
“You’re the worst,” Isaac mumbles under his breath.
You chuckle at their banter. “So that’s it,” you say, releasing your dress. “We have a lot of things to do. So finish your breakfasts quickly.” You clap your hands twice.
“Indeed,” Sebastian nods in agreement.
You have moments of silence after that and you go back to work, but you feel the stares the whole day. You know they still have so much to say and ask, but they stay quiet.
You have some “not-so-permanent tattoos” now — and they might have helped do some.
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I don't have tattoos yet, but I really want it. I'd make the first one, but with colors.
Crossposted on AO3.
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aquaaquamarine · 25 days
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dallianceangel · 2 months
𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐧 🛝💧
I’m definitely in the Summer mood 🌞
🦋 comments, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated 🦋
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You drag Happy through the crowd at Dollywood’s Splash Country, his frown barely visible under his sunglasses.
“Come on, Happy! Have some fun, for once in your life,” you shout over the music and laughter, walking over towards the waterslide.
He raises an eyebrow, eyeing the slide with suspicion. “Aren’t we too old for that thing?”
You laugh, grabbing his hand and rolling your eyes. “No. Come on, I’ve bought our swimming costumes.”
He thinks for a few moments but finally gives in. “Alright, but only because I love you.”
“Yay! It’s going to be so much fun,” you insist, guiding him to the bathroom to change.
Juice, who’s secretly been waiting, pulls out his phone and snaps a picture the moment you and Happy collide down the slide, both of you cheering with excitement and happiness. Happy notices and flips Juice the bird.
Juice laughs, shaking his head. “I’m definitely posting this one on the wall.”
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ikevamp-twitter · 1 year
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